HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-4-4, Page 3THE $iGNAL: G(>DERICII, ONT., THURSDAY, 1'It11, 4. 189:1. Dantlatrr. Cottolene. asS F• a \v*0 fork wow.. a.nMed Wader nn c. e Odell toTake rhes Mw Meat. larub lle ale.. Wheel. NIOBOLKOAI, L.D.8.-DENTAL Thrill IN A HAUNTED HOUSE. NARK TWAIN GOES ABROAD. MISTAKeN FOR A MAN omt Mer, •/ Me aS•eater. or MM We 1111111e M• Saga* es the Paris' Yet M• rooms top •she °See. WeRw.. lL ala/aI► avenin 1• Ih11.. .d:rwa . AU ..dr.r`"ead approved local ammothetlo M bead ler paloleee woes, deo a brick, fly fR, E. RICHARDSON. L. D. S„ •- renown d•attit. this tool 1teethed air alnoae..red for potations intro. -Ong .f teeth. �paeW attention. eves' to the prv.orvtloo eF the natural teeth. Office I'p maws, thew Opera House Whoasotreaos on West- Yt-. sloth, h. Veldt Madloal. 1111. HI NTKk, I'Ii't ICIAN, SUR 1J item. he. 11111.0 MIcII••u'e Rloi-t, Mout ren.' el. Nieto oel • from. Urinal litalyutte Litt Local. ' i t► JOHNSTON, BARRISTER. SO- ! ce'Wee sage, elf, Money to 1ea1A, 1MOOS • ear. H.lolltise sod at. Ao• ere s'• stn. Uoderlo. Oat. MK I t)FTUS K. DANCEY, BAHRIr)TKR, deice/tor. (oevey.noer. to.. etc. ]Toney to item at lowrer intro. Ilurtou's Work. Op- poeito O'olburne Ilutrt. Uedencn. Out. jell-tt 12 N. LKWIN, BAKRI8'rYlt, PltOO- IJ' . for 1■ Mentions Cowrie of Ott. a South Latham* ietet. RC. HAYS, BARRISTER. SOLICIT Lt. tilt. tc. IML* North et . teat door ▪ .w 1. ,Ml.e. 1'r4 ••r fail. to less at lowest rates of 11.ter.• . ISSI r -i ARROW t PRUUDFOOT, BAH. J rimers. Ahem* a, bbl/dtora tc.. Bode rich. J. T. Uanww, Y.L.. W. Pru.droot. tAMEHJN. HOLT A Hl1LM6$, ,lar -,teff, Solicitors la Chatwr7 to. tloderteh. M, C, Cameros. Q.C.: P. Holt ; Deafer Holmes. G. WARD, CI NVEYAMJKK, J. to., and oonimle.woer fur tatitryytl and ro- om tleg rectornuaaces of bail. erodes as et •ereatlone, deposits one or solemn dealers - Mae In or ouoor.tng any .niton. ■ort Nr pre• seeoinii la use High Court of Justine, tk. Court of Appeal fer thaw -to. or lin any Cowry or Milano Gert, Au trwnw:uoue earrfnlyy -rad prey l.sswM1. Iteadeoce and P.O. addeine-1111111.0a Oat. tint - if LOSES MS Inaurmnee. t fvl'Atiik.CONVEYANCINIi AND BtWrl.bInamesetraa a L1 ON KY TO Li>!iD ON MUItTGAog .L41 at Si per Ota&. Notes dteoowtsd, C. Bibi. vale upi.elte Martini MMI. Nada MONEY TO LOAN. - $26,800.00 4,1 vat. rands to laid sa Iter an u.s4. r'il'e Z. UANCLY. leaser. flap-• Colborne Hotel. .tf F)�1 T. NArrKL, FIHI, LIP AND L .':•sldeot uuletl • at lowest mule.ON..-ens. N °O'.rtk.i. rad wet•! s. ted. Brick. 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO • CAMSRON MOLT t UOLlllia, Bode- r oh. treat MONIST TO LI$D.-pA :�AsAAOp�l 0410 .1 me en 4Ad•e minas Eissassliser�ilgUss rlMly * BARROW t PROUD RIRADOL111E0. NURAL P_v- e wess�assas. Keel testae aad Messy Loallaolt ted. Non, to Lead on weigh gum Meas. at tle�aZ rats of latr/eet gni to M001 w.7 ea to s� yt oessower dans- al door tta.lW.gore.'Bose lriesel. Aid► MBOv01Ula' Itus1111140. 't UDR1C108 !/MOIiANI(2 INST1- no • TUTS etlfl e A!(U metre Ise .00M, e:. a !oast serest sol /p.re IaP metro Opes from I to m r.K„ sad from T to lI r.u. ABOUT 9000 VUL'S IN LIBRARY. L..diwg Dotty, Weakly awl Illu.tral.d Papers, Megawatt, elf- dot File. M$MB RBHiP TICKET. ONLY .I.M. tPantl.g tree me of library and heading - /torn. AreateaUoos rot membership reoelvsd by IJbr.rl.n. lemma J. H. l'OLIIO1tNK. 11 I4 11 I1,10N. Msorwtary 1,bran/tn.ood.rlen Yareh Ih► IatS. AIAOttonssp'la . 91111)M AS UUNDRY, AUCTIONKKR and 1ttearaeos Agent. Ooderiob• Ont. Agent tads. else I..o•.btre ries Ina Co.. sad Dere District Memel los. Co. Sales at tended to ID any part of the county. 90-ly Jl►BN KNOZ, OZPIERAL At'C- heeswr sod bead Valuator. Ooderlrh, Ont. raving had considerable experience le sb.