HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-2-7, Page 3�(. f.. IR't t a• ha'•
ab es Mem erase
D~ woes i• RIORA11CI)SoN, L D. S..
ler 'Mar= MsUa . onelse Oand
minimise ed
OOMaw Meek. s&Ysa.. pen rest
nee. kc. 'Mee - Mclean), More Mone
at, Night cal • form British ambience
tees, Solicitors. Solarise, J..c. Ueda -lob.
-()ver Jordan's Ono Mee. IL CAM
Q l►' M. 0. JtHIN*TON. e..� to
eohciter, (o.vensoo. flex . olio. Mosey
Mims at lowest rata Honour Stuck. O►
fes• Colburue Hotel. Uudencb, Oat. -U
s ter la Martians. warts of Ontario
Qtiee Louth Colborne tures. 11111
, OK. ac. chaos. our. squats sad West
sorest, Ocerriele over t0Ngrapb .Mo. Pri-
vate hada to lead at lowest rams of Wee-
ms M W
Ani a. AttoraeDs, Uelldler% Re.. OM*
rice. J. T. tearrow, Y.C.. W. Prosibot.
l.1 Isar. ),store. fottoitare Is tImaaer7 to
Dederick. M. C. Owens, /fro• ; P. Holt ;
Dudley Holme.
J • Ike., and .u1umt.nto.er ter.d re-
miag recossi.ances at ball, •m4..
rtviol es
e arm.tte.o d.pteil.una or esteem teases
lbw leer oosuerniss any .doom. suit or pas
imatiag le the Huth Cort d Jenne.. the
Omuta heeled for (h,tarlo, or fa mu teener)
or derision Court. All tnme,otuu.e oordWi
and promppttly taeecrd. Itealdeace wed P.U.
address- son Ont. tf
iAMitit OMA 11111111111111111111116
�./ Nape----'- °Moa• eppsaM.:tlmfY is He"'
EiMi IY�re TO tiN D ON Maeon AweMOORtT'UO&02
WMRyems sjINsito rtes), Motel, hada
MON KY TO LOAN. - $26.000.00
Private Poodle to lead at se womb 00
amity. LoriTe IL. UA.Cel 1 .rto.'s block.
oppe.lt• lbl liras Hotel. Oederieb. Ms,
' J. T. NA/711L, IRR(, LLIR A N D
• • illMoarlesemeas spat • at lowest
. Nortlem. end filen r wa
neet MOLt t and to teas
✓ eek.
west of Pulv.is /nada for tonsure
stbweet rams M'astule55 Mertgaeee. Apply
s eatutoW a PROUD/00T
end Memo
Leanne:pM Offaly �I , somppasies
represoaled. Massy to Load on scratch
1san. et Or lowest rah d latarer rotsg. la
.al w.7 to mit Iki oorrower. 0•s.- sec
sad doer from Square. West llamas , god►
Meeh• I I oU$uto.
r ODEKIOH 'anomalous. MIT1-
ttOOM, oar. et Bert stress sell amen lap
Open trim I to S rift,, sad nem Tis le rex.
Loading [/Delp, Weekly lead fllwbated
Papers, Magessites, tote. es An.
eie.ttng fres ten of Library tr•ry and ),tend
rations fa membership repave& by
tt�srlu. In room
A S111111 J H. twLHORNK.
Prestdpot. eeere err'
Ssdertok Msreh Iltb IW.
�Og A8selriuu NeD�R�Yat,AUaCTIIOON =
st N l ma .s.. l�
s Ma
Sales etsi 'NEM MIT
• tem er lied Lead valueter. Ostl'rieb.
Ost. Maytag tad sasaldessbl. espsrlesos 1.
the..otlo...Mngt.ad. be le La a pasties M
d.eb55Re with tberot.Rt e.tle sell n all nom
111 ton. eMtrMal te 04m. Orden i.e. as
Msrtln . Heat. er seer by .tall le h1. add
ie� P.O., sa efelly .heeded 1. JOHN
f1XOX OssaN Aoetleseer IMef
Dsslai AaaallnosllfaML
Italian me tteltslted ss01•etlon. after a
there.0l'wt, reirelti Is the meet nsteesae
w .t*er.wtw .1delletittel roe a.mNehed
'estrum ie submit that I here the sal sad
eaMtetve t to w la (federal'. the
sMeett/s wash le wl.r.uted aver
▪ 01111416 Iwo pale dttriaR t� s� extrrMlen
e( tenth er eenmtst et say tle5, 1.
e very sasses very Ilan pais 1s time
estreme PI LORIIJMama leIs harmless se wear.
lo siesta' net at .ever'eMsee the
e.teer�knaw �w •�{k se read 1
•mee me it Is
tem l�dM
reetetvetyee,etI onse..I... ia w gshee..
matpeetenfmater.as 005.0. wdnewat �7
fie tt DR. R. NJOflA*Os011.
