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Is TMC POLICY for 1895
1•'( ►I;TY-SEV• I':NTII YEAR. -2&02
I.PVI�1. &UV A�t1
For The S
e:5" Ge V 4MR)“tk,IRk%.kat( WAltrAW .'i a nnuelicax)Taoliti
Th. M..Unnit Iln Knox Chtllroh
Fester, and A. C. Coartice,• Holmes,Jla,
the vrtttag oo'nmttue spire mod by the ex
seuuve to scut the dldenie d schools of the
county, reported havtug visited the .0(11000
schools In their durnct with hood reeate.
U Tiplody, t Intoe, reprenentauve to the
I'roneciel A..suciatme, reported having alb
coaled the last touventsee at hells le, re-
iwrkaog that the feeds elven to the Pr►•
•[Dotal .Amociatioo were being used to gso4
effect Io tinniest work 110 the northern parte
of the Province. 'The amount forwerd*d
by the ('euoty of Huron Association last
year was fifty dollars.
1e owaSeuua with the reports of tM
visiting commit tee. Mr Day impreseed
upon the novo-roma the nevesity of Mehl
organizations; the mole remote the .cboo1,
the greater die necomity of looking after
Mien' and 'Dtureattng them t0 lesion
meth...(. u( Sunday school work. Mr Day
alae *troegly advocated the dv$0ISges of
mytemanc home stud: of Me S, work,
for if this study was faithfully performed
them .tudent. would axon be so tntenotel
1n du lassos that before long they would be
found to the S. school.
An example of intermediate clw teach
ing with clam' was given by Mies tt'tboo,
G,rlrreoh TAe leesnn Yught wY that for
$usday, Feb. 3. on "The '1'ronet4turauw,"
found 1n Luke 9, 23.3r,
The lemon .Y teugbt u • pra.•tleal man-
ner, and the ready and intelligent &towers
given by the scholaro showed their previous
rood 1,4141051n Bible trut h
As Mr. Day, the retinal secretary
OM to leave •'o the &ttern000 Irma it woe
erraog.d that the mar meeting he held
Juring the morning 550ao0 st 1".5.o 'The
church was fillet with the scbol•rs, their
parrots and Ineods
The preadeot introduced Mr,. Humphrw
of Parkhill, who gave a very tntereeunr
address to the children, on the S. S lemons
te I.ese.i.,taught a year ago, Illustrating her
•ddrees with simple pictures on the block •
hoerd, which were early understood and
much appreciated by the children.
Mr. Day, the genera) secretary, then ad -
dreamed the children in his usual happy
style, interesting the little folks with simple
e seodntes, each IRu•rratine great truths m
suck • way/het the chudren could no fail
to nndorsta
Mr. 31.y is thoroughly at home when
tslktsar to the rhildren and o mese meeting
in the county of Huron would net be corn -
plate without Mr. I)+v'a weenie,' He is o
great favorite with the children
The president nomtnued the followine
deleg.t's Y • general committee 00 0oma00
uo0., general Mennen, dc.:
Reqs. J. W. Holum. J. A. Aderson,aed
Mein. I T. Roes, G. W. Swallow. i)
11pl•dy, A. Weselop, I Taylor and Jas.
The eassiou then closed.
a %rete.e" 1H) IetrreN$.t •.ettsgs wvaae
Able Adder..ea o.Il,rr.d Hereto.'
OF.mtren The Mehl Record
el rise •essMas•
eI'HR: twenty third annual meeting
to the Huron " y- Aesoelattuo ouuiuiered
eta nations in Kaox church, l.oderlch, on
Monday, January ''M. at 7.30 '. .I , the
president. .lames Sett, of Clinton, an the
chair 4'wing to the storm the seseooa ar-
ranged for the afterneoe did not take place.
The coaventi'.s was opened witn pryer
by Ker. .1 A. Anderson, and singing ' t /ii
word, (Amoco e: ,Idlers," after word. of
welcome were given by Rev. Joseph Edge
end R. K. Hallow., t eoderich, and repl,ed
to by Ker. Mr. Smythe, mai Mayor Holmes,
of Choir. The words of welcome and
replies thereto were very practical *ad ap-
preciated by the delegates present.
Altrod IMy, prey:Doul S S secretary,
.ddnessd dm convention on " The S "-
Teacher's t*xth Sense," referring to the
endownw•t by the 4 asOtor of fere rases
by which we gained perception et our
anterial environment. He elated vat the
sixth sense, by which we apprehended the
.pntua) and lotellectu.l factors we were
moulding for t.0d and Society, was 00010100
e su.• de would not, bowever, at this
110.0 consider the work of the s S. teacher
from this st ndpolot se at first intended,
but would rather dwell upon Doe principle
of *throve tes.•hing which might lee deem -
Mod the sixth sere. Preparation, aispta.
tion, oo-uperetlon, laterrrgot'00. applies -
• might fitly to considered .nal•goue in
the Iotalle.'tu.l sod Spintu•l realm to the
pttystoel seers by which we bosom* cog-
a,,*nt of the materiel world, and the law
of " Illostrntion be would designate as
the "Sixth Seas. " The soul of • child
is • walled end fortttie.l city whack cannot
be reached e10ept by the avenues t.od him-
self h•e appointed, the keys to which meat
be possessed by the teacher who would gum
.arses* to the heart and life of the scholia..
