HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-2-21, Page 8•
" The Play Actresk"
"The Raiders,"
'• The s,'1
\ agabond
Rote= " A Singer,"
" A Group of Noble Danbee."
'• Things Will Take a Turn.
" Marcella, '
'Me (:olid Ship li
The God in the Car
The Prisoner of Ze
Peter lblteteon'
M v Lally Rothe,"
The Para•ae,'•
uh(,ck ,
20 PER
by Cvoekett, Weev
M. L Wood,
F. M. Crawford,
Tho. Hardy,
Beatrice Harridcn.
Mr.. Humphrey Ward,
Clark Russell,
Anthony Hope,
(1. 1)u Maurier,
Pubo► Lyall,
Stanley W eytrtan,
Conan Doyle,
paper, $ 33
• .73
" 75
A11 the new shades in Crepe and ('rinklesl 'Tissue Paper, 15e per roll.
Special drive in Letter Pals. Note I'sper and Envelopes.
Booksellers and Stationers.
The ssbacriber (ether to th•ak his win•
tomer, for reanainiag with him dunag kis
rennet time of ctrl
He has remodelled sad refitted his plan
of buwsees, dwelling and bakeshop, sad
of heating and ventilation, and is now pre-
pared to serve the waste of the public to •
very e5ZIdaotcry Amasser.
n ('ekes and Oaniseiioeery of .11 kinds,
and the beet peeMble service guaranteed.
4 •edarich, Feb, 14, 1896. 04L1
From our 011.*Cc1P>lwpondente.
There le labarmNlan Mere Thal Casuist be
/.and Aaywtilss fOae-wows of Ib.
t einem egtarelfy Reamed
air Tate almaal-
soma The Iwai allenay t• Dsagsaao.
tier Tag die.aL is et the ease of J. U. Wad,
J.P., c sveyesose. fb.., whim wW teenier er-
dere ter wkseelatlaua. •dvertheng sad nob
work. *ad is inglessiese to gave renter ter
•mouats pail lar n0onma
Twmmnav, Feb. l9.
t tea hundred remm ate, half coot -Arm-
e trev's.
Un Imto,. Conev.-Diviriss court will be
held hen es Friday Sal last.
We.. Phillips, et 8rssdridge, Nipiseing
district. • former resident of Ashfield, piss
bees vwtag friend@ is ibis section.
l•eo Walker, of Geeei., who was visiting
friends to tide egoism rwwN was .000m-
a1e:1 b, he. triad. Mr. Mr. W i�
ps, of that
esterorio ng wlll.ge.
1'i,1ro• -Mrs. Jew Taylor, of lows, and
formerly of Wein Waw.mash, u eojoying
b.reelf visiting Made.' sad rwowtog form-
e r Kyu•int0OY in this vicinity.
Mcnn text. COUNCIL. - The municipal
fathers of the entehfpllf► of Wool W.w•.
sae will nest in $e towm@ktp hall on Sat -
urday, 23rd ids, liar the trs•@octioo of
mwcipal Pasteur. Beeelea to commence
at lt) o clock A.R.
Wureat-In glaalal • aalm succeeds a'
• Marta. During • few days past the
weather, eootrestiag with the recent severe
storm, has bees didiglet1d except that John
Frost has bees making bks pr'..ence felt to
no shgh • degree, �� radian end leaving
hs narks of ia1.ry W tM contents, su:h as
potato«, fruit, eta., ad rendering than
Oven urs Marr. -Os Thereday of laic
weir .1. E. Tem,, iaq., P. 8. L, ofiicisll►
visited our ..bad. Mews. J. Web-
ster end J. B. WMtiiwb.ad, •editors of
smicap•l aoe.mats tri/ Mk West Wawa-
seeh, officially whited Ms treseerer of the
mencegality ore WS Sae lay. The result
of inspection will egret ire thou •batreeetit
dee tree. w..�
PIT n Herat. -Mb Was ea the high.
