HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-31, Page 44 THE SIGNAL: OODRRIoe ONT., THURSDAY JAN. 31. 1195. 5hr ('. txl, as BYWAY THUR8D T MORNING •T s .suadea>MT. hese el P M/emttee - • 4 M. O.derich, Onta.,ha. Teems .1 sisseeeeigglage rte .small. in advance., :..w.... 11 res sews. the. -. .... sin lit= t Is seal, the galas •gee y 1 p will ltbe ao Loeb M nose hated. Tey label is s rowdiest tsw*t et w date stop wf►o► lea are mild Ms MM It le mut ..need M fall tate owner. When •.hsuse d addrealltried. both nab old sad the mew address be swan. Adverttseag water nee and Other casual dymps e lee. s .. goo :townies. ref* ____bop tar l same so they um t I nsettlsa. by tempered r•a)r. lasi•e s card m o r e t t bale acid holes, es pato Adveetisemeats d lost. 9bsyed, Nttastieae Tecant, entm thss mMeares eares Wented, IMIS agbo j Ids n ■oepsr., 11 per roontk Bosssetle sad Pares ti ea HNM hot to owed II limb $I ter first spot at wont k larger Ay specie) notice. the gr•msl• the pseualary • .Mall sr eemnaay. to be ysrtlerrnent rad chanted ileal wines in nonparellthiten.Ie rat pr ward. ..antics Inn rhea Legal norms in ordia z '7pr two mom per word. No calla• titan .tile Nations for' burcheit ahs and bssetoles t I net i tutloashalf rsMn Commercial .'.ride.$ Aivewsese r.es, ♦ lwill be inaert.d t limited wombs, of advent,. t meowa+ ha re nee inch, nue insertion M eta lour insertions 1 pi th•.•e months. 7 On •• re mouth* ,, x On one rear 5 fe No advert mean 1.1 lees_ thea two Mohr In left :in will he talen)et.eson shove beef* t pee cent elb.c..unt allowed ter ee.b4gensiese. ea three imp,' I s eostract ; le pr mks oil sit moot hie. ant IS per err t. ea a y. TN.., reed itlos" sal be strictly enttllemd. aeon ••TM wteadnr esse♦m7. Subscriber who fail to rsndett Tee Sire it. euenlsri). pith," by Dardisr ee argil, ern) nosed • favor by ampa.uitrlag r the fact at ✓ etrl) *skaters possible. Retorted manuscripts MIRA bitrettrned. Corrwe pond -nee mom be writer m On. of Yet.•. Doi., Ma. per sub- * Promerdso• et MUM Is to trit- ium ad Pu►11.aar's ■•se s. J. C. tee Touae:, of •sew t4 em been ap pein:eei Leat Travelling liamsgllim the town Mips of Oo.i.rtch. Colborne. Id had N'• wsiw.sh, Local poe:roamers over the are also empowered !o receive so to Tn. Soso ♦ t. All lanemunioss s •must tt» a%H_.med to D lit 1tN Y Telephone ('.1111. , (hit OOUEIICH, THURSDAY. JAN. 31. tae:.. FINAL NOTICE. Alb M M Fes b Wear $ bsesepd.. 1.r MINI es deer& ATTER Feb. dirt all snbec•riptions to Tae tin.N•L which are in *near will he placed . in Coert for collection, anti mimes in arrear will be taken from our mailing list. Our friends are invited to pay up in the meantime. TINS SIGNAL. Goderich, Jan. Ili, 1895. THE CASE OF NEWFOUNDLAND. SOME of the Ministerial papers are endeavoring to create a sentiment favorable to the union of Canada and Newfoundland, but why th'y should attempt to do ss at this particular time is difficult to detsrasine, except on the hypothesis that the Cabinet is fishing for a new cry to go to the . country with at an early date, and have given the word to their press to endeavor to pump up • sentiment in favor of the propped scheme. When con- federating the, agitation ho fe orating the Britiah Provinces in North America was .farted New- foundland would have neon ei it, and rebuffed all efforts that were made to have her become part and parcel of the new confederation. Later on, -when Prince Edward Ireland became an integral portion of the Dominion, the olive branch was also extended to Newfoundland, but the answer from the spunky little island was in the negative, and so the matter bee stood for nearly a quarter of a amatory. During the past. few years the con dations that existed in Newfoundland have not Ii.en of the meat pleasant nature, The island has been ripped and tore in political strife. Claims regarding the island have been ad sauteed by France as against those ;rd by England -with a prob•- tbat the French contentions are Aad to cap the climax, • 1 maim occurred lately which driven the islanders to the verge rain and absolute starvation. Now, in its extremity, Newfound manta to he aided, and the from that island is " Cie and help ns." Whether minexalion of Newfoundland will 1 feature of the Oohasset's eon election platform we know issakitat frets tie 'aorta blind pias ter lanai by souse of the ..heal.n is the iiLiutorial prem, such esti.a would te be no surprise to tasMT who vistaed cen ware of ria Tory 6llitel_- t whoa aa dsetiog ram im- 1« lime ISIS, e♦«7 W • flew cry •lad a urw uwut.ter of