The Signal, 1895-2-14, Page 6THE 8IONAL : OODERI('H, ONT., THi'RSDAY. FEB. 14. ISN. JOT OF OUR MILITl A Heavy TAX N Country. fa ante •t the loeg. •toeds for serer 1. laNeeten•f) Isegisllea, The Nlatlr«. to....t o base see bey Whorls K.• waded - Time t• eagy a main. wbo is sot • meslhor o1 the force. etre r f%Mnws The SI oister of Militia, who, like the `te oral) of Woo Io Euglena, is the roper. 1..r e1 to. , nanu•ader In ,chief, u always a ir.Att.n.a rstb wham party Winton' come Ora Nonoral Herbert may make what re- .•oulm• art•. Iona he pleases, but he has no power t.. o•oa..rcr ' hem, so that ID reality he .,.Litta is routeoned by• • mos who knows nothing al4 ret it.Soon at ss.csd hand, Sad tiro 4.. ureal u ci,ttau•lly hampered by party cn.aid.rat tuns These a,lu:JCratiog 14.tltseue h:in shoo he has p1 .riott•ns t Ito • the Y&ras.re alas make ..r p*rrnrg., to diNrihua, matters 1 1N1'f': I«6S t which the to.•04 party "workers" hay count lav < 1.eat rue r..u,. - y, r .•wap ace a n 0 g1`..:t)J. r;tu w themiksi., w 14 h sa Tn l ta .'.\t0 el .beat the ,turl41. "t :.,e 1_1°11"" err w• Who'represents etp.t..ee r ,tit,,. :r•1 wokda.uhtedty trroe0,W1n 1he erne ...urn. /be I: .1 l; . tar •d flese:ke 1a•11rrevti..... This on•rre• t• go t• party friends, who may i[.'alor e•,^ :Militia Ass •eery ,ce+l • itahaiw he mweernu" solsex''ttl• re t-. the campaign tart beta -ewe "shame toad, or even to eemh.rs of I'arham.ut g t. and • ` ' Year* 01 eeieLeg thejaw by tee sut.terfege of mini. age •s 0nm...wed to bailable for err...., Tb,• one cwity.ttise or supplying the roods Y.ng'aad 'hat we kers ie (`salads• vests:roe ) i, •Lr rl0Nr•apte,o"meata, other■ 411 00 x04..••1 opting to ann. for Ifs dafeace 1,t twirt•ly poor attaiamac rnts be.ng atthed tho 1' ep:re. to the ye -room. et. • ,.air smooch +1 a suppoer.l r1, he s:horle of Intl motion, with the result F •w swept militia ofugn are aware of that the competent men who 010 overlook - the :• o•'ntOble ou0dtties of the small force ed •retire, and 11), wh.,l. lost ppeercvivea we porton. A iew weals ego ,t par,„, ..w that merit alone has n., allow Phew the She euble,'t was read at the Malmsey luau- melitis proper is stared onine to the tate in 1'r,ronte by ('OL R H 1),vi•, of the 14nm. "0' 110), .picot on the permanent 37th Hobnand) Hsu., she he, bet ...p...p.i cvrp•. t0.: rd ...in Nw e: rpe ease 1866, and ie re , The following calculations have been Rarde'i u • ter" lapel& .iosr cal I taxis m,'!.• by an expert for The farmers' cud dealt 'war Partfewheilly with the .tate of the 1 he. ,'n.'( of three of they. permuuno infantry. rural hat..alio.s. Th. fritof what he non 'or. yeer would pay for the ,'.rdliug for 12 days every year of a c •ad ie ..'41"144d .octad Sed le *la seat woes Al ..l 1peay of arae 11441111. computing of three ot.cers aid 12 men. Toe coat of a single garrison or per -Nie have h0 fermi it to take the neld, moment goober would pav for ,'till ng an n o otgamz0m0s felt a wmpsige, aur •tures entire held battery of the mil,ta 12 clays to supply Linn, age not Masse ID the r entry every rear. sir ' '/•dpne started the per cwtected with Oho oille aearopt t1* mao.r- ma0ent corps, and they now "40t, column( tamer -al, and lofty hs tar t; uart•ra,... • rr , pee, rations, larrecks, etc , nearly b1.300.000 t •eoerrl, who bee l0ajled or command...1 or snnut)l) mitre an reality, for items are even wen • eetebitwd Lorne d 5,000 n,rn U, charred against the mthme at large which Ism of au .sem y. o Should properly be charged .mans? them The Militia Department lees. n,tkinv atone. It le complalued that the officials of .bout the rural militia, amid cares lees. There there c"rp, give rli,trselves airs and swag - darkness sad ignore..., es w.r.e, have pry e41 ,:ver the lees fortunate 'mho* ofcer, veiled for enemy years, who ho trequnotly to put his nand in hes "The .outsfky wvl lean•.. and LL, ilk . own pocket .0 pro. Ole things for his :ren pertinent sbosld know, that the menta' which the 1."vermmeot manor afford to sup. force Is not only dlagsja•ized, but demerit'. ply because 0t the outlay on the permanent 1. es. men II '01. l lavu Seed41 brother officer as my t Thr strength of the permanent corps on ,ng that the D.N/riat bee been "sunk in June 30, 11)92. eras H3' ituring the rue. 