HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-31, Page 6GAltiouts,
Thr wtim tato
Whitlow, .dens, :he Heti. Seat genie
Their Mawr..plattM oasis W.
fitted, ems
their Wave \Motu
Near red far Ove. Valls W bah,
p7tsu Ih• boos truss their of .weetseee.
tahoy. tys Mae
Ane gloat •uo men" tee deers rteaal 'herr tau s are
wise anemia the tame
Nile. thatbltti. heart
Ifo was Int modes*. the freareat tanto,..
That owe Ir theme b 1
enowi„e .meet tier, dorm asst heather.
Woad high .1 a.
\Mer and gold.• tl.
rope,. dark with the hip fig
tents �•s bright a 1ih the tm•f t dose.
Thr s.•otian hue :end the* of dawn.
louts year M.nweth
The rtow.•n, that r
oat! p
, he deer oIJ wove lbs'amgirnar .w
ter. tuil.ttm, the Weems, tar -
T an
• d pulling gut�,�tnls ,.ullpn�
An.lwalehiag�eyii' an its rteeerlaughed
nit : k
Holl. hes . tore alai the
I.wrl-par and eirhareaa=lw'i Teedllse a hier
t b
&here anther aur. r petite about
all rM 1(e ttle•r
1 ins m the forest. The tsona(igkt feu
ensued it, reve,.liag it fu the Attie cisering
Pah •tteymu.u., dististetuese
"It ie Jack g.,ing home add Ted. with
• .astir, when he had watched the mortes
object • L:tI. e.t.a.. ' 1leie
s ham off oatrot mer eseur..,tu and s ;tett getttug la"
Thou he thought of surprising tee bear
mirth u. est his Wird! whistles. mud placed
Logi fin:err to hat mouth to sound it when
he eaeldru:y •tupp.J.
1'tio bees Lad stopped net
Not ouly this, but the nest moment Ted
l:ra•Iv • heart took • leap into has throat,
for the smut .1 raw on its bind feet near •
tr.,..u.d remained etandiult a full minute
es •tiaal.t as an'token
11 ...1e Jack was tapable of doing • great
ataxy tuck., and could walk oe bid kind
feet with et is.utr.Lie dexterity. Tel hail
mover eII 11:m get up wails such grace of
The best y,ueered to be looking straight
v •.,.l the hour. from the tree where he
u clef r"k�d tbS troths sad •+W ..t:ud ides!. end Ted, Rbc jumped down frnrn
-iia^►user K. •eer, la Ha
t7n'r's Bazar
the 1 and a1.r
ang to •a tripe near
ed J with a x,r. keen curium',
"Slaybe t'* another bey,"
Among the tawnier' that ww•.d the Al•
lei:Mimes for settleta.at is Wtsteru Penn
sylimai& a few years b•faq the outbreak
of the lemons Poetise war was one est toe
name of Brady.
The heal of the litdis household was a
stalwart Irishman. • mos absolutely with
out fear_amd it was but natural that hi.
only child, • eon, should poetess the sante
Ted Brady from the first was a tearless
young rover of the wood*, read inn in hand
he was often to be seen in the forest. either
to march of game or setting traces her the
smaller animal* that ebuuntied in the local
Daring one of tries excursions into the
woods the boy hid the hotline to capture
• very snail best wh, which he carried
horse without teeebls, He raised the cab
by hand. and had a
him as he grew good dead of fun with
g .tions- At last be breams
tike pet of the houesSold, and often he
would follow Ted into the forest:
At the appear* of night. mo matter
where Jack was. he world turn bief+t•eto..„
ward the cabin, and in one corner of it.
was rare to find a sleeping place till morn-
With the uprleiagof the Indians. led by
1'u:ltaac. the Ot:ewa Chiet• one oftbe-brav-
est and most r'hetles Indians of his day,
the whoie frontier passed from the sun•
shine of peace into the shadow of war
p: et after poet fen before the strategy of
this red King of the forest. and at last nit
one of the many forts alun. Ire isles, attb
the single exception of Detroit, Buy the
British dug.
In consequence of the war the frontier
of Pernsyleenia was in danger oftL.wma,-
i:awk. and the borders of \'trgtola as l
Maryland were threatened.
The Brady. heard of the coming storm
same tis before it rwoshed them.
• It was reported that Indian spies were
abroad to the land. spying Out the weak•
menses of the t.ttlements preparatory to a
swop upon them, aril one day serosal
were seen in the vicinity of the Brady
Ted had boa trapping along • little
stream near hefts for tome time. The lacy,
'.es was stoat and snick for his 16 years,
t::oagb not very large. had 'become an ex.
port im trapping the fur hearing animals of
f r-wtrnd stream, and his atoee of fun
was known to be the beet and moat raltc
able of any in the neighborhood.
