The Signal, 1895-4-4, Page 7THF SiGNAL: GODERiCH. ONT. THT'RSD•AY, APRIL 4, 1895.
Anaemic Women
ale or sallow tom I x'
with p p e tons,
or suffering from skin erupts fns
or scrofulous blood,will find quick
relief in Scott's Emulsion. All
of the stages of Emaciation, atil a
general decline of health, are
speedily cured.
take% away the pale, haggard look
that comes with General Debility.
It enriches the blood, stimulates
the appetite, creates healthy flesh
and err:ngs back strength i.Md
vitality. For Coughs, Colds , Sore Throat,
Weak Lungs, Consumption
and Wasting Diseases of Children.
cos. /..r *4r taw!, h. .11:.!.1/ hA'AE.
that a bar... Oeste/. ea Drurs.tta. flat. 4.1.
A Lit.te eft 41
t, as •' • n.*'-.. • tie!. grilse,
d ra,•-....i ..
'fell his • • . f 1 r', de the .4ti- •le
A taste t. .... t.,y
It. cam,• one day W 1,• t4. world wit
A I • ',t: *1 wt 1f ',f*1 tot
\td w • ., t t. - . .es he s.•, ate l to.
.\ ii>•w b. -i N t, •s•
God could do • great deet more for our
l oat o
end t 'molting off tse old mac, some
people go to tor drawing him up and s..trg
Oita to cuaega.
The man wile eau pay hi. debts and won'•.
lit 1: will some dot Ins in a world where ail
like he will ho Io.L-d up
',m. Can. arts ' aka w much pride in 411 -
Ira what ...tut e,aoer• they havr heed
rh.t they (ergs,. to oil us how yoed the I.. in!
If an_rle hear all the pr"&.:hung that u be
u.f dune down herr It ,41114'. pilule them lei
,oak•. out Must NHhe plc.. are are a ming
The sea is estin.eted t...contaisJ,ah0,0Q0,•
000 citta• uo1.. of water.
The &dote matter hell in eolot:nn i•
era water .enrorises une•thtruet4 of its
oral ;ht.
ort .ri toe Atl.'ntic *ear hetw..,.
ISurot•r and Newf..uo/land exceeds _',3W
ltiidmen)the r.,lf `4tro.m perm. out of the
Iiult,at'Wextoe fit. temperature is abut 70
degree. ' •
The baaTi� ei'llirrfoua:ifiai-w formal
ley *ha ..111, earth snd stone brouttht troth
the North by weber{t.
ills Flea Sea takes Its mime from the
pretence of great uumbere 01 anoint •:u! of
that color iu the water.
It is es'imal'd that tau years are nquir
ed tart .e vuif weer to :rate! from Florida
to the moot of Norway.
-F:' -ere tin) prrttherance of • branch of
coral top,.. 4.l, • living online!, which
grows from a like • plan'.
`tea wa'.er contains silver in considerable
•I1*atlties. 1t . •l.•tn.r..i Ln tie. •-opper
*hoot . of . r w tar .
sag n 1 4s • i..unt. w.licieut to
make it• reduction profitable.
I b. phosphorescence of sea water :n the
Lot h" played 4i, p.r sofa a Auchan er.•pi-.e ,a due to the pro.•rnat• of millions
art, of 444.eii Irrinwl4. tousle tntcroa:.,pic,
• A.d tit.•innever d oY other., like tit- tea; tite, of qu44uferable
Ito m , cry sweet of t peitter:ng feet
it tt,'Iitt* ' .
11',• h,.d trandera!' how be could' play oil
1C b u«ver a .1rwn,A ,4 pet •
,• .sat :10 crept in the dark sad 11ept
tG on, hie re tthee5 br • .n
'there wee never a tootle ins weary *1i'.,
And sever a gleam .•t 1 ,v
11o• the w.,.id ,.oro. 11::,i note we drssm-
e•l of h,,..
A little to1 .t .,1-„,„ '
�f 1. ...n,,o.i.,_.♦•.
bow, • tater.
.1.h., Keri, did sou ever near
t *rote my -hotel terirr,
%nd alth.: fir cannot read,
-I thought, twat all the gutter,
r w'ty eh•,•u14 be be worded
'IV I• •u •,144,4• 111 the 015110r,
'.♦ Orn 't;r tnan'n' wM a'. pit4a
• I luve•t him Lir Mont'.
And he know. it -41h, he lowers a--
'V,:h.rot .,,te word frr.m tor,
w -,ori .t, mud f. Ltr•1 ,
trot pot a seal mem. it .
:4 was a veal .'moa aa bt.
A. the .• of my hest honest :
i --41,1I wnu1da'• h*...'he tr"'rrlan
Mate him renter: • open it,
•• le I'd ;ail .m dr the le• ter
1 hied him tasthfully,
And he knows it t r, he knows it-
Aahem* one word !tom me:
d•- nest waa full, hut when i wrote
1 (bred not pnt ,hoe half in,
for the nets/hotter know 1 love him,,
\ad •hev're m'ih•), fond of chaotic'',
-o 1 dared not write h•• name outside,
For fear they would be lau(hlo',
fat orad., " Fr, m little Kate to one
Whom she loves taithfu'ly."
