The Signal, 1895-2-21, Page 4j
. 1
S. a.4IL{/011111161[.
Mee et Pmblteetleo 1 and IL lOggeo,iorege.
Terra..' eat•esiggieme
(Yee month. La .d.aar+e ............g 33
Thee menthe., „ ,. sees..
Om year.
tl.sek at 1.ev tarsi.
Tear label is • standing vieseige
eo grow' you are paid ape .em t r it set
ed to fall into arrest.
a clan of .ddearm 1p y�
told mad eke new address r`netl Mgivwb
Adversl.taa atmrea
and otter en. •.al advetrleameets, He.
/r t e for arm lasertl • asap pr floe
WO each s treuwot taesrtaiss. a snared by
ma II Mal...
BaNsees verde of efx lime sad wader. 113
Advertteemr.0 of Leek
fetaatbVamp,. tu Tao,, Meatless Wanted Strayed
BWS.e cis -mew wanted. Not ettoeedtatl 3
telae •onp•r,Ll. gl per nosed►,
Horses ea isle and Farms se Sall.. not to
sassed s I. nee. sl for ant My ria per sea
mewed month. larger .der.. b ANporc
Aay .pro• sal ua i. e. l he of jest .f eroda3 Into
promos. the rer•nmlary of Lodi -
Tidos! compare. to be an
vanlsemsenand charred
Loris gooiest In rotametl tope .me meet pas
word. ne notices lees 11LaN >♦e,
tee& notices .0 ordinary roasting typo two
oasts per word. No notice fee Mee t� me.
Notices for churches snd ether religiose and
benevolent instil otiose half nye.
(eeseseertal trammel •bed reessene.te.
A Ilteri n.mber of d advertise
mot. will b. inserted at then
m:stat rear,,,
Gar loch, oar 'men sous 3. Iu
tourittrniosa.....•..,, t old
throe soothe. 11'00
" tis months ..-.... ... 1 er
No d[_oetbement lean sham psis Ittehas la
length ..m be tolculnarj Mpvu
Mae. S
per reet. discount a1lef payment•
oa three months contrasts seat. no ..x
...lis.. sod IS per east. ea a fear's. Th.'s.
condition, will be $trbil,.dread.
• neer •• The • Ma.I tlief vee y.
Subscriber who fall to mel a Tee Nims a,
reeulsrh. either by carrier or by mail. w..i
oonfer • L, or by •ogaaintifg ea et the tact .t
es early • date as possible.
Rels.ted meatrrript. cannot be returned.
oboe tenet be written on on..14.
of ..etas
J. C. ion To▪ nal, of nd
OdlAsgeilt��ear t
ktt Nosbeen no
. phi.. of Godrrich. Colbnted Local 'm.rb�MAW& a iho W..
wsno.h. aN a-
t.oca. tromemmters ever the district .re oso
empowered to r.OMvi •absr'llptio•. to Tut
910Y AI_
A'l communIeatlsas most be.ddreseed to
Tat Store •o.
releatone ( tar til. ooderleh . /At.
QODtRN-H. TII t' RBDAY. MB. 21. tri .
At. C. CAugaof will return home
next weak. We on pisented to Tears
that tie returns beds toad hearty. an.l
able and willing to put in trenchant
plows for Liberalism in the coning
campaign. His coming will put bre
into Hie 'Amends of West Huron, anti
will name them to their fullest effort
in the ensuing campaign.
:WHAT a cowar•(jy pack tri. n. -w
(.1:01144 is anyhow. Putting the
evil day seems to have been it-
whele work riuee the new Premier
took up the ruin of power, and o•a.-n
n ow,when tbe sue Important quest
before the country is whether a session
will be held before dimelution, 1101
"tie of the Cabinet members dare
a sign. They know they are between
Scylla and Charibdia, and fear a
wreck in Way event.
IT is now generally conceder! that
Hon. J. C PArrnaOr will not he a
candidate for parliamentary honor, III
µ•rat Hurn■. It u a well-known tart
that PATIO/04M u a failure on the
platform, rind unless hold in check by
abler men than he--spoh as Morn- +.. t • ►.
or Rea BilnlN .0 Ar ---mss et any ttmr
liable is sly otf the handle and make •
gay of himself, as wee the case recent
ly in Toronto when he made hitt onfor
tenate • • Mullet" speech. I■ a bye
election, with outsiders aeoeting hire.,
and thereby taking the campaign
work off Ilia sl baldgg , PArrss,..v
tstakes a rrspectabinklokiag figure
bead, but if he has to work oat the
battle for himself, be will fare no hat
ter in West Huron thea he diel in
SOUTH I ieford did good service to
the Liberal party lent week when it
nominated `,r RICHARD C•nrwan,t
to be it. standard bearer in the coos
ing ••ampaign. There is no man in
Cana more deserving of remognitiom
at the bands of abs Re[erssers of Can
aria than Sir Rtua•tt CAtTwal(:1li.
Is and out of parliament there tis no
hotter *quipped statesman in °ami le.
