The Signal, 1895-2-21, Page 1signal Macri ptIons SASH IN ADVANCE 15 Tata rank, for 1895 Vie THE LEADING} NiirigrBp4Lp111R Op HVRON' OOZTNTY. ►TY-SEVE1'I'II YEAR. -2505 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, 1'ERRI'.11tY 21, 1895, D. McGILI.ICI'DDY, EDITOR. SS THE NATIONAL POLICY MADE YOU RICH? IF NOT, WHY N.._ T? OINCS AT O17AWA.Ik:tat !,pow itwrw -itht. ►ie iiia... HA YE MADE THEIR MARK M (. re uawelpsogj i Oolnt on at tit, Capital N Ibe Mwe1e. a.w. U. k Ie.aeine n. l'ewlsg Mese e. le...a r Ismer leaf• %et Mara •..4ber e.. h... ( 'orreepoodesee. A. Feb. 16th. 1■ their at 'ew public attenuate Iron, the de - :dittos of their own finances we uy remuded by 'Tory stumpere rem that Sir Richard 4 artwrtght *her, in fact, hu was an era of ik •t the figures as they present w else Wt volume of the Publw TO we field that (rem 30 Jos. June 1879 t6 vestal the &ggre• aatoune.d to :x,,426.968, while j, for two years 1874 75 &mount• 1 .419, which, deducted frees the in actual deficit for the sin years net yon t• 1..•, ,o Wad the; 1 :cry liberal to my wksl•tioow, mid the I:rets responsible for all l i from 30 Jus. 187 to 30 Jewel g er they dui not come into . thee I vember 1873, and wast out on � or 187. it to be more charitable. Al- ' leficit os the 30th of bus 1879 0 99. 1 do not wash to give those or about grit deficits any chasm i tk sur own figures ..r esasipel•t• Ir out our own •rguemsst. 1 ' 1 err tae other way 1 do sot dere with the 7 try mseepely re • monopoly of inempel.- and that for the six yearn there al deficit of $4,',02,538. N. ads to deny it Der to emcee' let us look as t• the other dem. finance under which this deficit atoms dunes collected d.ri.g ret indicated was x.730,510 cal value of goods import. r «asampttoo amounted to making the average rate of r cent. From, 1880 to 1894 the to lusty collected was$311,634394 f value of gods imported fee rhos wow $1,610,575,411, drew- t re rate of duty of 1934 per 8 a wtxa) •r m Ins I r. owes'• M •la Bled we shall sot beim that keine whwh •o often med. its appwreerse tp ray hosereble (rued who site eppool M (Sir It►chard), ae ugly and sllrtsaged + Goa" Th. rill, cheek, demi', disho of Footer telkirig In this way to the asga•:noDa'bl; OVER THE HURON TKA iris- • grewi5g one, he den I --- I used at the Glom of hoe stdmfsutr.tiss a ! the duties eif .ttnr.ey geser.J, to have Huron County Minn In Dakota. • reputation eta as other a.J • lawyer do i that will refect credit upon binned .ad the sesty I Ssate. Hous. when he bone that et the rate of ex tun the Government was going o0 their deficit, at the end of the year sot fail short of double the amount th fiat had aggregated during the whole of the Mackenzie administration. ('ao you help sandiest when you bear Foe ter talking of „ uowelcomed venomous and of "u.ly sad tllvIsag.d d.bctts •" H card last ,mentos that if he did nut cut draw expenditure he would have • deficit, an why did he, in lace of this, sok f'.rli.mea to ratify hie inebriates making appropriate for the expenditure of millions of doll. that might h..e been delayed until bis fin ascus were to • better coedit ion. Just once more let us turn to page 70 0 the last velum* of Public Accounts when w fid the debit and credit side of the balance sheet, which steeds as follow* : - 30th .lune 1874, surplus, IIBBB,775: 30th ,lune, 1875 surplus. $936,644 ; 30th Jose, 187b, deficit $1,900.785; 30th Joss, 187'1, deficit, $1, 460,027 ; 30th .fuse, 1878, defier, $1,128, 146 and, t• be lenient with them, altheutth they were telposeible for the expenditure for the treater part of the year, if the Lib- eria, are to be held responsible for the peed' Thews Vermeer leestdrass.1161.rsssse Ws. DO1111:.3AMR�(,ofTyttp,p•obtrlacoauty with as,. amised krmur.cr .st west- was bore in the proentm of Quoits, Anemia c•uI41 &reverser 4111.. /Mersey Ureteral 13, 1857 ; soceetry Scowl, ; was educated • 1e r.... asd reesat.r sh•Ie, m the public schools; was Rustem of the term peace in yawed* ; moved to North Dakota in 181:3, and settled in Pembina county 1s mar }'Ht t31 The Tribune, published • Biam.rck, North I►ak.ta, we are es•bl.d n publish the following sketches of th el • former resident of the section who w 1 west mad grew up with the country i 'm el the pant fifteen year.. Governor All rs left the township of Colborne in Marc 1880 ; Attorney-Ireamers! Cowen teutt f school te Colborne until 1881 and newt • 1)oM• moved from Wawanosh towoshi sear Auouro, in 1883 . K(N:KR A I.LIN was born is Devoe Keened, oe the 18th day of 1►eeembe 1848, and was eduested as