And he knows it (4, hr' know. It
tV.thout one word from me,
Now. girls, would you believe
That postman to conceited,
No answer will he taring me.
- ".n long an 1 have waited
Rut maybe--there.mayn't be nae,
itecause n I have stated --
tly lour can neither read nor write,
Kut he roves me faithfully.
And 1 know, wher'er my love u.
1'hat he is true to me.
Lady Ilutferia.
• finy se Idles's..
Tile moa 4444 no InvoraaI lll44&bltant.
lt. population 6.44 eseh other, sad the
whole of this hunk* exp. -lee of water is
Oart sl t n
,'red &Leh er h M where. file ,t roc
turovrr ,prey nixie the week.
In I'. the river Thanes was tM,es Over
la 12' , the l'ettegat oda ••oa
150.41 feet thick.
Is 714 the Ktank rtea w'a.fn+
of ',0 miles fiunu shore.
la 1-4.1 the colt wee en .e0era is ti.14tnJ
that wtoe was cu' in biotite sad Roil by
In 1323 the Raki,: :Via trot tr0zen orer,ksd
aorta,: throw months teevellere paved from
the ointment to Minden roe the ice.
In 1333 'he 'thanes and o• her riv-r5 of
F.agrattd ani o!.ts:,a ft0; a n' 4'r. 'rile Seine,
Rhine sed lMuub• were closed t•,asvigatiou
early 141. 1►2.em `. r r.
141 14.4 the IPS at en..'t• fent- so 'hat
during 'brae week* no boort, could be used.
Thr 'Maar fro,. et Amor. and tow crossed
it on the toe, a thing never known before or
In 1i.48 the Than-. Mss coven -t 4111*
ice yam thi::k. foot es were erectr•.l for
a tsiF which wo• h old "n the river. Coaches
,.lied so and fro on the ice a5 on .try laud_
In17.1.7 the Thames' was frozen for 11
weeks. The harbor of ItareeIo a froze over,
sad navigation wee vu.p.•ndod ID the t.reek
Archipelago on a.'..oun' et the (Inger from
f4a• 4440 ter,
le 1f.'•I the cold wit.o severe In eastern
Europe that pads nt r'arving evolves enter•
rd Vienna, sad all the camels of faire were
troreo, and the principal month of the
N'Is is is blocked with floating ice for •
' I m sick to -day.' said 1'urly-heed,
And .o I hay. to he in bed.
1 ha.e net stood the throe upon.
Nor bed my shoes or stockies so :
But Inagua Ices content by me,
And is as good as she can be :
And Surety sits beside the crib,
and puts beneath my chin a bib,
And feeds me chicken broth and tea,
With tout as aim as it oat be
She Rives me medicos to take.
And says, ' be good, for pity's sake
-,he lanais; at every little groan,
And bathes my forehead with cologne,
And keeps me in the rolled,
Lest i should catch another cold.
lly mamma oomes and sits by me,
And brings me pietere books to see,
And reads mo stories truly true,
had lovely teary stories. tee :
And thou w. maks Wiese ad say
Well take • jouraey tar away.
W• call my crib a little boat,
The floor a lake no which w. float,
Awl then she sings a pretty song
fo cheer ns as we Sall Moog.
And help en in each happy play.
Aa if she were • child like me ;
Ahem test as sweet ea .h can h..
A pr•etey lady, Nie and bee,
I am se glad test she is muss.
' And papa .tops earl sake se goy.
' How es my little pet today"
He says I'll aeon be eomi144 down,
Aad se ethi.g nice he'll bring from
And Una he kisee. oil, •&d
.tied says, ' Re patient, little Roo.
' 1 thumb its &i. to lie i. state,
And hate ea aabnb 'teed .ei 'WI
To shat the dime, and heists w. Men.,
Amd wets* me ban mstyy ' /rake "'kW
And And my bsa4bSrsbIol, and say
That by teaterre w bon play
About the bs-s Aad se, you 55.
It'. see a were bed tit hif
A Male t
' And jail eme Amy to lis (m bed
Lilian Grey.
The MIN who makes hie w& (lad dray.
ilea • little sae.
Th• read t• heaven men/if he s.wded if
't ens evpoeed with velvet
The devil ea behave en well as es owl
elite t • lode it to W advwerym
The hardest kind Meer.4. brise
Newt V tepSeteep kerma
net rest p••&.bar tipoosloNR M
eraser wbMber le is le the pulpit fe sot.
Hamm al ear bade were see so bie4
&arty 00 s foe youthful wearers, made all HOUSEHOLD SILVERWARE. FOR HOUSEWIVES.
1 R.sssa greets, ,oaran Mw. auburn brown '
And tan clot hr eeversl) ..urs awl tretlma4e dbe'1•er-A Lee/ ;fife Sri saint af,e 11 Hate k 41st
0•l+ 7 *mei reit.►, era.• -rues.
