HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-17, Page 7ALL 1 ASK. Tbvungl cot the Jay In ...soles tldl 1 pied, like some ,s*cblae. £d la the eaty'. mad turmoil My faxulllee demean. My hotter self le fay &hurt Tine Nrsltlg,rt m) hese'. That'. wk) the nolo I dearly lee, Few l can read in bed. No high -be. \rd chair of mid dr.lgr. I. g..el enough fur nes., Yoe wide-olmhad Illerl, 1 pito.. I r.a Itamprrlu i • h,I br. quite free. In pillow ed ea.* 1 fain would lie Hy grave Immortal. led, To morrow . h.wrfully 1 dlr. T..-ulghl 1 read to lead. At midnight, Mlsaleeprar. a1 m) telt, l'enatete. to to) .01e. .\Ind 4'hark) Lamb ie n howl .aa w) urrk, Through w+ .nal r..u- realms 1 glide. With (roods b►. , 4...r t.. have at w 111. Though po...rd. 1.. use not dead, Irl hying 1r/. -w.1. dewrt me still Ear I tali read 1u Ievl. The golden gift of I) r,, oittg, The fa. tilt) d).11.e. Ib other fellow. ma) belong, (law' they arc lee 11144,.•; Hut Inn, 1144' garden of the stele 'rblr 4a'Iret fluarr uul+preanal, 1 1.111.1. toward toe r. it 11.11•, Fur 1 eau re -a.1 lis ta•.I. ,\bel when, br)o11d the,, dde11 •fair, St. (*etre. ante 1 brunt, .11144 nm penal nod to declare The 11411.1 11.411 1 nr.N want, • hefty nwturA,. pal r•Du.,l, ('II w.'k 1'11 w) 111.1.-41.1. ' .414 r due 4, oily I hill duce not ruin.. .4 hal 1.•l me eras In head." THE HAUNTED GLEN. air alar afternoon iu the sttrnnu•r of - . tea., 44,444, 4rrr .rated On a large nock cmc ofthe ..,,a1ler ravine, 4hat opened to hat i, uuw t.now n A•Ilownllda 4i peri. t that flute all u( the „elm ry fnune'rte- .urro,nu(iug the glen 1001. n %'Ill, uu- .lru a1i.lenn,•„r. tuwrndn wa+ Un - ROA u..lud the then uq; tutu 1lret now , reruns (.1 14 bank. .4 the 4'*4tAra tigu' re"illy u Is.,•abilit) of the future. Tbr two men in ym,t10n were dt.cu..ing • e• aloviwb/l,ty of camping for the night the ravine. There was • brawl. .be11. ke n-• k Jutting tint fr.,ma ou..i.lr of (lin esu tial teene pilaw*. f.hr(4I'I' overhead. el underneath ata roof like. projection ,u an accumulation of dry leaves that until make Au 111r011lg bed for their' ren' 'min Ali that was mrelel to' 41ke it a toeel prutrcti.uu again.% wind d weather wae a few thick brenehr, la•,.lue'k til rho.• rep the "lien nide. how' i'.' ,.w,II .ear urr.4. MAI wIu•n itwan ratty thatched. they hail a romutuctiuus Irl w-, it + t1 1 b to Ill night pe the gh "1 tell ye what, .Il,,,." .1041 the younger r, "thin Ir -A1.4 auytuiug I've ',truck ter r*.upin' pier. "Yea,- replied his comp•niou, as he eur- 4)nl the plane entice/oily in the dr.•Iwn- twilight, "tkhc 1s a good "u,r. 1 hry n 41muu' ..orae and ..van a heap o' tiepin'. but LI never ..vel a • lint *rail to tie up infer a night nor (hip oma,'' heti alt.,' .411.411,..,' .Ur.4..% 014(1* premium, added; "Yr know, liana. the $ibis ysthat God %eu•b.-, th' .perrer. an' 1 ink he just forgot about the binds v1' Nig "Mohler." said Hank 4 tonight fully. -Any- ay. Anyay, here ear are. are here '4, 11 .hay." A. it we. uuw betting quite dark. they eked up their small brlougiuge. 444,4.14. th their rtt14 ., they carried into 4 w quarter., and lying fluwu uu the fes lied, were weal (Amt asleep. It was a perfect sunrtnrr (tight Nuso,ual e the sallow.. except the- t.ukhrog of .asteria. it leapnl .tow,, the nock Int- -of the glen outside. or the ill y 01 a 1*1o441 perched u(.m n drat loon - •k that bu•,g "ter the ratim. Far up ro•agh the tree- top. the 'tar. were whin - g lis the clear blue -atilt. On the vireo( nude of the revue, directly pp,eite the placer ex, opted by the hunters, 'lid wall of rock, nearly eniooth front to summit. nears( itself more than OO feet high. .t bout two -(hints ..f the ay trona the bottom was w narrow ledge, ve which appear..) a .lark ,•*wiry in the of the wall. It on. the name .Ire and pe as the Targe flat rock which the waters hal seated tbrn/wlwrn when they reentered the glen. When or haw the k had become (leeched and thrown Own wan 44 mystery belonging to the t, but its further petition wan monks ale); preen' by that .lark cavity, from bleb a blackened ream or !insure nu up the sop of the cliff. The full, routed moou climbed up the tern sky and threw A fl.swlolailrerlight own into the ravine The lofty wall op - ate when. the hunter. lay asleep was 11- uminatrd s0 that every point'towsd out in tall. it wan a ,.ewer of imlrsr•rihable rwndenr thus test in the nlidstof a mighty crest, whore interlaced branches excluded moomleane from the ground beneath. neath their leafy canopy the .40041and isles were cold and dim, like 1101110 cam athedral. Only the west wall of the ra- in. was bathed in liquid light that fell ver the tre.