HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-2-28, Page 5NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - FED. 28. Pole Granby Robbers %Seer like Iron 3 Spring Impertasae. Wm, Sharma., jr. 3 Ky.l (*madam l lothes WStager. .. 4 To 'eskers 11m. K 1 uukett A See Co. t^ Modte.I Herb Tee W . ('. 1:mode 5 Sewing Mosey Jas A. Rend ...0,., 5 Wattled Apply at ibis (Rh le ..,,.,r.. 5 Making Remy .loin Ksot ..,t., 8 Martgase Sat (rosys it belle ........ 5 Dare's flaking Powder 8 (:o.Ltetety Per•lyaed -O. T. (hoed Ue-. 8 Waisted Aply at (This Oaks .. .. . 5 MED McM AN t M- la ('kltleal0•, WM.. 14rnard M.Manw. for • reeldeat et nude - rich. t.WAI(TZ- 1sO.den h. oo weo.eedsy. Feb. t;t h. Oa). son of Thos. Swans I,ir(ht- •ouse.e., meed 4 y• are end 11 mostL.. The tu•sral will take place today ,Tburr days at t o'clock. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. ?Som the Reperter'e Netebeot 11 rest.. Sole i.: Ser team. 1 redo We Let K t a tl►NI•s Amami 1e Takla' Metes, ss' telt• ee'l l email 11.' -ores. The iacomingg of Marsh may be IlpLae or 'weblike. Is either case eddies the powder clothier man an your re.,uiremeals. Miss Henning. of the F•4 M.Le.D'e bieck, hes ust par.►d a ae• low rate os foie L bankrupt stork of sew Wall Posers, winch she Iotrols tomtit below wholesale prtoe.. The winter of tats S. wall soon be but a no odle. nos of i he past. Don't let it go by with ostgsltioo • first claw photograph o. yourself from tWbwe. A bsokrupt stock of Wall Paper. which had bast purchased fur this ..ssee's trade, has been bought •t • low rate en the t by if ies ileomlulI. ('all sod see 1t. Mcl..sii• Mora. MIK FAIR. FiNK TAII.ORINO At ease cast price enure sot..(setion assured. Jest strived. social queer lc softie's and evercesting.. Two Reran extra ass. ready made mereos» • t cost. Mu* be end. See them. It Mat CO M•C. WALL. PA PF.It' WA1.1. PAPIER" We ars maw ready for the Sense trade. Tb• b•skrepg Meek w •hosght era heap. was par chased Is. tub season's trsde, whin:h emotes ueto Rive Fos ib..ery baton denims at Zees than wbseasle press. The Par, Mcl.ean's Mock. MISS HRNSINO, Prop. Ir YOU KN KW Teal day by day. slowly but surely. you are permasently Snoring yoor eyenght, by neglecttog to provide yourself with suitable &mere. wouldn't feu ha•tea te hate them examined. We test eyes wcar•le- ly and eclenta/rally, w.rb no dances whatever ter elimination. W. T. WKLSH. ooticisa. •"x% vitt. liawetina From natal Sunday serviters'iit/•& u St. Peter's church every %y Friday evening. comme•ct•g at 7 30 t. M. J.•n'I•T.,. Srn,r. The Collegiate In- stitute Literary Society eaterranelent Fri- day evening on the Opera House should 'craw • big bouse. Mt.. Johnston in her recitals in !edam costume comes highly spoken of and 11r. smiley has • big reputa- tion oe a humorist. Tux M. K,t ('s.g. -The corner's moues* :t'o the death of Hugh 5IcKay took place Thursday morning in the Court Hews. After the manumit ion of a vomiter of wit DOOMS mod giving of medical testimony the airy brought in • verdict that death wee mused by a clot of Mood in the bras pre .(wed by natural causes. Ftot r•TIo]A1. '41 -Mow will he preached a Nortb•.t. Methodist church next saltb•tb, by the Rev (.so. Richardeo of Mount Forrest. is the Interest of the educational institutions of the Methedet •hursh in Canada. t ollecttoes and sub- sertpttons will be %Wee up both morning and eventsg u aid of the fund. To l'naaasro.h@nT.. Kindly remember that esv.spss sotunug only manuscript for the press, go through the mails tor ems mot, but they most at be sealed ; alm the old admonition, •' writs on but one side of the paper and spell same of people and plao.s plainly." ('orrespoodesee should reach tbiM office sot Inter than Tuesday amnesia. Ho WAS Teems In the tows teemed minutes la.t week we meted that councillor Wihe. was •beset from the unease. We have sines Pureed that he was present, the mistake .canter is the original manuscript from whieb the minutes were copied. Mr. Wilma r ase d the 'regulars' sad rarefy, N ever, gives km ooe0Mtaate • Maw to say that he is dsehet ia his duty. Sao •a*ssw'roi. Ca1Jgao,TtON, -The sacra - mast of the Lord's Supper will be selebratd is Koos (lurch sets Lord's day arning. 