Aided by the numberless models in , apes
sail )rakers, the transition tram autumn to 1% Iles out, V sae. Niver plate may b • it u awe.. :atter for the 1m&uutttfeed es::
wait., will b. stylishly ..d •ttr.ctiv.•ly k•pt In eatoa finned begs or cams, silo, ti rue roots to be trews 1 moo :o,• . .. y a:l
• eik.icoal by the new Josetone rediagotr. kelps it from the time and elan 'mutes it the year 1k.:, to lute all birfuual 114• ,a:.ur
1i..*Jes Monti used for entire gawps or troth sere _Mag. if a proper vete of •:Iger Potter.• ,n 'he nwt•rt . ! :err** 040.0 ., .tu'i
parts of the, cmIuure, the pew perforated se use Luise wt'h til. waahioe sitar 1 h.• r.:p•rust; u 4 ,i,,. • o, «anal. 14.•.1.. .043.
cloths are einplfy.J for ,ruond•g 1hr been tit. 1 .1 table or r le where. Ucdto•rily , woe the eip.,st{ u.• t. .' v 1. 4.luluy
bodice n•I I.urdsnog the skit_ hem nr cyst- 1 1 44*'.. the glasewr e, being ►e4,eut 1t the 4..14 our tuuurI•.. .4 :nse. a,.
skirt.' ' , wash, .ill .uthoofdie litter some% t
V M 111 I.,,„ and 141 .rM {.'n ,J MPIp, it,*y
•f he rel., of the new shot and ribbed vel- ; the lora on whims to ttuat it. U&e w ell Ret 04 144*u1, o • • , .r, ,r ,.,' 1140 taws a
vets are softer and metal- 1041kiug than ever, 'clots • t , xper'• hold that it *Litt .1 only 4e ' t rte, mist le elan r ......• .. , r will he a., `
but the chief Jistinminditatt favour. ie tomer waahrl in Lola hot water, fr.w (rout WWI,. domestic re4r'.1:u':yn, n. . • aphenrel
:u tilt er. 014440 nua:tre of e'olor rffe.ted iu w:,u•• Whets scutal h:.s.: tint soap dis.ol•.d ..t .1r 1414..4.: palate..
the weat' tog. in 1b" water. :111 agree that the 'e.t.a!' f it ie.'cry m's.:4 or:wr tot 1
Item rater crowns are again '.ahiom•ble should he hot the Loiter to b,lang th.-et.• • ,.to be •re.. ,. •)• ahi.
With .Thos ti.: of retard brim., mud Itkts the /otter - mud the' It enunl.J toe tree fr..,, • .arrowed . - it. J. c.'., at. . oil popular t i.ghsh welting hall, are trim- : coarse soap, or ■ut rl.:hg *4444 IN 'Tel! ., 4y 40 44.1 si;..,r .:�i ,54 p4oi:.4t} I to • r .
anon with a st&Opllauy which ah•.uld charas'-' product lye of oast, n or blemish o4 wry 1.1440 w t . - , . J 11•,44., unit u. . .
taro,. all het. ,nte.ded for utility purposes. Bort. Ar 4r, the use of mop, this linty prop •h•no .: tor, .. , .4 I11 1.4 bort.: r.
- Now '. ork.l'wt. erly 1.e determined by the ,count u,a .•f the l..,t moot: , t .., ,hew d oto., Iy nosh.
414014.4 •„ rr•c.•ise !Weston.ot, ar•ee,rdto,t 'o .'c.. -only Mayl:M fl, sig Moly ha nu'i '
HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS. 1...44 H ,u.rkeeptuao, o,,ich rtcuum.,uir teishorstoly ts:rshbs.i or ateerwies .treated
atter the wN.hon0 10 nose The pl..0 iw ha', w,: i. treetic re 4 tdi, . 10 rernutc ala1M inti
e .•
resole' are round is thin know* eteaa Mote,, wipe dry with a sort and. marl,... •..• it h... •• 4, v+f allowed to ver btu .
gr ayss. in ntvds t.-Iy rub with soft loather-- the to .t. *tai watt' • ,•r..uu.e. a lithcielty o
1:r•wnw we. us.0 is F:,typt-•2,000 MSS is by lar 'he bre. It noun be 4*.ru. in re• '*t4 team. T .e sat. re `
,a p e urrk Lata a.:e
.tufa (�nmt, - I.i1O.i t'.at_14r_art,alorare-te- he .erred en- .$.4-14 4 ! 1'snr«q. •
Kutner war.« weed in T . -
foe, �.eh.iarn&s* tirely ,Irv. awl that the pn;:„•ton,; .1,LttrP use oidia �ermT � ire the,lur
found over 1,400 in 104.1. most aloe to dry and clean. nature in mark. hettrr•a'..ndi•lie, then 'psi
X.tedlss aotedat.• hutorv. '1 hey t{me 141'h. n c,trs p.oitvh•ng it 400-4sarv, 4tie no, lis (+or4tion : at , ru '. p ' • .4 0 : I
font anode in .\intro&& in 1680. mitts! •,afro aro lanae ..hove .f.cribeii for *coil a ta4.ety tel pr , t
I..•op. were wee.) Miter*. written btetety. ▪ washanv (?very pre.'.• of plate must- he {kW! . h. • to 111 4,,,,,.-i g 11,t
' made 4..•.0.40 a poseiado end w:p,•d entirety +ea'tsfactory poli h.% is air.• .
