The Signal, 1895-2-21, Page 2..---al .BY GILBERT PARKEFQ -,-1-ert:,;...;;Ittir"'.. ZT.- • 3 ,..... ,,• :„..._• ft gooiest owe ••••. oft iim 1 . • -‘11Tr ...e.._,IF COrrniesit , ill93. BY A-LIPPINCOTT La. Marion longed to tali Mr hien :uin there the great serliet, bus mew" efeael ko 110 ipo sold WO% linentewer, withheld bv the remenalefeales that it hoe &greed she should leot I* told /She .ad not lung. At 11 o'clock the roans were filled. Per the fag end of the seems pettish. seemed unusually brilliant. The ev en- ing itself was unit so hot as ounanon, ana there wag an audes 4111111, eat di•Itit• gulottrwl gueste. AWES WIIII SeTeulle all tee eveniug. Moog% she showed little or It, beutg most prettily employed in making people p1asesail010 themselves'. Mrs. Anueur allleWall UM free from ap- prehension_ In reply to inquiries emseeruing her son ehe addl. WA WSW often saiddur- ing tln. seinen Shea he might he trek at any time now. Lall had answered al- ways in tht• saute fashion and had %hewn no sign that his watinued abeetice win testicular. As the everaissi wore on the peenbility of Franktappearsnee went - sel leen and the Armours began to ' \kevatly In nit 1Y awl 4uinxr dish, etratire: but, seals, the home. light- - bulkgo. ed up :eel guests arriving. he bad a dered tie. t Amgen to take him to his driven straight from Hoene to CAVelli• seethe fteliug of uncertainly. lie or- ' Frank lutd. however, arrived. He had \\ club. 'here he. put hinwelf in i'veniug dress. an I drove back again to the hew.% lie entered digietly. At the moutent th.• hall win slime' deserted; peeple wee. out r.seil. He ;owed a alealsent, blithe his nantwhe as if iu perplexity. A straime timidity mine on him All his old flaw and eh p• seemliest Seemed to have fur- saken btu. Presently, 'geeing a numb; ef people enteriug ihe ball. he maik• for the stairease and went hastily up. Me- ellanicalIy he west to his owe room and feune it lighted. Flowers wen- se: abet, ind everything was made ready as for a guest. He .at down, wt think - capable of disteltng in the matter. • Wait here, Frank " she said 'That will be best. and I will beteg ewer wife to von • He said itedlutige but awented with ' I • sexton of the held eud she left him when h.• was. He braced himself for I II 11 1.r.1) vieett: va ivhTtk h"leftha4lee P"11 4* 11 UI S I' • I I P$wenjoy it I le• met 1 el! Haldwel!, oe spite 44 ell, me!! neeepted Twe e Inmost Annear* been. the tore, 4-crle bellimen fedi and her ..if haing Peeler been die mord 411 I 114. 1......1v. le• bed melee 1.. I teen.. 14. ..t tier. 14. 4 • s, awl 'ettells Toronto Neu 1 itiler Arreet tni it !Written 4 barge ClEFK THEIR VICTIM • . i• Aliened limy Killed Tames As tithun mien He asked 'for a donee. but she hal Wells for th.. 116....,...tee ow liet• Life Pot 01)11 itt gIV.. le. A . ,..11.• o As ItIliV - I - A PrIllainroi 4.. I I.• l'ulte• 1 in :... . lie world. ! : •-• . t a. t'i..itgh lei. reset they riead !vet t ha I °gratin ttuatething, and looking desitty. i164 hint said: "1 foram to oatirratulao y. a de pint itierrizet . I hots it is lee Tammy° I.' It. I L-. maw li el A, aged m. and Harry P. llyadis, aged SS. He bowed. " Y otir rtillifratUlat ton. an !ea brothers awl both .iniericans. who ..„ 1 'e horn maid. Ids in Lim eity for Mlle eters. coating here from New th•leemi. . e yams. I ton late." the interview. Aesureil•y a Mall 1( 444 I W . • de; .h. c;.rejeli ,!.' motte•thitig of natural ...sarag. :41141 .1•11 I Re- ' n le -ed confidence when he has 11ohloo. 4 4 how of ' •, 4 Whtrhi tif, HbOtild be aud is reehainied. It ',reined a long time --it was in reality but a couple or minut*--before the door .mened again, and Marion mid. "Frank. your wife!' ' and then rt•treat.d. The door closed, leaving a etately figure 'standing jute invade it. The ligure did ma move forward but mood there. tall of life and fine excitement, hut very Mill ale.. Fratik Armour was 0Olift411.1114fti. MUM forward sloyrty,' basking hard. Was tine castinignisbed. haninolne. re- preachful weinen his wife. 1,411, the In - than girl whom he had married in a fit of Intim, and brandid Ile could hnnily believe les eyes. And yet her eye* look- ed oat at hen with something that be rewt•nibered, too. together with some- thing whieh he did tett nenember. niak• dig hitu nueasy. Clearly his great min take kid turned from ashes into fruit. Lel!. ler Wife!" le• saut and hi•ld out h reachod .,ttt hem ceurneusly. but b -r tureen; gave him noreeponee. ' W.