•1rttoneerio,ttrade, he Is to • position te lterl.•rie with thorough estlefactlea ill coin •l.i o,a entrusted to him. orders lett at M•rtiu'• Hotel. or sent by mail to hie.ddessa 0oderi0k P.O.. carefully attended to. JOHN atria 0e$* Anetloheer Matt D1tatm1 Announcement. TEETH ESTMCTES WITHOUT PAIN RTR!L- CIILUI1.IDE air DR. B. RICHARDSON'S aaaTaa rd.L.ena. MBA NMI KKR MT -STREET Balli 1.XOT, ONT. It affords me unlimited eatisf,itloe. after • thorough tea, reewitl..gg la the meet enthunsere sic appreciation of d.11gbtrul and .etoeIebed Morose, to eabeelt that 1 have the cell mil earleiye nett to me in Goderich. the latest S ete•tllc dleeovey widish is wsrr•oted nicer l meats the lease pole during the .streetles of teeth sr .toles of •.7 Mad. le nearly * very rase. •ad very Male pain in the met extreme eases. IrTHAIL --0S LORIL)TC Is •10.01 S.asethet10 taut serer &Mhete the males' in the Mif1gghktes1. le harmless as weir. and the best .stied known o0 earth to reader the tooth meemsltfve to pals. Patients einer0 tee 11 le P..MIv.Iy ■areola.• as ib ailette. Preservation a ab. antersl teeth • sponially- All illflft17 dem U dental tesiest, arems. DIPS r DR. i. f1caAIRD.ON. Whet 0pe*9M tea Coate. At blit wo hate ea i.fsfliH S rale ter n.1 ss slid though it comes from an un- known ammo it is warranted M please the .nest exacting option. It ren. as fel lows limited is an eiodhst meek, bat like most women of her profession eke r npsiow.sed and insists apse making all her disbar strictly •oserdt.g to her okra recipes. Her mistress gins Mr toll ewi•s, not 64217 se to o0eking, bot 0o to the parches of sap picas The other day bis .tausns maid to her •Itroaget, the ee%e y.s are giving to es eery good. What hied is it t an kiwi at all, tonin,' maid Bridget. 'it's a mixture 'How do yes mix it '1 mskm it ensquarter Maths god moon oftener Jays sod mos-Tnarter Ria' 'let AM'S edy tbrss-quarbera What de les M is Aar tea ether georMr' h rib 1. M gainer Ohm gi•• all, loom. That • whim tis may glutei tie seas. "'a--b'wMhg is . bo* plsIIU.' ' 'there come lo Tien Tota an Kagluhatr end hie sou The father was a retired army other u1 moue *.ease, and they were travel. hag for pleasure. They took • fancy to 1&oo•Tui and decided to settle there for a while 1.uokint about for a house, they were much attracted by hoe loot uutaate the oily, which stood urea the water • edge mid eownla.ded • beautiful view of the harbor. Their friends, awl more especially their t Meese e.nante, cried out aghast. rimy must not think of such • thing The 110414e wee haunted. No <N.e itad lived to it for years It wise as much se one's life wee worth etre to lass it after ntuhtf•lI. i.lal• 1. TI.KI:..K. TL. 1:nglaltaen, however, were not to be frightened oil by any such silly stones. They rented the bowie and moved in. Fur esrrru mouths all %eat well. {loth lather and coo were delighted with the plane, and busily decblyd lin buy it. 1 rue et riving the eon, who had been din• lug 10 teem water home .lu,te late. As he opened the front door he beard what seem ed to be • scuttle in his father's room lie. lure he oould reach the top of the slain a soul piercing •hnek rum high above the con• fusel din. Then all esu stout. Hushing Into he father's nem, the young titan found hien lying on the floor au • pool ut b{ood. i beer ase 00 title else lin the r00m, 000 was tharc any apparent way for anyone to hate' left it without paving him le the hall. A knife was •ttckiog 111 the breast of the wounded man, • wicked looking %Isley k.ife, with ..:uriou.Iy carve.