HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-3-14, Page 4gbt
Mee long, at aliseeepols, thie trait of tuediot•le (head
of what \ ICMOLAs
.Mraeur was partluoiarly ex55epliled,
m rwuueINIS After the nary bad retired to oo.rndeir M.
WV et. is
Oir..t Pa\ilaaa0.a--8 ma`
Nedertek. " l
Tera. et Nt.aeMMm s
O,e mote,h. in &dv
ave........ ... it
Three moths,
ON Ie•r... w•«..... M
_._... I
Leek ne Weer (reel.
Your tenet 1. • somata* renelpt of tae date
which you are paid selee that it le sot
wed to 1.11 1■to arrear.
yrban • chalet d.
of •rem
tee old and the sew both
be glom.
ad.ertmttaa Wafts
Legal and other °talot o eRy.ce'gts, tie.
par hoe ter Snit Dartiea Wad g r line
ler 4146111141461111subeenneet g
laoeeoa• enaseared
nonpareil tale.
We0aese cards .f al: Ilse. and seder. St Per
Advertioneents ofLest.etrove.'
Mteatlor Yasuo. Sttt itaated aon
nemeas. Chasers W0utad s
Hues amapared. 1 m
Ill per r.thee , oaeeed:ag 1
Beier e. Pale and Tense ea Male. not to
e*oesd s Iloeo, 11 for floe t.esth, 419thr ..b
tegeret smooth. fair ter &dept hep"
A.y special each*, the efrsut i\ pelmet -Com of w to
promote the pecuniary hemsgl se any tad,
vtd.ei er eotup•.y. te ha as ad
tertisiewat and rhat7y
Leval notices in son lope awe Beet per
wand. N aencee Ire t
Local r word.e. ■ oondl t o 1we„. two
mete per o sotto* Orr
Reber ter rhun-hee •&d ether .,.,t
M.evelat institutions half rets
*heal ••1h• m►rmmmt•. MmWv.ty.
Puhernber who fall b ries]..* Teta P,uv,t.
riwaiariy. ...her by earner er 5.11. wilt
eoe'er a favor by aa•ueamtl.g es the Fees .t
as eel) a dates. 0001015.
Reno •ed manuscript§ emend be returned.
Cormepondr.nwe mut be wellasm on one side
of paper uul.
emblisheeea BOOK
J. ('. 1.e ?onset, of OMsijte. hiss been ap
po:nird IAswl Tray.•ilfst Anita.. the town
Miro ofUodench, (' lbO,is,Aseldd and Si'a-
Iva .l tow masters over NW are lye
empowered to receive r t0 Tits
81..' A 1_
A:1 comm un:cellon. m.4d,-e ed t.
Telephone ('.11 M. 7 'Op Breast.,
llodertek (Mt.
OOUERft 1I. 'ruLBanat, MAR. 14. Isar.
W hcrc a. the i)otniniigg Cabioct.
any now
NI A'1 n8'. aBajOrity ap
peen to he leaning hm. tptS
M r. H .a s coca g attacks of
shame from the Tories
What's the matter with ('su►'wow
in At est Hare.: Oh. Ilea d11 tight
The political broth in the Ottawa
witches' cauldron is beginning to boil.
I o the event of the Liberals being
successful at the arias aborigine there is
some very c ac list Cabled timber in H urea
The Pion. W1LL1AM Bt t.r.
is tiling datot for do Domi.ioo
than with hu aoc mleitlej ease and
It /, not true that the monum
es our departed otiotanspitisary, The
per., wail embrace)the biro& •• The Nati
al Policy Abide l's Risk." e•
Thr . it (rens, rmestness
ry o
which Temembers are rkiag for pl
u the polltusl ark r • Grit/ rime that th
expect the deluge pretly.
am -
Why didn't Mr. Forme go
Gloucester when h. lett Queens? The
retrial Mr. Foveae west to Ohmmeter,
are informed on gond a.thoritly.
- This would be a good time for t
Hee. 11Lluiv PATTttwN be lords meek
la O.der,eh and .how the pimple bore the.
10. N•lieoal policy W srb toss ri.h.
---The Lonelon Tories have Domino
ad MAJOR Brauer. in 1ee shad of sir Jou
Camixte. Butriies mule will be M
after Caatua HrrAti taken W chip poli
The Hon. Sir ii•COletMS11 Bow rt.
is t0. chief expanses et do Australian
prosy. W hot we wash be dm` he • pre
lister who will be chid elipn- of • C•m
thea polios.
' rerdtet, the prtsoaer, a • meet uace•oere d
■ea.nes, laid • het of 110 that they would
brine u • verdict of aegstttat He lest
wager, mad 113 additive to bate, 610, is
will flow be a W i&
- J(earn tillahltAlt, the whiskey
magmata, has bees cheese M the (M.erva
lives a Waterloo toasty. Hs will no doubt
retake • c•adielate of spirit, bet obis the
ballots ars 000sted to d.termtse the win
he will nod the the result will bo " Not
Controller Wallace having d.cid
ed that electric ournote eateriog Canada
shall be taxed, it will he in order toe an-
other edict to be pr000uoced interdict•.,
the holding of 'header showers a Canada
coming from the Smith.
