HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-2-14, Page 1Signal +- Subscriptions CASH IN ADVANCE is THE POLICY for 1895 FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -2 0 1 T.EADxG aWBpApi3R OF HURON OOUNTY ional GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, T - - 189b. IF YOU GET NOTIFIED OF ARE. THE DOINGS AT OTTAWA. What to Goin: on at theCapltlgl tar nodal .ware ChM Away the ►.1111,. ■1 sheer.n ereelaa are 'Mine 1 p I• Jadgsaeae awake, renter ♦ Marrtling Nome tea. Tea siosn. t%sersepnade0oe. )TTAWA, Feb. ` tI, \1•e Late only to look at the t ettictal',vette, published to- dey. to learn why the t. ',trimmest a ea nous for an appeal to the people before the lltatster of Finance is forced to declare to the House the deplorable oovidiuon of the ho•ocss of the °uuatry His peonies is made all the more emblematic, by the speech be mad. in I'„rllameot on 27th March, last sermon, when he told the Honed that in tate of declining revenue the t.or• erun.en. would praotiee need economy and retrenchment In a repeat letter I panted his remecks sad what he told the Hesse. If you have it by you it a really worth reading over again if for nothing more than to see how he has lied to you. Lot w look at the Official (•.relate. It chows that the result of the past levy meet hs fiaascienag bears no •vidence of ecea•tmy, but nether, on the other band, do we find that reckless expenditure went on more rap.41y than ever hetero The total revenue durrng the seven mortise ending 31st January lest was 119,254.832. while the e,praditur. reecho** 120.130.208. show- ing • deficit of 14%75,376 when last year there was • surplus of 1'071,66.5 in the 1reaeury at thee time. This 'tat: men,. thole/fore, shows teat we -_ ate Jost 12.898,041 worse off than we were I oat 13st.Jaauary, 1893 That t•vy.esnu Cho ' it a shortage u the treasury oo the 31st Jao'y last for the 7 gr owthe, as compared with Oat date heat year. Now, to this add the probab'e defies' for the heat five mowthe, basing our ealewl•tioe as the figures for that period of lam year. which, aocordiag te the t wnc�iel Gazette, showed 0 deficit of ?3,- 23.,'-t5, we tied that at the end of the pres- ent "weal year .30th Junin the Mirtater of F.Ihao,e will here se actual deficit ul $t , - I `,L1•1, or an adverse baLi.•e *,mei t... ottese that amount .s compared with Iso' year. Re As to the flet debt it stood at 1241,972,• I how .fol on he Slat Juuary, 1894. On 30th ,ser* June leaf, it had ioorsa•ed to $246,183.020. ewm an increase of 14,110,678 during the 5 00 b menthe. Let ns see whether Minister teat Fewer bee emmee urod is this direct ion (ha usde DOCTRINE AND DOGMA Tho *tensa.e al wens intone. rev, ■e. lemma. and Rev, rather Weed. Teta. gaiter of Twat Bon u.. tits. -0ee day last November whom visit- 's( my pari•hioaera I beard that e. • recent Sua ay eve.i.R I had been severely at- tacke•l by Rev. Mr. Holmes, • Methodist n metear of ('Hato.. Desirous of k•owieg why ! was attacked I proceeded to the ra,- deem* of that roe. reuUentao, and was, by the i•ay who answered the bell, shown lifts the peeler, end in a few a osa rote the Rev Mr Holme, entered. After the usual salutation both seated themselves and the following Interesting coevereetion, an sub- staa., took place (rev Father West -- It is reported that you wetted me in your church. Now, I wish to know the reason you dia this. Rev Mr Holmes 1 nu w wroogfully taferm•d. 1 did nos attack you in my church 1 did sot mention your same. ll Rev. Farber Wee' -I lad you not say that the priest received the wine +iib • vee era •Noe and rave usly bleed to the people a sec art' d of her ridicule P ever coq lite to those who w 11 re ones under that term "He that tarot/1 this bread," said Het, "shall live forever," which He would not have said d it were eeasssary for salvation to remive under both forms Me given communion under both tonne yet km the Bible say iot14ieg alx.ue the km medrwlty d ro.enmg it in this manner. 1 defy yoe to produce a aiagb tett of script are as tri• deem that the people, the Iaty, mast re• mine ander the form of bread and •leo that (CollInion on OTR Maln Line of wine. You cannot produue such • text. Rev. Mr Holmes -i must tell you that you are not acting like • gentlemen. I use ramose*, nitrite .ad several eerte..ly Rev. Father Nest Will you allow me ssy.►N Tbr t'aritaae Pi"sli.rlbe to explain to your congregation the scrip- a el listen • Terrible tree.. Lure bearing on Una subfeot ` %'III yet al bus w to go Into p t you' ■i lh. ore.► d inIf arrear EXA,71NE THIS COI?\ER Next week D. MCGILLICI 1)1)Y, -q) TOR. ARS ARS THIS WEEK. PLEASE PAY uR ASH UP AT WESTON. 8 o'clock the trucks of ea* of the Pullmans' home mresto.. 1'65 to the flagmen sad the ezprss car of No. 6 tato were /trod . 