HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-3-14, Page 5TEM SIGNAL : GODIR14 . OWT, THIIIBDAY, MAR 14, 189&
GGreedban o_
O -J. T.
test inane lu.i•en•bi Ralph b
Mortgage Sale -4:41arrOW It Presages... fe
Washed -J. H. Wereell.... .. b
Defective Eyesight -J. R. Doe.... 6
gaq,.ry 1). (halides
spring Matsor1 Minss fats.....
A•utl er Lot -R. lee. ItmiM e
)l ilL•ef y A..s.essms1F-Mim Cltmws e
N*1 Paper -NOM Smith...... suss 5
For Sale eel To L.. -Il. O. Jehnotee ...
A Des
jul.dajJ.ilthlast.t(uutthe bRo. s.acK�To.g
MN had of Rev. Jane. A. and Mn, An
airs*. aged 13 nentba.
Inc tuueral will take plane from the Maur
fl,U'.iY. Ib. IIIis Thareear. I be ISM leak,, at 1:71 o'clock ala..
er M*t1•ud Cemetery. irheads Mad suesaise
rearview* please sewn the rllsistlsa
From the Reporter's Noteb)0k
,, res. ve • NI• is:. Yoe t'e.Y, 1 reds
re test 11 t a CUMIN Asna.g We
tt.alti' IM., u• I.ph UVII
area It.- -Sores.
If yes want 10 is One owlet get your
+peeps suit from Y..1. Nahum. tee popular
The days are lengtheai.g out sad so R. H.
settees.* turn out more this ever of kis sae
PINS TAU.ORINI- Al sloes cash prices
*tire s•tltfastls •sand. Jeer arrived.
spirts! Imes is flutings sad •vercestings.
Two doses mita Ilia. ready made oversaw'
at cost. Must be NW ties tams.
1/ YOU KNEW - Thatdes b7 day. sleek
but surely. 705 are psro l►.sally la)anag year
eyerixht, b7 a.igleeti.g to provide yourself
with unable glees*. wouldn't yes haste. 4.
Imre them examined. We feet eyes accurate-
ly sad seienulcally, with *charges whatever
for exami•atien. W. T. WELS N *tunas.
Thresmes• Mtn* when you ant to buy
Wail )'aper. and buy it cheap That time is
asses M -e magmas eat of wan paper. red are
seUiao mut entre stock at coat and lam.
Borders a half price. Hsutiful 0.lteaa wetb
bcrdee* $ad .:ai..ltgs to match :••) pattering to
select from. SMITH ri furniture C .1n
11111 7[ r- ...T it1 -i i.,. -- \1 c11 dressed
shop windows teaks • good advertisement.
They help t.. attract customers to . store
'Mt the burrow man who dopesds site
gather upon ba shop window is like the
commercial traveller wbo hopes to melt goods
in compeutioo wtth other traveller. *cause
he Is better dressed than they.
- - The three children of Mr.
and Mrs. McGillicuddy, who hays been er
ill for some time pest, and whose lives were
despaired of. are, we are pleased to leer.,
now outut danger and rapoly recovering.
We expect Mr. McGillicuddy will occupy
his stow desk •gain meat week, after so
roforced aSsenoe of something like two
New 1. a Rtst.- --A few gostkmeu 01
tows fare meetly met and org.noed a
'liana( sad (urliag A.atcarwn A eas-
y*, for stu.:k is now taking place and every
mesh* encouragement is being gives ta
the abeam. The property to view is the
lot on West 5t., directly m the rear of Mr.
H..dtes's residence. The .lesocation has
even ooatidesto of making the vesture •
• go. and we wish them every nieces, u
• he esterprts,.
D. Are ... MK.. i►t'". Monday last
Mn Thos. Dixon, who hired ass* as SL
ladrew's-est, complsmed to a trued of mot
feeling well Next morning her tried c led
at ibe house to esquire after bee health
After knocking eeverai isms sad moseying
as respow, she summoned . neighbor who
investigated. A beck window was forced
and as eatraeoe made (1. noshing the
bedroom they found Mrs Dixon dad. The
esramor was summoned and after yasties-
iag the neighbors be ds.id.d that death bad
✓ esulted from natural ISOs. Her renames
were telegraphed and her daughter from
Magoon arrived oe Wednesday.
ST. PA MPA'S CONCOCT. Every •floe s
being made to make Malay evening's pro-
gram one which will do fall honor to St.
Patrick. The first put will .ossi.t of .saes.
Irish ballade, choruses, "fie ," in fast, • rent-
s:, relined b.ilad* of fan The mole -
Imo terns. part are : D. McCormick.
interlocutor : C. R. Sher, Eddie W-
eber, K. Csspsi/.s, K. Belcher, J. Thom-
as, .1. Tbomse., W. Yu.gbht, and R. W.
Leona sad Rd. Campaign*, ..dams. The
1.omed part will osimitt of /isle.. lassies.
1e, u whi•b the f.11ewteg will perform :
Mims Reiley, of Wodste.k, Mien Skim-
odap, Moen Or. WUk4Os, Mien Meters.
and Him Merinos M•D..MM.
