The Signal, 1895-3-14, Page 20(111 OTT.IWA U'I'fER 'THE BOYCOTT iN SIDOULPH. 4 Vernier t 141100 M.Nered by the _ / Needa of as t:. tried Te■a■t. fAhidon. 44111 Marsh R -lineal dieing, 11a an•'.w.iu n•p.'r est (rent 1hr lemma lint.. the (coming: EIrr(oy, 1" illu•ltoot. The (■e741A4 went. to he In; •4F41119 there :t. .'r,ntyir i • e twl OW result ete TBRIGHTEST HEY ARE' OF THE BRI M+•'nl••rhu tTne•.dny eight. wTheeso. tar arta lir Hereon". eh. ,wile• hen- from Prospects of the !Abend Phi1't alea.Md 11./Inti t.•elar.s la. wltl r ■gals be a Conner •salvo /aaeiiiim. Os,... H•gr0m0111111•' lack tool N liar Polley al.•'■■ tp (Mewls. hare', 11 --Sir Donald Sint N. P for Montreal W. -.t. was lea oN_tnla) and had an "•' c1 n N Sir Mae Lennie Herw.•I1. It ai mid than i to thinking of cooling out la M. the (eeern IH•nt for t` rill delete/1"f Moutrel At all swat * he t declare(' that he .. Ill nos tial as it cot ern at syr n114111 Watt'. altbuuyg,,h b ea. .n ported the•('.weer%atire tiowrellatents • tilt .lohn Mlaedulald and ,sir J. J. (' A hitt. He is president el the Bank Montreal and ,.n. of the -- i*.etln•rtt part. n few tw,nths alp,, end ...•I, ago. he coupleleti lenge .4., !1.31. 44 I1, the I1nufu1,n Savings hod teat 111•311 *meshy f..r the nested 141. a mce..i•n 7. .1 111•hlulph tow This 1. the farm on which the tine ate I4Alwa►d 41....•,. needed, and TIIE SU NAL. G%f►DERIC11, ONT., THPRAD MAR. 14. MS. FOLDED RANO& 1e1 leer cradle babe soap ha. • I,..en I .-r ,noon eyes; spa�.t.;-.-,i hbr, ..0 e her hlot• �'ea+•' 1 1....•. p.vese1 Al I. N r • : Int . r .1410 be dee. H•• ...timeless they dead. Hew.....,esrt sad head is hall coaled. -1 t n sloe 1)1, 4, . ..., ,... „ .fol rest. Tired b1.e heeled ea keg Meese •.f IW Ne mew k$Myye the fah.. or true, 0..h 1p \o pare wO 4 Rol : hem to ,b- .rium 0•4dai Lend. from whieh h.. fined the .1..r that killed WI 1 it.11 It will Ise re•owu.h•nd that If. me •:•Inne.• w•a. lad op.'s •.o ..a• lend trey 4y peculiar ...tete of •:IT.,ire The .:c "inn„ %I N.SNIVELY'SSUNDAY tb heel rented .w l»»lYht th.• farnn fr. b. Ir ,..men society. :oil th-r.-1,t- nt1 of k, messed rs fl.. f• •. •• ..t.,.tl from tar 111:•'1 wit.. pn•vi, aY ••••',1.1.41 it hemi*■• of his failure i r.'t't.al to meat the pd.) ,mens.. and p• 111, r eatte tile• frirrel. of the .r .f reliant eerel%,d to make it an espe 4. mutter her the .,aopstny and her w1. of dans" to IIse upol. It !hurt•' lift war olid f.• lav tern the Attested many t :.u4* flit. i. wad to 1.• the n's...n wh 1e tint'the.Inti that ewe Irate '.life. 4 ilrrf.dd inu.r41 w.nu. '4 hie effects o a taw tarn un Tu.w4ay and. seepd•tlp t tn.uldr. w*. taking thing,. •lui•'tly w y hr wee Medarrd by 'bring •..ttfn.nGd t .•nowd of nulrlttll nwn who atterkni • with fiefs and .'lube. kire-king down ■tel brutally 1.4ckit•te him Isis life wit tut taken ..ria. 4.. lay.. "wilier to the cooker hetet. of ' • of noodled villain's who sh'nu. d ro their . reel•* Ihn't kill hitt, floe ' Wieen 1 at ta,-k reword Hvrfunl wan :rarMd n to:..Nasr oO the pee,• :,:,•rein ..r bl wo debt t he .4 little .l tar arm. lhgt' rIIrpltg Mr. Ib rfemi •:sla.tl the effl. • the Ibu.ine,n 4'.o.4dul} .1,,4 dram give tip hl. heist- of the farm The• in quatt.ou ,wlj..l is th. l .,nnclly fa :stet the ..p.4 when. that !■nolle w •'n1411 Mrs !snivels' had always kept a h.1.• ! 0t taw lu,; .wan.rl Kt 1 have pev.•r •. Pane " slimly and *t., fid w••i1 icted 14. .. node. r..' levee cern:, (' 1' It and as a budpr./ he pe� ably resernt/rs that the anaemia ■Rai of t:,. r.ntntry n Awn. the ..,coups hand , an able al 1,1•1 rwtor, and as Ibe twirl pt .4 ihr, 1' i• 14 •ootinue t0 the nae .' f ft .4 1.0110 a decrease n wee n'. bets ..f lambda i� ~ g pn.ere. of tie present d. pn,•.dun, ids. here.' 4 a chafer,. •f 1..11, s nsiltle titre i Mr F: 1 U Jl•.rgnn. of elms, is herr trying t.. fa culture: ear that Lao carry the county of Biel...lieu is ihhr Gutrrn scot kernel at the appruai election H.• wan their ea,dlohste In this bye -elect i..r in 11441. lett e•a, dere** 1a a modulo tight by Mr. Bremen. the ynsrg LI beret ta.•n.h,r. ash.. i. :.gain b .. • !Ira ..lt. 44.ively tree 'oat; home. Titus s, .. • of lo.litare who paid sr and •!t4 all of .:.,N ret lug awl lite ... se heard et•esees •-on- •i..'... Nu •..1 Into. nal ..1.. .. ...... 1.:11), hat that'. y neither here our reefs,. Mr. The night before Mrs. Brant had told ut to her that she proposed to spend the next g tae .lay with her daughter in a neighboring , hon village, and would Mn.. Snivelyhavean I Icy " early breakfast. we hhlt that she eight catch � him the train? Mitt train left at time. but That Mrs. (irant wan nervous. Strangely Irr.n enough, old Mr. lirumpy had informetd' the her that h.• also would be absent un the •0n- m .rrow, being invite.! to dine with a' the friend. and would *he feed his parrot is • r Iltt ht.abeeuce. precisely at n.o,n' nilly Then at breakfast. early breakfast. ,• .d Soong Mr Lovelace had said its a very 1 w le.