The Signal, 1895-2-7, Page 4i meneaMbeetlellhatiallee • 1 Iobeer.e that .I (`,*reit. floralvK, the tine spread. and the fit of reason Dona f 1 • es rwmawswo wan THUREIDAY MoBxnwa *T O. IseatlY/q>yt. OS= ef P.Ap.gasg dra flea boopm. Toms of st.b.-slyi11s1 • rue Inertha. rmkhele mesas, the palm &ler war will N Loos ss Tear IMsa, Tear label to • shaded raesAt d the date se wbt h yea are laid up, tea %hal It 4. tot saawed to hit int. ertr Whim • o►&.tre o1 adttaae y y� both the .Id tad the new address Iresy Miven. Adrert tents Oat's Lepel mal tome cast[./ advut8oesrt. les. par lir for lint inear1loa, awe$ ot.e per Ila. itis mob esibeere'en I.seethea. M.asur•ed by ppn�prarrvv�,41 scale. tberiaerr cords of Ns lime tae wailer. SS err Teal, ►deterd•rment• of toast. P...4. trreyed, Sneatlese Vecent. Pttuatices Nailed and Bsnuars Chasms Wanted age enceedieg 8 umae'toupee:MI. $i per math. House's on `talc and ranee ea alis, sot to •stead a lime, el for firm wooed'. Ella. per .rho sequ.al scorer►. larger •dot. le p uportaun. aro mortal melee. the t 1. 7 s(.ec obese. ot whir the not• promote v7 beadle , one v1Cua1 or ro pre), to lies=A au W revilement a• (+..reed Lo'al aotio-es in eon type me net per word. memot icee tons t tea Loasl5olirM la °edit'sr7 re•et.g type two e ats per word, No settee for tree then lett, .cruors for churches sand other relltiow .ad b•.esolent ia.Uti Imes half rats, s'elameletee resemet Adveinelm*ssene. A limited n5tbbiw 1 df•�i�d mdverttne orris *At be inserted at the cofNs�mwrata Ort' int'b, rale 10.eret0a. cep t•, .• four ie,. rti.Y.... _1 til! " three tremas.., ,.......,r tle ( '• Six months �„ 7 ret est year. ... S S. No advert templet tries thheya two Motes in numb will he calculated ealber0 bets. 5 pr ern , almoner .,towed tor cash pr.•r'.eht• w tome as.sthe'0arMO1; le per ca•ut. o. els smiths% and IS per cent. os a- reek Ther seedllisse will be strict i7 eat oreed. Assam 'Mb* wtafai•• asyveei. dobeeriber who fall to melee Toa `"IeNAL westerly. either b7 .arrilr er by will. will easter • fa, or 1.y aegr•tattiat es et Me bet at e s early • date as ponsittks. rte.. of wnnucrrpts ceases be reties -ire. Porn-emun.wev mot be written so ems side 01 ;..pelt ori} . ...•taw•..&&&&& • l reett.ae e. Negev. .1. 1', 1.e Tame), of Uodertch, haw bees ap pealed legal 'Frei -min.,' dead free the towa- •h'ts of fiodrnch. Colborne. wsheold sod We- w.n•rh. iwr•s! postmasters over the Moro t are the empowered to reoefve subscriptions to Toe a n°'A1.. A!I conlmunio*tiess star be midrange/1M D IeWILLICUl1DY, IlrT.lophono Call W. h reals 111OYkItJCM. THVSPDAY, rltlh :, ialw. Caretaker l:eueral of British loyalty and tow of soul on &the ms:m on was in on this ,wtuuent, has ogee more el- !length anti breadth and depth equal tender) to the teemed gentleman his to the beat that has been held in distinguished consideration. What 11 that popular auditorium. The Prem flumes ('t V IIaul.Aer) snit the " Man , ier, when he rose to address the gash on Horseback will say ill the perm tering, was well oeaeited end loudly applauded, and so was Hon. 1: W (tomo, N icaot et. Fiume Dat n a,al the other*, but the ovation of the evening was beyoud "oubt pail to Commie 't11111, who was received r ith all en thueiasm that was unbounded. and whore patriotic utterau.rw throughout were punctuated with applause that reached its culminating point when the speaker closed his address with a peroration choice in diction and a model of good taste. The applause war esnewe,l again and agate, and .houtvi clearly that (CoI.1.wla smite held a firm plate int the hearts of th.