HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-4-18, Page 7TH11. SIGNAL: GODERICf!. ONT THURSDAY. APRIL 18 Min 7 • Babies and rapidly growing children derive more benefit from Scott's Emulsion, than all the rest of the food they eat. Its nourishing powers are felt almost immedi- ately. Babies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of food is assimilated. stimulates the appetite, enriches the blood, overcomes wasting and gives strength to all who take it. For Coughs, Colds. Sora Throat. Bron- cbkis, Weak Lungs. Emaciation. Con- sumption.Stood Disaesea and alt forms of Wastig. Send/er j.eiliAkr. fere. keel Altera IMMOm iR I s_Isla Me. a L A UTTI„E OAr EVERYTHING. art to be M rated Aga1.. Yoe oto. take • pi.w of chis•' that's been brakes by the maid. Aad can put the thing together if you know the mender • trade. You ma mead the thing so meetly that no toe will ever know That it has e'er beta .battered by an un - .s .idered blow. Yoe o•. take • heart that's broken by some small, flirtatious girl. Aad eon mead the fractured pieces till they're smooth a any pearl. Ay, so that the heart's poorest. feel... sturdy as an eek, And target* that o'er it happened that his bcart was ever •'broke.' Yea lea fall from • bicycle and make pieces of your moss You can break your eoller•booe, or you can fracture .1l your toes ; You len oru.k year arm is splinters ; you can .hush your either Isg Aad tel doctor he will Ax it of it's whole as any egg. Yee caa .mash an ocean record, bat that re- cord still is there, Yea can break • trotting record with • rapid little sure, Aad leave the old me eroding just as whole, quite as complete, As ween it seat the jeckeys a-harraieg through the street. Bet, ales' if you are angry, and have .miry words to say. Beware • hrnke milers., or you'll sorely rue the day, For • silence tier is broken by the wanes or the sea. la the thus that ain't be mended, s.a't be rendered whoa. again. — H•rper's Bazar. DO YJU SUPPOSE Thos r.•• s amok ae .iter all' 'That no peer public is a lady . That the world was made for your speo- i•l laeetslit • Tb.t you would be really t..pl.y ,t los l,ad everything yea want Tbet 1 e- baby bey is really the height- en cbdd weer bon' That we will all weir imtoome• bustles again if fs.ht. • coss•eri. it • That the troubles you worry over are baU as serious as you noir them ` That Si. t'aleeuee was selected as the rum of all lovers mentim be los. hie Moot ` That our professions will help us much if our live/idle not cum! up to thole 1 That au eduoatlee of mood and heart le.•..woettaa any lees de `owl twine - 1 ra.t we ens give money to the L. .rd .•i•.. pt.hly, white our legal debts re.wia un:st.•l ! Thai ally two mothers wall .•ver hey* the ..,n„ lila.. •b•wt the br•.rtgtok no of cad- d.cu 'Ft at mini really hel'eye one-half of the •'Sm•.rt" • hire they write shout wore • That year graaddaurbur will smile at year *wry as you do at your grand - mer r's' That it is really so muck birder to say the pleasant thieit than the disagreeable one' That n lista— fee reel., todinsss and _ general ss.s�� 1rIsa—i e.s's taste for tangs in tdRitl u t That the wadi would bees winked r it is if Satan was as indolent in deiag aril as many Christians ere u doing geed ' That the ume will ever come when an editor dues not reostve every day, un an average, three important letters, requiring an answer, but without • striatum ' That the average man will know what to de wife himself wbea the millenium Dona. ! ILL terIOC creature wh•. Above gum is /l•tt.rl.. Sagas. Otic tsar the gates • towheadying heide s ; Out in tbean std male eying Keep up your oerage--well shortly go MaySprtng isn't far ' Out ea the read u • lighten, rod drum- mer ; .'llm►tsg • fence. • book .gent a bummer; Keep sp your courage, ter soon you'll strike Surower — Sae fm.'t fee ! Ueda" an oak ate • maiden awaiting ; Beck of aha or rams • neer.