HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-17, Page 5j KNOWLEDGE Brings oomf,rt and improvement..I3 Muds to personal stij.•)metli when rightly used. The marry, who live bet- ter than of hewutd enjoy life more, with hiss expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of phystml being, will attest Ile value 10 health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the retnedy. Syrup of Figs. it. excellence is due to Its presenting in the form mise acceptable and pima - ant to the tut e, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect Mx - stirs ; effectually cleansing the system, du{.fling c , 4s. keala•1..s and fecere and permanently euriug ce.n.tipetion. It L m given aatiafset ion to millions and met with the appr.,val of the medical profession, because it acts on the Rid. siert.Liver and i3.•eels without weak - ming them and it is Ina•fe. tIl fres Irvin every object u.iable sullt/dice. Sirup tat Ewe is tri- ale by all dray. jQute in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured b the ('alifonris Fig Syrup Co. only, w home name is prated nn every p.eekagre, also the name, Syrup at Figs, and bring well informed, you will tu4 accrue atv subsliwte if ofiered. NEW AOVERTHIEMENTH Loaf -F. J. 1 Local -R, R. :naps i• tlhpa-Armstrong & ('o Au (Mer --Fraser & Porter Iowa w the Prima Jam A. Reid ... Auction Nal*--(assieron, Holt t Holmes Fibreware-E. B Eddy Auction Mate --Camerae. Holt t Holmes / /sly a Few 1.:11-J.mes V. 11.00 To the rebltc -1). C. Strachau A Miller's 't'ery-1;. T. Fulford k t o. JAN'Y 17 !'Au1 5 4 R b 5 3 BORN- HIN('Ks-la Ooderi'-n township. Jan. dao. the wife of A. 1 Macke. of a daughtrr. •MARRIED. MORRIS -ALLEN -Al the re ,done of the brides bother Cambria Roa:. on Towe- d.),Ian. ,-•th. Ver. by iter Jas. .k. Ander .nn. ILA., Edwin John Moeria, of A,Win. Mao.. era of Joseph Morns. of Colborae towa,h.p, to Margaret A.;aes. daughter of Anthony Ailey.. Of Donlon. M, Ivor: 31, IVOK At the rev Wore, of the bride's paren'e Ripley (at.. on Wedns dar. J.0 '11th. ltrtt. r the lir.. Alen. Sutherland. Mies Annie Melva -et Ripley. to Uoa*M McIver of Godencb >=NKLL 13ANUERges -At the reeden.r of the bride's par.n'..• Wreteter. by Ker Mr. Ao.fer.on ria Thursday. Ifeh ,net„ Howard R. (Snell. et Oeder.ch. le Agent. daughter in John ib..de,sou. 1'. M.. N roleter T1VY1' - MciLWAIN.- At the rerideece of the bride's father oe w emmesday, 11e. Ifltb by the Rev. It. He.deeeoa. J. Titan. of Cathartic. to Miss M. Mrllweis, dawn ter of Mr.U. Mellwain. West Wawasb.b. DIED O'CONNOR 1. Pert Albert. nn Freda•. Ju. Ill.. IIRS Mary O''oonor. relict *lithe lab Jewish O'Connor. ruled 75 years THE TALK. OF THE TOWN. Fromm the Reporter's Notebook a1 T..•v. Mede In a Ter team. I red* Te 6W Kt a Mier' Assang Te T.kM' Nees, ss' lank Neill ?rens et.' -Bora.. Go ter. J. Pridham. the people's clothier. for roar wearing apparel sad you'll get ares faction every time. He dear a only the hes. If yen wast anything is tb. photographic Ilse do sot fall to estl at R. R. Hallows' radio. ter. Montreal -et. •ad Square. H. Noor fate to /tease. VIRE TAiLORINI- Al clan cash puha atlm satisfaction moored. Jeer arrived. o�m1 hoes u mita.. sad eyerceatims•. Tone de•ie extra ' (M ready sled. overcoats at oe . Most be sold, *tee them. If. MAtCORMA(•. OUR SPE(TACLR TRADE bee increased. fourfold dottiest eke Iasi year. bemuse we have niteelall appliances. mid bring smoke anew. ledge te bar alae the mine= ear there a= tse ea satisfactory resuths W b► M. oot�n and ewelter.remises we can 'Test goer qac SLtcrain •10. The ems Muer. who we . brought ay for iodates& .alt es Monday last was snte.osd by Judge Toes to six maths' Mrd labor is the county jail. Velem Burrs'. The band boys idol( ed %h m ely= is as oyster sapper Saturday maim After the supper they paraded the is • sleigh ad played several melee - tiers. R. M. Halliday emend to their waste is the oyster limb. A Fru, rt.awigo PRaariclerr. Is the list of s.osseful eadid•bs who peened the trel•lmaibaties at the Mis31s . Rsmrd of Pbrmary is Detroit last weak, we notice the mime of W. J. Reid. of Cadmic*. " Wert,"se he wee familiarly lumps here. M sow • registered internment eel his seamy Mende essentialism him on Jia messes. Oanteanos or Ki.psex At the =semis( cotyles i• Kato .31.r.. last Sabha*, ether an iseeramtla( norma pre•sl.d by the e mber, = wbih he dimmed the else and ehueseer of she New TaMmmt Rider, the Amiss ordained the WMwles stn M the eioo d Lha eldership ' DOPY Rtedd•r% ogre , R. iL idiom. J. Rigl= Tea, Captain Jas. Baxter. Aix_ R---derb, .ad Pater McRonan. Cowset.awtz --it is with deep regret that we Mare el the Mau el Robert.