1)11 some of his visits to the treks Ja•li
Vie bear, went along with him. but for the
m•ea' tart the animal went where be pleased
a71,1 '1 ed did not see much of him.
Michael Brady, the father. tlhou,ht that
the whole frontier "mould be made sc.
qua sited wi:h the true situation regarding
tate ludtan uprising. and as he had picked
nn a goal de .l of rentable information he
deemed it his (linty to spread the news.
Therefore, he set out on his mleeion ur.e
day, intenJieg to be gone nearly a week.
"Watch the house wail, bald the Cel.
"Know everything that appr'whet tt. and
on no ricesaios open the door to anybody
bort Jack."
"Thit'is'p,etty sweeping, father." said
Ted. looking air from the trap be was
mending est the floor.
' 1 knoq it is, and I want my iastruc
time carried out to the letter. These In•
b• diens are the moot cunning fellows on
earth. and they will play all sorts of picks
on the whites to carry out their designs.
Jack is all eight and so are the trey
neighbors, bet don't open the door to any-
one yott do not know."
For three days after the settler's depar•
taro nothing occurred to break the mogul
tiny of forest. life
Now and then rumors came to the mettle•
spent of Indian battler, but these were re
'ported to hate taken place so far away
'1- -Mgt the people began to_ Iangh at the
stories, and to condada that perhaps the
Pontt•e uprising had boa greedy exagger.
Ted attended to his Irapa as usual, and
Jack, alter roaming /gout the forest,
would comer bee at sundown, and Mn.
Brady. if Ted was not in, would open the
door to mite
Ole.v•:,ittg the boy went ont to hes
traps. He lied that moralug carried them
to a new t-,.pptng ground and he thought
best to take another look before leering
tient for the night
The night promised to have the light of
the full mumu The sky was per-
fectly clear and the creep leaves that lit- TI s
tired the ground gave forth musical a1 w
sounds as they crackled underneath the Aire
buys feet ' t al let
this t:me the eon bad gone down and abet o
the lung mho: ,we of dusk were falling he- /f t
toren the trees pat over the hill on his '4lght
right rose the full °riled moon, and more not to
than once Ted stopped sad w•teh.d 11 in *farm
its stately ascent. 'u, •
nut he was expensed hose by hie m•.tlo. 1 e
or helots. night came add) os, sed think
• tog of the In.ii.nt be nankeen his gait
and ran nimbly over the tired.
H. had rearhel a little stress near the
s tin and hod set We Met ea tate foot log
OW the pnrpo.. of •tossing 11, when ha
tamght sight of eemetbt.g moving toward
the mina.
Ise eosld ave the hong ffMwlrh aD open
by, tool.
rush, .1
through 1'.e1'. mind. "Anil what it it
Iisn't • bear at .t! •`
By the time the bear heel dropped to the
ground again and all at our* Teri saw that
tt heel a rot rear. which was just what Jack
b4,1 Lad for three years.
Once mu • Ted was in the act of whist
ling to lam pe., when the anima! started
toward the doses on all fours, running
over the greund in • manner out exactly in
aa•rlattce wait the usual locomotion of
bears, but not very unlike either.
1."1 never saw Jack stn that way before,'.
cried the beg as ha b.tuudeJ on "de is
heading for home and will beat me there
it 1 don't make bettor tune. Maybe Jerk I e
has been wounded. The boys clown on the d
rrwk shot at him twice Isat $.seer,
1 b
Tod *topped,
for once mon the bear had j k
rh.ekel his room and was 'moving *arum
Iles clearing toward the little cabin in one ti
of wh.• a little widows Yrs. Brady had I t
!1 a14!FX I._IGOR Lill
('lea. .I the m.ed.a--lBem.ttlmrd Cameo as
the roomer $s. Me chem.
11 rllwud fount% Council Wattle Our ing ttiatuutter!. Hee-keepers"
Ala) utero'
$Pere/' A.ait•iation
11ur►ingelru 1'iewrrterl. curt for the purpose of osecludit,g un
delusion' biWtesb whiob etieskeed auouly
--_- ui dlru..t.h of pers given the prevloos
TC MEMORIALIZE PARLIAht1 rh1T I they by Mrw.rs Darliug and (ismmil. A
grurrwl discos:duo oa the wintering of
bora fundstasl valuable wfarulattuu a.
A Iteselwttms Urging the tint.
'Visored... Lobar f
moire t aura. %wort
Nark ea ('surds at Mar
vagina \\ ages
rrme.t t* each atomiser gave hl. r•lretencet. Mr.
