HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-2-28, Page 8c."
".The Play Actress,"
"The Rai;tern,"
"The V agatsuids," .
" A Ronian Singer,"
" A Oroup of Noble Elsa,"
'Thing'. Will Take a Turn."
" Marcella;
The t;ood Ship Mulinc.k,"
The boil in the Car,"
The Prisoner of &oda,"
" Peter
' Doreen
My ltotha,"
The P.tra.,ite,"
ttie afee/1161116111 Is Crepe. anti Crinkle -a Niel, 15, por roll
Speeiabdrtila Estitar*Piels. Note Psiwt Fn....lopes.
Booksellers and Stationers.
by Crockett,
U. L Wood, tilt,
E. M. Crawford.
Tho. Hardy,
Beatrice llarriden.
Sirs. Humphrey Wiwi,
Anthony Hope,
Pal)", $
1; Maurier, cloth,
Edna Lyall,
Stanley Weyman,
Conan Doyle,
lisest Massagers nen Tetembsese es.
Parties wishing t.41 money can do so by calling on Mr
JOHN KNOX at his Wori•roirtiis opposite Martin's Hopi, where he
keeps a full line of Agricultural Implcutents on hand open for inspec-
Noson Binder, Holton Mower, Noson Seed Drill, Noson Spring
Tooth Cultivator, Nozon Horse Rake and Sharp Rake.
Full line of the Cockshutt Phw Company s Riding Plows. Walk-
ing Plow*, Twin Gang Plows, Corn. and Root- Cultivators, Road Scrap-
PTS;IM'iklianowk Lapd Rollers,_Utte Gem Pea, Harvesters.
McLaughlin Qtrriages, Buggia-s,--Phi-etons. Road
Carts. All the latest design. M1 work warranted.
Adams Wagons, Paris, Ont.. all kinds.
Any person wishing anything in the shove ine will find it to
advsatitaire to call on Mr. Knosand inspect hia goods before buying
jrIONEERINf; a specialty. Being practicle in the above and
in stock. and baying hal -.event' years' experience, can guarantee entire
-at isfaction.
A Ton !•ti *'API*l Wren it AN *MI taattriiis
.lid Is nen OR -11.11T111011. Tv
1114• Itilita AT to•Dos‘ 1111.
List Ay, TO DIA -TIM 14114044 or Lanka.
ID MLA, TM rol•TRO nil A t'Lltaii.l•
o 50 \ DM.
Strieken with Landry's Paralysis mad
yet cured. 'This mesas but little to the
average layman, but It ratans • miracle
to • physicien •••••mcb is the experience of
0. E. bolliinore. at preatat • resident ot
Madurese, N J and • rare exparauce 21 Is•
"N se, It's true that I had Landry's tarsi
mai," said Sir liallimore to the reporter,
'or else the noes oelobrated phyaunws• of
lendou were theta ken. That 1 have
been cured is clearly apparent ' With this
tie straightessed up as *curdy mei 'roma
ins • *on of Britian as ever trod American
••11 wee oo the 4,112 of %web last, ' be
continued. • whoa 1 was in N•er orb cay,
that I drat felt amputate 01 niy trouble.
I •xporienowl doliculty in going up steire,
my legs failing to support nie, 4 ts.asulted •
ohymcian who inform.' me that I had .very
spinets.° of locomotor ataxia, but as the oss•
dlevelopsd he prouotioceJ it • ow of
Landry's paralysis. at.d knowing the nature
of the domes* advised nie to start tor my
home and mends. I gore up my work &ad
on April let, imettel fur London, Ont. •
well lumen physician was meaulted, but I
grew rapidly worse and up siaturd•y. April
7tb, several physicians bold a cerneulatien os
my caw and intorn.ed nos that 1 was at
s dour. having but three to ex dots
to live, still 1 lingered on, by this complete
ly oisralved, my hands sad feet betas dead,
I ouuld hardly whisper my wants and 00014
only semllow ih, tb. misery
those moments ate beyond ..It deartption
owl death would really have been • wet
come yontor.
"Now conies the part that hes astounded
the physicians Rev Mr •undy , • clergy -
moo. who visited me in my last hours. as be
sup -weed, told me of the marvellous curse
of paralysts that mid been pertormed by Dr.
