HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-2-7, Page 2vZ'•••>.•
'a1/41:ve,B A•�'3do
9471 ly
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C ierniesT , 1at3.
He broke out tato It soft little laugh
tatty. with bet old good natured nonu-
ser. caught her heed as he did 'the first
eight Abe (.mane ta.(iltghppe, patted a
in a teen rly farthings and said: "It is
M., wr ng Way almost, Lalli. I ought t..
th:elueg you; not you mc. Why,
lo•..k, what a etupld old fogy l was then.
toddling al. ut the place with tax, much
time ear male bands. roadiag a lot 4e1
forgetting ev,.rytbing, aid ben; 7.:11
name in, gate Ile something to do, made
tb.• little 1 kuuw (d any oar and r:ui a
pretty gold tare down tsar rn.ty :lids(
of life. If then. are any spct'e lies !
gratitude to be Made, they are u:.n.-
they are mine. "
• •Richan. •a she said very qui. t
gravely. "1 olive you nttlee than 1 ' vi
ever arty -in E14111alt. You haler
Me W speak 1n your tongue :*!Cogs. I. r
all the usual things of life, but one tee
only speak trent the depths of tis. 's •
bears to one's native tongue. And m e,
the mitred. with a painful little stilt, 1
•'be,w strange it would rutted if 1 were•.
to tell yen all I thought in the league_(
of my la•ople-.'f my people whole 1
shall uteeresse seaiu. Richard. can cer
nn'dafetamll what it grind be to has. n
father. whew one is iiirae likely to
agaia-wh. m if enema nee again Aute -
1b114 painful would happen? We gate.
away Iretnae ojde against our will; wt
ft'el the snore toward tltt•nt, but th.
emote' feel the same toward nal, f..:
tM it world re. in another be wtiiph.
We want to love them, and we ti.,
nmeuttwr anti are glad to name Slit
again, but wry feel that we an: nide-
miller, laud b.s•anse we have grown t::t-
frreut outwardly they Morro *0 miss
owe chert that used to ring. Richards,
i-1 She poured.
"Yes. Laid." he antented. "yes. I un-
derstand you so far, but speak out. " '
"1 rpt 110* happy," she said "1 to. r
shall be happy. 1 have my chili, mat
tl.at is all 1 have. 1 cannot go bask to
the lift. in which 1 was burn. 1 must gel
on as 1 ant. a ata -anger among a stranger l ,'rial 'higtime• to the charee which '
people', pili -J, suffered, mired her a lit- I awaits, him. and then. ho! for Loitdoil •
th--and that is all." , eerie *'owe 'thin;. me danghter," be
The Parse had drawn ew:,y a little I said to Lali. "ren.• up here and take
distance with the child. The rest of the 1 the last w-bilt of (.rryhope that you
family wen• making their preparations I will have for .1s months, Year. dear.
i,a,itlr the helaee. There N -.Ie nu taw 1, what lunatics we all are, t., 1e.• sure!
w ar to N•:'t.0 the singular little armee. ' Why, we're as happy as little birds to
"Yon .1*'.. ld not nay :belt, he ad.l- 1 their tees out in the decent reuetry, •
ed. "Nie all furl you to be nue .1 10' and y, t wee ,rt0wper ,1T to a sineky .1.1
"But all your world does not feel ion , city le; the Thames to nab along welt '
It. be out. of them," she reitered. the world, instead of sitting high and'
"We shall see about that when y •::
thi peal ye.ar and a half Fyaicla Ar-
aseae's maw had adios been inenti(ti-
ed mad Never ie e•untrect:ln1.eills the
child. The child's moiler asked :bre
qutest1w with astrang• elute toe's. Rich-
ard answered It w•ttheiii beetntees.
"Thr child Ino k'. .Ile- Fr.unk," be
said. '"As like hint as (1411 l'
"1 stn time she ./u 1, "(iter .til vour
sake. "
"You are very deep thin morning.
Lal'. ' Rh -hard *aid. with a kund ed
help!. settee.. "Fr./.g will ler pr, sty
1.1.4111 of that youngster whet' he e. hoes
►rite. Bat he wurl't be pander of tum
than 1 ant."
"I know that. " she said. " Won't y, eo
1.' lonely with.wt the bey -and male,
Again the quest eau 'went bete.
el.ate!v 1 abcwl.i think I would," 1'•'
sued. "1 shield think 1 world. slut
even, you see. w•b,ad is over. and the
ulueter stays b•hin4 :ui.l make". up 1130 I
towel.. YOU will sial l.t'ndomI :1 311144
m.ast.•r thein 1 4n. Leh. There'llbe lot t
of .how--, and pl. uty to .et and smart
frocks, and no cad of feels and lathe ,
:maul that is More•aalanatngthan studying '
three hours a day with a dry old stir•&
like Ili.•k Annear. 1 tell y..0 what,
when Frank enter" -
She iaterro(♦.ttd hiyn. -11 a not speak
.4 that.... she *aid. Them with a sudden
bis --t 'f. fe ling. thmith her W,'t'-
w, r.- ,..'-.Ir,-.-17 3(4(14* l, "1 (We 7ta1,'Yen-
thug. Reim:A-eel rytlrin;; this 4. K.MML
I owe him nothing. Richer,' -nothing
lent wheat le 1,lrtcr."