Retereooe had &Irnde be., made to the
five special ..tees, which, bowever, were
not .II equally sensitive and alert, the ey*
sod dm ear being more truly eccemsible
tb&o the other three for the teacher s pur
pse ..ad of chew two the eye and the ear
stood to much the seine relationship se an
express and freight trio ; indeed the
conveying the *pedal setm of sight was
forty times as Iarge .e soy of the other
nerves of special .moss, end the lmprwton
made through this medium u oorre piod-
Lngly more vivid &ad sbtdtug It fellows
then that for effective machos, within the
limit of the S.bbath hour w• should use as
largely as may be the faculty which, though
emphasized In line child, was common to
some degree to all, for we .re all eye minded
people. lo proof of this he instanced the
vise of old Jecob, whose might of the war-
es* .loseph hod sent coov10ced him of hie
son s esteems, when the testimony of the
brothers was doubted.
He referred also to the oo4crete illustra-
tive character of the Judaic ritual and of
the washings of Christ. And refsrrtog to
the unncr.te 10o•rsisti00 of tel truth we
teach in our ewe lime he illustrate, by •
tender loving boy, who. eras home from
school on the ocuaame of the lesson of the
"excellent woman," Said, as he •mbnced his
mothee to tenderest sfeotion, "We have
been reeding about you tod.y, mother.
After establishing the pr•iprrttoo a• to the
value M concrete tesehing he drew the fol.
lowing practical deduett5os
1 If the beechen is te•chine through ear.
gale and the hey is learning through eye
gate the teacher will suffer defeat every
time, for the eye being cape ured the ear
would be closed involuntarily. We could
n ot hese ons thing and see another .ay
more than ere could ride two horses going in
oppomte directions •1 the WOO tiny*.
It The teacher's eye most engem the eye@
of the paptls, and for this corpses most be
e neactpated from the ei of leers
helps, and even the memo inn of the
lesson text would greatly advantage the
A. We eaust, therefore, ullistrete our
lesson, let wiadowe into it which will con-
n ect the treat with eometheg the child el
ready knows, sod is most intensely i01.r'est'
aJ is, whether pommel or Imall sent or
e nure or story. illnetr.tioe. •re various,
.000rdiog to the age, etc , .f the inhalers,
Is) T•.gible objecte preferable to little
(b) Pictures which rush objects to mid
115MrtadW5 schools.
le) Ward pioneer will improv truths on
stied batter than any bald st•t.mest of the
4. 111eetrstinee sherd mlw•ye be of na-
meet fe sti 1 ass: if the shite gees the eb-
yget • h.edred tires i5 • clay the truth will
likely mate hack • husdrd times Mrs
wee ('beiges method, sprrow, lily, sowing.
shepherd, hoe, Ro , R0
5 Iileetntioa., if on blackboard or pd,
should be dome is presser of subosl.
t. sissies he showed how the RAM win
full mf sellieeiq ler as sea of bl•.bbsards,
mod sail obs
titian value raid neemn
fro. as easier tieing is poss.ssi.r of a
pad sod lanes elmwe whit their own *1.04,11
frothily mere, the points in • Mora
the teyer makes TM Pant will Set
may/ &resew lair the
10.( 1. brai_s,.
111111101111 lbe OMB.
.ebtmraoso of the hints. •ied Wier the Iris
fibers the peril it r irpreselo • duplicate
espy es the 4.Il its fibre .f the relas.v
Mr. Day's edam. was fell el bright
the ed& sad sem es i..plrsths to ole large
ragresetre mens• t.
T1rinn*T wnn.tgae-
`lariesi whweed with ilrayer mad pray.
eeadn. S4 by the t, oiler whish the
aseredies wee te seder.
Mars. 0. Maar., ell ter, J. P. R..
Tt t•W1 *1Tre..'•••
Mesion opened at 1.30 w., the president
in the chair.
Afar Oevotionol mercies* 1.. "401104
reran the trea•urer'a and auditorsreport for
the past year, end on motion of Israel Tay•
for 1t was adopted,
The recretsry read the report of the gen-
teel committee as follows
The committee nominate tie following ae
officers of the essoctene. for the current
year : President, 1). K. C.lbeck, l:oderich
vios-presidents, Messrs. J. 1'. Ross, Exeter;
Dee. Swallow, Clinics ; .1. S. McKinnon,
Rryth : Wm. Elder, Hansa ; minute .ecre-
tary, Israel Taylor . corresponding secre-
tary, .1. t' `:to.em•n, Homan ; treasurer,
J. (. Staverton, Clinton. Executive com-
mittee W. H. Kerr, Brussels : W. M.
l;ray, Seatortb : P. Holme, Sas. Scott,
Clinton ; Roe. .1. S. Headsmen, Heusell ;
A. E. Aortia, Fseter : V. Kibler, 'lunch,
and T. C. Graham, W)ognam.
The oommutee also reeommeeded that
nett convention to held to Hensel] : else
that the ..eretery be wtborired to accept
the kied offer of Mr. lay. the general sec-
retary, to form local orge.vat►0os.
On motion nt the sacretsry the reports
woos adopted.
.1. (' Stotum•0, ,M corresponding .sen
taro, promoted his report, giving all the
ee5e•eery statistics in eon.sctlon with the
schools of the county.
1)• erotica of Rev. E. A. Fear, the report
was adopted
R, R. Mallows, Oodsrisb, was appointed
se representative to the next proviscid 000-
veatioa, to he held in l on next Sep-
tember I.
