HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-4-18, Page 66
O�TRASTS with • tag, eta which wee writhes IIs whet'
sale. ed address, and • tow earls
- - � all Christine 1M tie leve of lis/ Y
-.- ----- *teal. Week sell. and Other registers ; .1 Gas the tall church steeples. R►v. U teal 1st drlak•
t••.tn•Grr ..r rteet.n••r- They reach au tar, eie tar; Th• four-y.er-old bay, with hat Mae spas
AN INTERkSTING CHAPTERON SPRING to Atagtt ant the ryes ..f u,p heart we the world's mid fair hair, hie little beadle d eleihes M
• Ila• bre side, was totted by th•..t'oalebd guard
puv.H1.. Ite.rrlb.d re netall•-r•ethers,
•lowers rad 1.ae. Will as$. la tb. Ratio
oasis t.. Cove .1 'minty T.q*•--ria 1.1t-
tt. 1►elrh gloi,set.
We gn.w • or I.,e restive during •
tong •-••et„u,-d ti,•t.•lu,• 4 any time *fag
toed sig.. f..r .tial 111nn1 have that •0010111 -
able "see. of Itle Kwan tatune ghee
se t..,un, .r•.4 .d this condition in her
utauy ..Brit , of siw.u,. and by horpote-
pl••t. •i.., now •a.+ tint.. of wulut cut int *trills ..1 front Otte W tau Moho* iLveKy new should betir her own busies
Irish ,uu1 sew, which ..hews It is a lu length, iscxeonlly t.. the cun'tt..re of of .. ery when the beer
his cenxe upon
thing to .1. se dwII. and &Isout Ou,• them ss wed.: as ohm h• lar a light w tzptn rnee upon
Spring. the youngeel, and ewemim�p long. Thee. wen• strung on u string
the 1u..tt fa.ond of ,.11 th.• ,.rwons, genie' taxi resod both as money end urvtioett w. front his Mends; he has a right to expect
ally bring,' with it a sulw•rahutidaure of The string (sore the 'tame of uhl-o or help and bear and tharto wehip from
MBut one her to
all that t. bright and atinu•ttte, and tie• aulove. As an Illustration of the. punier-
iha - r ar a1 earn- his him lBut . ne Iyer:
tirntn%tw heart t.,pt' telly leap high at the tug power of an ai i... , It may Item Irl tris ea a right loom sr he it walking
sight of ell thus n• -alts of the ua,mfat•tur- that in New Sleeks) a hoarse ha, Inn shadow to shadow the paths of ding
ei a artistic planning that have found ex- traded for a .111.111•11111.11.
im • dton in l war .ns and velvets', l e. and I Frau period of the
the establishment .4 th.I. cn te lstnk the
ef we•aril g ((1 mutirntug. I do not mean W
mnh& g ls' hearts
e e. s ar esand lace. p' the wooing of every kind of black, but
The girls' Mans are turning just now l:ngts°d, the legal tender money of Knitthat of -
• rt•rlotisly w the !sleuth,' of the new land win Labrbaad out of wood. This to tlw b sats inures 1 bud loan in grief.black
spring Bonne(, cur su.ih dainty void.•.• iii3truutent wan tailed an cxchu►nge tally, y IT y'
tions .4 a woqu►n'e tenet inn• ..specially and. by virtue of it, the holder war en- I uhjert to it beeoause in Its essence it 1s
dtywn•Ing of c.naideratt0u 'this ,•'n,.ott. i tithd 10 receive from the crown the value eelfl»h. because In its museum it gore* no -
They ere 1.1 every a.nc•ivahle shape, to pr es.•Hlyd thereon. It molly oeruetaQ Ian( ttoe to n Iiweoff •a+ malt •I am t ( that trouble" and opus
Wit every iwa•fble style of f:u+t•, with Om half of a four-sided mai. others' sift li part
f When sorrow .,sines M
trimmings trust. in tints and brilliance), which. whet' In its entire state, the s 1pur hearts'
rely • the
111.4141441 ls11. o 1,I,t .e an herztlthan I to tu.Serse notches. arytngwas tarred in 014 in width for urofr•iends. let us even en ask then w wale
offend the eye. and ,,aivin•ing one at , thousands, hundreds, stvrn•r, pound*. shii- by our side while we wrestle 1n our garden
once that to ]tine. ba I'urisientie alone longs and penes.. F•.r the advantage' of tit t:ethecitutne; but let U. not throw the
must be aet•ritsd sill the honor for the ..r- th..s• who could nod no sum wee writ- burden of our grief on other hearts.