He is a magnificent fighter, and has
plane(! tM Reform[ parte ender obliga-
tion 4 him by the manner in which
he has exposed the humbug of the
pretest financial policy of the Donnie -
ieyn. He is not • trimmer, but calla
Mitring thieving on ev.rypser'ble rte
warm As • plstformiath. is, "it not
*meg in the very hist line He b••
tee 11111111111 eta a financial oriel* He 1s
the reuse ardently hated Liberal/ lead
er in the ee.atry, and this epllibt to be
greater mien why Ms potitmal
� should love him the me
the t wide* i. aunt en lee man
he able be deal tweet. beat
opiintS Ne hlleai• a eh•I
la hi. OWN
51 political lsuality which has brought
this country to its present ..srviable
could item than air Rlc'it an C
Wright, and there u no uollesgue wbo
will he more trusted to do battle
against the enemy by the Reform
Chieftain than South Oxford.* choice
The selection of Sir !twists', by
South Oxford gives the keynote. to the
country. His t►ominauoa means se
aggressive tight all along the line. It
signifier that thew will be nc tempor
lying with the policy of starvation of
which the country has been the violin)
for the pant sixteen years that there
will be no retreat from the line of
policy adopted by the Reform convrn
cot. at 1 Wawa.
For these morons South 4 )Rion! tie
servos the thanks of every Liberal in
the lead for the patriotic course it has
adopted in selecting as its candidate
the man who was the Finance Minis-
ter in the MAI'Kgyz1t Government,
and who, heyoud doubt, will occupy a
:iuiilar:position in the Lau al Mt Admin-
istration after the elections have leen
fought awl won.
The politicians aro gett:lig en
their skates.
There was a good .teal of fug' at
the last meeting of the town council.
The ttlree-cornered racket was exceed-
ingly rich while it hutted.
The lion. ili 1.1.6T I'•rtaasov
should now endeavor to prove an alibi
w, tar as tbe Yount; Lib. Con. gather
nig in Toronto i. concerur.i. It is
hand on a politician to Is troul.Ip,t
with the foot and mouth
WErssssiAv, Jan. 30.
A meeting of the depositors ot the Lucas,
Fanner A Co F. beck here, was held at the
' 'mmeraial Hote , to appoint mopre-
tors and do other btutues in commo-
tion with the wmdeng up ..f that tir,n.
The storms of to • last week Moe leen
5 .metteing unusual in severity in this Fart of
the country, but as tar as we can lean than
was no loss e1 lite or property. 11"ith
Moyer dive and tiny '.e•ther the storms will
e.,rm be tor.'otten.
Your .orrr.pouAent had • drive no .roe of vr.vrl roads • few days ago He won-
ders if our roads in Winter are beyond tbe
care of any cutout, or ,e any pereou reepoo.
able for the damage or lose that may hap-
pen to •11. or pr .prty, as some of the rade
are not Mfr to drive on.
A Sear n Ta■ Ktcnr 1)Iar.Tlo' The
farmers ,n this comma are showing 'hem.
es.ves shy, tb their interests, and some m
porn: ular are enuring to their nfforta to
work up • cheese factory here We re
pressed to !earn that success is oeftaun astir
as the huildtag in concerned. 31a wish
then, success_
3r[•r.A., 1''eb 18.
Ice fishier is all the go here now.
R t'...lobelata returned hoar from Tor-
onto last week,
The new S..1 officer arrival here on Nat
urday reremg.
Sirs. lir. Stanbury rr•urned home from
Toronto last week ,
The young people of town all enjoyed •
goad ek.te im -starchy last no the lake.
Mlles Lotus Martin, formerly of Hayfield.
has been home tor • few days trom Toronto.
H. F. Edwards, our popular merchant,
got in • large supply of straw h&u last
The D. , . 11 Intend haying a grand sue•
per and had In the h.11 en N edneeday, 20
All are mated.
SI r. Hrtgg, of K inc&rdi.e, vetted hereon,
day last week and burned some of the &eh-
ertnen's nets that were 'eyed up &t the I tuck
',Linde last Fall.
The 'email which was gegen by the young
people of the Methodist church was held at
so. F:rwie'e end was • grand success. Af•
ter .1l partaking of a hearty supper and an
enjoyable tune they retuned hoer. Pro-
ceed., 813 ta5.
.ave taloa pates te Mdsral rratel,e dair-
ies are rat Few Tran.
RAMII.t,.'e, Feb. 111 .1 radial change bee
taken place im the past tew years ea ssediool
practro Lrge wuwous doses are 00 lam-
a tee rule, but where po•.ible medicines are
adsstaaetered ,■ the 0000sotrsted form of
tablets sod pane which ere more easily takes
by the patient. This feet, mon than any-
thing else, caused the nae of the pill form
for that sterling remedy. Itodd'. Kid.ey
Pills. Thew pills are sugar Boated, easily
carried about sad emily taken. They re-
yuire eo slcebol to preserve them sea liquid
remedy would, and for this macre. are pre-
ferable to liquid remedies Another impor-
wt feature of thew palls as that they have
never yet failed to cure any form of kidney
- I
walseti Income.
Willie blamer, we're gotag to have •
little wreluerade party over at Tow Staple-
ford" How'd I better tie up eo they won't
know me •
His Mother Wash your foe. dear
hoot -tem person
been killed by a
Hriti.h imports
forty fl ye per cent
porta to Canada
• are rrporteit to have
firedamp explosion la
ifs -G. T. R. Detective [sepia P.
