HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-2-7, Page 8THE SIGNAL : GODRRICH, ONT., THURSDAY. FEB. 7. UM. AN OFFER! . NOW AND NOW ONLY I of patsies is forty. There is real mttd s• tar. however, a paying promptly every fair death claim es it arises, as isa been the prwt.ca of the oompsay frau the bsgaoutg. as to so dorm we are filfllmv the Nectar and purposes of • lite •e uresue umpa.y, and helmet' to provide tor elder, rid help Wes children. When 1 tell you that the unrest rad rests due are ler thou of i of total as- sets, you u,ust admit that it 'weeks well for Ithe care and ability with which the firaour This is the Line we are selling comtniiuee and the executive odium of the at Dissolution Sale PL ice this uompa■y have dtecb.eged their duties. A comparison of the business of the nom week and next. patty.. it was bye ye•re3ago, with what it was ori the close of 1.1 el, a et once interest toil and eacounigintt teeter a file tromp ay...d I am soy with- out hearties, to ear patty -beldam sad others, that I doubt very much If there r say other ..n.pny is the oos.try whose •ecunttea are of r lttb • cheerer s• those bold by the North Amerces I4.. 'L'bev have bees ..Lotti with great jedg.e.t,and we hams the &drainer of • urn of very lags exposers in Mr (:alley, who exeiease great can tie reporting on ell properties uI fared to us for luso. James 'Thurburee, .1 U , presented his toll and t.t.resttng •druid report us the mortality experience at the smeipany, alter which .1 A. Kerr, 1, ('., moved • vols of thanks to the u.e.tical director tor the are tuatrner iu which he had ce.ducted the et fairs ot the medical dep.rtmvet. This was OUR ACCOUNT BOOKS IMienther '.l locreasee s eu..bmcl ny :sir Freak `moth. who express i'er od coohdeuce in the future of the ('os.panv, cert and his eatell•ction •t the excellent tiros: arefrom the very best man- ufacturers. an I 1 Inti• ANT 1. $C' ial result.,f the pat year'. work. Aweste,.ILtR7,4NLtW a,ic.; coma m1.1:0.:le.tw Irl Hearty votes of th•aks were te.d.reJ the ufacturers. We have the kind ate, no 18 eau N lee tess.t• l-1 yo.. want. All kinds of COUNTER BOOKS and similar mercantile necessities at Disw_ lotion Sale Price. DIARIES for 1895 at 25 per cent. off. No Goods charged at sale prices. FRASER & PORTER, Booksellers and Stationers, 1.. at w&a.smee roll relembese Lw/este\. NL ol), 'ti AUKICA\ LIFE. Report of the *nmol Meeting. creat, et toetheSea (prwarertu. .e ler rent et` •ba• Retteab I roarer. r 4 era ran, • t�M'Yars whew lea I. IM(s.N.t mawagrlwrme moray with the found•ttw you the. laud. \ ou then gave the stamp of your approval and adoption of methods, plea' and systems that appealed to & conservative tudgmeot, and which were consistent with w enduring acres, and succor has followed almost as • matter of course. lm view ot the serious depression in hum- ors circles during the peat two yearn your jpCreae in premium laconic is very nem. worthy, and will be foiled to be very me - usual. The 'acres,* of 163,859 bo in prem- ium income fur 123'23 evidsoes the adapt- ability of your agency staff, and proves that it consorts of men 01 vigor and intelligence, who know how to apply thetr energies with the best elect \ our gain in interest receipts speaks well for the teak:mosses of your investments The comparatively high rates of nutmeat ob- tamable •s something fur wht.b the holden of your deterred dividend policies may be profoundly matelot. 