C*1ana'a Pavottrys Rewbo,-Mrs. Cald-
well. of T.reat•, will appear i. the
(:rend Opera Hes01, Oodesish. es
Mornay, March 21, under the aspicss
of the Epwmrtb Gagne a (:bri.ties
F.d..ver, .1 W.rtbwt. Maggio Amen.
Mrs Obliwell will be maimed by Mr. Wil-
li.. ef Rees rib, sed .Mee the ldl.wiy Meal
Bullet : Mien Leers Ade., Magee, ;
Mime Mimi• Aylen, *im gineise. Mien
Amelireeke, pis eN : Yr. R. W. Lep.
..d Mkt Emma Aobenes. seemotp.dM..
.11i. es..eri premiss. to be ewe of the hest
m.miil trans that lime bees premises/ le •
Gederi.b seises for sees tis. AIWA -
eine, Zs, reeeryd .segs, 36s The Pim
will be epos Miter Monday. IIMb, at INN,
4 Porter's bookstore.
A groomer L Wean. -The 'NA -leaders'
•measled • seemstel week'' ssestlege lm
the Tespeu..oe Hall Friday night ten►
They were levered wick hrg. s.d appesi-
. live •edies.,e M all their smegieg•. sad
esOidwsb ..Mhiona m Ming the temper -
mos Hee be Mg tweeted tbwsgb Mir ef-
fort. The m.Mlm' were entreeiieg frees
Sart te gmL.h end the trim ts'he amps= the
••(esa1.w" ,mrd in leer es the week
were est. The poetise* remit ef their week
wee mo-idmbd ae the LT. .f T. - ug
Mt Meshy sight. orb= Pegg yam r
•f ..r gem end ewe young lady [taw re -
Ona sed table tnmber •1`- hehe
still feeder basusee M fi ililgnnthlp.
/thesis. Skim ,>rlimenilleitylur.i
Meeks taw 1fP W them
while bents They tete at Dmese.ss this
weak, •d d there is stn • buses in the tomo
peruses talus. i. •• the tows .1 1...ly Orbs,"
it will he Dusg•s..e'e fault.
His Aico.n AretAu•i. s. SaaesU * bis
return Tweeday foiled a Targe house eagerly
await* hon. Them fortea•to se best bis
ea ha first sppea.a,s had evidently noised
abroad the snooses o1 hie terser perfumes**
aid bad brusgbs ai•ag their friends. The
first pert was Triennium's '• Kebob Ardis,'•
which with the •ouospasyiog superb views,
made it IoNssely pathetic. It , tale to say
that nothing tor • great while has mad*
moth • vivid impressers *ma em eudteooe as
the above product/as. The rematnd*r of
flea prorr•m immolated of views In Australia
*04 other plane. Several soles were eel
received, end by special request Mr
S1.aelle give la hs Inimitable style, " Hew
Bill Adan, Won Waterloo." Mr. Ssaralie
hopes to return at a future, date when •
totally humorous program will be gives.
('tau of Titt.t., Mr and Mrs. Me
(;mUicuddy desire to express their thanks to
the very large number of frtet.de who have
•xbilitted such evtd.sce of kindness to them
dunag the put ewe weeks. In which so
much affliction has ham their portion. For
days the Beath Angel hovered •ver their
household. and ooiy by the most unremit-
ting care, the moat skilful medical lowed-
ance osd the blaming of Providence was the
dosed visitor fought oft. Ihiring them days
of caseslses vigil sad wearing trial missy
ktodnees* were received from old-time
}needs and others not so well known. To
them Mr. and Mrs Mel;illisuddy tufted
their deepest tb•sk•, which words aro faint
to express. They relolos that their chilli*
have been spared to them as if by miracul-
ous intervention, and know that their kind
foetid* will Joie with teem In this the day
of their rr)m-ug. - COMING AND GOING
Bev. Fr. West was is Climb= Saturday.
4 Wilder. of Leasks4o0-wttisg t. -
AU lfeco d is reeswion ail esyenintences
i. tinny
Frank Wright, of Stratford, spent Son
day to lows.
Ga. McKay swats.' his home in Kim -a -
dins but week.
Geo. %%. Th•ompsoo is cootioed to the
how this week.
Ben Robinson has secured • position in
Davis' drug store
Clean. Seager boatsmen confined to the house
the past day or two.
.vu. Durbin. of Dungannon, is this week
vi.tta.g hu uncle, \yes:' Burrows.
1). Meloy, of Morgan. Mina., was stmt.
ing friends in this vicinity last week.
Mr and Mrs. %dam Thon.pa,i returned
to their home in l.uckiew on S,turday.
Mrs (:e.. W. Thomson wu milled to
Stratbre•y this week to see • relative whit
is very 111.
1). Meteor and two oaten, Term and
Kate, of Reply, were t1511104 relatives ie
town this week,
Mlm.1some \l. I;teen, of Toronto, mw -
ger of Armstrong h 1'o'_ new milllinery de-
partment, u stopping at tie Ilrttmh.