WSItions Ptak Pals for Pale People. I
started to take the pills about April 3-8 and
Wail after that felt an improvement In
air °Pedalo°. Thera was • warm, tangling
sensation to the limbs %hot had been mitre-
ly dead and 1 moo began to mov• tfl toot
and hands. The improvement • ontinued
until Slay t1h, when 1 was taken out of
bed for • drive and drove the horse myself
By the begioning of ./uly I was obis to
walk opinion elooe and paid • vont to Ni
From our OW111COTTempondeints.
of the good thnim which were set
them 0ing1ng demoting sad games being icep
tip until • te hour The hIgh class of
both useful and ornamental presents which
are too uumeroue menteon, showed the
esteem to which the holds was held.
lith'g''"'" 50 000 Envelopes
Ceinriek, Jaime 'Grew, Jaime Juba
elee. Abe. Meeignsit Behest Walker, W.
Beckett, gamest T. yea, 4 ..ergs flaw- - raw -
eon, Tbemes Sheekelten. James Dean, Al-
bers Maim, Themes lilebardeoe, James
Leithead, Pot McCarthy, Peter Shields,
Jeremiah Deem, Pat Witless, lame"
Tbeeigesa. Homy Reed, Henry Comer,
Waimea Ryan. Williams thearley, Hugh
bleGiaty, Thomas Weilester,Thoinee Dialter,
Thomas Humey. Awirew Dreamy, John
Reid, Jobe Keefe, Julia 4:rIthe. H.gh .1
Blake, Thomas (Moamar, Jamie. goats.
Fame trietwere and vowed keepers the mem
last year with A C. Hawkins added as testes
viewer. Colima meets ma the .10th day of
March. W. Sieribagis.
Merlyn. The local weer la Deseimema
ter Tim 5.112 0L 4*.1 (ha alike of J. 0. Ward,
J.P.. neaveyameer, etc, who will receive .r
e au her sisheariptloite. advervialag WWI Joh
work. and ts authorised to inv. receipt. for
alitiouats tall tee tb• awe.
Tt Fob. Ai
Atitiailatin W. A. Wilson. Alareseir, for
the samtetpality ot West Wawaitsh, se en
his annual tour, taking notes of asessement
tor 188..
11,•listit Is,TITUTS A meeting of the
Farmer a Ineutute will be held at Si. Helens
es Friday the 8th day of March, particulms
of which may be seen on bills.
Tway is siseemisfose ON* Thai tamales be filesoar, Feb. 20th.
Wound asigereere irase-ses•sr Ike 1 The Wesel Hillier. of toiderich spent
I messy awnedents lieweried 'Semis& here with relatives
TWaal. 1. , Mies Tone 4 .ordon, ot the High school
far ba
tioditrich, *peat Sunday hero.
Lt., T1" ItiThe lecture, 1 riday evening,
AUBURN• te.peranoe, saw • fair attendance ot the
, hall of 1.243. 213. A short program of
mum Rasa, vasialauf is 0)1 th..ea, ha " 1 issuntuatlicnt;it,andemeonh.r.ge.711thheeout:legoins.tmrungteimnetasl
MOelo4,. Feb. 14. .
present.i The lecturer, itro. F. Dawson, of Kaiser -
M us M • Straw- • 0f M.rne• I. vul"1•1134 'dine • woldknown worker in thee Ler 4.. T
I ',
froseds here. i gay* • strong and interesting adiress rie the
Mr. and Mrs. Fall spent • few days le ' temperance ouestioo. He brought before
Cloaca last 1,11112. , las nearer* the duty of the members to be
I rod landatadt, of Rlytls, spent sunclay firm for temperance If• gave several es•
w..ii f•ierids here. periesces in hts work as a leeturer in the
field for tune yearn, with Ulm, he met to
Ma, M H•lwig, Dew of Loderach, is
apsod,o4 M.
few days under the parental : 00/014" 5.214 MeellObele ene &see Its
Manitoba, • newly settled village had sit
1,1 ! stores wad one hotel. The shopkeepers dot
Jae stoves*, of Beigrave, minted Auburn
, • *mei credit business but had hard tones
row night hat week. Bummer mut bee lag -
I to meet their pavinente to the wholesale
rot . .1ns. !dealers. Th. hotel returns brought • huo
Fourth annual emulation of the neigh- i eked .. dsy dear cash fee taa rapriator
bor.ng .,uoday &bleb will be held 21331 011 The speaker also complimented the lodge on
V eb I here will be throe esestese. A good ffe oeet wail tidy hell and its work of nine:
Program 21 b=d1P1F1814- A cordal 151 tau years as • Twitherasice lodge ta this
V'•' ie ex all m
ettion. At the close of los address •
4 euswas wita mode for sandidates to iota the
BAYFIELD. i ledge, and by request Itre. ;ammo gay* •
Ti' r1.* . Feb. 2b. 1,temperance recitation, entitled "John Swig
,,11171 sterthary he hew* from Termite. i sad las Heehive, whorh brought down the
Si Ise 11 ory Wallets el Detroit as host. ,t bowie. 141. 40455 deputy, s. H. Williams.