1 he valuation of year rests and the de- termteation of your liabilities have been '(' I Fant mal meeting of tit i, cowpony was hid at its head other, Toronto, Tear dew, Jemmy 29th, 1896. John I. Mattis. tee. P.eide st. was appealed 1 hairm.n, rind William Malabo, Secretary, a hen the 1 .Ilowi.t report was submitted ire erectors bare much pleasure, at the close of such • year of Seance' stringency r 1491, in primaries • report showing so enemy prattle of 000tinued pr.rperity ie conducted consereattvely, and they show • •very t p e$$$$ bess:•A of the oompany'm clear surplus of $338,21b.75. This surplus fund •bene beyond say question the abwl- work. ute /security you are enabled to offer to Duni* Lha yes appticat ou« for mew a- policy -holden during even the severest of surmises ace& wwelegatioo wore received tor monetary depressor. The profits yon are $3,0:z9.90O, alai frsnnnces thereon for 12,- is a position to earn are eery largely In on • 1:30.460 ware granted, being an increase con cess of what can he earned by companies de- 'ider la eider of that of soy former barred from pnvilegee of being able to in - year, TM ptatatuau actually received in vest their assets in Canadian securities. Policy -holden are often carried sway hy the a.,. or age of • life company, The cru - eta! teat is the ratio of assets to total ti& bitittes. Next in imprr•oce, probably, stands the surplus and surplus earning power of • company. With enra herd down to • rigid gold basis, you nevertheless fully cover every liability sod have *large magtn of safety over and &bore every re.uIrement. t-adoubte ily the North American I.tfe Assurance t•ompaDy has attained that de- gree o-gree of solidity which can best be ceder. u u•. _ _ t' a board officer* red arena of the Cuwpan). • :'0,,10.ttt -'91.-11-0.l >w •:a • 91 i anti at • outage's'. modes/ of the newly ' in war elected board. Mt. John L. Blaikee eta u, forte 14.1-1.: wri..d+.•„t O, .. t _,.bi oe .e• arts 1u pot cT hold sr• tyl 1SIL 51 tl.t11&L'e, ,t9 ILL ' Theme figures show that the uomponv's replete has during the brief period ut five I years Increased about louttold, while the assets have tncrees..d about nue and • halt told. The more chiefly soy person ..:rutinl,re the figures of all the lite tsurssoe cum ponies doing business in the Itominiou of t anade. with s view to reverted' which can do the best tor insurer*. the more tae will be cooctnud that the torch Anal ceu lade stands to the very front rank. The independent report node by Mr standee, our cop.ultinl, actuary, is not poly of unusual interest, but is also extremely gratifying, eudoninv In such 00 ueotialined manner. of it dose. all the method* by which the Nutth .tmen.an 1110 prosecutes its bus& nor, glviug it a very high 'oration &nous •ucceestul lite Insurance companies as re• .pacts •otidny. •.sooty and profit earning power for the benefit of its policy holders. 1 gladly avail myself of this opportunity CO eat the &access in which we all rejoice is largely due to the &behiy and devotion to duty of Slr. 11c(abe, our enraging director tat Mr. Goldnan, our secretary, and other °slicers of the .i mpaoy : also to the unceas- ing care and great professional skill of our medical director, Ur. Thorburo t1unng the pest fourteen years the com- pany has rebored for death looses, endow- ments, profits on investment polices, over three ,tuarten of • million of dollar, and en the present time holds as security (or its policyholders' assets, as per balance sheet, $I,4t7,44e 3ii, and, en addition, un called guarantee fund of 1240,000, or in all the large .um of $3,417.4405 30, thus giving • relative security doobtler unsurpassed by adv other company. l'or my own rttnfoctioa L hare summed into the relative position &oared by this Company and four other leading companies I footed thus inve.tigatlun very interesting and satisfactory, and 1 am sun you will be pleased to hear the result, as it indicates very sheerly the great growth and unexcelled position attained by our Company, Comparing the Munnetra of the North _American Life. at the end ot tts fourteeeth year, with that of the companies referred to at the same period in their history, n will be found that the oldest of thene companies bad but .bout o.e-third of the boomer in force that the North American has. that the surplus of the emceed wit over 20 per cent. lee than that of the North Ameri- can's, that the aaseu ot the third were more then '1,300,000 lees than tboe of the North American's. while the Mash income ot the fourth war leaf