HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-3-14, Page 3THS SIGNAL : GIODERICU. ONT., THURSDAY, MAR. 14, 18.5.
mews spinikie �.m Omso, we.ta,
adea/s- 0sd approved [seal
��et1�A ea bread ter t al
Nre si Millet
,Wastrelresem A•otit,t Oasd Wasta%
sdmma.ured ter Woken etzi.Mly ref feet►.
sitms*fea Orem tosetural Mottm_ priewestto. U
p maim.
ArsredOetwe House Stooksetr0amo ea West -
ea.. Uodertcb• 11*1.1y
Cr Me I. s. s Bloek, Mmet-
211gft o•1 e, treat HrtUo Lashes.
. C00& riser. Mc. Mashy to
we., °moss ''or. Hamilton •.d 1* ♦o
drew'e-W. (ied.1 ich. Det. Sul
Oaoygmseer. Lc.. ere. Mosel
4 rates. Hurtw'e !flock. Op
, U.deriok, floc. Ml -IS
iUr`)1jw RRutTint mot:-
awtb bow. of t o
. OK, to trace Nortb-.L. Nat deer
S.li`1*L Mee. IM rote Iraatls bo Ned sl
lowest rate. of Merest. SIM
l� ri tors. meows, Solicitors.
df o.. (bode
. J. T. Lre, tic
lJ Barrsten, a0*Mlme la Chesson &c.
ertck. M. C. Oaw.. tic. ; P. Eo. ;
Dulbl Hobert,,
11 . to.. sad eomml.Mam foe Wittig amid rw-
wtvlas r.00g menses of had. am ens@ m
.mrm.tlose, dspositiwa or ss10na deism-
imsNes. in or cosoernlaagg M7 .etten. suite pea.
mediae 10 use Huth Court of Jostles. tis
Laurie( Appeal fur Ontario.s�or PS WO 0000/
13040100 Court. All
aa a . Lruttesltlsa seOaf .(i.
i/NY an° i1lw911faM.
t'. Imenreac. Soo opposita'.11aett&'s HOW
1if� at 41 LEN,.
slaw 4Moewatd. C.
SNAG ILK � opposite Mgr is Hotel. Oats;
MONEY TO LOAN. -- =25,900.00
Private Fluids to lead 0* SO per seat •s
atmly. LOrTUS t DAMCIY. 's block.
1ppoe/ts oabUrs. Hotel. Oo4m1.k. 40141
CC aseilisai lawoos Went - •t 19,04.
ewes. 0119s-0er. Noethee1. and Seamsy tied -
t600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
1V COMMON uoLr t MOLM14, 0 •
MON1>;T TO Li 1ID.-A L A R u 1
•meant of Private Feeds for lavestmee
at lowest rates ea MK-oiontr l�tges ApW
,•011.11110W it PROUDOOT
.eeie0, (test Estate sad Mows!
eepemwtsd Mesa 10L00400-017540
Immo at the humin nes et lateral 0 gels-(. la
sy try b Wit tit eoW.*. OmM-amilr•
01Nw loses heat ffeaaro. Wrist
jr anIM' Inmittri f..
S et %.e trioses- TwtiW etas -- Potts Mew M hnsaaW.sad Bt. aMYtr amd,tt4 There w•• owns • oeie►t•Md Robwi•a
War is • grim sad Awful Wag, sad w ( 1e Wes a 1781E that Napoleon, on a vs,t to pelma 007 bilis- 000 01 1b 1101* eertkt.R
h ave heard of the swot terrible and blood- ►it folks at Aiwoao, bad an uppertuatty to 01 his Oaaae.l feate was saw °sen he hap
ordttag tomdwle a oosacotion with the dsm...Irwte is Lite preesace of the friends
(Yisa-J•p•a struggle. Bet sow comes an of hie boyhood the .aperierity of al. kaow-
1t ,lise reporter who per as • sketch ut ledge of the' practimid sae ui artillery. 1t
at least sae ammonia socur•sae during Ube m.y *.stly b believed thus be embraosd
war. The ('hese Cbt less or Pokiness boe.pporti►aity with pla•eur..
