HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-4-4, Page 5W. ACHESON & SON. IT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN --"/Plat dm, iti4 of 1►re., 1roods and Trimming,. e bur experience has teui;ht us that the besot Qualities and the Latest Styles in Materials are fully appo,ieted by our town and ,•ouutry ('u.tetners. Our Store and Windows thi ..•k r. ',. t The Tints and Hues of Fashion's Fancy for 1895. Newest of the New, and wisely chosen. Bought ley u. ,•heap, I,y , iy u. great lot,;. Vs'r hell at closest prices the Highest Clam hoods. See the Scotch Tweeds and Cheviots! Many of these are inter glee) with Silk, Knots, Kills and Flecks of l.ria;bt color. Small Shepherd checks_-'., ry fashionable, Plain Serge,, ['dues, Iilaaks /UPI Itrowna, iH s0 (lualities. Vhip orfs in new Shades. Our Black Dress Goods Costar is BUSY ! Crrpons, and Plain Cords, and Fan. y Weave., and With Sprays, t)ot., slid lowly other meat effects ; Satin Cloths, 1 'g,;hsenx, and L'rillisatines-al NOW. French Batistsr, organdies, Ducks, Vesting. and Muslin. in Cools linebo, and Soft, Plain, Colored Cloths, -ilk the asset Bewitchingly stylish, Curly Cue Effect', and some look ao if sprinkled with inky splashes Of rein. They -are the Style of New 'York and Paris. -- 's_ The new Japanese. KAI KAI" Wash ()rens Silks, Everlasting Fast Colors in neat Stripes, goal Widths, at 3tic. a yard : they should he .10e. :16 and 3t• inch French Sublime Silk. in Pinks, Creates, Black and ('and inal, at t$l a yard. New Murals Silks in every color you car: denim M TU. -for the heavy ,uality and 50c. and fitk. for lighter weight. Plain `Ibot Silks at 50c., formerly R(k. a yard. Kid Caoves_ I lur New Stock rust opened up. The 1:est I and -'I. '3 quality in Best shades and Black. special purchase of ladies' White and ('hatnoi. Color Washing kid (.tote* . (erg. Pearl Button. and Fancy Silk Stitch Back : selling at Sac. a ],err regular 11.2.) quality. W. ACHESON & SON. NEW ADVERTISEMENT$ -APRIL 4. Pass Are You • Cattle ( Owner W. (;S Goode 5 Neter, F A. D Morgan 5 lt'boaever • Rex F: K. Eddy t F.. 3 ',pray lump. -- Davison .t ('o 3 ,eiUemen A reelliteetag A ('e .�.,,�„ 4 `�'•i\ 5 5 5 5 Bicycles C. E. Chisholm sap Pub G. N. Davie W. H. Lidrs5* District-- W J. Paisley . 'uctiw Sale- Thee. 1.uodry. . srpete and Ince Cuomo. .1. 1' Ache- son rr cript,oes -1'has. D. Williams -he Importa.oe of Tailerior -F. .1. Pnd- ham - •- Wall I'apur-The Fie in the ethos of F. .1. Naftel, Mosd•y lain, the president is the chair. There was • Rood anemia/tee and •rraagemeste were initiated towards holding • flaunty meeting in l.oderich on July 1. The club has now • membership of twenty-six. and starts off with • promise of good work for the curtest year. retRT Or SINGING. CLAW AT t'•4i.1 a•. ‘TK 1%•nrt r1:. -Model term, 1894 Muse. Mc- Closkey. 51. Ihck.on, .1. Whitely, NI. Strang. P. Densmore, .leckell, Hays end 3 Wilson. Easter term lases Mat'luskey, 5 J. White' v,M. Straag,ll. Ihckson, W. Roll, 41. Robertson, a1. Wilson. Irrevuler at - 4 5 BORN. NATHKSON-laOoderich. on Freda)l March ix.d. I. the rife of Angus Mathetso. et • damebler. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Proal Ms Reporter's Notebook el C.e•.) • Mole lo' a Tsr ream 1 rade Te teat tet • elders Arras Ve Takla' meter, wet' faith Moll Pres/ It.' -..res. "rap rails $1.110 per Dozen at 0. N. DAVIS*, los make no mistake If you get your Spring au.t fres F. J- Pridbnm. the peoples clothier. His clothing is always neat tory and stylish. The Prairie Province remedial 1e 1 Istlsa tatter is attrsetlnet mask ,menti.