{ handle. The )0011v man strpprd Iota the hall to call the sersante 1.0 hie father's .seutance. When he step' ed back two the room . mon,eht later the knife hail disappeared ' The wounded man never rallied. He bve,1 se%er.l haute, but w•• not able •o speak. He t.se was disunited by an ex. procaine ..f unutterable terror, and he died with the look still to be eves. NI .1.. KT. The aa•oct•tinos of the place were too painful for his ten to remain therelottger. He offered • large reward for the discoverer of his tatter's murderer, red left • minute deecnptioh of the knife ttat hod so myster- iously dwappeerd. Than he clacked up kie adenines' and returned to 1:ogland. The house stood vacant, of euros, more dread- ed rhea ever !tooths psaed, perhaps rear but after a outrun lapse of time, one of our now -of war vetted the harbor of Tien Toa. Sev- eral of the officers were ashore one night, (toasts with • party of (orelih residents of the club 'some one told told the story of the haunted house and the murdered I:ng liahmeo, adding teat the Datives said the murder was re -..acted every night at the same hour 1 for officers expressed • lively interest in the oaeostive ' Lots vont the house some nivht,' one of them cuggestto, 'and see the show. • Why sot to night '• exclaimed • vouov 11..e, whom we will .gree to call A. • We have plenty of time, .oil the *toward of the club has the keys of the bore Tb. Etat Lsbot•n left them with him when be went away 1.1Ti.o Tn1. not --r. The mea were all young and keen for .d venture. Perhaps the excellent club pooch hod made them even braver than usual. Anyhow, the 0uggelloh we received with aeelamattoo. The keys were called for. Some ooe produced • laotevn. The rest filled their pockets with m..tches and caudle ands. When they were ready to start they looked about 1dt A. He was nowhere to be found. The putty set forth without him. lin* of the officers could sot retrain from ex- pressing home amusement that the organiser of the .dve.ture should prove the only use afraid to carry It through. ' Afraid " cried one of the club members. 'lou don't know him. He dooms t know what fear means I'll wager that he's up to some deviltry at this moment. Probably his has gone ..n ahead to put on • pillow case and play ghost for u•. They bad to hurry to reach the house at the interd.d hour. There It *.,' awm ace said at last, and Lieut. B , who carried the lantern, looked u hu woteh hy it• light and anoounoed that they hod 'oat three minute* to spare. The door was unlocked with difficulty, for the feetemaare had rusted from disuse. .,.1.1: 1. 111, ■LAKT. 'By i;eorge ' cried the drat man who step- ped Into the h•11. 'there's something going on upstairs ' 'It's A., said hu friend. laughing, sod they all started upstairs, Mr. 11. wslktog ahead with the lantern. A rry of despair startled the smiles from their lip s and .,u*ekened their steps to • run. 1: pushed open the door of the room from which the meads hal ct m.. As he did .o. and before he could .ee anything, the looters was dashed from his hand and the door d .mmed hehied him. He stood .till is the 4008 15 for a few awful, terror -stock•• . ,ands. Then M took a seep forward and tripped over oomothoor es the Marr. H. steeped oyer, and his hood enoou.t.rea • pool of warm m.Iag liquid. ft dashed o. h a mind that the was blood. and that the thing he had stumbled 0000 was • man's bAt last the door wee op,..d. The yoo.g men crowded is with their candles. Thom at their foot lay poor A with the Maley knife In ha heart • wra.g0 N ILL .a T After tote ..eood murder the sathertttes were aroused to • display of tardy •.tivity. The house was saroiolly smirched and tie discovery wee made that the wallbi were double. 00.tu.iav morel doors. staircase and storage chambers. Ils..f these .caret doers accounted foe the murderer's seems, ad his Miura to gat the knife. which be evidently Nit wnnlel be • dangerous els. le She secret chambers were found • eoaeid.r- ahM .apply nn. arms and • gnanuty of vola . ble* of varied d..oriplso... It wee seldom that the place had been need M • rehire and storehoum by !lone.