HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-2-21, Page 7Babies . --1 'lyre' rapidly glowing children derive inure benefit from Scott'. Emul ,n,u, than all the rest of the food they eat. Its nuurishil.g vowels ..e felt almost blenteali- d'rly Mantes and cltildrea thrive on S.i,tt's Entulsie,n when un otitis !vim of iu.•.l b assialitatcd. SCOtt' Emulsion stimulates the appetite, enrich. - the blood, overcomes wasting artd Bites strength to all who take Fe. Coughs. C.lds. Sere Throat, art` Chiti.. Weak Le Edible*" Ccs iai pton, Wart Disco.. Mod all For ,. Waiting. fu. lfh!•e'. f'.•oi. Icon a geese, Barba MI IMaNies MI. ail. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. Weaves mew • Derr, I mill it • inn to he Ioegtag fur heaven, When God has created • beautiful earth To live in sod work in •std lore 10 and bops In, led share in our fellow man's arrow and mirth : Thera 1• plenty to do fur the mon who will du it, Aod 11 you aro idle some dao you will ru.' •t. To be sure there aro thistle. and sure there le .inning Aod teary Sod disaster and trouble sod death, Kut du your owu part anJ forever reagent her To thank the good Lord tor your hands sed your brdlth. Keep m.' tug and let toe wurlJ know you are II. roar Aod`ptead of repining try luvini .od hopeful aril earnest and cheerful and w i:' i ug The iw.t is ahead and ons worst may be put. Oh never turn hack or look over your shoulder To glans• at the picture by death sorrow• cast. Wn.teser is dome let a! he 4ot. and ended : Load, duct end bright rise . sr. never M. blended. Rs 'To • work a day world and a haul world it nosy he. Itut '!o what yon can to make toe corner bright 1.d spur on 'oiler neighbor to his beet en leaver And sono all around you will shine • new l.itht There is oe.e k''r :Ike boom:, my impst;at boot her We hese heaven down here ef we help use o •iso• her. rbc rle..are. OJ1ot minter. -one gene•a a' race 0 the bonnie white gnaw, An' .peak hon. ionoceatly doom it cam la' : !tot ye ever get -.la on t n• e • wt. & ha It's yin the pleeeures o' winter ' or If do.,n yer tack it gangs wi a ria, 'til then :e neer thoucht ser blued was sae thin : eau trie.l hard tae smile a sort n' • ono For its yin o' the plioe•ures o' *inter' Ye hear • loo talk n' the gli.tenIne fart, The is cls hinglo lake di m'rots o' art ll1 a host. did ye ever Dear gee up the 'h..st • It'. yin o' the plamures o winter ' Boo beanie everything spark!.•. arson., For your Id. ye a.uldes tom up e'en • from As the grim' tam' up se yutck • ye sat do• en It wig yin o' the pleasures o' winter. For the earth tak's on • ps:lrh like glees, An we pit demo oor feet as flats we can gum.: Kut nor tees an' oar heels towards Heaven gang .sprees. 1• search o' the pleasures a woos Then h,trr•h for the omits that .peak o' the .prang : Awe' wt' ver rhym.ters o' cauld feet whit meg : Eh. my gins lout moo with tuithache rasa ding Bet it's ybt.' S potties. -0' winter' —The Bailie. Very recti td ase& 'The fest time 1 era reeolls•t,' Semi the bey from serene the Wrest, 'Wm woven .e played the Slime* eine The day that oar side beat.' ' M y beet fun wee • year ago,' said the boy whe sewer will fight, ' 11 hen father and I went fishing oece, Aad slept at doore all sight,' 'WWI,' said the boy from the sorer bora, 'The jotli.i time for one, Was the amass they tock me au a yacht, Asd wo lived six weeks at sea' 'Aad the greatest fun I ever had,' Said the hey who lived mit deer, 'Wee sailing dews the river oasis. Aad au:epilog out on shore.' 