• lire new, brit the greatest attraction in tows is it. IL a-snagraphic display. Hire hist a aa11 sr his studio. nor. Montreal st and PiNK TAILORIVE At err cask prices retire satWeetio. seared. Jaw arrived, 'seta! Has In saltt.ge and overcastings. Tatiana' extra len ready made overcoats et Geek. Meet be said, l5* them. d MacCORMA('. GOOD sVK SiGHT hi• ridden treasure. ou who have get It .bond take care of It 1 e watt beta net got It should have your •yas attended to at epee. We nand the pre - 111111tles 01 debt a specialty sad s• teat yearaweratdsod .r l sientidoslly. W. WgIO AH. mamma seal Iswedar• '-t• i... Annual nutans of the ('erca ar City Cycle Club will be hold in the . (mal Liberal roosts oe Friday evseine.the th. All Mayclertbe.insb and sew riders ars iDTitsd to attend Male busman else - :ma of officers and enlisting of new mise• bars. A. (hi. }•i.etloese Tr.. The Royal 1 employe of (:ederieh purpose holdi.p a. Did Fashioned Tea " in the Teesperasoo Ran, en the seeing of Geed Friday. For, !Mr impenvrienL to their hall ars beteg "$e 4$, towards whish the Ireeeedo of olio Tea " will be aerbsd, ('orer, Jr De. s'. CA11ll Al. ('oat*T. hank entry mid Fred Maisie, tee years 'flea eheread with satirise the stere el Mr. -••d. W i.ehal.,•od deans/ SrUil s, wire se before his Hew Jedge Tema, for.nstase. raimmay I•at They teem Mem tares mamba in the comity coil, pith bard %hew Tu,. 4; TLC. The^l� wm thly ese- my d (%••ds.'s i'I. (ash w.. hsid tendsece told against some in this term. ANNA Stith, teacher. A SI setens.--Armstrong .t Co. have every res.on to feel gratified with the ungualiti ed *woes. of their millinery opening. En- thusiastic expressions as te the artrtic ef- fect of Mess l.reen'e handiwork were heard as every hand while for variety certainly ss ouch dents, has ever been wit.eeeed lore, and is seldom seen outaide the large cities. Every lady with se eye for the beautiful should see it. 1,. 1'. 1 I•ITl.t1R1. At the regular meet- ing of the (olkg,ate leetituts Literary so- ciety on Friday evening nominations to oMice fir next term were made. The follow- ing program was presented : Instrumental solo, Miss C. Flits ; resdiog. 11 4:deet : question drawer, 'Mr. Strong ; chorus, the glee club ; reading, A. Simpson ; solo, .ins. Thomsen ; recItetioe, Miss Mcalordi. ; editor's selection, Lynn Williams. $cmrov To SAllnab. -The annual aermos to the sailors and fbhermen of our town Will be preached in North -et. Methodist church, neat sabbath evening, by the pastor of the church, Rev. Joseph Edge. The ushers will pre- :de seats in the centre mole for .11 sailors and b.hermen and their friends who may accompany them w the occasion. Special music will awn be fur- nished by the char. All are cordially in- vited. Fc: IT S1.0.iy114:.---8o441. tam ago the Oat.rio I:overantent deeidd to 1setitele trate ezprimestal stations et different ports, and las week A. H. Petit,ef Grims- by, woe here in this eennectie.. ('isles will he the experimental station is Hares, end in about three weeks' time • represen- tative will be here to give rostrum tier, in fruit ,preying. Morse ensue otl)•e.nl to town will be selected, asst with the owners ,oesest a o.rtain pert of the era chard set made foe sspsrisirtlbl porPsso, -New Yrs. TME SIGNAL: GQDERICH. ONT', THURSDAY, A PRI I. 4, 189A, It is notable also as tbo play whi.:h the neat Lamont was witnessing in Ford's Theatre, Wsehiavtes, when he was shot down by the asesanio, John Wilkes Rooth The present mete promotes W gave the charming oni..dy is • manner HMI will of ual ell re; utr.asste, and make it the most brilliant dramatic event yet pyx by t:oderich player*. Mae• ager Hart s gtvtng • great deal of attsotioe to the prepererlen of the play sed it will be aotompaord with stage draining that bis twig experience can suggest Next week we will rive the caste of characters, but mean- while make an entry in your note book to see our Amenu•o Cousin at the l:rand un Mo.day evening, Apr. 7.2.od. WITH THE Rime. --The following a the score at the Ride ('lub shoot Friday last : 100 ?Mt,. 200 yds, ToW. 1'..