The Signal, 1895-2-14, Page 4THE RI(:NAt.: QODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY FEB. 14, I895. ikr (*goat, is ros.ssntas RVRRY THURSDAY MORNING sof e. sli elnien. sloe et Publication s and tK lglestaresrees, th..rich_.iatarle, Teems .r Mh.eefaye e • Ill se 05.aih. la advanes rseat ha " en • Ise leer. 1 oiLAURIER'S TORONTO RECEPTION. oredit la anted, the prise IDs Haar team%e.l to attar h to that ,:,enl telu.u, The cloud which heretofore hail at tacked to the character of the opus ductor having been removed, it is quite possible that the benefit of its netnovel will now he f.•It by tae ,Or potation of which he is the heal. anti I wnich last year was treated .o .'evil • led) by the Pity Council of Toronto will be. .. M leek .a those Wel. Yoe- label is •.tandla(r r0esio of the dye u which you are paid up. glee lkst ie -b flat allowed 10 fall lute wrest. Wb••n • chance of ad/mos i�to testae the old earl the new ...14ress e ttyh Adverttesaa Maris Legal and other casual Me, per Ilea for Ono inst.: �nt� tor each rtbeeyueet Iosarlle< 1reIss yedH; wavered wale. Htrtures cards of .Ix liana *ad !mdse. N per ysdjverteirments of host. l/swsd. Strayed, WW1 Vacant. 5t11tt - 'las Wowed sed 1'haneer K•alyg. Isel eaoesdirts S nonpareil. el err eters, olste on Sale mod Fame en Oslo. sot to secrete t lie.. $1 for nett month, Ma, per .ab leane ret month. larger aerie. la p.p,rtiou . lay eperial metier. the corded which a to proma• uote the per i. ry beds $ of victual or romper, . to be ea a tiered an ad vertieement an : rt,eired som.edisgly. I. o.a. not is ea In :r ispared type one Dent per word, ho notices le•• Hees tie, t.owl aoeices .n ordinary reeding ergs two cents per word. No notice for ices slam syc. Nolte -es for chun-hee and other rdlgNns end bone.°lest .net itutIona half rata. e'.eseseretal centimes adweetionowes. .l I.un'rd numb.. -r of diepapd advertise se.,• um be •nw-rted at theoilbwt.. rates eiet inch. one fawn ion. g0 el " tour insert inns.....„..... 1 40 •' ih.ee M months2 sit m it n1 •dabs .. one year S On "o sorrels: met Iran thou two inches in ler.mth w1!1 be calculated ee shoo. hofs, 5 per .•sant. diarount allowed Oar Dash payments on r",err /limit be' nom tart : 10 per ornt. on at: monthe'. sen 1:. per tem t. on a ranee. Th.•ee conditions will be strictly aaterr'ed. Abend ••Tks 41nn.1'• i eaves. soh.,rrber who 1.•1 to move THIS .tee eL reenlariy. either b- •errMw or by sad, wi l en..ter • rarer by .oq,tnt4rialt as of the Net at aseumy•date ae tow iole. Rejeet.d nutenaenpte assmot be r •'•irne.1. Curnseente-u.e must be wrist on oa. side el paper null. ►nbIMker. gleet.. J. C. ice Towel. of Onderdel. ben flesh eft point,e.d Loral Trevelltog ANNA her the town- ships of ee...tench. teethes*, AahgoW and Wa- Wan 'eh. Lo•al pn.-.n, .ten over the district ere et.ee ospowcred to twelve sabnription. to Trac I. %AL A'1 communications must es addressed to D *olaiLLiRCDDT. Tut Oter*L, Telephone Cattle. 0nderteh flus, ant ,F:Rle•H. Tel R1ODAY. rtes. It iota. lvlla)M authentic sourcee we yarn that .loth MarMitiJF, the tried and trusted member for South H e, eon wit! P011 a larger ynt• than ever before its bis c•onstituen,'v. Mr. McMILLAN is one of the most able of the represrh tative former, in the House, and is one of the horst posted men in Canoeist on the economic questions from the fanners' .tali 1point. 'l'HE Hon 11 IHItgaT TvPPsk made a ten -strike et "Toronto the other even,. ing, by gettin, the audience into good humor and then noeninatiiag himself as He.w ett's successor in the Premier ship a: follotis : e• We of t -he Cabinet who come from the "mot, are glad awl proud to serve under Sir Mares/Is Bow sit, is we were glad and proud to loot up to Sir Joint THOMPMte It Pt the turn of the west to gild• the country its Premier, and I know that when ter turn of the east comas again the people and the Cabinet will re- ceive favorably a Premier from down by the sea THE Hon. .1. C. PATTRRoOI has been working himself up to a fighting pitch of late, anal in his address to the Young I.ih. Cone., of Toronto, stated that they wpuld l,sve to fight UPI Lib erals with bullets, If necessary. The Hon. J. C. P. is evidently trying to imitate the warlike utterances of the young man wile churns to be Ger - !many s War Lord. but be should re - 11." metnl..r wile the Kaiser was horn with that iinforturdate virus in his sys- tem, the member for HIRAM WALKt.R has nothing to show for his words but the aecidh•nt of a (;.hint position and the stripe, down his pantaloons. i N n libel ,'ase tried last week. it came out in evidence that