The Signal, 1895-2-28, Page 4st.'..LaledsLY.e .. 4::""ilk THE 8TGNAL: UODIRICN. ANT., TIURRDAT FEB. !8, 105. �hc citlignxl, el gnat Late and Fiat of Parry liosard, will be bails dusts( the nems&-. Th. eon - Wanes are let, mad half a sullies dollars m rretatssie I still be expended. EollRY THURSDAY MORNING I Y644"16/••eateg, by teeeapkeieaala theth b ,Jet am tAerated Water Works of e J. J. Melauchlia t'empmmv, Tawto, the Pnhia.41rnilsoartok.--dosiariclthd Reetheareet, bsjldug and rwCkIOSIy were totally wreak- tlde and damage amounting to severed thous - Terme sada Mba•ngYs.l of dollars gene O'o gaonth, a advaase $ V The l'ouucy (.unci( of Leaden W ob Those tenntha .. ....,..... l . 011eo of aT daluloaaa+wMw. Ons year, '• I M Leah as Tear aalmL Tear Label I. a wtalint revel ey the d.te so which you are paid up. nee iirt tato km allowed to fall late When a ohmage of both the old mad the sew address tlbas{g no g. atren. adverslatna us j,e�a! ate ether asmtel yye.�a ,e. tea 1•r line for sees aesrtis.,.sltgeate per one for sack e.MpasM tsaertt.&- Ilwter,•d by ams sent• reBr .ass Darr, of cls noes and •alai, t-, per Advertisements of LI.egmst,, P.etad. atm) ed• i etteetlw Vacant, Sit.at(.aa Wmated and Beateeos Chows. Wan nasi eaoeedtoit e Rase sompar ll. 5) per Booms ea Sale and Parisi es gala not to exceed $ Ilse., tl for first mestk. tea, per nab eee•est Sneath, Larger Met.. i• proportwo. sil- lily special wire, the •Meet et which is to =leer the pecuniary bush of say tadl- eompasy. a be eassldsted am sd- v*tti.emeet and chareed soesr4i. ty. local mottoes to nonpareil type use cost Per weed, ne settee. less tbas Ile. Local monose IS °raison t7 two mar per word. No notice f Ian than lett. Netter for churches and mbar ralelouo and besevole.t institutions half cath •owns ••ES. ats..l" MMvse, Sah.rr.bcr who fall to receive Tao diem •L reirularly, either by °wrist er kir mail, will confer a favor by aoriamentty as se the feet at se early a date aa possib$s. Hele.-i..d manuscripts caseses he retorted. Correspondence meet he modem ea Doe side of paper only. r.htbher'. •.SW.• J. C. Le Touren, of Oederteb, hoe been ap pointed Local Travailing Agent fur the town. chips of (3od.•rick, Colborn. Asheeld and We. wanseh. Local postmasters over the district are Ilse empowered to reosfve sal.orlptlon. to Tet SION •t. All communications mum be sddreised t. L Mo6ILLIOUDI►T, Tu SION•L. Telephone call Id. Gods ich. out. -SODLJUCH. THURSDAY. Fig. N• i*. THE NEWS SUMMARY. France has & MINItop.kibit the import - sties of Am:wiess t1 e. Samuel Dana Hegts, • Fardel cantor is dead at 1\-ashingtea Edward F. Smythe Pigott, M. A., licenerr of pays, u deal in Landes. Geo Itioth has resehod New York and mails for Eng Arra tits weak. The 1' •lrunt•s line Vanoouter has reached Halfax from Britoin, The German ttmiebatss Inns road tunds for tour neo armoied Staines. Thomas Headeew, a/ the \ocher SWamsh:p t'.,mp•o7, Im dead is 1:1asgow. The romans of Frederiok Douglass, the colored orator. were hotted in Washington Monday. Matthew 1:anaoe, of North Corolla*, has bees appointed Minister to Mexico. vice how P. / .1 ay. doomed. The ship K.sl.rl:, whose terribly time in the late blizzard W already bees .letat:• .d, reecho.! New Yong es Saaday. Fire on Sunday snor.tng in the Flock owned by John W. Crantos. at Ruthland. Vt., did about $25,000 damares. The rota .dbeeriptioSS to the Amerman hoods in New York sad Landon were $.550,- 000 000. The $60,000,000 was takes at 1.14. The disabling of • Mmvywerthersteamer, at a test is Winnipeg. gids II b • w•pi mos of dirty work by rivals. An street was made. Rem Aberdare, •t w time Imperial Home Secretary, sad IMur Lord }'resident of the Council, u dead. He was seventy - anis years of are. Emperor Willie., •ammetptnied by • largo mag, left Berle Moods" ovuei.g for Vim us a attend the fasters! of Field Marshal Archduke Albrecht, of Anatria• The appearance os the stege of the