HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-4-18, Page 1IOW
Ter Sale -A. 8. (:.even .. 5
Neon. to Cesium-- Gibbons. lid* ab a
Woven Wire lona Kowslma. Brea.. 7
Our Priem are Webb --J. T. Labium .... 8
Nig Fire Il•M--Ja . Rehires* 8
MiUi.ory -Mims Yeast 8
Health and H•ppisene-- G. T. Falfarel
Punting, ie. -D. Memos a Co ...
Vstsrimary Swgims-ted. Haailtss
Pneeheltg Power ei Gish -C. A. am-
ber a Sem 8
I'o.dkeysn Waisted- - Wm. Mitchell 6
%aho o Tress for Sole -R. C. Rayl .... 6
elongate Salo --R. C. Heys .. ...... 6
Mt,sw•ttss Tea 7
For bale- -Hy. Clams .... .. 6
Bowknot Stook -The Fair .
Recycle Mestirrg-F. W. Stokes, ssa'y 1
Fire Sale-Armstreng a Co .. 4
Grazing --Robert l"ousg 1
Save Mosey -Wilmer tienit6..... 6
About Window Modes- Wilmer Smith5
Gsdrieb--Coibrae Diss
BsrBaine--$. J. Harems
AMatios 1 1...
11111 AND te 110111111 Di 0001aICH.- -
l'ader sad p.rowest a the pewees genie es. -
tam d la thew certain mengsglm seam r .-
IT�ti Amer JJansethe 'Atli 'l>K1 mot the Mtb 4. ,i1
Merck rea and whioh will be endues* at the
rims et sale. tore wilt bead is two perosis
w publloaaettos by Themes tluddry, anotfen-
err. at ole auotien roma. Hamilton stem. is
Me Tows of 9Merioh. on ttaturday the eth
gays d May. A.1) tat. at 12 Wriest sem the
t liewthtt valuable itroperty maids : The
too halt dad ib west haet et Mt amber
thirteen. Is commies"C" Insert is the
Towaabip but sow in the 'rows of
a the County of Harte. • soh gerwl comtsia-
lag leo aerator 'sad meso .r lam,
T1e eta ea the E.m half of the
.ate to sad Lein of a lane twa ..orf brisk
house In mood ag.diti.a with (rang tittles'
attached. sed a hams hare sad .talon. This
etheorty ►ssutYWs it(1 ea the end e-
Uoe•! !a 9.deeW, u 1le t a1e1y weMl loo -
ed *Id has en the said Red halt over two
scr,v of seed orchard. The toil Is meetly day
loam. and te gee part good brick clay from
wbrat t b. brides la the said home were made
TKRML:-Ten per Deal of the porthole
moth at the tee Unmet sale dad the Wanes
.n dr tamth More oiler. without i.terew
For farther partire mon to the Aeotioa-
+•rrep m It., C. NAY&
THOMAIOUNDHY Verdes s 9Nleitr.
t«.deriek A.dm000r. t311
hated 136 April A.D. WA.
Coder sal by virtue a the Power ot Baso
osmium V • mean Mille *lee white wit be
Produced at the ua et ash dosed the lib of
itse.mb-r A_t). tri'. mod •.. i M to the wee -
dors there wUl be void by Public ascii.. •t
Menlo'. P"tet la the Towa.tOoderleb in the
County of Here•, b. John Kms. Auotleser.
oe Tuesday the both day of April A.1) lull at
t! o'cie*k noon. the foUowieg .•imbie Pro-
perty namely :--A part of Park Lot number
twelve* 1a l'osoemmn 'A' of the Tows of Gem -
r. •h. formerly the Towaship of Ooderich and
which hid saroN or tract of lend r partktu•
tarry o.s..7hed in mW Mortgage w com-
mon about three acres of t=ad
This is a moss deneble property It a sit-
uated within • Mort distance et the Ormd
Trunk Railway 0.14... Cp.. itµ• oto
them 1. a n,eieWel!lele 9itlt W. MEIN feet with
Derrick. Boller tad Il.gine. arise Tank.: also
Name MUI 511sAl feet. • da w 30W 30,12 fi-
end Stare 30111 WS feel. T. are ether
mowing. en the eteeerty including as editor
laxly tour .her. to t.c. Above remain •
valuable let K Macbiaere which Is Redd
aeodltlea. sad • Iles et midiasy t0ohi•1.01
hem Camra. Heft t Helnee.ttdieltra,0ede-
TKRMS :-Ten per cont. of the psrob•ss
money at the ala et Pale sod t6. Limos
wit61. 30 deur. thereafter.
The property IUl be told su►)eot to • rosary.