• newspaper men SAKI Cambria, irrespective of }arty creed or pv•liteal ,In4,holeth. The Association meeting clawed Fri clay hast, when the officers for the cur rent year were elected'. it was de ci•te.1 to hold • priers excursion during the Summer season, and thus glye all opportunity for the bard worked tournalista to inert again .luring the dear. THAT was a treat parody oa '• Pins fore that President Pscsw ii got off on Sir MIAt•kINZSS BOWILL at the business meeting el the Can* dian Press Association Thursday last, arid' it. wait thoroughly enjoyed by the len entitle Premier : V1 hen 1 was • boy I woad my term A. !unto* imp is it pnstng 1 washed the windows, and .wept tiie floss. And daubed the ink oo the office door. • I slid the work os ell, d'ye est, TMs new 1'.n a Premier aid a K Mt'. L. IJP to the newest going to press the Hon. JArew C'OLENROOIt PovviOW('N, Minister of Wer for Canal*, docs not appear to hate signed articles for the Next political tight in West Huron. In fact, it is altogether possible. that his friends in this quarter will not have the opportunity of gazing upon his classic profile any more, ars their esteemed candidate. We have good authority for stating fiat the hen. gentleman t-• looked for the Lieut_ •Covernonhip of Manitoba at an early elate. ises there is as yet no manifestation al. Of one thing we feel assured. and that Is, that at nu period did Gospel"; .QVITA OCrapy • mon honored or dirt tingesshwt position in 4'snails than he does today. in spite of every effort that has been put forth by the wretch tri oterie to abuse his personally and e•deev .r to bc.urird i 11 i. guo,I game. Thursday evening last .remonstrated very clearly that the represent *tit • newspaper nlen of llntario, irreepec Leve ..f party. are a body of sten who will not assist any disgruntled clique in an endeavor to rob a brother .journa list of his name and reputation. and . Ives mooniest (:nr the reception u as w that rt nix Stain on the o.•tesion proved Ice you' all question that his pre,tlge with his fellows of the quill w., gn•At or than at any previous tore in hi, distinguished rt.,.'r.4. It must lair stern • source of eh•agritt and surprise to the '• tr. o1v Toil gentleman who put forth -chit great eti,rt to have .Il. Situ u* name removed front the toast list at the Pres, As•a•intim) Itan•ln1t to discover that ail their work was mull and void. for not only did the crudity• gentleman respon.l. but the Premier of the Dom Minn. Sir M la'ga\Zia I:negL1., K. C. M. G. who is prot.ahl y as loyal a Asan as Canada possesses wee not els.- tended from travelling a:) the way froin 1 ►ttawa to . sit in the lamiliet, hall with Mr. Sane and respond to the ,ante, toast. The further fact that His Honer. the Lieut. -Governer of l )ntsriu, snd ether distinguished loyalists, lent their peer ent•e• to the occasion must have leen *nether black rye to the three or four tuft -hunters who. for a week or two before the banquet, had written than .el%es down a.• beim; top heavy with loyalty and devoid of comme t sen.... It is state to t•v that it will be a long .licit• before any three or four oetmilers'wi11 again attempt to dictate to the Canadian 1'r..w .tt.ociation as to whom it will invite to respond to its toast list. That body has proved that mediocrities of the Deeie n H..rates-C4'rflrettee .tripe cannot swerve it from the path of right, of rectitude and of common decency, and in addition it slat learnt that the Canr.d en people as a whole is against the foolish fellows who. would dictate t.. better siren on the lines of alleged loyaly. THE Tnrortrto Empire retired from active life Wednesday, its directorate having deeded that its fortes, here- after ersafter will be merged in The Mail. which will be the organ to grind ort Tory music in the time to oome. Fri- day last ti.e staff, from garret te cellar, received notice to quit, and even t)Avt ('R):I..BTO*, the manager of The Empire, wee given his walking _ticket. Fully 100 hands will be oa the Janet by the newspaper deal, end considerable hardship will be exper- ienced by the majority of the men thus deprived of employment 1`"SEW HERS in this issue will be found the report of Um anneal meet- ing of the 'dorth American