than one-half el those of this t'ump►sy Now, gentlemen, 1 have said enough in support of the motion to adopt the report and balance sheet. and enough to make us all proud of the North American Life .Assurance 4'ompany . enough, too, to serve a. a ormolus to our nvmerou. &genu in the field to renew their labors with re doubled eoagy and seal. so that at the close of 18% • lenge increase .t business will be .hewn, and a positive benefit accrue to every person who has been induced to become • polwy•holder in this con.pany. During the pest year the company id many death claim, where but for the policy, widows and fatherless children would have been left in dire want and distress. This fact newt .Iwsys be • poserful argument by our agate in canvassing for business, as ninny men are w circumstanced as to be en • tirely unable to provide for their families in army other way then hy IDsur.ag their lives, and hen Ne iodure 10 do this becomes cnmim- .l neglect. Slimy insurers, however, can be oppro.cbed sod convinced by an entirely different kind ot •r'ument. Keen. c.kul•ttntt men are met with who won't listen to any argument other than IT W I L I. PAY and our agents can meet such men and satisfy them that to take out an endowment policy in the North American Life Aruras.'e Company se • paying invest meat, and at the same time • much ester and rounder one than many of the Myst meats for money now obtainable. 1 •eutlemen, i would like to repeat what 1 rid on • former reams, and to do it by way of warning, and that is, that • class of companies are pushtag busmer in our midst whose methods are redieally unsound, who make contracts that will not nature for many years, making no Adegnsts provwon for their payment it .maturity, •o that the holden of such policies are deemed to cruel emit .bow es i.otea.e of !63.85, t.3, being by far the Weise of &rev year in the it.. poly's bimtgmF. Th. interest ee the iaysstments wee well paid. tend with the premium income aggregates eNd. 93, a strums i.ronf of the solidity ee Ire h.ltesms and investment. of the company. The .soma azimut .to $1.967,344' 3v, of watch the tans main of $244,319 represents the odd:tion to 4M r'e.erve fund, which .ow amounts to 11.564,020 itur.n. the year th en of $13,3,426 5'L was paid to poltcy- eau. 1.,liere, .04 1t making full pruvtneo. on stood by comprises with any of the large the moat o. '.ledtfve basis. tor every Ir- companies. In all e.sentials especially i.tiity there ram is. the orally. ly large cam them of power tui a not surplus and d tu r l b e ny of $334.21b IPA tet surplua available for ung Y y p licy-hohl.re. It is ptea•ing to re• ort that other ocompanye too a t to ovcrlonic thew re- tqi results llt the armp•ry s iavestmeotInsurers we undue tm rouse to men policies, whit* •.atatred during the year hurtlesd We, which, unsupported I'O rued b other gave, le heretofore, entire eattetacuon to ageppo Y to the holden- The allocation of.urplue to valuable considerations, really count for the investment policies maturing in 1S.:1 -Es nothing Illustrations of this can he seen we approved a/ commendable by the corn- today is the bated States, whore mazy of pbuy•a aoanjtiogsmeary, whop. report of the smaller companies, although forced into the compeny's work fur 11194 u herewith competition with their larger rivals, are submitted, The hooks of the company were riving much better and more satisfactory •Ias.4 ow the last day of the year, and, as returns to their policy holders than many of here,ofore, the full 4 ovorement report was the larger companies. rrouiptly wiled to the '.uperntendeor of-tupendous asserts are offset by corre- Isrurr.os at Ottawa.■poadingly large liabilities. la the balance Tice starter made • complete audit of the 'beet they dr, not add at.reortb, the test of uen puny•■ affairs monthly, and at the close which, m well-established companies, u the of the year verified the cash Io hated tad to true ratio of resources of meets to Itabth- bsnks, cad also msamimed each mortgage and ties, which is absolutely indepeodeot of the evert other security held by the company. euestton of die 1 fir report, and also that of the Auditing WILLIAM T. S'f ANIUF.