Pettit saki ' ass p.rrtt,tr W wintry bore
w ('wee- A. sur.r..fully and with touch trertdut) an
e•a• any .4 her .ttt:k end .how ed how at should
Ile 10111'
At Wednesday's eredou a resulutuu wan
passed providing each usrntber of the am
R'ellatid I n•a•tatirw with a copy of flat t'au:wtiau Hee
Journal The legality .d the rr.olution
hr serve. was lluesthm..I mei a motive to rr.t•iud it
al Bruise. carried. A more cant for the judgiugt e{
IA' Eli 1e D. lint...ian 911 -- The
County t...nueii. esu nu.uon of 1
of 1..r: Erie aid int. -mamma
Ili.11llih.nte.ly adopted a rrs,l
m.•u.••r:alirr I'mrluunrut to enact
labor law The resointn.it is a.
Thor in view of the general r
exiting at present :teuujt th
tit.nr. and pirrh eutc. it chi+ ('
our. "rim to the tact that
ex. -hided treat .•mpioymeot w t
tstring republic 1.1 the Dunt..: -":,*
1,14 f►rwt 11w:baring their iitent1
utiwi to i hone)' at exhibitions was adopted anti
an aiieu ordered w he eeannutrttd.d to the di Rereut
fulkaw*: menet le+. He.ulitiotts "1 thanl.• to for
Irprrswlon city for use of hall were e lalr.rdng 1 /vu vent ion alj.otrnees� loartanl eshtl the
aeaila o11 'sin• l:x.eurier l'emeh.ttee mot immesh
Ulna err *11.1)' itfterwIntt and reapt*resited N'
he ury;h' ('oust. Strsrt•ville. Secretary, end MarUu
1rs with F:nti •h.
esu of tee- Ilulbneok. Trrasnrrr. It war
coming ctrigete. of that state sod to the
Ia.t that lural• numbers of wor
and mechanics are continually'
(nun the neig(hbaring States to
Comae at startatiuu wag,., tht
tine off our own citizen. Trot
iagre•sl to call • slercial meeting of the a+-
kingnwn 1 1' meet lug cif the North American &w-
rvurk np keepers' A. -.s iatiou next Se'ptrnhber
tip .hut- }ir:n.thied ea. (learn as the plats for
u their the neat nunual meeting of the .1mocia
•,d'latioi for Toronto during the time of
Bleat[. of mukei..tenc .: therefore
ai.lr.si it re-
aha- this c:auicii usrruri.�Iixr the ------
lkttuiulun lwvrrnnarut forum's .urh legie-
btem tepee this subte.•t as shall preserve
Canadian labor fur 1 :median citieeti '
N. Seeesathe. t.. t1.. lejerle. Hm Seeetved
at the °hobo s'Ir..
Tuscan• Jan. t,..- Hirhanl Anlagh,
hied of the Toronto Fire Ikp$rtntrit
led yesterday morning at ie ticlock from
be effect. of injuries received at the Her
f January .1, when the Globe and other
ttildingr. weer dada Myatt and our dreamt'
It will Ice remembered the chief was a'-
pt'ly at work early in the lire and woo on
he thins oat of the building intntediately
tuth M the (::obs alit unexpectedly found
is moan. est exit cut off. Ile bawl tdjump
save hie life. He wag. CCs years of alto
and weighed t yrs pounds. His injunee.
alNn.ugh very seri.rus, were not considered
feral, and half- an hour Winer his death
he ueh,rttok to amoke a pilo•. Suddenly
he Called to his wife and complained of a
frrling of suffocation and in a short time
diel trona bean (allure Mr. Anlagh had
bees chief of the firebrismte sittetel•ti,i and
jedued the funs in 1*1:.
taught. Ie
Ted watched the bear moving over the'
stumpy clearing w.th his head pointing tit- ti
ward tete shanty, but all at once be saw
more, than the.
That which he saw was rnongh to thrill
hint a. he ower had been thrilled before.
!twits nothing les than a mocciem, where
one of the hind feet of the sapPesa'd hear
should hear been, and the more he looked
the surer he was of tike.
-1.1 was pain now.
The skin brture.kim was Jack's, but an
Indian wadi iu.tde it, and, of course, for
some°diabolical purpose.
Well slid the red mat, know that herald.'
never ge't•beyond the door of the Brady
cabin to kis own drew': therefore, probably
knowing something about the boy itenter's
pet, his had killed Jaek in the forest and
!ta L anelertekrn this stratagem to carry ont
his rail desighs.
Ted knew that if his mother should nes
the supposed „ace in the clearing .he
won:d hasten to open the door to him,
without suspecting anrthtn4 wnonc, and
when he theug a ief Ilse urr-,i that menaced
ferrite could hardly ampptess a cry.
Meantime the- Indian must have been
congratulating hitnse:f .,n the success of
jtir trick
He ha. o
1 not .ern the buy in his rear :and
now, with but a few yards between him
aid his victims, he looked upon his vie
tor, as certain.