The retiring pre.id1at in a few well -
charm word@ introduced the prssidest-elect,
1* R Calblek, who es taking his seat re-
ferred to the h000r of being president of
such an emaciation, and hoped for still
greater women i■ the menial/ year to the
great S. school work.
Co.fereaos on S. .ohool libraries was ie-
to.4.eed by Rev- J. W. Helene, Chutes
The S. R. library has been in the past •
• great factor is die nhorch aril S. S. work.
bat the gleeltty of books gsnerslly found is
mor Iiht'aries was mot sorb as to tolerate the
Chriatl•e diameter nt the scholar. The
book that esfeeblm the Iatsllect old der
am compel the scholar to think ie not 11 for
the libeeriem in our S. school. The *posher
thought that then was too mach mosey
upset in libraries, oeaeiderieg specially the
quality of books boriOt. there beim se
moat literature at Wei now, in free
libraries, awohaais' isseitat. 'dwarves,
private libraries and aerie Iltorsters.
(hes el the delegates remarked that Mr.
Hakrnee' remarks in mord is se eiseseelt7
ter • R S. literary 'night apply to towte
geld villages, bet would set &poly to rural
wetter where them* w so 1tbrlarita
Mr. Rees, of hornier. relight that last
mss were pred.eed by the heavy ad solid
ItM•ttere d former times
Mr. Tem, 1 P. S. One ob}est i5 Oyler
ander hers was to kerb ars ern of bad
esseprry sed se cultivate • uses for read-
ies. and sfmrtiag from surgery teras end
work up te the heavier god .roma sad
Rev. W. flmyth. T►e great obj5et cod&
M to deal with the ptsstirOI. ret so era
'this 41515114051, re years age. 11o7s well leve
lay. to the Beed.
Jebel Wadigtsr ()has then wee tee
la.s34 ken end mat er..g*1 sand M build
op the aria. the vg ieme0de
Jr. Seri -II Owe 1e firmer el Mee
rake. graft late bed eem•.q es his
SVeete so there u an the books they red. THE U)C yTY COUNClG to /mT ../ t\. 11T1i'■ txS.nT•g COUNTY ExCMANOE.
Mrs. A. N. Humphries, of Pskhtll,thsa
tseght • prtm•ry clam, hay mg about fifty
of die little folks. The lesson teugbt wee
"l hnrnian I.lvIag," Y found i5 I.ouaane xsi.
hire Humphries u evidently a ,pwulut
re the prtutery department et S.bbatn
work. 1M children were lote04ely inter aew ,4„...„P..lb...ow1 ..*b...1 al.,.
cooed as she illustrated the Immo on the
blackboard and with objects 10 • ample yet
thoroughly sw.IucIog roves,. The eoe-
ye.tluu was arele•tly delighted with the
scientific way 10 which the lesson was
taught. Mrs. Humphries u • stranger in
• Huron County Convention, having &greed
to tome .t Me motion ad the exceuuvecoin •
mattee to fill Lim place of Mow Brown, of
Brantford, who was detailed at home on
ataou•t of sickens. Het .ddrenees were
notch appreciated by the oeleg.tes and sbe
wall be warmly welcomed to any tuture
gatherings of the aea,ciattw
Che session then closed.
Tar tolluwug r./olemead•Y/es teaf.l •• a VF& 4 A .. Exeter : The rename. of the lista Mrs.
('b., Southt.tt were interred 1u the Exeter
-- 3 made,
That street of 1110 for flowers *beat the
Proceeding of the Jafs. 150111111110111 Cann House he granted.
4.rsaata to Mohair, Institutes of Z<15 was
•les reoomntended.
That a .rant of $10 be made to the Tris. a
ere .1,11 Aswcutiw.
Th.t the West Huroa Tea:hers ksso:ta
tion be granted $Lisa.
'Fast the tender of t,, F \ee*Iu for 1 ao
priming Ire aceep;.d
That tii0ut) be app..rtione-1 for Itouo i.ry
Teat 1300 be divided anion*: the suitors!
Agricultural and Horucultur.,i six,etlrn ..1
the 'meaty.
1 n.1 0u action be taken re appointment
of two valuators to valuate for 1',a. alu....•-
110a purposes
That request of .1. l'. McDonald for 'ionis-
ation Y cendiieta to Agnculturai society
he lid &side as no velum exams.
V. RAT', Caairean.
1 he report of the epeeist oommittee was
1 he report of the dome* committee was
1'1 a".,l ■1111'...
Alter deenttooal function the presidia'
tutroduced Rev. W. Smythe, Chilton, who
aldrmmed thecosveou0o on the subject: ---
°What the Sabbath school can learn from
business men."
There may be and are exception., but hhe
m•loraty of tlae busmen men of this county
are hosorahle and saleable even notwith-
standing the opinions of some who think
sobs -roue.
Dv of the first things necessary to •
successful basioess man u integrity and up_
nghtoees- It Is impossible to engage sue.
awfully to S.S work If cher piinciplee are
n ot observed The successful business men
mos hie whole and undivided energy for the
furtherance of the business be is engaged in.
le 4'hrsti•n life the same principles muse be
observed, the whole heart and energy
must be in the work. Know -
led,* is absolutely neoewry to the
e uooessful Mosinee" man, especially at die
pre5.41 time. A teacher without • practical
k•owledge of God's wont sonnet
hope to do e1l,e,.et work in the
Dabbed) school. Close &pplicotton is
absolutely netees&r7 to be successful in the
great work of the Sabbath school. The
busmen man must hive push ; if he has not
he will be left in the rear The Suadav
echoed work needs pueh Satan u cuing all
the push be is capable of to advance the un-
tere.ts of evil New methods nt evil are
brought to the front, and unless the Sunday
school brings forth oew and good method.