•sitali / wee with rising color. that he Tann Int.) an . nzag••ilrnt. oh' -er-that he rna, would not be there at dinner. wuul.11 Ii. en elr.•where, that is. in fact. Fnrthetuote. ; 0.'w Mr and .Ir.. (iuwell and their three citibiren were observe.) making pn•part- AL tion for departure about ten .■clock, MIL She would exawine it as soon is she got home Her cherry nese' was dampened by an encounter with the pastor of her church. Het. 1* Beokater who seemed 10 an.wee her hearty bow rather *tern h "Hr ur•.•dn t ha)k s•. mad.- rhe grumbled to her.rlf. Yitexineeskuuwe r•ie I•• 4 real °am° M Tb■t 11 w t.. church as often it. 1 can. If 1:e i,.......1 1A. leek*■ of o,wna, 0....l t.. keep honer for tithe era. -grained t■■ teethe the 1 *...•e.• et mortals as 1 du, he wuul•In t go to but once in fourteen huuntlW, 1.e.•l.g Tow.r era 11.14*. either The town .4 Ih•In, wh.•nee a M-. 14 irrly soup Brew jolly aoa, a rhinrwan• 1 ••un••, 1. oar of t1.• f. o : ;Ling, h*ppy cn.w•I .d .•hjtjt7N cbsu t..wu. .$ taw \eo1nrlxn.l.. lu.tlungf tuwsnl her. b■eke t11Bd dlu.*04 In taw• .1wtb.•rh c• *,-1 DELFT AND ITS CHINA. OW OF THE FAMOUSLY CLEAN TOWNS OF THE NETHERLAND` I$arp3r'S Magazine. IN 1895 the *tea tele■.. • sow moved by Tkam.s Mainly ..111'6* Ante II 4. sad cnsll.a.d to November. It1is. a, sol , N Am..,, may be wee'. taverna/ moose Keg. 4)4 ascii■/s it will a t•etwdeel b, .110,11[0. A Trowel '� Tb.e..r 11.rd7 .ilei* r..... a.l .. $ tlred•r set Mt 10 *.tt0*..be1 7ae 1Mwp*1..M .rte• -m• .1 SIV be emseet .I tearoom S0 • hw ..at rot 1a- MNew Is degree Y. that wl...•h h.. marked 'Trilby the most .wxa sful e.wy or the year. • Abother I.ad.ne 1.0100.0M 1.e Ilse rrr..Y1 11 tile ' seeslteMt.a of J. o f Are. by the *Bos, ly 1 Louis de Come, Her flet* and .•terretsry. ae.ler wbb•h *uiw the0.o.4 po.uh., of brim■ t■'iltg .t..• .,s* n•,•pua ..rine.• wdl unewai the part of ' ..on f'he Med of lehlena• l0 the Jesuitry f twos La ib. lb••••seer Nun - in their betide. -School's oat "'sat T1'.• wind "N.41a►id," L n,tly ued•• the. Ktigll.h yl.skl rn..0 tale att.•, thought Mts. • p■•i"i, 111 0. allay II,.' 1101114. .4 .. 'y. "And dear we, what sweet .nsime of Ho. Nedwriand,. Tt 1 srltngs. Bet 1 don't think 1t-* tisk and .\menthes curer this. Imp . dres* children up so. net towed tn.n.t.'rnd tar• 1140110.4 t pun*Mr n, schi,ul. Nyle do woe it that' of • whole '.sentry, :I, lral a nest `!a waist' act! that little chaps velvet If F:u :!:u:'! .c.•o' ratlll '•S,.14-'• sera W bee 1 was • Iprl. calico was 1'nUeti Sr:.t.•. \col• York T1•M eel, 11i •.,ty Eutd e.oullh fur sChoul. Ilnt 1 is a nulectiod .d neearke111y elven money's getting admnlant nowadays ucrnluulew,d with :L ie t0.., nn1 1 incite I Numb, .,1' op," a pr .14.4444.1, .'Iwlreted rp•r o.. , k/tr141.a •s4* /br 4.0.11*... the Nu Iwo- 'Viral of • •. •,t Soaeaora W/••••, r IS ••0.r' '*orth. r0. i r, •, • Is HIrV•t.ng mare $ttesllM *- sealer.. h.e V 1.7 lobe•, mot oto a it w•p the *mat or ri, mo'e... tee . •. .olumr off H \RI'KH'd i1 .11. t%writ- .. ••0.1.4e four illuelr.i.d e elms I orid'1.'•o•• , •s4,bre* of.bre will? uk••mil'J.pi.•tth.•, •+. rl.err J.(14♦ heir,. ••r 1M•�wal peq.n' ,••MILIA%1)eKa.er,e•"f 1 toN'n "ret rote'•. •••.line I,p4.1 1...... el 1 wlame, L,R..4 U*aarr.. k .4...br lona wind., ',ewes 11 ere ear? beats In it.. January Num R .0.4,1 t"'r she ares rhsptrr+of 11 Tkrer•►se4 .,.I. MH.MY. Mte. by HI•'N ern H.,Nlel♦4 1•.t t. 4th :oe,g w1 work ye• •t.emp'N1 b. th'• *neer• (`sm Irl were .hen .ewe. h) popul.• wn'..r. • ile.a- ekw b clew,,a 'toue'o b. a fea:•,re of the 11.IA, %ZINK. (..piing is a certain tin lee: I know {rf.' ed by the .•1••luiees 1,4 ritt111 brick tie. enter for all ash, .'ksneit.g A agUarsOr two further site began to form -hell by Ile riser Setae. whir . come to the stores ''W hat ,+ the pest into the M:us. at Ik'IC,haveu. The. S office cloarel for! 'Some government holt. III.•.. .4 many of t4,•... I W1,1, (.,wo. is day. [anima's. (iuvernment wens to Wally manvlwls. They an• .•, clean (hitt have twice any uan7 hulioiays a. ordinary it .rum. a dew *sten to du All\' N,wt hdk .tauywsy Au.I Hollingwav s cored hO'0' 4 their lumbi.. 1'Ariou. er... ihr too' \sow 1 do hope his wife isn't dead bee Kis,.0 sshIta , exp.latwtl.t0. rr [hb She was real bad. laic 1 heard Wh hetet „f , *■.Illi■• .•.listing annmg tar Why. Due h tar climate. the sbuniat .ef of all the world.: ' water multi*. suI»•rabuInhume .4 servants Herr Mr. Sunely's surprise became have all leen brought fe.rwanl se .wawa Lir Mnrg.n bets that u d• apt" alar hews a there' .4 motley tie .mveeehlg� Ahmed y powerful with which to bribe the electors Lr la. 0.. *hater with Mr. Brun(au in A gvueral election. In tart ib. latornu.tion teen the Previler .d teuebee Mast. Mr. L,mrir will ..ale to (*taws wish jurit) ..t twenty. 111 that Ptpvinee. OM1 ' pesiLly more. .t grntl.nu, i front Manitoba who i* hen. anti '•»ntea tie ,I11c gibed either a. a Lthrrut'.r:. r,in„•rcatIte, ogre this out Of 11.