tglnallty .d the unique in hra4igerr for I 'tett doff. and ink ,n. two fltally, with a kniossite fe andtn le' that iwtuicld.,itstbn the 0u -ream. indications
the spring .1 '1C..
it is
For day wear, inclusive t of cepti n*, larg i tudihidly'R ()ue• half. milled thewtally,longi-
t�tonly rue, whether
the newepal.rn can' uture
shopping.hate with troops ret reception*, b. lsrtc I xenon for whose enterprising and we get more widespread
hats with drooping Mourne.'will preferring nu i shack, was given a tie { other half, reports than we used to. lint every sui-
•l to i' 10 Fur urn 44s,tquiet i service It ars the tern tally. NVO44 laid ate for utilise is _
poteer+ttiare 111 tlyllinM heee1subxlrued shads'' safe k. ping u til-itt, ourre.p.rtidlWit{tally every temptaltion ttwardsisuicide i a tow-
of brown. green and grafi, with black should he brought In by the person who mil.* temptation, l t tfor when
whenor ignominyaman fame
always in the hod. had last given value for it. out of life by own to any
A novelty fur the first days .f wiring Is its Intrinsic, value was, .1 awry.•, only kind and goes
a moire felt, as sift as a Leghorn straw, that of the woof of which it tea. wipes- he nils that burden off upon awife, a hupon
pimtwt into any shape d....1nd by intros cal, but, by n•pneeentation. it denoted large a child, upon a Mend, upon for hlm; he
of lotlg. fancy hccl..1 pias with a "t oh- *unix It was a eurtent money and rid actually oto dt.triboken 44 utc runs away and lupon 141111t44 41110 o►leavesbe h poisoned ar-
t.. pima other hearts. The suicide is
in t2 P mints ae `IeI�M.e► t rt
le. Ia•!..et• the year Itb1He the eire•tllating 1 virC the marring puuplc are-
m.•tllueu c.nsletotl .4 rsmil meta woven.
from a amebae ret straw, and ethieh this ( 1 bear the rhumb tell. ringing
native.* culled liir,ng+.. Feel, 1►txot.. re- Their chimes on tlw uiufiling Mr,
prses•uted n %alae of five r, is. The nab- gut ury soul's sad tar is hurt to hear
atitutluu of opvt-r r.11tt fur 1111. eunoia Thu penes nue•••+ cry .1 despair.
Aran n...n.•y .role hear brialatig *heat •
Ter duller, and tt.u. theta taws. of the ,i.etth Tbt.to at nearer thicker
r the churches
of ninny. As a 116111.11U111 1.1 the train
among the aborigines 01 ('Gurus ah i, ores- But alt. i for their caxd. while the poor
tars of abalone i Htdit tides) hate been vain's needs
highly esteemed tooth for their beauty alai Brew dMptr as years nil by.
their importancewhen weed as ..bell _ -Klla Wheeler Wilco&
nuoa y. thu /twilit/twilitin the later case beinsear Tray 041/41rtrrdea.-
Mttdag slows is se tra.ogr*at train leaving
The lean shared hie rows . � with hies.
Theo the ragged,
e ewd•d the ear gather.. .pend him is
•mas•meat and pity. They heighttik
each ether. but y spokegently to
friglitcaed little tot. 'rho worsen wads room
ler hien beside Meir ewe children. Gad at
sight when he cried fur hums they rocked
Mtn to sleep r chair arose
In their mire he crossed the Alp. and
peeped through Italy to Genoa. weers they
earned bin os heard the steamer for New
He was amore strangers ague, bat the
story et then -Sandiest andiest baby . as told through
the ship. After that somebody always was
ready to feed him, to rook hire to sleep, to
bald him oe the knee. Tb. cabin passengers
mad. up • pune for him. The
the steerage washed h. aprons an
and mended them.