he mimeo pork. a ziartig,. hays burss! i flothilledi the datum of the chem. Friday
dresomakior item sight of this week the lodge will meet and
Nt. macdasam. al Gogorieo township. thaw. who rave is their *emu will be
. 1
hes bola runtimes Mr. MoChrikey.
Toll of Wrililli Paper
• •
I hove met purcheael the •bov• large
ousautme wed ant prepared to oder to the
public the highest grade ol Paper wad
+elopes at Prloge wassee id before to
My stock of Blank Books,
Office and School Supplies
Mee Charlotte %Voiotia., the
popular awl much esteemed organist and
leader of tbe choir la Erskine church here,
was accideetally mowed to the liat of the
promineet guesta who were present at the
marriage oweinony which took place im tho
residence of L. B. Auguatioe lime week.
Ise,•tiovviegsr o Hi.uoiy.
Moth, pathosaster, and wagon law lloaday
turned out and did freed service In repaint.'
the road South ot hers os far as his beat •s
teoded. They have tilled up numerous and
very had pitch holes, causing travel thereon
4.0 more plemeat sad essay. They je-
mmy. great credit.
Ss. (TIS'. C0NT/LsT -A two mile skating
ram for • purse of s20, will take place at
the Victoria rink, Dunitanoon, on Friday,
March 1.1. between David Bell, of Dungan
non, and Bert Fowlie, of Hayfield. It te ex
peeved that. thts will be oti• of the moat
keenly contested races ever held ID Dungen
non. Admission 10 wale.
Mo.ti 11.M. COI Noll In pursuance of
forn-er adjournment the members of the
municipal council of West Wayranosh met
in the township hall on saturdisy the 23rd.
Notwithstanding the bed condition of the
roads, all the members were prosiest_ After
the transaction of business brought before
them at ad toothed to new on the tenth day
of March in the mine place.
Itt.TIRIti.. Chas. Robin/eon. who has for
a number of years supplied the citiorn• of
Dunganows and these of the surrounding
Slowly but surely I gamed my oIl health
and strength. leavIng Loudon for New ork
en October 11 wad hapaning my work again
00 October ..1,1"1 Cured et 1.andry:s par-
alysis in e•ght months.
To eentirto his story !ovum,' all doubt, lists of the municipalities of Ashbeld and
West Waeranath were held here Siondag,
Mr. Dallimore made the following ath•
Feb. Ca There were • lug, number of in -
legit ;
STATIL 111-1r. throated parties pressor at each court of re.
*wpm. His Honor Jude. Doyle presided
bloom. Co' ri.
I tallimore being duly sworn on his sod Lowywo L. 1: Damen! sad M 0 Jeim
etontreo‘k °barge of the affairs of their re -
eata said t
he oregoing .101.02101
parties. 1 olloatoe is the result
11.A•11 Da i.1 iat. West Wawanosh The Reformers added 34,
8wore and subscribed before me Decant. the Conservative* a- gain of 12 Ke -
bar 3, 1894. mp, C N. fOeftlerle A0111014. Salt 1. 2 and 3-11..
Not..., public, formers added 17, Coaseryatives 10- Mgt
Williams' l'isk I'illa for Pale l'eoplie of • Reformers.
are as eatailing specific for such deamees as Ili:'.. 1 The writs: for The News- Record
locomotor stet% ia,paralysts,St aus dance, who last week stated that I had been re
sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatoon, nervous oortlog evil of my neighbors one week end
head•che, the otter effects of la grippe, pal. tithing it hack another is an error. lo •
worms of the heart. that tired feeling re recent mese I sent for publics:don an Item
gutting from nervous prcetration : all dig which was current in tbui section, and It
eases resulting from v austad humors is the sppeared ID Too Si• Some time
blood, ouch se scrofula, chronic erysipelas, atterward an interested party called at
etc They are also a specific for troubles 1'.1 Slo.N M. 0111.* and made certain stet*.
peculiar tofemales, such as suppressions, moots to the editor who published them to
irregulerit les and all forma of weeknows. good faith and inserted them in t he Dun.
