HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-17, Page 6fillyAINS LAID_ AT REST raw Maly 'Or Kir Joh. Thompson Eu- tolarad ikt Httllhz. MAGNIFICENT BURIAL SEc meat Mie... Cemea med alae r rump hr ea Oea..eA NM he rr atm.n, red Ft .M a K• UWInge tee ear Uatikes ts_ tall Pests of W comma& commaasp reser led. 1 - HALty.tt, N. f1„ Jan 4.-A11 hotnaie that earth oat bestow has been t..id tut e mortal rw,uaiyl (atmeda'• late Prrnur ead t b"dy w+M lestamlay committee to Be ,rare the newt lees at St. Mary'. l'at bel rel dorm lir beard t Maly Impn•.arr over manor heard or Cha' and were a titti.g termBritain wider the held in Great e direction of queen ani Imperial Gotegsg...t The day was beati- tifully title. Mellifileletateryearly hour the principal choke,,, of the CI' 1 were tbr. ngwd with tele atrugghng to gain Paiute o1 vantage demi the route and it puri We W cattail" a view of the ;.rosy.. riots. The remains Were removed from the Legislative ('wuaall Chamber at .i o'th"-h and taken in • IttNwted coffin sleigh t . M Mary's Cathedral, where it t.:e. met h. Hee. 1►r Murphy and Father Moriority in ,rel.. and arm. Rev. Dr. Murphy real tie 'sal se. Yonne littadam. Deus. and auprrui teiulet Use Nadas et the easket on the catafalque, which lis playd just at the foot of t hr grrutd MOW at the cathedral Tb. item b watch ?roW &1111 to IRON w.ic kept by the priests o1 St. ) y's, Lady Thomp.om'e ?Lally and the chief mourners arrived at the cathedral at 11.:1 and were adlmNbed tit vygle • :, side chapel. I The party 111111111110111 Lady Thompson, lee two sons bald glealadatiaghters. John Pugh i Land t Tho eti Ch (Meter a of the Lade and his daughter. Igra. Ju., Chisholm pion 11: Sinter leu*. + Clarity Saler a.trr ret 11rlt l % D. Poirtigrr. sul.erin tendeut tel innid. I%r.-.1. 'art et And oe . at Lady Thomason; in St i11 all the G• hollc 0111ntigomier. Names and funeral eer-it•e t1 w -m conducted web gall splendour ort the Homan lliah.q. ('anieniu, of fib celebrant. and Arch bi•bop O'Brien. of Halifax. the pn•a•her They were a@sitad by a staff of de•aer.t.- and sub-deaooms. At ten i. elock lei. t;ru r .1r hb►atop O'Brien entree.' with h:- wiliater.aad took his ,.rat on the threw t THE SIGNAL : GODZBIQB, ONT.. THURSDAY. JAN 17, 1896. OWN Asaw.t.g Mils. A pews of eore guise* recently offered for the most •musing ball Ins beau awarded for the foltoweg specimen A sermon pulitiorao, lately ooademalae the I:oyerament for their retool policy, ose• corning the income Ms is reported to have ..id •' 'rb.y'h keep outuag the wool off the sheep that lays the video .g.( until they pump at dry Below ere wine of the best compositions Mut ea tatra:t from • speech mad. at • *.esti., to promote total abettors*, " The alert- ' one work will osier be acte.nph.hed until j the good skip '1'.utperaar shall sail trom one sad '.1 ib. Lod to the other, and with • cry of ' Victory "' at each sup she takes 111811 pleat her leader ea every city, town mad wattage In the Darted Klugdout. Au 'embitters in the midst of • tirade against landlords and capitalism, declared that if thew men were leaded on an nate h•tnted itis.1 they wuufae't be there hall •n hour before they would have them head. so .he pockets et 10e naked rvvagee. tiely • few weeks poo, • lecturer at • big meeting gave utterance to the following " Ail ahn.g the untreddest paths of the future we can me the hidden footprint• elan un - sem heed." e purree the shadow. the bubble hunts, and leases the ashes in our hands 1 •00 of the reg.lettoos of the %Vest I:u.toa Kreiger t'ompany reeds " And the said proprietors .hall meet an. D ually on the hrst 1 hureday in •Iuoe, prv- vided the same does not fall oo wnday. An orator et one of the university unions bore of the palm of merit when he declared that •' the British Iioo, whether it n roam - mg the deserts of Indra or c:tmb:ng the forests of t'uada, will out draw to its horns nor re: ire 1a10rt*esti" • s washes 4 'libber. Nlany years .Ko the husband of u nld lady died