'gnoranoe and inehatlilty for eke let twenty r,wlng tweIyemouth 74 purchased their year., and is aeleing worse." He cites a discharge. It, were dlschereed 0s unau,t•Ll•. memorial swot ley himadf, ('114 Macdonald 11 were invalided, and no fewer thaw 1.1 of Lincoln, Col. Albs ellSalton,('ol. u'I1ran"rserteel : while 112 were court•martialed of "lmeoe, Cod. Maybes of Norfolk a •td Col. !for Insubordination, theft and offences other Ile.,ler of Wak ed, le air John Macdonald- an •enerttnn This n as art'nndratf re• a few years ono, t)Mtlee forth the the 00. I oned, hut unhappily not an unusual one. In .-anon.] twelve days of same dein is little • 1890 91, there were 1,2 desertions and ;'i be' ter than • faros, the uses, instead of bar itrials on other charges. Every desertion, taboo a01 brinede faalrsetlos, learning nu 01 owner, where the mac u not taken .1,d thing to ,peak of blyssdsquad and c..n,pany 1 brag ht heck, a.esns so much Mom to the drill. whish theyto learn•ttheir local !eopntry. beedounrtera Cel Iris slim gives an ex• 1 ' tract from a eriti leso retired Dr;.ish Leery prap,l *ho ate.da the Kenirstoo .48'l0er counseled k elle\teen yeah sit 11 the MolnCollettear' ollette costa the country 11.000• 1'sn0Alan Isaiah,. Ins wkj11 tt is described.. year If poil!0'. could ite kept out of the having '..11berlte•d see tail, booty nor management to the militia fence, the gr.dn• h. ,.,'., with trial mar. 10 the same a yec!s ales of this institution would have a better 1 :sally Col. iDatis Dotes (Demerol Her- 'Phenol' et turning their knowledge to .c - tort u myiss : " Tberve •re barely mune in the service As it Is, they are fre- 1 400 .v0ilekls .taboo• In 0ntry 141 ('•n- quently passed over •e4 the •ppulatmeou r ads,. ' given to leas con peteat favoritra. "1 have • • in previoo. repose," says 4.eneral Herbert It must not be append that 4'..' l cans in his report for l.'•`ti, "dawn sttentio0 to confined himself W geseralitre. He came t1)o lack of professional attainment& in the to close quartan with his euh•rct all the o#ieenof the Canadian permanent form." way through. We learn, for instance, that Some are fossils, others favorites. If the rime of the.rep. that went to tt.e Nortn 1 M'Iltary 4 ollege nes any reasons for exi&t- west in 1895 dW sot yet their tiela kits till 1 eat•• one Is to supply good material to the they were a their way home, yet lir,permanent corps, and that it coda do so 0Adolphe Corea MO knighted for mansions I the force was controlled by .m 'diciest and the &mealy. welt When 11.e twelve days'non partizan department at i)trews seems dr.il takes place awry ewe or three years, ito he reoerslly conceded, ✓ ecru,10 are drnslessd up and sent to :he, camp without a day's preliminary lnstruc I The force am at present constituted is 0t• tion and whee they fret hon.. and disband, I g.ntred in p0: I upon the basis recommended 50 to f per cent. of them are seen again. "There ie no longer," honors, "Ox. general suppers given 11, the rural battalions that leas s4.tiesable • few years ago." and bas 4) lou 11.0 to the meth preowev.••.1 :n 'hr.,ugh M Part )lona I• Also reosocst by • royal commission re hick sat in 1962 mind embodied in the k1,hta Aet of that period. t;eaeral Herbert an has report for 1891, to which he has since more than nice directed he illustrates the dsuay within the force by attention, urged that "a fresh enquiry comparing the oosdition of hooves battalion should be made into the working of the down to 1873 er thereabouts, with its con Militia Act in order to .eneman bow far ,t dittos today. R.ersita are now welcomed ov has prided en organization capable of who would have bean scoffed at then. , adapting itself to ever chaaging conditions Farmers sena naw wet searly ae keen to pun lased increasing reepon.ibilities." For some •• ethy were. T11. saatber of those who l reaeou or other no one has brought this mite abettor up in Parliament. The department at Itttawa probably does not want an en- ,,niry, preferring to carry on affairs in the may be classed as drilled mea is