Life Amu - ranee Co. This company ham now been in exietenoe for fourteen years and aotwithstanding the stringency in the money market earl the her.' times in- oident thereto, last year's business was the beat of any in its career, eyed its dentines the pbrnom f••therw' on the oreaxion were `lair previous business had been w amongst life companies The MAI havzn: lirtwate.. Ibminion prem ier, lir. Gott rse San re, Joints Ivrea, M P for `forth Wellington. Niennt*s Ft oou 1)*siy, M P . the held -headed philosopher and statesman from Regina (formerly Pik re Bones), Sher iff WATT, of Ilranl.forl, Principal MATHteoe, of the 1>raf and 1►nml Asylum. Belleville, Truer Mr4111•1.1 rt/no,, formerly of Tse SisonI, Cern► rich, J. A. DAynmois, of the Guelph Mowery, Parse Mares, of Hariin,. oboes age couldn't outclass or rheum a Mem deter from attendance, and a Loot of other good than and tram who did excellent service for Cataadiaa jearueliern is past rem The 'mamma Thsrwdsy evening its the Beard of Trade rebind& woe a very litterateun of SNAP S/CT&. l'ArT*LL Homing"' well, but a short on ballast. .1..t 1t Fater i. Kia* sal Oanada at preeent. and we all bow the knee to him. H1.. Maida le set 1),:mus solo 1 t i)111A, plain sad simple 'especially simple, The tocsin has ttounde.l, the ilea then is on tire. and the election fever is abroad in the lan.l. I:y the way the Tory politician, are running to cover, it begins to lo.dt a, if a politics/ cyclone was fhtminent. This tlrne old-fashioned h•ana.lian 11'Inter brings us hack to llovhood s '..appy days with rheumatic twinges thrown in. The man wbo prophesied that this wa, going to be an open Winter has left the limits on fear of tieing frozen to death. it is beginning t.. look as if the three Huron, will ire in him or: the side of l.ibreralixm after the next a lea tilin ha, been lough• U. a finish. Thc Ministers' tnp over the coun- try hats degenerated into a taunkey anti a p..rrot tint... as no ewe of the hon. gentlemen are singing in tune. There is a fe.elieg el unrest oxer the land that even the open counter, ante of 1►r. Mosr*..rot, Minister of Nowhere, caUOot hide from the elf-. means CANADIAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, THE thirty-eighth minuet meeting of the Canadian Press Atees•iation wa.. hely}-in Toronto Thuneley and Friday of last week, and was attended by sotto hundred and a half of the sten who toil and spin to record events and chronicle public sentitneat in the Province of Ontario. Huron county was represented by It. Houses, of Clinton. sad 1). Mc(r'n.Llcutiov, d Gaderich, and the turnout from ether sections was large and reprnestative. The chair was occupied by T. M. PRESTON. who now presides over the principality of the Grand 'liver and ably weeds out libellous items from the back country correspondence and boilerplate reports that come to the Breathed ixpre itor AA each day per= by. He cloeedi his terns at the Friday morning session and was true needed L. W. Seuvsolr, of The King- ston News, who will wield the gasel with elegance and despatch for the sett twelve months The gathering was perhaps the moot seccessful &bat ha• been held by the Association. nlaatnueh t• outside of the regular business transacted and in. teresting papers presented, it took the shape of a reunion of former and pres- ent members of the Association. '• old timers who for business is conducted along safe lane in every department, and mach of the . meow of the company de owing to Um ability of the managing director. Mr. Wii MrC•at, end the .energetic emorMsry, Mr L (.otter*$. TM is.ai agency in this disttiet i5 kt espwrimtnmded by our town.a.a, J. T. NAfrrsL The report of the y` Il01111lal wasting will well repay p•r- • J 3 by all with dornira to weer the ""Jgtt *slue is life i ehriea ! y MIRTH Old " CANADA." that Dr. 0wl.owt■ fosse W the e Ms= of " ChM& • k making the `am Ow RAM* apaete w• torote. --1 - It is awful to tbtnk of what niight hate befallen this county if Iion. .1. ('. PAT•rt:asoo hadn't discover e.t lir. \Ill*TAot'r. and adopted hint M S dryniirse to the Lib -Con. party. Isis lee es". ►� i"' d'446. Ulf' NEWS OF THE DISTRI'1T tato at all memos at be that Mr. Garvie s anion as Barne tarnished safi•iwt teems tr his r500554. A paha .soh/ .h.Sld imam has ••sivilis. to the psderssaes of the duties ►churns.