wore bei eg �s�1 and Mesons make
travelling..w.wasldirriprelable and us-
go,poyer. weep e( the farmers
badly espardi Is deewind Arwood
add taking am loin be lb' sew mule
Masora. teswertand Struthers. we presume,
will be very wise es ten,meneee,
an timer yard is lag wen A with saw
legs. Swoon Oe thea)
S ii %amt. Oeurerl1ot. - The an.
w eal i.eveatioe el Duesesssa and Nile
circuits sabbath eabe-b. u c"aes
coerce of the recant 0011415S @t."'• ear al
tenreed esti' W- ---,day the 1Mh, nunr off
en that date. There wage tee eeemoo, nee
of which wee bald is the •t sreono, the
.tier in the evening. We haw. hese inform
ed that both -sealed were well ottani/id
.ad • deep imereet wee Moss le the ,rent-
able .xa eiss el ewe arena.. Further par
welle may be awes is ab saa0eeeat .ed
rhgsnhi10eebtberectdlasw l soL% epaeleseeestieargy tote
MY that se map paresis ere tering a
seprewe istarest kin tM fl1 lreiei.5 el
Nese -.--.ed Io 111 drupe.
Asrewmwwm Ma rndl.--Tb. armed ateet-
hs el the W. nawaaarl Mestlrl Tire le-
whllfb le eseasipieses
Nat day in the
msseer of alley
of Iasi anneal
Olb. remit
Lln res , was
ad evert rasa
. -
wee must
Were rod
tary's, treseurer's and dir.etors' reports fes
the year 1894 were read and rwelved unan-
imously. The retiring directors were re-
appointed ger next term, without • dtssent-
mg voice. Fu, cher particulars as to
Seance and stenagemeet of the company
may be bad by retsrrtug to the efficient
neer-tee sr.'. statement. .milia. it to say
that under the ameba! and bushes -like
system of the officials the company u proe-
ptKag beyond •aucrp•tion, which was
evinced by tae general eatslsctteo of the
poLcy holder. provost,
Wm -age - Ai 4.I:NTtitt Tuesday last esu
W memos of • happy gatberag at the
reodeoee of L H. Aagu•uoe, to witness the
marry ceremay of his eldest daughter,
Maggs, and .1. H Walker, fifth sin et Jas.
Walker, et Uuaysnon. some twenty-five
ample, of tamed guests were present at toe
joyful event and partook of the wedding
tenet whih was sumptuous and aeundant.
The marriage rite was performed by l:ev.
R. Fairburn in a most solemn and Impres-
sive manner, precisely at 7 o'clock. The
bride looked beautiful Iu her Marmot and
oosdy attar., sod was attended by her sis-
ter, Clara, and Mies Mary Crush's, of bet -
feet, who were an hammiest; arrayed The
groom was supported by George %%•Iker, of
l;orrie, lbw brother) and by C. L Augus-
tine, brother of the bade. Owing to the
SUN say weather and the blockade oo the rail -
reads and other arteries of travel • arae
manlier of mvut d gusts from Toronto •.d
various pouts in the States were debarred
frees beteg presort on the festive and joyous
occasion. Amongst those Frust were Mr.
and Mrs. .vas. %Valker, jr., North Dakota ;
Mr. Mornaagster, l:edertch ; J. H. Augus-
tus, 1 psilanti, Mich.: Miss Harris, l:ode-
rtch ; Mire Morningstar, Welland ; Mr. and
Mira. W. 1'. Crimson, of Wugham : Mr.
Joseph A. Mmllough •ad Mir Mallough ;
Miss Sarah M.Iloy, West Wmw•nesh : Mr.
and Mn. Kaiser, Ashbdd : Mr. and Mrs.
.lames Hower, Ashfield ; and Masan. Jas.
and Robt. I).yldses and the Musses Ellen
and Mary 1)avudson, David Nevis. and
Muse Maggie Nevus, Mr. and Mrs. .las.
Welker, sr, (parents of the groan), Rev. R.
