HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-4-18, Page 4r, 1 Ik t Ida d THE SIGNAL : OODERICH. ONT. THHRSDA y APRIL 18. I81+5. kt $'guzl r.wt_ae EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ay $, massa U8V .T. Otac. of Pv►Ustise-e and IS. Aertimi est, O.d•re* Otilarta Terme .r ..i..ryde. • Dee.ee.th, i..Jeaaos Three mnatw, 0.. 7aer. 118 i L..b at 8..m Label. Your label is • otaa4$ag raaslot of the dor so which you are paid ap. See that it le .at allowed t. (all lag* .near. R'heo • change of address le ds.tred. both the old cad the new address Oswald be even. Adv•ratsSag Sates add otter ore.al advenhos.nta, Ne. 1brr se for lust t•eertlea• and a cents per Sae t e.p sii aasls.e.t isserti0.. ltea.ared by M.a(sess o.rds.1 Ws liveo and ostler. M oer rear. Advenbeerato of tweet. resod. Strayed ttlt.att.aa Vaoaat'tn•tloae Wasted cad . 'J s w BtsIRe(hawse Wanted, set exoesdt•g 1 Uses .osparetl, 111 per tnonth. Rousse •. :Mir And Farina o. Sala sot t0 •.00.4 1 lines. ill for Aro moth. Me. per ua►- satmeat month, larger advt.. b peeprtitl.. et whish Lay special maim oon!nemft•a��e1• promo* the pecuniary the iary hen= et 887 aa• "ideal . Gossp•a veetis.me•t sad charred .... , Y Leon aoter 1. aonp.roil limps e.• cwt per wend. so ..doss leas tha. Me, Leo•I mottoes is ordinary readies type two aims per ward. No notion for lees tin Eels. Notices for churches and other religious sad beaevole.t tnstltutlone ball Rte, *beat ••T1s alined** S811..,y. 8.heeriber who fall to reoslve Tau Stow •L regularly, either by carrier or by wall. will oo.ter • favor by souuatetta7 as of the tact .t as early • dater poeelblet Roj.,ted manuscripts roar be tetaraed. Ootreeposde.oe meat be writts on one side or paper only. P.Nlaber'e Settee. J. C. ler Tousel, of OMerloh, W been •p .ship• ofnted O derki,vColboorne.ng for 118. to... wattoeA, As►d.hd and a Lanai postmasters ever the district are neo empowered to receive subscriptions 10 Tito SIGN •L L11 oommutilestleer must he addressed to D McOILL2CUDDY, TwaYeii teh. Oat rewrbo.• maze YODIRICB. THURSDAY, APRIL 111. 11191. SNAP SHOTS. -le West Heide ie twil ee .weed at Ottawa them anis -The Dominion Parliament '.I1 .seat today 8.d the session pronnese to be • record breaker. -If • prohibitory duty was ut apo. this Europese aortae the Candia. people would rejoice. - -As we go to press we have not learned whether the bye-Ol.otices were h y- eleatios. er otherwise. -We have heard a good deal about " Woman's Sphere," bat as tact it meem to have materialised he The Weta.a'. Globe' -The attendance of ladies at the charaMs S..Ly last we particularly (arts, sod the dispay of millinery was up to date. -What has this constituency done that it is to be disfranchised daring the last •.d perhaps the most important session of Parlament 7 -lion. t'LARKE WALLACE has ia•a bobsobbing •t Wahi.c(teo with the U. S. Secretary of the Treasury. Trees. ' Tresses' : Treason ' ' 1 Sieaforth declines to accept the mammon that Mrs. Barrow is • native of that tkrivi.g tows. Aad we don't blame Ssfortb for the disclaimer. In the effete Last_ -around and about Toronto sad Humilis -the tollgate is still kin*, but the newspapers down that way are hoping for better things. What with the two acre •xetnp- troo on farm IRRd, and the potato patch rebate, Toronto will this year win • big repotatlon as an agrieultnral centre. If these little by-elections make such a breeze on the political .s, won't then be . earoclydoo when the Resets/ el- ection strikes We sangria* o0asry f the parliamentarians and legislators all .ways pease fres the rail- way companies why Rot .b•1ish the mile - are What u tit* mileage for, anyway Judging by the easy manner in whish CLARK • W AI.LACR he piped rowed Sal lewisl. uOs, oRe would be almost uof..d to believe that ,awls swallowed the whale. Now .Sid it happen that the Premier did oot put himself on re'otd by aiding hie cohorts is Beldiad, Veederem, West Quebec and Antigone! ' A leader's ditty is to led. lion. J. C. PArrsencoe rebuking an "outsider " for darial to presume to rep- resent Haldimaad, is a dent oakubted to bring tare of mirth to the eyes d the peo- ple of Esser and Huron. If the hvewleotion. have .lone nothing ear they hat. dmee.etraeed tot we bare to (hard% Sods, s Governmwt that expecte its felliewees8s hep sty se !if - forest music is e•+.1 the Preve.oee. Hour. Rtallltlr exp&I., the Tory or- ganiser is Reldis..d, seed Rost. i 1811►wn- ■Ae, (:reed Msentary of the Orange Order. are ow cad the mien. per.... by. Jnru. a.d Mr. Pratt ere set* it with Bee. A --.Name of the iarse aro senors for Mr. LAt•.tsit to speak est se the Mad- tohs Scheel geestiea 1 . hes spells sa, ..d will epsk oat ewes--* the proper Me. Mr. i.•ea(sa sever wee • gabbier. --While Kr ORA11ur Turpin the Yeager is denying sees gad emeditess w..Y it set M In order ler him to eine that the Ilan' Sege. hems egad apples's' el Lela Breasts were ager eesinme by OWcent whits he wee the -18degbheir aerthe V 4. IL tar win lharssnsa With es ••rtt1y-yils4M drier si..e.116,- 000,000 ler the preset Sisal peer. The thumbscrew end eget el tacit bggbhtiee will have to be renere.d to it the sa eselea- iss coatieue in paws.. ELECTION DAY SHOULD BE NAME THE Montreal Star of Monday lied • oerata08 tease editorial trivia.( coal. moot - lest reaeume why • day for the ltoldi•g of the sierra elective should be set. 1t *lame that boeisses is disturbed by the w- eortaiaty that attaches to the present i.- dednite situation ; that the O•vsr.mo.s ssnnot hope to .oriels • son epos time Opp••rues by keeps..,( libo date a caret; that the Swum should sot be held until Antrim, rhes the agriculturist would at he tee busy to Eska actin part in the cam - mugs ; .ed that caw if tat °overtrain hoped to catch the opposition asppier by keeping the day of •tech.. • secret, the policy is wrest to the electorate, u•tair to the opponents of the Government, and cow- ardly .4118.1. It a also hoped that the .me.i.s short oommeooe will not bee mere pretence 10 far as aotrai work te eitessrsod, sod •het effort will be made M 118 the eeti,aa tkre.eh, to the 4.triean tit ass•msry Statics, thereby allowing usirbn to drs the e.ssiss•1 allowance without hose taming it. Our kestrel .on.sponry, whisk bns1.4..e leaaed toward the Uover.men sid., speaks word. of soberness sod truth the hese westi.sed. The date of siestas should not be ist the book or sell d a mil being Ministry, Mt should h. Axed Statute ; sod the time for .ha meeting Parliament .bean be axed se d.iattely is the meeting et tat dont, coacil. This matter of plays battledore shuttl.00ek with Parliament to slit whim, sprint or *sigma, of • dosses •a Ottawa u • ciiag that should .o be talerscsd, and we hope when the Lifter tum. Est tato power -•a got is they will When the polls aro sect hind yd frees -certain ix and well -dei mon i0s will mos ase sad the date el Ilea the tlets d aseet- 1 g sod iii iiiloiiJ df e ssiob *Til petty is power. !sleet in the winks wee • Saeed of bens "�t.k47.4 ehm4. Osede•ses slaw ese obi i.s t tie .1 prehd es • ledge sten. a • Lt - eel • preen &awbl Gard. The display e/ erre.U.r.l imp* mals ever made s 0ederieli by • Ise 0. • en ems sew he ems a the seepbme•t werereew d Jeb Keel, N•irems et op- posite sh• Celbores Hotel. The drpiyy sashes w•Madera: plow., Beed drills, tria dose n.. mower., .lie., .d ire frem the eal.er ted maeenteteris et Plane, .1 LEer.elt, •..d Ceokehute, .4 Breadsrd. Mr. Knee shim" be is able to de baser y thee. el the lassies oommuslty who call at she warren'. *S. be so Ity .mnvss.fpg thresh the ewetry. H. seas 141M he firm the betse& et s... tat sa- tireas she weserems. ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING. 1...ss et A � sea• to lie. Weston The satoi vestry msti.[ was hell in St (leery(.'. einna 8. S. ream en Mesday, April 15th. Then were present the rector. Rev. M. Turnbull, b the cbatr ; H. Lockwood, tam Porter, March warden. ; !t. Radolifek P. Holt, K. Heaton. X. Graham, R. Yr. Carrie. D. J. Netted, E. Weeders*, Jas. Shepherd, fess. Salkeld, et., Jet. Salkeld, H. Hoes.., 1t S. William*, W. Brophy, W. Dowding sed R L.To.se& Musses of Let tsetse were reed end Oe ties of Meese RadoluD. mad Lock- w.ed the tre•.arer', report was Os erotica of Mears. Reit .ad Redcliffe, Mr. Lockwood wee appointed the people's ahem warden. The manual report 4 the inner wee pr.. emoted sad adopted. T� thea appointed sea Parts. se his Os Yodes et Messrs. Wkdd and aG�rpaohtaame, Mesa Radcliffe sal Holt were • Oa ted *i.. Mas eras. �& mad ye.. - Leek wood, the salaries of the .beam • Sere se Axed ae follow., arsenal 1200, ..ss.., 5125, .heir master 560, orgies blower $20. The Teeter toes read • report les altering present system d .peas/ ..U.eei.n. lo - seed .f byte* • mars o[ vow seller tic.e ie the year lee aggested wt • assess of the congregation be look. Mt& fofvflette of those coutributher, he here it sent Se say ewVote. of ask we of special edisetiese weed. �. tendered t• the fol- bw'io% :-alta Halt ..d Mie Devi., for e. - minis( church ward...; Mr. Wmtehered, seemesia( repairs te Sergi ; Asir mess d mad * the wtrbimdmt and temeb.ee of the $u.dy ..he*. f3 Leskwed gees ashes et scan.n re. free pews at sett The Vestry Mee .nerd formed bd.Ms�ts he the m/p.i. to .Seel lay TTMeesre.twHolltt •.i chairman..4-ere _ duly elected me delegates dSynod. the. di The ies deet ing them rooter. adjourned with low.. to S0 . o w Ely has on y of r and the mea Wager ed 7 LipiEre, Mail, having absorbed The and felt that it was ma more " [leg of the Ca' eta " aeon its Tory ooa- irers., is getting it daily is the ribs trees The Toronto World, whisk is gn..tasang the party loyalty •i the owners of the rival sheet. They .re a happy i•m+1y. ROSKBERRY is hieing his sleep and CH.aaaai..nt is bats[ the aosad•oo• .f hit Tory allies. Now, if Sir WILLIAM VERNON Hennes? were to lose hen, sad Lenart -sena were to los. • little d his stinging rereems, it would not los se m..h of • Eoss as to the ass Of the other tw• p•rli•meat ry celebrities. THE Hon. JaN.s COLCSOokI PAT - means., termariy the Caaadian War Lord, resigned his patios i. the Cabinet bem..e of ill health, so it is said, mod yet we Aad Mt he wee is the eorimm re u Haldiwd, Yammer and toga Wise bad este, pagan Indian. sad the other lively attril.te..1 the lighting forms is Haldiesaod, one would incline to think that H•lditnand wee rather a peculiar resort for an invalid to attend at this time of the year. ONE of President Liacomm.8 stories, told 1n • speech made by 18oe in the How of Representatives in 1848, was about a dru.ks fellow who had been .barged in ,outt with theft. The Dark read the on. dissent until he goo so cad through the words, " did steal. take and carry away ten boars, ten sows, sea sheat' and tee pig..