The Signal, 1895-1-31, Page 71 n t off. :ent off. lolesale Gloves iolesale 1DERICH. Kt E IE rice. arden and Also ZIE, , Goderich. F: (:1i('C EH. ul students A.: k Itarvestleg l'nncipai. ECT), NIp Ilea � 9., WAIL hylas BLIND INGLES deserlpc/ss eCialtJ. orks. TAL, abider boa tot MUM Swine* a Till': SIGNAL GODER1CH (»T, I'Hi'!t» la:1q JAN. 31, 1895 Anosmic Women with pale or sallow complexions, or suffering from skin eruptions or scrofulous blood,will End quick relief in Scott's Emulsion. All of the stages of Emaciation, and a general decline of health, are speedily cured. *seal mulsio takes away the pale, haggard look that comes with General Debility. It enriches the blood, stimulates the appetite, creates healthy flesh and brings back strength and vitality. For Coughs.Colds,SoreThroat, BroadiMe. Weak Lungs, Consumption and W1tlrll( Diseases of Children. .i o./re r pIrtfrhld. X.,1. / I Re E. Smith NM IhMen(-• as arsMi.u. b0c. • $L A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. Ai sate, My little awn, who looked from thoughtful seats And proved mei spoke in ora:et, grownup t -woe, Having my taw the sev'ath time disobeyed, I struck hon cud dia.nte.nd tiVith hard words and uakiesed Hu another, who wee patient, being deaf. Then, fearing that his grief should hander H eap. 1 vatted hie bed, But found him slumbering deep. With •iarkeoed eyel•ds, and their Lisboa yet, From hie late mobbing, wet; .\nd 1 with morn. Ksmtag away his tears. lett others of my own: For, on . table drawn !aside hu head, H. bad put bu.tda his reach A bot of c•.unten, and a red -vetoed stone, A piece of mime abraded ty the beach, .lad eft or eaves shells, A b..x of 1.:ue-beila, ,lad two neaten copper emus, ranged there with .•xrrful err, 7b c,mi..rt his ,.d Mimeo So when that night 1 prayed To1.od.1 weptlotsoot, "Ab. when at Let we he with trammed torvath. Not siembe Ther in death, Anil thou ren..•mtwrest of what 'o)• We made our toys. How weakly underet<x,d fly great commanded good. Theo fatherly, nut lea Than 1, a too, thou haat moulded from the day. Thou u It leave thy wratn and say 'I will he sorry fir their ehildishneee.'". +.,%entry 1'atmora. Time 4'ewssswsol ere. "A commonplace lite, we say, and we u gh Rat why should we sigh as we ry The con.niouplao. ,'uCi to the commonplace sky Make up the ••ommtooplace day. 1 be moon met the stars are commonplace thins. The Hower that blooms and the bird that Rut cul was the world and dare our lot If Holier+ faded sod the sun shone not ; Aad :of, who sow each separate soul. Out of tommor.plaoe lives makes bis beauti- ful whole.- -Sumas a 'oohdge. What Dada W iatrrr 1 It matters little where i was born. (kr if my parente were rich or ,,nor; Whether they shrok at the cold w' rld• sworn. Ib' walked in the prole of wealth secure. But whether 1 live ao holiest wan, Asd hold my luteerity firm in my clutch, I tell, you, brother, plain as I am. It matters much ' It trotters little how long I say in • world of *arrow, sin and care: Whether in youth 1 am called away. Or live till beam and pate are bare, But whether I do the best I can To settee the weight of adyenity's touch On the faded cheek n( my elbow mea. it mottoes much ' It matters little where be my gore, I tis os the laud or no the sum, Hy porting brook or 'heath stormy wave; It matters hill. or markt to me, Rat whether the Aog.l of Death down And merles my brow with his touch, As on. who AM wear the yjlllsr's .town, IS maim ntat* t -Irma Ow Swedish. UMIAK FOR CRIME. Qyp.attasa Is the saw l'..rrr.-ruMhtne Ib* •yps.tMrr. The New V.rk Sas t While there may be mach diversity of opisies to the make of learned psyawbgl teas te the tetra extent .d meaning of kypeetie i•M.asass, there are snap sed secrete( evideeese .f the rapid growth of an intereitier useability mooed misdeals and their lawyers oo.eern- tag ice ndalsse as a plea i• e.xtea.atisa. The ool.ma. et the Nan chew that usrody • day sow pumas witheat ate reword of some lawbreaker slime the pies of hypnotism for the commission et every crime true a petty brassy to a .order. It is the direst sc- eu.eor of " easetio.al is.saity," sad there i. Manch r.a.oa to believe that *SWIM sad ems - 'boated page Ism lees added M the already ose•mbere�d library of m edimal Miters - deem. bperedie asses of Oda sew term el malign temptmtiea er wised metro' late bass "i..eidelo." for isms tame, the irst modern example, it is Inbreed, .