•tope. A thin, translucid *nose from the glen that seemed to nab the tinkling waterfall. The enamel had teamed fu plaintive cry, red no 'mond disturbed the Mapping hoes Soddenly, a prolonged hiond- urdling ,cream pierced the midnight ill..•., followed by horrible laughter. It woke the hunterw, who grasped (bei r rine* ad sought through the interstice's of their better to learn the cause. They closely anned the surrounding's, but without omens, until the older one happened to k at the opposite wall. There • sight met his gaze that para- yted him with fear. and for • time die- ted him of Ma speech Then he ('Mtched U companion by the arm and pointed up the cavity in the rock. In it stood the Ian bony figure of a woman. (ler long air, white as anow, fell ,town over her otldere, round which wee drawn 11lottl44 of a blanket, apparently her only gar eat. The hollow eyes glowed like ball. fire, and ber haggard featnt'ei looked loudly In the moonlight that threw the gen into relief against the dark back- und of the opening Scarcely had the angers caught sight of her, when 'the gave other prolonged .cream and sank frost w. How such a thing could occur in (bat lace, was a startling question, for no bu- n beIag could by any possibility wale perpendicular wall. "My (.call Hank, `• • Went," said the old man, ea noon ea was able to speak "stove an you w it's • ha'mt," and homily ..enring r trap• they rushed out and down g len, felly par.uaded that they had • cheat, or, ea .nes fermi It, • Time was no move sleep for the. (Yat t. They towed a HUM elm mem the (mew this . sells ter lite Mass et tos.,t htgbt. and guhhrrlrg a queer el brushwood. boat s resets' flies sad is Me Male et )4 tend gall to Wain ha. mram�. wppeasuses el the upped - that h•ddrives thaw trees aYllergies. ..setae. Miers .g downed end TIM SIGNAL: GODEltIOH. OPIT', TH'UMIDAY, JAN.• /I, IUM. 7 fouua •bear ow nearer to the solution of :he mcetrry. !Instil) cooking their break. (aN over the "x nits ember.. they J,truhiered their ri a and .truck into the Two year* later they had mutation to usher.e that slue .retlon, and as the elle..• of their ,urtlutgbt .carr had lung aunts .4.1na 01, thin decided to utrup) yuartrn for the night ler tbt liengslig reek 1u 11M ruse Yr They found the old place unmulrrted.ex- e•pt oleo time had waltered and tripped the leave. front the branch.•., with whi. 41 ,hey had wrcarefiiIly cher) the opening. 1ithrrwter of appeared as the) hail left it 011 the night til lit Ir haat) rx.aln.. Involuntarily they rant einem, upward al the opeuiug in the wall, a.. tbo.tlfb half "vie cited to sora the object of their funnel fright. 'then they ,.rt to work to thatch t he place with new lough.. '- "('slut 1.04114)- prulwblr th' beth'. lave herr all 11, t One.' .411d Ilaunk. a.. he de•slrr,u.ly lopge.d th44 brnllrhe. to Iteake them h,) cLore (444rilrer. 'Ne. 'maul likely." replied his 11"t1rah inn: and w II II Iii, h0 of 4•.444,4)141 4041 they ,vwwiel 1n and went to .loop. Nothing occurred daring the night t.. 4)141141, floor ',aunt ben., and they 4444„4e n• (0.'4,,.l al day break, III:nIP 11.0.11 break fit.. 4/ Irn.ilel Iru1wa1 1111.1 +darted out to sex pl..re the uuu,e•r,u. ratite.. Near tb.- loore cowl of the Maus glen the walls grmilutily .loped tluwII nhnta.t lis 64 level web ihr stream. ..u.4 terminal.- on the 1.11.ide• at .4 pert, % IntIPl.w':ul.•. 11,61,' the bruit. make. a rapid descent to tl,r of the !tillatnl lone, 71..•11 lis the 1aree, 1trrant that „sari. Ihrongh the valley, After they lied .urveyld the 1ur.