Coun- tess of Clay* Bale BIhse-sad tl. Mar- chonese of FabMrry is expestsd, ander Sir Auguste. Harris' mesegows rt - The Kbedive received Laird Cromer, the British plempoteomerv, ba Crim Monday, mod smeared hies shot he did net intend oaktmg nay changes in gm Ip/t'i•a 11116 - tatty. Prism Bimearek has recovered from hie ae.rslgia, lied is sow in irmegens health sod .poria, taking keen interest f• the preps- ratias ter hie birthday eelahention as April 1. The Wkataey trolley sir senors at Mali. fax will probably esquire the borne mar freaekigs, es • resale d the ire that de. etroyed the tatter's premie end entailed a groat loos. ���e� leeet.cter de Merry, e/ Ds Jo. has dis- ported so 1'ansdiss soil Sibs Eriokso, hailing, from Montreal. wit* ars• Seeking work u Buffalo, est ked wooed ter •~Iter is 155 polio, station. 1: W. Ross, Mi..t.r sl t4s*5 n, `m, pounced in the Legislator's Msado7 atm, boos that • oomminies mead he appointed to impairs ute sail repot es the Temente University troubles. . Mr. Asquith, the Memo Seo.tary, Mos day istrdamd the Welsh pfIWme.t hill i• the Home .i O_.eltenh awl wo•'aa°- ed that the eameare woe ureses 1 with the hill introduced last year Sir Charles H. Topper Mea�eV. Is ea M. terview, denemased the s+gsYYa° made by the United Mame a.Msrlas• for herr- iy O..diee ss.M le Be11Rie1(l•a. mrd ss• booted te by the Melee Swemea imb Mearns.( eneventlen .f Ills W.(:.T.U. dr limn and Method tiger tree _ In the Fine Aeehterise steeMb. �' �T- •iasa Mi. lilies Il. Mirk lfae out el the Meth./ °suety mks, Iasi' flumen- (renis. died la he away 14. healon, beth eses.nFd'm t rune( es had bon ne-egad a ewe tl r►pbse- tas.t torr altr te the �s ea Ye fnenw a. snt.4 kat kr.. M 111.h • fees melees Mews & ASry lima/ le Y INN Waned power to acqutro the property of ..rata water oo.peosse, with • view of obe*pemtmr the cost The Conservatives op p std the proposal, which the Liberal vote cowed to Null/meat. Aid. Juba W Jew, E Parnell .ad Johe •Surae, of Landon, have seen served with o ,cors th.t on )larch 1 mums will be taken to moat than trout 1 heir sssta because last year's council, of which they were room bore, failed w provide fur • .takug lead. Captain Hoary W. Flowgate, formerly Disbursing Clerk of the Signal Service, Weehingtoo, who bas been es trial here Stew limitary 2b, on two iadtctmeots, charging ham with ombeielement sad forgery, has been acquitted of the charges. The pool room lase between Suspension Itrvlge a.d Fort liras, 0.L, was found to be 'tapped sear St. Paul', Church. to the latter place, nod all preparsuow made for stealing the resulta of the races. The 1. rest North Wooten' Telegraph Co. are looking tor the culprits. \Iia Lulu Lacey, aged thirteen, bas bees pot in gaol At St Cethensss, tint.. charged with pt.outog the .ightee0-moot hs -old child of ens Pierson, of South t:rilnoby. It is charged that she gave It medicine that muted iu death, though the girl denies the crime Tho ease will be thoroughly anthem - rated Aa adjourned meeting of the directors of the Comedian Pacific Railway was held at the heed Mhos. Montreal, Friday •ftert000 to deal with the subject ot declaring • divi- dend After • sitting of over two hours the board rose, without coming to any demeion in the matter, an adjournment beteg taken t sl next day. 1'ne Federal *ecretary of Sate has ad- vised the reeve of t»•1 Erre that tt.e Wel land county •uthontiee, and not the C.oe- ernment should attend to the alleged con - amination of the neer at that went by the dumping of filth by the Buffalo hatbor peo- ple. The sot Knelt ot Port Erie au powerless and wished Government inter- foresee. nterforesee. Sir. %V \' Harcourt, the Hritish Chan- cellor of the Exchr-9uer, is convinced of the futility of soother monetary conference to define the .tato of gold and silver e. • ctr- culating medium. To -morrow • resolution will he introduced 1. the house by the bi- met•iuta advocating au international con terence, and the whole question is likely to bot.