The Signal, 1895-2-21, Page 3' 1• D..n..r1. OI�p)K D• �I-�DlBITAL eade•-\ AA■ mod sad ••�p0e�rrr�v.4 aSm�heno, en heed Ise sunarmWm esllee hamai ON.17 DR, 8. RICHARDSON. L D. oil„ wrwt� dentisa rias ..• "sari .it pd■■lartesei - Ia4•Itt�tslg}stlaa d I■et►. en wen- Lgl-1v • Di. MUNTKR, sees, kw. os..-M.L...r dad. IIs* ,.stat let ..1 .. from M 4U ta.yyt e1 Nl ale js& 1 oIrrus L DANCE?, BARRIa Beltotisr, Convey e� r lean at low. ram. lm peen Ceiba/us Hotel. OM.etsb. filo if Et24.1. aL& W 1e, BARRi8Tk M,thNmeeeaelore Oa►xtO- ItO. RAYS, BAKRISTER, SOLICIT OK. to USG. North et., neat door OsaNaL OIBee. Pre rate funds to lead •i lowest raw .t eats,.,. 71110 G£RROW & PROUDIWT, BAR - raters. Attorneys, 8oltator., &c.. Pod* H eil. J. T. lianew• Q.C.. W. Pro.dfoot- CAMMON, HOLT & ffl►LIIISS, �s�erte�h MWltore 1s Qa.o.ry ao, DadlsY Holmes. ' (lomerwn, Q,0. ; P. Bolt ; G. WARD, CONVICT ANOIR, . &c.. ssd a 510155lomer tr tong and re- snrtag rwesanusaoes of hall, eattaavli of . Mrm*Uea. depositions er seisms Molars - time is or Oe1O"reteg say .tinea. stilt tie pro. Seeding is the Hhrh Court at Justine the Oeurt or Appeal for ,entad.. er le say Comity er 01visioe Court, All r. g� sad aaeea i�idee -Minosaman OM. 011 limas .area _JYMl ______ 8$AOIR..CONVEYANCING AND _ _ _ I_sstaaeir *Mos. oppo.strlMertie • Hotel NaBIT TV LEND ON MORTOAOs at til alae. Motet di.eoa.na, C, RR e� -• -&l• Ilanl•'s U.I.L. tiM" N10NET-AM- LOAN. - *21000.00 SSi� pesent, ..- aWly. tel YY• Hurt..r'. bock, eppos5te Colborne ood.rlck. Mr RALLY LLY IN EAST HURON ?NR KIGNAI.: 4IN1', .' 1 1•14 ypeewleM►• Tallied .p the • ed Iia blunter of Keil w•) a and Gaal• slay abuit $1.000,000 of the eapeadl was oostroll.ble, be .bowed that, as • ter of fact, the expe.ditare o.atrulleh. the t.oterumwt was far in same .d .mount, Perhaps Mr Haggett w.e tweak We of the expenditure weiroll.bie the (omer,atsy (overoaseot. Did he think tb.t "nen •xpeedlteree upon I efface as those to which Mr McMullen referred, end ep.e such works ea the Cur- ran bridge, were oeauullable • If Mr. Her girt was to be credited with baying saved the country $700.000 • year to the maa•ge- Neet of 1b. Iutero.lonial Railway the l:o,• mmeisst was blameworthy for having pe mit'ed that •serenone lugs in years pee Lammas; the Gael policies of the two pa ties, the doctor .aid that it souse own w en ouraged the rest 0.015 pay for it, e.d all were sueour.ged it was just the senor if no tine w.. .so..ursyged. The Liber party pep05e to placed the duties in such • way u to rest as lightly u possible upon the treat oowun.ttg muses, ands, fully as poi IOW on the shoulders of thou wee were able to hear thew. Th.t was the policy for the advocacy of which Hon J C. Patterson maid that the Liberals would have been throw. Into prison thirty years ago, and our 'the r.unw•ttoa of which Mr. Laurier was accused of diduyeliy. lir Macdonald ex- posed the i.juettoe of the gerrymander and of the francs... act, which on ea almost reuse division of voters in the Provlooe gave the i.o.er..m-■t 59 suppor'ers and the Op posit•oo 31. Revert.og to the trade yew tion he d•monMrated the utter fel lam of the arguments •arwced by the If semen when they visited W iogham t0 defeuce of the pro• testi.. system. The meeting elated with cheers for the queen, i r. Mecdo•eld, Mr. 1'ater•ou and Mr. McMullen. ROMANCE OF THE FAR WEST. sti-.ud them pest Page. max to have a sen i u of 1'■rlfameet or were about to e�ppwessai, le 1b ooassry. H• remolded the •.demoe of the 'airstream' p10alew el Iho l;ovesawtent, .d asked, Where ,. the f ire•,.. ' W hese tit awoke • Where a Om woe • They w at to be sae.. Were r $as Charles Tupper • He u feasting, live. • lordly life m the City of Lemke, at $28,000 • year, after humbugging, fooling and deceiving the /M/ 1 of the country is the pol►ry that ham NaM Usu. u pour in plans of maim' you inch.' Thus Mr. M c M ul le. recalled the grew de esptts• the 5.uverou.eot had practised opus the people wino on the eve of the last yea oral