h eld few r • «loot corp d Cktsr Nib. The °timers of the feat.°° had rewired
tea Mrolled as a •Ort of tmp.e.i kedygaard from Paris a new mutter. whtok they were
sad supplied seine rare ego wait modern tiring ea • stark timed w Aeprete, • reeky
arts and the groat (;erten Krkipp field point opposite the city, 5.1 •crow the h.r
guns. In September tut .n order summon bur. They could out hot the target to save
01 the locos from their bones to &mot lot their live.. Napoleon rid to ilio epwcu open to we what was o119id1, and when they
fornmag the north -re line of defence •muse* ton "They will nor sucood. Their meth 0Ipeae1 11..ply LO yit'tad he ugor• for IFiett hu
ist. cite
the Japanese The Eraglmhmeo witeered ods ell wr .mg " The Mbar, dud out hear .cho.r.msot ou wh.vh he mut prided hip --
sell wee once alien he was lot • stoup city
for several days. He wanted • sew pair of
hoots. Se he wort to • shoemaker and
ordered a pair, giving mtouts directions as
Its their ayle. Frout this eor'I.alu.r he
w est t• ..i . ber, sous squarer away, end
gars h.m • similar order, cowshed in exactly
the .amu leaguers. H. made both shoo
usken promise to finish the .hoes in two
d.).. At the •zpir.tooa of the allotted
time, both pairs were dune. flare trued un
the Orme pair, and said to Shoemaker Num-
ber One that the Idt fitted ham pet hotly.
but *hat tbri right plucbd hint, eating hon
to stretch 1t, which th• shwni.ker prorated
to do, and Hart carried off the left bu..t.
He thou went to eh..smoker Number Iwo,
anti tried on the .cwsd pair, te1110g him
that while the right boot hued him perfect•
ay. the hit pinched him, sod requested him
to stretch it and he would call for It in an
hour. it was dome. Ilan then took the
two helves of hu two pain oe shoe., put
thew. uu ns feet, end silently stole •way.
Pewee Ine4009011 b to Bala 'swathed als cross. seated Bart, trim pride/ Liesaslf os sever
D OOM, we. et last street •ad Bettors tap
Opss tram t to 6 ►.t.. and from 7 to 10 rail.
Lending Doily, Weekly and IAwhated
Papers, M090100•11, dr., on Ale.
M111[BBRR$HIP TICKET. 6E1.7 et.
gssatrSae ee w of Library sad heal
Appiteations tot membsrabdp received by
Ubearlaa. la room
Oodsrtea Marsh 1111d.
JL tesmeeW Agent. Sed.rieb. Ont.
MOW gad La9ggbbe Ile. Ins. 0...
sed Sem Maws► tag. O.. Balm at
sMd bo to sal part et tb. moot.*!. 10-11
'looser sad load Ts/eater. 0oderle0.
Oat. Revise bed rematderable ..p•rleoos h
the assns.seri.g trs4.. he Is in • pm0Naa te
rtshmrs with tioeomrh ..aldbsttss .fl mem
d umas setra4.sd to him. Orders left at
P0 Rotel. or nest by mall he Ids address.
olk P.O., °entaly awoeasd to. JOHN
Comely A.nties*e 11111111
DMtal AnnounSSeI 1.
pored to be 'buy up in • hotel withost ab.
wherewith to settle. H• lett tabid bin. •
heavy ttsu►, tellies the landlord that ire
would sow rotors ti here • 'lumber of
days bad eerie by end Bart did uot reap-
pear, the b.dlord wort up to ex.mras the
priceless coffer which his guest Iliad 1.1t he
heed him, sod wadi mash •m•ced at the
weight of at. His most masJular porters
eoui.l 1101 1111 it Tuerefure they broke it
the mu•terlug of the Ont draft as Teti• oto Lbs rem.ra, but alter matey trials, mouse
• rainy day olio's the streets were • mar of the emll• us the young odseer's hp, rine
mud, mid tis to the story of It with tum- of thein said, with a tough of Irony t• his
eutatlws and b.tteraom, 4,000 Celestiale, vutw
called to at by lot, left their bootee ter the •Mew,sur, you are leughwg at us. Do
chat •es of war. Frons the sell hovels and You 'lour* 4.0 7400 us • lwplay 01 your .0
filthy bylaoes which the Nines" love they trenor knowledge •'
west forth, carry ug each man 11:s rusty Noplsos answered oourtsously,'I am very
weapon, some prorate provstuus.DJ them far from lam/long at you, but 1 do Lot •p-
evltable unibrell.. In *Owen and duo they prove of your method.'
mustered to the roll call, umbrellas open ud ' Will you show us your method asked
a* 0111 as you photo. The authorihu, moot• the nthevr, wtth • sneer.