Fairlawn end Mn. Fairheira, rhtagsonos,
and others. After the c.remosy,and wow
ample justice had been done to the marl
age feast, the guess spent the evening a
discoursing instrumental and vocal mimic
suitable to the sccueieo and is other •tcrae-
.ve musement. Previous to the hour of
'operation - which wee about 2 A. H.---tlla
beautiful and exposatve presents to the
bride and groom were neatly arranged on •
table est •part for the purpose, and being of
w exoeediogly high order of merit, gave
evidence of he high esteem in which the
happy young couple were held by thou
many admiring friends. Tor 4I,.'AL'II nor
respoudeot extends to the twain made one
his hearty congratulation. rind wishes them
• long, happy and prosperous union. They
aft here Monday last bar a Marys, which
will be their future hate.. _
aloasAr, Feb 18.
Mir Mary Ate llafhnd is vetting
friends in u.dorich.
Miss Mary ('ruby attended • wedding un
11ung.nnoo Iasi week.
The pupas have purchased • sew foot•b•1l
and are now @spaying themselves heartily.
Revival meetings aro bear held in Hack-
ett'. church this week.
Parties Deem to be all the ge, ea .suite a
few merry sleigh loads passed through here
last week
Miss Minnie M•yses, of (.oderich, who
has been visiting uo this locality for the put
two weeks, returned home oo '•turd•y
The little black team adders through bore
ea their way down south, • little oftener,
sow. end the vats mem • little loag.r as
the hells eas be beard .t • very into hoer,
but waddle` belts .re expected to be hoard
in the near future.
Tt-Ic..u.v, Feb. S.
ter hundred remwts, halt out Arm-
Ott Tn. 1. a. Fishing on the lake for tris
.ssson bas commenced, several catches being
male last week.
The annual collection In aid of the feeds
of the Ruble Soeie.y was taken up here by
N m. 4:ordo•, of fort Alhart, last Saturday,
who called on foamy of the widesta ler •
donation tosords its support.
To Tad SOLT ,we. Msalt Monday of
this weak mime of our most popular young
townsmen, Archie Horton, lett her the 'Roo'
for • time. He will he mueh mused, as w
was • rimenl favorite, especially with the
fur sex, who will feel • blank in the loss of
sae of their most popular knights.
1.e0Tcty -')t Friday of thee week .t
7.30 r e„ • t mper.nce feature will be OVINE
is the Tempervoe Hell of the 1.O.(1 -T. by
Damien, of Ktoo•edies, • well knows'
worker of the order in O.t.ri-. The I.e•1
tarot of the Indgge will give •raw Ad -
op 10
het. ._._.. 1 Ttati.
1M sot fol In call ea Nwt Deuesweed at
the Alhe.a Rotel, T.@a4.y, 6th Menet, .ad
e re the eery latest, Tyler r Nits' end
gena hair /node CemssIt him with rider
gene ta your hair. He will 0.0 yen the
her advice free el shone.
lliataerib.'et Tau tllMalr Oats $ • year.
TYI1'F:\ ll t\FS'lllt.6 DY
Farmer %rubors, Aril 75. Shot Hie
1111e. Niece anti 4afrklel.
411. .4.... a is Tkuwgkg, Thome. Rattly
N ..ea•Ir•1, N'1111trr.,., 111-1lreltb
tool M.1a5rhulla the Ile....
A..tuwel (.. lb. N..'.
Terrible Deal.
