The Signal, 1895-2-28, Page 3AmmommENENNMENNIMIIMIIIMIMIMI101111,1.14 .71 ay% et 12411112118Pir. •=so NICHOLSON, L D. S. -DIINTAL Ales roma speeds* Peet Mew Westos., lisiketiee. all simadised sad spooned kraal anewahmiss ea head Ise 'ALM.= mares. ties of liese. IISMAy R. IL RICHARDSON. L D. S.. tonneses aossint. a'.'.l vftslisod abr boors/ foe Waken eallowalag et Noah, otteatisa itaget toolt_yerwirMia• filmed Opera Noose eallressis on Erre mineral anderish. 1166-1• 11111101111d. 511. HURTIBR. MYR et.1117ist 2rIrtniaaalleutillit= Sheer. 41.17 LIVIA isiOrTUS DANCIY, BARRDSTRR, le Pi lowest noes. lionos's 0- 10 lisheiter. Convoyamer. to.. elo. blowy Osibiwas Motel. Dederick. OM. OM tf BAKRIMS*, P8t 10 - la Maritime Courts f/E Ontario Colhone tont. 1313 - - - - - p 0. BAYS HAKRIbTER• SOLICIT leo OK, Ste. °9.s Samba., mat door Illtormt Odico. 1t1. -10 ramie to lead at lowest rates of Intoren. 1114 '1 • RR° W & P ROU DrOOT, B A It- N.X Agora Adarvieya Polieltore. to.. Gloge nob. J. T. (barrow. Q.C.. W. Peraddema. CANKHJN, HOLT & HOLMRS, Hamsters, flobeitore laChimeary,_ _to. Hodertob. M. C. Oameres. QM.: P. Melt . Dudko Holmes*. 1 G. WARD. OONVEYANORK, to • and insandminear for taking sad re seortag recegaiesoom of ball. Madman se allreistasa dopiaitioas or sonata deniers - Nom la or coacesrusany sotiers, ma or pro- moting la tee H °ono of Juane, the Council' Asit ter (1010140. 0. is say (aunty or Divans Cwt. All waamotiose caretuity and prion soestated. Koseilsoce aad N.U. addroso-Dommanes Oat. 111M-tt LAYS aa 1111111UPSIMMIL . KRAGER, CONVEYANCING _ lawaresso Mika. trelositallailialt Hegel Dederisk. If WIRT TO LEND ON 111ORTOAGR .11-11 0,...111_Par mat. Notes dimousted. C. 11111A0iss. ems* opposite Manisa liotel.fied. eke. I UNRY TO LOAN. - 1126.1100 ..00 A Private no& to hood at 141 par 0001. 0. ▪ IAMITUIS IL DANCILY, Hama% block. o ppoeste Colbonie Howl. Hollorieb. ENV FJ T. NAPTIL, FIRS, UM ND A ..a.1.6=Cor. Nordista. mid deems. dad 1..o.enisat ; lowest ern& 74 - TO LOSS. APPLY Tu Mar & HOLMS• Dodo- ✓ ell. irso MONIT TO LINO -A .. A R 11 10 mewl ef Private roads for investssea at Iowan rano ea 'test -Moss Morias. Mgt • DARROW It PUOUDFOOT RADOLIPTI, ORNERAL IN- . ser..os. Real &nem sad Woos Leastest Mims. 0.17 Ilatooless sompaake emprensatell. Mosey to lame ea straieb Issas. at too lower' sem et atoms goisg. say way to emit Ski ourrower. Mee- ego - end deer trent masons. woes 14reas4teodo- lah /11/111MMitort OODNALICII IESCHAFIREr INST1- ROOM, ear. ef Sara argot sad sal TUTS LIBRARY AND irwrlielN111- lop mans. Open trees I to 6 PAL, and from 71044 ear. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 114 LIBRARY. Leeding Dash, Week!, 0.4 Illesisirated Papers, Maitasisses, 0111 TICKET, ONLY tend Ifronting fres um of Library sad Rama. Appliostiess fee isemiliorskip reoelved by talearlaii. farm= J. H. OULHOHNt. H. HAMI LTON. Libreria.. doiersea"=2 MO UNA Asetattsartams. PHOMAS GUIDRY. AtICTIOXIIIR A and inearams Agest. 8011.10. Meat Leedom mid Leamishlre Ye Oo.. 0.1 9'.. Diaries Menial las. Qs. Sokol at Iseded wo le say part el the seuetv. fle-tr IGHN KNOX, 0-1121SRAL AU0-, t. Mom wad Lead Tattionea esderieb. Oat. Horns bad saimelitorabie soperinne 10 the aundeneerIngtrode bri le la a preatkes dneolieripa .1110 110 elnksfaniss all cm modsalems ostrumed to 109.. Organ let as Whillfleesi, or swat by midi to Ids P. 0.„ eandelly mondedi to."4011, OsuMw Aerdisseise Daniel Aiiiiimistatminemat. TEETH EITI!CTEll %TINT PAIN 1*0 ETREL-C1110ItIDE DL RICHARDSON'S worraL Mad WISE 11.001 1111.11T-STIMIT 1101111110311, =T. It MANI me enlindsid senstestien. af*0s siuus10 w. raisetzessia= psw-Zaer: erwil ta-riCi asebil The oily sad easiesive rode le we10 Sedeeise. the Wen stienelle diesevery welsh ersesewied serer le wrest* the nest pals dude, /he sstreceles st teeth for stamps nay NM, le seedy every ease. sad van alba p04.le the oast estmems erns. ISTIELIBI.