.d h -d. 1. all other • the ce.dttho.s
will be the winding Goad time of the Court of
thane or l Us. murther od Isle •p.iy t0 the Am-
J OHN 8310]1. Tesdoe•' I.YUtrs.
12 a AtWlwer. Wlrlerh.
N/NIMI lldi....
Seem Per earthman atm-
laraOrYCRINO. Ridgewood Fermi.
FYellsrliet•e mtwanted. X. BARLXR .
ATredve*, sad inewrilay. OM ter
M sen, Yamtltei eraws�>
^• �+ti FOR at�I.111, -lata to 'ism, took so
cording to the. AwW at OWN
BarrIRmerr. B0.4.14.6.
VI Weld swan of tie °Meet k Itllsyeb
lost will be hale 1. tbe mage of Tas Siona1
ee Tes+sday. April 1A at e rite Radom et
Zionism. will come up for dimemio. aml o
13.11 Y. 1/. .4TOty/4 $ueF.
red anm►r of Os -
ppre.�ma..till aroM d dt Mirs�M er .106*.
NamUten most Opposite Qelbetrse
" be en Mason otter
the 616 of m I ail selgrouf Itmabout ures Lap
esthothbe tie kaki ftplt.� e. lead ssseiLesp r"eey 1 wUl p
womensa.wart M.rM *216. 1 ASR. mD'HA14.11t moot
Finn) RBy�RpyEBS WANT3D. AP -
to t...ivi"` T4'eAbwa be region
7tiw. Nn(9.w
Seeds _- Meiw
ied _may ,asrair . mYgtwrmf
1"S•g`".ei. hamits a sir
...dudes e.
vile Primo - - � end
11lbat I. O011>ee on at that Oapl sal
msdtee• one e1 a Camp.lm. -..stns-sees.
t► .0. . w Cesspar$.e.- moon' h p
le. b.11esal Deb. the few
es/ valeve ler recd.
Tali Wee AL Qdrrelee.awoe.
OTTAWA, April 14th. --For the nett
Iwo, thee. rowdy lour months 'it depends
on ousartaoo..l aU eyes will be tarsal be -
ward. Ottawa : eons ia the hope el seethe
the herders of mimeos h wised ; ethers Lip -
Mg it may be lactenin th ihr set
may fall the greater amment of "swag,"
more atomically called "beadle."
1t will probably be the that ae.aoa o1 the
present !Whereon sad will be toilowai by
an early taped to the people. Thit will he
• osmpairtu session, for while n will be the
duty of the Opposition to draw to
g ide the carte= that has shielded the Gov
r=steot tram .0 exposure of its
methods it will, ors the °taw head, be
effort of the Governnwet to mut a gleg
mime of their etew.rdekip ie 18. hope
that you will my well dune, thou Rodd ad
faithful servant., when they o=ut more ap-
peal to you for • renewal of year mall -
Tory Government .sons into power in
1878 under flee prelusion@ and the ge=e
/ maples have governed them over mos.
Drug the oom,ag seance your mi=d will be
refreshed with these and many Miter fasts
edam abe=ld wield some mtuemow in help-
ing you each your verdict Mies you are
tailed upon to rendes it
It will be shown that the very reveres of
emery promm made by Sir Jolts Maode..ld
and 61. party in 1878 bashes. the result of
char •dmuutr.tws.
The Heim and ooa.try will oars more
remanded of the rash, redden promises o
Sir Charles Tapper i. 1878 when he told you
that if yee /.termed Ess party to pewee they
would rug the cosasey for the mane tax -
Mom : thee the NatWest Debt would be re -
dueled to 1100.000,000. that within ten
years then would be one mullion people in
the Xort8wrst and that the Territories and
Manatees would bare an annual yield of
600.000,000 6. 6eb of wheat
You lave hada pretty fair leases of what
reduced taxation mesas from the way
Tupper regarded it ; you know Mw mase
the national debt has been redwood ; you
.ss instead of • milium people in the North-
west, hardly • gmartr of that amber in 16
years, while the wheat production of the
territories is twenty instead of six hundred
Maim Leb.4
lieu ouaot have forrotten Sir John Mao.
doeald's eakbrated telegram to the lam
Sesetor Boyd, is which be said, jest before
she election. iu 1878, the: it wee not his in
Lace to Marmot the duties db. came into
power, but merely to readjust them.
He did not outsider • jump from • 17i
per cent. to • 35 pee seat tanff an I.or.•q.
