HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-4-4, Page 1ioual. THD LEAD INC - Nf3W8PAPER OF HURON COUNTY. FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -2.11 THE DOINGS AT OTTAWA. f Wliaal/ONfst on at the Capital gip g1 age Tupper m.. Moved le she to. oyroys-elseermmeeral Iweapartir 1.. /oleo y • Teresa. tr...ppee Ilemr tither $ mks le the tattlers. sur tel P si Iva pea 11.1 rots n s PI lark 5Nr Ire Itis Tee -"meal. 1'orre.pomi••o, e. ((TTAN•A, April I Whet u happy family they ere. Yet today we tied Sit Chas. Tupper alerting for Nova Sseua to take part to the bye election in Anstgoatsh where be will ask the elector to have moo tiden.e in htmeelt and in the l;overnm.n4 whew recent exhtletioos at Ottawa have held them up to rtdtcula in the eyes of the world. Imagine Sir Chas. Tupper rhino you 40 have confidence in the administration at Ottawa and In himself It u only last week week we real pore graphs like this to the Muctre•1 i •vette, the GoveFDniest's chief organ in the Pra- etor of i jwbec, in refrrnng to Mr 4h•rles' recent kick "That he should suddenly choose to play the role of Lord Randolph Churchill sad throw up hu cards u certain- ly not • thine that was to be expected. The int tuition does not justify ot.- Now t."Now when we read such uptowns as tide In than own organs is at • wonder we are In• cline.l to say there is trouble in the camp. But real what the Toronto News says. The News is supposed to bean todepend• sot paper but it te prsetoelly owned by the man who is the heaviest stockholder in the Deli Government organ. the Mail F.mptn sort •Mr "K will hardly allow his news- papers to Rive expression to views he be- hoves to be false. In its edstorul the New. says "It u duly hecowning more apparent that the pre- sent I litaw• 4.ov.fnmrat is utterly incap- able of giving strength and consistency to the administration of public affairs. W eek • new and incapacity are shown In every act." 1 challenge the Tory press and Tory . romp speakers to deny that the same gentlemen who is the hes, test stockholder to the Government organ, the M.iI Empire, is the ower of the Toronto News .rod coo reels its policy. The Ottawa correspondent of the chief Government organ, the 11.11 - Empire, is aro the correspondent of the Toronto News. For thew reasons .11 the mon significance is to 1,e attached to what the News tells us. Let us reed down • little further for we are getting the truth from the News. 1 ,.onuritoq, the News says : '• After the buemess interests of the country had been unsettled by a promise of a sweeping measure of taxer reform all that thus prom tee resulted in wee • host of chanes, that causal deturbsoce, but left the burden of taxation as great as before. " A pledge that corrupnooieta would be punished whenever found has been violated by the reteettes of Caron in the Cabinet the release of Mcl:reevy an4 thorny from jail and • halting prosecution of the ('urran !Stodge rabbets. " .And to cep all, the NIiotetry has for months wavered between session and ds - solution, loterferesce and non interference, untl: the whole country is an • turmoil • turmoil that would he enormously increased by the restgwtton of two ministers, etc. •' "1t is time to sad thin uocertslaty," coo - trues the News, " time the Country ons gives • stable Government and one possesa- tng the oeotideoce of the people. , he Ministry has proven ite inability to pettish hoteliers, oil lack of purpose in deal- ing with the twig and oil incapacity to deal properly with the \lasitoba school ' 4e• Don " This is a pretty good lecture coming from a newspaper whets policy is dir.ctd by one of the leading stockholders in the Govern meut organ, the Nlail.I mpirr \\ hat is the outside world to think of all this' Cabinet Ministers .re fighting among themeelves ted every cos •ppereotly look ing out Inc himself. Doctor Montague, the new Secretary ot state. has gnaw ■p to Heldimsmd te an the good people there to re-elect him. What are his cred*ntias • It will be In- teresting to hear what he bas to tell his coo , tit tient. 1 hear today that Controller Wood has be- oorre disgusted, and has intimated his twee - tom of throwing 00 the spree. la faet,tt a an open secret that Mr. Wood intended going out cows time ago but he ler a time sacrificed his personal footings sad re- mained in. If we do have a wastes there is lots of his ahead. The report of the prohibitive caw miellos is in bat the Government will e•- edoavor to shofve it cul after the else - hem, but the nppositioe will haw some thing to say about that. The 4:overwmest wait togo to the oesnt- ry without mekimg say pledges as to what t will no, if returned, 1a the way of tang in ooaawti . with the liquor traffic. They will, however, have to deolar'e tier- ed, esu At the tomo el wntise so further Inns from the Cause are reported. Its me/ Neel I hug i that Sir Manner» u kememag iuln 4 fig hi lata POPLAR ROW. T'rsessr. April 2 A New 'Fasysu.s.o Det:y.