. 0 :ores will not be attained. The suoos.eful
Vonore' [man mut heave tact. How neces-
sary it is to Sunday school work for the
worker to have tact, to .tudy the character
of each scholar, to adapt the lemon as much
as possible to their individual relu,renteob.
.1 man may have all the neoesrry qualifica-
tions. but unless his business was centrally
located and attractive imide he could not
hope for the best rosette. In Sun lay school
work the cella», commonly called base.
meat., are mot the bast places for such
wwk. 1. clonieg, the speaker tmpra..ed
ape* the delegates the sonority of faith and
prayer in the Master'. work, 1•boring from
the motive pewee of love, •.d success would
.ventuelly crown their effort•- Mr.
Smythe's address was delivered in his usual
happy and forceful style.
Fly spaced request Mrs. Homphrie. again
addressed the convention 0o primary work,
after which the 31105511.01 Introduced Re..
D. 3'. Settee, who addressed the owreotao
oaths subject, "4 'bold Nature, its l'harec-
tarntic. and Plains." Every child is born
with the savage nature of its anemic fore-
fathers. 1%'hat child bot loves nature in
one form or .pother, l'bild nature u • field
where .sed is sown which will surely spring
up, and what the teacher should watch for
&gid uproot is the weed., which come up
with the good seed. The child'. nature Lod
character .re permanently formed before
the age of sixteen year*. There is nothing
eo sublime as the work of the parent and
teacher to forming ebar.etsr for God. The
parent should instil into the child's heart the
motility of • noble character, as they are re-
sponsible in almost every case for the
character of their children Che pared
sod teseher most be able to *.e the great
pos.ibaittes of the child'. character. It is
. low of growth but it should be so, to make
them stronn and powerful to withst•.d the
storms of life.
TF• notate .tones of • child's character
are first. I)bsdieooe To obey is sot°bedi•
eace. The dispositios and heart of the
boy should go with the act to [make it
obedience. Train the will bot do wt
break the bey's will. To be thoroughly
equipped for the oosfiic s of life the child,
grown to be a man, shnol4 have • treated
will to be able to say yen or no Y tempta-
tions .re placed beta re him.
Sari center stone. Truth -Keep the
toy's eye on the truth all the time. He
will seem krone obs diaereses bitterer troth
sa its oppllwta.
Third corner etre, love The plant of
Rive will grew two wave self love or woo
eserifioe whiob ever way it is trained.
The children bsloag tot/ad. tb•t f•et should
he thoroughly drilled into their monde. The
enema and school should previde oeitsble
spiritual food for them as regularly se it is
provided ter the older people.
Mr. Salter, who .n kiedlv mese to the
erwestien to take the are el Mr. try,
who had to leave, gave • thoroughly prtc•
tie•1 address, *dramas, certain new
te i5 oosnestice with olsiM natter
were leech appreciated by the large
raiser preset-
Reselntin.s of taa.ks were raved the
trustees of Ksnx saureh, for the re et
1.►a oa.rch, to the speakers from orris
the enmity, for their helpful addr....., rid
t. the Asir, fee tis part they hod taker is
1he serer of snag. The shetir did splendid
sorvi.e in r.rd.rirr ser sal piers el ware,
whirr ddd interest to the eerie, s1.5ir.
After rains* . Ahide With/ M.," the er•
reties was brought to • .lees with the
beerier. by Rov..1. Rdge-
i5 spite 5f the dorm sad partial Morade
el the rude, the si eada5os d the eerie
tier was eery geed.
The sesvrtMs has bees • (mar moose.
The 44k errs bar bra a as are
el eber..r/r nod erne. fill h her
lir M IM t -0WM rate were prassel.
0.rlaa I4- wren 05.re aM51 lar
t., nisch. t•.111ag Kraut
ler (Me armor .1 arrow
11.04*. DAT -wtwi t..DAy.
Th. ('ou0cif re seeemtded wt N' u'clock
1'he foliowsug .'•.u1 uuca0atl0.. were read
end referred to the c amities. wined
1 From
pee or of retietty iow, oak
Ina tor better .halving sac $0U1011 lion in
the r.getry office nen County I'roperty
2 From the County of Drey, uklog co
'monition to memoruhclrg the 1)omtmon
l,.n.rotornt to make it oompul50ry on rad -
rood• t.. provide better a000n.modetloo end
Cheaper rues Rpecsal committee,
3 From Inform t:mod Roads aseoclatton,
&eking that doles•..s b. seat to their meet-
ing In Toronto os Feb. 7. Road and Krldge
4 From Single Tax menniation, in favor
of munictpalnaes Asyut, the power of local
option 1n t5011,00 Special' committee
5. From Prisoners' Aid •eern.lalInn, ask
mg for the usual grain. F:xe. dttve cum-
b. .etrere from the Collegiate Institut*
hoards et ('!intos and leatort h, relative to
arrears due from county I:tecuttve con
7. From West Huron Teachers Institute
asking the usual grant of $21. Executive
Tender, for the Cruelty pri0ttrtg and •
Targe number of accounts were referral to
The following letters and reports were
read and referred
Report of l'ouaty Treasurer, and a letter
from County Solicitor re the claim of Mor
eta h,wnship. Fin&oc* committee.