( is formal 1etro.laaliea is • mem of Mw being i• that bees .t • e revival of hypnotise, Francs Rat sow it Is dluUaotly epidermis, red Mgsi- tmd hypMi.m is as genera 10 this essstry es it ie mooed the Fria*. Hew aeries, • gaieties this s(w umj.rrrnmeit te the pre- eadare et stet: erfatW carets has huts, COMM loving he, to., be..s making easterner* the pith I CR(8P AND CABUJAL. LIVING AHROAD. btur.g ry psiwe..t eat M fro se n easy o am05wla til teem else that Har • Reposed be VW. some man soget. oared of many bag - cherished tradtursa o.s .peotv the oust of thaws in Europe by • little bat of pers,oal mutant with (11d World Iutitutiou,' said sod colossi N'. l' Chapman, of Seri Fran - omit. " I had as idea uuttl I sojourned abroad this summer that rhe cwt tit livier .0 was much lower as lnduo, for example, lt thea In any Arriaau City. 1•o my «arrow, 1 louud out that w lave in goad style to Luis don so. dearer • gaol ,Fol than to exist .wtnfortehly iu New York. To he specific. I went in the Savo), the beet l tel in the gnat tnotrop.daseow, d ordered a dinner o •t all inure elaborate than I am used to hav- ing at home Tawe are some excellent res- taurants in Waahtngtoe . o wool for their uheepoe.a when that .looser wmut.l nsve omit •hoot i.i - 50om ertatoly not ore than $h The bili brought one salted for t2, or 1f 110 in American currency. emirs(' there was a small bottle of wise, but it was matooast of toe, as neither love. money nor tears will nuke those beautiful Britwhere gtve you any We with your drtake. 1 don't want to ever hear again of Europead•chesp ltv ing ; it's a myth. i can live boner in thio oountry on has mosey and have • ton of ice e day if I wast it, gratis. 1 ou may be Mile t, lir. over there on • ,Cale mnoey but • man tan crier very cheaply m China :f he ic will funhimself to rifts.' ' power which, whoa eairates& irresistibly Or. Lows P•eaaant Went Syrup maw.. ferosd bmf. A.1y. to .airy out his hng4er4 woes ed all kinds from 0Nldres er adults wishes, Do wetter how eatnvegaat or aim ' Tho Chinese gover.amest levies • regular teal toy might be. Further, both Hist tax oft beegare mid gives them is roars the ead Aady Howard agree' that the woo•e prrvileoe of begging lo • comas dutrtet. , lived o wstently m • bypprrootired medium, i Norway Pine Sirup cute coughs adtm.d by Harry T. Howard. her subjw Norway Pine Syrup cures Hroochitis tine w he him, whim in this uowobong.dit, ng eo I Norway Pine Syrup reale the Imago owaplete that she would do oxactlr what The .word• of the amweat Maximum were he told her to do." %Vhile yet the peewee composed of bite of flint or obsidian, set in I wore limo,/ spool, to the story of Mw • stock about the length of au ordinary i rig's wretched life and tragic death under saber Tut . , uTal. Il. i '. no smell William Sloan Orem, of Sago', lad., lot young Howard, • carious bat fair tees basost r,co erect from an attack of inmate. at 10C, and sale be hasn't felt se well in 111 tartuwe story was being teieprashed from Eau Chore, W.e I'wo guts, Mabel Briggs slid AImi 1.wnard, made public and otiiutal tornplur• •t • certain lir. (Large W. j l'ickio, i.lent of the plate, alleglug that they bad been bypootized by the doctor cud thea ate.aalted. Mabel itriggs had rwre to say am the mutter, her story being tbet one day, while riding her bicycle put the Doctor's house that evil num had bypootoed her auto anteing this Oboe, though she was not a patient, and that later 00 she was hypnotize, into taking • railway trtp with the Doctor to Chippewa Fall. and into going to Little Niusrs, • Iooely place .n the neighborhood, where she rena:se.i with the doctor ,for two days, all the time under his hypnotic centro!. Alen. Leonard was M&'trl's awnbdaate sod com- panion, her tapaeal tomcod tsetse the ls..ctot's own, Asigal licks'. Fur a long time virile THEIR „ t1Kn AI'. e: Sil"ilt. neither were able too telt what had befallen her, but alabei timet cleared herself of the hypnotic spell and told her ■traoge story, whereupon Mature parents brought reit against the l'tekioa, and it became a case %slebru to all Wiscoestu. 