That celebrated Warm didgoed work for
the Teri." in 1878 end Mir John often boast-
ed ofit,
Thom of you who have given any atm -
lion or study on following up what goes on
u Parliament mast remember the eenn@ of
resolutions that were moved from the Con -
serest ve gide of the How from 1874 to
1878 amuses the Mackenzie .d.uoistrutio.
for Weir eziravagsmo., whet in reality
then was only ab Worths* of $166,842 in
the.xp..diture at ammo' of consolidated
feed daring the woolg five years an
Librsla held mhos. while the fli=t Gee years
the Terms held dine they i.sr.Nod the ez-
pssditare from 123,503,158 to S28,730,157,
a=d during the next dye years to $36,718,-
What swearer iridium do you west that
theme figures that there hws beim sewn ter-
ribly crooked work going en somewhere.
1)o not mete it as • resit random state -
mat of mina bat study it mit for yourself
sad ampere the figures with the promises
made yea is 1879.
Their whole political mooed tress 1878 eo
1896 will be under review this .erica and
it.kees • l darter.sad oo.tlt.oudarterd
Here i.. little poo. of their '.cord that
amid be primed u bead black type :
Ida Ile Ito
Net Debt t1ua.lul tfine.lul*M 7b
Armed 8xp.dl-ture Walla
Intend o Debt 7,.Ili Mettele tui
Increase le Popal-
*Uoa t.7hlt Laken l
Ws require na edam for doss..ses it the
above. The foremoitg Sieh meat Icy. 8.
fare u Mask and whim • few
teethe whisk it is always we11�i*
Wad. The revamp rye lest year paid lam
the treasury in the way el Mese. inseam
dtttiss sad .ssies, thews es Ina ease ei 56
pprer owl ever the .meat the Mackenzie
(iey.r..ent required of yo. i. 1878.
Time are Ione ore 6.S4...$4 fade that
will be discussed this amide.. The Liberals
watt m And oat if peceible where the leak
is ; when year mono is going us. They
hen teen them doe iled year tam sines
18/8 and My Amid that be the ears.
Surely the expo Brun d the Ge►mrsssen.
tor legitimate Amid set have deet
Id is that time, f as Mr. Fever slaw is
urea, prises for needy every e -..meshy
here declined frees 26 to J0 per lent. eine.
his friends Lee ism oats. There is roe -
toddy .se thug that used. hvssapti.g
..d that I. hew as we retain our pepala
ml.. Gluonfor mese. for years pmt ben_ 6,
AM( • large .:pert trade i. tomo g M-
asts effects Tress loth the Uaited Seethe
with these Candimr who here been eluded
6* sone the Lease a ears their=
The e.eial returns for 1804 sheer thee
makes.dyeing the United BMW from
Camas t..8 will them hemotioshi hem-i--hiib to
tie .dna d 12,19I.966.:T01 dog mg ilio.
w Lim ___
The amiall •
Of maths' mesa n
the ad -time hash.,dire - ri
.ellemaW ast ma as lar e1M tel gltg
Into 1tlemrrl um the plammili end gS.ative
hma0va. Soma d til► Se got N.
tree remedy Nes thee le
...mwe..d by
byallaB Wang
L�� OIL ems. Fee ni.
C C. Arm.tro.g is it Lades.
Mr Marney N yi iti.g at Chat's.
G. N. Davis upset Se.1.. te Charon.
Mass Nair. saw* Easter in Waltham.
MIm Kite Reid is Montag is Lookups.
Miss B. Wilkiesom i. bout. from Tete.to.
Gee. Ce.emen, lett ea M.aday for De-
P. G. Lyda left for Port Hurtle o. Mo. -
"Art" Sheppard rvtur.ed from Vann lam
Mrs. 11 in. Prwdloot meet Easter to 8t.
Tho.. Hogan, of Woodstock. u ruining
i. town.
Freak Pretty has Nasal& Rem British
Miss Mary la Teasel, d (bellhop to visit-
ing in tows -
Frank Wright, of Stratford, .peat Sun-
day in town.
Miss Gram Jambe, of Toronto, pant
Kamer is tows.
H. Phi/ lager, of 8t. Themes, spent
E..tr in town.
Fed Blairs karri.tr, of Bra.ml., .past
Eimer u town
Percy Walton, of Lesson, swat Enter
holidays in town.
trawls $ira s Pall. e g*ee spent Kesler with
C. A. Naha and danghter, Adelaide, are
visiting i. Detroit.
P. A. Malo.oso., barrister, of L•cknow,
spent Easter in town.
Miss Agri. McKellar, of Rinsed., is yis-
ltiag relatives in tows.
PhiOp Austin, of Mated, is apendine the
Seam holidays at home.
Capt. Wm. Babb. requited Mt week
from hie trip to Kegla.d.
M. Coy, of Guelph, spent Eater miler
the pinata! roof in tows.
Miss Woon to in Toronto attendiar rho
Oratorio Teachers' meeting.
Mrs A. Campbell, of Swarth, spent
goatee et her home in tows.
Will Robss'M., formerly of Tax Sturm.,
4. visiting in Toronto.