Thousands int ancient lamps Owe bora
! ouu.l 4r•,'. 'I here area good ..any Moils of ail- uamcly, a mixtere el I1uq. c.1 ..
ver p...',..:1 upon the meeker, hair ab rout the , 444r, hoot in a well c. rho f 4..'11• c,..1 et
bear, after ..Il, and 44,. Wets 444 item* ,,f *Mori,' ,tlfw10 use ; the iter*,,.t:'e L:u1,t I, ..:1
is the old F'r.rorh whiting, whorl.. takes in lint. thea • he rots* tire earl hr .pf:'i-.i .
its punty, may be nerd w 1$, ,,'. danger of small *tablas.. tw'is4it:y ,jJiekiv r
isjot, to the ...Ver. It is wet *tilt ware, e,tk ra,;,. 'fhh' eons"wtzrt pin
or ala.hod - the latter giving a apreially iet(v %*:rota coir,yo.t••J hos'. a 1!
brit:int eifeet -taken von a soft rag and , flare : it dire a '' t4•r... a
('45.101 were 45 use to . EeYpt ae long 1[440 1.110 arti. !.• !heir/niftily tu' carefully ntl.hrd : w,...4 e., n w,tb ltwlg use r
a' .JJf1i. l. Cilium(' . m 1n
y ed .hem from over. The ...MON, 11 rho., Kigqu.laway 11•h varahly pr.du v;s,rft4La,,-ani r,,
about jabot Ila.'. a soft cloth, r fro r Irru•h a used r
1 (r' re- oil and vinee..o.e r. rn r. ,+ eusu,C r •t•,•
1.11 dor matches were pa.eateI
while frietruu tust0: es preceded them bl 13
I;,LSet. rah stem and stand Ike to.
"UAW to
4UAW were erup;uyed to Trot 900
before ('hri.t.
t'utterer were ernp:oye.4 for /odor. -*:I. in 1 move may trar.. int shote., fro., the. _n•"- Prover mark ,4,4. int livery is0i.4.0,
,. •i r
e�arlrs.• t n ,end h 4 t•c i `t
til c: r e. r ie a {. t,
u h velour) ht erre a'!c w 1 .lis «. With y t e a l a y p h! h Moth lire r. •a 1 ,.l,n, f,l'tmi+ea r'
ran'1.-rreJ w wwdow.. lntt:er. lee craned as• rr:u(ai thr1oo I. -es' -
('rslatrwrre IF.e itvture.a of N :ter the!! ff the
erica ht. been properly ao*o,'he room is doer-: 41&111 111 a,".• s, b•.1
It,h+m or the 'mores,. int .re of uncertptn heart 41phe mute. -.s will *evil wPh hrt,i0 't'r:11.4 •uttac0 tom 4i i4, ,.1 WI .1P•
nv•,uuj. 'rnrl c*1ae to F:supe watt, tta all die Intoes oyer h. shinicg •atiece., a:'.p. "hd * httl.• .:1i .,n f •, .
m 1'10
Pi!rt‘l Q!iiIIs
a I.;Ct:t .
1 ?,.1/ Ola.
.r,•e r-acn'
.r _ lei tote.
C c rs'1
e tna.lriaj,
flan . 'A,/
Int 1/
.ebb .;r�
' re'1
v.-t1in, ✓i ti Ci. illroi14tarl)t
-I•F+y tfuv ►�. •-t_ LL .,• a 'lla.i'::11II,1•
�E'.. ..".t. .. •. . u.
111 t(C ter s its
'.4 '. I it t..� i.%
M . •
rt 't
rM.Y4WYYIYe•*1SIrs•.SIes.laeeS II.11•aee�a4:•w.w..r.aNI se8a*n, 4\158
Dr.LVIOIette'S T1'` .44.��' ill Lir•
Cures : r a!! :1• -
O1�S; F � 0 t tllfVdl .
ot: hs, •
('trppt; roup,
1h ii
(� fl
I aur,h. £
~ fneN.
whether t4*.•.. replete t the tleor•d e,ann •ppl r.! with t' t w t' r. a .c i„ �'w'
l<...,,. of .old .n•I "'Ivor used in the twbbs Ane stye of deco ratio s. potielar tar * mot fnete merles v:' u•e foo...., . ,1 1.0o•Le, 1
tea soli CORM tref.'*ce, Or t)te.brts•ht finish r. mhoutd Fs w -11 Mart d, apd , u ,txipra ` C_� ,•, �� ' . '
44,meet, r 1w ;rj0 L' t' were hutted at Tray he ! r'" j ) 1
114• *chhemans. 144• rr there tr •boat tae with •Weeder bnrvber, lis litter, while *helves •i{.=.•• i ,,,,ii rcluw.l w ., clean ! f i s..m i ' •
very attractive w-ith its iui t, shin:ng aur- , paper,
a r i nits employed. face at _first. is beide-10 ---
„-_ -. aaras.laMb - 1/..ton. Ie lite ilea. *m �i.a.....