'olleetio.M en behalf of the peer of the son- ("IlatialL Tk. prepsrntery'service will he held ea Friday evening, at 7:30. Rev. Al unlink McKay will preach ; .ow sppli- nats will he received. and esmmusio cards distributed to inta.dieg ossamasiss.fa Pam IS1111 Cn'aerasULAay. --it hos beim denied t. Tedd • oeuveatisa is the (curt Noes., Hamdten, ee Friday, March 1st, of .11 meaty monists* S. the Premises of ()a- teri°- All ssesobks thee aae ewe ars .ordially invited te .mired. All these M- tadi•g te moa to thi eenvas5iw meet prw- sere • serttisaes free railway agents at o netime Wet whieb will be Mewl in Ham - Joni .d will mine them to a return joar- xy at • reamed fare. *0m -ft It IRO This Writ.. The (kids- ✓ ob :oderoob Ory.. (ampa.y has dread down far this weak in order te Mks Meek, hat will mem work next weak with the fall *im- plement of .tea We Imes that criers lays hem ems*" In wall darling the prais- ed •sass...ad that the em1M..y of the Mier hw.elMrws.d will he to berme. Items the ream mas.pmgst • m.triat- lem • i.am Mimes m k taken pkg. is the mares srdMeenrd. A Delo. am ow Ragman - are offs idled be alppes NI Stine se easar'ren•es whi.b fowls. Mimes, _dher is the dome verbalU albia ways ididdee i Imre m/@ w had whew te- le t embd by the time mil gerrww ale Ile Shale.. periks Sf plat • hop a doe% end publibely In be shish 11 onall ebb es overolled Whoa the r.wdl0 old haft d . 'n @Pad b► oopp.taals lee rep Whit guilt • mem le 441010 le 1 ways. in the kept Moe • eft •r yields o tafuetss, •e ttltmealy obld it Amine mei mord se obsour. J• sassad pla*s, the crime wbbh le eneokded is mime as • manias to others who ma Ise tempted te stray tufo sta. 1t is Sleds, of • newspaper to fallblally picture the rya sod sorrows of the day, mid when alis the story of ruined homes and wreck bees, the details of that story may wars t ismoest away from the putt abet leads destruou. a and to d..th. When a feed no touched by the revealed au N 00 u worthy member, • newspaper sympthi with it. •uaerug, but mors sacred ev thee the sympathy is the oew.pupere dot of pristine the truth as a warmer to Were. smite li..sem New Era Conductor Crawford, whose boa u is t:oderich, doe not often hams an opportunity to visit the enamel portion of a litre town like Chutes. but yesterday he was wandering about tows Wm 0. uuconoersedly Om 11 11 was his usual pastime. When he got here os Wednesday night with to tram, the storm was so bud that he had orders to proceed so Iurther Thursday morning the track was so badly blocked that no traits were amt out on either the (;oderieh or Wirigh•m branches. It is said that K incards» and 1'almerstoa branches are so deeply imbedded in snow that it will to several days beiore they ars clear. Tris aro again ramming on the (.odertob breech. Tile Cer.Altaa. The 5104100 avenge lists, Mies Jamie Kates, soprano or alto, Albert Rises, tseor, and H. .1. Rises, bart- tem, are coming to (.ederish to held some of their maga meet:egg of picture, song and tory. 1 he meet lags consist ol short p ..he., *sloe, duets, and trios, presenting ;ospel '1'emperaop 10 a new form. ('art of hes meetings will be Illustrated by meaim f a powerful ether oxygen lime light. They have retw•ed the highest endorsements by preen and pulpit. The einginv of Mr. tad Ise Rime is worthy of onus. Kugstoa Vine ; Their meetings have been inurst • ng and instructive Ronne t:&vette: Among keel singers that have ever vetted our e. Treuto Courier. A hearty welcome all. Slyer collection rat the door. Sleet- g commence sharp at sight o'clock each vemng. In the Temperance Hall, 4:ode. ch, for out week, csmmenctng ruodav, arch .ir4. Uo •u.day there -will proba- y blithe usual Gospel Temperance merino., Id at 4 1 , o clock m the •ftsrnos., and • w meeting at the close of the eveotng ureh .erviwa, is the 'I emperence Hall, at 15 o cloak. r Aller a isive s Mbre The me w it afar oboe.e charged alter w defy W hits% and paid mat ++4 the large plate gid &.tttyy r' ♦ to beet mere stare wee embed to "'be y ar.okug up the metre oo Tusede arms out was made cod hes epplrweUy e ared the whole ghee from gulag. ii A Wbextber to the t•eoetemposheee sd Herald aria u lately ad mid, •1 have )set bees reading in my Bible, •t lee so .tan S ett►tea,' sod I wast to pay my subscrip- t* Me," Aod Dow the Herald mss washes that 7 more of his subscribers were Rtble readers. •' Several trains were delated on Thursday me by the storm Monday'. 