work leg. 1 it 1$N'', the election was sprung prematurely because Sir Juan lit Lioo *1.1) contended that there were millions of dollars of British capital which world week uneatluest in Can •el•, if tip people voted in favor of the continuance of the N. P This claim and the gerry mender gainet' a tow loam of life for the Tory l;overnuleot. In I an7, the new Franchise Act saved the Gofer nu,ent from tlefeet. In I'9O, the cry that negotiations would lie entered int.. with the Washington (.overnutent to have the tariff farriers removed and to inaugurate reciprotaI relations with the United Steles, taruel the tide which hail Iweguu to ruts strongly against the Ad ire do -a. And now the shihlnkt, i, at- tempted to 1s' raised that union with Newfoundland is the one ti ing laces. nary to round out the greet British American confederacy. We .1' not know that the assuming of wore heavy liabilities by the 1 h). minion - -which is now weighed' down to the gunwale with national, provincial awl municipal debts-- or that union with a bankrupt province down by the .ea. is going to bring additional pro, t•erity. We are inclined to take 'he opposite view. Nevertheleon. we are ,ati;tie.I the old Tory gm me of drawing a herring across the went will be resorted to, anal when election day imam% around, •ver' effort will 1. re- sorted to go that the attention of the elector may lie ditertetd from the tariff .1ueetion atld the ills than follow in its wake to the Iee,as imp'rtent one of Nether m tuppen ha'penny island on the Atlantic 1 ►ean-bankrupt in purse anti a century behind the times will he *brought into Confederation fire the pnrpo.e. as the orntori say, of rounding oft ai Iinnnoniou4 w hole o far as Confederation is ebnreree d. SNAP SHOTS. -Tile war in 1 'lira has ata,uweil the proportions of a ;;haw tight. The county councillors haul their usual luck, and got home in time to ea•ape the -now blockade. This is a great " break on the a.erage busier s man, with the Ith of Feb, staring his. straight in the face . -The emotional indit uiuel who owed to recite "Tia Beautiful Snow, haat to hr plower) out of obscurity this week. The speediest mode of opening the road, in this section would be for the ;o% eminent to spring a general elec *ion on the people This tloesn't appear to be a good time to go to the country with the cry that Canada was server in a mole prosperous condition. ' The people who were slghiug for a goal, old -fashioner) Winter ought to les satisfied with the state of siege which has existed during the past eek, If the lion. G. E. Foir.R could only collect an import duty on snow flakes he might possibly be able to trim down that four million deficit be- fore Parliament Iaseto. And so. 1)r. has heeded to the requentof theCanadian l're,u As-sor•iation executive, and will reply to the toast of •' 1'anluda at the Press banquet Thursday evening And what will the local toadies and outside tuft hunters say ' On Monday last Kingston elected lion. Mr. H tltTY by a majority of 432, and Mr. Cortese carried West Algoma by about 1110. At the gen eral election these constituencies ga.t small Conservative majorities' against the now successful Iteform candidata. Sir OLIyr.R's majority ie growing, The Right Heat. Sir Goon. Toetzue I/tattax, of that ilk, continues to roast. with the business end of his red, rod mouth, the traitors who don't believe in imp. Federation. When I)erltaox ceases to feed at the public cnh, turns his face to the wall and prepares to go South, what will become .f this e)un try, anyhow ( . BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. H M•oart'a-The February aue.ber ofsHarper's M.g.xiae is to hand, and is, as err, replete with goad things to lotion, essay and poetry. la an article ea titled "What is Gamehlimerr The Hos John Bigelow discusses an im t .mast int ton- al tme.dmest lately iii by the people *1 the Hoer of New York. The amendment indirectly afoom ho mwr.eing mid peal WI - lag is other Thetas, .wiag Ise the !arise interest is the w►jest. Wbother it .Beets the twisty eve -east rather at whist and the ehatsh fair is • problem that Mr. 1igalow e. est.rteaiag fashion. Never Ib. b1tery of the world dM the Naha arrest se more attention es n.., sand • mar interest is added te rho Castors% shore aril Melton by the Nieuwe psmibflltiss .t Japes and Hawaii. ''Down tbo Wort Coast" druribee thipowney by water Prem Asa F aril... M Oallae. wan freesset mop as M.E.mmid Omstesl Amo rk+s pro. The bet b W Aguas T. lammh, mad the imsttNhms be W. a. Isom he Mr. Lae.e.ih ewe phatwrupha WEST