-Kenneth /dorm, of Cute. teaal street, bee .•.sled • arty invested thorn. the No ----eh. He Nunn over he Poplar Row nes day lest week to hold his first mwetir on the fare of 1Clorgo Morrie. Tema were preset seem of the neighbors mid the crease wall get awls end pot tete the Mors, mid is eight remotes batter wee °hared. Mr. Marne. nisi • good speaker MUM subject, made the m*sti.g lineman. •m4 isetteotive. W'e think the president of the Ween Hares Farmers' i.otitom woad ate well M Mento the eerviele of Mr. Morris at the melt meet• '$w Resmala : A imam wedding teak phren as Weresldrhas ns O.mal., oy. Atom .Mee vninl.g. wine kb dime J wee sslt0d r its iA.Y ✓ h '-'- d Iie ata s14gp • COUNTERFEITERS AT WORK. Usable mad LIN tadasacrred b 1 a..rrsps- tea. water w be remands. 1 a.aspert- sea re.pte to rake 1mll.Ilea. Mase relater. wertk aememberlaa. No medicine that is out of pore than ter dirty merit sutlers from immature or substitutes. The fact that an lottauon s offered te cue of the strongest proofs of the exuelleot Montes of the onetime article. The IM. William. Medicine Co. is continua ally trylsg to impress upon the public the fact that [tr. W'iltane Nok Pills are only sold in securely sealed boxes. the wrapper around which u printed In red ink and bean the registered trade mark " Ir. Wil - hems huh Pills Inc Pale People." Not. withstaodieg this 'J wtant warning then are unscrupulous dealers here and then who defraud the public by selling an imita- tion pill 'also colored pink: either by the do,.eu, huodrd or by the °unix, aileron that they are ' lust u to al," or " just the same ' as the ;tenure 1'r. Williams rick Pals. This u a falsetto.' end the uoseru pulous dealer who idlers the Imitailoo knows it, but is more concerned for the e xtra proht he makes on the imitation than for the life of hu uofurtunete victim. Niil the public, in their own letterset, bear in mind the following facts, -Dr. Wil- liams Ptak Pills are Dever sold by the doles, hundred ter ouocw If any dealer otters you a pill in this tori 'no matter whether color- ed pink or not, he ie truing to cheat you ao,l should be avoided. The formula of lir. Wilhelm lick fill. is • secret and is known only to the company. Therefore if some dealer tells you • subeti- 1 tete is "lust the same" to "lust as good" he is simply trying to deceive you because there is • larger profit for him to selling the imitation \\ hen you ask for 1M. Wilbur Pink Pills see that the trademark is en the wrsp. per of every package, and do not be per- suaded to take anythtog else, no matter how plausible • story the dealer m.y tell, Imitations to ntedictoe are always cheap, always worthless and often dangerous, •u,' people who have • care for their health will always refuse them, i)r 11 aliens 1'isk Pills cure when other mdicmes fail. That's why they are imita- ted, and that te why you should insist on retttog the genuine. l•aed as • sprier m.._ dicme lir Wilaanu" Pink Pills surpass all other medictoes. 1t feeling "out of sorts" give then, • trial. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. 1'0:1.0, April 1st, 1:+95. Colborne council met in the Tp. H•11. Members •11 present except 4 ouocillov Mil- Itoo Minutes of last meting read and signed. Ire following checks wore trued Sp.s'tI. printing, $12: star, printing. $9.50; Mrs. Good, care and board of Mrs Burton, 13 weeks, $42: Ieharityi Edward Good, charity for Mn Burton, $2 : 4'barles Mor- ns. not for George Little. 13 : charity. .1. T. Goldthorpe, taxes refunded, $9; .f. T. Goldthorpe, wood for George Little, $3, 'charity4. The council tree adjourned to meet as • 4'ourt of Revision on May 27th, at 10 o'clock, .e w. F. W. Mcl).., e,.N. Township clerk. A•Nrlel.1i. ('ouncil met on Saturday March the 30th. Members all prevent Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. The following cheques were issued : Mrs. King, bedlekmv for the Come family, $1.15: Hugh (::ern, work on E. B., $2.1 ; .loin Willis, wood to the Currie flintily f5: Thos. Gatley. work or lake road $1.50; Wilhelm Cunning- ham, cleaning the lorry boom, $B ; (.arrow t Proudfoect, legal advice for two years. $3..5 ; Kenneth McLeod, taking Witham Johnston. indigent Irene person to the asylum, 118 ; .lames .lohron, hoard to Miss Mclean, $25: I)oneld %lel)eoald, bard to Mn McDonald, '!'L5 ; .John .1. 41'Kielly, board to Mary Lacy, $25: George Irwin, work on F. B., $4.12. James MoClenky. work o0 F. R., 54.30: Henry t'luff and John Black, fence .wring, each. 12 : Wil li•m t'. Reid, plank, $6 ; W T. Gardiner, trustee S S. No. 5, $4. Councit'lmeeta again oa the 25th day of May. ('vert of Revision to commence at 2 o'clock it 0., on that day. W S'r.