- have many things to eay to marl tither. she said. "but they cannot be raid now 1Alin be mined from the - belles tin. " "31i4ee1 from the ballroom'. ' }le al - meet laughed to think hew strange this sounded in hie ears. As if interpreting 11 . I ).41;h1 the picture in lots Ito am? fasted it. ing. but dased Glancing up. he saw his fare in a mirror. It was ledused, but it looked rather old and tibetvorn He shrugged a shotilder at that Tied: in the inirrer he saw also somethie else it startled him so that he at pet fectly still for n moment looking at it 14 W41 s sonic one laughing at him ov. hb dendrite -a child! He g. '4 1. 1.' feet and t tinted round. On the tnbie a 71e7 tares photograph al a Milling ith his eyed. Ms hie,He caught the chair arm and stood I...king *1 14 a little wildly. Then lw leddiel a utranize laugh, and the tows Icaperi to No means the picture in his hands end timed it--AratiFfnni!•'hir men fath•ts might thltelle..-and read ti.' name beneath. "Itiollard Jneeph Ar- mour,•' and agaila..10aegith that. the date of birth �Sthem pet it bw'k 041 Ib. table and sat looldng at it -looking and forgetting and ressissehmiris. Presently the door opearall. and wane one entered It wasNw1. She bad sees hint pew throughilleghalL She had then gone and told bereihar and neith- er, to prepare them, sad had followed hint up stairs. He did mot hear bee. l‘be stepped goftly forward. e maid. "Prank," sad Isid a handwe big *sadder. He alindell lip and tented hitt fare on her; thew 1" °slight hi* hands and hewed ber. "Marion!" be "id• and he °outdoor intaahreeItifates- ently .in*eitod fhb Idiot, WM& She nodded bar boo& m your child Frank. Shnd. wi moms You riegia dowry* it. ?mak door." 'th'• added, ••1 sin g1a4..11SJl tweed -On have yen bank buil yes sre a wiek ed man" She felt ale men say that. NOW he only 41o4dedia0 still 14.11441 at the portrait '"Weln-of he edded preeently. he 11 in the ballreolle." Marina weg wnsidering what warn bast to de He eanght hitt Unnithatil11n his teeth. He winded it, spits 01 htaistelt "I will go O her." he maid, "wed thee the be by ani glad," eh* replied. "that 700 = ktLiat much noes 01ittotl°" 1^1k the wife Ina the betty attar - yes* beit de ye, ebb* yes deserve Miser lit Meer inoody eggiee mei imps •• ling is, "shaper mind bw mouth the Lady aneellg. Rio medg elho /mew he de sommommie ben "Ilbreist.- he ase bate lit Wet pi tit ioskaper I WOW flih Shp ekild. sir=isairepepsie dip Ile ow Allho had be wee Ti.. eloord. fro ring o tely 4444t41.1441..1 jra.1 ito•eric it. his thought, she added:, "Yon see, it hi ear last affair a ow...a.m. Are ell ittoxintle 40 onr iluty perfectly. Will yen go down v. ah mid We Can talk afterward. • • Her nett:mei velf poreetssion ntterle coufwed hint She had tatt•rlyenefuseel Marion alsewhen told that her husband was in the hew.. Shehad had presenti • wets. Ulla testae% she had been wheel' lug herself for this hiler fer a long time. Sh.• fumed toward the door. "But:' h. asked like a supplitiett, ••..or ehild? I want 40 01.' our child." sh. • lifted her eyebrow& Then. sweeter Plmtograph of the baby nn th,. utel..rst.ed how he knew. • '4 'on* w It II -me, then, •• ehe said. with a little nem' feeling. She led the way through the hall and paused at her 'her. "Remember that we have to appe3r dniong the gouda di- reetly. • • abe sabl, as though 14, Wart, 19 against any ilemonstratton. Tleti they ,'nt. red. She went Oyer to the and drew back the fleecy curtain free' ever the sleeping boy's head. His finger- hunger.sl te take his d•hild t., his antis. "Ile is magnificent. magnifirentr" 1.. said. with a great pride. •' Why aid you Enver let me know of it•" "Hew you'd I tell what you wonlii ea?" eite ••almly replied. ••Ynn married wicktellv and Ulterl try. wickedly afterward. and I loved thd• child." rat loved the ehild!" he repeated altar her.. "Lan," he said, "I don't de seled it, hat forgive me, if you can- tor the ehibre sake. "We had letter go below, •• ahe erilni ly replieel. "We have both ditties 14)4(4. Yon svill of enure0 appear with me - before theta?" The slight irony in the tom. ent hin horribly. 