• ,.,•vet! ...ata Manitoba has hi the new Heenauu t t • 11.e Liberals, he oinks. .will tam flee. At 4.n....nt . IIyh„111-•mr. The Llt.•rih Sn Marquette, Man.. heir eeleen•tl Jar. }t H. Mynah 11.1' P., the p.g,ular 1..•,l nt.•nitate, for the n'•tt teens. IM. Bet herfonl.M.1'.1'., to hear . the i.Itr•nri staii.Iit ' 4 him Mr 11gd. the p0.•sei� , lute 0,, chewy. ti, N''ak are f1. emetic.*. in Noull.'M !lust Owe. hems no candidate in two of th.• .•.•, t•ItlAasi� and do not lntrnl G,. lair . •natal*elelkirk and Lister. In S.•Ikirt: them lea Patn'n anti also In Li.gnr. r4r 'ng Llktital vandidetr, are ,utt in firth rv.n.44$ ,111.. Jar. Har• dined In Selkirk :trod 1� Meletreu In 1.islntr. Mr. 1' W..Speenr, a young farm- er. has i,s•'. ,..'unlented avian Mr Dnly, the lllnhir interior, airs there ileal.., a Patent in the 44.•1.4. Ill taw N.'rLw. ri T.reltssis.the L4.t., rel pm..p.rt. ren' bright as In Hanttolrl. Mr. Fr,Al olives lets just omt.-ntr.l to sun as the I.ios•r,Jcandidata In Allwra, and tea ir pn't'.hly taw id*.altrwt roan in the Northwc.t..e• ntnt•h .o that the (:,n ser,ativca an•. begging Premier Hifalutin to n•sien and nn, agatta( him. .Nihon b then -fore a. gerwd as tion fee the Liber- als. In Eastern A.siniteda, the Word (C.onnserve'ivc neentb•r. Hr. Maedeenuld. bel a etrnng Ii't'n•ltlnn candidate nun • awing nwsln.r hint, and in Nmrknteh.wan' they has.' mitniraGd the Liberal 1.•Ml••r, Mr. Laurier. Mt. Davin. in Western Aw- euulbola. will fumy.. a hard tight for his �1r that. and it ii radon over .tatemcnt teensy , g' that "lit of the four etas in the Terri nehe new' held by the I�overninent, they will * le lucky if t e.y retain oat. Reports Prom llritwh Cotuobia pn-dict the return of threw Liberals ant of the .ix a shore front that Proylnoe, tm•Ils llttg i the orcein el.. *tun of Mr. Teruplenrn. a1.• teeter .4 the ictc,lia Ttnl4*, who is ,l .n.• of the two Liners! candidates for that t, city. There nn. seventeen parlianwnt.ry met. west .4 lake :superior. eel of these • the Liberals, nnly hold one at the present et [ley. T1,• peebesilllties are that in the p, hrutallc .Taught. r.4* i. hitt a .tem.• . tb free. 16• hem1.4• THE' HENDERSHOTT MURDER TRI Th. Crown Ei14.,vo -14.g to *'rove Galli wI the lerb•.n.rr. +t. '1%-e .rt ,, M+m-h it. Mr tedM',. addressing to jury in Ila• %tiddler,,n teenier trial )r•G•n4ar. -eel the Ion. w..t.ld undertake to tinier that the doeek w0., mu .•nu.,d Itv, tb.• toy. Rut ) 1414...r some such Instrument iu the 4.,ti of n 111011. and would crd' 1$4 1? t• Poul the piste ewe- therewith. lir tnur upr.n the eireU1at*ane,•• of the :eking . .4 large• ineumnrne up.n the, lift of ,h,rwsed He•n,lersholr ir. favor .d his 11 114 then priw.0.'i, .1 di I tke and when JI*x Mnivety ventnt•etl to ask . tit •1f their plaits she learn(•d that then li t, Ttupt.relt'o drop in on the nimdster's 0.•h family at dinner. And wuul,4 t they be i wn :miry teed • 1. _ net left no (m4.111 TM house but old are Miss ler 4'roix.:end she wM confined to edit her nsen with rheiunutisrn.-se•thtt er,*. N•rI lea tinfr,•l%' washed tip the breakfast dishes with a strsngr feeling of leisure. Thea t1. she eolills4nizelf. 1e "Lets bene What's to •lay? Day te- as tore yesterday 1 mate bread. or was it eve yesterday! Yesterday. So today. fiat • tad urduy And to morrow * sutolay Let's In s '. Last March , year ago, it * four teen iasting mouths titre 1 re ion in • 1:i side a church. t the hard- working little • ud woman's memory was nM g.,..l, but le *his was nnduubt.sll�• tree. 1 How good e it would be to hoar thei,en*dit•tioa a r again, 'Now unto him who is able to r - inarticulate, fur she carnal * corner un Hu 4f rir•tne G, ha• I!aat thin• 1. a a I.rng row ,f store., all cluse.l and ihr Iw'k of all thaw idru,rnt, Nhirh curtains duwu Here was the Market nal clow• ..f this phrnou•. non it flit. all shut up and simply *o the temp•mmete .1 the whrrr she must go the door hw ked. for she tried it. " What', p.,.pe• , they cure u,••tl.. 14.1 tt d .•I b) anything ■ t' ter ks they .w su ..luted. Mrs. fititvrll•?" said the owner, snrthing that' ke of .•ern a sung, 4 jolly young wan, who lived above hi. of din. shop and who chanced to 4.10110 out at ih•Itt i• fnne,u. fu. of 4..•r thirsts ilraWus this moment very rir;ttly attireti. 'Piet- its rhi,ta and it• e•htultre w. In t1.• grit ting rontribnh•u. for the heathen. ][ri4 pla e. the smelt mew.( •.t l4•Ift i. that it enmesh•, in that big beaket`" thus ihr l:ume tit t1.• Lunous N illi■. e4 "I Want to know. John Iluandmap," ()natter rued the ►ern•• .4 tai. ,. I,4 )unr.tr b•;f:ul )Iry Suively, smartly. "why all death, incl. wleree1). it Nusrht• herb the>e oa..u' house, are *1...e l What d Bee" .h I:nrq. the wrest of t, a as end ..•!..ear. Nh.e.' faro..• is limed e. that sort of a new (*ogled huiiday is that u f tin• neighboring uuis. rely of t.yden• �'tiis'll have it next s.. that one can shop; The eele'hn.ted I'rine.•nhuf, whir•h wad only ow- day in the week." th.' pointy o.( William the Sil.'tit. '�Yhc. Mrs. tinivrly, don't yon betters founder .4 Ihtteh ind ep.