HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-17, Page 8AN OFFER I NOW AND NOW ONLY I This is the M. we are selling at Dissolution , dale PI ice this week and next OUR ACCOUNT BOOKS are from the very best man- ufacturers. We have the kind you want. All kinds of COUNTER BOOKS and similar mercantile necessities at Dissolution Sale Price. DIARIES for 1895 at 25 per cent. off. No Goods charged at sale prices. FReASER & PORTER, Booksellers and Stationers. Lotrel ■wooers Sell Telephone f ., eedneael. one. NEWS OF THE DINTRI''T. From ottrOwn Cor respond enGIL There is rsweneatw Sere Tws Canard be MM *assumes Else \g ess•f 1 •e Cenay $,.eosin, &everted IW The Masai. DUNGANNON Norte. -The decal agency to !)uaganaon tor Tim Mahan is sal t• oMoe of J. U. Ward J P.. memviwa•der, te.. wit wilt rece,v er dem tar whsentadess. advertas sg and ,.a work• sad is aetberlsM to glue receipt* ter as OaW mold Ire the .lot. .l. Maliough, I:ubt soles, 1' E. 1►ur- . as, Rolm. Medd, sr , John Bowers, Wm. Bailey. end W m. V *rcoe, all of whom ars the neht .nen in the right place. Henry Marra wail elected se vox -president in lieu of Thos. Anderson. The society, financially is In • prosperous ...edition. The treasurer's re• port showed receipta and •spendttures with • cash balance of sixty nine dollars end • ped membership of ninety to date. Except a balance due of unped priiea ammo:ai r to about sixteen dollars, which hes not yet bees demander', the society is clear WHITECHURCH. Ser ia.i,..l•n. 12. There is splendid sleighing here at pee• - '.sot. john Campbell has moved to hu saw brick house. The Patrons of Lod s u t at Petra' Hill O M flourishing. E. Phillips has bought out T Found'• blacksmith shop, also hu residence. W•D!IRDAr, ,Tan. 1a. brAsr•s*. catD ArrsD.--(►etas to ate '417 inc.lenent weather witch pervade& here a lett Sabbath there wee • epiall attendance in the differed* (Aerobes hero. I)s rut Ranovagb.-It will be pleasing to the nay ini•nde d It ',tort Rowers, who has been for • short time attacked with pleurisy, to learn that he to able to be around. \\'i:eotmu SH.1.s.---The little bird whis- pers tritely amt wedding bells managing. t 0.4'r reverend Sda$lemon will, we presume, be prepared te artist in respodiag whoa nee eta0ry. Ursa ver. Not a new una•lable ltt.. teats ea tstock. men's or boy's, •abject tto 2O", o discouc• .luring A n4' u s roars eletriir out sale. i' asters at about nalf price. KercexoD HOME During last week. at- e'it h•vieg is minded visit to relatives to 1..lmor State, Mts. R. Pentland returned k -' ms, msc4 with her visiting tour. Her tetany bore welcome Iter re- t .ten. .10611 SCOW. &ea% g.Tt.'x. The so. stud Satin* $drool conveoten of IMeg•n- ua •d Nile ei1. 11. will he held as the Methodist eWreio Ihing•nnoe. •.o Friday. the 3th d iyebreary, casimencing at lU o' Clock A M. Fe eLaatAahr*t_ - As Rev. 1). Bogen t. expected to amen in conducting Divine ,cr- viee at Se•fertb ea next Sabooth, Mr Ag• new, of Lock.ew, will oocupy his pulpit for meriting serene, •ad Mrs. S Pentland will e-•oadnct events eeryioe. CO. v Atamou.'r'r-Dr.('ase,who Wo. Iv attacked with quinsy, pro.uce1 by geld and expaenr.,is gradually reoovering. . \tee, along with the nay friend. of Mrs. S•ua- ll% *re pleaded to en her about as usual;, and somewhat im,.ewv.d in health. ('n>e,RmlATtOeA1 AN NC .vl S111.11, The Genual meellenie of the congregation of Er.kies ahaeai bare will oe held a the church es Tuesday, the 22.d day of ,Lan., comrrbescipe at 2 o'clock r• ex All Interest- ed are respectfully requested to attend. FI.tcr Sanatog -Next Monday, the /1st, being the •t setory day for meeting of mune 'cupid cous03le is Ontario, the municipal conned of Wed W nw000sh, es alto Ash field, will meet im their reser.nvs «canoe 1 rooms oro that day. Session to commence at 11 o dock A.s. IDaiUs4EDTO DateoAt'o\. During last week Mrs. Andersen. relict of the late '1. 4 ...Anda man, et Arden, Ma.itob.. returned with beg two .k4 u.. and. h•elig disposed of her /rapla roti Ainka, it a e her 'stel two, we ire_ Vgr*alsit to locate in the mew time in out Afton Mamas Edward Ander• son. wbo left bore seed time ago for ard.o. to must Mrs Amdareem in winding up the • dura of tit seekn, atone home with her ' and looks nese ale worse for his trip to the Prairie Preview& SAI.? or &MAL ISteATR (>m Saturday last 4'1 *monism's wigb previous notice, the reel *tata of ebe halo John Taylor. in West Wowsnosh, wee tm•piensd off by the pop. - ler aocsiesser�,, �el�a�ny,.�•h igalloagh. P. ult, barrister. of G.wsa.eb, acted se eollcitor, is behalf of Chan nimbi. sr., executor of the n otate. There wad • berg+ tees -out of in- terested *ad temiason+Jud parties. Some lively and spinosa bade were gime. S F. Sanderson's bid eft 21.515 btdeg Iso highest. he wee pro..omeed the leaky purchaser. Hs has by parebtsimi the estate, which is eootignota to sod et/jam:mg hie premises, secured a fired dem farm. eomprutog ae hegsdred sad twelve end • half acres an • Min clam !seasons. We wish him sumer. He ie praownaed be be me of the most bratty a.d e.se/esie tanners of tie section. A ail' e*. at soiree. -Thi naval meeting of Ashfield s.i! Wowaniell brameb £gricul. thrdl Society we. with. the old court room heat, en Thursday. 