Miss Ftoreace \Iclntosh has *cured a
posttr.o to .las 1: ,henson'■ dry good* store
m the stead of Mir Ifolmes, who has gone
to Detroit.
Mies Forrester, who is attending the Col-
legiate Institute in town, was celled home
to I.uckoow •o Saturday by the very seven
illness of her father.
Mise Cameron has returned from her trip
to the citta, where she has been in quest of
novelties in sprint, millinery. Her an-
n ouncement sensors in ether column.
Put up your awnings.
Two indigents at the jail died last week.
id your buggies, wheelbarrows and I•wn-
A total eclipse of the moon was vulble
Sunday eventag.
It is propend to have • four team base-
ball league this sewn.
The town clock was under the weather
for • few hour* Saturday.
The lite trate Saturdaysight wabout
01 hoer behind time. ' as Two entree Gams
An Ar•tnby was held is the roes, ever
BI*keteee's reiterant, Wait -et, last Thurs-
day ev*ing.
Messrs, Reid and Hisett are hayis( ma -
main placed for their sew livery emblem,
As we go to pros the ease of ('lark v.
Corporation of Mitchell i. is Imogene at
the Court Hoar.
A quantity •f orwrspoode.ce from
Degasses sad Mier potato is unavoidably
.towed est this west.
Hallidayet the lmpe al reeieurent has •
ample el . view of the Simpson building
wing was hosed resestiv in Toronto.
TMs Swart* hes moved from Lightbow-
st to the hew kneed, enupied by P.
Nevis, tor. RUH Ave and Welingtes-.t.
The town is well supplied with froth
meet the Mess. Manz sagniflo..tape*
meow are being e•ught std god • ready
A ..arbor af Royal 1 ssplen from Hese.-
vine visited (l.dori.h owe sight last week
te beer the (meadss is the Temperaso,
If yes want to ensu the Spriwg trails. ad-
vertise is • reliable medium wbieh r.asbns
the pops. Tea bt.PAL is usequslled et
me advert/mg milium.
The Lair ems ef Odrlek will surely have
plenty of .beim is the millinery Ibis Arm-
oires/is & C.. INsd epsntug • sillf.ery
Glen 1. s...sefbs wftb their regular busi-
Next Friday eeewig Hermes Haiti*, of
the O. C. I., will address the R L of C. &
.t N.rb+k Methodist Moor*, es the bets,
"My RaAGwibi"t, far My Week Brother."
The mtaMeg eGmengeen. M 7:10. A! w
At the adjoined •se sties et the lib-
►erals et Y.N4 V4Msri3O.enp MeH w*
.emmeW for the dmmre. .1. D. gar,
M.P.. delivereRaves d Temp.
seuroship el
seer Cesesses, Nevi
blameU le hie bars. H. ws sheet 60 yam
.t me end, me ler ae hums, 1. esm/s1Ms
Fr ehelbenie and Q.s.k N.& hug
O. Nebel. the the
meow* M. P. he re.*
w nesamW byby the Li er.M ire.*
rtY.ee lee * e.Ome el de -
mosso l
iw Shierss red gen.% N. a hook
11Verb"Y. bthe passu 11.P. Ir ters. •
wee e.miMse ilr the Lamb y.Mrtdep.
The Me drew sier=teated ea ea
mei r dymus.. la
Nonce. Tisa leo* ages* in Dey�
ter T■. asN
s.L is at the %ee .f .1. O. Teel
J -P aepoe
aar, As, who wall revolve er
lava sTer esbortptls.s. advent:wag sad )e►
work. and la ..ibosds.d er eye roes** far
esosata said her the same.
Tta.Day. Ma, 12.
Mr. Wilkie, of ('Hato., dentist was la our
village last week.
Rey. .1 Jeaass, locumbe.t of St Paul's
church bra, and wife, worn at Lundu. due
Ing last week.
Richard Begley, of Manitoba, who has
been us an extended visit her., leaf forborne
oa llo.day last.
Charles Thur[, of West W•w•oeeh, seer
St. Helene. bis leased from 11'u, Wakes
the property formerly 'mien w Leidy farm
ea fifth oenoeesuun. Nest 11 •w•ro.b, for •
term of years.
Tug ('atoonia s. - (h Saturday of 4.1
week the ,esgt.g evangelists arrived here
sad are 0o.deetiD[ stogie, rstertaia-
enent• each evening. 'They will continue to
do so during them week in the Auditorium
Hail. Attend•.ce so Ter has been fur
1►xan1. W regret to have to chr.o.ele
that dun* a few days past death nes takes
tree' us two of our young people as it were
to the prime of life. Mow Rebecca Durum,
yeuegeet daughter of Charles 'Purple, it.
who had been for some time past .0 a poor
state of health. departed from this lite on
Saturday mores* last, age 'LS years. Her
remelns were interred a Dungannon ceme-
tery on Monday, 11th. The bereaved rela-
tives have the deep sympatby of the
neighborhood in their sad bereavement.