-ewiakwmgg Keep sp year oonrsg., for aeon you'll leo /bbtng— Sprtmg isn't tar' —Attest. Constitution. • BIM's lb.tetlene. How does the bread that mother oaken Give screagth when I am weak. • Mane for my body dimpled flesh, Aid scarlet for my cheek' How dose the milk that Daisy gives, White es drifted mow, Chaatte to drops of ortman° blood that through my body flow ' How dose the air, the pore, sweet air, glowing gently Ivy, Ltugb right merrily in my voice And sparkle be my eys' —Mary V'. Bites, in 5. S. Times. GEMS OP 1 NOUGHT. When the mar lum.ms Consider while you sooty much how little you deserve. Orly he who fives • life of his own can help the lives of other oven. Life is not • diamond, but • seed with possibilities of endless growth. We do bot live is • world i. which • w or afford to be do.sear•ged by trifles. The woad sever blows fur for that sailer who knows net to what port bei. bound. Uovee's *Memel wisdom has decreed that atm sheald ever stead in seed of mea. If yea will do geed whenever you haver opperenaity yea will moat generally be A noble see is ase whish is preempted by a Reed Mart, and whisk it requires energy to awry o- "' eed breeding is bs .vol.sos u trifles, or trie preferment ef others to sar.styce in Sr deity eco.ress et life. A mase bort, earnest evince to the tree praetor et all he postern Lee him e smm.aloam Wm if he is to mates. Mats •.ytbl.g. How different is the view of p..1 life m anger rise, think of Tbey WOMEN AS KISSERS. merry she Kerb Other flatter .r /eros. It is sot owagi.•ble, on any pomibls view of the sullied, that then is the slighted piersrear, result experienced by ladies when Wry kiss seek other, much less one demonstrable by the most delicate scientific methods sf ievesumuou. Aa ordinarily hearty hand•sliake would itok it •11 to fits in this respect. leareed mem in the middle ages, who Spout mash time In di.camioc of tnvtalties • ed in hair-splitting, enumerated • host of dh(ere.t kiada of busses, though Wry. after all, wound up the whole matter by admit- ttag that then is eddy ens tris kids—the kir of love, sad they pat the kiss between weilsa, very lar down a the hes as • thing el M sr ors sr value, being thee in •eyed wilt tie osneinisr of all sensible people who haye studied the grist's.. Still rays • writer in the New York Ad- vertiser, we have to do with (seta, sad women, for all that 'lay be said against the practice, do kiss each other, and is ON par. edit of ksewl.dg• on the subject, I asked my wife whether ebe found any ple••ire u kisses' any member of her owe sex. "Pooh:" was ell the reply .he tithed to rive, though presently, after apparently ooritatiag &.d arriving st the conies .a that this ejaculation', sxpr sirs enough an ate way. could mot help me very much, she wide some remarks witch were altogether, to the male sex -too veva* to be hen est down at large. Ultimately I merged, by preening the queetiss, to *hat something deacon on the subject, the gist of which was that. whom women kids 'whether, they dose merely se • shatter of torn, inertia( by It for the most pert se mon than • men red.►•ke, and osteo lees, for there may be warmth in that, but nature has decried the possibility of warmth existing is • kiss be - •wee• members of the same sex. Some- times, but very soldew, women kiss Moms they like e•oh other. They also bus beelines they don't like each other, sad, is that case, they are wire o wer to lose en opportuauty of kossiag mob other most porculuully. They may hate to do os ever eo much, and yet, whomever they meet, they eager) me • pretty little dab at each other's faces, which poser master in the eyes of out idem as Quite • touching exbibitien of womanly !iodates. and affection, those who kaon the reel state of .Haire only smile and perhaps remark : "How Mrs. A. sad kin. K. do hate each other, to be sure. See how sweetly they keds. The wbole-hearted kiss of young etre, as yet tnnoeent of the ways and d.eosittulnem of the world, is • plagiarist thing in itself : bat ones they aro u.itiated into the wiles of . oei.ty, there is no social usage, which jars more on their tender feelings, before these bosom* eon hardened, than the feminine habit of kissing, which se transparently cloaks all manor of ueplesas*t and un- charitable thoughts They loathe it, yet,by degrees, they are drawn unwillingly into she whirl. until at lam they, tog, become adeps. When the trial* ride of • family, pother and crown -up daughters, become known to their aoqui.tanose as Rives over to the 'realty of kissing visitors all rimed, both oft arrival and departure, the making of • call or them heoomas sock ea ordeal that, rather than rte We gauntlet of so many escalations, however perfunctorily perforat- ed, mar of their fri.eds, who fid them is .vary otter re..