-_.. careless . '"� C (''' .tia,�t
until the hot:teeuth ce.ttur •. 'roe v-euettaa the fluted style for * 'a,p f N, • The chief. ,. et.t. of a , rnI i•, ! + • * .41. •7 �.»++•di.e ^�,\�
or In 11• rite t M ,oro •O et. t. •.fore
boa t lot p t oro .e t.
were first 1ubli m 1,moa 4th.-:11.4albserw,r� jt yy•,.•r*d set ttr I '. •1 ...1 .r •1.
earned with roe is • &tyletoo, that is mote or leaf •on.e. In .•.•r • wr, r.. I
Pepper castor. w are used by the Athero- fashion.
arts, prpprr hair., a .4.mmuu 'c•rd►u,ept_ pnurt r,rlud:ll..s h.• 0.44' tons lit!, The thNlwC •••r*2,-•e'n'n tram trot fou ra user n r, e
to • die -
yeses p'•..�,4,r t•hi. wlsie idle salt-- 1 i
li wh vine needs Its stick. • Lombardy
Otte .'*p is worth otte hundred hoods.
Lsve and musk soon betray themselves. -
A girl that spins wanks of her wedding
dress. Garin
Man ,e ton old to love or commit
soasrnoe. F,nnuh.
But, sister, he as Wand " So much the
fetter ' \ emotion.
People in lore believe everybody else
can't see Spaiah.
People in love have bells devotion from
thele eyes. I4.nuh.
The favor of woman mates • knight of •
cowherd. (.•sgogn•se.
Love is discovered easter than • hole in
the atocktog. Venetian.
A non w leve doest't need eyeglasses
for he is blind. Turkish.
5.ettingQ wanted makee golden plates of
earthen dishes. [noise.
Mn is like hre, and woman lik• straw :
the devil blows 1n between. 'Fusses.
"Should 1 take him ' Advise me well,
but don't dissuade me frees taking him."
1 ootoh.
Never did any harm, eh ' Well. neither
did • retiree egg.
The plow would not go deep if the team
howl anything to say about it
Love neer turas beck because it ems •
mountain .r ban a Isom roar.
The m•& who is oe etntlt thinking evil
finds • thousand ways to speak it
Nobody ever made life any brighter for
another by growling and gremblIng.
1f yon wn.I4 sleep well at eight, be wide
awake when a 'tremor seek' your coal -
When you go to war with • make. the
battle ought to be with the sod where the
had is
The sun will keep se shining. mss matter
fuer much we may talk about its black
It is right for charity to bogie at horn.,
but elle has net daintier day well she has
gore all over the writ->tllm'. Hon -
English .srderny Yid b.df/rd Deed' are
still very pp.l.r f&beim
There i. • great el lowered &ted
satin .tripod fade/ lit degsat
"rioter pour
Thi ItltMly woven ba medium weight
womb are the very heal 4.1At is, utility
gastro far the. tenet and whiter.
Whey emits trimmed etspo of velvet* or
Gas Veneere air* lifted wit. sues Weenie
w elbowed by imam sem importers.
Jet prelines ere ..ed is p.eriias both
ie dress end edllirT. Thy aro eweepL,•
o.s thin assesses 41 .sen of weeps sod
p y rya d f.11
the be de
trimmed, Mr glens In
ester thou the para
14.N1st1 is Weiss*. design is .1.d upon
In }:.,gland IS III, .,s:.P&tb erutury.
'1'ne best patent fat a vowing rhachloe was
tint Mimed in Eogt.L,I in 17 -to. Tine early
ottemomnn was 44.1,1 *00.'414111, and other
piteous were issued in 1603. 1:•13, sod
.e urea of (inlr". 4lr:.e.
Rocking crapes fur Mahe. were t:se,l by
the 'r.,;vpyaua many a-mune* lief -re t'hr:Nr.
.14tlooe the pac'nre, o.pieu by I►el,om is n e
ofa Egypti•am other at wutk at:4 her foot
on the cradle. -
'fumbkr, ..f nearly the ,.me shape sod
dimens,ous 4,4 these emp.oyed today have
4,ewn totted `d' great noontime in Pompeii.
l'nev were of gold. solver, illus, agate,
marble .d ether senu-preo:uus store.
4 offer pots are as Oriental tysentNrw, and
are auppiae,l to have COMO from Arabia in
A.U. 1400. :\bora* the' None tuns they
were case/) to Penia, but they did not come
to France until loOO:, and made their ap-
paraaue to F:malnd entree an Ion
Yu. kine, char. are 'motioned ,y Vener
able Prole : "T,.e women now are so luxuri-
o,u ttaa they do hey, chair. with wooden
circles on the lees and which "sway tuck enol
forth to aitch sort that it maketh note rack to
behold them." St. Louis 41Iob. Ibmocr t.
I:eauregard Eggs.-rt•rd boil five eggs.
'sei u•te the yolks from the white and put
ea -Th one through • sieve, keeping there
separate. I'ut • t.blesp000tul of batter
and one of tlour in • wucepn. ' illi; and
add half pint of milk rttr constantly un-
til it boob, and half teaspoonful of salt,
,;carter teaspoonful of pepper, then the
whites of the eggs. Pour this over nicely
buttered toast, 'prickle the yolks over the
toy, dust with salt and pepper, and serve.