The Irish boy ha.l reached the fringe of
the clearing;, abd. in the bri'liant moon-
light be saw the oglet -that mored amuse
Not it moment was to. be lost . yet a shot
must tall. for if thrown away the young
marksman would have him upon one of
the dread scourges of the frontier. yid 1,e
might be the lost victim of savage fury in
th .t focality. ' •
As the boy taapper's rifts ton(ted his
shoulder, the cabin door °pitied, anti he
caught sight of hos mother.
She had opetie,l the door for "Jack,"and
the redskin had only to spring upend with
a hound carry himself beyond the thresh-
Controling hu nerves with the rookies'
of ash old marksman. Ned covered the shag- r ir'n
gy head and fired. I roue
At the sharp rept,rt a dark object seemed QI• A
to spring into the air and the next instant
it lay on the ground, while the while -faced
woman in the doorway gazed across the
clearing, too frightened for a moment to
Ted gen forward, so as to be seen in an
Instant, an.I asi be cleared the ground be
twr.n the trend of his shot and the cabin
he was recognized. and his mother cried
"It is -lack you have killed, trey' Didn't
you know the old fel:ow1-
.Ted mot he. mother at the door, and for
.•a moment, looking ap into tier face, he
could not answer her: bat after gleaning"
at the si:ent rigor* among the stumps, he
mule reply
"J..ek never wore moeeastta. mother.
The bear out tilers happens to be an In-
Dead in the moonlight lay the scarlet
trtekster of the frontier. and when Ted
pulled :he beariktn from him he saw the
painted fee. anti the weap..ns of the war-
path that he carried in his belt.
After awhile mother and eon dragged
the body to a ueelnded spot behind the
eat in. Then a greys was mail.. and in • .ld nnl
it they placed the curiae of the Indian who of til.' at
w°uld tam., morn id follow Pontiac across
the frontiers. A
nankin was removed to the cabin. aged 1J
hen l ed's, father came back, as he
few days Maur, he was shown .lack's
bored bide, whsle he li.ter:e.l to the
( hu ,oy's remarkable .h„..
be 1• d au' lied companions in the
'orh,s.I, they retreated wlthon tleek•
rev., ere r e .1..th of lhetr spy, and
toe •:de of war lowed into that re -
e I:ra.lve leaf taken refuge in one
sols. Ifesatern fork, where they tr,e rt
e 11 1.1, the awMlao'g had been pot ing the
fait way
A teed Iteer-Ei.A C.Ilb/.a.
Sy. .TMI\s Qae _ Jah. 28 -- .1, immewhat
.crump. m•rt,lent occurred au the Central
railroad bridge herr on Saturday. A
freight train hauling in g�tr .t:,11..1 and
way c est in two nn the bridge. the forward
p•111 hauling into the yarl. Tberodmctur
went back with hie lamp to signal the in -
ousting passenger traits, httt owing to the
storm the ',hart! aa. not seep and a tail
eta' pitch in out -tiny'. The van and a
(night car took tire ate I were uenrly totally
dost is... ed. The dor department was cal led
wit slid. la) ing vane five hundred feet of
hose. ws di ex, iunit 'shed the the. titterer
w -a. toppled "ccs to the nee below and two
others were derailed on the bridge. A
brakr.mau Lamed :1letrich, who was on
top of the car, a -as thr.wu 011 to the it'.
btluw and is thought to have a hip broken.
T. M. f , A. n.naw le Itikri1M.
BEt.I.RV11.1.E, .Ian. Ems.-Deaplte the snow
storm ..n Swtuhl»y afternoon dx•rae•tir.nal
nht•rnngs of the 1'.111.('. A. convention were
bold at which the rxrirl.e4 were highly
Iltirr•r.tiag. The evening session wee de-
voted to brief addresses esu the "Need.* of
the Hour." Yestenley there was a very
full programme. which commenced at :.:tit
a. tai. wit h a touteei1:N ion service in the
asdrociatien norma.. Many of the city pul-
pits were occupied at both Meaning and
evetiing service. by minister+ of the con-
vention. In the rvett lig a greet farewell
meeting was hell in the Bridge Street
\kthorlist t'hun•b. The. sleeting was of
in interesting character itnd very ituprew
Sever. Cote Is the Northwest.
Sr. P trt...fan. a. --Yesterday was the
coldest day of the winter herr. At seven
o'i•lrrek in the morning the thernurmeter
register -II 'I'll dog revs below zero and at
ervd-n o'clitrk in the evening it wee still ing
degree. below zero. The cold wave extends
front St. Paul t.. the Rock ieu. In Mani-
toba it is even colder than here. All points
in,g show temperature. fat Inview
The 0.111est point at night wan
pprle, which bus a temperature of
or zero.
W.*.! Aer,dea Iw a
►r/ath111 Mlaas.
