HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-17, Page 4swarm
•rish. wad taelM.. Nembetest,
M 0
d, the fries lir year t e
Leek as 1.we babel.
.bel 1. & weediest mesipt et the date
• Pull" paid up. eek libel It ifs not
to fail tet. arrear,
• clm•s of aderene Is geared beib
and the new &M m e sbew,d be frivol..
Advertising Beam
Loma sod oi..•r caesalereeeRteatkMts, lee.
der lime for lret Ineettimt,mai r 3 male pIlls
O each sub.egne•t Isser$Mj Measured b
sernom,tI scare.
Btnlese. weds .l six try aria sailer. /5 per
year.Adesselmenesie of Lee. Pbe•d. t *rePal.
Mtsereese Covent, Slarette.s Weeded and
-nem Maumee W.•ts� met monoclinal e
msap.roil. 111 per ..•lb.
en tele e.a Parse es a&.. lel t.
/ flees. et tor flet month. leo. per eub-
S semsst moaib. leder sties. is prop•utio•s
ef....ye.e-ee-pedal nae i Ike abj•.S of w hi.•b le to
i.ws.1 Or�noln ..e sateeddMed .. ad-
v/eMemeet and cheered •etesrdlaali•
Legal eo' knee In aoaparetl eyes me omit per
worse mottoes leas /nee fire.
aMl•otiose in ordinary reeding tree two
vents pee word. Nr Ratios for leas than Site.
Mottoes for churches end other roligioos and
beaevelte.t iaetitutioss half vela,
r•eesesereI.I t'..se.et Advert i -nares..
A limited number of &belayed advertise
meets will be inserted at the $ollowiryr rn',..
mer inch. o..• In.eninw. $t w
•' four uteri tions....--.... .... .. 1 .n
•• three month& a r r a ....... .. .. 1 .11
•• rix roost ie. ...... t 'd
•. one year - ..: p•
ho advertfases.ut leas thaw two taches in
length will be osieulated ea above hair. S
per real. discount allowed far cash perorate
00 three moetke'eootreet; 1111 per Dent. on sill
roesths•. and 11 per Best an a yeses. Tzo..
oo.dltime will be strictly esterase.
Males ...The mewed .• mellee. .
Subecrlber who fail to receive Tug
rr.larly, either by carrier r be matt. will
coater a favor by acquainting us of the fact at
es seri, • date ea pew I hie.
itefeeted manuscripts mania be r..tun..re
Oorrueposdenow must be written ou ot.r s. I.
et papaw o•►1.
'wMt.ker'. Nemec.
J. C. Le Toussl. Of Godyrich. has been alp
p0? -t- t,.c l 1 r..velllog Agent for •be own•
i1f� eit♦.derten• Colborne. A.hneld and N .
Lead pemunaten over the district ere sten
gwp.w.eed to receive subeeriptione to Tee
AhleMunicatloao must be add. -eased to
* D MoOlLLlt•l'�DgDrlT..r,
laliseM•. Call W. Yid -b stat.
Ibis M ter Ta N Tres neesierlptien tar
Isel M m•p.1d.
AFTER Feb. 1st all subscriptions
to THE SIGNAL which aro in aeries
• will be placed in Court for c..11e•tiolt,
and mutes in arrear will be taken
from our mailing list.
Our friends are invited to pay up in
the meantime.
Goderich, Jan. 15, 1895.
1Pol1Woa1 : The Legislative Assembly
el Quebec was prorogued e• Saturday e.•e-
▪ Dun▪ das County Patna. have nonun•td
W. J. Smith for the Como m me.
The hearing .f the South Perth petition
is fixed to take place at Mikabell January
rarer .1 Power, ex -Speaker of the
Nov Scotia legislature, diad Friday altar
two years' dime, aged (r2
Tike marl tweeting of rho Liberal -Cam
pervades .seooiatio. of North (:req esu
h eld is Owen So•ad Friday.
Valerie* Rats, of the township of
Bispham, has been oboesa as the Reform
eeseYate lar N•trtb Waddlers. This make.
it • tbreernaered SOL
Joseph A. Chisholm, ►ruttier -a -law of
We late Fruitier, was memMM.d at Asti-
g et>ilb, N.S., by the O.nn.rvatives for 1be
vomit neat ie the C.mmama
A l'am.ervative eomvestion for North
Vjean& will be held at Caboose& ea Join-
ery 31.o.d will be addrer.d by Hos. Jobe
Rearm Hoa. N. C. Ware, Hoe J. F.
Weed rad Samosa Hennas, M.P.