"Ito -h. hush," bee said. • You most
riot speak tor,: way Lab. 1 watt to ray
o yon" •
At tlud Inonteelt 4ienersl Annour,
Mrs. Annour 31141 Maria appeared tat
I'll.- tl.eerstep. a :Ill the (atrrIage• elk/1W
wile -ling up the time. N stat Rtch•i4e:
itis. ud•.1 to say Was 1.11 unsaid. 11'.
chatue a were it never would, be amid •
"W(1!. e. ;I," said d;e'nerarArmour, '
calling down at then', epee -rt his me
�(�• . '`:l6�liii.':; rjji>�r. sri� it�''': �' •-. >1, ✓ � +1 'r.,.: ucZFS. :, 4ti:.r ����'.
TBE SIGNAL: ftorwinf'It. l,V[•. Tri rlthl►r\1 FEB. 7. '!trod
Armour was lot st boats: She had el
chalice area her and Marion ru Bund
stn ed mud wes boa toteo by tbrm. Slot
straightway gut wtu bee eSIrtegie aid
drov.• up to Cavendish square, hoping
. to find Mrs. Frauci■ Annear at blue.
hopebawl beset hearse party* at
.11.' Millet• I.IL. Ilcd rotate there to live,
but this visitor, 1bou►;h tare an me -
male fractal of tbt family had hover
been a guar:.
TI.,. vele t was Luly Haldw. Il. ral(ls
Idles Julia Slerwu.1. who hell matin
puesible what was ...tiled Fraud. Ar-
motlr'a !...iitr 1.oli hod noun,' to
'aim Lady 1tal.lwell had le et, h. r, but
'tin. m ccr nu I her. 1.1.e W.:• 1104 lis
wart wicked, but these an f• w W'atltJ
who ran rust an .ppertu11ity of mato
to.11i4 and reckoning up the merits
10,1 eleme11r. •.1 a 14e,u lis NM. 11.n. mar-
ried alt old lever. N'h. •t that e1((1111111 Ia
in the psitiett mar !1t:. Fr. u'is Art mar
the situation Ila. an unusual p•(IUa1N•y
and interest. Hem, Lardy Haldwell's
jnairnry e,f num/:41(.1u to (•,1.endish
As Richard maw d the dra'lmg room
doer to as. u•1 the stain. he meet/mind
the voice..
hive a sort of heathen as Mrs. Fran-
cis Arntrer had been, she still voted
grasp the situation welt eon-uderalile
elelnit«e Ther.' is n..thiug L,o•ner than
.sue w en • 111ntatlet releaniilig allot her
w"mama Where a Irian 4,. -.,iirer,i(d. %Irx I
Francis Annear n.wive.l Lally Halt'.
welI with a (tweet stateliness wheel. *1
tt did net ast.tish her. gay.' her suffi-
ce -ea warIuIlg that matters wrr.• not in
this little (vplely to ie all her own
w ey.
Tbr.,wn open the !Irene n- •1ms d
wit end language. Mrs. Fran.. Ammar
meet have leen ateal ditudventa.'•e, fur
Ladle Halt:wv11 had a e • e.1 gift of
speech, a pretty talent for epithet mei
iso ran.+•, rosary te•telerness. She here
Lalli no Malice. Slit. Was tar, &eon .as
and high fee.that. lu her mind the soire-
e( the man she had ei•emrded was a
mere 4-.nln.oipince ratastr,phr, to be
eiewtd wlrhnut h.rrn•r, maybe with
pity. Kine had beard the alien spoken
well of by some pas ,pie. other.. harm had
newt, indignant that the Arme'nn
should try to push -"a red wontan" into
English society. - Truth 1• the Armour.
lid not try its all to push her. Foe over
three years they bad Int society talk
They had - not'entertained largely in
Cavendish miner* since Lali name, :and
these incited to Creyhlp• had a chatter
to refuse the ifral'itati'.us if they choose.
Must Isph. diel not (Lowe to declt.,
them. Hut Lefty Haldwell was net et
that number. Shr had never been invit-
ed_ B new in town, when entertain-
ment horst be more general. abs and
the . run"oral were prepared for aerial
Nei !id L114y Haldwell's visit curios-
ity chiefly ran. She was in a way sorry
for Frwk Armour, for she bad been
fend ..1 him after a fashion, always
fonder r "f him than of bons HalderelL
She had married with her lingers bold-
ing the *crit• of advantage, and Lord
Haldwell dr.•*sed well. was immensely •
rich. and the title had a charm.
When Mrs. Francis Armour met her
with her strange, Imprsire dignity,
she was the slightest bit cadmeed, but ,
not outwardly. She had net expected it
At first Lalli did not know who her ♦is•
It'w was. She had not taught the name
distinctly from the *errant.
Pr icutly Lady Haldwell snit!, ma
Lali gave her hand: "I an Lady Hald-
well. Aa Miss Shp -reread 1 was an old
friend of your husband.
A scornful glitter mune into Mrs
Armour's rats -a peculiar touch as of
burnishes gold, au effete of the light at
a certain angle of the bets. it gave for
the instant an uncanny l...k to th. face.
almost something malicious Sloe guess-
ed why this woman had come. She knew
the whole history of the pant. aid it
toweled her in a tender corner. She
knew she was had at an advantage. Be-
fore her wet a woman perfectly trained
in the fine social life to which ale was
born, wheat equanimity was as regular
as her featnrrw. Herself was try nature
a creatnre It impulse, of the woods and
streams and open life. The serial cao-
vention had been engrafted. AP yet she
was owed W thinking and speaking witL
all candor. She wag to have her train•
ing in the charms of uuprrficiality, but
that wan to mole, and when it came abe
would not he an unskillful apprentice.