'aur Brlvgs-Pick- Iin ease was tried to the United Sates Cir- cuit o'eurt on December :]0, end on the very day that Judge itailey was wrestling with "post -hypnotic suggestions" and curiously debating wbetber a long -bearded doctor could throw an htaerical earl into • trance at • mile range, hypnotism ;was beta¢ con- sidered as • f.ctor is two other triols of • much more serious eh&r•eter. line of three was the celebrated Kelp c•ae, tried at Co. 'umbra, Ohio. He.. the hypoot.r plea wore • decidedly novel complexion. The theory was advanced that Kalp was his own hyp- nittier, that be was a subject of what is techb.es1Iy knows as no hyo mete, and Dna while iu ia comoondition of self-induced hypm,ttem he, like the gentleman in the seas, 'is not himself at all.' The m•goibc• cent opportuoities that are opened here by the tutrodu,tton of .r, it 4 tis y•TEK I.,r.. n' 1111,4. of ,olfdnstructed immlinity nerd not be en larged upon. The other case sof a very plain, tuitter•of•tect hypnotism compared With the halb auto hypnosis, but It had • much more serious coeehsion, for not only did -t result in the dtamiwl of .be self - cosfeseed but hypootved murderer, but it also, attained tl.e osmose of • new sensation Mom that -of the arrest, and convietion of hypsott,!+r. In May, 1j"t3, a turm hood some -1 Tum Meltonald, ID the employ of Andersen t:r,y, a toad owner of t'oowsy springs. Ken ,'h..t down a neighbor nam- ed T1.0011101 Tattoos. ('a't.n was • wit:masa sg&Iu.t i:rav in an tmpotant lawsutl, cud when MacIhanall wt. arrested he free ay told the story of lying in wait for his victim and killing him tram ambush, but declared that hie employer, I:ray, had hypootized him to commit the murder. On this plea the Kansas Jury Ithe teal was held at Wel. lington- estebluhed the exceedingly tmpor- toot precedent of ac.luitting Ifaclrooald and c todemoaog I :ray to death. 41a tbat very day po.ai!.ly through hypnotic io- (Nene., the same interpreatjcn of occult Imes wits made in a case hero in New York city. The ease %e A• A TRI% IAI."sc. but the application of the Kansas principle made it important. A servant girl named Freda Miler stole 'i2 from her mistreat Mn. Rachel Richards of 24.3 East Broad- way. The girl admitted the theft, but de- clared that she had bens hypnotized and made to steal by a companion named Min- n ie Wolf. Freda further declared that Minnie's influence over her was so wender- ful and oomplete that she was oompelled to do everything that Minns commanded her to do. Her mistress thereupon took Freda to the Essex Market (-ourt, where she re. mated her story under oath, and .justice Feltner took the moms view of the [natter that Mrs. Richards did, and issued o order for the hypsotizisg Mutate's arrest, not- withstanding her employer's testimony that Minnie Wolf had bees her taitbful servant tor eighteen months Here, then, are five erimiesi cause heard in este mouth in which hypnotism has hem seriously advanced as an actual reason for the tow mission of crime tied as awesome oat whisk te base • plea of .os-r.sp..aibihit] Moreover, In two mese that eicues h.. bens ssospted by iodtoiel *Moire se bagasse valid sato warning them in •Ilowiag the aeteel perpetrators of the oris* to go tree in meting out punish- ment to the instigator* mid that iarply, if set solely, upon the ljfr aassoli ea a snow 111611111 ‘11111119.