HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-2-28, Page 6THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., TNITRSDAY. FEB. 2t4. 1595. • OUR KNIVMANLFORKS. THEY RANK IN THE UST OFCOMPARA- rIVELY RECENT INVENTIONS. wb•1 the Anerlgl..e of tsirepe sad Asa - el era 1 .N The e..totae e. IM t Preach and flatmate y W as lost .• familiar are are at the prreent day tit h the *tee of knives and for►, I her implements of the boasehuW, to assist us len the rutting up and 'otitis of our fod. Say • I lous•furninhuIg [torten, that it mai i n.1 rues mut • few of our maulers t.. Tarn that I..t1e throe useful table cud kit, beta u• • o asitia,. are 111 ouenparativeei modern int.IHun -M1 reset, indea.d, that it Is curious to think what mud Lave been the eolith of society beton thny cams- to be In co ti.r Iltisty,reries have pnovad that the earlier tnhabitaute set Europa end for alaorigine% of America wail .Idititers of atone or hantwood for retell. l.nrjoora. IWO It ,.t til .atter of ,1 °seder 10 dh.cnver WI;M r<ork t hey were enabled to perform with .ouch primitive Implewirit.. The tireh.s lewd rerlgter hardened e.} tan. Alia carton* k ntds of brae. and eriesee w. teethe. for the w'eapors sed knives for reene_t ie 1”1,,A1114111. The K"n, are sun pined 111 1. ,.r emu Ibe first to nutkr . •Ixe tools uf• inen for curette" meat .cad tor war like ;wrpsra. lrni;butd has always been prey -eminent :is the manufacture, of knives, even trotn the t mer of Queen Elisabeth. Caen oar sheath knives are the moat ancient kind td cut fiery; they originally had the blade stuck In the handl', and when not in rise were covered by a ease oreluath. Crete knives. called "N-hltilee," were matted:we Sheave' in -IS:3, and were sold at the price of one penny, a good round rum in thaw• day.. In 1110 clasp knives were tirst re- canted. t hey were made to fold o'. r and %hilt into handles of iron or tortoi-v shell. bit they o ere very clam%' iny.lrtimrit' compered with the elegant pearl ar,.1 ivory leindlel six and eight -lila -eel affairs of the pre -rut day. Sheath koros were wee wooly for kitchen use and taint up [neat. and even now one can Sr. a Miteber or a rook wield a knife. which. wIwtenot teq.rvl to in new, is enclosed by a Iwai .err s7radh. But nowualayt the knives u•arl for culin- ary ;mrp.+es are ini.tm.rable, ati.l to de- scribe them all would be to (lir ..tenon three pages. Fork, are of much later nerve ion than knives Probably the first poutgrl instru ment was used by the Italian. tete in slur 13th century. They appear to have been unknown to the ancients, deo trns•of them ewer having beeu diaeevered x K the ruins ..f Hereuleneum avid Y 1-'a' The (hineaa•bn.l the nearest idea to the lark in ••cbopetieks," which wqulepd a great deal of expertness to U0111,1111 grime •.r effect, t'hupdi£k, are used by the Iliiu.•'t fureat- iag pure r•rs up to date. Retort• forts were 'planted flu i irers were matte to perform the service of picking up the resat. broth for cooking anal eat dug. Even letter fork. went introduced they were looked upon as un- Dece.eary luznrie..and wrr e%rn forbidden to be n.ed in certain m•,naotie raiihliah tihrnte and cooveutt. Fork+ seise.• at tint Inside with only two pronto. of ',not. in feet they were re like double ,kr.t.r-: these three primes were considered necessary. and these prongs were coo.iderril more no -fill when bent. The ferried' mennfae- eine! a spwwi fork. with four er five prams:, but these were com•aderel more u rmuirntril Llan useful. and were always made in .ilvrr for presents. Four lining. are new considered the proper her for a well matte fork. eel 11 moo of the steel fort, have only three.' The lint ales olute 'mentality for a fork was in all provability felt by a cerrrr. who require) something to hold the guest etearly while ops, atini. the oklea carving fork known origisallc belonged to Henry IV. of France. about the year 14011 It ie said to be fern et the• castle of Pau, on the Boom Pereuee%. where Henry was horn. It 1f made of steel anal with two prelims of great length. being long enough read