-ly land reeve to their sat ,sfart to, . they 44 -turned WWI lit uch.d at tile old ramp 'I'belr ruu- *erwt4.,u happening to turn 411101 iIll' w ittgular roututa their tint night there, they deter ,liled to g.. up to the top ret tilt' wall, and ore if they ....,11 gain any 'int te the ut)..ter) '1911. mule ravine era. short. •Itb,. .h.lrp, upward •last, that after a heal l 11,,,1. brought them to 1141• tui on a level with the .11rroundiug colour). They wend carefully Wong the brink of the precipice ttut.1 they reached id point Ilei the opening. It wan. not to he ecru from when. they .tuul. but it waas ea.y to luau it. petition from then- .emit which wa1 to plana right eta the "ppeoite Male of the glen below. \ there Wits no v4.tble way t., reach the puce where t hey Wait wen thew onion, t les) were HIOrr 444114ll4'rtl 1I*Ql, ever that U woe a •'ha.mt. Nat oilier' that they weld Irani no more about it. they .t nark ae•ru'. the An do rvrtell the t1*1134'•1lowererr down. 411,4) In g annlnd a large on. that lay iu their path. were greatly a.tonishad at, the .ser.. 11 .. t u hole male) . a it.r .,t'A1 1 . "1 tell ye %chat." total .lin,. •'no, tree ever done all that. •that'.:, earl. or .441)441' (la.r,, rote uncovered when they gin out :iso' lei thea tree over ]lrhbv." replied the other. ' ''fray title, let . wet' what. in tier " 4'Ilmbu4dowel into he hole, they fouud, a sort of rove .,r I,*...+ayr Made b% a w'lde crevice that let 141 the •I),'.''1 I'41, '.ltb..,-1 44? That it communicated with wr11.1• other 11 •444•:111134 rhry bard isodoubt. pito-ea current ' of r.,i,l air was blowing through it. Not .1aniesto attempt it. pawgr w-ithout'a' light (or fear of falling into sitar pit, the) r*mu• tit, anal after a .hurt search fount some reotto n. knots 4hal woulduwake.nit 34,l. hm•hr.. Lighting two of theca, eau ae to port 011e against accident a caw one ehuuld I*•tou,r sex 1ll4gu l.hel. they entered the care. The pa..ageran nearly straight. dipping downward gradually as it rep prteerheb thy ravine. They had not ad .*1444..1 far when they caught a glimmer of daylight 114 the di.tanee and Minn rhry Warr .tlt4di ug in the opening exactly w here they hal Perm lite ''hit' There Win, 414 Il nt•41t Io n now a. W the way i1 w Lich it got there. but what or who it wits in that weird and lonely place :at mid night Was a query that vexed ihr mind. of the hunters without leaving them a plausible theory. Turning and noting ihr t14r ovrrldect, they row that it ex tended upward nearly- to the top of the ground. t tam or It -,arc wee open in the top for sonar distance end through it they saw the stars .hiniug at inal- day. It wee 4)444 in reality a cave. but rather a .ubterranenn gorge, who.e corning was table to tumble in some day ami leave it forever after expert'. Hrtlriine. the hunter% examined its In- terior more closely, and when nearly half way the. ngh, something white in the little alcove or hollow at one side attra•ted their attention. On a donee in.pction they were horrified to find that it Was a human .keletun. The grinning skull lay In ■ (Angina nisei of ,now•white halt, and near by was the remnant of an old blanket with • single healed moccasin beside it. The my.tery was .rived, and there was no lunger any doubt about the "ha'nt." Some aged agnaw presumably insane and wamlrring through the wood. had In sortie way got into the cave and died there- Her wild .rreema hal frightened the hunters at midnight from their lied under the hanging i'ork. And they were in all prob- ability the lav permute to Pee her alive. They speedily quitted the place, and that night their camp-nre burned brightly in • little hollow a long way from the (are. In the following spring the ,,hallow ground above the carr, becoming softened Iq the long accumulation of snow and rain, gave way and filled nip the cavern en efectlla ly that not a restage of it, except a narrow alto. remains; and of all the numerous visitor. that now wander up anal .down the lovely glen In summer, on pleasure tient, not One can point out the emit. where. ity that act of niton, the remains of the old squaw were buried. Odds .N find., Darius HyttampP4 In 4s. B.(' Introduced • eyetena 01 noweament and taxation of land. and made himself so ohnoxltaa by It hat hie was called Dar na the Trader. ON the 12.0440 midis which form the land girdle a China, 41,000 touch (tu.dan term tory, 4,4100 British territory, and only 400 French, while M0 may be described as doubtful. in Landon there in a manufactory In whkh every kind of rare or ancient coins &n mad.. and A eollector lifted not go out of the place It be wants to fill W cabinets with numtematie treasures tlaseekl.g tsa,•rwss.ssity. Finn Journalist -Lend me halt • dollar, will you) Second Joarnallt- (an't. First Journalist --What's the matter- broke? atterbroke? 