ToiT►. .ILAn, Ont. no,. In. ---Hobert New -
hairs . a retire) farrier. ou Satunlay shot
his wife rind her Meer and then blew out
hisuwr, brat us The wife is dead, but the
Meer will recover
Newbury was a ntau of The tour
tiered wormian was his aet'o4 wife. and hi*
juuuor by thirty year. For some time
past he has been is ill -health, and at tunes
tuelaucbulu• 1111 Sat unlit), he seemed at,
sorbed and depress d, end followed his
wife aruuud as she weuL about her house-
hold duties Mr.. Newbury was arraug
lig • hullos in a bedroom bureau when
Newbury entered the ratio and took deli,
berate amu and shot her The ball entered
the hack of the heat, ploughed through
the brain. passel out of the forehead and
embedded itself in the will The w oni.0
must have .dropped to the door deal ire
scantly. •
His niece. alarmed at the shot. went to
ace what was the matter. Newbury met
her. and seeing the revolver in his harm,
the gist ran tutu the garleu. Newbury
follow -,.l; the girl turned and piteously
pleaded with the now thoroughly crazed
man not to kill her Tears and plaintive
entreaties had no effect, and the wife -mite
corer put a hall into his niece's Indy. The
shot took effect in the hp• embedding itself
aititiu,t the jaw bone.
Newbury then reentered the house,clua-
el the door. then placing the revolver to
his temple. blew out his brains. He was
found a minute later by neighbors, who
had heanl the shooting. he was then alive,
but expire) within half an hour.
The tragedy was evidently premeditated,
for ou Friday evening Newbury hail given
his watch to a friend. with Matrurtiou, to
keep it until he would call for it. The
murder would hare brew committed at an
earlier t had not a neighbor called un
Mrs. Newbury- after breakfast. and re-
mained until a few miuutr, prior to the
The nixes was attended by 1».. Wright
and Cainp1.•11. and unless blood poisoning
set, in 11,, fears of her life are ant.ftafned.
a:seeping (las 14sw W Lads the Lives of a
c.uplli M Meatrreat.
11oNTn1:L. Feb. 1• Mr. and Mrs.
l'uacdy on F'riday-night arrired from To,
ronto and drove i the Beatty house. The
woman was oral and after partaking of a
light supper the guests retired to their
ros,nt. At an early hour next morning the
proprietor war alarmed at the strong
smell of toss that pervaded the hoose. He
called the help and a search being made it
waw found the gas eaner from the Toronto
people's Horn. The door was bunt open
and a shocking spectacle greeted the eye,
of the fiat to enter the apartment. At
the back of the bel ay the wotnau and
across the foot. with his heal Banging 0111
until it touches! the door. lay the man,
both .easeks. and apparently dead. Medi
cal aid wan summoned and the couple
were removed to the hospital. where they
are now in a precarious condition. ('wady
i. a commercial traveller with a Montreal
Killed While ielll.g Trees.
Gil. Feb 1s.- Robert Mot1-
crier. ages 2.1t.. resident of North Monag-
han and tiring on a (arum a few miles from
here, met with a fatal accident in the
wools near Ainley while telling trees. He
had chopped a large tree and in falling it
lodged iu another tree '1'o get it down he
had to chop down the tree 4., which it heti
lodged. but after Jloi„g c, we. linable to
get out of the way of the large tree. which
iu falling atrack hire on the crown of his
head, indicting a terrible wound. almost
laying the skull opru. He we, put in •
sleigh and driven to l.akefield to the
nrares' doctor but succumber) to his ter-
rible injuries before reaching that place.
As Iacerrlglble Thief.
!.inks... Ont.. Feb. t.•,. -Frederick Scott
• nun in his prime and a painter, with a
family. was uirreeted ion a charge of having
broken into the Rectory street school un
Monday eight and stealing fifteen loxes
of pencils. Scott has a very lewd record
and is said to be an incorrigible thief. On
January's,, 144, he wan amt down for sic
mouths to the Central prison for getting
advertisements for an alleged concert pro-
gramme. Previous to that he serve) a
term for routing the faro boxes of the
street car. here and again he receival
eighteen ha for breaking into a house
ou Dufferin avenue.
Aa eatswn Mr.Segt Stepped....
Orr 1wb, Feb. lit --Fa-Aid. ('ilia. inform-
ed • reporter that he hal withdrawn his
protest against the election of Mayor
Northwick. Mr IMIton Mc('arthy has
been telegraphed to Toronto to stop pro-
rocee dings. Mr ('Tuff was not prepared at
present to speak of the cause that had led
hint to take beck his charges, but it is
understood it was, on account of dwgres-
nrent with wine of hos friends who are
Nicking him The friendwof Mayor Mirth -
wick way that no evidence could be Lound
to permit going on with the protest -
A I1.w/Nva ILadreeds61111111 Death.