1Dspeme ten. /wee In Nees
The weans of Sem entree' their obliges
to the care el aspb.nt sores aced it ie raid
the trust is sever betrayed. The elephant
sot Bing .■ae.ptais be the sharer of the
w atering pelicans. ear the imolai name
al it Mende and ,.btivek a arememently
able to drove its ostn..twnstise tie Ms
'herr. The babies play .hent the
fan d the nephews, was are over
sever r hen the little sresairen Aei4 Y
Amager tthrvn.ee the swam animal each
the AIM dray ■p to he trash sad eater
it en d barites way open le. elm heel
Prepare for Renate by sang Sseieek
Bleed Ritter. to cleanse the system aid
the lied, se vigor.` Weil& ile Ames
inpainint tiro* Irate IL Oh 111.
i1M tAMtrAraison Mr affibeneeIf Ms
liver,, bewail,end Wed- �r
Tdr Sift 9ehswV any Ijl • pair.
Messy Ise hrmueen
Advertise t.•dsy ; advertise tomorrow 1 ,
Advertise ls maks • leas ; advertise to ber-
Adverts,* if yes west a roes, et imereen
se your life ;
Advertise fee • hey or girl or even for s
wife ;
Advertise foe imam lust (bet not tor moist'
loaud 1
Advertw ler • hoses to rent. or for • piece
Of grsu.d ;
Advertise for ups oo the races to be res ;
Advertise • little swig, like '• Johnny, get
your 0110 ".
Advertise your business, advertise it we11
Advertise in truthfulmes -a he you meet
out tell :
Advertise judiciously, and always this re-
seeal ber,
Mort your .d to January .ad rue It till
I /member.
Cale tae wtd Urea b. Ovid egoista*
Orders ..asst(. T
ReperimeOts at Sho.burynem bare .bows
that an Arotrons .he11 caa be throws 9,176
yards, about live and 746e thr4 shoe --says
a writer te Tempt. Kar. It is therefor.•►
o lutely clear that if all the Nest were tem-
purwnly &root, either 50 some special tots
sum or deepened by a storm, hostile aroa-
cI.a. taking up • position wtthin four miler
of the eastward .f Kenya Point taunt with
Impunity ..ed .hot and "hell Into the out-
IyIDg parts of the fortress and cause nisch
dutrucuja of Ale mod property. On the
other head, the guivernur 01 the furtrem
would not be wile, end the .xperae■ce of the
late civil war 111 America bee abundantly
proved that the ceases an fortresses, if they
strike • .hip of war with their projectiles.
oval .t long nage, may du ooatder.bl•
miachef ; while, on the u.h.r hand, many
.hot sod .hell env strikes fort and only do
trifling damage. It is practically impossible
to throw .bot or shall over the high part of
the rock, rear Spam, and the twouoo e-
.000csd In the unique rock g011.1*es. with
their royal artillery gun detachments, would
be absolutely mete F:.o if the mural
ground betwea 1.ibr.l:ar rod -pain were
*erupted by • hostile to., comp.nttv'ly
little dormer would be the result. During
the writer's May et 1:Ibreli•r it was eon-
. Ider.d desirable to try the experiment of
firing upward from the plain on the Spanish
.ode Into the gsllerlee. dum.otes beim
pieced to represent the 00005-ry gen de-
tachments. A regiment several hundred
stroug was accordlawly placid Is pouters
and supplied with bell oartred a
pp r The
rugs, however, was unknown, and the tire
Ming directed upward, it was fully .n hour
before um of the dummies were hit, after
the expeoditnre of muck unmumttoe. In
actual warfare, of unuree, the British nfle
sharpshooters must have picked out their
foes by firing downward from the galleries.
Bomb proof barracks and hospitals are
potent factors mistiest the boron of born
b.rdmeot, and than r Little doubt that
there ia ample room et Gibraltar for some
amendment on this bawd.
