HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-31, Page 2TRE SIGNAL: 1;. F' Rt('H. . a‘"r - TII I' Its'► \ \ .JAN. 'l1 5
the Engllnh language. Mrs. 'Townley's
appearanau marked a climate in her.
When they agog, she suddenly stood still
and trewbleet. W h. et Mrs. Townley
came to her and took her haled and kiss•
ed h.•r, she shivered and thou caught
bar aIs.ul tete shoulders Ilght'v, but wee
silent. Attar a little dee sail, "('..me
--conte to Illy wigwaell and talk atth
She said it with astrange little smile„
! • •, _ _ fur u..w rhe roe -opined that the word ,
wigwatu eta. not to be used eon her new ,
Lfe. But Mr.. Townley whispered, "Ash
Miriam to crane 100."
Leh hesitate.) and then saai., :a little
ttrutllei omly, "Marren, will you vitae to
ant wigwalle'!•'
IA though Marion tltaal K bear, t l oma else the question haul weanwiper- Marine nam t.. I •-r, (:might her about
was fiery hot, and
have slain ' tinf•0,. he him it hal a tooth of cuotfi- , the waist and replied gayly ••Vow, we
halo Bslwoal u, herihltlsta Lady Baal ..1.lnc, "t the priviloge of c1.ce men& wilt hare :a powwow. Is that right -is
wtxd then 'sodded • IMMONpopitiwoe I ship. Then he said, with s tocelitative powwow righti"
and hahhled that "tall 14s,d IID wttc:i! look and a very realm n inutp...dive voice, The Indian girl shook iter hal with
to wee Mrs. Framed,' Amigo Oho tumst I that lee was we* anvery much in lovepolity
a vagueness, and vallithel with
be we very luterevoiag, melba papers raid with a native girl to Iudta :out might thein. I}etit•re11 Armour walked op and
ee much about het." have 1nY•aa.•ntly devoted to down the Henan briskly, thea turned
Now,while this canvass/Ma ss/Mawas gi - I „tete prn1
her w.•n• et not for rite ac•iele•nt of his at his wife ted said: ••Wife, it was a
lig in sonde envie stand not tar h'hiu i being ordered back t.. England Famine- brutal thing. Frank doesn't deserve. to
Marion who &teemed much inter•.te:,l .;tily. ! be ---the father of her ehil,L."
ipd her :and what she said. But Barium This was a rive., of news which eut Dmnat Lali had ls-sihtrnlar moods..
not asay chi,.pompon. aswaawtartl.•d two iuv.. In the first place. it leavened She iudulc.d in one tltnedays offer the.
pre nit ly, however, to boar a strong; the . xtraomiihary chma•te•r of Frank's arrival of Marital Watt Mrx Towroley.
aver bar should...marriage and it routed In her an ion
r :'..t. ..,�.
+hUa w.. ••.� MI ,.
er�.11ePotCOt Co.
• rev . eft! v Rh .• had 1ea.u.d to red.• with the ode -
/o a taola.. y,f.ted this !.led pair
ba" )1 u,r,r. ft.'rn
and the horse darned by them. makftlg
hard for the gate. "Tuns the horses'
round awl follow her!" said Vidall to
t1,• driver. While this was d. mg Ma-
rion eanght sight of her tacho r riding
hard down the avenue. He i441,-.41 the r.t
and called to them to hurry an efier
lath had not the slightest souse of
fear, but she knew rh:tt the home had
gone mad. When tln•y passed through
the gate and .Merge it into tet.• road. a
"What a charming wetelea Lady teal mohair ennceity. which a w.'w1 a al- saddle and won. 1,•r riding dross arlmi• low practiced rider world hate been
w..xl t<! .tad w ti L•• ware, feel. in the past "affairs" of her rd els Nowhere did she show to batter
Site ' AS grateful.
Why hall he, ('aptal♦
of the 14ay all those
she Deeded himjgat when he
should have played pert of a man?,
The 11 she was feeling twimgt•s at the.,
heart t..x Ore had maim Larry Ague-• 1
Marlow that afternoon and had no -
tic .i how the news bad worn ou bee.
She f. !t how much bettor Jibed been had
Frank cnlue quietly hoar and =melt
her. instead "f doing the wild, sent:-;
dal.,uet thing that was making au manly
be•:arttniruitoo. A few minute's. ago sl:.•
had longed fur a chance to say Peune•-
thiugalelicately:teid to Lathy IIaldweli,
owe Julia oi,erwood, who was there. '
Brew there was a chance ta, g,•ivr her
bitter spirit tongue. She was glad, 1411.•
dared not think how glad, to hear Hutt
voice again, bat she was angry. too, and
be should salter for it, the no Ore ran 11414
trust• alit recognized in the tour and
afterward in his face that h.• was still'
sh.orbiugly Interested in bor. There•'
' was a little burst of thanksgiving in:
bee heart. and then she prepared a very
notable commination marries in heti
thrown. She at like was. The pa.•
proud , lover, or issible liver, \m 1.11 did n"t :ltiveltage. thee had taken n, reeling now Wail inerarlil 1 for a Wil,•, and though
haps amt take pain: t.e imrpess h. r tc!rh the fact with 1:enerll Arlii. ar ou t!:•• (-0unttr General Armour nide well et. was tar
jute when ( that the matter ortairrud when h.• was : Boats. On the. day ('iptain Vidall was behind.