the able e !sets of The 'Toronto World in favor of Sunday street can were not of the wholly ,disinterested character that the intelligent public had been led to be- lieve. No less a person than W. F. MastsAI, M. P. for East York, the able editor and proprietor of Toronto's sprightly one -cent morning dally, ole knowledgeti that he had received be- tween $ I ,20i1 and $1,600 from the street railway for furnishing the aews- paper thunder on the 000saigl. Verily, it to indeed hard to determine when Ohs hearty and wholnemded whoescy tilt a scheme ceases and the aameell•ry tioppOrt be(is . TORONTO'S' M11011111171 1adnctor, satWWrr A L inni0 j1(i swALD, wms MN, 111111•1 lam week in getting • venbct Is his wit against This Tomato World. ills verdict uwttIs. the gsootiaa that wma Yr. aeaIoseALn did not emleriror to / Mart blackmail from the Toronto s aua& Railway Cempany, ... *Imre t)+ as that had pre 'i' H E rwvption terxierid to the Lib teal chief at Massey Hall, Toronto, last week was one which alight have o rale any man feel proud. Fully sewn thousand persons gathlend to ser the grrat Liberal leader awl those who wore with hint we the occasion, slid throughout the eveniag the great- est euthwterie prevailed. 1 )ne thing is demount rated. and test is that the Men. N ILrx1U 1.41 itIF.n cannot wear out lois ark -mine in ( loo tario. The more often he comes hither the greater is his w ekotur. and his presence 011 any (luterio platform it only to I.s announced to .gather a great au.lience. The conduct of ` Mr. !Armee is mainly responsible for these demonstra- tions of favor in his behalf. Without 'wing of a forward temperament he is possessed of impulses so generous and a personality so magnetic that ne one cats he in his presence for evena short time without feeling that thbre are noble qualities in the Ion that appeal to otntss letter nature. In his :uldrees oho' onlinary clap- trap which is tows often the .tock -in trade 1.1 the politician is strictly r.rh,•wsd, •111,1 an appeal t.. moon] and -4-onlwotitltte.l. Thece-.&*- t.o stultifying of principle. or he.Igin upon difficult questions• but an honost and open exposition of every ,lu.J•stloi attesting` the )lolly politic is von without Is•sitat ion. - Them are some of the reasons ter lir. Lett kite's 'res'ptions in 1 tntario having of se, ph•oaing a character to his huts of asirnirers in this Province. He is respected for the nobility of -his character, the integrity of his data mentos anal the honesty of hi, i,urpose. been TI4E CONDITIONS ARE CHANGED. THERE is one p.•<-uliluit, iH ter eolddiug ,up of The Empire by The \Mil, ant that i. •hero is no state I.lent made by the gobbler that it un d.•rtakrs to 1, s.,mi.• n groin and• uncotn promising supporter of the Boven n nu nt,, such x,i win the late lamented exponent of I.ihwrtl-1'rarer 'atisla. There it no statement of a lure of policy to • ee adapted in the time to come., anti no assurance that wheu The )Mil turned its back upon the Ill. Chieftain and the C...,sers at ive party eight vein ago that it tots in the wrong anal now acknowledges it.. rror. 1t may be that there was no neoru - sit' for making such explanations. as it is a well known fact that -for months past The Mail has hewn leaning to- wanis its first love, and only neeofed the passing of The Empire to once again take its place' Os the mouth- piece of Collveryati.m i■ the Procure of (interio. Rut he that as it may, there lie no one who now reads The Mail anti Empire but will be fully convideeel that' ellen The Mail swal- lowed The Empire's Home it aioo be - can►" imbued with the principles orf the former defender of the faith political There may hate been yet another reason for The \tail anal Empire fail- ing-to-aan it t party color to the mast, anal Omit is the desire to retain t he following w tin -h it had secured when it rut loose from party Shackles and took upon itself the independent role. There aro thousands of nen all over this land) who plume themselten upon their political independent•', who re- joicesd wl.en The Mail cut lose from party fetters, and gave that journal their unswerving support from them day to this, but how these will feel under relating conditions may prove to he another story. To any event the readers of The Mail and Empire will finds a far boater aewspaper than was presented in The Empire. The :acne releas moo be formulated but the prelwntetion of them will be better. The mews ser- vice will he up to date, and there will be • tirility in the discur.ios of ques- tions political which was never attain- able in the coleus's of the party