Thou M.Huge left tor his home in Syra-
cuse, N. ., a Saturday Mt
Miss Carrie Shaman left ea Tuesday of
last week tor 11.1..., T.
Mr. and Ma R. Heraiss.om spent Easter
in Kiaeardina tad Wineham.
Ma A. M. Kay dad daughter, of
Stratford, are visiting in tows.
Mrs Agrie Washington. is venting 6r
brother i= l.milton tons week.
Misses Aide .rad Blanche Sebum*, of
Constance, are vi.itiag traesd. its tows.
Ms Gee. Saves sad ML May, et
Guelph, spout Easter with relatives u tow■.
J. A. Doyle, of Sudbury, visited kis
brother Jas. J. Doyle, Colborn. -d., this
Mice Emily Rothman, who 6a.. school
at Highland Creek, i. eoeadi.g emotion at
H. Parsons, of the Bonk of Comineroe,
Parkhill, spent F.astr with his parents in
Mn. H. Sharpe, of Toronto, is .aurum
her pante, Mr. and Ma Jas. Buchan-
.... r.
Mi1tos Inchoate, student ot the Col-
legiate, is spending variation at hie home in
Mems. J. W. and A. Simpptaooha,of the G.
C.I., w spendi*g their boladay..t Whits
Miss Jamieson, et the Collegiate Institute,
is spending
vsettion at her hare is
Dr. J. Hamilton has opened • veteinrary
Mks U
es siltoa- ,, oppceite the Col
horse Heid
Miss Fie Doyle, of Chatham Commssaial
College, her vgeh1o. at 6r
Thea Babb sad J. Hell left en Monday
for Fort N illi.., to reams their peonies@
on dein No. 9.
Miss (lacers• hen returned from Tomato
whore she ham boss •ttssdir the Summer
aaillinry tipsshps.
J. J. Walsh 6.a disposed of lois betel
bsmitem in Anima, and will again take op
kis reels= at town.
Mr. Alaimo, of Foothill, Wentworth, Co.,
visaed at the residents et Ma Blau, Vio-
toria t, Juries Raster.
Miss Jenne M.K0U•r, who W boss thin-
ks taws for tem elms, rammed to bur
home i. Bls.vale an Saturday.
Miss Coff R Y.
Hooper. of the
are speeding
Koster Laths i,. et tear hest..
Dwight Harvey, et the G.C.L, y spewi-
ng the Mew vacation at the home of his
parents, Rsthv.m, Ism seamy.
Mea Serlmg sad Mester Prowess are this
week is T.resso. Mes. Sfs..g is •.ted.
tag the Load mmti*g ef the Wt F. M. S.
John Mario. who hes buss roddkag is De-
troit for risme at." pest, has nme.d
Gederieh. when he purposes mid* i.
April Sikh is the day ed for the opening
et the Welland mal. 1t is Not likely there
will he nay liminess at Se "Soo" bolero the
end ei the Loth
1t W been drsM.l to pot the Propeller
Myles as the Moslreal-Port Artier eels
tide susses. She IVIB e=ll at the paw '.s
rose sad *am ppekd Might.
The Iellowi g are the Mimed the Beaq
lase hue this erases ore : M.sareh,
Oep Biward Robinson, Regimes.. Edward
MBmgit..r C Somptre O=pt John Moltchlm,
Owing M the Lim is whisk the lever
pram m. d the Owdhm 'Boo mind ere ma-
ser.m.d tire is damm el the help ewie-
serm here Werke their wk..i.. 'Per Nle
rums may e1 thre berms will am
lime be ae N. Amami leek. A Lep
mamksr d Ms Aossimm Mit buwb will
p.k.hiy tae the Ommilits I. lih vent as
seesualthe et jambs,�rm.k w poser
Giedurbilh-Dres% My
whet yeei 8.. - inti Ch kseen ski B
"AT HOME."4.1.10,00016 pars a
tai lkm .ttua.. a ►eleoaty of e
8101000 miles pr mord. By the .,d of •
o -- - ---..r, sparks u..erel undoes loam w«.
The Gathering at the Institut*. made to performs baths, Leith, etc., L..
masa woman.ispwoman.Rdresio este wen served in the�yymort-
l.m, which was 1ttl.gly dereor11.d with
ems fldid b.Ntisg, add mads an Mamba.uies m
dhell..ad the out i■ which the
good Wage were protides and served show.
ed Net that ponies et the srrtmwnmeat
had MWooed ooed is admirable heads.