10th. The retiring presidest. Jobs Melees, in the .her Minutes of led mlwrimg wore rs&A and alp proved no .em.aary'S. treasurer's o.d adttars' reports were read and umaaimnus ly adopted. Thee. Amines. the retiring vsra-prts(dent, wss .,peimted president. Mr. Melissa. the former pr eld.st, beteg warmed for the peeltb~, expensed his self unwilling te ars. asd. with the miesowt of the mover ofd Jgepad.. be weld ruin. a. tha.ked the atony ler the honor of dealing hitt ale ,...,Ideas for three Loges. sad althorn& not be aide be wand nein *amine way he meld McArttherr ted sod 'Aa Wbwisg am IlliMkrs Ise the Sege Abdomen, the esd•sy be ler is ►emsgt liaherb were eatery and gelseleusee .rare pmt I_ • Rem, t I•eoree Fousd nay established • tin and hardware stead in the Campbell block. He *an Al tinsmith. Jas. Martis Tett Inst week to compile prominent specialists in reward to one tumors on his neck. •- W'eddig hells have been tingling all around us. Keep your ears open and you will soon hear them raging in our midst. There has been • bee every day this week haulise brick from Helmore tor the new church which a to he built herr to the Sprang. Alex. Beaton has opened out his hoe new store on I'hurch.st. He carries • large and first asses stock of dry fgou.ls and groceries. He is rushing busmen. Simco the beginning of the \ew 'gear our village has been booming several adli• tions have been to our business establish neste and everything is on the move. Mr. Hill, of Lrogaide, has opened up • lesersl jobbing shop in the Oliver block. He doeoOsythar in the a av of mending and repairing boots, shoes, harness, Rc. BAYFIELD. Tet•i•s- , •Iain. 15. 1 •so. St*nbury returned to Toronto last Sat urd.y after apendinv his holidays here. The esti ele.ghmg is briagin .:n the log. to •1. i Ion•ldsos'e saw mill. A sleigh load of twenty flee spent • very en,ovoble evening at Joseph WIId's leaf night. F:x.reeve Woods and the old council at Yesterday tor the hat time The new coon• etl meets Monday. The Salvation Army of Hatfield, with the help of C•pto n Creighton hel • grand meeting last night. The upholsterer has a big run of work on hand at present J. McLeod has started to learn the trade with him. Will , lark. stageman, who has been sick :or some time, Is getting around again by the patient core of le'. Stanbury O. Thursday tat a meeting of the Stao• ley Brach Agricultural society was held at swarf Hotel, when the following of ioere were •ppotuted President, John Mcl-•ugh• too . vice president, K. Peuh•le . secretary, 14 IT. Erwin : treasurer, John Morgan : directors. John Johnson, Kobt. Snowden, Joseph Wild, ,john I'ark, John Sparrow, of Stanley township : \\'lab Elliott, Wm. Totyniesd, of (:odench township . .lames Rens, 1:. R. Swart.. of Rayfield. IL,YTH• T' Lspay. Jas, 15. Toe 'unanm department of our school to now under the management .f Jles �dlere. A. H. Plummer, principal, has moved is - to one of Frani. Metcslf'• houses. Inehard Somers is attending the Sabbath - school convention in Hehall, as delegate from the Presbyterten church here. la Dodds had the misfortua, to cut off his little toe while chopping wood, Mrs. Gray, of Brumfield, is visiting` at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. .1. C. Stewart Miss Hannah M''l.ee lett today for Clio to to pursue her studies at the 1 ollegbem Institute then. There 41 a very large quantity of wood and logs corning into tows uow and prices have fallen accordingly. It a our ted duty to record the death of noe of the Huron's old pionsers in the per - aro •f I rascit Sutker, who settled in the townshln of Colborne about forty years ago Abont eighteen years ago he moved from Colborne to the Township of Mullett on the Engel road, between Auburn and R1 th. Fight yam age he moved to Morin he resided n•til his death. H. suffered far some years, hut bre he trouble with 1'hrn- tum patience *ad • firm belief is Hun who as able to ease all that rail upon Him. De. mend was • member of the ardor of F mestere which Andy turned out with • large ,xmem,ursw 01 eorrowi.g friends and neighbors and followed the remains to their net resting place in Heirs cemcrery- 11. spite the inclemency . f the weather then seldom ewer was ssse 'soh a tare* (rearm promotion. 'hewing the high eeteent of the de emei by all who had the pleasant of hie • eg.tn(a.ee. He laves • widow .d stn ohlleir.n to moors hie less . at toot mod three daughters .11 trews. He wee • mem her of the Pr•shytesise eh.rsh el *hien he Wow • kse t.ppertet He was slew • S tamsok pfiggn•ter of Liberal principles THE SIGNAL : OODERIO B, ONT., THURSDAY. JAN 17. 1895. BEWITCHED. I haste riot ,f her Auger. stroll Wre brown or snow) while; II..w✓e4' 1 suis. 1 .-au't recall Their forma and tint a -rigid. 1 1.1 .0 0 seemed the softest hand The night w ben er.t we met: And ••h, 11.e Flay, .h. ga.a 4'r. I neer. ran l.,ryel- 1 kir... mol ,f 1... esr. were blue, ter wet) blas l.,o grw), Th. y ,.w rel a '.•r4 claming boa, but 110,14' I .anH..t w} Ila4r 1 1..rggs.e 1 fraillt s.,w I'm outer ahen.ed: 012.1 ) 4'1 The gate u ilheu'brm oh -atomic 1 never rat, iol•get. 1 know not where hr. dllapleda,•eL Ifni. her click or r It in: I only know 1 greed e•nIrsnwl And fall i.q' lor:ar, rail ,n. A dimple' 'us a u..) thing Tu demon. of a.,.• regret: Hut nage that Minute to anklet 1 1.e4er can 1 .rgrt. JOE'S WIFE. The hist raid .1 the Ineliarl. on +lie over - laud trail thronged, Katona, wen. ;midi• an sn: and such was *1. etretort hthat forte.. *e•1.