The Signal, 1895-4-18, Page 3Signa Ns. s ler l .. sooners of au olir �,e� perart of this .houses; tI yin• uses meet i. watt ferias °mufti te d Mar prow ~will gift,t d1 sin is kept ie the h1 italitiee sate as `Lle generally used, Mem t place is Oemr...t, dens. See wk.' vest r the above heads• tads Me we have • very fine writing papers every clam of hafitaa ted a this locality, mta laid and woyr, e and other paper,, raw ltd, as May be rryWp.4 d1 pa -es-yea-go ' plea tn1 the day tlu' .beta /At paper would bet b bat there are tome *aim so many duaaen the oder it the stock will eta We don't intend it IN preeeot our stock is •m this line with four tits and ant ruling. rut 1e and double debet columna. They art than bill heads, sad eco thing to send Afars ent once a moetk. They re to fetch him 'mai- It woad be hard to pa without envelope., sad Is p with the demand 1 we keep a large stock a We have now •hoot t 1 thousand is .tank, aill cern will range from 75c. per M. We handle cern i and legal sizes exclusively. Yes,ebt V r\Ntttn ready been partially sate in some of the heads abets is, however, a vast amine rk under this bead that u rate would more thea talc e entire space oocuped h v't, but we do it all at Ts 1 tons "At Home" or • wedding 000eiderabie taste in robe mediate, but we make 1 matter by keeping R the very latest and bel to be had. Call sad eco tertainmedta and meeting ptly turned out, from IY but neat to the most elepd cord and pencil attacks& SYS to excel in all the eiihr inda of work we turn att4 ly in this, and ken' k plain and fancy pope bis for all requirement*. aid T �.eXtets heed ancon a large rasp if from a breed or milk tient neat calling card, from eaM admission ticket to a Mg ens card or a handsome, membership ticket. 1 facilities for tanning out di ei work are evidenced by tN that the great bulk .[ it by Lu. This line also eX 1 oh our three feeNritaala*lli nes are able to tura eat nit iriaingly short time. BAA t mg to the pester deciartmad ad , awe make a spec -MA a -promptness being oar his respect A notice et OW adppear in Taa !SIAL fro• d v whoa bilks for same veld :.Ttt011 oS T ark he typovran►ioal print* IS b. glees II; Ibi eefsbliit� aa eexpeditiese ••J 'rte Iver and '.gees %tM be jel►+A onus vtasotnabte. Awed ear ___ for f ex solidi a esothismooe ef Pm'!, AZni Ap TIER SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 18. MMU. Oaatlu�s. M )NIOHOIaoN, LD.11.-DMETAL as... Wes.... �yy►�a ifiadard oat aievt hreal _..erisytls es halt 1.1 !•tstest Mew- gros1 1psfk- IWO Dyt, L RICHARDSON, L D. S.,r oklaisissared ter Wham earners. el besa, seined tit.0=1.1issues. eelloase ea ra- DR. wryTLR, PH YSIOL1011. SUR t1.es *e- OSe►-McLean M.na � e�.sl1es ltjRht sal.. from, Huang. Nat LocaL M. O. ►dJOHNtrTOoommN, RARKI8TER, SU- uan. iesl•er, eu., Mead te ya 0u.es : on. Hamilton and at. As drew'r eta. (ioderieh. Out- lel LOFTUS 1. DANCLY, BARRISTLR, Cent :ser, to.. eta Mem" se boa as rates. Ilartealy eleslattp- N. LIMB. BARRISTLR, PRtOmuta eO- E.e;he°IOU t Ontario VD 0. HAYS, BARRISTER. SOLICIT _p:oa• UM. Nernst.. est door Ilse1&L�(1NCe. Pre vete reads to had at lowest rater of t&ierest. 1115► t i &BROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR. lJ[ rioters Astern" adWlton• to.. Rode rich. J. T. %arrow, Q.C., W. Prvadteet, °AMLION, BOLT & ROLM'S, ll aarr4Rer's. aollenen 1 Chewer', to, t Wlo►fl�: 0. Cameros. Q.C.; P. Holt 0. WARD, OONVEYANOER, J . ta_... e.s.m1..1...r ter scats* and re- sorts" r'eessaimeems et hall. radii%it. es aaresatt.na depodtlers es Solemn d.ol.r•- non is er wry settee. salt ur pry - seeding Is the lli Overt et Jones. the Court of Agog: tarso. or is any County w InviableCele. Ail tr fste.