•Tnx*-t, clerk. LEESUHN. TriD•DAr, April, 2. .loesph Thompson had • large chopping hoe during last week. Quite • number of the omegreg•Uoa w- joyd a plesimet tea at the pastor's reed deuce an •:odench Moody everting of tent week. Le (.rip and the German measles have ted .gotta • rush is our burg. There is cot a Rowse in the burg when then has not bean • does of physio mixed Old duly taken to check the pains of these ulmenta. KINTAIL• Trr:IAy, April 2. The roads are I• • very bad deadness at pre.eat Sioko.ss must be maim 'aging in tine part for some of our yoga( b•ebelon ors making regular oath Some of our sperm had • taffy pull one day cast week sod • 1 report having • good time et the "chop. " Tins Dalton, who has been having an •r• terse we11 put down, eras sueesasfuf inflati- ng water at the short Jst•aoe of 156 fest. Gars. DUNLOP. TUESDAY April. 2. Mr. sed Moa A. C. Milkmaid eajeyd • FI.• ..t net to (ioderioh, Monday of last week. Saturday •fternoele • sawlike sad shop- piing boo at Thos. Tiohhor*r'• eaw •toed terevet and • pigment time. Grip and rheumatism are mill ie e>t midst and es we promo M peen 'Taal* ei two week thew N MGM gfell= AIM ef fi).om. - Om • oldiest ahs elms monis al r. /r• y-- • -a et week, •d • psalm teem she ieommr Met town wee else daft Ms telt with the bred gracing) Tests Ds.nnsnow. -Mr. and Mn K4. Monis arrived &sly N their home is Menasha. Then were sig is the party sad ad W • pies mM j.asseg. Hoseall t J. T. eh ray who hes boss leis - sips! *f or scrod Igor the was pare. Imo blue plain ` mein move hma GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1$9:). BLUEVALE, Rilt•tt', Meech lir I •erry, of Brussel., was to town last 'sturday. Miss hate Wilson, of Atwood, is visiting a: Mr. King'.. Lewis lead hu retuned home front • va cation of • few mouths to the country. Gilbert Gillespie, who is atteudtug the Ratner High School spent a feu days to town last Wee*. Wm. (:ray has returned home from his ;gait to Atwood, but has resumed his work in the ;bop with • half-hartednese, as hu amiSta0t, Norrnso Duncan. has left for Woodstock, wheelie has secured • stria - ties in tailoring. Norman will be mired very much entre the boys and alio among the gentler see. Ti i.- t. April2. Jr. Raley has gooe to work down at Jloleswort h. Duff S Stewart are busily eog•ged cutting their maple tar the old wuutry. 11111 Gray 'peat Sunday near Brussels. His compose seems to point south. : The ee.mnsttoas were held to the public school here last week. The results are not yet known A Dumber of young people gathered at Joo. lament'. last night, and *pent a very pleasant evening. Geo. Mcl)ooeid, of Molesworth, was in town last night, speudiag $ few fleeting hoar of pleasure at M r. UcKeone Messer has returned from the Stretford business college, where he bas hew securtne • business training He is now ready to go on with his studies as • druggist. Wm Lithgow took charge of the review in the Methodist Sebbatn School last Sun- day. There was a large Dumber out to boar Mr. Lithgow s able discounts on the lessons of the past three moot hs. CARLOW. os , April Sugar makug u in full swing in this vict•tty. The robin has appeared on the scene eo we may expect Spring soon. Prophets tell us we are to have an tabard• ant crop 0f apples this coming season owing to the tact of so much Ice clinging to lb* trees at present. Time will 1.11. Thif following re the standing of the pupils of S S No. 1. t'oltwrne for month of March : Fifth clam. Joseph Hogan, Joseph Mc Nene, Grace I.intield. Sr. IV. -Tillie (.sllagher, James McIntyre, Ammer :fatten. .Jr. IV --.Alfred la0fieid, Charlie Varooe, Garnet %allows. 111. --Annie Ilan, Ernest Young, Annie McMillian. Jr. 11. ---Will. Bean, Blanche 'salbwd, Annie Bean. Jr. II, --George, Bean, Leah Boggs, May Bean. ASK(►: ctlu>n., Teacher. THE MORTUARY RECORD. M,-CORKINI)A I.E. After many mouths of panful suffering Mr.. Robe McC.orkn- dale, of Helgrave, passed from time to eter- n ity on Smelly afternoon, 2J.h Inst. 1te- crosed was in poor health for many years and was confined to the house for about nese months previous to her death Mrs. Mc- l'orktndele ems • name familiar to many and although unable to go much from' home she had many warm trends. She was • consistent member of the I'reeby- terian church and until prevented by fading health was • regular attendant to all sere - ices connected therewith. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Brandon cemetery. CANADIAN CURRENCY. The Bishop of Huron coo.ecrated Trinity 1'hurch, Simeon on Sunday last, the pastor Rev. K. Hick., and i)e•o Innes also oftictat- Ing at the service. The London Free frees is responsible tor this The adaptability and cleanliness of bloomers for wear in muddy weather was satisfactorily tested one day recently in Loodoe by • young lady. She had moron to Dome down street, and sr donned a pair of bloomers meter of a skirt, sod over all wore t Mackintosh that effectually crated ad the garb from view. So attired she *pot an hour shopping, without any one being the weer, and herself with the con- scious comfort of being free from damp skit ta. The court at Victoria, K. (' , ou Saturday released John Clark, • load shipbuilder, im prisoa*d • month ago, at the instance of Ito Ward t Co , for the 0oa-pernest of an $8,000 debt. The defers raised the u nique point that by seixiag the penes of the debtor plaintiffs had taken the rot re- course of law, and all liebilities on defend- ant'* part had thereby bees discharged. Ti. wart held the point well taken and ordered (,lark'* roles•*, permed of all re• .posebslity for the debt. The ogee u with- out precedent is Caesium warts. The Chatham Planet of Sat rday says - "This teething thief of Polio* Young poise - ed out to • Pisan repe0.