8eeo.d Journalist -I should say se Wass them the Tea Comenemd.-te.- Judge. hha oho sIhula. Pelmets tette--1 believe the calomel ham erV.-Ny els.emt ed ..r eaetlps.y M lmeMiw4. Prime* t When i he WkUlg .Ilsat► I ism In tired.‘ NI tees .lntrei hero -mist USEFUL RECEIPTS.: Weeb base carefully ao oe not to break the skim, cook until tender, pare and oat ta- to diem Semen with salt ase pepper and • generous bit of butter, sur together until very bot, then serve A.derwoa Jelly Kull Use owe -hall cap of flour, one hall cup of sugar, uoe-ball tea- . p000ful .4 cream tarter and nee fourth teaalnar.lul til stela and two age. B.ke in u thin sheet and spread while warm earl j.hly . it De) be served with whipped cream. ('ream Spoilage take. Thus • familiar recipe to old housekeepers but is repeated for the benefit of hegi..nen I:reak two eggs into a cup and fill up with sweet cream, 11ea oup of sugar, ode sal • nail cups of (lour, two ts.upo,nlule of bakt•g powder. Tomato Jelly for Salad. I'eel and new eight medium steed tomatoes. X1.11 one gasrter of • box of gelatine in • quarter of • cup of water an add to tie tomato which has been rubbed through a strainer and sauna with p. pier and raft Pour ;mu • mould and set on tee to harden. N'hen cwld garnish with crisp lettuce tette:. ...d pour urea all • mayonnaise dressing. 4'•rrots and Beets. Scraps t*rrot., %Wilt and cut wad dice together elth an onion, put into a sauce -pan in boiling water and cook ulna tender ; drain and end set (dick. Have • past of boiling intik in •small e.uce•.o, m'err'y with alt and pepper ; rub together one teaspnmifal of Hour and caro of butter and stir into the boiling mak ; when it boats up pour over the carrots. rudeness. Apple (;ream. Boil whole apples until soft ; press through • sieve and add • geaeroue quantity of white butter and the Iuier of one km u. Beat ege whites to • stiff froth, add to the apples, heat all until white sod serve on glass dishes. Apple t'ompote. Roil one pert et *urn and two of water for • few minutes, then simmer In the syrup sm.:I apples, pared and c. real. When tender remote to • dish and boll the syrup down to one-third the original quantity. !'odor over the apples. Serve cold with cream. Apple t;agger. Roil to • thick syrup two porno's of white sugar with three half pinta of water, &aiding one ounoe of ginger as the syrup toile. I'ere, core and .ivartor two pounds of hard apples. Soak in cold water tine minutes then boil m the syrup until they aro transparent, cooking an gently tont they will not break. Remove the apple, to a deep disk sad pour over them the syrup. .\pple Slantoca Pudding. Dissolve four ofa wart of tablespoonfuls m Dloca ip • i water, aid on a farina kettle over the tire stir till it thickens. When it cools, .tor in two eggs beaten together with a tableepoon- tul of butte sweeten taste. lot e r an to h R bottom of • pudding duh place • layer of stewed &.d sweetened eighths of apples, Minor with 144)0011, pour over the maniocs and bake. Apple I'u,ldi•py No. I Cook a pant of opera l.diaa meal in two warts of rich milk till It uaackes. Take it from the tire, star In a quart of old "•alk, two-thirds of a cupful of auger, two teasp,00lul of white dour, a ',wart 0f bnely chopped tut apples and two tta.p.xnfuls of cinnemoa. l'our into a deep puddaay dish and bake slowly for three hours, stirring often during the tint hour. It is beet conked sitting In • .h How pan of water. serve with or with- out'quod sauce. Apple l'uddwg, No. 2. • I'eal. slice and stew on • little water tall soft enough to mash, six medium tart apples. Into the sauce which they teak. stir • large table- sp aonful of butter, three of sugar, and the Iu1ce and grated yellow red of • lemon. St r two table.peon(ula of flour into two cupfuls of grated bread crumbs, mit the with the apple., sod then stir in two well - beaten eggs. It tbe mixture IS too thick, add • few