HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-2-7, Page 1:FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -2803
1 Tg11e Apt AgCE
• • •
For The S
Laurier Expound. the Polley.
The ones *mere al ..lr al by Ib, Ub
eras rends rte I.erecters •esnd
lee asaed..s Me reside/vs elf
ter go taws 4 eaVem•N■
4 )\ the evening of .1 tnuary
Hoo. Wilfred Laurier, Ilomiutou Liberal
Mader. addressed a large yatbersug to Muo-
treal. Mr. Fitt: Laid
Mr. la.rler'. Address.
la the Montreal! le the Ib. great ('on
e ervsttve Protectionist city of Canada T
fit 1.y. air. well might I put 'be question.
weli might 1 expert a doubt, for. looking
et t:.e se of upturned fares, hslentng to
t1. .•i .mor* aid pistils of this great
s . ,.rco, feeling the warmth of the greet -
it C extended to one who u known to be
neither a Conservative nor • Protection'..,
1 i uulrt well Imagine that 1 wan now
• t ding, not in th. city of Montreal, but
1„ 1 .outland -tug Liberal and Free Trade
lint this is Montreal, and 1 do
not • f..rtet, throne instant that fur the int
ul:.leeu yeah, as often M the people nave
two celled to wt their ballots. tneelectore
4,1 M..otreal have thrown in their lot, by
or.-rwhelmang tuajoritien with the power*
t:.,t Ir --with a l'.ne.rr.tiee lioTerntntnt
hid Pte p.elcy of that government -
I -1 me speak frankly with! the
• •n.m.rcial p.lioy of that govern
r.ht Promotion. . .
I her. are t'4.neervatnes w thie autheuos,
there are Mtntstrtal,.te. there aro ''outer
rat vst .bo poriats are nu longer ilium.
t.n..0*Ia Then mar be present some
sun., adhered at the onus/ to the policy of
prr.tecuuu, but who remember that in the
tp intoe. nay, in the very language of tioes
we,. prrache.I the policy. it ws to be taw
rorar!and not p.rtnattwt, and who be-
ishove it has pa.a.,l Its appointee time and
Duet now the time has come for a change.
There may be others who were believers at
ilio motet, but have had thou faith rudely
. laaeu by reverence. There may beams,
believers then. and who are believers yet,
hut who, *hocked and alarmed by the re-
velations of corruption and mslf.asence in
o ffice. which are con.tanlly coming to
hoot notw,thatend,no ail effort* to keep
them in the dark. and remembering also
the promisee which weer held out by the
mem in power that all wroop would be
redressed. that all (deadens would be pen -
,.bed. auol finding that thew promisee have
been violated s often as made, have now
-utile to the conelti.ior that the duty of the
hour dom.u,la that prompt and salutary
jostle...bou:d be meted out to the men
who. recreant to their proudest, bars left
• g.ndera anpnnishrd, and from whom it
enu.d be fully to expect
Tire Redeem et Any Wrongs.
ketone all men. 1 un lore to pretest the
pule v of the Literal party. Rather, 1 w:gel
n ot *ay that 1 ate here to preset the policy
if the I. beral party. heroines that policy
is well known, but 1 am hen to defend
and advocate the p.Lcy of the Liberal
party In this city of Montreal, abuye ■11
et nor places. it has been the joke-tb• old.
lent *tale jok• in which Conservative ors
tors and editors have found an unfailing
source of enjoyment --to my that the Lib
Gni party bays no programme and no
policy It is an old. stale joke, as point
:es as it is old and stale. Why. the pulley
of the Liberal party has been declared in
:he solemn convention which sat in 1 ettaw•
a Jane. 180.1, and which was called to de
termini that policy And the Liberal
party then determined what is policy
would be not only on motel tate questions,
bet epos all tbose.gssstions wnueb sydh
remotely w.eli.tast **Canadian people.
That policy is outlined in the hook 1 hays
before me That policy comprehend@ the
lo'lowing subjects.
First condemnation of the sal
pt.elc� of the Conservative (ioveroment te-
tether with their declaration of the policy
if the 'Abets/ pulley on the some subject.
Se-•md, r.eepructty of trade with our
e rtgbbona
Thind repression of ourrnption and mal-
'.aesnc. in otle.
Fourth. • onousy In the administration of
pnld,c affairs.
Fifth. the right and duty of Parliotn..t
'temple all eorruntKIw and mallow
sure ton .Men
ith ilio selling of pnhlie lands s sa
sal settlers and out to .peculators
..,.nth, the franel.iee--tis equitable
1,*tribnttun of Parliamentary represents
F:igbth, temperance
111 hie ie the whole programme of the
1 :Meal p•a.ty. It wonld be Impossible. Ir
the short time at my disposal, to go over
thee whol..ohjeei minutely or even gen
Grady .:rut shove all those genions then
.1 raw wbieh le of the utmost important'''.