almost a boy, and it wa- when her' expected, hehaving written to ask that ' Suddenly s trap appeared in the caul
earliest Inquisition had draw it front he might come. What tn.uble Lali hal in trait of thew, and the drit.-r. erring .
hint. bit by ldt. the cin .eet-tamres of with one of the se recants that morning , the rnnawae. set lee, horses at right
the ease. and .1,.• hall forgotten many was never thorou;;hty exielaint•d, but angles to the read. 1t ,*r..1 the pnrp. w*•
part), of her comminution,,rviee and in r.•rtaiu it is sen• cause to Lave a [-rode only to provide another chug. r. Not far
parr serve an . Restive tte•atrality m tune. netiuw of why Frank Armour ••iarried from when the trap aro. drawee and
that -1.c b. e•:uta• await he was speaking her. The ,servant was dismis.•. • I duly, between it aid the n:maw'ay. waa lane
Mallet history. Then it was too late to , but that was after the contrett•tuis. whit It ended at a farmyard in a cul fie
.Iraw bark. . I been
was l..te afternoon. Ecrn-bdy "ie. The h''''''' 1414 rv.Yt into it. not
They -hal threaded their war through hail eu hu c, because .we or two other slacking ata pal.', and in the fratim d
the trowel into the t.oast•rvatory: where gn.-ts worse exported besides. ('aptain smile came to the farmyard.
they *ere quit, alrmtr. and there. with ' Vidall. Lali hail kept to h.•rs-lf, pond- But now the feverwa s 111 tali** blond.
only A little pyramid .1 hydrangeas be-- in sh
word through Richard holt e 131,• did net ear.• whi-ther she. lived tot
tw,en the :ii. which -slue could not help would not '1.. Eughsh. a- .-It- vaguely died. Ahigh hedge termed the till desac.
nett notice ohinre.f well with the' color pat it, that day. She. -hal ;,ii •M u•ker- `K'b,'n slit saw roue luno lacking, a)>c
eif h. r .Ir. -•. In. dropped his voice a lit- zie• on pone mission. She rut of the I cat hint savagely aces• t1, bead Mice
tie hewer anel--fh,•ei thdeleniy Said. his, thaer of hes rt.* tet am she- t:>!+1 to sit on -with a whip toil drive hitt at 11te gtapevl
eyes hard on her. "I want your Tennis- the ground in- her father',. lodge. ti••r { L 1414 --warn[ to,.}peel main to r - f sea Iasear Tetterw. drawn tem MORTIS
,rtlen .int ltleh riI s jUtera•,.t iu Lou
siox 1,.1:•• to (.n•yh•:lw." - heave was bowed in her haute., and her i ' it, stili as it w•aas. .11'..""`".t° if /- a tnedr:.blBsYes,z14ei c• ...,-.s, ere w Iles
had grown, u, rho Ina\ Tea, e1ii i7ifr r.. lits von .r esturr. Thee appear every veteTt,
The tone .:r. w her e•:a hastily 10 his, i menta noted on her knee's. Her beefy 1 mittn'irr nr!y and ale: r" It' ut 4111x/ a sympathy I..:d db•Y ma, ' al.w is duly . s.en.r•14e1..1 by mihnts d.• -4.r. and de
and -ee•in_ she dropped them :again. swayt•rl to and fro. Pr, -m* ialy.all nu)ti"a ' is he srrne•k the grrtwml 'quirely he mail. Not that hi bite fav lloetp u.• L.r{ "„ • ; � k! rsaetcripi:ofi•bm. %iarw.
\idyll luui a strong will, ant. what is 4 is. L. She become perfectly still. Sl...
s1a .it4•nd and toll. the girl beneath bountiful in the inwish had grown per- ''rhea aid osswiroe in the mode. t'ader the
of more o.as.- o••ne.•, :t euliarly at- looked before her, as if stuehiu rinse- 1 him. He Intel burst n bhox! vessel. The bountiful
tory, blit the calm ole tail "f his in• brad s ei le" r.abi..I.' wain directions
1 N g snit full gtarticutan are given as to shape,
tractive voice. It Ladd a vihratiun which thing ground was soft MA wet. The weight
tert•st was not 440 definite. He was the Coteries, trimming,. and accemeris of the errs
of the horse pr•veutad her from getting•.ens or wdtdre•eed women. .slattern.