Hobert, eon of the late Richard Wil -
s., h.d lived for several years to I)akote,
and, being in • poor state of health, came to
visit friends here and recruit his health.
He gradually became worse and o. Sunday
suocumbed, although every possible medical
aid was used to restore him to health. He
was need thirty two years H, remain
were interred in Dungannon cemetery on
Tuesday. I)beeouies of both interments
were impressively conducted by 11.-s. J
Jewel The bereaved mother and family
1..e the sympathy of the community.
Who impasses Meant. 1e a Yew Weeds
tomer evade* _ --- The Thompson nneine lal bel new
ass.unto to 1a1 14
F.it.-t rimoo• b. likely to have four age-.
didates fur the Dominion election.
Three hundred urges. from Arkansas
and Mir..looppl hate left for Liberia.
Ex President Heerlen) is reported to be
seriouray i11 at his home in Indianapolis.
Ilnrytlartes have been frequent iii Brock-
ville la:ear No trace of the thieve, hue
tern i..und.
Brings eomfolt and improvement au1
fends to purw,ttal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who lire bet-
tor than . d hereand enjoy life more, with
less •xpeu.htur., by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
Laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the f.rm met aceeptah:e and pleas-
ant to t he taut e, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties t>t a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dupellinng colds. headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It hag given satisfaction to millions aid
met with the approval of the medial
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, LIN er and Bowels withont weak-
ening them and it u perfectly free from
•very object i.iabls suhatauce.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists is 7,c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured bythe California Fig Syrup
Co. only, wose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrnp of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accent any substitute if offered.
Rev. .1. W. Anus, jet+u.r of the Gusset's
Avcnn. Moth.wll-1 1'hnrch, fundon,
dI'd on Friday.
The breaking otit cin-minr saw on Fri-
day rtuwd MO death of Simeon 4;agttesln,
of DoVer township.
The Ervn•h have ,witted the bland of
Nuwilvey. in ;t. Augustine Hay. on the
oiuth-west mast of Madagaa..r.
Mr. Joseph Seagram, the horseman and
distiller, was nominated in ebe ('ooser.a-
live interest in North Waterloo.
It le understood that wlennt gllo,(DI will
be the Ontario Government's shone of the
late till. Allan Gilmuur'e fortune.
The ('Lancer*. Divisional Court ha. de-
Tided that it is illegal to maintain a pool-
room in Ontario for betting on foreign
The fifty-tbinl d'oited States congress
adjourned without passing the bill provid-
ing money for the payment of the Behring
Sea awards.
1)r A. S. Thompson, of Stratbroy. was
on Saturday gawtted as a coroner fur
East Middle....
lien. Harrison'...orulitlon is much im-
pro1wl and his physician le hopeful of hie
rapid recovery. ,
Kr 1, R. Southey. London correspond -
rot for the New York Tribune. is coming
to New York to .et i1. correspondent for
the London Time..
The Dominion dairy station at Belle-
ville hers shipped ten tons of winter nied.'
butter A. England during the season 001.
The tug (;nat.. aired and condemned
by the Canadian authorities for illegal
fishing and imprisoned In the harbor of
Pott ('ollw,rne. has been Mauled.
The gererwl emigration from Gnat Bri-
tain continued to igcnwe• to Fehnuirt.
but cmllrrwl ton 10 Canada chained o0e-
fourt4 a.compared with lied year.
At New York sludge Barrett granted a
,decree of absolute divorce 1a favor of Mrs.
Alva F. Vanderbilt from her husband,
William K. Vanderbilt; the well knyrn
The Government have derided to midst
Rev Father Parnell** email -tuition scheme
to the extent of 1110a. which amount they
have sods -rod to 1e forwarded to the Col
onlsation Society of Montreal.
Mr. Wellington Parliament, a respect-
able farmer, whose house was near Con
e eeon. shot himself dead on Sunday morn-
ing. 111-bealth is supposed to have unbal-
anced his mind.
A neat of enallpox has been dl.onverd
.,n West lake etrnet. Chicago. among
,.dund men who came frv... Tennessee •
month ago rive cases have been taken
to the pest house.
Martial taw has been declared In the
province of Santa Clara, Cuba: as the re -
atilt of the uprising of the two Insurgent
hands, one of them under the law of the
notorious bandit Metope
W. R. Pettenglll, of Salem. Mas , who
was anvate,l i■ Philadelphia Nome time
ago and ladieted for smuggling phenaetw
Hee, has .kipped his ball and i. now in
Montreal. 1'ette.gill 1s a clever smoggier.
Five Anarchist* have been sentenced at
Rome to terms varying between a year
and a year and three months They were
.osvfeted of placing the bombs which
buret near the Ministries of Justine and
NISI Hstb. ]l A., Wer vice principal
of the High gimel, Ttaest, a t' . whe
was seepemilled Oen six sse.lbs for nese
b the Mamie doe-
Od • d YaY- s bat eesmit
led slid.