-' whoa the primer exalsiseed. " Well, by golly. that is the meet evenly divided gang of bog' I ever did hear et." Anybody met- a upon the pretest sedition et the Cea- eervative party would be tempted to make • .Sellar remark. TO CORRESPONDENTS. If our esteemed ogrrspo.dente world en- deavor to get is their b.dert& to thi. cis not later than Tuesday maim they would oo.fer • treat favor oil THE SIGNAL. The [taper goes to prom W.d.sday soh week, and there is always a cruse el matter on the Int day, se that oosdon.11y some very is - Wresting .tatter i. unavoidably crowded out. LOCAL BRIEFS. Heuescleaning is sow the order of the day. Ora* Waddell has *ken • position i. Sturdy Rtes. Grad ..bevel tea Knox church an Thursday, Apr. 28i18. The feed•pen for J. jIliter's exchange stable. 18.. her bid on Meet -et. Rev. Jos Galloway prsohed aoe.piab y io Vieteria.et .18.reh, hest h..d•y. Oast tuim eyes epee the list of sew fives, pus. I. Sae.thi*8 in it may inter est yea The 00afl ley with the doh subsoripties 1 .t is worrying the life oat of the heehaw una these days Navigatina is sow pesetieslly open. The harbor is ohs and eseper.ttvefy lista tee se be seen oat es the bks Deal target that oar well paper is see id sat hog o• tgedais. 1... ab.epaearly s .d y . .hoses from. Mae H1awenta. 1'b. Fair. Our bs.krrpt Meek of wall papers ls .till Mdl a.sortod mad we will be eilsd le mein yew orders for them. Ven will 6d err away down. Mame Mina min, To. Fah. Geed Friday Meseta H. Heber, Thee. Bele. seed F. Hale reds ee RayIdd. When retersing Me lamer in sees way breke hi. Marl .tad had to hire • BRy4.id livery ee get her. The ices beechen watch .l the mean ts.k nem at 8hsw's heal yesterday be - Meese • tae fres the Godwin ba.dal! .h1► wad w os..pww,t Si bps .he 'pew the great tswitei erosions Iler relief ir.s ha seem Assn• her et w his hese moan Is hmy sego taw Mehra tido week sed kW*. 'goons" Mil seen ssemeswa Iseperial • semi el thgwe.ertaoldeli eet.�S CARLOW. TUESDAY, April 16. A few farmers iu tide vioiaity bee began Miss Burrww. spent Ester visiting frisch i. Clings sad vicinity. 8ug•r raki.g i. about over. The nut this year wee below the average. Mies Mad 8011..•, who hes bees drew 088181881.08418.18, hes retuned hose. A number of wild some ben been seen feeding on the fall wisest golds in this vi- cinity. Johnny Ret your gust. The Sprieg peon..s to be late enc : ne seeding lees am yet bees doss, Hy the 18th of April last year same farmers were dare. Coamdgrakfe iateress is being takes in the bye -elections held es Wednesday. Judith', fres the streams shown to.leff Mc(hmrtby ie Ha{ ihnond.s•.y predict that diet= he Seeaeeary el Sine is gairp( to b. left A weak thief has ban seeing meneider- a►le .farm smog the people of this vicin- ity. 8o serrate have people felt in triaged* n eighborhood in the pest that it use • rare tbiag to and a how lacked. However, a change has come within the los few weeks. A number of nesse lied snare hen hes entered, sod w18.e the pepse arses in the me'siong they hn fogad thenesdvee sinss some rideable clothing, in .f preserves, cake.. pies, butter, bred. see. The lest is Morris date wee • visit is the R quantity tarried c • el haat win was g 7 newness. Saa- peioe este he'll upon • )coat sen who wee ems prowling aroued there .beet He a sheet 5 h. dea Se esk hair complesies, diem shaved, rather broad holed, short that week, .teat built, hes a. Keehn seas* ie talking, wears Meek sat, rather lop b the eleecem,brow. .tripod pests, leer shoes, the mark he lessee in the seed is .beat eight i.ohe. long - rather • eta mark- tees mark -with the ttars- eel outward. From thane Morrie' be went Se Job. McN.