HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-4-18, Page 5TRIC SIGNAL : GOD EIRICH • ONT1. TIUUBDAY. APRIL 18 18811. Y No Remedial Measures further required to effect fast 'ale for those new (;oohs, .. • Easter Gloves .. . French Kid Gloves in Tans and Grays at tiOc. and 91. were $1.25. White and Chamois color Wash Kid Gloves, Silk Stitching in Backs and with large Pearl Buttons, best quality, special at 95c. a pair. Beet Lacing French Kid Gloves, new. $1.25. New, Soft. Unbreakable, Kid Dm ink; Gloves in T+tn with Dome Fasteners. 91.25, regular $1.40. ANSON. CO2 set£3 We opened this week a special purchase of 300 pairs of Cornets from one of the largest Corset Manulacturers iu Cattails. Tito uuntity for one line is large, but we dictated and secured a Bargain All will be Bold at 50 CENTS PER PAIR. THEY ARE THE REGUUR 75 CENT CORSET. See our Window piled full of them They are a great bargain, and selling fast. W. ACHESON & SON. MARRIED. Parsonage ▪ Wedn Mayy lath taut M Rev. 1!. Ire bee Abram arnua Jr. to Elim Wyatt. DIED- lirCAUSLAND--Is. Golsen., o.Wed.sud j. ♦Pall iOW. 1MS. Jams. MoCatmlaad• aged M rears. JOHNSTON.-1. Asbddd. 13th Cos. 9tb last. Martha. relict of the late Jamie Johanna. aged M rears. BRBOKOW-15 Goduricb, on eaterday, April VW iMO. Mars Lona third daughter of end (Lthrlss Breekow. Monet Mick. seed f years and 7 swathe, THE TALI OF THE TOWN. APPOSE the f.psrte P'S NKol.ok ■ -s a O1sN fee el Ear wStBr l sells •,i Owe 1St a Aeon Awes= le Ibitae• Boor. ea' earth WU Preto M.' -Near. • FsriL.Mt spans today (Thursday) bet that will a no was interfere with L h. a•11.ws M.fir bonsai, st W studio. owner &gware IIo•trealat. Try him for • pestepapa. "Hong Chamois. where_ you get the salt.' "Why. deer boy. et PrldYas of soils sever tie is. anywhere .be.'" "By Joys nes F. J. sem my next order. 1 uiis. wondered .Awe yea tet web eiyfisa sdts.' FINE TAILORINS-- At osis sash prime satire atisfarios •sand. Just cried, yl Rasa le d smithies end oveeer•esa. Mdw extaa Ona ready made overcoats at oast Mast be sold. see tars. L MacCORM AC. '0007) EYE SIGHT' is s priceless treasure. Yee who have got it Mould take oars d it Yon wbo save an got it should have your eyes attended tw sat moo. We mai the pre- servanon of eirht • specialty sad can test your oqym •ccurasely and selestilealle. W, T. WICLSH. optician ad Jeweller Our Wall Paper is walking off es two less sometimes with four. but we bays leu et it lot We don't wast H. We went Save it. We are snap out of it aid we're beard to set rid et 1t K o want the roam sad tsese7 tee other purposes. Now is tee time le est year wall paper if you wt to save smarm, at !i iue e.lt.re ••d Art sterna Dune or G. H. nein-From the Smelt newspapers we labra that G. H. OM. for - arty • weil•kswwn wooer lin this tows, died there aged f tty-fear years. The wide sad family of Mr. Old, with oat exegtlw. aro still brise at the Son. A Knu. D• ID. -Os sarins .t the bw- ft.ta•ers to Harry Hart, the Marks Been. Comedy Co., wise played bare recently, sent • Melee for twenty reserved @este for the evesiag. Their kind action is worthy of •w, and is •ompted by Harry is the kind spirit gives. W. F. M. S. -The somersgotien of Knox Month will be well represented at the m- o rel swat of the W. F. M. 8.. wbisb heidr ►b sst.io.s is Tories this week. as Mrs. Audience, Mn. Stases, Mit Ur. and Mts. Admires, from ON Auxiliary. wed Mine Pelts, lam the M0GiWvrey Missies Ras'. lave nose to errand PAINED WIT* H.,s.q,-TM feilewieg. tams tis Iesussll Climate's, refers M w root sea well 'mows te assay rewideste wt (:ederisk : C. A. Ditties bee rearmed ham the Detroit College of Medicate, where be bin been studying fr the past eaves moct'ti He took the Wilbert avenge .sd similes' is anatomy, Measiogy, malaria 'Bodies and therspenlle . A Roo or 111• 111) Lres.