When he reached New Perk his friends
bade bin good bye, and platted him ow •
Pmwylvaaia train. Some kind soul tele-
graphed hie father. Gad that evening wham
the cars rolled up t• the statics of the h` him
town, • gaunt workingman
child in his arms, and with M tsars roll -
ins down his chalks, carried bin to his
We have the largest and best as Our spring stock is almost colli-
mated stock of Carpets ever seen is I plate, saconsists of • great variety in
Gotierich. loll the new things for the season.
Brussels, free the beat makers ; I Drees Goods, in the new Fabrics forTapestries, in great variety, hews 25c. dining Trimmings to wit the latest
up ; Bordering* to match our best pat- de*1gna
tent*, which look as good as Brussels As usual, we lead in Priute. Our
-- letert .le.tgi s and colorings. A I stock is simply lowly nu both cloth
bis stock of All Wools, direct from and design patter,. the latest.
the Mills. Unions, from 25e. up, the
greatest value ever men iu this
county ; Heaps, from lOc. up ; Art
Squarer, in all wool and union, assort
ed patients and eoloringa and sizes.
Lace Curtains, cheaper and better
than ever ; over 400 seta to choose
from. Late Curtains are one of our
great .peciaitiee : Chine el Curtains,
French Art Curtains, Art Satanist,
Art Mualins and Curtain Nets, As
cluster Rugs, Turkuh Rugs, Maquet
1 hes }lass, Beam Rues,
oriel" aigrette finishing the black, and
fastened just above the soil of hair.
For evening wear the• fleet ezgufwito
thing that ,net toy eye ten.+ ..m,urt
Uxlut• c.nstwtutg of a heavy g'
crown. timigtud in n amventlutal pat-
tern, with turquoise blue velvet forming
broad hope vitt ..•1..411 side4 the trent; pro-
duing the desire) broil effect to the
bsviit. gold wings appeared jtut Abner;
the ,sops of velvet. while meting at the
parting of the hair wet. a knot .1 velvet.
fastened with n rhinestone buckle. Tiny
pink and blue forget -hue -nits peep ouL
here lend them trona the fold.: of blue vel-
vet. a huveh forming an aigrette effe•t at
the fent and. e.,u Irl ted with velvet.
finished the leek.
lr the Continental chap• was a lovely
thing with jet foundnttoei. t hila• fen
bow of .le'Ihxately tinter On -ellen ribMrn.
fur (rent trimming tyrratcd jure about
the f..n•henel by a jet buckk•. I .n,t,
Jacque noses .4 a deep n•c1 tint, out od
which mune hent tit Paredi ee feathers,
formed n lovely tluiJt for the Ieuk.
The pn•,ttie.t of the new ribbons are
th.et• of Dresden patterns; the foundaton
peblrw Ewing of the roost d.•It,ate tints,
with tiny flower'', In exact rnanterpart of
the lin•eelen rhino ware.
A revival of twiny old-time rlhtx,na.
meetly th.ss• In vogue about lett, are ot.-
aervabl., but have not :is vet gained hell
The quaina'wt wart of headgear pow -able
and charmingly soit,thle. the I'rls-illa
styled Ixouty. is the I)uteh turn ttet and hem
Is Int. idea.
The half moon rrbap• is d.•eig►1d Is dnrk
sewn velvet. Heil and cA•ant TIM'S an.
cunningly bunched in front; the Zack
curyed and finished to velure. .lust lack
of th.• sant ..ti,.•4 n lnincb of marl lace.
teetered with geld ortamente and naves t'.
correep otld with the front tel tugs.