• they haul 11.,.0.2..111 •( 1. stat w2.n a,..I hr. utile. 0.f rat. during tlli. 11110 ��' hut•s•ngrr., 44. roll''')' of the stain, '''*4,P lI . five mail rider` x1141 :t .1..,.,•i* soldiers were killed. even mashes. leo w A0111 train.. and tune stations were bun, • 4'.l. and lu.,.r • tine horses sten- run The only station saved e:a. Reilly'., and 1'114 aothg to tell lou the oleo.\' 'flue 'rage corrleat)- had asked for sol- diers to help Teat the Indian. off. but the• request came el bite that in mil) • t wo or t love 414.4. 11,0141 the 1 r opera Ir lelawed . civ of u. math-41'.moil. risk. en Healy'. to 1*pt111. htu ,nih four reached the piece. We eypect•.I t.. reach Itrilly's hrfurr the Ladish• r.o:d attack They were tin their a:ay there and only live miles duano w tarn w, ,:.n into th4III. They pursued Ia. *0 as itht14 r:fi.• .hot of the station, awl when dal Tight came we "muted over 1414 mottutel eaarr•or+ • licir•ling the .bast Wa• expected to find there two amti11l, h;4*u1., a adage eirts,-r. at least title 111111 rider. and perhaps n couple of pnws•Uger, who had gone west (2) the last .oath. \\", found duly- to unman, n, is w-oumdel Hien Rad a corpse Thr wuuaan was the wife of the w-ounda' nual. w In, wityaJ40 Harper. s .targe driver. anti the deaf:f miry woo, one of Ch. station hands. On the aft,'rn.sab of the day before 1lAr- r's . p. telle had been attacked 4'i 1• • t li roil.. away. IiI. wife ,*tel ' e'. gro••pei,1r.wem pesscuge r-. l -I.112 i•r.isi.•1't.•rs mere on top of the start,. 11,.th Wert• killed and fell to the ground, and the driver rr,••ivr.t a bill ICI in the leg, hot I,rougat the .1200• in thm' station baud tar* hero tired on 5. hale .11t hooking for it .tr,% horse and had reached •elielier t.. dig an hour before otr arrival. linin the 111.11311. Ina -h'.1 t"rltapt tad attache.' they would hose 11.11 An r24-. vieton, but having no fear that the .ta lou a"idol here .•nfurwldnril,41 the night het had dee:flel to Writ until 111•.0 morn ug There had been another staafibia 'fluid Int early 111 Ihr• taming. ort} ante to the '11142421 and her Wound/al bn.lraml.(ili. 11341 n,.urit,.t one of the horses and del for ilc, r hough It e -a. .111.4E1;el,tlb asiertaaa .1 that lie Was captured :about -.torn 11014, won .0.d put 5u1l.a11h by torture. We had, 11H•,,. w heed W2 came to talk of cleave. tour soldier -. :d Woilnlel metal and Wonsan 1.. brat ..f! a hundred blood b,rst% Indians. We left mo the mann and be woman in our tonus, dol as the than ■+.12411 l4l creep over !lie plain. and tender b¢•, f- diaingui.hahi•• eye ii+tied about s•.• What co01.1 hie .h.•1.•• \1-e lead talk 1 With the wttttt 14 tnQ iter Itedaaud in the slhons• and in t..toal darker.,., not daring show a light We knew that he was al nest helpless ;old lying 1411 A hell "f plank - t..:rnri judging from her tote. 1 111 1214-1 •be•verl her to he t faint-hearted W.0111111 -1..• eoul.t servant 11 the r. *'rt of a rifle h.• e:ane .011 h, a. a. 0.• %%ere I goring taut. and our funned her t.. fa-,. suers *cel wntuarl but •5.•r)eats of age. tae harper. ns 1 nary tellry•.i*. ihil+wry Ig a. stair 11r1 Ver. was ail 14 maul of good *1.ilr and elncntiant Their marriage n. ii hit of m ru,ee ;nil had. taken place 11 a few 3111,1,1(1. !where 'Now. ;nen." began the little woman ilk I.1i.1. Way. "rhrn•'. but one thing to le 2..r. \lc':na't tight for lodta il%from tiie +111ei1., .,r stable. 1.. muse du'''ll stet tire • the haystacks the fir t ti,tug and burn very thing up- We n 2..t take tothedng- It Sergeant. pm :2.,1 our o1 your toet1 cry .Ire ..ret 1here. and the .,l leer. %%111 11 the water barrel. sad help me to get Diel We mush work fast. for the Indian. (11 attack Within 1411 hour Ale took rumnl24ut1 s• 11141nnallt and .hr n. sm ru.l and quirt in giving her order. :at no otr.•vrn looked surprised. When wen! into the sol! se withhrr,.h„ s,td rear Iiblslonf- I.o•, we'll carry- you to the dugout right ay:unl 1'11 13,11 end tires, your wnnud ter on There are nine fine horses in the able, and I'm going to leave 'em there to aro up. If they 'ye got to he lost to the ,1npany. it's batter thave them roasted an to he run tiff by the fydians-" l ••s. that's sl," replod .L r. "111• mum bring ower all the Anne and ammoni- a] We'll he. holed up herr for three or -AA" pmlaldy. flow almost water" - "Don't lou Worryl6.10 Any thing Noe, lift hien easy nod ,1,,* stnmhle on r Wal." 1n half an hong we had everything in the g out wide), we could make lege of, and W. wife I...lel Remand to our that neva g Wits milling, Rad then ,.sill to Inc. 'Sergeant. there are t Wo thing,. yet to done If the Indians uv the houses .1 stmt. for cover neared of burning e•m, they will he terribly clone to its. use' horse.. must be killed. iwo.r crest - • died then we must set tire to every - ss it h unr own hand. .. 1% maths'( it he better to turn the hordes s.