�od.teeeele earefnur ee ad▪ d id P.O. Loose mina 1111141941191010. CBEAGER, cUNVEYANCUIG AND . Issiarea eefse. eppoeute.Mert1abHotel tiSdsrtst. ONLY TO LtND ON MORTGAGE LTAM mem Notes dteo.ustea ( . N urse. .tlw eggeslte Manna's Hotel, eel. MONEY To LOAN - 126,000.00 Private too t• lead at M ger scat. am alertly. WrTUS M DANC.iT. !(osteal Beek. W orts Ceiboru. Mondb . Y•tleet.. IN -*S a J. T. NAFTSL, VERS., LITEAND L. mildew leiggeeoc sere: el bweet alba O1111.0 -01e. rerihrt..ad aquae+, Rod - rick. 71- �pO00 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO tF O4i[*RON HOLT t HOLM., Rod. nee. IVSI MONEY TO LEND. -A I A R 11 k amount or Privet. reads for levemnes et lowest rates ea o ret.isee Mersa/es. Appl) • OAIIIWW & PHOIIDIOOT It RADCLIFFE, GLNERAL IN - a .ereaaReal Sea.. sad Seamy Les.t.g rkeeet. Us1y areseleas essepastm represented. Mosey se Lead es etrefgt raw at toe lowest rale of tatereat taiga, h satway Omit tht sarrowr. OM-Uu.- .aa door Gael Sesre. Wen aerial. Y.► tel mili I[slrsall.s' Illltosftts*R // r ODZIIUICH K.IonAluoe' IINST1- %.A TUTS L_T AND RIADINY- SOOM, ear. of Meet sad None Int w atra Open trees 1teSPn..and her 7wISrag. ABOUT 9000 VOL'8 IN LIBRARY. Louisa/ Dory, Weekly sad IU.Mradd =lain( etc., on Aid. MUT,U`1LY e1.ea, gtesuag tree or t Wirers tad Mardi-as- Ream ane.eesemlel1 ap resolved b u ar room J H. ('OLHORlat iL HAMILTON. Libre aa. Rodents• llard.11n ti. THOMAS OUNDRY, AUCTIONEER 1 sed Ismraw Agent. ileder(ob. 0.1. Most Leedom and Leaeeehire Fire las. C.. sad Hors Meek* Mutual let Co. gales d leaded to Is say Pert of she eos.1v. 11517 JtlHN KNOI, GIN ERAL AIIO- timer and Scut Tattooer. MAmbb. • Ravioli aseeklarable Is re' g trnuntisda. he hit . to tlleoisriS with Msem sr Beeso hie.t by MS at t O.,w etany OX Mgt; art Demttlalmeett. TEETH EITRACTED WiTHOUT PAIN ETHEL-TGH1ORIDE MP DR. Z. RICHARDSON'S 1111111111. rhumbas. GPitl INSSE NMI QST-ITUEET 11010:111110111, it sear&t wIse tm1lm)be wtldaet).s. ottertilaraiNS • met esteente ala Nrf.eimles of la the live ss _LJ4_* morals. volmalt"wisely* Mkt to ewe to eiodtefoh. tbo Wee eels•tlee disuovey withal y wertested sever se ,nate the l.s. psis tertnotibe oswmriSe of Ie,e1 or stunts of w ed,1141114 •vert sees, sad very little pals b the meet waren. Mee. IDTE L.. -O LORID>D Is • Weal sesseth tie tail sever -moss the pattens is the elleMea. bio a s's as wirer. eat the het inalatows es earth 10 reeler the teeth ..s- Uva le psis. P.lee tt• assure ms It 1e P..wveb Mennen ea Ns dress• Pressentlen ♦x4.101 dthe 1 tteetl• 74s w Mr see ere. file 1t D)R 111 1gOS.14USOlI. HYPNOTISM A140 CRIME. WHERE DO OUR sto08 WINTER - ties ahem see IllelPessid se Uaretr reales _A erowerar Nee'y. Toraaa, Ka., April 9. Great catered re *vowed here e• the Seprsm. Coen ve•- lyday saesaiaist the Dories (Leri r the oeuvioUoa of Aaderso. (;ray fes dm Panes sander, although Thomas McUrmld 0- 11.10410 baviaj tired the fats/ shot. 11 r perhaps Me first time i. Me history or pone - modems' that hypnoses' has played s im- portant • part, or bee bees srscusly ecesid eyed s a plea ul dsfeaw. It is certainly ibS dost use t bat it has figured mo ow- epissmaly Is • murder 1rt.1, sad the Ina bass that little understood Lower bus led two mane rid a jury to declare that N. dost .l • cruse u guiltier .ad the un a 8uermsi hum u responsibly 1. tar the ecu of the subject. Aadersou Gray is • wealthy Kansas far mer sad lived ie Hamner county. Near bum resided David mid Thoma Patton, toe uou- 10as, who farms were to the little lows of Conway !Spi nap. Before Use rouble coter about, the wife of one of Gray's neighbors