strong enough to •er-ure "'Rerun"' of beef. The earliest mention of fetish* Italy we. in 1611 In England. ISO years ago. it was quite a . .moon sight aYiti gamine? for eacu guest to put hi% fin - Iters into the diab and help himxelf. At the precut time ouch custom.' are only to be found at "free lunches." len onlinary life, however, the man who would put his fingers into the dish would be turned out, as a savage. and he who pmt+ hie knife in Ids month is eoneklered anything but a gentlenun The fork is now sac nrr•r,.viry a part of the culinary appointments am the kuife is. awing fee Damages Teem tp...ks. One of the most peculiar la.t.uu. ever Wed in the ['tilted States is on the conn /.x -kit at ( 'raw fordfville, ind. Three year, ago a passenger train on the Moron ,epee was wrecked near the 'thine of John Elliott. north of this city. The train rolled down an embankment. Ted oro• roach w*. burned, five people killed and ,e.euty in- jured. The Injured were takers to the bowie of Elliott. Now he emit. elp.e damage• from the railroad b cear.w•, he allege... the health of hls family hos teen bad ever sluow the wreck, anti thin 1. canon! 1.y the sounds of the gram, from the injured that vibrate through his home every night. and when they go outdoor., at eight the "spirits" a theme killed in ti is wreck can be epee walking up and down the track In front tet ►t/ b0 dismays . waft. all them. things stopped, and the annoyance w►Mk Me caused sick nese in bik family. He maps he has dreamed about the wreck overt sight since it bap- pebed. -Si Louts RepubbiillC etatsetM es M Legate see. Almost one-third of all humenito or &bent a ntseeotl0 people, *peak the Chinese language The Hindoo latagnage nod ire r*rio■ dialects are1 hr. perhaps, 125.050.0015. the third plod, hying acconle4 the F.ngli.h language, wbkh is now used hy not lege than %i1t�000 people prThee Rn%an Ianeniage persons daily ruing tit b the seclusion of all others. Th. Hermits Istignage is the audible •xprvedon eft 57,n00,0I4 human twinge, and the Spanleb of abon• 01.0110,- OM Among Enroveae Waylay...Preach now takes Iftb place. 'rid when the ien- gnages of the world are ions+deied 1t ie the mveUtb to the eses.01- A O.etewe w aee'n A curtsies weer WSW . waI �oaalrr d parliament., wt -o Ir loan well known nu tM fir••" • man could go from Loser . I4 any needs he More aloha • millloa dote with pro a *rating paper.^-` he we•'d Hamel --1 esti% rise are • (sabre. Nettle--f:wlkR ye. - mead odae vilest c "AS SLOW AS A Sn1AIL.• Nevertbelew tb. wean $.p,110. tila•df N Iib f ver,t►iai Ne Ne.Ae. There are s nur..low little walkers that roue • marl' :semi round our gardens. You l,ttr often seen and wondered and ee- et timed over theta The} are said to be .1,31 AI"! dumb and blind. but. after all tum•.. area becks. and their *lowness. too, 'he) set ivage to walk • good ileal by keep - a: it. mod 10 get their living alter a fashion of their own. Three „tails --for no doubt you kn.ss the familiar little creatures --live upeu the tenderest kwriae awl the Immo perfect frn.1. ,(thega ruk•u. the the suwils cahoot be .ii iu eery eiatpil cresture.. fur at least ibex kcow rnotash to select the test of all they tltai for their denier. The »nail huan hi. Bittner by eight, like mans other animal.. Anil he baits pleasantly per,estent wet of %tieng .t raig(ht ahead soil 6111%41 lig over everythieg whieb wont,. in bit way repel. have many pruii*ritiet. Of t.iir,e you kisow they carry their boners meta their twee.