election they made It • that the I toted State* Government bad isrst•d them to negotiot• • reciprocity treaty. '• We have bean governed by humour front 1,178 to the potent tam," declared lir MaMul{w, " aatf I earnestly hope that there u ISO ion telligeat elector, either a this riding sr u soy other riding of the Doattoioo, that will permit ►waif to be humbugged by some other will -o' the wisp scheme to try M curry the country for the fourth tow." \Ir. Mo. Mullets is discussing the home market con- testtoo of the Conservative party, pointed out that the pose of every article that the farmer produce* it regulated by the priors that the surplus will bring in the foreign markets. Though the manufacturer a beoe- fitt d by the how market to an inordinate degree to some .ases there was nothlor In it for the faster Turning tettecooald•ntioo of the public elpenditures, Mr. McMullen showed how lavishly themsney of the pimple was being deposal of by the t;overnnteot. The wasteful operatics of the •uportunu*- tto■ system, trader w hich shout 500 persona were receiving •flout 0,4,000 a year, of nisei) about $2110,000 twine oat of the treasury, supplied she speaker with • most coweinctog argument a support of his con- tent/ so that the country was being robbed. He stated that during the 22 years that the system had beers 1n force $3.500.000 had bees paid out in superannuation •llowaaces, of which the treasury bad ooatrihuted over $2.300,000. He averted that • Liberal Ad minetnttoa could memo the public expes- dttare by 85,500,000. They would cut WY the sop•r.a.u•tios system, nod while punni- ng an efe.Uve smmlgratien policy they would sot speed stoney in seeding Mini - Wean to the Unwed :came, as the Govern Mersa had been shown by the osseus returns o have done. They would dispense with be civil serv.sta who did not rive as .de - sate return in work for the money that they received from the coustrv. Notbiog, he said, would more effectually promote the imamate of the farmer than extended trade rl.•soes with the footed Stags. The Liberal party could (ntato reciprocity, and they would make au honest effort whenever the people charged them with the responu bility of doing so. If after four years they Aid eat redeem their promise, the people .sold ties tun them out and give somebody Mee • Mame. The people of ('.nada Mould be given an opportunity et buying in the cheapest parable market sad of selling in Um dearest that was what tins country S eeded, aid he did not think It we' possibly to bring it back to the Condition of pros- perity that prerailed prior to the adoption of the protection eyltem until et secured trade relettonahip with the l'sited Stags. Mr. McMullen substaouated the eec0e•tion against the t.uvenmeat of responsibility for the withdrawal from the farmers of Canada of the privilege of teodine their live cattle to great Koren. Whew he asserted that the Natiosol Policy had had • •utficieutl)( long instep.* there wee • responsive burst of applause. wK 1-•TOK•11., 5 1'. Mr. Paterson was presented to tete se - "hence as a t'eo•dien mwuf•oturer who seemed sot dread of l-aakee oompeution. The member for Brant spoke with his mous- L' J. T. NAFTILL, 111(8, LIFE AND t • minden dnwraa a meat ; ai lower, t wee. 0111. -Cor. Mertes. •.d Square, Hod- 't 7t TO LOAM. APPLY TO CAMI RON MOLT i MOI.11111. Bode- ,000neh. iris MONIiIY TO LIND. -A LARGE .meant d Private Fads hr taemuses .Mewl rime ea Item onsi ]4rtgy■s. ANN) •GARROW k PROt.'DFOOT RADOLIFFE, GINIRAL IN- Lc..eareace Real Rota Mew l g..i Orut y� u.pjy r5prmested. Mows to Lead ea less, at tee lowest rete of intend•sea is sstyy way to suit tit ocrrewev. Odie -]lee. sad door from *aware. Weer $frac, mode• lei tt iseshaateer boats. �ODIiRIOB MYAHANIO8' IN8Tl- .7 TUTS LIBRARY AND SOON, .or. of Bunt street lied Square sup (rem from l te Ir.'s.. and from 7 to 10 r,lt. ABOUT 7000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Weekly wed IUtedvalcd Papers, Mope.. de. ow Pile. NRMBRRIHiP TIC1ZiT , ONLY Si.,M OssU■a tree use or Library sand Readier- Appleatioes 11■1 room wmesekeet5hlw received by J. H. COLHOIC\Y- H. HAMILTON. asorwary. Id aeries. e"derle. March 171► 1006. THOMAS VUNDRT. AUOTIO18 IIR Aawt Ia4o...dA. sad ladenronse *met. Facelgrtsieiso O0. iced Owe Leung,., M ens. Co. Salsa at- tended to la any ssrt.1 the souse.. 