HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-4-18, Page 8/1415 yr ;t 8 THE SIGNAL : GODUIOB, ONT., TH(JRSIiAY, APRIL 18, lin, WALL PAPER!! pick C1eariii Sala! -.: W 1 NU to certain changes in fix. Um over our Store, we inteetet clearing out the entire Stock of Wall Papery, as Paper Racks are to be erected on first door of Store. Although American Papers have been raised in Price by the Cireat American Wall Paper Trust, our Stock was purchased before such change in price took place. PRZCEB 4c., bc., 6c., aad 7e. per roll. All lac. and i Sc. Papers at 10c. and 12 per roll. All 25c. and :'Oc. Papers at 1$c. and 35:. per roll. Borders at Sweeping Reductions. HAND -MADE WINDOW SHADES. We have just added this line to our Stock. All the Newest Sharks in Plain, Fringe and Laces. The correct Shades. Besides, you have an entirely New Steck to select Crow. Hand -made Shades can be sponged off when soiled. Special Lines -45c.. 50e., 60c., 65c. and e'Oc. Local Manager Sell ?Cepheus Co.. aoderich. GEO. PORTER h Bookseller sad $tatioasr. (Suooessor w Fraser a Porter.) NWS OF THE DISTRI IT. From our own Correspondent.. There is I.rbrwstoe Mere That twee be Ie..d A.lw Imre tike -news of she Coasts s/eecarts 111egoreed Iter The slues!. ASHFIELD. MownAY, April 15th. We are glad to hear that Charles Ritchie a .ow coovaleaoset. A very succeseful class leaden' convention was held oe Good Friday to Zion church. There te no Spring plowing done to this vicinity yet. There is quite* lot of mow around the fasces. The Canadian band have commenced their croaking, which is as indication that we shall have bee weather soon. DUNLOP. Tt-ssnAy Apnl, 16. Mr. and 1. McDonald, of the Circular town, spent Faster Mooday Mrs. Mr. awl Mrs. Robert Stirhat of Garfield, (:clench township, were transient suitors here Wednesday of fast week. A polecat making a raid oo a barnyard was shot by Loftus and K. Cumming the other evening. The lads are receiving bright smiles and thanks innumerable from the guidwivee for snaking one leas elf these hardy oa.mies of the poultry tribe which, mace the anew went •way, have appeared ail dooe some damage to the fowls LEEBURN. TCRADAr, April, 16. Gavin Mutton, • former I.eeburn boy,but new of Stratford, enjoyed raster hers visit- ing his relatives. (;rip has not lett us yet. Thu week there are two other serious cases of illness which are causing much anxiety. Brit g.•/A. - Win. Frazer, who has toes residing near Saltford during the put Win- ter, has come beck to live here atom. Farming operations for 1855 commenced last week, James Chisholm plowing at hu lake farm and ]sich...I Carney eswing the first oats. The married men are ahead of the bachelor., who, owing to the reoes% Bearish of grip amongst them, have not yet got into active motion for the Spring work. They will likely be ere the third week of April is ended. LANES - April 16. Wood lees have been swarming an last week. A few of the farmers have oommeaced the Spring ploughing. Pate Scott has had a pug oo getting out timber this last week. A few parties have been making sugar thin Spring but don't report • very good mama for it. Mrs. T. F. Finlay ,who has Iwo so severe ly indisposed for the past few weeka,u sow, we hear, becoming convalescent. W..I•mieaos heti the 'attract of drawing the milk to the Kintail cheese factory thio Summer on the route which extends up this way. Mies I.ou Ransom, who has been visiting at Mr. Scott's and ether triesds in this lo- cality for the put few moue*, returned so her home is Ingersoll vicinity Wt week. Mrs. J. D. Scott has been troubled lately with a .even affectatioe of the eyes which Ms rendered her almost totally blind. We bops to soon heir of her being rewired to perfect health. DUNGANNON. Norms. Tb. Weal yewy * D.apm.om for Tut tseNAI. la at the ease et J. U. Ware. J.P.. ce•veyaseer. tie.. wee will receive air - dare ter e•k.orIytlem,, .dvertlelsg end job work. a l is sstheri.M le glue rocelpts for wows said ter the same To'DAY. April 16. V went% M tarn i vn. -Vestry meeting was held in the Fpkasopal ohareh on Monday, the 15th. F.ASTtu Hutt rSVC - Hater holidays have hese spent by oar teachers, sad pupil. as they deemed moat enjoyable. 