•ume • lire •oe. "*h• l'abtset is solidly monomeali.t. I 1 is currently reported that the Tory (';tliinet tourists wbo are now liolding open revival services over the country will presently introduce musical melee tions ou the platform. and that Lion. .1 A Nl' CoLERROoK PaTI ECnou has been assigned that excellent baritone solo, • Every Bullet Has inn Billet.' This will be one way of creating harmony amongst the Minister& eider d what dosy timber SOLOS 01 the Present Dominion ('.biaet Ministers are made. Evidently Mr. .JOLT war right when he said, 'The conservative flover.msot have been long enough in power to prove their incapacity." iNISS Ames Gould( is a young wo man who evidently wants to be a countess and, •• the small boy would say, she wants It bad. She has lust offered • young Frenchman, the Count de ('amraLLaNI, $2,000,000 for the privilege of making her a countess by the aid of the war•riage ceremony, and it is not unlikely one of these day. she may be only too glad to otter another $2,000.000 to have the ceremony re- voked. Many • wealthy American girl has hooked trouble ween angling for • penniless European chap with a long pedigree. BEY*'I E Atha am•1,amation of The Mail and Empire, The Mail used to publish • weekly circulation state- ment at the head of its editorial col- umn, and for that matter so did The Globe 1t was claimed that by the amalgamation of The Mail and Ti. Empire the circulation would 11e large- ly increased, and outaidere were anx- toe. to know what strength had been given to The Mail by the union with The Empire. The desire of the out- side world has not been gratified. for The Mail and Empire no longer flaunts its figures at the editorial masthead. The Globe, however. continues to pub- lish ita figures weekly. There's • sort of •• Fifteen Puzzle" look about the thing from •hu point of view. EuwAdtt) cocoa -aim, M. P. of I'iorthumherl•nd, one of the Tory orators on the stump, has been tell- ing his hearers that if they worked as `hard as he load Clone they would not be grumbling about hard times. Mr. COCHRANR is Correct, but we might say that everyone has not had the oppor- tunity pportunity of working things as Euwasn Cot:unarm, M. P., has had. For in atom*, when fends were wanted in Northumberland for election purposive, the wherewithal was mimed by selling atticert to bridge tenderer* and other employee of the Government instead of Mr. CsCnsa\S paying the shot himself. And by such little ricsino mita as this Mr. Cecne•ee can now afford to look upon the talk of hard times, with incredulity. THE ELECTIONS ARE ON - F R()M a reliable sounte we learn that the �•eneral election has been fix- ed for Thursday April I lib nootina tion Clay being April 4th provided the lista are ready by that date. The date was settled upon •ver • week ago, and that was the reason why a number of the lists were farmed out to printing offices in Montreal, Quebec anti Toronto. By Hon. Ilt'LLo(K 1.111 counting February. March and April, it will be seen that he is able to say "months in his forecast, although in reality only six weeks will intervene. bolding the cueeparauvely tssagnitiasut prsimon that 1 e u dues in the (:over&- went world be chosen to announce the time for dissolution when the able ministers are quaking is their boots for tear the announcement woehl Ire made. The lion. 11*'Lt.00K It as has eti- deutly been talking through kis hat. (*T READY FOR THE FRAY. NoW-tint M. ening* has -r.