*ot oharmiag, feel eon .t..ibd to rodeos the number of their calls as far ea pemible, la dds0•ir of any feasible remedy. Those ls se ewer for raffia( wan i . borer • run .f the beta Ye matt hake them as you find them or leave them severely roes. It would be • dire of- fers to retro to offer the cheek to the kisser. Perham the time will come whom all kr- is' will be strictly prohibited ander Wrest of tel severest penalties of the law. Thae ham b... tried. with more or lees *coons, m mine pecslierly minded omsmunities. S. far the donors hays praotio•Illy pat their M a tient EXETER GIRLS PRAISED. Tts s..t>ziww non oboe se.eew liestiles send Se A writer signing himself "Bendlwre'• says the Wester. Ikltuh Amelis•a, printed au Clomp . "`toms units ago 1 beard • hew York t.se- a deotare that • Comedies girl makss the hest wife fur • wage earner. He supported the votcrosed by his ow. .xpert.eee IS which the whose* ut hos Canadian wife was the .to.1 potent tactor for oeatsais..t, happier, and • by no . won. •ant measure of Saco..& No ether woman in the world, he said is so clever at sewing, marling, cooing sad waeboag, or •e Mowed with sound sloes, thrift and good m•a.p.te•t. 11.e o1 her most steeliest ehar.eteristioe, in bis omens, is her systems of housekeeping, so that • worksn man married to • Canadian girl gods neither aborw ser trouble when he raiebes Mme after his daily toil, all housework being flatebed and arrangement• made for the following day. Few men, uo matter what their antionaltty may be, who are acquaint- ed with Tote In the Ihmi.wo, will dispute these statements. One of the chief reasons why so many young men. first elms measu- res, io this eoa*try abstain from taking to themselves wives ie the commas domestic picture everywhere displayed, when a wearied an, after a hard day's work, goes home to washing dshot, iii ing cblldres, and a.mberlem chores that make his life one of almost intolerable drudgery. With- out healteum, 1 state my belst that Cana- dian girls of pure English descent, with old country traditions, such as are to be t.m.d in the neighborhood of Exeter, (Jit.. and e mitter settlements, make the meet suit- able wises fee men who have to lobar with their heads and .take their own way m the world." the atm woo is stows old is k.owldge win veto ns tarter et all tied"; but, then. wisdom, frees that et him wtto is crown old wt..' is taw" Wit We drotors ba„ not foe - i. igaorasee and folly. 'Addeo. sees i. • n..dlem rr th oases of dee- to.t. ity breeder tear, but e�e.�sem hroedobate. Erie frees re�pty ought to be grave and not taunting. The will of (Sed respecting as is thee we .hall nye by ear ether's Imprison •rd life, n ot by seek mbar. mbar,.... ... teen help 'soh ether by Meir i.1 see by Noir . errs,.. Remember that. If the epperrtmdYse for great deeds rrsld never MSS, w epp•r' tunny for good dsede M rammed for yes dsyb•4y. To thing for asto kap for is pardasar. INA Ota There le estibp .dish M rearms ; the were yes roe swop w seen you have. 0 yea as heap sY your wishes to yourself, yam may heuser haw • rebates at M set nth 11r�i dist The Imy resitblt Ares the dWmies el Mammos an slewi • M the purer red ealtlferes MM ars ever wow Me haw �tiel4, ..d re be eserbd .ib by these wits bola eefest aMd Free! Air ler Cblldree. An uterestiag test, whieh proved that fresh air 1. winter was ben.sei•1 to eves yeast sad delle.te ekMdren. was reeeetly tow u • ho.pital 1. s.sIs.. All the sickly babies that were smilhyiag fawn site's isdigeuth= sad lack et sutr�- meat, .led who word sot improve le spite of peed bed. pit. SIy v.NLtd rooms and ~old osthbse. were wrapped as ler the Mla.t, pet b psesmbel•t es red taken to idemlewa was who. ora They were leer he hobs meet fres toe to four hoses doily ere* erred • sarms arrkyd improvement. shads weight awl &}~p* td :.sold Ii.. bsedill wrap sod remits es Overlap Mt weeks thio OW wok hip tel. Yee, MSM•te Mad- ras kJ base et he. water Aimed at lobe lb flap