The remarks of the veseabi. Lr. Ure.tor
may yens a oheiraaa of the Bearded lid.-
emti.a in this soothed, and who wee tolled
men by Priasip•1 Strong to address the
paihering, were pithy .rad expressive. The
Doctor expressed himself as beidelighted
with the Marmot of the " At Home," sad
hoped that, now a start had boo made ea -
r nob .scall.* auspices. it would lieth
made an annual affair, as such gahsps
we.endsmve to the harmony that should
exist between the modems of the chief du-
o.tion•1 institution oh every tow r and those
who were outside et it. Hie oriel Mims
was loudly epplasd.d by students ..d vie -
We uiderst rad it u the intwaon of the
assessment to make the seamier an L-
andevent, as the snows which attended
Wednesday'. effort has been highly gr.itfy•
der, set only to the ta.o6i.g stet and
moderate but also to all who took part in the
The oommitt.se that bad as SWIM the
oarrying cut of the imamconnected with .:t
the "At Home" desire to end thanks to
all outside of the school who pyo aid
towards making the affair the .uoc.m which
it undoubtedly w.
News Nelms from Washington
A tars. • taesdames and a rt..e.at e.ento.
.pest As MiumeGost rremrsm-nut
.aa 1. rrelha•tea-a Malay
t rdltable 54•pbey.
THERE was a sou
the CoUegi a lsetitau
of last week, and es the
say and festive time. A
nei of revelry at
Wednesday eremites
made there was •
abort ttme canoe it
was detera.i..d Ip the student• that as "At
Home " AMY be gives, and with tbM tlld
in view • magi tt1 ssi mltt..e were appia
d to make the eaiertaktng • .uao.wy ea
Ki.ciative-R. B. Moorhead, no. ot mu;
Misses P. Stang, Stamm, J. Rebertsoo, L
Robertson, blenders, B, Robrtsoe, and
Messrs. A. R. McKay, C. Duthie, A. Rob -
o rison. S. Beckett and J. J. W. Simpers.
Reception Committee- -Heel. Robertson.
wvohsr ; Mimes W. hall, Skdsen. Glare -
den, P. Steam, MoMord1, M. Dickey. N.
Steam, sed M.wro. P. Tom, R. I). Mor.
bend, A. R. McKay.
Refresimerat Committee Miss Ma.nien,
senvenr ; and Misses N. strong. L Rob-
ertw, P. Stens, B. Narrow, M. Daimon,
M. Alio, dad Mews A. Dichosa. P. F.
Tem, H. Williams., F. Shephard, C. Shep-
Decorating Ce ails.. -K. R. Hoops,
B.A., oosvoser ; A. Robereea, A. Mama,
H. Robotism. A. R. McKay, F. SbrphaN,
P. Tem, J. $. Cameron, S. Rockett, B.
�..01stm-Mr. C. Derain,
o..etimr : J. R.bsrt.ea and An-
drew., mod Mr. R. D. M..rosad.
The members of the committees all work-
ed 1ke Trojans ad by Wednesday evening
everything was in mediates for the re-
oeptioa of the friends et the et.denta who had
been invited. mops wham =tire the fol-
lowing :
Mr. dad Mrs. J. Admen, ss., ilia M.
ALL, Mies 1L. Atheism, Meg L Ache-
son. Miss B. Admen, Miss Aumbtooke,
Mrs. Admires. Mr. dad Ma A. MoD.
Allan, Mass dikes.
Miss F. Ball, Mice Bailie, Mime Barna,
Mr. Blair.
Mr. sad Ma J. H. Colborne, Ma Cam-
eron, Ma Challis, Mr. ..d lira. R. S.
Chilton, Miss Crab*, Ham Camases., Miss
Charles, B. A., Miss Cbtidwi.k, Mr. E. Cam-
geMim Davis, Mr. Duthie, Mr. K. Diok-
se., ter. mil Km Tod". Dolle, Mr. R.
1Diek... (SA Mary's). lir. J. Disk..., Mr.
sad Mrs, J. Nehmen, Mies A. Lithium
Mass Klwood.
Mr. 8. Fraser, Mr. G. A. J. Fraser.
Mho Graham, Mr. W. Guidry, Mr. dad
Ma Darrow.
Dr. He.tr, Miss F. Hutohaeo., Mice
Hamilton, Ma Hopkins, Mr. ..d Ma
Dudley Ileum, Mr. sad Ma S. P. Halla,
Dr. sod Ma Holmes, Mr. Hemphill.
M1L. Jo moa, Mimeos Jo, Mr. and
Ma Kay.
Mr. toga., Mr. sd Mr. leas, Mr. C
Kea, Mw Imo, Mr. F. Lawrence.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchel, Mr. G. McIn-
tyre, Mr. 8. Maledmm., Mai Ma1mm...,
MN G. Mara6, Mi.w Mitabdl, Mr. ad
Mn. D. MoOilUmd1y. Mr..d Ma A. J.