►b's stable, when he made a hell is the straw, sad freta there berth Meat the side read, then the sarin were traced acmes Henry Omsk Acid is to his Cr". rFrom n e theall tram wlest mares eorreepand exactly with theme that wen made .hoot ewe weekks ago when he trisd to enter Remy Oree. s home through the window, hes wee drives beak with ea igen poker. Berne es should sake him ie hand sad see that he is pet te • Wee where he we.'t melees people RAYFIELO. TU.aDAY, April 16. Mrs Rte. 8t•.bery left tens es OMR- day to net hands u leaden Sesta. Deol riete-Be sen to get te Cellars' Hr iwaf yen t to get spa• -date carpels Wes M•Clesk•y and Miss Pert•rleid, the tows wheel tesehrs, ere speed** their Keeler he1Wp at hese, Mi.. Menses R.ebd retuned to her hoes <r Klemm.o lest wish. Mier .p..d 18 math' with her relatives el this Miss Um* Ferguson r s reed teem trees (loderia\ se Fridall where die hes bum st- main she High Behest She wild reran esti! shed Marts alis. Master Ws Tippet it hese frees yea. tattle to sped laser holidays. John dew retuned to Bsyadd, atter zzttthe Winer at Nein with his Mea Jaa Meta Omens -TM.. .b failed s atee.d the pobib shed semen is the rens Ha11 es7�w.rd.yMess�romiinee,, 11eh MLA mind the lam sew* ever air the WL 1 ren lino the Mehra hal hem pt.gme4 and Sewed srdel Wanly. The.,. Jaskestam by elms of fm wilt end Mee OM* IN Mama W Tamer ed Dodoes sea.. deans. .ed Min Ada. 0 w MM�1�i. an reedited n w deb le �p M. is waHsaa Pow KNOWLEDGE Brings 5mfort and impro ummt..J bends to personal enjoyment when rightly e.ed. The many, who Sive bet. Ise th•a a bers►and enjoy life more, with lam a psoditere, by more promptly md•pfiag tie world's beet produces to the phrasal being. wi1.! at te.t the flaw to hmeMe et the curt Missal laxative principles eml.:,.c.rd is ate remedy, Syrup est Pier 1te excellence is di r io its presenting in the forte rout L .'• coals'a and pigm- ent to the taste, tits n ire king and truly beneficial prop.rti.. a[ • perfoet lax- ative ; effectually c iwnsing the system, dispelling colds, b. when and fevers permanently c tag eottadpation. It km given aatisfact . n to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, became it Ws on the Kid- neys. Liver and Bowei. without weak- ening theta and it it i..'-lcctly fres from every objectionable subatomic.. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug - gime is 76o. bottle*„ but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, wee name is printed on *very p•ek•ss, also the we. Syrup of Figs, aced bang well iaformed. you will not cove* any substitute if osmrsd. OVER THE HURON TRACT. The Grist from the Leets BUIL L ,weeny Mast of Ws.iy Sows served me to Seth Meryb•b-fres! and Noelle aged sad eemee.ee t ili.e7 Meet... Seafertb : Jelin F. Daly has disposed kis driver to Mr. Wailmae.ot Godwin shop. Morris : Walter law has epin the earth he fired mors at the A. Roisters farm, Mom. Byth : James 81ms left an Meds lest week Isr Egr..dvill., whore *Ism speed the forss eas61p of a large black Exeter : A reward of 5200 s being by the Exeter C...ai1 for the guilty who est ire to the Mout Street Method "burs. Morris : We are informed that J Theell had leased the entire estate fres, mother sod yo.K•e brother for • tum Befi(r.v. : Wm. Wiley, of Belgravia the miafertese to fall through • trap b Jew. C.aaphe1Ps bre i.junag k severely. Blytb : R. H. Co..., et Clint..., settled u pew. sal is opesi g up • market as Mealy street, met to Masi grocery. Blyth : By the •es.mer's sauce H W for mod ;a pop.l.swm during the year freta 913 to 987, ea maroon of 74 the year. Morrie : Capt Jaa Strat0. and