--03111-.01411,X1 is &Mal ameethere thee arer alms the pattern la the=erseireireiniese se water. ind the ben se earth le reeler the teeth sosionsallIvo be pale. Pinson, sasere 10 10 liewiehrely Illerirebens tee ilisbees. al rho setenel teeth s weelsnr AAP=re dual spereNsee sed dine see alma NM W 4411.1. RICSARDSON. Sew fee ter Alsnsissmi. The &depilate by the Prelim Orme- reset of boots with almilser peg or sr& tsrtIr or of 410.1, 1010.117 seggeste • wee bar el now nese ler titie soma As NNW /Mow ernadriderer .4 .10... 10 4. him Me seek sewed with domino threads ee dee Mee. It ie extremely derebie, numb lisinT, this awl ether equally mess material end wall miaow mend* ear lees strangth been ap..... Another ase for abeeinese 10 Eat the togs of rehrella reeaol *10*10. arml wheel by whirr die, ere bold is 'lam It ie • well eadereased last them many 9.- 10145. 0.0 emegasi W 10. regglag earl break - lag el win that belie the ribs. The a/- spree01 10._.J,.. .J will add Ca; are wipe. to the desehillap of them artesian- & Chrepasere Pbeterwarb- Ifiese-Aelatio, Mar. lb. Maier, Ms m- irk Ime melted me ler my phreepaph he monis to make me el it ler bin het pittlera flerm:_te and it te Mee ? Toe Fes see de se, bes be awe be useless ale\ li • Ogee 01eiedier er ewe elderly bray. It ws he hIgildp I Nedrespisr Oa smil pear plishe br 1.1111111111111111111111.11.1. KING ARTHUR'S KNIGHTS. Meier et tias Shwera-airm There in no parsed of Watery mare gamin. atiaa tem that rousientie chapter dealieg w ith the days of Rugg Arbor, has °our sad the chivalrous use& ot has brave and gal - 10.1 heights. It is Ow period that school boys asis .iwasuesis Moat, and love to beget over, tor it tells Mem of • day whoa id •ebtere ried rosnamis west head so head with beautiful legends rad preemies superst.toma. The thrilltse take el the heights of the Roue(' Table mute up one of the must populist books for boys ever writwo King Arthur's tiouad Table, acciordied to 000 •ersion of the legged, woe a sort of mutual protective ailaubnat1011. composed of • doom of the bravest Iliad moo power:id aoblm lU Got country. Kieft Arthur, eh. died on S4. from • wound revolved us hatile, atm the proem of a tribe of Broom, the Sil- ures, as South Wake. " Arthur," says a famous W.1010 starer, "ir the great bear, as the name Acetates, implies, and perhaps than consults:Liu. boar so sear the pole. and visibly terecribing • circle in • small etwoe, is the origin of the famous itound Tabes.'' MOW IT OA•••• 0l0biN1/110. Hrta, the famous eactionter aed magic- Kiag Arthur's ehlef cosneellor, argen- t:Ad ths Knights of the Round Table. There were 13 mate, in memory of Me apostles. Oaly 12 were ever oocupoid. end those cooly by Komitty of the greatest famne and the beet established prowess. The thirteenth seat was meant to represent that of Jude", tne manor It we kaowa 01the perilous moo. A rash aad scornful Samosa knight own presumed 10 011. 11, ead the earth opened hobnob it and swallowed ha. up, sem, trappours, armor and all Some magic wwewrote upon each seat •he same of the kuight who was mottled to ell 10 IL No knight could meowed to a vacant east unless he eurpaseed in valor and donne the knight who had occupied It be fore him Without that quosiolioatione, some hidden and mysterious form would re pel him if ne occupied the nat, ocd his mune would sot appear ups the back of the thou. 41AT or ILON00. Ossis of the principal meta was that oocu • pied by Sar Moraat, of indeed. Whoa se dint the seat became mrsosat, and reassumed I0 for tea years, became so height we .toe to *bow bravery superior to his. SAY Moe. aunt's same Mill renowned oa the chem. At length Sir Tristram, • knight. who after- ward became ate of the most lomot. among those of the Round Toole, performed some spectolly valorous deed. sod Kone Arthur led him by the hand to the seat. Strums sod beautiful music at once was heard in the air, and sweet poetesses floated down armiad the head of Sir Tristram, shoos name st the name tune blazed forth in lio/ht on the back of the chair. It wog the law of the Round Titbits thot each knight after his admission should .pend the neat tea days to marsh of all epos of adventures, during which time his fellow knighta must downs.