11., offered his arm in silend. They passed into the hall an.1 to th. litairratte. "It is floroftitary, ohe gent "tg. appear cheerful before ...le's Knee* ' She had him at an advent:we at every jsent. "We will eheerful, then. • was his reply. itpnken with a grim kind of humor "Yon hayo learned it alt. haven't you?" he added. They wree just entering the hallmom. "Yee with your kind belp•-and ab weed " ele. replied. The inwpri01 of the guests was some what diminished by the fart that Ma lion telling General Armour and hit wife first of Frank's return, iniimetri rawly sent *be news bussing shoat eh. room The tyre twee straight to Frank's in they and mother Their parts Wars all excellently played. Then Frank mingied among the einem being very beartils greeted awl beard cortgiratulationa or all Atka Old dub Menthe rallied him ge a easerter and new setinainteners flecked about hies. and preeently awakened to the fort that hie ladies, lel% bed ipitbaste intone* of the swarm wortglhe lemet admered parer. primet !twee aleoggeher ton rigid lace kg MEL tali he bed ea mgmesfoglights .I. • •Ilallo• that he had intended this nob 'reefer.. as a eacrifiee to his ugly ten per autl spite. Whim all the gueets gone and the family steed eke.. t drawing room. a silence suddenly fe aniteor therm Presently Manion fetid her mother 'in a half whisper, "I wi Richard were herd '• They all felt the extreme awkward new ef the sheathe, eepecially whe Lali Nide iieneral Armour. Milt A moue and Marion geed night and the turniug to her husband. Raid, "(3o. night. " She did not eves speak h name. • 'Perham you would .- re to eh to/Hen-ow morning. l'alwat go 10 t park at 10, and this will be my last rid of the Had she veritts.n out an (labors, proelaination of her intended attitude towerd her humiliate! it couldl not haw more clearly conveyed her mind tha this little speech, delivered as to a nee fritudly acquaiutanee Ilietteral Armen polled riturdoche fiercely. anti. it i pomade, efijoyed the situation dewint its petit Mrs. Armour turned to th maned Red seemed erermitonsty engdget in arriinging some brie -a -brie Marion how, -*..r. well a fine instinct, 311.1 throueli that id Lali and Ireful said: "Yee of coarse Frank will bt glad of a ride in the park. He teed t ride with me evet7 rooming. But let U ge, tut three. and kite the baby red night -lined night tat we meet in the morning. She linked her arm through Fr:etre. 'and as she tuff SO he replitd Lali, ••I shall le glad to ride in th -mercinr. but" - -But We elat arrange it tit breakfast. • said his wife hurt ierily. At the i-4111 time elte allowed hereelf to be drawn ewer to the hall with her husband. He wee angry. but he km w he had n. right to he WO. F11. ehokyd back his wrath. and mored 4411 amiably ellollgfl. MA suddenly the fashion in which the tables had been turned on him struck him with ire tragic- remedy. and ht• voluntarily smiled Hie 'stew- hnnior 'dyed him frier wend, and acte whieh might peetibly have made the matter a ter. tragedy after all. lie loomed his an:, fnen Marion's. "I must eur tether and mother mewl flight Then I will join you both 'in the eourt of the " And lit turned w. tit hack awl said to luis lath. r a.s he kissed his mother. "I am hail at an aril-mit:we. general." • ' Awl serves 7..14 right, toy boy. Yon hall the eddi with yob. She has cap- tured Diem like a born meddler; " His 'weber maid to him IrelotIV: "Frank, you blamed1 ne but remember that wt• wished otild your gr.•wl. Take my willed dear, fry to leve yenr wife and will her deaden's.. " "Lew.• her -try to love her 1" ht. said. sl 'all estily do -that. But the et her' 1411.$.k hi.. his head a little, though what he Diem, pietism he did not kuow himself, and then followed Marion and Lair tip stairs. Marion had tried O. ro- mps. from Lalie but was told that she must stay, and the three met at the coL Marion 'deemed down and kissed its forehead!. Frank stooped else and kneed its t•heek. Then the wif.• leo: night arrested on *Mann or • ober The alleged victitn was* young liahluan mimed Wells. • on January II iwAi, wss found lying I et the :eat of the elevator abaft .0 me .4 Arel.o,i-e oit ftt read of ! • ani• Brun. ith who he hail been 1.. riloplo)-eol eft ft 'olN.11,keeiNtr• Deceased was tears of age. The ex planet ion of t he drat h at 14,. time hr ▪ weft I het Was tilaki1114 ftealle repairs i, • at tlie foot of the hoist and it fell upon • his helot A coroner investigated the 431a0 tO and concluded no inquest wan nevemeary. eh taw/rased was itisaired tor Clatala being carried by the MIlt1441 Lite lusty - I ;Ince Conipany 01 New Tuck and the ' balmier in the %Int nal Accident Associa- tiou. r - n. The policim were payable to determent's , sister. Martha, who at the time was rnitaltrill to he married to /tarry Ilyams. l" The ptilicie. had been iestied hut a couplet le of mouths prevous. Th.