Luing the need of some e.uoir•gem•0t, 'With plu.ure.'
,rued • month a pay is adyamw. New Honeperte loaded Lha mortar carefully,
uniforms were then served out. and the with Iris owu hand., quickly measured the
dutenos n1 the target wnh his et a alone and
touched the funs.
The target was shattered, and there was-
a cry of Applause *rem the bystanders, who
were net at all troubled to see a oeuvre 1'4r-
stma take the wad out of the Freocbm•o's
r, is.
'All an •evident " mood the otiioer who
.d challenge -1 Napoleon to try has skill
' H• couldn't du It again In • hundred
'I)o you e4estre m• to attempt at once
more inked Iiooattert•, with the senor
ironical smile 0s- his face that woo destined
to •ger•eat• so many •genies among the
crowned heads of Europe
•9',l you, plait,' sod the ofhcar
Napoleon •gmn lighted the fuse atter
p.rsoaasly toed -ng the mortar. Apoio be
hit the marl. Toms, without waiting tor
further permiriea. h. triol it the third
time, with the eaine result. The ,arri.00
officers apologised for their imprtioedce
and inquired if he would toll thanes in whet
respect their methods had been at fault.
•Wash pleasure, answered Napoleon
'You simply had too much powder behind
the bomb. Try it yourselves with lees
powder, and von will su,xeei.' The first
•*perimest showed than he was right The
owners had had • good lesson in guneery,
and the people of Al•ccio had been shows
that their yaaeg be o had sot lost his
prestige by SSP to • French military
rt .fordo a tmllettod. eaastactiee. after •
No 0 �f yj0 olmelel atho nd seems• W
ONO t sae U. 1
emit usl• s y nett a 00 Is 0.dertea
55Mitiso 4l..0v.ey which le erarraeted serer
l areae t1• Mat N►• during W .sweetlo5
et teeth er hump or any bled- 1s series**/
herr raw end very little pain Is the mel
mown* eons.
is • heal anaesthetic tOSt sever 'salmis the
patient 1a t eigahbtest i0 berenees es water.
sod the tut .ttisl knows ea earth w render
=teeth n.eveseltly te pals. Panetta•'lime me It 1a
redtsys&y t>srv.l.ss Jr w ■vies.
ed the na%teal test\
a 1 se+watl sad
�y 5re mine.
photo of the tint camp ieyuig been settled
each man was allowed to est then before
nightfall according to hs own light*, the
reads beau, t..n had for rt•rcutog. A Lew
only were told off to moor* the guns.
t'4,th much pursuartioo of ponies who
had sever drawn • gnu carrlmge before, they
got their ex Krupp gun+ *a swbt of the
Hata gate, by which they were to brie the
arty. Here, brewery or. the mud became tin
p•reable, and the street wee speedily block -
ed rhea the roto begot, sued the tint
thought of every mu was to keep his pig
tail dry which s • pint of honor with the
Chinese. Tbee-eod became lively loth m-
.umerable umbrellas and mach swearing
maul, to the relit of all concerned. the blue
button in charge turned his pssy•m soo
homeward. In the twinkling of u eye no
thing .sable rem.uted of the Pekin field
force but tit Krupp pose Imbedded in the
mud. For 3o hours they stood there in the
ram uncovered aid unguarded.
TfTtNsh ate,,.
Mr. Faser, lie college professor who
der the adverting, for the taxation com-
bine, sometimes let* nu genius for puffery -
run away with him. Not content with as -
earwig that pr.tect,en ai ssoess•r7 to our
m•uufecturere, be insists that :sinners ore
prosperous through its effects Wo are
0sstlst to leave the assertion before our
farming fined& wither.% much argument
oily asking them to judge his ether stow
moots by the trutb of tis one.