Sj tt xl.nitl. MI\F1:. N. S. Jan 2s.. --Anti
thee fatal accident ca• tarred here on Satur-
day. While Wni. Urne was cutting real
iD the l:a*t Slope, ice was burin beneath
a fall of stone. Un bring extricated it
was found that the injuries about his head
were of a serious nature. Hie bead was
tearfully cut. one eye was out and his
lower jaw shuttered. 11. was removed to
his home where he diel. Ile leases a wife
and one young child.
Two Arita, Asatwst Negress* aedm.ed.
Qt t.wEt, Jan. - Clerk of the I'eaee
-Het*telher-ileen in.trnrfltd to tette two
actions against Sergeant Redmond. of the
tent)• police force. who was nearly killed
while trying to test freshly distilled whis-
key In his hmmme. -The Bret action is for
having an illicit still in his house and the
second for distilling Illicit whiskey.
Timm* (toles 0f Sewreeielie e.
Rt..Jodrs, XII , Jan. :)s. Pierre south
westerly gales swept the toast Saturday
night and Yesterday. It is ezptrstel that
considerable dimmest to shipping way ditn.
81.,4 th,• 4.300 The Allan liner ('ocean
left Ler. et daylight bound for 1.1verp..d
st hely experienced the full brunt
netasaee'i Steward Rlllad.
AI, N.s., Jan. ;pt A. M. Cook.
stewanl on the schooner Carrie
1 N' , w hich ram fitting out for wad Ash -
Ing in the Pa•idt, was fatally crushed be-
tween the wharf and .vovelei while repair-
ing a fender broken during i'*tueday
eight • storm. He lived sway a few bonne
1t*arly t'w.t Milk Mb IAM.
Qt rage, Jan tit ---Mr. Arthur Lapointe.
' aw organist of this city, was nearly killed
whole handling • loaded revolver. He
wtls strut*. by a Millet just below the
1 Tbatfaetors succeeded in extract-
bellMt and Mr. Lapointe M 1a a
to rwsvery.
1si1.-rat stated that the
...metre d the wow lime 'seaman
Belgian awl Penni ports and
will bruin la April. The steamers
to Mmtrsl 1n the snslmer and
as gr waster.
o e• manhood near the
.. Re bre .air noted - i*wfwvr
net ►le alaav• tail forums
••t, the OSTIA hie lei• ,son
.1 .f the lndtsn (s . dm
' 11 r ants in St t :,, ren
IN "'mu
AN (•unset fart. 1w t..rwte Pelts. Court
-A Mee.y t.eateuee.
num%ro„ian..1{ - The rather unusual
eight of one brother testifying against an
otter ter nips wen iu the police court yester
day, but to this case the complainant haul
exceptionally gruel grounds.
1t alter Hutchinson is a respectable
young retarded faun abo works in Heiutx
luau'. piano factory. According to the
evidence taken his brother John Hutch'''.
.on bite been lit ing on him for four
Mout h.'. turd two weeks ago assaulted hi■
brethren wife and anneal with a rwsoleto
stole a gull watch and chain, an over-
coat and other arliclr, of clothing. Then
hr told his beguiler stories about Mrs.
Nite•hinson brat he eonld not prove end
wanted hitt to sell wore tbiug and leave
few el.
-Mag i.; rate la'ntwon rind that it was ores
of the %te dt eel meat 0 mteni ptible Cass.
h' h:td ever listened to. for, if the nun'.
store were trite he was au Infame i.
eroltndrel and if it erre not tate he was
equally lead. He then sentenced hint to
.wort years 111' Kingston Iwnitrntiary with
thirty Image, to Ire administered threw
alul +ix months after ilt•3trtrratlt.u.
Truck' Ie eat te.asl.lea
i w- fejt:. Jan. 11..-Hrattetreet'. ray.'
1.'•ieral track in the Dominion continues
eef moderate proportion+. Toronto pre
reser. to find the twtlouk for business
fairly satisfactory, but at Moony*" u
.11llh prospect is in view at chi. tier whit
con leetiuny:sre slow and spring Waal. a
being ordered more .lowly that, OHO yea
ago. Halifax anuouucea some little en-
ttiiragentmt In trade circles with a mu
oer.an' ..ming nit bu.int'an. ('auadian
business failures Number art this week
against tit last week. 1'. in the week a brat
ager and t: also two) ear+ alto. Bank clear
ingot at Winnipeg,. itaniilttm. Toronto,
�ientc'aIand Ind:faxaggregate 4gr.eisoni)
tlhi. week compared with ttf1.I.W.Ouu last
week and El_.crl,Iluo ane year ago.