T1'ie is the treed. policy l'pon that quire.
tion. i sad not tall you that w. stand M
.be very aetlpodes of to ('nwmrrative
party The Coney 'alive party believe in
nrooeellos. All their hops is Is pests*
•sne The liberal party believe Is free
trod, en broad Hoes mob as exist is Brost
and their ImtosdiMe objeet la •
-.tomo. tariff D tacit be he derived from
..1.tnm.. Ant which will bey so duties,
meet for the psrnos.. of 1somM; s Woe
whelk will sourer bort user fever any
times tee the prejedlas or favor of aeybudyi
►tate ooh... ties and !tansy Wui w
To Derive the Maalmere /Mars&
from the wuuwam 'slat: n.. nue. 1 lore
o p den frankly A. 1 iul.l you a muuu.nt
ago I du not forget that l ant •peeking
Mire in Montreal. t do 0.t forgot that
M•a,treal 1,ss one • urutecUoul.tcity, but
1 w..n11 not be worts ., the position 1 ire
: ogee ,•o the ranks .,1 the l.iber.l pony If 1
were ,u toe city of Montreal to Iudd any
bowl ge .::R.•roht to that wi.cll l hove
beau a. iu.tuutel to speak 10 the rural
leo. 01 our community 4Appdao.eei. As
1.1...e: a g the farmers and .rider. of
moo ! •t., w I.tand to -day upon the plat-
( •r.n ..: t r Lior•ra1 party, w I .taud here
01441 1l. p'stforo which wail rrc.•rdd
upon 1 ,si very queet on, and womb is
p •easy sat fur:h lug the regulation adopted
by the convention of which i spoke a
mumeot ego . labs resolution reads s
We, the I.:beral party of Canada in ma -
vent on aseembld, declare --
-.rl.st the cuaIoms tariff "f the Detain
ion should be based. not as 1t as Pow. upon
the protective principle, but upon the re-
qutremeut• of the public service.
That the meeting tariff, founded upon an
uus44uud principle, and Merl, sit has been
by the 1:uverument, aa • corrupting agency
wherewith to keep themselves in Aim, tea
de.eiope.d monop.alea, trusts and oombitu-
W •u.
1t ha. decreased the •alae . of farm and
other I..udel property
1 t has i •npr•esel the manor to the eurMh
melt of • tow
It has rjrrket Immigration.
It lose c insect great lues of population
It has imp/oleo' commerce.
It has discriminated against (ire•/
In these and ,n matey otter way. it has
oeeaaiona' great public and private injury,
all of whocl evil. most continue to grow in
intensity te long as u.• -potent tariff eye
tem tenuous in force
That tt.• bl:1heat Intonate of ('aaada de-
mand a removal of this oleteole to our
e,nt.try . progress, by the adoption of •
soused fiscal pulley, which, while not doing
lnju.tice to any clan, will p.rdnote domes
sic an d foreign trade. and hasten the re -
tun. of prspenty t. our people
That to that end, the tan/ .bond he re
dno.•d to the verde of honest. economical
and edi.unt government
That ,t st.uuid Ire so adjusted as to make
free. or to Lear s lightly as possible opou,
the oe.-.esarea of life and should be so
arranged as :u promote from Dade with
the whole world, more particularly with
Groat Britain and the I'n'tel .States.
W. believe that the results of the pro•
roto•e eiy.•.m hay• greviowlr dlmppoint-
.t1 thousands of pereous who honestly sup -
'tined :t. sod ti.a: tee country,:1 the light
of etpeneuee, a now prepared to declare
for a sound Geral policy
The leen. between the two political
putt.s on this question .5 now clearly de
rt.. t,utrernm.nt themselves admit the
fai i,r. of their feral p.,licy. and now pro-
fe, their withngno's. to make eons change.,
but they say that ankh changes moot be
bowel only on the pru,ciple of protection
We denounce tie principle of protection
as radically upe,und, and unjust to the
mases of the, people, and we declare oar
cen,vn•tiun that any tariff change. betel en
that principle. must fall to afford any sub•
ataocial relief from the burdens under
which the country 1.1 r,..
This ion. we unhesitatingly accept, and
upon It we await a:tit the fullest con-
fidence the verdict of the .lectors of 1. an
Now. perhaps I may be told ugh. Mont-
real I. not the place to attack protect:on.
Perhaps If there should be hers mom* en
tLnai.tatlr o..rxealms Protect -toilet, he
may say U., you nut know what protsr
limo has dos women for Mopins!! ilio
you not know that daring the last decade,
from 1881 t1891, ander a Protectionist
regime. the population of Montreal has in -
emoted :dl per cent ! Yds, 1 know that, 1
real it only the day before yesterday in
one Montreal Duette Ib you not know
that the population of Montreal wee 150,•
000 to 1881 and a now 215.000. and an In
'ream of 39 per cent.' I know all that. 1
do not at all forgot .t. but I wonid lilte to
reply to any one who pees this Wages..
that if that increase in the population of
Montreal is to be claimed as • oen.tlt pro
tectieni- protection has wrought a very dif-
fereut remelt it: 11r citatory at large The
inere..e of population in the cuintry at
large has not bon se per cont. se in Mont -
roe'. nor JO per sent. nor 25. nor 20, nor
.vel 15 per teat. The total intros* of
population has twee ,.nor 11 per rent,
while in the previons decade It wee 17 per
mint 1 would ask .ny man .ho claim
and honestly believes that it is Protection
which developed the population of this
eity. 11 you believe that protection is
ermined the population .f Montreal 89 p
e , you moat "Omit that, on the other
►and It hs had the result of diminishing
the rote of increase In the eoestry at largo
from 17 down to 11 per not. Ito you be•
belles. If the result of protection be to do
v.lop the eines and to detpot•ulate to
eoaatry, that .melt • system is dealnhl.