The annual meeting .f the Went Firm
Rehm Amo.Mtion was head M West
Lre.. 1 hotel Las& of gibedei IMO 1i.etdd
Peridens, .ad it wae dosidd M hold •
emevestioe cm February 12 to aslsst a or.
Adria for the oomisg PaeY•maMeel doc-
01111111BPa1: Juba Forger. • Om+ed
Tiu art wgh.er, of St. Them.•, abet bum'
self Med with a revolver.
t sadism wood pulp i ging • feetbeld
is Reifland.
Reports .n revived of a droves, .f gold
is AMbam tew•skip.
wpm Jordan. a deaf parer, was WIC
td M w G P. R. track mar the Jesters
Eateeday wearier.
The workmen se the (.reed Truck ranih
hen.e a04 repair slow in Leedom haw hose
pat ea short tem& i.
Aritber herb outrage ra. pm1•er••4
Paris Momdy, but mo use ova. kilned.
AmnaNrb are beamed far jt.
C. flu •. • telegraph um•br.
Sioggrilly elf E\ !female, OM. bas seen
balms egad Is rani DA" inns••
ret AbIIw» OBllibr of ti Derr. N. H..
161009.1 ski laslif !//B base &ars In
•..lawn, ifsusS Ilii Mood, nun-
• I.mimell wnas ger PA nos.
war lir
Noe& amid 'bredm of the
Club how Ur geld by
Ram Meeereal
ry till.
P. H
a t>a., ad She
midi bee ovenbird a04 pet the bar per
of eat sails up 50 mala per keg. The pries
lasted yesterday was 0210 par lag.
A beetle's,/ oe Ebtb ot, New York, whir
wae being altered, rellapsed at nese ea
Saturday. Flail nes were burled in tens
Workmen .t the I televise Howe ruins at
Albany, N. 1' , have unearthed the resumes
of three more bodies. There were no amuse
of tdeoNic.ton.
1.wrge Dauwoody, bestow inspector for
South Stmcoe, formerly of Clover Hill,
dropped deed yesterday at Allston, Out.,
freer heart failure.
Aa apparently healthy cow from a 1Wanni•
peg dairy when slaughtered was found to be
elected with tuberculosis in • most advaac-
eel ted dangerous form.
Vse Vises and Baer, of Philadelphia. the
• patr•oared cbampioes of Canada and the
' United Mates. will pretahly row is the
Healey Royal regatta next luly.
Mr McNichol, of the 1'. 1'. K., says the
differences betweee has road and the west
ern hoes have bees settled, and that the
settlement looks to the maintenance of 15.
The I'm .'tmerioan ('omnany promoters.
in New York, have conferral -1 judgment of
03,736 to l.uibons R \1esDinte. The con
was iDcorporated last year with &
capital of 0150,000.
The l•ovenier of 11ska says that the
seals have all gone. t b St. i ;eorg. and St.
Paul Islands alone 30,000 dead reef pups had
bees found last year. This was dos to the
killing of their mothers by the poachers.
Nearly al! the employee of the eleetrm
street railway hoes rn I:ru..klyu went os
strike Monday morning Netweso seven and
eight thoueauJ meo arc oat. The greev•
mce es said to be having u. work 13 hours
a day
At Mlooday a meeting of Hamilton City
Council, City Engineer Makin, presented
an itantvei statement 'hewing en aspendi-
litre of t''l).(Y.V. The engineer also said "tae
could not see where such a large ainount of
money here been expended...
At a special erliearnd meeting of the tire
molest titers. Toronto. on Setunday, it was
stated slat the total Iota on the two fire. of
let week would reach nearly a million dol-
lars, stale the public would lose about half
a million over that firers.
4 1 (( fru•n.l., the enemy. should
try dynamite the old fashioned meth
s►. Mont Murk on Tilt: st ,v al, elitor.
'j'11E man who lot es ?lest .any
which says The 'orn ho. •he enter
kis 'cant hon the ill wants to act as
bottle older for is east draught
Muss so she hate.
IT l nighty easy to tell the cow
*pis by their conversation theme days.
The " ritd is one, even if he <lee".
.. ear stripes .town his pants. t ►ur
readers will plow exciter the proti.i
Hence which his contemptible actions
call for this week, hut one is some
cute, fore•ed to scratch after a mos
•histo'. bite.
}.W YORK :State has ponied a
law against the deadhead pass on
railways, street can and other tom
neon carriers. As a result all public
officiale from legislators to mail cirri
ern have to pay their way in . urrrnt
coin, lust, the same as other people.