HI RON FARMERS. Rpt ERS. Tp A rine Gathering at Winghetm • II .pleat .deem= Rawdered - TM ad diode. ere. above elle £.eerie -title Lin time et .hoboes. M lima 315115.0.. to IM !!,.meat. THE annual iodating of the Went Hume Farmers' lasutute was held hue to day. 1 b• attendance ger excellent through out the .neetlags,except at the morning sea Moo. it was not so lance at the tour of *tartlet( as the others would like to have sago. The Interest takes in the .meeting was shown by the lively dtawakens which followed each address The delegattoo coaistod of ,lobe Mc\Iit las. M 1' , t'osstan e, A. I:. t1 -ark, N sin stead, and Mr. Beadle, Toronto. The local Ment toasi.ted of the president, J. Nal loath and Dr. A Forrester. The Drat Duelist discussed was " Pimm I'ulture," by Mr noodle who understood bin subject fully. He discussed the best and for plums : the distance sport t., plant ale. the cause of the black-koot and hole !n destroy then.. d pounds of blue- mote lue•.1oe du.olved in about venous of water was the Asst remedy after the knots were cu• off. The isms remedy w'., good for rurruho by adding the same weight of fresh lei ''•nee frefshly slaked. TM following are the beat varieties of plums t . plant• for early Autumn Bradshaw, Prince I nglebe-e, 1 allow F:gg aid list -moo Prime, low • late plum, the b.dt are Lombard. l'und's Sead- hgs and Victoria, For private use without rtgud for seaming the Jefferson is good. UT):ktnu. ,r grog, A E. Wark spoke oil •How to manage • leery farm." He explained the p,, ate of • good diary barn. He would hare them at least 11 feet 'high so ■s to have plenty of pure air : stele stalls at least tour feet wide en as t oe able to teed each animal se irately • : loon nes v rl Ie el end clean r ) y He .iw.vs esters the cows in the turn considering, ♦ trough nearly full of ice as teed es • hof is a creek. 1'owu milking do hat mei a y eternise. Have them calve any time the year except .duly and Au.ust- -\ tocol remedy for milk tever is 1 pound of .41te two weeks before eslvmg an.I another ,lose jet at calving time. A good deal of ,discussion Was brought up hy Mr. Work,laming that feed heel a good deal to do w- h 'Imlay of milk Bulletina trued by t college, claimed that it diet not affect thd'tuslity, ;but nearly every one present displred this' claim of the pro- fessorate. \Ir. McMillan spoke oa the Breeding, Feeling *ed :sprung to Great Britain, of ('aft ie. ' 1loci should breed according to the sod he has, as:. tar as possible. For heave toll tale the !heavy animal : tor the light soil, the light anemal. For all purposes he (s,nsidered flu, Durham grade the best, se their offspring from a pure bred sire would mature .fulcke the meet other brooms, and the younger the heel, as long as it was matured, the better and more profitable in raising Always use • matured sire, as their offspring was preferable to that of im- mature sires. The calf should be fat three times a day for throe weeks on new milk, then change criminally to skim milk with some linseed oil boiled to milk, aka keep mine oat and pea meal eo they Can get iL Keep them to the stable the fat year, it pos- sible. It not able to do se turn them by themselves and be sure to put them in nn cold nights. 1 on will make • treater success .1 raising /tock it the same feeder feeds the cattle all the time Never put down feed in the stable leag before you use it as the odor of the stable will taint the feed. itehorning the eattle was beneficial when fattening cattle as it made them quiet- er and they shipped ilia. A steer should he et to ship from to 3 years old used weigh from 1200 to500 pounds. Ahoy, a11, use kindness in handling sad feeding your cattle and you will have & far Metter return for year funs and money. s. .grad, o.. Robert Currie, ex- .f Kest Wawa' bosh was chosen chat Mr. Bailie, the president was first sr. His subject was, " (hlterio Agricultural College. What we saw and the bemeia to, he derived from same-'. J. A. Mallough gave simper on 'Apple growing in On whic was so highly appreciated by Mr. McNi1Ian, that he secured it to be published y the ('.acral Irutitute. 3.1r. Beadle then spoke oo the apple, the varieties tolant twbt way to plant them. Rhode he riIs I:reaning and Baldwin are safe to plant is • orchard, Mit the Spy is Not safe as It 1. not • self fertilising variety. 