* M W odea And this as • Imo* that to imposter • good deal ewer boom than 1'eterbere will prod& by balm, a sued -Its about tine M. C. CA1110eoc was buying his return trip ticket to I:orlerich, if he has any desire to hate A part in the redemption of West Huron. Judgment Day is cowing mighty fast. If the Mishears do not mean to have an early dissolution of parlia- ment what do they mean 1 These trips they are at present indulging in are sot Raft up expressly for the benefit of the boa. geatlernen a health. 1111 Ore, Utt. ute410O I..eat'I•AL' The [:lobe We aeb the Liberals to mum-' photo their ort•atast►oa la every ate etiaueocy, to arrow for a thorough mad wide dtaeesisateos et Liberal prieciplee h public 04,.400,, mad to keep the street to ems between the portage clearly and ee- .eatly i. view. It amuse( be repeated too often that the tints to bold emetto4e u sow. ant .sly because the electt.w is at head, bet because In • 1•w weeks the state of the roads throughout the country will reader ournmuolwttoa mieeedi.gly diRicult. This Le • disadvantage which will sot 1044 equally samosa bet► porde. The Liberal aaspei.a must be me of argument and diecuaton, of speed to the reason tether than to the pr• stens of the poop'., : they have no public expeeditutw to p(0*II.e, no motptln• funds drawn from railway subsidies or from the amtnLuune oof the beneficiariesof the twill They easel to gee by every public meeting that u held, by every clear pre.sa• bocci .f the c:oditioa of the public Mimeos the debt, the expenditure, the burden of taxation They have to fight ,matter now represintatio0 of their policy to the secret canvass. ,.shot aopemis to local instead of mare' interests, against all the IMAM which can be employed to shield m tiovers- ment which has Leet its title to the cos !Memo of the people. They have & good -cause and • leader who commands their es thematic and lovml support, mad what they ought to .to now is to work and fight as d the time ot the election bed been mnnesac• FTE. the fact that every Contin gent of the Government from the Premiers party to that of the Hat.- oasT PArrtasoo Motirron a enmities - tion is accompanied by a doctor, one would infer that the (:ove/iment is on the sick list e,1. ,. COUNTY EXCHANGE McKillop filbert coats. who bee been 111 Manitoba for three or four years. is rutt- iest his parents at their hewn Dear lead bury tee hear that he uurpes.s returata4 to Manitoba in the spline Morns Mir )nary Halliday, who filed to get admission to the Normal school Tor• onto. on account of (nick of •con,nmoda'Ion. was the 1504.wdul applicant for the p. online of teacher in 1'oioo S. S. No. 3, Morris and Kest N •w&noth. f ririt O OUP Ow000PPMPOadaatr• !tare M Iahr.nesm Nee Thos I..aM M Need anywheve teas -hawser ata *ynGANNON. $repro:. Tie tar... •calms r grass a N, vela Amy at t• as Om oof U. Ward, J.r oeered•aatr, ae.. •b• soh rotes .• •r £m far Wm- tp.KN. •4 .f.letee earl J•,b ware, sad t* w• br teed u rove reprisal tor retreats mot ler tis+ ral& l e s, u* l , Feb. b f4)e Napa Ti. Mae 1.r 30c. Karistme 1 he serial ssoleatt el the rwetysswhW ste(I,eetae I W. W Mutual Fire beisrwsies Ca gni to herd . \\ edge wily the 1.310. 