* Tbeir lune* is made of a prettily marked shell. While a Knelt walks atom: ler rums& out of the 1 w. so genteel a sten she does it ' but +.till teke, it :doter with bine Natur Mr Fp&.reed 'yllebub, with red heir adios tell us titer when a ,mail want, to sod a pug node parts his bur in the middle, leewer-ren aweww... Did it ever strike you hose few ef your awres•estasoes are °oared to be what they are ' Yrs Smith, for Instaec•. a thick• awkward woaIaa, re beet urea dsias res brtsettly style ; see sway. her, chart, airy right., sad im.giaes that nobody discovers her tht.k ankles through this uasaperwt rube Mw Jones with so more brains then • Woodpecker welt. • a why -washy I mi tatiee. us lhckeus or Mrs. tirowuture dad suppers that she deceives everybody els as well as herself that she is •'. gesso's." Mr. Noble hat heard some oats say that the great its Juhs.us wee a rough, plum the rolls when .he roes and milted if she eras . tied iwthwiih this Ltlipuuw struts might be heard. Of °o11.,.. the women all about iwuluur •trr)bwly he menta with torsed around to look •1 her and to listen his pert incivilities, sari roralluntug Mewl( to "bet .esmed to he sa weld proceeding with the idea that be is possessed et the ten- leaving received permission to speak, she u.lectual etreugth ut his model. asked . Mu. 1:LW itas great admiration of the ' ib 1 undent•ed t hat 1 lois this church she tikes the upon the same footing as the me'' "nig Iles U.lkcr c.arersee. meaner m winch M1cw %talker lops les -- The minister answered • All are e, .tally with an tutetroast b•ir---10 the simplest re. tom children of the Lord.' mark . w Nt.e 'Tibbs languishingly leashes, The 1 are to hive all the rights splayed yes to.•, whru ah.. eddr.esed, and feele by the .filen' she asked, with • toss of her head. • 1 ou will have all the rights and the ob- ligations, belonging alike to nae and breathe he moot draw' himself into hi, wears • ted velvet wautteat to match his w�,�e, of hang Christian tires below• Isbell to expel the xis (nen hie hinge and fiery lucks, talks disparagingly of arrugs• The woman clasped the back ot the chair .,nor t a it ler drew: eons air into his 1 tow, women, in verse and p, and trusts P°d morel." The, ...wine to hle x vers elaborate he has reached the sublime height of that before her, took • swift survey of the lutes - alai lrtwWanase way of breathing. and it tetomparable snob, Lord Ig} run. log coogregetion, and snapped turtle this is belle hoped the taail doesn't have ti do Mr. Johnson, a h.. never can :nose with. •lureti"u out wattling his lege in eometk,uit, or knock- copy 11 hat 1 mean w ase u whether 1 can e o it ryes rapidly. the sae Ohne in the churen as d i it is x curion.fact that the spiral pattern mg wmeththi dura, fancies brneelf • greatm of the snail's b.,u4• nearly always turns "ledr» men :'• women whether he shall useAr. .•%*r[Ium.•A. lbauu1 be•(rr.•o drcos'' ins trate right to left. Hat rrcca•iooally a ever make up histo meed marry, and effects ag eng taetly w snail is foun,l with bio snail pattern turn. the "bulbul Moore idyls of talk, rias through the .remWy. The mummer big it: tlw opts.tite direction. 1 .recoil. Ruth Parsnip, who has freed all her lifts dalliedmtmadam. yhe na you minoo-.' turn, of till. sovietise variety is regandrel a, ,o the cuuu try, nater saw • pie in her lite - sot she Hate tbey horns' and what do ' l sa 1 serve a aa usher'' :c :;neat euro••it}, and if you erre tied nae • j� keep it early xis tear 1,1 the ori:anwmta of they eat ' Ruth marries, apes all the city , Can 1 the centre -neon Lla" your reflection. The .1.11 is a heavy one, customs, obeys Lady l.anguerb, exct es the • No..p•.s P m:ark•.l with brew,' aripr .and the snail's ire of all her country teed*. and the de- 1., • Can 1 reed the prayers and othei•te as a d% is gr..y. Ile enjoys Itis dinner* ape niton of her much -loved city equuntaaese. la eschew a your absence' r bis slow lr$w u lutlesisnx11 %umeier. lin w In tact, to he crural 7 u t:•r xptlnrc•h of wiutrr he rrlrcts a sung be The 'Disaster wiped ben gla..es, mopped for metier. reel there he nukes a rko•a rover t his brow, his facetlushmg now deeply. The for hituwlf out of 1.