They build up the blood. and raptor, th. gannon correspondents*. without the know -
glow of health to pale and sallow cheeku ledge of the Dungannon correspondent. 1
In men they elect a radical cure in ail made no atetement that wasn't in accord
oases arising from mental worry, overwork, once with ihe facts ea represented in this
01eitomeee whatever nature There are i,warter, and didn't take beck whot was
no ill effects following the use of this woe- previously given as news. [The above is •
dertul medicine, scot it can be given to correct statement of the caw Ft,. Tilt
children with perfect safety.
!".";:siKVtNTMrs. Margaret sproul,
Thew pills ars maaofactured hy the lir. I
Williams Med/tone Company Brockville. relict of the late D. Sproul, of West 'Wawa.%
ttut , and itre sold only In boxes beams osh. departed this file, 01:1 the eve of last
the flunk trade mark and wroPeor. IA 50 Friday, the 22od at her ratidouce. She
(ante • box or Mt botat for 32 50. They was aged mitthy-four yeare. Her remata•
may he had of all &worsts or direct by were interred la lhingannOn ormetery on
mall from IN. Williams' mediate. rein- Moossy below escorted to their last
PanY• reactor place by • large company of sorrow-
ing relatives, friends and actimmotanomi.
MUNICIPAL COUNCILS- The ileceseed who was • modest of Ward
Wswanosh for • great number of years was
ioitttiri P. hata to high esteem es • kind mother wed •
Feb. 114,11t true neighbor, and in 4.402.. of sickness in
Cooped met on Saturday.
Members all present- Mmetee 01 Preele" the family and neighborhood Wan ready at
all times to wait upon end administer to
meeting reed sod awned. The auditors
presented thou report which oe mottos those of her itoiusintances, in times of sick-
ness was aexcellent nurse to tbe
of Farrah and highly adopted. Th• tot-
bertng chocks were ossued nerrinel sick. Ker. R Fairlawn. coaluctred the
Roach tor bread for the Currie obsequies In an impressive Rummer. The
family and °140/4- 113 15 T. decateed leaves three sena, Megan. A.
Y Sproul, of Dungannon, Matthew, on th •
Hawke°, for goods to the name family
rilw Pepin Slott,
and lase,
After the pitrually eaten 'cacaos
of the nit the stAtrviott children divided it
into two parts and devoured the bloody
tragmeste raw. Weakened from hunger
and thinly -Wad. they huddled together 114
esoroor of the cheerless room In their
pover, y -stricken abode under a pile of rage
in • futile rtfort to keep 001111.111,41 were al•
most unconscious from cold when reocued,1 1
The induination is (Iry bitter against th •
inhuman father. and threats of whitecap
mug bun are freely made should he return.
Mr. Turner, township trustee, was notated
of the coodittoo of the unfortunates. and
immediately took steps to Wier' their
lissinntsd tat Ins id.
Once oa • time • main them was
Who strongly dui item.
A rest to take from business cares
1a abort, get out. retire.
He told his friends of his intent .
flee got out : it. tact,
To close hie stock end business out
He used his utmost tact.
But, strange to say. ha trade hold up, •
New goods be bad to binek.
imbed 54 )4 les couldn't .iuk.
No matter how he'd try
Cool 00*00* • friend explaiowl
Why he such trade had hail.
netrbborhood in the meat
lite, bad retired And Dow he • out of .,, for keep.
He has sold bls premisee to Dungannoo, as 11. ordered out Ins ad
also his interest to the busmen of butcher A I' II
mg, to a Mr O'Connor. from Deer hintaa, - -
Aehtield. Mr. O'Connor has token prima The D -Minion nos of voter. for .4 oronto
Mlied on commenced business to which he and Montreal will be printed in thaw . mess
hopes by giving strict attenm tihie will re
to expedite matters.
"iota the Imre patronise* of Ms predecessor.
TM 4 °neer, a, I i e• of North 1 or.. at
ITER' i -0, 1220 revision ot the voter. Aurora. pout __.tto Oi i
mor. ,trange ..1 'truant°
eil their ossdidetn fer the tempos..