1103 to Frock It evyg.ly brought in here, the balance of the can hay I (1474 CO foreigs ntiarens;125 to the aged fag been consumed No debsue news can infirm mmieter's hied ; IMO be obtained of Mr. Joseph, but hegrummets/ and wto to the w statement was made by those last from the peons fund :e as 10 to hthe e Jewish m yoene that the workers heti detected • ram '"' OVER THE Uc ortA(fJI idow s ! b1y ." The Galin beet t ieaon. Ns smell of Marione deah, winch leave* unhap - tor other bete. oleoition, the mand of =religious purpoose4 was , Pity but Iotas if any doubt c0ararnrng the reusing the amount tor mtsuooary and bene uuf ,rtunate gentleman's (ate ,cleat objects to il,rh,1. A kir..lnho 4 leek, of Brampton who was The clueingsentences your pulpit Will i • (.s.moge o that ` fur their tote moderator • now pastor R.v 11 r. Holitte. No, 1 will not. lou 'down the track with • gear/emelt to • fight Emeritus which a glen would lead mypeople astray, 1;1] 1 /'Y, Feb. `+, gra ulster, who turned hosed in n doe %% The L(Ulro y off to a farm house congregation. "It a with cera and da- ltev. Fath*, %4'..t 1 of b••• not given (Jot axdtement and alarm was wueerl +1e account of the cold, but although general ' out vrwtttude Na any estafootory etplaaatim 1 have hero about 2 eolock Chu afternoon descnptto. of the height, complex too and to His th ('p' that o ° osier oneilleiaix(ed of you avec ore tett is sof of '•y the build tallied with thatuf Mr..losseph, it •p- us as age t se �nenurog w *pare cab whet you teach your Inuv.l o(• porton o(the Chtchgo dyer from psora the latter , the w, el Hu 1•�1ljatl people, that they mot gentleman wore a deck servant, the Rev, r. 1'm, whom we ��er.s receive under the form of bread and atm the west several hour. late and brtngt.q the ovurc,wt, 0° 14 aahoat have own he. that of wine, but you Para failed to do m,l ..Wa that an appalh It sew ■lse rumord hat •hole girl was Missend to have to our midst, worshipping. s4 end m oulhaGe had and going out and in our bd.nse mot leave, at us useless to stay hero soy Imourred about 2, miles up the line, through m It tram (rum the passenger's •f the local. but withspeao�g ty word in •.asoma and comforting longer' lb' lora! u _ as it was knees Chet non* of thee* wore many • 1 the slag heart. It is the humble Rev. Mr Holme, Nell, what scripture mg into therear end of the ,Chicago train. child's safety. London P hurt there is Ito appreheuuon felt for the prayer of the eeasuu, amidst the 'screasing do you rive that receiving under the form F:a.Ot details of the disaster were of course „ i , „. of you I t(i •beloved p of er, that t aid hits devoted Rev F•thrr West In the 6 h chapter of wanting, but on board the train wens 'event Freak .1. Joseph, weetant law clerk. beloved d theyearris•of whichhen theemay tot. •(ohs, t 'brat himself tells u. that He will corn*. mod the may give tae h frugal Petri f'it hlrjrMlNgt11: li re• (td Ccs .,: 7 . i. fet'-/ttwt•rf a h ippygl et diftMlrld \I wtreal us t, di ..d.y. a rnr ('r,y' *'w Mime ho. Aillkin T. Jgok:iu 1 •r .; yams.. ecu farm to tllaw•uaeeJiiii4b F said • wastrel to /It. Hick., of lie�derieb, fee - *75. Marillep \\'et with Pse basad the f•1'tn of.)(90.) irvre,' ittha..', ' , .. . qg n'''cl,esdbay blkt litasonatelPftliTh 111 ,pN.l 6t's`Jt Menhir' Adige ' �hiM r.' ' ti►v.e, . r on he loch!, .tam to your "or the eee'lW reveal the0? e4 tovewatt; reeponilend.ot to night that he had walked tamed Did you not make use of these an chorda tnteuded to tura into Catholic practices • Those who heard you understood that you had reference to me and my people, as 1 am the only priest io t'hnton. Now what you should de u thee. You should teach the members of your owe church what you bel,•ve to be the tr leave the members of other churches Thu. as the tele that 1 otsieree It follow that because you may orove t own sausfactten that your melghbn Ivies us wrong thin therefore yours u Whet you should dos to prove, if y that your own religion is the true one .or,diwg to your mode of proceeding • uthand Rev. 11r. Helmer 1 ou believe that you alone. missive the body and blood of ('hriet. 1 doe, not Key Father Neat I do, anti many even O your in he Church of Eogtand believe he same. r't re- Rev. Mr. Holmes Ob, it u not the only right. silly thug they believe. What scripture ou can, have you for such • belief ' Ac I Bev. Father West --I hays many teats of peg., • Soriptero, smog c em many rem the 6th roc by proving to his own satisfaction t Christian religion is false. What d know about the ( cholic religion Rev. Mr Holmes 1 know all •bo 1 know it thoroughly. Rev Father West All you know about what you lane heard from those who misrepresent beg teachings What ('atholic book. ot aulLonty hat• you ever reed' Rev. Mr. Holmes --1 know it perfectly well. Rev. Father Weft -Now to show you that you aro *potent of the principal doc- trines of