There te • Yankee yarn which so neatly
describes the poes,ble effect of Mr. Foster's
over advertising that we motet give it --
though tt may be thought somewhat ar-
A worthy motor is Chicago discovered •
blacksmith who bad grown op amid the
wild std woolly neat beads= of that city.
w1tbent an idea of 1011giou1 truth 01 Bible
history H. undertook to teach him in •
series of interviews. and toured the bbek•
smith willing to loots, but entice!. The
history of Jonah and tie whale was hard to
behove for one who hardly realised what •
muscle means, but be 6na11y .0000ted It.
Sou afar some the history of the Hebrew
children in the fiery furnace, and here our
blacksmith called • halt. " Vet' mean ter
say that furnace was seven times hotter 's
my f ergo' " Tea ' "An' their her mint
singed " No." " Wall, 1 don't h'lieve
11, an' 1 m gets'. So long "' But, mice to
the hall. he opened the door again and out
in his bead to say, " As' I don't Wheys that
air fish story, sow, author '
Thai shows that seen rellgkous onstrucuoa
should be iadiciously imparted to the
sceptical so as not to shook individual pre-
judices. Stall mor• ID t►m puffery business-
When the farmer's power of belief is strained
too for in regard to matters he knows all
&bout -he is sure to reject "that ILh story'
about prosperity in other occupations which
b might otherwise have lowee
Sow is Have* Veer Temper.
starve it : give it nothing to feed on.
%V hen semethl07 tempts you to grow angry
do not ytsld to the temptations. It may for
• minute or two be dillcult to control your.
ell, to do rothl0g, to say nothing and the
ruing temper will be obliged to 1n down
bemuse it has nothing to bold ,t up. What
is fused by yielding to temper ' For a
neonate: there 1s a feeling of relief but
soon wanes • seer of sorrow and shame,
with • wish that the temper had been son-
Flissda are separated by • bed temper,
tieahls Is mama by it, and pot is given to
ethers as mill as self. The pain too often
lasts ter days, even years sometimes for
life An outburst of temper le like the
burattog of • sum healer, it 1s impossible
to tell beforehand what will be the result.
The evil dose may he remedied.
starve your temper. It M not worth keep-
ug. Inst it dig.
•its T1...t.«w.
tt'aterbary Amwbea : Re was • dull
boy. not eyes Magi% s.sedh 4o know when
he uttered an absurdity.
One day, in the I.•tio class, be was
wr•5tli.g W*th Lie eentenc. ' Rex fls7it.'
With panful downer he translated 1t,
'The king flees.'
Bat is whet other tense 0•e the verb
fuses bs toesd, asked the teacher.
A 15ag eeato0ieg of the bead and a deal
mower d Perfect, owls( to • wbispwed
And bow would you answer it. then '
Wby. gin • has is it.
Again the tardy reponse
.at • The kink W Gess
Tire Wale te trees Tees Mad.
After the barber had lieges ebyh, him
the mu n the ebur said
i eye a bad et • :sad" this monist
weeld ye. please pet • gelid Meth emote
ray forehead •
(wrfainty, evolved Ma barer : het would
yen Net rather have the *loth bot '
My head is tee hot, I west be noel it eg.
Very well. Yee Immo what you wast,
but yea have • bead on yu. The het bowel
will de tree ped the. • *old els.
Go ahead, thea, and try it : but it seams
M me that theorist weber wield be better.
Samoa say one mad some mother. rho
mel wee waste • meld bowel sage it 55ndo
N. Mud softy from to head, mad oeeb Ne
skim 1'b 1h *be wears • bat bowel
mgrs K draw the best is 1e marries mod
el rebores to New, end is • Rattle
the head bels semi mod dear 1 W
feany that hat sr .sM eater &geld be .rd
fey lip mew purpose. bet W's • het. (V-
ence lewd.
e itift
was drawled
The Imes haireee.
The deemed queue alighted
truedel with • arm step
"Good dm' goo said, 'may 1 sea beeoosb
you to permit 050 04 my own int to wield
yea fatal am ''
Nor did she fail to notice their look of
weeder sed amass.