male some. of his eit, ads .,rgaulike in I Her atee tmnte'lwtr•ly flaslt..i. $6t. ! lmme, yet met the Sallie, a trio oa ell.dr s prweom ane tilled. A
tier. SIw felt its ho,f +triking i 1 its
remai * li 11 felt t;! ieli.r tau r it. Sive rosewardrobe
quickly to her feet, went G1, her Hr was not swan of any difference retuw :orta,xhtl. rioa.ppi. ret e.-
ewid„a li:1le faintly, her fingers hoi est w:arirobe and tee& out bot. halian caw- ;'41.1." "•nigger, and nano Iter eh.tElrier' i0 him.,df. lY:• did in It know that 1,4 ashes raiders to", eu and Neer tn.+r .can
was strne•3.• beginetirely she buried awn., the
iceman who rake. IIAltl•kl:•Ie
with u hy,lrnngem: "1 am :draid 1 d.. tomo out blanket. with whech she I hseke+i yutag;cr by Iv roar.. Such is the BAZAR e. erne for every ,w.ssean In
not unikr. tarsi. There kilo rein on why would never Ts• it:dared to part., Al 1,r face to the mud, said her arms cove ,uFF
This no e.iug had bees deftly ar-
ranged by Mrs. Townley, with the heli::
pf Edward i.antbert, who u,.w held her!
logera with tt kind of vanity of pomp-
Bion whenever be bade her gtxxdby ..r
met her. l'i tain Vills11 had, in fact.
been out of the country, had only bran
back a week and had only heard of I
Frank Atlr's naatilliaoaeftrom m
bert at au "at home" 411 boars before.
Moe. Towie 1, y gnawed what -was reloc-
ate the both m 4 i Marion's ocratlional
bitterness, :m' piecing together Wali;
little thin;:- dropped casually by her
friend Lag ...nue e to the ottschaaion that
the happinem of two people was at stake.
i When Mar.ol shook handswith Cap-
tain Vidall, she had herself eitce•edit ilyt Ttuir'k to -tato in the atx•nlntc *e-
ven wider control fee looked :at hint
in alight surprise aid oa.nally remark k-
ed that gluey had not chanced to uteot
Metier in the thea 1 small and .zarlie..
Ale appeared to be nine mseioU* that lee
hal hien out of the a0antry, and AL..,
that she triol been till very recently In-
deed at l:nyhupe. He hastened 1..
sure her that be bad bean away and 1 .
lay siege to this unexpected barrier.
He knew all about Frank's affair. awe
hough it troubled him he did not so,
why it ahculd make any difreremo .0
him regard for Frank's sister. Feedlot, .u••
as he was in all things, he was fps
tidiously deferential. Not an exquisite..
he had all dust vanity as to appear- /"! 1 e
anew so tonal with the military
mai. Himself of the moat perfect tem-
per aid'.w,.-tuews of mammae and con-
duct, the- unusual disturbed him. Not
poasosme-d of a vivid imagination, he
could w•areely conjure up this Indian
gide at i ir•yhope.
But face to face with Marion Armour
be saw what troubled ser. and hr el''
ttermined that he woad meat meet hi r
irony with in my, het mimed indiffer-
ence with indifference. Ills bad learne.l
the it the moat imporimitlsmtlnsof life
-never to quarrel wilt a woman.
Whoever has so far axed has been fool-
ish indeed. it is the worst of p01197. to
say nothing of it. balm *11. worst of
art, and life should never be without
ort It is absurd to be parfeedg natural
Anything. anybody, oats ba *at. Well,
Captain Hunte Vidall was something of
an artist, more, however. i• principle
than by temperamept. He lefu•eed to
recognize the rah* aaNebus adroit -
spas with which Marion termed him re-
marks' again upon himself. twisted Out
of all semblance. He was eery Patient
He inquired quietly. and es if honestly
interested. about Frank and said -be-
mom he thought it m.114 am well as
meat rwtrmahle-that naturally tier
mast have been surprised at his mary.
ing • native, but he bimodal! bad .een
same much marriage@ tats Oat Wiry well
t1 Japan. India, the gaga /M islands
mad Canada. He amuses/ 11et 1Nas'ian s
islet -in-law was head*fel rd then
disarnt d Marino hy awing that be
thought of going dents IPS im-
mtgdiakely to call on 1 Limamir
and Mrs. Armour and wietheml it the
wale going back betas and et the
o merine
Quick as Marton with IMO weer said
ridthat dm did as Plbs
it. Rhea hosedisuom
Sn the ase d the sasses. meat bs-
• O a also waja}4ed fb but because she 1
mete dslarldeM to ties Freak's mar- 1
gimp M way qualm sod hetes it over.
the .11, mo far as heal! Wee cam -
8n6 now, taken slightly abackk. I
alma without abiaddlato that
reliably go beat
IMM gals buu
lad stairs moat b iSIM On sow
% all r sic/ OM sgl.
new lectc.l Ilia pease ate n- his !m.o., reek,
halt and Wit l -bat a deeper, larger in-
termit had mane auto bi. life in the per
atm of l.alt. During all that due she
had seldom, been out of hi. Wight, ucve•r Tic YwagHvM.a •maw eni M Themee
out of his influence and tutelage. His Hardy wtU te b..tlw a the 1v4vo4 Naar
dare had tna a fall, him [•very ht.ur hal Ir•r 11iN. mad oeetlae.d to Novrher. 11th.
Who.vtr are b• dais favurn. rarose treat•
en responsible given a keen siponsible Internet. 11.11 ete..11ata it will tie .o.edrt 1y all,u/lho.