spa tofu'. of ,water. Tann Into a buttered puua,og dish and bake for forty minutes. serve with bard emacs. DAIRY NOTES. In Switzerland a milkmaid or man gets better wages if gifted with • good voice, because it hae bee' discovered that • cow will yield one tat mon milk if soothed dur- ing the process of milking by a pleasinc melody. It pays tr take extra pals to ret •1l the milk from cows at this season of the year. They need plenty of good food, too. A little carelessness an milking or in Needing has doomed the owner of • young sow thus treated to the penalty of keeping her three or four months for nothing every year all the remainder of her life. The young het fere testa are not lugs, and it is young heifers that are most apt to be neglect. The careless milker says that their milk does amount to enough te pay for clean milk- ing That u where such • sedan m*ke• • matake. Faapt�.. )'l,TaT"s. TO CO %.. - Tbe effect of feeding potatoes in a raw me- diae.' to rows that are milking, la jejuna's to the milk and the butter made from it, bet if Me potatoes are boiled •ltd then hal with rut hay or corp fodder and the allow - mos of meal then will be ill result. The raw much in the potatoes is not diges- tible 'had will canes diarrho a u the oar, with • fetid odor to the manure, and this bad odor is 'cued to some extant in the milk. Experiments i■ feeding pot•10.e to cows have shows that the yield of milk is increased somewhat, without and deteriora- tion in the quantity of fat in the milk. Whew potatoes are not saleble for more than 2S cents • bushel, it will pay to feed than to Dewe amid any other animal. But they 'Mould be boiled all own. ser the i.- aliga•tibility of the march will produoe diarrh.em \� rev Tug Burne T. airs Wn yg. Light has some effect on the color of butter, and in the Winter when dry feed u need, it ie Mill mon easily affected, and change. from • light strew to • dead white. when kept i. • dark plea. it is rho result of exposure totter air, which a the abase.. of 1vkt destroy the ookring matter N the butter. if the light Dolor ie uedi•inal& it will do no berm to am •little celeriac, dis- solving • email 'loos d us•tto in warm water (the aim of • pea M emisagb for giro '..eels of butter) amid aiding Ste the mem Men ehuraimg. Timothy hay wink.. whiter butter thee clover bey, we a little Dora meal added te the feed helps to give tb. honer • aim lesson yellow soler, thin being mew the meetler shade of cola. if the cream i eg to the light while it len the mink it amain. eelr, wino* len. tamed is the better. Thus. • (Wry nus should he well lighted_ Whooshes ate. Fe Waeepi.g sem* am, all theist alien time, .host IrenN.e eta, 'a Yel- low Oft is the bort mihrem over die - mimed. it prem.hiy relieves ied•ssma t.ey pew,sm J. end . hem whatever mese eelig !w faresUhrmers• I how d,.N.q at as .rt exhibit - tie. e11hK M• be logger W ads, blighat w . Irl Al IM fllMrl• tete WISE AND OTHERWISE. I'rovidewa as homer thea rest. It's easy to rob as seamed thea sone hears at. He who bath much pee may put the mon in the pet, litre wither mussel nor salt mail you we asked for at. Italia'. He who would lure • hare for breakfast must hunt erose pwbt. Oue eye"( the meter ma more than fair of the servants. 11.liea. He who manes a widow wall often heave • deed man's head th.owe eu, his duh "paplsh. TRUTH IN A NUTSHELL• A cult answer will kill where • club will dot. Culla the hands of on and if will cut your thrust. " Let him that thinketh he st•adeth take heed lest he fall. " A loafer in a church is sa useless as he u anywhere else, A man s generally lying when he tell you he is too poor to give. The devil will rue from the nuts who is n et afraid of the truth. If we keep praises &live there will be no lack of joy in the ha art. Some men are more apt to be c0ntr.Ced by prejudice thous by principle. Burdock rolls, small, safe and sure, re gulate the liver a1,.1 cure .00stip•tton. The sip that will keep you out of the Bade will keep you out of Heaves. 