* pirates. its proximity te the w.tr making 1t more-owymot. The owner of the k.t?. and .emi members of the gong ware sub.eyoontly captured avid pot to death. M Got flee, ss Leos. TM tiny boy stylus' ler • doh. ' fb you want • bny M imbed of the magnate of the off,e., steadies before him, cap in hand. Nobody waste • bey,' replied th. log nate, geteg him sharply. ' 1 b you wood • bey : ' asked eh..ppli .eat, mumps abashed. •o cense smell • boy. centhe dlomer- The heyrmock Me nap on the hook of hr head. ' Wel, say, miksteeir,' it inquired. 'do yo. ha. m~. r T8.aOa�..d. rlo oetrry tam, w Jae' he Milk 'cid 1 mei y.V dot* e1iW we wawa' I'rub,•Wy the no.., laa..l.plcunw pas, Seeger on the Amrnoan line steamship Parte the other day era. a laogu.d man with duffs• gr tv hair, who looked ea if he tool made a •*.take in taking passage w Ut. ...shut. He carried aa old uwbrelis .n tote hood and • crush hot atom up to a mew• aper In the other. A few persons recoguired hon a. seams! 1. Clemens He •pparcaly was traveling as !lark Twalu, profeemooal hutuurtet He woos somewhat tate to fact, ! 11 he had tees • few mt.utm later he might bear n•.t w *elk to Europe or take the next I&tra.nshty. Somebody suggrated to him that the Pari. win read) to soil, He aum weird with hos IsmtiIor dosot I'Well if the Iro•te reedy to go, 1 goes I ons. I am going ov,-r to sec nay wife and tans/ly at Ktretat, where they are support - lug a .xtuple ad doct,.rs 1 mime, sir( there when a doctor gels held of a good patient rice keeps tun They geuer•Ily Coke you to • 1 spall place and keep you there l'heu they pass you aloog Lo • friend in another' piece, and they keep you moving like tale Moaner• mag .dew My rite has teen doing this for Ohre. years "1 don't dare to here et co • I.ead•che after I land on the other side. Hut I goer 1'11 t.riug her hack when 1 .-time In I li:totter. 'Th.% a not tenth voyage in the peat three 'teats. I m getting real fund of sail. mg now. After the first lite or six day• 1 rather rut,.) the trip.' Mr. 1'Irutetie ot.rtvl up the gaagplaok. \ deck hoed, who thought the gingham um hull. hardly in keeping with • first clam tarkrt, cropped the hummor.st and asked . 'Are tum • passenger '' Mr. 1lemons summered - 'I 1 don't • know, but 1 rather thiuk sit Wit • minute. and Ili see.' Then lir. Clemens looked .'ser .covert list and exclaimed triumphantly 'Yea I'm • passenger. Herr • my name on the list.' The neckband raid 000letbiog about I:loo.tsgdale as Mork waved him • stately farewell --New Y..rk Sun Ile MS Leh. Iyvr.rt•. esu .t • lecture : the rose wo. hot and entailed, and %Ire- R'tteraweet noticed that her husband was suffering under a cruse of 'rotary. • Who* is it, dear she whispered, under cover el one of the speaker's rounded period.. !ir Bittersweet's sniffs became more audible. • It's the olwmlwble odor of per- fumery in the rowti,' he puffed, ' I'm almost ospnyslated by It. Why, 1 con meat four man detinet scents esery Uma the •omen about us applaud ' , I1, aril, try not to notice 1t,' whispered his wife with that cheerfulnese always die played by the fa tend of the sufferer in such cases ' Ib listen to the lecture ; it is Lust 'predict ' - Humph : I suppose you hke the odor women .Iw•y. do like whatever ...nets mosey 11.1 you happen u. know how mach Is spent annually on perfumery in Amence •louNur " , near. 1 don't. What is it'' a Cm well, I don't remember the exact bgures fust now, but i assure you it is ams• thing enormous. For my part 1 think that the carry Ing of perfumes Into publics planes should he prohibited by law, and the amount • t money