I'r..pect Acsd emy, Eo,land ; Irons England he emigrated to Canada and trim there came to Dance is March, 1880, settling oo a farm w Warp couoty, where he still resides. H. u a thoroughly educated, practical farmer. The general I.overomeut having granted us the prig of forming a eeeetttuttos under which North Dakota might be admitted as one of the States of the t'aioo, his connot- ueou in W doh eouoty saw in the oras who had represented them in the territori•1 council which met at the septal in the Winter of 1888 '+, • tit person to wait in the promulgation of the peoples bill of right. Mr. Allis was therefore elected and served u one of the most .cave mem- bers of the constitutional cosventioo. He was also choses at the first state sl.ctios by the same constrtaeocy u • elate .enter, and served in that memorable first session of the lepul•tive assembly. He took strong �round in favor of such bills as have sines u toand to be in the Interest of the whole people (;tyernor Allan's ..m. has bees identified with so many good and whole- some measures that it would be herd to par- ticularize them in • sketch of this kind. Suffice it to say he was always found oa the stile of the people. At the second .tate convention, which nomiwt.ed Andrew R. Burke as governor. the subject of Was Welsh was nominated as lieutenant -governor and wan elected, taking his meet as presiding of- ficer •f the �esmes .t the opening .f the tee - non of 1891. While he We heed oonsider- ableexp.neom in legielatiyshod ie.,bleexp.r- wso. as • presiding off,eer was very limited. To the surprise of oven his frieds he made a most "amble sod sstasf•.tory presidia, officer of the Sewn, ruling that body by hie thorough knowledg. et til the det•ir of legislation and the good will which ext.ted between him and all the members of the Semite rather than the stern 5uthenty vest- ed in the pvel. When the quesuou of who the -Republics party of North Dakota should chose for us gubersatorisl easdidatte in 1894, there came from every eowsty in the stew • geoer.l d.roasd for the somiw- tt0s of Roger Alli for governor, and s, gen- eral was them isdoreemest that when thseen- manse am•mhied at Grand Forks, on the 19th ay of .July. be was the asanimous choice of the delegates from every county in - the State, and was nominated by a•cl•ma- uos. Has election followed and he now takes the oath et office as our chief execu- tive. While it u true that the fiwrcial condition of the State se not such ar might be desired, yet the people k•owiag the sterile' worth and tenacity of purpose pin. seemed by him, have •enfidence that the problem of " What shall we do'" will be solved i■ the interest and to the satisfaction et the .tate at large. The governor's family sassier of only himself sad wife. Mrs. Allis is one of those pints, unassuming, lovable women who are always dung something to endear tbestselvm to those wbe know them, tad yet who do theta no modestly and .noon• sesowly as to oouvinae the impieat Whet they oomu only from podium of heart. The •dmisistratio. of Governor Alton ie e xpected by his friends to be eub•tantiel rather than brilliant, et at the isms time, the proper dignity of his positing will be m•ieteised at .11 tuns.. (X)WAN, JOHN F., of Devils inks, Ramseymusty, North Dakota, &turwy morel, was hers at Moffat. Duerfne.bire, Strained, is 1866. Whoa .bout 5 years of am his parents emigrated to Heron toasty, Oourio, (,aa., is the entitle, of Galeria. and espied in farming. where Mr, Germs rodded mail he was 21 years of age, whim he removed to the .tau of Michigan, and whore he worked for the Chicago sad final Trask railway company about two years. He was edueaud in the •ommoa sateen of the cant,, .red the Ooderiob High School, �uatiag from the Ottawa Normal School is 1679. Is 1881 he caste to irks from Pott Heron, Michigan and seetksd is whet is ..w Nekton ooeat near Stump 1.3*.. Is 1889 he removed bo the vieisit of Davin Ike, .ad settled epos a fame &�t six muse wast of the pram..e city of Irvin Lako He W begun the study of law is Pett Horse, and in 1884 he .gain renewed hie wadies soder the wines of Hou. D. R. Morris, preso.t ledge if the S.oesd Judicial distend, in 1886 he was des,tted te peoeties amid at ism established sa o(Frs in the elft of Devils Take, where he has sines resided, prsoti.hg hie prorse- miss. i■ 1886 be wee .noted to the onise of eoesey sepsrist adest .4 ppubio s.beela for Ramsey musty. whisk of3ee he held for four years. is 1890 he was sleeted swim stserssy of the ansa setssty, sod melmeed in 1888 Rs wee asserted in Deeeedi