organ that hen ceased M be. MONTAGUE ON MACKENZIS. }'s IR unqualified nerve rensrtmend tit to 1)v. T1fOTTA(.Vt, the hon aemher for Nowhere in the Dominion sure gation. Recently he undertook to eulogise the late Hon Attn. MAe•- e titttt, and challenged the Iiberalsto . how that the great Redeem statarwaa had ever received ease" than the heat of treatment awl most toutteous at tendon from the Liberal Coaservata ves of this country. Wows the - Hero of HakIimand, as doe redoubtable doctor is eupbon istically called by those of his party who love and esteem him for the • evious workings of hie powerful .law made such abound statements, he was exi tlently talking from his teeth out. 11e mast have. knows better, els would he have been most densely ignorant Of the planner in which Mr. \IAcsttezIK was lampooned and vtllities' by the Tory prow and un the Tory Plstforni Juni g the years of his Preutiersbip. I1 1►r. :Must -tore dealers to get full information on this subsoil be should examine the tiles of The Maid Iwtween the years l' 73 and 187s --end at that time The Meal was the mouthpiece of Sir lou% MAiite:sat I and Sir CH As. emcee. Ile wilt then lined personal icy and abuse of Mr. MA, Ksazlr. Ott every possible topic from the Neebing Hotel anal haministi,lua hooks to the Stool Rails and other high menses anal misdemeanors of which be was allegael to have Leen guilty. The lion. lir. MoriAaK is not al ways a .lose coapani to of truth 111 his plstfonu utterances. hut he was lingo• lardy unfortunate when he referred) to \Ir Mallt►ezie's treatment by the Tories .luring the years of his premier- ship. for no other premier teas ever suble.•lte.i more contumely, abuse and misrepresentation 1tv those who opposed him than was the lion. Aro% .t! I.I K M u-kt 47.5E. SNAP SHOTS. Thr lion. B4'Li.RT Ptrratu•m% Wryer opwus his mouth but 11e puts his i toot in it. How sloes it happen that all of ter politicians for re'enue only object to a taritf-for revenue Holy ' Tho• policy of trade 'restriction ill Cana(A ha. Iuade a few millionaires and a large number of leetup..n. It i, 2er.erally Iwlievesi that when • 1st Tories der t_ g.. to the political wicket they tee Bowen -ed •otit. Th. Grand Trunk Railway is meeting, with, 11111 a than ita usual share of ill -duck at this season sof the year. Tli.• further prorogation of P'tr hutment is another indication that an early appeal to the country is on the canis. - Y. C. CCIIKIION. tee are pleased to earn, will be track 11oi11e again in time lo take a head in the redeeming of West Huron. 'Somebody has been rash Phone' to prognosticate that the backbone of winter is brpken. 1-p to the present it has exhibited s mighty strong back bone. -The Itosehery Ooverauleut deems to have as many lives as a cat, if we are to credit half the stories tha• are cabled about its probable defeat be- fore dissolution. The Empire., which was always denying that hand times atHicted Can ads, eventually succumbed to the itis rare which it stoutly protested never haul an existence. The public subscription on 'behalf of Indy Tuolumne has not been pronounadd succc*s throughout the country.' although sympathetic talk continues to flow rapidly. What has become ed Col. G. T. 1 IRN sirs of late ' Now that the Can- adian War Incl loam takea to talking of bullets, the blood -and fire Colonel ehosld once more. come to the frost. The Hon. Gen. E. Foister at t:alt contended that he was still a prohihi tionist. As the boy said when asked about his father's religion, •• Well. Ile ain't been workin_ much at it lately. General Barrio continues to (alk to the inesbers of the ministerial as- sociations just ss if he believed they were not any more anointed that the ordinary Salvation Army lads and lassies. The Hon. I)r Moterso m has giv en up his patients in Haldimand, and taken to earning his bread by the sweat of his jaw. 111 the patiente give up the fleeter at the next election, i where will be stead 1 At the recent meeting ..f the !County Patron Asoeciatien of Huron, it is .pelt• ndiesable that the North and West portions of the twu•ty re nevoid scant ncogaitioe is the diatri button of o(Row. Why it this thus T That anises statistician. (I tont Joaysrow, the compiler ei the (rata dun Yrs Book, a sow in • state of tSTeri•I* excitement heoausw .nate ono insinuates that he is set able to diem - maul his partisan feelings from Isis statistitw. Twits ever thus. Sir HIHHMRr Teresa appears to be ••a chip off the old block" so tar as monumental gall and reckless sneer tion are concerned The recent storms catlsetf TuK SIGNAL to extend the time limit