115517 JOHN KNOX, ORIIERAL ADO- 16suesr mad Led Veleater, fiod..iob. 0.4, Save* had .osdds.bis .:pries.• 1* !MI Mr•ee�lSjWeis las lewaapelt m to earn 10 elea Orders left at %I= mail te hie.iii.... tWOl ffpitMill erawwd.d toOOftfN Dental t. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ETu�C-ca�oaio� AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S E T*L eases.. GPM NOSE BLOC NEST -STREET SODilili, ONT. it allardlesstme ,,.owned widens.- atter • ahgp.oYt{m d ti mid d wkthed remelng la IAA Meet entausias- Ila Bees. M submit that i have the only asd elMuelve mint to w la e.deio0. the West nslentefie drwvery widen le w.rraated .ssclTuwe to waste the I. 110 daring the •atea.elen o f teeth or stamps of say lead. 5* .early ▪ man , 1*4 very little pale is the ,meet entrane SOT EMI L.-OF3LORIDHI lo • local .seethed. that Dever mete the patios" is the slightest. I. harmonies as aster. and the item weed tram os earth to reader the teeth .s.-aseelt ve to Osla- Parnate anew me 1t 1s PesM6ve117 51arvNse* la Ise t17•nrr, Pn5m•t.tl...t the..tural teeth . nOrdd All deata1sper•s1tet well .ed Mall f.fl &t w Mr p.d..sllatere t. are ..law i1N N Dlt. B. RICHARD•ON. The my e1 raw r•e.._ The vieerspl liveries of scarlet sad gold make • foam of brilliant color .said the sea of white whin' surges .p and dews the bread "Strain" at the *meet hoer, obeli the F.srspssss, who parody the pend tite of lileaty bete "The (:icy of Pale Fes,', srowd alsng the basks ef the river to seat the .,outs( Mems., whisk rustle the tower- ing palate, sad brings fresh life into the m warebed Biro-� Baba. in Bowing meal. lees .ser the rails of the sidewalk. sad w ith. the f0Mie.N. threes. Are. m ge.dy minis •ed fess5eahie burgle take their l..g.id Merges fir the *vest. Ngo- R1Nd1yy Mad natives ie gild- • pidiantilme p threegh the .row• pressi•d by ey.55, whodeer the way wit' st. aywhish serve es weaning cad • wends. Abdo sad Medew. Oeelle end Kkfaeaftr, esti. end elegies. swell the threw t end me cheer. tale, the palm ram et the Nee .gilt _.lend set dew mad Mum b the big deed of sb4Mle Mehl white bear the .suss. Meg. Me eseesab )8151 slam the blew, ei AmMm esiustw-AM tea TieRena towed eloquent (orcefulaees upon the public questions of the day. Ret before entering upon the general subject he told the au. dieece how well ad faithfully they had been reprobation at Ottawa by IC. Mac (:Dodd, sad he bespoke for him an 'access- ed aesseere of support from the people of East Huron in time to oome. Alluding to the recent tent te Wi0ghem of the Mune- tors, Mr. Peterson said that there would seem to be a contradiction in the statement that the Liberals had no policy sed that they hos ell maoser of policies. Kut after uelliag the people that the Liberals had no policy they were at great pains to tell them what the Liberal polity was He proceeded to point out to the wdseece the distiectnt f.at.ree of the policies of the two partes. The policy of protecto., he said, shut oat reeelpta semi gave a close market to the ms.*fact■r•r. and any money p.id epee goads that came in west into the t^1eury merely as an 'widest sad not as the prin- ciple of the tariff. The Liberal party clam- ed that the principle of the tariff should be the collection of revenue to be put sato the public treasury. and that if there were any protection involved It should he an madam .d not the maniple. They •I•inied that the least possible amount see•5.ry to NI the tre.eery aid pay the cermet expenses of rnweremeat should be takes, and that if under the operation of the tariff there should lee an advantage say of IS or 17 per osis. give, every mea in the community would