•xrea and dirt. fasten- of some woman Iaapeeted her kid groves leisurely big them together with a sticky fluid and thea returnee to the charge. w high nature has provided him to do the • Shall I have • vote in church matters " won._ ' Such a privilege has never been custom ---- - - ary,' answered the minister. ' We follow Denims Deese ase (flea *be teachings of the Apostle Paul, who be- Onee nn•re is An attempt to be nude to hewed that women should keep silence in EQUAL SUFFRAGE 1N CHURCH. a woes es Two the Deny, a, Mousy ie akaeflaUe libelled. It r habit Weems A Wes Wiwiwasted frame trwe+eer Warr TM. raying ti .e t'swm eaee. ually atlled the adman of aanghteene l0000sth A Deaver epeeist to e New Yark Sue ns, e trust of all eelk sad ether trill Nye : Ids• .r the rowowloal remise of eowf' sawan tam ps, hlok It by es er desves. hers in that State was wttaered tut Nus- The "000te amply popular bypoo toy. day is iho eeeters pen et .be oil where People who taus ealuatatate cask love it is worm ople bad aswmbied w form a usw t►er hearts, and only rwtl mimeo at w save Latherea C►.eee. After preltw mraary mat Astiares. ld anybody affect w de tare had desettled the ras epttan of mem why arm wormy, or w aou•uat u aa unclean bess ocean. A wonua of more thaw avow thin • Tie: e r ! set whtatt It Is said eu be utete lluace passel an •xinaa eattaoo that was the riot u mot is tee moue. await, winch re utef•ctury to the board of salaeo salary. Tb• a. tnsocaet and exemplary • mrsodity as mu stir ensabout to place her nese upuu you will Ind Ina day's fuursey, but to the wretcheswtches who moues as well as toddy it It the "repreaeetutiveof values" had • voice and the world would lute to whew otter ly it might retort upon its m.lugnere, Fame a thousand dollar greenback to the a i41et of Does IluublaMl tr, a nomad wro:4 r, who will talk to you tn, hour in his prow w• m •bout the do.t. as of riches, thus ad es dremg its own. "You contemptible sooundrelthesod sed Mort.of my creettos,as you well kaow,wsa to assist a uu aao cog the t'si,•ad to give the tuition tivaa. s.1 relief, bat you have pervert- ed are, you 'cat purse of the empire and the rule " sad by • uveas fraud osay.rted me to your own base uses. How dare you impute un to costly" ufap-eott of patroitlsin- pledg- ed to noble uses- but deteel, .las ' by your felon fingers. .seleenipellet tgeomumoualy to minister to the uravtngs set your satanic in- stincts'" In caeca like this, is it not obvious that the alai set the money, is the rout of theheu:. evil' If tccuttog medium wen in- deed the source of all .to, how mold the reverend clergy endure to take It _au re- compense 1or the shepherding of their flocks ' I:eslly, it seems to us that money is the ba.. of more good. both spireual .ad um• poral, than evil. It builds cad endows churches, sods missionaries to the besthea, ted* the hungry and clothes the naked and as to thtevings, swindling., and other cremes committed to the struggles to obtain it, they would be perpetrated just the same if it were not: for wbaterer honest men have that is worth possessing rascals will steel, and if there were molting etas to pilfer, they would rob re of our very teeth to keep their lead. ia Inst nosey. then, be rated at ats fair ts, valesad sot berated as an emanation of the Evil One. It promotes the highest sir tae. of humanity-, and without rte tntluence it may well be doubted if free dd.ro, honor &sa respect would not lack theta most +olid foundation. looked upoo ID • prover light, • vehement desire to accumulate • 'big pile' of it by fair means as highly mentonou and if men would deep the nookand deel•re n. openly their otive and principles, what n now rolled ldoutaoua worship might perhaps be coesidered • creditable reverence 'or • great *octal good. reretrq. And eys dserailsers the tail OAu to ouasptcuot. be riding with Ihetr bobby. -Fat, nuw•- Every body fate toward t'ee% sig 'be Last kis.'.. 1 am only a little stuffed kitten, all fatted Yid out of shape. Here I am under the tours -•.k, .sed here 1 must May Will Mit !weep ing day. Viten I was new andmy ISOM I looked almost like • live kitten used w eamy gulag out then, out sow 1 em ashamed to be seen. Gertrude left me tut In the grape arbor all night. and when they took nae io was very wet a* cut ethave aever sen well since. Twit•' when we were riding Gertrude dm me end the Barrage ran over my body. That s the ramie* my is to ed Almost eery eatorday La nt I am scam the bathtub. The ear that isn't hers was burnt offwhen Gertrude teed to wenn me by the tire in the grate. l'r I've