-Amok' Mesd•T. • C•rrlek, Brum musty, termer. bee fast had rare fingers est off is • seas setter. Withle twelve meashe hie d vhw hes broken bier arm. his sen has did, he W lent $4.000 ia a law suit, ►M wife mat with • serious seeklant. ••d Mtedey himself, en • previoar mambo. was sbr.ek by a piens of timber tied twee tally reasversd. A. lwrrnrtitr* Der:mr.N.-Reseed, .t Guelph, MT. (hate, whose Meats . while under the indem s of Iigw, drove tate • millrace as/ w.a,a.srrwsd, resw.red Poo damages from the proprietors d tie two hebb st widish her Mishima premed the whiskey. The jury @.less* belle ed b emesseentbl amass. 1'h. ewes Is see which IMoes►heldees would de well to dip sad pets is their bats. TM 1•.d of the rose, thistle, Mamreck sad maple Mat will be dale repreemted in meg, maw sad story. The tables will .1.e be Mar.cteristio of the errantry repatriated. The various osmmrittees of the Young People's Society are working overtime is their efforts to make it • moire. Tea will be served from 6 to 8, whoa the musket en- tertainment oemmeaoes. One .dmiamios, -25c., admits to .11. G. C. I •Ku efiale Ou:erctto.-Amostiap of the Collegiate Waikato st dean was held remedy tor the p.rpoes of ergssizies a football club. Herb Robert/los was ap- pointed obrirmra,aod the eleotioa of Mimes seek plans as follows : Honorary preids.t. H. L Strang ; presides', Chas. Damien ; vine -presides., Alkyl Robertson ; era • treasurer. Meihnia McDonald ; ezemtiv. MO.ittes, D. l6/ns.. 8. Beckett, R. °Owen ; rotsile, Cherie. Steer" ; esFtsia, K. R. WM The executive nom • setae. was NtbM`ei to procure all the seminary requWrsisr the game. Fac AND GAMS Law..-Nedise M given of the following previsions of the laws re - latent to gaffe and 8.h : Duck shooting is prohibited mail let September : so Spring S Dootiag is .Uow.d. P•rtrides atomise is prohibited seed 15th September. Bas fish- inr it prohibited from 10th May to 30th June, both days inclusive. Speckled trout d.biag is prohibited from 15th September to let May, both days include& Pickerel came dates. Sunday Babies and hunting are pro- hibited. Saw dust may not be thrown into any water fr.luested by fish. No offal is to he lett upon any beach. Torok light fi.h• isg u prohibited. Ineestivorous birds may not be tilled or caught except hawks,orews, black birds sod F.eglim► sparrows. Fiel isg es premiss leased by •.other perms is pro- hibited. It se intended to esferee the above laws strictly. A Daum. F*iuu&--The bund rimer" which was o.aou.o.d for last Wednesday mesas/ tailed to materialize, sod as • result Me bead M oes.iderably out et pocket by the ewmrpries TM well -knows violinist, Gee. Fes, assisted by oaten of reputable islsat, bad bees envoi for the occasion, bat for obvious ramose the whole thing fell tbroagh. 1'b.1.. C. 1. At -Home proved • sires* roaster •ttractios, and only about • dose persona pet is a appearance and o0s- squenW the oonoert was declared of. The prime muse of the failure ma be attributed to the entire lack of proper •dvertidag. as very little was de.e to make the public aware that • oosoert was ming to be bell. It is poor economy to try to run as affair of i8a nature without the use of • r.spscteble • Mast of adverti.ir& and the bad Elea yentent surely recognize" that fact by this time. This isn't the Har time the band has bees bit bard by sparing at the spigot and letting out at the b.ag bole. ♦ San Deism. -A psrticulorly sad death took plain •t the