@von for the eitns/ lb ono A.li.,., if the
moult of protection be to osrieh the rite.s
sod at the same timee t0 imp remix , /11e
44150(ry, that the peesp.rfte of the el loam
eau be of very loog dumb..? (iti.e sea
not thrive by themselves. Ste- sea ihrfve
Only Wit lm. 0.watry Tiny..
1 grant les shot Our a IMO p• haps if the
cuattry uu,e 0.41 inure ine ewes may
prugw, but lug the lung rnn, If the eoou
try a not fiouruh,ng, the cities must de -
I ca/ s -well. In th.- face of such a result,
to pretend that 11 would be a benefit for
, Montreal to keep to the policy of gentee-
1 uuu, which its had rte effect ot decrees
nig the rat. of Increase 1,1 Use coast -7 at
I large, would bestiary I) to repeat the opera-
tion of the old %won't who bad a hen
which Ship golden sgg morning.
but who killed tie heti and w Io.t every -
thin` Ther. is uuly one stand, profitable,
deetraWe, porno- •paten& It is tial
which can be condurtre to the prosperity
-nut of one clans or ...stun, not only of
We cities --but of •l1 classes, of the clues
and the country at lame. and judged by
elite test, the poi.cy of the liuverument
elands condemner! In the
neat place I will assert thea, mid it Y per-
haps • statemrht too a loci:
No On. Will Take ►aeepther.
that Molitreei hs no Puneeei. 0111011 5re
distinct and separate from the rest of the
country. The interred* of tie country are
the interests of Montreal. sod the interests
of Moulted aro those ot the country at
Ilarge 'Renewed applause. .
In the nett place liths aarrt that s, far ea
l'a oda u concerned. leaving sole the city
0i Montreal--.paretiug. if 1t iter. ptwlble.
Montreal from the rest of the country -tis
system te
of procttou has an
been the bane d
' the cures of 1:angle. Tie bane and the
ors of I'anada I repeat Now, there to
til easy way to decide than, 1t1 a young
cannery like t'aoad,, the tunes** of po,pu-
iatno 14 11.e best test of re prosperity. we
have millions of acres of land to whir. we
Invite the population of the .hole world.
1.. bare uut been satisfied with a enema:
inertly.. of p,potatIot. but haw boon
making efforts to br,un population from
abroad, and for the last tw.uty years. ever
since Confederation teas existed, we have
lavuih.d hundreds of tboutmode it dodi, re
oven year in order tobnug in immigrants
from abroad We have stationed agents
in all the great cities of Europe and flood
.1 market pl.,ce and fa.r with books
paml•hlete and report, showing the ad•
vantages ..1 4 In 147.1. the l'on-
aeryauve party not mooted with the pre-
ro-tree, which ie( been made. adopted the
policy of pruteeoon l' i on what ground'
Upon the gement that at would gore labor
to every ..ire born to Canada and to the
tbunaa• de who wood come on from abroad.
That ws_tee "Alert 1:0f when the no -
the came out in 11491 what wee the rsa't!
It showed that whereat. from 11471 to 1881.
in a polo' of great coontuerciel depreemon,
our p,polau.o•i bad increased by 17 per
cent . yet under the *poem of protection.
from 1`041 1" 14111 the rate of norms was
tedut•e1 to 11 per cent Muni than that
The record. 'how that the
lours.•. of I'opulatle. I.e'aaada.
was about ha:f a mia,on eine, and yet
during those ten year*, from ISil to 11491
we had brought into the country. ac
cording to the records of the Depart
!seat 1 Ainn-nine. at i Klima. no
lone than *Mow immigrants who had
laiolerl at yi ebe• and Montreal to settle
nisi:, oar west* land'. Thi- c.n'u' returns
*looted that our populottun hal not in'
-resod io tie eaten, .•1 that 800,.100 but
only 4 !,tt -,.vet calf a million, e' that we
ha I loot the m hot.- uatur.l enema. of ('an -
tel., triode* .mics.' or 300 lera of inning
er, we til htotlght unto the country. Was
titere ever ouch a record• Wo real in the
tice,l Book that the avengiug angel was
,ant once to a:ay the first boan of a wicked
people. but one remota returns .bow that
tie *hut0 p.orgrny of Pur people w.* slain
---Iliad tiw whole natural increase of the
p.opnlatiota was swept away. I" oder each
cirrntnst•ner• is there a man who wall not
ear that. h. s r..tiutry whtel helm, many
eiranta,:m to tffer to immuprants, priest.
tom he. i.et. • benm and a cars! I w111
go further 1 will take the proposition
end look at it from tete point of view of
Montreal alone. 1 maid a moment ago that
nu interests of Montreal are the interests
of fatal• They c•nnut be es span.
N bat conduce* to the posterity of one
must conduce t.. the prosperity of the
miter. and if a protective ta'iff hs not
eimdoe.d to th• prcrp.rltr of Canada, 1
have no hesitation in .aying that it cannot
cotlrtlwto to rhe drvelo,ment of Montreal
1ha pdopninurt is we.1 borne opt by the
(seta What gram the popalatio:' of
Monireel in 11041• It wa. 155.237, and tit
1891 at wee 31 '..650 or an increase of 39
per tent :too tar s, good- 1 want to dis-
oo a this question fairly. and in order to
Pat it Pysar.ly It.rer. Tor.
and bring 11 home'.. the judgment of every
on., 1 will glee yon what the population.'