'The very h.st time i ewer had,' Said the boy with the reddish hair, •Wes is (Imago, last July, The time I west to the Fair, ' I t seems to me maid the Ivy boy iAsd his sap he thoughtful!] thumps), 'That the very best time in all my life Was the weak i had the mumps.' -R. L Sylvester, is Jess Si. Nicbobs. CRISP AND CASUAL (earn sad woolen goads are w sheep that ay ere who Gahm living wages r• •f lord to be passably dressed. H4:yamen pw-i sAi KAMAN ewes °esgh., melds. *athlete, hra.obieb trod all wrest ad (seg troubles erl.m The d Argeetene ie Mouth Am- orNV seems .that eror-frlMri Vetted bears The empire of Aentro•H..gere boa ASO, 0 00 square mile h b sheet the Gamkisod of Ca iferwh sed Qoler.de. relde w 'are aneirly Meaequals 1ems. ass 0111 IM 1 -t isf teas XPi. Is early Uh leaned the Sae NlethsMh. sad M the Masan by •kl}ti cosoNall hm. ammo ov wawa we wetsM. slag ht gbyha 111•••••4 Dal Sob. i- rearg•gsoe sect •ispesiessime hew es Iante el 228,00CI Fbrida. George aid (:alias miles. for so large NOltn Al Pros Syst'rrang 1 mad cares .11 Throat Trre.Oiest`~Laig tae (olds eta The Kriiish empire and its d epeedonetse mad nolo see embrace 11.000,000 a.lmare miles, or about the rte Lit ell Alrtoa Vama.sele hes an esrrteots territor ol. sided 6'.000 Nue:* miles of ares. It e . as large as .Atomise sad Ari,o.a. Spain baa • m.g.ideset domain of 11c 000 wluere mdse, a territory as large as the oombteed area of Niseusn and I I8.... Posta has o213,000•505f0 mike, sad s se !ergs as the oombieed rates of Idaho, Color redo. California, Nevada and Muot•a•. the principal floods in the world, in- cluding Austral'., have • Dominated area aimn.t equal to that of North Amens& Tho pomMmow of the Du.ch is the Fait ladles ere v. ry uonaider•ble, mggrsgtia 719,000 miles, nearly the area of Mimeo. ('u..,nsl Richelieu hated childree sad loved cal.( When he died bis favorite An germ psi refused to eat and soon perished. i.Sorge 111 was passionately fond o omits., and during his it..dnw could a1- ways be caloied by the sound of an orgsa. Consume. i .o follows neglected outdo. Norway fens Syrup • tires coughs, asthma, aura throat, bronchitis and !nog trouble. 2w John tItlton loved to play es the orris - He mads he *.mood wife Nag, sad said she h.d some voice, but not the slightest idea of tone. Octavio. Augustus had • mortal dread of tbusder, Sod wherever a storm came ee he retired to an underground vault built for protects..° Colonial aowetry u .11 very otos and plsassnt, but to he conunuelly told of it has about the Mme effect se one otuil for dinner every day fur ooe month. (..rmeny te under a burden of $1047,000,- 000 yearly to •upport her standing gray. The amount represent• oae•third of the re - 'mercer of the satire stale. The striven Railway has now been opens .d in Omsk, 2,200 miles fr .m St. Peters burer, mad It u possible to go from one place to the other in four and a half days. Fence levies tribute annually to the ex taut rat 1180,000 000 for the support of her standtee army, while Italy taxes ber sub- jects =80,000,000 tor the eaa purpo.r. There arex.721,622 psopl. enmp¢el in ma•nf.ctu,00g in.luei,ries.ofj'aus loads, receiving yearly. •2,2333,216,529 in wages and msnutestunng goofs wortb 09,372,437,283 lir.. ,lo. Mattel!, "coot street Kerlin (tet., ears Having tried lir. Iwrlelette' 'setup of 'turpentine tor my tamely, I found It • very wperor remedy for bad eough and c Ads, and i can hones• ly r000nemad it. WORTH THINKING ABOUT. Rad law, are the worst m.-' of tyranny. III strives one's will .gaiost • wall more II i.e. Hardee/4s ever of hardn.w Is the mother. The hippies*. of the wicked pease. away like a torreat. The moot delightful plwures cloy with out variety. Every pian has ;net as much vanity as he wants uodentandine. To men pressed by their wants all change le ever we:oome. 1'i .