•ndenee. i l)Mlr li tit "Mal 1..try 1s the is due- l/etch eerily Mad fee Illae/rsted M.pee/t1.. The Volumes of the Mattae.ne brain with 'Iw %mots -r. for June and Ile. umber of os.h year. le hen no r.me iv mean ooed..ube¢r•ptio0 sill hyt,i wit., the Number rmrrent at the time of rer•pl .1 order. teeth 4...., ter IMndesrr. See.nta each by mall. pent paid. Rrmitt.n..y should be made by fart oaks, Mese) Order or Imran, to stud trance of no. .\irep,tp-o, are awe lo rope Mu o4rerf.r wrist led hoot tar rep. -rhe ord.r o/ Harper It l*rudo•ra HARPER'S PERIODICALS. err re sr .tate! f/ARPRKY .M.40:4X/NF. :.Per Year 1. eche% 11.1 KPh:KY H'KKAf.i'.... :.e. H.1111.1R'. NAZAII fsAfa'RKY 1-Urx11 Plft1PL1.. . a w. pLsr pence S.aetq ' ' IOpp...itr the I'rinw•nhof stands ti �utnlay: Jobn Boardutan, are yoo new* ••(hid.• K. rk.'- ..r oW rein te•11111;4 m.• that -this it Sunday?' ' I41ft. it ht. ,. leaning tuw,r wI " (/f course. its Sunday' Wk.,. whet. elath• by 110 means as ked 0.e i1 diol-.^ the fann.as tower at 1'ih ;til But Mrs Mniseh-. big basket. mark. -1- enough 'ut of piloid. G. nttrwet ante, int; and .14 A seared, fluttering. ronti••al and 11sile iva'stigcnti .o. 1*. Ilu•f.•u Mile Cgur., was already half *Square ora, pn•1:.I.ly pn.lutrl a.cid,•utall: nw.e. H';,-1 :u,gc along with a wore heart, the l ,err is troll argil heavy »0.d It - tie • «a the Klevinr and nrlwir. de•tane for .w4 dame • 4.44.., T.Ile,te. dri:tar tow. NOM; •Mehr.. br 4...,..r sed 1'H.e( Is err ) - Pbstagic Per to nil •hbarriber• i w 14. !'likes .Steers. r'aa,da lad .M,'xiee. Add rem HAltl'KH t B)IOTHKR'i. P. O. Bet rrI N, 1'. ('07• Earper's Bazar. IN I895 N• fa' as .1 7ft.af 1Miure. Thaw.' appear 4.44.17 week h .4 serommuced h7 minute d4.*4. il•fe,• and de nth, 'ail*. S.1 pars. 411*.. he K vnt 1di%7 era tat •If FY444.44 ha• weekly transcript of the latewt 4t)1e. and ,■nems In the mode *'oder the 1 fir b.4 of bear lurk rs.be.s plata duvet too. rtinn met full par*u•utsrr are ryes a to sham. •itinn ahrle,• trimmings, aced ere -eateries of the sue shot). ,t'u1 t Pitt -filler 11'14{11.! 1.• (ort hetotting t.. g,0 .u.t.irlent. eireuu,.tamr•s •moan.. -*.,.4 the• with. and that tee 114.1.'1 prix.....' 1 nuel• nutty itn•rituit�atillgt ,n,tetueut. referetee Ihet t.. la. .1. 41.11 a:.unto enein,'r •.f ileserihrlrhis t i.it G' tie• w•.ele n the peaking of !Platt. .4 , she w-rnr .f i tnegld,', N'hich .111 h.• a -ed at the tries At 'the afterm.,n .e•ssie'n Edw,&nl Wei i.-41rn.trnd,d by serene '.utile. t :elf .trill:au;, half defiant. ..sold ,,.rel ro w.1.:rn the .two ' Hell. no wuu,ier, greened she. iltty . 1: retire/el lion, svie. .tM• Hutch. 'Tate .ante life, week in. week tont. 4 nit no ,l+in• t' .4. such ail unorthodox t i:a.' like the reek No one to talk to rI a. to build sl•hun'h wish a-k4ning.1.. •..i t the lodger., and thea qtly ale,at In the. old rhun•6 is ,. na.roun»•0.t G ;&ting. 1 have nu Sun•lay in toy life, 11'.1O•,r - •'1 \dndrtl •un Tnw)1,, w n.1 that's a fact. What are yon gig; ilio• griot rwyal M•n• .•f HedlaMt. glia)( at. you itupudrnt little llrrat"" In the .pun.• market plies, w high lb. This to *n urchin treating frotu "nnda the w.•st of rhe 1'ri k.1Mo( .cantle 7 wo�wlMtt Vieuw' Ih k •A Adv..' woo *tuppvl G, gaze in undid of I1.dit, whims, aerie *died a•w% nisei, wonder at- the big basket, built in Ile. and is in n•ality ideller't Mrs Snively went home through by the' cid "hun•h. streets. feybng woefully conspicuous, In *hr •K.•0. mumu• which lir.. in the and finite like a !*.snow Nip Van Win• Gnr•te ll.rkt le rune. r1.• Niel...• K,•rk kir. When she rrae 6 d her hrest. aMl taw• Stwlhn{. f4. r► 6mnrA• stain ..f the lonely house, she art the big[ basket 'uM•r gnat •, iA.rfI' of Ix,i.. Hug"44r". down on the kitchen table and heta.11 [tufo' .r tae •...•• a:meet. This gfnwat Duteh teKolar tea. Idem to chi, noun itarisme oil a kitchen chair. and, stout heart.'*! the .Ley l.4, • the H-.•...itaton .,f the till then, indulged in a gon.l cry. It frim. of (.rang.. Ile I•iswnh• involved hl was out ruei'ely the loss of the b•n.rlic f■ilitlenl tumble., early in 141.• and wan tion tool l'onnhation. great as that dist • l0.' r4 101. Ger 14•s, rel year• but Scally a4I'•jutu,ent was. batt the incident a0 'ra°'1ed •&0.d Ier•t11IN• . senhlnlly t1.• .ear_ clearly disclose.! her sad. isolated, motdish un,t... ,4,r h. Fr..nr.. in.whb h wr- notomtn* life. tier he died. His prin•'ipr,t elan W latus By sapper time, however, the had re lnatieonal taws at. the s r .4 the silence of taMr Byre! her natural. brave content, Anel •- Ih•Ift is off tht line of the c ns...mien& as all the lodger, returns -4 in good humor sights.rr: what few ,insure it ol.•s ■t- um their various Sunday relaxations, trw.t g•m•twlly rundeeNn t4.,. . rrllr day wan led to relate with spirit her ex m lk TM• H•Ri►.•, wi:ich h only a sew perirnce :rf the day milt4 dletwnt. Th1'n•fon• t ,.0 ear .Sep_ Now it chanced that Nr. and Yrs p1el at I►eln rr,1•fen mid that sur plrct4., 13owell were, like the most of ns. eelfsk created w0.. Due little- ittIc i 1■ ide ly was .of t1.