rw.idena of Wm. Cmetelos Wert -.R, es Saturday showman hest. Mrs. Cestelsn's Miner, Mre. C. F. Br.okow. of West Climes•, Mich., with four children ere Matiag at the C.stolos residence. O5 Ms day .a.tien.d the little es.s were steedit* .road a table rehab* the .ether and •1.t Mks, at 18. same time Mashing sod ob•Wsg. Some west was Wes os the bbl., sad and o.e .t the Mildew', • hide tial of about 3 years of ase took • piece. A mo.ent atter petting the meet in its mouth the Mild was dead. The meet had entered the windpipe ad teetota- l; abut oft the Meath. Death was imam - imams, tan child not drugglis1 in the Mart. A'motor was 'riled bet if he bed Item there at the Me& .sthlr meld ben been der to ave the obit. The fewest took passe en Teesdey foros.os to Colborn. W err Home Lewirm & -- Lowe les mailmen M.Qeerri., !lasso sad Stevens mot in the ease of Lipeolor Paisley IoM Monday sad ... _MI the fsUowleg Bear Mr 1/9S%:- lafb.&--Ism. R.be.Mry. Che.. Wm, J. C. Miller, Bs8 & Mises. 9, Pike. The oppltaMss .f R. Mason wee left over hr a w.wk. when it will be ece- slaord. 8bw Y.s. 3. W. Ritter. 0.dorMb-Thea 189. J. W. Seeds, Jobs Mania, D. M.C.r.0.k. W. Crag, W. IMM. lasso. Urea Shoo -W. i_ Heels. W iyh.st---A. Ree. J. H. Deletes& Jobs 1>t.glep, Fred Kannada Jobs Semis. )lists. --J. idt(gh. Jobs M.Qtdd.. Jobs Bated A*Mt- J.•• Y•Bees6, Mesh Mali : Jobe Menem* Alen Tema Dm & MetallR 1- H. Delmas, Peet AMlctt O.Msme-Ws.. Ilse ._, Din- ky t Gan Ikeda. 1rp18r+. the .wit.- ti.s sf Jobs (hrroli beim leti ester far • awe t Ii. (a. Ihr ip.IOM 1s 1 JellstrMrr- Davalihr, Ila • week. Htt11elt--Jesek Keats, Ambers ; Jelin Beil. l.eadesber. Wawmas►, IL -Jobs Nits. Whiteah.rah. Warmish W. -Andrew M.Alu.wr. Bdh.L Wholesale Bww..I. ---Jacob Kat•, Ambers ; Jarvis ! Cw, S•ltferd. Emu ALASKA. --A■ btereeiiog totter from the Northwest Territory, in the vw- ity of Als.ks. M unavoidably merited o.t this week. A WaasI%. TO Reis•a•AY HOTS. - Jodie Tobts, Denny Sheehy, Job. Me - Maas sad John Riord•., bora whose era range from 12 to 15 years and whose homes are to Tot sato, were found re.sady in • box oar i. the Mosso yards i. • nearly tamithed mediae& The meth. started for ('him*& some days ago to nee the world. It was their intention to travel es freight tram at i.igbt, bat whom they left Tomato racy were locked is • boo ear sad could net get out until Chicago woe reach- ed. They suffered severely from lank of tood sod water, and Riordan 'eye McManus Memos very ill. They were rele•s.d from their oosfi.emoot me at • time by the roil• rood offline*, ..d is this number bases separated. Riordan applied to the pollee for a.wtasce and told the .tory ot their suf- (seises. The police are e.des,oruv to fled the missing boys sod return teem to Taro. - to. Riordan was earned over to • Merit. able imstitatio. until armaments era be made to Bead him back Gou.at.'n Orr -HAND Rin.= CLUB -- The Premiered, J. R. Shames. M.D., sad Vic.-Preeidest, D. 1reCormao, oboes side., and had • shoot for se oyster super am God Friday the 12th inst. The following M the wore. r'•mtI,tsT'e SIDS. Me J. R. Meows, M.D. . 37 Y R. Wterra 46 A. B. 'Myiso. 26 Win. Ramos 34 W. T. Welsh 25 R. W. Laps 30 M. McDonald ... 36 114 pits Taal. 31 22 16 31 18 2713 memo IIIMglrT's m1DL Its rd. See yds D.M.Cer.ti. x'40 To 36 F. J. T. Netted . 36 34 O. H. P.asiegtos 37 33 Wa Welles 32 28 Jas. Johann 41 23 Chas. Sim.mseL. 36 28 Ceps. Gress. 