** 14 -year - .34 as of Mr. ofd Mea il<dmse. el The New Rao Seem Mims tett the W fill an • sway nail and inland W base. Alaimo the Id sssrd d sight and the weed of • way oratory rater+, blood at le and the bright lad gssm1y aging es Aelblmirg ew*ie of hot THE SiGNAL : GODERICH, OWT , THURSDAY. JAN. 17, 1895. week. The tumoral took plats ea Friday them cont tausr eaves beth ta various (Reese ; reeitellem Mia H. Ho.shte•. Mihert.oes. The bereaved lamely have the claps of development, whtck tore remove D.sgoenon: tsstrmmntai quartette. Mews. Irmo the ear of a three mo.the old feel, the 1 frown, Jervis, Houseworth and ether mama= two teeth, and was removed d Climes, the last beta( heartily moored, from the eared & lour y w aware. The follow sod responded to by the ('luta brothers. tag oRwn were elected ler tie eseui.s year, Ai the ooncluesa d the program, the viz Itr. W. F. ('fork, prwdeot, Goderioh, meeuog merged tato an luloreal gathering Dr. holly, von -pros., Wiogkam ; Ih. I whes the oomm,ttee is charge of provisoes, Hlockell, trots, Glioma ; I►r. Walker, see., Ao., dsapoosed of Lao bounties of their well I.ondesboro. TM treasurer reported laver *Looked larder, until all had done .uetloe to ably en finances. The pert mating will be the goof than prov.Jed by the ladies of bald to I,odes►ss. 1:oderich Counted. After rota of thanks M, I.i .. Mi 4'aa. s. The resideneeof had bas tendered to tbuee who carted In John Mc('reckon, Blue vide Road. Morris. the programs sad otherwise aided to nuking was the sone of • happy *vat a Tuesday 1310 evening's preosediove eoloy&ble, the •intro( of the National Anthem was the signal for the roam' mg t. disperse. .111 present were • unit in avreeing that the sympathy of the oewmenty is their &t1ic- 1as. Dol NTT 04 H4-14044 tiro•.. Ao'Ire•. Chid Jestmn Meredith will preemie at the tetra( of the High Court of Josue* for nos dory cases to be held here oo May /131. sad the oases with a Jury will he tried be fore lodge Fergnne, u0mmeaetng %larch 12th. Haat. 1 era- What &uses the hard tames' The lamer says it's fear of free trade. TM ouSsureer aye Its the twill The debtor eoye it's the creditor. The creditor seri it's the debtor. 1 he (:rete ay after0000 of IA" weak, when his d•usbt r. tea the 'lona. The Tories ay it's the .aide, • most popolar young lady, biped Gots The patrols ay We ooth. The her heart and hand with Sarni. A. McLean, temtleran•s people say it's whisky. The ^f I.udench, formerly of Wingham. Mies frat•raai gathering was the best arranged prewhere ay It the awn". Now whet do Elia t'oroyn cad -John Mot 'racks., the and beet oosducted 4• all tta details that yeti think yourself bride's brother,were bridesmaid and grooms l ureke I uunctl hay held. LOCAL BRIEFS J„e spa, -Sona um. age The Sa map. The knot was tied by Rev I. 4. forth sun .suit politer and announced its m• 11 cod, rector of St. I'aul'e, W tug .m• u tent:on of being henceforth an independent stated by Jae McCracken. Huron College end student, the bride'. brother. The presents Journal. iCeoeotly it was enlarged * thee wise Improve, and the improvement received by the bride were moa beautiful and were not only ornamental and ex pampa, but useful. 