P1ynn. of Montrs•1, took • bed tare
sly oto Monday morn** and Is set en-
pr,tesd te lire -
!teleran, the time yearo{a w of Adam
(:reham, to Toronto. soelda tib beet a
dose of ra1boIk arid on Frieder Mid RM a
few horn Tater.
Illy Henry• tbs acted tam
penance worker, will arrive In M..treal la
a few dare. and will Marcam • series of
t•rr•p•rasoe m.etinga
lierntany will 'shortly Issne invitations
for an International monetary rennrsaa•
determined to take the initiative 1• sstt/
Ing the silver esestion.
Tire lighthouse at Smith's Poral, V..
at the outman, et the Pesesmmie river late
(i'o•pebe. Hay, wen aserled Wray It/ the
crone Lea oa meow
from Canada declined
an January. The ex -
declined only tea per
The eleventh Annual Gather)
work, Mussed sot to Matte lost
greatengreatenle. •► to m
sagreatenThe anytime of wag target
by Josue kameolf r r:von .s mad we eat re-
epe.abl. ter t.Llowbg His maniple 1t a
oar privilege to head awns to (Area by be-
nt able se Rive term the Mesa' of oar own
•apeswaoa the have the privilege of prayer.
sad we are respolirible nor the mercers el
M Ikea privilege u bird el the messitres of
our camas The privilege M mouldiest the
ob.zsoten d the roam' in the S. b. for tM
first tea oe twelve years of t►.., lives se our
of gnat 'opposability.
r. Crosser. •upriauad'si of Crewe
S.S., u►rodnoed the subplot " Ars impair
teachers • heaths to the S. scuool." /in
is experience taught kiss that they ere a
boos&t for two reasons -1st, If .. esnereesey
1'M oocum to which • ripply N needed the sup-
ply teacher's more likely to have the lemm..
prepared Zhao the other senior sobolsrs.
he god, became they have set the same rigbs
1.101 charge of • alts/ m 00 emrgency as
wises they have bias regularly appointed.
`supply teachers are sot • bettedt bemuse
whoa two or three are duisg the work of
sae the work is sot well done. 11 supply
ta.bere are •ppotated they will receive •
great besetit from the preparation of the
Immo though the airs may sot. If supply
• teachers are appointed they should be nt....-
fied &000rding to the clasmaa
The subject istroduued by J. Ihrt.w was
" The Supriateod ol'. Rospo.aibihty•"
The responsibility 0 great oo &weans of the
• eiatenal on wash It• hoe to weak. The
t superintendent is respelstbw for regular at -
g teadaam. as teachers and wailers are
•pt te follow hu example m this respect.
• lie ea responsible in the school fur the
order of cosductnnr the eteniete,
for the order donne the teaching of the
lesson, for tbr prevention of loud talking
among the teachers and for the order to
discussing. He is responsible for the .lam of
teachers appointed tar the vanoue dance.
He te to a great extent responsible for the
way the Immo u taught, ria is respoueible
for the teaching ot temperance H• 'amid
be temperate hlmeelt &lid mart on the
teaching of temperance to the classes. He
r responsible for att.odanoe at church. H.
v reepewible if the school rote in the camw
groove from year to year. He is rw'rin.,ble
for the load of entertainments held by tie
echooL These should be for the profit as
well as interest of the public. He is re
omissible for his attitude durine the time of
revivals not only to sal to winning souls
MA take as as example to the teachers He
k for hu example out of the
sa6.ol sM daring the week.
In the discussion whxh followed mu_•h
emphasis was laud on the teaching of tem-
The time allotted to "Experiences of
Workr'' was well spent. It war a kind
of t..etrmoov meeting during win •h many
workers spoke of the great benefit the ". n.
had bene to them.
The mar meeting art the children was ad
dreo.ed tint by Mrs. .1. Dustow on the sub•
pct "Lew. (:•d Now." Love is the sweet-
est word : God is the greatest word. Now
is the word test enpreeee- the shortest
period of time. Love is about tM only
thing we can tete to Heaven. Fenn Stud
home are no more needed. Mr.. D. taught
that trod is great In power, m wisdom awl
,a underetandmg. He an ua.lentamt
what each individual mks tor mo matter,
now many are proving at once. W. should
lore God because He tint loved u.. aid gave
H's Son for oar mlvauoo. t'h,Idreu should
love enough to obey. They should Tuve I:od
n ow because they are just starring cue in
life and because now r the oo;y toile we an
sure of.
The mooed address to the children was
given by Mrs. 1,. el. /Sickle. on "What
Childree can be and do." Children should
he ('halation and to be so most read and
w ady the Kittle. They shouid he converted
and become like Christ to kindness, love and
' empathy, !c. Those who would work fur
.loses must give themselves to Him. Child-
ren should talk to (sod as they would to an
earthly parent. All are voyagers over 'the
sea of life, but we need not fear troubles and
totals if we have .[esus sailing with ria in the
Roth these mddresses were Interesting and
'surname to old se well as young. They
were illustrated by .bort sneed•tes of what
children have door sad said to influence for
A aerie. .1 amuses/ea •se.tes. -- • aemerr
■tial) I•eerev.tse Fasters ProsoloIed
The Mlyeaes Neraseed
to an Ante mammas.