A■ Old MN1.r green. au Ise4e■s in the
t rotes et reties tree a reek.
An old soldier was telling war stories a
few days ago in ooe of the loge betels, and
the theree was bravery under fire. He was
not trying to set himself up • hero, ser was
be one who believed that heroes filled the
ranks of either army. He said
1 have otbo woodered why it was 10
tattle that sere vies would carelessly ex-
pose themselves to denier and take risk* of
losing their lives (bet were totally uanee55-
aary, and really could be called criminal.
1 never maimed .o M brave. and on several
occasions 1 telt that 1 could be called a
ooward with justice Oa one oncasio. 1
treed to he brave, but 11 was useless. 1
could not keep 1t up, and I ,ave up trying.
Kut I •m •1,,0, lid many of tbs.. who
were notiol for their bravery are cot : so,
perhaps, I •m a guar.
11. the merlin' of July 20, 1864. we had
marched down the road to . bridge crossing
Pins Tree ('reek. Wham we reached to
bride we foetid tet two rebel batteries
were 'tattooed there, our on the right sad
the other on the left of the structure. Both
bed complete range of the brides and were
shelling it for all tray were worth. Several
regimeota had passed over .ted won.kir-
mi.htog. Where we halted the road no
through an embeekamet, protecting w from
the shrills, Several had .trek the bridge
and koecked boles in the planking, making
lumps neosneery to Dross it.
A leo misers atter we halted I:enatal
•les Hooker .ed Mr stall came dove the
toed. He road In the open to the bridge.
held uo ha heed to halt he erne, •td
n ewly walked he horse across till be came
to • place in the ulankmrogg where the .0101
was forood to pimp, lendie/ bis safely es
the other side. As soon as be appeared 'r
the ,pea, before be erases& the batteries in
both sides opened eta him. This •pp.re•tly
did not disturb him in the bast. Several
shots hit the bride. and they exploded ea
.1I sides of him, but a reds as slowly as
though es review. Nie face was o1 its seri
red ha, end se sigh d fear .wld be de-
tected i. It Atter be had eeomed be we -
timed for his emit, .ed they ride ever is
quick order. One clamor'o hose was earn*
by a shell, asd horn .ad rider went of/ inn
the water.
1 watched ell this with admiration, nod
made ago my mitt thin I mould be ea brans
sed careless el gaiter es Gamin Hooker,
e ven if be wee • goners' wed 1 • private.
Se when the order wee given ler r to
-donde quiet" sines the bridge, and jump
*he bole., I was dusriaieed to take it es
sooty se the Genett•1. Shells were dying
e1.. under, nod wenn ea, sad bels. I
get se the onire e1 the briar. • valley et
shells some honor fee a
I meld need it se Inger, end started
and ran as fent as i amid, gassed the bier
and get ewer stmt the grit ..e. Severn
1.m killed going ever Mt 1 .ever get a
seratcb. 1 ooseleded that i ..ver was cut
an ler • brave saw a here-- sad tee if
General Jai Renter waned tee am, i
had me *biasing. 0411,11ver, when we roe
lame Nese batteries were and they tie -
mended our attention, they gee it, end we
get thous. Rises mut day i ham deem
.eed.rei why limners Joe Holter win
cosier ..der fire than 1 was
rad toe R.wfs.M.
To rupees drumbeat.. the Genesee d
Pvet deg the
W Met ordered 55 seg davisses of all person e..g
htexioned in the patio.., reprden d
mai er err, .bail be pmow t..artais pee -
lie places in the soy ad she primal 1. the
00.45l (:umbo. Fifty yam ego they
iew is sine* the sires far •
• amber been seder the eye of the po-
•fie Marr Way ea.
Jab/ay Rose, Jelay f Whet betMen
w yen si new
Jelby Fwtherv._ .
J.wy-U..�jl.kl.tg deera�A~+T
Jobb, -le
*oma /smites mesa. 1hat were Welebr0
1t was is the arts told Tower of Leedom
Raleigh ween We • IElewry of the World.'