- New York rem- & pany investigated the caw. 1141t found no e evidence of foul play, and the money we. PA• waillnekarriellMi"toVelliral;rynilyiantoMft,a)Unia.orthtyr shortly aftetwards retnoved Mentreal, returning to Torento weeks ago and took up rewitlence with Dallas Hyena», at 57 a Gould street, where Last night they were rl 1"1"414TI.e• 'either refuse to dist-hew, the nature Of the ev Aency, hut it is Iltoderstemil tbe t. following facts are counted &tiniest Harry ilyani•: The pre lll i t trim on the policy were I "Will 113- 1114.1,- 414144(11111114 44.4(01414i1141 alone La the nat41 we wait ttreetmed %then the fatal a. •.1.1. at occurred. :since ✓ 'cc,* it has bei -11 learool that Symms oil- y 1,te.41;::017,1 10 g:t pazicireto , !cut *41,', *1*. iglieltiatit wAine.rican aud O Engliell 40111 and the. fact may 11 ' 414re all important fearing tat *11,arrest.. Tollaieto. Fitt. 14.-Tbe Police Court . war enowded yesterday _morning_ when Harry I'. klyants and Dallas Tr Hyena were arraigned. ' Neither of the lire/tilers ...Pined much , agitated. Wit bed, urn* it little pale. ' W G. Murdoch appettrett for them, in the almence of It It. 0.We...oho -has not e' yet retetvered from the shock Of the rail- way andlent at Westin'. ! Mr. Murdoch entered a' plea of not iguilt. ten did not eleet and the ease was adjourned for oe..e. 'f. ,12.,7• To .. Feb. 1!..-t 'wen Attorney '..rry, meet:Moan ied ivy Dr. Cseery. !Peet -- to* Cuddy and s brother -WAR* of youtag Wells. Went to oshawa yesterday and - exhumed the mmains. They returned hilat night ith the bely soot an intiuest *414 midooleolly Fe- held. The Crewe .ifilciaht Are now thonoighly *reused and nothing hoing left undone thin will 4411?,' 10 4(11 ravel the mystery eirneiteling the tragic death of %Valiant C. Webs. Toro/Nil( Feb. and semen/mai dischetine are ,*aid tt. have developed in connection with the death of William Wells and important .1 ..d.siveri.44 have been made by County Crolelt A•torney Curry aryd l/etect ire I . At the investigation yeetertlay it was revealed that the weIght. found beside the hotly of Wells had dieappeared. and a new aod lighter one now hemp. in its place. Cuddy is now looking for the old weight. Hut the must start ling piece of evidence yet diseimered throws a new light on the trinitely, and testa to the theory that , Wells dal not meet his death in the cellar. ' but that he was killed. either accidentally or otherwise, iu the second storey of the building, which yew tined as a storage room. Animist other thiters stored there were a uumber ot hoop hoz.,, and a wit- ness lass been diacoverol who will ewear that on the day of the accident he had toe- cataioh to %Mit the ,-toriage room and found a number of the soapboxes splattered over with to such aa extent am to satisfy hini that there waft eolnething wrong. 4,1x1".f :11: frojoir"w:sPrestaiht:il.-uvsra.l with l kived the other eheelc. The child slept peacefully on. "You ean always nee the baby here before breakfast if you choler," esel Lab. and she held out her built again 111 good night. At this point Marion Wile away in spite of Lab's quick little cry of "Wait. Marion!" and the two wree left alone again. "I ern eery tired" she "I would rather not talk tonight " The dlatnieed was evident fie foot Tiel hand, held it an instant and prediently said. "I not detain you. hat I woola wk yon, 14111. tn remember that you are my wife. Net/ling ran alter that." "Still we are only strangers as you know," she quietly rejoined. et a twireral places. wail the coven of some howed that ft smug stream of blood had ported over them. In view of this evidence a theory 14 hole ormed that Well• May have been killed weirs, his body lowered In the hoist and fter the body had her% pieced in position be weight was unleeked and dropped on linlite theory is a horrible out but it entertained and the sentient whom Men- Ity will not he dim:hoed at present will entity am above at tile 4101. Mr. I•riali Jones, tmcle of William Veils, the dead yr/nth. who liven in Plck - ring, will he an important roan *it- ems in the CAM. 1 "YoU fra1404 the (lays we were to - Retie r after we were married" be eautiewly nrired. "I am not the name girl. You killed hey. We have to start again. I know all. " "Yon know that in my wretehed anger and niadnewe 1"- - "Oh phew, do net speak of 'the said. "It is .ot,.41 oven in thnnight "But will yen never forgive me and eare for me? We have to live our Byte "Pray let ns not speak of it now," she said la a weary Yoke. Thom tereash- leely, "It 5301 mud+ more Orftalleill11411011 that yon elmuld love me - and the chi Id " He drew himself op with a ehoking sigh and awed out his arm. to her. "Oh, my wife!" be maid. "No. no." Ms Wed, "this is awes- sonable We logow go little of web oth- er (Tool night again." He twine at the enew, name bank and teeming hawed the child net the lips Then ne "Yea we right 1 areeret to saffee nand sight " But wheel he