Our New Store,
Corner of Square and
West Street
(Lately occupied by Mr. John Butler.)
1 motiated iota thee order
R., ..4 urs. Aziostreag *0,'.i5a1week l'ael'i... Oi r A..sui Nearly • year ago
en ellort Was made us form • Peron lodge
teeming Ku. mid Km nitrite, of Clinton
ID this neighborhood, and in May last •
A number et war= folk spent •
Sees. art s one publii meeting was milled at the Hall.
wiry pleasant time at Among those who addressed the audience on
ermine last week. the principles of the order were Jamas (ono
mo,,,, Lily Elliott bee resigned her Peel Dolly 01134 Mr Ferris, 04 Loderich townehip.
mos se °roma% ha the Kalthab church sad the latter being an orraniler of lot Mies Hilda Moorimease is appointed aied • Wpm The election came on fot the On.
new choir
. twin Howie, sad 1 onnolly as ths Patrols
10 „adaraaaag tits Ilawbeld mere In Heel candidate was unhorsed at the contest tor
Neer% Record ens WOW weed to lee a . law l the riding, although here the Patron won
irritant Thera% neither seem nor ooneems, the ward by iine AftefIlltetle One of
,,i, ih,, mint oi it soll • 100d Part of tbr re the Patron movers here made arrange -
masts for stonier the lodge es that
wieder le false.
Nnrite or TaX BAIL -Ally was .folis. 1 the temperance hall might he rented on
potties! boitust Ea wee sera from %russets. dedlafa terms for *to, m„,,nits.
.1 „W-. IemAaros' for Mfmg, issiamh' iseMiswahay s ro
of Ferris who mirht
".,_--1;Xaeoftm mo AIMhprednthebig floods of Neptmber
las 3. r.ra gaaoki,.r.. a spaa I is t-idwitth townehip, or later might have
1 bees snowed up by the remot blockade
'1.71eeb,....er,R. 7ta.18_11.)....1 " Wwwille.thisi,,,„sh Yth.ev='in. II litaaNliw' caniwirwass.v.ingr. "..• lit0tlef our
pribev:i.b . "4_ .2!.._=,. . duseamjasatise during the coming month Saloom,
1 her
e T.... da re.=., mid .11 ..,..ii lawyers and declare Ises, dote or interest
.."..."'eeso sphoofid muds^17v ! rates thew. hard times awe all keeping up,
Mimes Dowses aed Tarler_._ Too. posgere ; "3 fmlY llrnf'or,.• kr* eltrep• which M.
wks woo 12.5. Patrons sr. bound to mak• a little loos, you
0erftlebl I:onbabIllew. TbilatialesaW o sofa 4. be bo. I het, sot forgettiny the mannfactarers' prices.
twee' Massa Lay 544 054 Mary Parker DUNLOP.
mono 41 . Feb. ..)..S. • Mlle Annie. Robertmo, of Ousgannos s
Wapiti, Feb 2..,
a 14...t"a'sphwta"---CM0,40,11"at,"%thapi..."ths:".%. ".11,lang;:77imniong enjoyed • yout te Lode-
..l_te±lehereb, . It being i b. twit this week
elf Mho rdillbegeel to Retest -4 Nese Devotee • SI .1 Token teeth Wet.
Mit7lie. The beelliel sharmmg .n E. Hi h•teily go thrs week for a tone to cot
• migegglit ay bripw5 depthortth hat to match, no, 1 I is the true -khan tireet ow. the Nile
saga was athingsg by her aster, Mir !tomer ban tt 'hat a mighty elephant ami
mairgis. vb. woo ago 1111111ir04 ia brows. ale. • hoar Iti.p its resigeni• no a weedily
Demi Olaseghlio gerlitheed die oilier of turmoil . 010 wen* ea* will get a
reesermerc. Mbar fhe alielha =me, whish . •wonp iif • trust or • strok• of • p0.,
Wile celebrated by the feolPoetoill p..Lnr, bill • Iii . Is bird whispers, - Ne elseger
lim. p?bs, Diu,. doe byge if party return lads T..m Thumb is Starlight is isn them
ad se the ibokir We'l ..ether. animals hash with • gneiss Bale musket
where the wednee was had sod C ..101 award, with s pen .4 ,4. paha
ails partook to tall of hie heat 1.1 (1210..