Moon, B.A., Mr. ahs Ma ktmt.de.. lir.
F. Marsden, Mim D. Marden, Miss E.
Mendes. Mr. C. MeDonald, Miss McDes-
Mr. and Ma C. A. Nairn, Mims Nsit.L
Mies Oliver.
Mite H. Perseus, Mr. gad Mrs. W.
Prs.dfoot, Mr. W. Pasmore.
Mr. dad Me. R. G. Reynold., Miss F.
Ramo% Dr. ad Mn. J. R. S1m..on, Mies
Sheppard. Mins M. Shepherd , Mr. Stuart,
Dr. dad Mee. G. C. asses, lir. and Ma
H. L Stang, B.A.. MM Shaw. Mame
Ste.0ka.. Mr. C. V. 8h.a.ea.
Dr. ani lira. 'bear, Mr. J. Tbrmpoo.,
Mimes T*ompsole, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tem,
Miss S. Tomo, Mr. and Ma Tighe.
Rev. Ili. and Mn. Un.
Mr. dad Mrs. J. W. Vomiter.
Mice Wins., Mies M. Wiym.Mr Wash -
halloo. Mise. Waltham, Mr. •.d Ma R.
S. Williams, Ili. dad Ma Whitely, Mr.
and Ma J. Williams, Miss Wynn.
My. B. Yates.
The decoration oommittse had devoted
beth thin and care to the work of &doea for
halls, stairway, ae..bly ream alas gymrra-
simtn, and when shortly otter 8 *Weak the
visitors beg.o to swans, •d bids. of
odors, handsomely bleled4...tastef.11y
arranged, was Meer.ab6 en every ode. The
girl students looked aharmi.4, mostly in
kqh colon to msteh the bant.I.g. and the
younggeatiomm won their holiday reitaaad
broadest wiles, although .11 attempt. at
Bluetits es tiit stairway were strictly pro
labttui by a team of Gramme with Mistime
Axed bayonet.
A visem.1 time was spent in ooeverreaties
and ia participttioo d venom madam, sad
ka addition the following program was u-
trepereed dun=g them manse :
i.stresse.tal Solo
Vlelis Solo Miss
Seim Mr. J
Inserussental Sole
Mess Maratha.
Mass Dierks's.
Lours Athmen.
Rev. Dr. *Jr..
. J. W. simp.en.
Mr Hemphill.
K im Bre A0ssa..
Miss Moss.
..Mr. T. 8. Medlar.
aim Airbrushes
Si. vrrt,Ilk. Hemphill.
is the phy.a.m 'eves seam bare Bene
MOM szpsrfss.let. were p.rfrtmd by Mr.
Seis... Mather, seised
by Mr.
Derain. Stark. tress . frimacual maim
were paused Nr..gb a Gelder tubs Mie*,
1a the darkened ream, preload • heartfelt
play of stolen. The ele.eririty woe then
rods to play Lamm pimp of tine fail,
M oath Inshore* a Medias bright-
moea disk, with the p•watie seism
leassserNbe dreeseedisairambeitill bhumwiressldas.o
ate'whits oder. bw tMe
reese1.I ash by ssssle. ale .Isere. spark,
M ens psriMe tow all the Meth, sh•wisi
that the dna .•.epi.' e.fy one peitias
the Nedinees, as rapid is N
'the 1Lrd eewM.d be as Ansk. N be* bele
$ANDKRB.-Friday of last west, Addie
beloved wile of George Sa.d.rs, i`lmt.
Mreh1gan, was milled away from earth after
• brad ilia..w 8ke bed given birth to a
baba the 9•bb.16 previous and shortly after
fever set in, resulting in her death. De
ms.s.d was the eldest daughter of Haab
William Brussel., and was bra an Elora,
Ontario, es March 22nd, 1858. She was
mated is marrieig* to her sew bereft hew
bad, who was • former reddest of this
pia.., sheet 13 or 14 years ago, Gild they
have made their home in Flint Moe, Mr.
Sanders holding a I.r•Uve position an the
Greed Trek railway. Mn. Sanders wee
na.r very ragged, bat no one expected to
beer of lar demise. The farrr•1 am Sab-
atobath was very largely attended and an iss-
preeave s.rvtss was oosdsot.d by the
Methodist .imide% the mibj.ct of this
miss wee beloved by • More carol* of
fried.. Her death wen mother triumph
added to the Christina faith. Mr. Sweden,
Mr. dad aft Willem. and family aro
deeply sympathised with is their bere•ve-
KYLLY-A veritable pioneer of Tun -
berry township expired on Timothy, in the
person of Jobe Kelly, who had reached the
aged 91 years and me month. Demeaned
wbo bed resided in the township from the
time it was • Totem, was known far and
wide by reams of his peculiar custom o1 net
wearing a Mt, and was fatnih•rly known as
Bare -headed Kelly. Personally he was •
huts -hearted, .meow man, stress .end
healthy, sad at the aged 70 was ea Lure
es may men sot half his ago. His health
and strewth has hems slowly but surely
Millar dmrimg the Mast few years. He
leaves • family of aeon and daughters,
tread-ohildnn sod greet-grand-ohitdrea,
sad • mod masse, bellied him.
