HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-17, Page 3DeiMINIPF.
LTA. isms o..•eas Pest Oil.. w
a.mmi.lt.• M Wog tero
GlodooloO. ll seeederd and eel
'.mw... wrbot. Oen ..a ear
Mdmi il.tored for minim enw.orlag st teeth.
.tewyra owls to the p.n.rvNiw
heHe.w estrumestrumw went
d MM. estrumes
iJ . N ki o& Pruni .Brat
real et, VIII\t nal s tram Bratsk
VV toes. Seileitsea, Notaries, Ike-
c_ (ied/r/eh.
Uiom-Over Jordan's U More. ii OwA11-
r N, Q. C.. M. U. JOHNSTON. t to
e.laltor, (aavq•oOer. M.. etc. Mal,
N Mia at lowest rata Mmten. 1rok.:1►
/ar (Whom Hotel. Aod ash. Oat. >Mir
. ter 1. M.rWm. aa.eae 1 Oot.rie
pier A/tIt\ Oolttaen. knuL !ria
. OR. to. Olen, set. ».••(s sad W.M
aroma, Owerish. war bel.Ip.P de.m. Pri-
vate Fwads to lend at Iowan rites of Inter-
ri. s. Attor.eyy..,,noIMuon, to.. Gods
Mole. J. 1'. Uarr.w. (LC-, W. Proud foot.
etAMEK0)!i, HOLT d HuLMES,
barristers, Solicitors Is Chaacery, to
eederlcb. M. C. Cameros. (i.C. ; P. lilt ;
D.d1.7 Holmes.
U • Re.. tend nom aiselmer for Mimi sad ra-
esn iug re ogi .new s of ball. =Morals et
earsauuas, depositions or sebu • dedai.-
Y..O is or ouncereingsal ..Lien. snit or pro-
eeeil•r( la tae High COOrt ot Justice, the
Court of Appetit for Ontario. or in ay t:oasy
or lhvlsto• Court. All trsassctloes ceref.U7
scalls -T st Oy sa. Residence
wddtf P.O.
LA011811 teas sawraatae.
lnsureace aeoe, oppo.Ite,MartlL'* Hotel
UoJeric4_ _
1 at 14 per cent Nous diecouated. C.
$LAO►it. uelee opposite Mert,n'. Rotel. MM.
MONEY TO I.l)AN. -- $25,000.00
Private Funds to lead at K per cent. a-
stray. Lu rt: M K. l a A NC N 1. Horton's block.
opposite Colburoe 11.1.1. Goderick. 407 tf
L • l�y� I.roe..oe .Beet ; •t await
sOiaF-0a..Nalthda. aid liasf It -
,i00 (000 TO WAR. APPLY TO
rleh. Lyse
11duP(!T TO LEN:.ARO8M
A.11. imamate Private Toads ter Ise lsemeo
Mimeo* rates on 4st-cM Yuetts.aw. Asti)
e oAlatOw t PRO': DPOOT
. ser.sos. Real Ilstate sad Messy
Leaning t Oely 011e•'.am ..agl.ales
repre.eatrl. Roam 1B. lead w straM
tease, at the Iowaet rats et I.terest �.laa, la
way to snit w .arts r. Oise- �.e•
deer tow Osman. west a r.0t�t(i.do-
talgr laetltute.
8100M, est. of Seat street .ad Square tap
Open from 1 to 0 r.0.. had from 7 to 10 P.X.
Leading Daily, Weekly .end illustrated
P.pw►e, Moyassass, Ste. , ow Pile.
grassimi Irmo use of Library and Ranging -
Aewilastto.. for membership received by
Uter.ries. in room
J H. COL/WRNS. t, 010.MI. ST1cs.O.
God.ele\ YYr MML Iy.
sod I...eese Agee*. a.derleh. Ont.
Angst I.ondoe sad Laoasbtn pin 1m. Co..
sad Oor• Uiatrict Minna' len Co. Sales at
waded to ,n ear pert of the county. hely
tlol.eer and lead Valuator, 6edeeat.