had • hardie, an when fresh new kttteo■ 1 feel very sadtot is that I ran never look lake them again. Rut 1 know when sweeping day dues come and Mar takes me iron, this horrid phos that Gertrude s brown eves will new • scan when she sees tree. I knew just how she will bug and kiss me, and hold sale tight in her .arms when sae goes to sleep. eo . este happy wattauhere for sweep:m day and Gertrudea kisses : hut 1 cane help wondering where . will me nes time. -1 ostb'e Companion. r•r..rot - •L _ rete nerte`tie Sonitl�e Der- °°lora the chorcbes.' toms, were b} gentlemen as et -ruing d I This plainly irritated the woauo. for she tins'.. This tines the itinoraton are the retorted , Satst Paul was • bachelor and l eelthy and 1rti,tie Iters 1-ufone who in he was unfair to the women. 11 he had their organ. Aglaia. given sketch id amus Once lived to Colorado he would have rand :t, tar oaght to nplsrar • trrnyed for the im- s 1 for equal suffrage, and he oughtn't to be portant intact km tailed Bluster. d ) t 1 h taken es ss. example out here where wcme ' l'Lr Ares. axisists •d treat 'amt knee louke.i have their rights.' breeched of velveteen. waisttswt, %ilk d The monster pounding upon hie hymn +tacking+ and buckled shoes. The color ppm book *sad the words just spoken were ir- is left to the wearer's choice. but quirt b back reverent. ,.hole.. such es brown. purple, bronze, ren.- cry ' lust us hay an more of this,: he con set. 'set:r green or Week are roti tend- ked eluded, ed i 1. -gin with. and ttltint*teiy more in tint the woman he'd her rrouod, pMrwuund tints may ha toed as public b ' 1f you are going w run a mean, old- test - i:..:r tr. rilucgtel ler ata npprecia need. down East church you san, bat 1 tion of velveteen *ymphotie.. The won't min it, so there.'.he said. w-aiett+..•tt .bt•nId to of stint creamy• . y d I t d h I see "he sat down, and for fully to minutes white %ilk, comes. brurveled. watered or h k the whole congregation was deep a reedita- otw•rwi,e. It le strongly urged that the team. Toe minister suggested • hymn, but whin she.uld to of white l'orab. thinuer that dragged frightfully, Os, ugh the men seal softer than the waistcoat. arid, pre y strove to shake tiro roof with thea voices. f. -rattly. whiter. This should be onument- 1 h l k The monster dr•ak a glass of Ice water, s..1 with i tunieil-down culler. and with mopped hu face once more, and suggested frilled cuff, haugio.g down low upon the that the sister had better think over the hand., the wilt sleeve to ing cut rather 1 matter for a week, when she would probably %hon in order to display them fully. The an pp g come to the conclanoa that the exulting tie Hof thin white silk. or, if dieprn.euI conditions hd best not be disturbed. Then with, a fe:tttre nimbi he made of the at tide. h be Il loud t he called the hat of acmes and asked the ap liar:nouy should 1e preserved between the pltoaits to come forward to loin no the final velveteen dud t:.r .ilk stockings, but the act The men came readily .aowh, but the latter tired not len fierily be of the same women hesitated, decoded thomeslve., aad calor as the upper garn.pt.. To add to kept their seats. The ooestratat deepened the effect..if the% dna., the hair, according over the whole congregattoa, and the eery• to the III ustra:lou., should where 1w0.ible ices closed to the evident relief of all. It be wttrtl..lotig now remains so e be sewhat the fate ot the use cbureh will be. The taro of the Kan There is no doubt that ental suffrage in A prominent pnysictan .acs that moreColorado is porssa ttiag ell society, sad ie questioning I than half of the ear trouble. (runt which 1 °Ot'establtkd custom. and ,people suffer during the cold weather can 6egk t tediums'. 1letracedtothe habit of picking at the ear- with the finger uail+ or hair pins or some tither hard elitist once. which irritates theselicate inside of the war. Instead of this.. injurious "picking." the ears should he washed tint with warm eater and a little motel *amp and thumnghly dried after the operation. 