• town. Dur HttMlnnevld.ntly was y from laziness and carelessness. te.t honnnd .4*,', by ibe puled,,- ei hen opportunity fur a kindness war tmyrl. et. TM• tent r d.nud weer srnaH and Leel ups.. theta they were warn' til dirk, while t1.• Iwtd, nem single, 'web heart. An.' :4" Snit,dy's eomtca1l) new wring rompl. t. R' env.-!. r:+t 4' "ur- sad esperiele••• . • toem to thinking k thin. "f hews'v *Lark rulnnll rule,. Thin E. rt' •h good par. ' they gut all the p ahem the Lo'.' .4J444however.,was 1 agree to a cull lunch, instead acrn •,,. .,.sly clean Ni, ....old 11a fled ger. to any nue whn ens aide 11,1 the, the usual elaborate Sunday dinner, eimpt•'t Kentish . ev. n 'sour ntw t f;ernan 1 quite ele•etritirrl lin finitely by preroksl no interbg•mt netree• As our ling to her at sniper the next Satnr altriupts '11 Dutch wrr, H., thoroughly y h"pole'*, it was hnnl to make ,•ten our We want you to go G. rhereh wit! simple wants kte.W1, IMO, ine our sour to-ue,rn,w. firs `hiively, and we'll ;me ten . t 1.•1 riff awakenedneel In tlhe be well pb a...I with a cold, late morning by hearing •► neer het et t 0.her w 'h. Dur ,atria;,'• will call for us etc ,wo*.ldihas- sten■ or eelletst lmeoI, to Glish �tbn.•kfaot. 1)0. got- - - • 0.e eg well -dreamed weasels. 48IMer.4. for ,hetes, rere•see practical a'.e41I,,, . A twee -"teethe,' ratters sheet Npol4ttarel *a- h r.0d.r. to n tit and nape their owe -owns the women wbo twee 11 4R}'444'4 iI It. 'tv%AH •e reed he • .... e.'>A.i.e h ret%'• •.. .. : i. '*.*wine .••e .Ylq'I'M' A. Ar • • - 111 whir Maerwar. pl.• oaeaso.r '. 1 •' • • , 111. 11.111- .a . the tn..._ a r -, ' t.1. •n ho p� 11Y.'. •1 •' his .. r b ou: toen• • , :..f •Ar feat I ley Lad, %.body. e^ 4. teasel, *twitter •0 to I now by . \ , ♦ 3f.e.+ mt. swim. A. t1r ilod. 1.., 1.. ., t ' .'r •: lg. '.a1r • . s •,1e, 1.404• 1111 ♦i -i„ t )4 1. •, w1.• • .. ,g^r• • ban oat. ...a, 1.4 0,.t un aro Uoiag' to sew York .4.1417, • es II. a leigh,e.r .4 the pr.um•r H1'MIc• stout, G•.tilted that In hi. •,,.sail,,. t1. ),. 1.• 6u41, to Ormond like. Ank let's see. t How does 4'erunatie,n start ,ttnd the u cracked voice qua.ergel through the . grand old tune. as the dish wilwr polish- he w'a, subjected G. :: severe ••new exam- • g..trhrs of Idio..l in t1.• ci.•4,dty .4 tl Irt►g••dy urn• 14'. fresh as that found Mel *he !mealy .l•.hn I,)•h' al..• gave .•vi,Mrt•,• r.. to t1 fri•shm•...4 the herr' .u.4It. *tel T4.1 keep.' and to ..w theta take up the col- Ie.ttion by the- nee his testimony red shaken. The next witless wx. .lohn Jones. ch. Englishman who disappelwed un the after t1.• messily. It ens rejected 14. h.• would 1.• 0.t impfrette wlnnese in the -a.• but h• teeth' only **bile as Gi the p.s.Itorl .4 the Indy when (...,0.11 Mendel ('nr•ker *114i I:n'w•n •aephe 4.• T4orn,l..mlh'1' *slue... • S4 T4,.ur.,.. Mon•h 11. -The Welu•r an. 1,•tal•r.J.+tt tri:.l fur muM.•r was .ern inu111 ion tisunb1y. .lohn Il•gg testified that ,he taw blued pa. extruding fees when, the Irwfy w*, mind lying to the .rump .4 t1.• tree. and reds of bleed in other Owl... •l'harlee Jelner swore p'.ilis,•It that 4l!'-n•nt large sire. of 'blood fo,ml erre Inmt•tee.l by tnrils .4 bleed on lotaves and .tleks. Walter Walden testified to finding heir i ,1 stump ,4lh feet .n4et. U 4. ''1. ewer,. oe1.r1 with the de. eaV ! Ileod;•nh.Nt s Ir \.11 Campbell deertheil the begotten o4 e.• thin' axe when found H.•nry *•n..,,.r te.tineei M fitting the Neh In the bb,4• ,.f the axe 4., n similar d. -h in the tree which talli,d exactly. .(leer :h' .•n• c.rn.h•erwutl this ell enc•, which pnees. that the last stn rntid was used in 4h•epl•ing dawn 1hr ♦' lying upon ale• Indy .of the dems.sed endo .MRs. ed the chinaware. wad "111 go to church to morrow. Prov[. 'truce permitting and nothntg hi'nirt- ing. Now, for ihr first time in fourteen day manta. 1 have a chance to get a day'. t work ahead We can pave a codfish diener to morrow How (1841 1 manage now" Chicken 1 can warm ng, in a titia- n ate. .And pie. ti.. Here Jars. Skive ly's mr,Gtatiu•.s entered a sacred rialto into which 1 do not dare follow her What busy hours succeeded. prepay new i .t IM 1.1tweals will hare at ha Irma r1 •v en .4 thele mats and perhaps. ' • thirteen. t I Tw.. illustrati.w•. .4 the. tendency of the (i.n-.•IT,re.0.t t.o make trouble for them n. Oen ,. nod hart.. *rule between the peseol.• r, will *how tl•. petty eharectAr of t o turn now In power Finding that bomsm. of "sloped in towing long.. between Oefatio and It ich ig'.,, Were tee ng entered on both to .ides of the line free. as the bonnie wYen• le towed Ianh and fe.rh •'..n.tantle• 11a I stn adieu lios.