\, whish male •• memos, wait i Comsulusv .tctuarv. Committee, lua•tsrly, are herewith submitted. The { (ohm L !Shore, is moving the &dopt ou eenices of the oompam7 a staff of °Mer ,n- 11,1 Ibm report. mil speetor• •.d •pmt. continue to deserve t;i'TI.rrt.. 1 have • pleasant duty to i • c tut coin ' discharge In moving the adopiton of the re JOHN L. BI.Alhrese.ieien: port and halance sheet now submitted fur i'rI your approval. -. .tw.ei O. VIZ MILL r(%•\e•IAI.er*Time'? i That you will heartily approve of them 1 , t, RAUSct loamy volt Tttk 1 tits" t., . and adopt them 1 do not doubt for • mo- v•►k arms* Nmtglwma3ltyr, 18911 ment, as in all the vital particular' that $ ft59,3'm1.4.i make op solid success In a life assurance 1 ash is.ome..., company there u moat gratifying program, ♦apenditure• p.wdltl� d&MA and results have been attained whish cannot crime, e.dowmm.ts, twolhm. , foil to afford great satisfaction to the sal all pmpwsent• to poh•T- 286,19.3.40' policy -bidders and gu•ranton, and at the holders. • • • • same time cheer our agents in the prosecu 1,987406 00 Aosta tiof their arduous labors for the cem Itesave trued 1.564,,070 tom 7S ' and bitter dwtprnmtmeot. polies. 338 216 5 fwOy' f and f d ppmars to tntelligest onlookers una.tmously re-elected 1 t, •ud Hos G. Lt. .Allan mid J. G. , tr.C_, t'1ee Preen lento. READ YOUR POLICIES. rerbme. 1.a Tbisk tee rest teed 1e. Mt 1 es re. t ommercal The Commereul has more than once &dewed comniercwl area to read the« insurer* policies. All policies should be read over carefully, and if there u ray clause whtcb is 001 understood. have it fully ezpleined before til• matter is allowed to reit. The •dyuesbility .1 tollowing thus ad- vice wit recently illustrated by • loos witch fell opus' • trader to • Manitoba town. A snort time age • stock of goods at Porto/eel., 1. {'rune was damaged by bre to the extent of about 17J11. The stock was ivaur•d and rhe merchant •zpected to recover the full amount of hue loss. He was very much sur- pns•d to had, however. that the cconpery an which tie we insured was oily liable for • portion of the loss. A clause to the pottery read as follows „It is part of the cunsideratioo of this policy and beau upon which tho rate of premium a tiled. that the inured shall maintain laaurante cos.urrent in form with this policy with each and every item on contents hereby toured to the extra of at feast i per cent. of the actual cash value thereof, and that failing so to do the Insurer shall be wiosurer to the mzi'ut (.1 say amount sufficient to snake the aggregate is. sumacs on contents squat te 75 per ant. of the actual cash value oteach rad every ROM of the contents hereby toured, sod in that capacity shalt bear its proportion of army toes that may occur. This feature of the pulley had escaped the •ttwiion of the noir chant, notwithstanding that be a considered • shrew.i busm**s mao The effect ot this clause was such that the merchant was actually carryurg • oousider able portion of the risk htnrelt, ss the so- •uraace be tarried did nut amount to 7, per cent. of the value ot the .tuck. Ml•nv would read the clause wtnuut understand tog Cully the meaning, and it may be il.us- crated u follows • merchant currying say $6,000 worth of stock, would be oldie/oil to tsar for on •mount not ler than $4,5(0,or 7.. per rest. of the •slue of the stock, m order to obtain the full insurance in taw of the loss of the stock. 11 he had coly 13,000 insurance on the •sine amount of stock, the insurance company would be Ialtle for thou share of the low only se based pro rota no 13,0!0, while the merchant would have to bear a pro rota share of the ions on 11,500. lbs difference Mtwee. the Insurance carried cad the 75 per coot. ot the stook. In other words, the merchant carried the risk us the amount sideman w bring the inaurangs up to 7.