Shirred Eggs. t'over the bottom of
shirred egg cups, or any little china cups,
with crumbed bread. limp of top of each
a fresh lad egg. Put these cuts is a bak-
ing pan o; het water end cook to the oven
.bout .e mutate. Dust with salt and
pepper, put • little bit of cutter of top of
..c14 and serve in the cups in which they
were cooked.
Fish Pic l'ick into flakes some "old
boiled fish and put in • dish. .'over with
cream and put nide to root, and after sea
sonic, with matt, pepper and ckopped pan`
ley cover with an upper crust ad bake for
tray 101,01.. In • quick oyes
• ' r...nhu1al,1.,•essio'0, a ii•ele1, 114 Ion !fee
A few day. afro, 1 '.': k my little girl of a pi:r -•f' blanketa met leg lira rte.ea
two years to the city with n.c to •pen+i hr •:.felt, yet the Minket* ,ire tar cieynrr,
week, Our trail ria':1,.'d the city short • warner far rt• 4.4.15 weights,aryl tri• .
after aeNon, and, /&&rasing to r place 1,T. farm a 44 til .<au•lpnibr til ev.4i w.... 1'
eaten& nment we found ahnner tr/t<. pert. a 4450,1101. t:, add :fiat tqe Peed or"I.t
citl 'te to tt obit i•ad.hag ani e'o'hee
The holy of the 10,14*. rap:aimed that she r tailyraieing putliaent to ai'n .h ,t,- ,,y
1.2..1 a picked up diener tor the children, her rh s, a'•• u, p otiose", td,,r Kh, , . .1 ,,
),ushwnd ib:ant( away. and she woui.l prepare ' ari,gmrd a. hied rind md„-.•.., tlb- pr. ,.1
a gaud, dor d.. .n u1-letinite 4a4:.0nt of ancon.
In • test minutes we were •mite,l at a train lsheetS end .u' .hone work woe lets
/uttfy-arranged tat,ie nn wkibh wast •,.r', 4 w:til beds. if you a e t i .,i :n nos, a
for me, r good :unch, but what ,e,r 'modern oto:•ling tool, 4.. sore it h•. ,•• pl,.
f'.r Inv baby ' 11..hy has a 'fe4cato stomia, h spaces for yaotflatill, sod that It ie a.rer
which man be trr.•e•i w:tot ttoosi4erk.tun. put rip is the m••ruroy until bun . ad .ir have
I:y her plate eat a .110,1 moo, to ,.,:1k. w ho i, worked tbe,rloireele of .in.nsim.4.
ane eagerly took, but rafter the first sot, t;rv,•
a dbappotnted litt:a "l': h ' • It. wa• a;:nn.,
14 .'old. 1 do not want her to dru,k c,.!tee,
but to warm the milk 1 poured Boole of toy
4,01 coffee tato It.
The cold meat was 4r It a, us, bet • d.uoer
of :neat is net good Lir a elided The like
was too rich for her. Pickle,' I would not
let her have. ' She likes but little breath
That day baby dined or, /reit with mi:k
warmed with ..offer. 1'or tea the fare w..
similar, nothing on the table could the child
eat but preserved peen. bread, and such
cold, cold milk :
. That night she had the coi•,:. At break-
fast we had paoesk.s, followed by sewage.
fried potatoes. hot rolls, sod coffee. My
visit mune to an abrupt chase. ,
This u, in substance, the experience a
friend told one. Many of us neat clam it
for our own. 11'hy is It so noisy house-
keepers, even three who have raised a
family. fail to provide any suitable fool tor
the baby visitor
The table is gfteo loaded with delicacies
too please the appetites of guests, but for the
little one who has been invited, only • cup
of the coition milk will be furnished. .1
hungry child -healthy children are so
hungry' needs somethine simple, nourish
Inv, and in cold weather at least som•thior
warm to eat.
it the bread my (rieod'a little girl dined
upon had been toasted, then softened with
hot lister sod • very little melted butter,
and hot milk poured over it, she would have
eaten it with • relteh, and. with • cop of
warm milk been satiated.
t oatmeal, wheatleit, rice, or whet or still
tanner to prepare, come of the foods like
granola, or eras simple bread and milk, if
the milk is warmed, will snake bahy an
evening meal that will allow him to sleep
will, and your friend will not wail she trod
stayed at home with him. Abbie Jewett
('raig, in Hnueakepi.s.
AMISS lime[yr...
Everybody should have hie own onbed!
towel, sponge and soap, make his Walla
toilet in running water, live and .Ieep in
well-yeottlated rooms, and tome under the
cleansing. refreshieg totu.oce of outdoor
air sad sushine at least one hour every day
of his life, for the health of his eves.
Roller towels, family wash rage and the 1
habit of using a hath or • basin of water a
e ecoed time product men diseases of the eye I Wyatt ....hob!) A. u. . Arising -10.80 a. w.
acid ear than all the fevers es the tut of 1 ....1.50 P.M. I I " .. 1.413 role
S arum. There are 43 dummies of the eye " ....3.46 P. w." ... 7.40 r.
and more than half are ..ta44ion. Fully ' , " 9.50 i'. w.