1)r. Low's i+foment Worn Syrup removes worms of .11 Made trum childreu or uiult/. No 4hrutan man cap think of failing nein he has stopped counting upon ,'od tar help. It s tetter to have grace enough to stand the thorn than to have the !hare takes away. 1 obscurity on earth wall not keep you from (meow a mansion near the throe. in Heaven. There .re people who w'ut religion, but they dont want enoagh to spoil then. for anything else. Norway l'ue Syrup cures coughs. Norway hate Syrup cures Itroeclntia. Norway tine Syrup heals the lungs. LINES OF INFORMATION. There are .11 matala. .enera has 250 .tmeri.ens. !:meta has 350,000 paupers. eye -anew may tax bicycles. steers do Mexico° ploughing. •lt'haleia,ne is counterfeited. Europe hae 47; ar lhthousee. Breslau hoe a truer chin oey. Trees are felled by electnctty. England has. lady bill porter. I rack Sam has 802 lighthouses. The 1".r owns 100,000,000 scree. In London t ke is 50 .eau a 1.000. Boilers are cleaned by electricity. I'sgland boosts electrical bicycles. A reined retic contains 2,500 nee. A co-operators railroad u prelecte,l. I /mono sell by the quart at H.u.ton. London will hare • 1.150 foot tower. \Vaterpreof paper has been invented. Greeks are the principal aposee fishers. A Parts clock uendalum is i feet .nag, Our telegraph hoes stretch .210,000 miles. A New York girl has a $20,000 doll- house. Chicago is to have a hotel with 6,124 rooms. English typewriter girls are called typist/. That hacking cough can be .,wetly cured by Harvard's Pectoral I4&lsam. {'rice 251•. PERIODS OF INFECTIOUSNESS Smallpox. • Six weeks from the commence- ment of the disease, If every scab hos t.11eo off. Chickenpox. ---Three weeks after the com- mencement of the disease, if every scab has fallen off. Scarlet fever. Six weeks from the com- mencement of the dowse, if peskier has ceased, and there a po son nese. Diphtheria. Six weeks from the coca• menoement of the disease, if ton throat sad other sirs of the disease have disap• peered. Measles. -Throe weeks from the com- mencement of the de•ee,,t all rash and cough have ceased. Mumps. -Three weeks from the cap• me.oemeat of the disease, if all swelling Etas subsided. Typhus. -- Four weeks from commence- ment of the disease, if strength u re-estab- lished. Typhoid. Six weeks from that commence- ment of the disease, if strength is re-estab- lished. \Yhooping-Cough. --Six melte from the oommenoent of the theses., it all couch has caned. I'oder judicious treatment the period of infectiousness may be considerably shorten ed, but so child suffering as above should be admitted to .y school after • shorter period of absence, sad should be provided with • medical certificate that he or she is not liable to eomlmunicste the dee.... PECULIARITIES OF LOVE Not the real article when boo ussel(sb. Difficult to believe to whets you bewail it. The indestructible phaeton of the emo• time An advance lea. of Heaven •.d other places. Short to say, easy to writs, bard to .soaps' A mytary, whish none but • fool would seek to solve. A prise tea great either for man's earwax or enjoylment Strongest in the strong, but not always beet in t be geed. A tyrant whom caprices take no account of mien's dinette. A lottery wbieh award•a prile sed a pen .lty rolled k. ems, The wettest leveller, eteept death, el hears dleimesi•taa Mere earro i4 them any other mental amino • stoma vanity. l;'panwM M lm1•.y pprr gives tae w for fat Ise. thou .esaiiigWIOMelva tegod U b rice foga the .embed. aye gayeties ei peer . tea MOP 1&1.l. ANor l 0e4p dol __k are/b, long teeftsbis, eta, freg.ently Wow. Time i .e tamsey en yuseept, std M the erne Hos .Memel stdemonst, r i/flhgre'e Cod Lim ON I♦wntlen with Wid (may ed ipviit Ie tae Meet lad El esti ememmaye rose dam Males Dad p.a per heed. Sr GIRD LIFE. !co bird d prose he. the gift t4 song. The eimallset buarr.tng hard weighs t weety grate 111 all tropical countries the vulture s the Ytural eoa4Yger. All bard that bee on seeds are furnished with strot.g goa.4ids. Wild birds do not stns; more that. right ,r tau weeks l• the year. It a estlni•ted that one ',Tow will destroy 700,000 tweets every year. There are silty five *pedes d humming birds suun.er•ted by orglthohot ere. The wren often retakes • do: so 0eetslee - ing all but one uufiauhed and uasued. The birds of the South polar regions nu grate North iia the approach of %%' outer. The eyes .'f Mrde toot tly by aught are generally about double