*sative •a in ter'esting fasten is connection with police apart tramp trade. Two tramps, idestioal• ly the same mss, visited the police station es ewe co0**e0tive aunts. reg.t.ring as follows Fires sight, .lois Goode, from Wisdom, gong to Treats, born in F:sg had. laborer ; Henry Prows, fern W:sd•or CudLsodes, born io Ka Is d, fireman. od sight, Jan "►axaader, from Belle River. can 1* leaden, berm in Kugler. beUer-maker ; John Davis, from Rolle River, gafsg w Leedom, hors a. SartA•ed, blaskea.ith. The latter came hook the third e ight sad Imre he mime es William Rpm.' it is Maimed that Roe Wm. Philips, of Cheeky, Ont., • former resident of lager g al, u. the elder Iiviml (iddfellew is the world. R. says '• My oesseetis• with (lddfeilowdi e*mmoae•d is 1833, at Ham- ,wh. John Rds srt., Jesse en std William Tarbox isetitwtod • l•dP is • tavern kept he Wm. fear•, as the ewer el James and Maim .be.lt i wee meditated • member .t loyal timed Raver Indies tiskHe. 4036 M the M.scbee er Udo on J.. M. 1816. 1 Immo Mena esemkw of Commercial modes. Remdltom : Nes L*lg. Purl t *ad the Qty d Lamina Lodes, Laos t mad at the lima em craw member. 1 wee saw H.M. of the i amihem 41e4rM• is i444, N W GAL w/ Ow limillosr dietr10 la 1111." Om pie res rhes bees fig room as OM- Nerm. Witty. a ausia allb rasert OVER THE HURON TRACT l..'i D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. The Otlat from the LOOM Milli a weekly Mena of tessq Seem served op le Nit tmverned; rNe and Pedal t lipped and 4 eadeseed Irem !very ;Welles. ( ; It 1:1 Uuttcnn Sillers left fee &tchtge) on Weloeday of this week. Charlie Miters will nuoage the term. Colborne John Itr.eu *tee routed one of toe Komi forts In l est W ewanosh. 4.n► Anthony Melesald u getting material on hand fur the erection of a house on his term on the .)rd coon. 1,1 Ingham Mn. Wm t.uy has disposed of her house end lot on Scott-st, Mrs. Ale,. t'outts being the puruliaser. Seaforth dares Lennon firs *old the lee fano, lust Feat 0t town, to Joseph iIcCho• eny. The price paid was *3,315. Myth . John Denholm shipped several car,...ds of maple log* from ItIy'tb elation 14, New York during the past week. Morro . 'rhe Harrier farm, containing 150 acre*, un the 17th or., will he uttered tor sale under mortgage, at Myth,. on April 18th. Goitre . Willem lire, who has been clerk for the township of How/ok for the last twenty years, died at his reeld..n la :erne. Clinton Master Ernest t ell has gone te London Hospital, where It u expected hi will undergo an operation for some Internal trouble. Brussels . On Monday night, about ,.30 oclock, a tire alarm was .ouuded, and it proved to be the tema whew, which was cusumed. Colborne : Valentine Fisher sold this week, to Tolley k Hicks, of l:ederich, a tins hone, tor witch he relieved • very hod• some figure. Morris : James Craig, jr., has again en- gaged with the I:ryana lima. 4th line, for the sunnier, this being his third year with Me**rs. Kryans. W a)t* alba. • setae Coking., who has been staying .t Mrs. logiant s, of this vil- late, returned to her home in Manitoba on Wednesday Int. Charon Mr. and Mn. A. O. P•ttersou were In Buffalo They went down to cele- brate the doth birthday anoiver.ary of airs. Patter.00's father. Sealorth 1). U. Wilson has deposed of the sixty acres of t•n,l 'otith of the ratL way track, which he got from Mr. Archi- bald, to .loho McMaua. Walton A game of foot ball was played co Saturday re between %Valien and Her, lock . As rust, Walton came orf victorious, two to one being the score. W Ingham bond Laura/ion, lately with ir. Young, of Loodestwro, has taken up his residence with Rev. F. W. Hughes, of Ade• lode, formerly of this town. Wlogham . The two boys who were ar rested for entering 4 •owl Bros.' boot and shoe store one nibt last week were given a hearing by the Mayor and sent to Godench for trial. Stanley The otner day whsle A. Mel:eth was getting out tome timber in the bush, • chain caught him, throwing him forcibly against • stump, and severely spraining one of his legs. %lorri.: Huth Hano•, jr.. had the refer- tune ucortune to sit down on • needle, which numb) the lower part of the thigh, causing much pain. A physician had to 1x called before It could be reenoved. Brussels Hugh Mel'ullough, of Brussels, and Mr.. Hack..ev, of Alma, were united to marriage by Rev. Mr. Aull• of Palmerston, last Tuesday. ?hey have taken up their residence in Brussels. Le•dbury Joo. Rae tauvht