Clasen hie • Testament of Love,' Peas be
No ('raw, Ni Crows.' Pepin, Took., the
phtinerss, Wither the poet of 'Abaw
StrirPt and Whip(,' and the *Water Poet'
T.ybr are 0m.a4 the literary men who
have been Weems hen t)a Tower Hill,
sear at hard Peon oY boro,•e.1 Moore was
beheaded ;.here I).obese Wooed Or .bode or
Vutlp •lid lits pew y '1145 in ' Old Curiosity
Shop.' On Lower Thames street, not far
from the Tower, the " hither of English
Poetry,' livid tea years : ,e Fait Smithfield,
just b.y.ad the fortre.., F.doluod Sp.uoer
was bora ; is Well Close Nome. .t the sod
of this street, the saes el Coney ('ibber,the
p0. laureate, lie .t IM seder • shoal
4M worm of Pekia.l
7'h. 0.41611/ tt1sM is shout twenty seven
mu1es us aroemhnsoe. It wee built oes-
tangs ago lit mud and brick'. Te toner
and outer face are of the latter, each brick
is as bag a. • tamely Bible, and the inter -
sone ars tilled up with mud end •tuns.
The whole has Ioug settled into • solid
cement. Save for wine dealer, doom line
or two quarters by recent 6uod., this great
wall is stall talent. The mom number Ihir-
teen. They are iu.iga*tic•ut, though finely
arched , lie not much wader than tbe•Ireet s
and .r. only about twenty two high. At
aunt they are mooed witb great doors
sheathed with Irmo.
The whole city forms tau rough parallelo-
gram,, roe being the Tartar city end the
other the thane.. There u another wall
seem -atm, the two soctio.e. The Tint 1e
the Manche quarter por •xcelleuee ; the
sea,ud is given over to tr.mmerce bowl.
the walls of the Tartar city -they ire UI
feet thick •t the hme-are the Co ,rot
buildings, the foreign leentso.e, and the re
sideutee of the we.uhy Tartan, which run
around another hlgn gr.y-hrtcked '15.11, 511
male, (roughly t in eircumfere.ce. This
wall inclose. the temple. •pleasure grenade
.od outer pal•cee of the moored city, coo
secreted to theuser of the ''Sow of Heaven."
(aside this block, sena, is the Purple For-
orbidden City, the ..s.al residence of the
emperor sad the Mon. -The Fortnightly
aeons la warren.
H•rper's Coos. I'.opl. The game of
goats a still popular am lag °snare crams.
Few of these who play it are aware that It
has a deadly use in 1.d*. According to an
English officer 10 that strange, rich •ectroo
of the Knuth Respire, quoits are used es
implenleota of war by the Sikhs, an lode-
pesdeot and very martial tribe in lode.
" Tb. Seals,' says h., " have • great va-
nity of weapons. 1 observed the musket,
matchlock, sword, spears of suodry form.,
dagger, and battle axe ; but the arm that is
exclusively peculiar to this Net is that quoit
It te made of be.uulul thin steel, sometimes
inlaid with gold to whit it the warner
twirl. It swiftly round the forefinger, .ad
launch.,. It with such deadly aim, as. ac•
°ordure to their own account, to be sure of
h•0 man at eighty pace." It appear, they
wear their war quoits ea their arms like
armlet, and oo the top ksot • which is pe-
culiar to the Stkb) ei she turban. The
edges of the quota ere very shat n
and sure
death to all who may be hit by then,
saws -Skog ler liesdtes.
Ione of the meet distasteful of housekeep-
ing duties is the weekly mending, and still
wore., the monthly eroding for the *ooh
darn that gould bent been allautbsiewt
three week. earlier now demands • fell half
hour of steady work that raises strong
doubts as to wbetber the ease r worth the
treadle, while toes end heels base come
through stockings that needed holy a few
stitches oboe brat noticed. The 'maim
who haptates about mending at the outset
nipping decay In the bud, as it were, u sa-
suredly lest so far as any farther earshot
t*o0 in the neglected garment is ooncerntd,
and every time they ere washed fresh gaps
•n sure to appear.
I/eninng thio peaces rather than meed*ng
h oles is true e0000my both of time sad ma -
twirl : •.d whether dirk or thio, cotton or
woollen. • emelt loop of the thread should
always be kit at each sod. Many worker*
treat only woollen materiel in this way, to
allow for the shrinking of the new thread ;
but ell new material Minolta more or Ism,
and the fresh threads I.trodsoed into the
many tuner washed garment will moos be so
dr.wa as to pull it tato fresh dilapidation
ell around the woeful darn. The sites
trouble *■ the kind of darning will sore
than pay for itself in the sod, and it is the
,nyareble method of • gifted expert with
the needle wbo looks well to the ways d
her household, and has many eosapation
besides that of mending.