• _ _The warder of Umberto* Ging awned ealdl le Miame.p e es the ale► Don 3, t lila tam, a gad-b1Nmg r of sprYsg pse.tivtYwa, her Cie. is bee sp.abllar eaterprion being • rather .well fellow .t Mrsn-elle 0505.4 Beep T. Mmwrr- R.twetl eM •r- rasted sat eempft.o as was dei • weal «...ales d bie .mesad Mitt, Whoa le renal A1M atai.onatord isutwlw amd •wredklnr\ d Mw lleilt sMi w assets. bee ladder ea render she =We eeserel d111assU. tots,'( or Tutt 11.41'1' AI, • RIM I'IAl,. it i1 • proceeding that certainly mese op unlimited possibilities for the miseries d the p•rtieeps crimini• ambers* while in granting immunity to the hypnotized sab- iest and indicting pansehms.f on the im- plied criminal there is • rank departure from the admtsis4stioo of inane* under the law as applied is the case of original els outer hypnotic edem.es Adam laid his crime to the most powerful of .l1 hypsoliz ere, the wo.tw, and the wetnaa chimed to have fallen wader the toaoisatioss of the Drat hypnotism oa mooed, the old serpent of evil, the devil : but all were perished, and, while the hypnotism swo doomed fsrsver te the meat ..dig.ieid mote of progression keens, the two subjects were drives Out tate the geld, ot hard work. In the report of the meeting of the Ameri- cas Alueeiati.s of Pvydrnlotiets at Priam - tea, published in the Ker of Deesesb r 44, it wee shown to be the oo.sesese et *Mee that crime mernitted by • pears m a lip - meth oemdities esis be takes ea prier hese miasma et 'erbeimal Motivate is thee ppwwa,s1mm.. amd tot cite 'maw ad Will be r..i rod b • bypee iisi pew whit is normally Meant and lawal idieg. Here, this, le a -11asabla s alletiaa satilstists sad issues. 111111hiM )Ileklta dirt practical itlm.k1atiees of thele List L tM atetn wnr d flb& Veer* Al the last mooing of the .ommieslos an char,- of the :iberlaa r..' .•ads, ,,00tr•tts for rolling stook were awarded amo Iutinng to, $10 000.000. The usages of lust -411• use telegraph wire to retake bracelet., oorrings .d nom - rapes, an I tsar doau the telegraph hoes fur that purpose After Nov. 30 free pules' no Ituwian rail• ways was entirely &'•.idled ; even railroad officer' and employes are now real aired to pay their fazes. According to 11'hitet. an area of • quarter of a. inch enotato. 2 • i more on the heed, 2o on the chin, 23 'u the forearm, 1'+ oo the back of the hand. A plug ot tobacco furnishes an excelleut tmdicstiou of en approaching change iu the weather. When it u damp the sir to moist and raja probable. A plan Is proposed to build au electric road along the Relate Island coast to coo nect the summer remota at \arrsgensett l'ier and Watch Hill. St•tistia of lace in• iroce people show that the last 2i yeses the average of moo's life has ioerea.«i S per cent. or two whole years, from 41.'' to 4'. +. A country burring ground had over its entrance gate the fallowing Idihernjas metier •• Only the Jead wbo live to that parish are buried here " An old rubber loot wee dragged up is Timelier Sound, Maryland. jut week, with it young oysters on the outside of it and a Targe toed on the inside. The late.t ornamentation for the dining roots te • duh of jelly in the midst of which are three or four electric lights. The of - feet a paeain, and piotore.gnee, In 1858 as island in the Missouri Ricer near Leaves wort ncooaised 500*Cr•'t. Now it has spread until it oompries. 1.400 acres. .'a coal none hoe hoop [Dead ea it. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Wing dotog always begins with wrong thinking. Nothing toad wants us to de is as unreas- onable service. 1: is dangermie to follow any mos who does not follow t'hoot Whenever t wo praying men come together 4 rod has • .tan'ling army. The devil probably smile. when be meets • t'krieties with a long face. The man ohs ie ruled by hit feelings co sot travel is • straight line Burdock fills, small. safe anti cure, re- gulate the Inver and cure r,nstlpatioe. The man who runs from trouble will never find time to sten and rest. I'hrist will sot remain in any heart where Hie oomtnaaimeots are not kept. That hacking cough ,tan he tui kly cured by Ha:yard's Pectoral Balsam. Price 25e. 11'hen a ('bra.tian goes wrong he makes it that much harder for some caner to go right. There as no such thing as reeeiviog the I4ible es the word of I:eil and keeping Christ nut of the heart. There u a difference between sitting he - fore the tire and. thinking about doing goal and (Dins out in the cold and snow to do it. There is something wrong with th!'