was awe she dropped nu her trams sod Mood We Mild many Mena mg Oa 1%a ash FINANCE AND C01111111C1 ToworTo. Feh. la. Mal 'The local grain meek* b. *till quiet. Wheat prime are unchanged, with a limit - ,o1 &mewl ,Wheat 4.. punted at 5,7 to !Mc. wead dine white at the Male price. Harley nterket ia slow. No 1 i• quoted at and No. 2 41410 44. and feed at 37 to 3i4e Oats ere quoted. we*, white dar end mixed :Mr in spite of heavy Inning and firm cables wheat closed weak and I 11 to I -4c lower t'orn wan etude? on account of large re- ceipts and the clone wee 1-410 1 Se lower. oats Vr • Iv dull and chimed 1-fic. lower. Although the demised in Buffalo for bade, le eery light holders ars in • very comfortable positionthe amount for sale is limited and owner,., instead of wishing to meet buyers' views. are 'seined to tack on another cent, especially for desirable Iota TIMM COMMA rep011e ars that bar ley Is well cleaned tip. Ina there are sees ral lots here which do not reeve at the Agana emoted. Quoted: Na 1 western, W.; No. 1 western. Ale. Ms. 1 thasda, elle.; No. II. der No 3 est,* to 61e. At Pent Pie= there wore 4 ears of eel - tie on 011* heavy shIppfne steers sold se 0 per ewt 'and etwa bit butcher cow* ist to KIS Hese, W7 ears On *ale. Deli for all Modsghee" and lam* mar- ket still dell became %met outwit Ito *km out Mot blew inr I 412 dt50 ettre to al pound 110011 eatillirik Ott far to geed Clamiles at SIMI MILS. FEB. 5. ANGLICAN DIFFERENCES. The Trimble Illetwoeu the Iilselt and Low 4 horelsomese oft Oiler*. OTTAWA, Feb. .% inertias is to he held in St. George'. churell Why shortly w dinettes metope difficulties Which are brew mg loot weeei the high stool low 44*ort.1.01 t:1 44* %%torch England 11,- iliffeteuue has, artom through the act too of it. Arvid/6May id I Ontario its PraclIvallY mem:mite WYttliTe t %glow. the cootil.;elioal oullege ..f 411.church. Ti,.. eherch promr feel that a principle is at wake. The • irdiate cause of the immured iuovement on the part uf the low church tiyaipathiaer• ea the *fusel of the rel. bishoo to :weep, M r. of t ma 4 it.. 0 • 411iliolate 1,r hol) order,'. apparently Ise illftied lie on .1 • ••••I receiving las theelogual telmettiou Wycliffe f'olisms. Dec. .1. M. Snowden, pastor of St. deurge's church, 114,1 considerable corm- smusiletwe with the Archbishop concern- ing Mr liiirson. Archh.shop oats to &mem Mr. lithftoll firf 10117 orders .1 Ise took in ell her .frinity or I. eneetvifie codegee. but *'?i 1.1 not mood bins if betook his titeolognid collrfte In Wycliffe coltwee. "Ile correspondence In the care War. haid beifor.. 3 utiali coca mit tee of churehineu fro.e tee dierrasi city churches, and the result lets beeta the movement for the organwation of a churchmen's uttion In this diocese. A circular mot out calling a meeting for this purpose says '1. it fair or reaeon- able to refuel, rectamitiou to a college '4)10*' principles are identical with time authoritaitirre standards 1.1 our church whose position is 'similar to that of every t•ollege in l'attatia who* position hin beefy °Metal ly recog et Iseti by the church a: large, and whore graduates are hot refused *ambition to aity tarter diteese la the Ihenniniont The church is calling out for 1111, to enter the ministry why, then, refuse the ministration. of Weil) young men Ino offer thelnftrl cr. fur the work on account of the college they atteutt More- oier, the leity art. crillitig for evangelical etergynten front ell par Canada_ ean the bishops refit., to answer this constant nopetil • They Call .o only by adopting 41 IKPliCy which 14 pehmited in can have but wo. result. The people, already kw 411.1 to some ex,ent Alienated. will leate the isureia to the bishop, awl .the al. rgy. LA GAISCOGNE IS SAFE. The Arrival eine. Haat Which Catt•ed So lam* Anxiety. N'Y:tv YORK, Feli I'Le. - La il:Y4 tigne is ...de. The big Forneh liner, eiy.ht days overdue, dropped anchor at Ow her just bef..re midnight. al* well on boisrd, and a sigii of relief goeft Ilp front twat continente. The Willy waft duea broken p0101, rod Vevoiv Mir atuthaldiet tetia rff.g '.• bich 'e swept the North -Atlantic ,. of!' the past werror more 41141 brought 'downer- re, . ingiey a eaunch craft. Capt. Ilmeedelon,aedi,the officers and eretrosts labAblietikiii, dkEM- get the "hip *WI e'`•,•s,,.getes t tireenlicthe, gales eeme,. duel made porrwitheet help. La (*deem left llavre tot the Morning of .1ftlillarylit. muter ounutiatikadvet-Fretich naval officert'ept. artinititoti, aL.i with 30 pa...engem in the first cabin, 14 in the setond and 11'. in the overage. If .he Wet ton.l.