the (cholic Church, 1 defy you to give me the Catholic definition of Tramenb- atsane'tee. Key Mr. Holmes I leave read the Bible r than you have. v. Father Nest --How do you know often I have read the Bible ' Thu as• tea a Io keeping with .11 lour other as- loti•w about religion. They must be ewer' you my so. According to the king of my cbureh every priest Is obliged r its of grievous are to read scripture every day. Now, that, a Do 1111011 commend to your church, and yet you here the pro. sumpi400 to say 'bat you have read the Bible oftener than I hay.. How do you know how often I have read tbe Rib's ` You hat• on grounds for such • statement. You make the same groundless wamption when you tel your congregation that they must receive under the form of brad and that of wine Now, 1 will give you • buadr.d dol- lar" if you oan produce *yen • single text of scripture where Choat says that every one in order to be saved must receive under the form of breed and elm under that .f wine. Now if you gt.. me such • text I will give you • hundred dollars. Ker. Mr. Holmes I don t want your mosey. e Kee. Father West - Weft, why do you teach your people what is not found in the Itibb' hive no • tett of scripture an pros( of what you teach your people • Rev. Mr. Holmes --Will you answer • notation I pat to you Rev. Father Weet --No:1 will not till you answer mine Ree Mr. Holmes -1 dim that 1 Mee a right that you sha.M ower my ques- tion. Rev. Father \% eat -1 will not answer your question, as es sine le firin order. 1 vee • right to be au•wersd Ant bee,. Mr. Holm.. -Did sot threat whoa he took bread anti wire say 'Take sad eat Drink ye all of it" is this not proof that Christmas octet receive under both forme! Rev. Father Welt- No. That is no proof that all ('hristiasilkere to reset,' un- der both forma. Christ did sot say so, Dor from the words en that eowaoo can the Ie..t evidence he addeeed te thin .,t. la St. Luk., a Eh chaptert we read that there were only twelve •pesti•e present and to them eel, did Christ adding@ himself. Not to .very Tem, Mob or Harry. To may that Man he spoke to others is to pot words into the mesa of Christ Ha Deer redo um ef, in • wtird, to rake him say what he ..ver said. Thew aposttee were preen woe were oemmeaded by Chalet to di, what He bad dons to eea.wrate seder bar forma Their lawful e-eseners is the priesttieed were M de the mama We know this for a serpainty from tradition. You do sot believe in tra- dition, therefore -yo, cannot appal to ii (Ilea mea text d Scripture in proof .f what you say. Rev. Mr. Herons The matinee repute - mated .11 Christians. Rev. Father Went- Whoa you say that the twelve apostles repr.asted all of the dieoiplsa rad .11 C‘ -'sties• we here ealy your word far it, net that of Chinet, ger that of the Rible. rhe Bible stye gashing about their reprseee&tag all (alrrtians. Roy, Mr. palmus --stow de you knew that you aro • • Rey. Father WeA--It se very easy to thew this. I wee en6deed he the bishop of thio dleeg@e, and helm .rdaha•d and one - mear simether ie the leaitinisee I 0 yimius sa bishop to the sMustus, who i meas. e. were Mrdeined sad enns.- erated by Mein. Thee, through that mesas diviimelarelialed, i parti•ipu• 1. Christ's priest RP. Mr. ■alum. -That hon haus .*$ id - . d legs ftp. Why de kms eat gtve the sae- rowimie seder both kinds ! Rev rather Wool - Th. Morel. hon and se _ the peep'e a sembleb oaens seder b eMto d. w�• h mortals seams she 1 .,. Mr. Ham►-TbY lei esmtinery te she Worry wCherub, sp. Rhos Di nts/--dlib..glk the (b..b Id prove that ine refigure is the tr .e ome chapter of St .lobe, for instance Christ says, bat the I am the living breed that sante down frau o you haven, if any man eat One bread he, shall live forever and the breed that 1 ,hall give is tet 4t. My flesh for the life of the world." The Jews - -- Rev lir. Holme, That does not prove anything of the kind Rev. Father West -W'by do you inter- rupt me' You asked me to ewe you Scrip- ture, and you will not allow mato proosod to do an. The Jews murmured at ser Lord's words, and said, "How s0 this man give ne his flesh to est" Our Lord told them that they were not only to eat His flesh but also to drink Ha blood. - Rev. Mr. Holmes. - That does not peeve 11. Rev. Father West. -Will you please allow me to show roe that it does. Here are neer Lord's words "Amy, I say to you, except you eat the Mesh et the Soh of Man, and dnok His blond you shall net have life in yon." His disciples, as well as the Jews mndereteod our Lord to mean His real flesh and blood, for they said, "this le • hard saying and who an hear it," which they wail! not have said if it were merely bread and wise and dot Hie body and blood Haying heard ha disciples murmuring at this doctrine he said to then. "tooth thio scandalize you ' If them you .hall see the Son