-rali- rion of the moa who walks with a lighter step toward the theatre than he does toward the church. /raw Ne/w 011111110AM1111Int11Owe Air Alba MmdeeeNI Ws ash 4 Fib M- .Mgher idle e.. Mat. mite appy Webs 1Msib�rmsteam. r a *.e be help Weeny Movehed stepped the seedy law bellal*e.t thee W widewel ..mbM mites ma be /w supers es the .tiro' hod d she lon*►bebs MO/eh. Thew t. a Meese here ter the both WHAT TO READ. !teed history. It is the story of the pro grees of human life. 1t teaches by example and stimulates to endeavor Read poetry., It est -moms the mind with ideals that may become real. Read romance. The example of its heroes aro an exaltation, sad tend to the formation of noble character. Read scieoeel. it supplies information that syuipe tor usefiitnees and prevents the triumph of error. Read philosophy. it impart. wisdom to • .insider all things, knowledge to under- sand all things, and fortitude to endure all t hinge. Road the Bible. it gives promise of the future and strengthens the gosh ITS JUST LiKE A WOMAN Te scald about little cowls Haid l brava . bout big open. To overestimate time ems beauty far kat then they undeewAlmate their own ✓ edness To faint et mice and spank tigers with a broomstick. To valve a baby shove the world;or arm above a baby. To keep nine *ammandmeeta more eerily than the tenth. To look at the most undeserving mss through the kindly sp.etaciee of pity. To try iwdependeeee, moused in it, but prefer it pet. To tail life keg far eaeiel portio, or tbrow it away for late leas instant. Te raids despite ma., hatter misname, tbe loess of a teed heart in Itemoo mature -Now York Rwsrdsr. at lay titana err ns0aevwee fhawewgee.. A moat remarkable taetaoce of the mis- chief which the rat is capable of doing came to light doom the piuoeeding• of • naval court tit Inquiry held to August, 1857, for the purpose of investigating i ne cause of the lose of the hark Commodore of Hartel - pool. The vessel which was hurried at sea, h&4 been loaded with a corgi, et lumber, o.l the tire broke out to the hold In • most mysterious rnaauer. It was eventually proven, on the evidence of the entire crew, that, beyond the shadow of a doubt the out• break eau originated by • rat carryon teff • lighted candle, which had stood to the f..re- watle end was presently missal by the sailore sol dropping it among Vie dry and resinous pose stowed below. The Shipping 1. t: •;:e nal cammeo'ing on dile extra •r - theory use at the'itne, and speaking' of the danger generally of rats on shipboard, said that "tph_yey heave caused the fo:;ulering of ming' iMps by gnawtog holes in Inc plank- ing or en eating away the inner side of the wood Cie to Leave very Utile tor the strain• ing of the hull to down complettng the aper- ture ; they have even been known to nt;Ite the timber at; be waterways until'h,: wool was in thin Y to • itnit rainwater through 11 ; they will attack the bungs of casks sod create leak&re • find out the soft parte tit 'Herold' a31 be found is the overture to Ifife areas T.1r 0e. Steamship soeuts are not .t all surprised at the allm(atuaoa t tat hays beau nude against as Amoroso eoeaan of 'mar proper- 1 ty, who is now the subject of • suit to re - sums her from speedos( the rest of her for • taus io traveller lack ata i forth .n the At laotto. She jsheitel "1,100M00 awl hoe 41 ready spent $8S'MO of at iu traveling tack ' and forth between this °ventre and }:ug land. Her prospector heirs have mule an' attempt to restrain her from .pending the other '1".000 on the ocean, an F e great deal of oxtnu.eat has been arousal over her cur• lona taste tar e.a travel. Ste•nahip toes asst that it te by no means 50 ex -optional !, iostshee, and that there are literally hun deeds of people, who spend • considerable j part of their lives w the sea. nen a 1.1 them travel for their health. .4n instance is cited lilt nae who hes made *early '1200 voyage» ecru.. the ,•,-pan, who a always comfortable "rhea at sea, and m* hardly en- dure mdure tieing whore on account of the asthma. Aeother is • cuueuaaptive, and believes that the sea air will prolong hs 1(e, and there u • well-known inst.,r,.