r, 1886. to Mi.. Mary ryas, of Headsmen, Miele., their family wow o.w.tetiog of two boys end ewe girla At the essventies held at Orated Forks es Joie last he was semi - sated by seelo sties mad without own- ties es attorney general of Meanie of North q Dakota, and, after • beilWlet emmpsidei, Thigh wmilmd of opem.bes made n almost e very onset, and tows is the she* , he pined M himself a reputation as se umber ekes wisknr W *won thin w1■ maim him rtlw.oel mow bmusAsr, melole� Itr WW1 M mpg kat tale any in whisk fig owe K in to rem e at TOWN COUNCIL. aside is h, ht or p, r, rut 1 and seg&ged in the business of farm tog. Has held various school and township offices, sad was elected te the Semite as a populist ex- penditure from the 30th Jaw 1873 to 1874 30th June, 1879, debcit, $1937,999. Aetna' deficit m 6 years, $4,602,5338. Why, Foster's deficit tor the 7 month's •low reaches F?,898,029. Yee, is about as missy mouths he has run up • dollen &mount - ng to over one half the deficit Sir Richard had against him during his whole tenure of them Foster has ancomplubel is as many unmake nearly ea much as it took Sir Rich- ard that miry years to do. Rut whet about that defi,tt you find is our owe pocket as the result of diets taxa- tion; es the result of • protective instead of • revenue tariff ' Recall the figures I gave yon ,n the earlier pert of my letter and you will be able to term ro ides of your own de- Smt. Teti coo sympathize with Foster lust now for you .re both in the same bout ; you w both ezp.riescing those "unwelcome visita- tions," those "ugly sod tel-vieemed d.6cut" be told you all about last .emtoo. . But Foster se r eposeible for your misfor- tunes as well as for his own, and after .11 are they net m both oases your misfor- tune* 1 o .re the victim each tune. it u you, :payer, who will have to make previeion or Foster's deficit to the treasury as well as replenish the shortage or deficit high taza- too has created m year owe pocket. 1'oater bas decided that it r just an well that he should not gook n•electioo is hr old eouoty, Ringo, and has had himself oomi- sated for 1 ork (NBI. Wit/ the people there regard him in the light o/ an "unwelcome Visitation ' LANES. Irvine'', Feb. 19. Commie. s0. The Askib.Id amemeor,Matt Fames, co.meoced his reunite en Thursday last. Rm.., *u.i'... Wm .Iamiseoe, who has Room severely dl for a week, is, we are pleas- ed to state, reoorenot. W'p•ream The weather which has been 6se for the past week seems lust now to have token . change. %Vrpm n.. ,1..1. Hogan end his sister, Mary, left as Saturday the 16th, to attend • wedding of their cassia at Kromer which Wok plain on Monday. Su k. We regret to beer that lira. I. McKerte, of the 12th coo., le a present very low, .Imo Jas. McDonald of the came lase Both families have the sympathise of the oommsuty. 1'A bit. - Afew from hen attended • party at 4.he,residesee of Wm. McNay, 1st emu., wines the poetry of mottos answered the the fas,wting *trains of sweet music till the might was lar spent Vtar?tri.: Sim Thos, hixos asd Memo Margaret Fameb w vicitisa friend* in Lasgaide and Temwater vliebities.... Mr. and n. F. Soot. ha.. hem visiting friend. i. Ripley enmity the peel few dory. sus of duty imposed by the pplied to the imports during m 30th Juni 1673 to 30th Jane of • tax over ctsg 13 04 per rents would have taken just tore eat of your pockets to ivory reset rta 1 resulted tinder • 13 04 per uty, while the threatened de - hos dollars for this year alone more time the total d.6site 1879j s sae el the results of a averaged 19 34 per deet for et years. L am ask you to stop and teak r not better nkat yen should Int of $4,602,638 u the trees - 13.04 per Beet. rate of duty mom axed 19.34 per cent on shat $38,858,636 more might d your pockets which would .w had the Tory rote of wood by Sir Richard Cart- a be bet o.e ammor to this hind, fid the Tory Govern - the average raw of duty im- ahemis, since they came into 1 of your paying $311,634,394 ry through the 'retains how re only bass called upon to )7 The dtffere.oe between ne tariff mrd Tory customs just 1101,615,387 out of your 679 without say 1wtereaee to prima the maamf•ct,rer has ergs you as a result o1 the given hist. to "Tory otvomp•rs" do wt u when out os their mie.io.