•nuf,•nt imposed • cast..nu duty on the Leone.. •Mt chain* every time • -Yy were returned le, Canada, though they were fnr the meat part ownnd In (.nada That is one llluisr.slos. Milk la nn the free lint In the railed Statoil tariff. Welland (county Wows have • large market for milk in the City of Buffalo for all the milk they cal dIlPPI7• , and the Buffalo deaden f.rniab tis cans free, but the Department of Cuithees hes decided that If the United deabr taw ars treed they ..111 hay, to pay a MI every time they are bn,ught Into (.l.se` equal to shout M. on teeth 10 gallon 4� hake he the can. In (sends, my. the *„11er Ii,, of Cases/no. and then they *Y 1■ 1,11 free, hitt the Welland !*raine f thea en. the Buffalo milkmen hail. the rid cane and only want thus 12111111. ! ' 11- ' re.". 11t1•raretbn number two. f)1.> w • t1.• policy tan only be maintain* din ■'Bort the ..Mien and the Government Mils lies■ 11,.•1 oonap.lIed G. declare bootee Ike la0.%s•• ..M. sad the chain. by which they tltwatIMMil1. rep With regard to the milk eau•, One le a tin- tless he naw on all (mins with the ]sew a nivonck clu. lebprriee which crop Weetltmplo7- eke t so a lards number a( Nth Bruns- 0.a wick poor pimple and war sail M Melt t the ds.le,s in the united [states vela f=ettle Porn the psekagos In which the front was tram 1.1..1, ironed. The Ottawa 4iny.r�1 meted n u n duty on the p•nkagem 44 eaw•t It ale.•, be.w*ght to their manilas, bat title hie. Icy raised such • stern, of I G,n It was 1ptaedlly repealed. ynt'r 11 to (hnaeda, they wad, whet vette ti. poor berry plek4iataa wank with I"rat 1lYntameni.g pn.katlr. what *J 51 /amu =Aird by the de.lris to tilt V with lMal•. free of *ane, and ,e If" te to the prim. .4 milk emus la the N trot 111111*..• whole may to 7 et.. as 1 Ifjtrnrr ed the handle of the new w. ing h1. numuheefIlre nil that hr hoed weld it to .lohn Ilendereh"tt two rears met Nn 1►unean 11e•t'I••r.h.4, t.•.tlgsl ten washing two ,ben. and a peer "(suspend me of the• eleves,•.I. Th.• doing wen. stnlrorl Nith 1.1.•rl on the neck. •Mwld.•rw aril ruff. At the afternoon ...odor. Mn Knilly • See elm. II end Jar. t n,, F0.nrh, two trmt.ln. ..1 prh. neer H••ndendent. NOYe rrl.h•n•r to. the et?eet that Ilendenehldt hal told !heel that :he will he did n.4 '^ennui b. stork heel all his life and that was Irene to take out Insurslto' nn the. • ..,t ..'l.ral pen.n» .* d pray the pre em. .0.4 *hot If none of them duel mei if would Is, an easy natter Go gent of one .4 therm Th.• (chief .load•* rest 'cls deei.ion un111 to -day on t alntiesinn of the t0stlmuny *'Iv.. by aflame,. at the Inouye,. The medical e'.1 the city end vicinity met at the j ,..d i)r Iwwn•nee and It Is eurn•ntly 'tied that after est fel nonsultatlon y hare oranin.ou.ty collie en the con ion that the wounds found upon the 11 of theletwel man Henlenh.ett emelt here h' n trstm,d by the Huth. o4 tree and that they were Inflicted by e aherp Internment Al... that the 1 nark, which were found upnn *24. 11 t1., three heti leen euh tlttM to h 'deal analysis mad found be he human •1 ing for the expected church going[ on Sa thi morn,.. • she swept and dusted and tidied n, the hotew for Sunda-. Iw•rattse fr '-the ftdks wouleln t b' baek till les. late to muss things tip again. thanks be to goodness.- People in passing hooked at leer very queerly as site Teat her rugs oat of doers and w.,.h,•.1 the parlor win- ow dow.. -1 oupp•e..- I aro a sight to toe- hold. ' .hr cunt. I. 4....king; down on Pr"" at iude•*t•rihabi • . ••1.im; nnt(orto. There were 0...t gait.• rn.'u, h notatoe. for Sunday's dinner •., she went out to ire $ large ger•1rn ha. l of the Ito t181. --a 11. i Carden ,n which the thrifty •..1 woman of did roost of the work -- and dmt a lock an( of ihr very best India t folk* ever weer � e 14 wonun handle a hoe before' ' she in dignantly solil..lnized. obseri'mg how 1 Ipeople tit the street stared at her and ; us turned around to look 11)44.4. rt her, - all laaghiug ruder' Ura Shively felt t, lu lonely and ill need as she teggtel the. k0. sawwer. is 4'.evoep..er.t.. *Ju.etleas e else the p.reon.l acre,,* nn of 'he...4, .' and err at swered at the tvo•vt pw.rble date , ter their receipt. , feed r., /ll..Srsted Preeprel•.. . :oke Volum.* of the HAz.a Arvin with the flea N'tmtvr foe Januar. nf.ach year. When no time le m••otlentd..u'..rriptIone will beide with the Number current at the time of receipt of enter. teeth Caere for each lolnme. suitable for handing. 