Ont. Having had owrdersble expsrle.oe la
lbeauctlo.eertngtr.de, he le 1. • posltloo to
dl'ah•ree with tbero0b 'sti.hatt . all cm
Menem entrusted to bags. Orden left at
Martie. Betel. or sent by mall to hlsaddrsa
eoderiei P. O...srefully atu.ded to. JOHN
KNOX Oo.nty Artioweer Ialftf
Dental ARnounoeltteeat.
011111T*L PARLORS.
It ods .met, unlimaite�d� settetsettes. afar •
therw O~`kyprosiodos oil resellingthe
s� ensu :tea 6 t
payees. M submit that 1 ham the este sad
▪ uSwlve right to ane 1. eMerlck. the .awl
e.l.atlb dY.overy which Is wsrre.td Mesar
to 'mats the least pais during the extrasllw
of tenth er stamen of ay fled. 1a M.i17
every tees, arid very little M1. Is the meat
extreme ems.
NIT XEZ LL.-01-31-.ORXD113
is •100.1 assemblage last Mv.r'silla.ts the
psdeat I. the eligheseL L *.Mels.s as water.
end the ►.A weed knows ea earth be reader
the teeth .wr..tluve to pals. Patients
mere Me 1110
Pesluvely nerveless lis /4 Ween.
r..... 1o. Of the amend teeth . mootant-
Aa dental o, altos well .d skillfully dem
petteaselniereste are seine.
WM et 000. 111 1tMaAIESON.
Their ■.sass..
" 1 are here, gentlemen," .xtai.iad the
pickpocket, to kis fellow promoters. '• as the
rwonit of • weernest of abetrsetis.."
" Aod 1," mid the iseesdisry, " Maw
of a. .nfortus•te habit of making tight of
i1 And 1," chimed is the forger, " on .c -
moat .f s etat'M choke a maks • same for
m Aid 1." rued Ms beiglar, .• 6,040
sewn, tet 'labia, .4vsstars rt as epuahg
wbieh sowed is a large meroaatils a labrea-
moat q tows." Hut bars the wurdee sepa-
Lost Om For h.
e a-
iI yen are troubled wham a odd et ooti/h.
Wainer light the .nark, Mac .at kw H :
ds net allow it to mak
Oar Ili• asibMesi
with Ragyares Portend Pabiaatgt1
t oot* *Teat"ROD is -lea IKei..IMu•TORY1St av-
K ATM AI. 0,11. TRIM ITRIkO'( 01711 1•Aa-
ALr0l+-NOPRA tie x Wplp A.1, HO 1.4101: -
O D nIR MATE Te *R1.0A.•1a YIN mote
aeriesixu-AT care mi nreD A.'Oar
fish 11.11..t7R1.111. %Ishl.iat t'1. en vv tali
Sherbrooke Gazette.
The beeehts amino from the use of 1)r.
William.' Pink Pills are well knows to the
tush.. It to a freMue0t ua:urence that
people come low tris Aloe and elate that
they have been restored to hes1M by their
ua 1t u0c elOGelly bappaoe that extra-
ordinary m•'ao,1e* of their cursuve powers
dome to our notice, .aid one of thew wee re-
lated to me recently, so ..I.Lking 10 Its
astere that we felt the clwest Investigation
was required in order to thoroujkly test the
accuracy of the sulements made to us, 11 'e
devoted the oeuuasere tame for that
perps.e ad .ao vouch for the reliability of
the tollowl.g taco, wonderfully pesdg
belief as they 'nay appear -
There are few seen 11)010 widely known in
the swum then Mr. A. T. Napkins, ail
Jobovule, Qat'. Previous to his removal to
.lob.ville, Mr Hopkins resided .t N'1•dater
Mill' and w.m for three yesn a member of
the municipal c.uocil of that piece. When
a young men Mr. Hopkins was noted for
\s atre.gth sod low ectivIty as • wrestler.