• rg to maven you to their • difficult prn►lem to work gams sod Minute do not, as ry i.ssrw.titsg r.sdisg. m the average reader that if Boit in the tr.me.ry daristr tuistr•tton there hes boos • owe u your awn peahens so totes Tory admhbtr.tiaw out of you during the putt rhe ory Government is ep you enespasy with their 1 the 30th June will ionised slit for the whole time the 1 power, iscldisgthe adeit my eom/ar ons with the 5 1 Jose 1873 w 30th .1... Iles would have Mss eves le the Liberals, sad osfava- trlemsnR Hat 1 hag. even .basee that they may have spathe my figures Damm es bees too lesisnt : tea hied. of all these fit. they Wk Ito Toe hear ■•g9srf Patter- s, say other Tory 'rsisi_eer . titins. talkie/ about (crit his memory with .enn of here .ad eek l swit•zmi pis sewn oerase Met r de, .ad r stetsey'. tnetsh .f foe a.► . anises homed out of • a have the opportunity .f ✓ Were ilk. subtly moi. ■ be rapist dna of 1 i net ..ami.. whish sp- ill of H.le.m1 . align ks tee. she es• Itmt .ata, sled V sorow,. Miss Annie Ford, of Wheat- land, 5, Dakota, ges.mpaaied by her sin ter, Mrs. 14.Rilele.., lea, Mme Maoris Ford, both formerly re. 1...L of this Issality, are at present around hos 14..w*p old as - .I ono woes. DUNLOP. Tran•v, Feb. 13 One hundred remnants, half oust-- Arm .'roses. Yiw E Allan visited go Oderbb tows ship them week. Kll. Healey has ntar.ed from • fortnight visit to relatives sear Porter's Hill. Jere Grommet, of the Nile,'with hie son visited friend* Dear here this week. Mr. mod Mn. Merin Morris eajged • ti.lecient visit,. Porter's HID this week. Ats•IF RwrrRxa -her papular resident, Miss Kato Macdonald, left Saturday net for Detroit, after a pnggant tisk of nearly two siestha to her parsnip •d a lams. erode of friesd• hen .d .bent (lodsrio4. O• the roots ah. will Tait .t Clissy and Liman, Almost & fatal aomidsst happened to 1►. Corbett sod W. K. Whitley, with a sow- pasies whin choppier doom a sell tttt.sarsh of the toast the other ay. The tees lodged three tine is ins tall to mother Forth. ()wing to the deep mow aha men e.sld sot Clot . akar rim awn and mush o.ols.m .ofd presses. of mind M hewed to swore from the denier. David Cor'keaa. W • hairbreadth escape : Meng .early bit In it. rat fall. The popular mayor of Rawdenvdlle, o1 Her'on's feldwstor township, w.s w oar midst hat week. Deng lois srsoniont stay he task • Mew of the greeters ea the lake O 51 had No pkm.Des a� tho irW- w n . sesisl dsh es The est sf de ham ems "flat eke H. P. gins may kw mom serelal r.bt... afraid .w.p re w weather to peeves' him Mag �., the ddMs ma 54j•armed I.r • mars sseyesdsai mgeele. Jeweler, 1.1.aseeal Masewent-The gleetrte Wtkt 51.5,500. The rerular meeting of the town coact' was held in the Council Chamber on Yrtday toning last. \tesibers were .11 present except council. lore ('amptoo, Murrey, 1�'llaos and "wart,. Situates of last meeting were read sad I signed. The following treasurer's statement for I. January wow referred to the 6owm com- mittee Balance from 1 Ne. 1894.. 11219 *35 Kb alIT. Non -readier lases. $ 11 31 Electric Liglbl ones .. . 1Y.tes -- y Tres Stnkrag fund,Iotereat Melded Cemetery 439 12 176.98 211.44 100 931.20 ui.K.R•gr.YT.. Refit.$. $ 123 00 Pum.,ng Station... 289.10 Electric Light 2 50 ('C&OEX". a/o . .. 29.96 Separate School. .. 50.00 Fire dept.... 19.00 Sundries 18.75 Public Works. . .. - - 11.51 rleetton a e 37.00 Salary a'c 222.88 Debenture Interest, Or- gan Co . Sinking Fund, latersst. Public Schools $1151.09 125.00 211.44 414.92 1555. (10 Bank 1)verelreft $4033.97 The report of the auditors was referred to the intwce committee. Request of Wm Irian for use et Council ('hamher for bolding an assembly, Thurs- day, 21st. ins', was granted. Communication from H 1. Hays re. Hil- liard property war8lila. Application of Ann Cook for remimses of taxes was referred to the court of nviaioo. The tollowing a000ssta were referred to the finance committee, -J. Brophey & Sou 110, T. W. Nem, Mourned, $6, N&bonel Carbon Co. 442.50, Vacuum (hl, Co. Tor onto, $10.35. The report of the water and light commu- tes was read, To the Mayor and (council, Tows of t;oderi•h. Gaserner au, -Io ref*rssce to th•applic- tion of Messrs. Clark and Mclotosh ter a franchise to operate an i.ca..deticent legbt system mrd as eleetric besting sad power system we reoommeed that the follewimg offer be mad., namely -That the oorporattss sell to Messrs. Clerk and McIntosh the pri vete circuit electric light pleat, oommitin` of dynamite, belt, pulleys, wire, lamps sad switches and • half interest In the poles carrying the wires en the privets circuit, that they be .t half the exposes of keeping such poles in proper repair, fee • mm to be agreed upon, and than in the event of such offer being accepted a franchise be granted them for years, free o' charge, to supply beat, light sad power. 