'I shgeld like to die, she explained. 'with
the thought that We WNW ever got • head off
(N 11e detail e/ troops several smiled end
ora, • booms m lissom s. bid le he ems -
revel to N. Nr awl pssedd w t1e book.
from the
teekledeneee. *fol e-e.rane.
On the edge of • Northern New I•:ogland
town there was • loug hill sloping down •
deep ravine wkteh was pierced by a railway
track. In Winter at wase favorite co•stiag-
,rotted for hardy, vaturewme boys.
Starting from the crest of the hill, • sled
aegnirel greet momentum is the dement
over the key surface, and on reaching the
boom shot eve- the railway tracks with
Use velocity of u •x prem train.
It was ezbder•ting sport, but bwrdeus
at hours wises trams were due. The don-
ee' was meteoric! by • sharp curve of tke
ruby track emergtuv from • short tunnel,
eine* • true could only be ora • short dis-
tance away.
Oars Winter's afternoon • dozes school-
boys were 005.tlog merrily on the hill,
where on icy track had boss worn .11 the
way down. The sport *sot o0 until the
town clock struck five, just as the tolerance
promotion had reached the summit of the
The boyo looked at one another doubt-
fully. They knew that • train was decried
that they ought to wait for it to pass-
, There is time *or one more trip " ex-
claimed the leader. • Who will follow
• 01 .eery.
A young moi, walking to the house of ht*
brother, • yeoman, found the Inn .a •
nsigbbortov tows very full. He shared the
room of • merchant who was openly oount-
in; out his money. Having occasion to Yule
the garden, ud also to borrow •
bode, be acce,oted the loan of •
kaile from the merchant. tin re
turn.sg to me room be tutted the merchant
gone ; lie went to bed, slept, rove early
walked W his brother'. and was arrested in
the elter0000 for reordering the men:0ut
to Lis pocket w.• that tradesman's knife,
an4 between blade hod handle was • goose&
ct M•ry and Welham. At the ins the mer-
chant's empty bed was stained with booth,
u d though the merchant's body eras be -
where to be found, the yo.1sg saes was con -
dimmed for murder and hanged in charas os-
his brother's term. Here • swore observed
that the body moved : it was cut down, Ido
was reanimated, and the youth fled to eon.
Tuan by Spanorla in South America he
rose to be warden of the jail, and while to
enjoyment of that office t he reeogsized
ain5sg some English prisoners the penmen
for whose murder be had suffered.
The fact was that the merch•ot, while the
youth was •beset in the garden dieosv0red
that he was bleeding freely from • vein
which had been opened that day. He hur-
ried to the 5.rgeeo iy the dark, was seised
by • pressgug, served His Britannic
Majesty in • ship-ot-war, was token by the
Strani•rde, and, at last, met, in • jail of
South America, the very man who had bees
Imaged for murdering him to liogland -
leaden Saturday- Key tow.
' Go it alone, d you want to,' mud one of
his companions. ' 111 wager you half • dol -
lot that you dost dare try it.'
' I'll take the bet ' cried the reckless
leder. flowing himself so hie sled and push -
tog off.
i)own be went, the sled bowline merrily
over the ice. Hardly had he started before
a whistle was beard from the mouth of the
tunnel. The boy• behind ham *creamed to
him to stop. but it wets too late. He was
half way down. his sled running as if it had
heading straight tor the railway track.
The engineer, runndinw, the curve, heard
the *creams .f the frightened boys ud saw
the flying sled. He strained the brakeman,
but of was impossible with is so short •dis-
tance to stop the train se it was for the hey
to •mite► his sled off the doe track.
As he reached the bottom the boy lay flat
on the .104 with his head ducked low. The
train pawed the oo•stiag track, and came to
• 0.lt • short distance beyond. The boy.
•t the top of the elide sos11 hardly believe
their eyes. On the ether side of the rail-
way then was they companion, spinning
•loaf on hi_ sled as though nothing had
bM�1 •d with its rider bad shot under
me of the pamesger cars of the moving
trails, going ID at one side and out 01 the
other directly across the railway track.
The bey, trudging book with his sled,
meet his companions mid .• gross of pewee -
'Whet • bravo bey '' exol•imed many
No, no, not brave, but reekler,' answer-
ed the frfgbte.ed lad, thoroughly ashamed
and nattered by his folly. 'you may keep
the blf-dollar Joe.'