25 per cost. of the sore eyes amen babies
and yoi•g childr••a ad 11 per •tient among
adults we prerertable. The molt .0111111011
disease, eraeula!l. 01 the lids. isen*t.agioua
and should be quarantined. In the surgical
wards of mobile and private iashtatum• Ulu: *v noting trait.fery anal . !lenges
fosse are burned. and bandage@ ad dress.
Splendid Train `ren ire, none Iwftry
hags always the asomemt after use.
Ootar•et seeiente err pet is aap&rstte nwrrm Spread, safety mitt comfort cr.tuhinr"I
is ktdated wards le aN series *tees sur- Ilsmeni her %Ianito►a and Northwr4t
ass chime,, "hat sloth.., and often wear Excursions and Settlers' Trains taring
lass d aiet too much mare hoot he MAre anti .tpri1. For particulars.,
taken el the eyes. ritww, kc., wpply to N. AIIII8TNONG.
SNOW'. Pier' law, (4. T. R. Town Tleka Aga, (iederirh
()motet Souffle. -Separate sir eggs. Rest
the whites to • very stiff froth. Rest the
yolks of three end poor them over the
whites, add three tablespoonfuls of pow-
dered sugar and • teaspoonful of vanilla.
Mix 'quickly and lightly and heap into •
baking dish. Gus, quickly with powdered
sugar end bake u • quick eves five er six
minutes. - - --
Frothed Eggs. -Separate the desired
quantity of eggs, keepi.e the yolk' is the
shell and perfectly whole. Kest the whites
to a stiff troth ad arrange them neatly in
the form of • west in tittle shirred egg cops.
I trop a yolk in the centre of each , stead in
• pen of boiling water : 000k in • quick
own about one minute Go not allow
them to brown. trust with ealt.nd pepper.
add • bit of butter and serve at once.
French Pasta. -Wash holt • pound of
better in ice water, •md, when it is elastic,
take off • pine about the sire of a egg and
Oen both pilees in the ice water. Take •
half pealed of pastry floor •ltd sift, pet m a
platter sad .make an opening in the centre
I. the spewing pot the wnsiI pions of wash
.d hatter ad half the white of an egg, half
inapposite, of salt and half tes.portnf.4 of
. ager. Add some W *stat and hests to
week til. iftreileman together ..d form •
senottehopg�•. Whoa well mined, kneed.
Mee Awl* sat kit. Wyse and roll seek
IoM 4.. • Anel wed pari the rest et the
batter ea eco sed ouvlr with *bomber ghee
dueling the batter with floor Now seems
the meet isepartat part of the *hots re-
cipe. Ree frees yes wad fold it, roll owe
nem hold awl steed away e. ion 4. rest for
about sig .1*retklw Take so the board
sole W ssp.s►tii.ptselea sit or mem
fleece, esti awed lits. swab, it de the
les be ekil.pb In • eid
& sad
Meed &erne ap it is reedy to
be made .p Me v IOUs of dentia..
Mea Mary SL.rlsle. 1111. 161 Ontario Ott�t
Teree, says My now... 14 crew old
seared ler • ley these with • moot deeper
ewe stark of esseatitis. Two 116. hoots.
awe. I
'48 , 11111.1•1110611.11 Syrup N l Yee d
f :soempleee
recti l lweriw ►.�� olee/eetrd
trdtb Syrup .1 Tommie** •444 "rib them
every oeosrla
Waste era that n/et•
Mrs. /fart, who Oar covrrrd the glnl,e
ith h -r note book, •b,•I*ree the 1•:ov11-h
i pr.-ple to he the mist verrul*u. and .,•tar-
rulrou,e of any site hes 'ne•nui•tered: She
'she says :herr i' noire picketiry( sal di..
temper in the I:•:sliebrotn'a fsn,ty and
!more hr;mos err nr dr nghappy by donor
ti. etn•bbles than in 504' of the other
nations site has V141 tea. 1 h,. ctwdai044 she
attributer chiefly to the A..glo'<aann's
fon•inese ter it meat duet, :'the say' the
tlf-sh eating people are notably ill-tempered •
%Ye are only animals, sad the sryttence of
meat and fits, as demonstrated m the ai•
mal kingdom, has a signiti"voce in relation
to the human animal 1L'.. llart hu Rens
further than this. and has studied the
gentle Japanese, the mild blongoltant and
other light .hvlbg r•,:... Which regain+ 010.
firms her ideas touching flesh.eatiou sod
family jars.
The wtdeat Vamp.
i have known a lamp to be consigned to
the attic i. disgrace 'itemise nothing seemed
to reach Toot of the trouble, when all
that wed necos.ary was to pour some &Ito,
hot or ammonia into the reservoir socket,
shaking it hack and forth through the curv-
ed tube, awn allowing it to run out at the
burner This treatment briny. & brownish
oily ream, which is the caw'o o: • he odor,
earl which afbwetul the flame as intl. Ahem
lute cleanliness is necessary to or.tnr to got
. fiend .:Inst l'gitt f•or a lam:. of .spy volt,
v+d *ninon,, or .Icoh,-1 will always be
' found most effective in .e.•nrwg this. If it
ie de.'trw.i to cotoentrate the light, nothing
l•• r for • etudewt lar.p than the glass
diodes whom are pointed a dark green on
the outside. This color is cool ard agree-
able and extremely 14nrfi •tnl to the eves,
• :IIS:.