without making his will, for the want lit which necessary precaution au e state would hese passed away from hie widow had she nut resorted to the following expedient to .vert the loss of liet property Mae contested the death of her husband and prevailed oo an old attester, her neighbor, who was in person somewhat like the de mimed, to go to bed et her house and per- sonate ersonate him, in which character it was agreed Mat he should dictate • will leaving the widow the estate so euestioo. An attorney was sent to drew up the writings. The widow, who on his arnval appeared to great .tllrction over her good mane danger, began to ask questions of the pre- tended husband calculating to elicit the ao.wen.he etpeeted ad desired. The cobbler groaned aloud. and Medial as much like • person going to give up the ghost as possible, feebly answered " t Intend 10 leave you half my estate, and I think the p.r-r aid shoemaker who lives opp•aite is deserving the other half,for he has always teen • good neighbor.'. The widow was thunderstruck at receiy- log a reply so different from that which she expected, hut Man m negative the cobbler's will for fear of lcatog the whole of the property ; while the old rogue in bed. who was himself the poor old shoemaker Ityav opposite,. laughed in his sleeve, and divided with' her the traits of • project Um widow had intended for her sole benefit. fila s e a rwrpo.e, g man have • purpose 10 your heart. .New, .what is your purpose is life Is it that, under all circumstances you will do what you think is right. 1.r is it to become rich et the expense of prin.tpie and right. flee first purpose you should have w to oars or yourself. 1 oung men now • days don't on the gospel ads of the altar Ilishul Cameron with his attendant. .it on the ,'ald.tool near the epistle aide t the altar lrrhltlshop O'Brien preat•ht'.l an im pre.,sive sermon from the text : " Having then conversed with you from my mouth until this day, behold. herr 1 am. Speak .4 me Before the Lord and before Hie :.u..ipted, whether i hare taken any man', ex or rise, if I have wronged any man. if I h.ivt' oppressed any can. if I have taken a bribe at any man's band, and I will tie - epees it thl, day. and will teatime it to you. end they said : Thou has not wronged us .or ol.preaaed us, nor taken aught at any swan's hand." At the conclusion of the +ervice the twain was borne to the funeral car. stand ing at the main 'lathed ral entracte, 00 Spring Garden road. It w*. detilledly striking in appeaamser. The dark diapers hanging about the aides abnoat conte*lel the wheels of tie car. Thick tit .'l, dangled at the cora re and therich dr*per) was caught up with silver case In the centre of the car waa the bier, on orbleb the toff{n rested. and over all at a heiuh• of eoglit feet wase largo canopy. •nppertr.t on ',lumps orf black and silver, and sur ntounteil with pinnies and crown. Thr funeral cortege then proceeded to Holy Crum cemetery wren the interment tool place. The procession extended over a mil?, in iengtb. As tb• oortmee ninyed through the streets it was all [lost imposing ant' wonderful sight ever ed in Halifax, •ho and will iter be remembered by those «le th tow it. Bishop Cameron. of Artiguuiat* war aooducted the services at the grave. Af It took the proosesion half an hour t.. pd,. sid r given point It seas Ire minor., pa..? em 111100 when it start.dend liftmen minute. him past rine when 11 iusaks•d the cemetery- I ,11 There were 00 mat/lyes In the prucemion . the The arch at South Park street entrance t the the cemetery of the Holy CMOGS is 31i feet do high, and the design and work are very- 6e. neat. It is covered in black cloth and ib. pmeet% are let In, do gold, In moulding, fail Over the entr5•ee a the word "Pax" Ipe»cea The lot on which vault is situated le w*. crowded by m. ag's Boatmen! of KI r' `t axe with. fixed bayonets• Seven of the r,. lent lo nn police walked In the procession LordLordAberdeen walked atone, Immediate- ,,,h Iy after