Farhat*, th.' latent subtlety of bur rano
tame to help her natural °ander at the
moment. for she said at trice in a slow.
quest tone:
"I neves heard my husband speak o1
you Will you sit down?"
"And Mrr. Armour and Marion are
not in? No, 1 mappers year Mahood
did not speak much of his ..Id friends "
The attack was .tu4ied and or .L
But Lady Haldwell had been etas( by
Mrs. Armour's remark, and it piqued
hey that this was paible.
"Oh, ye*, he spoke of some of his
friends, but not d yon. "
"Indeed! That is strange. ••
"There was no necessity." said Mrs.
Armour quietly.
'•(N dim -netting me! I suppose not
But by some thence"-
eIt wee just as well perhaps not to
antic. pate the pleasure of nor meeting. •'
Lady Haldwell tree surprised She
bad not expected this eleemaeea They
',eked 'genially for • little time, the
gaiter trying ie vain to delicately give
the rnnvereati°n a paesonaI tau. At
lashe grew bolder
w it!1 a needles sahebs .
"So old a frieed of your bullhead as
t • 1 am hopeful you and I may %w
tore. Armour sew the move. "Tele
• ry Lind," she said omvantlemally
.'fl. red a pap of tea
lv l meth el l Dow ventured unwise
see was nettled at th• other u tall
- um "Bet than la a ria I have
rout trieimol few a snag Mme Mra
.:r ..
. , n t was =dials • awe lase
. !lra Armon:- -Base wt
('t w.atlw
wits iMO hiss a Mind h
far away front it anti watching it go by
go tip to town. You are a bit Inert tai. God blew ray roue I'm old .enough to
Last. 1 don't wander et year feeling 1 know Getter. Well. let tae help yogi in.
my dew. " he added to bis wife, and
in you O. Mantes. and in Yon go. your
imperial highne re" -be pates -it the child
awkwanily in to Masi. ii -"and in you:
go, my daughter." he lidded as he hand- I
el l.a! t In, praising ber hand with a!
brusque fatherliness,. as he did so. He
then gid it after them.
Richard came to the aide of the car-
riage 4041 had.• them all gedt.y one he -
one. Lalli gave him her hand, but the
out speak a w,.rd. He call. -4 a cheerful
adieu, for horse:, were, whipped up, anti I
1n a moment Richard wan left alone on i
honer.the steps. of the honer. He stood for a
time barking. then he turned 0. goo into!
the house•, but changed his Hind, oat'
hewn. lit a cigar and did not move'
from his seat until he was summoned
to Ins lonely Iyloheun.
Nobody tboaght ouch of leaeln,t
Richard behind at I ire'yhop•. It seemed
the natural thewg to do. Put Will he
little shy, but then you will simply car-
ry things before you. Now you take my
weird for it, for 1 know London pretty
She held out liter ungloved handl,
"D' they o.mpare with the white hvtls
of the ladies yes know?" she weld.
"They are about the Attest hands I
have ever seen, " be repel.- d. ' Von
can't see yourself, sinter of nine -
"I do In,t care very much to s.• !ric
self," she said. "If I bad not a maid.
1 export 1 sh'wld look very shifties.% 1''r
I don't (are to look in a mirror. fly
only mirror need to be *stream of water
in =mime." HIM added. "and • corns r
of a looking glass got train the Hudson's
Bay fort in the winter."
Well, y.al are mewing a lot of cu
joyul(Ymt. " be said, "if you do not use
your mirror much. Tbe rest of in can
appreciate w hat 7oa would see there. -
Mbe reach, d out and touched his arm
"Do you like to look at ale?" she gats- had not ieen left aluaw--eniirely alone
Booed, with a atraige simple combo*. I -for three years o1 more.
For the fire t•me in many a year Rich- The days and weeks went on. If Rich
and Armour bloodied like a girl fresh •rd haat been atewuuted etx' ntric before,
from w e••o1. The question had come is. there was far greater cause fur the tenU
lmdde.ly, it had gnat eo q*iokly foto a I now. Life dragged. Too mnch had bolt
esosdtice corner of hitt nature that he I taken out of his life all at crowt for
10st eommanil sir himself for the instant. I the liras pl.rn, the family had be.•u
rt had little idea wbythe ooinmaod WWI j drawn together more daring the trouble
lost. He ttue.bed the Rogers 0* his arm which 1*13'' advent had brought. Then
affectionately. the child and IW mother, his pupil, were
"Like to icon d roe? Like to look gene also. Ile wanderdabaat in a kind
at yon? Wby. of eoarea we all like to of vague unrest The hardest thing in
look at you. Yon are 1047 Dae and this world t., get owed to is the absence
handsome --and interesting" of a familiar fuutstep and the rherrfal
"Richard," she aside drawing her greeting of a familiar eye. And the
bands away, "is that why you like to man with no (hick or child feels even
look at mei" the alss•nc• of his dug from the hearth
Be had n.rnrred himself. He laugh- rug when he returoa from • journey or
ed h his rid hearty wt, and esti:
•• Y. yea Why, of mums. Come, let
us go and see the boy." hi added. Wi-
llett her arm and Ili:Mind bee 6OW1I tb.. child that is mimed you ran bark no
e tepe 'lame and pd mi see Richard •p.w'nlation npan that wal'a meed or
lovaPh. the pride of all the Ar >R " mind or Colidlact. There is Do influent*
libe moved ts„ide hint in a kind of like the influ.woe of habit, and that i -
dream ►41e hail learned much sines sb* how, when time minim of people are
mato to On yhe.pe, bot yet the eoald one, physical distant* and different. .