-r of a man who sudor ed from neuralgia to such on extent that he had the bootie of his tow removed mid • ail• ver plate substituted, in the vain hope of re- lief. and who claims that when at sea he does not know what the •err' ion of pain is. These are • few imetancee, but there are many others of people alp" take set voyages on account tit ttic , xettemeot •t leading it, and who think nothing of making a dory* •"'Yottee • cesr. The Origin el Yeelllar Tsars. 'Antioch. is partly taken from •141.• Me. ash,' the middle portion being from the sir, 'Comfort yin.' The rest of the tune is by Lowen! %loon. t'hiattmai wow mesially an air in sire* t'Non vi piacoue - al.;ch was written in 1728. The air wag adapted to English words .'He was eye", unto the blind, and puhluhed in a collection of Mandel* to 17MT1. ' Auotrii was written from . irmoonal hymo, and wan afterwards used w ;hri theme of • set of variation. st 1 a to 'the bat , Bethany's. nk o 'moiler 4d 'Oft m etillj t fight ' t •3l.odelnohn' a'Hark the herald'iisuels ,ing'l is from the c$aaa, written in 1330. 'Mo.:.rt' is the '1) -roe Notes I'4..•am; ftom Mozart's First Mem. '.Seymour' is talte.0 from '•Ye:eer 1 np'r•, 'Oberon.' 1: was arranged its a hymet une by T. 1:. Mason, a brother, 3 we are •-..rr'. Iv iutoimed, of lir. Lowell Mason. The metaly and harmony only ha. teen intoe• petaled int, the twee, the or rhythm forme entirely d,,cartied It cab be fOttlid ro the :int number of the opera. the knees or lining, and make a plumage for themselves from one part to another So fully ie the danger of this new come to be reuognired than such coutin_eocles mei Ilv provided for in the tosurauce' of wooden -built ships. nest Quaker s b.rrb. Roston t:lobe The Quaker meet roe house at ' w.rthmore, Eovlaod, was erected about the veer 1089. It is not easy to say wnich was the tirst meettng iwase; but - here were several prior to that date. In early years I;uakers often held their meet tops 10 private houses -usually an Swarthmore hall. In Norton, near Stockwell, as early as lo,toi w South Shields, 1661 ; in Ireland the tirst settled meeting was held in Wtltant E (- musd.on's house in Lugar some time about 1654. If,the •iueation refers to meeting houses, not to dwellings, it may be said that • 1 t:ateshe d, is 1617. George Fox met his followers in • louse in I'Inewellgate, now the Fountain ma, and that in 1660 another meeting house was used in High street. n ow Powell's alnuhouse,which was Oren up scum after the Quakers had • meecing house in Pilgrim street, Newcastle. .'according to a book celled Friendly Sketches, Sunder. land had • meeting houaie in 1637. It is re- corded that • score of years before at 'Vert soldiers kept the Quakers "'out of their own hired house." There .re several inetancea given of district meeting hooses earlier thou that of 1 Iventes, but these letter refer- ences may be more mtereetine. *bees? Daniel Drew was a very absent minded men, e)ooe he started for the Erie train sad thought he had lett his watch at home. First he thought be would go bach after it. Is .0 absent-minded wag he took out his watch, looked at it, end exclaimed Thew! 5 o'clock, acid the tram rope 5:10, 1 wea't have tame.' Tbea he pat his watch in his pocket and telegraphed his wife to send it to Albaoy by es preen. 'Rat Horace 1:reeley,' said Depew, 'eras more •beset minded than Drew.' 'ib you remember the instance" 1 ask - .d.Yes. Whitelaw Reid said wase l •reeley left the Tribal.* office one day he out • card w his office deer, 'Will return at 3 o'clock.' •Moppeniar to return at 1:30 and seeing the sloe, be sat down in tba hall sod waited for himself rill 3 o'clock. Greeley was ab- . ented-mi.ded. A 0.v flat w 0.,ll wser/eg. A year of do aro 1:eorge W. Coble was out tea W..sfw BAuts Now that the cold weather learns no sod eople ate Often wYiimg 'something tai . rsaipsg' for thasadv.s .r twit fished., i1 is timely to ware all reek that • sloe of hot milk ho all the dvsatiiges for ~Mae masa d Miry liquors and some of the the & dynatagsm. Ha ..Uk i. many digsstd mei eves strength as wend aa meaniest, which liquor bees set, ser is it ataeadd with a.T d the after roadies which is i.eviteble with Moshe& News. Ow kindly lady we knew d W bees is the baba of keepiag • meal ,wsmtlty el fltmh milk Yet ea theater. whor so hi ti• hmtly ay hires& are est wired M wises wad. in tram where seselh-g Ala,afy 1a05.hIi.g I..s14md. w ndOwa at am. papaw Ws • good il••11 to Ws silk A welted saki 1I -( it laramdiaa ad the la dime MI M1p t1'B11Ppw• AAw ` grey, eh111- .