the chief mourners, followed by lir wax General rand ax TM pall -hearer. were the Caleietet Nw lnietewith the except inn of SirM.ckeseks Sewell. who f, T and ill. anti Meagre Caron aAnger., wh.e hu arenut in the slty. T'temaisr Howell del not et tend either weeks at cathedral .,r ate tuners!. being onme.td ole the home Ira venoms elekae. t tog .ad when the body is wrecked they hobble through life, making everybody about them memorable, Find out what diet best agrees with you, anti adhere to it. Daniel began by .bsteining ficin wine. This would be a good start for you, young mar. Next take care of your intellect. study, if you have intellect -there are some young men who dont know wl ether h y have any or not improve it. Many bard worked men have mewed profound education■ '.y beteg studious during small intervals of leisure. Get an hour a day, if you can get 00 more. Devote half 01 it to the study of the Bible, and divide the other thirty mea- nies, nay m y between astronomy, botany sad geology. Iio this one year and you will be .urpruied at what you haveaceompluhed. Then take care of your manners The manners of Canadians are degenerating There was a time when • young man would not offend a young lady by podia, cigar smoke into her fate. Now 1 see it done on the horse -oars every dor imitate the @wseteese 01 Denial. Be rabble. suave, 0ourteoue and kind. Never utter • Iboughrleu word that will pais. elanin life with the princip., "I'll be • gentleman, eaote what will. " A Sear In • Meek .f tee, " While at Birch 5'reek, in Alaska, said ,. Mr oberlander, 1 was informed of the discovery of • wonderful cave by • miner named Schumann. 1 was unable to visit the cave, which u located about forty miles ve M•eterdan I'reek . Schumann states at hu cave i. eighty feet in length. and des (rem four to seventy fest in width. ter satenng through • small aperture,the es of which ars composed of granite, one ergee into • solid ice chamber, from which g numerous stale -Mites, rliate,ing like ver. Schumann was surprised to find t them were a number of air currents In care, the source of which he could not termrne. At one side he found • black ✓ witting partly upright. The .irht of animas' shamed him greatly at first, bra ns ing to detect any sigof life, he ap- hed it mod found that the bear was red stiff in a block of ice. He took his sad chopped • pesos off the animal. king op porticoe h. found that it orumbl- e r his tomb. Sender eaves, some large, ors .mall, have been discovered shout rch ('reek." Estreosely fiswll. ho barber, who always dresses ladies' r at their homes, was staving • csatoner his shop, and, of courts, talking. ' 1 like this kind of work better than fix - the ladies' hair," be said. ►bemstivapbs is weriemoa. A curiwappleat'em et tits phonograph to watches has bun evade recently by • watohstrker at Gelite•a. Sw'ttm.rlasd, en whose repeatl.g +Neese the hal is replee•d W • armlet dek of esleemssd lather lees the two anthem ie altimeter. epee which phgnepwphis Mage _L..-. SR to • eer- tal'series of spkem•es spicily to papaw The papawep a. .5,0151 gnat seer thaws NON SUMS dm weed loomefty le tell the rsmsa, •s-1 even. whew de-irel ..ad me ftitOgl ten awakes the •levee, tt hue been beseneerwted ridlesnriellenet _'r lb* testa Nr sIM U shear mod mew t.Mh • dismal dant fM yes.. w.•• 448 ef ..re epee e the I i.e.* stem t • 1 et " i shouldn't thiak so," repled the cus- tomer. " Well, I do. Von see, sir, the ladies are se pretender and hmnky, and one i've got is so modest that she makes tee tired." " Modesty is wowee'e greatest shares," sold the customer eeeteation.I'. " \.'t when they overdo it. like ties one dere Why, sir, would you hlione it, when 1 vwdewn to it her np. she always tomes in with • rabic cloth wrapped ennead ber bred, hecad.e, as she says, she cadet bow the thought of me leakier •t her hair wise, it met drowsed. Now, what do vou thi.k e( that B!. Rye. Terrn.te Camera Tit, u*, At Aakab.st, Tarkewan. the orales had alwttat