• not at that I::,.ment have told .Naetly no matter hew great are invisible "r
wiry she asked Richard the orpiment& at least aril obvI. qmt
that had confute -el him, nor did she Richard A"momr was • .r•n.ihle Mr
know quite what lay behind the quem not when rale teeming 1 r •nide i• •
Men Rot tam Ty problem which had l,b perked a pw'nlantean ah( N,•l-t Dtt
works lasso nit to its appointed end if town to Cavendish wpnare •e art m.
ohg human fingers do not meddle be (ehmidere from trio
Wilk it Half the mi.eelemof this world tgietlm. 1f he ram. 1
ri nomad by forcing yessi, 112 every again into the Poria! 14
piNilimm of IM affections, the emorieas Mary years he had .1
,r the that There is a law working vary eendblr, ba-arw• a
eta wklera there .herald be no tramper- weh.,u.• s n. d.erl.yw
11111, 1i* foolish interruption coAe errs wan en grew y• n
Sat flntalitm and dllaasft- Against oldet If he carne b e- .
wow anti queetics there should he bop a ho hungers& 1h hit
- the one ward, wait o>r 1 .. I of w. 1•
Armour stooped telt the situ I t 14.9. a 1 • at.
"A braise. •• be said. 'tis roved the 1 m y.•e 1
g�tlemm Like P.i doled soup&. an. ' ..t ('euros'
re. thee. M •••••••• be aided.
his day's work. 1t give* him • sense of
strange•ners and hie But when it is
tis vlioe of a woman and the hand of a
fan , .. re out d „
tr.ma do you think he lode llka w' I, .8 was
die (alien This wore • glees , . • . y 1.l f or
tw.(r waked •inn. Mn nee and
allroWm. 'MO filly T1s* a
ran Mr hoer vied, fie At The t
L.a 4 a Ih,hlutN ptverwfly ear anti anld
my husband has naturally el.u.. *pa
Lady H.IdWell, u1 spite of liers-1t,
chafed. Tier, was a steel. tit to the
won141 lief:,r.- her hot to be n.•kcat A
N it11 11,;11413'.
"Ami if an enemy'. " sive •rid, steal
A strange sole tile... flickered acre*
Mrs. Armour's fa'-. an she said, "If .w
enemy of toy hr,,haltl called a1141 war
prultent, 1 should -.offer her tea, lac
"That is. it this ,':Whey htit in yonl
own e.alutry. which, 1 la•:Iet.% i. differ
ant, what %anuli y:u .h•' '
Mrs Amstar ha.k.d steadily au,l
coldly into her .iolte.r's ,yes. "Iu it v
couutry eneuties do uvt comp.' w to 1.(
"By calling on yon'•" Iatdy Haldw,•11
was gr"win, a little n.kl..=. "slut
then that iw a savage country. We are
diff. rent here. I suppler, however, 70at
husband WA you .rt these things. so
that you were not earpriw*L And whin
demos he tome' Him stay w protracte'L
Let me sae, how long is it: Ah, y,•-,
near four years. " Here she b:.•ann• al re-
geth'•r reckless, which she regretted
afterward. f.,r she lures after all what
was due ben•.'If. "Hr will come back,
I septum "
Lady Haldwell was no coward, 01:4,
she Lad hesitated b'fvrr' speaking w
that way lmefore this weniate i1 wises,
Wood was th, wildness of the ht mlcad
surth sit psi eh.- !masa..: the pa" :on
in Ldli'a breast, p. chaps not. lis any
ca. -.•she would have said what she list-
ed ado the moment.
Wild att were the pawsious to Lali's
breast. she thou;(ht on the instant syr
Io -r *hold. of what Richard Anutatr
would say, for he hail often talked to
her slant net siyewtng her emotions and
limestone had told her that violence ••f
all kinds wail u,.t wise er proper. Iit•r
ting• -n. ached W grasp this beautiful.
exasperetiug wollau bis the thr. at. But
after an effort at calmness she remained
still and mal:•ne seeking at h*'r visitor
with a s•e.rnfnl dignity. Lady Haldw. 11
presently r.r. ehe'vultl net timings
the furoate.• of that leek, and mold gni el -
by. She turned. toward the diner. Mot
Ar•rm,nr n'iimined Ili•:n.vable. At that
instant, however. sonic one stepped fr. m
behind a large screen just inside the
door. It was Richard' Armour. He was
pale, and on ht* fares was a Stas dates the
like of which (hie and perbap. only one
other woman had ever 'seen on him. Ile
intern:ptesi her.