As if by tacit eWWut, t yen' ioceskent Ur hat Theta. Handy .toad• foremeel es a
de%clo Hent of Lan lift. w•a. tufla- 14.seter areas la alotloa. .4.1 ret. a*4 1S4. •
W at. M..eeeie4 to 141..0.. enlhu.5441 not to
etiavvl by los judw
gent *1,41 tleriMoll. He 'rri..r ,a degree to that which has Hearted
hal brat more tee her than Owners' Ar Trust 111.,teeat.ttncshl calory d'be
noihrr Mmid.q 1rata.• well be ,t. rrrsaaal
wtwr, Ms. Armour "r \lame. $ehuoletl ereettereleee err J+i M Ar' by , be wear
IIarper's Magazine.
IN 1896
as he was it' •• ' ° II t1, • way of the world, l""" de i'rnete. Hrr 1'•" mitt h.. retuy.
.mime w14c► mule. U.• mos Wp.iI*, u/ 1,4114[
he haat at tl.. -alcor tittle a 1111uµ *41 sten. \. rl.•.. r14glsn. wr,lrn wdl oer eol the
Move as :1 w.4ua4a's, an Uedi•rribable ;to. '1 the Maid .f Hones., In .hr January
\lieu:.. well •pprar a pr••fu•ele
geritlem ss, .1 persuasive trmps'ratue rt. I pip, ut•.I.,Mesow and tor• .14r.alne. tb.
Sineee, c. a, • 1. 1'.r,-, he had withdrawn , flrsd. series 01 tioutbOra peeern.
fn,w the -.+,.1 Warne wl.l 1..' • a re- Northers Attlee is lance manatee.„hen at 117!aherhwa14(14.-+• t hr..141.d
4IUsa• 11111' ..f 0114 Matt qualiti.t, had .,,.n,.., The neat *oluu•...er 4AKI'KR'y
tease wt.. 141 414.1111g. 141 .,m-Iu.iun, H,• to tt.eZINK will costa,. four 'lluwr.e«I
w., u•lrw W Ihb
had tunnai1,.n mad three of Item wtil
e 1.- t
-.1 1,.• world :cad the tic doped tM pineal fr the..•. J. t.uv Ku.rn
life ..f L..ud..u, lieu own. uuwwaneI *'It prepare toe ,►r 4 AOAZINK a eerie•. at
• g►e .lorlee. .trp,.•nne tipi.*l ph.m.w of
rvr•tt tvwplwl with s rattiest Tore of Ila la«.Id b l
• e sewn. M and Nair.. es. . lour
reiir•,I,.Ut• lapel sent hint into years of -t,,r ' 114rro wi!l bemin •n the Januar. Num•
.. 111r a,., Ammer. of A Tb ree•thart betel.
islution :d fin;ehspn•. rue. hs it,, H•10 H►eitxu 1144,4 theneat.
Hi. tutelar .n•Iatiows with Lali had -t work yioaUemp'e,d by 141. erect. hots
n.ep,e•ue'1 many tic old awing of p•U'a- p,Mr.hart.lerlM b> papula n
-cater. •in cwt.
tion and elprrietet•. Her shy t1, pt•ud• ue to be a feature or the M Au tZI N
envy, her 1uu.o t•ut inquisitiveness., had Mimi fee III.Hrated er«prCta..
atan•he-1 oat Illy reruute•.t sytapatltie s. the Veolume* of the ttag.rtse basin with
In tea•hIUg her he hal himself beu it.. the Number. for Junr Mot 11aaember of each
taught. Before she canto he lead ben !�' \\'lien ou .uttiootud,.,,lrengtuas
gwill uaytiu with t1,,• Nun,t«r urr••nl ai the
satisfied with the quiet usc•fnluews and tors d' receipt if order. cloth 1'a.... rue
,.t is, lit 4111,4 , :tic• of his life, but in her niadins.:ri,•eutaau•h by main pia yai,1.
Rrmittar.,-Ce iboul•I be .tate by lhrl olive
pre•ae•no a.tut•theng of his old youthful-1(..wey t)nter or Isiah, t0 atind chance of
ut•ss cause back, some rt- .etlol of the tat.
.\'rr•p.rg•err err 4'4 fu rep; [Mee 'Iter r/i.r
ardent hoirv."( his young ruanhnxL Il.• nt rtthurl Me .rprrss order ur Harper a
olid met notice the change iu hitust•If. Iwlhrn.
He only kuew that his life was very HARPER'S PERIODICALS.
full. He read later at nig ta, h• nese
earlier in the morning, but tuirousciotts-
Per tear
ly to himself he was, unnargotug :1 11.4RYRKAdfAli-tT.A'B. „Per reer..w ••
change. Tito ore a nrit'
►ansyt*lwthi.•s HART f lVY HA74Ketir""' ... ......:*
and emotions -are active the less is he , ItAR1'RRS 1'JU'NO PROPER. •
ole poinl1..-'.'edit f. It 1s otaly when „tis• Postai, P. -re to all rumba -rib( e• i• the ratted
haa withdrawn from the mora per -'.nal Matra Caaoda and .IIerfro.
influence of the emotions that ono's phi- Addis: HARPER t RKnTHMRP.
lu;,,phy may 114 ttl.tcL - 1'. O. }kit :tee. ', Y. (city.
t hoc way 1e• interested in mankind - -
anti still be phikoothical-way be, as �Bazar.
it were, the priest mei confessor to all Harperst Bazai.