11 aelLTcre, Ada IS --Mrs Young, widow
of the elev. 1'. A.'Youug, While walking
un l'pper .ranee street with her itaighter
on Satunay, waa taken suddenly ill and
sat down on s doorstep ,tear by, when. she
expired mimeo immediately Deceased
has suffered foe some time fmm bitty de-
generation of tie heart and death was no
doubt caused hp beast failure. Mrs. Young
was 67 years al y..
Nevi... Ceestl.g *realest.
('HAftorrrxrows, RE I.,Yeh. 16While
boys were meting down a hill at Murray
Harbor south, three Mama approached.
One of the boys jumped from his sleigh
soil it went tinder the horses' feet, which
so frightened the borne that he sprang for
wanl and ran over Franck 11ek.r's sleigh
an.l lsdirtel such serious wounds in the
h..y's west, abet he 4114‘ the fotbwleg
nasal M ea 55• _,
('neaurrreTowx, PFT . Felt 45 Mrs
Sarah Rnbwrtaon. aged ; 4. a widow of
North Carleton, loft herr abort a week
ego, for • neighbor'. hour As she del
not return her friends .npgrwul she hal
remained owing to the storm Keene was
made and the body was found near the
home she had started for, where It W
lain dye days.
A kaMew M 11. e. U •R. fano., la -
footle RIIea.
!i tIILTO%, M Is. Win Dairies, •
laborer, employed 00 the Toronto. llamtl-
tuu ami Buffalo Hallway, near Hiokley's
Hol law , about four miles fr Hanttltuu.
was killed instantly by an expluaiuu of
Da•ies was thawing about twelve
pounds of dynamite when it exploded. H.
was carried nearly one huudred pants.
and when picked up It was found that
his heal .ud uno arm was blown off
The arm was found at a oeusldetsble
distance from the badly. 'foe furor of the
explosion scattered a large pile of ties and
nue of them simian struck a f.rntrr
named John Surrrus, who was dnviug
along the road neer the scrue of the ex
The noise of the explosion was heant in
Hanultun. Decease) had only been em-
ployed on the works a short titer', and
leaven w141•,w and throe chlldreu iu poor
IeJwrsd by a 1►yitemit. 6apl..l.a.
Ur'n'., Out. Feb 15.- Au arcklrnt oc-
curred in section :At of the 1'. 11. & 11. Rail-
way, by which three teen were injured
(10 this section there Is a night gang at
work, and Mr. Mack, who has charge. of
the blasting, usually after the they men
1Mve,xets off about 15 holes to enable the
night gang to work. On this occasion he
had about ;e) pounds of ponder be. xidea the
usual quantity of dynamite lu the blast.
Tbr battery- he was using hal sufficient
power to set off only seven of the changes,
but the concussion discharged the other
eight. Mr Mack, Mr. F'unt.ui, of Jersry-
vine, and another malt were iuJun'd. Mr
Mack is the most seriously iujurirrl of the
three, having his leg badly hurt.
M.alelpel Natters 1a Xlapee Valls Are
Recker N.4dl.d.
NI.t.,.tl:.s FALL, Ont.. Feb. I5. -Thr
municipal affairs of this town seems to Im-
wmerging into n very muddled condition
When :\Wrrntau Fenwick, the P.P.A.
candidate elected, hal to resign on ac
count of irregular qualification, the work
of the council board dune at the first
meeting for U0G, on which F'euwick had
taken part in the appointment of com-
mitter,., etc., had to ie done all orer when
Aldermen Peckham took his seat instead
of Fenwick. he bring the next highest et
the polls. Now it turns out that after his
defeat at the polls Peckham was appoint -
el by the public school board as their
representative on the high school board
and before accepting the appointment by
his presence at the high school board
meeting, Fen wick's retirement took
place Peckham promptly Lauded in his
resignation to the high school board and
took the declaration of office for alder -
The faction opposing Fenwick and
Peckham have serves Peckham with a
writ to %how his right to sit ore the
Council lawns, els;nliug that the public
school hoard lied neither accepted or re-
jected his resignation. that board not
having hail a meeting before be took bis
seat on the council board. Peckham has
retained ('paries Hykert, of :;t. Catharines.