This is a step in the right direction
and should be duplicated in Canada,
where the deal head pats, especially
in the cams of parliamentary repre-
.entatiyes- who receive mileage • has
heroine a tiling of shame. Either the
pass or the mileage should ie 111101
THE SIGNAL has beam informed that
a certain little cockney cad was git
irig publicity to bis views en the re
e•eut attack on the editor of this paper,
enol that he even went so far as to
lav '•'e would 'sad a fire -cent ssli-
sc•ription to defray the I►expenses hov
the hattack. We would remind this
fussy little nobody, if he made
such a statement, that he occupies the
mute position to the fellow wt'o made
the attack that • mangy cur does to a
bulldog, and 1r.• is invited to make the
most ' hoist boa the hallo-ganhun."
Those who know •• Ili " besot will also
know that a '' cent wbscription to any
thing would he&bost his sire.
THEN E was a thing or two Iae•king
after the fracas on West-st. Monday
last. Maior FRAUD, JORDAN should
hate celled out the local company of
,horn marinate and bred a fee -de joie in
honor of the event, at the same time
spreading the Old Flag to the breeze
in all its glory. ♦ bonfire should
have been allowed to burn brightly
on the Market Square, to the music of
the alleged brawl band that filled the
town with wild eat melody Monday
evening of last week Let, but not
Neat. the gang that put up the job
should have been publicly thanked by
that leading tough of the town who,
we are Informed, gave instructions to
hia hetehtaes to engage the servines of
the " agent on the woman.
(IV F.H • mouth KRo T1111 StookI an -
Ramrod that the Federal reseal s
tactics wonki he held on or .boat
Womb 20. Renewal of oar oest.semed
Tory oost.etperari . 1•ughed at the
sbessmmnt sod endeavored to poen
posh the idea, but latterly they Imes
Rued. forted to dtaw is their liars.,
mad it is generally conceded now that
the stay originally mentioned by Tait
1'116NAL is within the range of accur-
in Huron Liberal candidate* err In
the field in the constituencies, awl
it is quite possible interesting elec-
lertion. will he held in all three in
Wert Huron M. C. Caw Retie, of Goth
rich, bar been the Liberal candidate
for some eighteen months, and sore
recently the Patrons selected 1). A.
Fogersrsie, of (linter. +aid the ton
servativer nominated Iloo .1 C. PA7
reReoa, Of Windsor. In £Ls.t Hunan
Ur. Meelme.eto, the sitting member,
is opposed by F. i_ I)u-ltseso . Merril
ter. of Wingham. In South Huro.i,
IoMx M. Mitten, the old and tried
Liberal member, is agaii. the canal
I'n'fer these conditb u. it will lie
seen that the county has a sere full
slat••, all that is wanted being one or
two more Patrons to round out the
shortage in East and South Huron
h:.• that as it may, of one thing we
feel :assured and that is that whether
the election 'Otage soots or late the
Laterals in Huron are prepared for
the fray, and will give a good account
iu favor of letter government and iso
proved tariff legislation when the dry
of reckoning comer.
T1I E, second meeting of the t hitrrio
guexi Roads Association will be held
in the V. M. C. A. iluilding, Young
.t., Toronto, Olt the afternoon and
rvening of Feb. ; th, and the forenoon
of °Feb. nth three seas;ons.
While the program for the meeting
has not yet been fully arranged, it is
expected that there will be addresses
and papers from a number of men in
wrested in the movement, in addition
to some -of the officers of the Associa
tion. Among those may be mentioned
Ilis Honor Lieut. -Gov. r%IEKP*TRI< K,
Hoa. THoa. BALLANT1NR, His Honor
Judge W.wns , of Chatham. A. F.
Wooer. ex-M.PP., and others.
1SaIsgtwtes have been invited from
the municipal bailee, the boards of
trade and the various agricultural
associations and societies of the Prov-
ince. The meeting, it is to be bep.tl,
will be a large and thoroughly repre-
sentative one. such an the importanre
of the u,Ovewent for road improve
mrnt merits.
Were a little di and, but still
is the ring.
lend Ill year resswal suh,rrip
non for 1896. •
The opportunities to make the
Ottawa Winter carerss! • paying Institution
may dip on the ice.
Who will be the next Warden of
Huron \I• Paras..', of Tornberry, or M.
Meso Ins, of Chivas '
It i. beginning to look like a real
Canadian Winter, thank goodness. and
Canada wants (!eYtis• weather.