14.11 be sent by mol. po.t-pad, oa receipt of 11.00 eeche ltenneare es should be made 4.; goat entre [lour) (),der or Iran. t0 avoid chance of los. A'ee•eeeeeen are wet 40 ropy Mi. aArvrtir- went r,IJo,.4 tae rrpryse order of 11.111101434t 4114,1,'11 *Cee». HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per liar : HARPER'S 11 m HARPRR'ti MAOAZ/AK t ,,y HAfPF•e4'N wp.t /.1' (14!U'PffSYOUNG PROPLZ . e 0 Postage Pur to all *aka egfeeo he 1Ar Caged Wates, asada, and Mer(s. Adder..: HARPER & RR(1TIIEH.Y, P. O. Hat kip, N Y. (city. er'S We(;d1y. IN 1895 HAItPEH'8 WEEtl:1.y is ■ pietor:al history of the tinter. It presents every important 'rent promptly, accurately and exhauetrrely In rllwwtrntlon mad descriptive text of the high MI order The manner Is whirls. daring 1104. it bee he treated the Phloem. Railway Strikes and the (chino -Japanese War. e.4 the $40.51 of light It was able to throw es !Lactates lastest attention was dl-eetd te that -- basket hack to the honer and began to tole prepare the Numbly fe.tat•,en ten She took up her dinner em a neat tray I t.. rheumatic old flies i.e ('rola, who! "'a must have felt particularly cross .fust pit. -then. for she snapped out ' Who's been arra the black silk came out from the feting' a Merl. brigl., Ifac I,orakf141nte111 nt we nk. the placid old fare foond itself Peeking, 1)ut,h girl N leo wild that shwas ids a i+nnday bonnet onr,e mon, the rhe ut,r mf the• pngtri•f.or ref t1.. Inn: hands pnot Ih 'impped a ten cent that her Hunt had sent for her Gi ■nerd r 11110 the .!rihnti00 box, and as 51441 nems es gash to the wen as logit making all that racket about the house * c this murmng'' tion "The folk* were all sway, and I've ant. witl taken the opportunity to get a little ahead in my work." faltered forth meek . • ,,grit enough. the cracked voice got M ear etaytd. hams G) quaver through ••Corona,wtyn buying o.r Inn to the morning we And the benediction. "Now ie .n' t'. l uy IA lft ware.. * sealer 4If ' , hien who in able to 4. bade.• at ■nese 'the exception of the (sow 1 ' upon I wane iphich ems 1.4 noir o 'n she,. foo nu •• blessed spirit than hers. i1 l filled our nun sh.op.e ter T. _- -- .yah to taw full ns bele g brit yew Von 4 better make your apolo- gies to the Lord; grnnted Ilore lay beside her reclining chair. and in which she a/ways read before. eating mark frotn Miss La Croix, but lowed herself confuodly out nf the room, car tying Mim le croi•xs Tees to fill it with freeh dowers. When this wail done. and Mrot OroloPY.11 Perrot fed, -Now. '' maid Mrs AnIvoly "I'll do my Market an all ready for'to morrow. brong So she put on her marketing garb. a some iniforni only lea. wonderful than Isee f ensekeeping attire. aed with an ha memo. basket on her arm, sallied forth. It was a beautlfnl fomenter day aad &angel, quiet.. -How pleasant it in," hirperl Mr* Snively to herself. "and ca every 000 smile. at me This i* a heery world after ad, if I or orb slime* mean in It How finely people are ! name getting to dress I'm otos I don 't ape best e or them afford it.'' muttered she. as a WO the group of young ladies portal her in ; Norton beantiful gowns e4 shimmering summer 1 thirteen nday silk. lying undisturbed for frau. raise e nom smooths in tho trunk at home, and mit Ile wcadartil whiabst it had become spy* Nish= we reentie. ars examples of ita Miaow boundless 140441W004. J11.1•4 R•LeH. tilatlagoashed writer and carnmpeadest, tim bean met to the Mat of wee. kiwi there Joined by C. 0 Waterer. the well beeves Americas artist, sow for ineay years reakieut la Jame, Who ham noes eagseped to cooperate with Mr. eaten in 1111fOrtilat IOW and Illeatratlfia. Diarist 1116 every visas pereitee will be discussed silt! •igor sad without melodies i• tee editorial Waal* aad also in spree& are- riesby the highest stabilities in each depart stmt. Portrait* st de alas sad 'mines who ars midday history. aad yevrertel and caustic pedsicei casuals, 0111 0001 1•110 40 AO chimer - limey World. with Its • Sere sail kindly cornmeal Oath, Ismer dotage of mods?. win nasals • regular Affloartme•st. nell•••• There wilt es tee powerfte serials. both Illalidesssely illustrated -11`br Med Curb- ed*. a et rewmace of olden Ave by traTi••• Gad III 110•14 Of Kill• Vol mended Tin. glee elt Fallbry. . newsy short starise by popular writers. •••••• tee Illsetroded leempreena. ssweetled In gettiser ease. "refined ware layoihenei:ver-Prof Awn it. Wells. le i• out we wee, rewarded rather suspiciously - pn.bably ea hying either feeble min.kel . Ie./tenni. which are beef ere lig to he again Most persons know that the wood ol the "h•,e' Once-. of dct town the bent lead pencil.. is from • form of Ow New Vork Neel. seri proved on 0,1 the American red cedar The best for rellent rim... for with her rillre we learned the pnrpose ia said to belong to ose meet. of !kin and its 431414.111.. Herr. on iv....ariaierty liermnoltana. This form of red is the real militotry school ..fnli..7bheiseleh seem.. G% have its borne on the fee here the Dube% youth is teught re Roth; Leland of liermndit it being the only swains the ena Thbs study of si.11 en tree found on the. island It is A lp y 4, have been started 147...ilarInting. al,(von.""mintry rtvhot.; lib:I:Irma' t part seed of onr common red cedar, helot.: the level of the WO meet he ht to the island by birds, or in puseled, that it may not he ...no from other way. and that the continua/ t Netherlands to sate . rnmstatwee. different from the ...entry teem the spanieh in the di thoee ander which onr reel cedar *riot& teenth century has rinsed it to change in own. reapects Many of thew dyke. wen. so expansive its character. The sam• form is. how 1". build that lb' "u" "T'lwwroo Ole Willie from