ot Man sace.d up where He was be fon," which is, if you are scandalized at thea doctrine which 1 now teach you, bow much more you will be soaadaliz4d when you nee Me arendtne bodily into heaven, for thew you will apparently have reason for saying how gin we erosive Hie body and blood nom tie is no longer among us . Rev. Mr. Holmes. -Tb. sripture does Not say so. Key. Father West. I do not say it doe., but this inference con be drawn from Christ's words, which 1 have just •noted. Rey. Mr. Holmes "The Beek profited le mousing The words that I have spoken to you aro spirit and life.' Rev. Father West. - if you had not inter- rupted me, I would he.e erplaiomi to you the meaning of these words. t'hiet diol not intend te give Hie followers Hie dead flesh and blood, for ouch would profit us nothing, but His living flesh and blood, Himself as He .ow existe in heavy. For that remise Ho said the wordy shat I have spoken "are spirit aced life " lye you not believe that Ger lard had real flesh and blood after His resurrection, a.d 'bat He s•os.&d in this leaser into heaven! Rev. Mr Hdmsa,-i do. Rey. Father West -Well, then, when you retain our Lord you move receive Him as He aew is, that is, Hie body and Mood, seal and divinity. There is no other way in whish He caw posdbly b. reoeiyd. Rey Mr. Habra,- ('brat said you are not to receive my Sash and blood, yea ere to meesive a may spiritually. Rev. Felber W.st--Now, It H anu•ry 31. 1(.x95, eco ti.d fob emiey's of- ficial Gezemte that the .et debt has been in- creased to 1949,407 462, to which for the sett five meths add the mune rats of in - crew that took plan. in 1894 daring the same th • net deka eaan30th June, 8nexnd e , amounting to %2.3,618.140, an increase of 77,435,111 donog the fiscal wear. This skulatioa is haled on the aesump- Linn that Minister Foster wall from this out try to practise e0on0ny se he ea1b it, sod doe, at least .ot exceed ba lest year's ex• itere for the coming five months. If he doe•, and you know the slectiws aro ap- pn,achiag, our debt will be m.e\ larger ea Ha .10th June than 1 have rrple.e.ted et. Rut as it • weeder that Sl Mister Fester fee'. meet's* Parliament' Is it • weeder ha wants the elections over before an oppor- tuotty a given to the Liberal. to attack him is 'he Howe for the miserable failure het ho. made of it. Tenter, mot withstanding hie promisee, profeesiee and pledges of Isom swmoe, knew his expenditure was inereseior, while his re •*nue was •hriakiag. But ha policy sad the policy of the Government has lame one of deceit, dsosptioe, fraud .ad corrup- tion, and why now be wrpraed at the exposure the publication of this week's '.vette has bid the Government open to • A deficit of; _wards of iia stuffs defiant (e it • 'raider foster sets, "befog the one- time oe soda or 1 sat a dead dusk.- He might be abbe to tell parliament then was moth's', really is it betimes Haagen sad the lady Mork of bis department : that Ultras had hewn lid shoot is ooa.sctios with cerein women is Ottawa ; that the f surras Bridge swindle bad here overdrawn : that the L•egevi., Moa CC.esll. dike, won • .quare dealt the Tay ( anal had drained the omuntry said sot the penple'e pothole : time there was nothing ervokd about the run. oeatr.eta .or the l;yan maltreats but for Fester to be forced to get up in parliament, eppeoi•lly on the eve of an sleeken, and adenit squarer that he hail • elm milker d.6ait after all squarely as- esronces of last .safen would be mars rhea1 h• would care to undertake. The foots wen there in black amid white and there wnui4 be me way for him to get mat of it hot for him to own .p. la view .f all these fatter end &broadened ',glowers F.aree says, ' For God's meow told Mbettour or slimiest 'r chs w ruined. 11 :or fns es te he hosts before the country toy la t1e Items." y"toter l nm~' e M tnomtM ego fast as emaden approached mew eh.wesa of rstreneh meat team be made. Am order er In commit won panned ecmpmmidisg all ,echos work a 'ebbe work,. The programa hes he, phoned ; ea Mee - toe 'a ac. trite abonbeendtthedPattie Worksdip tt- mom amid • g mom Teodoro are te b. giled ler at owes for the eimetreatien el piers, breakwaters •edrt and lselnie ~� hum Ymnosesmr to will he days this statement tianneate ter mestere that, will appear iy the n the Governess. pries Rete le • bid fee year voles The fi.fmaw levant lira teem 'efitsiow17, le k e, sapling with „'h anti mouefee. A remedy must he pies, to • e f Me is hem, purely wholesome tr.. fry~every • ,d ci 1*t,.een sad "Oily 14 he gviaMt iI M tat~ ha nos lbs mss. reielea fag* lane110u, yrkp st Aft • these are eat Christ', words else oyreds. Thar . your g w are nowhere to 14e found o Rible. 