thinned by immirrabion to the Milted Stalls and Mani torts, and by withdrawals when their time la up. recetytag aoeaMtwgSment 0..,d ate- sleepy, happy go -lucky wasteful and pant :au nothing amend them but dry rot, they ,00 war in vogue so long. How would lease au diagent, ea 0aners1 Macdougall and do for the Patrons to support I •ener0l Her- \.eweral Leant "left A du4atr." herr in asking for a commission of tn•putry, stipulating, however, that ,t shall be :nm A. fool Nest* iMac sown of much .tperi posed of really onmpotent neo 00d 001 of e0«. hie mrespiag sesdeineation of the " heelers" engaged for whiteweeh'ng par• murole from whisk kW lea boa Lomb' "after Poses ed, one polltkeal 111Y4 to corona. of He well bei. se _tansy be accepted as well-founded. its WSW birdie 140*'• .p peered before it heft 1114. the �I,ltart justitute Ionian be bed Men sure of his fact• and cider, and pastry and vloegar, and Moreover, •11� �be� �ea�jg is corroborated by (1 the report& of uwwrwa Herbert. "The rural corp," said the Oememl in 1891, "ate very d&6ciee in iontmentrOsat their organiza- tion ,s still more debasive." Mosey ,s spent for inetructioe by sass* "1s..D•ble of in' parting its" The Wena end eitaipme0t .re for the most parte eMde!► " There it not s battalion that, staid Isla est i0 complete marching order sot •�'r� do •" •'1 ha"' Dot inspected a IWnM to which the men's boots hem stood ane month's airtime .enviess. Lae • r.Rim.nt ,��of cos airy sr battery .f Mle which the saddlery •0d a.m...maid expected to bear a similar strain. "'hare is no reserve of • big, OHM, tear is !bells 0 emu wheel Dearer t).n Wodwielt" 'u bs.vy tuns the Pennons dem net idsem • single modern .peelnns." le lie last report. that for 1843. the °•send Sara el the city militia tkot they "lase.. he 0ajj 1) aces•• an effici- ent military ; they *ml0tr* a err k.owlsge sf df♦l. kat 0e+ UD•I' n0ift•d with the . am -tion ef !rare The charge for splendid drill Mei "mine the Deet to the oouatry of seek itedlwMtltal willltl•mu to 0 bgmre which. M smismeg with the milt. tory swine r odesd, eana be smoldered v.% - the ar,llbasad the J0atae", The Smiths believe the edibles were male to eat ; sad that digestion is s hum• hug,o,eoted by the doctors and that milk centre • Amend Hea'bsetll sperm ul 1893 on the state of indieideal bldifid♦ats0 ors eitually blue reading for the ta}ast• Here .res •01140 of them• 4a prn1rat10w had " ; '• the meat eager dues not know kr • dut tlaslrer 5001wdi01 of. y •this bettal4 a Flew n "ono*h sther h•tt*lie. * ‘.winkl• elletely dumr� i� satirely guterl ,w • fesrth. albs arms are is " a worthless! condition " . i• • Nth there se ' wvwchsd .l.t i d eg aid w'artMr arms in a .loth tag arm ardifi 1 entad i@@trneti•• ggpRrn" t • aawsseb wee N.4. sad the meirl'Nga .f the dswaadi•g mhos, twee Gala tgr t res as 4lb" as" ere " • he~emober et war. snit t{g got ()f the w1►eooren le the make" : M pence e Oersae- memir.ot (es0001 Herbert .ave " us M M Dee tg dal fps Iter• Y pea.0wlly ne prieulus suirrairs." • • She prfaeipal amiss t00 bar ad they sea he canals and raisins, and flap Jacks and pickles, and Jellies, coo be eaten a emcee - sive strata at. any hour in the twenty-four, and ,n any condom,] of body or mind, and repose quietly together like "the Happy Tamely." The Smith's believe in getting up in the middle of the night to set and then gem" to bed upon full or empty stomach, eel they utterly despise esercise. if they are sick, ,t is serer on account of any of these barbaric exerci.es. Now the .knows•, having studied physiol- ogy, look upon food as a necessary evil. No RObi could more utterly miff down pork. Crewe ,s every form et tabooed ; preserve, W,1 pastry soot to Coventry, or only set before company, who have an un- doubted right to kill themselves if fashion requires it. The .lows•., when helping you • t oboe, always prefix the olered morsel with, "Prey take ,t ; t use healthful ;" or "It is an excellent oorreetive ; till the e- somatlo0 between potatoes Sad physic, meet and medictse, is so intimate that ow ceases to reward these edibles In the light of food. You are Cautioned against reap, beaus* of necessity it must