S. S. No. ('ray, last week. The miner to cber,Jobn R. Stewart, was on a tnp down to 1'obourv, and returned home Friday evwtng with • dashing young bride. Clinton ylrs. H•rtt continues very low; most of the nemhers of the family are here, tut owing to sicklier it was impossible for C. 1. Hartz, of the Wabash Railway stag, St, Louis, to get here. lllyth . Miss M. Howard. who visited Inc • Lew days at the home of her brother here, left on Tuesday morning for New York, where she will take • steamer for one of the Brent• 1.1•nds. her future home. Seforth ' D. D. Wilson has mild his Hsryurbey tarot to James Archibald, t•k ,ng Mr. Archibald's property en the South ads of the railway tack in part payment Mr. Archibald bas got • good farm. Brussels : last week F. S. Soots sold John MoDo. Il's farm, lot 9, comeession fi. Grey. to Richard Arnstrveg, for 14,325, who takes pooseesive this spring. Mr. Me• 1)eegall Intends oomtog to town to reels. Benguela Arch. Gillies, of Teesw•ter,who has accepted the Liberal assiia•Uve for the Cemssose in Bast Brans, is • brothr of D. Gillies, of the firm of Gillis* it Smith, private baskets, at Amiga' sod Tssswater. ,lyiogh•in Referrers was made it the Trost* Globe, last week to • 'mina el the lata Hos. Alex. Meekeari*, pouted ey Mus MoConmell, formerly ni Wiuchave, which, 01 is said, the (;overnment is about to boy. (listen : The two year-old son of Mr. Me - Cool. Albert st, had the mi*f.r'n.* to break his arm and duteoau the *thew joist se Mesday. Ho was steadier up on • eheir, when he fell beekward with the above re salt. Colborne Erred Mitohell has purebr- ed from the sett. of the late Arch. Malley the i0 •es farm kenos es the ire Fselksr Mem ; the sem Mr. Mitchell hes paid for thee farm is $1000: it a • very geed 5O acre farm. (limes On Moody sett Ms b.ek •md ststiseity bemf.w of Renee L Spalding will pees into poemedon of W. D. pair. sem of the Ws themes rear. he hayhlg psrebls- d the sem•. Mr Rases hamar gems isle beams M Ilei►, mweeesitwW some ehaaoe, wall the Morro coma S. Aew.aswh : S Rdwer& bee been empsged the peat week the rims se pnimsYr m yaemg eYt cimd low le R. R No. 114 lbw erhnYag mere a( the old landmarks so Beer to those LOCAL BRIEFS - who received their rudiments of au .rtucatno an that structure Hearll A happy and pleesent event took place at the Methodist patsouege lest Thursday. when W Iantnue sad \Iw Agee Hunter, were made one by Rey. F Swamp. The young lady as • d. tater of 1. Hunter, of 1'shortie, but has resided here tor Hume time, and both are brhly esteem- ed people. Kromer Thr married ladies of the Methodst church gave a .osort in then church, ou Tuesday eysotov of lest *oak. All who took part in the program were married ladies. Nita. J. I. herr *u "cn.Irwon,an." There was a large midi ear, and the various selections were much appre, fated. st.ph.n \ aleuttue kat., ,.t 'pitl.a, the Reform candidate for the Honer of lost mous, wee working at his tow mull, in itrpnen when the chain which room one. can loaded with lugs broke end the car wheel ran over ,tae of his legs, cutting Into the roe Mr. Katy will be counted to his home for seven' days. Blyth d in 1 uerday an old woman called on Dr Gardner, and told hint In plaurable language a tale of woe. The doctor very generously (eve her n'o00lary •euteuce, 1 but his chagrin can better Le imagined than ' deacrilwd wh.n • few minutes afterward. h. leaned te, she +.. epeieltug hi,, senor,,• toy to t:,i. ;et', u over the ... .rt „a, rot the hotels 40 toes. Clinton Mr. Blur, son of`tbe late Stra1 ford postmaster, has been engaged as a • - sietent for Clinton post office. Mr. Porter bas rented the dwelling ttuuse add nth s. at 1 present occupied as • post o: hoe, and_ will move his family thereto as soon as Mr.. Fur and family secure another residence. It, Porter, jr., who has hewn in threat.). tor • short time, expects to go back to his poet t sad to Vancouver, as soon as his health will •;low. - Grey : feat RMmeday (:ewlxa Seery, • former well known resident of the'eth con., arrived at Brut55r front Nebraska, where he has resided for the past eleven years. While Mr. Heapy lid well for • number of crops the last few ..scow have been had rod he decided to return to 4 ouari° with his family and run no further risk. He will rent or purchase • form if • suitable opening offers Stanley We regret to announce the1 death of Mrs. 1'enfouad, wife of Tho. I*found, of the 2nd con., which occurred on Sturdy mot -nine, after • lingering ill• nese, of con.umptioo, but she eras in bed, only two week., when death carne. she was a very highly respected young women, and leavetwo children. The funeral, 0* Monday, topksplec. to Kurd's cemetery. to Mr. I'eofound enol hip family the eves• pethy of the neighborhood is (eroded. Grey Chas. Rotel' and heftily removed to Michigan on Wednesday of this week where they purpose making their home. They will locate near I'aw I'•w, where their son-in-law, Joo F.ngle, resides. There