1)Itt.to. t'or RT. Divttios coact will be held at the nasal place at Dsrigason, es Friday next, the 19th of April Lye A TRIP. - WR. McArthur, deputy pest -'►aster here, loft on !Weedily .erelong to visit relatives at the Forest City. A pleasset trip to him. Conies THIN. -The iters is lest week's l►uapa000 badges with refereaos M Henry Dougal --Mrs UsmrW. Imetead .1 Mr. H. I Nettles, W *nether. .'i R'OA*TI.'AI..-.-Divine .Mier was bold oo Good Friday in the Rpssmpal eherek here, sad es Sabbath services is keeping with gaster were held. Tawe llti.l, OW tow 1.11, after having • mitt of holidays, is .t work es sweat its Mums sense to be twu .tere.tive ea so- apiest of dame for elms these. R.t. ,y Berman. --Jame Rema, implessem arm. as mew fully sattied her. with Me .md he 00 ear prepared i. am* Os wsmualy week .l6 masonry mew bNhg lam* swlymd .s eI• .Is st stook from 11. reliable old essabl ica- ateet of U. Maxwell & Co. man,factory a t stn Merr's He is • auatJ..'. Ood.ricb-No matter what other people say -if you wait the best caroms and the best 'noes yea mast go es Colborne Bass. Serous or COUNCI ,-The municipal conned of West Wawa.wh will meet la the township hall on Saturday, the 20th Last. All concerned will govern themselves ao- oordtagly. Session to melanoma' at 10 o'- clock, A. x. ABOUT TO Rtrovr -Our popular grocer. G. W. Kohli., hes purchased • grocery es- tablishment at R:dgewsy, mad, we presume will leave shortly fur his new location. He end hie estimable partner is life will be missed to church circles, sod in the vinare. Ki uxece.---We have bees credibly in- formed that Wm. McKay, teacher, who has been teaohtng in Hallett as., Klaber., has bees appointed to take Marge el the public school at Ham.•ll, which he assumes at pres- ent We wish him .soo.ps. He is pro- .teenced as Al basher. He holds • first- class certificate. l)MIR.IoN LAST WS/K.-The sale of stock and implement., which came off on Tues- day, the 2nd oo the premie of Jas. Rom, West Wawanoab, and ooedeetsd by the popular auotiooeere Messrs. Jos. Mollough, of Dungannon and Jobs Koos, of Ood.rioh, was a grand success. The sales amounted to upwards of $850. There was a large turnout ot the farmers in this vicinity aad from surrounding townships, and from Huron township, u the County of Bruce . On Thar.daytbe 11th the suction s.1.. of stock and farm implements, as also the 1arm,of Robert West, Aabfeld towushtp,was bell. The well known •uotioaser, John Knox, of Goderich, ooaduotwd the .ale, with his seal ability. Geo Harris, of Creasttrd, was the purchaser of the farm for Unseat of 11100. It is said to canton' about 60 acres. Coosidering the number of sable which hays been held this Spring very fair prime were realized. BRUCEFiELD- Trr'oAr, April 16. The village (tad a partial holiday face on yesterday. J . Watson shipped a carload of lumber to Se•farth last week. Rev. Mr. Acheson, of Kippers, was in the village Wt evening. tie'. Mr. Hokeoa preached in the ('ontoe church last Sabbath. The attendance at the an..al Spring show held in this village on Friday last was .mall. Work for building the obsess factory has began. It i. to be op by the 20th el May. The site is oe Mr. Mustard's farm. BLUEVALE, Tr -Der, April 16. 1)uf a Smith are repairing their dam Wi. week. Mrs. Alex. (.