� per cent. of the stock. Toe mereLan has learned by experience that it is wore to read over •II policies. 1 here are many who do not read their policies. sod who should profit from the ...rename of another. • si1 .lfe met Ildwyer'. The professor of law is u script es soci- ety. and the more enlightened the society the more necessary and honorable the pro - femme. When Bear 'wttt called the law • bottomless pit, • cormorant, • harpy that FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY &TOCK-TAKIG SALE AT C. R. SH ANE & 00.1 e• ATI' KUA\, JAN. duck, we c.,mnasapd a !tock taros :isle et all our Loud., to heat for two weeks only In Lila' use we wait to make • lord clearance in our enure Stock, and completely close out some liner. Sim will offer everything Is Net surplus for poNcy- c' Atelieed mad fom.d correct. WIL. law MtC•ma, JAM* C•01.yt.i, M 11, M SMR, Auditor. AdiSIOS Grltten d M• Hoard Zweeri.a 4;,.ilea.. � JAuraS•urea 1 o t1.• Ihree er & of the North Amenan 1 I.dfe Anywise, Om. : 1.r- ri siteri,-I hove made • very careful 1 invesiigaties el year .setbeder mid system• 1 .f busmen. se they are iw&iested by your ; books, ,.muses mad merlesle hear office re. ' cords 1 ,.drat refrain fresi saying that this invest amnia bee boon unusually inter eche CO mm, become it hos so very clearly and c.tnclusively Proves to me the 'rest d• 1 'r ore .f •r.emtive mad edministr•trve caps ••i,y drought to boar by the oilmen ot your • nwnpany apes even the miaow details of theb,uinees eery forcibly , lois eonsi4ecatioe has bus ry 'r1 upoe we) naiad as 1 examined yodr books and records, .aid in.lutrd Unto v.n..i0 details of ynsr busies'., that the North Americus la r beteg built up aro • losad•tiee that r faultless. The structure that you see remise, year by ver, esulA armor have •tsetse& meta perisac harmemy of melee and p..} amid never roe Id have hese se soled •si endwrti t as it now is, if the foundatim s1 th.•erale !a bdeneu had been hastily or asrwlei! 10/8 i° w row. of root ,, - .1SSS odlteelon. . Life imnr•ne• a� �! ere wb$eetd to soap • sssrebisg /mMl.r m�mtal soretny is every detail Msdtr tosMw n. /bet it Moi vital import that. de $.w shell be pee ,*tted t0 impose their aselsi ems er en their data es paMe& catlike s. on'res of sr ear Mem wish to know Ore whet you see ossa rims most im6 r 1A 1 y W he' rem imeeeehe Mb Fee bete diem Ware bee beim u Mr rho. o. fully borne out by figures to which 1 invite your Total cash income for 11394 1893 leerier+ ,lb per ce.t.) Total meets. Ise. 31st, 1894 the acts t ores • attention that it u • mon( important thing. and in enters drreetrd of public interests, that any 1558.3'!0.'+5 oompaaies should be perteitted to carry on 482.514.08 ouch borers, and at the Milne tine not be oublected to mapection by the ltomtstos 76.880.86 government to the same way as all the regu. 1,987,446.30 ler os"runce eompaniea an. I.3°3•463•36 in conaluseon, 1 have only to lay,1et every meter here present. whether policy - Iecrsw 1.1 ; per oaot • 283, '/92.91 he11N, g■ crani r, director or agent. sot 'Total reserve and earplug funds only reenly push 1►ec 31 Itr27 Total rasa p pang tett watch for opportunitiesng Inc • to forward the interest& Slat, 1,902,236,75 .f the North American Assurers (;oar re andaur lu.fsnds of dot 31st, 1991 1,616,572.26 so, and thus ensure a Wu* send steadily Increase 118 coot 1785,664.44 increasing business for the ver m which len we Mee now entered. These Inge inareasss are all the more The Vice -President, Hon 4:. R•. Allan, s ooadiug the resolution, said that the 1'rer- dist bad so fully covered every point is the report that it really left him nothing further to say, tomer that be folly endorsed every remark of the Chairman u to the program of the Company and the •olid position it bad attained, and s • 'sae/Ilse institution, ere meld Ali look forward with porter ore Adeno• to its increa.sd growth and fat.rs prosperity The motion wee