is general regret to this locality over the re- moval 0f Mr. Rotel) and tamily, who carry with them the lest wishes of the com- munity. W..1. Rorell will remain here as • he intends Iearninr the tiwmthing in Brus- sel.. Morns : 7'he residence of Mrs Sommer - elite. Stk line, had • farrow steps from de- struction by fire Thursday forenoon of last week Mrs. Sommerville, who is an aged Lady, was alone .t the time, and had it not been Inc the timely s$uteoce of M. Black and • number of school boys the house and contents would undoubtedly have been consumed. The tire, which originated from the stove pipe up.tun, was put out with dithculty. Brumfield About three o'clock W'ed- ned•y morning the residence et Hugh Met'artoey was found to be on fire and be- fore the demes could be got ulder control the whet. building was destroyed, together with most of the eatests. The tin ongtn• • ted from • defective chimney in the rear part of the house. We have not leaned the exact amount of Mr Mc('artoey'. les., but It will be orm.idenble, se the house was • comfortable brick structure, Hulett : John (lark, of Huller, near ('omst•ao.. left for Killarney, Manitols, cm Tuesday, tekim( with ham • oar load of retry Bee heavy horse. principally brood meths. Mr. 1 lark hoe r tar. of 320 scree near hill K erry. witch is all rowdy for crop, and he 1 will rrm•in there. Neer Stone. formerly of seefortb, was mao•gmv the farm for Mr. (lark. Nr. Clerk thick, there s more money farming in Manitoba than in t)atano. His wife ant family leave to -day- , nday I to to into him . M Beat, also of 4 otioance, leaven for Brandon, Mao. Blyth : A ptesaant event took place at the resider. of John Ieummon.l on Wed soadav of last week, when him dearhtew, Miss Annie, was united in marriage to I:. A. Riddell, • promising young farmer of Hulett. The bride eras handsomely attired in blue .ilk. trimmed with ;see, and wore a broiled veil, trimmed with orange hlo..om■, Mea Lit tlef•.r. who •ttesded the bride, wore a cream cashmere and lace, The erre.•, was supported by .1 F W. hitherto, of 'boiled! The interesting oeremwny was performed by Rev. .1. Mclean. Bromide • Wednesday sight the spirit of Ale. W., eldest nos st Rev Jim. Rees, was '•rckonod away. Hie dooms* was ex- peet. d as he bad loss in an uesesoie e ...ditto. Inc • few day. previous. Alms. bad Mess • great sufferer for several years awl from the nature el Ma dames vary little could het dens to relieve him. He was • orient, ■stelligwa1 bey up a the time nl hie illness and Wetted by his eemp•ates. •1 seltonl He wee Is his 16th year. The famre.1 took plass se Friday .ftermees. Mr and Mn. 4Lage an deeply .ympethaed with is the death of their fint-baep. Tom Nuwaram.-Any male ems tete a It is the ehe•p et thief" he naa icy t 00.1a tem thea • peelags .tamp. less than to end mid rewire • letter. %% ha, load does it do you! It Wetness you stet year wife and te•ahin your ehlldrm 1t ones to you every week, rats sr Awe., calm s, storm, Muep yes the beim ..we of the m.if" hiwhnnd He matter whet pens, it enters your dew, a w*Ia.m. irtesi, fs8 of ssm.hise, elect: mid nttreet It .her• ewe the Ism Aattamar day saes mit mein the Icon Wi.M.let M year adviser. year sm1 sad R. Lana ie else re bis .therm sad will' whir 4sse oft Ove rem same home pates 1. ed. 1 0w11 ouoeil meets Friday s, ening. The trees to the s•tu•re underwent their snarl pruatue lest week A oOVOPhlrent that ti Afraid. There was not • moron' et the public school board meeting \loudly •veutnn. \ ou sun see what you are baying In Rob, Insou's torr. It is the brightest store n town. I •sotlemen to .guest of a new Spring out- ihe Kew N tit should tut hut to read Armstrong's "ad' bG•en serol this neck --- len Mcleod had .1 4'urry up b.Iore the Police NI 'emirate ruwday charged with abualve language. The case was duentseed with arts. New Era Geo. Acheson, of I:oderioh. was to Herman on \louday, and completed the sale of the property tea upied by FL Itoathron, to Mrs. S. 1 Arnold. Master Carl Morton, who ;was *evenly scalded Muodey of last week, is making rapid progress toward recovery, and will roil be able to run around again. ITHE F ors KEPT BACK. itrade .54 `inserts gelato. Seeded Time is binrrt Mmelklas •teal IM teener t.eeeral • reperr The locoed ot the beatitudes contained in the oth chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel. will be preached wet Sabbath morning by the pastor in North st Methodist church. Don't noes thu.opp,rtuuity to have your house beautifully repaperel for small cost. • )ter bankrupt stock will do this much for you 4'e11 and ere Mir Henning, The Fair, McLean'. Klock. Toronto star This number of The Week ,vntalw • strong article on the Ontario edue.att mal system, the first of a eerie* o0 living public ,tuestio0s, by Illeseet Heston, barrister, of 4.oderich. The long and severe Winter will neess.i tate an unusual amount of papering in order to get rid of those blackened walls, We are prepared for this emergency with an unusual large amount of wall paper for the Spring trade. Annie Henning, The Fur. AUCTION SALES. All parties getting their sale Mlle panted u this °(tire wilt have a free notloe inserted in ibis list up to the time of isles. Fkii,es, April 12th.