Reskleesa.m is not moorage. Youth'.
west atrw.wa
New York Tubers : A lover% Se CMiW
i5sity 10 Florio wbe weeby W 00
pbyee re week se Swain) SsltleA4. Bet.
laid lie em}h►w. deme es% Year Rids sky
that if • Lege W se s se se em tet NM
INA • pit is sirs Nakeatb day bay pall
Yin tot ' Yes, .aswed the meets*. hat
N the sem hes the saw et baling Wee the
mm9 pis every kb -" ith
t Neo e w
tireli Weber to ep tare Ili or see Me ea
enure wilt.
From the Sootchm a we do not always
expect humor, but we often get something
perhaps more precious. namely wit. A
Scotch wiaseea must be handled carefully,
or he may prove • tetter. as the following
oscideet will show. The witness is ques-
tion excited the counsel's suspicion by the
•ocurate measurement he returned of 90020
•rucle. " You .re sure of that, 107 gun'"
" Hoose na ' lase not I to en my aith epos
the bout "' " Well, sir," said *be counsel,
m his most brow -beano, st0ooer, " thou
tall me, os your oath, mind ' hew came you
to be se exact "' " Aweel, was ,t 130* that
i keened some.toiterin' &atom 'ud put the
question, so I took the measure 0' at.' Bat
• Soot can be humorous if he chooses Lis-
ten to him. Ha was discharged from Hal -
'away wool, 1ta1 M answer to neo who en-
quired bow thirst, went with him, replied
" Weil, you see, a body canna has every-
thing in this lite ; and I'm so gams tae
Mime' the Owe -no me, For •' the time I
was there, 1 was weel p10teekit free the
wiles of • wicket w•rl' round. : while my
Mead was 71'50 me, an' my water sura " Is
net Ursa Scotch ' Does not every wool
breathe the man his philosophy, his deter -
e we to the powers that be, end Ina religious
twang '
Purdss.bte weds.
Thee was • well -to -de tailor is Spring
Gold who owned • headmen's Muse is
amens the rend from to Liaeol00. Mn.
Besets di not h.! pleased that • odor
should live is • see residence the: that
eseapiod by • lo.dtag Sawyer. Whoa Abe
was off en .ircnit, thentero,0 . had • story
added se their hones Tho job wet .early
G abbed oboe Abe Maned. He strode
down the moose, gamed .s hie house te sur u
prim, asd thee ersermd to the toiler's skis
of the reed.
Who live in *bet palatial 'nemeses over
there!" he asked of his neighbor.
' Te widow hustle," answered the
smiling *515.0. Han same beard • nose
from tin tap Aesop al Me Limb bowls
" Abs. Abe, ism 4 dish' You're
'r •i 4'$- •.• •
Find fault with the cook if
the pastry don nut •arily
wit you. Nor with your war
either --perhaps shit is not to
It may be the lard she is
using for shortening.' Lard
is Indigestible you know. But
if you would always have
Cakes, pies, rolls, and bread
palatable and perfectly di-
gestible, order the new sbort-
eai.g,"(r'OTTOLENE." for your
Sold in 3 And s pound
pails, by all gr... en.
Mode only by
Well .niton sod Ano
Sts- , 000tresl.
z. •141
fs'atwori ` everettlbllgfl+Nje6.wia
A stylishly dressed yeas* mimes was
Mooght op beton the pekes *ggfr-ss. at
--, for skating ribbon out eta shop.
The clerk of the oeurt had seen her converse
with her lawyer, and was therefore greatly
surprised when, in reply to his enquiry as to
her name and admirer, she merely shoot her
•,he is • French woman,' the lawyer ez
*toed, 'and doer out understand German.
Just pet dew. Maria Lacouche.'
The clerk was incredulous ' How old is
she •' he asked.
'Twenty-twe,' replied the legal adviser.
The clerk pretended not to have heard
correctly mod mid .
•Ne; twenty toe,' the fair captive blurted
out, Leshe clapped her hand on her mouth
•red bunt out laught07
'Ah " said the clerk, 'then you oan
spook Germt•o, though you don't soder
stand it •'
The trey tee Welber .r Ilse lima.