To Smokers:
Ie meal tbe i•be• sr Melt. ••leiner•
traekeit elm Ile.. Lie . nava-
mom ow, bale placed epos the market
• Combination Plug of
VS R4; Thoe. Drennan wood tO 4 :tithe bom.stmd. wewenoch. end John. of
j4 SO; John VI wood to the Currie i.od.rich town, and four daughters -Mrs.
W K ilpatrick, hf ra. M. 40111.0 Ash -
family $18 12: Theo Agar flitch an
Ashtleld • half 112; Robert Finegan for ma Aoki. Ur,. *ache'', Atiorm, aad
tak• made by eeeeeeet Yeer Hrl° $14 13 ; Friss, 1'. S. Imides a bum Dumber of
auditors each 1114 Hart k Riddell for sop- (rood ehildren, and other relatives. to
plies for election purposes flb 81 ; 510144014)01 mourn her departure. The pall bearers
%%toad for owe oopy 04 .544 Paper $1, 3; M wets Messrs. C. (;writs er., Wa. Malloierh
Roberta debentures for 5.8. No. 1 !ha sr., John adult*, of liodoeich, a04 formerly
The following were appointed patheneaters W.st mr.wimnith,, iomoo Dom, meeffo;.
John Haertil too, It !chard McWhianeY,Sitennel statthow venni sma ...p� 4.. Word
thuvid "trytft• 7P,T1I .1^hoo101. TM bereaved family hare the irysipetby of
the ,ommusity is the baresvemeet.
Jamb Ryan, Joseph Tigert, Jamas Ulmer,
4:oorre treorge narrow*. Hugh
Shields. James Hayden, Mitten Grey, THEY ATE A NAT .
!laud Jardine, Hoerr Cleft., Them" Steel
art, Robert Finegan, Thomas Dougherty, Two ib1141.052 *0• U.1p01.oIY &bus -
dosed by flhelr Felber.
N1066,1101 Cunningham, 1 Correll, Wm.
Vat Clore, Wrn Shackelton, Willtarn lea ford, • lilt's •Illege scrub of Aurora, led.,
"T & B"
C.442.S1-1 STORE_
ON MARCH we will have ,lone one year's business in Oak.
rich, and when we started our object was to 4louble the trio.,
done in this Store last year. We have fuel many things to con-
tain! with wliich we did not calculate on Prices for produe.•
never were PO 10a , money has been scarce but, notwithstanding 1111
thtie, we are hound to reach the point we aimed wht-ii we started out.
We want the remaining day- to be good days, anti se will MORE than
thuiltlt• last year - ler.intss. 1, how we will make business brisk -
&Oar tiww•••.-___ oar Roe.,
wire price. pm,
6" Men, Linea Rubbers $ ritt ;
W01111.11 4 II BOWLS . 1 00
Children 111 144.4i 11{00te, .1/ 36
la.lies Slippers .... . e 144- (;outs 'lubber. . 25 SA
1 /V Wool Limed , -
hers .. .... . • • . . 50 s5
I Skating Boots ! 00 1 25
•• Fine kingalit Butt 1 61 2 04)
Nt" French Kid. Hand
' 7a 3 27.
This supplies a loan felt want, gt,-
ing the consuneer osee 20 cent plu;:.
or a 10 cent piece or a 5 iTtit piece
of the famous T & B" bran.1 of
pure Virginia Tobacco
Tbs Tag"Ti 8" ovary Piece.
Mot erthy. Stephen W•Iler, semuel Burke. The community is the •icietty ot Han -
see, Richard Robert Treleaven. is gristle iooesemoi over the ...deet
Win. Risk& Lathe, Hall, John liarenhy,
Robert Harow°, Delou, Mlle" ite4bute••"tie. 04 the Paws for
Reid, James Lase, K K. Ir I .'"^n T^Ilioh1P. H. 0°0 leedieg
win, .16m., Lagdorge, Ralph Nixon, Ammo victim of that notehborhowl and • ioosswee•
W. mnilas, Rawer Hag, nus member of the ehereh The soul?* loft
Thee Irwin. lateld Ageemi John liabeck, hie two little ehildren hems atom, wabotit
Robert NIcheith. Angelo lleatoa, bownoth food or fuel, during the mama oolid spell.