EEseaped Seoul the Torsions r.11re•
To r +
I:e e
XT Jan. S. --James Langford. a
Central prison convict, who WSW serving a
seutence of nue year fur a highway rub-
bery, committed in Toronto Mat month,
escaped from polite hetulgttarters yester-
day and got clear away. Ile bail been
brought down from the prison to be tried
esu another thaga.and wan left alone in
the arils. He palled a her oft the peonage
that leads to or polka court, went up-
stairs, tlirongtb t rutin and two inane
w'Itbout being seed. and has not ,et been
found. The prl'rtt cunt and vest were
left behind. I.ahgf�ml is a 'mart crook,
and has leered several terms in prison be -
Meat /Mews ifew to Tose.
TrtnovTo, .tan. :'S. -Perry McWain, of
liow'tnauville. who Wan (snivieted on four
charges of theft and against wham seven
charges weer laid by different residents of
the vitt , was sent to the Central prison by
Magistrate Denison yesterday for twelve
months. He ie the man wbtase good
character we. vouched for by many pro -
miureat citizen/. of his native town. but
they rem to hart been mu1M. Mc'iVain.
at present, is suffering from .a broken jaw
which he r.' riTel by falling through a
carte gnarl, while walking east along the
railroad track toward home.
A aore.eraa's Har Lock.
HAMILTON. JIM. }:.--Mr. John Dyment.
the master of Orkney Stork Farm and
Racing Stables, ham been unusl.ally unfor
'tttnate thio season. (►tt Saturday he lost a
nix days' old foal by Dandy 1)tnment nit
of Lucy Lightfoot The baby was entered
for the great Canadian !;clips& stake of
diet The sato& day he hot grown Dick, a
Wend home• which he valued at 113,uup and
which hail etigag,•turnts in the Knowsley
Plate of lnturand the Prince of Wales Plate
of 1W6 at lietnl/tuti• Weide(' important en
gtgementa at the Ontario Jockey flub
spring meeting.
Aditesly etre 1.*..*. 1. 0.10.1..
Tfilif•t•r,, .i■s. ts.-At the /monthly
meeting of the institute of Chartered Ar-
coentant. M Ontario, held last night, a
paper by Ilenry t.ye on the adjustment of
dry losses was rear' by Hr. If. S Strange.
a member id the council The entire paper
era.. ,,It as will lntereet every accountant
ant adjuster in the prorin,r, am yr. Lye's
varied experiences were given in detail
and /Mite or a ver)- ''i11h all. character
erree dedin.'.l therefrom for their guidance
in melj,l.tang dor louse..
ae.waed Their Starring. town
IIITr.slJ,.•lgil ''o -In ;-,..1.i Henry Her
mann and his wifeJeannettr w,' . me s -
bed h)- plateal pra•ee.ling• on the 1'tt
the wife Sone part of
Hermnn hail
horn a resident Y 1kN'.•Ilanol county, On
Yesterday he returned to Hnffain and
i joined his former wife in an action to annul
the limited divorce which she hall pro.
cured /our year. ago, and .1 odic, Springer
on learning the facts onions' that the
(rfernierllel. proceedings be waddled and ciao-
tt.wti .r ileo Ottawa tlawasi
Orr*ws. .Ian. 1L --The mayoralty 1.0 -
mum was completed her, yesterday.
Several balltr., Aare been held over. but
the neon -tit ivirliaiallect the election of
Mayor II"et hwish.
timely Gots 'Moss Timm
`few Ynng..Tan Sgt rdwin (Quigley.
this bowl ewlrdll,r, ham been sent.nred to
18 years, six months' imprlenmment
1 wase fri.rtda ankh adz-
tilt =
Hernan o arenty abounds In
beaatifel athd robs & nature. One
the must attractive curiosities is
Devil's Psndt Bowl. Why a punch
bowl, or why the peculiar property
his satanic majesty, ur why these shoe
be a so called pulpit in it tradition
forgotten to keep a tweed. All that t
kn.,wr it that it is called the Dori
Penh Howl.
A drive of a little over throw mil
over hart mads, a tura Into the de
primeval fotrret, and euddeuly ou top
a grand elevation, surrounded by
magnificent hamtu.lck timber, the Pun
&awl u at your feet.
There are several way* to reach t
bottotu of the bowl. The uaoet expo
tiotui is to le; lour' and roll down, b
that is rstbt•r undignified. t)tt.v dow
its depths, its ►int• is forcibly itnpnaru
( the mind. for what you took to be.e
limgm and stones devekop into magnol
and wattoo tress measuring 5 and 6 fee
in eir'ulufermctx and the .tones th
looked so bandy from the briuk bec'tnu
boss -Mere of very respectable size. 1t
hard to estimate thte arra of the bow
but between one and two =Tea wi
probably approximate its rile• at the top
while the bolt is about oue•Gtarth
this size and td front tie to it) fret le
low, the ',mimed boughs of the taws
barely reaching the level of the our
roweling gr„cud. lie steep sIeice an
draped with beautiful frets, mouses au,
rine* 'and dotted all over with violet*,
modestly }tiding ;tasty with the delicat.
maidenhair fern under the pr texetut
raves of the paltuettt*. atul vitae*
Looking up the *tors .4 the ater•p slops
Ile picture It -ft on the mind is one t.
lurpu.riug beauty, and it is hard for tat
traltgtr'r to realise that the scene is in
Iorida.-Hrucktt*ille Kew+ Register.