• mrd helm• s.0 recapture them by and 1 .ulgge.te'i •\o \ler should never Pee one or them min. Otte of ns s1 abnot then' while r other get. ready to start the flee " Ana e•rt*i*4 that if 1 had refu.rd to sti- r the stables shr would not have hai• .d nem were nitro( the finest horses the 44111.1e line, fire of w latch were for 1.11, alone If they mere too die, it was rely more merciful to .1,.,,l then) than let them Hast to death. and It woo a ratting order with the company to kill .4 .t•etnoy r..ther than yernmitanything to I Into the hands of the relak 1* It •noel like murder to go a g them, re Isar 1n hand, and a hen 1 left the stable ad ...methane of that feeling which Ise e.mr oy e4' the man who hes plotted 1 carried nut acold-blooded murder 'It had to he done, and no OM 1.111 Manta Ir.' mid ,toe's wile as 1 rejoined her, n.1 now everything herr is ready for A 'he Indians hell opened fire long before, .1 the men ,n the dugout were answer g hrM►Ir ale we domed theron(agration. wee s clear 111n feet of open ground we 4111111111111r' • 't T1 t th en 1 • d. rv• *o IN. 02. 01 d,1 an he hi Ino t4' bad to traverse, and a, we aloud hesltatl for a mrwseut the woman said. "l)un't stop for nye when we \fate our baud to let theme know we .)tiling. That's it. \ow, theta, herr gel,. 1 reached out for her head, but site thrid loth to gather 'p her skirts rushed out from behind 044 u( the slacks junk. an a cloud of black amok OW tried down to bide- au. but 1 heard 1. Whiz of So bullet. before 1 tumbled la the open dour at her heels. A bullet c tbo, cloth on my right shoulder, and dmf la*s'thn2lggh a sleerr Of her dress, b neither of us wee arretebe,l- (In the we Aide About 91) Iridian. bad galloped up a attain p,.tul shut, nn.t hut fur the hug d which the three soldiers maintained the would have halal u. down. The doe w hardly .1/111 when the )011lig WOtuan W 0*l her feet, hued any log. "Now, trays. you are throwing away 11 of goad ka4 Thu .- .spencers duo't rfi, like a rifle. Take a awl ad see if ) 4•na't Ilium nn1ne.1rr Ilere-let me situ youta allot." :she had a Henry nflr, whieh 1 teller belonged to one of t he *Cation men. TI Italians were er.wdeil about the .tab' probably hoping to get uut .tone of t honer*, :and the woman waited for tl smoke t.. lift. flog rest of 114' Watched 1. her shot. With her e)ee. to the sights «I pnpwtrtly called mit "leen waiting for t hat chap an/ the sport pony. 11e -'s behind the big .tack moa .\ there h•• Hrr rine cru ked a, she uttered the 1a word.. mud tin. a an•tor. who a -as :a .0 chi.•(. threw up fits lauds and tumble h„111.ug, .hot t hrongh the hreul- - -You ran .''1 tt ,t you take time.- .h said as rhe a mh,ln-u her ride (...1.b *1 porthole." "Now, .1,4'. how'• the leg'" "Never mind the leg till Ihr fight over.- be• 4'r diel. P "11't I .hall 1'11 'a:1.11 and drew. it ill then hate the la). pr. 11 )011 up for a .h, at your old rn•ulies If you don't kill is 122412* our. you a.'t.'t n•mrtnher that y,, were ill the now." The Indians ,oubldn't stand our Orin long. having 2.0 shelter. and *hike a- 1 was lruag dressed the whole gnu of thr*n withdrew nut of ranee We ale eert 24111 of leaving killed to..., and wound.. three or (Intr. and there were four der polies lying between the eel holo.+ am the hay '.1041... !,nal kik for us the as int changed and,.wept the Ma,.ke and .*1441 nut ,.e1* 111r plain. as the fire raged for .e'. era! hours. ate! the uoti,r trait' the nest iI1 horse, was terribly rrri l .t tan i Inn emote K g lie o f R t r 11 red -kin. 1 : r Ia 41 another tiros.. , r n e .1.o• 11m1 been made as cumfurtb n la ia. lar. -Ible'ndt r the eir•u11l.tamee.. Hy 1 he nil of hlankrts and rooter leaves our Koppel tan, up 31 a 11.11 filar. :nil 140W that wt had .t5 rides to blaze *way with there was to. tear that t sv ice a. many Indian. ,.m1.1 .!rive us out It as an boor after 1..snl before t1,*•) rlrv.hglel their plan Hri!il '.5 e. the only one ,,f the ten '.144 ti•.u. tl"•c haul no' yetilc•troyed, and the) weer desperately deter ei tour it 'ti..,.1.1 not e.a's• diem. They n,uldtot horn ti- 'mt. anti the ail!!- Here tarp.? prod 1 mean that they could 11.1 burn u. nut Inv s•rtaug firr to th, rea.f or .i41.s but there w ere t he d.,.4'1411.1 i1. (rmlur. 'Che.1....r c,1mld stand the bullets. but 11..sr Mel frame nnl.t hill if fire nen- phul against them There acre t Ica port 14,•4.. on :a sale 1,,1ng ,wa1gb I. -(or. Ally of 11. urn had uuu1. out the pian Joe.. Wile turned It2.u, 11.44 01 tit p,rtMd.. Ann` 1141.1: ••W4' UAW Iter mr. portholes on th1. side to defend the dams. As neat as 1 gar, rnakr out they are gathering dry grassmud w i.itin4 it hoot 1 1le'. That mrau. t b4') ire going G. r..mr ti it11 a rush. flung down a dozen bundle. and then try 10 set tire to here aro the• d.',r. With our sabers we worked through the sort rinds mud ruin. too extra q,,,rtho11'. They arm only tiui.h21 when the seh,•ule .f the. redskins was patent to all. "\..w Joe." maid the little entrap. he .air .soldiers will take the front mid yon oil 1 the Iwo k. Vose him around, hay., old 1'11 take two of tip. resolver Joe w til e4' the• rifle, but 1'II try mrdssnuake the pis of bullet. count. The rel. *ill on l.1e and hoar_. (hent And Iia.•►, or once. Arr )0U 11 right, Joe'" "I es. .N.41y , all right 'N'.11 here ere eetra cart ridge. 11 you -ant to redo o'l If I'm bit don't get .laky 11d .hip .h.suing. 1f the Beene•. gel 1,1,1of that dome. we'll be raMte.1 in the rap. What are they doing o*1 your side, I reported that a number of warrior. ere creeping forward on their tare., and b.• wad dmr nn this .i1i. They Are going to nurr*trate their tire on the leo-thole. -hilt- the other. charge. \ter needn't -carry about their Millet. however, as they *gist fir.