7 Rey. Mr Holmes You maks your people receive Christ i a their mouth. lie.. Fatber Wert -Catholics receive Hi is their meeth, and in their heart sad sou adore wad warship Him. Yen rendes Hi in year este, in your ores and ia year ears, Mt it f my opining that you have Dever re- newed Him. All that you have over re- sived was • piece of bread and • little wise er steps jttws• That is all that you have ever rnsNyed Rev. Mr. Holmes Yon tell lies to your • Rey. Father West-- That a what you an dent .11 the time Yea tall lien to your peseta both is the pulpit avid mit of it. (At this jenesmro blows seemed in the air. Ree Mr. Holmes, atmppi.g toward Father Wert What is that you say • What is that 7.. qty • Ree. Father West What de you uaein What de you most• Leaving Mr. Holmes steadies by the ban. Seer ie the half, Father Walt opened the frost deer, pet oe his ha and reternor ear Mg ---Yee have lost maid that 1 toll boa to my people. Repeat ea the street towards it) that I tell bun se my people. New, i have cause here te gest ea orplenasies e l why ,ou atae.ked via, wad to got ewe ten re in proof orbs& yen Mash per peSpIe, that le. Chased that meet resolve sero the feria .1 bread sad that of wino, have set sae deplm Mei gives r fess Mot. •m we !fb to d, Poste, West deported and she est rev.ee sfid. t. WI1R GoIsikk. Pei 7th. 161/. pwengen more ur lees inured, and these Leri•1•tive Aseem.ly• stated that one at least of their fellow -pas• r t, ails meager* was miatsg, and several others en- Cherie' lfaaserioq, Stratford• ennneerol jeered were still et the weer of the wreck. local train, leg and body cru.hed, lnrernet The catastrophe had occurred in • cutting injuries, may not recover. known ea \t'ardlow'. Cut, about midway John S Monahan, court stenographer, compuuod fracture of Cho left ler, right hip - intones here and !!altos • tow hundred ycrushed, ringers on lett hand broken, cut* ecrb east of Highfield Har Nation. The and bruises in venous part. of body condi Chicago train, of iosaliy deergo•t.ed "No. 4, ' composed of an amine and tender, baggage lion very serious. car, etzpree oar. the lint anal second clam - Hemon, Stratford. fireman on local coaches and two Pullman ooachee, had train, leg and back islured, suffering from, shock. snowstorm when she ram into • no.bbantic travelled thus far in the Wivid 11 F: Atkinson, (dobe reporter, rib stuck there. Kdowlocalg that • local pas- broken, suffering from shook. Seager ecu not tar beam,'fur they bad bee. Judge Burton, head cur, severe shock. m cu 4.eorgerowo station together, a brakeman t, spremmha Turner of No. 6 'nim, head was seat back to flag her and Porter protect theslight shock. weather boned train. In the rear I'ullntan, obeck hurt and badlyf car "damasname unknown,. the ' Jam," was a party of legal gentle. lq shaken moo, court officials sad other" returuior to then -rut rte mt. Toronto from he South Perth election trial John Stephen Monahan, court stenogra in Stratford, which had closed on the pre- ph.r, who' wee so terribly injured in the nous evening, the passengers being lodge, Burton and Osler ; -1. S. Monahan, court wreck at Weston on Friday afternoon, as •teaegrapher ; Frank J. •looepb, court regi- dying at St. Michael's Hospital. The at trey : K. 11.- Osier and A. 11 Aylesworth, tending physicians leave abandoned hope, ooumeel ; J. K Atkinson, !:lobe reporter. and It is not thought chat he can last until Charles KA. Carr, of the Toronto Street daylight Railway company, was also in the oar. Mr. Monahan has been • member of the Knowing that precautions lied been taken reporting staff of the High t'ourt of Justice to warn the tram behind them, the penmen for soma 16 year.. He came to Canaria ten were 1104 cosomrnod by the delay, but from Ireland over 20 years ago, with the after waiting • short time some wrapped up intention of nuking • trip morose the cost" and went out on to the track to watch the nent on horseback. He traversed the I'ao.. efforts of the train bands, who were so dean Northwest as far.. the Rocky Motue- deavortng to dig out the imbedded sogtma. teens. The journey was full of adventure, At this time these., was falling and drift- and lir. Mon than lead many stories of sl- ing se feat that it threatened to bury the venture to tell in connection with hie trip. whole train, and completely obscured every- He was ac:ompanied by two or three Indian thing beyond a radios of a dozen yards. guides. On his way back he spent some at Fort shrill suddwhwas tle of an everyonppr'achao, train, end ovwas startled by the er be retureedreast y. land settlelYhen thetrip is Tor- t the same moment the car porter, who onto, and was shortly afterwards appointed had gone to the rear platform, came rush to the position of court stenographer. Mr. tag through, shouting that the train wan Monahan as a nephew of the late Chief open them. The passengers sprang to their .Justice Monahan of Inland He was al fest, but almost at the same moment comes