`(ymmoode 3h 11 47 W. H Smith 27 b 33 (►. Pennington 37 27 b4 K R. Watson 33 25 58 1..lehastee 26 11 37 F..1. T. Naftel 38 .56 74 J. Platt 31 21 52 J. Green C2 7 29 A. Ikot•ieoa 42 35 77 J. Leonard 31 18 49 1k. Shannon 32 27 59 The club .hoots every Friday at their range near the Platt null property. .1 I:itt.d Sn.HT. on Saturday evening, at sunset, the ice on the alutlaad broke up, forted • passage through at the mouth ot the river between the breakwater aod the North shore, tied went harmlessly roto the lake. An ey.•witntess, who war standing on the breakwater at the time, relates that the sight was • grand one aid worth travelling far to we. For the whole ot the day the .Iwh ice had been carried by the current, damming up the narrow entrance at the mouth of the river and covenag the glands with huge pans of ice which tamed the water to nee perceptibly for several feet over the lake level and with a sudden crack and loud roar caused by the pressure ot thousands of tow of accumulated ice the whole macs went bodily over the lake too, spreading out to all direction.. Immediate- ly after the rupture of the ice, when the obstacle had been removed, immense pais, some twenty feet ,shier., or more, came cra.hiog and tumbling over each other to se indescribable chaos, eometims standing oa end and falling into hundreds of pieces over each ether in obedience to the tremendous power that sent them along, adding sub/im- am to • scene that rem% did on. of the hid- den forces of Natant when they are let loose. It was feared that the freshet would cause some damage to the breakwater in ire now shaky condition ; but, fortunately the whole e tresgth of the current hedged the shore be- low Attril's Point, aod • serious mishap was averted. t;m ral. If Crat-IVG •i,. SKATING A'•.. ►• A4II,'.-A meeting of the stockholders et the t:oderick ('urlin, and Skating Aesocia- tied wee held on Friday evening, Mar. 28, when the following *fusers and directors were .elected : Sheriff Gibbons, honorary presittent ; J. T. (.arrow and Joseph Wtl- Iiamr, honorary viol -presidents : president, M. Hutcheson ; via -president, .1... clerk secretary, 1'. A. Humber ; treasurer, K. S, William.. Directors, A. Mel). Allen, D. t Strachan, H. Lockwood, F Jordan, W. A. Colborne, M. Nicholson, Dudley Holmes, Robe. McLean, W. H. Murney. W. Proud - foot was Instructed to ,roceed at once to secure • charter. Upon motion the capital stock was increased to .5,4$)0. Sheriff (:ib - bow, the patriarch curler, eddremed the meeting at tome length sed added to the enthusiasm The president also are a summary of the past and the encourage- ments of the future of curling as the town. Plena and other information are being se- cured and the work will go on as soon as Spring opens up. The stock books are still open and a limited amount will yet be re- cetved. The list already comprises nearly all the bummer men of the town, only some halt de,eo of the wealthiest riot yet hating signified their approval in • substantial manner. �n,1:T• "• Til 1)I too,). NI AFT. -A large and enthusiastic baseball meeting was held inthe " Huron" 1 oesday evening. By the in- terest manifested, the club has • great sea- son ahead of it and at remains to a great ex • tent with the town to give the club the en couragement necessary for • successtul tro- see. The statement of the retinng eecty.- trees. was read and accepted. The club to start with this year a in debt about x20, but it is hoped the amount will coon be wiped out. The indefatigable secretary, " Herb ' Robertson, was tendered a hearty vot• of thanks, se were also last year's officers and players. The card of this year's offioers, as will be seen, is • strong one, and if good m►aseresest and enthusiastic backing count, the 0111111011 of 18'45 should be an une,lnalled use in the annual. of the 1:. It. C. The following Officers were elected Hon President, Dr. Holmes : Hon. vice- presidents, 1►r. J. R. '.haaone, W. T. Welsh ani Harry Hart ; prse.dent, Wm. l'roudfoot : 1st vis -president, I.ynn Crow - ford ; 2sd vice, Chas. R. Chase : sec -trees, C. Geo. Armstrong ; manager, 11, ltceor mink : execrative committee, Messrs lac l'ortnick, Crawford, Hunter, Armstrong and Williams ; ground. committee, K Mal- ocesa s, R. Black, 1 1'saringtw, 1 t. Messrs, C.A. Shawnee and F. Shepherd ; worms, C. G. Armrtrnag, Wm. Pennies sod Arse. Dons,,. A fall •ttendanee is re.ltl5*0ed at mixt Tuesday's meeting in the same pleas W11.t.1AM E. born.,'. Bon FOG NI. The fellewky tress The (1.l... Dispatch of Friday, Mar, 10. refers to the lading of the body of the late Wm. R. lamprey, for marl, .1 Goderi.5, who bad bis. noosing -"mime J.s. 15: Ties body of William 11. Lwmlrwy, 21S years Of Vee. was found flrrt- isg is the river at the Taylor street bridge Carly tide moraine. TM Harrison street polis were ..tiled wed .her Sabing the body ant of the water it w reared lei Reber', mtrgms, 11 Alam. wrest. The .ergot wee se a badly dksrtmpseed art. and had evidently b.ss is ilia riser far some lima T5. desats 1 room use bad been mind for sess, dna, Ra wee a sdaissau momlo►ed in the teres's fsrelebfns rediae dO- psrlsse.t of Masdsll Field b Cies road tecta sed lived es OM Wats Mee - Ova Amami= 011s0111. This brisk* comedy whist a slsm4 el our 'lever asst awiateer Thspsass w treparing as • bene- fit perforates for tlauager Hart at the (;rr.d ore. H'.5*, Mead•y eveniyf. April 22kd,will be • dramatis treat Mr ell whe at- trd. Aa .Id theatre sews will remember the erns the play is Mika the brilliant (aero Reims s5ersa.d the ;midis et beth ...timrwk 5* FMrr.. Ttrm.bani mad E A. ILushars eh, ieiwit.0. Lord Deeeteery ens a espittail s wet sa/mYid smog tin etmalk-e al ON.r imlmgesas peadel 1 .. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and iml.rnveteeot ..1.i tends to porw•ual auj..ymrit when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than , •t herwand enjoy life mare, with leas expenditure,. by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the ne.ds of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liyu,d laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Sirup of Figs. lis eurllence 1 duo to its presenting in the (, arm mot accept.b:e and pleas- ant to theta.te, the ref rushing and truly beneficial properties of it perfect lax- ative ; effect 'tally cleansing the system, dispelling odds, headaches and fetors and lw•ntanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met .ith the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- ney., Liter and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is 1 i rfe. tly fres trete every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fogs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it 1 manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name 1 printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not motet aro substitute if offered - roe street. He was last seen aline on the evening of Jae. lith last, when he part- ed from two friends on the corner of 1'•n Burge and Clark streets. At the time he said he was going home, but since that time he has not been heard from. Two days atter his disappearance hie friends beanie alarm- ed and notified the police. A reward ot 1100 was offered for any news of him, dead or alive, std descriptive circulars conteio- i.g hie photograph were sent all over the country. It r feared that he met with foul play and detectives have been detailed on the case. I hi the dight wheo he disappear ed he had co hie*arson • gold witch, dammed solitaire finger ring and • sum of money, the amount of which a nut known. All this was miming when the body w found. He was originally from l:odench, Canada. The finding of the body, the young man's friends believe, bears them out in the theory they hare had since he was fist missed -that he had not taken his own life. The police. however, effect to believe that he fell