- themselves, sod try their strength and skill with him. 1.007.- to eV (writ All keighte adortitiod to the order of the Road Table were further boon 4 Isy oath to assist each other at the barard of Mow lives; to attempt gamily the mom peril- ous adveottires to lead, when necesnary, • hie of somatic solooda to fly to 01014 0* the 510t summons, tad Dover to retire from battle till they had defeated the enemy, un- less night came aad separated the tionbat- ante. The real round table was made by Mortis tor Uttar Pendragon, who gave it to KWH 1:17", of Comely -sr& who goy* it to avbea this latter married his daughter. There were 150 knights knows as Knights of the Roped Table. King Leodograunmse brought ewer 100 mea when at the wedelns; of bta daughter he gave the tads to Arthur. Merlin filled up 211 of the 1•11114•1114/ orate, and Rim Arthur elected Gamine and Ter. The remaining 20 man were left for those whir might prove worthy. Ter TOIITT The 30 knurhts mated with Prime Arthur at tie Resod Table is the picturesque story given M the " F..00111 History of the Re - *owned Ponce Arthur,' ars Sirs Andes, Hallainore, Riaamium Soleobers, lielvour, hersont, Howe, Fla, Galahad. Gareth, Gaboris, Gawasso, Hata of Maros. leer. Key. im/T_ser. Loarlot, laenell. Maitans, Parer, rale - wed*, Pollees. Percival", Sara, Popertalis, Tor, Tristram and Ternicres Other famous knights 01the Snead Table were Anima et Aabia. Bearer, Brambles. Bruer, Carideo the Glenne, Colgremaos, Dioadorn, Dram, Kris, Lavers, Morolt, Per - mutt of lade. Ryser, Wigelois and Way die liar (geed - The feces cm the Righth avenue sick of the Maalsettan Athletic Club grounds, be- tween Fatty -ss stk sod fifty coventli etreete, is always cororod with theatrical posters. Waists *10. 7.51 few der &Imre and highly colored peter repreermare the death el the hereto, is • teradrawas rimmed the attendee el the prem. mg. The prostrate Sarre ef the weans is Ws Nese, red the weirdo '810 1. dead" sprier se eeesise frees the lig el a 0. who is eieeilieg ever bee. One ovee454 two mall Isere pausal is fret of the Perm. They were ragged sad dirty, bet pert sea rusk witted, as mar New York remise are. There woe ea 55- 4010'. line of pedeetrime wine op sad dews the street. Seddealy, VMS rim pitched is a shrill key the rs1010 beim to cry. Rook me rubbed ids 'rimy thee 10 104. eyes and &limed Mawr se 41 10 pia. t.4- ‚.aad loader grew *9.10 y0410 as their perm - eel serertrem mermaid in ?sheerness& Peepls stepped eel pied at the bey* Ss sail Sees s geed-sised mewl hiesited up the sidewalk, and MAI the gr- ains kept op their robot. A sysimethetie yes mama tenehed one ef the her ea the shoulder and said - Litre bey. what is the siettor ! Ten me, mil perhaps I sae help yea " " Ito 711 00.4, lariberod the boy. he - Mews yells. Why sol ? What it • asked the errs - primer lady. " Came she's good ' shrieked the bay, prating to the Peter, and this we end Ms empares gar rat to pale et &whir beghter„ arab se only New York bre me emit The erred speedily dinimiked. -New Trek Gam Yuma Ilemeine Rave. • Sere le • joke bar ladbeepelle.1044* mai bees he sere le appreeleee A meroki• Ilia Wines '.41 o • kat mold el 41 wink Nee, Ann by men • "Mery ass, Anna baisesere men Weep 1*V. I Wee 54 