Brei,& '.1, .triers ref' cram satin ribbon
fall below the waist. and prove a flutng
finish to this ,aid .matron.
if one had etiggeet.d some months
sine -n eotitlrination of chiffeaietgtd with
patefit bother. for hila trimming a "m-
end!, inen'.lul.nt' feeling as to lie Attlee;
would have Ine•r reality ezpmid. Yet
It is the pn,ttfest tit,•elly of Th.. year.
A high looked (-mein, just such a shape
as the Mother lienar' 6tv-ond, fa made
tettin•ly of intent leather. with a brim sof
shire el elsityon 11titshel at the edge wl*
narrow strips tit the sane glary black
,styrene, .colt Online curl about the
mown ;►rid droop Krne•fully over the hair,
truly a symphony in hliu•k and white.
Inexpensive Anel (Minty is th.• new
material called trickretlu'. and over which
the gteurle•st of chiffon looks well. It
combines delicacy with strength and to
MOM t desimbt.. as (ret vegan one has 14....,41
ol.114041 1.. slain thin uu,terlale over.
There ie M marked improvement in the
jewel* for millinery use. They do not of
fend the 'y.• as In former years. and ►1.
pretty evening toque t'i c,.n.plele without
them, and rhinestone. lead the tiny.
'minified) greases are graceful And wear
Lam'nt spangled in gold anti direr ars
uarvl ole diary pco.rible oeiiai,nn, and
impart a soft grace and ezpres.lon to the
tae•• .4 the weaver, and particularly when
nswl ar form the "ear In.opa.'
There 1, a whisper that violets must go,
es they ale altogeth..r too common, but
still they trim wore of the prettiest of the
opera tames.
very often n hat 14 wen that has n
••r' ten of el..,e and a I•rin1 of "pan straw.
with Ings pink and red mars httnchcd
here and then•, and products' • very
flc.w. ry and pretty effect.
For very dressy oeettsl.one a toque, ani
peed t•ntln•Iy of prinlross is lovely
enouich for n queen In front a brilliant
rhfneston•' buckle holds A bunt•h tt prior
r e'r•. ptnerl at cash end and a lame how
of hlaek velvet tin 111• right it marabout
aigrette is added. while the Brrwe•re taper-
ing t.. a nicer land, allow the coiffure too
Is. 1elainly visibly
(flack headed wheat is a dainty novelty
and is need fore algrestes.
Thr Mg. ieghorn hat, histo a little
over the fare. reeled at one side, with a
half hidden transients of waft crushed meek
with long plume* falling easily on either
sole. Is especially suited to thaw fall, state-
ly mald..n and pn•mlee a to he munh worn
Th.• head rIbI on streamers. which are
bong revived agstn, are nose stttwt•ttve
whet. the haat bangs high ern. ethlMtlon
then when 1t rt'.te ne the head. en that
thin .tyle. deufnleeely, will he short Ilved.
The time tris toques and hendasux ten
It from tuan to man by this ezeh►ngu-
Itntn this primitive tally was derived the a coward.
exchequer bill, find intr .de I In heat by Tills is our duty W boar bravely, hero -
Mr. Montague. the chnneellor of the ex- holly, courageously, nobly each one his
chequer. The wont "Mil, ' tear. war no own burden.-Itev. Lyman Abbott.
doubt derived from the add French 8.111..
'Themes tiemetbtng la Tbls.