His strength timid. him to stood stead tor
he works hard at hie honoree, carryall
heavy sacks of Hour In his mill for assay
hours in the day and frequently far Into the
night. Active ea he is. and strum as he is,
there was • time not long dntent when be
wit as helpless as an ,stat esti suffered
Intolerable agoey. About three years ego,
when rreldeug at 1AI0dwr Mills, he wee
•tucked by iottsmmstory rheumaii.n.
It grew worse .aid worse until, in spite
of medical advice sod prescription, alter
• year's illness he had • stroke of paralysis.
His right arm end leg became quite umber.
Sores broke out as both legs. He suffered
excruciating agony, and had rest neither
day nor night. H. fought the best medical
advice th.t could be obtained, but no hope
was bold out te bets by the
physicians. " He will certainly the within
a mouth," ooe well-k.own practitioner told
his friends. " He will be • cripple for late.'
said two other doctors. 1' is s wonder
that, as he say.. life booms • burden to
Lint and he longed tor death to relieve him
from hu .utleriogm. This was in August,
1391. About I lctober of that year he heard
ot 1)r. 1Villame' Pok Pills and • forlorn
hops determined to try then,. H. did so,
. ad b.tore hog was able to take outdoor
n xerci.e. He persevered with the treat-
ment. closely following t he directions, and
is today ['early as air mg as when • young
man, aids able to follow successfully and
without difficulty the laborious calling by
which he gets his living
Such was the wonderful story told the
Gavotte by Mr- Hopkins, who attributes
his recovery solely to the use of 11*. Wil-
liams' I'i.k Pill., .ed he as willing to mus-
ty .ay person who may call on h:m as to
their wonderful affects.
A depraved cooditloo of the blood or •
shattered oorvou■ system is the secret of
most ills that aiihct mankind, aid by re-
storing the blood and rebo,tding the Derv's,
111. H ahem Pink Pills strike at the root
of the disease. driving It from the system
and restoring the ;matelot to health and
.treagth. 1a came of paralysis, spinal
troubles, locomotor Motu, emetic, rheu-
matism, erysipelas, scrofulous trouble., etc ,
thew pills are superior to ell other treat-
ment. They aro .Ion • specific for the
troubles which makes the lires of s many
women a burden. and speedily restore the
rash glow ot health to sallow cheeks. Men
broken down by overwork, worry or excess
es. will find in .'ink Pills • berthas cure.
Sc," by all deal.rs or soot by mail, post-
paid, at 50 cents • box, or six boxes for
8250, by art -freeway the 1n. Williams'
Company, Brockville, ')nt., or
Sch...ot.dy, 4s Y. Beware of imitations
arid substitutes alleged to he "just as good.'
Truthful AINr,..
The Household Companion When the
child int learns to *peak he is, by nature,
guilele's : kit little mind knows only truth
and bit little tongue is eager to speak It.
Let him he encouraged in this : het him
never feel that there is ay adv*sso.gg�0 in
lying. If he is made to surrender frankness
ad sincerity, he will observe troth in its
outward form only for policy'. mks, work-
ing to lou own aide whenever at may serve
hisurpoes a
to do Let truth be the
watchword of .11 life. bat the ..arch. for
troth be the uocentiee of .11 effort. Lot it
be realized that troth is the cardinal virtue,
for it meas uprightness end justice in all
things towards self sod sine's fellow men.
Let it, therefore, be the one commandment
that shall include .11 the others.
Care el Ile tar..