111.1 Johernee WAIF, Ind ber eeir sea we are end mew& es 're oldie Very Aim : "Irk imus. She bee Vree amen beee." Tin • 1 LANIZ tUE O. t LIk. POSITIVE EVIDENCE THAT SHE HAS 0114 THAT IS UNDEIdIT000- Illaid7'• Metes •I al ...low -111*r Calle 1. Mame Hair Nappy allegimy When 80.07110104 la Height ami Sappy- Olibm Ne110.,1-- of famaaratratlas. The °rattier) tiomesto. fowl affords the most is int e evidence- of the posstoriou oof a language that is imolerstowel, 50)11 a ri ter in the Pitt..Itura Isi.patch. There are many decided!) different calls. which if token doe. n ,6 piaoir.g rapt' and repeated iim :I 4.1* 4,,U.5 or aril viotoiloi produce in LereLlitag results I toed but tin/anion a fr. ta11.1••;61.,ar.bte the rouge of sounds the .1,,ivii .• 1,.. is On warm day. when hens aim released front their 4•00p, when their niintbi are moshyturbed laid all nal lire looks bortght and in riling. i hey *nog • they fool -a continuous repetition of kerr- herr- tem, with yahoo. nodal/L[0M.. The ranger never utters it. uor tbe mother hen: it is the song of the happy -go luck /if lien creation. Now let a hawk appear in the sky or on) ciist (insult element. ats e ntirely Glitrerrnut ...owl is heard The hen stops, stretches her head upward, amt, with the cock, utters a decided not* of wanting in a high falsetto.. kss-r-rset And if the enemy still mimics on it ho repeated, and every bird in the vicinity lowers it, head and ruus to cover .14*e snout mays in the gain's language. -.Ati enemy is cons mg, run'. and run they do. the kerr kerr kerr being discontinued only whets all danger i pillet Note the joyous call of the lien IliaL laid ais ('*It -cut, ca - da cutcannel oft repeated from the liett house.. and other env mu, bens are informed beyond any q not um or mistake that 11 es_ nano. has laid au egg Now. when *4.c eggs are hatched we ham other and maternal notes. There is • deep, mono ttttt oils cluck, cluck! that is • wari, ing to other. and a geurral admonition of the chicks to remain near. but it ift not a call Note the flifiereuce when the mt.:her or prowl cock fiuda a worm The cock AP - pears to be greatly excited, and be pre. tends to peck at It, make the guile!~ ben. believe that he 4* about 1.0 devour the bonne bombs hisme41: ail the time he is wpm/ cut, cut. cut -come. come, come - rapidly. which motors all the hens to run pell-mell in his directiou, to and in many instauces nothing, being merely a device to co -..1 the flock *way from 'mune rival. Hut in the ernMe of the mother the little ones always awl some tidbit which she has discovered. will no Attempt to produce the baby talk of the olet hen to her chicks. Mit It ex• tans in great Variety. and is suggestive of tenderness, affection aad oolIeitufr. When beu has her bro..d leneath her ample folds slie often tatters • sound *410. 0-1.0* z -e of half warning and contentment Ind when an intruder enters the coop after dark she utters a high, prolonged %limiting note like softly re. p,otro. ledirati‘e wonder and Might alarm If now the fox or coyote or other enemy • : /IP her how quickly comes an entirely different cry - a *cream .1111101 and •larni. r -i repeated again and again. and so full of meaning that the owner. some distance away, roaches. for hi* 'shot- gun awl answers tbe signal of distr.-m. The eopatar %Vetoes. There is a certain style of woman whose popularity one vrouders One is told "whe is clever." but a clone acquaintance *home her to he but coarse. One asks how 4( 4', that she OA sought by women who ap pear refined and do not 'ay. at leant as fat ise we kniow, the sort of things Abe dom. Yet she seem, to have It mystenousattrac ono for those one consolers her omperiort She tinolouldelly affords amusement to women I .1 supposedly greater culture. She herself is one!, oof towel family and well assured position. but sometimes poor and anxi to keep her bold on old friend's, and she does it b) a hold effrontery and a certain Intuitive knowledge that for all a Tee TOM; refinemen• some few •n10114 bet acquaintances can be amused hy vulgarity which they o•ii1! wit .