Tom, r.. lint let one be touched iu semi.
vital corner w awe's nature,. turd *ht. IN 1895
high fan tl,•ss inlp iuliality pas grate. lis /Decent tad exclusive dr.iayee for matorser
effect of un•n• lsirwtiai sympathy upon
a man's look anal 1. axing. When, there -
our bright May nn,n iuK
t rfam-
at (:zeyhop`. himself excluded, was
ready to start for London. he hail no
thought but that he would drop back
nob his old-i1.-nt life a.- it was before
Lali rause awl his brother'* child wait
id,nl. lie w:ts not c it:cloud that he was.
very re tlt••s that morning. He scarcely
was aware that he hal got up two
hers earlier than usual. At the break-
fast table he was cheerful and alert.
.After i.nak.,opt he amused himself in
playing with the child till the carriage
was brought n.v,id. It was such a rete,ra-
iug as does riot ('0104' •4k,ze•n nines a
year in England. This ,ewe -4•t moist air
blew from the meadow!, and up through
the lime trees with a warm 'insinuating
gladness. ss. The lawn slop e l delightfully
away to the flow, nil embrasures of the
park, and a fragrant abundance of
flnwprs met the eye. and cheered the
menses. What- Richard loitered ..n the
steps with the child and its mune, more
excited than he knew, Lali came out
and stood beside him. At the moment
Richard was looking into the distauev•.
He did not hear her when .be came.
She stood near him for a moment and
did not speak. Heir eyes followed the
direction of has l...k and idled tenderly
with the pospi•t before- lits'. Abe did
not ere!' notice the child. The same
thought was in the mind of both -with
a ditfer•nee. Richard was wondering
how any rale ronld mbotWe- M change the
sweet dignity of that rural life for the
flaring, hurried delights of London and
the season. He had thought this a thou-
sand times, and yet, though he would
have been little. willing to acknowledge
it, hilt conviction was not +n impregna-
ble as it had been.
Mrs. Francis Armour wee stepping
from the known to the unknown. She
was leaving the precincts of a life in
1'hich. aortal ly, she hal been horn again.
Its sweetness and benign quietness had
till worked upon her nature and origin to
change her. In that it was an outdoor
life. full of frrishnose and ops air vig-
or, it wax not antageni.tic to her past.
Upon thin rompathetic ha.is had hien
imposed the eonditira,t of a tine social
decorum. 'The couditirwd must still ex-
ist. But how would it be when the was
withdrawn roan this peareful activity
of nature and set down among "those
garish lights" ill 1'arendish .quare and
Picatrlilly? She hardly knew to what
she was going as yet. There had bass a
few social functions at (ireyhope .Inrw
she hal come, but that meld give her,
after all, but little idea of the swing
and pressure of London life.
At this moment she. was lingering
over the scram before her. She was
wandering with the natcw wander at an
awakened mind. She had intended
many timer of late staying to Richard
all the native gratitude .be felt, yet
somehow .he had never heen able to try
it. The moment of parting had cornet
"What are you thinking of, Rich-
. d?" site acid now.
He started and turned toward her.
"I hardly know, " he answered. "My
thoughts were drifting."
Richard," lbw said abruptly, "I
want to thank yon. "
as. for what, Lslir' be gtlaa-
"To thank you. Richard, for
thing sine'4 i came, over three yam
,te eery noes Into afar ti, *I.IRherr los tit fel
r tw.a a {r.`n..n.•
An A nr.•, .••er.al. $aerie warravLe
a•seb1rr.. b. I:. sae a..4 4:4.1• SI. IP ,V00. ■
rtren.( nP4ri of %Iw.r,.•sn .u.• • v 1' '. 4
▪ e1.4. re.' taart:} m. 'r
r.otlpt n e leer r;, . of IL. Yew,.
54y lady l b.Mg. ant iotewsell rxaiha,'
novel. lla*ra+sem+. salter of
•ti0*. gsea. •.1be •art rpr •.1.. eta•., w''
b.Rlb the ,ear.
gain,).. ■ ne 'e«NI r bit..r- vat. d. -- • --
niers . 1•,. I •.+.,, I,rr•-•.rne,ees
peeve w, w list 54 t ...'r thous ID New York
Alrtawe.'. Ss(•.rrr.p.sMa... Que.-aloes re -
retire the personal attest:on of fbe editor. and
are answered .t the aerheet possible date of
tee their receipt.
beer for 1111rnwessrd Prw•Pert..,
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11x, :ul.
you Shur! ifi.t go Url:mchup• without most feverishly she took off t1, clthYt en.l h"`
my p ruii sic ti" ebe wort• and- hastily threw thecal from ' Aad then .he knew no ?non..