1 mmedutely after the cere- mony all partook of dtnoer with the newly• wedded couple. %Ir. and Mrs. Mclean left by the G.T.R. in the &harpoon for t;odench, followed by the best wishes of their many friends. llmvban exchange. (..e,etl. Tm.wr sae., ►. ll ern.. Comsid• eying the rough .tate 0t the weather last sabbath afternoon, there was • fair attend- ance at the meeting held In the Temperances Hall. After the meeting had beep opened with singae and prayer, the president com- plained of the actions of several Soung men who attend the meetings from time to time. sad said that while he was glad to have than present, yet, If they wished to continue com- ing to these meetiaRe, it would be necessary for them to conduct themselves. In • more o.comIng manner while a the hall. spit- ting tobacco twice ria the door. whittling stick., disturbing smaller bots and interfer- ing with the proper order of the meetings by talking and other unseemly conduct, could not be tolerated, and summary mesas would have te be resorted to if it were con- tinued. .las. Mitchell, editor of The Star, has no doubt been cause by la retiring trine politics .. . (M calendar sot out by The Acton Free Ps. thie year is an ornate and tasty ape, and tie frontispiece u real handsome, too. .... Pay your subecriptios t0 Tot NI,.. al. a advance fur 1'I.ro. Tor. I,rr..-n, 1':'.n.ino. Thai.. A. 1'. etbibiuoa In the (:rand I)per& Hous ua Friday evening of next week promises to be • tree' to everybody. Resides the regular exercises of the club,eaveral specialties will be introduced, one ef which is the floor work including limper and eomeraulung. The club will aim be assisted by the follow- ing talent, Mos .Acheson. violinist, Miss Strachan, soloist, Mies 4tr• W,lkioeoe, eoleut, Mimes McLaren, Highland and Spanish dancing and Ed. Campmate. 140. 4.1/ ATL"• 1•1 4'44''TAI.:. r:•• 11.. are to receipt of a circular issued by the Pro - vicarial ('ortebul•ry Committee for the purpose of agitating and getting the fleas of all parties dealing with criminal t tattoo, upon the torrent los of • Provincial Constab- ulary Bureau. The um of the proposed or ganuatloa se 4.0 h•v• better protection In the country and the centr.lt,atton of power by an executive head. The movement de• rave • very interesting •cd profitable •d- *erre• the hearty co-^peration of everyone areas, which was much appreciated by the dalton with ermined jwuer. audience. The meeting nett Sabbath will T n r. 1)&1%est 'Ti, r. n " + n► Loa',- be addressed by .1. E Wynn, an evangelist, 3.5 hile • sleigh load of eighteen Royal Temp -who u fere for a. short time meeting his tan were no their way front Clinton to brother, Capt. 1%ynn, in the S. work Godoneh Monday night last. the driver ran the sleigh over the side of; an enbanktnent, when about seven nines from their deetiaa- tion The entire party were unceremoni- ously precipitated into the snow •4 the bet - Von of the enbeaknient. Fortunately co one was hurt, and, as there was mo break- age, the party were surto on their way again, with good results. A good meeting may be expected. All are invited. s. 1.. tat. gar.•. su,. special revival 'ser rtes were begun last Tuesday evening in the lecture room of the North-st Methodist church. .1 fair audience was present. The Rev. Joseph Edge, pastor, opened the ser- o.. with singing tad prayer. After the singing and enioytng the nselvesas ifoothtnq owning payer, \!r. F:dsa introduced the had happened. I:ev. J. C. Speer. wno has come to assist In (.oi.ia. H Ih.rs Ona. r. Lota the services until sonde, night. 51 speer is at present the pastor ot the l:roar)wsy The annual meeting of this ledge was held in the hall of 1. O. 1 No. 153, township of Colborne, on Tuesday lest week. There was a very large attendee,* and reports of progress and prosperity Iron every, beds. The meet annual meetiag will he held 41111. a Seltford or t,od.ejch,. .:Fbe elected were - W. M., .lames -1 itldeell ; 1) M., M O. .Johnston ; chaplain, John Reid : R. S., .1. McMath ; 1. S., Charles Ji.hnsteo ; treasurer. Adam (,enteric of ('.. I brio. .Inhre°. ; lecturers, K. 1 Cox and F. McCarter,. Xe.. Rc toes-. W -Ingham Advance Howard F: well, who has bee. in (:ode• rich recently, was in town yesterday. This morning he appeared before Rev. J. Ander• eon at the residence of John Smile/rem, pout loader at Wroxeter, In company with Mir Agate Sanderson, one ot Wroxeter's most a-compluhed, refined and beloved daughters, and they were 'pined together as one Since cornier to 1.Vingham Mr. swill has made • host of friends by hie genial tad gentlemanly coadoct, who Join with w 10 wishing him and his estimable bride long years of happy and contested married life. Mr. and Mrs Snell will immediately take .p their residence in the Circular ('ity. Tar Kusa'•. Uaucgts.a. -The annual mating of the " 1Villinr Hearts Circle " of the Kinds Daughters wee held at the rea- dies* of Ara. T. N. Phooey oc Wednesday last. An tntereeting report was reed by the ssorsary,showing that in the past year this circle has helped thirteen different families and Ion expended over 450 in cash and supplied about 175 worth ot clothing to the needy pcor. Tbe 'tootles of officers took place sad resulted is the re-election of those iris hell ofhoe during the post year. The circle wishes to publicly thank all the friends who have helped Oast se librielly h smdimg in clothing and by patresiri•g their socials and entertainments. M.aan.