Slaeblr rate .Art.
"Ie it conceit -able that emtioidery
one mut a sewing machine can be• a
drk of art''" a tvtrreespuudt•ut ae ts, It is
rwceivabl., but highly ituprtbable• A
non of genius might gine ezpreaston
o his art through any medium, how -
ver utepron.tsing, tint it is dlf 'cult to
'needle any ..lir of orltnary artistic in•
Iligsttt'.•, .till le -o, of ge•nin, making
lie attempt ..it a sewing machine.
A worker on a sewing machine may
apart to the object he is engaged cpm
teething of the artistic qualities of
sl design anti good color. but tlt.t:
pe , 1 fat•t..r which distinguish- - all
. k•raft will, in all prdsbiitiy. be
teeing, and without it there can t.,• no
11 thing a+ x•-t.rk .4 art. Mere iwrfee-
oft of t'xe.•ntiom will not *eve it.
Au old fiteleini l "eantpler, " indi••at-
the brut of i► child's tntaginatin,
wooer halt tug the executioxt, night
are justly 1e considered a work of art
u the leen -highly tightly.' repto-
cti,tn of a painting" wrought on a
ng machine-so(h as I saw meerttiy
meneked ansotnethinit to bo admired
Art Amateur.
;iron ,
S.bseribs for Ter Stc.>at. truly i1 • tear
MaLE 4 D'S
AicD vim= Tr&T,:D iZ IPDlra
Specific and Antidote for
Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dy■
peplum aleeplessneee, palpitation of the
heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, loge of
memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall
stenos, jaundice, kidney and urinary
diem•$$, St. Vitus' daces, female irreg-
ularities end general debility,
J. M. 51cLEOD,
Proprietor and Manufacturer.
McLcooe IttNOTATOR can he had
from ail draget• * In town. as well a. from
•Il the drtggi t• between Owen noted sod
is•kreb. Braneb, Durham and Tnroot°,
MDlv. -
T rue
Tea • O*w.o,j, Pdervrc RAILWAY Co, s
Ttn.aalurw itas bean established to Elva the
public a first-e4s service will fair sad per
eminent competition
1t is me� eaoe bootees principles and b
the interest of its patrons.
it downs* the support cf evsey psora who
believes to campaniles.
Per owlet' aesnarea um fhb Coos
g h(es
Ileler, oosimetltst with all 11w a.4 ea
la Salted Mass.'Moeda mod a.rs .,
Nin of throes* wins b all poise* la
tomos-11.uutio wast.lieltisht. Waetwl., amine sad Rican Came
t1 a' Aat:ugv
basal II•eesrr. Godarleh
We r•arawfee Dredd, Kidney Pths to rent sat
caw 0l 1100e$ rllweer. Inshefn. 1 emblem
Rlu.,..ttm. Heart Disease. Peoneb
?mettle* lmpere Blend or toasty relended.
Sold by dieted. n I eimIlrt.• or by mall on
r etpl of oche roe, . per her kb homes Day►
DP L. A. SMITH • CO., Toronto.
Ladies' Mantles, 25 per cent off.
Dress Goods, 25 to 50 per cent off.
Mantle Cloths, 20 to 30 per cent oft.
Furs at great reduction.
All our Woolen Hosiery at wholesale
Ladies' and Men's Lined Kid Gloves
at wholesale prices.
Short Ends of Carpets at wholesale
The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain. Warehouse
of the County.
can supply you with a good article at a low prior.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c, Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, &,c.
Don't frail to ;;it.- me a call.
The;Crabb Block
No Stones, Stems, or Dirt!
Everybody Likes them.
Your (.'hrt.tues. 1 tr,it'r solicite•,I
WAITING POR ���N///{��� TO •��/vw�Q�a��7
What is the good of waiting it it toe+ tturn
ur+ n ap and then not he able toMS he ham' IS t1N
ins cal get yourself In .hope by taking • course is the
We lar t snlpbmei, ow our intent LONDON, ONT.
y- Stewart has received rhe orae roarer. ton few Pitot her •McCormack
students A.:
Co., Winnl potation a andvnllt is Audladdrp. i the rerto.m.ck HarTtadlst
Winnipeg. Write us our catalogue and particulars, addressing oynt•tly
CNMEe neer.$ Jas. r..1. Iee1. J. W. WESTERVELT Pneeipal.
and • fall neortneat of
has just returned from the cities where be
has been selecting
He ham now on hand a Large Line
of the Choicest C:oods in the
Market and is prepared to
tarn out work in the Best
Style possible, and at Prices to
snit the times.