wife rived hems lain week treat a pleasure *0 Celan" .ad Kangas. They en' their nit very mesh. Wia gham: Aa a0hnage of properties pias. a few day. ago, Mr. Parish giving test property in 884.. fareMeat for Exeter: A. R. Kkmeesn, et Rester, jest Gabbed his iv...ache' term he D..t•I Collage of O.terio end hes hese .emdul is the examination et the dese of term. Lowlier, : John Dentate Mims Rens wen made sae and wits on Wednes- day, Vth ult. About see huedted ps *tressed Rev. ler. Musgrave sol.s.ixs notion. Belgian : A. L B A., formerly B.Ltt.ye, has hes ( tn*d •.d treated d�pIo.�• from Knox Toronto, thus he in sow a Intl -6d minister of Ges d. Rester : T. A. Brown, who ten* Reser Pablia Scheel for tour yeses, ftsee appointed teaobsr of meek i. Stratford Pantie Schools at a very reissues ative misty. Wishes : J. H. Hainaut, bathes swirly aimed up the ft84.ds of the b firm el Orr t Himooe41., will shortly les fee she A.erie•. "See.' where he expects to reside in future. 131.•vmis : Joseph MoPh•r.es, • forever llienshe hey, hes hem promoted to the m...psc.t al the certain p•rtsent is the w.rehe..e el�C. seep* Adams k Cw., bete.-frrnish.r., Torest's. Bl : A sess+nif el the dinars el the Myth Cheese ft Setter 0.. wet held in nM CbssereMJ betel w Saturday. The oo.- tnet i t the i.terier Ittfaye, wee awarded t• 1. (i. Moser, the prim. blow $330. ltlytk : A.dr.w You. amid Easily, for • .umber of years reelde.h of Helloes, left by the .e.. trite es Tuesday tar Meniteb•, where hew. � P184 b ab their Evicts .rent. •ss.n0•nisd ilea Wheels* : H. W. C.Meyer, Q. c. el base C• algary, .1W.8 was diies vulse ache .see. Mr. Meyer's .esereas_Winners triwdt reamewere d Calgate see rim y es M Salt .welt He W W. H. Banes. seph.w .f Jahn Ter. Tie.wrer, sod . fer- nier pupil et Mahan Polite hem Ilkodyebbion Nrtaeif et KmReheat w .him }eery he armeUM d • £.,..d Bruetla : lest week S•ertsl Rime meld hie hems end 1st en Aileen .teed i Joh. McU.asen, .l Grey township, ler SEW Mr. Rivers wild likely ruse.. le Tee.w.eer, Mr. McD...41, who hes meld hie lees, will ene be De m is then the let •t May. s age Dr. ilsett. ef 18 Ions. , omb• er dml• �ytne et themenehbreel Durban (ii vee, •ensu sod �•a�b,Ger, I Ines They were sired by D. boowted ' Repel Raw. eel en y iresk S., wtitnWnte sbehem .l tetra - mated K. y •f ac- .m1th oter.d petty Lt aures hue of had bole imsell he meat f'a y118 past for •r• top ws•d took hi. Mr. h.s the ste- the Mary the of • e 4. the has the be LIC ANSI MIR J%t shs`oneftte FIRE SALE! KID GLOVES. Cr7=1.111 sed) Perrin's "Bourbon," 4 But -f -Perrin's " Bretagne,'" ~f ton Genuine French Sidi Stud, Lace Hook, Tans and Tans and Black, all sizes- Black, all sizes, No Better 534 to 7, q $L25 Glove1.2in eual Godterichtoany,Hld Gloves Made, Sale Sale Price, - - 50c,1 Price, - - - 95c - Good Black Kid Gloves, 50c. Good Tan Hid Gloves, 39c. Damaged Gloves at Special Prices. The following Stocks received very little damage and are on sale at prices no merchant can regularly boy at : Table Linens, Grey and White Cotton, Lace Curtains, Art Mullins, Cretonnes, Ladies' Canes, Men's Clothing, Overcoats, Rubber Coad Ise. . By the end of this week we will awn forward many lines which we found it impossible to mark during the opening crush. This is a rare opportunity to get Bar- gain& MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, under charge of Miss Green, in Rooms over Store. Everything at Clearing Prices ! The Importance - - of Tailoring. That to to which mankind gives the most thought must be that which is of the greatest interest, and the subject it thus di8tingu rhes