Til I? seventh annual union S. S. Con
venues of the Nile amid Ihtng aro. chests
of the Methodist church was mimed est bus
gamma oa 1''nday tits met, at 10 A u.
porta of the program arranged tor the
morales were duly carried out, but t
storm trivia, by that time increased, tt was
deemed advisable to postpone the r.-.4er
of the pregramar until Wada.sday oft..
moo, Feb. 13th, when the 5041.00305 raaa-
sembled sad the program was oomplsad
Much insanes was displayed by those pre
Bent en both the addressee and diaoamiass.
Every number w the program was faithful'
tarried out either by the pereou appointed
or by a substitute provided by him. In the
n.rouss and &tternoeo oongrapstiooal stag.
tog native)* the exercises. while tis
efficient choir of the Ilaagonnoo Method's
church supplied she music for the evenm
seesaw Each .esties was opened with de
voanooal exercises mad closed with the ben.
diction. The following r • report of CM
proceedings of the cooveetioe.
41)5I'1.. ,t\ ,o,,
Fetus•?, Feb. 8th.
John McLean. superioteodent of Dungan
roe 5.5.. pr•astded.
Rev. 11 ll(ogere, of I►une•onoo, gave an
address and welcomed the y'sitore to the
homes in the oommunity. He stated that
the people of the homes wet. •erred their
%tatters because they .re S. workers,
The S. o, u doing more than any of the
secular .v.mbinatnoos for the bilmidt of the
country. The people of the homes would
be able to compere notes with the visiting
workers and thus be the Netter able to carry
on their work to the future. The greatness
of the work a an inept -atlas to the workers.
It is so to secular album but the work of the
faithful ��. timelier matinees, and ler
fidelis, mad perseverance will be rewarded.
He recited on incident to prove that though
the workers may mot see the result of their
Libre. others will.
A. 1'. Sheppard gave .n address of wel-
come to the cw.ventron, dealing with the
benefit the S .. workers expected to receive
and that which they wished to Import He
invited all, whether actively engaged en 5
N work Of 0.1,10 take part In thedseuseion
• they with remark. of coadema&tioo or
oemmendat 105.
The next topic was eat.tled 'Excuses,'h.d
war iatroduoed by 33'. Bailie, sup.rmte.d-
ere of Nile S. S. Excuses are found in
every day work as well as that of the Sab-
bath ach sol. They are made at committee
meeting., obiections beim; rained
taking subjects. are meds at con-
venttot.$, complaining of lock of time or
meats to prepare the adddress. Teachers
make excuses at mutual meetings, salting
they aro incapable of perform,nv the work
of teaching the clam ms.igned to them.
They will excuse themselves for being &b -
seat or for not h&vmg the lesson prepared.
Christian people nuke excuses for not Lak-
inr c. se of a us the abseom of the
iki)Y'lig that class is not
stitch Air they are osisithle et teaching.
Pamela make excuses for not attending the
S.v., pleading pressure of busioes@ se the
canoe of their absence.
A discussion follower[ this address. Sup-
erintedenta are semetimee responsible for
the ..fluence of the teacher by appointing
teachers who, he knows, have sometimes
other appo,ntmeots te till at the time of
Sabbath mcheoi.
W. Morrow introduced the next subjeet.
"How can the 5 S. be made • greater lime
fit to the Church and Community •' The
S. can not be separated from the t'hutch,
oe that is where the 5.F. gear lar workers :
nor from tbe community, as there u whore
the 5,5. gats the maternal on which it
works. (:et the church members enlisted
an the r S. work and they will receive much
boost therefrom. Mr. Morrow oostrsted
the time spent an secular work with that
spent in church and 5 S. work. The work
of eonvenioo is not .11 that God doss for
us : the work goes on to perfection. The
workers in N. o. are geoenlly thaw that
carry on the work of the Church. Discus
moo Mummers might moist the S.S. by
sonoun•inr for it and urging the church
members to attend. The workers would be
much encouraged by having & large clam of
elderly people who have long bem studenia
ot the Bible. Ministers are much helped m
their work by frequently •tteoding the S.5
A large close, regularly attending, u • great
leepirstioa to the teacher.
A rTEa,eri9 %MOMMS.
Wrr.smn*t, Feb. 13.
Rev W. H. Mob is the shale. E000ur-
HPng reports of Nile. Dungannon and ('revue
t. Schools w.r. given and die•u.eed.
"What has the S, S. accomplished '" was
the subsea ietroduoed by J. Hetherington.
He quoted peewee from Old Testament
Scriptures showing that the people at that
tone were commeadd to teach t:od'e word
to the children. He gave dotes of the
establtebmect of 5. Schools, materios ago,
in different parte of Use world H. referr-
ed to the labor of Robert Raikes acid his
.* workers telling that at that time the
K. teachers received s fon of one shilling
each per Sunday. He spoke of the
nos to the establishment of `. School. im
t:ermsny, but of the esooursgi.g work dons
then, there beteg now about 3,000 sobo.k,
.10,000 teachers and 3011,000 revile is that
country. He spoke very s..saregionri of
the work dose is Fuses, 116,000 .obet.n
beteg tamrht by 6,400 Wsbrs is about
1,100 schools. He spoke of the RSEle as be
tag the lever whit& raises people from •
lower to • higher plass 1a came primes
are to be toed, at wheeler times, these
who read and expiain the truths e..tsiaed
in the Kittle to tee iametee. Their work at
Imre is sometime' rewarded by the mover-
overties of came of the priers. Sixty years
mg. 0. Seeds were established in Quebec.