People in reser.) me woefully Ignorant of
the delicacy of structure of the ear, and
meddle dangerously with it No hard,
skimp isetrument., such sa kattting-ne0d1's,
hair -pias, tooth -packs, etc., should ever he
imerted. Never put aythisg he your ear
except your Heger : that will sot go deep
e.eog\ to d. harm. If tereiga bodies, ease
ea beads, peas, eberry-et..es, which eeil-
drea will experitne.t with, have head •
lodgment, go at Saos to an expert p1y.isisit
or anrmt Ears h.m btes ruined by ignor-
ant attempts to remove them Never ad.
minister M " box ea the ear." ?'her'. are .
few weil-wtbentiested caw of drab from
Lhae o..to n, .ad more of peraaent deaf-
Turpentine far Tbrent and Less...
Medical and Surgical Reporter : 1 here
been ming pan oil et tarpe.time is aflee-
lioss of the threat sad la.es for ewe time,
sad g.d better cad more wtidsetory re.
sults than from slay other remedy i haws
era tried. i w the ordinary howl ate -
minor a.d threw @pray of the liquid tato the
throat every few misuses ; or at lower is•
ter..l', 000twdi.g a Um gravity of theme.
Teta MIs the act Of a�t i►nen lee
pltewd se the act « eo,mrDeses.,
ea M to Mare of the remedy to
aha whole earfarg, eM 0 arts he does no
jnii ref e1Hdns iwalally. it n
V�� how a atrM mwibeaao.
melt sway mite Ile alma o@sittoat
war of pun oil of assysetles. l sew No
Ifta tarp ntis. spray wfoa.Ter • GAMY crow
Nebo of 'n1ei throat of soy kind.
1. or.@@ 01 Mher..heds of the Itl.R., brae -
obit& mrd the lams of pawmarla, 1
have land the $__ i.Watlw vary
ko.d1.1. 1 woo an Memtesr, or paper
feaw@I, m froebish the turpsaHsa may M
at wit. 1 Mag 1114•oa11 the ho4 sad
le this alt's tltlR04 dais sraalaawtl Iter dY
.t tarp.atiao. to all coria of .otarrahel
br.ae►tua--tie lam, 10 all simmer of tae
air Formai(..: and my patients Isverable
exprom them.eives se beim very much n-
•.yeas.. IB. wa.araa.
Ltreetly alley breakfast the bother us pet
ever the stuye wails we pail ul water, hall
O cake of herd soap shaved tine, end two
teaspooafule of kerosene. Let the tome to
a buil and add two or three pailful' of
water as may be mowed and put In the
Mamie clothes dry : let them Witte to a
hod and reotsta over the lire twenty
sautes. Take them eut and put is the
towels sod other thlop and leave them In
the same way. Pour enough water over the
clothes to the hub to owl them sudlciently
to enable ooe to wring them 0111 of the suds,
end put them sit once in the ransom water
wLich has been blunt sod media ready for
them. After stst.ding • short tame, the
clothes say be wrung out .•d .Lade ready
for the lice. Nothing Geed be rubbed un-
less. miler or wrist baud nay be the better
for it. Some very particular person* put
the clothes In a tub before riming sod pour
boiling water over them, letting them Sued
natal coel enough to handle before wringing
them out to be rinsed.
Colored clothes are washed out of the
suds, after the white ,saes have been die
nosed o1, In using kerosene, the only skill
required is to use the right &mous' of It, a
ot.lesp000ful to a pail of water bring sheet
the right quantity, and • little mecum
soon teaches one how to manage. Putting
the clothes in the boiler dry saves time and
labor and &newer* every purpose.
Three &..d Os sive ...bet.
To Fry Oysters. 1'.e the largest sodbe•t
oysters ; lay them in • row upon • clean
cloth and press souther upon them, to "'b-
ooth the moisture; have ready sever.d beaten
egg., and in another dish tonic buely crush-
ed cracker,. In the fr►tou pan hest enough
butler to eatlrely cosy the oysters: dip the
oyster, fret In.0 the ergo, thee Into the
cracker', r..Iling It or them over that they
may ammonia well encrusted : drop Into the
graite fry los pan and fry ul..kly to • light
brown. serve dry, and let the duh be
(*7.10, Pates Line small lute pans with
puff paste; roll outer somewhat thicker than
lining; put In each of the pens • piece of
hresd•to support the Dover while bskiog.