• at n1. Angle Now they are pick- ax up the 1nm1411e. of grass. 1 ren ser hr., or four of them aith brushwood 'relies all alight ,bog, do you want a sip f whisky t.. Ir,4e your nerves'. Boy.. how it wit1130U`" None of u. wanted the lkluur. and it wan nt hrntght out. We were all tale -(acrd nil trembling under the 'strain. whin the I.i**s got the signal from their chief. hat charge has got., down too hfetory a. 1e Irovrat rale ever made by a war party f Sioux They knew out strength and wily rcma.need on leering Nix nrrigl.t men, hint leen deeiderl that then- wam n, her stay to geed 1*w out, and the warriors ho bore the hurdler of gram and tomtit. ere all young men and volunteer.. There ere two tartlet o1 twenty each, and the) td aide rifle. and blanket. And made air start front wants just bey 1 rifle Inge. A hot fire was opened by all the here, and the muzzle of nay rarhine was ruck twice before 1 had fired a shod Thr rr.nit of that rush has been give• in Miter) and other rep.rta. (lur Millett gen to tell as Prawn as the warriors get (than fie+ rage, but we could thmrk cm. Fourteen ant of the 1aenty men b my side got 'lox up t.. the dugout, an.l IPA.t ten bentbea,1 the dry grits. were *sat agmio.t the ,hoot Flrr of the ny gonial .,.rhes at *h. start \le II•sl (our and won titled the fifth. and a nth aarrior'sho 'wised the lurch from he. w•. led one w*s hkewls. 1.1(1.4 ley got the bundles ahem. *hey- want.' ern, tut mtlhl not set them oil fire 1h1 e other made sloe end his wife kill.' fire d mererely wounded four others, and not warrior got nearer 4 hon ten fret It was drapl•rad M4 a ale a charge. Al twin - .w n 1 he in.l one had sighted Prater'. limn nearing lap. And they merle home get wifely away, tearing off the w0gn 1, buil leaving their dead. An hour later r murales were at nand, end when w• ened the doer *n *11.01*, ,de's wife mat ours and buried her fare in her handeand 1.he1 like a child. She was a heroine, /t ■ unman oto„. *11. (:enpral ('u*ter m elf .t..,l Iesl.le A••r tarn rota. finally key op. and w aping ewer the Inst of her arm .h.• held out her nand and amid• 'lirneralvI've been showing your brays w to kill Inalfanl lent 1 11 tun 0rer the mated to you now and look otter Jot's art. M. fJsi a. 5g •tart art we mad Vi bay e he to ut ut et lc re a. as alt 041 w rel le h- le 'r 1e• el 14. st 1, la' 1s .1 d u Y K i 1 • 1 tan cyst h AMID CALL x x $EE 0116 NICE BICE Laes'Fur Capes sr can sad examine goods and prices. C. R. SHANE ft CO., Mole.a's Klock- Color. +Li care oad Yosttrealat. 50,000 Envelopes 4', P011 of ¶riUn Paper 1 have ova purchased the above large , uentitios and •m e I prepared to otter to the public the highest grade of Paper and En velum,* at Prom unheard ut before in (;od•r*ch. EPECJALTIES TINE TABLiTS My stock of Blank Books, Office and School Supplies is COMPLETE. The Poplar Book S1OF, D. B. CALBICE., tMehw urea hese.. and Pboer booth - A TRAVELER'S TALE. The drummer 6:441 finished a sou.•s hat .tart ltug story- of nob .411111*r ill the west .1114 wen. feeling', pretty sure that n..bd else in the smoking ulmlaartmen? road. ,•••pl.•r h,. a,., when :a white-haired mate, 1ao h bout been a shirrt li+tetarr. ideated his throat 111 that nn,.ms•in1451) suggestive wu3 people have, ahrt, they are about to Intik, it -ar,-h ''r (,)115 •r.*. At length 1•:rer)-1511 l.a.1...i at three hitt. haired Ma and hr accepted it m. An Alt 111116111 to pmt .eel a 1111 hi. remark,. which he dol. "1 Ana not quite A. •d.1 as my white hair might lead you I..app•.e•," he said, "and id 111 1 Am p4.t "Maybe it wits early piety:" enggn.teal the •bon nier. ' Handy.- .nailed the %tors• teller: "on the COM nary...lack .41 It wits the indir-,t rxuw, \WIe1. 1 ours. about t), my father wanted me to go tato buss ness. lint th*t 01101 nut 1* m) taitr. a- hr haul et uuumy egh r.. pet me Itr, is idl.•u.•ss 1 W.I..a fxst y"tutu limn. and .11l4.1- IA. three had u1111rrnk., (he oh' gentleman wive me two thousand dull:.r.ared sent one to I'hinn to look sifter rami. teaanterr.ts he hail there1 nhjrs teil. bap he solid it was that lar *10 re goon* ). sold 1 went to 1'hii** I rather likedit after 1 god there. anti 1 proceeded 1.. spread. said-preolling taking lair, At last. IMO that port of the country w here as foreigner I.as *l•111.11 o w hAleter 11••x•1 managed to provoke the wrath of nn,:see r .a nn•rclants And the tint thing I knew. 1 tona** l .y*•I( in I.ris•u a Ith the atgreeaabl•• information a.t.t.•ol *1124* 1 was a %per and I was t., lerter`tih•.l ..,rile timewithin A month. Trier, Were no ,other foreigner. in the 1,10•1. at the time of mt- in,ar,, *14* ,1n. And if any 14111e rate: 1 was locked lap. I lout 1.o m.241.. .1 knowing it. i or coin ii r,at I lig'Wtt)* t The prison W14•one 1method. a ,.',II -,r one tin, method of pun ishnlent +t,11 11.,,rr so. The 61101141K cum •0•111•11 of 4'w-11 1"4%rr. over :rluredrel (art in height. e•rbneetel at the top by A11 Open a Ieker work toured bridge of Iwrulrm,, aloha 45*.0ts•Iltr feet in 11,gth This bri.'g.•. a. 1-11hs.•r4112nll' had realm to 1.111112 w la1 a sen., of trap door.. each one connected by orale w tthone0( the tower.. Beneath it ,1n the genind was a, neigh .Ion• Iuavenlellt, connecting the tower.. and $ftt feet in width, shat being the width of t h.