for 'mewing to subscribers, but after next week we will be compelled to let the ate drop on those who are in ar reser The 1'ouservstive sung anal dance ,•osubinatiem which has been touring the country of lata woubi hate been et ilei, stale and unprofitable concern *o far aa public entertainnlent was sou a'ernetl, hail it not Iain that the Holt. 11r. Mos -routs nya.le an excellent end tome to the itinerants. OP! NIONS OF THE PRESS. Hasnitoo Times Sir M•okla,:e Howell was not very bu.rsseful ne h . pastor ot 11 e hat at \lootreu. the Herald hes informa- tion that *moral large firms which in the past e:eejloo campateoe contributed liberal ly have this time refused to pay oxer • cent: and the e:amp!e they have set will be fib Iowed by .cores of others "om'e of them did not pay willingly its t tu.e. past, but were blukniailed by threats as to what would hsppea if they dad not cots doss hand- somely; but the belief is w •-ictoey for the Literals is now so general tbatof . this kind are lightly treated. Many\s.aga- fa•tttrere have oleo reached t sensible con: elusion that the Liberal policy far mnluring thein will have a rev effect, are thereture ..note indttferent to the peels dl the ('oneerv•tives, • ober, whoa. lov'at enough to the N. 1• regvd the ('nn - +,•r s at ive rause as Inst, and are In nn .tonal i,, waste matey oh .4 forint 4 hope. The de- fections from the var.ous .•.uses will rete aerievely-dereto»h the taken* of fio.f, teeter) in Moetre•1 for campaign purpou. .or ...heels, m.o.. Toronto Telegram Paw ..se hes Sir Cherie H Topper made ot tin great take', when he supplies hie.lmircta with no eve demes of his di,tiucti,'e exceeding in %slue sheen which .re the equipment of a mart boy in p. trice "ir t 'baric. is not improved by criticism, nor does experience mid w.aloui to his abil- ity. He t. undoubtedly clever, but no man is clever enough t o dispense. with those graces ,.t mind end master that aid power to meatus met tou:h mediocrity with the sem Manes of genius. .l !:. •tT-1 1•I-KF.�-I.•- . t N/:.. Wandler R.corl- The Record is asked time sed again to suppress mention of occur- rences that ,onto• through the police, and especially to leave out the mime. at al: events. It ie a duty of the newspaper to chronicle all happeomogu, and it he.v,mes .n especial duty when the happening s a crime Publicity seven • greater penalty to the guilty the the doe. :\ crime If con- cealed, is useless as a warning to others, and, furthermore, a paper has no right to suppress the Dame of one offender and give psbltcity to others. Appeals to this 'niece to leave out names that appear on the polies books will always los on vain, no mater on whose behalf the/yore mad.. PATTERSON'S BULLET SPEECH- Toronto 1.1ohe We do sot know how the Hoa. I. 1'. Patterson anti hie triode are pro- vided with belies, but the supply ot bal- loea u likely to f.11 short on election day. London Advertiser it is now announced that Mr. Patterson, Monaster rel \litho, will onnduct his campaign armed with shot- gun", revolver*, swords and bavonete. If he is as warlike u he pretended to be to Toronto the other night, the erstwhile Windier lawyer will he • veritable military hedgehog, with murderous weapons bristling all over Montreal Witness There is • note of deaperetion to the speech made by Mr Robespierre Patterson, the Minister of Mil- iti., the other day before the Young ('o serv.tives at Toronto •' The Toting (oa- srvaives," he yelled, •' would tight the el• forte of the Liberals to secure power with their ballots, and, ' ending evidently In • shriek, „ If necessary wt:h their bullets." kis evident that if lir Adolphe Peron faits to ' do .t again with money obtained from contractor* and railway promoters that Mr. Patterson is prepared toadopt south Amore tan methods of holding on to office and sal- ary Thew .re surely weasels of despair. V r Patter.w as not, we believe, at all Flood• thirsty, not even warlike . hem • very mi13 mannered pans, who would hesitate to cut the throat of • political enemy. This laudable duper ran makes him the more rid- iculous when M poses as • sort of Imita- tion Robespierre Msespens Poser.. Free. All aur reader. 