1f the ears air sense may a littlecotton ay he put in before going Otto the open air. though this is apt 10 retake them even moreensitive. In ex- tremely cold wrather before venturing mit, a good way to clean • tothe ears is t wrap the corner rd a towel around the fin- ger. and with a- little cold cream carefully wipe out the auricle. -"h will remove every particle of dust and well really pro- tect the ears from the colt. but it can re•arcely lir recommended for regular n.. _ - • Nle rs.tlag Sere. n He was ut en adept in dauciug, and be knew it. and whenever be ninde a misstep he would ask hit partner anxiously: "1114 I step on your fuer' The young women grew tired of his re pentyl *potteries eries at Mid. and said '•You must think 1 have as many feet as pedC • centipede. *n't you tell when yrrr step on w leafy.* foot'" "Not in your ease," he amid gallantly. u and there wee sch w world of nteauing 1p hi, voice that elle forgave hie awkward neem talk -the spat. teller fur Queen LII. maid the ea queen of Hawaii's dearest girl friend, -you 'aren't happy nn less you are mixed up in a revolution %nmeh.aw, err yon."• Nu," cam, t the reply "My ate nuns that way "I'll tell you what you ought to do. You ought to buy A hicyele ICS a greed deal cheaper. Wilt } on cath have *1 most as much trouble witch it." . heeled Dee Basket. Men who have been married feu or • do, en years are too seldom famous tor extreme courtesy to titter better helve.: but we times they are, theles., very 'thought- ful.' That was the i' case with Mr Silas •r- kius who took fes wife to the Pike County Farr. Mrs Perkins had on her arm a • et cootumug the dinner and supper of the r p The crowd grew dense, and Mr. and Mrs. Perhaps _began tc be loetled • good deal - 'Hero, give me that basket, eair•y,' said Mr. Perkier. That's reel kind of you, Silas,' said Mrs. Mr. Portents, giving up the basket. 'Kind of sat" exclaimed lir Perkins. re seting the iasmuatioo, '(.oche 1 was afraid you' gat lost" r.•eli.$ Ie gsrelawd. Le hotel of .tndle.id Cambridge I'M -Irl-, on accol 111 of the ungrammatical rltten by their utdergrel,'atea, ,iuirtid that Engli.h (ant1d' itiort 1e u ,.,.• a peer of the precious exanuinatiuu, „u that en i:taa;li.n essay be require) of ..i caunot.•te, sur honors. The blain' is ieut on the prrIwratory- schools. Nis Iws%nuary a adlttea. • "1"on het / time enough to wines in when at emus," reliant Red Nr Keary we. sine, M the or gree o: A heated diewua- i. w Mighty rood thing you do." r► Il.ogry IIi,gatua '•IIS you ` 1 wuild lie mud. Lea&t- a.t'- w 1. Iwai► r •1 .o St. Allele., Vt., egutI m, w1111 was • .erneg rat of . rev.'s bunt and ... and the under De was glad. Little boy "That ret ghat papa writes with isn't indelible ink, is it Mother "Ko.- 1'n, glad of that." "Why ,.. '•I've spilt it all over the carpet.' tee was 1 tab* Teacher Now, 1'&t.y, would at be proper to my, '1 ou can't learn m• notba"' Patsy men. Teacher Why Patsy -- Cassa yes 'suet. ta.,•...•em e w.king • .,• . • .sauna .,.e ...r wiry esoea car greened 1. tbah W.maa'• Adaanee le Japan. Twenty )warn ago the person, of the Emperor and Empress of Japan were ,.aered. they were seen by rioone mere high court officials. and cern to thew the Ern penrr s fare must be veiled The Em• press now viva.; the free hiwpital of Tokio and talks or gives present, to the pati.nta as freely as in any western land s M•.ate .1 a Moat IH.1 in old countrles the lower orders, a, a rule. have but a low vitality. It may he triter to say that the vital volition I. weak in the learned ,ettle the definition The fact is easily amounted for iDuring gen rest inns upon generations the majority of European populations lived upon veget- able food. like the majority of Eastern Asiatics. and with Itis %ams result Hard l*hnr producer herd mi se lef, het veget- able heel yiehda* low vital tension. fn to awy :soldiers know 0 well enough. The pale faced city clerk who eat+ meal twice a day will outfight rind outlast and out *terve the burly laborer whoa big thews and .inews are mostly composed of pot* then. corn and water. --Marlon ('rawfore. in The 1'entnry. Mae Ileellwesd