Montreal wee ie P171 and what It noshed
in 1Wtl In 1.17l it watt 107 225, in 1881
It had increased to • ,idle mon them 105,
000, but for the pi.ia•ee of comp ri.on we
must deduct 13.1161 inereme caused by the
addition to the boundaries of the env. e
that the isereas. it. the bosudanei of
Monerans its from 1117 295 in I8:1 to 140,-
747 in 1881 or 91 per cent. wtetw in the
following decde it was 59 per Dent Amy
perrrltonist man tell me, "here is to
justification of pr tortoni, here le the vin-
dication of onr policy that th. gr.si.r rate
a threes. was deo to the dere opment of
.nmmsree, through the large ma.nfo tor -
.ng amaablinm.nte which war. treated one'
1s.lntetned by prove -tins. " That r.awro,
boweier, le sot borne out by the font• it
would be tree If the population of work
tepees .wipbyed d.. maeefeetsre. had
prowrenal is the Mame prolix, toe no no
twsl popsloleo of the alto itesln. Ret
5ocu le 1...4 i1N ease. toot permit.* 1 may
aeon eh ' • ;:wed many here w hu. 1 tell
t:rw suet the deve.4.,•u,,ut of the work
tit, plane ion bei 10.1 tree ut rue .erne
r .u.. a4 the uevriopwout u( 11.. ,.le city.
Here are the adnroa, sad owes figures 1
tied an is very wee! bunk, tete report of the
M..utrc•1 Hooard of trade, puult.ue.1 iu
IW . the eewt-ulnnai report, and this to -
port, 1 may ow in pmo.u„ was rooted ..l
tie M.-utreel theme, wr:oi 1 am sure
,m_ht to glee 11 a rertIPeate of ..rth,wlm1.
w toe Iodide of wood. orthodox pelt.:
u. •u see tbelnuelvea The Aller., are to be
1.4101 In a lathe tuasrt-ii to,
l.r.' 91, lug
1D71 then were n.anuteetere to the city
• \I urea( arid in Dune factories wLru
•t gl,eu wen employed. root was feu
years before the Netl'.nral l'u1ucy. What
elfin the uum►r•r of men employed in 1871
in the tganufaetaraw of '.u:r....! It wa,
111 18111 Duet monist iue:-5...l to
an lacrosse of 11,411 tar Sal ler
nest- Tuit
I:ust :rams a teveeste-Tarlf,
What are the laurel u+ der pruler•el.w! lug
-1881 jun.' a year a;ter toe ivauguretiutu of
the National Riley, ,e taunt r of men
employed 10 the manufactures o Montreal
ws :1;,37,'., and 01 Pell it had iuii.saed to.
:os.562, an iorreaee 01 :, L't17 or au hies.•••
of 16 per cent 1'lius un.ir1 ,r..teet1..n
there wee au mere... "1 Ili per coot., as
compared whit at therms.* of 'e:1 per coot
under a reveune tariff Here 1. a .iemo:i
atralnu u lucuutr..rrrf lb:.... pn...ible that
the :ucreaae 10 the popuialion of Montreal
is not. due to Pte d.v.lopmott of mauutar
luring retab.lehweh4. 111 111.1 coy But
that is Put all. poet ne iwk et the lures
mens of capital. In tie year 18:1, the
amount of ratites toveate.1 in manufacture*
m Muutreal es $11,101,031. to lees. after
ten years of revenue iartff. that amount
had increased to :*'•185,(91. an morrow
of 921,000,000. or 180 per tent.. nailer •
revenue tariff. What its it under pro-
tection` In 1881 the amount invested was
932,1945.6111 , lug 1801 it was =.51.212,131, au
increase of $19,000,000. or 60 per .sot.
This shows • decrees in the amount of
capital iuv.sted in manufacture. from 190
per rent.' in the previous decade to 60 per
cent. in the decade under protection. Now,
.m told that a good deal of the capital
. itacribed and appeariuo in the figures
0t the Board of Trade, during the
regime of protection, was watered and
nut solid. But even if at wait watered. it
dere not detract at all from ti.e aterument
1 believe that nobody ever said that the
investment of capital from 18:1 to 1881
0s watered. whereat is the other period
they say it was What is evident is that
the development of mannfactnres trots
1871 to 1!1141 ws • healthy deyelopSent
tinder a healthy system, whereas the ito
vestment of capitol from 1881 to 1801 was
n•-lea:thy, under an unhealthy system,
A 4...d Deal of It Was Wooled
and is lout. and stock -holden. in order to
prevent greater lam, raeorted to c,minima.
restricted production, closed up their s-
iaLliahments, reduced the number of hand*,
and today what du you see in thus city!
You have thousands of men clamoring for
work, you have hunger in thousands of
homes, ai ,l private charity u uuabis to
satisfy all the demands for relief Public
charity has to be organize! And .11 this
nuder a system which professedly tats the
people in order to give work to all who are
willing to work. Can then be such •
delusion. such • policy, such a mockery!
Anil yet in the face of sash results, there
ane men to day who still cling to that aye
tem. This is the torsion which they say
has made Montreal the commercial metro-
polis of Canada. But i say ben. on my
reputation as • public man. that the re-
cord show. that If your city has developed,
It is not protaetios which bee developed it
to such a degree What is the cause wbtob
has made Montreal the great metropolis 11
te! The canes is to be fumed is MT
wonderful gegraphical position. . . .