-- turned home, it we.lii't be a bra idea to undertake the re-orga.Dastioe of the West Heron Reform Anemia tion. Presently, notwithstanding the expressed opinion of the Hon. But Lois Ives. the Dominion election will be upon ua. and it is well tliat every' preparation should be made so *hat Rest Huron will not 1. caught nap- ping. .ks the matter now stantls.the \(-est Iluron Reform Association needs re- or.ani'iug, and it needs r•-organicisg ha.ily. The passing away of the late A. Id. Mseeipt. lost to the aisocia- tine an able and energetic president. Last Fall. the 1 t Vire provident .cast is his lot with the Patrons, and be- cause the Candidate of that organisa- tion for the Commons. later, the 2nd vice-president, who is a resident of East Huron, for Dominion pur poses, sent in his resignation. And so the matter stands. Since the last meeting sof the ante elation a number of formerly strong Liberals have joined the Patrons, and voted against the Liberal candidate in the Local contest. t'neer eonditionx as they at present exist. the Reform party cannot rely upon these gentle- men for future work. and it will be the duty of 1tefonners to close up the gaps that have been tussle by the brethren who have temporarily with• drawn. it is customary after • battle for the ott:.Lrs to prepare a list of the " killed, wounded and missing." That is what should be done in West Huron, and that is why au early meeting of the West Iluron Reform Association is in order. What is wanted now is organization, of the most perfect type that can be con ceived, and then the watchwords should be " Work, Work, Work ' AT Dundee last week the Hon. J. C. PArrsaaoN spoke the little pies that was prepared for him by the Ron. WAI.TIS HUMrnntea MONTAGUE, Or somebody else, std got into • peck ell trouble by . 15g falsely that riot' sugar and tea men INS tiulh*i*. tip to the present raTfamea hasn't taken advantage of hie atual plea that be was misreported, .ad there is nothing kilt for us to do but to believe that the War lewd is so hopslrady ignor- eat On the tariff q.sation tint he did est know Nat he was tallies • fides head whole he made the etanoseint All the some. it is lmesset.hls to era. - HON. MR. OUIMET CRAWFISHES. N1)'T Tong sing the Hon. J. A. (Wi- ner (iger stated publicly that Mr. TARTS had gone to certain of the Catholic dignitaries of Quebec with the state- ment that Mr. Gummi/0' had written a letter to M r. Lat•Rt51*. promising that if the I.iimral. were returned to power he would settle the Manitoba school difficulty. A prompt and em- phatic denial was matte by Premier (:ass:ns% and Mr. TANTS, and now the gallant ex -Col. of the famous 65th crawfishes as follows •'1 simply stated that it had bees report- ed to me by people abets 1 considered per- fectly rellnb(e that web overtures had been made. Sr. Greene., at ase denied the et.tsasest, and 1 gays him credit for the dental, as 1 Dow give credit to air. Tarte. i am plsmd with the denials, es they en* remove use point from the campaign. It has been a common boast of the Liberal speakers in Quebec: that if Mr. Iauner got into power be would, with the •ssutaase of Ota friend Mr. Greenway, settle the school question. Now Mr. 1:rewoway and Mr. Tarte both cs.phattcally deny this. Mr. 'farm, however, in a reoeot speech et l.os- gueuil. addressing a tlu.b.c gatoenar, did net make • denial, but attacked me for hav- ing made such a statement before an Orange audience. 1 made the statement at the time i did because 1 considered my authority perfectly reliable, ono because 1 kusw it would be the best way of •ttrac(wg attention a IL The HOS. J. A. ()CIVET seems to be .tie wive itis a lively imagination, an eitiatf to -4 dirty ',work of his party, a desire to say anything that comas to his tongue that will deeper - age an opponent however false the ac- cusation may be and a faculty for enabling a rather large man to crawl into a very small hole when his mean- ness is found out. ibre of the Lien He shows the cal who comprise the present Dominion Cabinet. The country can.tot have • change t.0 soon. SNAP MOTS. MOAT won't go, although The Empire has gone. -The Hon. BULLET% Parrsutsos hasn't signified his acceptance of West 11umin nomination. Mr. Ives wants to hive the Grits into the belief that the elections won't be held until bee time. The Mail and Empire says Sir 01.1% IR