31 28 0r.ad Tot 68 68 66.342 43 57 6S 411 °fistula 6976 7 600 64 64 59 462 It will be sees that the Vise -President woo the match by fifty one pants The sup- per wiU be prepared by Jame Johastea, sad sand at his rwWrsst ou West street this week. Hocss or Raroo&-TM fluidise Com - mimeo d the How of Refuge. oos•mti5A of Misers Eilbr, Melena, Holt, MQDosald, Cook ed Karr, mist .t Clinton Tuesday, April 9th Inspector Chamberlain was us- able to Wood. The proposed rules sad regulation to govern otos and inmates its oonneet oe with the Home were gone erre• fully over. Salaries were reoommended as follows : lespec•r, who u to visit the Home oak a week, $100 per annum; Keeper, 1250; Matron, $150. In addition they reosive board, rooms, medical attendance, &c. Physician, $150, he te supply •11 neos•mry modicums, and make weekly visite, or often r, if required. These rules will be printed u osos and s copy supplied to each Reeve and Deputy, sloe to each applicant for any of the positions, and will be adopted .t the June l'o. Council with any eeoaary •moodmes&. Tenders were reosived from three firms for • windmill sod • 50 foot tower. After examining the various offers it was decided to sooept the 6ould,Shepley, & Muir Co's. offer from Brantford, 10 toot wheel sed tower, at $96.00. An order was arse rives to Jacob Millar, Chides, for • pump with gslvanired piping std • Parker cylinder, W Dost 127. The above figures Dever the necessary work is putties taw articles u their proper piece, • year's pim- entos Mer given as to'minimrios is work- ing. The House of Refuge, which in mow u nder eoeatructios, will be 44x120 fe.t,with wing 24:28 tint, all 2i stories high. Kam mess ceding will be eight test ; let and 2nd story 10 feet maws. Whim brick will be u sed in the 16 inch walls and • maw roof put on. The height to peak of roof will be 42 feet A lame was aimed for the use of the 50 sore farm foe season by Mr. Plum- ateel, sod the vresmest with Mr. MoBetb for the new bars •bo completed. (asair.ea Either was sathorixed to mist I..p•oter Chesberisim at Metes when th.t gentle- s era fit to ease. Reeve M.Murohie, who Is s me.br et the Committee was too ill to be present. Tits Rina oft Worrier. -During the past week Mere hen been • rash et people M the eine es WeM•M., where Ilse salvage of Armstr...E & Co.. from the moss" fire bas been disposed of, and se Rest w the tai Iy of would-be purchasers to crowd its, Wet the doors had to be kept looked for • eessidrable parties of the time to prevent oveeeeowdimg. For the time being it leek • ed se of the a wee quite • bit of money is the uenty yet, whom ports sought ber- ries. A,. OLP Oeot.•am DOT was is. i.awr•e. Is the ma of Taylor v. The Mddellws. moistly tried et Ba.I11su. 18. pWim.N wee "rsrdad $674 with semis. betas lbs fell amount of We .asass. The Sp•teir sale tbe lawyer for the pal[. who be • em of our immense, Jobs Wiskas/t•5 : fi F. Weeb sings sated ler the plaintiff, sad molted tan ed.ieutise et >i eethowe . sad W "Id's." b Ids famillearele with .thiol term mid the &Mc be tiepleyd let atom- •raniWes the a..teis for ib. a.fi.... Ra&jro NAteseot T.a. -The peed w Weal ter std .eei-1 wiser gseseest east 1 ___ wenf>r, ask el Rare setts pwrds. he he A teai` •Ala Gedris►-the best piss.the mate to ha ~psis midi 1en118•l bwrsfer.ielthre M at Oe(Itrs. Brea. To Smokers: Te .N 'Obs TvvYSeeK11ia ree=woe. ammo we Pissed wps.a.irbot A Oombination Ping of "T & B �I Spring Stock C omplete (treat reduction in pricer. for Cash. We mention only a few Special Lines this week All -Wool Dress Goods, Double Fold, 23c. ler yd., North 30c. 30c. (bode, worth 40c. 50c. Goods, worth 75c. 75e. Goods, worth 11.00. Prints, 29 inches wide, 5c. per yd., worth 7c. Aiso a special Line, 33 inches wide, at 10c. a yd. -well worth i 21c. All our Prints are warranted Fast Colors. White and Grey Cottons, Shirting's, Cottonades, Tickings, Sheet- ings, &c., at prices less than the cost of manufacture. Inspection anti comparison of prices invited. Terms strictly CASH. Butter Eggs, arc., taken as ('ash. 10th April, 1895. JAMES A. REI D, Jordan's Block, (:oderith. W. C. GOODE, - -has yon A- H0Rse os. CATTLE OWNER! 