which Means a staff. Bank post bills
and bills of unchange in our own day "Men will believe anything you tall
x11 base• and thein about tbetnsrdves." said die clover
cxona' from the atm1 w.x ,n annum 1n New York as we eat over our
s/LIh'i in linRbani► are still Bald to ber- Bohemian braakt•rt, screed un the lisp of
idwriden "Mike"
formerly tlvan. vie a davtnleort by the 8111111 n gas drop wtnva
ed w'ri rip nbliba" Ins tallies were
to r vie- and sundry paper hogs. "Anything
ti tel they ern• gr y wh nicer 1 suggested. "Nice or the other
In olden tints offeKi of the army who toil Only the tetter make of man Is
were oaken into the King's .own pry were more Mit to trite"' thte •.the•r thing.." I
Wt( to be put ti thestag-'r lltti, they thought 1'd try how title worked one day
Wert' i ,11 with ezr n Pur tallies', or since. and le•trtn on a man who knows
W411/414'11 money. -London Public ()pinion
_ _ __ scathing whatever about art. I ..skid hes
of a painting, hastening to assure
--,__ bile that [ should gad
West street BAKER,
thinks deal of It
Modern Liberatore Willed with Reforests* I bemuse people knew he was an anchor ,
to Um ,treat Nook- and that I had heard hint quoted
veral otaaiune. That was all true, with
Take this matter of ignorance of the twist In it. Ile gave hie opinion, and not
Mehl.. Reetient statietite show that it a teak attar 1 hewn{ hien wap, "You know
rxla., a. an extent lnarualvuMr to any I'ut n hit of an authority on color. and
person :a generation ago., In college stud whet I say generally gore" But for all
tit:. And this ignorattne 1s (Slalomed meet this I don't quite believe In what the
1n attempted n tigtous I,utrurtlnn, but in
clever wotn►R said about "the other
the rttely of the ordinary branches of •
thing." Men would bemuch more itke-
e..II' ry a Thin' iun in our universities anti ly to rr,+ent any information stunt their
colleges. Th pupils are cntlne1 unable failings, and to think little of their in-
to understand a gnat rims ret illusions fornmatst. And to they should. -Lady
1n the nun.t•rpf these
of F:ngli'h pansy and Olay. In Saturday nlghL
prise re • of these pupils am victims
of the idea that the Bible ..Mould nod jbe THE SPARROW CHIP-
mol by the yowler. for they will for reu-
dicd in li religious way before theft
minds are nature enough M select a reit- i A■ Arc•eal .I a trey nerve isatin! between
giou for thenus•Ive•s. Now. wholly apart
front its religious and frim its rthiral , A young netnrala who u • clove ob-
tain., the Bible is the now hook that n. server of birds tells this little story
intelligent person who wishes, to cofne ins "Ons moraine last summer, while walk•
to .,.nt:u•t with the world of thought and is through one of our parks, 1 wag attract -
t.. share the id'•as of the. groat minds of by• tremendous dlattetvg from•clnmp
the Chalet ll i era can affonl tai he IRnor
ant of. All modern lite•netune and all art of bushes near the pathway. It sounded as
are permeated with it. There 1. s.•um•ly ; if a hundred birds wore having • light over
a gent work itt this languages thnt can 1e• their breakfast -for sparrows think that a
fully uttel.•ntto.alsndenjuyel without this fat
44rm r • juicy bug Is worth m•ktog •
knowledge, ono full is 11 o1 t11tuL.n' itnd great. ,.1 waited quickly and stealthily up t.
true of
fount the Bible. This tt the hush.• and peeped in. It vire not a
taw of isoihi of pietry, of nalso of and worm which caused the roa•mottoo, but
A complete assortment of Ducks, in
both light and dark colorings. Crinc
les, in the new oolongs for the
Pure Scotch Gingham*, plait. and
*tripe(' ('hawbrays, Tarsale. Vesting,
Piques Sateen* and Chsllie5.
We want to draw special attention
to our Ready Made Sring Canoe and
Mantle and Cape Cloths, both in
Black anti Colored Goods, all new for
this Spring trade.
Rugs, )tic tan Velvet We have a few piece* of Dress
Velvet Wool
Door -- - G� that are selling at about half
Mats, Wool lisle all -
bargain*, good
wool goods and good colors.
Our Ribbon Stock u large and well
assorted, as is also our Swell Ware
Department. Glover and Stockings
on your particularly goal.
leave the order.
The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse
of the County.
Our howiefurnishing depertiuent
upstL.irs is tery complete. Our Car-
pet dewing Machine is a great suc-
cess. We can have • carpet ready to
lay floor two hoar* after you
His bread is made from pure
Manitoba flour -made from the
cream of the Manitoba wheat -end
therefore its the it.st in the world.
This is a big thing to way but it is
a fact and you have the privilege
of buying this bread at the same
as made from inferior flour at the
price of 4 cents per loaf, delivered
to any port of the town.