S1.k. • wolu• sauce of one tobleupi000ful of
butter, two tablespoonfuls flour sod ooe pat
of cream. Cut the oysters Into 'tall bits
and cook them ail the muco over boiling wa-
ter. ('aielully remove the upper cruet.:take
out the pieces of breed: till with the but oys-
ters aid serve at once.
I Cyder Salad. -Take half • gallon of fresh
nystent.. the yolks ..t stx hard•buded egg.,
one raw egg well beaten. two tablesp000luis
( melted butter,• to*deepoonful of mustard
with pepper anti salt, a teacup of vinegar
and four benches . t celery. Drain the
Ihinid from the '•y.ter, and pat some hot
viueg•r over them : .et on the fire live
m,utee; let cool ; mean the yolk• ot the
eggs end mi'( all the S70000togs together and
pour ever the oysters sad celery.
INN tetter.
A writer In Corohill tells a good story 11
[castrating the Important part played some-
times by banknotes is the ordinary a@airs
o1 life. About. 11x17 years ago, the cashier
of a Liverpool merchant had received, in
to -der for a business payment, • Renk of
England Dote, wbleh be held up to the
.,saucy .t the light, in order to nake sure
of 1t. genuineness.
He observed some pertilly indistinct
words traced in red on the margin. Curl•
amity tempted him to deciphering them.
They were so faintly written and ro nearly
obliterated that he touted great difficulty in
doing so, but finally he wit able to combine
them Into this seetence
"If this note should tall into the bade of
John Dean, of Looghtll,taear l &rlsle,he will
learn hereby that has brother is laguubing
• prisoner in Aleets."
Mr. Dean was shown the note and he
Zest no time in asking the vovernmeot of
the day to make interceGaton for his brother's
freedom. It appeared Men that during
eleven years, whsle his friends and family
had believed him to he dead, the latter had
been • slave to the l ley of Algiers. With •
piece of wood, he had tread an his own
blood, en the banknote, the meneage which
was eventually to secure his release.
The government exerted itself to the at•
most in the matter, and he was set tree, se
the payment of a ransom to the 1)sy.
new le Tie ab•.ulrlags.
"Stop • minute. My shoestring is un-
tied." "Oh, dear ' Vi' hat • nuisance '
Your shoestrings aro always untying, and
there's our ear coming." Result, fuse and
had temper. Though • shoestring is s very
easy than, to tie, not 000 person oat of •
hundred kanwn how to do it. We all know
bow to tie • bow and of what • bow oo.aats
two loops and • koot in the mid•ller Now
suppo.s before you tighten the low, and
while you still have a loop is each bend,
you take the loop un your right hood and
paws it through the knot in the middle.
ow go your usual way ad give both loops
• good herd tug to tighten them and there
you are ' No more uotiedpbosetriogo. No
more lost ears. When yon want to un-
fasten it, take ase of the tag ends in your
hand, give • good poll, sad the thin/ is
done, or rather u.doee.
■y Lady. /lowers,
The wase virgin, in choosing her flower
conceders bar general style, both otappear.
• aid d manner. If .he u • tall oust -
like perms tad eao the sir of • s•tat Coombs
sojourning ea the earth for a brief period.
. he.hosld ebom white rem- -sot .nary
as.., bat pearly whits ems of the sort that
mom spew very folly.
(N..sr.., brilliant red ones holewg by
right divine to the.t5Wy beauty.
Ptak roma are lees exacting is their re-
(olremente. A girl se0 . only to he fairly
rwh, sweet sod dainty to wear them of •
Nor rely.
Promo wad yellow ream re.luire • slightly
more poetissl style of beauty than 'beer red
and Mk sisters.
The rimen etre as for the clear eyed not
rsvishisgl y beautiful, but adorably sweet .rad
womanly girl.
Aad carnati0.s are for every ooe. They
are going to be very popular this winter
a.meslmait New.