+v -r -t -in- T t to '1F.
raft •'1. r rG S.he
11114/1114111111•444.444.4104., 1444 144..<,w-a..,, .4*
L'F 1NC1
• • l .1444 anti
ore 4141 411,i►lyg
• •114.. tole
• '
04111 11. 441 4,4
1 .S r:AMERON.
44rr1•1- .....t
!i„1 1 ..,pt:•. *
mut. 1st, _.11445
w lii. i, , , ., , •, 'liar ;a -. 4•'
1:1/1•',1 111 P, , p-tv. nt tli- s . • he et: .
LII tic- 1. ,• .• .,• ' 1 , 1411...01a. NI ,.II 4'.o- * 5•••.' .t
S,•t.00l -.4,. •: :.t I rives t elety cntnlo+'Lttlotl. 4':
1,14.1 '1':111 1',.'.4141 ( Ixfor•:-. -
u :
Corner Nast .,t. 1111•1 5; wore.
„ of Root" 14,1.1
.t 411-41 kr•t 8l -
)x f..r• l Titer we are
s,• a lice!inf.
1'.,i; r• 11 • i l•ltrrt
1st, u' ere hove
it*e'<' tt'tt1 Ynwtli,'
our 4.ariiep' White
"r to E. D.twei11w. . 1.
P.$. «.Thr lortlau. „ of our Winter Stock will i•' -- guile.- of etat to
clear out.
which about,' Bever be tasteed to endure for' NEiW BA. K } RY
any tenth of inMe the e1rr••i*r heat that; l
is throe 04.1 by the larger lamps.
1st prize. 326 . 2nd, $15 3rd,
310. 4th. 35 6th. 32 10
prizes of 31 each YO
prizes of 60c. each.
The Proprietors of
�Salada" Ceiou
Puti•hase your through Ticket.; .•i*
IThe Old Reliable
Grand Trunk Line,
`•.s Y t►e rs.ltolnyer pky ie•1 --Fall supply of Maps, Fnldore, Re , free
es to •
all. (1 furnished.1 sed tee Aim. All deformation
•114.1111 .Root. WWhen • own works beohete►efsll
y.his strength. or thinks or mediae mere
than rest restore, thee, •e.ner or Iter,
. Bores that infidelity to sleep 'notedly, that
wakwl.ksm which is mon Wearing even
ttihpee a
bodily labor. d which finds do de
bey wheal Ores pee rise to it. The m-
e ek Is, & mum S always tired. never (sego
retied. WAS whom he lateen hie heti ie the
bass he seas. sod bk
is aM Riess. d indeed, itmsaity
4 b
los efts • pi.r+y
ttmsessisietss Avail Noe,
all ever ars el stied sed body ; it is wl-
tw malar tdts sail Feeds. "L.j . id 'se
wassail", so.tsy-her het.ta
otter to school children the &boyo
proem competition open until let
of May, for the Met poem 00
rhyme, the initial letter of the
lints reading dowewsrd. to 'om-
pree the words
JO 11 N .A..GIEEN;
h* t *ntwhl a •had I naw- ifakery mit; Con-
fectionery Stan' M, Hamilton-st. in
Ilarrie'e 1,1,1 .tare., "here ho will keep
constantly .11i hand everything in the
lino .1f (;oo.l Rr'a.1, ('akelc anti •Pne•ry
of test snake. Large [Antes at tl .tee,
anal ,.tall IAa••. At lc.
No combination oto extoiion; 1st
everything to ,sit the timet azul the
pnt•krtts of the l••,ltle..
If you w alit (loo,I Dread and Cheap
limed lea,.• siva orders at the New
Bakery. on Iiatnilb'f Street.
C•1,, t Specialty.
a\/�II\�ll �t �1' I����VHI tOw11r`#rI tI'.11', ,.m1
fhe prom% is expected to bo the
result of the child's own thou�i0t,
the name, age, address and school
to 1 . appended to aril poem, akeo
5 card nut of a package of
'i Salada" Cellon Tea,
c.M t:na.
• a. ny.r4v, ceder eb.
iter T.1(.011114' e4111nert401
to all parts of the
same AnMMOa
4/111,1 tar
If Mir . Muse
see 5 * *.r ..n Oat:,..• ,w*y. Wvw w
P,,1ee1*nfY a . M I1, s&w,►T.
APTER HAVING .414. ( :err ._ ticntif c Amnia*
I�nr.t.•:•v,• ,.a a
UP ALL NIGHT .�'58�wg.�irfd�.a►.j►e''oM��,Mooeew„mr til
ZITS ! ____-
With that COI/OM, if you do trot
want to repeat the experience, by
• ixtttle of the
Gray's Syrup of
Red Spruce Gum
The teat Cough Cure In the 71418L
hold everywhere as cta a big,
agaiY w*TsON • Oe.. ttseomme