A Swedish boy fell out of the window,
sod was badly hurt, bat,with clenched Ile,
he kept hack the cry ref pain. The Koos of
Sweden,'.ustavwl Adolphus, who happenei
to see hies fall. prophesied that thee boy
would wake • mao for an eutergeney. And
es he did, for he became the famous fierier
.1 Hauer. A hey used to crush the flowers
to get timer color,wd painted the white sad -
of his father's cottage a Tyrol with all ser s
of pictures. which the mountaineers gaud
at as wonderful. He was the great artist,
Titian. An old punter watobd • little
fellow .musng himself making drawings of
his pet sad brushes, easel sad stool, earl
said, 'TML bey will beat in. am day ' The
bey was Michel Morel*. A (;erman boy
Was reeding • 'blood And thunder novel.
Right in the midst of it he said to himself,
New, this *1111 .ever da I pt toe much
.:cited ovoe it. i cast study ea well after
it. So here ger ' and be flus, tbe book
out into the river. He ;eras Fichte, the
great (itnmei philosopher.
•■ eel Mel% *tree.
110. oddest of d1 the bird's snits is the
one Wilt by to teabksa.. • South Abeam
w arfare It is Welt el swiss, and 0lwye
area the tree F edoniag the .weld. Is
ssostr.otdeg the dsmiil. th9 Ismeh warts
Welds Sed tb rase works geoide where
be bend. • esaery bs few bee ewe spew!
O WL He its In the beg wad Pope salmi
Sr amp marfy all the Uwe, 5d oils.
wmss ie N5 fsrm W • hawk or •
he wens the homily, bat ewer eh -
elle mob lest
T1. nivel laINre5er.
You want the BEST and CHEAPEST.
Buy the- -
Royal Will Nes Wart.
soli.' \1'Ititt• Rubltt•r Rollo, (.iesretl at {).tie �.*k Two Thumb Screw*
Iron titn�e t fur Juurltsl*. retlucinK fire *hunt
Fine Steel :springs. Tinn'•.1 (kers. 'tela
Elegant W NI N 1 F:I;
$3.00 - THREE DOLLRs $3.00
For sale only at
real 044 w bale..iv mMTNMm. tat tr. I0I 4. 0104 t. •[•Lala,
Parties w i.hing to save money Call do .4) by calling on Mr.
JOHN KNe/X'at his Wareroonl'1 opposite !lectin. Hotel, where he
keeps a full line of .agricultural Implements on
hxn'{ o{risen fur inspel-
t l silt
Noxon Binder, Noxon Mower, Non Sti 1 lri;l. Nixon ring
Tooth Cultivator, Noxon Horse Rake and Sharp Rake.
Full line of the Cockshutt- Plans Cxoow{pally. ItiI'ling Plows,SpWalk-
ing Nowa, Twin Gang Plows, Corn and Riait t'ultivator,,, Road Scrap.
tar., Disk Harrows, land Roller's, Little (,ern Pea Harvesters.
McLaughlin Carriages, Buggies, Pha•tuno, R,4,1 Carts, Training
Carta. All the latest dtwigrn. All work warrant -I.
Adams Wagons, Paris, Ont., all kinds.
Any person wishing anything in the adonis line will find it to
hi a advantage to call on Mr. Knox and ini*pt�(•t hit ;,;.vols l.e'fore buying
AUiTI(1NEERING a specialty. Being practical in the above and
in stook, and having had several years experience, can guarantee entire
One of the two, by grey of sdtrir:i.ieg
himself, cut* his hair a the most fueitlnm
manIer,•ceording to the boot lashpu-physes
the otber, on the contrary. cents huh tier
most clumsy way im•g,n•ble. Th. first
ouetomer who entered bre shop, did not toil
to lobe bun to wk about It.
'How in the world. being yourself • bar-
ber, do you have your heir so ball, cut.''
'Why, sir, the remota ie simple enough.
i ammo. possibly cot my hair myself, but
am Wilted to h... recourse to my col-
league over the way, end he is such • duf-
fer '
'And 1 moppet's you cut his in tura
Oh course. Ai.d you inn juries for your
self whether he oughtn't to he .atta4ed.'