has • small but independent majority. Thanks, awfully. The Mail and Empire has not had any lies%v articles is favor of prohibition slate it took the shilling The War Lord at Dundas said that the ('osiervative policy was the same old policy. Yes. it is the policy of Plunder. The Hamilton Spectator has Ire conte a prohibitionist and favors the return of W. W. BUCHANAN, of The Templar, in South Oxford. TALKING THROUGH HIS HAT. r('HE Nen. W. Humors has in a speech last week declared that the elections would not be held until the weather get warmer, more salubrious, leas harsh, with more moderated wind storms, mon balmy breezes, less frost and know• and when the free and in telligent elector would be able to go to the poll mines his overcoat, fur rap, mita, and •reties, or it might be with a linen duster on, or mayhap in his shirtsleeves and without a vett, or words to that effect. The Hon. W Huu.ot'x Ives was in all probability endeavoring to earn a rep.t•tioa as s Delphic oracle, but from past experience the general pub lie will net put any too mach con. donee in what Mr. i v a nays, as he is in no better position to ..y when the election will he heli Moan the veriest hosier of the great party to which be jeitlp- Haven't Sir Mactalrxis and lila G. Z ,I..rR the leejere of the part7,' tWd -ti. that the gawll*I of dis- solution Lae net yet been dimmed, and if that be the sass when doss this Sees Ives get kis infatuating, eaespe it Geese, to hiss through hie hat f Mr. Ives is sheet es reliable in this smatter se be wee when he wade W celebrated oe■*drtiee et 3,000 per coat. It beet N e11 likely that a mem • • arm evorialWriairrai .>arwv.e cdrt"" four he Last Shot uu dividend on ordinary Moan*. Si U4.11 the, the stock has poiu ts. The Globe 'IiISSitly announced that Lord A esaDEtyt wan dears. The Globe was, of metra, in error What it should have stated was that Lori AnsRDRIN'I preaect Goo -rimiest was dead and was awaiting burial at the polls. The Cabinet Ministers, who get $7,000 • year and A sesaiowl indem- nity, and railway fare at the expanse of the country, have not discovered hand times in the land up to tilde. They will find the hard times after the election. - The Hon. J . A. t e• i st i r has so nounced that if he cannot agree with his .•clleagues on the Manitoba .lues tion he will leave the Government. 1t is now in order for Sir M toss's i and Hon. CLARK V$ ALL.WV their opinion. This Dominion whisky commis .ion is runaing up a nice little bill Already it has cg11t, it is-isisse.i, $121', (100, and now on4V$he tr•nsiatorq has sent it a,•rlaiIn I+oof) .0(sU for translating the 4,:000 Dgg)* into French. Next -If the Dominion elections will not be held until after cern-waving why is the Government so &azioua to hurry up the printing of the voters lists? The effort to prove that Canada has prospered under the N.P. seems to be a struggling industry, so far as the Cabinet Miak tern are concerned. The address of the Patron leader in the Loccl House in reply to the speech from the throne hasn't mach hope in it for Marter and his follow- ing. That was a Sine speech, of ita kind, that the Hon. War Lord deliver ed at Dundas last week. It had Mo raOUls earmarks although the enunciation was PArraalwoi".. Mr. LAURIER will address the Irishmen of Mestreal on March 17th. There will be no question on the or ca.ion as to whether St Patrick was originally a Frenchman or a Sootch- to Voice man. _ - --- The Hos. BeLLarre Parrussee was waked at the Dundee meetiag if he intended to rn■ in West Hama, but Tike the derelict bridegroom who opposed Loehisvar, he said " sever a word." It new tante 0,10 that Tor E.ssav had made up his mind to oppose lair Joni, Carnet., had that relic d Elliottism stood is noesiutios. Tow de the brethren dwell in hammy to gtsther OPINIOI'I$Oi T •5 IN. UissINT5.T i.TI' S. Termite Sar TW t.oternment's in deciding oo dissolution or • semiso is • sip of feu scarcely 'minutest within pro- beations of confidence in its own sireortk and favor with the people. Ley vier .,�f. Trttrr TOON. Hamilton Timm .luso "Don" Sheppard is to take up hie residence io l l:imago. *.a der it the temptation of a god fat sorer/ would chill the effusive loyalty of 1)..i..., Hopkins and their fellow paints. •NI 11. 