• towers. K.•attcrell nl.lnt over this pavement were iron nod bombes) spike., varying in height front a foot to twenty fret. Senile of these were WWIIrowdier.rlo a rowdier. end other. Item a dozen or more (ret aper, and I prr.urne therewere thirty of them in 311. Into lhe cell ,i* nom in which 1 was placed• were fifteen malefactors, all of whore were timer vett• teteof death• and i confess that my stir n ling. were any thim/ lett what I about.' have 4'6.s•n for my self, if I had b.r'i rota - milted i*4 the matter. The next day. 1 had what was .alba* a trial, ani 1erh*p. it was, 1 was not present. awl it may have been exactly a. represented. In *lay Prem.1 waw informed that it hail goneagainst 0w andmy lifemust pay the forfeit This n in •, formation did '4 herr ii,•heeriuv effect • •� . rk.n le also 1 41N1 omen a ✓ eel lay std .4x14 Al home. "1 tried 11i get wool nut to my friend* In Cowden, hit every effort failed. and at.w last I gave ,t lap and tirinled *o mart my fate the lest way 1 could. 1 had been "hilt lap onewest when my felIow male- fintors std tit) +elf wrrr sold that our turn had come to take daily exercise. though whyvieneeded b• Improve our health I onld not w• and that the next ntng at solid....we would he token for a prome- nade I was in to promenading humor n" the next 'Hung. hill after ono or two prods with A .hbamboo arplamb%pike 1 thonght / might Ir in need of it, *el 1 morn off In NIIIgIP file with the other.. We were taken up to the top of the tower to a Minn open- ing 00* on the bridge: *n1 then we were in.troctd to walk abut mix feet apart., and one bey one we p•terd nit nn to the bridge 1 was the fifth mon rant, and when i stepped into the clear sunshine of a h*as- tsftil•line mnrnlnn and looked over the low railing .loon omen• glorion* impasse elf hill and rale stretehiug away for miles, and the fresh, mol air, I diem% n *hawk I could have bed hehtdlsades to D Our . . . . New Quarters The nearer we conte to the time for moving into our New Store N1e anxious we are to see our $to,•k retimatil to as small dimensions as poem We have Tet several weeks before moving and during these few weeks should look through our Stock of lIry (;ods. 111 fact, eserythiug is marked down Ilealenlmer, we are asking you to look *1 a Stock which is not only I of11-reo l at SWEEPING REDUCTIONS, but which is thoroughly aslwrtel with the newest Goode of the season. W cordially int ite the inspection of our stock of 1 )ry (.foods. Inspect our Wool Blankets inspect our lied t'otuforta inspect Grey Flannels inspect our Flannelette•s inspect our Niro'. Over Shirts 1'nleroear inspect our ladies I ndrrwrar We in% itr you to inspect ey line of goons in our store and compare prices. ROBINSON'S - REMOVAL - 3 L We're after you for your Shoe trade. We want your trade, yo relatives' trade, your friends' trade, and we'll make it pa you to buy your Shoes from us. Compare our prices wi what you have been paying. Leash,. Padded Felt Slipper.. Fell Sol. S .75. Felt, Leather h'oxed Gaiters, 1.00. American hid, Button Tipped. 1,00. Genuine )on alt Patent TI F Buttoned, ItS. Misses' Polished 1 La f Laced, 1 1o t Y 3 Child's Heavy loaded Boots, Rivett4'd Solea, .50. " Best l\elt Ulrr*thoesi, 6 to 10, ,75. " Overstocking% and Rubber. combined. .73. Boys' Handl Pl'gg..l Bak, .95. Youths' Hand Pegged Bal., ,75, Men• Heavy Boots, Bellow. Tongue. .73. Men's Pegged Sok, Slli/l Leather, 1.00. Mens Seamless (:si}er•. 1.00. Prires do the selling here --we just fit them and tie them up. Every pair guaranteed No. 1 quality, and if they rip we sew them free. Custom work and repairing our forte. E. B. POLLOCK, The Nes. Shoe Stet.. •• 3:I alp. 11*It the pr,Npe•t wog. •0141- .11-121 .I1.tnrlr.land 1 soon hast ,041446o11 tt. Ihi',k;iss,ut ..mlethiug el.e 11 -leu 1 Ilad 1t e1. 1.1411 across I lie and :a o L. 1. behind rn•- *1414 1.+,ling amain.' I saw rile roan next sifter the throw up hi. hand. laud a Ith A ...nolo .Iraq, .ndalruly 1 the heeler, sod A. suddenly the trap eloped) and there '.... n4 diva of it. Tllr I;4' stir was !at rarruw that 1 ovoid not help hooking over the rail, and whirling thmlegh the air 1 naw the malefactor head el fon that anon, pavement. with ,1s accompany tug spike.. Then 1 tried to look 1Way stied could not, and with * thrid he hit the .4.1w. 4,.rm1.•1 n144. *1141 lay still 11.• had been fortunatc•rt,ough to Mi.. ea -pike 1.•1,.d. during this terrible ni.uarnt the pro ettat a dontit2.e', and just aThr Maui Ituuleliately tan front of *n1 KA. alaolt i•, step tor•• the tow,r from, the bridge I bean) that ominous click again. the man •i.appearel, and AP 1 stele pied 4)R the bridge 1 caught A glimpse of him Whirling through the 4110 Gentle - Melt runt 1 the .tor) 1011,'r taking a Ionia breath. "1 don't think it i. necessary fur me to tell you at Iva. a relief to taw to get OR 1(,,,l infernal bridge The dr'noner assured hunt that it was not, and told hon to g,1 on with the story \Wbru w.