•n.:drens hopes and hearts and lives we dud lost bops &gala. I.very virtue gases • man • degree et fel:- soy In some kind. Vivacity is youth is often mistaken for r.ntus, and 11011410e for lotion.. Weeknee.e., so-alled, are nothing more nor tea than rite in disguise. Iai :off .sr.. and LIVER 1'i.wrL.I'T heed - eche, etc , are cured by Burdock Pella. T.. whom can glebes gmv* repute, or trust, content, or pleasure, but the good sod lust • There is much motley given to M laughed at, though the pun•basere don't know 1t. - Many persona cease' breathe oold or damp air without attack, ot coughing or pales In the chest. lir. Layiolette's Syrup of Turpentine taken for • .bort time will stop this and strengthen the respiratory organs. ar THF SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONT', THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 1895. est THE SEAS OF THE WORLD I TRY. Las The aa•-p.s no... by altar.ately .ip•ad i.g mid usetr.ctwg SW IMd. of its body,ltke es earth worm. Doe load el sea-bleddese hes me mouth, bat absorbs all its nourishment through the pates 01 its body Y. The Ked Sea takes Its moor Inn. the ores ace .4 great uumbera of aatmalcul of that s Color in the water. Toe hanks '.1 \rwfo.:ndlaed aro formed by the Mad. .r:h aud atoms brouiht from the north by ....terra Every tray protuberant:* as • breech of more represent. • living atonal abide grows Irum It hue • pleat. The oor•I .sleects are Mid to consume pro diglene yowl use eat worms, smell fish and other living creatures It is estimated that the water. of rite g whole ocean costaffs• is wluum over 2,000,- 000 tons of put. ■elver The hr.' mention of the tool( Sloane is ie the mutual of Poet* de Alauunu., the pilot of Pum•. de Loos, is ISl3. If the surface of the earth were perte•tly level, the waters of elle ocean woul,l cover it to the depth of 600 feet. It to estimated that more void and silver have hem .unk to the sea thou is now to circulation un thorn/eh. It as eatiinet d that two years aro requir- ed fur the gull wetter to travel from Florida to the twat of Norway. The properties of salt in sea water is largest white the water is deepest, but does n ot increase with the deptn. The ocean hydrt hays no hesrt,no Isogs, n o liver, no brains, no nervous system, no organs save mouth •tad skis. A colony of modes.• has been aoo.p•red co a collection of muslin euobuonet.e floating right side up on the water. The bed it the North Atlantic commie of two Tellers, separated by • n.ountain range that runs from the Avers. to Iceland. The water of the wean contain■ go d,held in solution by the iodine of calcium. The • quantity is about one grain to the too. 'her one half of the Mod of every shore'. composed of minute she., each of who. h was once the fume of • living creature. At the lowest depth fruni who•h .peri metes of the bottom have been brought up 116 different ■pedes of nfu.ori• were found.s The water of the ocean* ,notwithct•oding n umerous Intel u.fluenc' ., is nearly of the sane compoenou it every party of the world. . Set anemones have Men known to live for three or, four years without any mho . i►hment save what they extract from the wat• r. The Yellow so& of Chins'. so called from the presence of yellow mud washed duan by the great evers that empty into it• waren. The firer map of the null Stream was drawn by It.n)smin Franklin, who tried to point our the utility of ocean currents in rav:gation Franklin 'aught that the ocean currents were du.