"Lady Haldwell has a fine talent for
irony," hr said. "lent she does not al-
ways use itwisely. In a mar it would
bear another name, and trent a man it
would be differently received." He'
Came clot.' to her. "You are a brace
woman," he said, "or you would have•
been more careful. Of coarct' yon knew
that ,ny'hotbcr and sister were not amt
She smiled languidly. "And why 'of
coarse':' "
"1 do tact know that. 11nly 1 knee-
t]1at 1 think so, and 1 also think that
my brother ferank'w worst misfortune
did not (rear when Milers Julia Sher-
wood trafficked without eompunetiml in
his happin.*a "
•'1)oti't be oracular, my dear Richard
Armour," she .aid "Yon are trying
really. This twenty lamest melodramat-
ic, and melodrama is bad enough in
Drury lane."
"Yon are not a good friend oval to
yourself," be answered
"What a discoverer you are! And
bow much in earnest! Du Dome heck to
the world, Mr. Armour. You would be
a relief. a new sensation."
"I fancy 1 shall oume bock if only to
me the 'engineer hoist with his own' -
He ptosed before the lama word to
give it point, for ber husband's father
had made his Money out of torpedoes.
She felt the sting in spite of ber, and
she taw the point And then we will
talk it over at the end of the *.neon,'•
be added, "sad compare note*. (loud
"i'ou stake much on your hazards,"
the said, glancing back at Laid, who
still stood immovable,. "An revoir!"
fine left the room. Richard beard the
door clone after her and the servant n• -
tire Then he turned to Lali.
As he did so, she ran forward to him,
with a toy. "Oh, Richard. Richard!"
.be said, with a sob, threw her arms
over his shoulder and let hos forehead
drop on his breast Then fame • sudden
impulse in his blood. Lang after he
abtadeiered when be rwmisnbemeel what
he thought at that instant; what he
wished to do; what rich readiness pos.
se nd him. He knew now why he had
come to town. H. also knew why be
mast not stay, or, d ::ging, what mutt
he his corset
Be conk her gently ivy the tem and
fwd bar to a ehbir, speaking ebeerily to
her Than he oat down beanie boy, and
all at once @gain. her face wet and
burning. the flung herself forward on
ber knees betide bis and clung to bit..
"Oh, Riobard. Ism glad yr bore
ems," she mid. I would have killed
her it 1 bad out thought of you. I wont
you to star f @m always beau when
yen are with ma 1 have mined yea,
and 1 know that baby min toe "
He had his ma ire
little ' vane, ens% •' M :lits ,
"It's all right, serail right-ul7 master.
Int us go and seethe youngster. Thtte,
dry your eyes .Mi Negri all about that
woman. She Is tally envious of you
Cu' me, for ht. imperial higbller. "
She was to a tumult ,.f feeling. It
was wldwu that the had shown eauoti*n
1n the p•et two years, and It was the
Mary Situp!, Whew it did break forth.
But air drio.1 her ryes, mei tugetber
they went t„ tlu•nursery. She disusia ed
the nurse, and they were left alo to by
the sleeping ebll.l lilts• knelt at Ibe
head of th. little out 4d touched the
child's fur,head with h.r !mite. Ho
e toopad down also I.'il.te 11.
•14.'14 a grand little fellow,"It• raid.
✓ eale" h.- ...uunuel pn.eaatly. en r
lune Prbuk canal home. 1 am going to
write for bit. If he does not mens a
oboe, 1 shall go and fet.-I, hien."
• •No.-r! Never,'' il• r ,•yesNa-hedaD
grily. - l'r,ni.e that you Ntil 11.4 les
hue aero'• when he• t• read'. lb. dots
Ilia care•. " She shuddcrwi a little.
"Hut he 14111 rare W hen he
and you -vent nitre for biul. 1.ali..,
Again she shnddene.:wd a white
uene rein und••r the het exciteneet a
her cheeks. She maid northing. but !•alk
ed up at him, then dnq.pd her far 11
her hands.
"You .'.0 can' for hint. Lsli," he sad'
ranee.* , al ul,ra a..l.•'only. his Iiia
twitching slightly. • You oust can• fol
him. 1t is I s rt,ht. And he will -I
swear to you I snow he will -(tore fol
you. "
In lits own uin,l there was ALMA het
Mb.114ht. a hard, strange 'tbougbt, apt'
it had to de with the pwibihty of b1-
bather ant caring for his wife.
Still she did net speak. t
"To a g.s.l N•u111a1, with a good hur
tad." ht confines .1. "there is no oma,
-there .Iwuld 1a• oro' on,' -like Ow fa-
ther of her child. And no woman eves
loved tier (lis Id new,. than you do yours. '
H.• knew that tins Was special pleading.
Sh'• to mhl.oi :m'1 ,heti dr.pp.I het
cheek Ieed.•thechile's. •'1 wale Frans
to be happy. " he w, ..r1 "Tin•re Is 11.•
one t rare ul.re• for than lar Fctnk.•'
Sh.• i le r fame to hint 11nec. in it •
strange light. ?insulter lad ran to eta-
8arper'a Magazine.'
IN 1895
TM afenpteesse. • sow novel by Thomas
Harry will 1.. limp . la the lho...ner Nom -
No. UM. sad .a.nllsued to November. top.