tote the river accidentally. COMING AND GOING. -las. %Vilki.isori }:Trio -.t., u rietticg in Galt. Geo. W. Thomson was in Brantford last week. W. K. Robertson went to Toronto Monday. J. A. McKay, of Toronto rented town last week. ]etes Lou Sterling and Kate livid left Inst week for Buffalo. Capt Wm. McLean, it 1tetro,t, visited friends in town thr week. Mies Marion Shepherd, of Toronto uni- versity, is visiting her parents in town. R. I►iAtsoo, merchant, of St. Marys, cu. sed hie father, .hauler Dickson, this week. We are pleased to hear that Mrs Harry Armstrong, who has been eo ll as improv New Ere: Mre. Waddell, 4.orlench, paid • visit to old friends in Myth ,.n Werint .- day. Mrs. Edward Shannon will leave for Mem- phis, Tenn., next week to vett relative, in that city. Hy. Davao, of the 1 intorno house, Wing - ham, vented hu son, .1. E. Davis ot the - Medical Hall, last week. Mrs. D. Ferguson, Colborne st, has been dangerously ill the past week. We are pleased to say that she is Dow improving. Mrs. I.ludgel Carpenter and Mrs. Allo Martin, of Detroit, arrived last week to at- tend their mother Mn. D. Ferguson, who. has been very ill. Robert 1.e Towel. ' f this town, formerly atrdent at Ann .Arbor. Michigan, but now of Mc(:ill, Montreal, paused hieexam.. with honors at tb. present Easter examination. so the medical department of that far-famed university. Please Wanted. HOUMR WANTED TI) RKNT-7 OR 11 assess Apply to J. H, WORSELL, Hand as stns. Dla olutlon of Partnership. DIlsoi t'TI0N (IF PARTNERSHIP. Notice le hereby liken that the Partnership heretofore submitting between 11, M. Fraser and Oro. loner under the firm same or Fraser t porter. has tide day been dissolved by wilt 4 cement, 1: M. Fraser rentrin1�. Th • Feriae= w111 hwrea't.•r he carried on by Oro. Porter who will poi all debts of the late Oren mid to when all a.rotets doe the late firm memo he paid st once. this lath day of Marcs 1*., O IDl FKAR5li • R. M. FRASI lt. Witnees • 050. PURTRK. o Smokers: T. Impel 91• limb.. al 1M1, 4 intimater. A. azar. a:. Tees. t • ass. e.,. )sat.. Maw- 511..anal. . bare plated epees Ise mart., A Combination Ping of "T& B" a31otma rosA000. Thin supplies • ISR want, giv ing the comment? One 20 cent plug, or a 10 oent piece ora 5 cent goere of the hums. " T & 8 " breed of pore Virginia Tobacco. Nth TK "Ill" is s nay Mess. Can not Sell Out. �UR Mock i'. reducer) tonearly $3,001)0(1. and a loan M lova the Stock en bloc at a fair ts•,(ure 'eine- just now beyond Lur r••acll. We regret we, -lid not find a man. N'.' n.Iverti.e.l in(to.,IAtly amt %cockle paper*, hut •lid not 1,*et rt •uli„rle oth'r -„ w.• fries decided to buy a \1';11' SPRING STOCK ,.n.I go right .•c 't:►r, with about twice as mucic .team in our Lu'.itte-x iw►1l,•r n+ w-.• h...1 )•'fore. tour Selling -(hut Rale up to the tint of hebruerl war it ;;ran,) !lucerne are now being .0111 by the manilla( our •r• tit t,•. V I..w figure's ; they have to .ell low, money 1s re scarce ni 1 s'u'es•.'l its' d: kt'.'ll. „'t! have Considerable cash to put into New S;ir:.g •i.HMlw, litiving now means buying at the lowest price. good, • r • e'.er ::,II for. 11111 to in- crease our business we intend offering , -,,, ,'i•I.l••• trt.'ltt- to cash buy- er.. On an.l after Friday, lst Morel %ill -how :1+ in Grey car Factory Cotton at 8C. per yd : 31 in. wide l lnunelrtte. warrante i fast colors, 7!.c. per yd ; good Cotton Shirtili„ !a• per 3.i; a.; in. Dress. (;ingliame, warranted fast colors, ti_!c,.:'.: Irt.t 1$lt'. iu,.l i5c. Prints for 11.. t per yd. W(- are always pleatle(' to .how goals and have eight.. compared. Your trade is respectfully solicited. JAMES A. RE i D, ,711. f'. L y, I `!+:•. .lorlan'• Bln••k, (:...lerich. + a l Wz C. GEODE. - CHEM 1ST. HORSE become deck and Kati WINS t%*aM/.ries ' .ens t, r i Mts ( )t•K 'I't)NIC.CONIfl ION ItO/IDER. Toot them up h.the A9lwiieg Leek ! .'it a pound': 5 peeled, lar 11. ENGLISH 11 1•:A(.I t: 011 -beats everything for heeling up cuts and mors oe Horan, or ).