be of the same looting, and would oder that state of things go on conducting his bi•i■es.. He bekl that the manufacturers of the country worthy of the some, wbo pommeled the plonk and characteristics of the Canadian people, would be in • better, safer sad more mb■t•itial position ender • . table polite/ seek as that than they would o der what might los celled special sets of Pada....,, by wkieh one m•aufmtur.r aught gut 25 per cent. and another 75 per OmL Mr. Peterson showed bow sonfiletely the ,,meaty of the Geyer.... had failed is the fulfilment of me extravagant promise.. Where we the amble he eked. The ppelet/wu was not hers, and the reentry west hay popolatios. The resew sinus be feaad in enwes onteide the °sentry .red the people that were is the ..envy. The be al p.rty believed that me of the ammo that tended to the depopaletio■ of the eeotry was the reetnet/.n Nob trade and oeaae.ro., .ad .lee believed that tbs development of the etu.try could beet be secured by • wedtnseg as far as .id as free as pe.sille of in trade sad ite Demmer.s with ether ossstnes The Liberal party recognised that bl it meld be .acral os beserable tarsi" • fair reciprocity treaty with the United Stave .asset /eve opwsSt, impassion sad isaew■.e of wealth to sur .wavy. w< YM'mnxl10, Mr. The lent sae Met followed w demeSeN•- ties et sMbaeinm predsesl by Mr. Patter- .% Im(emlusd tdgnme W ee.wdy died away when Nem wee seethe, mho. Heat 1.velgd bike as sr.hm to Dr. Mae deemit The dente would uweedy eye low beers bad he .ss 4544 o gtru/Mul.d .t t eir mellidienes L Mee kit m melee e 1 die ellmwd Dr. M•siseSld pnatgded whit his side., which wee reused be •Mealiw1y enk•5ea4 their 1.05.' w u .1 M t. 1 M. In.) heat their o Y, .Y• um w• rNellh el sl Y. .. tare, Agit. der .g the les .yr) )sora se wh • wt the null r..s u.urayn•s•rd ....y. nese, lir . by gal lie. re ..d 'w wars IIS oant Iwee.. bat sur •gaN .n the W'M0.1. , 1utR'A'6 1 h. . prem t.•' posies else thick hole, cad . r. b meadow blow Trost the ousts s i ued to not how the ,lust .din had STENOGRAPHY Inierr.;5 Leel *bees .b. •..l.e51 *ad the r..gI. here tr. t. It, S•sue,guyhy a out • as. iuve.tiuu, •• • • euro.yrapber u u... urce51anly a pre. V* girl who coir.. $10 • ..e1 .0 c.rwle so t- orally n..s. K•.w• en.ge•ror• recto... ✓ sbortbu,d we id their foe a.t..mpushu.eoi ere 1t that is, alt. r ' h., had p("hob's, learn.-.. as .ustethtug tike 7.000 .rt.. tar, hooks •. el crooks rad knoe,u. w •41• .n prett) v.! We 'hal 1t we. 1 t.,) til Ju,iva ( ..-sar • .. cart) on his Intl nate cullwp l.d.oue b) lh.e ...moil bowed, fol toe hundred )e..s shorthand cut gas,.. a 14sure iu the upper world, and then all eh .:) out of 1..6.:... for nue thousand yeas. Sh.-oe that tiu,e modern people hese tiles their mote at the Invention 01 a •)s: cin, w . KYa.lan., 151141 .04 1''ieu,bn.en 15. a had *MI5 SU. 0551, but 11 .as 114 K gti.:.uun who acre.... of tie honor*, in to pete.n of • K.th e ohoelw•ater, +6o Kee tee i'it•nen Osten to Merl, toe wool. w•o.•h 1 here was • Lone, Dot t,o•reet lung' ago, when a iodise speaker a ho old , wonotr.- be lyf ea ogeN gut Ian away trwfklli1•� auyre.tiss„g.,, �. rfj• Now, . sas..graphf s opiti gtv• or.t lee odds. Chicago hes f11.1/16•U••• stenograpaih so the world. ' Mie ret' ret • 387 "swim" • New Pelee fe *wrlgbr the Yemeni !Preach er. Wee ■ I11114• .5. ei..re. MIcl'endree College, at Letaoun, Ill., Me beet presented With en letereetine retie in the shape of a pair of saddle begs, to which the (meow onemeos p100151155 lieroGiet•• wrigbt, carred ba Rlbls ,tad byet•+17s'lik"jk his htkstbauk travois in Soothers Ilivatlls. Patein ('artwngbt was • well-known char• actor m early d.,s and hie pulpit eloquence is sail remind by people wbo hoed in Sent er■Tlllioote fifty years neo. His elo- piiiiiiiierayed multitudes of people at the nod time eamp meeting in Egypt. When thoroughly aroused by Interruption" and K lause the parson because • veritable giant In strength. He would spring upon the