Whoever my be ...'• favorite *mous Kam
114 .arouses it .•
111 b..ared f ,•m 11 011114,11
'hat ?ammo Hardy a1
master woo is Sellas slid 1M irssNete.•
w •v be ex awawd 15 woos. se,hns a•.14 .Wt is
terior a Ammo to i Mt wt... h has enerkod
Trilby the most .e..Y•ee.f.l mail of the t sr.
Atwitter 1.•.A.nw feature will he the Permian.
ieroilM1.aa of Joan of are. by .h. *tear
loons de Cottle,. iier Nose sod Pkat r•N., r•
emir: 14111(► 1114:116 los met Iw.W!ar o• bring
A -.Arse m.g•s,5e. writers *,Il meows( the
the Mati of ler Masa In the J•atur)
Num r w.11 •1't*' a W l '."1 'iteornt5d
toper ••n r'barlal.. at 4 1Me 4.relier.. the
rest of • .er1.5 of Soot Mow 'potion..
Nisei Mars A boo to •I l on Ung Mort. *11.511M
(as al sato her e,le.rias•a wn• the seat .4
luMree. Th. seat toluene .A 11Alt l'KItA
%INK will rental, tour i•rsd
art wins um thio IN Winn..a.* •hr,e .fll•.uw,
.ter et Ihr forwent ids ,here. J a maw I1AL1•N
• .11 Prepare for 'be 'if 40A % I N.; • vert'* orf
gist •,"rite. op"en"s 1.4" a1 ph.•.ae of
I hls..e OF at 70..54.7*. M'ei.le. 'hr loss
..uf0•e lhrra eel IKd n n •he Januar. Nuns
her the dna chapter. of a Tir.e.r.rt 1.1a-
Nu.bv ttt1atu Htaulsu I(4e.• he mea-
nie work yet .tomo ed to Oita e.n•rr ('011.
Meta short estrus hl impala- strop,'. •.Ilco.-
tietteinbe•feature ofthe MtIfA7.INM:.
mend fee 111u•trfted rrw.Prrtse.
the Volume.' of the M„g,,ine lr.;,p with
.he %nn.lrr, foe Jun, *u•1 lie. ember of emit
yearw leen outline ale men'
wdl in•,rta out. the Number current a the
wise of reread of order. :Teeth 1'e-ew, tar
hooding. Sal cents each by snail. p,..t p5si.
Hemi: ar.c-. dao dd bis :note to Poet oia'e
Moprl order or Roane. to meted chaser of
.Y.r.mopIres ore aof fr. coop M'.. *drrrrir
,went irittoirt fA. ,rprrsa order er Harper t
broth. ea
filar I4'r„1 sur '.r•. le. hien re. u, is it n
mfr. nor 4'•44
tnska4 and she ...time•! to Head all that
he meant to e'•nyey. He knew elle did.
He torch.'.! her •heuld,'r.
"You tune do Ile best con van evert
way, far Fr.(i,w's sake. for all our sakes.
I will help yon -1 i'a4►uoWs I will -all
I ran.
"oh, ye.. y(•.'" she said fr'•m th,
child's, pillow He e,u1d me the• Dau,'
in her cheek. "I uuder'tan(L " She put
out ber hand to hint, but did 1101
up. "Leave me ebur with Illy baby,
Richard, •' she ph -ailed
He tete her tend std paired it again
and again in his ,11,1, uncensei .ns way.
Then lir he it go and went slowly to
the door. There he turned awl looked
back at her. He mastered the het
thought in hint.
••(..o d help mt.!" she murmured front
the cot.
The next morning Richard went back
to (Ir ybop,'.
A Clever me4.r4,
That was • clever retort which • laborer
once mads to Lord ('haacellor etunden of
Eaglad. It appears tb•t etheasequonceof
oho interest which the 1.•.rd 4'bancellur took
on oehalf of Wilkes. he became so popular
that the parishioners of I'htrlhtest, where
he resided, mods btm • primmest a tea acres
of common. His lordship. who was • very
early neer, wee the first to discover, is nee
d has moment walks, that • poor widow,
who resided en the oommoa had all bit
geese stolen during the previous web. 8e
chapatti to meet • laborer go'f1 to work,
tusk :Making from being wrapped up in his
gnat coat that he was unknown to the aa,
he inquired of him r.psoting the geese, *ad
*eked if he know what punwhttasat weal
be inflicted re the ogesder who stole UM
geese from the oommoo. The mea ee.swered
'Well. then,' said his lordship. 'ha wosld
be trm•aported for rvea years.'
'1( that a the 'wee,' replied the laborer,
'1 w111 thank roar lordship to toll mo what
punishment the law would 'slim,. oa the
men w►te stole the oommos from the guns
Harpers Yrreg Rand&
Tbe Fiend era firr.ert*e.
Mos.tors Tim : A specenen of tire sort
of whited sepslrrs of • m•. that brines
discredit ups the Christian religion is
John R. Fait, who, was smote • week
age. oottfessed to having emhsrs.led $15,615,
Ike mosey of the (•hom'o•I bask, of New
Vint, of which he was paying taller Ho
was • Mediae siembsr d a •'*lags dtuak,
sand superintended the Sudsy wheel. wee
• great sarcoma of teetotalism, was • Arias
(Sabtsterie., too, •ed had ow. little Mys
arre.tod ler violating the Scadsv law. who
wore employed by oho department of public
works of Now York oily is removing rub-
bish from ee.dtriud land. elooni.e that
they should ei i. o.b.reh. Rot .11 his Ie-
lrgion did sot limp hoer from being •
that. Re w .nn.0wh*t the tope of hypo-
crite sad beet .sordieed by Thomas Hoed
is the limes mused the other syht by 11...