needs bronchi, bark again from, Boasted Is a tnetree.. Ita mills an. 1110104111- umnumis by birds. be in the tint in KA . Ito ellIthedmin am ita t • I4 141 imbri tillm Mr rnber. lir"' relto. It Aeon to it. .44 enemy. the sea. the advanced tore and. like. a true fort is inseparably connected with the enty the tops ed to. tell nevem and the lass of load pencila has grovring noes of It. fle41101111 In defiance and deet estate, at itchioes pima, sear sten .1 Hew.. Adams, in the Peterena burg. Germany. mom twelve as M'LlotsIne aems of thla kind at oder. MA ho 440101 " "11 fl."1". " Wredio-No yaw have taro sewn br breath noose Mr Mb mosoaeasek eons+ wood for his pose* with 4 memo... eat porting it (TOUR the IOW want - Van Pelt -Well. 1 expeettrel toy moron 's Moothiy. Is lialia's Mann to awl sae saneathiag it -The Clinals 44e h anneinue. the returns of men - ow 'Mt Tener city hattallonsed he - IA carded ell the marls eswand r n's (twit Renee tense enottenfortably behind with a record .4 Be points. e ores and onembere of the lah *lion are greatly elated st their dermas in winning the tisowskl cup ft is h. Me the Ilth Mau will amid taus eley next isintenar The 18th ha. four In the Dominion term and by ••noll •rn more men at "ern rapes.. it . the Nana iso withal banshee ieht whet Mee bees oat Jab ell In way% M to III 41118 Merl 1104 horn* 01 11 1 Inatelh The Valente@ of the Wintai.y begin eridi the and Nurnber for January el each year. Whoa so time is ineaneamt. sineteriptioes begin j wfth tbe Number currant at tbe thee of re. celpt el order Cloth (Uses tor each relines. *Intake* ter ' Mediae will be seat by mail. postieud. es re- ceipt of $1 al each Remittaaces Mould tis mad* Pastalles Mosey order Or !Walt. te *veld dimes ef I los. Newspeper• err eel to mpg Oka •d•ref4•i%- , weal withest the experts order of lithe= & 1 HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Tear 1 !allergy; WIlliltLy. 4114 et it ISSZIONI PIMP 1.1t. 4 lie • in the fiedled Zito ?ere lbsisama. Jahning....11 thew* faith Japes weald los • rani pla=arTi.fia. pips. PZIII-W.11131. as Jape hare wish hag heir, sod bsdils• they ars is the The Signal Joh Prtatiag whish MIMIC posood wisside the Mites Mr the prompt sad rept% emonottaa 01 all shams ot mast stay suggest seasetheag yes may be ta seed of, rad us each ewe we soh that oar tietti to please wall meet wills the approval Id oar Patonnt This useful size ie kept in Um fall ramie of luellues saute rti 11014 bile are hot .0 get.erally used, thoy till an onportaitt 4.1act• commercial got under the above heads. In this line we have & very large stock of tine writing papers suit *blot for every clouts of bowsaw repnmented tit this locality, ono prising laid anti wove, llama, quadrille and other papora, Mad or unrultal, as may In required. If the " pay as yeu go" plaa WWI the order of tie day the demand for account paper would mot he se great ; but there are some mon who get so many dimmers that they wonder if the stock will over run out, We dont intend it to, and at present our stock is coot plete in this line with four sizes. Good paper and neat ruliag. Roth single ;end double dollars and cents columns. They conga cheaper than bill howls, and are the proper titling to send after a delinquent otitis a nionth. They are sure to fetch him 'round - tunnel one. Now, it would be hard. to get along without envelopes, ind to keep up with the ilieniand for hundred thousand in stork, and :ite priers wi.. reile howl 7.5e. tie $2.00 per %1 handle Lam mervi‘l ext Iasi vale. has already layn partially mum • 1 in some of the heads &lava ere is, however, a vest &motto of work under this head that to enumerate would wore than udr. up the entire space occupied by thi• adv't, but we do it all at Ton to an "At Home"' or a wedding require considerable taste in soles tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping fin stock the very latest and bani samples to Ito had. Call and tee. OST 4.11,1MS of entertainnienta and meetings promptly turned out, front the plain but nest ter the most elegaat with cord and pencil attached. We aim to excel it, the differ ent kinds of work we turn out, but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitabla for all requirements. This head covers a largo rang, of work, from a broad or milk ticket to a neat calling card., from an or- dinary admitesion ticket to a tasty business card or • handsomely i? inter II. Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the groat bulk of it is done by us. This line *Ian in- cludes which oor throe fant-roaattag Joh prawns aro obis to turn oot in a surprisingly short tins. belong to the poster devartaiest also, sad ws make a specialty el theft -promptosse being oar aim in thie respect. A notice of sale will appear in Tan IGNAL free of charge whoa hills for sante s re got hers coo In done in thin astablialimost in an expaditioas anal arta** mums, sad We extend mar ors sad islisit a 'V AIL thanks ler past far coatiaasimat el tit