1'. Bot.?, ('barman. Mottos of Holt and McLear that report he adopted. Amendment of Moser. Johnston and Nioholsen that the report be arasaded by striking out the words "chat the terowiag offer be made, namely, that the oorpostion sell to Messrs Clark aa1 McIntosh" Med the fellowisr eabetituted therefor "'I Keil this mescal signify it desire to os■ M Messrs. Clark and McIntosh or say other otrmpaey or idivilual" sad by striking out &11 the words (rest "they t. be •t" deem to and ineluding "agreed tapes" sod the wart. "free of merge" and drat the resort be aeesded as adopted. The .m..dmest was carried, Meows. McLean, Thompson, Naftel sad Holt tuna' nay. As amendment to amendment of Messrs. Saunders and Smith that ch. report be re- ferred back to the sowmittee with power to .sake the offer oout.ieed in the report .d to aeoseain from them what animist obey will pay for the framable* mid plant, mow the 1 rah they intend ehargieg per lamp for in- 1 hon o•adessent lishtieg ad submit it to this 01 Wi Mrs We 1 the ami there and �T Mosstosetle, es Friday .aesi.g kt.t. Th• °Piot from the Local MI • weekly Meares of 1ea.ty crew. .ere ■p 1 molt Kveryweir 5145 and ►Mai Clipped sed ('..deeerd ,rens Kerry beetle.. mid • preeestee by the Ladiei Aunt ' el the church with • met of table onslary pled plate .•d two bee pictures. U• Wingham (b lrlonity, 11th. T. Bell McAndrew, while .t work in Thos. Bella taruiture factory, by some mishap his hand 4 came to contact with • sew and tot. first 4*.pr was nearly taken off It a thought I tit. ♦eger may be sweet, but it will be *ogre I'1dM before Mr. McAndrews will be abbe to resume work. LI4DBURI : 1. W. ilorrio• s: tett other of the Model clogs, r teaching m S. No. 6, i.e•dhurv. ('Hawn H.rneon Wilts* u now able t est is his store. though not yes able to mak use of hr toot Grey : Mn Long has mold her tatty acre farm rm the 1Ith Don. of Grey to • M: Heyd for $2,500, W.ltos : Mrs. Stott mod we, of Algom are vl.ttmg Sirs. Jeha Uickeon. M Scott u a daughter of Mrs. Ilick.on'.. Summerhill ('hru. Keasom had his leg crushed with • muck of wood, and was lis up in toreegeenta, but a rotting well&gala Morris Marshall Kreekeundge, who hag been living, in Algoma for some time, has returned to Morris on &ccouot of ill health Seater'h Rev. Mr. Hodgins, d thin town, drove thirty he. mile* in the races storm, mod beers the marks of the encounter os his face still. Se.lortb Mrs. ,John Warwick, .r., .r nyed here from Manitoba on Tuesday last. She u at present the guest of her .on, John Warwick, Seaforth. l.oadseboro W. L. Outmate returned from Manitoba on Monday morning John Caldwell left last week tor his home m the Western States. Helm er/ill• Gregg Bros. have purehm.ad • large bush farm on the Maitland moose - mon, of t olbor.e, whither they will take up their &bode immediately. l.eadltury Although times ere hard come : d the farmers seem to be prepared to lay - out some money in Improving their farms. M. Masers. l'etrie and M.lnt.o.h are busy ..1drawing home material to enlarge their • ; barna and put stone stabling uuderoeeth • Masers. Oakley and Mowbray are preparing I to build brick house. Canes The residence of 1. P. T,d•11 • ems seer being burned down ea Friday mersiog last, it seems that the the to ad 1, ,round the coal erste, on the uproar tl.wr, n, bad conveyed fire to the joist under the /comes, asd It hid been smouldering all e' sight it wsa notwed roust in time to pre - tent • serous fin. Ti-. damage was slight. Howtck A young men by the same of Ilouglas, of the 9th eoaceeston of Howtck, met with an.ccident'sat week of • rather • asehiss acture. While be and a oompenios wee obooptsg down • lodged tree it sprung t bask "sled jstsmed young Domeier' foot be tram k find . stump, bruiting it m • her rlh�ias..r. He was taken home and rider the skillful ogre of • physician is do- l. umwell. Clinton : The Morden Herald say "On the floor/ion of ha marriage last week, A. 1 E. Sinclair was prevented by, his (needs with • very handsome parlor suite. Malty other gifts found their way to the new home, accompanied with the hest wishes of the Amore, for the health, happsw and prosperity of the young oeuple." 