disappeared, and the event wan orlebratcd with much rejoicing an the antilversary of the emperor's name day. The governor gave a dinner, to which be invited a numerous company, and the various regiments were granted estra rations that they might rejoice on the oeeasion. The day. which began so at.ploiottsly amid general rejolcltlg, was destined to have au eudtng without a parallel in history. Of the numerous guests who attended the dinner toehalf tired within 34 bourn. Aiuilitare baldof about 50 men who played dmrtug that fatal dimer lost 40 of their number with cholera, and only lm of the Tura• reached camp that night. One regiment lout half of it* int'u turd run, 4)Meat111 one the sun *tate th.• following morning, and within ds biers 1,300 p.,.ple diel with cholera. The cause of the uutbrwak was clear- ly tra•el to a amall stream of water which supplied the town. Four days liner lonely t ler uuthorititeo were informed that cholera had broken out at a small Turkotnalt viIiogtl situat d to the banks of this stn•:un about four miles above Aakahad. The inhabitanta of this vil- lage were ordered to mope their tents several mile's lock on the hill., which they didL on the day before the reappearance of the cholera at Aakahat a very henry rainstorm occurred. which washed the Lank. of the river and swept refuse ar01 other matter from the abandoned villager. into the stream, and this matter wait carried by the water into the city and distribntel tie all part* of the town by the 'lumen els oven canal. through which the inhabit:lits were supplied with water. It wits this euutttninat-d water which canard the reappearance of the epidemic and the frightful mortality which followed. —.Sanitary Era TM etweet Tooth. In moat l'aw's where we find consid- erable quantities of sugar conspicuously wawa•.( in any part of a plant organism the sweet juice is planed there .in pur- pose to be eaten. In comparatively small n awel it is stirred in flowers or elsewhere for the' use of insects. In larger amounts it is mored in fruits for the use of birds and mammals. Aunt 1t is these eonspicuots storehouses of 1111 tide sugar that *tan in the first lustane. began t.. seize upon for his own par - poem. Himself a descendant of the - fruit eating monkeys, he has alwayii re- wained t., a great extent a fruit eater. In the teepees to this day he subsists largely arm plantains, bananas, man. goes, bread fruit and ('.wo*nut., thought he also d••p.'uds to no small degree upon subterranean storehouses .1 starch or sugar, such an yams and sweet potato i. 10 temperate climates, oat this other hand, he derives his food more from se'e'd: than from fruit. Wheat, rye, maize, barley, .tats, rine and millets form the staple of his diet, while his prit.- cipal subterranean food. the potato., starchy, not sugary. Accordingly his in- herited sweet tooth feels the nevi for sugar—a need which he ham endeavored from :AI tiwe to satisfy, espeeially in youth, with drier) fruits. figs. raisin. and other like device's_—Cotnhill Maga- x1DO- An Odd Time gdlteelal, Regarding the reading of the Decla- ration.of Independence. says the Balti- more American, the Maryland Journal and baltimore Advertiser—now the ltaltimore. American—in an editorial of July 3I, 1;N. say,. "on Monday lam, at I2 o'clock, the Declaration o1 Independence was pro- claimed at the courthouse in this tower at tho head ..f the independent and ar- tillery companies. to the great joy and satisfaction of the audience, with a dis- charge of cannon, etc., and univer.ai acclamations for the prosperity of the free United States. In the evening the effigy, r'eprtwenting the king of Great Ilritain, waa+carted through the town to the n, small mirth of the numerous spectators, aftertrard thrown into a fire made for Thus may it fare with all The I4Nekiw.m7espoken .r 'ba•e.t ear,'. A well.known hterateur not long ago delivered • lecture before • Buffalo club. and in the worm of his tale he had occasion to quote Shakespeare's hoes about • .