11 .o, this should interest you. CHEMIST.. HORSES become Sleek and Well when treated with ( ICP TONIC CONDITION I'OR'DER. Tone times up Were the Spring work ! 25e. a pew& ; b pewee ler EL ENGLISH HEALING OIL -beam everything he Willa op cute and sere. on Horses or Man. Keep it in the sled. .%11 the Leading patent NI edicinea...... . 17Remember our Medical Herb Tea, a good Spring Blood Purifier anti Tonic, 25 cts. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. YedeeOwile reties. 0)051.100. April 17. 1016, Fall Wheat. (mewl standard 0 M to 0 Or Feer family. per cwt 1 M to 190 Hoar. Fan. pee owl ...... 1 Il to 1 to Mar. teat. per owt Shorts. • tem ;4f 16 SO teltisi Beaes•101 e • tea.. 11 M telt M PPsr.: bush. II 5410 0 u Mar1ey two rowed. • book ....„ 8t liar Potatoes. bash. twee Setter. asp.ake/• Ma.... Wsed hit93m 50to7e 4Gto043 14 to 0 15 3to0 9 00.03M LS to 0 10 50 to 350 Mto141 �-. 30 to 4 M Daces - Ham. ter lb.. ....... .............. 26 to 523 10 to 0 10 10 to • 10 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left et this Office not later than Saturday soon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. €usual Advertiaementa accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. SMOKING TOBACCO. This supplies • "Meg hit want, gi ins time eonsuser Oahe 20 east Ow, or • 10 east piece re a 6 meet piece of the 6wsue "T it 9 " brand d pore Virginia Wawa TM Tao ?WTI i"Ywmelon Trarwllinr Guide. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ISOM AND To SODIUM/I Mixed 10.50 a.m. Mall and Express 1.48 p.m. Mixed 7.40 p.m. Mail and amen 9.35 p m. .5.451. "wised Ertpr.s sass e.m MMixeMall d and EamEamesp3.4t 50 a: Painting, and Sal.omining PO THE PUBLIC. -THE UNDER- '. Maned ere papered . do till kinds of Porramble Id � tg.too. mid guaranteed. Your order. solicited. 1311 D.MUNROS.CO. HOUSE CLEANING, PAPER HANG- INO. to. -The nadetsissed b prepared to do •11 Made of house demise. paper mom mg. palating. le.. es the shortest posdble .itis and at nisei reasonable rates. Lease orders at m Rommel. read, or card drop • 1* Pest ad I will cell en Toa let! DAVID SELi. Publie Notiess. NOTICE. -- ALL PERSONS FOUND tr.sp•mine on my lands by .bostlag. MAUD/, camping. Babies or otherwise will be p ....,o ted •ocrdi.r[ to taw. *Such lands aro the Haut farm in CMDrim Tp.. and the gree - •/1o. tuners d 0odsrias o *and ColborneYale . to the mws- E. CAMPION. V C.. X. BE:CHLER. 11 am rends. Preps. NOTICE. THE ATLANTIC AND tike Superior Railway Company will apply to the r demist of Canada. at Its next *..dos, for the pesetas et the as euthenists( it Wester kW ts tor the punkas, or lam d, r t l veanR.ssats with the Combat Counties limy Company, The Canada AdaSe Railway Company, The Ottawa. Anspsior and Parry Sound Railway Osmpay. The Grayed Trask Railway Go. - posy. The Breekvtlle, Westport and meas Bt. Mail. Railway Cempa•1. The Demonist! County fb/lway Company. The V.JWA ( ties Railway Company, The &meth e MII .