must be ofparamount importance. What this subject is no one can doubt who is of miliar with the social conditions of civilization, for everywhere that men are civilized the thought they give to clothes undoubtedly exceeds in intensity that which they give to any other subject. Man thinks of his Clothes at all times except when bathing or asleep, for they are always necessary to his comfort, conven- ience and presentability. In the morning they demand his careful at- tention ; if they are too warm or not warm enough at any time he can- not forget them ; if they are comfortable he thinks of them with plea- sure, but if they are not he execrates them ; if they improve hitt ap- pearance he admires them, but if they are unbecoming to him, and he knows it, he detests them. They concern him always. To order them i8 a serious business, but ae to where to order them there need be no doubt, as PRIDHAM, THE TAILOR, is up-to-date in his business and, guarantees .satisfaction in every par- ticular. F. J. PRIDHAM. her .$ hole bathes is a very simple env was sheet to bate a sleigh sod fad b the ad et de iag se, She hetes weed, derewi.y her assist • the sleigh. with the shove remelt. Rhonda : Mrs. Toon•. Gales is the peo.d passenger ei • milk jog. whin is see - paned te be at Meet 126 lent *Id. The jog i. heliotrope sod whoa O. the (rent of it 1. mimed wideet work is she lies and the m- oors ; es ane yide a deer end dream sod es the ether side • lion mad cabs. Sneer* : Jells P. Gibe.. • lesser resi- dent •f Ssgoden ferah, g.-i.-l•w el Thome DAvi g.1•s, et H.Ilet*, bus .owe Ptyn•.th essay, lows, writes a that he has j..t eld his 940 awe ism in that eo.tty for 1113,700, •.d has biess a 600 sees Ism* Denims se.a*y, peAti therefor 519,000. Metria : At the sale of the late Archibald Beat, es Teensy t, nth. 900 sen term enosedis Mends, by Yai°etim Lamm, .1 we pet.. ler 18030. The term isgrdmmti sielWlo ei•j_ a._ seek miming sod in per•ss Mr. Less* will us t.ToaPler �seet Reelerth c T. A. Me1enms., et tier hes lust p...d • mese sss..s.fd .xaodr.. Yen et the l.ende. Media* Meal, ewrtviaS kneoll a hence b throe gabfests. ord= chat In w dot This is dontlp .ndit.y. e Mr. Modommura es he did set aster the same mad elms time Ow the Mon cad otemereaeL Roam : 18..844y ,,MMw Willie M«p.rd, .liob alma primed keg had The � SW low sr playlet 1s de weds ret.. et dee tread .eme item dod we Awned illy Seem elm t o aero see edl mod Put se the bay seas holes termed snood the owned time, extriessedi him. It w e.reef.ly • narrow imps ler Wille., wrest.: The Owes Seined Adverting. says Ur. Casement her keen esisged se director .f Dienes .creat Presbyteries cheer of that tows. Mum Cesar is the 0rpat,t. 5300 ...u&Uy is the igen al- lowed for the two positions. WA. Mels., fetnerty with Dr. 41a.w.gg18 i. Brussels, rags tem in the game Asir. SHEPPAROTON. tisvess►.Y April 13. On. Burrows W a swims hoe Wedese- day lost. R. the react * en hes dee mese ewe paw The Sprl.r bards are hero, sed we expert pretty seen --red is the emit end ef geed slot • Yh. wild n.w.e..t el.w..aa. Wherever yen Rob Rerep• sr thee DOM States there i. • haidenshfs arm /sr AY Fewer leseerlsdis. eds. bre •i blssn- 18 Yum ; mad slat !e d tease i L .1 M Dmmodie e, i Ila Inst Ghee a lits rhe ks.w her tgg�..p M nM Few.ew sJ lima•da. Th. Y..w.t On.ele �..newiyn..�i{sgierThe WY nom* el 'nab eadered Odd et • 1 the AIid Few nwe of Me mal*. • n ewer cehelmw sabred. Reek p tta1. i teem este.. MIME GOMM .lien looked doe �e/• dreg. wteesileideal~ •E .her 2= M ricere emote sad. ser ..else west will dentltaee a aNe.1818 e' .6mil- rAgA flea herbed