bully like • tiger *od give him • Crashing that was sever forgotten. After the bully was whipped the pugilistic preacher would suddenly change sato a mustering angel of mercy and dress the wouodt of his vic. tem. He would then oiler up • devout prayer for the selvaia,ro of the men's soul, *d if he did sot make a convert, which he mushy did, he *Be:tu•Ily disposed of a dis- tu rber A •oeantie story of Peter ('artwngbt u related in coo.ectaoa with his early days as a preacher. W' hes • boy in his teens one n ight hestopped ata country house suSouth ern Illinois far the night. Th. comfortable old•fashioned farm house was prepared for • country deuce. By the time younr Cart- wright had eaten hu supper the 1*rg..i room had been cleared for dancing. The pretty bl*•-k eyed daughter of the host walked straight tip to the youmg stranger and asked hem to lead .n the dance. The remarkable beauty and winning man - sort of the tarn,er'• daughter for the mo moot mystified the youthful parson and he allowed himself to he led to the muter of the room. Before the 'et' was completed, however, the parson bad tune to collect biro self When the Nnsictane commenced to tune their fiddles the parson dropped upon his koeee and commenced to pray. Then was mirth .t ire', but before it was eland there were tears in the eyes of those who had at first felt inclined to laugh. The result was that the proposed dance was turned into • revival .acting, and many d those pros., professed religion then and there. The farm- er's pretty daughter, who chose the parson for her partner in the dame Chet cieht,•ft.r- war,is ooeseoted to be his partner so the tourney of life. SCENE IN THE ARENA. nabs leetwe•ea a Nes e.4 • apa.lab Noll ea 11.4,44, i Dever remember swine ooa•ected with tauromachy which called forth such Indy interest as the fight recently between an African lion and • five year -•Ii bull. High bets were made, and molting sloe was talked of for days: it ssemed se the national honor depended on 1t. The tickets were sold in 'no time, cad those who were not able to procure them in good time had to pay tem and twenty oases the original prige for them At two in the •ftenoon • regular migration took plate acmes the Alcala .treat to the Placa de Toros, and this was secs filled to the Inst place. Several thousand persons could 1101 gasp admittance, but In MOW roma of the cra.11,th* barriers yieldied,•nd sheet 300 were jammed in without tickets, and the g.sdertn.s had to made free time of the butt Gads of their rifles to keep order at the entrance That. aros•ut Enrich, and Mallon, the Isom tamer, the proprietor of the lien white was captured in Senegambia in las, were scarcely noticed. Everybody awaited with impatience the great neatest when the two animals should try their •175mgth with one another, in the gigentit it s case, 39 feet io diameter, which was pat ep in the oho voter of the arena. With • tremendous spring end lend roar the lion entered drat -a splendid •melee, mid so savage that Mallen emr'Id do nothing with him, and could net make use of him in he performance. Only Ian year he Dearly fell • victim to he foolhardisem,boeee drag- ged out of Lie beet's eltrs almost torn to We. oho loos having jest before killed • byes. The boa peed retied the floor several times, end then lay down eppselte the door of the bell's ease. A sseemd bell being rang this door was opened, .ad se in- describable es■etion went through the armed. Like lightni.g the bull .timed .p sad went .,Haight at the Se., widen maw raised keen sad lifted 1ta ghat yaws For elle mtomemt the two animals .sem•d to be oDe movie. mem, then the men•reh of the desert wee Mees to B through the air. Th.md.riag applause ire•••, the thousands . sad cheers for 4pais filled the air, ler they evidently neasidwod the ►ell'. vie try as • symbol of the■•ti•m•1 destiny. The ell mow took • few steps b•okw.rel toward easter of rho sage sed awaited • raw .N•sk. Rut .e MN did 1404 0155 he rushed lerwsrd and tolled hie