1 Mr. Sis- clear ie the husband of Mies SIM* Romblon, lots of Clinton. A•bfie11 Charles Riche, 13th con., had hu leg broken while returning from • wed- ding • few days ago . he had a narrow ea. cape from freezing to death. Morro : Alexasd.r F:aket lost one of his valuable French mares which he brought from Toronto last Fal( The cause of death u supposed to be idireetaon. Brussels E. Steele, of K,rkton. be. token • uoeiuon ie A. Me1:ew•n a ('o.'n store, Brussel". Mr Steele', father is the Episcopalian minister at Kirktem. Wroxeter The funeral of the late Al... ander McKenzie, who died .t the home of Jobs Hamilton, was conducted Monday .ftr5oo5 and was I&rgely attended. ('liatou Walter Turnbull has gone to Elora., where he 611. • position in the bank of Ferran A Archibald : • gentleman from Elora tikes H. T. Rance'* Imo pts,ttss with Ferran t Tindall. Heiman : Cornelius ('sok, .oil of Henry Cook, of the Hemel' Flour Mills, met with • very painful and serious accident on Wed. aeeday last, while engaged in loading Hour on • railway oar. McKillop : Wm. T. Morrison .on of J. t Morrison, clerk of McKillop, who hen Wen spending the Christina' holidays at the parietal home, returned to Drayton, Da - twee, en Mouday. Tucker meth William Chesney, wee.sor of Trickie.mith, drove down from (Tinton on Saturday. Y. had to leave hie horse in Sesforth, however, sad .now -.hood it the rest of the way home. Hallett : John ('es.ell is now laid up at Wm. ('erier's, wits • cit haws ; he wafer- ed the misfortune whir wing • draw knife: it is doing nicely, but he will be .onse time before be can get around. Samm.rhill : The (range musty moetisr ins for South Hurn was held in luster as Tommie). The following were the delegates from them place :--Mesmm R. J. Draper, G. M. Kilty. T. Mellows sod W. Lowery. i eadesboro • Mrs. Joh. A. F•rwh.m, o0 Wednesday evening, reo.iv54 • chaise for $1.000 from the C O. F., being the endow- ment o. the life of her late husland She is reported to be not impro.ieg it health Sumtwerhilt : i'nr the last moves or eight years 0. M Katy h&. earned the sail ha. twee" this place and ('baton, and the recent storm n the only one to which he had to leave the low line in m.kisg the journey Stspl.tnu Two •f the Me..,.. Kemp were choepieg wood on the Hitchcock farm near Stapleton, ow Friday list, when the .sow .tore met in They were Oat for mew - a1 hour., but finally found the road without serious result. (;oderich Tp. A sou of VT Way, of the bane line. has bought the Lawson Moore farm, on the hie. Itwe, owt•rstng 53'. acres, for the maim of $17511 Ir has fairly rood baildin,•., &not could hews been sold • few room gr., for $30010 B•Igrae. Petrick Mc('wy has sold hie in cod Imo mow of lead near the village .Igrave for the sum of $600 Wm. gbtines sae the purchaser. Mr and McCarty intend going to rend* with Wei eon in Kassa* .osdeobero : O. last Thuroday evening only d•nehter of S. Woodman wag tad is marriage to H. Ridd.l, o1 Hoare. were a pod s.mb.r of guest there, the bride was the recipient of • gt many valuable prudent& I#sdbery • J. lime, .1111 as.thr of tb,. neirhbnrhond who obtained • seseher'• oertifteat• last year from ClintonModel school. is at host* t►3Winter Matas wood, drawing eaw-loge sail waking himself gen- erally nodal snout W farm. mama at • totem es.•ti•9. This amendment was lost, Mows. Saes - da., Smith and Heft voting ea. Mobilo. of .Ish•wn sad N that the matter of the sale of the private We:trio lighting einuit with • view to ietredaciwg an iwc&sde.oest system el liehtisg, hest sad power franchise, be referred to the water sad light committee with is.trwatioss to obteis the beet .eel fullest possible effin and information and report at wet meet - tag The mutter was serried, Masora McLua. sad Neftel yetis, say. The eevoseil thea adjourned no Madera I•vsl.d Has teats wediei••Ity, is keeping with ether czarina A remedy meat be plum may meeptahie in form, purely chairmen* • oswpeait�, truly W g lyy besedeis slag* sad e stiishistisnahle salty. It really 111 rom moi.. , a physi .law : if eonstipetsd he ons the gentle larstiv., !imp of low Wierb.ar - Jas. Hildeu, who was former. ly ompierld with 'Thele Ledo /w segos km% able b nook. be Wer. rash Grarom armask, ale y W W Mea meter baby !Iona kr-week 1. Gould, who hes hoes . re.i• deet of kronenl* for the past four s.n.tbt. Ida 1.r hem home is Rendes Tvoa.day eft, soon, harbor dispelled of his dry goods r.. k te A Mdlewsa R Os., who will 0051405* the bssesese at the (kr/old Hears. (:Mates Chutes this weak Isom r ample of mem *.ti,D•bte yang talon by their re- moval te Rlytle M s.s11lga..e� is husnem We ailed. to Jaime 1NMsnkie, son of Reeve Moderabie, .5d R. T. Renee, who bane b'rneht Mei the bask*/ baoisem of Mems. Luo.., Teener a (b. An1en • Rev. Mr Fairlie, .f St Paul's sled Ma wore w*vied 1e wh. ," tko twdla.e el tb. Mingo Clinton . Donee the ezoweive oold weather of last week, the plate glass window of the New Era ohm was • source of &1tr•c- 1sos, owing t• the beautiful Sewers formed thereon by the frost The glass is Dearly 8z10 feet, and it has been covered by the moat beautiful formations conceivable, all as Natural In appearance se ordinary plants. Many explanation' have limo .tempted fee the phenomena, but sow of these &oeount for it. Morro . A oerreepoudest from Howard, Kansa•, writes There wow married at her father's reminisce hero on Feb. 5th, Resew H. Lees, to Rev. U. McLeod, M.A., Vic- toria, Balmoral, Manitoba Mies Lees is the third daughter of Andrew Law, for many years • remotest of Morns, ('nasty of Heron, Ontario, but removed to Kamen .boat ten ween ago. Re. Mr. Mcleod is • n ative of Rom .hire, bsetl•ad, and a gradu- ate of Aberdeen l'mver.ity. H• tame to Cased& &bout eighteen month. nose, and did wine mission work in the territories, but te now tattled over the eongreg&tton of M. Pr..Lyterian church at Victoria and Dundee, Manitoba Brumfield A. I'. Forsyth, of (;reeneboro, North Carolina, writes tie toe follow. " 1 beg to •oquerns you with the death of my grandmother, Mrs (avid McKenzie. She will he remembered by some of the older rrodents in ase around Brucefield. She Dame South with any father and mother 21 year's ern. She was the wife of David Mc Renzi*, whose family lived on the Loudon Read, two miles out from Bruoefield. She was one ad the first residents in the ('ouuty of Huron, having ..ttl.d there Dearly seven- th mean ago. She has tw..oes, Al.zender MoKeozie, Bila, in Clinton, and .lames McKenzie, to Dubuque. Iowa ; oleos dough ter living in Wrn,.ur, bend's my mother, who litres io the County of (:uilfnrd, Kam. She was born is ?ionised and was 92 years of age when .he died!'" MUNICIPAL COUNCILS " ttnio''■ ?r. Feb. 11th, 1896. COMM' mot today. Members .11 pres- ent. Manatee of net meeting read and passed. Moved by Jae. Comically seconded by Thos. ('hurehill that bylaws No. 2 and 3 new read be M ivy by Jas. Johanna by ('►a.. Wollnerthat J. R. Whitely he out Board of Health. Moved by T. Churchill, saeoedod by .lee. Connelly that auditor's report ea rod be pawed and that 100 carotins be printed. Moved by ,lam Cession',wooded by ('. W. Williams, that the Wader of New. -Record, being the lowest, beMoved Thom Churchill.00.led J.. Johnston that the billowier a000e5w be paid clerk, for registering births aid deaths, P,.1110 Nous Reoerd,pneu.g, $8,25, Them Potter, gravel, $8 94. ,The follows er poo.. were appointed path•masters 1 lease 8alk.hd, 2 Jas. F.dmoesteo, 3 Thee. J..1.hae.., 4 Leen Alleworth, S John Por- ter, jr.. 6 Thea. Makes, 7 Wm. Storlttsg 134.43..d Harre, 9 W. Heodet.om, jr., 10 w Wm. Therbrss, 11 Willie Kell, 12 Albnrt Towh.ssd, 13 Niseev snrdy, 14 John Stur- dy, 15 Wm. Curry, 16 (Morse Hardie, 17 Jolts Trewatit, 18 Adam Cowhides. 19 Jobs 0. Sump, 90 .lea Ceswll, 21 ,lam. (Irebam, 22 .yore tkMD, 23 W m. Hawk., 44 Wm. Karlodgo 25 Joke R Hnlmm, Thna Jenkins, 27 lobe Whit., 28 George Youngblut, 29 ,lob■ Rudd, 30 Jas. Steph- ens, 31 Mehemet Hotta, .12 N. W. Lovett, 33 Wm. S 34 Robert Draper, 36 Wm. Pickard, 36 I'aswlyotrngall, jr., 37 Itioind Berke, 38 Jobe Smith, 39 Naomi Lowery, I d 40 flange Staniar, 40 George UDC say, 41 Joke (leff, 42 Wm. Perdue. 43 Robert Menthol, 44 John Plows, 46 Jobe1 (.rebel, 45 John Hoary, 46 Clim. t T b Ma, 41 George (leen, 48 Koppel Ihns.y, 19 Heavy Oakes. Foam viewers • No. 1 Ons. Parser, Win. M.M.sh, lasso S.Ikod . No. 4 -John Sturdy, Them (figs, Wm 1 t Clark ; No 3 Albert R Hearse, Willie Roll, Hell Rutledge : No 4 Jeb. Middle , • bee, Johe O. Elliott, itobt Aeh.ee. ; No S Jas lr.pbew, Heart' Merpby, ,los. Presley. Posed keepers : N.. 1 Wm. Ramsay, 2 Oats. O. /tardy. 3 Andrew McAlnr%, 4 George O. Cooper, 6 lame Mel - kohl, 6 John W. A4$ent..4 to steel en eared Meledy l Nati &saw Awaav, Dirk. RALMIi' IN EAST HURON. LAMM] Meeting In W inghaaa. • targe sae t•tbeuuUr Umbering *4. dree«, at raa�a. L,b..■ •. re.. Jame Meaaii... � r_, ea,. raaer..e. M r aN or is. unsaid in 5. ‘V I NG II A 11, F, . I 1 :1n audience large, ustahgeat aid euthtuta•tie filled the Town Hall tuaclht sod cheered the patriouo eeittmeute Coitally uttered by worthy expooea:a of lee Laker.! doctrine of eom- mercul en'.actpat,00 .i„i civil equality. The obis,' of the meeting was the promo- tion of the candidature for the Commons of Dr Macdonald, who has se "roll represent- ed F: H irou in ' t a pun. and the authoress* •f the:prueiplee epos which hu party is appealing t,, the pimple. 