sued for a th- erm KxpecUag Lint ids* would obtain it, her husband, in order to pretest • donates of property, transferred his mate w (:ray, nub Lite understanding that he was to re serve it back %ow the courts had •djudred the claims of hi. divorced wife. Thomas Pomo' was the only witness to the trans action. When the divorce bees granted and the afore of the divorced nook* settled, tie farmer "eked for the ntreaater of his property. (:ray, it appears, wanted to keep pemeeuoa of what bad been temprsrily Rives hum in trust, and then was Daly os thing te preveot him from demi mo, That warn the witness 1'.ttea. (:ray was • sea of much mosIligeaoe sad cos well read. Hypnotism turned 041 of has minims. He culntated the sinister power and experimented with it ua Thomas Patton lo the evidence it wee brought out that Gray had 'ihtlueaced' Thos"e by • 'eugge.1aoa' that David should he killed and that he had supplied the younger, Thomas, with a melees revolver. He knew, it reemrn. that David Patton was a man who would shout en dight provowuun, and would shoot to bull. A wail directed bullet from his revolver would pot • enamel out of the way. The solieme was unsuuoemful. Thomas Patton attacked his oouua, but David's aim was not tree and his •seaulaat was sheath• ed. Item were arrested amd Mewed nub • ammo hoe Thee Gray sought another . akfect ..d found ow iD Thom.. McDonald. • young moa who bed iris been marred, and who was thea writing in • Wichita restaurant. (.ray secured kin services, and the oewly married peer moved out to the Grey farm. Shady afterward, it is •Ilene l Wet Gray sod to the young workman that Themes tiattoe had base talking .bout his wife. " Whist shall Ido the hypnotized subject •akd. " Kill him," we. Grays ad vice, and be gave the mw a revolver and then • ride to plsatiee with. The *widesee ,hawed that I:ray had taught the lnaa hew to handle the weapon, nod had cleared away the brooches from • tree by the road- side .led cut a notch is a limb for Idcliee- a1d to lay his ride in when kW drew • head ea hie victim. When the preparations had been completed, and the murderer had be - acme fairly proficient as • nark...., he took up his memo under Gray's ' sugges- tion,' and laud in wait for Patton, who was expected to pose •Iaog the road that day. Grey was sot with Mclboaid, but he kept in the locality, so that his influencer' would not be lest at the supreme moment. He was :s the house of • neighbor when the fatal ehot wee tired. He ram yotokly slows the road when he heard the report of the run and knelt betide the dye.' victim. He had hen shot through the lungs, and tiny left hem, proration* to go tor • doctor. In- stead, he west to the house, where he found McDonald. The murderer was pas. and trembling. t any said to him wearingly • ' You made a pretty job : why didn't you kill him The murderer's face lighted up. ' Not dead not dead. I ami glad of if, glad of it,' be exclaimed, over and over again. Then M rushed out of the house and began to saddle his horse. ' Where re you Reim!' demanded t Oros. ' I .n going to notify the sheriff.' Me- 1)os•Id cud, ' 1 have Mot a man mod the sheriff most boor.' Gray dissuaded him, sod the started te find • doctor. The evideleoe showed that he took his ume about getting one. Not tiodiag the Snit one M called upon at home, he waited Were for his return several boon, although there was another physician in the town wham he might have summoso•1. Patton afterwards did. A-eam.es N ..wile. Frederlsk sue Great, of Prat, lemma • regkmmt et the tallest mea be ee.M peSeea, end iaeleted as their marryies the WWI wawa they ae.id Sod, with the view of pndmd.r a iciest ries of gserda. but is this he was o ------.L Voltaire ear that the.e roes were ►i. Apogees delight. TNes who stood ie too erect soak wine arm sl them lees Nee worn her high : s.tlh. 181644 Lterep, .ed Ada b dd le oar "lobar. Titre is • eamewk.trapear ▪ Wet et Fwo wderieb was .e miseriese�11 regrow* el poem the I l'."aah, Noma eel tirillabr eimhse mese, tied that be embed ei et them le teem whether se equal e.mMr ml Nair Sen4y- wee weal' sets t. ea/a�• r�th end 51 dies. T s Tema ape.