toe 5111 01 usy arcs. Vultures have no sense of smell. t'areasee kept out of thawed/111 aronec.r•detectcd by thew(. Na end female bird ever wogs during the period of incubation and rarely et other IMPS. Over 27,000 pounds' weight of edible birds' .este are annually (.upped from •lar• to t'hu,e. In Athens, 1J0 year. before Christ, a pair of pei:o:k• were vaned at 1,000 dn.:hotu, or •bout 1:50. . The 'nastiest erg as 'hat of 1.hit tiny %lexi- ca hammier bard. It is mer.e)y keret thee • pan • heel. The secretary hard on a• tacking venomous serpents use. our wing am a shield 41.1 the other as • chit. The stork hes been known to arch in the llama.* of a burning building rattler than to desert her young. The nIgl)ting.le a.w•v begins has song sooty, blows well trained orator, mei ,r.du- ally swells to a climax. The peacock i.-toutd in • wild state In ludas, teyIon, Jlad►garar and may cine para of -liken.' Atnea, swallows have been wet work at nes ..ver 1,0000 male, from I..ud. They were prubaWy driven 'front land by storms '('he roma to always the Icer /9rd 11 go to heti in the emoting. It" eyee a lad&, and u t44n see well by a dim'ght. The great pelacsn often has • w•,ng•epread rt tif:eeu tee:. The bird molt sometimes ..:reds twenty -ova pounds in %right. Ads lee da laded hle.sebeeper.. Deed be strata of hot water 144 washing di.hes And dirty household utensil'. se t e r icer are essentially greasy, ,.ukrw•rm water cannot posihiy have the effect of .leaning (Lem effectually. l), not 1r ober. also of t h Rwagand trawler the water ram -atonally. \;ou will thus save vuurself much time and lithos- in the hong run .Mier washing your dishes, wart) your dishpans with a tittle soap end water end *oda, aid ecru". them rtten. Wring :he dish cloth after washing 1t thnrnuehl), and wipe the pan. dry. The sink -brush and sink motet not 4.e neglected. I1,, not utrew anything but water (lo4D the sink, as the pipe is 'able to port choked, therei,y calico, expense and sone)sore /'lean your copper kettles with turpentine and tine brick du.t, rubbed on with • foam'. \\'ipe them w uh a clean, dry, soft cloth, and pial with a dry leather and powdered whitening. see that neither the .loth nor leather 1s greasy. Ib not scrub the inside of your frying -ten, e s, of or this operation, any preparatIou fried :s liable to •watch or burn on 14.e pal:. If the pan has become black Inside, rub it with a hard crust of bread and wash in 1401 water tweed with a little wile. Ateep, •'Sleep that kna• up the nulled wirer.•e et caro."- Sha►espeue We will here a Little talk about one of our great blessings who -1, 1 think often gee neglected when we count up our mercies. 1 allude to sleep Just think what sleep s to us : perhaps no one who hoe not lain for many hours, n ight after nicht, longing, tar, yet unable to obtain at, can possibly understand its value. Tnere to a p•mage in • german poem whicn lays that no one has ever thanked trod with his whole heart for earthly blessings, natal he has been deprived of sleep for • time, and at 'earth regained it. Think how much of our time to really devoted to It. i suppose moat people arrange for about eight hours, if they go to bed at ten they do not usually rise before six, if at t solve not before eight, that a one-third of the twenty-four hour., therefore • third of o4r laves, -too that • pantos who is sixty years of age may reckon that he or she has passed twenty years an sleep. This seems • startling tact, but fact it is, we are very apt to take our tune, as a mass, and not to an•lyi• it at all, but we surely lose much by so doing, we ere very likely in some degree to low much M too do- ing, we ere very likely in some degree to loss sight of Its valise. 