enemy about la the trod, till, by • sudden tars, the lion tried to get at hiss babied, .two had already etreek llo elswe i. le W 555 1'. hiadq.rter when hew draws of W ...oral powerful kicks and wile finally again tesnd- The lien mw may is, eel amid the ►155 of the peat. triad be neape till he wee allowed to dip late IM we. The result was, 155.efore, quite dIlsr..t Gas wIh. ler* kill. rested .p 1M .etrs.. hadpr.ii s4 byes Bleotr•sam el the Yew dewier. Y5 ere... It Y trio, men pearl* bed eel semi ea Wee. het sets free the bmf emvlusd Ikea meow, end tiimpams 1• law, S. Demme If .ray ore.Min bee 'th.h ste.ovrephy .fr- 1 great factor 11. w,.d. n, ethic.. teat see : ' most Its .5emeent tea' stet. graphics put N zees of $71.000 000 in then pucket. ■pe. Ily The letroduetluu 01 centeri g.% u!•. 4 beams, afau,s has enormously pacre■i: inrre•poodeoo., doe dicta. sun 155* INKY A. olheg off • log Much proems l.twr dictator . Bo. d on., sod skill, M. YBu uras.• good cote into as eloquent oar. The average dictator is rlhl;iarated anti I. ■ danger, Idle the skew, rho is u boo - with h1s uwo ream .0.t t.. room., of fors/a- im ors/ a'utm what be is going for bed aberp,• All utak.e and hluoder. arenisi( r . port ton of the t raeei•• nesse . 1 uat not Daly be .peeing and grimmer per- eet, but the meat hese a big lump of nom)• emu erase and 1111 Ire 1.s' to succeedsra .as very lucky 'sem lot Wit lir. wallow in word", ertt)leenaid. oke .gt. j Np.. It • • a1. m es ..,. Stenography has out ugly dlobliN• s.rw- spondaic*, hut has raised its tone m mar - tee) at least 50 per cont. This bosom's hu been so Invaded by woman that It seems to properly belong 4 them. There se un other calling whet., • woman co be fitted so quickly for pan work and ,bat Is lucrative in all its Bradt,. There are in the Crated States 120,000 women stenographers •.d t) pawn ten. It is estimated that there are lea etenorrapbers In this city to every poeitt.w, hat still they come pouring in from pleasant country homes to try their handset city life. An average mi I fits here.!$ ter an average place in six moot's', but the clever ones now make them• selves aaluam5ed with bookkeeping, profes- sional nunmg, or some supplewentery train. ID . b succeed in court steoogrephy, women must have et5uog mental fibre and superior physique. It takes not low then two year' prepense.preperauto aroma suthci.ut speed fur court work, and to execute It requires a ens,-troa nervous system and coialtutton. It is claimed that every tar,B bill has cost the life of .n otheal stenographer. IIw. fifth of the court stenographers of ('hicago. Done of whom are official, are women. They have tine offices, • clientele mine up of tome of the 3,000 lawyers of the city, end it is en the card that some of them make $3,- 000 • yaw. One young woman says she Ines well and pus by the tidy Bunt of $1.- 500 twelvemonth. These young women acquire • very liberal education :n law as well as in baslnees. One of them acid of her wwrk : " Court *tomography is .sheeting mentally as well as physically. Resides, else unutterable fatigue of the body we have often to oppose our lodgment %aunt the lawyer's as to acne, is essential. We do not, of course, record what is known among win the 'slop. over' of the court, but on the ether hand we are reepuntible tor everything materiel and it is this Iightomr shifting that makes or nen • stenographer's work. It happened to The once to Insert in my notes half a dot en words from • torrent of talk which 1 was directed to par. Shortly atter, one if thew great lawyers pointed to the few little words which 1 bad sneaked in, and acid ' Mir -, you, judgment brought me $30,000. The t turned on that sen- tence,' The hotel stenographer thinks the has • very bard tine in the demands made upon her sympathy, although otherwise well placed. She pays $50 • month office rent cad makes wetly enough $100 in @twee of that. She hoe to have aa all swotted educe tion and good addrew, and must be equip pad to