1 Bop, suns t..ear hiss mow oily V Arm- etrwrl . •ale. I•.caasc. Utasortn'• Mu'riso The' mmahly ,wrier of as \t' 1\ ]resect 1,r. 1rur5so• Co was beta Wear awl r•pprt 1 mammy tar, f •. M1 se ltuch.hie lifor,. tor 51.25 at , Aso .,ruig•.f. Always something of in - osiery roe The s.su*L COLOORNE• SATs KI' al. Pet.. L. Alfred Morris relabel to his biome at W heethead, North Ilakote, tem week alter speeds,. two 'nestle visitor( his relatives in this eie.at1)' Mr Morrie has hese a residentf DAkwa for .e1e.. )ears end speaks s• b 1 he II brother ale iaesee.Noiee.a*e j"‘ Moa+.T •1•'h• Fret a "18.4"4ret• terbat to buyers at this 1 cefelt { me .5161 tarsus, rove, piieeas • s I 'au• ,bly .. the/ •t+re rue rut tog the th•ru.un.•ter to amolilate i& toe r• -store. Our Clearing out of clue,■ Morns. 4, Aborts.awn et sero, ' oboe Sale goes on and as the ASHFIELD Kora ane Hew. hoed 1'ashoere elms*. ...O. 30. ter 2tro-Artwttosg'. 'salesizes become broken the I', k•net, Frh. a K•rla,a. 1h. annual :sobb•th eihuo pricesgrow more interest si• h Sabbath Schools .ISI be held here aro ing Remember, every pair Th. tull.•etng .a the report of tete stewed tag of the pupas o1 " ' 50 ll, A.hh„I 1 for the .+rents. ceding .taut 3104:, !.21!10 Senor IW ••tar 1. Hort Foster, 2, `lowly I:or,i,.n, 1. 4401.r Ifriodley, 4, Ross McNee, 5, Mewl here,•, h, Norman Mel:rattan J untor I \ claw 1 Harry Maw, 2, .111.1 Voucher ty. .5, wdhe Kurrowe, 4. David i limo" e . O I N I elle 0 Florence ,roam os, u Y• Md.rwt tan- ' Senior 111 *ler 1. I%. .ord..a, 2, tiara Brindle.. Junior 1H chew 1, Mede 1oenv, 2. Anon \'roan.,. Swaim- 11 alarm 1, Nina Iturross Junior 11 class 1, .Ison'e Y•.uag, 2. Nisei:r+hent 1s,. teacher. DUNLOP. Mo,bA1, Feb. 4 Inspector Tom vowed our school here Thursday of (ret week. %VII regret to notice that Mn. Jewel a oa eke sack tut the ►erg one of our oldest rest- deau u Dualop• Mr. and ?Jr.. Cam, of Eisler, were Iran• lest visitors heirs last **eh, the guest. •.f Mr. •ad Mrs. Aden, ua their route to lion. samosa to ere I W. ('toe. Taro Tri••.. A mammoth load ot hay. within some odd pours of two tees is weight, attar being eri.h.d oo our market scales he our market clerk, was mate by its driver in 1r.veng the card. S , .udde•.ly did u topple over that both driver sae clerk were nearly buried under at. Then another driver appeared and took the liner &a.I . effort was made r.. pull the lead up *hick nay upset It wait oe the other side The chief of pollee arrived .hot .dvn.erf div•diag the load which was done sail the I,al was de11 vested. Allinson The remains of tire l:eo. Pea- cock, late of Kincardine, were brought here this week for Interment : she omit to To- ronto to undergo an operettas, but was not able to *tend it . she was a relative of the let. John Shipley. H illett lent year, nes of fifteen :calves dropped 00 the farm of .lames Snell, Hul lett, 14 of them were males : this se.rin, out of l2, eleven of then. are females. Mr. Will Snell has two male calves and four Iambs already this woo 'realey 'Tool. Johnson. an . Id tendon of this township, died ar his h. me. 0e, the I:n•hen hone, Manley. 00 Moodsy tut iR- ceased was a menthe, of Ibe i'resbytenao ehurch, of English hermitage, in politica a 4oneervutrve and was upwards of , years of segs. l.odench township Ws* 5 so, who was recently married, has teen organist of l'ole'e church, not Bethel, as erronesesly stated : Moe Neste Elliott, who has been connected with the church for some time, and u well qualified for the position, hes been cameo in her place. grey lest Friday Walter • /liver, ao old and very highly esteemed resident of this township was called sway to •.other world Abouts year ago his mother died, sad it u supposed that he caught cold at her funereal sod although he rallied •t times he woe Dever able to get about to soy *Most and primed &way u stated above He wee 55 years, 10 months sot! 18 days old. lir. &)liver was an unassuming man whoesjoyed the co.04esco of all who kers him. Morris On Wednesday of this weak Wm T. Mooney, of Indian Head, N MT. T., eldest son of Reeve Moossy, of tins tow* ship, and Miss Man Dowld, of Welds awake, N. 1\' T , were nested se, the holy Waite of metnmoey at the