1 have often thought that if, instead of our days constantly recur- ring by the same Dames week alter week, each one bore • fresh name, how differently we should look epos them. We should then feel as each one passed that it was really goes forever, that it oould not be m- eshed, could sot be returned ; and 1 think we should take ourselves to task mon severely as to how each out has been em- ployed. We should feel more certainly each eight that we had one day los to spend os earth than we had in the moralag. Now lot tin talk • little more of sloop, 1s it not • marvellous thing ; lope of our Father's vary best of earthly blessings ' What • oomfort;it le to the weary, to the anxious, to the rick. What • wonderful state at u ; almost the eembl•aoe of death ; u.coasoioaseem of whet is going on around us, and yet, generally the mind at work o* aluite • separate lies of idea.. S. I'ratedee. • Tose ruse Truitt Tell.. Co•etip•uoe, Headache, Bdliousneee and Bed Blond are promptly cured by Burdock Blood Bitten, which seta upon the stomach, liver, bowel, sad blood, curing all their diseases. 2w To.eled he M Resile.... An 0141 derby was out yesterday penes bolting the streets with a stock of (4.h for sale. 'Hen's your fine fah' said be. 'Buy from the old man who has no one in the world except Daae children.' A chord of sympathy is the hearts of ma•y was 100e11- 011 by the old nsem's plaint of lesltooss, sad M seen bad all W doh disposed d. Florida Tunes thein. lira Fer'a.a.. Ne 14 Aright street. Taranto, (Mt., wriest -Dr. I *Violative Syrup of To tine n without doubt • Leet wodafd remedy, end i feel Met it in slily right that I should let you know whin it hes deem few me the yogi walla. 1 5eiw•ed hen s. atm* al La grippe. waig\ wee tdbwd by ildsesm.- -- el the Iu.g•. sed • 114S toy 470011 1 employed • large 1.514.1 ell remeilim w1 .i reeeivhtg the Ina b.mrdt Ten 4..Y MOW e.1 year Ayres d Tv}•tsti.e owned we sew - owl, N1ab M tai we.derf.l . 1 sea yaw ns wen ma ages( le ever I wee i. say We. Paws gawp% tad smmnelld tseSkri.i11 b.. • postal per- 011111. People .1f 01((1) (at )\I MIl1N SENSE appreciate a good article tl...t iv honed-tiv \reit tiniate,l and up to 'Lit This explains 1i ' �vT;at success ,)f GRANBY RUBBERS THEY WFAt? LIKE IRON 20010110011100. 091.114•••••••••••11.11.091 mus can. uuunnusnsss uw elro• A1l:LGl�l��edes :Wet - The finest Rt'mt'tl�' is faire Ct:res t>LT�g Tth \\ orld for :all :W er- Colds, up or Lungs. _. urpentine lions l f the � i1 :' r & f0 .. Coughs, �✓ Lungs. -• Grippe, Croup, \t; hoopin; The demand for a pail and tub that can always Ue relied upon as handsome,cleanlyand indestructable has led to the matting FIBREWARE. It is as tight as a feather, as tight as a drum, and has no hoop: to rust or fall off. E. 11. EDDY'S INF BREWARE NEW BAKERY aonER,a„. COAL AND W000 Y11FCD. -CITY JOHN A. GREEN lets established a new Bakery and Con- fectionery Store on liatnilton-.t. in Barrie'' ofd stand, where he will keep (•Heedyuarters fcr •11 p rales 0f onatantly on hand everything in the line of tool Bread, Cake,. and Ysatry HARD, SOFT & BUCNSMITH COAL. of lest nuke. iwfge LOA%en At 14 ctn., Coal weighed on either mart," or MT Seabee. U.4 my Prices before nose else' ere. Special •t', -L:, -n ,;..sen to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. and .,,,wall i.o•ves at 1c. N o l'0111 sluice ; no retort ion , lout everything to suit the times and the pockets of the people. If you want Good Bread) and Cheap Bread leave your orders at the New !fakery, 081 Ilam,Ii1Wn Street. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Itre.11 delivered to all parts of the town. JOHN A. GREEN. The Old Reliable COAL Tanta 4 tan. Telep*me 4'emaeel5•. JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop. 11134 is. .11110111M� ArI ATENTS OAV[A QsNOpANNO PAe TJ .. pmetOHTti, ete- f1.e t si - rr�r natwfa•,••• • te WET Nt m ( 711 *.b.nwat, .4I sea here. i....n 5t.r r•f.*'' t b ta•ea Ir sense. h • agtr.se 0t'buiw r the tii,�M re.. f► f critxn s ALWAYS ON HANG.': ��e.mt $ r„;;' «" .at ahon14 tea .�h'•,, n. weNtr a ---- ��r sus nese ars. .t.= m roe. sus so e. s. r.xl NOW is the time to purchase your j , _ _ --_ )HART) COAL. The beat and only SCRANTON HARD COAL in this market supplied at current prices on shortestnotice. All Coal Weighed at the Mar- kets •- Wim. LEE Ogden Idt at LiIS • Lith$ 4tM'i prgesp y stasis* ten PATENTS ! CJW*TL TRW San all CSPIINIIT1 9itial ani sl1 inters/ is th tent (J owe d to reit Is motets dm U. t W IOW, w e sae .>,b•le ('atear 1. Mesa Iwo the..:.mote IIASHINS N. Seng MOD1111. OR DIA Mari; wwt. ed - Hee se d- Heese b t4Whdgbax • g I ,4t 8. Wierimagrasez. grs Myles rete o�enema a ismMMab or Owners s Oimosits• Pewee 0111enfirealsqtea a o.