which would otherwise have been wasted upon them 'night then go towards eodowtsg an asylum for those idiots who don't know that others have rights in public ' Sb .h ' You are disturbing people. The lady in the violet bonnet is looking dag- gers at you.' ' Humph, the ooe whose handkerehlef is potsovie with patchouli I don't care If she isn't pleased. Say, I think I'll step out for e cItsar.' said his wife, with • smile, ' I thought somethiog hostiles the perfume was troubling you.' He came back before !bog with • smiing face and settled himself comfortably In h*. Place. As he did too the lady in the violet bonnet, who sat nett to him, began to wive her hendkerchiel before her face. ' Iso t it awful,' she whispered to her companion, ' wherever one goer it is fust the same some horrid man poisons the air with the odor , f stale tefaeoe , po.tlively 1 eould•'t stand .1 if 1 had." t'tome .troag per- fume about me to act se an antidote.' .rNMrly Love ea a Tenement Mower But the most ug0itica0t etoreesion of the spirit of milers life in Itultiach street, and a truly beautiful one, Is the readiness of neighbors to help each other out of trouble. Prudential mortes' force this et eerie. of brotherly love to be kept a' for out of eight in streets of this kind that, as a rule, m •moawt is absurdly under estimat- ed. The well dre..ed v*.ttore of charitable societies, however remote from charity their fabricated excuse for Dallier may seem to he, are yet karma for what they are • chaeity picket line. Eighty year old Bridget Mulcahy, tooth lees, lint still bright eyed, may be Been al most any (air day smoking her pipe oil the stoop of No 20. Her husband, Jam, • day laborer. died eighteen Tears ago. For meso years before Ids death he was liked, and his waterloo*, jollied to his good nature, made him • tavorite. Soon after ,Jim's death Bridges dislocated • shoulder, thereby per. manently loosing the nes of her right arm. She become destitute. The neighbors pest her many things leashing agave and a eom fortor same' them) sad after a little Micheal Roe, who woe htmeelf behind with hie rent, gave her a home with bin family. Thee her triewde, 'the boys from Ireland,' 'pot ep' • raffle tor her wNob netted 140. She Noted • nsll*r room for fifty Beate • week sod took in two girl lodgers at tee mate • sight. From that time to this she has lived hi a cellar or •.garret and shared her roam with girl iodises : but she has d.- pswdod largely for she support apse the raffles the '.ye' have esotiooed 'to pat op' for hr pace or twice • year. Three years 0111 Michael Roe, by that byre • widower, was etrieken down with • fatal sickness. 1 hen the *boys from Ireland' got their Mads together and 'pet .p • ben.01 hall for Rrtd. gall's farmer benefactor Tekst• were fifty emote mesh, and the b.11 netted $78 Thre was emsootkieg left toward fusers' •open.w when the el4 man died Thee soother boll was grimes fer tis ►..slit a ha .'pea• children. ■b eesaml.acles. An old farmer had received an order cm e hank for NZ for pindac., ase., supplied t. • hotel. (►e promoting It His teller melt oil 'What deunm1•tiou will you have it is e The farmer tar pesied for • slam..t flea had boort hoard the term 'd.newni.a- tseo' applied be seam) Thin he rallied. • w said is, n. may give the het e it to eta 8.48.: bet the pie b.lsegsd se the aid 'eelten--•g%ve ate 1110 ed it le Pr..8y teriee.' Rome people wheel' im treat alae. isobars isms ask HBO. bablid titim wa.e.elr tY+ gp Owl' lims amok ".lack" Adelina, otber.lr lira Hell. Adams, of 217 heel Tutrty seventh street, who was •rrest_d the other night, with tea other bicyclist*, for rotting altar dark with• out halters*, who saw the New York Jon, sl reigned' helots Juslice three! to the York- ville Court eeatrrd•y. 