7 A 4. trate was s• compelled to return tieing uanble to ret &ey- ✓ further than four miles down. A snowplow from Stratford cleared the war early a the afternoon, the 11 A. u. trap •rriv shortly altar. COMING AND GOING. KNOWLEDGE tag Brings oomf..rt and improvement .tW tondo to personal enjoyment when rightly seed. The many, who live bet. ter tiara ..r hereand enjoy life more, with lee. expenditure. by more promptl7 adapting the world's best products to the nerds of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the rttuedy, RYrup of Figs. Jte excellence u due to its presenting in the f„ret most acceptab'e end plena - silt to the taste, the refreshing and truly berieficu l properties of • perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds. headaches and fevers and }•crouncntly curing constipation. It has given eat isfacti.on to millions and met with the apt.r.,v;l of the medical pn.feast..n, because it acts on the Kid- ney -s, Lever and Bowels without weak- ening them and it ie perfectly free front every object tinable substance. *Syrup of Figs u for @ale by all drag. gists in 7'.c. bottles, but it u MaItu- fa•tnrtd by the Caltf•ornu Fig Syrup Co. only, u hose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well iofo.rmed, y.,u will not octet,% any aub•titute if offered. Frank (Tett is wetting in town. Gan lex was an Toronto last week. P..1. Lyan is .bits» to fort Herm. J. 1'. I.uby, left on Monday for Chicago. Mie Amis Murray a vimtiog in Ihtroit. . Jsln ('Tuff, of Seaforth visited town this week. P. Nevin, 000tractor, ho. returned from • tnp to O%taws t. 1.. Armstrong u on • bunnee trip to the yeses City. Mie Edith F.Iwood has been severely in dowsed the past week. Mrs. 1'. Martis, who has been very ill ler moa time b tow ea the mend. Mrs. F Jordan and d•ugter ({eta, have returned from their 51.11 to Srestre•l. Mrs Newton, of Marysville, Mlrh , is vetting her mother, Mrs. P. K. Wallace. Ross Price, from jolt aof»usts ie slightly better. We hope es", Wear el his compote recovery. Mn. .la.. Wataoo, Montreal st was the g uest of her d•urhter, Mrs. J. Straites, Thorndale, last Wer. Revs. .J Edge sod H. Irvine, with tree. Acb tbuweek in Torestoattendiog • r "Oe Epworth Ieague G. M. Cox ;mho hoe been head salesman m W Acheson & Son's store here tor the poet five years. has, we understand. secured the position of mammy of • new dirt grey establishment aboi e be imputed eat u Tileooburg, (het: -$ik &AtRD O.Us1Mos March Lt. 500 MINERS IMPRISONED. Irian clerked and Oast Ammo er Mew ties off. Feb..'.t.--Tb Deily News says that great anxiety prevails at Normantoww owing to • peculiar accident that has hap- pened at the Whitwood- Haiehmoori alliery. Five hundred miners have been imprisoned is the pit by a collision of the cagey In which the men ascend sod dr.cc .d. Ti. shatters, se %,idly damaged that it use rages. A while rep$It"t4e to the norie a. Hi s 0 the e to ID rl M b! M e 8. Tijk NOS' ---Some time .ionwetold 05, rite peic @rsrally we btu... by lblet' LRrebru•ry .i5. woe • grog suceesa ea the • ..14. 11•. reduce.' our stoat' 1,u00 and at tbekesitet we to.,:maiamifem bloc. We ed- vertteed o the 11111Weed weekly papers .•d offered to iertfes considerable to get out by the lith Fsitaary, but owing, we presume, the financti depression and seventy of of mosey, we did not get • mingle otter for our stook. Kona morch•ot la town saw tit dunog our sale to circulate the report that we wanted snore tor our safe than it met tied therefore we had no intention of sellug out. A. to the selling of our tale which is • new one, we offered it °t4 lee than the m•sutacturer's present let prion but could on sell, possibly ea acoousr of our wanting the sash and safe, can be bourht on three years' time. W think our intentions to sell out will not he quest -owed by it single sue of ear customers or those who pur chewed frem us duns, the sae. %1•e hope they aro well pleased with what they bsught. If not they may new return the g oods and have the money refunded. Fail. mg to sell out by lith February, WS decided to huy • complete stock of now Spriog goods, pen of which is now being opened up. Raying now mem buying at the low- est prime's roods were ever sold for. The manufacturers have to sell low, corapetium use keen aid money os alarm To keep increasing our bonbon ws lowed offering special inducements to cash buyers. W. will eoatieue to dverts's, nuking no .tate. taro» est strictly true. We do net intend to tell the puha!