'Have you rel moronneme boa carne 1'
' 881i yes; tb°11. kjosmenalid est to
raw, you kasr.
Tb. mere Trimerea.
Them ewes .teed in tee stat, Wi e1 the
Earl of Rads a straw box, on whiel was
✓ ioted the words • "Te he soma heti the
ea.s of gra." Aber the Earl's 100th it woe
.posed, in separation of gwdiwg ..me rash
Ireseare : bat elsabug wen I.mwd save Ilse
lays alma only and deprt.d .held, whew
mosirry by slow dam* Mbar IN badly
sougba to
Wee Was Rseeem8ned le 0.e WM. Ten
lbws was la is.
Loison, Jan. 8 The "New Woataa" el
Loadoa is up to the cats. *0 every par
tlouler, Gad teetotal el being footed by that
pews oreature main she es leading some of
the specie. rather • queer dime. She has
her clubs sad b. r •muku0g twat:arts, weave
silk bath, hnee'sblrts sod katekerbaokers,
kola. uta. meetings and cwvwuoas, and
show. . :.eaeacy w revol.uoloe thl.gs
Ito one of the "new nom= rather over-
did herself the other day. :the helmets to
what ia celled the "qu.hty." Attiring bet -
self in • complete ••.aeouhoe outfit, she west
to our of the Loom excluaite west sod club.,
whose threshold women are permuted
to eros. She sent the cord of • mutual
frieod to one of the member.. When the
clubman responded he sow at uoce that she
has not th. man du pretended to be.
Without any .do she dleclos.4 her ideality,
and asked to be invited to Caner.
In dream of the rules the clubman treat
ed her as • male guemt, and the Incident be
coming known, there is • great hubbub is
cluhdom. Seoeral debete questions are
being prpouud.d. Was the clubmen lust.
fed iu sacrificing hu loyalty to the club in
order to save the woman's reputat,os"
Sb old he have Amouneed the fur Ito
querader • Aod does • woine' wbo wean
trousers forfeit the protection which teeny
e ine attire commands' l'ntil these weighty
'xoblrms err settled there will be little
peace in male clul.l.....
Dees advert idea roes.
A book entitle.. "How to (;et ll,mey.-
published say heck an the tittles, contain*
the following 0u advertising
"Whatever your cellli., or eeeupatlon
may be, it needs support from the public
.dv'rrtise it thoroughly and ethciently in
...me shops or other that will arrest public
a••entlun. i freely contees that what .ua•-
cr«• I have tad in life may be attributed
more to the public press than to all other
w ore.. eonibin•d There may possibly be
occupations *0.1 lo not •r.lutre advertising.
but 1 do not well conorl!e whet they aro
Ven In business will sometimes tell you
they have tried adveru.,og and it did pot
pay. This is only when .dtertstnv is dose
*p.ringly and grudgingly. Home, opatine
dotm of advertising will not pay, p.rrhap. :
it is like • portion of physic, nuking th-
rall/nit eek but effecting nothing Ad
miteuter liberally and the cure will he
permanent. Some say they cannot afford
to advertise. In this country where
everyledy reads the net gaper.. it will he
seen that these aro thefeheapeet and best
medium through which person, can speak
to the public. where they are to 11.d their
customers. l'ut on the appearance of bun -
nein and generally the reality sill follow.
The farmer plants hu.ewd, sad while he u
ale/Ting his corn and potatoes are growler.
so with advertiitiog. While you are sleep-
ing, or eating nr conversing with nee of
your customers your advertisement is being
reed by hundred• and thousands rat perso.
who Dever saw you or heard of year busi-
ness, and would, bad it not neon for
your .dvertisemat apposing in the new..
Potion's -
rally 11.11.,.
The story of Sir Edwin la,dseer'• model
for the famous picture of the ' I seeert' is
amu.mgly told in 'Records e! an All-I:ound
Man.' (Poe morutov before Sir Edwin was
out ot bed there came a knock at his door.