The Government coner(tea that
there will not be • Ia-ge m•jor►ty ie their
favor to the forthcoming emend electio.s,
hist hope to make rains at the byeadecte...
By the -way, the Hon. J 1'. Parries -um al-
ludes to the bye elections, se •• The Sweet
Buy and Buy.'
1)r 1VILLOt'I.fHr objects to the
suacsemeo duties, on the ground that it is
wrong to tax a man after be to dead. And
yet 1)r. WII.l.rr,.Hnr favon the continua.
too of the N.P. which taxes everything
from the newly arrival babe's cradle to the
soffit. of the departed patriarch
THE taxationi,ta all along{ the line
aro getting rattled.
A I:overnment with an alleged
majority of sixty has bees in • strait
as to whetter it wilt elisaolve. Parlia
tient and go to the coon
try, or take the constitutional course
and inert Parliament on its recon] of
omission and consmireion.
Premier Bongo., when asked foran
pion on the subject at the recent
meeting of the Canadian Press .1sso
elation, gave the .bate as between the
resent time and the. tiret.of January,
I'97. Cabinet Minister (►clic►:, told
his (,lurla4' constitaemts that the battle
wax even now on. Hon. 1111L34s-a
Ivas amid the polls would les app'al..I
to when the weather grew milder and
when overcoats would not Int needed
toy the voters something like the
electimisareelown in Texas, where Mr
It es' business iuteresb are nearly all
located.d a later report says that
thtsention id in the Cabinet on th.•
subject of dissolution, but the major
ity favor another session, so that
each of the Ministers can stave
off yet a Tittle longer tate day on which
they will Ie forced to step down and
out fors official life.
The signs portend the early break-
ing up of the present Government.
For the last few yen it has been at
best bac, a tong of shre,ls arid petcbea.
The death of !lir •loin MArI$jRALl,
heft the Conservative party no logical
successor. Ilia policy hart been op
portunism end expediency on every
occasion. and then he passed away the
graft of the great political strategist
diet] with him, and the new wen could
not adapt themselves to the methods
of the Old blaster.
The premiership of Sir JMIN AHnori
is now concerted to have been a make-
shift, to tide over the Conservative
party until the time carie when the
prejudice that existed amongst • err
twin section of its adherents against
the leadership of Sir Jon,. Taore
i. noN hail died away. As such
it was e•oniparatively sutxws-
• ful, but at the same time it exhibited
- -The man who says ]list the horse
trade of this grand elf err, of Hums
would sot be .sprayed by frog trade with
oil! tee United Stars meet be ossid sbi. of •
donkey bisno.lf.
isn't it about time meat.
were being made at °tars M toe • d.e-
grass of ('•bior Mirrors M Washington
to negotiate • recitetradty ttneab tat week
Misr the rations.
- Whetter there be a Dirinion
stasis or sot, it is very ober teat the is
tereeetion of the bishop, le efteenfir prayd
fee by Right Wershipfd Qlaad Matters
Bower. anti Visuals..
Judging by the is dliiliflm 41f UN
Dominic. Cabinet during ihspa9siw weeks
ft would seem .s if they the itis tM meed
of •' re sedMJ leRidatNaf air essageitg of
that mart ter tatems.lyse.
-Latest advi.es trots, 111S mat of
petit mal warfare is Telneto paid dimly to
the fait that Li Brim Moira _• 1w 01.
yellow ja.k.t sad p•ae.itie hatiar Were
smut mows Irv. Mapes&
-They say that ff . WALT'S"
HOm►wLme MoirTAe,trr. bent W welled
t. smelt •a esteem ase. 0. beams • °Aiwa
Misibeer that leis Mt-k'sd red Mals -hard
sew about this nm. alma
-Z. F. tea it oldie d ss
aasiYrL In Swamis for Os Drm
a weak link in the chain of leadership.
The passing of Sir .Ione ARlxerr
&nil the substitution of Sir .fort,.
Teoweeoe inaugurated a distinct re
gime, different in method and manner
of appeal to the party from that which
hal previously existed, with a ten
dency to compromise temporarily with
the old policy until tbs. new could be
thoroughly installed. This was mini
feet in the treatment of the Whitler
('ARON i.ANtat•1p (7oaNO1.LT - Mr
I: oast v investigations. Public aeati-
ment had to be catered to. to • tertai■
extent by a semblance of political
rectitude and the punishment of petty
!fenders, but party affiliations had to
be maintained by the retention in
place and power of some of the greater
rascals and the parolling d certain of
their levier associates in villainy.
The timeline of Sir Jostle TRoW.I5
and rte substitution of Sir Martvizir
BOwEI.L in the leadership has ridded to
the complication. m,
The change has hefrom one of
strength with a tende.ey to te'mporim.
to one of absolute eminent and im-
potent vaccination. Boost,', is not
a name to conjure with, end his teres.