-Ai.u.. A very pleasant meet took plan at the residence ot lige Allem. Cambria Read, (od•rioS, on Tuesday teat the oseasies being the n'arriaire of his mister Maggio A., mooed daughter of Anthony and Maggie A. Allem, of 1)ualop, to F.dwin J. Morris, third eon .f Joseph Morris, Col- borne, of Austin, Mao The parse= of the 00511 oueg parties, .law A. Reid, of Bram. don, Man., who stated as greow.wns., and Mir Lizzie (lib's. who performed the ofrtees of bridesmaid, were the only guests present. TM couple lob on the 2 Oh testa for Tomato, Buffalo, Detroit and other pin=, where they perpes" neither fries sad relatives =mime to their departure for Masfteb•, where they Mond taking up their fetters resiesese in Muth. Arum 'Vero'. -The amulet ...t3., of the Hary Vote isery Medial Atw.eisties wee bold i• the Mint) hlyl, (listen, we Wednesday Irb, Jae. flu, the fellewiag member" of the p relemlemlo* D. M.1.a.sh, J. Wilma, J., am. tar+ GiM J. Odoy., C. Hew.., C. • J. R iliwahell. J. J. Welker .near,, Mr. Nathan presented an IM...l. si- ne of the brae of • berm, Bootie( the pyoses of two large blood rhe as its hags whish were the lrmurY* oaten of dsatt Os.iinsbi disasies fuiswd. amid soot d brain roam hetes des4. Mr. Wallow preowneIl...._--- aposinent d Anti - mem opt or tooth Waring trns. use M • The 4'ollerwte lastitute Literary society will meet uo friday events( nett. The Koran..lnduu ('o. lett oa Tuesday for I liotuo. They had crowded booms al - moat every night. The county Sabbath school cuoveoUos will be hell In Knox church no Tuseday and Wednesday, the 29th and 30th Inst. Ada Or.v, supported by Charles F. Tie - gay and an ezewlteat enmpeny, ell! appear at the t,raod Opera House January 3let. The ('an.dtan Order of Forrsten will have an oyster supper in the temperan-e hall oo Thursday evening, the 31st of .menu• airy. It will be free to the members and their wives and each member may bring two friends. (', rites hitt "ALL. A number of sleighs and cutters for ale cheap at my shop, ad- joining Robt. Tbompson's blacksmith shop. As the season is advanced they will be fold at very reasonable priors. W. A McCt COMING ANO GOING. Methodist Tabernacle, Toronto, one of the largest congregations in the Ibminioa. Mr. "peer, on risme, spoke of the tact that his conversion took place in • meeting the first sermon of which was preached by Mr. Edge who was then lust enterinv the ministry. The service was somewhat introductory ',e tin series to be held. The *reacher .poke upon the willingness of (.od to give spiritual help to hu people. The discourse was a plain. practical and powerful protestation of the shove truth, founded on Luke 11.13 - "If ye then being evil, ' etc, lir. Spar will preach every night this week excepting Saturday, and he will preach Sabbath mord. lag and evening. Subjects on Sabbath 1) a. s , • A Glories Church," 7 "A Sermon To Young Mon_" Ti., I)ti.tse%roe. The Ilelnator, of February is the midw:liter number, and it bean out the promise ot the publishers that the ma(anne for 1895 will be more in- teresting than ever. 1s the front of the book is the new Delineator March, by Moo - roe H. Resnfeld. There is • Night Ihill, .Ion for children, and two delightful enter- tainment/1i for their elders called .1 Flower Porgy and A Valentine Masquerade. Mn. Carrie M. Knapp writs of laundry work u an employment fey women. The sixth pa- per on the Kindergarten introduces some fascinating work for little hands. For mho housewife there is seaoonable Cookery, hate on serving fruits and the continuation of the articles. The chapter on the Treat - mat of the Eyes sad Fare wfll rte of value to all