• to the :efturo,'. . f permanent winds, in winch opinion he w.s au.i•(netl by. Sir John Here'hei. The color of the ata i. usually deecrih-d u (due, but it is 1•y no means nn.fnrm. lo the tempts* et is sometime, au indigo blue, at others • deep green. The.ctin.a •wallows seashells awl their in hob,. o,., and when inco*vest.n•wl by the presence of the hard sahieteacee simply turn them.e•Ive. inside ort, like a siock.og, and get rid of the tnrrud'ng •helle in the. way. NATIONAL NAMES. Sumatra means the 'happy land,' Hayti means 'mountain country The Transvaal as the country beyond the Vaal. Java is the Maley word for 'land of nut Maga.' ('olumbls was thus called in honor of Col- umbus. Moldavia took lis name from the River Mahlon. Arabia was en ealled from its inhabitants, the Aram. Finland is properly Fenland, 'the land of the marshes ( mods is .n Indian word meaning 'collec- tion of huts ('hili is a Peruvian word, mgnifyisg ' the lead of snow.' Premia was at first Borussia, the country of the Romeo. Merieo is the city of Meti:l., the Mogi- two gad of war. Ahyteiate was the land of of the Akos.lns, or 'oozed mesa' ('oebs Ins,• l'boosieian name, meaai.g 'wooded elands.' Creta Rio. is . Spanish impression sigsi- fyiag 'rich •asset.' Tae word Borneo is of mauve origin- sig- nityleg 'the land Ntesragtla was thus named :n honor of • ohi.f named Neo.rs. Formosa is . Pore/sPore/sawword signifying 'Menthol eoostry.' Argentine hes ite msoe from the .livery refleet,.w of it rivers The sabers hes armed from the Arabic word apifyi.g 'desert,' Ecuador mesa 'KgnatM, on allures to ill.geographin.l poaitton. Manitoba eoma,.m orates the Mantles sr gat spirit of the Ides. Egypt to the Hebrew and ever sites was 'the tread of the opprwies' Zambar, mese eerrestly 7&egneh•r, gig - Digs. 'the ars of the issue.•.' Bohemia is Do called bseemn it was seteled by the Roll, a tribe el (ter.nee. The word O.yles in of Baselteit erigi..sle- nihier the 'Woad of visa' Algiers b es sailed from theirlith .rids Aldsms npiaor AlifiiL b neer eplbh wed meows. s trite es a .malilial 011e• wee .a.ad fro. a Woe Aldose warn. gimes-g Yhessi,1 Is OIL' $.il.eb wile Imbriel '170se • WWI ben As Tenn ars I heliM , t�t11.w�8 Seer wee 111psms o ewe riy-1 w�►~ psyersd trIth Bob t M+D ..i Btet.telN , ..te ly et hoer Ii Oa I of theeI tthith S iI 1!0 b.-- ambelse ever db«vered. fns J. Lara r. marstaa. 081. PROVERBS. — Empty threats make lying children. The serpent of the still *ears no rattles. Don't re to the wrong shop to got shaved There is many • knock -out in • whiskey punch A suited wile can find a vest pocket in the dark. 1f we had eternal sunshine we would hays sr. crops. The dangerous en4 of . rattlesnake makes 00 Doles. The aggrtwive man can always find the Menet at home. There is • Lirarue for every crumb from the party table. O.al roomettes. kneeling hypocrite for an upright mac. BUSINESS APHORISMS. Big debts come from big promises. Leaks in business are like gimlet holes in • barrel. Little idem and log suet -mom never tin to- gether. A careless merchant will base careless euatamere. A neat More and neatly printed .teon- ery go together. If excuses hod • money value Some mm would be wealthy. Socee.. is • very coy and will remain only when treated well. Place Tour confidence upon actual cash and you deal misplass Some etrk's cultivate their moustaches more oarefslly than they ho h.m.ees sense. WHY MEN REMAIN( BACHELORS. Quite moistly at • well-known club th. subjem 'Why sow remain bachelors' cans up for decussates. They want all that their }orate bad with out weldor and stnvug for .t. Many proposals ars un• eeetioM►ly delay- ed or released cm this account. The Yonne people w dmiaclined to start is • bumble easy, and gradually improve their siteatim. it Is not nearly go common as it diem was for girls to marry amply in order to neon • home and a K,... They vie ads mow to earn reed wages, sad M take their time about amusing the dates of wive@ and .ether. The eost of supporting . wife .rad rasing • family is weer lesser theta it teed to be, amid •hie healers rat the salter ehw area beiiMMw me heti add. The majority of those plreawt ening r the etseheies that