The elm* et a mewls, that arrived
• Lwesedt , 4erul•y. syn thM le inked
r • see a dsem.geeed body, wash eras
�pep.s .. it O the of Kat Dale uveas Ahem with Me
After ram %meths of se almost Mros-
}�•� ebeewe. the Tree ebs. oaair
Make weehe se WIlmenibg. Pa, have
Marta up In tea ea lssb4s tars. Three
tbwnee teen flees sew es will dud eel
ph ystest bate Moodily.
The bye bass • bossy fall 1a li itleh
1mtr nam Orissa Dm,'" the ammo
of Fldmesiy, me meet/ ed with the terra -
-month art yaw, Shay dolls..
61$,lw to et.tltM. hied Nr this [two
ss.the tech yaw More le a dengue dram
11111211.111111 b d191 10l
5775. •gat NMI 1.a .:are.i. Tlllt AFTER n,
-s. Ts n*vI(srl!tc MEOW TRH. ,:Le- 111e
o R1g1tDe feot',t1R HIM viae at:ATn'.
D0011 --Antic MAF1 FAIL. kg. lig its -
too T norm age:At%ear?kr. aUtte,1 .. u1
4101e0•T MIALTM.
From The Comber Herald.
stranetield is • post office •�rner .Mut
six miles from ('oma er. It en. named after
the highly reopened and well I:oown family
of Strange. The neighborhood is • .quiet
one. beteg iah•blted by • chureh•gumg,
sober, indnstrmus people. Among the peo-
ple of that neighborhood Devoe is better or
wore favorably known thea Thee. Strang.
Mr. Strang , a man of muddle age and •
bachelor. A few days aco he related to
The Herald the story of his recovery from
an illne.t which he believes would Nave re-
sults* Ltaily het for the use of Dr. Wil -
hams' I'mk Pills. The origin of Mr.
Strang m trouble was 1. grippe, which de-
veloped Into heart disease. He kid for
mouths with every in his frail bods
unstrung. He tried many medicines, but
tome teemed to materially benefit him.
He would rally at umsal endeavor to
walk, but hue system being reduced and
weakened he would frequently fall prostrate
to the ground, mid his (needs had to tarry
him into the house. 'This terrible state of
things lasted for m.nths and all the while
he was (.111.4 weaker, and eves the most
hopeful of his friends feared the wore[. Mr.
Strang was !strongly urred to try the world
resowoed 1h. Willman.' Pink Pills and
he oosseted to d• so. .A neighbor was
despatched to the (somber drug store
for • supply. In • tow days after
b•ginnia, their use he began to improve
In a couple of week• he was able to walk
.round, and today Mr. Strang is 15)515ing
•.d tolling the same old story shut hundreds
of others ars tether in this Lair Dominion
tits story of renewed strength through the
w of Dr. Williams' risk Pills. Mr. Strang
u eow • email man. (/sits frequently he
walks to Comber, • Maumee of sr miles, to
**tend obarek. He informed the Herald
that be was oily toe glad to give bee ex-
perience so that suffers..( humanity may .i-
so reap the 'benefit .ed thus he messed
from the thraldom of disease and pain. To
his bsef•ctors, fir tush they .r. -- liar.
gtr•ag fettle that be own a debit of grati-
tude. With him the days why beads of
agony Mood on his brow have peeped away,
ad hie body has been regenerated anew by
the w of i)r. Williams' Ptak Pills
TM after akar of Is grippe and all
t eable@ dee to poor hood or shattered
serves, speedily MIR to • fair treatment
whit Dr. W Raises'. Peak Pilo. They cure
wbs other madioiss fail, sad no owe should
suffer for an beer without giving -this great
remedy a trial Sold by deslen or .est by
mail post/.sid, M NO coots • box, or six
hexes far la 50, by adiror.im, the Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine (`o., Rroobvills, (4.[, ore
Sob•w•et.dy, N.Y. Refuse all imitati•.s
and substitutes
Wenwr0Ay, Mr. 13.
W. C. Horne has moved late tows from
his farm that he sold lest Fall to W. Arm-
stresg, of Morris
W • ere very Berry to 01y tet the wile el
.1s. Potter, r., is Tying seriously i11 and
little hopes d her recovery are estsrtsi.ed.
Dae Ramer leas it that .mother of our
t=mer la dimatied with his brother
dand is booted to leave their ranks
Foggia Mela.ghey Ms bought Mrs
M.ee"a s.Si.g. i. )17*4, where he intends
movise shortly es he is ragbag from farm -
Mr. Jes.., .f Retirees, in nowise es the
brie et the lab Presets Wright e.. mile
Rost el Blythw►leb be W rented for •
term .1 yens frees the ere sties.
(.Lwe. ft McGill have...wted the seslreet
lereho Ryism
th Meese sed er
l�egssetrry� holed./ wilt is brick end
f.shd with the iMe n improved ma.
A■thole sgle tame petits s,
aIs sen ar�berm M O. aidss more
la thle NM em 4. the Nem et mho.
Tvms. v, Mar. 19th.- U....... ace -
ties sale et MgenheM feeeftne M the rest
deem leemerly emgpied by L W. I.p.,
H.rebee. eawwwweekr.t M I eel..b F. ■.
likorythieg sew and i• pod •-.lgYa X.