'I'be Jusux Met +eked Lor why she wore mule .tare and het! given • man . native Nhre I'ohuen.an 1t'hitbrek hoed up hie row of prisoners be fore Sri gt. \l. , rvu u1 Odie %Prat sixty eighth street station, uue jaunty wheeler with short curly 4.0 .11) halt, who wort tigbttsb 'deck kwckerho,•ker.. t.eteued just below the tui.. with a large knot of ribbon, a tight Into../ make', IDI:,, bleak, thick worsted atookiage which eine just to ter knee, and• Intoes hat, strptae.l rpru.wly up to the roil, out howl the hs• ..n one sale, and rested both elbowsou the rail. ••11'1i.t'. your saner•io•4 the sergeant without lo$ktug up ".lack .144..,' replied C:e primmer in a Mites vole,. '•Il here do yea lire •" "Two hundred area seventeen, (Vest Thorn-esyeslh •tree.,' answered the primmer ICI the same hoarse tome, while sone or the other priscueregt0g'et. The sergeant l.r.ket up at this, nod, featen:04 hie eves on the youthful drum be- fore istore him g.,'s.l at this prisoner lung sod earneetfy, then urewlrd "Humph ' 1 °tire uo main : you re • v 0n.•0.' "I •tn'b, ' returned "Jock.' pren.ptly. "t'e'll soon find out, .a:.! the sergeant 'Moorman, take the •111.5' ted look hint up ' '.luck didn't weaken until .he ace the barred d..ors before her, whet), bring • woman, she begm to cry. "u she was haul. of again before the sergeant. •I 1 am a woman.' she sobbed. '1 thought m,' said the sergeant, sod he rdered her taken to the Fast sixtyeereath •'. "et station, where there Ie • matron. to the meantime •.Isck'said that eb. wee Hire He41, Adam. of the address .he had g iven. ller.r.ng-re were seat to her house, and about 11 o'clock friends came with women'• clothes and bail. Il nen she was in th. court vastevelay mernini she wore a Neck .ilk dram, a teal skin locket, and a jaunty little hat. The was •coo between her and the malice M R joHN R esu • e a confidential her hut he was head [o show that her bicycle Hero•• a A ; New Shortening 'Own have a sewing machine, a clothes wringer or a carpet sweeper (all new inventions of modern times), it's proof that you can sec the usefulness of sew things. Is A KEW sHORTrsiNA, and every housekeeper who is Interested is the health and comfort of her family should give it atrial. It's a vegetable piroduct and far su- perior to anything else for short- ening and frying purposes. Physicians and Cooking Experts say it is destinc'l to be adopted in every kitchen in the land This is to sugge-t that you pet it in yours now. It's both new and good. Sold in 3 and S pound pads, by all grocers. mode only by THE N. K. FAIRBANI COMPANY, Wallington and Ana ass., MONTRIitAL. was strictly correct according to the locos, modes trout Pere, an she and the other riders were demiesed with reprimands for n et retrying halite. /is Ambltau• J•000all.t. He bought • daily journal, and :o please all men diurnal esu the paramount ambition that he cherished most ibte1.e. He said he'd cent. the leaders to cosetli ate all reader', and him ed.ton.l matter .t should [.ever gtve offence. He would please the high and lowly and the wicked and the holy. He would rulogt:e the people higher than the btgheet steeple. and pet the dick ens Lacoste and fat monopolists He would lift n.. wrathful beeom, but would study hcw to plea. 'rm, and hie in diaenmloate aweetnese would be scattered tar and hear. He would shoot as from • bat tery daily fug *lades of flattery and with Ierm.cuoua prune' duly storm the public ear. Rut the Tories they did snub him and the Reformers tried to club him and a Presby- terian deacon smote him us the shoulder blade ; And • 'p*.eop eltan rector at.bbed him through the chest protestor, and • strong •gnat:c athlete sawhef him with a band gre.