- Auction stele of farts .tock on lot .i, 4th coo, Ashfield, I} miles trim fort Albert, on April 12th, com- mencing .t 1 o'clock. Jew. Knox, auc- tioneer,.lecob Mcl:is, proprietor. .4.,'., April 10th. Executor sale of household furniture and effects of estate ot late Mrs. Kobe tWilr,e, at her late regi - doom, Maple -at., April loth, at 1 o'clock, r, u. Thos. laundry, auctioneer. TNra•D ,,, Apr. 11th. Amnion sale of farm oto -k and implements on lot 6, eon. 4, Ashfield, two miles west of Dungaree, Apr. lith, at 1 o'clock, :. ,i. K. West, pro- prietor..I.hn Kuox. •uetioaeer. Trot ti t.et, April 4Vot of farm stock and ,mplemeea }a lot 14, L*ke /toad, West, near Sttspp•rdtl n Thursday, April 0, at 1.,'clock i o. \. Ilwechler, jr., orw• p.'stor. Thos. Gundry, auctioneer, Auction wk of household furniture at I). It t'at`1sck'a residence, near Organ Factory, 4.dertitilt. (hiving up housekeeping. Every - thine as tgood as new. Will .11 he sold on Friday, April :oh, commencing at 1 o'clock, r. ,,. Thee. 4:nndry, auettooeer. %net loll sale ot go..ds and chattels, under warrant for taxes, et Kidd's Melt Block and Planing, Miff, to Guderlch, on Saturday, 1prtl nth, at I o'clock r.,'. Tho.. I;undry. auctioneer. W'so•ixi•,y, April 17th. Auction sale of tarns, property in 'I'p. of Godench at Mar- tin'. Hotel, Godench, on Apr. 17, at 12 o'clock noon. •lohn Knox• alctloneer. Carteret, Holt & Hoboes, vendors' solici- tors. press The • emit Yemen rue Pftiele of ('•hails err it, tier usual modals& of exeitetn.et In o,anectloa with • gnat sehtual campaign, and the election, here sad there all ever the lto. minion, are or,Q appealed to to make up their mtiude le retard to the .upport or otberwt a of the party to power, rad alt this tame the Gwerameat are withholding im• portUt pubic tefurm•Uou, such as is nu.we- aary in imt•urtau, , owidrrwtten■ of this kind. The sut perausation of C. .I. •'•mpbell, deputy receiver general at Toronto, has been determ:nel upon by the Government that gentleman having given the country services which entitle him at his present ad- vance.l age ro be relieved of duty. Mr. Campbell iii 7 years of sge, and when he retires will hare served twelve years. By an order in oouncsl, the superannuation will take effect on May 10 Mr Campbell's suc- cessor will he levd Creighton, formerly manager of The Empire. The salary that attaches to the office u $3,000 • year. Snr. I. V.. u. ('Irene A eerrespoodent in the Orllha Packet rives the psrt.iculan of •.1 the celebrated Ramsay vs. Meter case, and the hill of esu the lawyers built upon It, from which we get the following story : The plaintiff and d.fendamr wen farmers, end the dupnto arose ever the rest d a, farm. The local master of Me Provincial High Court at St Thomas, after bowleg teectsseny, rive • judgment against Mc Lee. for $312. The oasts went with the judo. meat, sail the tint bill, that 4 Rssi.ys lawyer, which •moustad to $1,150, wan paid by McLean He objected, hemmer, when his owe lawyer not to as additional boll for *496, thinking that $2,146 was • goqd deal to pay in ossa on an acres that only resulted in • jsdgmest for $312, and shim involved no deep legal sequiry. His lawyer seems to have seen reason to this coarse, anti made reductions that brought his charms down to $762 ; bot even this did mot satisfyMadam. sod gory before the mein, officer the nam was agate out, the time to $528.5,5 made op ae follows • argument before Master, $47 : advising es en •vedce 5,5: conal fa, at trial, oo,tnssl fee open appeal, 536 ; towelling ex psmass, 512: oelilaosl fa, spas ptsimtif1. mimes for judgment, 510: bra upon the appeal. 577.56. But still Mclean objected end west Ireton (Ili•f dustier. Arew,mr, rhe not esly made • farther reduction in the • sial to $314, but expressed the wish that j the bill of plaintiff Kams•y's runnel Mee ' 1 ad ooms under Iso notice before it wee ;)aid, and west em to say, n hu mimed, 1104 the oe*t nl • IstupUa s ,ample and imvol,. fay so small es tar nosmt slosld •ggrao.M rill •sum was 5140517 appml$aagg A visit::: eve .tremsf"er Llan Na wolf to tetany milds seem •scessmry 4. describe *soh • age, where. the nights' dimmed* of enu.ssl 1er masa amounted a woven 4amsa, ami the sem actually paid N over for 404 • 1.11 teems the amorist the seen hold to 1s is ilretie A legal syetar wadi pmrmito saml • saw 01 .gain a met s aid be jaa- hese, hat is likely w not as • dagreee is asses wbsr. p. npls lays s tonal wbvasmm, het is.d s1kimf" f0. '.1101 &alt dkmaL.g K desld moa► mos thus would be het by eel► woman,' to • weosg. The made" el borer doh .hasld not be the main meet el the casette. 