-rant Lae been very poorly bat is recovering. Wm. Stewart, who has been very ill Wt is a merensg rapidly. Misses Stowe, ot Godench, are visiting is Bluevale at Mrs. Stowe'.. Mrs. Thos. West is home speeding gaster with her tether, Root. t)onoas. Mr. and Miss Hartley were speeding Fester in Bleov.l. last Sudsy. Geo. Mellowed paid ea mother flys.g visit Wt Sunday Bad roads do not .won to effort George. A o.mmitt.e from the Methodist Seaday school was dew. to Winslow this week ne- gotiating with Mr. Maori tor • library for the school. This hes bees a long -felt waist sad will prove a great help is the work of the Sabbath school WHITECHURCH. MONDAY., April 1b. Weddings bay* bees weeky and semi- weekly 000urr.mo.s is ibis vidaity this Spring• The Patr.u. of IodsMry reseived • oos- siemwt el goods last wash aaouetise to 104 frees a Tomato firm. R. MaeCartmey and his father are bask trues Pewees and troth look hearty. They report • very amens Waste, apo s.rth. Great prep•rutiosa are Mimi mdk fee the erection of the new Preelyterfea ehmoh, is the way of te•riag dew. tied removal of the old one p.roh•red by Jaime laves. The weather is eery mid and thee. is • lot of enema rermaye and even in the hods, and some phew ion the road. the ,mew is se dem that a is .lost lapuwIblk to get through with wages* ma benefits. Our Mayer, who imd keoa to Port Rorer re. an eiplerieg eepeditios, refereed the sett day, bookies name the worse for his trip. His (piok retare was dee to Lae fact that he was • week lee sera tar are hog rem emeumber trade, -- CHAOO.O Masa Rena 6ja0a1TL4.-A7e Mayor hes moved from the embarks to Ne. 6 Osatrsl Av,.... sad Mr. Phew, of Wren- tham, hes stewed iota the hemss lately visa. d by the Mayor R [lssg has mewed from me of Cambers beeps M • large ache dwulNmg owned by H. D. yeekee e Wm. Paatemme has meed from Kle- in* ton a plum he hem ex -reeve theme sod Way eeemplid hy A. 111.(1.86 wile las gens to the e.mmery ts► 11v.. ... lUra siTs hem* h.e mend t. ... J. T. ACHESON .. . x It R x x x MILLINERY 1!EPARTMENT. We are showing the IMrt Novelties in LA1)IE8' HATS, BONNE' FLOWERS, ORNAMENTS, FEA- THERS, JIT GOODS, Ise.. Lite! together with a Beautiful Reap of Trimmed Gook designed in our own workroom by talented Milrhnerel DRESS C000S DEPARTMENT. -Comprising a magnificent collection of Plaut and Fancy Dress Goods in all the new Weaves and Colors. A full range of Crepons in all Shades. FANCY SILKS FOR UOIES' BLOUSE WAISTS : The new tial -tial Wash Silk, 370. a yard. Cream and Navy Sublime Cloth, half Silk, 85c a yard. CARPET DEPARTMENT. This Department was taxed to its utmoet last week. That (.hur Prices are Right goes without saying, or we would not be doing the largest Carpet Trade in town. We will continue for the balance of this month to give away a complete Curtain Pole with every pair of Lace Curtains. J. T. ACHESON. Purchasing Power of C.ALMIEIIC It is a well known fact that you can buy to better advantage when purchasing tor Cash. You can buy Watches, Clockz., Jewelry, - - x x Silverware, &c., AT 20 PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. C. A. HUMBER & SON. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS HOW I1 WAS FOUND 137 A LANARK COUNTY LADY. SHE HAD IICITIMILt TOM T&Aas PROM W1AE• SIMS AND PAINS IN THE RA.Y-SCIATICA OMPLH'ATED TUE TROOSI.E Ave ADDED TO HIM MUSKY -OAR HEALTH ALMOST MIRA.'Ct.OVSLY RM'h/RID. From Brock vine Resorder. ()o • prosperous farm u the township of Mostegoe, lawrk musty, lives Mr. sad Mrs. Joseph Kaid, esteemed by .11 who know them. Mn. Wood was bora u the vtllag..1 M.rrwk,ille, sad .pest her whole life there astil bar marriage. and her many triode Rim comgratmlatiag her ea her reoov- ety to health and strength after years of pato and suffering. When the o° rrespwd. eat of the Reoorder called at the Wood homestead, Mn. Wood, .ltho.gh sow sot Iockis* the least like an invalid, .aid that g ime girlhood seed nail reo.etly, .1. was troubled with • weak bask which gave her great pain at times. As she grw older the weaksel@ and pais iaaro...d by as at- tack of sciatica, ad this wish bar book trouble forced her to take to bed. where . hag rom.ised a helple.s invalid for over four .i- the I)ifl r.st dollen Weeded her .d she tried amearoes remedies mid to be a Dare for bar erode*. but despise all, she oeetia.od to grow were. She was ad- vised to try Dr. Witham.' Pisk Tills, bat e be had dewed herself with .o mousy midi - cines that 00.r faith he the bM.Usg virtue of enythiag w.. .boat gape, ad the bad fully was up her Mod that bit tremble was