A sone stay efy Therei, (thumb ' at every
Wild me oars Mem Mae other peepie •
A dew'l set poetised • religious bird
Reeassa is kegs iv -amide freer aha
Lift a II
dwgp.tb /.
I/AKPF:KY .1fAteiteINR „he rev al fa
PlaISAK(PKKS 1 ff UL'A'U PMiI'f.Y - ten
Pfetfilff Piet tool! .148.,"' fa Mr Mind
Mates eLaodu -rad
Adelson: HARP= a; BROTHIig.
-- _ P. 0.1.a NLP. N, City.
$arpsr's Bator.
IN I895
K1. nt sad Pu•1 ••:.e d.-•ng.o for mt deer
.5n. 5NA..r Tesoro.. drawn trear Wolarn
,wod.le by ya,.mkt .ad e'm.rc.s• are a. Im-
peryant feature. These s seer WIRY work,
errempaekd h. minute de-crNir..*.od de
a(Im. Our Par.. Wter. by Ear.t&A'va us
Hiked t. lea we.1117 transcript of the Istost
.tiles and two/ices in the ,aide. Ceder *Ae
h(.4* of New two ►..*l.,.•. plain direction.
.nd full particulars .•r .v(ea as to shape.
fabric.. trimming*. and *c.•• morn, of the ea.
,'ren• of welt-drssud wr.n,.o. 4144 dere'.
CMbl.a reee•v.•s erac•1c•I a�i�re° tow►. A
t0rtelahtl• ralreen,:Mel semega vas ea
*tees readers to . to and make trete owe
downs. •Ae woman who takes HAItl'P.l:'tt
RA%Aft i. pm: .er.l to- every de•.ss,no i.
Ms, °.region' -m • r tufo ne*1. w 1w••e Mom ital
eln.• i• •• .,sur;-. • .
An .'.,or"-••' w•rta(. M•.,ts I.aerIrb••
i•w��Meta,he it. 14.4 Wirt- 11 e. lost. .rt- a
;ro, .. n....•I - 1 Ague' i tan :if• . tar!, lid •'
Pest .' a ori• •' n 1.'ry 1 •• Ie 4*.- q,,: h. 5J,
nage. t •r ../of slat'WAV.
Lady Mb.4,. ea 41 tensely rxeitt54
parr, h. NIat',rK* M.Altr.1e. •Iurher c,
-God' •,nal.' ft, .•n1t4 011'7: Mr, fete
beats the •.w.
r.w. • nett. 0••1-.54 1 b.H T.. th •
me n, T1'r•?An.M u't.,,•.. • !,bl'o'b rrta,mums
pats r. un Nib•+ N u a.'e 1141.1.4' :a New Yee*
eerier) .
Awmwere to f'N/espeademes. efne.tlnM*►
.cave the p ,'res al meow of for .dn....54
are answered at IM.srlied y.w:ba date at
ter their reeelpt.
Mend few 4(450,4.454 rr.mp.rl.•.
The Volumrsof the H.z*M t*,nn with the
firer Number nor Januar• uf••.eh year. Whim
no time t• merit tuned. .0 town ptlon• 14,11 bruin
With the Number curr.ot •t the time uf receipt
of order.
Cloth Caws for each volume. suitable for
binding, will be seat by mall, post pail. on
receipt of $l (50 each.
ltrniiti.r.".s should be made by Pest mace
Mosey order or Draft. to avoid clamor of Ion
Newspapers art. mot to ropy floe. odrerlior
wrnl 'rot lost Ger .rprrs....r'fer of H .lis -pts t
The Signal
Per Tear
HAKI'RKS 14'F.PA" l'
I'o0tagr Fro, to nil ,..1sr-tibera is fkr Coiled
"airs, Canada. nod Mrriro.
P. O. Hol 9414. N. T. (`it.'._
Super's Weekly.
ones t.urw'u•IMattentionsattentlto its
Job PrtnI40l fan ran, wlook are .5enr-
prsd °unmade the eines for the tramp
sad frrop.r els.:atom mat all ulnas .f
printing. A perusal of this auaauaoe-
meat may .uggst .oal.tluug you may
bele ...d mat, end in snub oar we nab -
en your patronage, feeling uosfideat
that our effort. to plow will n,..1 with
the approval mal ower t.•t:U*.
►`Holt A‘Itt an
This useful size u kept in the fall
range of qualities .ansa as latter
heel.. While
ere not so generally used, they fill
an important place in wtasercial
uorrespe telence. `414 what we've
got under the above heads.
Le ate k\e ttokth
In tins lino wee have a very large
stook uf tine writing papers wit
able fur e.••ry 'leas Of business
repreeetsted in this lucidity, cum
prising batt and *eve, liurns,
yutulnlle a ,.l other pepera, ruled
or unrnlod, as may be requires.
-IS.\\ %kends
If toe " pat as -you go " plan was
the order of the .day the demand
for account paper would not he
SO great , lout there are some men
who get so atany dueineri that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We 'Ion't llltelld It t0,
asci at present our stock id cum
pirtr w tbia line with four size.,
(.:o.si paper anti neat ruling.