Pandy of the Premiership is onl
evidence of th. 'mediocrity y y
1 _k_.,. lbw- onials.tisa inti y iter nib
Ilam ass
et Milds p.up
--Dim ei the Mai
habits Y the Ibis
Was gees Impsre sa.'ler
Mgtit MA.
kens d stir of
h. is new the head-
lema !that The public mind is mired of the fact
Ing lilt the hand upon the official helm
d Mis is not that of a strong
b cease i ram whose teach would
eta dame to his )witty Dates
a/ wab 'e•pd Pa►h and whom veles
united sect's, The
FLOOD DAvIa, the Tory member for
Regina, characterised as •• • Cabins
of antiques," can never solidify the
Coaeervative phalanx and bring order
oat of the present party chaos.
Canada is on the eve of a great pol-
itical and aonluercial change, and the
old policy aced discredited methods
wast go. -- -
t "•\r+t• n LF1ISL fI UJ1g ITHE • wettk AaO Mi5 NUsROi ywvU.AsI Ar.
rem et 64.884 real.
The Budget Debate Still eke S■ 1 March Tbr yrelimfnary
V bearlThilnug lir. Deman adj..urue el fur a week •t
Of IhsemasloS". •the request of the Crown, a. a number of
expert wit nose, are motored to give evi-
dent* to the Hrudrnbott trial. It Isprob.
ANNUAL REPORTS PRESENTED. able that the care will nut he rammed, before a week from Thursday There are
'.1i11 about aduaru Crown silent.... to be
Tbr rime U1i4.I• Taker M A. Am.d. bean! and the Magistrate will sourly be
aWe to rum up the evidruce before mutt
Saturday wee0.
MONTREAL. March 6 .1 31 Pillow and
wife, of Montreal, wbo were arrested
hen on a cinema. of sou.piring with the
Hyam. brothers to defraud the insurance
companies, were liberated yr,tenley after -
'1'H E tint division in the Ontario
Legislature has been had, and • ria
jority of 37 stands to the credit of the
Government. MowAT'e majority of
one according to Conservative
authorities is evidently looking up,and
it is quite possible that a further in-
crease will be had before the close of
the session. In any *-vent it has Nan
dearly demonstrated that when our
Conservative confreres went into par.
orysms of joy over what they consider
ed to br the doom of the Mowat ad-
ministration in Jane last, they count
ed without taking into consideration
that they had to deal with an "old
P•rliaulenttry hand " who was no
novice in bolding his own in and out
of session.
THAT able ag- riculturist •• Butter
BILLY," of the Toronto World, seems
to have had his rustic heartstrings
strained because Leader HAroam
and the Patron members in the On-
tario Assembly did not act as tail to
141 sterna's kite by way of WI .l.ovott
ill's watch vote the other day. As a
result Th. World boils over with
fervid invective and mixed metaphor
arainstthe hon. member for Frontenac,
and almost goes far enough to tell
him that he'll be sorry when he sees it
sliding down its cellar floor. One of
these days Patron HAYCOCK may re-
tort by asking " Rutter BN.LT " the
pathetic 'luestion, •• Has the National
Policy Made You Rich
EW Y(lit K city - has set a good ex-
•'ttple. in the prosecution of the fire-
bugs who have been of late proving a
source of terror to the (householders and
business people of that locality. The
conviction of the leader of the Ran
brought a sentence. from the presiding;
judge of thirty years' intprieonnient,
:secoapenied by the statelnest that the
criminal acts of the prisoner merited
death. rhe action of the insurance
companies and business people of New
York in this regard could be profit-
ably copied by the resideuta of the
city of Toronto, in view of their re-
eet,t trials by tier!.
• Tribute Se Be.. A.. Wards -A Wee Wise
le r.p.lae.
(.lobe Ho.. A. S. Hardy i•fuesd new
life into the limiest debate and woke up to.
Reuse and the galleries is his well known
style. The favorite 1lppoeitioo habit of
"looking to Weshi•.gtoo" for samples of
economy and executive methods w.. takes
up &nd dealt with mere exhaustively than
beretolors And of coarse it was fatal to
the arrumente founded on culled and se-
aweed ■tetutice ()flisi•p State pabl'cat mos
have been used to show that eateries sod
other expenditures were comparatively er.
term". in 1 /starlit . but the exhaustive au -
Mynas of the Communion* of Crown Lands,
hr explan•two of the differences betweee
Canadian a.d .Amencao systems, mad of the
work attaching to various *boss, complete-
ly demolished ell attacks founded on such
oempanic... 11 is eimen Ily recngnved
that the Attorssy-(:neeral of Ontario is is
tdq.•tely remunerated for his services to
the province, y.t comparisons have been
made /*tweets his salary and that of the
Attorney (:emir•] of several American
States. This is done by completely Ignor
Mg the fact that while our Attorney.t:eg•
oral to Premier o! the Province, • State At
termee•Gem.,al is & comparatively unlmlet-
teat official. Mr. Hardy is • speaker al-
ways welcome to the House, se he coo pre-
set everything, *vee to departmental ds.