4)u. Med not be afraid of the market, as the mad who bringa a first-class article would always ad • good price. The Blenheim Pippin • reed variety to pant for shipment the Old Country. Says your &ahem fort erek•rd. Keep trees well prnaed and away :Vries with the Mw -stone mixture, parlor etre added to keep off the apple n pth sad the black spots on the .pole, and yell should make eerier of apple growing. Mr- Work spoke oo "vital point" to be observed particularly 1• s*pplying diary ✓ oods to the F.ogiiah market." I quality wee the greatest drawback is ting • tint -clam price in the Kugli.h The flavor should be put into the bin and cheese se the farm by proper hand .f the milk and the feeding o1 the stow. D. A. Forrester spoke oe "Agriculta and its present outlook." Comparing meat prime with former prises. He .Lai tier. was no hops of raistog the pries grain Mt that we shouts go mon Hate dairying ..d cattle raiment. itr. McDonald gams the audios 's seine ✓ ood advice to . short mintiest addrea Mr McMilai spoke on -Sew to mak. Henle Attractive." The hays should M made partnen in the Mims of the farm ; let them hade snnsethiag of their own ; also make them keep an a000ue%d their sxpos- diteree so as to make them ey.temaeis Is their Irmo... &Hain : hems home ammo mesa for the renege rid invite the risk. hers' rabbets to .harm their.eiumemeste The tanneries •berm sad diresers were sleeted for the toll.wieg year possess, W. Bailie, Nile; tat vis -pre ., A. Carrie, Wier/ham. had vias- t1. Hatchlsss, Remail : .wets.., W. N. Newell, Cer- am. Direete. fee OgNQM-W. W. Man &ad Jabs Damtew, A.►Hdd--.1. riftsilt !)1 3. Law, N. Cirri; W. Mamma -C. Woblignie R. wdl- woed. K Wawsaes►-R C. site.., W. .1. Carrie. W iughase W. J. (3rlrama, Iiab4. la Bea Blyth C Remittee, A•jh klaQuerr%. 11.11.05 A. T. M.D.sM, James frail Qiseue- A. M.Irm.h%, W. W. e• ter Joh Mal Iaaky, sr., w. FROM OVER THE BORDER. l:*d.rioh J F Tom, P. it. I. . A. Baal .R Aditer. J. H.s .etagtoa, J. A. Mal - Musk Then was a bsla.ce es bead at last *edit el $172. Mr McMillan, praised the biotite,* sad said that they had taue of the hest programs Ise bad seen this year Thr fohuwu.p meet- ings were set Marsh, St 11.Ien's; Norm bar, a;oderloh; annual meetimg, Arturo. W. Haulm ad qy 1'. I:rtone.as were an - ported delegates to the Commit 1m.titute, TOPICS OF A WEEK. The Imports.• ►'.rent. 1a • Few Weeds 1..r 1tu., Reader.. 1a.nd 1tau.1.11.h 1'Ilurchill 41.41 oil Thurs- day husirday morning Went wort h county has a treasury stir plu...r ttlrl,..y,r 1. M Hi Iso ha. undert.ekru to torah a Cabinet ter France 1 be Fne•Inarns tat W'innipe'g bare de- cided o-cided to erect a baud.. • temple. l.irut. l'01 DA n -y ILn,ltoi b.. retired trona the *'anodise) militia. after:,: veVs' weenie Mr 1' 'limn \\'alehe of Montreal fall, heir to t!I,ust Iry the earth .1 art mutat in the ..1d country \;r..1 If, hall of Woodstock hes been elected f Irrwilent of told Oaten,. ltook- kr.is•r.' .\soh lark.. Mr. A. Martin's dry goods store at • Mont real wa-. aLuuagea1 by fire to l he rx ten t o•f #1:1,11110 t li tt'eitim.lay. Beeris,t,i4'I'n•r. 11.e ell -know a I:nglt,h actor, arrived at New York in the -teenier Majestic tin Wednesday. '1r '1'1 a• law ler tat Whitby - died un WesluestayHr was on of tilrbeat known business. filen of 111x! town. :\ statement 0f the aceounts of the Irish parliamentary fund just t..0td show, that 4'auada contribute) last )err 1:1,1/110. After accepting the resignation of ('hief Of folic.. McKtnuam the Bauailn.n 14dice I%thin.i..iuurn, v-osel 11r*. N1cKinnuu iso, Photos• I'arney. a peaceful citizen, was shot :mol rtaliv aouuded by the• troop. at itra,aklvn .ill \1-ednesday while working on a The Governor General heat sutw•ribmd liberally to rhe proposed inlonnnlrut to i'ien*. Steven Hamilton. the Nova S.oie jou real late l'...! 1! la' it.; 'Conwervetiyrl wits oil Wednesday returned to Parliament for the South Division of Worcestershire. England. by 1.171 majority. At Kingstown, Ireland, on Thurrlay, I Mr limothy- Healy .Mere+,rel a meet me i on Irish t.rync,, 1'h, .peAker was hbaed. I and there were many tights. 1'h.• 1 titatva meye.ralty recount has been ron.p•Irtel. Several ballots have Iden i Held over. but the retv,tute will not affect the 1.15(.1 ionof Mayor IA.rthwirk. .\ fanner named Joseph 1)utuott.! of St. ,leose•ph de Levi. fell on hi. heal from a hay- loft on Thurvlay. 11i. neck was broken and death was intuiiutet:e•ous. .Tomes longfonl, • convit•to.l highway robber, ti r, wrenched lose a lar :n one of the pasnatte. at No. 1 pollee ,Ltttots. Toronto; on 1'hur.dty, end escaped. i, ,tIII It liberty The twenty-tiftb auntie! convention of the Y M. C..1. of llttterio and (plebes - opened tau Thursday in Belleville. Mr \\' .1 Waugh of Hamilton was elected ' I'm-44rue I'fve kegs of powder inside the mitres of thr'I'ra leweter 1''.a1 emu/,ane of Sturgis, Ky , .