to look after his case. while the gentlemen
amongst them, some of the most pmmtu
emit business men of the town, barn
equally as gond legal talent retained to
tight the matter through the courts to the
bitter end. And Tito duntH the case will
reach a prominent place in the annals of
the I'anaten r-c.urts.
ver the Fatal Aeeidewt .. the MId1aW-
tie Say the Jury.
.41.11%11511a, Oat.. Fel. 14---Tbecoroner's
inquest on the body of Engineer John
Rigg. who was killed in the railway col
lision near hen last Friday evening. 'u
concluded late last night. The jury, after
being locked up for seven hours, shortly
after midnight brought in the following
verdict : ' We find that the deceased
came to his death by No. 12 express ruu-
ning into the snow -plough train, and that
Alhert Weighill, station agent at Union-
ville. wile guilty of negligence in not dis-
playing his signal hoard. We find further
that the Grand Trouk railway rules are
not sufficiently specific reganliug the
coining of Snowploughs." Albert Weig-
hill is now under arrest. -_
A retitle.. Circulated at the Capital la
Mb 1t.half.
OTTAw.t. Feb. 12.--('in•ulan Aare been
distributed around town asking for "jus-
tice" for John R. Hooper. The circulars
are addressed "Tu the justice -loving peo-
ple and the preen of Canada.- and bear a
large black headline, •' An appeal for Hri
fish justice " A long review of the case
is given. it winds up thus '• Every word
of yourvcau help right a wrong and soften
the pet Awes of the aged father and mother
of J. H. Hooper. now feat approaching
life's weary journey-, their faltering foot-
steps cruelly hawteued by a wrong."
Trade la toe D.sslel...
New 1-oktk. Feb 16. More moderate
weather in the Province of Ontario has
stimulated a better feeling among miter
chants there. and anticipations are Wright.
.r as to the outlook for spring trate. The
like is tritest Montreal, with the exception
that less stress is placed on the probability
as to the future of btuaunets. in Nov
Scotia general trate has been unsettled by
the character of the weather. Hank clear-
ings at Winnipeg, Hamilton. Montreal
and Fishier aggregate gl5,3118.n 0thisweek
compered with 419,6610,00U• week ago. and
with 613,167,iH a year ago. The total
number of business failures reported from
l'ana.l, in the past week is +W compared
with 51 laver week, 47 in the week • year
ago and 44 two years two. - -
aewteaeed t. Thirty waatke.
H.tun to.. Feb. 16. --Margaret Mr
Mahon, w ho was (ones guilty no Thurs-
day. on a eharge of pawing counterfeit
money. knowing it to be rotinter(.it, was
}.at.nlay sentenced to Kingston penit.n
clary for thirty months. Prisoner is a
white woman but la married to Prof Wil-
liam*, • colored barber. and the latter
wanted to *erre the sentence In her place.
Although the record of the prisoner Is had
ahs was • Sunday school teacher in the
Baptist colored Church
A Priest a.at.a..d 1. Pose M.abe-
(41 turn', Feb. 16 - A ('atholle priest
named Paget was ennd.mued to four
months' imprisonment for vagrancy amid
obtaining money under false pretences,.
Recorder 1).ry administered • very Revere
reprimand to the tinfnrtnnu. clergyman.
On. of the priest's victims is (burteillor
(;ignary. of 14L Hoch Ward.
Motk.v ..d Tyre tAU dr.a ('r.esa4.d.