usssiwowly carried The 1'hatrman .zpesesed great regret at the abrin• thrnnvh illness, of James Scott mhalrn.aa of the tisanes ooenmittee, where able and cowhpreheseive report on the sato fernery renter of them i.ve.tttwati of the ('.spiny wea read b the Howl; W. Allan, who said 1 sheltie' Ilk• to he permitted to add to wet Mr Scott has said • few words with reward to our meet a Isvestwaenta. I'erhap. I may edam to .peak with the d sestet' .4 seem little •vperi•see, having hese consented as directs, mud presidium with loom eempmeu for over thirty yen i hove token • geed deal of lmrest in the madam es . rasher M the Saari el 1M gratifyingwhen we ooh.icter the hard times so many leave eIpwisoed during the past year, and :he keenness of the eompetition for hosieees by •II clam's of eomp.niee. Any thoughtful and intelligent person who studies these hgar•a .50501 fall to come to the ooneiosm that ample peviein0 r made to meet every contract emend tete with its policy hoiden. •ad art only so, but aloe that the North American I.ife is Mild- Iag up a large surplus nut of which profits tor policy•hel.fere alone fan name, whish eow.p•res most Iovnr*My with any other 1'MnInny making retains 10 t:overnmaat initial Pigments to poli.t hs..r. t r ,1894. Including. endowments, proAts en tame meant police**, etc , for 1894 .$143,426 52 de do for 1994... so,t,sh 53 iacro•se, '65 , r east. ).••• . .....1 52.760 99 The mortals') in 589,4 was •seeptiosally light, and, though is INK it hsa bees great .r, it es stall largely widths empeotauem, rad t has to he borne is mi.& that these se • ewe& larger •traowet of risk ` the twe.a e GENTLEMEN'S - - FURNISHINGS at prow hitherto unbeard of here, cad •L' our rum will he sold regardless tat cust,to prevvnt cam lug over •'eagle article. This r a erou1De sale, anti • chance for bargains that no other hours in the county can offer. Come in and see. C. R. SHANE & CO. 50,000 Envelopes deyottre htng,he we mon witty then we'.. Society would be • bottomless pit and the harpy. of anarchy would devour everytbtng wttbout it. We are in the baba cf pointing back to the thirteeoth century or to the time of Eswsrd 1. as the age wheo the prole Bios tint eppeered. The adverts we known In Roman Jurteprudence. The recommit l leero woo hu brat renown in Nue defence of Komar, the great tragedian, against Sylla, the dictator of Rome. Here Cicero met such famous advocates e 4 otta and Hortensia' These me. were pleaders at the her. For back of the, time, however, even 300 B.('., F..chine• sad Ilemotbenes were advocate' and pleaders at the bar of Athens. retort this age of Attic efo•tuonca socio ea tea Ir.aol of the Rabylontah goveraots, adage, sheriffs, and counsellors, sad 1,000 KC. the profeosuoo et counsellor was known. • swills.. tones Ilan. There u foe Tear man in this town who doesn't propose to be caught in the crap of any des.Rotng woman. He is rich, inclined to mixed company, .sd • willing eater. tamer when present in the body. but be does hate to let me of hie lady esrrespoo- deaa get a stretch of his handwriting. He bo' • morbid dread o1 ita turning up in the shape of evidence a a court of ace at mote time. Whomever he writes w them he die guises his hand so that oro oda faailiar with his writing could be led for an instant to re- cOrmi,. it. And he carries this habit so tar that the other day, when he went tossed • teWr•m [making •o appointment to • ride ea the lecke and • supper afterward. the girl at the telegreph buster meld hardly read the swage She looked at him curiously. Re seemed like as edoeated man : looked as if he knew what culture meant, and won the clothes of a mem who teas able to oondaet hie owe ocrrespoedoece So she roa-ludd to try him. "Cee't you write any better than that she asked .. A es, I can write better,' he said "Hut 1 dno't tyre to put that meter• in my own ha.dwntier. eau the frank re spurns' "Weil, ell, 1 couldn't telegraph the hand writing if 1 wasted to," sighed the girl wearily, as she