who read it if its precepts ere follow- ed ; the flower lover will End something of interest in Floral Work feu Midwinter. The Fancy Work departa.oI is aa0analy attractive in this 10mber, mad there are papers as Crocheting, Heir Pin Werk, KOitttag, Netting, etc. The ilub.cription of the delineator a 41 • year. Sin(M copies 15 ash. Address all order' to the foliseator I.Obliehiag Co., of Tdroato, (Ltd.) 3S Riehmond-,t., West, Taoism, Ont. A'. R. T. o. T. lh anrxTT,. A maple of weeks ago Eureka Council, No. 103, R T. d T., exceeded as deviation to rte thew n earest neighbors is the fraternity to visit tLe 4.oderich °ounoil, an .fan. 141. la re- sponse to the invitation a reodly number of members from Dnsg•smon, Holmesvills and (listen Councils dray. to Gederieh 1. d elete and presented tbooneelvs for admis- sion &t the Temperance Hall on North rt., where over one hundred gamma sad meal. berg of the local ('oaacil had assembled. 'The eemmitls had the hall tastefully sr - ramped ler the essesies, with • view to the sere tedatiem of visitors, and, thaw= to Ire. G. W. Rid(, who is as indefatigable worker en sash eesesiase i■ eenn.eYw with Bertha Cowed, the editors were *reseed to Moi ume upholstered fer1itsris few the ease hem while en elegant perier seats wee Naomi up.. the platten* for the ms el einem d the HiYsg ('ounii, After the minim budm es of the Leal Osumi' was dtspesd of se smallest pro- gress. r.glom. provided by the Ashen ,resat, wee rendered. 1M Ie3rwisg baking part : dmK, Mise.. Tteis yes sod !hymed. Dgslsepse : adtbram, J. Lowy, ■olmavMs t .3.. 1..e Oninee. OW= t adios, Jen Mal - Minsk Dueen ; indention„ Gr A. ns, iliebsU1 t maid" Mr. Y4ltsgp. Slim t:. Wilkie/ion i. in Toronto. Mir Carrell was visiting in fort .\:bort Int week. lt. t'antelon, of Clinton, was un town on set u ruay. -1 Jas. Reid, 1010 .s.e..or, was in London last week. Ilan Seeger has returned to Trinity University. .1. A. Morton, of 15 leglia01, was Io town on Saturday. Mess Mary F:Ihott has returned from e visit to filurvle. (.est. Crabb returned last week from e trip to Hamilton. 4..e. Kay returned on "aturday front • Tutt to Kincardine. Joseph I:lake was home during the 'artist - nous holidays visiting his f.nett7. lir. and M,e. Thos. llel.eao, of i.ucknow were visiting in Gown outing the prat week. Mies 1.illie I;uchanan, of ll ru,;hun, wee the guest 01 ll tees F:.Itth 1 anetoue last week. Johns Walsh, termer. scent "aturd.. and Nuud.y with las sister, 51*.. Spar lice I'wight H.rvey, of Ruthven, Co. Essex, in attendtag the Collegiate leetitute .In 4 :olerich rc Peter Grtsg., of Toronto, is at present visiting foetid' and relaUvs ib sad around 4 .oder,ch- Mts. Li.,:e Driver left Int Friday for Windsor after • pleasant visit to friends and relatives. .Vhert Johnston, who hr been :n the Trine Province for some time past, has re - tunnel to town. .las. Elliott, South et , returned on Fri- day from Toronto, where he head taken a carload of cattle. Misses Ida Vartone and Lou Stirling left last week on an extended visit to 'l Ingham, I:orrte and 4:rani Valley. 1* 11'. F. Clark, A.S. was In Clanton on Wednesday attending a meeting of the Huron Veterinary Medical Arociation. John. I:unciman,sr. was In "eaforth and Clinton last week in the Interest of • pat• eat alt machine, which he bag invented_ Rev. Hamilton A. lliols. R.A., of 11.1(1 o, Man., is speeding • few days In town the suestof hie father -u -law, Geo. Cox, lint amnia Road. THE TORONTO DAILY NEWS, Down go the Prices to make the Sales go Up. For the month of January we will give an extra 10 per cent. off our already Low Selling Out Prices on all heavy Winter Goods. This discount will also apo;y to Prints, Cottonades, Cotton Shirtings, &c. The best Cotton Shirtings, with the discount off, will be 9c. per y(=., usually s4'i(i `or,12c. to 15c. per yd. The best prints, worth 12c to 15c., for 9c. par yd. Ladies' Wool Shawls at Half Price. Tile goods east be sold by 1st February. Kindly call and inspect. JAMES A. REID. 1 I lith Jan y, i"�•t:.:. It A.pieric'a. BLACK CHERRY C1►C(:li l.kdS A111, The LEST CO Ft: kf CI'Ki:. ol'R CHEtil'B'z.,;_HONEY Ct►l"(1fi Cm I:E. ,Element. For 4'1114117.. M7du•at.d t'he IOW /:ume, ('.'lees/, Pepe.I and Pepsin Ota for ih stteeala Tutsi F'rultti, kc, l Ile the Pitt ult. tb. Evening News, of Toronto, pblishld an anniversary number, it having heel for the previous year under the menagesneot of Mr. William Douglas, • hose portrait appear, above Mr. 1 bugles M the youogset an on the rnetiseat wire has n.dertakee the ask of Macias • first Blas metfepablen daily before the_po►Nc, being sell under 24 merw et'. 