'hones send to the Pule lichen of The Home, 111 Milk -et., Roston, \Iw , e..4 get • est of their beautiful stamping Patterns. They eats be used fee embroidery outlining or palltise. All dm arable sail good awe : scans 15110, others 5x8 teethes. There ere sooty (el) one i1nf- tor.nt patterns glad Iwo alphabets, one • large loegst-as-sot peewee. With this out. lit the publishers send The Rema, • 1b page paper sastatnieg Stones, Faebtoes, Fray Work, sta. for 33 months, end cony eek for 10 seats to sever root of pastors os ptf.rne sad (japer. Oar dispersed Premium Lot sent IoM to say aildrwa. AUCTION BALES. All parties getting their tale tills priat•l as this Sew .441 *5eea tree .rtes wooed is this Hee as to the tines of talo. .;•Toat.Ar. February 16111e. 4.et.ea a.ls of tires, ►.rasa, bs.ree., as , at (:..dry's sset)en mart, Hasilten et. • ea Satard.y, tea lilt►, at 12 e'eleek sees. Thea (:e. - dry, asetessete. Tr..e•v. Feb 26th. Amities tale st fens slosh and Int res let i4, sea. 3, Wer W.waneah, 3 mile. nests .f Dee- pness, es Tuesday 1.5* Nth .t 1 .'deck r. ■. Jelin Ks*1, the papist .- 1Mnssr, Jobs Daak.M & R.. p ....ossa UUNGANNON. Neres. Ta. Wed sawn, in 1,wagawans ser 1 ea Mew •t. Mal itfw .•eta •.1 J. H. Weed. J.P.. owrtr...ure, i._ 1011.. wit. .wale+ w- oken few enbvrlpuose, Weer ,siot wed jest work. and 1s set harmed is love rssr/pe for •welts sold for thereto. Tr.eu•r, Feb, 14 To s Lige Deur A emu's al, wool t awed ovwcua for &S. at Arsetresg's sal.. W suuu.. Kea le Wedding bells are ps•lieg jotlul auaaols to our motet. )1...e anew Cut is Two --Any ladies o.ket 111 the atnre over $6, at halt the close narked cede pride Arnrktosg's sale. Verne.. tin Tuesday but %V I' I :nee - Son, and Mile, of Wtngham. pes«d through here 00 • v siting tour to Inside .ad do1mer ac.lua.stsnoaa Ixar..1 1 ss 11tH `49ki •,'t a►w,r.r to and to W aesyllen.111 of the /toast uu..1es: e tomu of w... arid hint, the rete .0 end ward carrier of Her Sleeve) '510),I tua.l was presets el from inaitug he regular clip. through f I.uckeew to t:odericb. F:t 1•xeT.l„♦ ..1 Ai. lb•IwTluS. A lineal. 511044 1p pronouns at we Sworn. sea -.Anted tt the het messier tit the board til trustee" for the t fn •:eh' petit/ref ser. Loma dui .ug the past term to I)uuga'.snn elf wit• rendered nr he pentt.r. Rev. It. 1:.e.c.. earl... Mow of Mrs. Roger*, which emitted w • .•.moat renew(' hat es ger rice* Ire el'ended t r ttee fourth veer. ler i b..I.t.TIT A. - la ,vnxyurtscr ' . the .•corn which !mewled in tone umehth.d hoed during last week, rtunn` toe rose tr. he Impassible for travel. chyme est v me were suspends! •t t'rewe uu last Sabbath. H..w• ever, the ctla.chee in tins vdage were, cow e ndemic the etou.htian of the led• Anti el 5.cts of the storm on Friday, fairly well at t.ude i, except to Me: Maiut church, which hal, as we have teen int•.rmed, no service u :hs farrows. I.r'IMt.T 1lo Tuur.l.v, the 12th tar., the remelts of O'.way S twee, of I:oder:eh, anal formerly of the towuMlp of Colborne, cooly ow of the late ('Instepher suwart. were interred to 5lu0gauoou O'Illtterv. 1.11itte • large concuur.e „f sorrowing rela- tives and ac•luais'asees attended to tunseal frau t:.iertch, Nile and victor*. He was aged about 19 yews mei was called in the . rime of youth The soIems obsequies were reteducted n* Rev Jos. F: Igo, of t', -Lech. Tb. bereased, especially hie only burs icing , have the sympathy of the snowiest t bereavement. I t E. ):. T . YedasadaT glad Feeley o1 last weak were proteuaced to be t: a •,.,Idwt o.1 moa' rrorney days for man as year. pt. W.-iueaday tieing wasted for 'reeve frost, The thermometer registered here shoat S2 degrees helots +aro. Friday was excessively stormy, resulting in Mock• made, tog the ad., and for several days calmcalmeda .tlepeastoa •t busses* in renewal. How- ever, no Monday .ad Tuesday r old Sol put .n fits radiate appearance which after each a *evert and protracted storm was welcom- edwelcom- edby alts and in conseuence business !s bolt. again b. resumed Nee INn,-.r1;t Itungannnn and Ito pro - n greave, eoterprlatng .:m'liens are howl -1 40 keep apace wes oe. the progress of the age. Meters. Albert tiler. amt Matthew Sproule, ie.., having leiterl the drill shed from *nitre \latlou.h for the yarn. have formed s skating rink In 1t. The ice is in web. eu1 •onditmn and nosey of eur eiti[nte ars •ceiling themselves of the ,pleasure •.t hay toe • good time skating. The eeeninee when the skating n 11 'nen en are \L,adav,ac '.Veduesdav, Friday and Saturday of each week. Two double vehicles loaded "rob cookers. of Lucknow visited oar .katlni rink on Monday svonoag. 