Sir Edwin, rather surprised, celled out,
1V ho'. then
"Please, sir, have you ordered • lion •
was the reply.
"Ordered • what
"A hon, air, 'me there's we come to the
hack door. but he doesn't know whether
you ordered tt or not."
"1)h, very well take him in. said the
artist, who ptthforked on his clothe* and
hurried down, greatly pu.tled as to what be
should find.
A splendid lion at the Zoological garless
had just died and at the request of ...me
friend was sent to Sir Edwin.
The grisly monarch, stretched at full
leovth as he was upon the stooge of the
mutt, fur.t.hed the subject of laadeeer's
famous picture of the "Desert,' exhibited
in i f139.
The Soy knew.
The teacher was giving a natural history
" Uhildres," she said, " you all have seen
the paw of • et. It Is as soft as velvet,
isn't it
" \ es mum."
"• Aod you have seen the paw of a dog
" \ es mum."
" Well, altieuvh the cat . paw seems like
velvet, there n, Useless, concealed is
It .emethlnv that horse. N hat is it
No answer.
" The dog bites," said the teacher,
" when he is in anger, but what doe• the
cat do
"Scratches," replied the boy.
" Quite right." seed the teacher, nodding
her bead approvugly ; .. now what has the
eat got that the dog hasn't
' Kittes. ozolaia»d the hey in the
back row.
Cr.wlb N CIv11WIN..
.Another ia000testible proof of the rapid
advice of the .l•panose is the civiliratioe
of the west, is the following advertisement
which appeared in • Tokio paper recently
"A young lady wishes to get married,
She ea very beautiful, has • rosy face, which
ie eurrounded by dark early hair. Her eye-
brows show the term of the 0.11 moo., sad
the mouth is small and pretty. She le also
very rich, well read e.o.gh to admin the
flowers .n daytime at the aide of • cogs•
posies, or at sight to sip to the stars of
heaven. The man whom she will eeooss
wont be rotas hoedowns ad well sd.c.bd
. ad be ready to .bore the seas Napo with
The 401041r1...- p 'U a., .
The tntsealto is .oa*OlW' you rota shout.
I never @.e. • wl'salt0.
If I .'en • garl.tasdi.' usdrrta mt'sulto 1
wnods t kiss her. 1 jest think there's eo
such • thing as t prI /stun' under • mewl
to exedentilly.
I never aeon • miwnito, bat I've seen Int
of gawk.
I behove they get *.dor the r.imulto on
Pommes to be kin=
I'd foot um.
(;.rhe hks to no klet, I gusaa Had sorry
for gofit ti's too bad flay ii.ii lith biE
boys, Mt M• �naday Robe.t tatebor ase
Miry ksa to be on ki.& of pttspl. in Ma
1 dea't km growth .lent mi.snitn, bat 1
mod rite • lot about gar&
~dams -illaaglia.
Ok.Ois.t.o (;.qhs yield to the grateful
t-Ibisg setae at Norway Phis eHwyrrum.Tb•
or in
1e' WN. perelebeat .�tl.Mimed by till usit Wool
WM hag t.mody.:. PAN Me. sed Mit Iti
to Your
Honorable Wife"
- Me.raa.I d 1 erre.
and tell her that I am composed
of clarified cottonseed oil and re-
fined beef suet : that I am the
purest of all cooking fats; that
my name is
that I am better than lard, and
more useful than butter; that I
am equal in shortening to twice
the quantity of either, and make
food much easier of digestion.
I am to be found everywhere in
3 and 5 pound pails, but am
dole only ley
Tho N. K. Fairbank
Welllnrr..n and Awe' ab.,
a l e bin j (Ne...