1.15.1 • PO5.ITi.'5! 1.611.00N. Toronto Globs Dr. Montagne realized • Peterboro' the other day how es eloquent speech may he completely destroyed by the pertinent question. He was diaoursiog 00 the great advantages the farmer enjoy• by haying his products protected front the ebesp farmers' •rroduce front the 1 -otter Sates, when a farmer in the a.tdieace a.k• ed him if he knew the dilerenee between the price ot pork in Buffet,' mad lie Teter- boro'. The doctor does net need tests for hie speeches, *ed he had to confine amid the laugtt.r of his auditors that ne •:14 not know. The point of the query w.. that pork has been ranging about two cents per pound higher in the Buffalo market th.n here, and that, tno, for a quality of pork in- ferior to the Comedies commodity. Cost cuts nt3 figure. Argument unnecessary. Men's All -Wool Overcoats. Mist. the C. P. ht. went out of the bant.een of bleeding the Domin- ion ()arsenious!, the sleek has been going down. At the lest Wf-yearly citing it was redia' M dealers .e Men Black Worsted t hercoata, Men's Serge U 'eters, storm Collar, Storm Men's All Wool Fritts 1'Isten, Men's All Wool Frieze 1'loiters, Boys' Cape Costa,. . ....:1..1.. -1 Boy. Cape ( 'oats, -1.1.4-i44-11. :, . Boys' Pea Jackets, y■ r l (toys' Serge Suits, ...4...s 't, 's Boys Tweet! Suits, .... or It ova Tweet) Suits ....• . • - - . . worth $ G I. 7 PI s•krt a .. t.,,- 5 yid 9 (10 for $3 ell e 011 00 011 4 00 'm) 4 50 1* 110 ti N) 1 SS 4 .*N1 1 N1 1 i00 . 1111 'U Until April 1st we will make to order Men's Suits of Imported Athlone Serge (the best wearing Berge made), best linings, fit guaranteed, for $11.90. The usual price is from $15 to $18. \Iru s Heavy Shirts anti 11rawrrs, ... t a 1 sir •world $ 50 for 1 :i:b Men x Heavy Shirts and I Irawer., ..." '• 75 " 4 { Mens Fine Shirts anti I►rawer.,... . ;1 1 00 " oil Netts Top Shirts, noir 50 " I 35 Men's Top Shirts, .. ...ww.s•'v++ 11► 1 `iS •' r ri" Men's Sealette Cepa, .... .... 1 '.:t 75 M Iles (this oases'. 14,10110 7025 L' .`r4) "iS1.�ii#tm •• •• :.-.. G '•:113 Mantles " ea,•�' " 11 :O 7.'t L.dtea'''Ibat hitt itAP6 ,•`&-lees ; .. .0 " :Irl ladies' Fine Wool resin i Or?''• � 60 •• a5 WW1' Pi.. Wool Vest*, ..`.k. 1 ou '• •;7 Lmdie.' Cashmere Hose, .. . .. ..l...; 25 ," t:11 11 Ladies' embalmTi • A'l • •.4.11. ,r. .:4 •/ �, 15 " a(i Homy AILW ool Whits .. ., .:., •• I bM Hairy Ab! Wool White Iltest r Y -# -2-5-"---6°. `5 U.. 3 or iwrge I*. -.I I'otnforters. 1 411-'x- t M' w These are samples of quotations at which all Winter s are being sacrificed. Now is the time fig,Jhrewd rs to make money. 11. T•ka•I . AK/ "5 1111 ikMINly. Hamilton Time.: Sir Mechem/le Bonell may net have shown sufficient anxiety to "flee the wrath to time" a qualify himself for waive membership in the Methdat ehurcb, but be has evidently gees his beet consideration to that portion of Paul's epistle 10 Timothy which says "But 1f nay provide not for his awn. and especially for those of his own house, he lath dewed the faith, sad is worse thea a.. utidel. ' The following' is a partial hat of the near relatives of thepreoent premier who have bees mp- pointed to office .(ohs M. Howell, eon, eolleebr of eustoms at 'V ancou ver. Charles J. Rowell, son, clerk. Taconic: ('tubal House. W. J. Howell, brother, posts -ester at Tweed. Jams Reid, brother-in-law, assut•at postmaster at $ellevdle. Jobe 1 i. ioore, brother -s -law, mail clerk M se►tob.