%terl she play. -dows to her audience.' by telling the vulgar storythe bold jest and the Innuendo which they think themselvee clever to understand, but at which they do not blush They thought fully appreciate her doubtful tales and secretly admire ber emirate. in relating them They will not, however, show their enjoymeut of them V6 idiom a poor little laughing pro- test. but this protest, which Valves their con ecience. really whets the tongue of the woman to more daring *tones, which is exactly what they want. They love the hold speaker who caters to • hidden coarseness% in theme/11I,.. They are both happy and entertained aa loco as they cannot be accused of saying the ob- jectionable things thernealve& They are not. however. above deacribine their &noosing friend, am "coarso-m nded " al - though they enjoy her indelicate *poaches And jokes and prove the fact by constantly neeking her society Accuse any of thews women of a lack of refinement and they will instantly deny the charge. and per- haps add shat they -had been 'shocked at the speeches" of the said friend This I.. however, hut a mean eubterfuge. Why do women with pretensions to cal titration lower themselves by making pal- try excuses' Simply becanne they know that they enjoy bearing some of the vial - Rarities they ha.. thought. They will never admit /00 much. for they ere not prowl of their inward vulgarity, but if they want the outside world to believe in their &limey of mtral they should shot their ears to so called humor which is merely a cover for mak valspuity and underbred inainuatioos, and a* discredit able to the coestast bearer of them as to her who Mg them.-Moatreal WItaesa asmerenthwas In Merl\ Germany. Deering an eclipse all hidden treasures are open. and if 0 o are wise enough to carry • primrose with you, yeti will be able to help yourself to nay of them. No witchcraft will ever harm yes if you carry a water Illy bad about your peratio. ead„ If you should thanes to droun of Mina. you .91 .n011 he happily married 1( 700 eat dental' ebonies you will have tole citadel's. and If you are andel of lightnlag take heed to keep in your hews a pleat el morphlas or lividosio. Sow peas en Wed- nesday and Saturday if 700 4. see wane :him, eaten by birds, pat Moe sourjoiraes la the babes medics *fon empty, le keep winding et a reepricefel rehearse* end 41 70. 4000*551 your Iftt baking to go moony. yew meet Mite bred sot to brag sem dower 9. 110. Mem Beare am ewe* aad vibes see MIN 10107 10 bent. Wb.. ▪ baby MM. Sid Mikes a sew War. -an the Tees amiss. es Se Me. C1er14.-1011111111111 Isms% 1 pi est tees 110. 51,9. *Mb GM The higraer thareVe *001 4. beam& Ilasamm-Weli, ran bat deaI gm bre mem USES OP CRANSERRI • NMI Dame Stays to Blake Stamm r9.$- abl. and Taeltlimeam There is ou acid more corrective than Om; of the cranberry, aod it should ba woo frequently upon our table& Cratiberryade Talus a pout of crasher ries std add oat.. quart or boning water. and stew one half hour in a porcelain- ! abed dish. then pima aud strain Add to Lim juice one pouudgrouttlatadisogar, aad let u conic 10 • null latent) minutes. This will be in the form of .. thick syrup. Skim And bottle for tow Take a tal.impuseoful to a glair of water, and you have a mielici- OUs, cooing driuk, with just ensough acid to ll 1., lemony help the rippetite. Baked l'remberries- In au earthen dish put four cups of crauberries, and cover Liberia wish water. t'over the dish and put it iti the °'..',i Rake until the larrtes an -.ft. then s:ir la rer7 carefully, two cups .1 sugar and hake fifteen minute* longer. Jellied CrAnberne• Cook one quarl ot criudicrries modal they err null. Add one fon pint of *agar and cook until the juice thickens_ Wet a olio. or mould in cold nicer and fill ot 04(4, cranterrie* When relit they v. tl! turn out tine sinol tirr11. 