8AMWKLL. --Harry &unwell, son of
Gee. M.awell, of Exeter, did in Lo.doo on
Wednesday morning ot last week, at 2 o'-
olock, jesel 32 years and 8 mentos. The
had Wag been • sufferer trent par-
alysis •ad tbe mall to come home wee • wel-
aome wmtne a from physical psis and ref -
Urine. Doomed was • yinsg man of mI-
oalst part dad his genial qualities wen
bins tummy friends, who will drop a.ymp•tb.
.tie ear over the hair of one se seem cot off.
We was • snembr of the Lebanon Forest
Lode., 133. A. F. k A. M. , wed was buried
with Masonic hoiore in the Exeter ossa.-
tery ea Friday the 1211 int., at 2 r. m.
His with sad friends harm the sympathy ef
the community.
ROE. -0a Friday morning the wife et
Tomas Roo, of North Main street, formerly
of Gey, pored away. Last fall Mr. and
Mrs. Ree retired from their farm in MoKil-
lop, ad ammo to town to live and to spend
their old ars is rose. Ma Roe was sweaty
Inn aC r and bed beam In pehealt
for tea time, and dropsy was the i aniedt-
ate canoe et death. She leaves behind •
6.ebaad sled lane familyof grown .p
children. The faetei tooMee es Mes-
day to the Braa.4. eatery.
CROCKKR.-A eerribly sodden death
oeorred at the heat. of Charles Brooke,
Mitskdl, lad weak. John Crooke, of
Exeter, had been staying with Mr. Brooks
during the wistr and at about 9:30 ea the
.weni.R is gmeties the two remtlsmam were
doing up the stable, whale Mr. Croaker fell
to the Oar •d was instantly dead. He
bad previously made .o oomp4i.s wad was
is his areal health. H. was about 62 years
d o/•.
RANNERMAN. - Alexaader Mldaa.r-
male. N Lake Road Feet, leant Drysdale,
departed this life March 21st, near a rant
ilium. Mr. 4we.r.aa was 71 years cid,
et whisk be spent about 60 yeah at las pre-
sent redenes. Hs anus a very quiet, hod -
Loam man .d took little or no Lona in
subtle atiaie but was meal re.po.bd by all
rehe loom him. Re was • native of
8athnl--idiie, Soot load.
Wert; A tiro weeks' ea L- td el Dam-
ao mid Ma C-ssphell's, ems. 2, Morria,wee
berried its the Wni/hs= cemetery ea Men-
d.y of Met week. Ower to the high waw
it was irpemible to get to taws by the pub -
lie highway, es those who attended had to
walk by way of the L. H. a R. railway
MM. It was • srrowful little band which
.easmpad ed the remise 1. their lest rem -
log place.
Brussels : A moll beg woe ,ebbed is arm
.ole as Friday mereksg LI while Wag
taken been the Mat+flles is the saris
alms the mall dark en the train remened
the boy be seethed • alit hen it, and it was
Lod that • mimeo el rs.messed K.MMe
bed b....fen. thopie a psista to •
w .a>ag male who has bass WNW
M sad she
aNi Lei M Themels, se the gusty
The Weer le.eetlen . caule laeesl.g hp
A fh.ysreme Csoa.ertrtl aIle.. la
Irk Asm.rme•s ver. r.
The June...
Prot or Regdar tarreepeadeat.311
WASHINGTON, April 15th. -
That saver new has the center of the po-
litical Mage in as plain to its .o.mies as te
its friends, altbe.Rb, of ...*r.e, *piaioss
ter as to its ability to hold chat position ua-
ti1 the Prmid..a•1 eche,. are I..aohed,and
as m the part it r to play in Next year's
eampsiga. But it is prompt ooadames, sot
th.me of aext year. which are occupying the
•ttestion of the country. From non ...oath,
east and west Gomm news of the egttat105 of
the either question. l'olttiu•m from the
LA were mast has been cuppo.dd to here
little or so following, have reported an no -
usual iatetest being dt.played a the gm -
thea by workingmen. One anti silver sem-
tor told several Weekisgto. friend. that •
street oar driver at hie limos ---in at ...tern
Sate bad asked tom quorum about silver
which h. could Not ss1lactortly answer off-
h•ad,•nd which the man assured hien would
have to be answered u the wit .ampaign.