wird the hospital, where ell the On tad /aedwr1/lag. One of ins mess important tbiar• for boys or girls to learn to do is to write plainly, so that them who have to read what they write an left in no debt as to their erring. Several amusing stories of the ewbnrr•mment which has followed not 1e•raing to write 'wifely are told. (me of these is of a Mmeacihaeetti clergyman who Dearly rot himself into • peck of trouble be- came eif the had quality of his badwriu.g. It was more than a century ago that this clergymen had morns to address • letter to the Oatmeal Court of Massachusetts upon moms subject of great interest at that time. When the letter was received the Covert ordered the oink to read it, and were 111.4 with wrath at what appeared to be these ees in w "I address w not sa magistrates, but as ladies devils." "What !" try tried. "Head that ever arr. How does he address es'" Not as magistrates. but ae Indian devils," repeated the clerk. "That's what he save., The teeter was weed word, *ad the judges were by me means reamed le se that the clerk had apparently ,rade so mistake. Very eery at what they believed to be an t, tel judges passed • vote et censure apes the clergyman, amid wrote to him de- manding •o acam apology. He e before them s. in pas, when it tamed out that when tel judges had road Indian devils he had written iadividnale—whieh of course, made an apology unnecessary ; bat the reversed gentlemtee was admonished to improve his handwriting if be wished to keep out et trouble.—Harper's Young People. advice peelewed. Washington Star: A young man of thus may was se mush given to exargerated ex- pressions that his friends found it necessary to remonstrate. „ Think before you speak,' said one of them. That's the o.1y was to de et." And several friends who were near endorsed the .dvoes " But that takes time," he pleaded. 1 never wisrepreseet anything that is really important, yen know." 1t doesn't make any diffrenoe. You are making • misuse. You aro getting • repatettee which is hurtful to you .osially and in • business way." ' What'll I de' " " Never say anything you are set abso- lutely sore ot." " Well. I'll try." It was some days after, when they met on the street. Roth were in • stresmine per- spiration. and the frieid of the imeginatuve man remarked " Hot : ain't it • " The only answer was • look of earnest re- ftectioa. •' I say it's mighty hot." The young man reared around into kis oo•t-tail pocket. drew out a thermometer, and after gravely inspecting it. said : " Ninety doter in the shade. Yes, I think I am justified in replying to von, as I have to several other people to -day, that the heat is very Intense, although nothing extraordinary tsr tin time of rile year.'. A e'b tsee. lies* Lester. The following letter was written to a Chinaman in China, who desired the daughter ot • neighbor as • wife for his sed: "O• my knees 1 bey you not to despise this cold and common request, but listen to the words of the matrimtomoal •Seat, .ad give your honorable d.u/hter to my ..v* of • son, so that the pair, based by silken threads, may have the minima j v. In the beautital springtime I shall oder wed. ding promote and give • couple of gen, said let se hope for lark and rotmaer for- tune sr look forward through smile= gewe.tions to the fulfilment of gesuoi. lova M•y they sing of plenty and have every joy. Om my knees i beg you to eon - eider ay proposal favorably athrew the mirror-like eases of your eyes ea those lues" To this letter the father of the bride re- plied that ho would "attend to the parties of re poor and poverty-stricken daughter, that she im4ht sot be without bed -clothes. erten .Mining. h•irpir and esnags Tbmefere it wee te be bepd that the couple would baro constant foetus.." Geed Mnetptee. Thee sever ones • time when them weirdo, written by the late Georg! %V. Childs, were mere seeded than at the preset, when the very foaadatieu&or serer seem shaken by the laxity of sacral priaeiplea He 'lays :— ,.1 ham ale,. had erasion to observe to others that pod prissiples are jest as amiss- eery •ofeery for the artid ae for the meekanie, ter the literary worker as ter tabs lagser,br hho boatmen mss se for tabs clergym•.. Who - ter weal& meat the iodise of sneer mens ler nanoid end persevere. Tele are Br m tis. whir have Mr • help be ler, •d theyo . -' Be kid," le troy Reny out of dors.' 