4 Coder hie management the News M. had • phew aminal rue of 50coam. The armistice has increased frete 17,000 worm .10,000 duly. This is certified tatty tivee nembere of the staff and elm ►y a number of ladder advertisers of this city. The adverttdag phlegmy has ban largely increased. Its facilities for aatberiag sews are excellent, special men- opbsdonm haying been accred to almost every own. The cep.oity of the News prom is .30.000 an hoar, and it Dole takes 24 minutes hem the trate the last copy lays the editor Doul the paper is ter ode ea the street. This ito0ledes eettieg the typo, iereotyp.( ad printing. 1a the .gime anniversary 00.03155 are portraits of over fifty edible and proprietors of week- ly iar.ds le the Provisos, with elteeehesd their ratpIMve per". This lest was rot- tddy tae eriglnd1 idea, .ed en doubt, .p- prosi td by the fraternity. MON 1Af11llsM. TO THE (111=RAL PUBLIC. 1 tester bee a Meth my batty tWd ran ery es.I s wee se =only a�.sb�s MryqI�Se re aassTikil,ml. sea me lead Tisee Taws tit. A . tie... DA, I(;NI1N 45 `vl'f('H ti -,.hl. for Chaps, Irritations. W. C. GOODE. CHEMIST - - & PliKsvltll'TIl)N WORK our SPISCIAL CA RR (tltt•:.tSI, Redeems of Skin, eta:. 1',.r the IIX%IIkK$I)S PLANT FOOD. MOI .F: F'UN% ION. THE WEEKLY -MARKET REPORT. I Public Notices. t:ederreb Priers. + 'Ot \'r1 •' 11 NC' 1. oee"t41r, Jah, n:, Fall Wt,.st. sen) standard 0 :ei to 0 :,; !lour. family. pat ewt 1 :sen to 1 ti: flour. Fall. per cwt. 1 ski to 1 m� Flour. patent. per pv%t.1 1*1 tp - pt Plan. p ton. 1 (kJ tact M Shona. V ton 11 can molt 00 8creenines i ton : 00 mol! M Oats s bush u to u Per, p hush... .. t :d to 053 Barley. re• rowed. p bush , s Se to O W Hay. It ton r•-s5n to"00 Potatoes, 10 bush, nrw 0 3' to 0 N RattK, ..... ::...� a Ib 10 O I6 1 .. fre.b napacted. • dee-..,: 0 1. to a 14 Wood ` Jen to :rte Wool. .................... e., 0 le to 0 1 Hides ...OS to :.1 Sheep 0 3'. to e W Live HOW. .. t 1 to t M Premed !loon , 0n to Isi Hamm.. 0 11 to 0 1, Ham, per Ib.. ~..- 0 3 toot0 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of change,; u,uat he left at this Office not later than Set itriay noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. ounal Advertisement, accepted up to noon Wcdnetyl'y of such week. Travelling Guide. GRAND TRUKIII RAILWAY. PRO'S AND 1041PODSliICII. AHR171. Mixed ]tail and kspresr Nixed Mall and ILxpryers Mall end Express Mail and Express Mixed .... 10..S0 a.m. Loi P. m. 7.60 p.m. its&'T. The I'ousril of tile ('ortmceI too of • he' minty at Norm, wit* nrt•.•l it. 11,.• 4'uurt Hoom ,n the Town of elude -rich. or. T:.esd.y. The �'od step ei January, at 3o. l.rk '-.4. R LANE. Ilatwi Jamie: y 431, 141.., :x• 1 0. Clerk. el'STOM `.111'INI.. Partite takin,; taut toga this Writer. for Opting 1.uil(1i0g or .b iptiiebe. •V1TF:- i am prepared to .10 ...Waal awing at 7t per 7M.. for )lrmlo•k. Itas•w-o.1 ret:.! Kim. 93 per M.. for Maole. Meech and Ash Having the bei sower to Canada my work can be guaranteed. Building material 01 all kinds AT PATRON PRICES. 1-. town lots to gi e c away 4.1I and hear about them, KIlIY$ PI.ANINO AND SAW MiLL et -V `ear O.T. It, depot �`I ODI1:RiCH Ft) t" N D R I' A N D 71" IflarHINIC WORKS. Farmer. - Try our new home powers. prim' *3... .fbe Fleury plows are t..tir:; well. Th.. H .n' -.Lan land roller is the brat at the pri.-.. IX, The Me Cormick binder for sale. .iso inip:e'mtrnM from the Watford, Fleury, Wetoe r and other Orme. Thr handling of the Nla.w,1i imple- ment• Its been transferred to llungannon as it it claimed 1 sold them too cheap. 1'fow pointe r.duorei in price. Castings made to order. Posh for metal, MIFIy J. B. RUNCIMAls. -- 11C EW' CHOI'PINI: MILL -THF: slit- .eriber haver that, . a :Derr sat ata Frrr�ncl. Ruhr mill online is prepared to do all kidie of grain chopmag with dispatch 31111 will be running on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday ev.