sat desire to the key. awed prooedd to click away • portion of hu in name. 4'hie•ge Herald. Set. faeak1y f rte- A M$m.tetmr.. '1 had found it esiessary ea oeoonst ob de sstrtagm.ey el as hard times ea' the gtusral tray a- e�me1.11w melon, is nae - amAten mid Iii ishw'eb, t' jel.rdeee ma art ettwt seis a.Yeesbmm bet. it is en araag• d dee a b.1 &ode w ge artab falls oe • red plesh maim w4do i sow. A sickle will rag • small boll int eeteall heart by b eaagratembsa, ss' • s-spse1 Mama. sea fellow erwliM, will ad Mrs piss(. as ye' will ye'adves seosrately. Int iM a. now p'meuei, w'5M 1 takes elf ma bat em' lines • high' Toll of Vintillg Paper 1 have must purchased the above large „u•ottttes mod ars prepared to otter to the public the highest grade of raper and En- velopes at Puce• unheard of before to 4 .oleric h. SPECIALTIES TIM TABLETS. My stock of Blank Books, Office and School Supplies is COMPLETE. Tlie Pop��lar 13(L Str, D. B. CALBICK, Seen, ae.liserry lame tame' l...d.. 1-N11f'»+'ER\-EiI AUCTION SALE I I 1 are reees.ed tustructio0• to.e:t. w.ihuut reeei vr. At my Auction Rooms, Hamil ton Street, Godorich, On Saturday, Feb, 9th, 1815 DAY 2 WE MOVE TO'DAY --INTO-- Our New Store, Corner of Square and West Street, (Lately occupied by Mr. John Butler.) JAS. ROBINSON, C. .SII si OIw "Cash is King!" X + t. 1 It ,t The only UP -TO DATE Grocery in town is the- fsC.IS '.. I PCERF." If you want anything in our line you will find our Stock Complete. •. onomenc.n.• at (2 oc:ock. noxa t pair of notched Privies Mom. rising 5 years old. ,vol Week, ,.erfoctly broken and kis.! in all hennas. 1 Rosa Horse. mono 1. years old. • perfect sad 11.- horse. and kind in all harass. 1 (Mark Mare. t years old, broken to drive sin- gle and doable. and to ride. wilt make a rood mare fur children to drive. 1 parr of good. b4 Wora.ag lfarer. one ruing and one 4 years old sound. and 'item good worker*. : goo.(, ueeful honer . a hoed delivery horse 1 Sorrel bone. ries 6 Teen old, soiled. oriot 1.100: a first -dame worker. 1 tt.y Horse, rising 0 'ears old : a ere-. lar work hone. 1 Carriage Mae. 2 wets of Light Double Harness. Y woof Single (farness. *Good Robes. 2 !tnound-Itaad ('utter. t Chryease Paddle, trade by Collies, cost 4.51 when new. 2 good 7d11cb Cow', to Calf, 1 Coffee taw. 1 Cheese eats and Calle, 1 Delivery Cart. 1 Letter Press. 1 Butter IYier, Ladles, lea 1 Secretary and Hook ('saes. 1 bhn(l. dleittk. 1 Sleigt, Tongue. Two Hearses, one Carriage sad one "rush, all in good shape. and will point.% sly be sold for who, they will bring. We are sloe clearing out our stock a eiver- coats, kc.. at whatever Price you like to Ln7 • Remember the date and planet. OtU drT'a Anetion Rooms, Haa.:lton- it., Tsbrabry �, 1805. T_ C-TJNDRY. A C.7 ION EER. GIVE USYOUR ORDER . . .. RiiiaF`' amDtt•e Satisfsctk,t. A't / Our Goods are " The Best "- *-4•:"4-1 Our Prices are "'1tottom Cash Prices." �'Fartners wanting hbl. Salt. remember we keep the best, and wt. keep it dry. PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASEI. G. M. ELLIOTT, The Hamilton et Grocer. • WANT Aimed sen Jones. An &musing incident occurred at the close of Sam •loam' sermon at Pulaski the other day. Stepping down from the pulpit, fold- ing his hands across his bros.( and looking solemnly over the audience, the great re rivaled said - •• 1 want all the worries int this revel wire have not spoken • hush word or harbored an ',skied thought toward their Mabee& for • mouth past to stead up " One old worm, apparently se the shady side of 60, stood up. '• ('ora totw.rd and gime me your hand, said the preacher. the woman did en, whesreupoo ,Imes mid ' Now tura around ani let tale audience est the beet looking women in the oouom _ _ 1894--1895 A- we plan for the new year the question comes to our mind, What has the old year brought to us, and what will the new year bring ? 