71on are sew h that provisos 75f1 sehnols,
6.017 luseben ed 43,334 scholar., et •boas
Viper seal et the present ppslstios. The
S Fl is matoriagy siding/ the tempera..*
eases, 76,120 .shorn having takes tee
pMdp est yep. If the tereperases week
pnepre is that degree for • few more game
we wit sees have pro4ibitio. is Card'
Mr. H. gave the slmbr •4 o..errsieao km
the & R. Seeing thesad reamed te
weds the the R S, ls � le peperlag the
yew ff the work .f the eissab.
MraaR...•J. Ptmeled gam es adlr en
14100"Porend eeirsasf Millelea." Pew-
im s srsily
listed together. We hew the prfvtlere .f
ro.dlmt the able weer Mese Greater Yam
t&st the
ere be he Issd. Ape1vIkge.
nay. • resp-ranb,rssb as emit moaner at
Mad the -rmheer e1 ids at hr +m at
(hew. This Y a Mei and a Oalwffee
Rev. I, Rogers presided. He alio gave
an address on " our System in i. 5. Work.'
We Mvr no better opportunity of moulding
the character of the young than when the
children are under the are of fifteen. He
showed how the system or ' O. work had
programed. 1,e showed the benefit of the S. le..eas, sad explained
Utast no matter how many lemon helps &n
at band, st1,e.nt work will not be &Deem
pushed without the smsietasce of the Holy
�ptrit. S.S. machine should be &dapted to
the intellectual .bihty of the clams. De-
pression of spirits is something t., which .11
umbers are subplot, but they should be en-
couraged by the knowledge that a treat r. -
ward aw&ita them. Nothing will efface the
early amp reasiea. made ea the milds of the
children. Truth deposited in the miade of
the children is like • jewel hidden in • ea e
place. What ma the 0.3. Learn from Busman
Life*" was Rev. W. H. Mom subject.
iSinoe the iseatdtstloa of e.nventiese 0.
eshools have made weedrfwl pregrmm in ef-
ficiency but are still p -'. of •t deal
of development. They adoitsg great
work bet can be mode to oompltpf i much
mere. Bemires Inas are ./ten more wide-
awake lee uscnlar permute than are the work-
ers is the S• schools is puma's, their labor
of lots Timm are no trifles is tbe S. 8.
work as it is to lest through stormily. S.8.
laborers may Lars from buimes life to
make • real bunters of S. s. wort. TLo but
methods and latest sophisms s mould le
rid be the beet results The Anrep
should take a pr.otic.l sad sstf-desyisagg
interest is the work of the mebeol a.d
should, ea far se possible. provide suitable
mad .ttrsotive buildings .ad clam fouler for
tM school. Secular edeamdos wttbo.t
moral and spiritual teett.ssien me. prove
mem of .a evil then & blaming. The bees
and most talented workers bloagisg to the
Aorob &►..led be wtgmgcd is 0. school work
and there tams mag'mged shouldr.00g�he u
their appointment e voids of (:ed smyimg
to time ' Feed my lands," .sol Y .11.5{1
ekmrmfere mange heartily mad prayerfully
in the wee[. It is very impertand unit M.
0. 'workers shaadd be fully easeeoessed sad
should he fru el faith and prayer. 7oal r
eareammes lee ama.tial to mnemes t. 0. 0.
After the elms of the midi-mese..s,wr.
were given M many ,, dor.•
lam tlr
minim/ mid were in eissS a tor.
1f the kat t-1111RitiiilG-T► mew
erased to Gad Mere will he se trouble in
s-NWg the question el engaging i. semis,
rksidmih'.ld always be loath -
Aheeat tssa►e'e should always provide
The impriatesdeas sheald review Me
lemon Isla the wheal leers. w hem m sob
Gam honks Mesh' be [teed by the t.eher.
People emoted Se tumbler .leak. ass he
pressed tele Ihat work.
J 1. riper utersdeate .IM...1 u„e, •e si
resat of their exemplo, be feted Lm here
potable Owes r u mproper par-
A te&o►er .hoalal out lel. ;a, tow oseitl.e-
ly, .a answer elven by a scholar when that
answer u sly.. le good faith sad to tM beet
M ler sbshIy.
!tupertateo•l..0 mil teachers lira as me -
possible out of the school as t• it.
Teachers .•.veld .• t be dtaoursool u
tae' wwrk ,hush they may tot soon sat
tie result e/ their labor.
Several ..'her qua.• saes of local but Got
general imp nosy were asked mad •uewered.
Ir wan .ri.nted to h•.ld the n-il w,aven-
ttom at the Nile in about a year.
Thus chyme i ' he s: t twnth .u,.u.l r oar vro-
ti.a of them two e1,1,11111 and alter a seri
banks publicly •spread. the [ars. meow -
ley dsepereed .ed repaired to their homes,
well pleased wish the day's proc.edisg..
A. P. Snot rtRn,
Seo. M Coev.G, w.
The Ia.upertn.M apease he a row tier.*.
Wm Name wade,..
Mr.. McMahon, the Hamilton 'omen
found guilty of passing a,unterfri1 mooed,
was mean need to'tw 0 )ears and ,t' u.. oaths
111 penitentiary on F'ri.deiy.