My words mar carry perhaps no Simon-
ton, but lot me glue you the .opinion d es
.twrnean authority, Mr. Edward O'Brien,
who woe ('ommtriuner of Navigation in
the Amerman tnovernment ander the Presi-
dency of tlr Harrison. Some few weeks
ago. he puohahel an interview in the New
York Timesnnewing the whole gnestlon
of transportation between Am.nea and
Europe. and in this .ntervie r he speaks of
yogi city and ha boy of Montreal. 1 invite
the closest attention of you all to this The
facts which 1 give you aro not new I am
ann. bat they are preruted in • meditated
form the (.es are not new but 1. war
it requires on. (lionise .4 bailee to kill •
man. and it Esti report • fhuneeno repe-
tition' of the same argument in order •e
destroy some :allacy..'„u'mereial or other -
wire Mr IYid too .peaksas follows
"From Liverp•..l t. New York is 3,040
▪ From !Avenue.' to Montreal l2,790
mile.. From New York to Duluth (via
redraw! to Itnffslo) it 1.487 miles, and via
11.. Foie Para*! 1.117 miles From Montreal
4. Dulnlh via the Iii Lawrence ie 1,384.
From Liveries,' to Duluth, via Montreal
e nd the et l.,wrence. is 4,144 miles. whittle
will shortly 15 nntrok.n deer water navi-
gation. From Liverpool to Duluth, via
New York, ie 4,477 miles or 4,577 miles
s..oriiag as th. roete 10 vi. the New York
Central r•ilnoa.l or t'..• Fore @anal le Bal•
fah. Mnn;rwl i. 95u mien n.ar.r Liver-
pool than 5.. York t*, and let or 168 mils
nearer Duluth From Liverpool to holo*
'he mote via Mootr..l to 8*2 or 814 &Ida
Oentenmed es rags m.
What leOoingoaat th•Capltal
The halm /ball ■ WM•I Medan -Iles Is
Tatauea I. Impe•edblr ren Ib.
s5rdra. nave meva ono ea Ia
111. Lima IIA..■ tear..
Tea i'u,at. correspondence.
OTl'AWA, Feb Jhii It Is ititere,t
tug to listen to and to read the pleasant
stutter the Tory Ministers are now tether
the electors in defence of their It, years
e tewardahap .ud to road the way nu which
the Tory pros reiterates tad emphasis@
their stat.n,ente. They tell you that any
r.dtwl reform in the way of rdueed taxa-
tion is impossible, and that the so called re-
treuchm.ut promised by the l.ru■ If they
e on.° in power ug a promise they can newer
give effect to.
If we have really been brought to that de-
plorable cuodiuoa of affairs who is rrpon•
Miele for etThey my that the annual ex•
peaditure cm account of revenue, which was
993,503, 1878, hat t.eehdo1•ot
tall you b158usue raised to 937,io8�,t025e, in 189n4,
and that any reductive of this eminent is
ridiculous to talk ot. They tell you there
are c0.15 0 tiled chargee that nutlet. be re-
duced but they will not go tato detail by
tether you that the pnoclp•1 fixed charge e
the income. to one merest wcoant from
98,186,71/1 10 1878 to 912,524,931 is 1894,
as a result of the taer.as. of 9105.820,960 in
our aauoual debt eine. they ams ta power,1
sod started is ea thaw policy of pttrbtng
your money at Mel •reevy, Connolly, Lange -
via, St. Looe, •c., and ether political
freed.. As to the interest account, out of
every dollar that their eitoruoste tarutl
drafts out tit your earnings through the cus-
tom. house .Itty five cents last year went to
meet interest ua debt.
Every time they kers appealed M the
oonntry ranee they were retnroed to power
in 1878 they have promised you retresch
'sent and economy. Where de you find it •
But it is them same people who are now
telling you that tha t,rtts coded not reduce
the taxation, who by their own commal
negligence, reckless extravagance sad
. quendenng e( your own money to .aware
the electorate, are responsible fur that uoa-
ditioi of affairs that nukes reduced taxa-
tion d,fbeult 11 not impassible.
Let us look at some of the argumeota
they advance in tteir own behalf. In lust,-
fieatioo of wholesale robbery and squander -
lag of your moo.y durum the past lo years
they point to the fact- •quettag from Th.
('Riven. the Government organ hoe,
"that bask deposits have grown from ',,•
800,411/1110 1878 to 9170,800,'»' ta 1893; the
income* in the saving.' basks have 'scrum
ed from 514,000,000 to =54,000,000 • the
vessel 'manage employed bs run tram 12,•
000,000 to 18,500,0001005; our tor.agatrade
from 9172,000,000 to 9247.000,000 and the
am.wt of life isurance from 984,090,000 to
9296,000,000." The Cameo them goes on to
m)) . "Then te only one item that his not
&deasod: that is the failures. In 1875
them amounted to 928,800,000 but in 111'a3
these were, wending to Bradstreet only
912,456,. •,
len the twos of it the preemie • very fair
. bowing; let us look a hell. deeper Into it.