Nrwrsarl t, Ky , no, ba - Mrs Frank
Jon., and her two children weet burned
to death while aleeping In tbdr home and
Mr Jamas was se badly barbed OatYm
will dM. l0ossMsam, Feb. lItb, lila 04-61
anfipseav urtanisseariarjambeneminsiammumwm
50,000 Envelopes
i2Toaof ¶P1!iig Papor
1 hays just purchased the •bora large
quoutum sad am prepared to oder to the
psblIc the highest grade of Paper mid Es-
velupes at lecture reheard ut before a
My stock of Blank Books,
Office and School Supplies
The Popular Book Stott,
Ms4., SSMteaery ata Vury 41.54..
Charas The Public Stool bard met on
Menday evening ; Principal Lough's report
sowed 214 girls and 237 boys enrolled for
heavy, with an average attendence of 352.
t'aaa4lue wk. emceed %cereal M las
*eauber.f"Derby Lap' Trete naris
skit /Ira Neild awed set ea
their Leeds dares the
leaf 1.1e4.
1 r. 5. R. 11ae.elera, e/ Ill lawn. Wier t1e
aspen' emir.
. 1.44u.1u Mar! awl Ea./ice.
The esterprzui created a great deal of •z•
sneerer throughout the whole cwnutr, for
the I1►.kay 1'I.1.. 15 • t•eu_rue •oinog
tseokers true[ Collet to .'nest. 'I houa.a“. of
gorses were recessed during the year and
they tette from all parts of the roar)
• olro.e•g u a oou.ptete list of the succese-
fel guessers to whom 1). RI 1't H 11' .t CO.
base seat cue'i.es on Feb. 1st, fur the
amounts est opposite their same.:
F. H. Martelock, Incase, (het.,. 117 win.
t reudbtoo strati $500 00
J. F•lardeau, 5134 rug .tr.et Mont
J. C•11•diue, 118 Hepboro. Street,
T.rooto, Oat ..
('.Wught,136St.LawiesssSr ,kfost-
0. J. l'ewe, 104 King Street H•mtl-
toe, Oat
Adam Gorr, 147 McGill St. Montreal
H. S. Watklas, Uovetceerc Read,
Toronto, (fat
J. t:ibba, 53 Hughsos Street, Ha Mn -
ton, ()at.
Ed. smith, 347 W.Iliagtoa St
lies Brophy, 280 St Patrick Street,
T. Asall, 186 Rawer Street, Teroste,
E. H. Wallis` 4s.b.o, quo
H. N. Schudf•ger, Carleton Paco,
Tom Lkemen, Aspen, t 1st.
Jaoob Beet.. 104 Church Street, To-
mato, Ont
E. W. Hoseewer, St. Thema, tial
%%• Stany, Sarum, (fat.
E. McCaw, Caro of Vittertn Hotel,
8t John, N. R
'1. 1). Deegan, ('are of W. 11row. end
Co., Wmoipeg, Mae
Thomas Westin*, Port Hope, Ont
H. H. Spencer, 160 Glescsster Street
G. W. Hebrides, Peterborough, fat.
R. I Benoit, 96 Park Avenue, St
R. .1. (%rowel, Weal rotten. Vne...
Jahn Baillie, 471 York Street London
Out ..
a. H. Stade, 120 Augusta Ave., To-
ronto, Ont
M. S. ('ater, 341 William@ Street,
Leaden, Ont.
B. F. Hossi.ger, St. Thome', O.t.
F. Taylor, (toffee Bar, Kiag's Reg't
Halifax, N.S
A. A. Mo[enzia, Keele. B.0
W. Crosby, Port Hope, Oat
W. E. Mulvaney, Lindsay, Oat..
P. Hoesinger, SL Thome", 0.t.,
C. N. R•illm, 81) (-'harlottoStreet, St
John, N. B.
H Beaicbarp, 97 St. Den's Street
Mammal ...........
Vas. aides', Pineal Street, Belle-
ville, Out
P. J. Tenger, Ottawa, Qr.... .
J. F. Witherspoon, 110 Mt. Jame
Street, }fan,tltoo, 41st
C. Bleekte, 40 All.. Street, Halifax,
W. J. East.ott, 209 Beek Street, Ot-
tawa, 41nL ...