Tho lleeeet reseed *4.e.
The meet essay wane 0, *itbeei doubt,
tint esatemod is • cash named the Rea, ,s
the Brooms Town Hall cellars.
Itis Redseheim Rhine wine of the year
1651, 514 the cask is repleeaahed by tit -
�ess ww
whenever wine s dawe, with wire
faky •sbel .sit dried newel The wine
has at premst the oelor ef dark beer, and •
very herd taste. 1.t se amdesribable
it is sever sold, but destined .solnsivoly
for the siek of Mrem•a, whet erosive • very
entail tomtit, es the prodaotioe of • doe -
100. certiin•te.
At presort the supposed vIns of this
mimes wins has en increased Neta berth
instateiat eight elemeee would Mb
000, • glassful 0112,600 sod a grip Clir
The my perm= whe tiwp apo
ed with • smell bottle of tido ohs were Me
Kesperere H'itliam 1 sad FredeMk and
Priam kimmrek.
*bat le would Take.
A gentleman waking •loog • per in one
of the big `ketch ports saw three men of
different nationalities namely, I•:n,lieh,
Scotch and Irish •telking together. Rad
wanting to see the difference an their
natures, be thought he would ask them all
the same question So walking up to the
Englishman he asked him what he would
take to stand on the pier all sight, and the
Envh.hman said that he would do at for •
pound ; and then turning to the Sootchman
the gentleman asked M. sane que.t,oa.
"What'll ye gie me"" replied the canny
SOM. "And sow, my friend," sand he,
turning to the Irishman, "what would von
take to stand on the pier all night "Be
dad was the reply, "i would take a had
a.wl.l "
a Paeoler Traveller.
O. Feel Adorer, tb. pep.Mr rpro-
ssssattve S T. S. Simms t ('e , St. .l ohm.
N. 11, is speaking of Norway Ilse Syr,
mays : - ' is is e best sstfgMinor. ears 1 hove
.ver used awl i poorer it a orgy ether.
ileo glee It le htwlds es Wes wad it suer
every Wig. n world be Mks& pew to
brims we le tae trey .W'." tea
Ham11ton stn,
Has decided to cortin'le in
Business, as ha has im-
proved in hearth and is
able to attend to his cus-
romers in the Way of
jobbing and repairing,
and will conti:iuc to sell
It's no ber•anoe
I'm Scotch but
you canna
smoke a better
Cigar than
"ROI l w
No ad
but 1 Ret la
11 of 'JIM' earl v
Varies. ' •
41111.1111K -
+ + + + + + +
Choicest Confectionery, Oysters, Fruits etc.
Only the Best kept on hand.
Such as Strainer Pails, Milk Strainers, Milk fans,
Creamery Cans, with or within* taps.
Cheese Factory Supplie.*, Milk Pails, with Iron clad bottoms.
Also Pails with Copper bottoms, all matte out of the very best Tin
and our own slake.
If Your Tin Pani or Paiht want new bottom'. or repairing of any
description. or if you want any Tinware made to order, come to the
New Tinshop, opposite Martin's Hotel.
The Practical T:n, `was and Filmset* Nen
NEW.7•7" 7.2NES
2ZRESS 0-007Z3..
Now arriving and to arrive, and although I tin not indulge in the
Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis-
cerning public cannot fail to notice that thetioods I handle are New,
Seasonable and up to data Prices are right every time and all the
time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in
Stock and to arrive in due course, but the public may rest assured that
no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the best
Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cash basis. One of my Specialties
,just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a
Price never vo Ino in the annals of the Dry (foods Trade.
tewpsesses r*■ly Wieland. t Per Wel. 1114seew.4 tee rash,
Sad Droner and Haberdasher.
We keep a larg** a.,orttrtrnt of thi• st'ry hest Itrand on the
.urkrt ; ground from four to ate zau:s• thinner for the hack than
on tlw face,
Three Goode ear have rv.luc.4 111 pr,.+ and are, now asiliag them
A full Inoue of riles, Jointers, Handle,' end Arita .Inlays u Stock.
Wrige1 s_e raw.
111017101011111 1* IR. r. wise
"The Signal" is only $1 a yea. Get it.