Orders for cakes promptly at-
tended to.
f3rWedding cakes and almond -
icing a speciality.
of philosophic works, and also of the thiaR bigger A t.rge floe:k of F,ngl.b
" Cash Is King!"
The only UP TO -DATE Grocery in town is the -
"C.480 .48e�t�i 6�I pcg�''. t r
If you want anything in our
Pi in you will find our
Test CieAnlax PACITIM l to TgiWs
Tirlaaxarx has been eetabt
btbadpublic • Ara -class service with her and per-
manent comp tltloo.
It is managed on business principle end is
the Intent of Its patrons.
1t deserve• the support ct every versos whir
itelfevese s ounpsiition.
Ter netek desp•iea use this f.mp•a7's
buts, o raneeting with all 11ar* and melee
In [wised Mateo. Caaads .ad k. r+pe.
Direct through wires to all points 1. the
eieLlt tans deaweaia sadYw.so
It. •IM'urir
11 Local )trnaser.'Oods eh
seitnttfle and .even ion.e:tIe religion,
It. e"nie
to not at all a question of n•ligton, or thin sparrows were flying •Pout, screaming re d
ob.gy, or of dtgena, it Is a question of May had goo. road and psoking s•vsRely at
general intelligence. A hey or a girl :it Intervals at some small animal, winch was
running about on the ground. It was •
allelic, to the M ere O t. the works sat fI
for either to master• ttithout n fair kow poor hole red chipmunk oto had existed
ledge of the 11111e, is no ignoranvis, and their wrath. He was running back and
it disadvantaged ner.ordiegty. It t. In it. north, evidently trying to get away from
h. tornt•a °re. It was of t'o use tor be
t mast it Monti lie t;u.•eth v as many woe closely surrounded by them. slid he
It ha nae, n in d into
have testified. I evidently was getting weak in the unequal
It tins ler entered inti law. ilt•n•tun+, dr h -
though the. whole n, wlern life .r1 the ° So I daces away the sparrows and tried
world that ignorance of It la s to rescue the the to tittle squirrel.
nl-1. thea to be message to the our ora. i Whe. LM birds flew away the cbtpmmk
now thee is Is be ques i n our ms• .till lay epos the ,round sad esealid uhable
eultx system a grave montinun. or r•- , 10 move. 1 picked bin up m m hand..
salt a ' 1 i from the dee public
echo of , H. was in • pitiable oeadtti••, the *par
hued. -
the us.' tit the I1161t in the puhllc singe i , row• bad pled *early •vary hair oat of h.
lint mon• c,gxrially from the change In I tail. Oa. of his eves was entirely packed
the eethtatlon in which It 14 held in the i osi and M eras covered with Gate and
In the In family Ire le.ett with lu`'pneltinn , wmad., when the pugnacious little spar
a the b a . too t neglected
e'tm' It li mow • rows bad peaked sod beaten him
t ineglectedto honk. It la rhe .,ut.oi' rte latera• i „per title ohippy ' He was nearly
tun. There are levend eugge ,tone for 1 deed end evidently Is such aafferisg that he
n•riving interest In It. One Sunday
had to he put oat of his misery. We had
w,.tkin operation it 1n 1 Mr, Chipmunk staffed and pat hint up on
work. Another la its study as ut we Ise the aseatel shelf for en ornament. He looks
Iln to b*t 111 end college's. But we it- mos! eters happy there than M did the day
that the change will only msny the quarrelsome ❑iti. sparrows pecked he
rest Iv1 i by Attention nn t'. the neglect
f it t$• away. Bat whet it was that eza.td
reuse of this I,r►,nchild the ti. 11 11 of its ibis wrath ler. Cbipnank noes telt'
ore In the h e un.. t If gnawing
grunt I se M� Ms Image.