•xplo del ma W'eliesalay, killing five Hien and two °rule, au„! caving the mimes iu on them. A :Manmoa deopat,•h says the Hudson lin) Cony0111Y .14/1r and the , ":•wart litel. the two tlur.t 1 , debugs of !lie kind in .M u,111 * and the *'..oily 1'Ierl', office were burned on \t'eduesaley. Reynold:. the colored man who wait sentenced to penittnti:lr'. :or 14 years an Montreal, fax hero released after serving four years. He lat.11'r stabbed another eulortd mon nettled M'•.rrs. :\ row took plater in the li,•iriaul Pham ie•r of De/eaten tau Thatr.dmy between the Socialists and r'athnlic., which ended in ter Prv•.niena of the chamber re.igniug and the ,tering 1 riot suspended. Mr*. Hramau rood two of her children were badly hurtled 41 Broadview. Nina., btu \\'eh,e,clay by 44 li rr wh!rli .1,11 r.yea the hm.. \ lamp upset in tine of the beelro.an, and •t art ed the Wale, Several extensive ;limber dealers from 1'hicagu 1,8vr xrn.l.t rat Wim an■% en route to Ka' 1'orrar..•. where they propose negotiating h.r tttr entire rut .of lumber in the Itat r e 1'or., K lied.tait i. h s,r „ I:et. Tucker -M 1' P, West Welling- ton. 1e.4 appmalel frvms the decistun of the .1 11111/... nt11 and diset allying him for corrupt prate t into Thr appeal will not likely la hear.l until the month of ApriI. .4 resolution were introduced in the State i..gi.lalore of Nebraska favoring the de- port at of .1rehlol.hop Ssttlli. The preamt.le declares that his pee*enee thoaten* an encroachment upon inail IYid- teal liberty. by ._...alien eccl..iastical puwrr. A Buffalo paper at.aounces that the Grand Trunk I(aalway Co. will receive bids up to February : for 061000 net tons of coal for that roma. This L the earliest of the large fuel contracts invited this season. and will have au important bear- ing earing on the price of coal. The military authority at Halifax have sent telegrams to !imam. int John. Yar- mouth and other plate* ordering the er- rant of Sergeant Italhato a,R1 Corporal Iloteoo, It,y.d1 Fngtneere who are sup. poised ta have deserted. taking with them 8.,000 belonging to the corps. The grand jury prrarnttnent in l'onoto Thnnday recommended the hearing of minal assault ea.w. in private. lunger nteno- for Inveterate crinfival., and notice- of the einaat ion of theatrical .n, the tmnitnrtnent of paupers and ha iu the jails, and the drink Pt t F prick l.oubard's t r noco factory at B ' lyo was gutted ley fire on Welne• day. Three employes were horned to d.aU,med Anton lo(iraf .Tony Schultz and IA!anank Mcliorley. Two other em- ploye.,' Frederick Oliver and Alhmrt Hurn, :h ai*teee year* old. were badly burned, and the hospital authorities at reported t hat both will probably point was rand le the Went on ear on Tha Ap- 'natie by the te of t h. trial, white. tender et, must be bogus whitea the des et eilima the petitio. ThI. OOusean- y 1, but as the .edema`_ fearsome day.' motes argued by the remps- the petition was /edgers' wee =Neigh A novel Durham el rtleatlen Or extend the t the Ontario Ws months date of oiling pins nn F must receive at of the trial, it dent's comae' already cat d rtmermet. News Nota from Washington Tae 1 hire dead tame - 4 Ie. eland M w aline retie, a .mm. weed The \Mommali Tamil e/11 4 -beck ew awpr►a.e mart axtrataa,ee•r.. Fremont Regular Carrespoadeet. Ij%'ASi'IN(;TON, Jan.:l'th. -1f the meaty changers who hays tawoed the third wise of bond., which will probably be Alkaline aneouu1e41 alts, I''ogre.. has baba e lven tone 10.Iigeat the.' .culls message, by withdraw/mg the geld which they paid for the last is.ue of bond., from the Tres.. urn, thought thereby to frighten l'..ngrree into fisanclsl legislation they neve &peer- ,Qtly .lade a oustak... 1 °agrees danvn't show the least tea of fright, and there It oo more nrehahil'av of tinunctel Legislation now thou' there was before the gold raid begs., lin :act, the mew teem of beads r 111 no neon frighten ('.egress ase whole than dew the talk about the Treasury beano forced upon • silver haus, the silver mew eon:rass degen't legislate no financial matter. 