toile, in a pleasant, entertaining way. Al
though unsparing on argumentative sabtsr
loges •ad the tagemone maoipulatroes of
figures, be is invariably fair and oourteous
he hie opponens. .And the herd hitting
for which lion datungu,e►ed is never mark
d by a trace of ve.d,ctivenesm er persona/
a5i.te.lty The duties of s member of the
Isenslater. ►rs sometimes wearying sod
often dull aad the member whose votes sad
I- -
Iweary debate most b. popular both with
net!•.. in entivenr.ie the moot
Triads and oPpoOeO t§ Mr Hardy's lul-
dress are always welco,** in the Leges-
I .lob. Tee great fares mad "trier
eel h Sir Otos Nowt in de.l•im y
against the Sabah asseadm...t in the theme
drat. was sot ~prior to those who
km.w him well, •It0oerh many et rhe ..w
mombses, vies r.salld his haters se the
mums .f (lte•Aali early peittiool
meat. ware surprised t§ fund hint 'Mill
alrceet with rho mitt rootlets! in ulcer]..
Thom an same te whom ,ears ram te
bring aided rigor. sad lir 4Rime r rang
that Ismeard Dew.
The Modems was
n•mmaa6 .1 - - the walthersesd,was
to de
1'ytaaa0.m. 1. ti. e6.am'y oleo wit' f.tvtt direr
ably as well. .haander rms. the spaaw sad s and
boat up acids. beadas , ad boss with-
tris ria.4IsIMged ao.y
meal Attacking' the Y.* a1rl.!
whet the Pet►a. let.0d N
do Th. 0...,.. 1. he
Muted Tkre.gb.
TonietrO. March .S -Ther, waic but a
cru minute wt.Lau at the Local',eels's- 0000 by unlerot frown Attoney t'urry,
titre yesterday. There were not more of Turouto. who hada long copaultation
then half the members present. the others with the prisoners, rod it 00, it ks .fated,
n,a having rvturue.l Drum the cuuutry•, obtained a promise from them to go to
/hoc Mr Rom presented the report of Toronto and gi.r lla,.n whicb coa-
the Minister of Education In the (louse diti.,n they were ielrvldev.w1 tioon•
yestenlay The Public School pupulattun Pillow 1s manager of the Hymanof t)ntarin ire ,howu to be in cities and murk. u. chi, cur
town., between the ages of 5 end f1 year•, l Toronto. )larch 11.-4 'rown A
h►:,e1ls4 and in count ie• and *Magee Ink Cum- .on Saccula. (..nOatly w
Wil. Pupils under S years of ago In cities the wsrnmt for .,•u.piracy agt.l
cud Livens only Ct : 6 at Toronto. 8 at St two 1'flluw". who wrrc amelia.] i
l'atharfue., 1 at Ottaweand 4 •I Ktugs:uu, 1551 a few stay, ago, In t..mu.-tion with
while in the counties and villages there the Hyainr tawnier ea.• Tin twodrfcnd
ant. hal been dt,.•har,s.I (non custody
]alien Mr. (limy it ., , 1., Al..ntn-al.
March Bargains
March is usually the dullest month of the Dry Goods year. W,.
don't want dullness here so we intik.• extraordinarily attractive pri;•.•,
the means of brightening things:
(letting how in sires In mime ling, but more than likely
we've got what you want, and surely the prices are right. As we're
giving up this Department it's all in your favor. The margin is OFF
instead of QR. IlVER1 PAIR is marked lest, than manufacturer's price.
Ladies (:lore (:rain Dutton 4) I .e;,
.. Fine Iloogola. 4 ' I 75
" Genuine 1'icl Ked 1 110
M ism%' 14. ate rproof Liar i 25
hen's :roltd kip lace Hoots 175
2 5
Cordovan lace Boob 3 25
Split Loug Boots .. . , • I 50
., Kip .. _' 75
Boys' Split '• ... .:. , 1 40
•• Solid kip Lmaw Boots ' 1 25
chemical " Genuine Ca( Lai. Hoots.
t t hdrew
nisi the
u Mot -
are In this cla&, 1.167. Attendtne the Pub.
tic schools •t Toronto there are only 7
pupil, over 21 years of age. tat London
and 2 at Ktugstou, while there ere AIS in
the counties. There are lo1.rs1 boy. at- L..11. l.am.7 Agaut,wl o1 the chart. "1
tending the Public schools 111 the province Pelaal.g Dishy Frank Wilbur.
and P41.1121 girl.. The attem.taoRdoes net St. 4'atharit.•s, March 11. --Luella lorry
average more thou Ii*) days iu the year• os. on Snninbty acquitted „f the r•rl.Hi.
There were ;AMA Public scb.,.l teachers in I ehere' "f IRdw,ninle Fnnk Wilbur. the
the proviuca donut( ,,et, an mown. of I infant .on of Mr. T. 1•tar.,.n. of North
14-5 over the prevt•,tts year. Of those 2d147 lirtnuby. Tbe „on h.u.• wan rn.wd..1
were male. -e:.1 3...16 remelt, The blithe* to It. fullest .a1arity Mr. M. 1'. Toni
salary paid win (1,500 The average male 1 rn.n. of Toronto. .,eattictrd the Crown'.
salary wits *451 and the average female ( caw• while K. a tonne:ter. of this city.