be young meat . aganent fish, leer a may •eremite • possible wroth, low tendency : 'wettest tea, beesuee the kava may have Wen dried os copper ; against milk, bemuse you are unacquainted with the prbgree of the cow from whew* It raw* Reese is miereaeopally inspected for ema4.nrry sdul.ntlons, and after all the.e prrcautloaa, the tint l .l omegas, e&- e lrw't.1 down to the ompi.st fern* .f tww or throe p*rm,l0Il I, and m.woteu0as e•► •blew, swallow eyes these swe.wslf, sad with an eye to the undertaker; arid 11 at- tacked by headache, .Minot to it ..webly, as • paean. Inv some unknown afriwgwslottt el eatare's law. New the 1d•meee believe a osestlty, not q.. q. An nano 01 pawl.. ran« Is as gonad as se 000 a of mettem ; a ether weeds von may ea- your gmeett.o,her sob is - pettily, if ynu rawly coati«, ye*r»4f ta • mall pee.., sad We jolly 1,•.r /1 Luckily fee hutrh.n, onsf.ettnwere, grocers .tasters ««! sextons, .sok 141 these hohhio finds iM follow -a rim.. At TINS caner wren/therm ewe MwY aced ours. all threat 110.14)5*, 0rea4b., colds, as THE wE.1THERON MARS! . TUNTw. VISIBLE EVIDENCES OFA WARM SPELL ON THE PLANET• As 4) .1...:.. Taos Obs.rved iv Sock 1.- 411.'41401 ., '.000llr•1 Sana... Ice Ike "..u' herr N.Iel•pbere .l t)wr Neighboring 50 .,rl.l -The Yu,. or'Aat.s>•hnsera Atu.nlg tow lust inter.•.t.ng .4aa•rva- tion. of Mare durltto the ns•ru1 ettpan loon were those rebating I. t1)• ,;r.aluel dlsap peat -mice of 140• stow tap surnotimling its ,•.nit)rrn {..le. The ellad1.14•drance wee dor, of.•„tar..•, to the tart 1b it it wire a titer :k tit•• •.•uthrru In'uii.phere of Man. oval the polar mous,. Inch 4441 1)11,194 1411+1 more rodent it. the amt roc higher upon them , 'et, although for raoal was plain. Ane1'wain. It. cep pl1Im, our could nn watch the prowess without .-tp•rirur 1).l; a .tranee itrding that A,tautal.tad al• most to liar. 11 14 finite coyeay. the �r ieniitte amerieati. le. think ,rt.pwwm alely of 14*. p.au•:hirtiv', tint ..iter thong. may. ltoOft in tot heir wurl.la )not ten tbry do in (11i.ung a14 long an your ryes have 1.0t ruufinned aluit ia in your tuiud; Irl; is heti peering through a telescope .1,u actually behohl such oa-urr•neee,the effect ?a stxrtlutg. It is like toutingsud- den!) tat broad daylight Upon the scenery 4 a .lrewiu. I li Juts.. 1 the atom around the south' pule of Mors wait O,4110 male. renew .\ 411,.w rap of proportional...1i nrn•inu, on the earth would. in the u.•r 1 hrul'.phen-. extend as far ...11th tar 'l l'et6•r•burg..tk40 southern twain? of rtrr,l4md and :Mount St Blta. in .1114.►14 By .Italy I the diameter of the snowy arca hwl410ilu•h..l to Matto ':east toll.'+. 4 In Ugn+t 1 it w'a. only 1,1)01 miles and on Atag ust •::, flue date. of thea •r.o).(i,r 111 ti:.' -'.1)1 Ilero 1,.',., l'.)4l,r,' of Mor.. the snots rap w: -a• hilt fun /1111e. arrow. Beat hi•At :u, mm�latr. 111 n Martini .mmii,rr after the .tau )a. begun to decline. jn.t AN it ,1.s•. 11:.111 the earth, anal rrlv,nliIIglc tion :ieltiug of the .now'. vont 10(led after the ..rlaie•r mac )':144001. :1t thy end of Septetaiher tee di0oartet of the snow -Y,. ere.? mocha' WA only Monett .%441 pool.".. and rel the opining of November 1t wee lav 144th , *4 moors. Now- rnn1rs-a rt11104r fact. .11eott the noddle of (k-tobrr it was reported (lint the {a,:ar snow rap of Mars had sani.herl. •mite of he. Iar_at tcleacop•. failed to reveal a trace,.( it Vet it i. out probable that t bre.. ae•ritiilly rlrtirely diarpprarerl 1'he explan:eif ton of tlu apparent dirap- pt•armntr is no al.tubt to Ile found in the fact that as the .;u,w area dinsitiio.pied it Loft the toile tinroi-erect by receding lo one "ids, for preriuus observatin. have .huwu that 4in NI 44 on eurtll, what may bet called the "pole of (nil ,our. mot cot respond in heotth4m 4ith the 154?1' '.1 l) pia tort*. axis,- Sehiap.rr)!1'. 1,to..•rs'at ion+ to is` atnl 447(0 -Mowed that the Ventre of the snow cap during It. minimum in thine• year. Wes d:.p':.ted too -aril- that side of the pole corrr.p31111111.: 11, am arw.grapho loner iltole of 4141,itt 4, align•,. 1.V t1) too• .•' her .Ida 4,1 tilt plan-' turned low'rl,l t .