• ler ordinary toneshe wotai.1 helve reached New 1 ork A week ago Lea seit iir day evening or ion Suuday at the latest, lint on account of the prevailing 'dorm at fte:1 ,the Waft not really expected until Montlar. . On Wednesday eonsiderabls ahem was exprewel awl Agen't Femme who had be fore that time iwid trust the stanneh moan greyhound bad sitnply twert-.1..laye4 by heel winds, will ewe part a h.r ma- chinery might have giveaway. METHODIST'S LOSE AGAIN. - - - IEleirani tied eiritome* designs for aim dose sod ledeor Toilette. Ante n (rein tt merit Models he 14444o...7. end CU 114-1*. arc en MI - portent feature. These appear cvery we..h. accoMPOli•rd 441 minnt• de .4., nti.ins and de *I. 410.. Mier "'art. Letter. by li Aril a mixt: on FolltraT. Iro • iwerkiy oviinee.ito of the letrot 01 3 lee toot cArriom In the mode Ureter the heed of %ea 1 orb ira•blesi• MIMI directorate , Nod full particular• are given as to shape, fohrieft, el.:minima(1 e•ci otwee•ries of the cos- ' .,'l.. ('1 444111-41,4)014 women. (5.64r..'.rioilliteg receives practical atteotion• A opetaightle reeterisailleroll iierptrotrel •n . *Mem reader. th cut and tra.... tn. i• own woillo* i he - umnom who 'Owl HA Itlict;'• NAZAR i• -••••••1•4'44.4 for eweer 044-s.ion in (453,C.r. ....44i -ty• . r MN. 114._4711174111,44.4./In i tV1 ! • '- An A nterioattitteria'. 114.elee Wareurti'• lannshairli. by Hi IteCCA 111.1141,444. l).45,. 4 Ortaimg ....% .1.4' Am...ewe .11e. tlirj I' r 1.‘44 . I PIPai.71.'11410 ft.% i 01111;1 1,. he far •Luatth nth weeny 're listo We Ye the year. Illy Lett* 71fis01ls. ae thit•sssir else's.: Jitter', ley If eattillta MA* ir•IMP. elithOr 4•I *ten • 41 o;... • 3 I., 45.. /101!. ..,; , . .4,• . 4644 here se ...,,r. reams • Med omelet 4 tea. T., .t.,...•1.0r. Rei -i,* , lilt TATillt 14, .1 Mae rem... h.. • mime ester. en • West We annotate In Mew Ye* society. Ammer. to terproposilreite. Questioner.. cetre tbe personal mitten. ,on of th, ...dim.., see arr anewered at the wallow poesible time el ter their receipt. 1 Harper's liagassins. 1N1896 The ilambilseesis. a ame end * Thew* 14•44111• lo leosa.leer New hey. 11111. sad asetiauad 1s tentwhow. Mat WIlasyse ellop ho eon% leverlie sewed HOP 114 wereliate it will ba resio4e4 te all entice ,aeg Serer «sad. tereense as • ettester win., in ft-iles, 414 Tbr eimolototi• ay be eau ...toed eltillee sem 1104 *5 - '41444* i• 'net eddy\ hes souk* trilby it,. wary of the le•r• oft.: lo r lc, leatare will 40 .4, Pereeeel of JOIN of 401. b 411. Moor I ; ul. de routs. Her Palo ead ftocreamy. der mtloch !rules the wow popular of hetag A. ideas. 0. Writers will unseat the too, of the SI 'it of tat Issas. la this Mowery Newt 4 appear • yr lowly 'iustrated paper oe (be 4 arsitnes. the firm of a seri. • of Poutheru implore. NMI Mire Attire le attracting sneer attention law al *.7.I*-? tinseelnce 111 wee the test of tuppea. The seat aulume of 111 RPER'S 34 At -A ZINK ts ill mutate four illustrated • rt mitre CO Aim rt Moe anti three of hem will depict h.. preeent life litere. JI it • • It..,,'H wUI prepare for the AllAUAZINK's sere.* of p.m.? I tut 1,pia1 phones of Irbleieer 11.444. tied Illaitiwirs. 'Ovid.. he song ewerS s 'ere • ill bendi I he Jarman 3.0411 teethe Itro cdmoter• Of 4 Thwee-Tart hovel. e thle. ter li. 414414 ti•ttiosi, iota,. the mow- omt wore yet ottealloted toy th writer (*Om plei• ehurt •.ortes by popail• • niers • 111 C•611 IlbUr to be • feature 04 14*,- M .Aii AZ1% 4. *red for illustreted Pro•orvls*. The Volusure of the Magiume bedul wit* the Number.. ter Jame awl Inerembrr ad each ' W 'Xbegan weft Um Number rurrmat at the hes spasm kr mestiosieddinnecripilloos *401 01 receipt M` order. Chub resat. fur Widow, toe cents me lo by !pelletal paid. itemtitancee should be mod1 to l'usi odloe Emmy Order o, 150141, 1..i avotd chauce of Nr.ropapers are not to ropy Aga adrrrliar n ew r•oloatl 14, exprra• order of Deeper & Brother* HARPER'S PERIODICALS. leer : • itARPRKSMAGAt.INK ,Per rear 4. 11.4R1wirs KKK/. I". • HARPER'S NAZAR 4.•, 11.410RICS 1llr.V(1 PEOPLE.. Poollier Free to all sitharrihers re tat (.'solled Mahe. god Mrxico. Addreei: HARPER It EilltOTIMRS. • P. 0.1110s Wit Y. Qty. Easper's Bazar. IN 1895 Aeotiter London Chars& Game 114 la Amok.. LovisiN. tint F.-1). 14.-fince more the Mettitabet denomination of this city ie -.objected wa +evens lutes in t he dent nu -lion by Ore ahollt t Wo o'clock this in.rt. ing of t Olinda. street Methodist church. In than an 1 after the alarm was ..;iven the church wee nothing but a ruin, dextruction being aft Coln piety ite that it. sister chureti tm ()open's avenue, which wee destroyed ten days ago While the firemen were dghting the flamers the north Plod gable wall fell. and It ie aaton- i•hing that a number of firemen were not boned in the rulta•. 