oar marmvaps% ebyl. of Ytrleg,.. egshpred with that of termer three ie one d the aflM Mve miasma Thain N le all liana that therms eves - nee el employment apes to wenn=mYaave made than mere blY Ma note mamas a IIhhe� w.ialfiestne o f bee --de _ stvarns.rd ni the •roses•. • l3aB. P sold the eh.steet to the robes, "lb hat w you Its • Rub bird," said the robh, "Whim( we you r •• rim a Moak h eed, (hofs,' mil thedeotheet. Toesuag dry sponge oats. Boiling stalk for wise stuns. letagl•m tasted al selectee Botha" hard water before use Always MImeg • o eke nee way Pricking potatoes before baki.g. Hartshorn, to restore uulor tikes out by an rid. Iu e. • .y flies strong, ould, sweetened grecs Loa locking esrhea ea vessel. with powdered oh•rcnal. Firing the flour barrel • hew laches from the !mor. Irvine the bast ail an oven cath •pies ot paper Keeping °story firm by setae, a oold water tall used. (.rapt leaves, changed uocaoonally, to sever pickle tars. Louisa raw potatoes he ia salted water before frying. A rag, saturated with •arsesp pepper solution, stuffed Into a ret hub. Ouemows of alum is the last water as which soothes are Wooed, which will render them eases t.Iamaaabta. FLORAL HELPS AND HINTS. Ants can he drives sway by the toss of pulvenrod borax. Charcoal in the soil has • tendency to sweeten It and keep it pure. • J•elueminot ' u pr000untwd ' Rho:km*. ,to, with sweat op tint syllable. You caouet grow violets .talactonly o• the house. The air is too dry and wsrm fur them. ('hrysanth.mum lice oan be got rid of by dtuti4g the pleats with wham* dust while they are dump. The Dutchman's I'ips Vine Ariicla:bud of the catalogues -s of very easy color& tion. In order to secure • strap growth all you have to do as to giro it rich soil. 1t is • rapid gruwer and soon Sven • trellis with large luxuriant toilage. It is qui e hardy. If there aro webs on the leaves of your rubtter plant you will doubtless tind rod spiders at work ou sxamin ti n. (Tear water is the beet remedy. Wash the leave•s thoroughly and after that keep them show red. Canna, would do well •bout your fountain, also caladium.. Mildew roses ane from too n.uch ileitis). n ese or from • low degree of vitality and an the noose frequently from low temperature or sudden chill. 1t shows itself in • white powder ou the leaf. rho best remedy, .1 ter removing corvine -mg which cause it, is flour of sulpber dutced over the planta. Ladies' Home Journal. SEASONABLE SALADS. Ham o.la:l -('hop remnants of cold Mold• e l ham, wix with • r .ck or two of celery cut in bots, or season with celery seed and pour over (.acus dressing. French !framing. - Kest till well blended two table.pe,oiulia oi melted butter or co:tolese . ■ scant tea•pxofuf of salt, hail a teeal.00nful of pepper, and two table•por.u. tuts of visey;ar, (teat till light Sod loamy. Potato Salad. Pare or boll .ix or eight potatoes the glee of an egg : shoo thin while hot, sad mix with the Wires • tablespoonful of olnpped onion sad four tablespoonfuls of chopped boiled beta. Let sad two hours sad mix as hvhtly • French dreat•g. Mayonnaise Drawing. —Kest the yolk. of two ague with • half ix teaspoonful of salt and • teaspooufal of mustard. (Beat in, • little at • tine. 1', tablespoonfuls of melted butter. When •smooth paste result", dilute with vinegar until it is the consistency of thick cream. This dressing keeps well if cluvely corked. 13e... "41.4. i)rain • pint of lima Seems which have Ines boiled in salted water till tender but not broken. cut • medium-sa,.d boiled potato* into thin slices while hot. )lis with a fork, beaos, p,t•toes, two tabl.