ways knee n as • congenial, good hearted • terrific crash, and they were thrown in • fellow. He was widely read nn literature struggling heap rpm the fl -.or and over the and peeeemed • fund of anecdote and story. sats What followed is deacnbrd in He sell retained hu pure Dublin accent, graphic terms by some of the rescued pas although he had peen educated almost from eenvere, infancy in • French college at •miens, A• ei-tor 05 brerareTroa. France, Mr. Momahao was strongly am - The soo.e a the cutting, as tin pewee- pressed with the theory that Ireland would gent grad Pally pulled therneelvee tt•gether, never maks pregres. until she enluyeh Home was terrible in its details of awful destruc Kmle He leaves a wife and fire children, tion. The four of whom are girlsan u . Mrs. Monahan great iron nose of the local train the daughter of the late Mr Steen, who in -No. 6 -had ploughed several feet iota the his lifetime was an 'vainest is the employ ",lammic," which in it, turn had partially of the ibminioo hovernment. !1r Mose- teleseoped the "Scott." The tender of Dia hen ie an Irish ('atholic and • member a 6 thio had left the wile, sad wee lytwg•• .t- Basil's pariah. It is only two or those little to the left o1 the shattered Pullmans menthe ago moos Mr. Young, another and mounted on top of at was the exprese member of the reporting staff, died irom car, whole the hggage oar was heily smash• overwork* ed, though *till ea the rails. Rebind these KNOX CHURCH CONGREGATION. were the combined postofioe ear and enok.r -- Lod three coaches, but they were uninjured. • sau•fnrsery sportful ted noaar1.i In • very few minutes smoke and Are bonen standing at lb. •avet.l rennet. to appear among the wrecked care. mid in The annual steeling .f the eobrregauo.n ea ieeredibly short time they were blaring of Knox church was Feld Wednesday of last /steely. Te the amazement of ell, it was fonnd wee l: sod. pleedsu•, happy event it sem•. toes no one, m far as could he .eosrtaiete**, -r ,.sen ,ecu a+j ,grains 6Lc Lo: ort noir had e wile misshaithem the ser "Jasa•i* ' tbengh ins thrown opera to atmornmodefs ibi sire nor woe natio ar leo hnjund: bum shortly congregation. The 'pastor, Rev. .las. P. afterwards clic &b sso wi moored of Faulk At. Jarmo, B A - pre•td.d, and called for is Joseph. sad as no rile mold be found who p°1 a f n ' lie e .mons sometime and *rpm:- hal seas anything .t him it be0sme ,mains. ably certain that the unfortunate de hag ratios'. Phis castor hn.Av nv;ewed 11.• been buried 'mamma ebe bands( dolmas, Werk of (lee Irani year in the report which which was than burning en terrtisapy that he preaa'rl trim the •easier.. Fin ai Dew games were added to the communion ne attempt at inv v 5141 in the meantime the train hands had sue oeded in detaching the injured portion of No. 4 train, need the wounded from the Velt- man were placed cm beard and brsoght down here, where Hay were •tte,sded b r 1►r. Charlton, who bearded the suburban, 1 to whim& they wets transferred, and no. n otimpanid them te the Sty. Dr. K 1, Ir- win at once reformed with the aegis, to the mane of the disaster, where he toed that It.rineer Charles Maneerinp sad Firemen Hoes,., both of Stratford, had hese badly mi.s•red in the wreckaagp, while the heist was is • bad state of embalms. Tho were o•r.fally teded and placed • in oar, 'huh won shortly afterward, bikes heck to Mal - ten, from which ,fauna se elegise had beam meat dowel, mad from there mat ea to Strat- ford ie the caboose .f . freight train. While hie injntim were halm dressed Hessm told the doctor some p.rtienlere of the eelliei.., saying that the storm was se heavy that they saw nothing of the 'maim l• fret of the wi natal th yards of her. H, ' flsrpriamd hear • 5.tee bled bels meet 1e warm then as eeltbr be ger hie note saw anything a him, hat Cbl tor- rid. Merit would etnty seeenat for that. The terrible weather, with • temparetere several degrees below taro, and the strong anrthweet wind �w (down the easing. added greatly le tae wit~riPOI of the part ..erne, several of wham tussled (roes Mee a fame, fee and heeds, •1.111aaten Tot Tart, As mem as the mews resebed T.ronto an surbiwry trees wee diepwt !lied, with • theca wreeki.p !arse, to char the crook. It was a dayssees and dlsewll tack, bet peed press= was mode, send W tie ausakia H le belied the tir.lim will kw r ano4 roll, and thirty-two removed, makin• • net "scream of twenty -Ma o.er Ili* pnoinna year. 1 bore are How Seal name* on the roil The sewn of the W.F,M 5 was presented by Min M M fllair whi• Ii 'hewed the ro oeipts f:.on the moiety to be $104.92. Mie. Nosey Nairn •pate far the V. W'. M Rad, wh'". rer^ip.x w'r. 137 11 The Mee•f11i 0..., Bawd 104)011 write pe4soeted by Shell 1 Strang. That fiend raked seised smear the lousily marina bandit 0f the Western Division of