• • e.b•eed- NONA le the a p.We i set die eyrober pnp1etl real, ebife he meat* wit .etlms W MOM thee Ms geld •Oaks dish eget* hgs- 6.111111. heeler ewe two htiN elm ereelk w .sl' te,. laser's neblesese, 1)oahaw•y-1 had a queer experience while I was esUine on Miss Pea•tock lass sight. As we wen convening she wddeely bunted away. ('bvertos- Yon don't tell me. Anything serious ' h•sh.w•y-Oh, so, it only lasted • few moments, but we were •los at the time,•sd 1 cam (.11 you 1 wee rattled at fret bat (ortunately 1 retained my presenoe of mind. Clevertoo - What did you do ' 1).slrw*y 011, 1 gently lowered her lead, stepped toes the hall and got some water. and then, after dashing some oo br Noe. I waited. Old Know it tree • thrill- ing moment, i ow t.11 yes. to mood then ie the presence of such trDas• andeat levell- ers, her pure white fees upturned to min*, helpless for the time being. (`i.vertoe i suppose you felt just like The rebut u wr.Mr y wmetimee sees is the latitude of SL Least H. gees ...ib - ward se far as tato Easter. Mexieu. Nemours. the meadow lark may be sees in Northers Maws daring the told writhes' but be ie very pluatitul Uses in the Hest& era S,.m... [cos* helots seven frosts mem the wiles .ad bobolinks hes them eestb, and de sot retina maul the wrse.sd leave ereexpa.dt.g Rla.kbuds.les, throw the ....batiste States, sad ease of tbetu go se far as Lbe tablelands of Mexico. (M that numerous family, the warblers. the ►Itiek stunted warbler winter. u Floe - Ida, while the yellow • threat and the pains warbler have hese found W winter in Heath- erle Maws. The catbird Rove as to mouth as Panama .ad Cuba, sad the maim/ bird stay. largely is the Seethe.a States, although it somsitmes ROes to the Antilles ..d the Brumes dusts the winter. The swallows are to be found in Florida, sad Lite purple maria to Mexico ; the ruby • thru.t dies .moos the erase groves d Flbad•, while the whip poor -wall stay be found .s tar seuthward as l:aatemala. The thrashes and the wren Jo mot re so tar South an moene cubs bird*. The woad thrush winters in (intense, the hermit thrush along the (:ung cost. and the cuckoo pewees to the highlands of Mexioo. The roseMelted grosbeak .unto 1'ubo, the indigo bestow reaches Southern ldex1oo the gulden plover gin as fu as Pirogues', while time upland plover makes itself at home i. Brazil or Peru. The mon brilliant the plumage of a bird the farther South it miarotes, sad even Ouse. birds which are the meet rainiest - like the jay, the grouse, trod the quail-- MeVe in winter to • warmer elim•te.--(ie1. den [l.y. RLMess r.Nto.me.i. ('lev.lwd Pres . The young man Pante went to see hie sweetheart the other even u,•g, arid, being ymr at home with the ily, thought he would dip hate the parlor ooperceived nod hide bebiod tie sofa, just toivas e her a little sutprime else Came is to light the gas, for it win early twilight. He had near to his plow of tosoealment but • few moment* whoa there was a snag at the oaten dew, and a moment later his heart's del,rbt ushered another young mea into the darkened parlor, the young lady sot seeming to that ill.mipatios oetxweary