is- eur.kM. At I..t • friend erred het se .tres test she oossested to give the Pink Pi1M a trial. Before the first box was all need .he felt a dight improvemest,wkiok determined Mr to o..theo taw tam.tmgmt. P'r.m that out she steadily improved, and was mss she to get .m sod •boat the how. A farther w of the ('ink Ptahs drove away .very nooks of the mss whish had oe los' afflimed her, tied .he fogad heroin maim es - joy's, the hla..isg of perfect health. Eight .enthe have passed eine the o.a.ed ..iag the Ptak Pill., and is that bate she bas Men e ntirely free them pain or we•keess, tied says .he is oeptid.t i.o other medicine oosM hare performed the wonder Dr. Williams' Ptak F'ith have dose for bey. She says "I feel happy sot rely b..•... 1 amt sew free frees pais oe ache, but themes if my cold trwable should roars at tray time 1 knew to what remedy to lack for • re- lease." Dr. Williams' Pink Pflls ale espeesally ramble to wanes. They Mild ep the Mood. omen the wren .t wradisio rheas trasMu whish Rahe the Sao .t as t t m.am woRep, old sed ream • harder. Dim e.a, palpitates d she heart, mermen Medea. and swvees pyambtiesy vield to this wesdevfel sisedbi.. .re sold ely m harm, the trade mark mad wrapper printed is sed ink. .t 54 cuss . hoz es wr bores for $Q.50, .d may ie had .tamegkes et direst by mil item D,. O*ilt Modish, tltemp. gllra.kv66fa. 1..W 0. 1 a del mi irat wl h -bis may Meek- i s bel d his saw pops, YAWNS. IM clip MUNICIPAL COUNCIL& .O.E11Co TOWNSHIP. April 8th, 1896. Couocil met today. Members •11 pres- ort Minute. of last meeting read sad tamed. Moved by Jas. Coowly enameled byThos. Churchill that by-law No.4sow read L p•.amd. Moved by Jas. Johnston, sec - by Chas. W illr•ms, the upptio•tion of George Church, requestiag hie stem* labor to be dam en side road, be nos complied with mod to be left with patbmnster. Moved by Chea Witham. seconded by Thos. Church- ill, that the request of Mr. Wsr.ap, degasses ;ireugh his field during sterni, be test greeted. Moved by Jas. Cosaoll 'go- aded by Chas. William., that J. E. 'Alto- ly be treasurer. Mored in adeno demes by Jos. Johasto..econded by Thos. Cherch- i11 that Thos. Gua, .r.. be treasurer. Rene decided in favor of motion. Moved by TMs. Churchill .000aded by Chas. Williams that this oouncil pass • resolution of conn dolma. no the widow of oar late tau.smr.r nod that the clerk fotw.rd the same. To Mas. Anent caret -atom. Widow of the la* Adam Csat.lo.. Tress. O.deeWo Tp. Deer Madam, -Owing to the untimely dowse of your late husband, by which, u. - der the disp.s.•tioo of Provid.nos,eou hay* bees deprived of a oomfertiag helpmate amt this municipality of as nicest aged truss - worth Moir, 1 .m instructed by the...s- ei1 to Peavey to you, cm the part of the maainp.lity and on the port d the ooeseil officially, se well as en the pin of the ia- di.idal members thereof, their deep ea the irr.graW. bon you have sestaw,ed, • W. in w leh the whole oomosuaity suffer o.rresp.gediagfy. Bet, my deer madam, ]w will have the ecssel.tiss to your be eavemst that while w• MST sot be able to feel with you the p • grid which, .s the beloved wife of the accessed, we be- lieve you expo•, severthelem, you may ruse seemed, my dear madam. that we Moo a lively .sone 01 Ike lues you hay* wee - tensed, and tender yo. i. all tiwerity the the largest possible meo.ua of sympathy is Soar distress. Our peer offer et asdelemee due emends to your family who have te dopier' the loss of an hemmed parish May the Supreme Treasurer who has hs koepim, the aeooue1s of all mortals .e guide aged protect you that at the Mai mkt yes will be paged to that evert..t a loin whish ie the reward of all the faithful. f sae, my dear madam, your. very ,..p.ettul. le, No tow f rrtwr, *lark of the mamt.ipality of G.deriels l'p. Adjearsed M sect as the 27th day of May as • comet ef rade. and trcgee.etiem el other bmimess. Mime Smola, hawk. THEY ARE COVING WAY. rordelsw tto.mam-.