1. In orhner, )roto the Dominion Trade e nd N•vtrattuo r• -.urns for the hovel year w ading with 1 •,De h arc gsoerslly prtotd w ed dietribut.o of r rhe count') early u January. 'un. :•turn* are ot great tm portwaw as from tLein we learn was ;s the state et trade ead ...maNrcr, how we eland with other (Lustre,. and *bat hes bees the * tonere er otherwise of important tariff t ewmea[ea and •.1 great ,,otitic enterprises. Thud return, are Doer more than two moathe overdue, and there is no sign of their appearing yet •1 he last anoual official trade returns, cow ID the heeds of the people, is for the tired year ending Jur 11111 30th_, 1803 nearly two years .go. such • delay, d dole, it ie, should not, and cannot, be exeused. It 'e little less than criminal. Why should not the people expect prompt .erttoe from the orheue, high end low, whom they are paying so liberally to do such work ! Why should they not be sup- plied promptly to tone, with these official reports whim they have to pay so timidly for their prmt4ng .r.ted ,trlbuun t an any ('aaadtan ..•n,entt.be hetld •Leu. able for withholding :oform•tion from the people which, perchsu•e, may hurt their party prospects to make known 1f the trade of the cuuotry :sin a prosperous coo - dttion the people should know it, rot draw their owes oonclumo5. ev.erdingly : If it has been otherwte. the potpie are equally e.• titled to knee all the facts. It is In the people's 'otereets that these reports .re made, and the •,mpiting of them, the print • mg and distributing of them are all pend for by the tax paying poples. 2. Theo, of the imp,rt.nceof the Ilomtnton Audttor 4 ;enerel• snot•; report Inc sun has already spok,n the expenses of ohs: deppoterrtment, tot elre•nee. alone. amount to 156,770 • year, with another $10,000 or more added Inc preying and iocdentas,and yet the country gees gond service for all that outlay, white is report is promptly supplied, for it conue.o • large amount of valuable odor nation about the details of public expenditure o1 which the country would o w:« tie kept in lenora.ce. Thst report w Il is more neededthan to aa - erdinar ~iter•. 1rt ,;, ten, i. baso del y R yed or withheld. rho last ,one now in the people's hands soh brim;. the public se counts up to entities* months ago' 3. Then. 10.. 'nen. is that long pending and long -looked torr report of the Royal Pro- hibition Cornrows That report should have been pretested ever two years Igo, and the Go,•etnuteest gave Parliament and the people to understand that they might expect it many long works ago. Two sessions ago the Primer gave the C,ommoos to understand that it might be expected ori 00the able7 before the 50500 closed. Kern, ing that it oertssly would sal •o appear the 001 was ttteo'o utole0.derelam% 110is •11 probahllity i wu 21 preaami.d, p1 rtate.l and generally lt''r:hoted before the next meeting : but •he twit 550.000 came and went without it \ear the obese of the last session it was stated that they ••bopd to present it nett week." but now the regale, time toe .aniner year's meeting has pawed, sad there ere "great elpsotatiou -. just as unreali .d se ever So far as we eaa 4 n ow find oil', fully $1 10,000 have already b*es paid rm.cetount of that precious ('om mission. Member •iter member of the Uovoromeat hu gtrro the oo*ntry to under v . et0wd that troy •rant make rp their minds era way or 5no;her ,•n that important gross idea until ohs' „mm'esi.n report give. tbeet " more light Vane prep& have honestly opposed 5t "fe nese that the Cwnmimgon npert suss lout looked for sod waiad for Is Rrwd faith W-h..eeer belles.. that ted•y must hava• • treat feel of credal/Ay indeed. Whither tnor one' o.mmt0.lsmese may be still pottering •.y 5' the raw of $14 • da. each only iotrresDr the pa,plo now as it may affect the hill' to he peel in the .ad. It s said of someAccton that their lotto suffer Ing patients rot mnre 101100.1 to fled oat what s rhea bill shin wA•t u their pr fes- n oa.1 rtpinits Thr same way he Laid sof the •'emu„"rumen today. Cam the re.peyrrs el •'Asad• he expected to go os sod ruts ".'.sods... it • Owvers- meet that eo fro with them • New th•k soother memos ho h..a Melded os,sad sea an immedereeleernro, possibly these reports will be tortheneter at nous. .oases mss raper.` After you get a04ry sod stop your paper. just poi* your eager into water, pall it of and 1*o1; f..r the hole Them yell will keeper hew badly you are mimed. A man who think. a p.t.Pf tarot thrive. without hie ppertWought to go off sod cry sw►Ile' hi.. M sone• M k, half his Mende .Ul amt knew ami not Sone• sed the ether half will she care I-est,whea the world at late* kept ns •n•.e.1 of hie movement you will Anel th' *as moo magna usdotS_ im avow ptipar, Fetes the 4061. is rather olds. soul i1 yea were M gee mad sod bun vee Ribes, the besdralle et memos Irma sable ea Pr11.11•11 IN chs 1 the sal se whom reu as v"sea- teK worse, Ike ~pwwill roma ri PO be P•hilabal. mad .kat r more re Mrk. Wa. -oslsid MI6 troft sir testas• Sm11. ' 1611 Ida IlrBte fit