•ele. And the high -horn and the lowly and the wicked and the holy when they mobbed his hated office all were ',lustily profane : And the deacon •0d the pastor and the wicked d•octog'm0ter impartially upon his head their e.luai blows did ram : And • Sunday euperintendeot, • religlods independent, and an infidel free thinker mired and hurled him In • heap : And a bloody ju* bird stilled him. and • geode Quaker 'idled him, and they buried him in partnership hs grave was dark and deep. The *sly tare Gar.. ' There u only one safe confidence game,' he said, as his former 'pal' looked out be tween the bars of the cell door. 'the gold brick i. about played nut, sure,' admitted the ' pal ' ' Yee : and w is the shell game, and three- e•rd mono, and the salted muse, and all the rest ,.f them ' 1 reckon the Hoard of Trade is •boot all there is left,' mid the • pal.' , Not • bit of it, returned the man out side the cell. ' That doom) t give • fellow hest • chance.' ' Then what does " ' The prescription clerk in • drug store. That's the only game that s sate and hos .o ' How do you work it ' Well, • fellow comes in and gives you • prescription You look woe and eye him pretty sharply. ' For yourself you Oak. He says yes, and you look doubtful. That's lost te impress him, you know, that the pre• scriptloo i. sotnethlog out of the ordinary. Turin you go behind the prescriftion ease and rattle • lot of bottles or broken glace. 1 on keep him waiting about forty minutes and then you take the cough syrup that the prescription calla for out to him, u1 done up in pink paper. ' How much " beelike. Yen grab • prod of Wrapplig paper and put some Orem on it. Thee you look up wed say, ` Four tweaty•eve,' and when he goes out you have • '.•oft a $4 1b, and he a per- fectly satisfied. That's the only deed sure game that soberly can call you down os that I Mow of. An llss. The Brampse Titers relate an Inatome of wonderful .egseity en the part of • dog in that town and ears Its authenticity r 'mooed for by ilr. Hants, whoa ens tame *weed the doe In gasoline. The ik kept him fer same time, but he destroyed the flowery, se the lir ordered lion away. sod .tack we given te Mr. Reek's •*o, who took luta hot .lack would fre9uetlr return to be petted and fed by the members of the fami- ly TAe dog showed • ptortieulor fetidness for p)►. iD•ve who, by the way, had Seed up an ugly wound for .lack earn. time before. Tee other night ales/ tew•rd.mernin4Jeck sailed epos his physician witk • sem feet. TM Teem deter, Morin` bin .1 the doer, arose and let him I. sed dressed the wend- ed ler, receiving .lock's thank. I. dog NA. A few Says later tea doe again nutrias, mid g tti.e tutee lien of one of the ynu.g Mesmr's abeam book it .p to his ream. He would on leas., hat i•y soder the bed wait - Mg ter Ir. Dam m t* artw,wh.n the dog ash ail e pisfil7 as pendbi. M Mee Ida .ere feat deemed, whish outs agile dressed The ivlosr +h* tries so we M. bread by tie mai et • hied looms InsYw l have to Malmo ge Mapis let Y9esllsyk'. ' TIN ANO STOVE DEALER, Hamilton-st., Has decided to continue in Business, as he has im- proved in health and is able to attend to his cus- tomers in the way of jobbing and repairing, and will continue to sell AT LOWEST PRICES ! GODERICH Sh am Boiler Works, K$TAHI.ntHZD'n10.1 A. S. CHRYSTAL, Strere.sorto Chrystal ! 1110.44 Manufacturers of .11 kinds of Station ary Marine, Upright dt Tubular 802-1=RS, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers In Uptight and Horizontal tattle Valve Kngioe•. Automatic Cut LR Knifings a pecialty, All Maes of p1 • .o4 pipe -flutes 000sta*tly on band. Neonates furnte8ed m abort hollae, reg promptly attended to 9lr!