*easy lies the head that wears • crown," etc. Aa the coocluaion of hie address he was preached by • Ncotehman who expressed I* pleasure at the talk, but took oecaeion to say that his approbation of Shakespeare was °sly limited. There's that bit you said about uneasy heads and crowns i dinna like 1t. it's muck', foolish. Now our Robbie Burne would no ha' writ such .tuff," The lecturer was • little surprised, but Umpired politely why the Scot thought es be did. " Oh," asid the ecotchman, " then'. Da • maw in Scotland king • r anybody else, me foolish as to go to bed ori' • crow. on. Any mon re esus wed bass It over • chair before termite I. ewer-P.Hl..lee. 'timeliness ie a virtue, no doubt, but lake other v,rtoes, it may be earned to • vicious eteeaa So it bappaned with an old 6aher• mae m Nartle, Devon, who made it one of the chid sods of hie life to keep his beat immaeolate. (/o ons omission a gentleman had hired him te tike himself and • young lady out for e■ •ftersone'e fishing. The beat amid not be brought near enough to the @bore for them to stop In . so the hold sailor removed hie Moos and stockings, aed taking the young lady In he aver, was aherot to de- posit kor ea heard when he caught fight of mom mod a her pretty pair of @hoes ia.ta.tly he cropped and dipped hoth her feet rep lit Lbw ashlar in the sea. paadli.g them Mel str t sed forward in spite of the remote of the ewrer. His may remark as be fleally pot her en heard was • • Mem yen, miss, salt "star woes she per the mottles" Walton The Royer Hotel has been meld, dewM.K nen hal K the pwrelrwr. " Da yen Orifi get foreign subsumes is Ihsfer•tk Prod Clarkson has esceeuf 11y Yew .7.,alliker peened hie .ta..fnat$nn5 at the Norma " Nes ey wiAsAsat use a duke read esse s.kiw.lbasher te thaw quiditti.g kin tar • basher an entirey pb A LITTLE OF EVERrTriNG. The deeded By &abeam lttarve, the," Peet Butcher." The aosi•1 World "' it, what • world at se When full grown w out aspen to " the ttertr . " l'otdlio., wait. or what yea will, and win Aged *pia mad flop .ad *prowl about like aaseraen. I wonder if our t.ture t •rant or Sharma. As these yo.tbe pass their trate 1. ps5@iag ►e If eagles ever tame from painted eggs, Or deem .l arms sucos.d to deeds of lqa 1 know they tel1 us about Waterloo, How, " Foremost figbtt.g, fell,'. the eve. plug a Ammer*, I dea't behove it ; I regard it true That solders who are .►titin in " the Laces " Lees often die of mama t aa of .ancien. 1>encase Tome *tan, you tire ' 10141 name, Like martins bangs te in the papers. daily. 1 oat chink it, doubtless, honorable lime, l'eotemplattag the cheap duuncttun gaily A. do*, the mousey tt.e blue -painted tail he believes lecunuog to him. 'Tie the same With men as with the monkeys all their male ('rave eminence on any kind of poles, But cynic . barking tribe 't are all agreed That moukev• upon pules performing capers Are aur exalted : they are only treed, A glory that as kindled by the papers le trarnient as the phosplore.ca.t vapors That shire m gras ey mrd@ and are seem, indeed, But while the 'eche.' that supply the gas Are turning into weeds to feed an ass. ttoe can but wonder sometimes how at feels to bean ass • beset we beat condignly, Recauss, like yours, his life is in hu heels, And he Is Drone to use them unbenignly, 'rhe ladies .bless them'. say you dance devioety.". I like et. Vitus' better though, who deals Hu tees about him with a grace more tust. And hope, set for be will, but for he must. lieubtlees it gratifies you to observe F:Ib.wy girl. and adtpoee mammae All looking adoration as yon swerve This way and that : but prosperous tea pat Laugh is their sleeves at you, and their ha-has If heard would somewhat agitate your nerve. And dames and maidens who keep you on their shelves Don't seem to want a closer ate them- selves. Gods ' What a life you live ' by day a slave To yuur exacting back and urgent belly : latent to ears and vigilant to save By night, attired so slightly and so smelly, With countineeoe