1894 has brought us a highly- successful business year. It -trough - out the year we have tried to establish a confidence between buyer and seller which some merchants dont give much thought of. 11'e doe We have tried to give our customers such value that they would come to us when needing again. We have tried to wake a silo lily boot a disreput- able thins,;, and build up a trade notal for good goods. and you all know how successful we have been. Notwithstanding all the cry of hard times, low prices, and scarcity- of money, our sales have ALMOST 1)OITBLEI) the amount of business done in this stone last year. 1x94 ham been goad to us. What will the New 1 -ear bring ' As yet it is almost a blank page anti wt• can write on it just what we. choose. It will be for us just what we Make it.. So we will endeavor to snake it even a more suc- cessful year than the old year, rind by striving to buy at the closest fig- ures, and selling for the closest figures, and selling for Cash, giving our customers the hest quality possible for the least price possible by study- ing your interests, which are mutually ours, we hope to make the suc- cess for 1895 which we have planned. We are now giving clearing vices on all cold weather goods -Felt Shoes, Felt Boots and 1)vershoes- e will not carry then over to next season. See them before you buy. Afar terse her seat the revivalist d - dreamed the men " Now 1 wast all the men in tilie crowd who have Dot spokes • hush word or har- bored an unkind thought toward their wives tor • trtoath pest to stand op." Twenty etre Rot beg strapping fellows happed eat et the madame, wttk all the al- acrity M champagne arks. ' Coma forward tad give ne your hada, my dear boys." Doses gave each sae • vigorous shake,siter which he ranged all of thews ode by side is front of the pulpit and hsing the &ethane& H. lenkd thea over °stolidly and solenaly, &ed then, turotrr around to the wdisnos.he said " 1 want you all to take • :ood look at the 27 biggest liars n the Mate of Teases- _ wh M Paid. A Western groom re been dais; • that leg best.ess r• BONK mem pen.i pash- as/ea. ea each of whish is Owed a silver pletd apes, says an.xoi.anwe. Ysy tea rose woodland how he meld poesibly give away this spm sari realist • prodt oe his emfm bet the secret el the soii lies is the teat that the spore e& naly • emit irss Maid nem, meting wholesale at the tuts of twelve meta a Memoir was seat seek, .ad the *pees when t1t 4 M of less mhos thew the ream wei modes. H. B. POLLOCK, Th+ New $Itoe Starr • eeepN./ looddlaa. She w.' • haughty dame, and beteg os • shopping etpeditioe with u friend, b•ppmn .d to catch • glimpse of an •c lu•Intance she did not wish 1e recognise "Iwt .s go thea way past the talk °ouster. I lust re sore or i do not wish to mast." " Who a she asked her friend, who dei not see anyone near them. " tin, mem horrid wssnan with a smirk s bet foes. t 11 ooatee I have only a bow ung aogtwntaoeo with her. •ltbeagh her lace is so familiar. They Seedier{ thou shopping sod the two ladies feted themselves at the sum post where one of thaw had sus bar disagree- able so*IWutasem ' I mama remsmbo her .eros." "Thee the is agate. Why, 1 do believe she's hes then all the tine," she rid, porting to the penes s gaustiob , The. woman " hoodoos' sear, that's vassal, you see in the mirror teen," mid her friend, *hiking with Lslbter And the eteedM4 wines who had cut her owe rdMM/H cam• std to scksow- Mdwre that the %1waessshie smirk was bee owe Aiwa ieesswe..tee •.wwms-4. (batty -That overcoat doses', Bt MeatreaJm Wednesday, Feb'y Ake. \�{' 1r Alt, (Madly, i right the& ov- IJ{taT seat is Leeson. ft war rade fob the tMstly --Mow, sea Nab' Yw hev's't al- lowed y..tsU /m be MAW by any swab asthma dealer. ewe., how yob' ( +Mwmttiwso jialy► 1 &i&w't 1»t it d s r� pwl►t K d •paws - ALT TRIM Grad Opera, House ONE NIGHT ONLY! •Phos UWin.ul•bed tmetiosal and TUehgle Actre■. grat 1■ bar awn •.hems 0t l t The - Iew - East - Lynne," suppsstee be the Zagreb Aller. CHAS. F. TINGAY aid a Molest Coeepany of Players.' Prices, - - 50c., 35x., 9ba. rim epos as11 al :Awe," fitp&t!