The needing thread amid Mas neer as
po.ibl. 111 elm to that of to miter401, as
the dere will not only look berm bet wear
better: and it is desirable to have the aside
se Ms as the thread or silk will awry. U
the earro..di.g parte are this or the tear
wagged, • pilo• of throw material should be
• e•*Iy bow as the wrong one, sad hesimed
down afterward. Silk •newere very steely
on weenie good.
With wash goods mending .b.1d always
be dens before wash*••, s it eon then be
does more easily and neatly, and the Maroc
thin plasm will spread no further, whereas
e ns
laundering may ten it frees sr/A tont
It is oho well to pt away clothier for the
seen. is parfait order, to he ready for the
muddle seao.-.y which se rosily sewn
when am is ready for it.
Men'. Rana),e w promises* as the hitt d
articles Lest .how very little oeasideeutios
is their e.dd.n eine of gene to pieces; and
the .....p obi u.edlew.tsm. slr.adv
gaotedtem tog, .e Le .peak, ti ont-
ting out tbe attested parts, tatting remorse-
emoveMealy d..mi teamed alsr•ial that will tear
two yews el omens* .sitobieogg, and Nan sew
leg in new Mesa einai fly Wend and
twasebi.r the min el fl'. thread•. A sew
loans et he is this in••.4A, and their muter
e pos • fresh gamer d nonicrra Semn
tremae en entire ars is •mp...ed and • are
ens 0.u44 ; bet we..,ar the herois ear
are Imposes to be, it ie very thereugh .s•
works admirabl Dares and *smpary m-
ann creaks Serie Ar.imp..•.n where res.e-
a r reties is seeded, .ed '..*.81.g lerether"
h the wren easi*eetary 111 Mos rea
%Moto Minh threaten te Mame thin is
Set middle --set bevy hawse se-.teeld be
ou5.■1•rfly dent with by .putting thm at
one amid amiss the ewe outer edger sr*gs 4I
s. Th1 brier the stranger portion when
there In IMO Misr, and the went V leveed
with httelne the oda Sy dater thls is
tine twi.s the.rdisery anent of .ear an
be assured.
Sewer berm_ .•edgee of weenie seg
erten., un • ereahat •
mail* with
r seen Sea • mdarse aired bele
up the *Meshes Oast
seen Merrell be hike the man of tear
I" asa01MO the.,.rt.. with tr..k sees.
seethed len theeihrategeof se4 pre-
Ttt.5 trroved se be ear ea the •timewl Meta.
ere e. ate..rd.
Chicago Herald . It was Nine tea yore
ago that the newsesp.rs of the meetly
were filled with luridly written •0(1.155 stet-
ting forth by the uas of enperlattves the
stepi00 possibilities of Ar*xos& ae •
rivet of South Africa u the dr
mood predaaog basiow. Mande.
Lane is sew York elty was serried fur the
time AVID, .111, • supply .f rough, uncut
gams from the Ariaose fields. They weri
et good ordlwry motility mot some hail •
dioses mem 'shoots is Tilden, s wen pro
111/000•111/11 rasperr as being worth $4 000
A sleek wmp•ny wee homed te New Ise*
u. purob.es and work the sew diamond field
and the dteoov.nn an.' promoters of the
scheme were given $10 000 as .e evidence of
good faith .o the part . 1 the buyers An
expert was tent out to Amiens, lid ruided
to the spot by we of the dta.r..eren he dug
US 10 the course. of • le. hours • quirt
51.seere of genie ranging a sire from • seed
to two and a half kv.0 He hurried hack
to New Cork and. on his report, the two
mea sad • woman, the dsson• .r.rs refs end
to, were pard .n •ddtt,00.1 i.0 000 They
disappeared in • law sink. •.d when the
oompeny soot men out to Arizona to develop
the new lice..,., they f,•uud they bad hem
worked. 10 other words the room soap
stone i1.1 ID rte. -h the gems hail hoes die
covered had been " s.lte.t "
Taber whale tea blab.
A stoat old te ly..e.'ne at to of the rail
way stations an moonrise s.0hlne Irmo
which by dropp,Sg • p.00y Is 18. .let you
rice*,• the prt.eit of • celebrity, carefully
re00000ltred 11. She dtopp.d the conn to
end posed her.••If in front of t he rh•ahia. fo,
a few ee,ond., opened the door •od dree
out a portrait.