-s to muddies tate t:Mae or Mo/f% •Nary OTTAWA, Axil 16 -The simita rats ralw tames to admit the s•M (SMI d t rsll. el aas kr natty by ams. ie y gtyieg way as 1., as Kiaty it mr..mme.sad. The Meq of Dr. law Dr. M.obreask, who p"41 thew rosemary hue diabase and *WAN dlatam., thrasgk u.p of this comet , Br ware the et *aloha ea Me shed..f (Mit• ekepsiel m ad mans it appear. a If the re- mewhehieet Mr. G. 11. Res. d this alt*, thaw of .hien hew lines al- ready Wsmemlttd r. the prem, weld em - tee .tatkse w• Iea Wthe .we. am eas of deOttv1tah Me mid knew have se b.thLN Iia dlltiil. S=G FIRE - SALE We ROBINSON'S. have moved back into our Store, Cor. West Street and Square. All the Goods damaged by remov- al will be Sold at Reduced Rates! JAS. ROBINSON'S CASII STORE. MILLINERY ..X - We have in Stock all the latest designs and shades in trimmed and un- trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Also Flowers, Feathers, Laces„ Ribbons, and everything in the line of FINE MILLINERY. A large stock of very cheap Hats on hand. MISSES YATES, THE SQUARE, Goderich. THE EDITOR'S TABLE. Cca*INT Hrrntas. -The enbetaatial value el (1.@tie Rietery as the most oorNieet .ad esaekfe fesesd published of the world's deigA} bMenmg mors sad mare MOW miss& A has sew completed the fifth year e l its Wesihd record ; sod the handsomely Mena odsms compute* an Annual cyclo- pedia whish is ppe.ttttest is the ease with whisk M an be h•m1I d, ao.l the faetlisy with whim say desired information can by its masse he mashed. Take ter example the war between Chime sad Japan, the Ha- waii.s matter, the C.rr.sey problem, tee Tariff gsesttoa, she Artesia° outrages, the European eituatioo, the discovery of Argon the new element, or say oma of a hundred ether topic of greater or ls.p tmiiortaow. la escrow liatory the reader will fad them tally bait 3oocis.ly treated, divested of all sus-mmeatials, so clearly promoted that the .fond is at owe tunnelled with an intelli- gent grat.p of •lair.. This is perhaps the most tmportast feature of the work -ib cemprodionaive tru•tmest of again and its utility as a work of reference. It theeld be withua the reach of every growing bey and girl, and should be reed sod studied by every iatilirte.t mus ani woman who trips to keep himself or herself posted oe the q.estises of the day: [taffeta, N. V. ; tim- eworn, Cox & Co., Publishera Papsr 11.- 50 • year : cloth, atilt stamped, le 00 ; hall .er0000, $2 50. Sample copies 100 ; .ample pages mid circulars, free. Exeter : John Treble purchased 34 acres of she old Westeott farm freta Joho W►Ur, lase week for the ..m at $ 2.000. See our Sol New -gals roR-- WED, BOTS AND GIRLS, AT C. R. Shane & Co.'s THE LATEST IN STYLES, -THE BEST MAKES, aced at .. LOWEST PRICES . If you wast the correct thing is Zana limy, you win ret it osy .t BHA N F'8, Mcl.ea.'s Bleak, Demo of Square aid Mnstrenl-9t LOOK olcatfr itA0C:0,40 VOU fflirr - IT Do Too Want a Wheel 11 you do the undereittasd i tee to Inters fen that be is the mole Anent tot three of tM Hest :- The Samson, The Smalley, The Quadrant. The l/eetaawblp is perfect. the sells la op sedate sad the pace le right. CAS. E. CHISHOLM, Agent for Mena Ismael. QAC:,-Sotse ts.ltoious passe Ma started a report Chas there is a lies aptwt the wheels that 1 sell I desire to gin (he unqualified denial *.aid rumor, sad if the smother o•a be dienevered be will he duly attended to. CHAS. it CHISHOLM. IN E W - w Spring + -» Shoes! Spring is Here -And so are Our - New - Shoos and we invite your inapection. in Fine Goal no show the NoeIti of ibe Sasn! :o: New Lasts.. Pointed Toes. Narrow Widths. Flexible Soles. In Heavy Goods we are showing Better Vim Tin Die( Bekre! We buy direct from the factory, ties giving yes the Goods at first Dost This means • Big Saving for You 'Get our Prices before you Buy. IT PAYS! S. B. POLLOCE, The Now Shoe Store. Th.s Faayfey ea Osman 1• %oliIle do L ens rogues eirmatr ge ata y'Oaioairo sse• aase( r ePOO Ow.etMMM OL G.W. THOMSON, - - - Agent. .oM13011. oeiT. wing Agents foe Granby Reablool o, that always have Nie heel slsleb t