�an. Keep it in the stable Ii the Loading IMtA•nt Molt. inns V_P'Irtetnember our Me.lical Herb Tea, a good Spring Blood Purifier and Tonic, 25 eta. "KSF ( ':-s ri'i.E ( IIVNF:R If so, this should interest you. THE WESKLY MARKET 1MPOR'T, 416doseoli prim. ewwwwa. April Fall Wheat, Ines. standard 0 56 Flour. tamill. per est 1 90 Flour, Fell, per cwt 1 65 Flour. patent. per cwt Brian, IP ton Shorts. 5 toe 00 1:,00 15 00 Screenings 5 tea.. 12 et (Ate. p bash .......... .. 17 Barley. two rowed. IS boa ....�... Hay. ton ... .. ............ Potatoes, p bush, new Rutter. sago. fresh unpacked, ;} deep . . Wood.... Wool 1 Hides ,heap Skins ..... Live Hoes . ............. _ lounged Haws ........ ..... Bacons.. _ Ham, ser Ib_ e10 %2 to 1111 to1iti to _ 00 tot:, M to15 M t1500 to0tl Si to 060 to051 to 7 W too 45 to 0 16 to 0 11 to 3 54 to 011 to x 00 l0 1 40 to OD to 't 00 t0 9 10 to a 1n 4 5e I.. 14 9 OD IF i0 0 :15 i5 1119 0 ft :0 0 in TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes most be left at this (ice not later than Soutelay noon. The Copy for changes most be left not later than Mon day noon. (✓dual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wedinesdsy of each week. Tillm n= Gulds- GKAND TRUNK RAILWAY. a Holl AND TO aouaslC5. Abaci t R Nixed Malt rad Knees) Mixed Mall and Ezpr1*sp.................« 11111119.49. Mail and Revers Mail and 51105.55 Mixed... 10.40 a, m. 1.55p,m. 7.40 p.m. 9...n p.m. 1135 *iii 1 5o p.ni 3.11pm llpsslal lNOtiois. H11USE (LE1X1\1:, PAPER 11A \i. 1\G, ke.--Tse uuderetened r preppearal 111 do alt kind» of hon. • cleaning paler henr- tew. painting. be., on the .I.ort..l pow. 4e noti.-e ant at meet reaeuuablc rats. Lave orient a my rookie/ow. I;n,anuu roast. Or drop • card is Posl.Oce, and 1 will call or Toe. 1041 DAVID Inglis. IoT LIME PEest►NS INTENDING 1 to lucid eat 4e well 10 ere Joseph Wil- ties before poi- hsone their lime o.4 .roue. e are prcpa.•nt 10 enppl)) you at the lowest parable figure. 09 it .1, WILSON S 8ON$. LIME -THE ltl•:'T 5'. 1111'e Lime, l AN be bed at my eremites on east -et atter the 5th of April. 1 eaa sell it about its oboe, as the local lilac. It L rnuoh et reaper, will mi one-third further, sad masons aO)y it is murl .eater worked. 51IWARD HHAItMAN, Ood.'rich. March Itch. 11 J5. Executor s Sale. E\FA:UTnR-S'SALE:(►F H111 BEHOLD FCKNITURE AND Eh'FE(F-, 1 have no -cited di.fructose. from the Kxeca tarot rite estate of ;he late Mannino Wilson tosell by public out tom at her nuc reel leun Maple -w. Roderieh. on W r.n.esi.p. Apr 11 101J. I'15. commencing a' 1 a'.• 1ek rel. all nue household fnrnhu..• or.t. fiw•t*. . «, la'trig of lied Ionone suits. Tables. Mures.. t h. -r•. Leurst•s., •.ria , r'nr'nine. etiAtoar,,.,('ruw her Keo, li neer .n.: Tea awe, I..n.pe. Tuba. Cants' Toniyl., Wheelbarrow. .'not $torp, 1 .inrwe) IH.nJ,•. 1 !Wein, Mer»', 1 Ke1.. Amide Harness. 1 t'•nopyiepped Phe - too. 11.ight Woitgen, l Putter, 1 Kobe, 1 Res, 10 Hen. and num.•rou. article,. At the same time and place 1 will .ell 1 Parlor Oren, 1 Extension Table, 1 Sideboard, 9 1Nm late ('hairs, 1 ('lock, 1 1.o.tnge, 1 Foot Stool., 1 Rocking ('5.irs, t Pair lar 4'ertarn*. 1 lied Hese Met eenn.plete., several Fane; 4'u.1110e., 1 Mirror. F factoree I Shand, 2 Paces Carpet, e (tugs. 1 Hasse Kerrie. 1 Chamber set . also 1 Cutting list, 1 lore? Giese Cupboard and other articles. Terms All sums of 910 and under, (lash: over that .mount, a .tooth.. credit will be sires on furniebine approved anent name. A discount at the rate of 7 per cent per annum allowed for cash on rr.dit amounts. THOMIAK Ot'NDltV, Anct- Public Notices). Auction Sales. . (TIE E. THE .TI..INTIC AND • Lake Superior Hallway Company will apply to the rariiao.ent of 'swede. at its next .scion. for the passing of the act anthoririni it to cuter into agreesen to for the purchase or loose of. or makirg .rraageme•te with the ('conal ('n•I'tiea ltatl.tay .',1 i•t•nl. The t•anad•. Allo!?e 1:aiiw;.) .'