The tailor'" report was int to Comity
Property committee, and reports of 1. P.S.
in East and 11'mi Huron to Edeeatioi nom•
A motion by Miser*. Stewart and t:non to
take Owe usual grant of $15 to each Ile
chivies' Iastltute in tie county, and a'no-
tion by Mersa McLane and Holt to spend
110 in Mowere around the ('wort House went
to Executive committee.
On motaoo of Marra 11olk.rad McDonald
• resolution of sympathy with reeves kb-
Murebm .gid Malloy In their diner, wise
pasted, and clerk instructed to send a copy
to the gentlemen name.l.
('ouncd then allouroed till lU o'clock
T1/11.1' I•'Y T11.
Council resumed at 1" o'clock.
Toe foilowine matters were reterred to
the education committee 1. Helmet from
.1 A. McDonald, rt. Helena, to be nomin-
ated as county student .t the 110t•r,o Agri
culture! College : 2, • letter from J. E.
Tom, 1. P. S , re centres for holding school
examination., anal 3, • petition from trustees
of Rayfield school to have that place named
as • centre.
The clerk was instructed to procure a
oopy of the Ontario Statutes for each reeve
and deem ty.
Sifters. Holt, McEw•n and Kerr were
added to the buuliog oommutee an lieu of
these dropped out at dos last election.
chi motion the bylaw re rules and regula
Now for the House of Refuge was referred
to the b0tld*og committee to tense and
have panted
Applications re holdiogot entrance exam-
i00t1oo at certem plans were referred to
the education cnmmittes.
A motion re Ita.00ck'.urn bridge I. Stan'
ley tp. was mot to the road sad bridge *an-
A motion re app.)mtment of two vsIuators
for valuating real and personal property for
e itulizatioo purposes was sot b Lbe execu-
tive committee.
It was moved that the house of refuge
committee be obstructed to advertise Inc
tenders for suitable side buildings. The
matter was referred to the house of refuge
commit tee,
As the pelmet tender for Co. printing is
not satisfactory W. H Kerr sod the clerk
were appointed to peepere new reader for
future use, to be ready for the .lune meet-
John Horgan, of I urnberry, was appoint•
eel ('o. auditor by the warden.
Thecouneil adiouru.d till 3 r.u.
Thursdsy, 3 r w
The report of the e4neatiw committee re-
oommesdd that no schen be token is re-
gard to spplicouons to having Rayfield,
(:nod teed, St. Helene, Kintail, Ferdwiob
and Myth made centres for holding eo-
ttsaom examination'. The report was
amended, however, mid eraminatiow wi11
sow be held at than palate-)
The report of the Co. property commit-
tee was read was seat back to the esmmlt-
tee to confer with engineer as to test hied
of roof fnr oosrt house and coot, and M re
pert to Uwe co.eril.•
A motion re erection of fence •crew &p,
preaches to Remind bridge, whish has boss
removed, was referred to the red and
brides committee.
A motion re bendary .pportinem.5t was
referral to the el.rtive onmmitte..
The ('e sebonl i.epeet nes were iustracted
to prepare • statement ebowi.g .mrmnt 01
misty, expanses at elewir511OM •5d errant
Uses' papers for high aid public seheol•,
dries 1893 and 1804.
Metrea n greets se agrie.r ersl sod bar
tieelt.nl 0004eti.s ware referred to *Teen-
hve seetwi)tans
The bylaw re raising $12,000 fee beagle of
rd v.. entered to be published and •
mestisg est the ow.eil cess wiled ter
1a. Mb
The untsmcil shoo .djsn.t.d to Friday
"•remit *ono.
FrN).y, 14 reeler. 5, is.
(irrell remsmed
Ms ',veal el es .mesa",• eirmikMe
Rb.l'V:T n1' IIIA?•'t .''NdITrI 1.
The hallowing *mamma were recommend-
ed to be mut --Wueg►am Times 81. Blyth
Sta.d•rd $1, I:oderich Star 14, .1. E Tom
fib 40, D. Rohs 15, .I. is Itusciman 14 Mi,
Fraser d' Porter 189.75, Harper d Lee fit. 75,
Wright Martin *1.50. R. W. McKestie
$9.79, 1V ingh.m Advance 12, T. 1: t'orsyo
$1b, .1. Brophy 2 Som 86 25, 4 . 1' N•il.
hero. 451:., gucb•oso t Rhyme $11 OR,
Colborne Bros. $5 40, Municipal World 12,
1). K Str•cham 110 7S, .1 Y. tlklosoo $LO.
77, ,las Days 110, R. McLeod 110, P.
slept, $10, J Fermium 116, .1. Itrethour
110, John Emil 110, A. Sproule 410. M.
W yoer 110, J. Hulked 110, W. H. Clem
$10. F. S.Soott 810, 1V. J Paisley 110,
Reasons Pott 1$1, A. R Comet!, 81,, F:teter
Advoc.ta 11. Cooper d Co- 11 ill, 1 A-
\•ir• $10.05, Joh. Ainsley 12.'2", Wilmer
S'nith 5fie., C. A. Humber R Hoc 111.51:,
SDa.u.53 41, (;orris Voted. 14. tp. Tura
berry $21b y., Exeter Tomes $t,4 •e•
The amount of of John (:tl(, 11". wY re-
oomisnded not paid.
Re claim of Morrie tp., at woe recommend-
ed that the clean be not paid.