Dr. A. Wtlkisses, let Aatt, King's
Hegt., Halifax, N.S
W. L L. Trolls, 666 Blow West,
Torero, t let
144) Of)
190 00
100 00
90 00
75 00
55 00
50 00
50 00
35 00
35 00
35 00
30 00
30 00
25 00
25 00
25 HO
25 00
25 00
'L5 00
25 00
25 00
20 00
90 t0
20 00
15 00
15 00
15 00
10 00
40 011
10 00
10 00
5 00
5 00
10 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
1112,000 00
Tbe (:trsNag Competition for 18% for the
seen et Twit Theasamd Dollars Golds now
epee, sad Messes. U kitebw and Co. invite
all smokers .f their 0baretsse, Cut To
bsoone and plug tobaccos to 'onset as may
of their trade msrke the "derby (ape"
ea they men, sad aerial reasraiag toasty
et them oars will have the privilege of
goewiag the .ahee of "Derby (Jap. met
out frees their baser, daring •be yew '98.
The subscribers will be at Polley's
iivery Ran every Saturday until
March I6th for the purpose of pur-
chasing good, sound hooses from 1,200
to 1,60011.. weight.
H ighaet market price will be
r', #.
Our New Store,
Corner of Square and.
.,aWest Street,
(Lately occupied by lir. John Butler.)
ON MARCH 15th we will have done one year's burnoose in Godr'-
rich, and when we started our object was to double the trade
done in this Store last year. We have had Many things to con-
tend with which V1'(' .lid not calculate on Prices for produce
never were so low ; money has been scarce ; lint, notwithstanding all
this, we are hound to reach the point we aimed when we started out.
We want the remaining day- to be good days, and we will MORE than
double last y'ac'e business. This is how we will inake business brisk -
Children's Laced Hoots. 1 :15
W omen. Heavy Hoots 65
Utilise' Slippers 415
Gents' Rubbers.... _';►
Ladies' Wool Liaed Rub-
bers 30
l m.iir• Skating Boots .- 10(i)
• • Fine Dongola Butt 1 65
French Kid, Hand
Tuned .. 2 25
$ 60
1 00
1 .:4
,1 25
3 30
Our Reeiar
prion. prim
Mall's Lined Rubbers $ 50 >$ 73
)rte's Waterproof Lined
Overshoes 100 1 35
Yea's Felt Gaital s... 95 I 30
Men's Felt Lined hoots I 25 I GO
Men's 4antle4s Gaiters,
guaranteed Elastics 100 1 30
(:amt's Kid Gaiter I G5 .' 25
Bo)aaad Girls' School
Some of these lines are welling very fast.
them. They won't last long at thele prier's.
SPRING GOODS are coming in daily.
New Styles New Lasts - - New Priers.
Dont delay if you need
The New Shoe `tore
" Cash is King !"
The only UP-TO-DATE Grocery in town is the-
If you want anything in our line you will find our
Stock Complete.
And we guarantee SatisfaetioR.
Our Goods are "The Beat "-
Our Prices are "Rock -Bottom Cash Prices."
urFarnier. wanting bbl. Salt,
we ke('p it dry.
remember we keep the beat„ and
The Hamilton et Groner.
Protect and Adorn Your Head I
piloF. DORENE11,
le ooming, sail will he at the
TUESDAI, IABCH 5th, 1895.
With s•mpnse .f leans' and G0.tlesmes
W414. Toel»w. BMW. !Wishes. Wave. gad
ether Hair floods Style.. Newry Lady we
(:enU.mse who in bead er when hair W br
seem Wm amid take advantage of his wilt
sad esa..h him. If theee is ens alias...( re-
seerksg the growth Is will advise thew ig
pastime hest adapted te naeas
leads Mso
a were ley tsads with gralitymaw
"The Signal" is only 01 a yoas.
lot b