1 'rotatory sauce ro. ne pound of Cran berme-, after 1.1..'y are perked over and washed, allow oh, pound of Kean ulated .lagivr ‘1111 half a pint of water 1'W. to. - sugar and water into a INoreetalrn hectic W el let it (-true too hulltlieto put the her rte. In. After they train he boil milk.* full ten minute.* for booluog. teen pour all into a nioulol. which ion Wave dipped into cold water. this will prevent the jell) from, yeirkille to the mould. Let it *taint all tight or longer. it will then turn out like jelly, and it dill be found to he sweet wool yet tart A largo r quantity may he prepared. as it vi ill keep TA well as any jelly Cranberry Pie --One pint of chopped cosiiherries, our and oue half cups ot * ogre. one half cup inolasvel, 08e hall falp of weber, ago tatate.poorif III of lour. This It AU ' at few term pees Rake with two or I-13MT. 111% l '11 Crenhe Pti4dintr,---1 itie pint of flour. two taiblespainfitho of baking powder and * little Reit Initial thoroughly together Add sweet nig& to make a soft totter Nir in use cup of coarsely chopped cow berries. Steam lalle sod one Ludt ur two hours. Serve with arrest sour. Cause for ze. -hat ,ssi..11 t II, In i ielmend, Wavaliaa= 9" 'Sire you goiug 0,40 with ein inerisaisdent woman. and bow arc you going to teach her never to make !brews,' • All of which nie.t.o. that his 'wife hail jai., been telling ilieno something that .sui used them, but no: her She tots not lived in ber pr... -tit house long One of *he llailtra atoll nib*. Is•;.eres in - and a very ...1 toctief it is, plat.) h.:shawls will sal, is that the 1....111.2111 as !ill 1e 31 the head 01 the holt,. should .lo her •.o,: nuerketing She dropped iu Al 1.o•f blaflier'• ill th. Atteriomn. when she o,. 00 her %%ay bu a not Ole, at i he Opel". and gave an order Another of her p1.re-10r. is to pay spot cash fur everyth4ing lilar lessys, and to run no accounts, but ono this. day she had for g.4teti her porketies b.*. "1 did sok th.on so charge it to me.' she wild. I dkl not omit then. to il, 'Ii*(. I explained tlia: I had forgotten my pocket lima, and MA: 14.7 mem to send the porch/we to my booll.r..1301 ..i Ilse Iseil day when I came agisiu 1 la oulot pay them.' "And would you le.•otte.." she said, (Telling her eye, "ibis: th.) refitad' And I fusel to the:n, •Vrry well. then, send it around, collect. mut I shall not come herr to buy anything more.' So far or good. but -- - "And do jou know." .he said, with the n owt innocent smile in the world. "that I went there the very nest 'la). and have been going there evcr since because it'. tie- best shop and t he most t.ot. et. •ent And they looked very funny isli.-ii I came 1!1 an4 gave to) "niers as itau.il 1 tidal' :leo must have beets emharrassed. -Neer 1 ors: Tribane - - A 11151 ter Vonore iri viten. 4)1 all the varied retninisneuti. of Hob' ert Loan.. Stevenson. there was 41,010 1111111 struck lew as re quaintly significant. a-rtte* Miranda, in the Lady's P5coodal, than floe statement that the great morel- ist.• weird conception of '•11r. Jekyll amid Mr 11*4. ea. traced hy its author to "ais diriot* supper 01 hre.oi-arol jAnt •• 11,- have all heard larfoloer of lohoter. and toasted elbeerne. II/101 part chop.. as alfaiiiige agent,. In the product iota of ghastly ,i,gms.. but who would have suave -test I he apparent ly innocent bread and. ism of lawsessing such dire proper: ies• When we rerwiliber how gniessme was the cen- tral loiern of the Jekyll and Hyde ..tory, it hecomes evident that the iamented novel - 1,1t• recipe muM he one of peroiliar po- tent- t Other writers vs ho are oles.roue of producing weird or terrible stories will doubt less take the hint De Quince, is and to have believes' thoroughly in the Fork chop, taken at supper tone. poi • quiclerver of the imeginat bin nut bread -and -)*in is a still more inexperisi*. and. apparently, sa equally ellIcarion • st insulate. -.