•ry week. Rring in your grain and get it chopped and home sme day. rap. - city one to per hour. Yir.t-firs hotel arid rare aeeniniulition close by. J50. M. Coal and Wrod Vend .. thou p.m. R.)s a.m. 2IF, p.m. :t if p.m, Auction Sales. ('CTIO\ SALE: OF VAL1ARLE 11 FAH.0 PROPSHTY.-- ('oder sad by virtue of • power of sale ,osta, nod In a c.rtabe reengage. brans( date the 30th d.) of Merck. A. 1). loin, and of eo eosisyt nenr thereof made to the vendor. and which well be produced at the time of ale. there will be sold by public *ratan by Themes (kande . Auenonrer. a his .Auctiiopn Mart on Hamilton street. in the town of (ioderisb. or Saturday the red day of Feb- ruary. ebstar). A.D„ 1st.,. at 12 o'clock noon. the fel lowing Tamable farm property. namely. lot number nineteen, in the- secood con(xwsion on the Township .f Noder,ch• in the ('ou01) of Huron. This is a toed proper,y and is nearly a1 cleared. The poll le fairly good and Me. build infra are is • fair state of repair, and consist of • log hoses 5110. • leg barn Harland • frame barn and sable 30xri1 a stone milk house. There is • failimg creek through this farm. The property u.letmted on the Hayfield road. a distance of about 4 miles from the town of Ooderi0h. TERM`( :--Tea per rent ,sown on the day of sale, and the talance without interest in thirty days thereafter. For further pari)r.lare apply o the Auctioneer. or to the ',ndevdgw- ed Dated 12th January. A.I). I11K. CA MICRON. MOLT d: HOI.MES. THOMAS OUNUitY. Tendon' 1o11rlters. Arctiosel, 16110 31. A('(TION SATE. 41F VALI'AHLE FARM PR KRTY. Ceder sad by Orem of • pewee A ale emotion, in a metals Mortgage made m the vender and bearing date the Ind day y1 April. A.U. lam. there 1011 he gold bzz e. auction. at Mallough's Hotel. la the vi f.ly/ of 110nsanei05, in the Comity of Nu iffattt 'remade, rhe Nth day of February. �ery�0, at 12 o'clock seby Joseph Mal - A1 Mal - nth,, Auctioneer. the following property namely; the west half of lot number twenty- two le the seventh ooecer(on. of the Tows ship of Wawa.o•h. ie the County of Huron, e .1.1.1ag owe -Hundred acne of lana be the t ame there a lea. Thie te • ere( elms farm. The all is a cls lam. About 0 sores are cleared. here is a never 'salsa spring 0111 tee premles. rhe oroMrd lea gone Doe mad is •boat 1i aerie 10 elites', The bond era. ergot • good leg home sided with monarda etre and a MY gory with ketches attached. Aim • (moot bars. N.1. a frame .4.314.. •bop bones sad non stable. The Aulldisgvi are a a geed state of repair and the farm 1s well festa ed. This property le situated shout owe awe a gwormiles trent 41 tor e, Augustine. 'JI mules hem Do.iyhrook, 5 mile from lit Helena. 11 miles from I.ackeew and $ miles Prem Dun palISIOS TTIMMS Tea pee cent down os the ear of sale. .ed the balsam entitle owe month there after re.pwrtlettlwrw apply to the auctioneer 5r b the redders smote, a Dated 17th Jonaea�ri.� It110, CAIISItON. HOLT k HOLMES., JO4Si'H MALIA/1 0R. Voider' Ils4.hent Awakener. MOM eaterith. Property for Sale or for Rent. A1.UAHLK FARM Ft 41: -.1LF. lift to rent -Wei' half lot .., con. N M.f.., in the too eaten, of Ashfield tiemproiag 100 acne having 1': aures in Fall wham the farm is under , he beet of contesting, : will be sold at a bargain and easy terse. Apply se D. 4'. 3li iiAV.Goderich. was FARM FOR SAI.F,--6/11'RES 4114(111)1T. Oalerich Tp. On the tweetersare a good ftweetersranc. house and barn : afro garden and oroared. For part,e'.•n.pply to ((HAM, M. • OI3KOOI4, Porter's Hill, P.O. Ir 41 TR pRAAMAl:v I\C I3 )WI)1At. W f: MI A K E. halting Yowdsr. W I. M A k E twice a week. N'F: NAKE it.Jpure F: N 1 ti F: lir iu,gg, The indwen et 'e ons utl:.r you hose it are ITN sup.. rs ITS urea, n . . )'lull want the a<et..i.e,t you 1MIy `VILLIA W' 1 1:i l).1 a 43.1 , iia .•tilts }Irl rl\'. [kSWDe:R. -.boo.-- %111:1 kW .boo-- %ILI:IAM , • .01.1 11.dalist. l'h.•n i•• .,,,.i I )ru>•gid. l'ere:npaose a specialty. • w rtich. (,ret. F►RM FOR SALE. oft TRADE-WILI. well or trade 1!p scree 1n Clark Co. Month Uviot•,for nor 100 acre in Huron Co,with im- proTeIueote. 