McKee/ix, John Murray. Edward C John telling them he was going to I 'ole's Career,
seas, Naar Ensign, Dosald T. MoKee,.e, • eniell village some mass &weal femoral
Jelin MeDomild, I tweald Forsueon. Angus days after Albert Brush, • rouse farmer of
allepriliald..1.phn Matheson, Kenneth Me. that sisisity, bead the deserted ohsoires
Donald. I tonald McKean& Robert Hem almost faatiehed bad nearly fronts to death.
Mos, 11.eorgii Hutehims, Joh. Finlitysos, He aroused the estabbors, and prompt re
Janice Woo. Kwerwith Mclean, Archibald wee ghee the yersabieg Withdrew Tbetr
Molotyro. Hugh Mellosold,Dowslell Murray, mom am b avid 7, said bra tor the timely ar.
Hogh Melemosio, Thaw A Itellegth, Jobe
Johnston. William Wawa, Bosom Mc
Kay. Matthew Farrien, John c
K enneth Nielsen, Jarrow I. Rimier, Wm
Powell. Robert Isrennon, James 4:ritliti,
J ohe Lose. tisanes Andrew Ned
sea, Than.. wires. Jeremiah Demend.
Peter MoKee/iii, !belied 1' ti Rainy „labs
Graham, Saimaa Poetised. 44ortre Jobe.
wee, Comeliest O'Coasar, Ye-
Whiesiet, Pavia Miserweed, Jaime Illtes,
A. a. Midweek Thews. Wiegbes, lobe
Tensed.. .. • les
Some of these line. tap ,elling very fast.
them. They won t lamt long at theme prices.
SPRING Gln)DS are coming in
Waterpr”of !Ansa
4 Overshoes • . 1 00 1
Stall's Felt Gotta! s.. 95 :10
Mee - Felt 14ned Boot. 1 25 1 GO
Men's Seani4ea.., Gaiters,
guaranteed Elastics .. 1 0(1 1 30
Gent ni I ;alter . . . 1 65 228
Boys' awl t;iris* School
Rout, 95 I 23
The subscriber desires to thank ht.' cus-
tomers for remaining with hin, during his
recent time of tiouble.
Ile has remodelled and refitted his place
of Mimosa, dwelling and bakeshop, and
rival id Brush easy would have both me
eambed to tho oeveritiee of the mereasee
fate to whitish their tether had sboodesed
The ode of the terrible irofferings they sol-
dered as told hy the untortenate little suf-
ferers beneght tsars So Ohs eyes a/ all ohs
heard them The *sir 2110111114 .4 5.4 tame
hi them durieg their period of their abso•
deoesset, 121257 5514, was • deed rot wbieb
she eat bed breeyht fete tbe bees% ea/
abbe they leegbe she Moe to pima
of Mating and •entaatton, and 41 now pre-
pared to serve the wool+ of thew public ie •
wiry erktietscu.ry
is C•kes aad Confectionery of all kinds,
sod the best pueblo service guaranteed.
1:oderich, Feb. 14,1395 CAN
' Styles
N e w la-ts
Dont delay if you nee.1
New Prices.
The New Shoe Store
"Cash is King
The only UP TO DATE Grocery in town is the -
**C.481.1 Cf)(//j
If you want anything in our 'line you will find our
Stock Complete.
And we guarantee Satisfacties.
Our Goods are " The Best "-
Our Prices are " Rock -Bottom Cash Price'
The subscribers will be at Polley it
Livery Hans every naturday seal
Marcie lfith for the purpose of per- ALBION HOTEL,
thawing good, mound horses froon 1,200 T
to 1,600 lbsi weight
Farmer, wanting HA. Salt, remember we keep the best, and
we keep it 'tr.
The Hamilton -at Grocer.
Protect and Adorn Your Head!
1 OF TORONTO, swat
Is onnitog, and will be at Mae
TiltSDIT, Me 5th1 1895.
With sarnpies of ladies' sod Geothoscl
Wigs, Toupees, Hosea, tisrltellek Waye"si
other flair (tends Styles livery Loh°
isationessi who is laald er wham hair les_t,
come this should take adriuttalfil 04hte
and cossult hiss. If there 45my ohaeose
stewing the growth he will advise theme 11:
parasinus beet adapted to melt ease
roses are Worn by ttieuesode with row
fag results
Err 111 ighest eterkst price will 1*' ---
okbpir A. 54.
Clesono, Nah. 11114 11116.
"The Bigug" is 03117 51 s year. Gist
• I ':•113