�svp.iyy =caste..rs. sed with any other p_1 waw Uses osgsset with the railway of We sm.pmy. and Se ..185510s the aforesaid ppeaa ethorise 8. into 811111 spat oonsli=se.1 •im• brtieGIN Sla h Sm. from he M tb. et Hewte es et ..eMeter su Linke Herta. mad • ee to mason its .h/lap8 lies with the 8.r5ens TdwrspW emote= by imams or *sable sorer the A Mestteal, Mk Jsa hest }LOAN, 11-tt hr Apollo's's. NO -TO -RAC. QPllliha liEDsanuzS PA Jofi.SRY D Hoorne IP_AIi.A, -- - - ME DODD'S ('VRL wilLIMMIll MOM FILM . tar Me BLOOD. Our Own powder 25c. per pound J. WILSON'S TICRiPTiON DRUG STORE. Dahl• Wasted. WANTED. - SEVENTY-FIVE DRY COWS AND Tall= - YEAR -OLD HEi1RR&-P•rtiu. bevies A -le ter sale will please seed poet card er esq.ire of J. C. MARTIN at the Colborne 111sees. Ooderio8. 2t Nodes to Creditors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In 1k. Matter o' Armstrong d! Co.. of the Torn of (Joderick, in the County of Heron. Notion is hereby given, that the above named Armero•t & Co. have made an •sbiment to s anther the provisions of Chapter tet. R. S. O , MO of all their estate and interne u trust ter tie it�wat at all their creditor ♦ ..mt16e s et the of the mid estate is hereby seavesed and will b• held is the law *Mom of 01bber. McNab t Stalkers, London on Monday, 18.12.4 day of April, 4.1). 1816, at 1 M o'clock he the attentions. for the appolwt- tnest of i.spast.rsa•d the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the said er tote. All creditors of the said estate are here by required to Ile their claims with my solicitors. Gibbous. McNob It Mulk.•ra, Loo don las directed by the mid statute'. on or be- fore the day of sock meeting. After June IK, 1816, 1 shall proceed to distribute the said es- tate, having regard only to esek claims as I shall have •oboe ot. and 1 shall not be respon- sible for the assets of the soul estate or any part thenot.•to •ay person or pennies whose claim or claims Wail not have been Sled. Dated the 10411 day of April, A.D. 1395. GIBBONS. MCNABt SIUI.HERN. 8nliefte@s tor Trustees Lo•doa. PALMER 8MITH. Trustee. 112o NOTICE ro CREDITORS. 18. the matter of Margaret I1•itons, late of the Town of Ooderiek, in the Corals of Heron. H"edea, Deceased. Notice 1s hereby given that all creditors baying claims or demands against the estate et the said Margret Wilson who died on or about the 21.t day of Marcs A. i) Bali. are r'e- yuired.te send by Dost or to deliver** the us- ed. at (.oderlch pest °Mee. the E:eoa- ter a the last will sad testament of the maid at.os�sed. ea or before the Lite day of May next. their names. addressee and full p•rticu- hue of their claim and the mature of the secur- ities lit WIN l held by Inc., and after the said date the maid executor wall proceed to dletritti ante 18. assets of t be said deceased among the stomia estited thereto. retard being had Daly to the dales of which notice has been receiv- ed, and the Executor will sot be liable for the motets or any part ther+o( to any person notice of whose cleim shall not have been re - Calved at the time Meech dlettibutioa, Dated at God.ricb. this 916 day of April. IWO. W, 1'Rul- DIhwT. Executor of Margaret W Iles, I *crewed. Properly air Gale or for Rent. ,i 0R SALE. -A 'BARGAIN -2 STORY 1£ tram* home. double windowa through- out. hard and soft water, stable, all in seed ardor. TM shove hoes• sad la will be sold u publle samba ea Saturday 27th ism., at K nee's Asstien Ream. Also a few .cacti household articles. lsdudla* • greed Gabler 7 octave pans will be oErred by private treaty at the Muse duress the next ten days Appy at the how H. CLUCAB, 13 11 Bt. David's St. !se wises .f Mem 8.718. -i bled Hrry fey the bat were you aavM. It= ea emit old amain me Oda sad �11�1!seifs ; 1 wwM baste by OrwriilE Slee epee feetber beet f r abbe? LION Tea 2 STORY COTTAGE 1' reef bow es 80.that. Appy to A. B. OORNBLL• tv0ture dealer. lilt L OR SALE OR FOR RENT. -THE 1' Cosesr ml Hotel, (Mateo. also the Queen's Hotel sod store, Exndr with stable mid sheds attached. 