The Dominion elections are get
ling nearer as each day pusses by. They will
he .o between this data and the Ides of
March. ®
What does s&. Chhi Japanese
imbruing amount te when eornpred with
the aftercleps of the t;derich municipal
The indications at present Ars
that the met election In West Huron will
be between I). A. Feasts -rite and another
Reformer. Newsome west be an at.
A number of the members of last
year's council hide adieu to their cushioned
nabs Friday evening last. ..d the please
that knew them will know than .t mora.
We wish +some old subscriber
would send as en owed and rusted horse
shoe to clangs our look. for leek base's
boss ramose sur wry thee fu daring 1896.
After a few more disaatrnus fires
have p•oobed holes in the brine= Meeks
of Toronto that sleepy place may wake up
endcieetly to add to its present isadaluete
system of hes proleo.tins.
The Sons of Fangl•nd know how
to slog • dinner and put down roast beef,
" plum duff." etcetera ..pedally stoat -era
&fear the meet approved (sexton. " For
they are Idly rood fellows."
C our vacillating contemporary ole
seta to ?,sing classed with Mayor Rrvr.sa,
en the homer, pious sod reepeetabls plane
it• a oleo ease of 1'RIAH HRAs object's' to
berm classed with RIIJ. ATxMIL
It is amusing to nee the interest
that is tree in Other.& menieipsl women
by the Irides Pre lime. Then mesa bo
dined Wirier alansiiw with the edi-
torial rooter of AR Weir err. from
this end.
The membsn of fes i council
will regret to learn err Ama. Motu,,
reeve of Cabooses, is tying .sri•edy i11 at
his reiia.M Wat.ys. Ouvea, formrly
deputy -reeve of m
Ory, is in • pr.eis.s
eeltis., and ski year ren fever torer
Mfrom mmm..lp&l pairs egret W
FIndi4..ilMa Rewe Well war en.
(abhrm i alma met 1a roller he•N►, .ad
M er w roe m t.s imdipard.
Pllss ed perms dews seem to ward al
illasm, or we raid all strive ler Oar m04
is claimed by some that the
pew* art weat►r m Ottawa is marled by
Lewd Aareass's toning his esuiteaaaes
from the Winter oer.i,•1 scheme. because
its maa•..ro would not pwtpu.e the date
XX souoaat of the Tnour.on ebanlaies.
Tias annual meeting of the Cana
titan Press Assoeiastm will be held in the
l.ugialauve Buildings, Toronto, Thursday
and Friday, Jas. 31 and Feb. 1. The Meet -
log will open .t 1l . m Thursday. 1s ad-
dition to the regular work of the mama)
• smog, then .111 be • gathering et "01d
Timorformer members of the assowa.
t1oa and tress repre.eutel.ves who .r• not
now is active membership. Thursday even-
ing • bouquet will be bell et Webbs, b..
gisiwg at 6 r w abarp, rod on Friday the
officer* will be sleeted for the eneui.g year,
and a number of important s.wspap•r fea-
tures will be dimamed.
B eate Neatens. Ir.m a r.sspblrs be auto*
a. ellbberd.
The re•ord suede by the tratbc d various
exchanges has Id during the past year, to
& Lothar record which hes been of Interest,
mon especially to the urn of telephones.
This le a troth record of the subscriber's
Di .Mone, showing just now many times It
is used es.;h day on outward cells and ou to-
ward calls, and bow many times the 11.e
has been called tor others and found busy,
showing also whether the " busy " cells
were on ac.•ouot qt the fact that the tele.