yet. Tb.y set down oo the seta together, and the young lady said : " Oh, George, I am so glad it is you Whom the bell rang I was &imost sure It was that dreadful bore, Poet.." Poon silently gritted his teeth behind the sof►. " My dear," said the strange young man, slipping his arm mrouod b.. wales, "who u thin fellow. Foots " Oh, he'. • wretch that some' benging t round her* once is • while that we have to put op with became his folks come from the same oleos in the North He bores the it. tat of me." " A wretct, am 1"' cud Poote to himself, bitterly. " I'll show she I am when that chap starts for home," tied he doubled up both gate. Kut the young mw would not start for hearse. He stayed and rayed, and they kept s- hilling and room, until after midnight. Poots'e position was very ■ncomfurtable, squatting behind the sofa, and the love- making that was goat* on dud not add to hie ease. There w"e no knowing bow long the en- t.rtoinmest world have luted had Dot Lie young lady's tatter cons down stain in his dreamer gem and slippers and abruptly dueolvd the parliament. W hen they were gone and all was still, young Poots tried to creep out on tiptoe, but he stumbled over a chart and mode web a racket as to alarm the bones. The heal of the house yelled " Police from the upper window, and Note masa;ed to Ret late the cellar, from which be steep- ed e pd by crawling up tbr,urh the coal chute u the back yard and climbing m tea.. k1010e ble. I away I coulees that something .1 dust cert sans isle my mead, but i nein. el it at ones as hong enw.xthy of m. Tb..k heave, i am tee mach of • gentle man for tint. ?reeking amid here hem more cowardly. fled es, or 1 peed isle that beautiful fan, it made me s glad Se tbak that it wee 1 'eh* wee tore to pro- test her sad not ems ether follow, who might have presumed epee her h.ldlme- ecaS. it wee • tread, ierpirion 1he.ght, old .kap. (Sousse. -Thee yoe didn't hies her at all ' [ppgkgrM_A, yes Hat 1 welted until .ase mesa ta Mgr TIM•. 'Stirs types at least are observable i. the South eh Lek+el-tint, the ark Dalian lochia, (bit, abs found is Doves; s.oeedly, the telt, yellowhairedDrib& tree, awl, thirdly, the Meririe01 Aryls of the Volga, with red or auburn husk earl blue or eves pets, who wry Oso bs fend ka OmenslL The i.it squills, typo of Maim dams .o.eiNwsWy frees Mat et lie /Web, mid the icy bogus. le wearer .Lula M Cwawslt the. to Wan. The .edMMe1 Lidmwe of earleateresNet erne sem la Me sea* though thM gyps a ..t5 ahlose. area werseg Ws ewer amoos. The esti hones mid brighe ilea of Mr mellow prat manse pewees May emir rim ethoomy. sad oho miagbl ruse of Oak .1rg Boort . -ice, w • Ms, Mee that of gglo irr soot -a• or elle...e w say r SSak- Mei • i. YJ" --J'.'41 Mere- Asa e r. Wast a. It Week What ui.•name ' Much ifit. Ise agood one ; cod much If it he a had we. Take all else that 1 have but leave me my good name. It u more than wealth, more than health more than feme. It le wealth. It u moral health. I t is terse. We presume, of coarse, that the good pante ie really deserved sal not purely false and fictitious. One may has. notoriety or sew,p.per fame mid still not have • good n ame with ties who know him best. It is those who knows best who have the hest right to give us • same. What u in • name' Everything. What is • ...ns but • symbol for something or somebody, sad that symbol calls to mind all that Mere is of the objet or peter.. Father, blether, Heaves, Christ What's In a name' Everything is .oared, A name is everything. A young w who h., got a Dame is ready to get ietn Lie beaker business or any other He has a .took is -trade to Mt him • life- time 0 