Mist Thr Notal number of Public *tools l 1154.' afta•r the int"."** o1 ilk• asv.r,l
in 10. province u 5.G41 . of thew 2..z t are i ehlld. The evidence of four physician.
brick, sec moue, 2.427 frame and the bah i wa. 's'rn,l"festml Mnrh wa. ..f opinlnn
ance blit. There were 14.I'L•t trees planted ' that death was .•am..1 by . arh•Ilu- acid
in Public .chord ground. lava arbor day. Mr Ilsion•t.•r homiest forth evidence to
The total receipt. were fa..44.607 said the I *how that Mr Harry flun.t. brother ..f
total expenditure, 4tt,...e3,6.-..• leaving a
reeli botanic* of him.' $4. v.r four times as
much as we. granted by the Local Lewis
locum :alt year. The total amount spent
Tor teacher: dietaries lam year was 'Mau,.
10 /caroms, wits the last prom that
handled the huts•• pre% lows h. the .olid'.
[hath. The jury retired at 11 'ae and re-
turtbd to the taut at 11.11• with it .••relict
td '• no guilty. Hl. Loot -hip expreoesi
.g 1 ht. eithfattam with the a few the Jury
TnitioNn ; 3Earch 11. -The budget debate, took iu the tat. The ceuwit In the town
wtu continued in the Ideal Legtelature a rd"" gave vent h, their feelings by inclp-
ye,tenlay by Mr. (1. A. /lowland. member -tent harm!-elapp(ng. -_--
-ttr:vtrutle Toronto, who.fittrot a speech The el.a.tle Cristo 1a ewlemell.N.
lasting over two and • half h•.urs. ('er St Johns. Nfld.. March I1. -Th.. honks
talnly the gentleman had the opportunity I will not iovrapt an}- compromise trout
of Obs life Hns
it. reputation as an author i er. indebted to therm and are cl.sdltt
and lawyer drew to the galleries boomer • huskies. bouall tote the cinY i
. ve .4
of ladles and ger,II Men The politician,; the hareem m reantile bowies hen- wen.
were auxiou.. Mr. Howland ha• been IU / closed ..n Saturday in ..at.elte•nee of this
the uiiuds of many during the past few i relentless policy. on, !matins" offered to
mouths a., the probable lea,!,r of the i pity :1t tent. sin for dollar but the offer
Lima] conservatives .houtd Mr. Marten! was refused. There 1, great ince iptru.tb,p
be depo ed. When he nose •-very rye. I over these harsh pre"v.,irug..which entail
front the veteran Premier duwu to the 1 th,. .huttip,r out of at l.•a.t 7 uu more
patron (ollow.r, was upon him. Hi.. loco, to join the &lowly trout crowd of
•.p(r,rtunity had arrived and the question , unf.•munale•. here .in ..•an -h t..r bond.
In pleasing. his voice gsa.1 and his delivery tumor... good.
"would he rmpruve It`" Hf, presence The It o., n•lief mintrihutton. arc doing
p reable Uuriug the firm hour he enter- _
e1 fully iritq the history- of pant govern- I
lather Pared*: Herm rbHngw scheme.
meet to 1... evident purpose and eogc?m.I_.a titin* .. Ven'! -• - Rea- Father Paredes
chis hrsa..h of hie ,,,,..,,,,merit by fiat' *tote. that the l:ot.•rnment have !Mini*
Ai:::u,ing and then flattering the Paters.i ted their intrntinn..fassisting the French.
ti t
11.4.. t„ le is
:Ian tem. or lender. he House buf did ep.e. -- claim ' prvda►ble that 25 familia, will fr.. up chi.
lir then rinibled on. condemning theepringr and dud ring. Governing-wirewill-
Gcrernmrnr for its policy upon all gem- + lap to assist that many. Fates Pom,lt,
tions it. ..u.• brruh and in ton next •hewer I
hail an interview with Mr J H. I4...th
ins protan up•nt theta. .11 the oo•elusia0 l 7...h•nbey aft.•rne.,n. who own, the' uem lin,lts
of the sph there wee a universe/.Igh of ; on the .it.. selected ,for settlement. but a.
relief, old- the tewlm,,g that a man It 1. -burnt country- and then. Is no
',mini,. had rn,,.,.1 the mart. I timber there of any value no difficulty la
4 onrlud ail , he ,eel The policy .ef tM 1 anticipated from the lionise men.
Guaernnu•ut which *. b*.en in power for
five 0111 of P1401 Parliaments Indy be 1 i
Wait t en•dlan aemat Csed.
summed up iu ate' word& Thee' Par, TrA`t ll have d .t large 11.., anon
Lament. ru,stit,(te the hiatur} of cola front Hull have waited on flan Mr.
1h,viuoe. it t, n r.cnrd 01 depart .,0ta) ' Ha¢garr to urge the Government to
mediocrity and unfortunately of blotto hen.vforth ui r I',.,l . 1 an cement on all
utter dense inronipetency." l pnb.ic w.irk, instrw.) ,•( foreign resent ax
Mr. (:ileum. llama. moved the adjourn- I at present. Fo,;
re,. .emeln
t. when aevi
next of tb• debate. whisk will be resumed tot.