708 BALE-EweMit lot 4, con. 2, Weat Nisoarl. eostalala5 00 scree : mind la 11. nos. 1. West N neourl, ow- taisimg 900 scree. Apply to JOHN ROtBSIER. B on miller P 0. Hatt 1 OR SALR. -CHEAP, ON EASY 1 TERM& West half of lot a Cenoseeiw rte, woes wawasselt. 110 sorsa A well unproved farm. Lots s. 9 and tart 10. enbdlvidon of Mock R. cements, about M scree. TO LET -The shop lately occupied by the late Thos. Seed. Apply to M. G. JOHNSTON. barrister, Gide rich. 55.11 IVOR SALE. -N. 4 LOT 31, IND 00N - A.1 w•weasdt• IN sores. This le •ray, Appy . �P seem lee ONfG- PRESCRIPTIONS THESE we inake a speciality in our business. giving them our ut- moot care and attention, and be- sides, the public can req assured that the essential points-- Ipt-ItITY OF DRUGS ABSOLUTE ACCURACY AND CAREFULNZ S -- are strictly observed in the com- pounding of prescriptions at "THE PHARMACY." CHAS. D. WILLIAMS, Geld ll.delr.t. Cbstsiist and Druggist. South Side Square. (:odericb. Ont. J.E. DAVIS. HAVING just completed a course at the Cana- dian Optical Insti- tute, I Mi* now pre- pared to correctly tit all defects of vis- ion, due Ile errors of refraction, ac- commodation or con- vergence. J. E. DAVIS, Ph.. B. Druggist k Optician. ABOUT W INDOW SHADES ! They are a necessity. It pays to get the Best. Our Stock was never more complete than at present. The largest line of Trimmings in Laces, Embroideries, Fringes, kc., (our own importation) ever shown in Go'lerich. Manufacturing on the premises all the best Zine of Shades, and importing our own Trimmings, Ac., we ars. In a position to five our customer- closer prises and larger assortment to select from than can be had at any ether place. Any odd size roadie while you wait for it, We use the beat hand - suede Shade Cloth obtainable. The longest experience of any dealer in the county. VALUABLI FARMS AND TOWN Let pUR 8A RENT, - Let O 1. the esue.sren ems- PM meitMstlwg moat, leis m res. II ' Seas. Bern ex lawny new, geed et chose (reit. Nit_ well watered v1b meek. as 5eWe51 Y(l�a�tt ie .10is w8 NOX. .�rst�M..sr.et easy ss e Lake roe• w c o Meaty. dl treatliweltem Tewu•htp of 0.1henna essafia of - ian ileariZZInilof HaaMesularr f g�.u�11p�0� Waw ad sem forms Apply to JOHN <saUX. Anotias OM 111144.71 R. lobe n.yy 15 the tew.ehlp of >A •mus 5ese er as. en t a hens hemp bar. and @Whims. About 42.... 7SUm/re8.d desks bait, About ae of bash. TSM term le ekkmtdered • egnalai farm.. Tbe�'st rm ems be l{p5s•Ipp1f io ++JOHN 1<NOX� aL Trwry sae ler b Meebwt ell is M 'BO*. = "'INS' « ' WiL%IER SMITH,- ••• SMITH'S FURNITURE & ART D Post LOOM slid liaring01 Ifs. 1 r 18 NOT W*AT ?80 >tARlf >NZ WHAT YOU SATs, MAKES YGt}H110111. THE HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1101.terTowa.- Caniero.. Holt sad Holmes. DeroorTo interest thempou•d every six mouths at four pert cont. per .11041in o..oe from use dollar upwards. i)•poeltors will Sad it to their advantage to wen .ad w tri Lours- Mney he secured at any time without daisy ea the security of approved desbable apse . Ex moderato ♦pptle•tlone rosa1v5 y t8. Manager er macaws. The 011. 'b a bre re goted es Norte Street 1peem Mated S.r►--opposite Hums" war. HORAOR J. H. COLHORNE, Prendent. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL SASH. DOUR AND BL1JiD FACTORY. I take 58.iseeere M blM 1nf rm the pa bile i ani W M ■ t beriese 1111awatw.dies all rimers oath* ossuary. sus ee M over, mon or work nem • wlsdew fame so morass a walk mwaard red. Sytts.ten s sompeles Mated. Tee t .881*g of belles/ .atrial. mob se lath. Mb'gl.e kid kaiser • sp*st•ity. 7. SMEBTH. 0e4tmiek, .1.ly t4* VIOL Made. '1 MOM 1. wW, TRAMS OV