•.wit 14. The Ottawa. Arnie -tor and Parry soma hallway ('ompar}. The Grund Trunk itelway Com- pany. The Krork:clue. w'.wtpo.! ..red 8at'l' Kt - Marie Hallway Company. TLr lrIni o ).red rosin.). Hallway ('ompanyy The ('sited t'eun- lis Hallway CsmMnv, Tbc Sow kllhore !tail way (bmpaoy..ad with one Merl companies w tore 111 .s r• antes with thr railway of tints (1501, and to authorize tee af.re.ald corn in enter late ouch at eeme,,ta. also to wutbot,.e the construction of • branch line front the company's main line- to . harbor en tike H•irr.n. In the •'runty of Huron or Iona. and .lin In .-.'inert its telegraph I-n••r '.,A the l ue..pose Televrapi.w 63 et. m et tut 4o. of • ea'1e ac-e.w the Arlo.ric. Mob treat, 15th January. 11104 j K. A. U. M01:0AN. I1 •1 Solicitor 1.. Aold i. -rots. Notice to Creditors. N OTIt'fl: fo CRK I Hai m:4. Ile Ile moll., el AnaThoId .11Wi'k n,, nnr. M (5. Township of (•uif rrw., re IAr (..s n1 .( //wren, I'. omen, /kr....rt. No.ir'e Is hereby riven. p.rsa.t 10 R. e. 0. . hap. 119, sectioa i and ame.dmanta there- to. that all peewees having calm. or Armand, against the state M the mild Ar•hibald Mal 1.7. decayed, are required .0 or before the drat 'day of May. leen. to send by pow, pre paid. sr deliver to William Hill or Robert Strachan, Ilea filler fest-once, the exertion of the last Will and testament of the 5.1.1 de ceased, a statement in writing eelitalnlagtheir names. addrwee and ne npatlosa sad 0,11 particular.. of their rla.tns with ro,cbere. if se), and t►'• nature of the securities. If any, held b1 thew dolt verified by a wat,tmc d.- elaratlen ea or before said date. And further notice ia hereby given that .flrr ..w'h last teentiewed date, said ozecnterw w111 Iroeo.d to distribute no streets of the said de cse.rd amoae the wniee es? iflee thereto, he•• ,ler regard only t0 the slams of which they .ball lb, n Eli, • .wiry. And the said .even tore will not Iv liable for the raid newt. or any part tbersof to any ;serene .w persona of -base • milks. oks. dal not hare tree received by them at the time of wtwh di.atibia lila_ Dated at Dederick, this .:tb dal Of March. `r1. 0ARi4OW k PR01 tweet. teseieitor. Inr said 1ssertere. SI'ItING MIF;I)ICINES PAiNWR (RLKRT 41►Np0END, HOorr5 RAIt11APARIi.LA, AYER'" IAHFA"ARii.i.A, PINK Pt1.LP, 14)1)1'51 kIONItV P11.1l, CHALK'S) 1.1VER CURB WILM011w IKO\ PI1,11. ler the IMAM. -- Our ( tw■ 11114 powder .'Seper pound J. WILSON'S PEIMCRIPTIolf DRUM MEL AUd -r11)5 SALE 4IF VALUABLE FARM I'KNI'5KTV, - Township of 0otterich, ('nd.rant by virtue of the power of sale ronta,ned in a certain mono.: gr• made to the vendorshearing date the 12th day o' Pebr ary, A. U. CIN, there will be .,*t by publicalctten at Martie. lintel, in the tows of Oederi -t . by John Knot. rectlenr•r. on W.-deco/et the 17th day of Apprril 1111.. at 12 o'clock now, the following vahabIr property, namely Lets number thirteen and fourteen. in the sixth concession of the Tow...hip of lioderirh• .n the ''mint) of flurnn. r •ntaining bt• admeasurement 'one hundred and •Ixtl K err* of land, morelor leer. thio is • nest clans faun within a few miles of litslrnrh. Th* building. are in good condi tion. The roll to good. ober• i. an orchard:of about I ..-re., Th farm is well watered TKKM4 In per cent down on day of Kale and the balance within 30 days thereafter. For !nether particular. apply to CAMERON. I101.T & HOI.MKS. JOHN KN(OX, Vendors solicitors. net ioniser. Goderich Elated 23 d, March. 