W • h e w
nen .unc t ,.h as in the
"1 oameot go without it,"lee purist• her; th•nahe put ,.nthe buck"kiuelMh:;' Mage within the mites et Iireyhope,
tel. "Iarae waiting for my eammissivuiu which tshehhailj,wtueye41 to EGOanaa ctrl iI::riot was b q.eug over her. the
' down you. -.drew dowher hair its ebe mail to wear snddrnlc troll to lift gleno, If, but cooed
She dropped her hand fr(r, the flowerit, fastened round her waist a leltt;t red
with a settle impati.ut motion. She sash which hal soya gireu h r ley a goy- not. 1'rtp ntlr she saw suedfie r face -
was tired: liar he:va•h.
4 :.1: she wanted erten of the ud.o
sl's Ray conipmty that of General Armour. it was stern.
to be alone, "Why at." y ,u , uigmat- when he had visited her fa: per's come
and vet his e -re s Wer"
swimming as he
is -alt" Abe said. then quickly: "1 wish 1 try. three- her blanket routed her shoal- looked at her.
kite w what is !n your mind You play ders awl then sod hers, If in the great
with wnrls rat " wiener in the r.sta. What she rawevi•
She s•-arvly know what she said A deafly did not please he•r perfectly. for
w••ma11 wI:•, boos a man -.-err much 1. mho etretc•hd out her 1133144• :cad Looked
at then?. She shook her head at hcreelf
.h, a....ked of herself ago lc.
laration ,.f that main's love on the in-
stant. It is too wonderful for her. He
felt him cheek Muth with here: he drew
her look again to him. "Marion, Ma-
rine!" he sail. That was all.
hu.h! Some one is (waning,"
was her quick, throbbing reply. When
they parted a half hour later, he cad to
her, "Will you give nae mycoenmissiuu
to go to (ireyho a?" ,
"oh, nn, I mimeos," she said very
gravely, "lent mime to (}reybope.-_whee
I go heck. "
"And when will that 114?" Its raid.
smiling, yet a little ruefully ton.
• •( 11,, eek Mrs. Townley, " she replied.
..She ia coming alert "
Marian know what that commisdidal
to goo Gs (ireyhape meant. But the de-
termined that he should two bale flat
before anything irrevocable was done.
Elbe mill looked neon Frank's marriage.
M n scandal. Well, Captain Vidall
abonld fax, It in all ata crndenain
in a week .,r lees Marion and Moe
Townley were in (it.yhope.
Two months had spinet sinew Labe ar-
rived in England, and yet no letter had
asses to her a to any of rem from
Frank. Frank'. solicitor 1n London had
written him fully of her arrival. and bo
had had a reply, with farther insulae'
tion. regard:lig money to he plaid to
General Armour's credit for the benefit
of his wife. i.ali, as the 1w.arme Eu-
ropeanised, also awoke to the fertm and
eamanonis of her mew life. Rhe bad
c7hesrdl Frank's father and mother
t.rend frettingas
l wey they had not ras.h'ed any
Ig'nrd from him. (Ma al Armour had
preen called him a wootteirel, which sent
/rank's mother into team Than Lali
bad gnesttnsed Markenslee and (Inlvsm,
iter she hal incnsaing tehr•wdtwsab mrd
abs began to feel her actual position.
Rhw raseotGed (femoral Armour's imps-
tatlrp, kat in her heart she baps to
pins mad woodier. At times. m, sits
twee /fled end teras est m be l esus est
lint tib west ns lmproulag r
em ooresq Ned taasmr media
"How!" she sae•l t . him. "How!"
inti fainted agape.
Caere rr•c,yery was not rapid. A
change had conte Ups her. With that
and pot her hated to her cheeks and atrling,. rile h ut ge,rie eta• last flicker of
pinchwi the in -they were not tic bora.-nthe desire for savage life in her. She
as they once wen --thew thrust out he r
fort. She drew it back quickly in dis-
Immediately she eanght the. fashion-
able slippers from her feet and threw
thew among the difteardle.I gars) ism
She looked at herself again. Mill she
was not ,tatimfled. but site threw up her
arms, as with a n•nse of pleasure and
frwvlont, and laughed at herself. She.
pushed out h.•r moraaint•d foot, tapped
the floc with it, nodded' toward it and
said a word or two in her own lan-
guage. She heard some one iu the next
zoom. p.esibly Mackenzie; She stepped
to the don leyading into the hall. open -
e.1 it. went out, traveled its length. ran
down a book hallway out into the park
toward the .tahl.., her blanket, as her
hair. flying behind her.
She entered the stable.. made for a
borate that she had ridden ranch. pat a
kridle on him. led him oat before any
one had wen her, and catching him by
the mane suddenly threw herself on him
at a bound. and giving hint a tap with
a short whip she had naught up in the
stable headed him for the mtaia avenue
and the ops road. Then a stableman
PAW her and rw after, but h• might as
well hare tried to follow the wind. Ile
forthwith proceeded to middle another
horsy. Revolter alae saw her as the
pmemed the home. and running in told
dreg Armour and the general. They
'both ran to the window and saw dealt-
ing dow11 the avenue a picture out of
Fenimore Cooper -a saddleless horse,
with a rider whom finger,. merely touch-
I.d the bridle riding as on a journey of
life and death.