- e p000fula of any cold chopped meat and • teaspoonful of dry , mueterd. Place to • salad bowl and pour French dreaming over the top. Codfish Salad. --Pull modish into this strips, soak 12 hours en cold water, tom "hence to fresh and let lie ball an hour. Remlve the moistore with • soft towel, dip In melted butter, and broil Wttile warm shred finely and when cold add • very little vinegar. Mace gra the top of some finely shredded oabb•ge and serve with mayon- maise drsesug. Omenn Salad Brook white bread or We- enie tow bita dry es the oven until suf- tieienthy brittle to rub through • sieve. Roil four eggs hard. With two teacupfuls of sifted crumbs mix two smell onions shopped the chopped whites of two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter'1 use cottolene, • teaspom(ul incl salt, • little pep- per, and three tahlespnoofuls of vinegar. Add lukewarm water to maks' a .month man, place in It mase dish, smooth the top, sad rub the yolks of the sip through • Move to cover. Cut the H/•hnisg whites into rings and scatter ever the top. serum -else e1 ibe Ane. There'. no mon disowning class than the sportsmen. The Ter.aeul•r of the chair, as they have Invested it, is oddly •pproprtate to its objects. There is • smack of the soil and • breath of the salt water in the terms employed 1'swlly there is sots.thinngg gusistly appropriates to the habits of wiId .missale in the phrase with which they are lumped together Hen is s list which gives very adequate suggestion of the ver secsl•r of the epee semen A covey of partridg.a A hide of pheaea.t.. A whl.p of osmose A flight of doves or swallows. A master of pescook.. A siege of heroes. A building of rooks. A brood of grouse. A plump of wild teal. A .toad of plover A watch of nightingales. A clattering of dough.. A Hook of geese. A bard or bench of cattle. A Miry of quail.. A cast of hooka. A trip of dottrel. A swarm et begs A ssn.l of whales. A wheel d barrage ♦ herd of 'whir A Stalk of foes. A peak of wolves Adrevedsees A seines of bol. p of niesiedes A prole heel dem A .leach et Imam A rag se sib. --New Yes! Neil end Rrprea -4 ether r— 1. 'In twee Ns beam the :=:f Ileum le fttl..m..t •10:4e " LIP" ash(.. tea be te8 • SatlDiwh = tettileped�hNM r : )Mimi 1MIsw e.• .• kind i•••sso, too eemasstl N ales lir bsp.p,b. ' i�ihm��ms.. . a ho ol e �� ever the ethiro I masa tins PITH AND POINT. About tee year 1753, • minor canes from the u•t►edrwl at I.leso.ter offered km esr rices to Heads! to wag. Hs offer was se oepted, and he was employed in the chorus- es, Tot eatas6e.1 with (hie, he r.•,uested I leave to slag a solo Thee request also was granted, but be execute( his solo so little to the mtietactioo 41 the ',idioms that, to his great mortifliaua, he was violently hissed Vrheo the psrfurnuo.•e was over, Holed said to him, 'rarely •'1 aro Sorry, very carry for yen, isdee.t, racy .hear sir but go back to your church in de country, I,od will forgaf you for your had magtng . but dear wicked bs..ples u Lawton, dry will not for gid you '•' On the journey from % team to .t. l'eters burg, ('umherl•nd the thought reader ester tamed ►u fellow passengers by guessing their thouvhta (Ise .f the travellers • Polish .lew, who took the whole thine for • boat, offered to pay Cumberland the sum of 50 roubles •f he could divine hie thouvhts. Vlei bly unused, ('umberh.nd acceded to hos n.iumt rod Mid "You are going to the fair .t Mahn( Novgorod, where )su intend to purcbaae goods to the •t tont eat 11,t00 roubles, after which )ou will declare your self • bankrupt and a mpound with your }creditors for 3 per cost." tin hearing thea wurde, the Jew gsiad •t the speaker wilt revem((seaati•1 awe. He thee, wetbout ut tenet • syllable, drew out of the leg of his boot • shabby purse, and handed him the At rouble/. Whereupon the great m•g,cias triumphantly is.euired "Theo 1 have gums ori your thoughts, eh "No,'.replted the Jew : "but ycu have eraven me • brilliant Ides An illustrious Fr.