1st. 1£41.1. --Ws regret to have to chronicle the demise of Mrs. Lacy Martin, wife ot Archibald Martin. West It.wwneh, who after a h.gering illness of Mone eighteen mantes, succumbed to the effects ot ytraly- es and weekoees of her system, ..o Friday evening last. The de-ead wee a daughter of John Hamlen, of 1.,oterich• and was e rectly esteemed. The deceased leaves los• hind her a sorrowing hushane and two daughters to mourn nor departure. She was a kind mother, so tetinlable citizen mod . as highly respected by all who knew her. The bereaved bnsbend and cntleireo have the mooere heartfelt sympathy of the crta,ene in this and surrounding ne,shb.r- h •od in their sad hereay.ae- ent. Her r mans were interred in W-mngham eimetery en Wednesday the 13th. ('Rat.I 1 111 x• tt .es•, tl. W ENT Acoordaog W orevlo a. tannage menu, the annual t.eam.strog w." ForelForelForelat ('ed we on Moseley evening east. Although were blocked roads blocked oo •agelatin,gelatin,en Mon- day quite • number of the .curdy yeomen of that vicinity --so ae w have a good at- tendance .t the meeting turned out with shovels, team.. etc , mad worked like Tro- jans is making the read .cc.'sib:* for teams. Result a good attendance, the n eat *birch beteg fairly well fill.. Phe good thinge of which there was an ample supply reflected great credit en the arta.- tie euli.ary abilities of the ladies, who, by the way, lament be demonised with en such occasions. After partaking of the edibles, Crozier.1Croziertook the cher and presided neer the /nesting with grace and •bditAp wy. propriate iddrsae were delivered Rev. Messes. .teepee and D. Rogers, the much .wteem.d paster of Dungannon circuit. Ree)tatiess were well and attractively riven res Crosier • Mimeo 64Houghtm, sheh dieted great encomiums. Dungeons choir, as on all former 000a.ionsel .cowraed several es appropriate seleetieof mimic with rood effset,n4•etiag great credit en their musical Went anal ability, and vow much ap- preciated by the audience. Io fine, the en Nrtsinmeot was • treat, and these preemie enioyed themselves isw ssdy. A}TER MANY YEARS. A STRANDS TALK TOLD RV A WKLL- KNOWN MINSTRKL row/1mTait rorow/1m11.111113.1%11.111113.1%11.111113.1%Ur *4 is may Itn'M1m• *1 11A'T Tune Alio Mme 1!. TNM .mor aW1eITAL" w TM... uwTlriM.rr ro p1 T 1•ansot .ta 'sill'• ral.Lt)W I ATItyT rovereit ol'T Tin torso T. 11* v.. axe. rt..�.. the Owen Sound Times. nuvell ,as Whom" ot Isr. N Hilo ma Pas Ptak Voila hagain bees derauoetrated m this town The fames rsterred to UN 55 tens/hem teni.hicure tit Mr Wen. Redrew, • well known c.useu 1'h. errs followed s low us weeks ago by the rerkable cure .t Mouoeh, tit Peel street, whbe ose Itle eat en despaired of by lowest! met family end . fnodlin,.. repot'', .\ few days ado the lin,reporter we. st paaug •long Dormice, street, wheu u was noticed test a new Kerber stop tied ewe opened by Mr leek . 'ousby, • member of • family who have lived to Woo SeuudKunmingfor nearly hail a reatury. Kunming that 1J r 1 mermaid, ha I beau merusly ailing s h. u be came 1 Fugllwd, • few mantas '.re nous, and at tout eine had retry little h.•pe of recosertng his m health, the Times an r,) deepeou to have a abet, avid ounce 1hr oseverestioa proceeded very far, It was evi- dent that then co had taw •ootb•r miracle ppeerrfotmes by tee wonder worlu.g fill• •• Well, let us start a the hematites of my troubles," said Sir t'ousy by. wheel the TimesTI.s began problem for particulate •• Twenty nae years wu 1 lett ..'h..ul here mad joined • mivatrel coni wl'. Sou. tu•t dmen dote 1 Tuve had carts in maof the lead mag til5tr•1 composites mp•sites as cosnedtaw.1 das.rr. In the Sprlag of 155(3; 1 tbo4ghn I would try • Summer engagement and toot • pesltiou with Hall A Ma ,•trcue,tIwo l py leg in the Weston ':aces. 1)0. more lag, ,turtog the tush to put up the bre three - pots tent, 1 was giving the tow • hand, when the et-nIre pule slopped out aua nth tall - lag struck me across the small ..f the track. While 1 felt sore for a two., I did not pay much erten:10u to IL Atter working berm ▪ 1 beto feel a pate umthat w th `rtrta5 Feeley of .chino- rheums: nm Tor a'y.r l _rade ally grew worse rod cello was kid up This was .t Sltiwsukee Atter some time went to St. Paul and underwent an elec tree treatment, and tnought 1 wee cared I taw took an eneageteet,' with Lew John e mu:t s Min•trets Ami went as be Kest at Seattle. About three year. a6" I mote ar emg.gemeut we b R,,we..t Fare uh.no. t.• go nu a tour through Europe to the greet America. Minstrel., Retort widow IronNew 1 ork 1 suffered from pates between the .boul dere. but paid very little attenttou to .t .t the time. but when I reached f esergow 1 was soaroely..bie is: walk. 1 renowned In the condole. t unt,1 we reached Meecheeter, where I ••1•'.^,' 'ro,n -.r► rritrt trona a ofOer.q p.rrl•'u•u. F--. ,''... yob. til,. ily r. re. I t.yl lot 1.1554, ober .5di• cif Oa In )i11sy,h393, wee 4"a* Kr:rwluvbsa. 