1 his fano fh in good lorallt7 'i mls from county seat. with uheol honer a the Place. It is well improved, with tool build insp.100 scree of pasture with plenty of water. 100 acres of meadow and 190 acre. trier cults ration. Will turmoil 11 young horuen with 2.. cattle, with all ainds of farm implements. if re.ieeired. For further pvt i,•ular. apply to J. J. *011.311. Clark, tie. DM. t'MA. 51 Im LOOK SALT. WT NUMBER 12, IN 1 this :an oonc'essien. OodeNrh township, eestalaing 34 scree. /hip lea ant clam farm. and situated within a short dbtan.e of the town of Ooderich. For particulars apply to 1f PHt .11' HOLT, 'ch. L�OR SA -N j LOT SI,!ND OON- 1 osabn. ¢el Wawnnbsb, IN serum TIM le • atetoLm farm. Ala town lot 170, Dori rick. Apply to 1'H11.11' HOi.T. N-tf, VALUABLE FARl17 AND T4,WN PROPERTY FOR MALIL Olt 1155T. Let, In the first oosetetisa. Oodrrtch town- ship, sunt! of H uron,1 mils from Ooderich, oonet.ting of 110 acres mere et les. Barn 40x et, nearly new, geed orchard of choice trait. well watered wfih spriest meek, an exmillent strsr(ng farm. an be be.gllt on easy terms, Apply W JOHN KNOX. A net Mee*, Les 1 la the broken Ireol. west of the Lake reed . the Western dlvlelon. Toweshipv of Col bars. e000ty or Huron, 3 mils from flo4erieh esespr45ias 110 metes Large Nook bars, good Mame boots If Mort' high, pearly new ■oil geed orchard of ehoioe fruit ram he ho04111 on am wow. Apply to JOHN KNOX. *nota ser. Meek A and R. lake reaste im the township of ('.olberae.c . .aaistir.g of fl acres more or lea There are es tM isse • frame hoose, Mame barn and nettle b . About 7 acres youngereh.rd choice fruit. Abet 0L arras of boob, lids farm la ,•os.ldered a drst-elsse irreales farm. The farm cam be divided to snit earthmen tad bought'& appy terms Apply to JOHN KNOX. How and lot Is the town of C11nten,-Ise 11, Mary strl et., toM told woolen mill, cent - mem foee.'d.ttlss *3tlmass Utiles lg sir, il3l■r��pemepl, nein of repair. Apply to JOHN ENO.. Sitf. A'ettleneor. Metas. s ROYAL Maud. NOW OPEN Ya Iteowwhav- reaevated the lemmatise stseet. R bas -beim Mao= b cab* bee ?.rsimbed It Is Osim 51750. n 1/ se *fed inienttew to ole wanes of ansa n se re0va the wren - ane of old blends and • liberal Owe or mew eon. 171-1.7 LotT Of the•. 1ltMgra5M Rlyn eon! with t and t peewee of ser 11 the go<ki- W e are 411.1w:rig. Prices that all ••ren reach. Medical Hull. A TR11'\n'H r'1 1J))AKImu. L oWDF.R 1 mate • gem& UW et J. WILSON'S PRIIIK,'RITTiON DRUG MURK. ill IA. H. le not alone in pa:nt.n¢ tar • ,.Nitre, but (•aa also be tree in our r''d send •sew :ufetl derma of furniture. It ip no tarsal. but a0 aoksow- l•dged fact, that wee ares) Ito- lamest and Meet Mona of fnrw•'ure :n tow'. and ,n peat of elegance ie nasurpasse.l. Is selecting presents you en nal more noreepp(table or oppr•r,pr.at'• than Ma our leaullhil reed east chem. *n oak cabi- net, eta a urh. 0r seders . t. a;.e.. as•utlh$ Presents that meet all drnur.:. and satiety al wools. Superior gootr o• +•Irp.3r.ng 'ow prices. We solicit a , enp.rao or tdtodo sad p►we5, knowing that you twill 1n.1 our hoe *se beet end cheaper(. I'pholstefloi r "P` ally. StI'rH'S FI'I411I F. "TORE A\i) ART DEPOT. s un ,. ata.• Loan and Savings Sootety. I 1' tri NOT N H 11' '. „l EARN. BUT WHAT 701 A v 3.. 1.t A K RM YOU RiMH. THE M.TRON AN (midi! s LOAN AND 131 -if rr1M5 ' r Soto Irrrm._ .amrree, Ault .sed Holm.s. Uaro.,T*. interest ,'o.i'oaa4N every ix months at four Per ..eat. par aosimIL 05 0�0 from one 40115* t3t11401440. Ilepsisoro HSA .1 to their ad.snfilar 40 coni sod see in, Loam. May be sec area Si icy Mine MNbet delay o0 •he security of approved d.ir.be Property . Expposer moderato.App lse atl. received by tie ylamure► or The Commie, s elrce sae 100at0d in North Sues and. Court !loos* %yearn oppod.o ffvllOu t4..,Tr1 tulles. HORACE H(/HTI1N_ J. H. OOL 1.OItNZ. Mugger, F'. SM EETII•S PI.ANIN(1 MILL - aka - SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 1 take Ibis opportuaty to latrine the tbst i am still is the benne= maw'_" •Ii raisers to ft* ,1enllry. Odd de even Own of morels my Iles • wiwebwPrimo toe �s• M Me w ith ...mrd reef. eempssltlea 35.304 The fO moths( et bolo.( raserW. sash og la*, ehiagi.5 sod I.mser • 575Mah7. F. Ski R1TH. dMdsr455. Jn1 4114 Ilii. Mlle. iANNA I. . TL(''Hazor Sit mod. ~