The following is the statement for sta-
tionary supplies for court hour
Treasurer 34'x3, clerk 112 12, sheriff 117
Sts, Judge Tome 1'2, Judge Doyle 112 t'•,
S. Melcom.00 111.38, Co attorney $13 7f1,
11 McDonald gltib,32, school exemiD•tuws
176,21, realer 1111 35, divisive court $27.4.'
The claim of John Knox for 1d' was re
commended to be Mid.
The claim o1 ,lobo Butler ter IR wan osis
commended net paid.
Re payment of debentures maturing in
1896, it was recommended that the Decr-
e ery money to redeem rine be raised by
truing debentures payable in ten years.
That the moiety debt be cou.olld.tal and a
' penal act for that purpose be obtained In
The report was adopted.
The report of the Co. property committee
was read.
KLrriT ..1 I'0. rD'.PtiT', •.,a of lTTaf"
i1 was recommended that four clorta be
erected In the corridors of the jail.
Also that • eommlttee report at June
meeting Y to probable costa of different
kinds of roofing for the court house.
That Police M.getrate occ•py greed jury
room to ease expense of beaten( upper
The committee desire to express their op-
proval for the m In which the court
house is kept by the present caretaker.
The report was adopted
Masers. E,lber, McDonald, look and Me
Murchie were re .ppouted o0 the House of
Refuge committee for 18'.15
Council adtourned.
Kam amp.
The following motion was made That
for every inmate trent to the House of Re
fug•, the municipality seeding same pay 11
For e.,K fnr msioesa•m 0 of same and that
the h'lance he bnuroe by the comity.
The motion wts sent to the house of rr
Fuge committee.
Rr1'O1iT 01 rile ••5 of set I ..1.
The following recommendation" were
'flunk. Messrs. Patterson and l•ibson t're
pare plans and specifications for a look
barn Sloths, with .'we wall under, not b
exceed i. 005t. 1700, also • pig •5d bee
how to cwt not more then 5100. Also
that tender. for erection of wine be asked
for and awarded.
That the (arm be rented, reserving Omer
5 acre* &round the budding otos
Tao by-law re management of House of
Reface he printed mad circulated &mos(
cous.aliere he Mev let.
The rope, was adopted.
('uuacd •JI'esrneal to o' v.
1tat a II. :4010.
F.IDAy, 3 r. w.
t'omenunteaturs re greet of 539 to t)nterie
ft de Asmote tion was refs, red to the
exe.•atva onmmittee nett -tune
A notion that the oven) grant power to
the Collegiate (.suture Reed of c(aafert34,
topiece the matter re &Ilemo arrears before
dodge Tosse,w.s nest to the 51.5.tive com-
Tho..e..4 resort of the reed and bridge
committee was reed sod adkei ted.
Ky-1&00 No. 1 of 18%, re •pnlattneat nl
('n auditors was red three times enol
law N. 2 of 189h, re apn.ntm.nt of
onmis.1 maim &editors was rem three
tunes •.d parr.
TM comet; then a4,5ersed te awn 11ret
Tuesday is Joss.
1. .111100 Ttsaea.
People e.srloebe i 111e impnrWm of per•
braaro and wet. s.tse
Mel 001 Ilalres$anise . het sew test it
is s•aermlly knows that Syrup of For., will
portne0eady eerie habitual onset' patio.,
w.Y-id.w5.d peep& will ere ban• other
e a sat mot, wbMi est he • JM, hot fluidly
layers the Ansa.
(lederkib t.w5si1p J Miller 34.e die'
pard e1 bin bar el Arise bo.( rots
Photon Walter Meaning had the funfair
tune to trot his angers severely cut at the
I tripe Factory 00 Monday of last week
A tog►anu Soule ha. peen en-
gaged by Messrs. Wilson .t Berton, drug
gists, llildm•y, to menage their new drug
(Upton 7v. 1C Perry, of hincwrdtue,
foreaorly of ('Rowe, hoe bees appointed by
tbm Toronto 1' 01.entty Senate eye of their es
kinsmen in classics.
Clinton • A nephew of Fred Folland had
the misfortune to fall from • building in
Cleveland, breaking several rifts and tocol•
tog Internal IDismiss
Seaforth The F:ot Huron .Agricultural
Snooty have 'iced the dates of their Fall
Show for 'Thursday and Friday September
26 and :17 at itro.sels.
HuUett .John H, l.ratnger has the coo
tract of supplying about 10,000 fret of hem-
lock tor the "ummerbtll cheese factory,
which is to be ended this spring.
sr•forth Messrs R. Lusby, 11' N.
11 sump and N'. ti Reid are now the three
oldest continuous lousiness resident* of the
town, taking preceden.•e to the order
Seeforth A Chinese laundry has beva
slut>I In town, where the C. 1'. I: Tele
graph othce was formerly heated. The
boys my then (*bootee wears high heeled
shoe* end smokes cigarettes, so he must be
quite an ofd timer.
Hamill Mr sod Mr.. Robson, of Souris
Mm- mtob*, are here on . visit. and spending
their honeymoon at the Sante tame. They
ere huth former residents of near this
village, Mrs. !Name laving well sod favor
ably boo . o Y Mut folly Stoneman.
%V Ingham Judge Royle, the revising
barrister, held • emu. of revlsioe of the
14 molten, voters' list, on Tuesday of last
week. There were a Dumber of appeals
meds by both political parties. end • num
her et names were added and struck off on
both side.,
1 'bates ►tern- Mcl:regor and Reenter
shipped 'A0 lamb, to the old oouotry a few
days age, vu ('ortleud. John Hunter mod
.1maeph Copp, of Clinton, took charge of
them Aurae the voyage, and word wee re-
ceived last week of their safe arrival, with-
out the 1.155 of an sots,at.