A. oompared with 1878 that tttfpubitc bank
depo.ita have 'sweated over coos hundred
milli°• dollars Who aro the depositors io
our public basks' They are certainly not,
as a rule, the farmer and the worktar
el•iees but the business man, the wealthy
manufeeturer, the tombless, who hate been
made rick by protection at your expense
and whose deposits represent • pontos of
ilio mosey the clan of the oommualty ns
boas able to bleed out of you through a pro
tett.., a margin, varying from 30 to 70 per
.set this Government hat gives
The ('lure., then shows as mere... of
Met. nallt•.n dollars 1n satiate hanke de
' pits.y which may fairly Le takes as depose
' of songs of the wage earmi.g chat.. Ane
ordiog to the last cesium th.. 104 wart,'
p ?elation was given as I,659,3;Z people
Wh,t •him don thus forty million dollar in
erase in our estop hanks depeit■ rope
emit as the yearly eavi5p of ma e..phoy.d
p.psbtioo' %'by, just medullar and fifty
omit. • year for to past 5itteea yowl.
The increase in •semel to.o.go is the re
milt o1 the large Inc.... in our tervngn
trade, from 9172,000,000 to 1247,000,000 in
the past sixteen years But to what extent
may the l.o.erSn,ewt slam. credit in thou
ear The Chiron in drawing attention to
the Mere increase in our export trade, dove
set draw attention t, the feet that while in
1879, 36 9 per esti. of our total extorts
was ••' ruanut.etv.•1 goods, our exports o1
wtanufast,w •■ DM only r,echd 9(9 per
oast of our total .xporta.
T1s large imereaae, therefor., in Dor ex
pert trade, from 979,491,86,5 to 9118,514,362
wan in export& of our natural products to
pros of the mise, the nehmen, to forest
and the farm F:yea the 1'itiree will have
to admit that ,t was the foreign d. ,ssd for
ear natural products that crated the do
nasal for the einen/ our .:port trade and
n s ■ny set or policy ei the Ga..rnmee•
Th. eel, hramett et oar expert trade the
(;n•er•ewtent's policy had power ta develop
was is the ..porta of .tesdactursd ge,wfe
sad is the they felled.
iet en lookup. a1 oar import, which go A
make up .wgrags4 fer.Ip trade A.
severpae.i with 1878 sur Mprrs from
legeir. ....tris. 4.elsd.4 from 99L,-
190,5771. 9121,796,030. A Garotte' steady
of tie evade rearie Dew. as morns
in tee volume of imports of maaufa•t.rets
is the • satisfactory .vides.e that the f lew-
ermwran''. protective pottery hie kept out
os • While the good. ere
Kayo obliged to import ha.e been tat
MI 36 isas.ad el 17i per nest the mor. else
tearer has also footed himself in a pawl ...1.
.Maes vas lees 124 per emit 'newts his
p..twNos hs gives him www he he. been
obis ne meet forebw .rrwrmMYtlen and beep
the foreign maeufMmtslsd ,..deet ouk it
bee beat a divides el erg. between lbw
Oevermment moll the ere- --1u The
edditt..al 124 pee tenet ditty bas either ..• QVF;1'HE II I'I�UY TRAIT.
&bled the too.ermest'
est, Pere r
Wed w protect, 10 take int that much
more out of your pockets thrown the cue -
tor.. huts, or the manufacturer ►s best The
ahle to add let that touch more to hie gell-
ing price
The increase ea the amount of money in-
vested to life tseunot» is certainly large,
but as Line ciao largely represent* the 1n
vestments of the wealthy contractor, .nous
feature, and monopolist, who takes out hie
9100,000 policy as readily is the averase
tae payer would invest in a shoo or 11.000
policy, It is difficult to draw tb. hue as to
how far the I:ueernment ie to he eompli•
snouted and the taxpayer congratulated for
this result Doe thtag is certato • very large
as•nsnt of the money dragged out of the
wage earners of the country is represented
by the hanJwn,e her lasuranee policies the
claws they hare made wealthy are carry
he cloud, who it must not be forgotten
is repeating the .tock &roomette of the tont•
fav uabiaet ministers, then goes oe to tell
you that while in 1875 the alternate failures
In Canada reached 928.800.000, they only
amoauted to $12,450,42b is 1893,
Why did the Clorox net compare the
theorem of 1878 Instead of 1875 with 1893 s
it hardens in Its other cvmperuun.' No,
that would detract from the force of ite
argument. Why did the mono not have
the, honesty to say that 'the "lotolvescy
Act' west into effect to 18'75 aad that there
wee a rush to that year for the a.airoee and
111•. as compared wuh the proaadiog year
(1894i toe volume of failures in 1075 ran
from 97,6'16 000 to 1118,843,000. Ib, no,
such • compart.ou would have shown that
the volume of tenons in 1(174 only aggreget
d nee hall or thereabouts of what they did
in 1893 or My le Ilt:ai when they ran up to
$17.724,633, ercluaiv. of New(o Milan& al
though is the lluion'r blurs f, 1875New•
losmdlasd failures are wcludd
We most however, make allow•nos. N s
knew the (;uvernmeot and tie organ ale
fighting • desperate battle. Their only
hop. hes in playing upon your credulity s
IL haa so eueeesatully done ta the past and
thug retained you, oostdenoe.
But why do they sever refer to the in-
crease t• our popuauoo • The populat.os
of (Maeda to 1878 was 4,078,9.4 ; ta 1894 it
was estimated by the Government •$ S,t21,
476, an Increase of 23 per cent.