• got 154.4 to our quarters," he continued. ' I had the most utter dietaste for exercise I ever had in my life, and would have Igen glad to have become a tramp anal staid our. My fellow prisoners wen' of the lowest type of natives, anti to their Abject stolidity. appeared to take this kind of thing as * natter of course. For the remainder 4,f the day- I tried to think of something rise. but 44mIdn't, and the night Wan simplc one limitlew pantile. for an infinite herd of nightmares At sunrise we were called t,1 pnunenade again, and 1 don't know how I ever got lap the courage to try- is again, unless it w -as that floe other.. sal Inw sal atupid A. tMywere. tailored no. with rvmanilltee That nerved Me. And I thought 1 would show them that the foreign.1'.g had n- nnlrh connote as any of themten this promenade. not a trip was. sprung, And I began to feel let ter, though just why. 1.. and wa1 not then. clear h. mw. The *.•v morning 1 elle ne brave a. any of th••n and went forth to the promenade of drarh with a smile on my fare. It all went, though, when i heard that click sgain and 1 saw 1 man go Whirling down and strike on one of the hieheset spike.. below it bent beneath he. weight. and he clutched at it nom, Inst I fancy alter (*Ming that far it didn't make much difference whether a man Ilt on a spike or a loud of roar, it did make m difference though to the spectator, and 1 *homld have rnllapsel and dmpprd to the floor it the instinctive fear of that trap opening under mm hod net kept me lap Aa it wit, 1 managed 1ti finish my journey and as 1 stepped into the tower i fell In ■ demi faint, 1 presume three must have been dropped on thy, trap. for then were rally ten of ns at the next roll toll. Well, day •ft.r day this 'ireadful drain ere - tinned• until on the final morning i wen: forth alone. And as ,*range an ft may mem to you, gentlemen, 1 felt w fert(t1A, 1 had roe previously etleriened i knew that 1 51411114 not he ferrel to bear that terrible elirk, nor see • body whirling through %parr below n,., and 1 knew that this wa 10 h. 1he haat of th• awful promenade. tor fit were to be prolonged, that 1 wee not to bare dsrlmpaniindllp, mod when the end rang, It would mere qui •kly With We feeling, then, i stopped upon the I�bnd Whiegua m the walk with otj bills Mr a l'"'/61 lay• , ,o..' or 15;.. 1 telt a t rap move tndrF lar feet, anal 1 shut ,tray eyes and nerved nit self for the plunge, Inst It did not tome. and 1 gawsl.l into the tower '.f,(l, hot with a feeling rather ofdieap' ',ointment than otherwise. for 1 knew that to np.rrow would contr. ant Other t44 -mor - now.. making the ;Marry greater by Ietrre(hlug It But it wa. ort to be. for when 1 had passel into the tower I was conducted to A11 official'. rain. where I wax givens the only deerit mewl I had eaten situ, nay arrest. And that was had enough; no- wrrr restored to m4', and 1 was given :w .wort and sue horn to 'slake my- self scarce in How 1 got oat i don't know .\11 1 know- ,.that two weeks later I waked lap in a missionary . I sr, and w hen they let lar 1..' at myself in • mir- ror my hair 014. 24. %"1 our It now. • \laatths nftrrwvrl..•' concluded the stun teller "d 'earned that the whole thing was a job pet up o11 m4' by my tea trade enenie., and that they rarer bad any Well of killing me. lap they did want to teach 111.' A Irms'tu ,n the• trade ethic* of the interior. and glee me a gentle hint *1.14 to 1me.tpw•'al lhrlr territory again." -And did yen'" inquired the drummer with holed breath 'Would you,' eis.pntnled the white haired roan. And the drummer said he would. road the white haired man end bi ansa falsifier and ,:am. (urs4'hicago, and everybody in the comportment seconded the motion \\- .l f.tan,p'un. LEEBUNN Tes..nay, Jan, 15. Mary /.ellard has hese riming at Look- aow. James Hogle enjoyed • pleasant transient visit te Belfast the week. The annualoseges,•tWaal ung of the Preebyterna okareh will be bold es Moeday tossing of art week at 7..30 e - cleck r g. N inter has at Inst &pe•nred, .svrriag Mother Firth with • downy ble.ket et pure white scow, which will remain ental old Borne blows it sway or old Sol gets warm enough to malt it. The 1. (f, 4.. T. social has a fair attced- 000. Among the feces mew to theben audience when appeared nal the p orui were Mines May (.ordos rod Pally Hay - dos, of Mbeppordt.a, tech of when regeder- ed a recitati.e sad was well received. Most termer members of els merit sedge, whin we regret has lately given .p •t the Port, assisted with the Ise, which was stirriag asd earned, wile rssitatlons, readier end iestretneental neon by a quartette of our ors ledge- This lodge rave two Cotenant, dialogues -"The Rival Orators" y H. A. sod Herres Her- ne, sod "The Ilisadersood Mede' by Min Rdith Herta and M. R. Williams. lath dialogues were gives in goad fern and kept the amdirmse it rears of laughter fres hogneeleg to sed. The word ninon will est be forgioa after Ito dee expls.stin. ad Anal preysehea y she tooih.ame. dough - mend by the s�irrtaew stslwts la tothe dun 71 rho Jobe Lomesa. W. vdrr.. ikrdmbu a .C. T. ably H.rall One elf Malmo fl. A. Moiler r•••• roue arm. whit m visiting with 4Y p•ewu at William 111511'•, bed IM .M es interim I hrm• m11twbM lass te ger as of the 1•g bribes, at the Mie s at10• sleigh me whish be wee btmgima ng up mod •.kilter hi• leg beb.w N ad a beard fame. MedMJ sA wooed eon . -awed dad he le &dog as wall a eemM he gapgent Signal + Subscript 1110114 ,1110114 CASH IN ADVAN L\ TN@ POLICY for I'ORTY-SEVENTH YE. THE DOINGS AT OTTAWA WkfatlsGoing on at the Capita tell seedy ger a t. ■1 alrlelee Tb Liberals bee [.try elates a Te•*r *1d. ts•ege Lae seedier. and ■.n.p. lists Taw Ib.e1.. teaser. Toss *Wan Corre,pesdeso.. IT1'AWA, Jan. IJt6 fhn yuestiol we are meet arrested in pet now m, " al' we ready for • ga.r*1 'locum Have w completed our organlratla and at a mo meat a mottos are we prepared to go au theht' W • 4'l W. have right till R side, bw our experience of t .e past holds out bah little eaeeursgeseot un the score males our weapons and 010010oa• of war are 11 order. The Cabinet at the present moment an divided on the question of • dissolution, but everything polite to • general •leetloo be fore I'arliammt meets again Of courier et is the object •f the I:everomest to throw m of our guard and spring the elections upon the county before we oma oonlplet• our of genl/atton •ad Ext our even on the field. I to not delay .me moment to nomtaating your candidate I4cide •1 once who be is to be 2.d l beeR 0 into the work with • de ter mia*ttoo to • ID. iro mot commit the fatal mute e In thinking It r to be • walk •over lur the Lib- eral party this tame, ate*. though our pros- pects never appeared brighter. Remember that every ten votes you take from the Cos- eervotese asd add to the liberal side makes • difference of 20 in the I:esaervouv. awyttity. F:vtry vote somata. One vote in tea 4o.Nituescies magbt turn the ma•enty •ith•r ..y. 1 o2. have bees bib floe the battles of sour party for 16 year* in hard lack l ou h*ve sot ugly bees Salome the Government mad the treasury chest but you have been fight- ing the governmat contractor, the spoon- fed manufooturor, end m,.n•peh•t , you have been fighting the bug railway corpora. Ilona : every possible appal to seemliest has been rallied •g•in•t you, yet is ld'J1, si- ter the elem:t•o.• were over, the I Mieer,.- tives had only a majority of 2.5 when tee How met. nurture votes then a the House would base wiped out that ma tor The Liberal', of coarse, loot ground in the bye elections, for the Government were able to buy up constituency after constituency as the Wartime came on. If, with all the odds *Retest us to Ira1 we mole such • capital abowtiw bow much more encouraging do we find the coodlteoa of affairs is the country today for our success. Rut we meet work. Possibly 1 am an enthusiast, ood if 1 *m 11 It on account of the strong councilmen that nave been engendered an me by • long residence at the sat of government when we have as opportunity of 10owag mon about what 41 going on than these wbo have to form their catechismal' mainly from what tt•y read. The labors' party do sot wish von to ac - sept what they tell you without looking for further evidence for yourselves. They state their erose and 111 you where you will find the evident* for yourselves In proof of the charges they make. You will soon be ailed upon to render your verdict. Are you satisfied with their senesce, or do you find the I;overnment guilty ' Have you studied the iadlctmeat ageis•t them' Has your ('oseerrouve Government kept faith with you' is their record • clean me • If it is, why did they 111 Sir !lector lenient to step 1 ose aide until the storm blew over Why did they and Hon. Thos McGreevy. M. P.. the president of their associative, 1 jail' Weirs they t'x*rdisg your interests or their own wham they 1*, eros..d your taxation 64 per cent. and your maltose! liabilities 83 per cast 11'• will ay methane of Goyernmat ose• tracts throerh which you have been robbed of minims of dollars by .,as like ('abutter '1t. Louie, who told the oommittee Isar see - Mon that he destroyed hie book. Mosses he did not wish the country to use how much he had paid for Mentos purposes 1 sa aro shortly 1 Ie aced 1 choose be- twtes the party whoa only claim to your eseideses a the blank record, asd *11 who are pledged to the lowest pnaible d of t►xahea , whose 17� per et. tari i was rand to a 36 per Dant tariff by the present Government the mWmaat they secured co.• trey of the treasury bombes It is between thins two parties you hays sow 1 decide. It is tber•fornneeseaty for Open shado- ws honest government to get reedy of ase for the meting battle. Von have right a your side. tied you have the majority el the people with you now. Rat you mud hear is mind that the past has told u that there is • vary Inge purchasable woes rmosg the electorate and such se it is to be ras'ysudd the feet remains Then is somber element of the electorate wbe fully r•eegsiee the ourropi term) of Government we aro living used.., let they, after a many reverses, are discouraged from making ay farther attempt to mean hent goverment sad hove •hsadsmed all hope dleledgleg the preen( (3...emmat from their present streagbeid is whish they have atressbad themselves, sad made thorniness seen with your nen. it is them people Tee barm to talk with and a- .o.rage te meowed •forts, far it is Nat vete you must neat epee to .Net the ehas.hie VMS the Goverment le haemo M sse.r. noire m • little matter 1 would like is dr.w your attesti.0 to, sad, after nksisg fasts, I will lave it te your judgmemt whether is w h e regarded a as wwwr�Qa�a�u, .4 str g ie .s guilt~beety or *s aluminise of gig the 17th .f May, Air . Jens Th.npw anneme.d the nth of the late Jean Harms. Y P., who soli le the Roar as r'epeesein tare .f Quinn Week Oe the 14th d Joy, awe m table i.4.r Mr. Lauder .tab been hie eon l• j1.ilenj and glld the