Tuckersmiti Samuel I.o.desborougb,
now of Park Rayer, 14kots, formerly of
Tuckersmu: h. says be bee takes the weekly
t:(obe regularly for fifty year., and hes
&Iways pad for it 1n alvasce It is nu
wonder he ha* prospered : any Man with
such • record descries prosperity.
Mullett The residence of 41. Longman
was the scene of Itsierrty on the 16LA Inst.,
when hu daughter, Marv, was united in
the holy Mand* of matrimony to Gee
Scivena. The ceremony was performed ma
the presence of a terve number of iovtted
guest.. by Rev. Jas. A. fiamilton.
Seaforth Angus McDonald, of this teem
met with a Dever, accident one 'lay last
week. He was teaming loge on the farm of
John Runs, McKillop, when the load
"dewed around, ' and in jumping off to eve
histselt from falling underneath the logs,
sprained his ankle anal broke some of the
small bone. of Me foot.. He is recovering.
Photon A Indy who is at present on •
vitt to 4'baton. ea toyed, remedy, the
escood sleigh ride of her Ids. It is sc.rroly
ommeaary to Slay that she is not • gators gid
this country If she Irani@ to experience
something of the real pleasure of a sleigh
ride, she should wait until the pitch hole
1eloon arrives.
Seaforth.john Weir havlag been elect
eel a member of the town eounctl of Seaforth
he had to reams his position ea bosses min -
miniver for South Huron. 1). D. Wilma
has been appointed as his summon. With
this exemption the Board will he the names
hist year There ls no change in the Peer'
mi.iooers for East and West Huron.
McKMllop A ``rain 'operator belonging
to Henry We.eahscg, of the %verltae, to
this township, was burned oe Friday more
Ing last about -1 o'clock, It se not kaolin
whet caused the fin, but some think that a
e a.ntity of sots which ha( hoes left in it
may have heated end started the machine
burning. At any rate It u • heavy lose to
Mr. Weeenbwr.
kin wa.lmese Kala
Huainan men, in business hour*, attend
only to bootees. m.tters. Social err are
best adapted to the Metal circle. Make
your bowman known in • few weeds, with-
out Ines of time. Int your dealings with •
stranger be most carefully considered, and
trod friendship duly appreciated. A mean
act will soon recoil, mad • leas of honor will
he anomias. heaves "tricks of trade" to
threes whew duoattw was never completed.
Treat .11 with respect, raids in few,
wrong no man He newer afraid to say no,
and always prompt b miteowledgeIt.•d
rectify a wrong Leave nothing for to
morrow that •herald he done to day. Re
.Yon • friend is polite do not think bis
tame re valueless. Have a place for every
thing, and e.5rythig in ice place. To
serve lose friendship, kw • .horn credit ;
the way to get main is to he penetu•1 ; the
w5y to preserve at a not to 5sa it much.
Settle often : have siert ar roests Trost
a. man's '4)p. -snore : they are often de
esptive, and often .55um.d for the purpose
of obtaining .reedit. germs gse.rslly
drew well. The rich are gaterally ■
mea Ito well ssti.Nod beim yes we •
reedit that the.e to whelk/es AIM
sae nen t0 he 'doted.
te5bee'. mew Obese,
Robbie has • saw pair of .hoes, of whir
he is inordinately proud. After wearing
then • few tomato the other, day, he sal
dews, remark's. "1 toss 111 rest my
feet • little while." 1 laid "1 r, 1 55er
TTwr shoBeyear Mgt" ••/4e,"
►n.1555dw her te espktM, "it .n't the ober : Its
my ban fent air bort, tlgbe maw the
better. Yee one," he .snored b p.I.Ily.
• i've bees aaliia(t .,sate, sad she fleet
pvo.a1 w sty fire►
What bQNntgnat the Capital
eealrs.lIsg Y.•I h.ye, amid Prr.e•t Per.
1e410.., . , M.., tot rs.Ir r wee b►. se
0.54 is•.1 ate tome' be. 1. fere
.118..se.rlks font tem-.
Tug 5.54.1. Corn.elepeenna
( )TI.A, Jan..oth. 1 u my later
Io -day 1 wool to 4*, b.f,, -- . few facts
I wish you to fu,l„w, 1 0u . 1.• all 10tereen
el, deeply Interfered, end I wont yes W
study out what 1 a:'. joat *et sod thea
dr.w your uw0 dr•lu.•t1m.s
For the mom,ut 0, will turn beet to
element hi -tory. Not very tar tack, sicker,
for you will find toy rtart.u,t p•do1 00 para
1197 of Hansard. or official debates 1271h
March of hut •••,e1oo \ow carefully real
what Finance Minister Ioater told Toa
then. Mr. to,'er ail ^If the expendi-
ture from loch 1I arch to the end of the year
should be normal, that wool,[ leave us with
a deficit ; int this primmest has come to
the conclusion - • wise conclusion, which I
think will be eehoed by the, house, end u
which the 1:o'5rnimat *111 have the .o -
operation end cordial help of the House to
endeavour t.. hie tbrs year . athin our ta-
come, and of our Immo oleos, re resolutely
keep down the .xhetAture, M that in the
end we shall not ha,e that unwelcome
visitation which so 1 t• es made fie sppem•
.0.5 to my Mnore:,[ who sit• op.