Th. estimated nature) is.resea of popula-
Deo biters over deaths, a within a fraction
ot two per emit per annum. Amumeag this
se the haste of calculation we find that the
total increase bee only been 23 per Pest.,
whom the natural moment alone, without re-
ward ta immtgnttoe should haw been from
30 to 35 per cent.
When we take into onsldenu,.n the
feet that during ilio peat le years over four
million dollars has been extended os
i.m.gratinn, and that with this mosey
over one million people haw been brought
Into the country as settler* toot to stay, we
see what • miserable failure their immigra-
uos motley has been. Had we retained sur
n atural increase and the settlers we paid to
bring into the country our population to
day would be eo. end • Melt million more
people than the woes .how.
While the (liter/on wee painting the bright
side, the sunset, why did st leave out all the
cloud.' Why did it not allow us to look
at the other side of the balance .hest'
Whsle the stetemeet ug hely brnugh' up to
1892 1 hod a very interesting cumpilatoin of
figures on pars 542 of the 4 iovernment's
past statistical Oestrus under the heeding
of " real estate soder mortgage to loan
societies." The Cite es and the touring
membere who ne now *templet the cnun
try it is to be bopd will be honest enough
to tell us all about these tivures Ala■, what
evidence of wealth and prosperity bore of
the National Policy do we Ind here . Let
se see In 1878 the value of loess secured
by mortgage oo real estate one he Iran mu,
ponies alone) was 933,988,174 increment io
1892 to $109,807,356 and 1;.d knows the
Grum that has bees mashed by this time.
The has only referee's to mosey advanced
by loan companies What about other
morteageo •
But what is the I read trent The Mora
Mg Citizen that has just cess is ea 1 am
writing • Th. (iorerans rat organ, The
Cities., say.: -8ir Maa ss:is Rowell ar-
rived te Ilaekwl yesterday and .pont the
daylb .oniM4se• with the load (,eesere•-
tits laadere ani with a amulet of premiaeat
manufaoterere dlecuentsg the pians for the
forthcomiag .lection.
' Ihscusisg the plans for the fortheomisg
eleetioee with the mtaaulasturers "' Can
you reed between .he piss' The manufao
tutor has to to made right before he will
obip tet How meek more protection has he
bees promised •
Dn. i' torr o.. (ium 1►r Park
burst will pay he r.sp.cte tn.lobe and elsk-
111s is hie artule i5 eras emit issue of Te
Iat hes Hots. Journal. " 1 000mder the
club," writs the great Mariner. " to be one
of the cleverest davit)." of the devil to pro-
vost haloes heing (made, sad to sterilise sad
atdermu.e those when they are made
Ceea.. Iona o• Aramis. A Comae
iloyle'e mammies of the literary phases et
Am.reass life are to be .totaled es as
article to appear In the next issue of The
Ladies' Home Journal. The article was
originally utersed to be the hovel:.e ism
promisees of Aierie•• wasres, bat the plea
eras altered and the article to be printed in
the .sourest will give Dr 1MvI.. ides of
" literary Aspe.s el Ante. -me.'
A11 peAles gtulag Utah ale bine printed at
taw .m.e wilds boys• lea .wire raseeiM
h [kis 11st .a s the teepeaf axle.
MATT -M.41 , Fehrwary lob Awake mak
of horse., hareem, hearer, he , at Grandry't
aelrttre mart, Hamllioe,M , es ilat.rdav,
Feb Qth, at 12 it elook sem alas Gun.
dry, anetiewese.
Varna The 111111111111, $Mmes end Dieter,
Mir K'w, ere Wreath week d.4.s gospel
temperases week, eager the •a.p e.. of to
Royal Templar@ of T'wpseaaee . they are
very gond .pagers and the alder brother W
to leputalw of being S9ere as inenentimq
speaker t they were in Rrse.fi.ld hies weak
and were wdl raDM.ed-
Gl'let prom the Local NMI
• Weekly "tiro er ,mosso tette e.rvM
up m• ,till ',.moody rob Yd
rete' 1 i pp.4 •ed e'.silleneed
I repo •vert MMt.a.
.'TH It: I. 'real i''" new hooks have
11550 plated is the Mohnen' leen. ate thea
Brus.l. las Loodeshoro has purebaed
over 1,000 teen poets In thug locality.
Ethel . A car Ind of clop and floor was
shipped to Moes, k• from our m►11 trim
week .
E,hel : 1:1 rein. Mils hat hug yard well
6114 with loot The mill commenced rss-
• tng set Fnd•y
\Y alt.. .lay.. as phrll seeter
H.mil'oo whey. b has takenpt l • pae
l weekans ta
Hamilton situ',
('est.. Ms•ter t\alter Turnbull (broth-
er of Dr. 1ur.bn!1 IAA taken a position with
1'arran t '1'iwl•11. Makers.
Chain. r '*ke, of 'roues Gty.
here yrs a yud\1en Inasep: h(. 1D lorsmaa aim
the e1teasl, c bre of Hoe. T. t.reenway.
Morro We an utormd that Alex Co -
non, Sth lone, h•/ rowel the faro" bnloegt.g
to Frisco. Ket•'r, near Koshers, is the
Wwshnp of HuIIat
F:. N swat .h tt ni \1'',Inman haa pur-
chased the firs on tn. .utero boundary for-
merly oweal by P M.-i'a.•y, "relates tee
acres, for the sum of 1,00
Cobore Th. Nowt of the 2nd nos.,
l'sborne, has a ewe whish dropped two
lents on ,las T, ad they ere doing wail.