•eh prolan was at • great banquet, is coropaey with really members of the French nobility and Inane ecc!selastiee. 'Tile conversation turned upon the life long experience of pretest., their in eight Into the depths of human Miter*, and the strange secrets of which, in virtue of their other, they tr.u•t become the deposit• cries. To point his remark• h,. emlueno. said "For ins:once, gruUemen, the lino confession 1 ever received was that of • murderer." At that moment, and while expresatoos of wonder, interest and hlcrror were still upon the lips of hoe auditor+, the door opined and • nobleman of II,e l,icheet rank, • men well known lin lig thein, en tend the room. Ile salute.( the companv, and then paid hie respects to the prince ..t the churoh, adding gracefully, as he turned o the company- : "You are perhaps not aware, gruthemen, that i bad the honor t. be his emmence'e fire: paitent." The con- sternation ot. the oompmav, and his emin- ence's state o noted, may be Imagined. Wow de ver eleeplesttets. 1 venture to .ugtost a now but simple re- medy for wast of sleep. Opiates in any form, even the liquor opii sedet and chloro- form, will leave traces of their mlluente the n ext morung. 1 il,ereture prescribe fir myself and herr• Ireioently done eo for utter. -Dooms sin.ply eun.u.w uniese r■* ; but Speed* onions, stewed, wall de. F:very body knows the taste of Dans.: this is .jus to a peculiar essential o11 o r:tatued 1 tau most valuable and healthy root. Ti.e oil has, 1 am sure, highly soporific pogrom. In my owe ewe they ester fail. If I am much premed wtih work .sd feel 1 .hell. i deep, 1 eat two or three small onions, and the effect is magical. Oolong are .1.0 ex- cellent th,ngv to est when much exposed to intrust- oda. 1-.nally if • person ,aonot sleep, it is become the bind ala the brain, not in the stomach. The remedy therefore ie obvious. ('all the blood down from the bran to the stomach. This le to 1.e do.. by eating a biscuit, • hard boiled egg, • bit of breed sod cheese, or something. Follow this no with a gl.ss of milk, or even water, and you will fed Weep, and will, 1 trait; bless the Hama of the tenter. Volum ti- -GGA teinterm..ts. Awarding te an exchanrn, new papilu in the whim's of the future will have Tomball to this examination : Teacher - Johnnie, have you • certificate of vaccination for small pox Yes air. Have you hem inoculated iter croup • Yes sir. neon treated with diphtheria serum Yes air. Had your arm scratched with choler& bacilli. Vie sir. Have you • written gussets• that you are proof sgain.t whooping cough, measles, mumps, scarlet fever and old age • 1 es sir. Have you your own privet* drinking sup' Yes sir. i)o you promise not to exchange sponges with the buy next to you, and Dever use any but ycur owe pencil' Yes sir. will you agree to have your hooks fumi- gated with sulphur, and sprinkle your clothes with chloride of lime one* a week anr. ,Johnnie, you have met the first require- ments of the modern .anht•roa• and may now climb ewer mailer rail, occupy an isolated alemis.m seat sad hegt• mak lag les and 1 J's as "oar gree Iseson. A is.... Ia r1s.Mass. " Now, hoes," said the iIIseher, "1 hove • few googlies' in fraction.. Suppose 1 had • pies of beefsteak and cut of into two pease : what would those pieces be celled!" " Halves "' shouted the elms. " Corset. Aad if ! eut each half ,ato two i quarters • ' " That's night. And If the 'Iwrt.rr are e ach cut in hall Eighths ". " Qaitei en. And if those were each chop pad u two • • Sixe.e.eha •.. " Very good. And when the sixteenths won eat, what would those pieces he Doll ell, " Hen then was some hsttatiuo, but ma • moment two boys said " non, soared• "' " ism right, just right,' said the teacher, " And now we will chop these i. half. N hat have we now •" Moses followed this goestiw, whil. the heys shifted un- eaoily and the teaeher hold his breath. "i)e rase ofw know •'" miprimad the yeg lama. " Casino -111 ewe NM ems see oma r11 tea "was ww • 1.1111111101 per•• she hems • hand was nisei, deli re anIkee Hmi ohm pipet yeti " Piens•, sir, i shish i kmitw." " Weil, Jniott., what " " Mimes," sad she ,... .r : mid three wee • bunt of laughter. tesass With . Now St.q-1 had Gosh a severe esegb Yet .y Wase Wt es it eerwped wltb • O. teatime Norway Piss Ryrwp i tweed the im ileo. es IDIM. amid tt. •seal beetle seer piM•�jeared ea Nees L ter A. Clet Gerrie : Oen Sol Jae Leine'. Agana had the mldellttw r lit erN d a .heir the other ley and beenis her mar beim fro' IP' THE MA ►Y THE I\UOP1 TOOK SICK vow WOULD 8. JUST SPEND 11a 1 OUP ^'),,,{Tal.., FOR A BOTTLE 0! BURDOCK BLOOD BitfERS AS ALL SENSIBLE PEOPLE 1)0 ; BECAUSE IT CURES DYSPEPSIA, GONSTIPATION, BI1,IOUSNESS, BAD BLOOD, AND AL•b DISEASES OP THE STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. -- People tit 1;4 /I ii.) t't) 11ION sENst: b -dully appreciate it weal article that ,is 1:,.hestll' ttlnile. iviki well linii.hrd and up t.r date. Ti 1• r_•`Heti, the ger"rot suCcesit of � ORANBY RUBBR� THEY WEAR LIKE IRA, IIM.meea ae..a.itai.M...Y.....e.m. „ Dr.Liv ei ette'S The finest Remedy in the World fur all .' ;-cc- p _ of tions of the Thro t & Coughs, J Lungs.. r. y Grippe, Croup, Whooping Cough. Cures Colds, tflfliitine q•• You Never IIIITMorisaeoMeavevar �����'��s..ta� tl aramir' Srrm lased a Tub or Pail that lasted as Ion! that was as light, that garmus,. thorough satisfaction as FIBREWARE. A lifetime of t'::: ears is a frequent occurence with f1 INPURt�TED E. ` - F T WARE NEW BAKERY IN- 0-0DERICI3. --0- — JOHN A. GREEN' has established a new Ifakery and (mon- fec'tione'ry Story' on Ilnneiltonst. in Iterriel. 11141 st,.I1,1, w'It.•r1. 11.• will keep constantly on hood everything in the Zine of Good preach, Cakes anti Pastry of beat make. Large Loa%es at >i ctx., arid small Isom es at. iv. \o t•omhination : 110 extortion , Inst everything to .0 it the tines* Anil the pockets of the people. If you want (:otl.l Bread and Cheap Bread leave your orders' et the New Bakery, on Ilantilwn Street. Wedding Cokes t Specialty. v Iiresrl .delivered to all parts of th. town. J08X . A. GREEN. The Old Reliable COAL\ ALWAYS ON HAND. NOW i. ilia time to purchase your HARD COAL The bat SCRANTON HARD 00AL is Yds thicket supplied at wair..t rims A shortest notice. All Coal Weighed at the Mar- / ket. WM. LEE Orden nit .t =A2TR1 LS= .ten pomp* mouthed M �sss wess" - CITY— COAL AND WOOD - ..A.N.Tz=1 :1.•• ail s'trahnn given to •AWED AND SPLIT WOOD. r Ifead carers tar a:1 entries of HARD, SOFT A BLACKSMITH COAL. ('tel weighed os ether ..r..•' or mycale0. is Get mf Prove '*tory going elsewhere. T.ne• 4 VIII. Telephoner .•cones•. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. Maly. SelentilC Awns. AWN for ATENTS OAYITitan AT ?cmes i..•1 boa natvtb tom W y to x1. to MI ,rawer. s le toOt�i�. leer,•.. f.r..r.a'IM memos 1• A '...evil (sit 'sr 1v 7,41:X=:= 1.fas',r.. I west..• Scientific American i�tm..a r. rr•.'.r.e.1.ny aieeti.,t poor the wmtg, ,•10,1.11, '1e.tr.t54. IYf0 hat ����.bN,'s"�e 1 ! e .Irk +r ttNtw.a.Nlfi, a .wmihs �xig be lees [Mw TesLN • t - TENTS ! CME/TS. hall muss IN CMNiNMT1 pkbsl..A..nd.11 abominate U the e t sr attwdd u se NODAAA TA s�poshe the t'. A. pct. 01- by1�.4--,. , .heat., Passau h W** onset. from WAR, r7v 11egsor. Otis as to �MeMed hat treDDIIIt. nit DAA *•WINO.. �M• •.1 -- TI I N P. TI atiVt11 tletilit lT 1►i O)} em i'otns;t ' cslieM r year g=11•r er Carr • write r C t