00. 1. mf, &n ug1Y bir an'j ,neniI tlssged deficit
A prudent business scan. arty prudent bun-
0ees 0000.00, asy pn1"sae (twrrllfmas, 557
hou.rholder, w,wld tat. tilt courseol
action mai in the u.taw•I h'osarkcepisg It
is meetly Incumh.nt, it arms to me, to
follow the same c 'urge.
So much for what Mower Foster said.
Now let us see what Monter Foster hs.
W5 were told by him tea' he .ouc:p•ted
a deficit and to meet h•e revenue meet •z•
penditure i.e would study economy. Tho
public ocrouo'e 1... tar fiscal year ending 30
.lune, I8#1, have lust bees awed. lot ua
Torok there for /be prw,,,re1 retreschmeat.
1 think you will leo", In taut In place of
economy we find tree., e11den, c of extrava-
gant -to
The elprediture na asinine of r..enas,
which in 1:i93 was 43b,A14.tn w'- final last
year increased to 1O71l4,',.. , *bole the
.1 revnue:we learn was reduced from
tli8,1bt1,6Uti to $36„i T.1,' 3
Here iso the *'art se Cud • decrees of
=1.793.915 in avenue asd en increase of
5270,473 in etp.naiture These figares
bring the financial .154. emit up to JO Jaye,
1894. We find n» e,.denoe of the promised
economy here, .0 I.•t tae ;Lott turtber.
Take e las.1.•1.end tb. 6
montbi mth.temtrnt4of r1e,rrtueI:a,ette asd •xpeedi-
ture up to 31st I h•crto ier, I.; a1, It is there
we learn that while the reissue to01n1.5d
to decline, the expend:lure.vennued to in-
crease. 'The revers* tau during the b
months ending 31nh lamest or. 1891,
amounted to *IR,31b,7r'rerhed only 1116,-
399,496 during the axrrp'o ling mwth. of
1894, while c panto; le two pried., the
expenditure uctrasd '4.•01 {* 1.838,1511 to
Now why did �Im,e'rr #...ter m.ke tbmt.
promise of retrenciinrcnt to ('0llasoent so
March last, if he had n0 intention of carry-
ing it out' - Whtle you are on the haat for
l.'reschment just taro in page 43 of the
last public aeeounu and 11.0 will find that
the net debt on ?nth tufa, 18'3, was 141,-
681,139 and then turn to ties edictal I:eratte
of Saturday lot, and there you will find
that the not debt hof teen i.eres.ed to
le there any ernlen,• s1 economy or re-
trenchment to be found to /ban figures •
Even Mr. Fester himee.t will have so goy
no. lint 4111 he all us candidly why he
did not keep hu ,mniir ca
Ihd he think then, when trying to em-
press it upon the Hones, shat the elesuona
would be over before the truth cern* out'
It a not 5 If klmster Foster and his col-
imngueswere ignoruof tM deprassiaa
credo that net0se appr.scce htOS, for hefoeo-
shadowed it to hes budgrt speeoh lain se. -
moa whoa he to'd you he was thre•teaed
with • deficit. That deficit, he said, bow -
ever, would h' orrrt'd by ngldo •0055057
amd retrew.•hmen', which the Go,ere05 1
intended prectu sig for the future, ii ad shoe
has hien the result
Why, the .Mhge. oe.tthe d.s'8ait.uuta the for countrytM lies
0551' known 7055
are halftone,' on 301h n1 .lune That drfins
will reach .t the very lo.e5t 5u.tat• far
mtlhoo dollar., .hu. ,0ine ry 555811 mtl-
lic5. Imnvusg. to.. across can•et beii..i
in onedememi the mmSrr*bM stasspt .f
Ensue 10 decor. yon .ern he th/mgkt oho
.lestioee would bs ol0 before this ttsto
were k.own
Aerate to look at that a•netimestem
face wwld .* 1h. Mmuter :f..Fter..............the swans.1piety.ridtuth. H youwasted•han:tpol youwodny134.1i1•0700*h5dthep1w•rr"0415
he, so gond, eo pun. ren 55In'Iv Rot looks
are dewpuvs. I( 4101 55me 3'..t.1' aunt
were siting in a game of "drew" 1
would wager nn Ih. M1astar of Furor
bluffing the haMr'c01 reiiron .tart of truth
out every tins
,last, gIas.'s ba. k roe 0 momewf .t els. sae•
45.505 of h'. lana ••.." 0 hen hs male that
pr0mass •n'3'. )J, ,.e . tbe 27th Marsh
IYt He moat ham..mothered up the truth
is sic pob.bed outery fur tt never breathed
�te after he .deli. ere& himself el that.
(ESwery hermits.
Hove veru rest 11 over o eseend 't'n5 • 10
it. Sat a rem ; • mesterreee of rewlp.w»i0r'
Vet *by .*caapi we /sperm reprise •
Their only deferrer fee the pew maters years
has bees to he th,.11elves Oar whr 1'.sy
were .nrn.red It s only, bt.we*.r,n drew.
ueg 5tls.1ie5 ta 11005 (5815 1101 Ilse MSwtry
will M /(.owl a Lbe p1'i•etpl.. o1 yevew.-
meet they are new Mares M_
0 04.34 rnwseh♦ t A JP.,
sod sierehese of 1 Ia VP.
r 11:.0
lagell ems