phone was bring used for outgoing or In
uos.ieg beadiest In the I'hic go exchaa,e
the recurds of about 3,000 hem have been
kept in the manor. to one case • firm of
peckers, having SIX linee cuonecrrd with the
Yards exchange in Cheese.), was found to
use the telephone an avenge ot 802 times is
each day. It was f rend also, that this firm
was called for many times when all the hues
were busy. The matter of this telephone
odic was taken up with the people In
charge of this pert of thehrm's busimes and
it was found that frequently all of thee tele-
phones, or nearly all of them, were swivel
by their own men at one time in making
outward calls. It use sh awn the telephone
lines represented bestows entrances or doors
Inc hummed to the firm s nthce, dust es much
in • way. as the actual doors leading froth
the street or hallway, and in tact, more so,
bemuse more people procured en eutr•nce
through their telephone doors of 1 may use
that teris -than in any other way. 1t was
then shown that of these telephones were
blocked by the outgoing work of the firm's
employes, it was naturally impoeslble for
woyooe desiring to do en to get in at the
same time. In a way. It was as It, nn a large
retail store, at the time it was o.ened for
business in the morning. an order ahold be
ghee to the shipping departments to ship
the goods out of the front doors, tilling them
with boxes, trucks and nen. This, it is
eviden*, would soon paralyse the retail
business, because no one desiring to trade
with the firm could gam •dmassoo through
the usual entrances. Such a proceeding
would naturally drive away custom and
very much interfere with the business of
the retail store. Thu point beteg illustrat-
ed. it was arranged with 15. firm of pwkera
that they should not allow their own people
to use ell the telephones simultaneously,
but endeavor, in every way, to leave at
(east oue lose open and available for the en-
trance of calls t•, their (Aces. This temple
arrangement, rhich was merely an appreci-
ation by the subscriber of what the tele-
phooe really could do, led to an immedate
ride( as the traffic. The 800 and more cells
were handled as before, and the number of
busy or unavailing calls was largely re-
duced. The reoord of the traffic shown and
illustrated in this mapper. without the aci-
dities of other telephones, but merely by
bringing about • co-operation and better use
of existing facilities by the subscriber, re-
sulting not only in great benefit to hien, but
to the convenience cf hr. customers. 1n
other teas It was (owed that where • single
telephone was used one hundred or more
tunes a day, the busy or unavailing calls for
the line were very largely caused by the
habit ot the subscnher in originating • large
n umber of Dells co*seeutively, and in that
way blocking oat, daffier a period of one
hour or more, all of the calls which had
been med. tor his lane. People who wanted
to talk with the subscriber were knoekint
at his telephone door, iodicg at busy pomp
and again, and heal'''. in undoubtedly very
many Instances, ways at up entirely or took
their business to someone chs. The door,
meanwhile, had been blocked by the volun-
tary action 01 the .ubacnber himself, Inst as
much as if he bad locked the doer of
entrance into he place of business and re-
used &dressers to all partial
This record of telephone traffic upon the
..beenbers' lines is showing clearly every
day that the final completion of a telephone
call depends Dot wholly ■pon the telephone
company or it. &Beata, but very largely, and
in many cases &least wholly epos the
intelligent use of the tel.phooe by the
in looking at the t.Iephooe as a door or
e ntrance for easiness, which it certainly is,
the user most ussdentaod that if his besi-
eges as extensive in volume, it can so men
ester by one door or mss telepkose. whim
is limited in the extant to which it ran be
fwd, then it to parable for an extensive
trade r.preeentd by customers te enter by
one •arrow door. There must be doors
en•ogh• and then mast be teiephe.eseseeek
and people eso ugh employed to boodle the
tolerates to &eooslmd•te the bewiaes and
the trade .5ieh ester in that, way.
la a ember of instances the blocking of
busiaem by the euhsiwibere wan (mad to
have been called by unwarranted and es-
esesseary me of the te1.TMues by employes,
the " deadly nffiee boy once again figuring
Y alapp sspeeisl .tumbling brook in other
ape& the Mock reg was tested be be noassiossd
by the bent, when a eall was received, of
instreeting the calling party b " hold the
lir," whereupon the eler5 who bad answer-
ed the telephone would host aerial for the
imdividnal called for, and pother at the
end of five mieutes or more bring him to
the telephone. Morias this ported el are
prheps twisty Ove other eorresposdwte
&eared to talk either with the subscriber
eririaasidg the o&11 er with the office at
which rah eetieso had been groes to " held
the wire, were entirely bilobed mt. They
W bas k.eekiog at the two td.pbme
doom but ford Mem blocked in this feeler
way. It s impnsdbb M make a renrsl
rule, or to adrift h or general way la
regard to the rade of all terrier era.
o wilasee. Then are a few regretter.
however, .51.b will erlesbtodly apply to
if the .ward burr is el may value -.
that is, N It i of easy rhea to yes M ,native
ospo--io or bleb /hem re smd make N
•mpomAle Is Ham M gar eF.. b ewe11ggM1.
e rg a 1st .f ser assn. dee r
�E �'!seisms w aiBthr sir 1►� whlfi Hirst* mom se de up star
make N ewewil•ble denims Isar
.d saes th. tdsebnar just as primarilyp ••iblw
If the party rnatN is not mar 1b.
pkw.. or h trot in the odes so th.t he slay
as 5NAps
be calked at meet witless • musty, got the
•amber and trate of the party *Whim .ad
m► that tee paeo• who heal nese celled ler
will be ialwa.ed .ad .111 rail up as emu as
Watch the use of the telepbnre so that It
Nese be restricted to yaws nau..ess airs us.
Your bee, gus�t,orn a loaf temesem.I.yen.,
be toad. le .f#I.ctorily beadle perhaps
eighty smile if they ere evenly distributed.