•.,r,11 the' .mow• .:). w4n11d have t11, -n tn- xi•i).i,•. iwitlg. s., 1.. .fwak. hidden behind the par Thia i. apparently what'." nonan.) 111 the middle of 4)r (, rr last The south p,i.• wn4 then fns (roil ice, and the- .41,41.4. he- ,.an4re• of t he .now -4 regi.th *0. di..1.0acc•41 a• In 1.:: anal 1.:!e, a1'.ng the meridian of 4.1 degree.. lint it *n. 41,o lir a;her .far of the planet which was a: that tin. pre. '.aneed toe -and the e-nrth luring the beet Moir. ;or ot•.rrveti.'4 . and rn,l..•qu, tatty Ili ta,lat .now n":L. .40191, not 14.41i11444 It. 11441 no existence. but becatiae it ws.sr0u- e.'eJ. It t. proluable. however. that at its tniu- ItUr1U1alf or "uow- tap 0014. exceedingly Meal). permute, le.. than one hundred utiles le ilunrte•r Nu- such rapid find .•stem"lire__ di-apia'ar:sncy of .now Sad Yee ever occurs up.0 the earth, although the advocate. of x19 open polar .ea may Ori encourogeoirnt lit the fart that the u0co..'r..l .noel rode ,f \Mary corre.p,uds in color toad mentr,i IN* &anee *ith what an. believed to In the water 'area.. of 4hat planet. while what rrmaius of the .note cap 10 such rin•uin• -14110re. testa rlpplr4Itly upon a mass ret land. Iwrhap+ no more Chau au i,Ltnd r:. lug out of the polar ..,.•rile 1/wing to the larger eccentricity of It. orbit. .1 he ,-x tn•nn's of temperat it re on \lars are greater than 11 p.m the en rt h. alt hon oh the total amount ..f the .''lar )rat recipesby the pi,mtrt i• tea. than 414: f 1i. ?mob a. w•c met. itut mh,rr important t;,:t, rI„•4' difference. is Or r.r;ty of Man' atmosphere, which ha. hero Ml clearly tlemonarated hr the tovut stood roe'upic o(wervat ions of !'red. t'an'pls•ll. 1t may not be ...dentine. but it is certainly Minion t. a.► 'whether it is prolabl• that Minion brings resembling newlys were inelUderl in the field of view of our telescope.. last aututnti, while w, Nntchp.) the .untitem .mows of Mara aparkliug to the sou 41141 rlielring an'ay at his ardent touch. If rush icing. are there thin tau.? eve.? ill an at nn«phare lest than nuc gnsrter as extensive u the teeth Mono trie.etted hear Peeepe , A valuable dim -overt- has been tna'ie at i'ianellieSetteimini, near Pompeii. mi the property- of a certa;a M. 'Vincent de )'rreeo. A houee has been unearthed which was. wenn) at the time the city was bur- ied. and it is said to be in s more perfect •-ondition than any building yet discovered. It a retains several large apartment., and Llama- bathroom. with the twain.' in %culp- t need marble, ant a ith leaden pipes orna- Owtited with brunt.. faucets. The three rooms correspond, says a writer. in des gibing the disoovery. to the "calidarhlm. :epidarium and frigidarinm, which were sle*pi to he found in •ncieat bowies of the tont claw. 1n consequence of the eruption of \'esurilu, A 1) 79. the I'om- peiian houses brought to light heretofore have (wen roofless, almost without exert. - than Port nnately. however. that on the property of Al. tie Preis, )• perfect. and •rcher,IagOuta are happy over that 10rt The rood Illleaacne almost forty-four fret .n length," -- A Story of Iowa C.ebbura, 1w)rl ('nckhnrna after a long stroll, sat lown on a holland* 14..td. a ob.phenl and olw.er'ed that the •here elected the cold Mt .Atkin/won for lying down "Alae.-' odd he, "1 think i(1 were a sheep Parould cer- tainly have preferred the other side of that bill " The ab.phenl answerer "Ay, my Lord. brit if ye had leen • .h.ep ye wonkl have 1441 main. wn.'e.•• and hi• lordship .ares tired of r.laitug this story aid tura- ins the 1at4.th 1,m him,..lf Maw Usage. ed Steapllelty 1t will please those people writ. have al- ways held that Part. la a thoroughly ,a, phletieatel place to hear that a nnm4wr of the .•r•iety leabrs )n that city hare hand "el thenewit. together In a "I. gne of �Impie.'Ny." It M their noble pnrpow. to destroy the rei,ln of mere wealth in moiety ami 1 , restore the mythical period of real boepltallty and guanine este telameat. la Samna when .kips se ler The. 1a1.1 timer to t1)) cradle high, t'wl„ the .lar of rnorrdllg Web, Tetanal*. Thr) hanks to windward sod to Ise, Osier the warm world and the sea; The) sen moue other like to thew, Eire those .;lnple I,rarl• thy* ache Isbell hose their sw,nnt:ol, t.