- .1. R. Philip, brother-in-law, customs col. lector at Whitby. Collector Carson being superannuated soared he wishes a few months ago, to make a plane for him. Dr. Hickey, cousin, superiotsndst of Williamsburg Canal, an Mhos ree.st1y created. Thomism Hickey, ooede, (:rtes. Depart - meat, Mesitehw sew is the Carted Sates. Thomas Paleeees, tither -u -law of John M. Bewail. appraiser of eR.ta.s, ()mews. THE HON. BULLETS PATTER8ON. The Mahe : If Mr. }Nineteen had bees at the grand ermine day, mood bad uses all the Sires soldiers with gess. swords, pipeclay, home and Nook thisge. ready to enforce the mot humble .al.sd.est to the mu.ieip•I sot doe.d by • (int 1:ovarimest, be would have repainted of hie famous ballet -or ballet wpm*. Winghast Ti... The papers have bees soaking great has o► Hos. .1 C. ('cion..'• threat is his Toronto speak, M. other . igbt, that " lie Toting Casservtives would fight their Worse to ee•.n power with thew ballots, sad, if po.es.ry. with their b.11.s*'' The boa. roetltmas did not Sas. ouch • wonderfully bfisedthfreey idivideeJ whin be was is W i.gh•. • .oath or se ago. Perhaps the outlook for reai.i.g kw pros est patitioe and salary are waking htum dim perste. Norfolk e ste- N.rfak Reform.: J. C. Patterson, the On adkan Wes lord, has bass mak* • . one.onW .m .t himself. The ether slight he wee spookiest in Toronto to the yea, Uo.osrvativ.e whoa be made the ea sorties that the year sen bolero lei. were reedy to keep the [Ilei..1 e4 power wilb their hdlem, sad if momesory with their Malleo. A pinnies s•.tl•.•s. rig be have .t the head et • big dwartimes* of the yobbo minim Wit mew Mist en the ..t ma sight he be token est end not this hese he Mesad opts M.. A 55.., at water meld be eallelege for kin set to talk of b.aea (Bones : D OtMslss &Ord • led d hem to Lend= this week. and Me. Maws eiliwd • Ir el eaten to MmMronL N.B. Don't mia�l one BBOE SALE. We're got n tit of the Shoe business, and every pair is marked less than actual cost. tiCASTCOnt jliticalo,oweNxits.0 EVERYTHING TO WEAR. POLITICAL NOTES. The South (;nisei° Libinl Conventicle! will be held on !larch 2 .1. F. Gillspie has accepted the North 1 1 Mario Liberal nomination. Ao•ns'rolt•,N S ,Liberals bare nominated 1'01. Spurr for the Commons. D. K. F:rb, of Downie. was nominated ty the Liberate of South Perth Tueedey. Halton Reformers meet •o March 14 to nominate a candidate for the Commons K. .1. Mclaughlin, of Ludgev, was nomtoeted by the Liberals of North 'Victoria Sir Dosed Smith was nemloted se the 1 oocervative eaedidete to Montreal West. .Sohn Burnham 1'onservtive. at.Y., will resin from East Teterboro, and will give up pbtim. Norah Hastings Conservatives meet at Medoe on Much 14 to Dominate their ems• dolma. East Elgin Liberate will meet at Aylmer os Marc* 4 to nominate • candit1ate for the (;ammo... J. Mclonu has been nominated by the 1'atrese of West Aasinabota to oppose 5 . F. Davin, M. P. Rev. 1)r. McLeod has declined the nom- ination of York, N.H., prohibitionists for the ('o..oat. The wjoareed cooveutioe ot West Btu.. Liberals was pstpoa•d Friday owing to blocked roads. Hoa. H. 0. Joly d. Loth are Imo ac- cepted the Liberal momtaa*os in Perinatal for the Commons. The Liberal somhuuon for Iiisince.d sed Wolfe was offered to Mr. 0rt.as►ulds, Q. l'., of Montreal. Mr. Neale, M P. for Primate comity, Mates that Mr. I..un r has promised him to mama • sooting .f the Liberal party in that meaty. Date not yet decided open. Mr. Charlton,M.1'., for North Norfolk, will speak u behalf d ire. Resew, Liberal madame for North /trees, at Paisley se March 6, end M Wiemer oe Marek 6. Th. Globe's correspondent in Washington says the United States Cesgr.ss has deetdd a submit to arbitration U•nsdian claims for damages wader do Hehrias Sea award. Hes. Mr. Paters.e nod a number of other Liberal weaken .pima the stepaige is booth Liz M Lemeasi nos, Tuesday. The m.N.ing was .rowd.d .d enthueamssic. Trade return. far •►.cavy show • ma - tamed lsltsg oe in experts ad imports. The Astatine in imports is over 81.500.005. The datum cleained $274,000 for W Sneath. At • oosve:.tios of the Liberals of Nartk