Sis ems, Thee. Reeds% malbear.
Oshsmas he Ts alm&1. ay Si a ser.
Cannot Sell Out.
OUR Stock in reduced to nearly i1,000.u0, and a man to boy the
Stock en bloc at a fair til,►ure seems jtut now beyond our reach.
We regret we lid not tine' a roan. 'We advertised in tt.e :lady
and weekly papers, but did not get a singlet offer ; so we have
decided to buy a 'NEW SPRIN(, STOC ' and go right uu et -Nina with
about twice as Much steam in our business Ir.►iler a+ We had before-
( '
efore.(' IT Selling -Out Sal, up W the first of February was n grand success.
Gonda are now being sold by the manufacturers et very low figures;
they have to .tel! low, money is .o 'scarce and competition so keen. We
have considerable cash to put into New Sprint: e)o els. flaying now
means buying at the lowest prices goods were • v'er .old flu, ani to in-
crease our business we intend offering speriiu inducements to cash buy-
ers. Ou and after Friday, let %larch, t'.• will .Low :ie In. Ihey or
Factory Cotton at 21c. per yd ; :11 in. %vi.lr Flannelette, wttrrwt'te t fast
colors, 7!c. per y.1 ; goal Cotton Shirting, :h'. per yd ; 25 in. Dress
Gingliams, warranted (*A colors, 6.!c.; the be -t 12!x. and I:.e Prints
for We !c. per yd. .
1Ve are always pleases' to show goods awl have values compared.
lour trade i, respectfully solicited.
27th Feb'y, 1495.
.1 urtiau. Bao. k, tkgierich.
FD1t Al -
A Scientific
Herb Mixture
-ontaining Burdock,
NI&nilrake and
other II.'rb;.
This Mstital Herb Tat' is unsurpassed as a
Cathartic. Diuretic sad Rloai-purifier.
a Quote of lllr iicine
\ We keep the productive of the Os-
Isrio Chemists' Manufecturiag Co. The
Isllewiaigere wine of them
The O. C. F \I 1' L SION, 50e., [50e.
.sd others.
Woe can rely on these medicines.
W. ('. (:( )ODE, Ch gist, Albion Bloch.
-lib reported thel do NOM, and e.m.ten
itis Cantellane began their heegpeee trip
by et- -ling for Buffalo, [tai Will Mop M Ni-
agara Falb es the way * limewat{
ev.d.rieh resew.
soggy. .oar. 11. 1140r,
Fall Wheat. inewo standard a Set to 0 5;
Floor. lentil). par ret 1 sat to 1 le
Flour. Fall. per Cwt 1 AS t0 1 eta
Flour. patent. per cwt 200 to N
Brum . ton 1' 110 tolaM
shorts.. ton 11 en telt M
Screen aunt t . ten 11 (b 101200
(tau, it bush 0 T! to 0 '
1'.r.. hush.... n to 11 .
tale).. N n rowed. 11 busk 0 Ml to 0 40
Hal. alae auks. to: on
l'otw'uee, w bush. new 11 11. 10 0 1 .
ltuft.-r, t 13 to II 11
1. wee. fresh nep c1u'd11 do. - - n 11 ton 16
W out 3 W to :t 5u
Wool 0lbto0211
Hides 2 :)41 to a tx)
Sheep Skies, ..... ......... a a5 to 1110
Lave Hoessus"1 .4 to 1 00
'reseed lase.......... .. s..i on to .. tee.
taros.. _ _.._-.. 0 11 to 0 11
Ham, per Ht.. ... n 15 to s 11
Notice of changes must he left at this
Office not later than Swot, lay
noon. The Copy for chwngew
must be left not later than Mon
day noon. (usual Advertisement':
accepted up to noon Wwlnewi'iy of
each week.
Travelling Guide.
rants Aso T000DE.ICM.
Weiland Kipres
Mall and ix pre
Mall and Kxprem .. .
Mail mad Express
I..S. a. m.
7.10 p. m.
11.5e pm.
Rab am
House Wanted.
1 1 It resile. Apply to .. 11, WOR*K1d..
Hamilton' vast,
Tusdsrs Wanted.
w111 M received by the uadenlgned *0
to Saturday. March. �' , for the et•eetis of
Coes. factory amid hog peas at Kiatal
Mae and specifications ran be owe on or
atter Marsh 111th, at the widener of CW.
Stewart. A•h0.ld. Elated. 1'. 0. !sweet r
an er nneoe..srtlf accepted.
l leder
Provident. 107-24 Secretary.
Notice to
1, the twitter M Thomas IIntt, of th, rotes of
urdreir4. la the Core(, of Huron. NOM!
Fane /heeler, Iasolrvwl.
The above ise•lve.t has made as exams
meat to se for the benefit of hie creditors
soder Revised Iltatates of smote* IM7.
Chapter 121. ale Amending Acts.