he will Mks ore of it. He hs sometime that money cannot buy, Dad which be onset e01, Dad deliver the good. It is the pride and joy of • righteous m•.. We should prize sod keep it se s priestess pearl. -Industrie! School R.sord. Heloses 5. Seery 11eeet. I t is said that the expression, " There is • shop.e is sooty closet," arose from M. follewi.g Maddest: A your Italian etudes", Wag ties he was dying, fearing to brie& the sews to kis wether, adepted the follow - hag device . Hs deformed hr that b. ws U1, and it hod bens foretold he would not m- ower ..til be bed worn • .tort made by & wenrn who Si.l coo trouble The widow new disovwyed that it was so easy task to W sash • pawn, bet at learn was refer- red M • Indy wise seemed surrounded with *very eos►1r1 and Magpies sad peemem.R • Md..d who seamid devoted se her The widow main k.owa her regales sod tor smear wee eh.ws • sheet, where a shale - tee hear .espesded iron • boat.. Aho wee told it was the isolator of the lady's forever lover, who, flew motives dhad hese .Isla by her kesk.si. that he com- pelled her to visit it every day. The widow ...el.1.d that ao owe was without tre.Nsl that 'Yker. was • skeleton is every closet. sad *same r.e.edI.d to 1h. •ppro.ebi.g lots of bmr .e.. it Oestolene. MB isn't in it isJ a ust be% Cause i ere s no lard in it,thaf TTOLE$E file new shorttnin9 ie •o wonderfully poo. Nlar with lloustkeepers. OTTOI-iNE is putts, DfiLICATE) HE/ILTH- �Ly t1TISFYIN4-none of the unp easant odor hecessarflt( Connected with lard Sold to 1 and 5 pooled pail* by all voosr► Made only by • The N. K. r trbank Compal \t .Iltratoa amid Sere pa0)tT 11�A • MR JOHN RALPH TIN AND STOVE DEALER, Hamilton-st., Has decided to continue in Business, as he has im- proved in health and is able to attend to his cus- tomers in the way of jobbing and repairing, and will continue to sell AT +LOWEST • PRICES ! GODERICH Stf am Boiler Works. BST ABI.1*IIZD •1ttM t A. S. CHRYSTAL, 8-erea or to Ckryafol ! Meek, Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary Marine, Upright A Tubular R02ZdRRS, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers 1n Upright •ad 1/torrent/LI 1lldr Valve Injuries Automatic Cut -Off Kewanee s perdait7, All wises of pi a and pipe -*tune Constantly on hand. 1Gttraatse furnished oo snort settee, Repairing preempt', attended to. 11151-17 P. 0. Box X. Ooderlch.Ont. Works --(opposite 0. T. R. 8tat5Ca, Ooderieh PLANING MILL. EITfISUS$I0 1551. Bucballllhis & Bhyu3s esaxt7vaorVasule SASH, DOOR and BLIND Deniers la .11 triads a LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And baiidels ltnaterfal of every teeoriptim School Furniture a Specialtj. SYSTEM Aso 0Tea* tvrltn Ite*enteP. SSecifit; and Antidote for Imper., weak .ad impoverished blood, dye petria, dsspleemer, palpitation of the heart, liver oomppl1.int, neuralgic, loss of memory, broaoautis, ooeesmpuon, gall .hoses, jaeudioe, kidney and urinary deserter*, St. Vitas' daooe, facial. irreg- ularities and renewal debility. LABORATORY. tODERIVI, ONTARIO J. M. MCLEOD, Proprietor arid Maareetarer. Moidoo'. elyerr 1. Ruxnverne sea be had fres ag dreprtets In town. es well whew *11 the eirua.Asre between Oes Saud sad g..fortb. Hrusesle. Itnri,am tad Threat. 