4 I
MUCUS orgy l"• ' is
*a TSS Beam
Bvchaiiaiis & BE�Bas
Dashers la W kiwis sit
And bdlear,• material et ewers dseetnien
School Furniture a Svecialtj.
Ste am Boiler Works.
Skreeeraser1 Careseal ! /Ise*J
Menufacturere of all kinds of
�^ Upright Tablas:
0reti►--Dng Lon
anantkes Wad.
Wsels-Otnedes G. T. R. Stallsa. Bedsits&
with pale or salla
or suffering from
or scrofulous bloo
relief in Scott's
of the stages of EI
general decline
speedily cured.
Ss Jo
takes away the pall
that comes with (
It enriches the bit
the appetite, create
and brings back
vitality. Fwcosighs,C
Bronchitis. Weak Lw,
and Wasting Cleans
.,rn.I for .tar pampa/et.
Son a B..as, Dermi , MI
at Las,
My little sun, who looks'
Aral moved and spoke
1, 'velar,
Having ney kw the env WI
1 street& hon sad downtime
With hero words and u•k
Hta mother, who war path
Then, fearing that be gi
I vented 1116 hod,
Rat found him .lumbering
11'ith ,Iarkeoed e)'.rbd•,
From his late sobbing, wet
And 1 with moan.
Kesrag away his tears, 1e
For, ,u r tattle drawn hem.
He had per he. ide his rem:
A box est counters, ao,l * to
A piece of 8,8186116ahraid).1 o
Aad .s or arse Huila,
A box of 1.:ue-hetle,
.lad two such copper con
with careful art,
To comi..rt his sed &DIM
So when that nteht I prove.
To 1 •oil, 1 weptltad nail,
"Ab. when at Wt we It
Not sexing Thee in death.
And thou remrooliereat of w
11'e made our rove.
How weakly underettx,d
Thy great cutnrnaod,d goo 1,
Then fatherly, nut lee.
Than 1, w t... thou hest mc.
Piton It leave thy wratn and
'1 wail be sorry for then coil
TM ('$.seep.
"A cnmmuaplai.Ittr, we
But why should we sigh as
The crmtmoopka,e .sun 10 th.
flakes up the .•ommoopiac
'1 he moon err' the stars are
The flower that bloom, and
Rut and was the world and
If Hower* failed sod the oil
Aod 1:o4, who sees each peps
Out of commonplace hies mal
fol whole."
What Maio et SIMM
It matters little where I toe I
tor if my parent were rick
Whether they shrank at the
or walked in the prole of •
But whether 1 live an horned
Aod hold my tntegnty firm
I tell, you, brother, plata as I
It matters in
It matter' little how long 1 gib
ie a world of sorrow, nn ant
Whether in youth 1 sin called
Or live till boom and pate at
But whether I do the best I a
To soften the weight of adve
(in the faded cheek of my elbo-
It matters mi
1t nutters little where be my e
1 ir oo the land or 0o the oma
Fly purling brook or 'moth eta
It marten little or asarbt is
Rut whether the Angel of 1
And marks my brow with
As one who shall wear the yield
1t mutters mo
--From torr
M7nasebs 1e the law town.
'be Mype•sber.
1be New Perk See : While
be moob diversity of opinime in
irroed pttyebel gist. as to the
and °1a•a1g of hypnotic isia
are may sad .*cr*ieg .vide
rapid crews\ of aa tetereatia1
among arisineis sad their lawy
tag its ssefnlasp as • plea u t
Th. columns, of the Nun show t
• day now passe without its roe
lawbreaker mom the plea of hr
the commission e1 tvery .rime fi
I.romay to a sander. it io the
motor of " s1stiomnl ias•aity,"i
much roam= to believe that • me
pleated pace has hen added 1e
sac•mbermd library of mediae
dames sporaic this of t ■
!naivetempeatis w wised at
let. ' is evidsase ler sass toes
modem example, it 1e Inhered, a
iatredaetice is • eons el law he
hems et the revival ei hypastio
Rat ant it f. dimimetly spidemss
ded hypnotism in es general ia ti
as it f. await the Treash, ■n
onetime We newesi•rnement
• dure .f ear m'imiaat .mutts W
TIM 1*t.t$a Or a anM(i wt
will show. The warder el Cls
i IN
mews in emi' kir r11g rrwdiHY
rather swell R 4.41...4 M
maned Sam T. M- ewes d. Hetet
e"a�a• W [tamed 1111>ht
- 1het ulllti♦espabanef eemf.
1411, el Nm bei
monies. IIs! h
�passle unslml el
71eti tri
wee ale wmtets