'Whet .reset be hood mors be esdsred,' rod ' 1)e year best esti she lair.' ' d M Is lest. the only rally pewter aro be edhe wild Is be who purr • .leer torn. e�mp, a blare parpq, • he * and a heathy body. The or e*•se fra Isad e rserce* ahaAU rob silts ' w ..`.dpi abeam w ill .shwa. Wed, • result of * oat !ries ill veli. DELICIOUS MAZAWATTEK TEAS, 15,000,000 Packets Soli A1laally 11 Great atltato The Tea of the Old Country, Q t LB. AID LB. LEAD MEETS IT 40, 50, LID 60 CEITS PER LB. Soul) 1:1"— C. A. NAIRN, H. E. SNELL, "ad STURDY BROS. ABOUT PEOPLE. • Long Waist, Correct Shape, Best Material, Combined with the best filling in the world, makes the " Featherbone Corset " unequalled. TRY A AIR. SPRING MILLINERY ! avaxss wisher to announce to her t'ustoslere Ana the hullos of Gotlerich anal sur- rounding .•ouut.ry that she has placed in ,tock all the new, leading fashions, both iu Shaper and Trimmings, that lista lo'en designed for this Season's tnule : and also that the present well .cmortesl stock will lir renewed from week to week throughout the Season. Having adoptesi the strictly Cash system, lath in buying and veiling, she is prepareel to quote the lowest possible prices tir.ta•Iass Millinery can be told for, and can quote Hate from .'U eta. up. There will be no apex -lel opening .lay., but every .lay will be an opening fur all who wish tarty and artistic Millinery t[[[ale up in the best manner. Thanking my many patrons for putt favors. i solicit et continuance of same. Call and inspe.t any stock. MISS CAMERON. SPRING IMPORTATIONS We have received the matte. part of our Spring Stock of Boots and Shoes, comprising the Fiasst and most Stylish Footwear that the market af- fords. In Ladies', Misses' and Children's Black and Tan Oxford Ties we are showing exceptionally god value. In Ladies' Gaiters, etc., we have a fine line which are very popular just now. Ladies, Mimes' and Children's Button Boots in endless variety, at prices to suit the times. in Gents' wear we have all the leading styles in Dongola, Shell Conl and Calf. Boys' and Youths' School Shoes at pnoes that defy competition. Call and see our Ladies' White and Tan Canvas Oxford* Wm. HARMAN, Jr., Corner East-st. and Square. Successor to E. Downing. P.S.—The balance of our Winter Stock will be sold regardless of coat to clear out. Yost Subscribe ante. f3tss•!. • 35 -CASH PRIFS35 •IT4VL% ON ASD • IIILra[�. tt.obert Loris Stevenson loved children and wrote them familar lettere. In one ad - droned to a tlootohchild the novelist writes: " When you grow up and write stories like me you will be able to understand that there is rarely anything more painful for an author to hold tbae • pen. He has to do it so often that his heart .tokens and hs Sastre itch. .t sorbs or touch ot SINKIN'9 ArrIAKAS. a. The following description of Mr. Ruskin was written several year. ago Mr. Ruskin is • .ingel•rly insignificant -looking tittle mea, rounded .t the should en, with large blue eyes, and • fall what* beard. He is very sesaltive as regards hu personal •p- pesranos, and if quoted as saying that he is dissatsied with all hie portrait*, and that the truer and more candid they are the Moe he ores for them. " I like to be flattered by pen and peril, so long as it is done in good ante," he said. Mentally,he is • veri- table •si..ttiv. plant.' Oa a bright clear dry be is bora et and elastic, but oa • dull wet day hes equally moody and mina.• tirspio. He has two pet aversions -tobacco ad stupid people. So great, indeed, is his amnia' it's the weed, that he utimete• who indulge in it have to fumigate and scent them. a betore approaching him. Like Carlyle, he is utterly intolerant of stupidity, and be ham a short, emphatic way of his own of heading bores which effectually prevent them from intruding en him ern, He is • masterful chess player. and sometimes de- votes whole days to riving intricate prob- lems se the hoard. NEW BAKERY —I1— G-OIDERZCi-3. - JOHN A. GREEN has established a new Bakery and Con- fectionery Store on Hamilton-st. in Barrie's oid stand, where he will keep constantly on hand everything in the line of Good Bread, Brakes and Pastry of best make. Large Loaves et 8 cts., and small Loaves at 4c. No combination ; no extortion: but everything to snit the tithes and the A pockets of the people. If you want Good Bread and Cheap Bread leave your orders at the New Bakery, on Hamilton Street. Wedding Cakes a specialty. Bread delivered to all parts of the town. 1st prize. S25 , 2nd, S15 . 