shape anything from • sermon or oeieetific Leatmpt to a sentimental letter. I. addition to humoring the dictator to re- gard to taking 55's deposition in shorthand or rattling it off oe the keyboard, the is et petted is meet moue to listen grey sly tSsoo• Silences sod eves rhapsodies. A confides sal chat with thew clever end long suffer i0g young meow °oneiaess one that the hotel Aims are wrestle great schoolboys with • piece tosad • great yearning tor sympathy. Ysang and ofd men, th hotel stenographer is laughing at you in herr sleeve. Two years ago some of the worn** sumo - 'repliers formed an a sosiation. They were thirteen then: they are 150 now. They ere known as the Awom•tio. of Wowle.n Sir. - greedier., sad an iaoorponted. Wiwi is few weeks the arrangewsenta and lewd tomes of a sick benefit have been .oteplted, as that women who are aloe* in the world may .moot in case of sickness upon three months Samoa rapport and • womanly sympathy extending 1•r beyond that lignite - Liao. Meetings are 6eW "very three months and •ddresees bare 'been male byM. Cberles Memnon' roti■ aMrs. Fleury Snep.rd. It is their emetics to have lectures from time to time frost women wbo can i.yire them to brad asd noble work. They hams now beg. --acute three ,meet of than the madly of parli•.e.tary low et Central Musk Hall, h earnest that the ,weeiatine be geese to trewot its bels. with vigor oda Irgdity Mie M. E. Orr, who bolds the gold modal for the ebarepiendnp of the world for "peed is typewriting, a an hn.arery presides' of the a.oeistios. Their president is Mw Nettle Met..ghiia, • Chimer girl of em- ■idera5le literary end marked .menet,, fares. Rhe, with Mloe Harriett Ates, will read a pyo to epee the Meseneste w 'Wo - tem as • Tweet in the Modern Busies. Wiry.' ;Mee Shies was the II. predde.t .f the A.adatiea, and has • Gee in. sad Irma g5*Nhisa IIhe is to daeghter . M-_ --114 Siiiebr, and is doing a sable weenes p work outside the emotion e( her /..Mattes "Take a hole stud pot some dough around it, then fry in lard."is Thu simple recipe has brought thousands to grief, just because of the frying in lard• who b, •as we all know hinders digestion. In all recipes where you have used lard, try the new vegetable ii ptteoing and you be aurnt�d at the delightfiod ,And !. •thful results. it is without unpleasant odor, Unpleasant flavor or unpleasant results. With COTTDLEN K in your kitchen, the young, the delicate and the dyspeptic can all enjoy the regular ftt-t 1y bio of fare. Cotton. - '**sold to 3 and 0 p0004 wIM- by • 1 srucera Made only by The N. R. Felice, Copapae,, and ands ate. l:•13t'g'agda,e W■aNet tis etewirtra►e- eryl'; fetid • Metd• t waiedit.•a, is the .a ,. Y are r .,.r -07:40; foot• An - • d + • i ..... ••i e..'Bo • 15 rt far. ' I. rimor. • young 'r. .• It... ••'teh` P••1 (ratan 5..5.5 1 . . •e.Y•, The .r -tees. •d N I' , •• • cure t... Wu: 1u. as.d . Leta end .. . the f .• 1,•t it ,. h• '• -t rear. -sec disc - act... ,troop. ,. o r , • ._h, f !,r i • •111- • .•all 5, Of ed t n.-nrd nee • hat •, \I r. .4. •a a Corti. De to •nrnt .re Ire 2 1 go•••t,lvulr : A ., •n.•.'... 1 . v 11 ge por.rtte.a hound v iso ( ...- p , •.g. * a Be I. 'tun Hour r, 1891..i, n ',tome a p.• .,r. rey.e.r. - fine r • • .ons Moth.. g perhaps '- • .. e1._ `,. •,e Pe cu'isrut hes in the . r sone •. '55., the group .• presents •1.. w done). 5• +un, end o cns,,...., the artier • •..• r•.••1., who has • g•.•.I phnt...graph of •h..n r •l.•- several your• .go, the .Ides• r he tine • stag 94 end ' h•• youngest .tl ..-,tides, me named Mar) Rfrn"g ries ill fuss JOHN RA I.I'I1, TIN AND ST -0 VE DEALER, Hamilton-st., has decided to relit.' t•. n. hu, t . rs, sod will dispose of 5.. entire .'.•••k AT and BEl UW tw tr 1O order to ad •.,1I ,1..i. 5 JOHN RALPH. Fifty Years aISPOi N. THIS PUBLIC AND SALE STILI, INC1KASING Gray's Syrup 01 Red Spruce Gum For COt GUS, COLDS ante all 1.t'NG AFFECTIONS. 15 cts.:a bottle. Sohl everywhere. Rear WATSON & ('>y,. SWO O SS'S.