The administration democrats are eoo.idr-
ably alarmed over the movement. in Illi-
nois, Minnesota .off other States to ores
mit the 4m.o•racy to free coinage, out that
movement is being openly Lounged by.il-
vr dm.or.i. of other States For an-
stesos, Swaator Rosch, of North Dakota, at
pr.swet in Washington. say. in • published
iawrvww, after he•ruly oommcsdusg the
movement, • 11 we put • fee silver park in
our national platform, there will be iso thud
tanked i. the Bold, lied the democratic can -
did.s. will be elected."
Thee has b.es mat activity among the
anti -silver demor*M lately, bet it is .o far
entirely Moret Bet it manta remain so
much longer. Any day • p.bls move nosy
be made thei will not ody da.closs the plan
of the o.p.ign the admisi.tretaon prowess
trainee against silver. but will also show
whether the Wk of again immune President
Cle.elaod, upon au anti -elver platform, has
anything more arise* behind it than the
wishes of • few of hie personal friends
Treasury oIioi 1. have just discovered a
am .Nd dangerous oounterfeit 06 new It
purport. to have been mimed by the ANSI-
Kicheage National Bank of New York;
u d the 1892.ries, cheek letter F and has
a portrait of Garfield o. it. Warman have
hem sent to banks, with • toll description
ot the oo.atrfeit note, which is • photo-
rraphic reprodttetion of the geouin..
It seems odd that sten should have been
allowed to bold regular oommiseiona in the
United 8mtes army without themselves
being American Mims, but they has.
When Maj. (.'h•rles Stewart, who has been
• eargeos to the Canted haws army eano.
March 3, 1864, took out his natur•lizataoe
papers, last week, the last alien to hold a
commission in the army passed off the stag.,
and for the lint time since early in the lam
war every holder of a owentio is° is our
army i. an American .irisin. The erection
of ecmmiesioning alarm originated with the
seoodsity fr trained officers dunes the war
and has Mg ago been •bassosw* but it
tock • long time to get at all the aliens end
compel them to take out their nateraUs•-
ties papers or Lve the service. For pa -
aid year • deternined effort has been
made M Americanize the sainted m.n in
the army and navy. and the perimeters of
Ameria's. is rapidly growing in beth.
The iisgoiste are re • state bordrisg es
despair beams of the us/Oficial News that
Nicer.g.a has made an mower to Great
Britain'. ultimatum that was entirely sati.-
factory. Meet people are, however, heartily
glad that the matter is t. have • pacific
sadisg. It is now •ppar.ot that many .f
toss wbo pooh- eel any danger of •
confit between the United State. mod
Greet Britain over the Nloreen.ent et the
Monro. doctrine were in reality very amok
alarmed. tearing that Nic•r•ltua. relying
epos the jingoistic .en4ment .o prevalent
in the s wspapers .t the United States,
would make a defiant answer to Great
Britain which would provoke tie Behave
tato thew of force. Kut as "all d well
that ends well", why disosm possibilities of
teeth* now h•pptly averted. stale." the
mews of • usttian.at in erroneous.
A week's study d ,he halfway dodgiest
et the Looms to: aunties has ally resulted
ta addlg to the with which
the •ot4.., or rather seameti...f the
Supreme Court is regarded. The adminis-
tration will oolset the tax epos all incomes
exempt those from rests r bends, municipal
add .tete, and trust to leek as to what will
be the result of the reh.ari*g and a positive
Menthe of a fall b.scb wittiest. It is re
ported that Justice Jackson has 000..te4
to sit .t the rdcart.g regardless of his
health. in order that the ooasitatiosality of
the az may be settled. loathe Jackman is
believed to favor upholding the law, bet
two other members of the Owe who .sed
that way .e said to be .dinky on the gm -
The repairs to the Sur. Jeno are now
The A0h.rnees are Will bey preparing foe
native work. Nom will likely be est neat
Another sag has token dem en the
brent'ater pier. Lam week a .Nenes
about halt..; up from the mouth weakened
and my go .t any Urn..
The follawisg are the appohtatsnm se
its as biomes for the tugs this year. -8e
K Capt. J. lekel ; Reidy*. Cyt J.
is ; Seibold. Up. Woks ; 8w Qum.
Oast Kerman McDeseld; Cisme, Capt. M.
M.D said t Bea Gall, Cepa D. Meiy.
A" pirtloe els sir ti.lr,M
la sty list v the tem of MM
Tenney, Apr. -A..Mm male d mak
bleak, tl+•.l.e arrd um WB. at fwAi.1
H.W. 0derish M 12.'eissk. ems. Jos
1m.., mgwW.r s.t Ca .a.., Bldg •
lsbawl ..4. f ..huiww.