as luminous es jelly. Bobbing and bowing ' King of hearts and knave 1 If diam .red., I'll bet a silver brick It your brains were trumps you'd never take a trick. A. Frea.uteal Baa. He lived oo thirteen cent* a day Ten cents for milk and cracker. (hx oent for dr.ipation gay And two cents tor tobacco. And if he embed an extra duh, He'd take hie pole and catch a fish. And if his stomach raised • war 'Gaunt his penurious habit, He'd go and kill a woodchuck or Assassinate • rabbit. Abd thus be'd live in sweet content le fad that never cost a coat. And, that he might la by in bank The proceeds of his labor, He'd happen 'round at meals, the crank, And dine upon his oeiehbor, And then he'd eat enough to last Until another day had pees.d. He bought Do pantaloons Dor vest, Nor rich, expensive jacket : He had one suit --hi, pa's bequest - He thought would "stand the racket, He patched it thirty years, 'tie true, ztnd then declared 'tam good as new. He mimed but one suit to his back. And mines cuffs and eollars, Ile died end left hie nephew Jack Nine hundred thoussnd dollars ' And .lack he ran this torture" through And only took • year or tura. with lrwetw. 1 am resolved ID'ei.ety•6,s To .wear off cigarettes, And on the track. as i have done, I11 make no racing bete. With poker chips I'll play no more, i've had rsough of that. 111 take no girl te see the play %Vho wean too large a hat. \ I shall not look upon the wine When it ie deeply red, Bet "with • suck is it" 171 to:, My Adam's ale instead. ie niaety five lam resolyad To save a goodly sum, And what it Domes to good bard work I'm gong to maks thing@ hum. But thew resolves for ein.ty-bye Are mads noaditteually. Aad that is that the rirl 1 love lees not go back os- me - 'Toni Mimeo. Taw •.w.psper farv1r. The carrier has no E % lot ; Q r N V not his gold ; In 1► D labors whim it's hot Aad when It's 1 C oold. He cannot (' n amnia to rest He must "iAtogo • For N K l: to do his hest He takes the K (1 know. W►sa in old A fe has to stop, 1n P (' never d1e•, Reesnee, 1' I he oan.ot drop 1 oar paper from the skies. !qarnla Observer. A. E.pesd.e hide*. '1 senoke about thirty sigmas a day • 'I believe it, With ewe a IBM you eut slily meta • stied pmIS Oa ehar." Sir Penne. Skis eaatemplatad herself te • minor, and mowed aloud The work, tells me,' she sad, 'that mine is a .trees fens. ' She 5.5115.. 'll5 world is right' She was sew tmeneighly .athgd that the etsssiee wih& eamOt bee ender Phe mese ars .Ea awaud tM haat yard, W het me Weser of its imp«." auau DUNLOP, THE CLOTHIER, has pad retuned freta the cites where kiss been selecting 111 SPRIIU RDODS. be Se has now on hand a Large Line of the Choicest Goods in the Market and is prepared to turn out work in the Beat Style possible, and at Prices to suit the fillies - H. DUNLOP. OODERTOH Ste am Boiler Works. iUTAHLIBHall'Mae A. S. C H R Y STA L, 8aeceesor to ('Araya! d• Black! Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary Marine, Upright & Tubular $O=2wtERS, Salt Patau, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers in Uptight and Horiaeetal tslde Valve amines .4utomate Cut -OW Mosinee • p•cWty. All sines of pl • and pipe-gntse oormantly us- bead. K.tiesa•ee furnished ea .*ort actio•. Repairing peelsp le attended te, 1112 ly P. O. Hoz 7 Ooderich, Ont. Works-Omeet• 0. T. H. Station. Ood•rloa [PLANING MILL. ESTss1SSNID 115S. Bucftiiaiis & Byll3s rs1Uv.orcfa.• SASH, DOOR and BLIND i►ealers 1n all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES had budder'.' material of every descriptlen School Furniture a Specialty. 41 IAMOND INNER ..e_RE PILLS GO CONSTIPATION. 