'i'h. oratory et the evening yea to a superior quality, for is &dlation to tale str..og practical &detrains. of Jeers McMullen, 34.3', Thos. Gibson, M. 1'1'., and Dr. ►1a.doe,IJ. the greet sadism' wow del,rht«f ace ,.artieed by the grate- ful eloquence of Wel paUrsoa, the gifted member for I:reef The cher was «cusel by Jas A. ('hie, President of the tyiorham Itsfurt Aesoci.- ho., and among Woes present were Melon. Robert ('arra, J 1' , Mayor W. F. Broken - eh ire , Robt. Mil,.,- .1 ono Fortune, John Agww, James If..1lpu.e, R .I. Klaakwetl, Samuel Burch.14 .,es Thompson, Joe. Sam ley, I)r. Fowler, Jets A.Jereee, Sewuad I:raesy,F,edlae Aedarson,Hugh Mo(Juarri. .lones ticiouchli.. rank Int tenon, Rob- ert Armstrong, If. I. ileadereoo, (3ilb.rt McIntyre., Duncan stew&rt, Iter. L. G. Wood, Samuel Vandal, Imlay Soott, G. F. Idles. Tho•. Elliot, i h.rles Elliot, Rey. David ferry, Rev. 11r, Hamilton, Ret Mr. sword. J .1. Helmuth, .lobi Neolasa,J.P., George Bryce, It, Mehiolay, W.. Usk - later, Tour Foe ler, l,jlbett Forger, Robert Atkins, .1 W Hogarth, I.me.ItftekN,Wm. 1shtator, tae.. Irrlaid, Walter Vgle.tee, Inter Fisher. I: t ',rattan,, I)r. J.K. 14.. domald, Samuel ,.umg. 1 I. 8parti.g,Wm. ( Tagg, Frank I '.rrut awn, .111 W 5eolswde, Thos. Jobb, A. 1 smith, .11ec. MoDIV- mots, all Jame*('amphell, 11 M. t,ordnn, J.D. (7im- ,rots, John Mewl.*, Dowell Fraser, °dyer (.ilehreme, G. A. Newts, Andrew Missiofl, A. E. Bradwin, .1 7. McK,.wn, P.t.r Me- lanin, Wm, kuttoa, A Dawson, Jarmo Ireland, Alex from, Wait McKerrie, J. Cammiop, k C. ipuhig, Rohm Molndoo, .John Pelton, t !taller, .Man Galbraith, John Halfpenny. The ('ha,nnee made s brier strodu.tory speech, in which to m utioned the fact that an invitation tial tem given to gentle- men taking a different view of publw guee- tion from that to bs eaunca4,d by the speakers of the 1venitg to M present and participate in the da•usn.ro, hut sone had reepo.dd. Yr. ''hes rated that any vies - ions addressed to Ih..p.s3*.r. would 3*. gi,.. a courteous answer 1414:. 1.w,'1, The first of the'psak.rs to be called ep- ee was the Pestis representative of Bast Huron to the I.,.sl Legislature. Mr (lib - eon, who enjoys the chatinctioo derisg Dr. Kezar'. teaspoons Werner. of being the p•trtarih of the ilouse %Ir. Gibson did n ot coalmen.' winch o1 the time of the aud- ience, lout he r,.l some good thing while he occupied_ the platfxm He did not in tend, he wed, 1,,'i cupy the attentios of the audience very loaf. for they were waiting to hear 1)0 law • perms than "Pliny Patr- ons," of Brant, asd Mr Mom sllas ol Well. tngu5. Mr ',,two «prem..d the opinion' that the Liberal leaders in the past had sot warted themselves with who st rigor. Moderation wan the richt side to err epos, but the ('on.erestirr 1.541,4-11 vara ee fall of thetr own onport.oce that they thought all wisdom would dr with them. The Liber- als have Wee too modest. He watsliy with hem fellow countrymen, " Lord, ye es. & gild craent n aureola." Minos the tragic death who h had '.ken pl•ee &t Wfedsor (.elle rhe hrs,si of the I►oerisios wee is the p.me.roo of the I.,hetul party. The Cos•ervsave 55117 Mr (:.hens declered to hag. bees thoroughly dt•or dited ►y its lailare toperfnrn the promises it gla�a is i878. si.e. rhe scaewtos e1 the (3ov*rn- atsnt $128,000.000 hal hese "ghee from the pimple, whom, msoey had been wasted in unproductive ad melees promote. The speaker vave serersl er.mplen of the ex 1r .&genes *l th. t;rive enmen1. mentiosiV amnag th.., the Tat ('anal job, the pay- ment 1., Mr Woad. late of H.etisgs of $508 for .5)0104 four scores of Isai mrd lee for .slate( 11H9 worth of I.ed, sad the way swot of massive wlanes to an nesecomsry somber of nth, t&Y in the Northwest, aa hospital for lame decks, Mr, Gibes. ealld it. t•, i aLI.t.►7, •.p. The ch•Irm.a ,otrodueol Mr. Melia. lee se an Irshm•o who is •limy, after the hood ler with a .harp .tusk. Mr. McMullen eras gives • Meet eordW re- e.ptrn., and in the vigorous sod praaitsd ep..eh which he delivered he did true i.appnut the etpoct&tiosa that the a di - miss had formed of Mm. He advised the uinfwe to glee the rimiest prreible neriine be the punknatpeealter s, asd be 4116t -..t+4 Wee did. that they nould Capt are lowest or welds dwioiotratiss. Methanes a1m1'ted that he was as Irish wan, tot he Meted that he W •.r timed 3*. mem/ stone H• paid a high anti well mental tribute u aha ehersnsr till helium of Ile. Macdonald, sad there wee • hearty mend .4 applause* WINS the tq•abr eeemel,weeted the p..ple epos tksir .,..1- 4.t pulsates te wslorM g snob . o.gshre and worthy reprwws.Rimb 05 lona kink with the tle.w.meat ler No bolo" is Jambi w to "tabor the ter PIPs