In Toronto ,Midge. Mcllougmll limo a
.ecoid t Imo decided t hat t ler t 'WI federal ion
Life Association in .mses•able for income
derived from arae,.-neutw
lir. Monahan. the court stenographer.
4b0 was injured in the (:rand Truck euI
Iiai.Ni at Wesoo, dint uu Welneeday at
St. Michael's hospital. Turouto.
A political agitation of a serious char-
haracter has broken out an,uug the students
of the Moscow t'utri'r.ity, and a large
number td greet■ have been numb..
The 1'nuo, of Wales hrhl his fins lets
of the season on Friday at St .13tw: pal
:ace, and, not withatandiig' the •rvrtr wee
'her, the levee was largely attended
The presence of Mr Or M. McDougall,
Montre.illl, ,Iverl tl�.• reamer
that he wire .le",are,lyr,.takru last., rbr
',larh.r Cabinet a. the. Provincial Trea
The Khedive's favorite skive hat given
birth to a daughter. .Had the Chad 1.44-1 a
Kir, the Khedive would have u,arrierl the
,lave anti trade the boy heir to tl:r Kite-
.1 new .ase of smallpox ham apjwarjs: in
Malahide township. I tur Montrose, 1.0t. -
to n, who,. wife and chill have recovered,
is now i11 himself with the disease in a
very Mel form.
A duel wait fought .m 3Vrtlnealay in the
outskirts of Pari. lwtween 1.tent Marcel
Canroluyt. son elf two• late Marshal. and
Deputy HuMsrd. in which the latter re -
("rived asleep chest wooed.
I'er.i# is about to try the experiment of
i eating ftp-.ertryi atptlar„- stmt rout cul-
ture o0 a srriall withi has already prove.l.s
.111.1".1 .6. and this -"jokier' the root'10. tY tae
Cultivated very exteollverly.
A;m,rtint; of leading tuitions of Mont-
real wit. held' ,• , Fri.1a) tis, .t tidy the rom
metrial relation. of Canada and Itady,w•ath
e view of negotiating for 0 .vmmercial
Irest y beet vireo the two oountile*.
The coroner'. jury returned a verdict
.cvidrntal death im the. case 4 William
Davis. the victim of the Hinkley Hollow
dyuamtte explosion. The family are very
poorly oil, and a .ulacriptios is being
started for them
A committer ap:.•.iuted by torn City
council of stroll fond, um , has recom-
mended that 14,1X.• ('..listable .1 .1 Mc-
Carthy ir., who is 1116*% ty to. 'Col year,
an'Cold whet is still • teenier 4 the police
force... at an alluwauce
of 113) yearly.
31ro.Richard Shnpwn of Toronto. died
011 F'r'iday night at i teulwnrflle, Ohio.
from borne received. Her dress caught
lire fn.m a grate. and she ran into the
rani, where idle tilled in the roost
Neighbors tried to extinguish the blaring
Clothes. bit failed.
At lgincourt on Wedneedety the jury in
the inquest on the death h of Rntrineer Hing
decided that Station Anent. Weighill, at
1 nionville, was negligent in hi. duty,
also that the rules of the (:rand Trunk
were riot specific enough, especially in re-
gent to the use of snowploughs.
The st utirnts of 'Toronto University met
atWardell'. Hall in that city on Friday
a01 pooled a number 4 resolutions refer
ring to the dismissal n� Pr. . le They
pledged themselves, am her things,
to abstain from lectures' until the 1:or
ernment has appointed a eommt.n .io1"
Into the dim.nities at the Uni-
Two prote.sional burglars got a bio stir
prise in attempting to enter the general
store of Wm. Smith of Gatineau Point on
WeThweer flr«1 up
mendnesday. oc watch, and
ey one of the burglwonb)'n
who gave his name ons Alex. Mortimer of
Montreal, was shot in the thigh and cap-
aptured. The other burglar, said to 11.11
professionalmed u
from Toronto, na0slow.
The I)unded et met Met bodied rhilrrh,
London. Ont., was completely destroyed
by fire on WedueeIwy. The s!
InaUd w1 Fetwesen 15),07) and fl�lees.,eJJis t.jet
eared for MOM Tdays before t1e
Queen's avenue Methodisten church, in the
sane ebiy, was berried to the ground, and
many look upon thls fact as more than a
one of the worst wrecks that has oe ,r
rid on the New York Central A Hudson
Hirer Railroad in some time crr,rred
atsn't two miles north of Rhinebeck on
Fridley. The Americas, express train
smashed into a freight car and (lathed inn.
the river, carrying with It Engineer ,lame.
Donohue of New York and Fireman Frank
Green of Caudill!. Both were venously
At Lynn. Masa . on Wednesday a dozen
firemen were buried by • wall falling at a
An in Ifutehlnson'o hardware store The
flames were dangerously near the spot
where the men lay buried, sad all tie.
available streams of water were irolight
to bear on this point. TM work of rears.
011 rapidly, and In halt an hour
eleven firemen had been taken out. Three
of them were deed, or died in a few Wuete%
after being taken out They were (tapt.