Government purisees. comes in duty
at throe o'clock tot, afternoon. free. aid the foreign dealers are able to
Toronto. Manch 7. --The grater pmt u4 undersell Canadian manufertnren.. The
yesterday was taken up In dlscu...ing the rlelrgwteon. which Ito hided 'some of Hull's
audits. a aubjrut which. th'.itgte the de -
citizens, that their w a. told by Mr. Ha4pprt
light ..1 the new iity iir.r, le,y.u.,r It gives sidentiuo and an
answer given in
nwould le taken li60 dap.
hie au opportunity uiteMing himself. is _
•d hot little interest to the public hretua Tbr Vetere* 1NNete
m• AM le t Os.
It eunsios chiefly of a rehash of MertIOn lht§wa, Match II. -Saturday's Gonads
rydr.•h. )lr. ]action 1 Humus) set the half r•1"1" my. ail vowel' Ilse have been
mllltig. He .lair fun of Mr. H.oerlau,1.1 Invited. 0i that there le one still missing.
,pw h of the day onion *my rlalnee•d to; This announcement muted quite • stir
epelik by the )...k since h. to N. ,qtly, here among politicians, the nim or4ty of
mewa►mal,bereda(ntive,nhp,, dti,,rnt 1latetre iwho whrsrn concluded that the miming list
.. rlKthe• Saalfleld W uld nercesltetr an clectl.,n. as time
Macdonald administration gene Hr en a that ermment could nos Ieyplly n.rlve It after
history .d 1"lltfrs generally miner that February lith. A special Act of Parlla-
*sent will
I)r Meacham followed in s tion of that to he pained for and the feellthe'veep-
Icelan.1 carefully the
ng moue -
He condemned the yuently 1, that a radio [11111 be held
'veep -
Govern e•nr all slung for line. Hr was Heavy Fel b Import. from Canada.
followed Dons. by Hui. J. M Gthaan, )Ir. St London• March 9. eTher* itis add. •
John, To.And others nbeen
Ten short• March 14.--A dlvlsioo wan heavy fall In Hrltlah Import. from I:ar ada.
taken shortly after 11 o'clock to-• ht in During the mouth of Ft bruary they de
Mr w m h olln.d frnrn Y49,137, the flgur.a of th.
the fee system. •it resulted inlautarking les. ponding preview] of twat Tear, a 47th,
for and eh uta of 1S 9M. For the two months of thin 71651 the
against. The Patrons timed decline has heats from esw.I06, to r105.
with the Government.
Toronto. March 9. -The sole topic of wrre f lea acid wond,li the florin/7n Fehap rerewthin et the Legislature yesterday ping 441,900 aaim
woe *be ,rand the Patrons took In voting pared *010
and Imst M75t (07tter. ('hYllt,900ev.e, how„redrwr•
solidly with the Government os the rose Increased 96,0011
system on Thursday night. The (:on- - - -
Nervativn an In high glee and fret er.afld- osr• spates nae 11.1.br 1. R..lan.
int that the Patrons have killed their London.London.March 9. --Tito Times learns
nt s fares the ooming Ikominlon that Speaker Arthur Wellesley Peel has
elections are roncerned- kir. Haycock Intimated to Sir William Har..turt and
ray, that hes course WAS perfectly fonts )Ir fialfour his intention to r.ftngnlah
tent. He said In reply se the sporeh from hie olade as room 55 the pat can he 111.4.
the throne that his party would welt to Hie main rtraeo is that his health le
hear the
mid that the 1'.10..'.. party was a factor! (inadlans t" w•to. In Nfpl"sing bur
Rp,rt of *0, Pees (',ommirlon equal to the strain on
tends them lav' The impending roar
IP. the Patrons voted with the Govern. r. waver, will
mem without "cern deprive him of his chief assistant at his
eiples He rays that after 0116 n•port
vomit* down th. Patrons *111 art In the nett Calf. Ware (rear
few gn.ummrre corms,]..* and tl.at If tit. Wiarton, March 11.-A fanner namt,l
at•tl..n .d %h. I:Ov16rnrient dose rngt moo, dant wurrtn u.1... ale mile. th of
n along the lines of their platform freak a week age MatFridayIt wit. half
laid and con ng trade that prom nage of hie daughter, hoe
violating any of their win- nary („mpuleury uncial fhncuosa
their stew then they bps, ha. a mouth
7 will ln,roduoe reg- deer w eh pve birth to •
Id down before the 'Jerkier nisi, half hear The hind leg. and feet
Th. Hwforvnete held a _nen, y'psrdy am a bases oleo the nose and grime other
aft§rmraen and ti.dded to parch the w.xk parts while the mat of the body to Ilk. a
.if tb. mwslon through a• qulekly ns calf The color le red and white it died
pmulbluse as to be able lo eke • hand In Ingot nicht The ane ha.. teen In the alit
• Valuable tams /sapid'_
Watford. March 11. -Toa celebrated
the Dominion orde s of feeding In flee womb.
Dr W
i•at1o. d the Uherals sf Rbc Elgin Me..
Hots roniesd the m.et hearty .owl.