Adjustim her ■peeterles and looking at
It, what should meet her estootshed gale
but • portrait of a lady acrobat in costume '
•• 11 ell '' ell ejaculated, " so this is me
eh • 1f 1 don't *pea to the •utbonuee
about this, my name least Mari.Jeekte.
Twe Savary sapper ftN0e..
('heel puff. •re made by taking as equal
quantity of grated chits• and breedcruml.,
writer K,z•heth Robison' Soo.il in • caro
full) prepared article on "Kre•kteat and
Tea Kenipn" in the February Loire floor
Journal. Soak the hreadcrumbe Inas much
milk as they .011 *boob. Tv each pot .1
crumbs allow two eggs. Seasuu with salt
and oat pepper 1'1..s alternately layers of
cheese and beradcrumb. in 0u
bah* g dub,
add the eggs end bake •but til teen miouta
'Nerve as soon as the duh is taken from the
Cut thin slices of bread about three nicker
square, beep them with grated cheese, t.k
tar care tent to spread It within an eighth of
aa tech of the edge of the squares. Place
tiles In a pan and put them to • quick
Torpeons* le 055161.
Alter • housekeeper folly redoes th e
worth of turpentine In the household she u
mere willing to be without • supply of it
It gives quick relief to burns: it is an excel-
lent application for corns, 11 is good for
rbeumatum and ore threats. Then, it is
• sure preventive against moths, by just
druppior a trifle in the bottom of drawers,
e►este and espboelda it will render the gar
moor secure (roan miury during the Sunt
mer It will keep ants and burs from chests
and storerooms by putting • few drops is the
corners and epos the .helves; it u sun dee
trucuon to bedbugs, and will effectually
drive them away from their batiste it thor-
oughly applied to all the joints of the bed-
stead, 11 Injures neither furniture mor
A Refs 1 singe , I , ,
1).e of the favorite Wirier games of the
smell boy who liver alas( the Hudson u
'jumping laddie -oaks..' 'Pbr sport reaches
Its hevht past as Mr ice In the neer r
breaking up, and whets the great cakes 'o
floating up sod .town the tide, a dozen or
more youngsters may be sten running from
one cake to another, and sometimes making
really daogerooa leaps.
O.s day ahoy agparently shout nine year,
old, was to be seas standing oa • cake which
was rocking 10 • somewhat alarming man
nor, and the little follow was crying In a
frightened sort of way.
'Whet's the atter " called a passer-bv
from the shore.
Aad then owe the sobbing, senwer 'I'm
afraid dim ak.'II turn over, an' if 1 get
drawee' me mot he'll lick me.'
Tee 0.ms... of . Walob.
R55ei.Pe watch, which has re000tay bees
sold at Bologna to a rich Englishman whose
name h set ..stiesed, has • history. 1 ■
1824 Charles X preessted the eompoeer with
• npeating welsh, studded with diamonds,
and playing two of Rosur*'. melodies. No
this" in Boleros would clean the watch, se
it was eget is the care of the tenor Fabiano
to Parr, when it was destroyed ,n • tin
Plinee, the watchmaker, thereupon made .
second watch. the exact enonterpart of the
tont, excerpt the( the di•mooea were false,
mad Rossini, who elver discovered thio pious
fraud, wore the trashes all hie life. (Nli h o
death 1St poised to • relative when on
has Mat sold it. Die said to OOStaiu an es
oalsat portrait lo seamed of Ramona es he
was in 1894.
Tae Sited 1.r ale Tted.
Rather ea odd couple applied nibs little
(bareh Around the Owner' a few days are
to be serried. He .r hasdsom.'y dewed
and sheet 96 year. et .n, while the wee
manger amid quite pretty.
As moos as they bed aeesseed whit they
wanted the wenn passed and and
Nadal we better wit;•'
'Why? b. r►ed.
'Well, we've get enly $60, .ad maybe the
lawyer wealgive yen deem dee1f yea
dent pay him, and- '
Bet before she set any farther the wee ie
formed that Rm. Dr. H..gbten didn't worry
diverged peeesna 7 het smiled it : there
was re marries*.