* 1 Mt�x,7,R�� I rice never so low in the annals of the Dry' Goods Trade. is .414 Tag ill CUM. L WOOD I KIK. MTH STEEL OVEN. 4 •. , " Ila. a grnuit.e Steel 1 hen With Is Wake. it bake with ■' uu• h• n ,tui • d by other large. 11 t'g "'! Mutes 1. •1 ..•1 •' tie boa is very lame ,:.,I is titt.•.i with a dump grit .• I.. r 1. male •arge en.-uy41, tt.Ate ., lair Ulan the trouble .d • ...1.164 1 1 w.• ie new *Ir .tyll.l. .r ,I,i.t5;u1.r,'*11110t be exoell- wl It. it I. a niMt .(.Ili 1• ;i. * general podei 555,,. ,R y14 will .,,(.1 11 i .uitahl. .:5 •u.,., families because It well 4..1 - - r,ar.rity of furl. t..■1 4,. • i • ,:.'•11 HAPR & LEE 1 1 I/,Neat. 5I•5E �ai IMPERIL r P .0 DATE Flit t'AURANT. - I. r 1 ..- ectionery, (!,tiers, 1",-rcils t n - Best kept on hand. wtr __ _ etc. 'EE irET IN Arid lT IT£ STORE I� •he Cheapest place to the County to buy Stoves, Furnaces, Tinware and Lamp Goods. \\ r an. ..•" .,to yet for the celebrated All ,WARI) t'OAL FtRNA('Iili, The ter - nacos are all 1 ..t Iron We make .u. as .100D FCRNACKs. The best SHUT • $EEL FUR\ACS made. We ar..gta . to, 11. MOOKF: & (JQ 'S STOVES, 4 Muck make we sold 13 io two moult •. Sr.. rut p..rt ic..••w.e fn.0 Luckeow and i it tb u gat Mein. A $20 Stove for $18 50 : as 818 s' •s . • $16 50 We hair • special cut free It. Moore & ('o. of them ',uves, cad a. '•u. • e, t .•..le lase than soy Other Stese Stare 10 tomo, Ii are 1e a posi- tion to well al el. • price 1'uw and we u• and save maser J H WORSELL & CO., The i'racucal :stove .d Foresee Me., opposite Menu', Hotel, Gonnale FANCY SLIPPERS -FOR- CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. We have just received a line aerortment of Fancy slippers suitable for Christmas Presents: which we are prepared to give you .t Prices that defy competition. Call and we than. We hear a great deal about Bargain Flays just now. W., will give you Itarl(an.s in Ladies', (lent*', and Children's Footwear of till. -tyles. Mon's Foxed ,Lace hoots, solid feather, 11:ie. per ;lir. " ., Congress .• " " $1..11 per pair. Lathes' Butt. Boots, from 95c. up to $3.O0. oy. , Misses and Children's Shoes M eiivall, low [ince'. in ()vendio s we will gi'e you prices lower than the lowest. Ladies' Felt Button Over•boes at /1.2:i per pair. •' Waterproof " at 1.50 per pair. Gent. Snow Excluders, Lined, at 111.20' per pair. We carry the celebrated Granby Overshoes in stock that will wear like iron and will be solei at prices to suit the t ladies' Over -Stockings at 40c. ansi 505'. re pair We deal igtj� Boots and Shoes exclusively and can give you better (foods for less moue)rl,han you have to pay for inferior gosh in the general Stores. P.S.-itenlember that we offer no PREylll•)I to get you to buy oar Goods except their Exceptional "alae. W. 8HARMAN, Jr Corner E.ttest. and Square. • ...-or to E. I)owltiwo. NEW 15 - =MESS GOODS_ Now arriving and to anise, and although I ill not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the preiwnt day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goal. I handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in Stock and to arrive in due course, but the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better, as I boy only from the beet Wholesale House*, and on a strictly cash basis. One of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a It's no because I'm Scotch but you canna smoke a better Cigar than "ROB ROY," DI,11if St. but i get sax O( :/e -R1 Int a quarter. sepvag *.saes. SD: n«Wnegw .. Intpe@I4s madly asttrmlN, t Per rest. Mse.eas Mir_ Obeli. A. MUNRO r 2044 Drayer and Haberdasher. CROSS -CUT SAWS! We keep a Targe aa•ortusfwt d the very best Brand on the market , groom! from fear to 6ea Emmet Ahem eta MIS back than on the fame, AND ARE FUMY WARRANTED. These (bode we Imre reduced in pricy' and are now ssllitus,them AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF. A fall Line of Fjles, Jointers, Handles and Sato always in Stock. YhgsesYse navNM. DAVISO & CO., elle a. r. ewae eei {