A eras, Teel, mail at ()•teem..►,
killed his err* sserhrmg her s..j with
• hummer.
Shen* the 1.11e7Mld, t'l Q. merdenor.
wee meads, sammttteel for trial. The
piad the def.... will 0. eased,
Md. AIMS (:5564, d•mrkt.t of ye late
Jay Oeu64, wee tn•ertea u New York
Mousse t§ the Cosa. tie 1 ad•ft•m0 To.
wades, woe • myttteeos Mme,
As Now York Jail,. s•rreat orrice •
decree of •kmdnae lomat r lover el Mm.
Abu Z. Vanderbilt frem Nem K. VedmNh. the w her
remiss. mated tit Hornard Scottish leader,
Jr Des ham uerun,l by the. Watford p1.
kennels The animal Is the ham ovoid dog d
id the kind In (into anal we
ithed .
pounds w h.n (t0 months old and is greatly, nr
admired by all who have wren hlm. The
iseparked a tM p01d oar him of any dog
W'i•lr Toweling .
F'amcy 4:inghams ... .... ... ... . :
Wide 11'idth Print., 15 patterns
Heavy all Wool Verge iouitshle for Roys) \ o5
I'ulon Tweet] 23
Ladies all Wool Huse 1_t
Heavy C%)nnere (lose I:.
Fine 4l-1 I Ribbed (toe. polity) •►5
re (title. quality.) . - 40
'Dirt's all -Wool Sox .... 10
•• Fine Worsted Sox 1 45c. quality) 27
• • 50c. Hewes - ,J5
Heavy Top Shirt. _ . .• •
..Fine ,. (11._'5'iu*lity). Iia
,. Fine Scotch ail Wool Underwear. - - 50
irosvits of similar bargains. Bring this licit with you and see that
we do as we advertise. •
1 15
1 914
1 15
1 0
Values peculiar to the Cash System.
• During. this th we will continue giving 20 per tent. oft out
close-a44ar.k+•.1 Bash price -of ev..ry marl's and boy'. Suit in the store. If
you've any idea if ner.ling a suit don't mks this chance.
Until 1pril 14 we will make men's Suit. to under of Genuine Im-
ported 11'orste.l Serge,- using heat lining. -tit guaranteed. -for $11.90.
The usual pries is from $15 to $111.
P. 5.--- It's early to talk of Spring, but the new Prints are here for
those wan want thenAllo New Lases, New Embroideries, New Cot-
t.►ns--better Cotton value herr than anywhere else. We court colu-
Slow They 0re`tw' 0. Tatep.eed Of A
patinae IhIslrse. R.peeted.
St. John,. XMl , March b -Thr Merl
relief •wermmltte. met yesterday in t
general pat .48*, with i r .Pones. t
Anglican Msbop ret/ Newfoundland. in t
chair. Mr ray nod an •uthorfzatit
from Breton t•. hand over t.. the a.ntm
tee the relief goodie when arrangerorn
for the ratl.fa•tory disposition of t
erne had been made Bishop Jonr. the
toad a description of the system now
use Is St. Johns Ned explained It Cade
this system the .onlaid of the Island
token and a pro rata proportion was
lotted to each r ltpd.•tu denr.mtRat ion
The f1lat,n relied goods. ns well as
other donations are valued by the arm
sitter Thr H••atan relief ountrlbutioa
was valued r 11t.tnsl. For every 11
the Church of P.nglaad r.oelves N4S
Methodism. WM. the Horan C'.tholtrs (0551
and the other churches 8B4 and .w, every
11,000 dletrlbuteI the secretary and the
Hev. G W Stddal rerelvr 54 for their
I -hurdle.' The plan w•,e/rented wlthon•
alteration I•nt vernal mattsfaetlon is es•
preese.l at the judlrious h.ndling of relied
contributions, the outvote getting t`Me
abases from clergymen in the motel.
Impositions and frauds •m very few --t.
fact, are .o ro.ly known The u'.wrtmI$$s
are witted by a sub-.,emmlttee of flee
hundred ladies in At .1ohne 10. de-
mand for n•Itef 1a very mulch ,teeter ]ham
the .apply. There ere discovered dally
people who would rather starve Man nuke
their dampest.
maa situationre mberknown ]yen'
of families who have always hitherto
plenty of comforts. Letters ar. heing tea
"rived dally telling d the *mailing coo
ditlon .N anfaire In Holyntud. about flfty
mils, from Rt. Johns Aeourdf ng to the
letters 1,600 persons In the place are actu-
ally showing
Fart bar CesMbwtla&
laeetten. March 6. -A tipivotal meeting of
th. dfmotors of the Horton Merchants
Asenelatlon was hold y.aterday morning
and u • result the eamo eatlon is to tenni-
hula 6050 to the fond for the relief el
Newfoundland 'nfferer5. it was oleo
voted that each member of the hoard
contribute iS and that all tltemttsre of the
••nnetatlon rte *eked tr, make annlndivid
ution of
lar *mount.