- 0000* arellane Armenia. like l'ulanot. Sepia into throe I pine. awl in a greater or Woo degree each division of Armenia. which is ementially lett countr., partly of the Gregorian rite and pertly hi eicimmunioa with th. o,,\ of Kona.. 1a oppramed by the poem, w nick rule'. it Turkish Armenia no in the hands of Sansone Mohaminedane. Persian A rownia 40 48 the hands of Shu*. Mishisee- mei/me. and Ittiodan Armenia is in the harlibi of 110. ortnixkii nowt Christiana. The Itimoian church is intolerant, mill more In Is the Shiite Mohammedan re girse. but the active awl perweentIng In tolerance of nether approaches that Simone Mohammedan. Nevertheless, In TOW l'af all obetaeles Armenian chrintlan it y and Armenian progen.0 generally have managed to flourish matoorshingly Aft*, the vaticAn council the Armenian United church sem threatened with disruption an the hard question of papal lafallibIllty. bat Mgr HI1110111011rn, who wee rewarded for Ms eleyduas with • cardinal's hat. sac- esedid le bailing the schism before it be came ser9..-14re Terk AdeerSber ' ▪ - You w the BEST 1.11EAPEST. This is it. Ths is the new shortening or cooking fat which is so fast taking the pi:4e of lard. Itis all entirely new axe' product composed of clarified cotton seed oil and re- fined beef suet. You can see that E3uy the- Giii1130 wriillur atr..4 Kol Solid ..1 s. j...,:141,1srstiGparttal: Th i4 Two Thumb Sere ltrass Corners. Elegant WRIN4.1.1t t $3.0i THREE DOLL RS -$3.00 ti & fael HALLI1 Y'S IMPEkiAL Itclene HAPP SG IL .-d 5.1.41 • te 004141: o'.*, lar•ILONS, Is clean, delicate. wholesome, appetizing, and econom icial --as fax superior to lard as the electric light is to the tallow dip. It asks only a fair trial, and a fair trial will convince yon of its value. Soel In sand s pound pule, by MI reacts !lade only by The N. K. Fairbitelli Co.npany, m rile r •• ...el A ma May Sau.S•laiii.AL* •4 ayp•011,004111 Orb -,•• A- a '';11;.tos. • 000 ou T tr..16 kan!•• AUG' MOD- • endow" •L1. UT. o. • • luel arn • oige • 11/ law s • 'Ile e• • • ..re 9. 00 • • • 0 •ilibbi • et. re e ea.' to • •. p11 • ...e1 • r. I..- • 4011Pre a •• • visa W • .1, • • lee Web: aimailipir- • bi be ha • .. .• ps.. s t . es. of r. i I et..., the -• • tie 640114c1• • ra.- .1 r •I•b• . d har•is •• . th • I 10.4 o.ou buried sloe 10 110. Photo. wrapped is oo TOW • I be 011. tern, Vor • . 00 e * • • 4111 • P. • e it., e 110. Ito toro W ard re! : •'Th. TT o. die ✓ r Woo rem a el e 1 ...0ebol, To 000 .1101 Iset• • • ite. • j••• • • • a Ile airy• • • 100 •P• So ▪ T-. .• • s • - d '.10 iss Ile • 4.'..-.. ria. • 1 MIL. key. • . sebum •GLIMPely, drirre.,!' Loot". .1.r. - I .ho I mely molt art • the flameate 11 79.. 10 L••• K • 4 0, 111 ,..• 00. orno aa. Sp Si M...1. 1 I; • hut tao •.. •• ago •.. ••••.i alio' • • to • Sad grip •1 • 44.. 4.. • ilea, sad st a 'Lip ...ow a . ,- •. 0 la. die - P1 115. 0 P6 It? 1 fin MI IMS JoHN 11.‘1.1.11. TD ;18TOVE DE • ER, her one role ref • e es ha- . .101 -i.p.... .•I 1,1 entire 1.• -I •.k.r..1 - T1 r .