1 sae tato verb ..d amt tor.. ta.ul aoef were. all .11:,.n -r. An "nee ememt Imo sgrit ad et- as stay* n.a.t...v t.'r U.. y'. %I metrel. sad 1 tow eh, with aloe n. but to owe. t1•.ut' 4. TM* I wee s^ a,. l i n •' 1 ....l y'u i l l th'. tin.• 1 wit� wrracu.y a pby-l. au wh•r h.4 t.•fu t.0,•mwded as • spect.loet, but without any rOief. Hydrophooic oaths and other sender treatments were rea.rted t., without avail. Finally there wee no help for It and I went to Manchester, and w Dee. 12th 1893. went tote the Royal Hwpa tat, where the physicians who diagoo.ed my caw prrmosneed •t to he transverse myeht he. or chronic spinal disease. After being in the hospital for five months 1 grew worts. until my ;lege becarn. 44ral)'.4 irom the hips down. 1)r. Newby, the house surgeon. showed me every att.eattoo and became gtute fnen4'y aad regretfully informed not that 1 could he ea uc•hd .11 my life. For • cheer* I was sent to Ranee. 5'onvalescent Hospital. Cheadle, having to be carried front the hospital to the carriage and then on to the train. After • week there, . patient told me of • cure effector' nu himself by the use of les. Williams' Pink Pilo. Heine thoroughly discouraged, 1 ask .s1 for my discharge and 1 was seat nark ti. Maacheet.er, where 1 began taking Pink Pills. After the use of a few boles 1 re- covered the use of my legs sufficiently to walk several blocks. 1 them concluded to start for 1'weed. sad join my (needs here. 1 continued'Aleng the Pills, constantly 'en- tice stronger. 1 have taken no other medi- cine since I began the use of the Ptak Pills, ed 1 have ne doubt as to what cured one. 1 now Leel as well as ever and 1 am able to take up the trade of barbering, .t which i worked during the summer months. When I remember that the doctors told me that I would be helpless .11 my life. 1 canon help looking upon my cure as • miracle." As Mr ('oasby told of the woodertnl cut, his g ood -oat ured countensece fairly shone with rrsntude. He is on well known here a• • etraieht forward reepeetabl.cttires that The Times need nay nothing a hie Wholf His plan, unvarnished statement would gn for • (•et with everyone who known him. Thew Pills .n a pnati.e mire for all troubles arising from • vitiated conditson •1 the hood, or s shattered nervous system told by all dealers or by mail, from in Williams' Mortices* 1'anp.ay, Brockville. Dot., or 'obenectady, N 1 ., at 50 costa a box, or sit bores for 11'150 There are numerous imit•tione sad substitutions against which the poblic'•re cautioned. MARINE NEWS. iyetetnrtb .1 asp (line, of Moose .lair, North-weet Territory. is bore fast now reties hie brother, W. H ('line. 11r I'hN lays the settler so that pert are having patty hard Dates this year, se the crop• have he.n tsjared by drought for the past two esasnn. Stanley Thomas Johnston, an old reet- dest of this tows/hip, deed at his hosts oe Um (*aches line, Stanley. on Monday peat week. Demeaned was • 1 oneervative in poll tie., and was upward. of AS years of •g. He was • member of the Treshytenan church and was of F:ae11.5. parentage. S.afosib • On Tuesday parsing, at St Jastsi Catholic ('horeh an this town, Miss Kate Devorseue, daughter of Robert 1M. `same of Tock.rm.M, and W. nurse, of lwog.o township. Perth waste, were mode 0555 and wife by Rev. Faber Kennedy, is the pressos of a large enamours@ of friends Malrth : A seven accident helot Mrs. AMI. Willows, r., en Monday past as she was retioniso fres the residence .f her ono Limit -(M. Wigan. 1114 apnea or the ice .d broke her arm at the shoulder jurat Rr mroroes triede will regret steseding ly to Men et the safettesale mendent toad Irish her • speedy relavey. Whgbsa : Th. tows Mirk, J. R. 1.011. sem, woe we ypei•eed tat estimate tr 1801, hoe .espletd bin week, std the fes .f the .11 has, with the steeples of • few 4.4 ., bees eellest.d. it le la05s pare .hetes the cell was rgarsed es tarty is the year. whish spoke well M the eelhotar. Nemialy is them. herd Mom 11 is intim/dad that the ,rule under an- atnotioo in lake ship yards number 36. of 43.000 glees toss and are valued •t $3,742.- Sei0. The I'olhogwoed Dry hook ( 0. is budd- ing • wooden passenger steamer, 2'25.36x12 at • cost of 1100,000 for the treat Northers Transportation Go. The weal .emen ostler enustrueteoe for the I 'need States same 11. Their dis- placement is 71,067 tens, hereepnwr 45,960 and east $22,156,000. .lobo *mem. (►woe milord, is buuidisg a wooden eid.-wh.l, passenger steamer. 