6 BILIOUSNESS, DYS PEPS IA. - ICK HEADACHE, EGULATETHE LIVER ONE PILL AFTER LATINO INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. PRICE2S CTS.Tat 1 QOr3 MED ca MoLEOID'S SVSTEI KENOVATOR AXD errata TL.TFD 11133111DIES. Specific and Anridofe for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dys pepeia, sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, liver compliant, neuralgia, loss of memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary diseases, St. Vitus dance, female irreg- ularities and reneral debility. LIBORITORT, AODERIEN, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manat•cturer. McL.00'a stem' Rgteov.Toa can be had from all drttRsisu In town as well u how W the drnaelsta between Owen Sound sad BsaSsrth. Br.nel., Durham and Toronto, salt Iv._ Patronise True Competition. Tea CA.ADIA. PAemo Ratters, Dias TSL 0R.t'S has boos established to give the public • eretelees .ontoe with fair sad per uaaemt osmpetlticw. it le msas.M en b.elnes priardelss acct b the interest of A patrons., it deserves the support .t every penes whet belPer make ieves to oowlpeettfew. M.d sables m 'e ee Ude noes. maaoett gg w despoiled. 11 11.,. a 10 United states, eo.rd• dad Iter ems. Meet through wires to all .pett .t.5 1■ Nertbwe.t,Brltlsb Oolemble kid rsist Come vlae.-boutb ltd• wester. 11. !AN tLs7a. diff tf Leoal Maa•ser, 0ederleb DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU pm frfMse [idaey tins lone any 1 srel r t nlrse. nl .sws, Tcs.Mis usspw .es 5.H•-seels5asw.7 , midi eat MM dNM1as. dui. Mr b m, w Bb bum beta DR L.. A. SMA H s CO.. Twa g & BARGAINS I Ladies' Mantles, 25 per cent off. Dress Gocds, 25 to 50 per cent off. Mantle Cloths, 20 to 30 per cent off. Furs at a great reduction. All our Woolen Hosiery at wholesale prices. Ladies' and Men's Lined Kid Gloves at wholesale prices. Short Ends of Carpets at wholesale prices COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain f ifre•house of the County. OXFORD WOOD COAL d... FURNACES .. FOS ALL i1ZES Of IOILDINCI • . Capacity from 10,000 to 80,00 cubic Teel "CYCLO iii aftILL RADIATOR" E‘ Full Guaranteed Capacity : For Sale by HARPER 1 LEN, Crabb's Block. Goderich OKPoeu weep Ftrit 4ACE 111000 FURNACE St Alt OR AT B. e•peetally a+t.pted for stead berates fleas y !tett Plats Fin Bee Deese and k.dletor. w h:ch beat Quicker ao.t are more durable RA WA IOR of N<airmt ('oeatro. twin and I,r .t Hwtug lower LA1RUE A -'.n PIT COAL EUREACE tams Cornauatwn Chamber tame ere rr a.N en:.r..w: rallater Large Roilinghwia.e Large FeeDoer Seotlanal Me Pet RotatM. Bar D.w.W1g DLLP ASH PIT "2"077 'WANT ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE? R. W. McKENZIE can supply you 'esti. • ..tit art:, le at :t low price, STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to give me a call. R. W. McKENZIE, The Crabb Block, Goderich. No Stones, Stems, air Dirt I CLEANED CURRANTS.INS Everybody Likes them. Your Christmas Order solicited. CHAS. A. NAIRN,. IMO WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO TURN UP. tag hat is the good of welting for It to torn op. and then not be able Le "11I rhe hill," In the leterval got yourself la shape by taking • coarse In the • .ter^r":!• , " ' +.z FOREST CITY BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE, LO110011, ONT. W. Ly great emphasis os- our prwctk.al coarse. ties for proof oar suc•oesafel siedeate h.: at Stewart has received the Datsun. as Travelling Auditor with the 1MK7oeonack Har,estl.g Ca. Winnipeg. Write us for eatatcate mad particulars. addressing ~Wally emirs* mNpews Js-., oma. teal, J. W WESTERVELT Principal NE FINEST CROCERIES,,, ■ S td. ° .ti. s ' w GOOD JAPANS . aira 1 DIRECT), C mind a hal .- _J SUM of A, CROCKERY Alili GLASS1 i STURDY BROS., M Tis OrASti, lu 1h N1 t1 tt 1.. Ih 1.. 11.1 t I. s` 11 „at our 1.. w t chi elir .l.• nt•w I errs wo1 Tbr • al the kt r: le.. t .d 1 a. 111 uu{d r*ry take rel t. IN -11 1,.•..- eetly heti. soh yeti ink may: 'Me 1,i eke it w *fv I It te ,ke e xi n. of y of it tl rote gap (jut 1,Iresl solid tt 1%) fe ay fi rye reel once rat e1 wn .1 ahl Web the The ten own rte umin *it resod' meat, be mo ne* slept ached lore w ver 1 1st a ush t The red n hoes urdlli line woke adao heltrt acne morn kel Thee yzed I wed it cog the. 1a In air, w cold of nt. f the, bast) sure uu' motet oche w. How nb 'n Y taw 11 r 1 RM 'et Thee t,