-Iy P. O, Ibx S. Ooderlch,Oat, Works-, itnodte O. T. R. titstlee. Oodevl* PLANING MILL. MUSLIM() 191f). lluchiiiis & Bftyuas KANI•r ACTVngwn SASH, DOOR and BLIND 1.oalen 1e all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Ind blinder's material of every dem-rlpulom School Parniture a Specialty. MoLE4D'E3 SY ST EhR ENO VA TOR ANTI01110 t TfriT00 0er1ar. Sfrcific and Antidote for impure, weak and impot•hrri.hed blood, dye pepsia, ele•pl,wenese, palpitation of the cert, liver complaint, neuralgia, Ines of memory, bronchitis, a.neemptioo, gall Moore, jaundice, kidney and urinary (Ieea•ee, St. Vitus' drieoe, female irrog- ul.ritn. and ventral •irMlit.v. LABORATORY. KODERIQN, ONTARIO J. M. NIeI,E(II), 1•ropreitor and Ms..oheterer 7* cl.sou's''Terre Ita.ovrrnn eon he hail from •n dressists In town, v *0011 M*me", all 'aa drwgr'.ts tort warn Ow.n !wound and atabre8., Durham and Toronto. 11117 Iv. Ra' L; Roy C'gcr it' no lvr,,•:LC ('s . U'.i I. Lot yr,•i canna n o a 1xffer r• !haul "MB ROT,17 T1'r cosh 5e. Mit 1 get sax �f •.r_ G;r a all -'7r Daisy Clluiu C11111D MADE OF NO. 1 QUALITY OF OAK. (Warranted to be the best value in Goderich.) Na. L $3.25; No. 2, $3.50: No. 3, SAW. 1'.� \..t.• .,til I'1,,., rami Qua:;t, HARPER & LEE. 10u41 ell wkelr. t. aril Keats I. 1111 1111,100 •1Ut1 lit tarns SAVING MONEY IS MAKING MON Y1 '•- 1 - Parties wishing to nave monay can .1...,, I,1 caning on Mr. JOHN N K NOX- t his Wareroouls opposite Marin, „ Hotel. wheat, he keepsa full line of Agricultural Implement, a.n Lwa1 open for in$ 1. o - tio1L Noson Binder, Noxon Mower, Noxon S,.I !)rill. NoNutl Spring Tooth Cultivator, Noxon Horse Rake and Shari, Itak1• Mull line of the Cotknhutt. Plow Company Riding flow- Walk- ing flows, Twin Clang Plows, Corn and Root l'uttitatorr, Roast Scrap- ers, Disk Harrow',, Land Rollers, Little Geul Pea Htlrvr,tcrs McLaughlin Carriages. Buggies, Plot tom, R„cel cart.. Training Carts. All the latest design. All w nk warranted, Adams Wagons, Paris, Ont.. all kinds. Any person wishing anything in the a1s.1e litre will tinil it to Ids advantage to call on Mr. Knox and inspect his goods before buying elsewhere. AUC,TIONEER1N6 a specialty. Being p•raetiealin-tlw-wlos' in stock, and having hail several years' experience. can guarantee entire satisfaction. JON $NOX, AGENT .'' l► Art'Tluti FER. HAILIDAY'S IMPERIAL I8 AN UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT. Choicest Confectionery, Oysters. Fruits etc. Only the Best kept on hand. •I1 D.4l1.1' TINWARE: LYE HAVE MADE ITP A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DAIRY TINWARE. Such a.. Strainer Pails, Milk Strainers, Milk Pais.' Creamery Cans, with or without tat - Cheese Factory Supplies. Milk Pail,. with Iron clad bottoms. Also Pail. with Copper bottoms, all mad. „int ,.f the very best Tin and our own make. If Your Tin Pans or Pails want new h..tt. , r repairing of any description. or if you want ani' Tinware n t „r, 1, r. come to the New Tinshop, opposite Martin's Hotel. HOSPITAL FOR 11111BPI0c TOGA:. AI eo . w..rasu LEAKY TINWARE J. H. WORSELL & CO. The Practical Tin, Stove 0.d Y.r..ele Mos. �PRA'Y i'-c7MPS Fir the pre%eati..1) of fungous disease anti h - •ir••Itnt, tiotl of in.e..t life ..n fruit trees we are hlui,llnig nue el the to. 1 • ,tit this' market. lade ill Fire Sizes! S1fOfl, Cheap and DuraMe! It has ui automatic agitator which keeps solutions l■ cos*tant motion, thus inveribg an even strength and equal distribution of the chemicals. l.forlo.tion regarding solutio•s and tines ,i praying cheerfully given. DAVISON & CO. Whenever a Box of Matches is remarkable for the cer- tainty 01 each Match therein producing a light, for the absence of sulphureous smell, and for the uniform high quality of its contents, this box Is sure to contain E. B. Eddy's Matches. "The Signal" is only $1 a peas. • Cot it. RAVI A OOP't IMMII OOYDUR FRIfBn A TIAL