4,4 it 4.)..4, ehief Floe and Fireinan McDonald and Hidille were badly cut and 'shaken up. Ineendirisin is strongly ftwoperted, although the Ore stared itt rear of the church. neer the (ornate. lase. 112S.00O; insuranee. elS, 000 suicide st Chatham. - CHATHAM. Ont.. Feb ie.-- An unusually sad death occurred litet evening et the reoidence of Mr Walter Savage, Lorne avenue, it being that a ma wife, who had a very painful euil etidden end front taking • dome of arsenic as it is suppeeed For the last eight or ten years Mrs. Seelig, halt been subject to 31. 01 melee - and whole in this state she twice attempted to tnke her life. Mee about nine yeara ago 141.111 111411141 leftt 11111Mi11er. She had been In a delicate stele 4,4 Milt for etorat time aod yesteelsiy afternoon unknown to her sieter mud have taken some irrita•t poison when in one of her ktve -sif melancholia. A physician was railed and asked het to say whet die had taken that he might be tbe hett•r able to help her, but ehe refused to tell what it Weft fthe had token She evidently was determined that the poison should do ita work, which it did too well, for Mr., Savage lieed only about au hour situ the doctor saw her, and paned away in great awn) at Keen o'clock. Sbe was 44 years ot age imy Tosolhfut Nt ota rALL., Ont., Feb le, 31.,. 11.4,114. have been annoyed booty by petty thievieg which they and the police believed 111.4 carried on by juveniles. The polkw have arrested these boys. laugh Mclean. I. Carter aml John Petrie. The first tiamed was only year• old and the other two 15 years old The grocery of beanie Buckley had been broken into and some tobacco and nut Pi *ken An ',Meer caught the hoye named dividing their dealings in a 4bnnty In the village Their duos has Leen adjourned Tatum Alla TrIghtfally Phersod. TiLltrit% Ont , Yeti IS -A shrieking accident occurred here yester day. A piens chlkl of Mr Charles Grant, of this village, fell on • hot were sad when found by its mother eras partJy Ita fare and side were frightfully burned Slight hopee ere entertairsed for ita recovery. Leel liritli Att Oho Crew HALIVAL reb. Ill !biggest** Mewl Rice, built in Wel et Weymouth sad owned In that •icinity, wea1 salient as al- avalY lvilatted February kh at Isle Of Man and became a total wreak, orew fireweed. There wee 0,000 Igileggmee le Halifax. Crew were Metal, MN fiesa Seed ter Ille•ireiril Preopririeii. The volt:ales of the-NAZAR begin with the lbw Number for JIllnuar•of each year. Wheyi 50 144.1,' LS mentioned. subseripttons will begin with the Number current et the lime of receipt str.emblel°t:irditssc,h:r...tfvf...easitlinobsr:reerheanrhbyT°Imuatn".1. postimi-teseahlel ro Rennttances mhould *4. 015.1*' by Poet oink, Mossy Order or Draft, to avoid cbanee of kiss. Newspapers are ea to copy I A is es., re-rf .0.4 .4,4140.! the express order of lista-an BROTnitits. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Fee Tear IT.IftPER's .d.41;.-tZtAlt. .......40 PFICSR 42'4 R •0 .44 RR/I:FEB*1(8S Ilfrt7CCK rIA-OLPIRO. PI.1 tt 40 Postage Pnv 4011 iroborribero teethe Meet 4tafes, eatersia. and Ne.rd-ro. Address HARPIR& BROTHERS. P.O. 150*01. N. Y. City. Harper's 'Weekly. IN 1895 I1AItI'KRN WEEK IN' is • pictor:al history of the times. It permeate every ilapoetaat event promptly, accumeely and exhanet spry is illestrati� and descelpt i e text of time bigh• ea order Tbe meaner in which. during 1104. it hate treated the Chicago Railway %trite. and the rhiao-Japaneee War. •orl the amount of light it wart able to throw on Korea the instant mutation eras di...mewl to that little known reentry. are examples of it/salter/a houtplUsea remourcies. JUU•11 Patric the dietiagnitibed writer and correspoadent. has been Mat tO the '41.4 0? war, and theme:geed hi C. 0. WELOws. the well-known Anterwas artist. nos for away years moistest tat Japes. ethe km been .