1•.r precisely the same reason that same minted maples du tot live *.,,;ether they ovate t .gree upon anything. And the tmprerno is entwine that of an extra session of the next l'oogr.ee is called the same remota will •.revent financial legislation. The administration men stole • marc upon the anti's it the Se..'e, !.turels *Peronon, by getting `senator Vest's amend anent to the pendia., Helvetian reeolut adopted by a vote of 24 to '22. This aver. mets expr'wes sympathy with all efforts t establish repobltoan institution.: reaffirm the poi of aheolu'e non snterfkrence wit 1 .e affaire rat other nata.os, and d. ••ler.. th t'ecel■nd admisiatr.tlon en!it1.4 ro te,n1 wse.dation and support for having m+nttson .d that pnhcy towards Htw.ru. 23 Ilam m's and one Repot bean PMUgrew voted for the smendm.nt, and lt; Repuhhc aux end 4 Populists .gan,t it. There w sone seri ..trltel debate 1n c.WatCtln: with the rmeadment, Senator 1 el'er in;; that if allowed to stand it would put an "neocare falsehno.l" m the reenter of the +Sent+. The [»atter is not raided- It wil corn, up again this week and is likely tea 1 aowonp.oiel with more 1 velv talk. The amendment to the Ntt•angue pea hill, providing that no more th.a .we del:s in stock of the companv shall M• awed for every dollar, in truth and in fat, ...vendee hy the rompany, wh,.:h was offered by senator Wolcott and adoetel by the Senate previous to the passage of the hill. has •1. privet the lobby of much rat the satisfaction of vetting the bill through the senate. It. chalice for getting through the House is very small, so amain, in fact, that few peo pie even profess to be able to nee It. Some gossip has resulted from an ameoJ- ment which was offered to the Sundry 1'aril Appropriation hill lv Representative 11•ack• wry, of \Io., and promptly adopted by the Bit.... It 1. ahoy merely providing cher the I', s supreme l eget is making its sett mate of money rr,tulred for macel/aneous purposes, shall eater into details. as other br•uches of the government are motored to do- Whtle no one male the charge in so wary words, the adopttoa of the amend- ment implies a lelief nn the part of the House that the Supreme I `ourt hen hren evtrtvarant ie lin mucellane,us expend* tuna. \ow that the Hour has made • begin• ting in that direction by adding two tin - asocial amendments me to give the secre- tary of the treasury diecretlna ea to what denomination of notes shall he issuers in place of those redeemed and metalled, and one making gold eertifcate@ non rerwvable tor customs dues site...July•11, 13%. mod forhdding their use by national bloke to their reserves, and stopping their future Isom to a regular appropriation bill. it is expected that • number of such amendments will he proposed in the .Senate, Including leveral for the issue of bonds and for the free coinage of silver. Senator Teller has wet the politicians to thlnkiag, by annouuctog that the silver vote would be oast for no 1'resi• denial candidate in lft9f. who will not pre- mise in &demos that he will aigo • free ooinage bill 0 t 'oogrer passes it. and that N either the Democratic .or Republican,aa- didate will make the required pranks the silver vote will go to the Populist o..dij•te who is o.rtate to hem Out .ad eat silver man might eves be Sewtor Teller hi,llaehf. It u freely predicted here that the Repub- lican and Democratic candidates for Prasi- dent, whatever their personal opinions may be. will make the required ,r reel Prot^ The hilus for the admission of Aneooa sad New Mexico here very little show to get passed by the `senate .t the session Al- though then ha/ been little public appoint - time to either, it is an epee Nearer *het then is a Targe number d Wheaten who do not wish to see Moss bills boss.. laws, and it ie also knows that, althea. he has premis- e d to times if they Were gent to him, Premidwt Cleveland sestinaprissy Chet tis L e boat. The Oklahoma for the repel of the ifloretlkfl duty sa anger free. .uaatries eerie( an expert duty. It will e.rlaisly orae. the Hear and probably the Senate, bat it in aseislred very doubt- ful ',bother it will, if it hematite . few, moult is the removal of the prohibitsms of oar cattle by *:enmity and her Kuroperr N eighbors LEEtWRN. MoeDAi, .las. 28 lot week was seven said ord. Riving everybody many .itrt defies, not forgsttiag the wood pile, which was. bigrer draw thea • mail- ie several houesttol4., ne.oales were also inners, and to nae or two ores adults had their mooed expnri.00a of tills far famed ailment, which but a few .mop tansy .sme, Crete."' SILICON Kvar. W5.esday of hat mask stir popular teammate. Michael was norri.d is St- Teter'. it C. (.odarw►. by dla pastor, the Re. Fr. West, to Mr Mimi* c;Loner Tam R.yaa!•'s acted as briia.msid, while A Demme Clod the duties d boot lam. The brad. is • streamer to i...bsr., but we e!