home of the bride's mother Mr Mooney bas iso in the West for &boot three yaws and as he has been keeping haebelor's hall the most of the time he is o be congratulated os *,curioe the necessary octet to • home, • good wif. Stapleton • t. Mooday • young mite e arned ,las. Thurd met with a ♦,nous ec- cideot At Stapleton He was helping o pack salt, when &n immense mass slipped down aod buried him completely out of sight : when his companions dug him oat he was blue from suffoostioo, and had sustain ad • disloomaioa of the shoulder, hie eons woe broken, hip injured and it is feared he is hurt Ube/sally. Om block of salt which fall os him weighed Smiles. What possibly saved bio lite was the feet that M bald as empty barrel in his hand *kick was mash - ad b atom. Ushers.: The many frauds et Mn. Massed Mader, d Robot.+, will regret to tears el hr sodden death o. Friday lest, .t the ap el 41 years. Densuesd bees ill but a short time mod although re.ewd from • trying Meese iuriesat se mates asst. aha woe eared web & mutters atetlm d the bass. whirls latter tremble seed her death. Abe was a d&tg►ter d Mrs. I;ib•ns of the Thames rose, sad leaves • huah..a sad • large family of anal chil- dren to meets the loss of an ,AhetiwM wits and ...Ib.r. -The Globe is now published in its own offices in the Clatworthy bedding ..n Richmond-st.. and is printed on ire mew $115,000 press. The manner in which it has arisen from its ashes proves that Canadian journalism is of the progressive eider. The Dominium elections will he halal on or about the 20th of March ening the Ministers now os the war- path find that popular feeling is no against the present restrictive policy that they had better put oir the evil day by holding ams4bsr OPINh01111SOF THE POE ML ealem*t•. meet, aseets1 Tptalg erlN to 44b1�Ai *Bili --- Thralls Mess t J. W. Ipa/e4, 1aap.s.r et .Ma.(0 he Msehe e', W b. rseemed Los es. y the Mosel truism bed. The s... d dismiss) Y me .ma t sal, bat it will bs eewewb.ed that Mr Garth, • short time aim mesh the plat..* i• w puma. re D'A).. YotJeraby as Barrio and it is probably themes d this Weather - ism is mase rowis his opium Nat the I:oderteh Tp. ; Oa We farm of W. Wi., behind he bars, steads as mimed well, 70 fast deep: n sem* mug.e it got o.00SSI.d and • geodar fell dews it the otter day. Oa. of the begs were berated iso the wd1 to reamer the geodes. 8.d to big surprise be lead a taesp, whteb had Wee last three mobs Ware; the Amp woe Moodie. ea • email promotion. lot shove tam meter. sad wham takes gate thm fresh sir had oufi Oast .Ire.gth kit to amble stn swarth el ...r+.e.-. TYPI1110 FEVER. LANES- t('i.t•,r-oat, Jan 50. trot's, New., like gond weather. hex been scarce lately. Hume Romao°. of the vicinity of Ingersoll. to the guest art Francis Scot,. Mrs .1. 1: M.Uoualn, art It ploy srcea.ty, u vuit.ng friend. tit 1411. se: tion. St. n. .Jas. HW,ward, an aired reoldest of this locality. has leen ailing tor sauce time peat. Moor ilex McLean. of Amherley, Is at present nailer the parental roof here. Alex . has been slightly tinder the'weether lately and bee derided to take a relit. Mcsr a Atm -At tis• not meeu•g of our councillors thou year, \I Farriers wee chosen for aostrar sod K A t'srrick for collector, both men basing tilled the same Mhos last year. Itoyr.• The meets' path masters of this etc -nifty called oat 'herr men hbs friday to break the roads, and up t., dote it Inks as If there is going 't' he •toady employment to that line. PnKs.n1,• .s A travelling phrenologist by the name of W m. I tuocan, of (.,..don, has been traveliing through the vtctnity lately. He was uo.ucceeelul .o obtaining the school home here John ))rennon, of Ituluth, sehh come hone to attend the funeral of his brother. the late Wm. Drennan, was around last week meowing old ecg0ro0tan,•ea pfior to Ins leaving for none. TM AIM Mos KIN arse*_. *nee *ere screens uta /fist Man *whoaed