-neititerl to co-opers', with Mr, Rifts in wadiag to HARPER''* WEEKLY evolesive information and itieetra•ion. During UM every vital losesellos will he tiscomed with vigor and nohow pr.jud ice in It P edl•ofillt eroleMile. and Moo in special art,. baby the highest authorities in each depart • meet. reunites 04*114' mem end women who 4re madder Meter,. earl powerful and caustic cartoosa will reeflotie to be charm, ethnic features. Tbls liamy 11 .144. with ite krone and kindly cesuneat on t he ismer dotage .4 the day. will remain a regular department mons. Thenwill he two pc eerie. aerials. headdemely Illustrated -The Red Corti - Ede, • Minims rallieace of olden day, by litrtirmar J. 14111f111•X Med a 110,41 of Neer Toth. entitled The Imo 1111a Father. he Ihumnew MATTIMW11-110T40111 161111401040a. Wed saw short stories by popular writers, Ilood toe ittestrased Prespertins. - The Tr/homes a the W SMELT begin *115 15. first Number for Jammer of each year. Whew .0 4101 reentkeiod, atiberriptleat will tools will the Number current at the time of re. eels of order. Clete Oases for mob refiner.. enitable ter biedlag. will be meet by matt Pate load. os ire- oeigino/ 3145 each. lifewityill384: or150(1. to avoid ethane* of should he made by Post-cdfce hm. Newspapers are ssof to mpg this eutreettoo. MOW WITAined the ...novas order of HARP= 414 thownimas. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Tose. AA RPW 11XXKLY It4 440 NAAR If atAXAM A SO HARP MAGAZINE. ‚50 HARP 8 rou.ro PAY)P1.1‘.. I On free f• all motweethire fa the flatted cod aMarko. lM10 • • 'emit * Ritarnista. P. U. Iles ell, P. Y. Ott. Theme deka Kam ma el I_ tom he *tomb Oesrge Moo, el Moshillareswes one& eget He wee takes SI the Liessallase hen =where be dad IS OM Usk al*, Inas roolvellot ble spew The sal mew reashol he eaell ham so die IWO el.leme ono The Signal ease eise&inits spend atedgense ett tie Joh prilsa• tsodesiel whieli ars weer. passed weds the eines les the primp eel proper eseeeties of all dames of priedmg. A periled oil due ameowsee. await may suggest soeseititas you may te seed of, and sa each ans w. s14 111 yoar patresege ledisg eseddmit that ow adorn to please will inset with the approval of our patrons *Rote i‘tcul.&.• This useful sin is kept in the full ratige of qualities same as letter heads. While 'Memo . are not so generally used, they till an ituportant piece in commercial correspondence. Bee what we've got. uuder the above heads. -Utter -1%4e.6.54* In this line we have a very large stock of tine writins papers suit able for every clam( ot business represented in this locality, cum prising laid and noire, liner*, quadrille and other paper.., ruled or unrultsi, as mar he required. VIA% i‘et.t.e.* If the " pay-as-you-go " plan was the onler of the day the demand for account paper would not he so greet; but there are some men who get so many thinners that they wonder if the etock will ever run out. We don't uit.n.i it to, and at present our stock is coin plete in this line „wjti four ewe. Good paper anti oat ruling. tiltWAtMe.M.* Both single and 1oib1. dollars __and eenta columns. They moue cheaper than hill 11+1*, and are the proper thing to ntl after • delinquent once a in nth. They an- sure to fetch h4ini 'round - sometime. 51.t',8O544 Now, it would be hanl to get along without enve pest, »lid to keep up with the demand for U4 keep a la go ,it.. k on hand. We,have w ahuut a hundred thousan4 ti stock, and he 400.0/1 will ran from Va.. to tni2e.rttli!in:Ptist•ridi N. ittaal .C.‘: exclusive'. v. bindle coin 1/41. tiVtAsvee e ste‘'Y ImAntir hes already leen rented in wine of t Tie re is, however, of work under tit' enumerate would up the entin• a this *d'. t, but we SnateL A ns:Auei•ovms to an "At ilome'' or a wedding require considers le taste an !Wee tion sometimes, at we make it an eaay matter by keeping in stock the very latest and hest samples to be ha1. Call and rm. roc, aims rtially enum e heads above. vaat amoun head that to or than take e occupied by o it all at Tea of entertainmenta and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. Q;xreuXiars We aim to excel in all the differ tint kinds of work we turn out, but especially in tide, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements. Card.% cum& Tvektice. This head covers a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty bosiness card or a handsomely printed membership ticket 1' esters Our facilities for turning out this clams of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it is done by u& This line also in- cludes VtOtitLeg* which our three fast -running job presume are able to turn out in a surprisingly short time. ake 1&%.\\16 belong to the poster department shot, and we make a specisilty of them-promphnese being our alas in this respect. A notice of tale will appear in Tan 14114AL bee 01 charge whew bill. for mune see got here. l'akk Oi 00g. in the typographies,' prindag liao ma be dose ia this ostahlisiatant in ea eepeditiege and intimate meow etad Ovot Vii•eva NI& SCAM& %WM geet.SOIttAtke.. We *steed our theak• for pot kr emsaere sod disk • esslinesiass of 50. WILZ Si (Mart esinauss. Use