1717 Iv. $ Cheap Tin -Ware • Our Stock of Tin Ware was never so Large or Cheap as it is this Spring. being our own uutAt and made of the best Char- coal Tin. See our line of X Creamery Cans, Boilers, Tea Kettles, Strainers, Pails, Milk Pans, dace THE EMPIRE STATE MILK GAN ....is Now, having Several improvements. Examine this Can before buying. Buv THE WEATHER AND WATERPROOF PAINTS -the only Pure Ready -Mixed Paint. Every can guaranteeti " Pure." Alto a full line of Shy Punts, Oils, Turpentine, White Lend, etc. HARPER & LEE. tbhe resesamil w. rt..rIIb.. Ouse rid Verner*. lea. SAYING MONEY 18 MAKING MONEY Partied wishing -We -0e -money can do so by Balling on Ili. JOHN KNOX at his Warerootns opposite Martin's Hotel, where he keeps a full line of Agricultural Implements on hand open for inspec- tion. Noxon Binder, Noxon Mower, Noxon Seed Drill, Noxon Spring Tooth Cultivator, Noxon Horse Rake and Sharp Rake. Full line of the Cockshutt PI',w Company s Riding Plow,, Walk- ing Plows, Twin Gang Plows, Urn and Root Cultivators, Road Scrap- crs, Disk Harrows, Land Rollers, Little (;eat Pea Harvester& McLaughlin Carriages. Buggies, Phaetons, Road Certs, Training Carts. All the latest design. All work warranted. Adams Wagons, Pari., Ont., all kind& Any person wishing anything in the above line will find it to his advantage to call on Mr. Knox and inspect his goods before buying elsewhere. AUCTIl1N EERING a specialty. Being practical in the above and in stock, and having had several years' experience, can guarantee entire satisfaction. CAUTION oemealsea. • laughable HNtie story is told el •' wenn se the wanton Meed in . Freesia raft Lille was asked her age, cod she eaetered this she wee thirty yams .*L Std,` '. TMr Mewl., "sal yes rd t.:! eye FM cow whim yes appse.d ss linage M tele r "I tank M e�legr." - i. e.pllei T e �� r �e ease ell e l worn wile or Me thi g birder W an. . .Beer Maw kmaten... Owing to the enormous sale of our famous 'Something Good' Cigar JOHN KNOX, AGENT AND AUCTIONEER. -- HALLIDAY'S IMPERIAL Oskar Ms.thstwye, are patting ea the market inferior goad' ender this mor. A pew erten 15 lmitatd, tMre- lore the fact net "ROrethl]SS bleed* is mover b eeenterfsited is • rneraelme te amok Ws that is 15 AS best 6 Dent blur on tiro asibt. L pae-Ya.ieg Sea tune ser trade mark (Th. lanwslansl cod them .time wen eseh bre, en ether ie.resolea 0.r wem.mhin r fore bread y regieemed ..d •.y cos Mg ether eyes ween ibis memo wi11 be peee.S.led. Empire Tobacco Co., Montreal. 18 AN UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT, Choicest Confectionery, Oysters, Fruits etc. Only the Best kept on hand. DAIRY TINWARE. WE HAVE MADE UP A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DAIRY TIN WARE itch as Strainer Pails, Milk Strainers, Milk Pans, Creamery Cans, with or without taps, Cheese Factory Supplies, Milk Pails, with Iron clad bottoms. Also Pails with Copper bottoms. all matte out of the very best Tin and our own ntaka If Your Tin Pans or Pails want new bottoms, or repairing of any description, or if you want any Tinware wade to order, come to the New Tinshop, opposite Martins Hotel. HOSPITAL FOR LEARN TINWARE J. E. WORSELL & CO. The Practical Tin, Stove and Furnace Men Perhaps • _ • en Some day someone, somewhere, will make a better match than E. B. Eddy makes, -but up to this date no one has done so. Meanwhile, and until a better one is produced, use E. B. EDDY'S Matches. tc�'R.itl:. 2 L 1\01" 5 1 1 1 For the prevention of fungous di.easee and for the destruction of insect life on fruit trees we are handling one of the best Pumps on the market. lade ill Five Ses! Strou, Cheap and DllrabIo! it has an automatic agitator which keeps solutions in constant motion, thus insuring an even strength and equal diatril,uiion of the chemical. iafornaation regarding solations and timers of spraying cheerfully given. DAVISON & CO. Keep your Feet Dry 0 you eat oh sold show It will bass es f1W Summer WEAR GRANBY RUBBERS are the beet clad last loosest. F . I'. ill Fit and !Ym1s&. tiT WISE YAM bels.