"My (}.d, it's Lali! She's mal' .he's
mad' She is striking that horns! It will
'bolt! it will kill her!" Raid the general
Then he ravelled for a horse to follow
her. Mrs. Armour's handn cheeped
painfully. For sue instant she had al -
,meat the Rome tbunght as had Marion
eb the first morning of Lali's d mothg•
but t hat pimared and left her gazing help -
freely after the horsewoman. The flying
Illastet had Mghtevnert tate swim
bore*; and he made d eoperatw alma b
fulfill the general'. predictions.
Lala soon found that she had mescal
related Rhe was new ruling an India'
pony, but • erased. high atrnng hot
As t11ey flew. she sitting tnp*•rbly ant
tugging at the bridle, the party minify
from the railway station eotere'1 the
knew now the position she. held toward
her huslearni: that bre bad never lovers
her: that she was duly :w instrument
for unworthy retaliation. .Me. soon am
.hr could speak after her ac,-ide-nt she
told them that they must not write to
bine and tell bill of it. She also made
them promise that they would give him
no news of her at all. save that .he was
well. They could not refuse to promise.
They felt she hal the right to demand
much more than that. They hal beaten
to rare for 1,•r for hermit, and when
the months went by and one day there
was a hush about he r noes and anxiety
and then relief in the faces of a11, they
ranee G, ran- for her still more for the
sake of her child.
A4 the weeks pawed the fair haired
child grew more and more like his fa-
ther, but if Tali thought of her husband
they never knew by anything she said
for she world net speak of him. She
also made their' promise that they would
not write to him of the child's birth.
Richard, with his te•u,r• (.1 jostiet. and
knowing how ranch the woman had
been wronged, said that in all this ahoy
had done quite right: that Frank, if he
had done him duty after marrying her,
should have Came with her. And be-
cause• they all felt that Richard hal
been her lost friend as well as their own
they called the child after him. Thiel
also wa. Lala'. wimp. ('oineident with
her motherhood there carne to Lali a
new porpre. She hal not lived with
an Armours without absorbing some of
their fine social Reese anti dignity. Thi.,
added to the native in.tinet of pride in
her. Rave her a new ambition. As hour by
hour the child Keine dear to her, an Mar
by hour her hatband grew away from
her. She .choold herself against him.
At times she thought she haters him.
She felt she could never forgive him, but
site would prove to him that it was she
who had male the mistake of her life in
marrying him; that she had been
wronged. not he. and that Iia sin
world bane him with reproach end pus-
iahment one day. Riehard'a prophesy
wus likely to home true. She would de-
feat very perfectly indeed Frank's in
tentinriw. After' the rhild was born,
s.nr as the was .lite. .he renewed net
11.41.s with Richard and Mrs. Arsine.
She reed every morning for hours; she
rode; she practiced all rho«• graceful
gRwd gat,. nsfet+r i isn1e4 by llilcbarr! and arts of the toilet belonging to the social
Marion. In amom.st theyted thin m,A,vention; .he "bowed an anwrpected
wild pair bearing down epos wits faculty for singing end practiced it
a terrible .wiftrneae I faithfully, and she bogged Mra At
Aa lftarioa rwlgnftad irll sba�ra*moor d Marion to correction her at every
pale Niki trice cat, riming in ser ew•t ! gPelnt an1411.5.. cover•tion .armed neewa-
IasMnaNvelycosibefn Vidall knew who wiry. When the chid wee two year. old,
it was, though Iss could not guess the they all want to London, something
erase of the alagaler (!imsmsstanes, H. •g•I� 1.111'5 perIn nal feellags\ bus
that the hemw W beilsod. bias akin quite in award with what abet felt ber
that Naw rider enured entirely famiest j duty`
''nth V „wows Rirha d was left Meshed et
r. •.t• " lis et'. 11► Fer the gat time is 1 monde de he was
his thew "dem .is mot het go
alone with Id* a ll dales ere
hiasketf' test
At ghee maned lag dad let it ma m 1141"L Dvbef Baas bs 1.111et
Dr. row . & we oe J Mea lb 1
mew dmltbaai it "yapdale meeet mad
Harper's 'Weekly.
IN 1895
HARPKR'S WKKKI.\' is a pictor:al history
of the times it presents dyer, Irsarta.t
rvrat promptly. accurately. sad exhaustively
In illewration bed descriptive tett of tMhigh-
est order
The manner in which. during 1a)t. It has
treated the ('hiesito Railway Strike. sed the
i•hieo-Japsieee War. mid the amount M
nett It was able to throw on Korea the Instant
Moulton wee di -noted to that little-ksowe
✓ eentry, are examples of its almost boundless
reseurre.. JtUasm R.irti, tie dlsl.aai.hd
miter and oorro p..4ee e. has beta sit to t he
.est of w.r, sad there Joined by C. D• W tt.re,m•
the well -knows Americas arths, now for
assay years reddest la 3m.., wise has twee
.n.--_1 to to with Mr. Ri1.rw 1■
uel{.. 10 MAR RR'w WEEKLY eaonWve
befarm•tien sad Illustntice.