%» ws are selling below most or tt.t we sell • me dollar vtice for b9e. or a 50e. article for 29e. because neither we nor any other merchant can do that. We intend to keep only reliable goods which we can glt0rante5 to give setufeetioa it every way, and to sell at such figures that (.0451ioh sights. will be able to buy dry goods at the lowest pekes geode were ever sell for. We respectfully solicit the con- tinued patrons., of our old csstaml.re and .ball be plowed Moes all new owes who may wine. (lee now deerti..naat, .l.un. A. Rath. LOCAL. BRIEFS. Osr local legislation meet Friday a.ee- iq. Neyeral caw of diphtheria are reported .Swed tows. The small hay •d the ramble are new se the %•pia Keep yourself clear for Tuesday, Mar. 12th. S.as ilo mem that data Thom feathery bsr•Ids of Spring, the nobles and crews, are with us vain. The "asawtifel Spring" cranks will prwb- ably be at in full bloom before easy d•ya Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and ger- Vie= were held is SI. (:esti.e and tie. Per's. Rem. F A.Year will preach in y ictoti•-st Mmtbodit Mundt mit Sunday meroiag •d eveehg. A progressive mere •d d•neiag party was held in the Liberal resw we Monday ..ewi.g- The 8k Matthew's Te esgs ••d lit eery Seeley will get Mid a mating .gat Tuesday evening. We are plemed to here that J. R. Wil- liam. who W hes ••tbsely ill ter eves two soothe, in es the toy be ,s. , cry. Marks Bre Dram** Os well knew. es the Sema We& O.. wto &spear •t the Oral Qeer. Ream, week et Mara SEM. S► PMrblb Censers is billed ler Mash 181b Mansame preparations are beim slab ler • ma enjoyable aitiiq pall p.rttate. lar. Rev. Dr. Mealit ddreed the Gs@e@l 3bmpsr..se mesY.g held i. the Teo- Rail i o- =117eitherier proems Rm. Jas. Edges palmar of Rea4et Nett, Ake eherek. le la Tussle Wei mel. es- Ihe Bp- wwM 1.eego. Aelotis 1 Indorser. The Rower* Lague 4 F McNh ll4 fes • . "AlItl w• ties need Miss emslin et 1.20 Voir A. N. Paw W A. Bills ane sad 11 :of named X .rariaem arouse; awaitniereiews of the Rept' kl>lfed miners. As tea bolt the mime ofhci•ls decided to attempt to reicne the DWI] by wow of another shalt. THE HAWAIIAN OUTRAGE. isSf•rd I.a. Meed ►y Perlsry - Will I:.' eramesr Mose? 1 A . r,.t i r a, 11.1 . , Feb. 25. .1. ('.ataton, one of the throe men exiled from Hawaii for complicity In the recent revolt, has receiv- ed • letter from Honolulu whieb exploit's the reason why so many of the remaimug formes comparators preferred baouhment rather than stand trial. A.hford,the ('median revo lutiontet,wasceevicted0operjursd evidence, the letter states, and although this tact was proved at the %nal, he received • heavy esn• moos A gallows has been erected In the jail yard, and this tact, together with the manner In which the teals have been co - ducted, makes moat of the prisoners glad to get away from the islands, in prof Preece to eetrustla4 thou lives to • military commu- eiee, THEY POCKET THE MILEAGE. Owe er the Selfsame,. tae Patrons Nese aimless carry Members. Toronto New* The Patrons all stayed is the city over Sunday while many of the party politicians used their poem to go home It is hardly necessary to say that the Patrons think this is sot • quare deal. "These men," said • I'•tros to The News, " draw 20 seats • mile from the Provitso, to travel o. Dena( tie maim they um their paws mid pot the money in their Twenty mate ie a.nugb to give a mem- ber four trip. home ; that ought to be enough. Whet we belie.e is that this milts age •Ilowssce should be abolished altogether, asid that the Government pay a lump sum to the railroads for traoportatia for she members during the eeeioo only. Our bill against tae use of railroad poem by met - Imre will probably be moulded Meg that lice. it 0 mead te bang it i• ea epee ea peri blas ., THE EDITORS TABLE- HAargit's M*,.*,i * Hairs for Margit is, ea goal, strong Ih fiotio.. It metal= the last chap'en of Riebard Hard- ing Ihvr. "The Pi -theses Ab.s," the (earth instalment el Thome Hardy'."Hearts 1e- .orgest," and fear short stories : "A Cali - femme." • See Fr..eiseo ova gory, by Geraldine Uos.Sr ; "The Seemed Mweuri Cesepnmi••," • humorous episode is Idaho ht•tery,, by Owen •i' Owe. Water : •.LLittle ttle Day,' bob" die adventures of ea 5•d lees• meat maple is the metropolis, by Sarah Ores Jewess :.