•i thy sake sMar tiu.t 111 Nord ,0,l nesrr take, Ttbduta. W,f1 with Imo fragrant .un.hiw bond out 1., nee of Hewitt. and their friend' Neave war t1)) roues, and sweet (blur end. Tusnala. Nits Prom Edmond /tu..elt .511 art ,'t iv .ire.. .0o0).1 1.• related t poise of the 1..1y 'Tit• correct poise is or/light liter on the trout from f•.rehrail t toe., cheat up, stom,a•I, held in the 111 of youth, twenty mei health. liner perfect freed:nu f..r the neck. it as Maul to look choked a. to feel choked, \n ug!) Heck aoil her wrtukle.. gain i Kram and exl.ress:oil if rtawlclp1tryl front high collar: 4111,1 given .'chance to rr,lret the past.' Clot lie. should touch the hotly as light) as possible. lit 4)rtentat4 .114.44, n4 a darn dame .lin• overdo a 5),•ucti e441 do Sul thing She ran OA en run uprta,rs with bah) muter our Arra. is cup of tea in 1,e Mold islet plat' ell mase boU on the NAV. 1Y.411411 have brought disfavor and .' position upon going without c'.r.et. h diwtn.nliug then) grselo. The object .e leaving 1,R rot -arta is to remove prei.•-utx and add beauty And rxprc•.luu lo the 'RAY There are lm.r supple:ow waists as Lich aceta till. freedom and grace Tighht.;trr convenient. but exert an in jurtuu. prredire. :I. they clasp the bol too. rhmelt . Su far A. we get rattail pre•. sure, wr atlti to iter.oual COM flirt. :Ito throw 11, personal, same, power and 'tithe encs Beware of prie,Yw gown* males.. yo have audtesl body poise. Examine the statute..front Minerva 1.. f'+ycheand them ob.rrve how (,-w .'omen carry tl:rm.rlcr- to harmunis.• with the trying !cues of the prince,.. garment. Nearly :alt brit„ Are cot 'tuouplace and Ugly. They "introits :all graceful curve. :1141 4'xp19•srtun of the body 11'itde. rain pie,( scarf belts are good, but girdle. ore 1 ettrr. In arri.tie der.. evey perpeu 111. talar tiny helps. every horix.mtal line bunt., hr voluminous putt«i .leeves etre per hap. &Vasil for .tyle. but lied for beauty alnl jorr+omtli4it they rdacr the .Houlder line, one of the most beautiful lines o(r4, body. !kremlin! drew. sbotikl rive the corn m,npiate trrnl. ".tyle," or 1010 'apnea iter.. A Il rgerons rlsst, .11'an:ulian rlimla•r. the )ll))'al44?*? 1,11, 44' 1'.', luta received the name of `erne) plait'' fr its treatment .4 tntferfti-r. it Mowers mt the month of .lugua :.red the batter4ir., attracted b4 the pert' lime. hover around it in large number. and push their trunk• auto the ,corolla. to ail the 1..1404. A pair of-.e.u.ill'.' 4'rge4t310,. {rine:,rr• in the heart of the IV -Mel' grips the delicate prolnnciot, and in .pito- ..f .: ruitglr. too gone free the butterfly hang• •uspeudrd until it dies. .1.piatrehtly the plant hoot nothing to gain by the death 1,1 the 1o..•e•t. a. It i. not "caruivorols.-- li►r the V.-34%fly trap In fact. if the butter Ay o ere alt.wnl to conte and go it would ten.( to foster the apnoea by Mooing ere.. ter ili,It,on. It 3ppo.ars, however, ala• the '•cruel plant" estate originally from I)razil. n here the Lutterflie• are noic11 stronger and extra) ate their starker) front the trap We may add chat another 00.. b, Els 0040. The p.rtdsusoy of • ateeot urchin who wishes to earn money se sometime annoy • Mit, but 'secretly etuossbl. Kon sad thea It becomes •musts. .ad almost termini. able. :'May, ml•tu,do veal want )our 0.)405 0•t• reed askew such a boy reaming alter • man who was hurrying along the street, eytdeut- ly bound for the .lrl.oI • 'No, 1 don 1, 04sterted the man, • lutist ebarply. '1 .1 carry It to the depot tor • dime,' per. eut..f Ibe boyo 'I tell ybu 1 dotal want it carried,' said the man, quickening hie pace. 'Don't you'' said the bey, breaking into • trot to keep abreast of bis victim. 