Henry 1. Skinneruf die/nine! engine No. I,
Thos Murray of engine No 1, sed John
Ikwilanof essence. No Len (•ommerr/al advless m the principal
boeteteen centres across the lite report
little if any change for the better in the
testae situation The contract for the pur-
chase of gold her, however, dem rose
thing to restore eonl done.. All fano pro
duce onetlnnes extremely cheap, mid em-
ployment ges.rally le slack The es-
tromely had weather of lite has elected
trade everywhere, ntsrted dellvertee. and
stopped b.11ding sad maw eat-Aoar epee
Wena The ensimerelel failures far rho
wenk haw boas !lo
In the Deland Kiri'
as oamttaved with 1e. her the .erttespeg'd-
1se week ed last mac
he Last Shot
Cost cuts no figure.
Argument unnecessary.
+ + +
Men's All -Wool Oven -oats, worth $ 6 00 fon f3 W
Mel, s Black Worsted (herniate, .. . .. .. o. 7 50 " 4 S0
Yen's Serge 1•biten, Stone Collar, Storm Pockets " 5 00 " :t .25
Hen's All Wool Frieze I' later*. a 00 " 5 (1U
Mans All -Wool Frieze Platers, '• 10 50 '' 650
Boy. ('ape Costa,4 4 00 " 1 8s
Floy. Cape 1 oats, K 09 .. 4 50
Boys Pea Jackets, _ " 2 75 1 60
Boys' Sergei Suits, . " _ 60 " 1 60
Buys Tweet! Suite, r ... ..'e '2 11
3 00 0
Boys' Tweet[ Suite, " 4 00 " , vn
Until April 1st we will make to order Men's Suits of
Imported Athlone Serge (the best wearing Serge made),
best linings, fit guaranteed, for $11.90. The usual price
is from $15 to $18.
Alen s !Heavy Shirts and Drawer*.
Men'. Heavy Shirts and Itrawrra,
Meu's Fire Shirts anti I'rimers
ilea s Top Shirta, .
Mart's Top Shirts,
Vent $eslette Caps,
Ladies Mantle, (this seasons styles
Ladies blasting '•
Lathes Mantles ••
is+dies Meaty Union Vesta,...
I.adie•s Fine Wool Vests,
Ladies Fine Wool Vert, . , . .
Lathe's' .u,' (:aslimere Hose, .. •
Latliem Cashmere,
Cashmere Hose,
Heavy All -Wool White F3lank.tar-
ilesoay All -Wool White Blankets,
Large It.d C0ulforter.e.
worth $ lett ler $ 3:3
75.4 471
1 00 " - 67
IS Sit
1 _'5
1 25
6 25
11 50
60 •'
1 O0 "
25 ..
2 50
3 -.flit
5 75
45 e' 30
60 40
60 » . 1-
4 25 " 3 20
1 40" 1 *1
These are samples of quotations at which all Winter
Goods are being sacrificed. Now is the time for shrewd
buyers to make money.
N.B,---Don't miss our SHOE SALE. We're going out of
the Shoe business, and every pair is marked less
than actual cost.
LO.SX% otiteVritt
Tema lli etr..l tee. I'olm.ned Wall... a
Moi ran. u. Fah i• one man .lead and
two others in it pre. anotu eowhtio0 is Ow
n•.,i t ..3 a drive who tl three n..n took uu
W..1 -e.-.4,1) aught. The three nen are
11ieloseI Higgins. ages[ 4: year,. clivi* Dies
Roche. ;old another The trio visited sew-
,al.,.na. and .omen all three were eo
tinder till. infliiener 01 liquor that they did
not know what they were doing Nett
morning they were all taken ,ick Ilig-
gins was removed to the Notre Dame i1o.-
pital. and Hee Rn -'les was taken honer.
The dali.y._Wan paw. remorse] to his
lalginge. On Saturday Higgins died with-
out rat urn ing to cowlw•iollenasa.
11•.. Hushes, who is the porter of the
R,CIeUrn 111.4441, is lying at the point of
death. when wen by (orrn:er'..1asi,tant
I.mcroix. he stated that he thought he and
hi. companions fila[ been drugged. but ler
had no suspicions as to who hovel dune it.
Another story 11/ amne•ttou with the
ewer 11.4414.11/E6 effect that the three hien.
who are porter.. agree -4 to gar for a shire
to St .John'+ A rig was engaged and the
three neo Started for their destination.
which was never reewhel. Where they
went and what happened during the night
is a mystery
Higgins wan taken to the Notre thump
hos.pi•aI by woe one unknown and there
he died without recovering from his
stupor. The next morning Iles Roches
WAS found in him bits, where be haul psosel
the resat of that eventful night. H. rola.
plaints! or Ishii/ ill sial was sent to his
home, where he fell into an uncons-ions
state. from which he only partially re-
covered Saturday morning. At oge time
It warn Ihnught that he wottld expire&
Mr Meeh:el Alex,. said t., lie the third
of the pert t avec cern at hi. resilience, 11
int. Monique ail -pet. He denies having any
connection with Higgins and Iles Roches
on the night in question. Higgins coin
plainest to him of a had cold which hs had
eontrerted while en ditty a. a • cabby "
during the recent 'dorm. Roth Higgins
and lis Rorho% had been drinking heavily
on Monday and Tuesday morning In fact
Alexe never mw them in • worse condi
tion. He thinks they plied thetnoelyse
with liquor until they were absolutely
stupiflerl and did not know how to take
care of themselves Ire does not credit
the poiaoning tn.ory.