ins Vallee. The Prie de Rome. as. the object of the ambition of every art student in Paris. haw ,h -I reel .o much In value that it is prope+et to abolish it it carries with 0 a traveling frholarehip in Italy. and the plea of thous who attack tt is that a ten deur paw seeing it wastes his talent is g lee n.h suite, len of the Italian maat.ra, ✓ her ylien developing it by the interpre- t* on of nature The artlptor. Hoehn, the leader of the •ntity:nista, maintain. that this prise Is. only recanted rho pro- goo. roger+. of the gee*t men wive have obtained it in the pasts Paw Mr. Pn.wietiona. A Perlin theok.ggi•n preifets • great war in I14p7. a new Napoleon in Ilius, • ter - rifle .arahrynakr Ie 1101 sad the wad e[ /be florid is ier N EW CARPETS. •Sale -%..al t ■ t t S * drr'' ':°s '' '4k± ;Is. i The largest shipment of Carpets ever seen in Goderich came to Col- borne Bros. last week. All new stock and new designs.--t.,n,,.-yaii 1 dung Thickhedde, who has graduated in medicine,u veru food of giving wase op•nnoes on all matters. He heard ea elle r:y lefty say one day 'The greatest farrow of my Itfe is Chet I have never had soy ehildren •Ah,' said Thick beide, 'perh•pe at was ab hereditary. Did your mother have say children Subscribe' Tea Stamm- Only P1 • yah►. Tb• t'aaary turd. The canary s • hardy hale creature. CIeanlioes, an even temperature, regular food, sunlight and • daily bath are .11 that he requires. Like all other boweebold pet., the canary suffers from overfeeding. The best rule is to hod out as nearly as possible the exact amount of seed the bird este daily,: when the s determined, add • tnfle over 'the amount repaired, apd regularly teed as nearly that quantity as possible. 'rhe best seed only should he pur•hesld, .ad that abwld be procured from • ridable bard store end not from • druggist or grocery. The most popular bird food s (:.roan sum- mer rape, or c.o•ry and millet an e. seal pro- portions. To these staples should be or ea.tonally added a bit of apple seed • paste made of equal parts of grated bardhealed sees and *read crumbs A pace of cuttle- bone should be hong within pecking discern w as to whet the appetite of the little .sag- arr. T►. perch a►owld be twice the ear- cumferenc• of as ordinary lead pesoil, and the tioor of the sage should be sprinkled with clean sand. AJrdie loves his bath, and daily prov Bion mutt be mad. for it by plac- ing the are ever • shallow bowl of water. A mistake is tattoo made by keeping the herd fir hours is the glaring sunlight. An hoar of euo.hie. • day is sufficient, .sd there should be caution against imposter the cage to the draughts of the .naniest window. The atawy singe readily, anti thrive is say temperature earyinr from forty to seventy five but he resents • sudden ehaag, sad succumbs to the least suspicion of a draught. Th. greatest enemy of the caaaey are the day and eight Ibe whieh homily annoy it to death. As exeelkwt Genius powder for tile purples perfectly harmless to Ib bird, caw be height at say reliebl• bird Stere, add should be dusted over ti Mrd's body The sate, if of brae*, Should be retiwuebed, and the probes renewed ; if the rap he of weed, it should be thomurhly washed with warm warm water rod soap : thee it should be Bested with vanish sad the crevices treated with • eslwhila of bi- chloride of mercury At the fret appear- ance of a fine white deposit, vanish the .pot immediately, .ad the hue of the rimy pests will be dertre ed. If the bird has tie wppaerance of • pee hell„ it ...l•riag from indiro.tios. A simple remedy is to let two or three drops of easter MI goat on the eriskisg water, and thee feed the iseald on hemp foe two .e terse days if Male pee_ sstently refuses to reg. be meet likely hes bete impelled to draught. and i• ..W.rine from • cold. Add r the Making water we drops of pareisrb, a Scall teaspn .ef■l of ely serine and • Mall piano! reek madly, . ad add to hie regular dlewawns of feed crated Mg sod caro••• pepper No Mrd . beeld be the Herm 10 Sere het if the porter are properly *leased. The remedy. however, is M seals the feet is emir water sad rubes glyesriso. The gleeerine Sherd be applied email heeled. M W Wee Ow. She serial 'coyly ee his seely brew after the IaNsefel queries had bees tasked. 