If. however, your telephom a urk is owe-
gs.Nd tato three or four hour., ,t is impos-
sible to beadle any ouch uuo,uer un aN
Ieswte'•phei IS not .n.•ufh to semen
Dsodate v our tats..*, use its" w snore. if
ibis arrsng• in -•t s me profitable it wrwlld
ba well to ustruct currespoodeum whom
hm.itaa.. 1. not of importeeee to a1..id call-
ing you by telephooe
Such ea swivas of 1be traffic will be of
beesti• to es cry bury telephone auba:uda•r.
and hes ora .ekes in r• lleviog the prwo.rs
Oa his line will hovel, him more wed rn
h.o. a the •flue of hu t.Iephuue te .n thou
•nv;'hn v he rsn tiro
To -day 1be telephone exchange is a eroct
nod important factor in the tran.ecttoo el
h umour in Targe cities it is no longer a
matter of eons lin. 10 .0 excheug. a ...,e Io
,truinent ID an » 5ti ! Or Mart M.I,M : .i 1e a
nma.s of dome ituaness wluuit 'nue le fir •
rel 10 the busier.* not re the bu•unr.e rel
Me telephone cv.mpeny. hut to the busmen
of the tele,,hone user. It must ie mads ex-
tensive enough anal iroa'1 enough 50 meet
hu use and detain., and n must he wed
by him in a way whi, h will hoes meet the..
demands It is beteg shown throughout
rhe country that the telephone exchanges
do and will adapt themselves to the ner&
of the business of th.tr perms. Tele.
phones are now I.eiog tut imbed ler large rt
changes to eccommoda'e the lighteet and
most infrequent utter as well u the heaviest
in rep cue • single instrument, to the or ere
p'rlhl, a large pi -testa branch ettchenge
operated by the .uh.criber. The determin-
ing quantity is the telephone troth, which
the .ub.criberwishes to handle. ern it de-
pends the number and kind of telephone
"dont"' necessary for his exits rod eo-
:ranupe. An appreciation of the feet• of
telephone traffic by telephone users .511
•hes be of immediate benefit to them anti
so their correspondents It will make the
telephone door swing mere ready and mere
frequently, end not often he totted in that
neat siectory cwoditios, "Rory now, plow
call •gaie
e aarOrlrr In the Face.
•.Have you ever in.1 n..l how eert.un
lallings in life ,.rot t.. ronin•., the owlss•-
01. the facer an well as the gaits of thee.. -
who follow tbrrli''a..kr.l .J..hn H Smalley.
of Pruvidruee. 11.1. W. rail understand
how the sailor 'memos discard ht. Trillium
walk when uu •burr, and a peculiarity of
gait i. retrievable 111 Cot• jockey, the cow-
boy and the tMinionn sur 1he wenn Matson
{tut how ton the facetal . heracteristics..l.
tenable in ...nwtett tsniru to beeiert rated
fur' The tailor hart a distinctive type of
fare. i think it i. .lee to the fact that he
works his jaws in time with hi. shear
Watch one rotting a pier of cloth. end
you.will see that the jaw... idol sheers keep
exact time. Xeprh' all jet keyand grown*
herr a peculiar set ed sin• th aoti chin.
which gives to the plt.i..gnutnist rut un
failing index to their calling. The drill
,rrgr.unt eh o.. (v. Md in the. mouth
and syr; the horseman shown it in the eye.
The hr•ttktern:us hnv :u y tangy of bin ew'n, do
he.. the Wet ' le, engineer, the machin -
bit. the t.,bhkr, the molter. almost all
craftsmen, in .hurt. The per &wai.Alai
gambler has a marked fees. The crone
can he told by his facial characteristics on
sight by a skilled detective. and ,tune- ex-
pert thief takers tiro route nearly telling
what partfcul ar lay lir works, whether he
in s streak thief. highwayman. reek pecker
burgher air t.nufidrnee nun." -*64. LOU!,
Globs limner -at.
(lee .lir the Proprieties.
A policeman. .1111 iu uniform. ..n his
way home. stuanl a moment at for ,-ornrr
d a
couple of rr.ideiice streets, end ale be
-tartest on a ter) 1•and•.omely deemed
little girl rater up awl stopped while a
r.trriagr pres.trd.
"flow d'y' do. Iittlegirl'• the officer,
in a fatherly tone, for he had some- little
girl. of his own.
The little mi.os looked et him askance.
"Ile your want lier get erne the street"'
he tall again. attributing her silence to
the natural 'hyn.nw of a child.