Denim 1546 every •1ee1aeat1a well be
dlanmed with •icor aad without prejudice is
the editorial returnee. sad &Lo {a speotal ares -
a smby the highest ast4erltiss is each depart
taint, Portraits of the wen and women who
are making history. said powerful mid auric
political cartoons. will osmium to he chart
testate features. Taw sear World, with Its
tea sad kindly cessnwt setae tomer mamas
d Mediu. will remain • rewulmr departiwt.
armee. nem will be two txww-fu' ssr{.g.
beth handsomely Ulowretd- The 50* (Deet.
e dit a dlrrtssgs rsmM
asee ni nen da by
ST/INLET J. tiptoe.,,. and • sores of New
Yak...tette The tela of ■1. htber, ►f
tis4snsat 114rvsews- erveral so•olettes, cod
twiny sheet sterile by polder writers.
MN ler III.Nr..ed e'r..Pret.a
1T. `cointw of the w•saga.v begls with the
fleet Number Per January of each year. When
no time le mestiW«l, whaertpdose will beiges
with tb• Number current at the time of et-
ontpnt d seder.
(0tk Oaess for each volume, suitable /w
wiU be sant bi mall. pest paid, on re
should he made by Pee cake
or (haft. to avoid elitism a
name wit
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ref Tear
MAKI'&WS WLpi4L� Y.... k w
HARPNA eroryr M. PRbt'LI. t at
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e6.Ms sed Asarmee..
A411' : W4RPSR 5 RROTHilttt•
P. O. Bee tate N. Y. tit,.
A sew ilea.
(1•.'retbsre Hew are yes remise aa with
yens law preemies*
Wawa Nat very weals: I bann't enough
teas abir05. M k
17.. sbms-- Why, what w yen dame
Welm--pr■sl1W5g esaasmy.
The Signal
own aaorWeaUa satsial atte•ties M IIs
Job Nraatmag facilities, which an turiary
pasted oatsads the intim for Us. prompt
sad proper execution of all claws d
primus*. A perusal of this aasoueoe-
rest nal suggest .wu.14tag you Nisi
be m mad ,,f, and in such tame w..ahl-
cat your patronage, feeling confident
that our snorts to please will attest with
the approval of our pati uta
"Ore ♦\Otut\s
This useful size is kept lis the full
range of qualities thole as letter
heaths. While
►�t►e11i0i% the.*
are not so generally weed, they till
an ituportaut plate in commercial
eorraapoittlenoe. See what we've
sot uneier the above koala.
Letter %\gooks
in this leiter. hate a tory large
stock of tit writing papers suit
able fur evthn class of business
represented is this locality! Coln
primite, Intel aged wore, limens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unruled, am may be required.
Vil\t. ♦letat\s
If the "pay-as-you-go '• plan was
the on;rr of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so greet ; but there are some men
who get so tuany 'wooers that
they wonder if the *10 k will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at proem -tit our stock is coal
plats. in this line with four mimes.
Good paper and neat tuliag.
13tate lea l\ts
Both tina;;e an.l double dollars
and cent. columns. They coins
cheaper than bill heeds, and are
the proper thing to semi after a
delinqu.•tat once a 1140004. They
are *un-, to fetch hon round -
Now, it would be hand to get
along without envt•lopprrss,, and to
keep up with the dertiand tar
them we keep se l;ar_e stock Oa
We have Loa ,,bout •
hundred thou.an.; ,;tack, aad
tt,ee pri•-•s will range front 75e. to
12.00 per M. We handle coat
Inercial and legal staeseaelosively.
1/47' siviNitxt. V4 %.424A. \llV aa.‘.'4%.41.
etas already been partlaliy anon
prated in souse of the heads above.
There is, however, a cyst amain
of work under this heard that to
,•uunierste would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this ,ulv't, but we do it all at TICE
AnAtlta0tV ie
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable- taste iu setae
tion sometitues, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
.cock the very latest and beet
samples to be bad. Cell and ges
of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out• from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with coral and pencil attached.
We aim to excel in all the differ
ent kinds'bf work we turn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
Cart% tvaa. T'taekets
This head coven • large range of
work, from a broad or milk ticket
to s neat calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to • tarty
business card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
,P osters
Our facilities for turning out this
(llamm of work are evidenoed by the
fact that the great bulk of it is
clone by ns. This line also in-
which our three fast-rnsaing job
presses are able to turn out in a
surprisingly short time.
%m\e, BAks
belong to the poster devartment
also, and we make a specialty of
them--promptnem being our aim
in this respect A notice of sale
will appear in Tea 'ANAL tree of
charge when bills for sante are got
#\\ Acmi t s of 'W orV.
is tiBical printing line
amsfaedoaentthin astaMWtment
in as expeditions and &rtMtie
mariner and
ONyr 'mets W.\\ be. Sol►MA4
wtr reo.sohs'b\e.
We extend our thanks for peat fay
ere sad Wait a eantinn•ace of the
T %I„; 8T (3114a.b.
Sool000k (*1