'Aad &m I the nasty were roe .'sr kr- .4' she oohed enRly. _tall, yes -ts.osesseely,' he whispered M e ehentrd est. Gu Rt CONSTIPATION. G'BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA/1) SICK HEADACHE REGU LATE THE UVf.R1 ON PILL A:TL 1 EF.1:'r0 INSURES 6000 0i 3E�Ti7iv.1 PRICE 25 GTS.T41)0035 t ?, T , They can suit everyone in Car- pets, from a 10 cent Hemp to a $1.25 Brussels. Ladies' Mantles, 25 per cent. off Short Ends of Carpets at Whole- sale Prices. New Prints. New Ducks. New Ginghams• New Cham'Jrays. IF YOU WENT a os os r COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. C 7 W.C1. T A SPRING SUIT or an OVERCOAT of First-class Make, Good Material and Latest IStyle, -CALL UPON - HUGH DUNLOP, The west -al r tel\Nr, Peal M Mak or removal. QODBBJOR Ste am. Boiler Works. MSTABi4SHRD'it>r.) A. S. CHRYSTAL, $ueree.erre Cbystd re Mask: Manufacturers of all kinds of Steam ary Marine, Upright b Tubular 9 Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Irost Works, etc., etc. Also dodoes is Uptight sad Rerlsestal Slide Valve Engiaas Automatic Cot Off Marines • maelalty, All dem et pt • add pipe -littlest oanasat!7 on hand. feetlmares tarais►ad on abort settee. R.tairlag promptly &traded tea 105-Iy P. O. Sex W. iioderl°h.0.1. Warks-trpvsnit. 0. T. R. Station• Golladma. DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU nee Wen e . ease t, Diabe1,M11CitMey Prete ere -, re uDiabeteseert laws.*, i, w Bedard .r .seer r help el odea a • yes. pus bbi men ea wns gide Des L. A. Mini • 00. ?er.NIS. ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINER R. W. McgENZIE1 can supply you with a good article at a low price. STOCK COMPLETE IN_ l+1 Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and - Farming Tools, Paints, Oils Glass &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to gist. tit a call R. W. McEENZIE, The Crabb Bleck, Godsrick. No Stones, Stems, or Dirt! II 3E CLEANED CURRANTS N,er Everybody Likes them. CHAS. A..NAIRN1 you, ')nlert ;oliciGtl THE GROCSS THE FINEST CROCFRIES... 1 GOOD JAPANS (No. 1 DIRECT), sad • fell esaortmet of CIIll(A, CIIOCIERY AND GLASSARE AT STURDY BROS.a, eg Test s�gws, MoLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR APO °Tana TmrreD aaWIDlne. Specific and Antidote for impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye • .le.pta..om., palpitation of the • fiver ownplaint, neuralgia, Toes of breachltt, 000numa tion, gall stases, jeundios, kidney •ed urinary dews.... Rt. Vitus' dance, female irreg. olaritles and renewal debility. LABORATORY. tODiR1tI, ONTARiO J. M. MCLSOD, Proprleter •.d Ma.ufaetarer. - YcLeou'. Merin Itswoveron e•a be bed from .11 gragidsits In town. as well esteem .p Iho dr .. bsweea *mnul sad fisataelk lfeemaY. Darhao .M Tssemo. '17 1,. PLANING MILL. 11711111.511111 Iglu. Bllchallalls & Rh1Jllas aWte&rnamt• BASE, DOOR and BLIND Darien laall Waft or LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES Aad bender% seaterial of every M•crlptti School furniture a SDecialtT. Patronise • True Competition. TwatOawasmeet kAp.wax a TetasaaPU has been c 0 am p.Mle • inneiaso w.rvem w11b flttfl► gag gm lm tseat ba.armiM lea tteslesse eetersdes .ad 1• the interest .f hawsers. h esservea the _i .t eve! psalm we* ''Wyss. gempMNLadeseurehnu and glahoi Man asis w Id..lei ssoasfi• • THE "ADVERTISERS" FOR 1895. id MORNING, EVENING, SUNDAY AND WEEKLY EDITIONS. z.esivs Iipalu o&n Journals Of the Zlghast Masa. Commercial Advertiser. 115.tabllsbed 1797 PaWlebod every eves lag. New York's eldest evasion atewap per fhtheeriptin Weds. 35 Morning Advertiser. rehabbed ebliovv�esrppys apse�raltadt.. 1110r M011es� twelve, tenv'srrlpt�.n peMsv pa ref YIN • Sunday Advertiser. Now Y sera most Sir W3100Apepinrlgase/ s.ero the Use. M air plies 'deo 31 per year. As an Advertising Medium TM ADVIRTtIMltw bene seearperw Meresrftla.aalAWer weaed ~WW1 AMEre 1f 1r £•tower. w rani rev. New Vers' s