Canada in the het annual report of a Fe W. F. M. S and is the banner missi.n bred of the Presbytery of Horse, haying raised daring the year 1152 25. The Y P. 1. C. K reported through its sec Ramat Sackett. Thu. .:reheat rt elicited applause from theoo.sgeogatine, anti ab. wed that he societyhas mid as t i ■ watchword "Advance edeaycr • The or Alae,) eenuthly coll•etio.s emanated t0 8167 80 is addition, • e•atidse*hle •mn.et, tet reported. amid raised by spice fel Wort, ie in the trooper, for the punkas* ,.f • preen. The Sabbath Sobeol report was given by R. R Saliew.,the seperinte..tont, t •bowed an e.rwilemet of 294 ellrelere and 36 effi.ers and t••ehere, and resafpre I 1871.27. The peeler'. Bible deet had average •ttendavi.s of 81, fad rs.etp•s • t i6fi 140. Th. Relief Se lett' rspnri was Pre- sented by 1., Strang, lsOw shwas. of Mrs. (lerynw, ' he oreeidg@i it skewed attire'sse mut e~pars ef thus-em.iert The heard el enescent tbr.•pIH tar 014•irmsa, rhea A "Zarin. dowses the tett•! metre .sed • ditnr.s of the year M 1.. $4,557.49 "•y 'elles of 1111.N7 in the tr'es•nve. if this •essegt the enftreestme with ite eouetem esMelheM+ Sle te the w.m.e o f the flbmli dylsg Mk M sail-_-- i KA M t oro a 0o plauure ie-•bestr'Nt �1'1• let the divine comforts delight their so COUNTY PATRONS MEET. ewI■g 1. lbw fliers tarryyrJAlt'tt•�yt -(t;, leaden!,-swa sem el Nt�ers„ The _Boron ('uunly Association, Patrons d Ieiniery, met in the rouscil chamber, Clinton. on Tuesday, Feb 5th. The meet• log for Seine 11111e pro015.. prion be • succrre gut the" eg 'K condition of the roofs militated m against at, as many of the delegates n ' ming hod to drive, and even those could 0,010 by tram were prevented it beim, on time, owing to the early train 'ween Kincardine and %Vingham beteg felled On rho account Mr. 4:•g president,erintiory and 11r. hardener, ('o. weld not get here until 4 20 r. u , lis of 10 t M , at which time the meet should have opened. This of course tau the meeting to be prolonged to the w Bolan hours of the morning Howe, conardennv those drawbacks, the ooun meeting, although somewhat smaller numbers than on previous 0001.100, was sumer, and many questions o1 vital Imps awe to the order, were discussed in 'rentable and masterly spirit. N het looked im numbers wee cr,unterbaleneed esthusi•um. 'There were present delegat from the extreme northern o roer of flow'and else, iron omit the extreme sth of Hay, well as from North of A•kfield and iut treeing point., showing that I'atruutam still very much elute in this county ch following officers were elected for the y 1 of j bettor F k leg on t lee leak lyy•174>sMa Una. restild aelashe Hass lie Wit, • sub Aecw- who on. be can Co. IJfead mg eted ee er, ty ID rt an it by es ck OP et t • ear Co. !'resident --A. T. lest, Ikahwood. ('o. \"tcafirm- .1. Goysnlock, Seaforth. Co. Sec -Trees 'sV. S. Lawrence, Cltutcn Co. Sentinel .1. s Brown, Ssaforth. (:o. Auditoes 1'1. y. Philip•, Kipping.1 R Common, Seatorth !tolerate to l:ran,! Association-- It. ('nm mom. Alternate, James Connolly, Holmesville After the elsNon of "Arere, Mr. For rester, Patron candidate for he ('ewnmous for West Horne, was called upon, ah., t has ecu•) manner, addressed the meeting • mm. length and partly outlined his poet tion, and oho would here entertained lh monist, much longer to Ire profit and seta faction, had it net been for the lateness o the hour. K. Common, the Patron candidate Io( the ('ominous in South Huron, was then all r1 no, who had also to curtail his re marks owing to the night being fat spent. What he did say, however,w•e to the print, and went to show to the Petrone of South Huron that they had • ca0didato of whom they need not b. •ahaine,l, as he ea a good clear speaker and close reasoner. The follne.y/ motion was then pawed Moved by yr S. L•werence, Clinton, arc - mended b. 1. Northcott, F;xet.r, that this ('minty Aseocietion tender its theihke to the Town Council of Clinton for its kindness in •hewing us the free use of the ball for our meeting,af ter which the association adjourn- ed, to sleet in ('lintoo, the Prat Tuesday in February, 1896. fat church ti'area : Tne T.410 v„ ,4 S. S. No b. re l=un4as.d • tine bell for the ivel one eat crocked. the miser daughter of F:.ti, Ntr.u., ,1104 0o Friday McKillapwee aged,■ t sfl soloe boughtb 'lay.. timber on bye sates from the t'ada i it pa•7 and is e•g•god taking the on cedar off i Waogham t,eo, t rutckeh•nk .hipped a oar load of hogs on Wednesday. and 5. Bur- chill shipped • car loaded cattle on Thera - day. bI,•K'Hop Wu, lbl:St has purchased the farm .1 I:wogs Mahle. It uontune abut 40 ides, 11 • priest •{reed upon bang 2,000 Hdmseville .Judge is,yle well hold • sttil.R of the( ort .4 nevisieu in I'ok•rd's hall we February iich, ueniaencin5 at 11 o'clock. Clinton \1'i,,i^ to',og,temug , o :Wards evening, a ..,nog, dam/heel of F: Hernia: cut her tat, a poet y anally lay roaming fate a taro wire fcnc.. Ret Minton , 11r. i,oforth, fc,rmerly a missionary it, 1 hiss. ' oepud the pulpit of Willa church on .uaday everting, b.a,iag • very large sudart,r Clinton .1..1 t',ntper, of Turonto,hHdest ODD of W t .,,per ser msasimoiaby elected rotary Tr• .,u;reg of the 4 ";median preen Aseocatuon lest week. 1Viaghen, Wm Tucker a lying in • very e low o,ditt ni sen t\ ogl.r.,. "rhe 4.01 that t he had amputrteJ 'mote 111114 atgo is the - source of all the trouble. e \Y,nahrop !.drew 4,oveakwk, of Win- throp, has Isere( hit moral store for a f tern, of years to Frank Wilbo., formerly cheese ma,. r .t N Lathrop. ISluevale (Ir Applehee has cold out hie property en 11,c outage "eel intends return ang to the fans. H. sold Me hoses to Mr. N asman and /Seto lir. ih.asni firer , W.,4eskb0 hut the oo.trfet fee drawing Ithe m4,k to Moimwort1 shwas factory for the liosdsry, at 80 cents per trip. J Cott lee rl'lod at 93 rent.. Brussels .1. Mchtwao it Co., of Kirk too, moved In Brussels, where they will se gave In the mertasule Waukee. Their goods were shipped by gal from kxoter. Hemmed" The "At [lime ' `ivy by the Young People s Aaoutuu+s o1 St. Jelin '. church last Ender ermine was • meet en joyable ono and redaete:I great credit upon the promoters. COMING AND 001440 - Mem ithel Acheloos is visiting in TorGeto Mlw IMyle, ('kurch-lot, a at preeeat sari• oasly iadispo•td. Alex and Malcolm Meteor returned horse from Big River last week. Mrs. E. Campton .mei daughter, lora, are neither, friyds is Krantford. Mrs. Ile. Shannon and child were venting in the massa ('sty last week. Frank 11• -.den, of the Albion, has re- turned frau a trip to comrade. A. Monroe. of Port Coldwell, lake *opener, ie visiting at hes ►yk in town. Mr. sed Mn. Rehm. Stewart, of St. Marys, are veitiv Mr Burrows and family. John McDonald, who heed boon speeding the Minter ie Wi.rtop, returned home on Monday Henry 11 •roold, of (ollm4wned, is • guest at the Wtlkeman residesoe, f"tg(n-si, this week. Ihan 31.1 .nd, of 9.nd Re..h We saving statues, who had taws visiting hie parents ie Kipl.y, .pent • few s,I. . hare last week. of Works, wee weal to hernff duty severalmal daye last week its anemone of • very revere cold. It. Nnrrtei. el Marginate, Mob., who hod been g • ample of weeks with relatives in tow., returned to that plate e. Thursday cast Wn. MoV,sar, °f Joh•aton a Herber, epee a few days in town loot week While here he was right royally entsrt•ig.d by the (3ederich (tun (:I.h 1). McDonon•Id, who hat knee epe.di.g part of the winter up nu the ('hergsaa Moly, returned hewn* em Wearies week. find Iwnnght home with him • bum.tifel whiteeidemelt tga.m dog, which is being a Min Lottie (3ewths, ..f Rlsmardlse, is violated is sore, the aura of Mies Ret PNley, Nseth et Mee amain lee rows hens hew Tervma•, wither she hon hoe aaMMy improved kamedial b sad Y w cw.ider. Brussels %Ira. Katt. Raise received • telegram from Ida -know on Wednesday lase week aneouncrug the death of her hrother- to-law, 5I.x Mctlonald• at the advisee& age of 84 years • (.o&serelt '1'p . A farm of mono 100 aerie, 0o the lla,tloo,i r -rt Iind.reeh toweelti was offered by auction oe Saturday, bat fire only bid removed for it was rine of 11200, eo 1 was not w,id Rrw.x1. t'ept Bowe and wits fare welled at the harreeks here last Sabbath and have gote to rbneto Por ordain as to their nett •ppmnrmaret. A farewell tea was given 1 ueeiay .t'esisg W. \t •wano»h Masers Watson • Bmigh were ia.thee section a few deye ago looking up fat sleek sad hop. They made a per chow of "seen head of fine heifers sod 25 hoe. from 41 ,b•rt Me N'inghan .I..hn i:illdd..ep4, of town, wee al Palmerarnn Inning the weak akteodt•g the luspral of • ennele who was killed on the railway et I'.'eereten. Ih. deceased was • brakeman rte the I:. T. R. Knresels .I faros, hes the champion Wade of the. a..tou. 1t is 7 tees lour and 15 by 3 f.,t r• thiekeema Mr. (:rower eye mays he will dispose of et on reasmu.bk tame to any person lanai ea Ice homes E. Wawan•eh (4r Wednesday, Jen. ia John 11, It , o,dger., ot Wiseman,. carried a °rte .f the tat• 70004 maiden. 04 '14.65(4.0- c.nesw, in t1.. p.roe of M4 . Marg;,' 11: Black, snit J..ehter od .lersi lNnok, 8s•lnrth tt',44,. sethsi4 4. obs hese horns tie a few weeks endersatt mare, returned hr.; I.nsde•. again Ge kis 1.rearm. 1411 rsemer 40.144•. as mower with the Lo,-'••, /'minter* 4'ompsy. Client!' Nis Strickl.ed, off 1�gtew. died • tow ,fey. age, Irwin( three to inners her delete : eh* will be karma be ('IIetMIM. as Mae Flanigan, as enc time etrplered as adliser with J. (' i etler. pbnh r.• lir ghitti.g dews at the Vetere' Li react loos Friday proves the adstdw edNr. FrrmIN w rmae�teheA .t4wd•.� dems tMlstem(ea.nMil. o rt