• toad t her a hearty embere sed with the bridal pair . harpy voyage on She tr•seimmt j.nr..y d 11fs At lPamingto. on Thursday four sea and two t.sams were chatting Ica os tae lake when the lee soddenly broke up sed tarried tees and hones out a the lake *31601 three miles A boat from the 'here went to their rescue ail the mem was lander) safety hat the horwwereidrowsed. A Spohme, Wash . despatch hays: -.1. D. Luttrell has .*solved news, aexne.p•nad by proofs, that he has falls heir to e quarter el as 15 0e the estate 1a Ielsad let by m mete. Jolla Luttrell. 77e miter fads ars, Mrs I.nt(rell, Almond., 1 1r.tl and Mra Mary Dsai•p, reiddisg at Zhimila, Ontario. LGRO RetsDOLPH CHURCHILL. beet► .4 the (Nee Itrlllta$t reader la Imp.rlal Iwa (mn, .1an LV. - I.urrl Itaedulph Churchill died et 1115 this morning. .411 through the night be did taut rally fro. the ,tate of roma Into which he had relapsed ye.trrday All lonl Ratntolph's relative.. were pr.,teut when the dud canoe. i 116 drat wee pat laIme. !The Hight Ilea Loral H,udulpdt Heury Spencer Churchill was the second moa tar tits sixth Duke of Moeilorough lir was burn February 1.1, Is411 awl educated at Ilxfonl Hp rrpr.a•nted \\.sal.tw•k In the Imperial Parliament from February, Itt74, Reid les& contested a .mat fur let, iuinghalu hues, hilt wee.Jefe.tleal. F..: the first three or lour )van id his parliamentary life he attracted little no - tier, but after that he became very amide end suakie•I.Iv irecsnle f • an the re- en;niael leader ..1 the " Fourth Party," trade tip of exactly four member.. slaking up, however, for their lack of woodmen. by the brilliancy and .harpinw, of its attack ..0 the Literal party then in power under Mr 4.livi.l.ulr. lembtwlisbury'. government w-ut into power in I'eek and dont Haudul;th was given the pot of Sroretary of Starr for Media Ile wit. by this time looked oil a* a Trader of the 'fury tarty and greet px- Iw.:atEmu, ern• formed for 1n. (sit tire. %VIM.. in offlar a. Secretary for India lturnrah was an nrxel In Pea he 1.re•amee 4 i, ttnel for of the Ee eleej u.r and the r.r..gtue.d leather ti( Ili* 1I t e• of 1'otunt.sl:. pitwu. Ino.. ever, he iweir ied fur but a eery .lust tune. for Ior,Wldrnly is -regaled the .,thee, :ad peer .iter his star ben been on the ..,aur. Ile• ba.:*10 very erratic and int, stain a, to hi. t,.urw, w loch was fatal Io h,, a leader of hi. party He ..art of Tory democracy. si- t.a•ating hie principle. neeseertially with ii t Igor, hied then falling a;;a.n Into t be bet l :ro'nat• 1._ .-- S kipped with ties rand. e1 the Regimes... 11 u 1 t\, .tau The. military .nich, rit lr, hate sent telegram. to It..ton. St iohn, lerm.wth .tate other purr,. order- ing the :.rre.t of Sergeant iktltrarn and Curps.ral Iltitsuu, Hoy al Englnn•r.. who at rv• •npts....1 to het. ,le wrtett riktng • ith tilt 111 •I large sum of inuncy l.. I, g :ng to the corps. The sunt .toles 1. gi,tsss. Hots,° 1• ,uppneted to h.,v..harel In the .poll*. if i,-Ii-herel lathaut tool the .earl) train .eta '1'ue.day. ea mute to Pliila- delphia. where ifs hots rt brother. Ile waw pity sergeant of the company. Heforr leaving heeViilent1y it Ie *wsy with the books. as they control he (semi. Thr .un, stolen furl waded .rope): which was enlrust- e1 W hum to pay the arev,unt, 4.1 the n -g1 - mete Yesterday it wan learned that the a.onmt. of merchants ,.gaiu.t the /loyal I:uflurrrs which ..pre bedeers' to taste IN.,. (will .u.- ...•hied The military etltbnrittr. 14:11 u.r ••very effort to rain down the men anti if they are Irm•aterl in rhe Stxn••.•\ta:al r:••a proceeding. will be Re le 4.-.1 It .t, 1 brenr .'wall: M". , u ••-.: t1. -1:1. 1:... meld.. 11at 1'. ,, a•,! u.:.;, „°uou,ful.r':1. Pan. w•s sentence.: in ter ismer. of Quer•. tient* by tier lice .haler ('kpn A, : frairtee:t years fn tt:r pen", a1 inn foe urtrni.tnehre: iti kilbn;-au..liner ..1•.r•d nr.rh na-...I .1rmnar•!. \lyre., lelt M. Ylu.rut dr Paul {codon:eery yesterday a free men. 1he idle of' the .et•teeow Reynolds hail M -en .erneplendrd to the mercy of the court, and ell*. fact and hi. good rrodnrt were no il'.nIN taken into meomnt when the pardon was granter* It i. no secret that a yo.l ug w, ittan has worked intra -antly to..e-ure ht- parlor and ha. fluidly ,aero tel after s gnat deal of effort. `tin+ had petition. sighed :ural sell! 141 the Yinis1.