resat. Aerfwa,ns►t, Oat,, Feb 4 Typhoid fever is • Meese* to be dreaded heroism of ie da.gerww eater* as well as for the imot that gems dime eeahieresults miany.spr- •ass when she pats bas .etged ham tela another el 1M dimes= Harvey H Neff, d the piss, was e.a.i seiag after •e stoma af Orphoold what les • .yase lent Widow 41..... wIlte w. stol W- rithes - tithes far wads, .ad se wain* Asa M tete wad soy amid. Rat, She • light IN 1M dswbecm, .w* the tri ef whim Data'* K1�ep f W dose ler ether viati= d Wham rase.. 74. bums d deters {p the gles west. Net e W keg amts. NILE W,ns*-,tr, Jas. el. Wedding hells w tingling. Mee Mc('mrteoy of Home.v.11• is vu.1Ieg at Robert McIllwaln's The boys aro having a rood ante skating on the dile river at prevent Alfred Morris of Dakota from to Al.; Kirkpatrick yeses. Mr. Mclllwroo ha. built an addition t• his .tare which .dos much to the comfort of the phew ,rev Mr. Kuggln, of Blyth, preached the missionary sermons morning and er.00g a the 20th i.t. The weather has bees very stormy for the poet week end the roads are in • bed state for traffic. Mie Armee Florence Kruse, of t.eloriob, was the got of Mie Agues Jere Mak inebt es Aatsrd.y &ad 4uaday. The anemia commute' of the Sunday] .boob, Dmgas.os and Nile circuit& MN be held et Du.g&naos on the 8th of F.eb.. Tom Thumb and Rets the Nile scribe' have sot recanted from Calderone ryestt ober* leve bees rteitt.g the per few I tan of Mr. eromssett'e sheep •t melted the oyster mapper & few matte..Se *M- oat, as t.vitatias but did not receive • hearty welcome it woe shipped is by Cer A Co. .1t vs no. has 'eased his for a term of aY•y♦.0 ll •n •.l 11Yn,l.n0n4, Nile .•d 1 low• • F'riaay, F•i, t; h. soon. at..na.n.e rx is marked at actually less Pealed a program wt • sod • good will be sea ier d . A It... 1'1 T Probably the biggest redo.: ( t h a n the manufacturers' 1800 rver wade 1a to,olers aale•sl•oe mantles price u is at .tr.ettouhad g'e price .al. sot p k Srur.r, 1\'MAnuK AIter • shot oiler h ` 'stn keep Dace with our 4-..t «..,.e -not pl.•..nt s" Shoe Bale we're making very ate•,p.•1l.smog •.epte(n'•D 01 the soiree' wrote/ weather *MAIpresaied dun041 tete I special prices 1n Hosiery. • moo rt ..f Jenu•r) • i Of some lines we've too Inir Itl..NT raw. New a the elm. to hu) et ester or we overcoat. Armstrong • arse many, so we make price the mg out pri•ee ars w rtdieulously low that moving incentive a no ne Mould meed • coat. W1 -1st - WWhich urch correspun.ieat 01 1111 "1.' A1. was 1t our vdt.,re oa Tuesday aced fit disappointed 041lookt0g over Mm newer • +tore.+. of Tut `t1. sit •t the eons sloe i. lost weeks' WNW. Perhaps the stern.% "mother was the caw. A, I1„ o ..KV ,IT% It you waist god cult of •'lo,hrs at the tombs, e••bduwu, hent twos price Sake a1, antrum of At uatrwg s IA agate. Cort you nothing co look. E.. LasI.*t.TI. At The sacrament of :he Lord's Supper was dipeosd on last is bbeth 1. Erekaise chase*, when quite • number rel .wmrr u.un.caote pert;k. '1'nerr world i1•ve beer .n..r. 1n atte..1*oee nn I hwl tta0r1un. Let were presented try Ia..emeat weather sad br sw41nose. Preparatory ser1'1011 were n e deared ns Friday by Rev Mr. Ni. lnut.•n, et lou tk sew,& le -itog to rewire r it from dui* use of t: a tis,“se. which war todu.e.t by expos ur*, Ker. b Roger. est .a.A:e •, .,reelect hilae.• service o5 Wt �sblatn lire Itemised, how*,er, •uppne.l M/ pulp.' loth at morning .0d el en115 M•hl.- s We are pleased 'o be Oil. to note that in. sec $.7-omiag .;*man .• graluallt beiovos'element •hd *til err 1••n,, ger nope, he aIle to re sum• his pastoral dunes LEESURN• Temer'AT. Feb a luepector Tom whited this .eh.ol here Thursday of last weak. Mn. Robert Morris sad ebtldre. Met tar their lose, i. Cassett... DmkMa, its Tam day M last west, after spesdiaa .net meethe with relation sad friends hero. Loos titan Dosser. The flet broth d Lossie for 1506, love appeared at the farm of Perry Mother* . tie. Seed is= This tises the =am homes el Doelsp ars left is the tear. Mer fares widest. R. Iamert..s, she for .ger years ho. hose tieing se, Lambe acre, is raise .b.rty be node as Adelaide, i• Mtddl..M. Road will he sari mimed by the 1.00 T. DfetrW. Lodge, of wince 0. 