144. l0 11 Property fbr Bale or for Rent. 1;1011 ".51.1: 11u FUR RENr. THE l;ommereal Hotel t'Union, also the queen., Hotel and store. Exeter% with stables mad shed. attached. FOH SAI.Y, Kast ball IM 1, ren. '' West Niue iiri, revitalising 50 acne and lot 12. eon. 1, West Nltaoun, eon. ta.ning!ODacres. Apply to JOIN Kd)1SSIKlt, Rem ,011ar P O. 10•11 vol: S51.1: -('HEAP, ON l' AKY 1' Ts1t*5. West half of Int *t, t'oneestien fire, Wes, Wawaeoah. Ian arm, A we:1 •mpr,t ir1 term. Lots P. 9 and pan 10. nolbin triton of Itlock R. 4 niboree, about Si scree. TO LILT '1'5e shop lately occupied by the late Tbew. 4wrrrd. Apply to M. O. JOHNSTON, harrl.ter, Geste ✓ ich. Ktf VOR HALL. -N.' I/)T 31, IND OON- `` etrMen. Kale wawa...►, las serve. TAM le a first class farm. Also town lot 4711,, Hote- rah. Apply to PHILIP 11011.T. rft-tt, VALUARL* FARMS AND TOWN PROPRRTT FOR SAI.K OR RENT, - Let 9 in the And aMoeseiw, (io.ierleh tows We. meal of 11=Stalks from Oodertehe .,.Dine 'tie Mris or less flare mfisr9ys . jlpN Ant , choice well w9ns ervnk. an ,•zcrdlt{ijj��Ntt h•ia 1..e. farm. as 1 Oa easy term,, A.rpl: to Jo►llN K. AwtWueer, ..et 1 ,a 1111 broken fermi. west of oho lake road lit the Waiters divletee, To of (NI Nes*ee..ty of Heron.:t willow from 1 erieh --- - 1141 sere•. large honk hart', s^ I. - 1) story high. nearly new and n .'liber trust, gym be beu.ght e. Appy to JOHN KNNOX. ..,coo.. swim Merle A end 14. lake range, in this township of ('oboine. reaststl•g ofreacres m ices. There •ren tet w preetbsa • eco as am hoar, Demo tarn and grxrl et.httnAss A4 hoar, Kanima yetine e. ('hard et choice trait. AWqr . acrv.e et Meek,. This him is considered a fretelmsgeeing term. The Wan rs.s be 11.14.4 to welt prsrbasem sad lewsessea horses Apply t. JOHN 'KOOK, asst iet Is thistaws of n(nta..-amt frame it, e*.,appee1ts the old woolen �A„ If tier0sa11high. e 11�Ismttmr ave Nap.1►. '.isS ai Met Ad stTORY :LN . THI' our hu• almat cl, t sniee', ti„ that the 5 I;1 I''rlt )N8 ds,. it sI)t:ittil()' in :is ink tl; to u :r •..1tr(lt:utl. .7 1, n• '.:,til 1»•;tai • lit* 1►e• • -ureal pt'RiT1 .0 111: i , , • AB•. Ila ff; ,I l I' I .tt' .- • .%NI► Are strict ..r .. r%• ,1 In the eons- Itoundine 1 1•r.•.cription, 'It "THE I'HARN '-v CH A s. I). WILLIAMS, I;old aledalut- henuat and i•rugget. South Side :Mame t:oder;-h. •tit. J. E. DAVIS. HAVING .01.‘t completed a COUTer at the Cana- ---4Eia--Optie*1 1itsti• i5fe, 1 alt. now ilre- partrl t•) -_ correctly 8t all ,lefects of, vis- ion. hie to errors of r►•fraction, -tie- comp. '*.tion or toll- Tergencr. J. E. DAVIS, Phu). B. ''-`ug(gist dk (lptici.n. SPECI4I, 'AN NOI'NCEM.ENT HA% Illg .11,1:4 Wed fo go out • of Wall Paper, 1 oder my entire *to k. ',000 rolls, at cost and nester. Rotifers et i pale 1'telllenit»'r this is a genu- ine wale. I have toot much other work to attend to ; al - .o r.s11i r'• tie' room for other pu rte. e.e• Tin : • ares' all cern- fully :, : 1 • "sally .eleeteat from the L•rlding makers, No nisi or »►(1 hand stook. All 111•% atN1 choice. llous•'keepers would do .t a 11 to anticipate their want. at Mlle and .AVO* half tIIP cost of their spring re- • luilement'1 We are bound to ,•41117 roll this "runt.ell SMITH'S r/ resirrDit & ART D F:1'(Yl► Loan and SATIN'S Illsimsty. 1 1' Is NOT WHAT YOU 5AEX, BUT WHAT YOl SA VR, MAMA TOV Riew THA' HLritON AND RRUCE LOAN AND 1NV1(.t 70RNT COMPANY. ',(real mum.- case -eon. Halt sed Heists,, Demeter., inter*•' cotasouseeol every mentoe at four per rant, oar .tgnwr�s.r trent one dollar 1pwanta rs to It to wan see r0 OMR O ow l.oa/r0 - Mar t.• se.•.a M Sat yam with= deny r1 the p-ertrlesn'.'y A.Mesire 5. reproperceived by et rt •• MaaalOeOstler Tis Company • offices ser se N Meet and C..,tn Hutson 8m,a, It551',, 110RAOS HOKTO\, Jr *, M.n.tgtR. F. SMEE II's PLANING 11115. • afw- 5.4.14l, 11011i. .1.-541. *LIND FACTORY, 1 take this 0t rtMnaltp MIs ole polar that 1 am still m r M [a.1MOm all reran to ta..05 M de evert else. of walla tee • wendew frame'. - w(t\ to eeard and. coureettlee ia. toad. Tao trr.wiag d I eillim t ma...aa Isla. •hisses and tumor a we.tla�ti Y. 811111ETll. • __U11 Jol Irk til► NIpide ANN( �1R Hiel