•, of .1110,4 ice and al.t, nlanagel to secure the cuuprration of in fluent lad people The Y4s.skh Lawyer Aeq.litee. Wtnu,Tt. it ,lain •-4. lawyer Itrown, of Norwich. charged with attempting b defeat the end. of justice by endeavoring to india, louts Lung. the principal wit - nese ib the Hartley ease, to leave the count ry, wa- .discharged yeaterdey. Lawyer Brown immediately appeared before the Polite Magistrate and asked for the arrest of Louis Henry Ling arwl George Ling o0 the charge ..f perjury- and Ilete•tive Bogen, Sylvester Kobitys and .1..1 Hen. .on. of Norwich. for perjury and con*plr airy. At yet thaw r.questa hams not beat acted upon PWkpeckote RNyily $ at.nred. TORoSio. .tan. ::t -William /Slake. an ' old men of On year. of age, who has a ltd record marked maxima him on the pollee books, was up in the ..size port yester- day, charged with pickily the pocket of Maggie Phenix. a Beat mute 'Me old Criss pleaded for merry in a pallid man ner, but Judge McMahon, who is deter mined to break the alarming increase of this crime in the cat). senten.ed him to Ilse yeses in King•t.n penitentiary .1nha ('Donors, another pickpocket. was sen teootsl to seven years in the same ilea it11 Non The (Ms,wltrlams A.aalt C.... GeorgeTOWn. (Int., Jaa, .4 .Albert Turner, the young nen an roughly band led at 4;lenwitliam. on Sunday night. I. still deltriou. The doctors ray his case i. acritical one Mr Owens, fon the Bar- nardo Home. Toronto, arrived last night Turner was one of the boys brought to Ude oonatry ht ter Banardo system. and, not being of age i. .till looked after by the management in Toronto Mr Owens laid iaformat ion regi i est -1 morph -Mr Master. Turners as.atlaon .doe •ppeard before Magistrates Kenneely and Herber and was rewarder* for eight ray. to Milne. jail, pending the result of Turner's injuries. A etehl, aeopeetah1. irambiessiov. NIAGARA FALL, N.Y., Jan. 114 -Is the days when royalty, dukes, marls read knight& were the common everyday gums. of lyase Iaaani at the Prospect Homes, oe the Canadian .id,. his chief chart was Morris it Pike, a handsome. Well dressed and gentlemanit Imre He was known everywhere land highly respected and the intelligence .anyone.) In • Cincinnati dr Match that he bad beim arrested there /w embezzling 114,(1x) from the Iwteraatle.sl Cement ('ompmy. of which he was vies. pr..id.nt, has shocked everybody. Par - dealers lame not bras received. lihmm.d.rs in item ?amt Mab. Wold. N.Y.. Jae. >N -m• mi. esm- s11hiliM on ab.reaMbts ds cattle smile its seas•L report to the stele legislators yet l.rd.y. Darlag the Isar the noe.misrio. ww have .bored 21 esa.ties sad ettassisd 4,417 eaten, el whirl they emmdrasN and wired to be slangbtevd 4111 7he.su .lanes ser sireend• a policy .f r`•teaa lsmpseeloa. Heat directed lie the distribu- idas centres aid relit sep dies el mush* p•Hter sad dairy. spplyi*g 54131 se hems sa tse and er.emrlsA after bar faleb atae.aatiw should sawed te ss.s. '1ltttneeis dietrseta osiery -;- 5ale Weeerbereteelieleinise Always something of in terbst to buyers at this store. 0 u r Clearing -out ...hoe Sale goes on and as the sizes become broken the prices grow more interest ing Remember, every pair is marked at actually less than the manufacturers' price. To keep Dace with our Shoe Sale we're making very special prices in Hosiery. Of some lines we've too many, so we make price the moving incentive, W*'141 H. rte Lathe, all•wmol, 24) tete., for 1Yi 46 2);i •' 15 ('a*hmerc 25 " 15 :i0 20 45 " :IO a0 " :d i fi0 4o Men's Hose, too. - :All N tad, Fine. W ur*tel loot' v•tlue at I :• eta., 20 ,. :10 45 Heavy t'asluuere 30 r• et., for 10 141 1` 25 20 27 20 We'd like to have you examine these goods. You would have a better appre- ciation of the very extraord- inary values than by merely reading the quotations. In all, there nev:?r offer ed in Goderich a better chacce to provide the family with inside and outside footwear. nderwear. We're offering many lines away under regular wholesale prices. Ionics' Heavy Inion Vest. lake Drawers) good value at :Ac-, for :d:>c. Ladle.. Pure Fine Wool Vest., good value at bOc., for - • 39e. Ladle.' Pure Fine Wool 1•es.t., Silk Trimmed anal Stitched, good value at $I. for ' ti7c. Cbildren'a Fine Pure Wool t Vests, upward. from.... 1 l c'r We show over 40 differ- ent lines of Ladies' and Chil dren's Vests. These are but sample quotations of values. In Men's Underwear every line is special. Not a garment in stock marked over regular w h o l e s a l e prices, and many of them under. ACl l CS' antler The last offer ; this should clear them out. Any garment in stock selling reg- ularly for $5 or over will be sold at just HALF our plain marked close cot, cash price. Remember, these are up-to- date goods, imported by us from the makers. Our policy being to sell , every garment the season it's made,gives you this very exceptional opportunity.