'01kt.tkeuxt e'♦<t11
with single and .Iouble dollars
40.1 eetita columna. They ,-owe
cheaper than bill heads, %n.l are
the proper thing to ,end :after a
delinquent once a mouth. The,
are sure, to fetch him round -
IN 1895
H A RPKR7 WEAKLY u a picter:al history
of the times. It presents every important
event promMl7. accurately and exhaustively
is iusprratlea and d*.°riptire text of the high
set order
The m•a.sr la which. diaries 1404. It has
treated the MasaoJHallway sod the ...54 a *f
(Ti.oN• ase
Iiibt It wee aide to throw os Kama the Latae
atw4ioa was dirroted to that hoe known
°os.tr7. 545.xserples of Its almost boundless
remoreda. Juu.m Raum, the dlatl.reolaked
writer and oars epen4A.t, hes bowl seat to the
•eat of war, and there seined by C. 11.24'ros)..
obs well -brews Asti*. artist, mow for
near yeah �rara t is Jwitn1 MrheRaw' beea
.medsegaill iae to HARPER'4 WEICKI.Y exe1cdye
istermatio..ae Illuursomm.
UM every van. .111 b.
daewns 1 with vigor •.d without pee yodic* is
the editorial ed.er... sad also ta special arti-
cle/1W Om highest a tb.Mttw is ea.* depart
:neat, Portrait* of the sees •5d wooers who
apo erakt5* ht*terr, and powerful mad seethe
pdnlarl o•rteome wIH oen(Igee to be eh•rae-
tertetio features. Tae neer were. loth 1t*
bees sad kl.dly o.mmem1 mike lesser dotage
of the day. will :.mala • resrular dep•rtromiL
P leteen. '(here 14111 he two prwerft. serials.
both M.dm.alr Illustrated- Tike Rod rose -
Auk. • .rtrrias roma•aeo of olden dyi h7
SrArt4sit J. W and a novel e( New
Tera, entitled Time wee .r Pae rein... M
BRAND= M ATTwevw.l novelettes. ..d
erect short Menem by pspuier wrlt.4..
bead Ise itomersW rreispersaa
✓ he Yol.osor d tb. Weasty britt. with III.
arta Number tor Jae e.ry aeon year. When
.o tier. Y mratlm.sd, wk.criSlone wi11 bagsit
withDmtM Naber comsat at Dim (la a
of r
Cloth (?gym.s tar mock volume. imitable 1.r
btadl will be oral by mail. pow Mid. o. re.
ostat 7 iter each.
I(perttIe.oss should be ad. by Post °Mos
Messy order or heart. to avoid *hate of
▪ N
May fat toropy Chia arforrflar-
taetp./gery .,'d, ./ Harm. t
rsal :tilt Mt enwrap
Pee Taw
ARPRil1 '$ WXZKLr .. N er
A4RPLKfi ligiis11/0.4ZINls . tat
A R� A rou:m PIDPLR.. .. 14 fSO
Skiffs• ao.hw 414' ric g' s h the OWN(Aeldt.n(�5:aM�RROTHUMPL
P. te M. file N. T. Qt,.
ibmtat- I aeaa.t w.
'it's • great mistake,' mid a piiMephsr,
lar • war sem M gal data p_Yaise mime be
is sure hear arts a ti it'
"Thoth van vaslya she pWmghw'.
vile, let% saws i. me that . wen who
meld make
alte lb tgtf moi.' mad gat
W eb Mies
/_ a ...•„,___ _..�.�.was moms eVIEW
iar►be\Ova./ s
Now, it would he hand to get
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the '!t ..ia1..1 for
them we keep a lerlfe stock oa
hand. Vi'.- have how reset •
hundred thou4nt.i in stock, and
he pr1(t•s will range from 75c. 0
$2.00 per M. We, handle vont
menial and legal giz-'a excleri'i.IT,
obt•tt%ut rout,\ \ rte\taper
has already been partially .-num
er•tel 1n some of the Iwo!, alaove.
There is, however, a (teat amours
uf work un.ier this heats that to
enumerate would more that, take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at THE
to an "At Houle" or a welding
require considerable taste in nese(
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
*tock the very latest and beat
samples to be had. Call and re.,
of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached.
We aim to excel in all the differ
eat kinds of work we turn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
C, 6.s (arid► T..r11te<s
This herd covers a large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat calling card, from aa or-
dinary admission ticket to • tasty
business card or s handsomely
printed membership ticket.
os<er s
Our facilities for turning out this
clams of work are evidenoed by the
fact that the great hulk of it is
done by ua. This line also in.
which our three fast-ruening job
premises are able to turn out in •
surprisingly short time.
% a\t 13%\\s
belong to the poster department
also, and we make a specialty .1
them - prompter= being ler osis
in this respect A notice of male
will appear in Tu IOEAL fns of
charge when bills for same see got
#\\ Rands of VA oak
in the typographical printing Iia
oat be done in this establishment
in as ettpeditlens and arti.tis
meaner mad
Ov►r Qmetes vti.\\ be, ¶OWI4. i
*wee Ve0sov8.dia,
We e1kend oar thanks for past fav
ors ..d mash a oont.anw• el the
''t MALL4,1 Alli#IA.
i-- -s. Use