547 be has ally Ubtl the data. M ..... Mry er .m.. year.. 1' Aesa d P.glasd of t,.mdo.bnr. wUl .io 1ew m &hot. 50,40* is shoat midst_ Cerr•5 Nerve O�*i� res eft. rout Semen weeshis the ta5W e.�s ss.tisg *55 dd j.trstill Mesd•T i .fag ef this tos.b. At the alass d els ..ring w Rey. Mr. iflaekay -..-{i,_.. e.4 W iNm- a shit eetm d hie awry byes iworked , geed me base be will withdrew cgs .taw. d abs tlmai.s o.M at- , assded the resat ssmNas gj the the lemisp id ass es uriss Is (Width sod woe mash gime' sift Its gre.nasgs --.415"41111111b...-- ‘,......agsdamorammisonnelsursowesarmi, lug 111-u.,5. a .• 1'xtot•cat.t. A rumor est put in ctrrulettee rte *nae deeleatK c( '1 ••r fern e.. lsteit, tete•nr t,. Mrs. 1: t1...., s.t.• •.1 K tore . • !else -Moe fernier ,c, t.4lield, ,.'a'tf••i trot sh'e bed at. tempt,•• •,Ha.l.• We if.... ton •-111.4 rotor , l that • , e r•.00r w.s .-a..tutsl) (else .a .. en parte new, and that if it Cali eye br••'.gst biose rr. ?he er.5)1'".r, -hon w111 fpr plaerf If. 040, a pe +ion •k.• he emit .- moo W art .Morn+• eageit..t n,• ret,rfare rill tier,.e s sart that wt.l f•,,,. :arta for all time Tie .l•.* t1. end *1. 1+51.5,,0, correspesdest regret a*Csedigsly :het tee item .ppeared a the= Coluwos. and will do all to 'hely pswer to trace the rustler to .0 of giral fnoodatios. It/took 'luring let week there were three interment& on I )uneeenon . emetery, the deceased tang 1e,, Thomas 4:11n0, of Luckuow, age,t rdf years. :ad, .Ioto !Wert, of Lockman', aged •f, )ears. H. beteg a member of the Free Meeo..s. end •leo of () F . the brethren c t both orders attended the hurtal and prod their feat demes of re .pert towards the deceased to accordance *oh the roc of the orders. '.rd, Mr Xitoo, of Ashfield. We sloe regret to hese to chronicle the decease of I:ob.rt "tewsrt, of I.ucknow, and formerly of %\'est Wawa nosh, who deported this hfe or aged 80 years, :Smooths. !R days. 11it re saia were lsterred to Ketone ormetery, on Saturday last. The d'eooe.d was held to great edema -by all who knew him. The bereaved et all the deceased ones haee the sympathy of the contmusity in their reepec- tire bereavements. A I't..A,,o H 'F,tr,r IM the•.5510CA5 ofT \Wednesd aay,r, the itlh d.'y , • very socuble, pleasing and happy meet t0 all enoceroed took place at the ratdesce of Alex. Pentland, Wood Lswo Farm, a Went Wwanosh, being the uniting in the boads of matrimony of bar daughter. Mone Ara. belle Bertha, to (:sone, eon of Tho. Aedereoo. oweehip of Ashfield A large n umber of invited guests, berog relatives and In.t& of the happy couple, were prep• hat mod p.rtictp&ted a the nuptial ploy alerts of the trustee A number et tooted guests, owls, to sickne.• and uncontrollable ctreswtaroe., wen sot able to gram the happy sweet aed regretted their 15• mobility to he prwos51 bot evosced their eatennt and great respect for the bride mod groom W mein* them costly sod beautiful prs.sta At the hour speomted the br740 • eleg•etly attired a cream crop°. ▪ +ails Ii1im, beteg supported by her sit. ter, Mine May The groom w. eapperted by has broth., Metter Rdwve Aiders., 7`M cstmeany was performed by Rev. D. Rogers. alter which the smote eat .lows to • s..pt.ous supper e1 which all p.rleek tritely. Among the *umu peeutiesat were tad olhci*tie* clergyman and wife, H. .1. Crawford, merchant, .ted wife. Hugh Giro ns. risme of Aaitisld, and wife, .lames Giros sed wile, K . iemdeon.ng, Mn. R. rated, are. Wal.. .ad A swank sad wife. The present* *tree to the bride by her parents and the guests pr.st5t were vale•lde •ad beautiful, wigs). emsih••d the .M co of high ahem i■ which elm ✓