A teeming of N. creditors of the mid
Thomas H.A, for the •ppolatsent et teepee -
tem aad tb.eviler of directions with refer-
efersea to the di.p.al of the estate will he NM
at the Desna of M. Y. Muir. Barrister and
0.tlelter t Market street, ltrestford. on
iRIDAY. THE pith DAY O/ MARCH. nm1.
at the bear N 2 e'eleek 1. the attirn.on.
Creditors are hereby sealed to Me their
eWe. with peseta sad psrtleelue as rsesir
ed by law,tw(h ss es en before said .late• es
alter that date the seed et the estate will he
distributed emeag the prtks entitled thereto
haemo regard mil to OMNI, Preyed.
Dated at Hesnttsei this " 11 day of rohrsary,
1Nlieltor for *NM* .7-21 Asigeee.
JwfMwafer of/rrh(ssM lfatMp,lel. ate tA.
1...14(01 of (maters.. J. I b (' to fu of If.m.ea. Ymsm� IM.nJo('
Notice le hereby giives. minies.1 to R. 5. 0.
1'bsp. Iletteettea s and 555.1 [esu Obert
ter, last all press Muriel clslrmi. ,w de.a.de
eg l5 1 tie er.a4 51 the nld AerhlboM Mal
lel. dee.a.N see �+qnavel en r before the
Inst ln7 et latae. w to sssd 0 pen• fiprrrr
�K 1s.d Illl.s NII Robert
feneaaow etc«qq•ere
to.i.s.nt of ..id ds
enema. asestesest is willing c..taaletth Ir
115•1011. address arl eet.patle.s seri fall
psrtsmdsee M their elatm& with veueaere. 1f
eV'sad the seism et the .5.0,1ties If say.
had y them dell vertaed by • statutory do
derettmeMt*hrorMistamit aY dbsr..
ven that after
wash last leas= late smidde a leaere 1
=1 le 1Wlbawe thewe et the sold de
seeni the emilie stimedthaeb,hav-
M 4. *04AdeM seed mews hy. seed nese
ten est be Italie tar the mil mess
ma throe 4. er pewee N :roe
dNoalter� ldtiM have s r..04 :roe
Now Tui :et Soaps :-
Skin Fond Soap
Palle 41atrlle•al
%ilea Flower
01Ce. ,.h.' 111.
vl'l:lt• 1.,.L•r Iiurltiet
Port• 1 *relish
Battu• tel :skin
Cucultllaq •v•lUplex on w
Jockey CIO)
(Honey I),•yt•
Coetw Cast:
Carb••4il,:•irtu;-1 :trent)"
These snap, utlule- in Chicago) and
o[ tine quality, and. hal tug a hend con-
sistency, la t 1111 h longer than loony
other toilet Amp-
Alli�the IemGn. 1 Itrnt :.tedicin•s al-
ways In stork x11.1 t-•rll
CHAS. 1). 11ILL!AMS,
1:old M•11eM.
1.em,t sad Dressleki,
South Side Square /tederieh. QN.
FUPHiEMIA A. M. 1.1•:XNAi1'S LiNT.
MKNI-t.•r.•xlrrn.' r- only- 11. a .awl-
,ire core 1r sp••.al disearv,•. et 1 dtwease in -
r1 in.rnuory Ai* nnia ton.. lame beck. MThq n.
0,1x• Ihrwar. wdak Mut core lis ur hr .sae
• neem• sod ielnra. motor., .red c 1 .-snored
d ,.nwee, It leas 1401 11.51 foend a cure for
thr.atnIr- '.ten isMestokm,
Pref. 76 creta Nur..• esus,. w.divot hav-
ing the tree's. meek on 1e'1ol-sod end
E. A.. Mcl.nn.ti', l.in,t en-. 4•/erfc r)11,.
,tanop•.1 0„ wax ser: w1 ,esoa bestow. )In.u-
faetn set only by Enphemta 4. Melwmn.p. -..1.
pateno.- and prupr..nroae. Newmeleot. Oak -
rich. OM.
Public, Notions.
rart:es taking out lens this Winter. for
tepr:ng 1:w1dimg or shipment,
- NOTE -
1.n, prepared to do custom sawing at 41 per
M.. tor Hemlock. Basswood and E1,. 111 per
M., for Maple. Beech and Ash.
Having the beet eawter in Panna• my work
can be guaranteed.
nodding material of all kinds
1.1 town lots 10 give airily -
OM and hear shoat them,
w Il Near O. T. R. depot.
Nil' MACHINE WORKL farmers Try
one new hone powers. prim 425. The Fleury
pinw• are taking well. The Itnaerim.n land
roller Is the be., at the price. 4116, The Mc
t'rntlr'k hinder for rale, also implements
from the Watford. Fleury. Watson and ether
Irma. The headline of the Maxwell iwple-
mga4 hes been transferred to Dungannon Oa
1t to claimed t sold them too cheap. l'tow
=terr r disc d In price. (.stings toads to
met'uh for metal.
defib J. H. RUNCIMAN.
Property Ibr /ale or torr Rest.
West half of lot 2T. Tornreesies Ove, West
Wawansh. Macros. A well Unproved farw1
1 . a, t and par 10. int tivlWon of Block B.