, htI,i len ere met n part he growing � beauty
tyot the following Mettles% lies
ehlldhorl, they w111 al w,tya rxte•rnsl et
tele• Int,• p.sews nor 1n the family is 1 Ns oath, sod in the light it throws epos
where t Chir Attention most begin. and It iht "Iter cid° of horror sat an. Th• kind -
will then a. 11 Mari
1" stimulus
y i these
y of
itungi tAit r . at it y key to the g the ser a.c ev.d and wicked, *hewed tt. afor-
Inrltginiatinn. and a toady great i them pr
world of irndttitn. rust , history, litesa' I fern child, prows how hard it is ter hearts
Into quite efface the image of God is which
tun Narp.•r'w H•gaz -
{ the were Greeted
sheets, Met t. Mode- years •!e
inti h al box which 1M+ hoes of rho MBIB- try to prerace • Nona for his
itshment regulates re *sit the t.IneiS. Oa The wife meat died. Maeda* the tab,.
Hallam worked bard HA saved every
Monday, for I►urfiiselo, � keM//•11�a•- before ho
chine up to light opera un NO d penny; bat three Oen passed • o a
enough to keep his ael enfants shaving a cold relit • little shit* aged ma! inlet of
'n.t,.mers at a nice .toady, at. T'uestny forubi.. Ye wsa bean, for the he held it his
Icing a quiet day in the hastier ahnp. h. ehtld, to hoop R
Home. 'Sweet Ricins" and " You'll Re erns ; hot he scald wet the after 11 M Haa-
menther Me" are good eonegh. Wednes- gory. H. had not the moray. mid besides,
day. Thnrwday and Friday *e h cher ate - to Rive ep his work cot Welter .1... week
ane*, the mnsbel hot to popular teti'*tn s was se sores, was to esatarce
himself to
orf a rather !rely natnn'. On Saturdays idleness and btrvali•a. All that be mold
he pat. the twill and lir ole rep, sad de waste semi sea ter his.hili's psaag•
every Mrie•r In tic' boats• M oa t1M rum. I maims than K abeM Hama M Nm r Gree
- Philadelphia (Ertl d •ams tadpma1 cemt10( Mem a5'tgery ea
weave oMgtt►wtly than word' ,last woman N•w Yark. wit.
Is the Herr future b nt longer to he 111 Copiloting ttvrep/slea it ew old old bail «
hind at the theses In her Nod paw, lett " Pow rattily 1 what 414 Mrs dr' labs dill mat helm •m, •�sesee she wWas
of •Tale di cis togs mon quits strIalla ;081.1" M Amietm s ass she besets
a * tett •• w�■. passe
Heir 114OMt 11 te0 dMIMss v 11th illy Obi p ahetr *I �-
poor laborer seined Hal -
The latest thing In lnrtwr shops Sea t kits• I•ft Hengaty. and eaen• w this t, len
wife lied
GU R tr
PRICE. 25 CTs.1dtpoo01 T
m an
And we guarantee Satisfaction.
Our Goods are "The Best "---
Our Prices are "Bock -Bottom Cash Prices."
r Farmers wanting bbl. Salt, remember we keep the be,t, and
we keep it dry.
The Hamilton et: Grocer.
Several Lines of Goods to hand for Spring and Summer\ear, to which
additions will be made as the Season advance'.
Goods are all marked at the Lowest Living Profit sad selecte-t with
more than usual care.
Cus' liners may rest assured that everything will be up-to-date, and all
Departments well assorted, therefore no seed of particularizing particulars.
Special attention given to small wares.
Inspection kindly solicited. Prompt delivery of purchases to any part
of the to ..
of First class Make,
Good Material and
Latest Style,
Tse steotsa Ci4\tew.
Rota M Wil .f 5.atnrl.
r m
iI.M este.. cls 116100°.°'
OP 1.. A. sums • 00.. To.+ete.
Draper and Haberdasher.
=Do You Waxit
can supply you with a good article at a low price.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, &c.
Don't fail to give brae • oriel.
A. SW.
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
No Stones, Stems, or Dirt!
Everybody Likes them.
Your 7raer'..dicittla
TAE aR()C�R'
Sabscxibs tor "The B ~-V' 6 yam.
MID A iJDTT 11 t YOUR 1fi>Q1DM'