Contributiobn* for the Newfoundland Rhee(
fond are ►till miming Ines wlly. They
now &mount to team shoo
DISASTER 64-4-T141-001407
A *taemsr lathes a .ler end LetesmWy
Cremates M masa
Cincinnati. Ohio. Marche -The hand-
some pocket 1/engf.11nw, which plies
between thle city and New Orleans_ +snick
the ehannel pier of the lhwsmpsake bre
about 7 n'010 0 y.sew1day moraine and
thrall minutes sank In about thirty meet
of water. Abe had on heard ever 106 pen
1t le hallowed tet the Meal a bgp
dead and mlmlag will sae em5esd sight
tea. The earl was kmavtly laden
• _
moors fie the smith Thar v possat of echos.
fog prevailing at the time Mt it lel
tkne.ls es..
the real tines of the dlrsk.
was ewlag b the V5 that t0. vemml 1055
o unwieldy that she herr enroaaye
br. Afhrtkable Rad the ida50! ole wmuw ka smst>•el
litosally to agersahhe be plasm, Ike kwr eft
Mwt t beat b •me Ma teem and cities
nassilda Mae of saipagas sad
Trmpilrw fa yes, • y
1 1 rem who reeg, .l jntcl..t tn.nm one onto
t.. the 4411.-r 'rl.•• 4...reel remained 1n the
rw•IRhI".rho•I tear about tell *minutes, tett
finding duet n.•thing non• .ou1r1 Ix• dots
cal , .e,•nn,d 1.11. t., the• •.enpat,y', wharf,
he 1 N here the 11..s.. tigers taco- planus" on aborts.
0. They wen- tared for by the 1,ompany's
he agent* and .cur !CI th.•1r different t deatin-
al aftAss.
It- I The pier ape -u whtleh, the Longfellow
{A .•tenet ha* t..w11 a constant menace a to
he riser men whenever the water 1. shove
n 11, normal stat .t thorough Invrotl•
In ,attain of the desa5G•r and rebs.. grading
r , 10 it *111 1r ticele by the Government.
was authorltb•► The general auppnttlon 1t
a1- that the bilis, of the miming are in the
robin. The loss on the .boat be e*tlrratad
ail I to fia,(letl, folly Limited
• Harry T. Ileywang V...d Gritty .f
1t5Ner I. Vb. rivet I)sRre•
Mlnneapolla March 9. -••Guilty ea
charged," w.. the verdict rendered ids
t.•r.t*y at the close of the Wal of Harry T
Hayward her the murder .4 Catherine
tiling o the night of laseemtrr 3 lath
The jury took one hallot and hound him
guilty of murder In the fleet degree.
When Hayward appeard hr wait fault-
lessly darned a. usual and apparently as
tool as ever When the verdict was pre -
Meted every eye was turned to Hayward
as the clerk •carted to read the paper.
There wag welds' In his fast to Indicate
that he had heard • word of It. He threw
hie head hack as the ••guilty'' woe pro-
nounced hot it wa. only to adjust ole
• roller hand He did not change color In
had the slightest.
The Verdict e1 t0. Jary In taw Women
Railway Aaldeat.
Weston, March 9. -.The Inquc.t Into the
railway acei4l.•1 which took plane hon
on the 8th of February wag included here
last night. Ter jury retnrned a verdict
to the effect that the accident tem raised
by the miles end regulation@ of the Grund
Truck Railway not definitely enforcing
the block system, rho pree.nt rules leav-
ing too muck dhicrettun to deopatsyq,
.mint§ and operators, and that the door
Minds now I• faro. are not suAlidullf.
especi•ily warn snow scrip.rs ass War
Lsudom bush U. -The ♦algia
'.Toner .mssupJNws t;• QMIl9j Arkin of
Methodist Clreh a ppW/ Is oea-
vee. • evtnttell In Lama d
Heave of •11 the mow` Amebas (a
newt Britain The will he •
entre .t,•urrenee sal
err epase5.dam al the Weeyyme
01111.116111 OHM
Shasta n.wreead b IMoaarsel•
Montreal. March 11. -i40u ]*0.,ga
arrival st H•oarentutm Statute we Satur-
day morning with Cuthbert V. P. tib.rtt•,
whim they placid in Montreal All. The
Vali/711.1d murderer was dewed in •
tweed snit •red had a red rah tied around
his waist This Is not a ohmage .Eimam
end he has hewn brought bryafor
.ate -tea n. ping. Hugh WHIM 10 da well
and login. to talk rtearteetthe Sesogy
and recollect details pet rhal6.eselm
- a. s. Dwiaa9a Aeana ted.
IttalleVIrlttpplla Maar 11. - -Jekm Ta
15 ilBals►
d ear 3eet.g( her has hed
the char d offering • ry at
drs, reeve et • StO
ti is/aes him to rose is entilMil lilt
tkr pernhase of • rani6•wetegiati 1W
(ehs atemewt'e) nanufair.. A g
attest. M to bask Currie]] a tounlep.f the mumu]], mum dretdsl 05 Iia fairs
the Cu..d4etnaw.trallnm MIN T' -i,, L &
London, Moro. 9. -The (]•mules Am►
teener ~otos 4111 was mad a Isamd
urne to Or Rooms of Osamenas Misr add -
Matt see .cul Iwtmdts ssgpeg