•d "An EverydayAffair," • ns realigsketch et Copenhagen lie, by Olga il*0b. Te. Itet,,xu,w. for Marsh i the great spring .umbar, •.d is the lame Mee of thy magazine y. psbfi•hed. The fashions have an imeremed vales through Meg the Arm saborthrtive proneemeereat of/ the striae soda There In amide ea the sperissaee of We at a training enamel Mr errors, tith as Casebooks by Mia Trois* Rhhgl•.d•r Jess. lira Carrie M. D.orL.., -prinelpal of be tSeems e•skaey aehg.1, wrta•. of the mob- il( et seamy ea as mapieFmgm icer Weems JempNae Aim RgM of • prise work mod lib et the theivetellyet Mi*bigne. The beenewIte well dad mai e( mime is the ears el Weer. eseb ry Ire the moth, god Note ea log be where will llme thesewaw begaa Wbe setthe De me. ell orders w she ilgUnmew Mw+. Q.,. SI Tbbs@M, Tterenuts (IAA) A3 P'-5-- l 110551 worm. Too0vlamMs amara MASAw. r Nabs. MIL -A grade r 4445 et11ushor is the imp eha@s tsre.sty d Ogamsl bash Mi, TM es Memel_• pored& Two _ „tails of opeold bokseet eft 'Mee**, illemy sad Yin iota" by S _PIM er the title rem nos Jae of An.," a new historical romance wall begin in the April number of Herper's Maganne. It the author is one of the heet-known literar1 men !mystic and will continue through the remaining numbers of the year. Mutts times from hasten • material, and skerchee made amid the mopes of Joase's career, will be contributed by F. UM blond. The *umber will open with se Article as " Our National Capital," by !ulnas Ralph, with illustrations characteristic of Washiseton A tleetteg and occasiesal phew of the French capital will be treated by Richard Hardin, lams tit en article entitle!! " Paris le Mourning,- with illustrations by ' some eeterteming observations of "Club Life Amoog lot casts. " Venice in Kaiser," by Arthur ••;ymons, will describe the most picturesque modern env during a season of tautening religious observance. Alfred Persons will contribute a descriptive erticle no "Autumn is Japan," with many beautiful illmatratioes. " Progress in the Public Scheele" dump/ recent years will be dammed by Hon. %Villiern T. Harris, l'int• e d States Commissiosier of Education. mportant protects ever midert•kro by e mber with tbe first instalmat of Presi- rative, " A History of the Last t,marter- Cratery of the United States." net this will be always interesting is proved by the statement of the author's plan to Ms readers in the introductory paragraph, in which he tells them that they are " going upon a rapid ex:tursion, through vam tract*, with frequent um of the camera, and not upon a phieal aurvey." limb instalment leDirirlareafilled with what was ones the mesa - timid iwisiod• of the day. whieh has bees preyed by tune to he of great historic- al importance. The first isstalisest deals with the Csited States at the close of the described are the Chicago Fire, Um Tweed King, the Kies of the Liberal Party, the K • Klatt- Klee, Rack Friday and the Treaty ef Waskuegton. Peek Widget is aocompanied with • naives aeries et illus- trations, draws from the best mons sad suppi•mootod with the Lemon» of rye wittier.** so that the story of the quarter emery will be told picturesquely frein wrath to mind. This eerie' is of all the mere importance because them is as book ie existence that gime • history ef oar owe limes for these who are brim in Wm DM. F. R Lode., of loads, ()uteri°, and • paper es "Medical lumina,' by the l:ev. A. C. trews, ol Toronto. "4V511. in Loo- " by the Rev. W. Harrison, and "The t;radh ot ('ppor 4'aoad:an Methodism," by Allan Rom lava, C.F. , give much interest- ing information. The Rm. (;sores hood. dialect Neefouodl.sd .tory, "How the G•bbrtes i arse to 1 .uU Cove, ' "TM Star in the East' a study .f Loudon lite, and "The House on the Reach --o strung Tem - perance tele -form the lighter rewing of the mouth. The .tory of the extraordinary ,areer of John MacGregor, .t "Rail Rot" tame, tousder of the Shoe black I;rigade.ud other splendid CIIO1Ities, is as laa:soatt.r u a novel rte fiat -claw illustration. are • strong feature ot this meg•nne Those of '1 aa.da by the See,- dud those illustrating -Every day 14fe In LIble I.am,1e" in this nen.her are ftp to the hill. -overage. Now is • good urggJ,u,aeby number. .uan.p a 4ugit lad•--yi1j i ier vent.. 43 ter rax month• , 20 meets }er lumber. Tomato; 11-Illr j;r. lye.. M.eawensy 11 MSG 1)o sot fail to sell ea i'r.f. Ifersnweed at the Albion Hotel, Tuesday, 5M Marsh, and ewe the very Mtest styles in ladies' and [sats' hair gads Uos.ult Ism with rotor. mos to hoer hair. He wiU give yea the beet advise free of charge. AUCTION SALES. AUjpertiee Battles their gals Mlle plated at tate elle* will have • free .isles Inserted be fhb net rap te the time et ease. FstDAT. liar. 1.t Anode. sal. of term seek at lot 12, iabe Range, &blind, at 1 e'eleek P.M. Jetts Griffis •retie•, Jae. Dings prwpristae. - - Two pesmi eat einem of Mersa Pardee, ••d Dalglieb, hhtf?ilaie arrested. stewed with mains maHa _ the TheBabies Tubby NM In (ar..sbbsr.4 Deposal t mbar the Cow Mn. Aare is dispem. Theme Melleibt el (brass., h.. been guilty 4 Atavisms* Ned ors IAN Cy gad (borne Davis h.s hem ememil en & aistdh)r ,barge. Another tutelo -roti it was bid at bent Oreswbh ea Newby grandirg te pubes tele aY. ro. * Imprbwmlmt of Not ; w[is slM . . ese. hoe egesewl-Mow _girl • Cannot Sell Out. I'it Stock is reductol to nearly $3,000,00, and a wait to lolly VII' Stork en Woe at a fair figure seems Witt teem boyu.sI our reach 11 regret we lid not ii'I I a n1a11. We advertiser) in the daily and weekly papery, but olid not get a single offer : we we have decided to buy a NESV SPITING STOCK end go rigid on wIlinu with about twice a.. notch team in our business (toiler as we had lwefore. 4 bur Selling -Out Sal.' rap to tit' tir.t of February was a grand .ueee.y. (bels are now being .old by the ,nlauufacture'rI4 et very low figures : they have to ,ell low, (Honey 1s so Nfaree and competition u.) keen. `est' ha%e considerable cash to put into New Spring 1itNNIL buying now Means buying at the lowest prieem goods ware ever .old for. aril to in- crease our business we intend otttring'pecial indllleetueltt. G1 cash buy- ers. On an.l after Friday, 1st March. *te will .b.Iw• :l4 iii. ()try or Factory Cotton at 2. c. per y I .:1l in. wide Flannelette. warrant+ I fast colors, 71•e. per Seel : good Cotton Shirting, th•. per yti : $3 in. 1)ress Ginghauts, warranted fast colors, 61e.: the Ire.? 121c. and i.ic. Print• for 11 !.c. per yd. W•' are always plraae.' to show goods and have valued compare, 1. Your trade' is re.peetfully solicited. :27til Feb y, 1,•!):,, 0" '„ F:DICAI. HERB JAMES A. REID, TF:A, A Scieats& •Herb Mixture containing 'BuMoe k, M• a d r a k e led ether Borba. li rte T PHARMACY New Toa Maps 1l. in Karl Palau 1l;tw,t„gl '.1':I,I Flower (iIteerie R..Ort l,j, 1 Mmol((% a I • tIN• 1'jpaln ( )atBr.al skip Ctiettlither comp:* .1nekey 41414, Sultana Honey Dew 1 t'OCtut 1.4.tl'r• a Carbol:,"tran.parent! Thew •ofhp0 , ural,, in Chicago) are 01 tine quality, sn.l, tuts ing • bard seam ,ia1•nc Y, f1l 1'uw h l.cesger than way other toilet mpg, - Joniatt'i. Block. I:talrrich. w•ytAll the l.*h 11 ►Iat"et .•teti,lttoa • . t 1n Sirs• k aryl freehh AT CH.1S. i►,..11.141A 118. ` • •Sid M edali.t. South aide Su1aN heisi Ceel I)ru4gt. Lgorlch. Onto This 'l.xbcal IIerh 'fro I. uusurpae.a.l au N ••getable l'athartie, Ihut,ti. anal Mood purifier. Nl.ke. v Quart of Medicine Volt ONLY to We keep the productions of the On term Chemists' Maculecturing O. The TH following are mese of them • The O. C. F:Y1?LSION, :',o.., (50.•. 14. C. IMYR. HYPOPIt(he1PH (TES, ,` STAN 11AHt) SAIt$AP414111.A M F.DIt•INIC1t. and other. Mir You can rely on theme mii 1iettirs. WI. C. (i1 )0DE, (.'beinjst, Albion Block. 0. C. THE WEEKLY M11-MCKT 8tPORT, Cense- er r r be Ommomm Feb, 4A, INN Fail wheat, 1oew, Sanded 0 er'M 011 N P•rtie maim oat Ing,. this IA int: r, for Flour. tautly. per rwt. _ 1 p) to 1 it.: Spra{ buUdI.g or sri:.m.•.. flour. Fall. per c 0 r 1 .i ro I dot - Non.: F: Flour, patent. per cwt i! W to ID Itran, 1► ton. S 1 oo loll 00 1 •m preMtvd' :Ls.do ,+:.r •. •, .,.....• ¢. r,,,r Shorts, S ton • 11 ail roll 00 1M., tar HclaiueHs.,,.w mora .,d r t••r Screenings i1 ton... .•. 12 TIO tea 010p =•far Maslr. •^. end ♦. (tab. a• hwh ., 0 w to ) Ilavleg thr hest •... or In ,'eem.l• n , aork Prse, 01 bush .. . ..... ......"0 S:t sae 1. Fuarosha'd, Harley. two rowed. • bust 0 g) to 070 te Hrl .. ton 400 41 to 7 no: Potatoes, a bush, new. ......... t1 1. 0 l3 Mutter, o Itce td100 It IEWarg*. trash unpacked. Ii deiall to 0 13 302to:t5. W 0 IS to 0 XI Hidre !Mtb yQ) Mheep Skins ..... 0 3S O , .o Live nem 3 Si to 4 W lemeed lion eMse:.t,) limo, earth. d le Tee 0 t1 PAblle Mottoes. CI 1'STON C(AWISt:. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of change. niust 1,e left et this ()thee not Tater than Sti .1r ley noon. The Copy for cbangea must be left not later than Mon day noon. Vague' Advertisement: accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. 1 Mixed Mail and map.ese Travelling °Meso SA1t0 TRUNK RAILWAY. rem AND TO anDa t1C11. aaflve. . 1e.3O a, ma Mixed 1_S17.40 p,m. Mail end Express_ ... 9.50 p.111. D.ni. hgPANT, Midland Ki erne Mail and Express Mixed. . US a. m. 1.:0 p.m, SI_ poi Situation Wanted. ,NTE!), RE$PRCTARL}: MAN sad wife to 1 ve o Hachelor'e home. Wife must be • geed emit For information apply at this ogles. Wit `1 TANTED-GIRL WaifTe SJTuA. ins as gesarsl servant. thoroughly es. srriea'ed. Any one wishing such leave ad- dress at this Moe ebef ispeelaa3 netlS S `i. o..B►HNSTON, BARRISTER. 1 IictWr, eommiselfyq.err W- iese. (Moss : car. Hauntsn aaaa rat. An drew's-eta. Oederiob• pet, 304 APPLICATIONS FOR THK POMITION of caretaker of the e:entral nohow (loderlch. salary 400 per assum, payable monthl7, will be received by IM undenign.d up to Man•b fad, Duties of the poeitioo can be tearsedatm °MOe in the Town Hell. WILLIAM MlT'HULL. Secretary P. S. Board. 3344 EUPHLMIA A. M, I.F:NNAN'S I.INi- MINT-- for exur•al use only is • posi- tive cure fort .Mai diorama hip disease In flammatery rheum»tem. Woe back, lumbago. sore throat, weak and sore lungs, bruises. ,tiff joist*. rupture and all kindred dimmer. It has aloe been found a cure for throat •Rbouas. In herrn. Price 75 cents. None genuine witbont hay• leg the trade rsork oe label and wrapper and K. A. McLennan's Linitnent, Ooderich, Ont., stamped os wax seal on each bottle. Manu Metered only by Kophcml• A. Mcl.oaan, sole patootee and proprietress, Newgate tit, node- rich, odorich, Ont. er t MMON& TR It ROYALH(YfRL NOW OPEN for Onsets. Me. Roamer Tame rem. bee leg thoresehly renovated the old I.ter..tlea el Hotel Kingston street. it hostess leased by Mc 11. et ItRT, who hes turslehed it In moil toetable style. and by earetul attention re the waste of %rases, hopes to waive the pains tette of old fries m and • liberal shale of new Nana 2 73-Iy ORTGAGR S•LR At (tandry's •anion Roans. Ood.vleb, ea Satetday. Marro 5th, talk at I p. m., theem will be said the South half et Int i, the South hall et the Nanta halt to I.MI f. and the lsslb belt M the North pan et Lel ewer, ea le As. 0 Weems nhtson ?swami" et Pe.M7 M Norm. er sena, the O'penaor Arm ifsr tenter partlent.rs me 'eaten er apply M cite.YN t x811'% er a (soil_ TRONA' GUMMY. Atletl@eeee, Oslerl.i OM. 44.85 4 M. de Baal, the Rete Aerbeemdgr at W bent elitetl the pgt et Ni.- bier Ib Atm!. sa.smties a tb. H•flding material mall noael. AT -i' 1 TR(lR PItP`S$. 13 sewn Iota to lel t e away ._ l'wll and hear about them. KiIH)'s PLANINU ANI►SAW 0111.1. Near U.T. 1t. depot. 'ODERICH Fl1CNDRY AND 11A('HINS WORKS. Farmers Try our new horse towers. pride 08.1. "the Fleury plow. Sr, taking well. The Hnu.'iMini land re..,.r i. the try.i at the pnee. 0".:. 11*. ter ('ornr ck hinder for sol.. also .nopi.•uu'ntr from 10e'W •.ford, Fleury. %%atenti and other Orme. The lundling of the 5Ie.w,•l, imple- ments has been trenefern•.) to Ihiugannon ae it is claimed 1 solo them raw cbr-ap. flow pointe reduced in once. )'.'Inge ms'le to order. leash for metal, 4416-1f J. H. HUNG/MAN. NKWCHOPPING 1111.1.. -TRK SUR. 1 scriber heeler put in a new sat of French Huhr mill 111011114 Irertara.l to b all kid. of (trait, chopwng with dispatch Mill will lar running on '1 meta), T'hun.day sad Saturday every week. Bron[ in your grain and get it chopped tad home acme day-. cape city owe ton per hour, First ., lee. hotel end stable accented i ion clew by. JNO. M. PLATT. Coal an.: %Void Yard Property lbr Sale or for Rent. `'ALUARLK FARM VIM SA OR to rest -West half lot tea. ICO., In the township of A.hfleld romprieing 100 acres loving vii acres in Fall wheat ; the farm is tooter tin• best of roll 5 -al iO : w111 he sold at a bargain and easy terms. Amply 10 D, C. SI, K A Y, Ooderich. r,.%RSi FOR MALE I)14 TRADE it ILI, sell or trade ne arras in ('lark Co, south I'sLote. for Su or 100 .mats in Huron ('o.with im- ooroveu.enis. Thi. farm is in good !pewlit,,f. cols from county seat- with uhool house on the pla,e. 11 is well improved. with good build tomo, 100 acres of pasture with plenty of water. IID acres of meadow and Iris war tin.lrrcuni- vatidRt. will furnish 11 young hones with t.: (Attie, with a1 Kinds of form implements. if rse,uared. For tunh.r part touters apply to J. J. N OLiE. Clerk. no Oak. USA. 97 3m Pj OB SALE.