She merely looked st him end mach no
"('Omar," be said, in his kindliest' way
"I'm going scum. and I'll escort y.0
This time she stepped lack. haughtily
"Excuse me," she replied, ' 1 can take
care of myself. My mamma told me it
wasn't prosper fora laity to be seen on the
street with a gentleman she hays nut been
intrieluced tat," and she skipped se • rear,
leaving the officer leaning up against
the lamp post trying to get over the
It W.rt.d Mwt1a weir..
An old Welch tailor Ming sued by the
rector for tithes, and bring told those were
for preaching in church, ewid, "I've no-
thing to glee then, fur 1 never tome to
beat thee."
••rah, but you could come wh you
like," said the rector; "the doors are a1-
waye open."
Next day the parson threatened further
proceedings, whereupon the tailor tock
him a hill for forty shillings.
"For what do 1 owe you this money'"
"For tailoring."
"For tailoring!" exclaimed the rectae
"Why, 1 Dever wee tailored by you in my
"05, lint thou mlgbt'st have come and
been tailored any day thou dld'st like, for
my door., like thine, aro always open." --
Amines the Freaks.
"i don't ser wby the manager always
comer to see me when be Isdronk," growl-
ed the ('Ircaadan beauty.
"He probably thinks you ere a make
charmer. , suggested the needed man• who
had been slighted by the bsewty.
■e Wse sed He Wee. t.
"Are you a single man)" Inquired the
lady of the brawny mechanic, who had
corae to fix the kitchen etntre.
"Conaiderin' Inatrielory, mem," be re-
plied. "i am: but when it comes to Oleg -
eta', they de ay I'm equal se *beet rewne
Br.molle : At 6:30 :sleek Wedamday,
J.•. 9t►, Hear R ldgdd.ok. esreheaee,, of
Newmarket, i.rm•rty eti Sr.n.L .ad Mao
Mabel R. Jamison were gaited is • arriage
as the resideame Of the bride's p.remm,Terte
berry -ea, lrwsesla Rev. O.mmel Jana.,
gremilatrw of the Irak perfumed the tore
Mguy. the terailliaan relatives big she
rely pram The bride was very
howirmrly .hided is a dreBl g reenma,
She was dgift • imp mmm.br .f
bierEel w
Over 250 different lines.
EVERY PAIR marked at less
than manufacturer's p r i c e. Not
often such a money -saving oppor-
tunity in footwear presents itself.
Shouldn't you take advantage of
A 2lantle
No need for talk ---the price ap-
peals to you. The pick of any
Jacket in stock, ranging from $10
to $15, for $6 75.
The pick of any J acket in
stock, ranging from $7 to $9.75,
for $4.90.
This of course means a posi-
tive loss, but we're determined not
to carry them over.
Jtt ot /tisV Jt)
The Klerk Sea has a depth of • 00 tatr-
The 5.orgonia. or fan corals. are found le
every sea.
The Atlantic 5 octan Dikes its came from.
Mount Atlas.
Out of 1,000,000 people, 1 ,0'XI succumb
to apoplexy.
The water In ane strait of 1.sbrltar it
150 fathoms deep.
Masobester, Forl•nd, Rete ere water sup-
ply 96 miles away.
The Gulf stream s (00 pules wide and
from 400 to 600 fathoms deep.
The polar currenta caution lees mit tt.s
those from the equator.
In a cubic meter of limestone 1 )rbigoy
found 3,000,000,000 sea shells.
Sohnebtle, the mew .xplesuye, is composed
cbieSy of chloride of potash.
Teakwood . r Indian oak will sink a
water. It is also one of the hardest ol
Soldier' in the Fattest •sites army ars
said to leas on an average 21 days every
year from Meese
Between 1870 and 1g A ever 7,000 petiolate
were granted in Europe and Americo for
various devious connected with electric
The meet extensive employment of gas an
• factory during the early days of this el•
lurnisaust was in the Phillips f lee crttos
mills is 1806.
Near the (.aopias Sea there are several
"err' fires.' so milled by the natives,
where manna ger issues from the ground
and has been es tin for ages.
Itev. Frank Talmage, les of Rev. Dr.
TaImuge clad pastor of the the Second Pres-
byterian eburob of Pittsburg, ham ret.raed
from his trip to the Holy laid.
John Ruane, the Kodiak' labor leader, is
only thirty -tax yearn of age, .ads •
twoobanical sorter. He represents a
London district i• the Hesse et I Owner.