3rd, *10. 4th. 316 . 6th, 82 : 10 prizes of SI each . 20 prizes 01 b0c. each. The Proprietors of fin Saa" C8y1o11 truants& tax Circle. The oldest mathematical book In the world, which dates .orae 4000 yeah back sad was written in Kept, manias • rule for ria•rfag the circle, nays the i{agiooers' (iae.tta i'k. rile given is to shorten the diameter by • .intik, and on the 1105 es ob- t.ined to oo.Nrw•t a square : and this, thagh far from being exact, is .ear moues for mad prnstte.l purpose. Since thee the waren roarer of the erne has tee. • Mors is the side of the prelsdsoomal matM- madeiss. Learned ...bliss at lest, is pan . y(-4.k.ow, made • rale that all eolutioss • tel treble= east to them should wltbout 'samaritan he e.iabpsed to tel bases. la the bis! oen•mry • pY•en.bmss mimed M.Wu- Ns was se sure he W eseseeded is gtmrisg the obeli that be oared • reward of 11000 ta way atm what roved him ..rarer errone- ous. It was awn Is be esewoue, if sot to hie two eatiaberiffno M herb he that of us. storing rad be Isid M pay the wry. e kg ssvbe d 'odet. tow pegs abs dry essre able to desessilleallit Oa • Orrin pofeweer 1dMrrtt ytshibbei is IAM a dem IMO 1mM-be tsaer flee eine ray sew met JOHN A. �. 11. 15611111• /Warless afirsvf for PATENTS TRA• OA AT rm s. OOPDOOYRIOHTS. U (* roe 0°f ..o.nwAw & iw' otoia. Wrens for seor•taia p•1Se In A.evae . patent tenet art M •• U troelttt teras "Otte et • mike liven tree d ebsrre to the �aentiiit Aareriran arta. reslstten 11, rNM U Mop IgNllt�tee� yea ss�atal.„� wbs'wwttho.t w drW. yl', {lard s '1 vrau.n.a..sim teea�iO..re. lien r Qer�]R't Co PATENT • CAVEAT!. TRADE UM 160 CM1MUNTl p�.�.ed and sal besieges In the U. e. Patent e/oo attj.detl to at MODRRATR PRRM. Our elle. le opposite the 1'. 8. Patent (N gee, sad wt sae obtain Patens la lam Uwe has those :emote from WASHING rox. Wend MODEL 011 DRAWIIQ'O.. s�nWe ad- aad wwee makas e 7 CHAT M,' Mt, IPX Oft - YAM PATZNT. We refer. beim to the Postmaster •t -hien t, U. el. Patent nAier 1 oe.. •led to .agars er W Oats.. Por Mf.nlsr shies berme and nhrouo.o to •rust'Meeke 1• you ww. Stats or Cees. t v write 80 C • GUM a vs.. 0Meeeita retest 0IIo W sbI.sts.. fI 7.rr FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS _QUIYIY' y l' POW D E R fres 4* 1�ee. "'''A tb't 1110. bmen MONKS FRIEND bee.veamrltOg p•'•ad that the thing earwt tAfi !MLR IM CANADA. slier to school chilaree the above prizes, competition Open until 1st of Slay, for the hest poem or •rkvme, the initial letter of tel lines reeding downwards to com- pose the word. - - 'Salads' C\looDias --ti 0 -- The poem s expected to he tel result of the child's own thought. the name, age, address and school to he appended to each poem, also a card out of a package ot. l i Salada t t Ceylon Tea, STURDY BROS .1 5.505 ERA, 7be square. &eder5r*. g,Te;ephone Connection. BRANDTRUNK GrODERICH TIME TABLE: Ikpart.. •, •.•.. Arr.vc...10.50 A.m. I. r. x. I I ” 1.48 PAS. •' 3. , r x. I ;' .. 7.40 r... 9.50 t•. et. Puechaset your through Tickets rain The Old Reliable Grand Trunk Line, thus avoiding transfers and changes. Splendid Train Service none stetter. Speed, safety and comfort combined. Remember Manitoba and Northwest Excursions and Settlers' Trains daring March and .‘pril. For particulars, r•ateu, ke., apply to N. ARMSTRONG, Q.T.R. Town Ticket Agent. (looericb —Fell supply of Maps, Folders. kc.. free to all. ('all and roe him. :111 informatien cheerfully furnished. Baby Wants It. Martin's Cardinal Food ION MUMMY, Anes INVALIDS. The roost palatehle foal prepared, and bresqu.Il.d by any other prepsr.tioa of its k i tad. The hest food and the bed value, put up in oa. pound Tina, prier is its. per Tin. Sold Retail IJ ell )rxgirb dor Cowers and WRclsaw Kamer WATaou • 00. Prove IIA". (1) thilONTMSA►L-