An Inquest m, the body of Higgins was
Mkt on .Swtnnl•v et Notre (lame leospital.
The companions of the unfortunate man
are still unonw-inn$ and the Inquest war
adjourned until next Saturday, when men-
aatiotsal developments are ex peeled
Presse. tt•.rn•.e tree ('hsrges we Bade
ageism. Moe. Mw Amgen.
Qt:waer, 1eeb. 111--Ifoe. Wilfrid iaurier
arrived here in ceamset ne with the libel
etre of Hon. A. R. Augers • F. Psrand,
Toe rasa was argued on .ianuary 92 last,
when the plaintiff alnme was represented
by his attorneys. Hon Mr Laurier has
given scute.+ that he will move hefbre
Judge Andrews that the delttere be die -
rimmed to •Ilea the defendant to Ale .a
apology la the record. A draft of the
apology had been ouhmltte d to plaintiff's
attorney, J N. Hellman, (,t(' , last Novem-
ber by defeactim •a aline etas. 'R..oi draft
defesda.t alleges was never esterued and
titbits that If enheaktal to the Oohed,
himself would have ham .ee.peed R.
tri mets to e1. the same apology
The p5ele for orbit Mr. Primill w%hai
awe le Me ea .pispy apposes/ la IIHi..
ter. lis lidera/ slime gloater Leaks
non filmic a pre -.rut of a pair of 11011060 1.0
31r Augers. that he had ale: offered two. -
ow/ to 31r M,-r,i, r to renew the Ilruups,rt
Asylum c.,utr.i.-t'wh..11 Mr Mcrct-r had
refu•iwd, mud 1herrupsti. had 1nv11 formed
the plot to rob the proviso* of ►I'SRJN), of
wheel 11111"1n 0.0614111114 foie Mr Landry
and t' 'temm for, 4r Auger.. The macaw
tl..mi 1 -thriller intimated that Mr. ,[mers
disallows! i arra) two: Mercier Government and
tonal the entry .11 Don. I. i'. Pelletier
into theprw .1..,t eri,neat A,o as to be more
able to pith. mob r..rt the memna of enrich-
ing is,th Mr I.aib,lry and lin,,rlf. The.
presrn1 Mina,ter of .agriculture. 01 6.11tVe
tut 011100 for damages against 1.e-
teur awl the .ace ha. (sea before the
eras Nave a 1'roktbltlw Ceadldale.
Hitlir.rTuw�. \ i, Fell Is. At 11111411 -
lug of reprewietatoe temperance men of
thrcouuty of .ttonal w.lis, held at Lawrence -
town uu ia•unlay. it was agreed that the
next representative of this rouoty in the
federal Ho,iae must be a pledged prohIbl-
tioul.t. and the following pledge was
ed by 'vi of the must prominent men of t
county. of both political parties, and is to
be circulated through the cotter for sig-
nature of the electors. The following ls
the pledge "We, the .undersigned electors
of the county of .ttinap,lis, pledge our-
selves to support ,url, candidates noel
such candidate. oily a, will openly pledge
themselves both oar the hustings snd
through the press of this county to give,
In car they are elected, their hearty and
anrv,erve•ul stipprt to the immediate rn-
mclment of a prohibitory liquor law for
the tomtit ion and nho will protasise to do
this irresperticr of pony
trete Iteelles from the R.1►e.
l.o,tm,s, Feb Is The dead burly of a
mai wearing • lite tilt from the steam-
ship Elbe was washed ashore at KingMowa
near Dover on `atiinlay it was dreamt
in the uniform of m pelt * officer of the
North (sermon Lloyd line end the shirt
bore the Initials "F..1" The man ap-
parently wee about e11 years old. The
body of Wilhelm Muret, a fireman on the
steamship KI Ix, was brought ashore at Deal
yesterday A life -belt ass fastened to It
An Elbe mall hag wan found near by.
The ail, which wee intact, bore the
mark "Newspaper.. firemen for (.hie.w'-.
Two norm and ...event' life -belts from the
Elbe came ashore about two miles frost
tattoo to the O.t•r(. tear.
Towsvm. Feb t.-1RIr Charles Hibbert
Tupper, who Is already a member of the
Nova Scotia Icor, visited ()•good. 11a11 yew
terdey and was taller[ to the (antario Aar
in the Common Pleas Court Chief Jas
ties !Meredith, Justices MWc3sbon mad
Roes were on the. bench. Christopher
)(oblivion. Q.0 , and Prank McKdesa,
Q.0 , presented Sir Charles to the mart.
MpttbeMo m vdgeway Dessei
Bc r►AL . nib. 16. - A M. iMsier,
hiss haat of Ridgeway, Out., writes Met
tber►b so diphtheria to tinevilrata, het
there have bee. • taw mess Is ints sob*
liseiwwd which were thought to have ham
d!poth•rla, bat now a 1m11eved 4 M
.Imply amother Is. of threat •Oms.i<
A.'__edliee• IlieoM at ae1A1a
BUFFALO. Ired la -Albert faftin. ye/
R, a Oaes/Iaa for Mme thee raeldemt of
Pailfuls, fins, ,tsggere4 fib •tag' 'eat
bolas. paid fur ble ted mod tweet M
lle wee Mad deed la bed enact
and Ile mise' mode a mlift=s111113
dm& fore deehalleim