The illowi song hewer of the gas largely
tbpesds ea the shape of the bursar employ.
ed. The smaller and 'hirer the flame the
mens rapid the osnenmptiSS and the less the
The prier and princess of Wales have
seat a ,birthday gift is the form of a shil-
ling lee every past birthday to Mn. Sarah
Th.spsea, .Bed 10e years, the oldest lady
h W.M.
or amps were t•trodtto.d 1s the Pare
streets is 1819 Thar .mpbywt caused
so little remark row the country people,
'begot an hies that there was tram0 mare
abn.t the matter.
lady Mari. Forester, who r...•tly died
in F rand, ws. the wars. .he sutasbd
Peewee Nighti.ple fee hospital merit in
Crime., and this ra.tuttd the rissole a
system el ..emirs.
Marquis of loess, 5..5.04 of the Pris-
ms Leers, bee pee Ines bus...m Nth a
1wd.s benes dee.rwti g first, .ad is said
utbe diex•mpla won, bantam erre; & geed
11e hor sear at Remi& was •id .f 20
Remit. regimen .04 i•dsp.•dent bat.
tabor aid .f two Oman .Ned awe
A.r,ms regimmee, sad es edgier • i• .nits
of the Grim navy.
Rwr.na Ymyy lib. Belden yk heir. naw
is tki wase.►. is el mown build, with •
odemel bed. erred with dark brews hair.
Ho tress of • el ms.ii.ea, nag W
alga trier gtriw L
Lw.5ily .owl (Luast..ee of the serf em
'breast'. of English '.rohibst musts, is the
*weer of ex teens ns a hop yard. The brew
et lotted seeking revenge by adv.rtut.y
beer Mack from the Resume'omers.t hops.
Oise of the old guard of civil war eon.
slanders is Thomas John Wood, of Ittytes.
olho, retired oaior general, I S.A. H. is
seventy...se years old, of Kentucky birth,
and led the famous .exult on Missionary
From the Par gra
Aro you aware that Roger
Ahoo, a former resident of t olbnroe town
ship, I1urea County, tent, hire been elected
l,overnor for the Mate of North I►akeu, on
the Republican ticket' Also James Iebte,
• loaner resident ol East N •wanosh, has
been .elected 'imitator lee No, 2 District,
Pembina county, North iiakota, oe the
Populist party ticket. Tia said .lames
Dolan was or of my pupal: when I taught
the Manchester public school mere wean
ago. His father lives hear Manchester. 1
ant proud of my pupil. We had a fine Fall
with very little snow. No. 1 hard wheat
46 to tit• a bushel. Ratter 20e. • Ib.
Bat • a, Pembina ('o , N.1).,
I1sa 17, 1894.
A mtegrnle to the Tew. .
Te. :,i1 EisiT"K '.r Taa "1..\AI Wo
have a methanol"' iastitute, in town which
was isetitmted. I believe, in the interest of
yeumg sten ta order that they might pike
advantage of the epleadid library and per
the Winter eyesisgs improving their minds.
oess•iusntly adding much to their know
ledge and keeping them from playing the
hoodlum, as tbsy do now in stasdi.g around
Um street dormers and is store frosts, and
spitting the filthy stet! in front of the bus.
mem places, cousin, annoymes sed disgust
to the owners of three places &ad Char dna
tamer& They also fill in their time using
the most prtfana languor and insulting
with their filthy tongue". ladies sed others
who may pees. We have • eight -watchman
who is paid to protect tie oltiru.a in every
way. Wh doss he not snood to those
Zaino and IAye them to some peps. where
they will have at least the protest M a
great to mini them that their company is
sot even wanted there. PROTESTER.
Gardenia, Jas. 16th, 1006
west ■■r.. AgrtraIturollsss mess The
Mrorese• M lee&,
A meeting of the Arno.lt.ral Seersty was
bold te the Tows (:lark's ethos yesterday
The atssd..oe was fair.
The Smarr' st&eemest chewed receipts
se 11:761 51 : expe•diteres 0266201: revise
a Wars en head and 1101 paid en the
provirus years' iwidted•.ss.
lams earn of last year were all re -root-
Tht llowleg usere app.besd director.
'l Jab• er, A. MeV. Allan, Then.
Angus M.Rimm, Dr. (hark. Hy
Canna. Jas. Awdl, Hark Minim.
The date of f.11 skew .04 qts rsn .. to
erhathar two r th.ee days will he lad at
e arl of Ro.4 en Fr. 26.
Mara old, Alias, Oaallry, Ye[la-
me•, Beek ..d (aerie are .emmilllee en re-
viles ef
prim Hr. M roped M earl Herd'
YmrM. fro Tau anneal` OAF 11 • yam, •