'N.., 1 Jon 1,' aced the wars, stewing o Yen'ely at his wall tormentor. a •11'lII, theta, master, said the maim, • with aro expreealea of anxious and In10rent a 40.111117 nu hu round dirty twee, 'what are ysu clrrylee It for 1Yhy don't you set 1t 1s dean to spite of h,mselt, the man's mouth n twitched, and with a "Tore, take it " he passed war the lag to hu persu,eot con- n pastes. who steamed rapelll &leg without •entbrr word until the depot we reeiene.1 y where he recet.ed the.oveteel tea -mat mete I with a 1.eanawg /Mlle. a anadian paid. the t menu, discolor. t• charged n it h .'rurlty Thr A..wer ha. o gland *1,011 "0cretes n liquid ,equable of hitting these t. which are fond of i' Moreover, they .Carel to he attlp1A.,l oto'' poisoned boy it, and no reason can as yet he :p signe4l for the anally cou.egIlene! - New `fork .ldvertieer. How t.. Treat Ink spots Ink stain• err hand to drat wit'b. but much may b• ,o•cotnpl.h.,l as to their di. :q)te:arance If they are only treated in ':me One west rrllre.ly is to tear blotting - paper to pieces and hold the rough edge. on the ink when it i• freshly .pilled. If there is no hlott,itg-pwpfr at hand rover the spot. with Indian meal, or liquid ink may he al.orbsl by Cotton flatting. When' ink .pilled the tint care should be to i present it from spreading Another way of preventing ink stains is to immediately wash the stained article in several waters and'then in milk, letting it soak in the milk for Several hour.. An• other nlah tier of removing ell ordinary ink stains ie to wash the article immediately in vinegar and water and then in wap and water. No matter what is used for remuv• lag ink. the stain must be rubbed well. Coele to raet. The fly eater of Cuba can neat Ina Work- ing thimble. In Corinth, attend the time of ('brise, twenty Aga brought two Cents. Postage stamps are gummed by a atareh peel. made from potatoes, Birds fly by developing about three times as much horse power per pound of weight as ratan. At the Bombay Zoological garden• the skin of a we serpent erety-four feet in length !s on exhibition The white house corner atone was laid in 11112. and the building was first occupied by John Adam.. A fatal fall front a great height is said to be painless. se 4nconaciousnese prrredea the crash of condom:ion. cretins Proverbs. i'ulitenera is like a pneumatic tire, as it sun many • jolt In the journey of life. The world, like • bicycle, would .,aro come tr. a stop, 1f it were not for the cranks Our lives are like roadsSome are smooth and even from beginning to end, and same are all ups anti down* A pleasant di•pssilk n, like the oil in a bicycle bearing. reduces friction and pre yenta • world of wear and tear. rbnt.wrapke t .I.r Printing. According to the Photographic Times the meet annwaftil of remelt at 'emote at photographic moor printing by toe rhro mo -gelatine pro. cos r•qu,re' three nega tire. (bre of they. in a photograph of all the red, another of all the yellow, and s third of all the bone -violet in the colored plat. or Object to be p4o4t.ographed Plates we made /ram those. photograph*, aid they •reAlrinIed oto 140 to recombine the color. and form • sac -simile of the ginal Net ('5•.)), ren.te4 Sulxtoner. Ib.•le to expleedon are. as 40 warn, .,$)• I'ro1e.,w► C. A. Mitchell, In a state of unstable equilibrium and often • alight carr. l• •ufp, ietlt en to i)aturb Noe equilibrium that a Ilwah arraag.msa( 01 the pert 'clew taken mens -.h ether waela ea explosion uptlkI*.' 4 11.10,101,. Rev. I logood " N.. m011 11 so load that there is not • little of the angel left in him. 'e Dobson "t.ures that's so llemember 'pilkins' Everybody thought he was about the wont man on earth Why, his own mother weuldn 1 c rn hu funeral- %Veil, e1r, I've beau told • thousand titan • month for that haat five years that Neikirk' was the only real mut that ewer Irye41." " 1d y goodnees "I married Spukins' widow. "AOVERiISERS" FOR. 1895. MORNING. EVENING. SUNDAY AND WEEKLY EDITIONS Aggressive Republican Jonrnalg 0f the Lgheat Maas. Commercial Advertiser. fistablfshed 1:1r Pubh.h"d every eves intr. New Neve • oldeet et ening newspa- per. Subscription wt.*. get. Morning Advertiser. Published ever)- morn:Diu l toe lead tag It, T1•*.401:: nesper of the ea. 1 I•an aad wpa earless, t'uhecn;Neo0 price, 93 per ref, Sunday Advertiser. New Y:rk'. noon popular suede) n. we - paper. The mn)y Itrp..bl,c•a tot:. sends,' payer in the l .nett mates 7I au % mixes. 