1601 2619, fee the North Scor. Navigation Co. She will cost 1510,000 Two steel pas.Isger bout one 110117rbi at 1160,000, .ad the ether 140126x7 f at 875,- 000. for the St I.awema.s River pas.pr trackers bane built at Taranto. Mans* Review (Ssadi55 getverna.st °Mein@ have about completed the enrvey .1 (iertrlaa Hay, ad west year they will he gin • survey el Lib lineae Aft aired nil M mdk be sours • sew .twitter to eager lag as this work, se the Mr. Beelleidorkieli is newly forty yes aid. is Weft fat ter marmites. the wormy. 4bipbntldiew atakinlis by the 11. i wssisMnw of ren chew teas during the tooter slaslam,31. 144, there woe both is the 51slsad Mates, 123 ,.dell el 22,441 t17 gra easy d Posh 46 of 13,74.0 teen were Memo sad 77 e1 II, - 710.7$ mi. Doritos the pregame gesetsr.the seater el memsti Mise was 210.I 114,W31IJ4 AWord to the Wise__ One of the beat methods of economizing is to watch the markets and buy when prices are at the lowest notch. Now is the time. If you're in need of Winter Goods, d o n't procrastinate until next winter. It will make you " big interest " to buy now, besides there are yet two months of weather to reckon with. We take stock shortly, and there are many lines we would sooner not put on the lists - - - - ; prices are at the bottom notch. There are plenty of ways of throwing away money. Here is a chance to save. �t by not ? oftrAtio)ovettisitj t tVERYTH!NG TO *EAR t.•ms, and of thew 64 of 13,873 O i tow were steam and 134 of 11.697 16 roes sail l )urtag last year 53 vowels et 31,41 : oen .-n1 :5'11,710 Talote telt tee lake trade The wont year for disasters since 1650 was 1(843 when veasel* to the value of #1,172,800 went lost. Lear year, of the ;e.1 heats lour, I titin level, e were burned, .7 errandeat, i were lest thtnugh coll/sivn. and Iwo re- leased but net worth rebuilding. I:rest Rritair, s ;uteri battleship, was a short time ago dented out of t he dry dock where she was cot structei at I'hashers., F:ng- It►od .lust nee year to • day wee occupied in putting 6,000 toes or metal into ihn hut hull. The s/agniteeat is the first of eeve.al of her type, and it 31I0 feet, 71 feet beam, and 27 feet e. inches Mean dreuehr, at which the displacement is 14,900 tons. The ship. for two-tbir . of her length, is armored with 4 -inch Harvey pities •xt.nding from under the water lies to the P.p, will!. the harbettes have 12 loch Harvey plates The bulkheads at the antis of the shop are '5 radios thick. At natural draught the power s to he 10,000 indicate I horse power, the speed of the ship being le .i knote,•d tinder Indo.ed draught 12,000 .nd,cste.4 horse power, the speed be tag 17...) karts. The arsenate'. toludes four 12 each hreaah•loding, twelve sad 28 smaller quick •firing. -Masai 11,e glob -lar a.l Feb. 11. There were about 250 head of butchers cattle, 100 sheep sod lambs, and 30 salves offered at;'.he Feast Fad Abbatoir to -day. The butchers were out In untrider• able numbers, hut trade was very slow, as the prtoea asked were ten htgh to suit the hutches, who are hoping for larger supplies and lower prices on Thursday. The beet cattle sold at from 3,c to 4o per Ib., wit pretty gond stock at front 3Ic to 33c. and rough half tette* boasts at float 2;o to ie par Ib. Ther. were • number of milkmen'. stripprs on the market to -day, theipriose of thane were irom 824 to $46 each, or_frnm .k to 3;c per It, (.nod Lembo were rather higher ir pros, at about 4e per Ib add mixed 'eta at about 3 .o do Fa hogs sell at front 5)e to 4 t per lb. (*baton .1. I'. Miller, formerly of the O'Neil house, Woodstock. bas purchased the (:raced 1 atom hotel, (limos, sad re- modelled it throughout. In future it will be town as the Howl C1•resdos Mr Miller is as old ('leiter bey. W eighteen A fairly well attended Teen pronee meeting was held in the Temprreos Hall, on Friday evening last Mayor ltteek- sashin eesapied the cheer sad made • short address as the ewer important enhjrt of the prehibitioe of the Iitq,tor traffic Zurich A public seting was hold in the tows hall last Monday night, for the pur- pose of tnrmi,w ■ egoist Stook company to build a Aar mill here out Summer. Ws aaderateed upwards of $7,000 is already subscribed. it it should is IS it will Ice • help to the village sad ales foo tib fanners. (,sealasee MissM Bshasla, who holds s monad meas toll soonest •sided sur W _ steal Y sem to aka d les df tion bi vary mob (lied in ear v a se rowdy is the Illiehediat ebelr, when ties hedda • presets NA SIN, sad O a mad helper is search (ley • The tax mlleseess ler this tome ship hams easpistd their Mb... le the Northerly saaMna e. Md)eses• mini • OWN swop, r..eiviag 86,001164. J. grotto was Oof enN the 4.gn half of the tews•hsp .ad do . dimmed 117.206:77/ Ism SMOG, tae balk ei width le retuned .paf•M pvoperty.