('as this record b. beaten
Brussels Et res.. Mot 'rack.. has • large
photo group of the . oust) Council takes
seven years ago and oat of the total nulnbsr,
50 or thereshout,, oily ton are now mem
►ere that d
flinoft.. Mbo.oyy who. taw per Stanley. of
Brantford, here lest week, were struck by
his close resealhlaoe. t.. Ilr t/ithorns, for
merly of tows ; tbel ere almost as much
•like uo
to pea.
1;ray Mr.. Walker, 1"'h con.. bug ex-
changed one of her oundred acre forms for
two brick reseirso. ,o hrus.ela owned by
Wm. Taylor, grocer Mn. Vfalksr is al-
ready a resident of 'Oman,
itsafersb W Harter who, for several
year. has 'nen .mp ioyoi in the Rroedfoes
Z Bot a Furuiture ho•ory ben, has tone
to Walkerton, ober h. has secured a situ-
ation in • similar e.teblughment
Blyth . Mr Merr, h.rdware merebaat,
after dome • credit roomer In Wytk for
twenty one veers, .• • neat comelier to lits
patrons, swathes h.. Intention of adopting
the cash system eu the 1st of Marsh.
Brucetsld Paw I salsas, of the Canadian
Pottle Railway trete service. Winnipeg
is visiting at 44 home near Broomfield. He
says things ate no dull in Manitoba, aid
that the railway tor.o a cut deem to the
lows' notch.
Stephen Mrs Nichols Beaver. of the
4th mos. ,tepbes, died oo Tuesdayof lad
week after a few weeks' :lin..., lremit
of confinement "ae we. .12 yeses of age
and leave. a husband and eight small child-
✓ ent'mnun5wiooulnr
7ie•totrth ' . N"edn'aday of last week,
Joseph Ityen, m. 'd our mast worthy
amens, sae united ,n marriage to Miss
Ward, of ...Scott M. iron with the many
friends of Mr eel Mrs. Ilyaos in wiakias
them a loog ad happy wedded lite.
('ranhro.,k I Opel wore.' another victory
last \tedmsdsy when by the aid of key. D.
It. McCree • matrimonial alliance was eo-
. ummued b,-i.eie Thos. Farris, of Grand
Bend, Out ad Mom Nary A. BLit, is to
pens•..e of the Dear relatives of the nos.
tract'sg partly.
S.aforth Mew Violet Whiteside., lately
• teener in 111. Wesel school, and who left
here a couple of we.ke ago to •'teed the
Nernra! School at 1nt.Oto, met with • pony�
•evida few days lege. `ars ill iaws
. faun
fol , d .entlo..atosg lite elbow end 1ra.I 4ae
lbs bola of bat 0051.
Y.aforth : H. 1: 1'berry, wbo has bass da
Jehsnn RrniMn hor.lr.ars store bete ear
the past three or four years, left thio week
ler bug how. ti geoid Hares, Miob Mr.
('herry bs • boat of Irieads is else/ereb
who, while regretting hte deputises, will he
pleated to hear of his prosperity wherever
1. n ay sat h5 lot
Rruwl. lis. 1lclbnald tae Ickes
sitst,on ,n • At•rto• Mrtoherutg eM.blieb-
rnomt. It s esd that W. Nigktiyu{a,
formerly of Ilrvitel.. .111 start b.skssm r
New lkssa. Mrs. W J. H•Rid.y, e1
C&IgaryN N" T , u .siting at J.Q Il&W
Md',,,. sad ods of Cellisgwsld, wit
yeiiin. at Nonni Mc('rai • this week.
tiny .litchi's Rros have psrshbmid the
1811 acne faro ei Rohan MoKee, Sal sem..
pitying 10,'.4 ler .1, Mr. Moen bMsgbt
tar prop..ty fro or twei•o years ago /rM
pdhaln ItShop. now of Rmat'w.11la, Oife iI
M..mro. Jack
1111 wily take rel. 1o5 ta the lfprtM. Lsb
McKie, who ham had the farm rested for
as.eral yuan. 0"11 prob•W7 1050, to
lS' bei.
Si. memo Ise with dem repot we
chromate the death , 1 .law Murrey, eld-
est son of Robert Murray, Oh ems who
diel soddenly at hie father'. resdesee, es
ie 14th of pee Mr Murray. who Ira
boss to Ioskoos for sheat as year.,bad only
returned hon. shoat two weeks before
he death, eel althing% is pont bealtb, ee
'tame tat• danger was ',rebooted, bet
tears raison .•seal moth: .sdddn .h Us.
sen,..... me MW.mO.. (lilioy T.
,lacksos, )r , arid J ('1,dey snow elided te
iteabenh : it *trek ileo., airs.: thrr ►sew:
Ilsalrs W sewer. sad Asltr.w. eralkdor
to the mew plow wreak, and Owes M Oahe
Deb : Dr Tomball hod to snit enewehmas
the mate day to roan+ es .aim. bite
omelet J R.aslord bas 'muit ses-
terry t• mow ahemen seems! ease -
does is
as11-does!s (Tees W tardeme. d n bow
ilromar,mmonsartiovamoky-`'iw'. '•oesr'neeoew e,'*'.s,.._ I .moi 111111