Mahe • yew Pt're1.e.t atem..a• se T1etr
Tearmro. Jan. 28 Ile-. L. A. Smith &
Co , et this eity, whine mate has beans. •
heeoshpld word thro.(hoot to I)nsu.ie.,
said ie many arse of M. I'nee, is ones
gpenathe weederf.t mine affected bp
Deng'' Amy Pills, dears to thank their
Wren few the red worn they ham ape. •
en ler this r.nedy. Drigg the past few
menthe then sipre.le_ beve been wind
l .early every paper r the ••u May b.
gntdrl people .hese lies ben bens pro
triaged. 'hen impression w a7.e1atter
ward and homer, nod .h..4 .envimes say
papa))udinsd sti.d et their asperity end
ty.tefe/e•sa. Yee losw sew, reader, that
Daddy Kidney Pails will de .n that in
• Wed ler wheat Thep ism steed the
If you must
draw the line
and have, like thousands of
other people, to avoid all
food prepared with it, this
is to remind you that there
is a clean, delicate and
healthful vegetable short-
ening, which can be used
in its place. If you will
instead of lard, you can eat
pie, pastry a•id the other
'good things" which other
folks enjoy, without fear of
dyspeptic consequences. De-
liverance from lard hascome.
Buy a pail, try it in your
own kitchen, and be con-
Cottolene is sold in 3 and
5 ptottnd pails, by all grocers.
11 ads on ly by
The N. K. F•Irbank
N d11n (;iso sed no
.be... 1. .h 0 able.
Jeoaae was laars•I,, •e nes an I .p' I1, but
it was ver. ,.ard 1 .r bur to rens...her w het
her teacher tot.( tier .' ani:. pr.••o.un.•'nw •
double letter when ah. ..e • tt;• Sh•
would•a i or •• e' r '. 1', tn.t.a.l nt
'douhl.. '4... .1- ..c. Her teacher
had 50. d y drd' ...r "c.sahler.nly .n .tow
matter in •prll ..t -.oily etterwards,
.Ienoy was .•l,r 1 .... '3 .?, "'De p.ragr.ph
b.g•.' •' 11p, ne (.' • . ..0 .loamy read it
tr,un.plier11ly, " I) ,., . e a,., ..ocy
•.ore . 41 '-se.
One menet in • ,witty of the
human mind .h..n. - • ••- ad $nreie• 40
•r1110 to ..'1, t)' thee ..1 .n:ure oee,ng
that a man ia a. s.. t.l ...flag set made for
solitude, tut ow s',. ties.. l.,.', mature
n ot nn;* ...pees w •.f 'Ifs, i.ut in
cremes ,•e trm.•f•.. •. • i se . .nore •,:•toes lite
than biotite. or era •. , It -ane• • pleas
tog .,preas.us ;.. t. •.w•ex. •, el an
duces • sesei+u'•- ..1 oh.. _.met •in +Ale oh
. e-vette•, 1• ,- n•• , the ong•n .-1 all
society. Nett. 11 0.4 astute, men
i-ovld M.. .1Nt 1 ...Omer, leer ).•.,d Ineer-
ouuri.withwe •n 111",
Iteferteg (rem *t. Skase.
Little I,oul.e ,••fled 'se enable of the
dew •t early m•retw.•
" %lemma,' ti*. se.. ;ms' : •' it's hotter
than 1 these'' it w • "
•• What doe••ema."
' • Leek hero; to. gran is ell reveled with
perspiration." i
II4..vs.n'. Per. tel. .1.1.ems cares
cough., cold., • • {r;m iiiti. and •11
throat end lung of ,1..
•li Ili N I'.\ I,I'II,
13Kir *l* .,of -8t.,
has decided to
will do,.
I,.•m Mtr,ne55, and
1 'i. entire stock
yr *f
In ord. '•• -.- o••t quickly
Take it always- Take no other
For Coughs and Colds
of Spruce
Syrup Gum
and all Affections of the Lunge
ar mire yeast., Caere Syrup. 'Ti. Clore
that cares. 150 sad Yor • bottle. teed
Kamerr ere.
Kamer wirsos a Co.. Pewees [Tome
Rob c -
iea no her alae
I'm St oto h but
you cense
smoke a better
Cigar than
Do cost Se.
►tuft 1 get sax
,f'`rmIcy a
GitANI) JEWFL Wl)OD Cr OK, ‘1'111-1SIi[[ OVEN.
C:..• '•1:r.n•1 J,wri has a ge'u'., Merl Iters, whs.!, audit* it (lake with
.hour .1 t' r fu •, r•eyulr. d 1, uthrr I•r�r W,e.i �tO*,.