�There eseyer, -i e1. , frowns* follow.b sero ie.I r 1. ..4 M the sire 444. Liar Ot l�r vd� '«IrDi 41111 Q1nry M whish la the labile w esli-wersisweive row WIN. Plbm Ilia sal p a ogles. So Herold's '!.amps..' 'Luther's Hymn .e:rest t;lei, what do I see .04 hear'' a has erroneously been attri- tion( to Hartta Luther. It was originally • secular .Drag, and was found in ,k»rph King's I:eu.ogbuch, pu)ljehad in Witten- berg, 1535. As the hymn, as well as the tune, ie also attnbut. 1 to Luther, it nay not he ;imam to state that the tirst steers as l.v Hev. liartholomaus Fiiagwalt 11530 15991 The, remaining three atonias etre by Rev. William flange I'011ver, 11.1). (1782 11154 1 The hymn is so imitation of thetree. The Evangelist. mew esteem'. 1 earessrte.e ode retiree. During his lut vent to this dioind1V 1:ob ert "tevenson escaped a very unpleasant ex- perien: a and never knew it. A journalist, who knew Steveneoa by hu publui;ed per - treys. entered • railway car at Long Drench, and NW the famous author seated in • corner, with it black sivare box en li,e opp-eit.. *est and $ rubber tube daatliug from it. The conductor knew the journal- ist, and said to him,poioting to Mr. 'te:en- son: • 'I'm 1010e to put that man with the long bair off the train. He is smoking. 1 asked him not to, but he. been •r it again while I've been out of the ear.' 'He is not .mokiu,' sued the iouroali.t : 'that is some device for carrying medicine, in the form of • vapor which he inhales an his lunge. He is an invalid. That is Rob ort Lord Stevenson, the novelist. The co.dcutor seemed interested but only for a minute. . ' 1 don't care,' said he. ' I t doesn't matter who he is. I call it smokier and hts been at it it atter I told him not to.' The journalist tried another took. 'Ilii you ever read Kidnapped ' he asked, 'Naw,' said the conductor. 't' d care what he is : he has got to obey t ru les ' The journalist peraatted. 'Did you ever read Treasure Island'' 'Naw,' said the conductor. 'I don t read many novels : they're all trach oy- how ' 'Hold on, said the journalist. 'Did you ever read 1►r. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ' He wrote that also.' Whet" said the conductor. 'I h1 1 retard .lekkl. 'n' Hyde ' Well, 1 guess I did. Couldn't deep the eight I finished it. I seen it Played at. the theatre, too. It's goat ala t it " Well, that Lan is • dandy, ain't he' He can smoke -he cam : '1040'1 what you mill smoking, it it ! Sick, is be He does leek sick. 1'd like fie me any one abject to • leer the test mans hie m.dl- oMee.' reported to hays said that he did set be- lies in the professional novelist. This wee mailed to him • week age in 000vereoticu, and he was asked his particular meanieg. " Wb amply this," replied the morel. let : " � novel se • study of social rela- tions awd social «sedition. A mo, to en dir,iand these tbisp, mum be an actor In them. He meet have actually grasped of fun, sad net hage been always observing thea, from the mrt.ide for the purpose of writing about them. " The great Novel is yet to be written. The Iran who wrttee it mist have all the yatraotkin of • Hugo, for example. IN the seyelbste, Hare is the greas.et, or rather Om mats,* tit the novel writers. Hem probably did move in affairs, was mere a ems of notes them any other, and therefore he wrote the beat siren. F.v.ry novel ought to be • story, whether it deals with tit. &meal or the ideal relatieea of life. All mar lived. are stories. Mime we look Mak over Masini we me the story. i. liaise the life we de set always me the reseasos m it, Ime.w am are equal te it, mud our Ufa is est graftage them we is tea vary slat..