-ll.1 IAT 81, 2ND OON- i remiss. nut Wawanoab, IaOaerr,. Tble le• tkt@t• lass tarts. AM tows hot /75. Owe Het. Apply to PHILIP HOLT. 10-11, TALUABLI RAINS AND TOWN PROPERTY POR BALK OR ItKNT,- lot 0 in the flee eoneyes(on. Ooderich town- ship. noanty of Huron. Seller from Ooderbh, consisting of 150 acres more or less. Hare lex 00. nearly mew, Rood orchard of choice fruit. well watered with spritte creek, an excellent grating farm. Nan he bought on easy term., Apply to JOHN KNOX, Auctioneer. Lot 1 l• the broken frugal, west of the Lake road m the Western division, Township of (ol borne, county of Huron. :t miler from Iloderioh eompnaang 114 axes. Larne tank barn, good Mme house 14 .tory high. nearly new and good orchard of ehoioe fruit, ciao by bought ea easy term.. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auntios- ser. Meek A and R. Lake maga, Is the township of Colborne misstating of 05 acres more er lags. There ars on th. Ines a frame house., triune hero and stabling. About 7 acree youngorobard chole fruit, About OL acres of bush. This farm 1. °rsoldeged a Orsta'Jsee grazing farm. The farm can be divided to mot purchasers and bougbteon aM.y terms. Apply fb JOHN KNOX, Hameed lot is the town of Clinton, -Lot (1, Mary -e.... myosins the old woolen mill. noonprising frame house fouhd t• lee with thlmood cellao story r, all .tIn geed starts of rspslr. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Anette05er. -iresillera Wa1a4141M- TIMMINS FOR BARN. Sealed Tamers will he received by the us eerefg.ed tesarked nradart or to the 13th e of Nara► A.D. Ilei, for tLe memos M a beak bars on the Industrial Farm, of the Ceasty *f Hures lose mile Pesti' of 1'11.1.51. Plana and seeslSeettem eta he SOWS at Mr, ♦tet. McMurche's Ole.ee, (listen, frees sow up to 11101 of next Mao h. earl at T. H Me (.Rpm's, reeve M Exeterfrom sew aD to Marsh m•, •ad u the unces's Holes• wine ham, hem the lib of Maroh to the Ink. Tb.l.wl y %..der not .e Melted. or anHKNRY RI talair mss of R.11diag pan. eta Oredltes P. O. KICKAPOO Mi;1)iCiNFS'( B1O11r L aft osegb. as,d (7s1.ia, Wiise's Pulmonary Cough Syrup. PIMMIld Package, et (osdipen Powders, limo o i iii Powder 23r. par poen este es J. WILel01PB PIUDIUiUmON DRUG STOR,R IT 18 A FACT! That E \htlslpr Heada.ch e •Poo .h '. Area sate. ,are ,pet ' !seedy A. n - ' . '.i I /1 Sold only 1. 1 1i. D •. V13, l'FI M. It, .lo,lical Ilii. TRIUMPH 1 1 Is not alone In Ie., rnr w .r•nlpturs. bot two also be Been in „•Ir no..ls.d beautiful designm of furniture. Ir .• no Soso, but on aoknow Indeed (ast, that Ire tarry the lamest and finest stork vii i nrnrtnr• Is town and .n point of clean.e is nuearpeswf. Is selecting prwrsw you ..an fled notkiett more soceptail• ,,r sppropr.ate than owe et our beautiful nee! ,r oat chains, an oak mild net. or cosh, „ pewisr eco, ee., bseutifea proems that meet .11 teemed* an.l satisfy al wants. Superior good• sr Oirprs.n4 low price.. We solicit a compares of totals and price., knowing !hit )„u w.0 Oral our hoe the best mod cheapest, 1' plot/recta( a Op,. alt,. A MITH'S F'1'RNITI'RF: '1TOR} ANI) ART DEPOT. 1h. •h. e4:are. Lan and Saving. Society. 1 1' IN Nor WHAT 1'%117 KAHN, RUT WHAT Yen +AYC.MAKIN YOU RICH. THK HC{tit,. AND SRt•1 K LOAN AND IN%g!TIKNT (v)ttl'ANY. Soto tow, , ameres. Ilolt and Homes. ihiPontrs, Iaee.M Ibnpo'...led *Vary rax 05511. at four vier restper anti"). m sawn (rem one dollar nrwerda 1t eposltorawill sed 11 to their ad x a:,: age toren . end we es, I.n0R5 May he arriired at say time, without data" m the moron', of approved desirable propert. @sp.s ,unle•at• Applleagee receivedby *4*. tisoetrer or soiwitpt Th. comp.., • Mem ere I.r•ared on Neuh Street awl, 1'o,an Ilene miters epees:1. Humes "nova I)Q4.w IIOItACK Ilidat)N. J. H. 1'OLIIORNi. t(ans1or. PvvOrdest, F. SNI EETH :S l'I.ANIN(; MILL - •50 - RAAB, f)OIrR AND BLIND FACTORY, 1 lake this onertssitr to Inform the pahlte that 1 ■m wilt 4. the Mame mondelieteadles all rimers to the .setrarlwells* Dri pared to Oo *Seer .'In,.• of work 1s fey lbw nem making a wtwdow frame to wvrtleg a 3.0011 b.Hdhn with maser. met booster tarslelee sad lit:.....nre faring l. hfalebiss d b1111f1•g mi rl0L mob as Tai .kisgles ane ismser a•pe•lalty F. 4111%117. lider(.i Jal w TIM. 111..11.• AWNA sod omit sf (hr• 3