• • ale elate le well rail go . JOHN R LP)" ATTU! HAVING ISKILS Kerr UP ALL NIGI-IT With that COMM if you do wit want to repeat the experience, buy a bottle th• OLD STANDARD REMEDY Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum The hest Cough Cure in tow world. Sold everywhere as cts.. a bottle. Kenai WATSON • CO, PeOPeisveillt 144 thaOhri'MM&I-. • stew sew we sae omasee. Herr Romps elmerthee am stigma ere hod of determining lours& and laingtode, no lead by mean5 of a photerrrimbte erimera. To take latitude the earner* le plowed In • erosetbusot box, lens upward, aad Soaked la a send hot, the prolthea brag Sited by a• assomment Ties nos babe thew dimmed towards the wealth. the armee see e lterarrel te (leave their wade weer the st wand plata 4. on dloseties, and than the e 7gAiralscereoa. and • heal hi 1111116. us Is inroad tie ea agle ef We ere solid this the enealso alirehabilW Ode reogh and randy mashed apt le wee WAIN, Arno ageminiii *14110 05 SIM& Istoriolos of the plumb old* Ohms eoperisamme were mailetits& rids Remi 1 - Rob Roy Cigar It's no became I'm Scotch bet yon canna disolte • better Cigar than "NI NY," 0.1 Alit I got SIMI of !hem Iltr..d amosaa asaassa ammirma IS A IQ UP -10 DATE ht.S',AURANT. ( howl s_ L (inlet -turnery, ,.l*/5, Fruits sic. C' • y the Best Kt p; hand Mu' THE NEW A IN AND T MAE 4 Is the Cheapest place in the County to buy t Stoves, Furnaces, Tinware and Lamp Goods. ,c VI • are sok aiteei• for the celebrated HOW ARD uAL TURN ACS.8. These ter. awes me all Cast boa. We musk* our owe .VOIDD FUR:VACS:4. The low :11KKT ST/CICL FURNACI mideNe ere aerOb• tor 11 1110010: & ('08 STOVFS, of mud mike *0 .014 13.. two most Aw ...rat porta. mem from liecksow aad 44.. *10 itei Mein. • PO Stove kr 4111 50: an 118 Stove for 50 We have a epees& • 14, Ova 1. Moors & t'es, on, these Stoves, and ea our expellers ars lase than Say et her Mau •• :0,49 is Lama, MO are LS IL pm UM to sail at choe prices Come and see es .ad save most J H WOR:..ELL & CO., The hectic& Stove and Funiam Mee, opparnolf Manua Hotel, Gederieh. SPRING IMPORTATIONS -OF- Boots and Shoes ..1••••• Men's Foxed Lace Roots, solid Leather, 9.".e. per pair. Congress " " " $1...:u per pair. ladies' Butt Boots, from 95e. up to $3.00. eye', Mimes anti Children's Shoes at equally low price.. In 1 ivershoes we will give you prices lower than the lowest. Ladies' Felt Button Overshoes at $1 2.7, per pair " Waterproof " at 1.50 rr pair Gents' Snow Excluders, Lined, at 111.20 per pair We carry the celebrated 1:raeby ivershoes in stock that will wear hke iron and will be sold at prices to suit the time. Over -Stockings at 4(k. and 50.-. per lair We deal in Boots and Shoe* exclusively arimi can roe you better Goods for 4016 money than you have to pay for inferior genii in the general Stores. P.S. Itetnember that we offer no NO.:Mill( to get you to buy our Goode except their Exceptional Value W. SHARMAN, Jr., Corner East -at and Square. seoresior to E. DOWNING, INT="7.7 I_1: -=s -1N-- -�s Now Now arriving and to 'arise, and although I .lo not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so cornnion at the present day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Good,' I handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right ever) time and all the time, Quality conaidered. I need not entinierate the iliffererst lines in Stock and to arrive in glue course, but the public may rest matured that no House in the Trade can do better. as I htlY only from the beet Wholesale Honties, and on a strictly cash lose,. One of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Nat Serge, hard finish, at a Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade. Ilimperdian Sallidard. Per eves. SlareSell ser Oars, • A. MUNRO 1 1044 Dreyer and Bab". CROSS -CUT SiatIgL_ WP keep law wortment of die wry Nat brand on tan market ground front four to live gourd thin".1' 0* th" hack thall en the face, AND ARE FULLY WARRANTED. Them deeds we beep rerheed in Oro sad my new seilif -I' ALT PRIORS NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF. A Ian 14.41 VV.. Jeimisea Handles arid Settsal ri in 816"k - ii. it DAVISO aty0.,