I„ it
furred with a
and the f.1'.t doer i. 11/0.111/1 large •(.,•ugh to .11%e a lsjy ten the tl
'f 61.11 tlllg the wln.l.
7' r " *r'nd J. 1..1 11 new •lid .tylion is *tyeeraaee, cannot be ezeuI1.
011 j' t..l'v, Ilial tire. it 1. a tooat ta1if.Mt .y,,,,,,,. la a Krneral purpose
Stn., a Leri wt ..1 1. u1a.1. I t i. .uitable dor !Mail Iaatilitw 4*... aur It will
I.ak, with • wunll quantity of fuel.
II 4.01 011 N5..Ie...l• .id 0.1.11
tot tI ileitis *TOTS: •0.11..0,
♦ y' w ♦ ♦ • t.
( /wares C omen/iOnery, (%1*.der,r. Fruits (tee~
Only the Best kept on hand.
Is the Cheapest place in the .;ounty to buy
Stoves, Furnaces, Tinwdre and Lamp Goods.
11. ere ..•1.Rig- ate fur the celebrated H11WAKI• tO.tl• Ft'RNA('RS. These toe -
nano are all Cast 1ren.
We make onr own .116.1) FURNACES. This Iwo 'H1.:I:1' STFKI. FURNACE
C r )
1 core• ■fu I 1 ) )'V
F- M ,
rte mods make we old 13 is two
m.•srhs. Sao oral part es came from I.ucknow and Kath tis ger them. A $211 Stove fee
(18 50 ; en (18 Steve for (16 50 We have a specie, .-u• item 11 Moen A Co. ea Ness
Sloven, and Y our oxpet..f..r. lees than any other ',Lose 1.000, we win • po-
tion to sell .t close price. Come and see us and sa. • mos.,
The )'r.otiesl Siwe and Furnace Moe )favus'. Hotel, (iedrtti,
F0 it
We have Joust received a tine asIrortment of 1 t •) Sliprra suitable for
C'hrt.tma. Pr-sents which we Are prepared to gist Sou a! Grine that defy
coinys•ttti(/le. (:.11 and sae then'.
We hear . groat .seal about Bargain Pays lust now We will Rive yea
Bargains in Ladies', (ionto', and Children'. Fietturer of all 4yyleg,
Men's Foxed Late Boots, solid Leather, 9:,c. per pair.•• Congress •' i. .•$1.'2u per pair.
i.s.lies' Butt Boots, from 9:.c. up to $3.00.
11 lase. and Children's Shoes at equally low prices.
in overshoes we will give you prices lower than the lowest.
i.adies' Felt Button Overshoes at $1 '_':' per pair.
" Waterproof " at I .:,t, per pail '\\;
Gents' Snow Excluders, Lined, at $1.20per pair.
We Barry the celebrated Granby 1 iver.hoes in stock that will went'
iron and will he sold at prices to suit the time.
Ladies), Over Stockings at 40e. and '111, per pair.
We deal in Boots and Shoe. exclu.itely *nil cell give you better Goode
for less money than you have to pay for inferior ;;o'•4s in the genera) Stores.
P.8. - Iie,neaber that we offer no I'll F:)111''*1 t.i got you to buy ear
(:oats except their Exceptional Value
W. SHARMAN, Jr., ''
Corner East st. and Square. "u, .'••w:or to E. Dowwttis.
=KESS 0 -00124111 -
Now arriving and to anile, Mill although i do not indulge in the
Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis-
cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New,
Seasonable and up to date. Price+ are right *'very time and all the
time, Quality considered I neat not enumerate the different lines in
Stock and to arrive in due course, but the public may rest assured th
no House in the Trade can do better. as 1 buy only from the
Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly ca.li its'I'. I)ne of my Specialti
just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge. hard finish, at
Price never no Mw in the annals of the Pry Goods Trade.
laasseelber 01ad1y Mtleteed.
1 ver rent. 0M.ew.e M Case
• Draper and Haberdasher.
Wo keep a large anortment of the '517 `Oft< Rifest
SItket ; Knead Mom her to $ye $fills thistle • the hark
Goods we hate reduced in Pile gad aro now USRLaeho
A fell Lime of !tiles, Jointers, Handles anti Tetts always in Stack. 41
teem fesaeos M.. Re.v■o.tt