140tau'np..on more. SI per year. As an Advertising Medium The ADV ICNTIniNt+ bare au superiors. (P'1Ln.ple. free. Amo nt0 wanted every o 144x•, Liberal , oma .0efone. Address Trg aOMLsTl.ia. to r., Sew. \.w 1•r14. MoLEOD'S SYSTE REOVATOR AND OTexa TIMT0D 01at(D1an, Specific and Anridole for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye pepsu, slesplesene e, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, lose of memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall .ones, jaundice, kidney and urinary dowses, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg- ularities and reuersl debility. LABORATORY, IODERIAN, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor sad Manufacturer. McLaot,'a Burrow ltavovairoa can be had fr'.m all d e In town, se well a from dl the d ata between ()wen *bund •N aea@ar'tb, Bromests, Durban and Tomato. 1.17 IT Patronise True Competition. Ten Catt*DIAW PACIFIC SAILWAT 060 TtraJa0ale has been .siob8 bad M glue no potato *Weir. mansat esenp0Hies eerviee with hus her sed p 1t 40 0.0004.4 en •Sola•• principles sad le the tween of Ne patrons. it 4.servis the gpat of every person cele hellevefta oompseltiS4.. pre sullen 4sp0.11 use this c tsew, etemeet4.1 with all llama ar eeafee 4* named awes. flumes Dad [er•po, 1)4'..t through wars to all gelate la Nwthweet,9411M ()shunt*" and 1'helae Cao Omoo-1..1b Aldo Naaat, It. IIIMICLILIP116 of of Loud Mesmer, Oe4erteh DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU we eaar•.Ne nadirs o44Id.,y pins to cure est caw ellire=R t'a DIusI, H ieanHsle s..., Sold b`y dealers 5.40 NIbset -111 wmdlids seeweye by mad ot �nipt ed odes. ttrrervlec• - per hos. sr !1 boom nada 011 L A. *MITH d1 00.. Tomei& NEW CARPETS. X a x x it r x The largest shipment of Carpets ever seen in Goderich came to Col- borne Brcs. last week. All new stock and new designs. They can suit everyone in Car- pets, from a 10 cent Hemp to a $I.25 Brussels. Ladies' Mantles, 25 per cent. off. Short Ends of Carpets at Whole- sale Prices. COLBORNE BLOB., GODERICH• The Great Carpet'and Lace Curtain. Witr1 hurls, of the County. 7MC "IP -C7.7" W UA. fr ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE? R. W. McKENZIE can supply you with a goad article at r low prior. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools,"Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SP*CIALTY. Don't fail to „ iy(y me a call. R. W. McKENZIE The Crabb Block, Goderich. No Stones, Stems, or Dirt! CLEANED CURRANTS AND RAISINS. Everybody Likes them 14•nr 1'4ri.tn,..- t )morn solicited CHAS. A. NAIRN, THE GROCER WAITI1IG FOR SOMETHING TO TURN UP. what b the growl of waiting for It teems *Reed ,ben not be able to "NI eke hkJL'•Ia t0. interval get y..ureelf 10 ,haps by irk fag aawnree In the FOREST CITY BUSINESS ANO SHORTHAND COLLEGE. LONDON, ONT. We lay great empbuu on our preet,4.0) a puree. Nee for proof onr • woman! 'indents A M. Stewart hail received the position a Tray, Maw Auditor with the llc('orm•ck Harseattss Co.. Winnipeg. Wane us for ew'alogue and p0rticulara, eddreeeine ruefully I'.11ese neap... Jas, Tow, ma. J. W. WESTERVELT Prima/al. THE FINEST CROCERIES... S1iI.ADA TF1a_ GOOD JAPANS (No. 1 DIRECT), and • full assortment of --CROCKERY MD G1ASSARI -AT- STURDY BROS., on TIM eMJnt. HUGH DUNLOP, PLANING MILL. THE CLOTHIER, has just returned from the cities where he hos been .electing IIW SPRING GOODS. He has now on hand a Large Line of the Choicest Goods in the Market and is prepared to turn out work in the Bent Staple possible, and at Pnoe. to suit the times. H. DUNLOP. iAMONO 1 INNER �4„Rcc Pi LLS co N STI PATI O N, (`BILIOUSNESS, DY PEPSIA,- ICK H� HEADACHE • E0ULATE THE ON IL PILL Akita ILATINe INSUS11! MOO DISISTION. 25 cls. ISTISLISNEI IISO. Bllcliailails & Rhllas santri Serum BABH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1. all Made w LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad it.184et'.' mateetd of every 4eaer$a<Ms School Furniture a Specialty. GODIIRiOH Sham Boiler Works. rl'ARUM= "IOW A. S. C H RY STA Ly Owieseeer l0 O0rpslsl ! wOakJ Manufacturers of all kind@ d Pietioo cry Merino, Upright Tabular 7330= .=2/3, Salt Pans, Brooks Nt•eka, 1!6met Trio AheeWork., sec,, etc. _.),. lesson0 Upright •0A .n A4ttle0+nt Thu en YIstL y t/artlF'�aIIM H. T. He f'a Mier