Colborne. al ., : acres.
TO I./Ti -The shop lately occupied b7 the
late Tilos. 8se d.
Apply to M. O. JOHNSTON. hsrrlet.r, Oede
rich. .Ltf
to runt -West half Lt :,. nes. 0, ter).. la
the towe.hlp of AsbAeld comprlal5R 1011 acne
having 1t acres in rail when/ ; the faro is
under the beet of cultivation will be sold at •
berg.in and easy terms. Apply to D. 1',
Mc AY, 0oderlch. 01-3m
sell et trade alae acres 15 Clark Co, Smith
pekoe'. tor mor 1N •rtes in Hares 0pee,,with Im-
pnv.lri me 14i. tars le le geed lese*lty,ill t.4.
from county seat, with .011.51 hams s the
.lace. It is well Improvedwith geed build -
more. IM scree of pasture wi pLely of water,
100 ace M sesdow and 111 sera seder edtl-
vattos. Will termini 11 Teale home with Ii
assns. with ail alai* .f farm Implement. 11
requlreo. tree further particulars apply to ..
J. *01.01. Clark, ao. D.k. 00A. Was
UDR SA LL -N. + LOT 31, (ND 00N -
ii' sonless isle W awsss.h, IN sates. This
la e aleteleen tars. Ala. town let 17e, Geos
risk. Apply te PHILIP MOLT. I.-11,
Let 0 la the Ito[ eosom.is.. GM.ri.h tows-
e h1s county of Hume. Swim hes
15, nearly
y of 140 saw ages or Ists
en, pearly New, «
wen watered with meek, me
growly 1 in. can 1111 NOx, A s oro., gig
Apply to JOHN RNO=,
.Lot 1 Is the broken (rods of the Lake
road la the Ws.lers division, Te (7.i.
bras. moiety of .g grim�. Hurn.�3vsge11es!r�
compr4N110 rgrimha
testae how li story high.MOW w geed
seed .rehsrd of ohelse fruit, ma be bought es
..q teres Apply **JOHN IINOX. *..uea-
Rlaek A and R. Inks re ■ the township
Of Oelbors., acres [mete r
lea There are s
bass been. Mrs ale Malec.., A.bwt
7 staves yu.g.rrherM MMus rr.1L aloes
et .sane et htsrh. This farm le es54 sl
nen gra hem. The tarn eabe
divided to suR parehssss ale elee
tore. Appt7 is J011. NOx�y
Hees she let I. the tows of merge. -Let
11. Haring..p
.ps,lt.the aid welt= milk
11 glory Mo. 0
* etastag w
. foasd t. len iattar, seed tt.r .1 1. ge.l
etas. of repair. Amity to JOHIN K1
istf. Amalgam
I) err 0•tighs sadfades.
Wiloon•s }'dsaeary 81" 41).
p.dwar. of
Condition pedes, 20o.
( )•r ()w* naki.g Powder
20c. per posed
Indy at
HA V I11a'3 juin completed a
courao at the ease-
diaa -t optical Inds- .
t11te, i :.rel niioe pre-
pared t rr ',•tly
fro all elegy•.;, •.1 vis-
ion. 1 u• t . .errors
Of rt:
'1 :IC-
Phu,. R.
.t 4 Optician.
$t'ECI A I.
ANN4 )1 \('EMENT !
Having di...Wed to go out
of '.1'.11 Riper, I oder my
entire oto l•. 1 -,1 MX) r,llx, at
"not oriel uUrter. Bonier*
at ! pri• e.
Ilrnn•Isle•r this is a genu-
ine sale. I lave tee much
other work to ,.ttlr'n l to . al-
so re 1ui:e the rowan forother
pu rp,nea.
The pattern( are ail tars
fully and p••reontlly tulecte.i
from the les'hnt; maker.
No old or ace, otld luted stock.
All new and ehoioe.
Ilopa.kerla'rw would do
well to anticipate their
wants at 011,0 anti MVO half
the cost of their spring re-
we are • honed to sell
every roll this spring.
Loan and sat/ nee Soolety.
erojeri ntit. Tamers. link and Haan&
Dvotly. Wee* 1ompo eided every sex
mambo at four per rent, per annum, o. O�eng
frost e dollar npw•rls. DepsdtorswUl 6l
11 to their aaysioa a re come 054 .e.
Loan.- Mal he .,, red as s7 thee wtthost
delays the severity d approved lenraWo
p5555by x 11.01sd.51orel
.ra sM♦dps4IS
Comsa7 s omen are fleeted ea North
Strom sd- Penes Moues E5..-Np011M
H ouse Me w•t (Whits
this i oe ed p t ~ SSIame s
he he�.rev�m�se Me of welt es s s sen
• window bras�te s1Setleg • $' ttoreeL�mm�s�Ise
==c9met tattseete. hgnlsW .1�i
fteelehing af boadteg maseasL she 01
.h(sg4s .ad lames, a eseMalle.
7. num.
tederma, Js1 nth 111111.
M [atilt.
W-t/.iOOI Milts.