• of *Wes The reeeemee is a great grearars We !e set • rem•mee N him wink he .xporhmen le, Maims* he is equal te It Hew ass w Cir emd ashy the d•ly real•..e of ear lives! by the 05milm- . tles i do mat mesa the imlg4Nbu d dream, belt the 1,maeusteve ieegh•tiee. 1 L r‘ ,,4,10 ,,r tail 45 ('1 IM MON SES,'-0tj:t•:e appreciate a thea! vrticl ' that is hint .t7 1,441'•, well tinjslu'.1 .mut up to elute. :This t•x}tirlit tl e groat aleck -, .'f GRAANBY RUBBERS i mieserres a Th YW� .��KE IRON E �R.-araaewr:s lm M IYNYaeusauuveWISP. + ��a �••••""•"'•,•� ettey The finest Remedy an the 1:DcurOresL.s , t: World for a,t office- ' Cold yrup 6 Lungs.. Cou„hs, Tum entire ('hippo, Croup, Whooping Cough. The demand for a pail and tub that can always oe relied upon as handsome,cleanlyand indestructable has led to the making FIBREWARE. It is as light as a feather, as tight as a drum, and has no hoop to rust or fall off. e Mrs Jae. T. Qi05n.. Ns 3M, Ter+ brook Lemdn.. OM-, mare : ter ievid•• .'s 3Wlip et r rpeselae la without deals the w est ellesSiveOstedy ler beslhitle I hove ee�r We. 11NI, h 9 yearsr olio k tlWee ete. else with Aso tresbM Us 4selbs this cues whet prewar ties WNW . thaws. one. i shell Iheeist wsmora l Wassl r Moab. at lb, sten .(l0. flood. She was • guileless, innocent thing, sad as she pained a sign which read 4:Ioves ('leaned said Repaired,' she thought of .o.nethi.g all of a sudden and Teat into the Moe. •i believe you Clean and repair gloves here, don't you" ab. said to the clerk. "1 se, ea..,' he replied. 'Well 1 have o.. at home that VII seed dove to you. it doesn't need cleaning very mach, but i want it repaired. I've lost the mate to it. • Thea she retired, and the clerk is w•ituv and wondering how he will get square with that sign. a 1e1atea w•r4. George No matter hew things M the poor alway. slier. .tack 1 es, the nabobs who own railroads don't think anything of monist dew. • poor nae • bores •1"le, sed tie men who cos afford to ogre • horse rens down the pees f.Iler on • Miele. las, sod Use was who sea afford • kir. era mite dhifi chap wan ho. te walk. That's it. Asd the man who walks 110054.1.. •pbee the poor cripple who rase w eremites. nate the way. And the cripple es (n.sh.1 erode 051M of ale time is jaminiag hi. syMMe dews as ether people'. e.... It's •,slay 0511* went. ,Iggr BAKERY r,Gt'obiAtityn. COAL AND WOOD JOHN A. GREEN M -- 00 -CITY - I has established a new Bakery and Con fectionery Stole on Hamilton at. iii Barrio's old .tonal, where he will kaon couatwntly on hand iiterything in the line of (:ori Breath, Cakes and Pastry of hest nudge. Large Lo►vee at 8 its.. i and small Loat e. at le. No combination . no extortion. but i everything to suit the tinges and the pocketa of the people. if you want (:ani Bread and Cheap Breed leave your orders at the New Itaker), on Ilautilt. n Street. Wwhltng Cake,. t Specialty. I tow) delivered to all parte of the tows. QfSemnte C..ef•. t Mmsiseee esegw yield to the grateful eseahirie anti.. e1 Norway Pb. Ayre,• 11. ..skims.. potebewat weigh el -.. _-05p- tier, is 412681ty rears! by this swivelled l44M ami het reesedy. !rise III eta sad tin els 1. JOHN A. GREEN. The Old Reliable COAL Special Wattles „' en to BAWND AND SPLiT WOOD. Headquarters fur all grades of NANO, SOFT & BUCIISNITH COAL. Cu•1 weighed on ,tt1,K maztrt or m orale.. Oet my Prima before (oing e:eew Taaw* rate. Telep0se t'.eseetIea. . JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. titer tea. sawn. Awtgaa Ma'y tar ATENTS T1rAAVUM ilia sstAlir_ten rN a t. mil f N44715*!.•, new yaaa. .I.w t•arra- ia. eftae nt.m. M Aaawtea K, ft aeeKa•w te.14. .e /at tis bit er.a o.•. r' ars fear ^r Nares m U. **citntificintrican ALWAYS ON NANO.: Nrr.'T fN � .. . ruse' .am A t,e vtre•.0? ice. (1 • r�V Lk taa�r''>r�• 1� Now is the time to purchase your the HARD CY/AL. The best and only pATENT SCRANTON HARD COAL in this market supplied at current priers ea shortest. notice. k S ! UNITS. Trifle oat 111 cormooTt pp��eel1sed. 4. all 1tabWs tsL � 001 .044. 6. eee at A�frr77�n / � t151M owe silos le sirs= t. lei tom' .1 ms _etc.. Fw` I33t1a r hos those th*ne •esseeeOfeemDiJ e All Coal Weighed at the Mar. Mlul'su Ct. yea' 1. `P41!NT. awassnserO7„. arm*. resew Ware LEM Orden left at SAW= • LiL>1'f Mere pra g*ty *amend M 1 see