York held To.iday at Bradford, W. M.leok M. P . was edeeted unesinvonaly as thesr .t.didate for the Co.mosa at the goal Most esoouraging .0.05.1. of libr•1 Crat. eons from the Ia.bt°ua 1s the e Mr. Inter a morally mean .f elm thee, and in the Ke.t the Liber ale are rides/ sad eiredd.sa A srne sassing we. hold in /aeMrT te dimes the temporary disal.wgc.e .1 the irvigatiee ordnance. A ream ati.s wee .d promitiog .girt the amen el O rr menu (i.,.ra...t. Charles W. Weld.n hen hem ...inated for the Comms& ter St Jabs, N. 111., Cly .ad Como*, sed Jeem 1. pro lar the atty. • mem ete=leeholdbentle will be held to malty the Lesion Lleasr,. tea sae Friday Ngbe te .asst a bet et same to r biro • eon - males in ewe weeks to iea.nste a anndli- dais Mr the Oo..esa Sw Jam Osaka duibd Moe meekstion altogether. Maier 1 Seetlis, Dr. • poorhouse, 515.55. W'Mem Joe., T. r. $mtati,nen and Henry Ma.-kha will go b.fare the u event:0e. M. M. itpeut, 000 of Coe translators of the House nt 1 omnton.. hs put Iw • bill of 1{27,000 for translating the' report of the Koya 1 omml.ion on the Ii 1uor traffiL. The account as disputed. 1. Prsess and IA \finer•., French 1'.s- srvtiee papers, give currency to the sato tu.st tont the 4.overnmeot has pldred' It self to remedial legislation in the Manitoba school 1t returned to power The Privy Council met yesterday to bear the appeal of the Kom.a 1 •thous. of Meat tabs o�minst the school law, but at Mt. Carthy s repast fw sa &doom t, p- pined the Mona., till March 4. _ y At Osgood, Hall Monday judgment wee gives en the reserved point r the Went Durham election sem. The infinite for the voidance of the electors was dismissed, but the "barge el kideappug • Teter, the post reserved, was surnamed. The /.bate oe the addre m in the Omani: Assembly Friday was over shortly after , o'clock. Those participating` In the debate were Mr. Craig and for Mc\i.h, who re .psetively moved and .e000ded the address: Mr. Marler, Sir Oliver Mowat and Mr. Haycock, these gestlem.n .pesktsg s the order named. Toronto Telegram : Am.ag the Waialeale to the Liberal nomination is the (.tit hive of West Elgin was Tom Monger. tb. (:tit brother of Hos. Water Htsssphrtse Mostsgne, M. P. Thomas has seam of the Mandy fluency, bat up In Me West they Item. him osly as "Montaig," he Mavis' sot yM ataioed to the dignity of Mantarae. Hoo Wilfrid Laurier, the Liberal leader, is at present spdisg a few days with has family at Arthabasa•. He will shortly ad dress the electors of Ulesgare musty, •t • meeting a be bold •t Ale tawdria. (le Mareb 5 be will speak at Rt. J.ro.e, in Terrehe.se county, and 1. March 7 he will ettesd a ossystion of Lbs Liberal *lectors et Animated at lacbutt. The Maritime Provisoes ssses a be in • modeles of politics ohs.. Ce.ssituensim sod parties ore not satisfied with thew me did•en, and oadidat.e are got .tis5.d with their s"nstituesa.e.. Not est bas Mr. Foster hose turned est a King's, 5 B. , bet Pref. Weldon, the Ces errosive member, is to leets Albert, N.R, 3. F. Stairs, • Conservative member, waste to re tin from Halifax ad the Geld, whish hie parte do got hie doigg - kat they de oppose the earth/aa geminated 67 let. to Alter VW windy, w few him. ( et .et es. */ our ewe saes." "Bettor reg W. A - 1115.k, ' mid the party •....sties N t Kathy, the Halifax Cross vati.e member. wbe named on •(Gm under Sir Madmen. Sowell, aneennoee his determination to re tire ern. The Waerv*tives my W we en the Lan . meensary to same.., and 'he Inas got to be male to ren, ' they &- elate, the pert" hang el the opiates Met it hi cbees fere' el m metro ass M bin as be a .tI xieMmalielmay,a1�1� t..e lII:INMM be .101•4. - Hes om1�e�ieg with pen* wbelenesse oath moveable view end estbdy bee he. Star' ab j•nli.sbf• gesbty. it rosy In he gemedes a *pi Mae : if s•netipW be awe the god% Moody (anode. Syrup a Rs. R... Me. iet hey has hm .hetes as tire, saz► pati&- f Mr �Mfp ti�1•.rs M.SWAmish. Ralwrille 1