\Ito he.e d 11. rMt 11I... of religior.
t1'Ith soneo 01,•.,, a Lein g with others
it Is largely 1..•,,, ; well • n•. it .. mostly
faith, with others it is generally talk '
A converted co • boy eves this as his idea
o f whet re . to - 1 ..,.. of folks that
w,uld real:* Ill. 1.• do tight think that
servo.' the 1,-r n.r" • .h. ,,*,n' themsrlvrs
ht.ar.e prai.lu 11 nem, New, 1'h tell
you how 1 1•.•1 ~, what. 1'.n workin' for
.him here. Noe,it , • - 1 around the house
herr tetra' wh. ..•,d f.11..w s
Jim , sod
•.ogle' .nog- ,•. ,.rases, "u.l rel,m' up ,a the
nlp:ht to r,ru...- lou. I'd be doing let
what lata of I'one-Ian. do: but i wouldn't
mutt slim, mull 1'd .-, h.rd mighty quick.
Kut when 1 bo•-kl. es o,y .• raps and hurtle
anion, the 0,11-, •. nee that Jim'. herd Is
.11 right .Ind to. OWN. ,. for water and feed,
or bean' off the nen.. and branded by sow
thieves, then I'm iervu.r Jtrn as he waste
to he ser%ed."
This wa. the .-n,'.te,i cowboy's idea.
Does it not ...u,.d a 1,"I.. like 010 voice of
Him wh•-, when N • .11....1.1e Gaol, •• Lord,
thou know. -.1 .01 Phi,•,-" thou hooves' that
1 love the.. -. . wane -red, " Tend my
A .wall Nov'• a01Nr Jobe.
"Pop; .ai.l 11t... t .'el' I'enquin, 'why .re
Soldiers 1 kw rock.'
'Recau.e they steno fast,' said \Ir. Pen
'Nope,' ..id .'.Irk
•1(eoue0 they rens• f1vsaid Mr. I'en-
'Sop.,' said 1'.
'11'hy s n the. 1' del, said \Ir. I'en
''('awe the* re b.- h drilled.' said Itttle
Hato' I t 1.n -et.,
has decided .• .• t m bushman, and
will .dug.. • . •-mire stock
AT and t F OW COST!
In order 1.• -•. 1 "Ill quickly.
Alit* Haynie. OFI N KEPT
With that COUCH, It you din not
want to repeat the experience, buy
A bottle of the
Gray's Syrup of
Red Spruce Gum
The best Cough Cure in the world.
Sold everywhere as et.. a bottle.
(41 IvyOrYTREAr,.
Its no because
sf h but
you canna
smoke a better
Cigar Tridil -
"R08 ROY,"
D. eat 5c.
but 1 get sax
91f _Frty, f(T a
aO1Mee; 111001410111 M , mewvas'sa
Steel Chinaware (made by D. R. Gebrauchem l' ten
of Antwrirp, Germany), Tea Pots, Coffee ' o'
Suga.• Bowls, Platen, Cups and Relic
Butter Dishes, ett:.
Call and see 01'KNEi'S NEW OXFORD lin. of STov
ti'St, *,' Et
"I'1,.• lending Stove l).:II• r. I'iu411• I'nl,uuthe and
Heating Engin*'ir7..f Ixo,iw-
1 Repairing promptly atton•l,.i t..
( 1 !AL ( OIL -4 Imperial (Lir. f r 4:1. --Blurt Geo.
+ + + •
Choicest (..*(iii e, //finery, (6'S, t ' 1 • Flat!/S etc.
Only the-' Best kept o 1
N tf
As we intro.! tiling .t.. -k o. xt month, for the XF\ 1 THIRT Y'YS we
give some rare bargain. Iia d •
Lamp Goods.
\1'e have some of the hest stover in tri. market au., • lrrenoig sales .bow lea,
we are selling, them cheep. Hoo ever, rather than keep• a.) over. ee will sell earn
cheaper stall.
We are sole agents for II Vote R (' ..'s Stoves of whirl. ...rod 7 1.., month. Mel
are splendid bakers. and the bre .1...r is lull elle of tire box fur bursas ,...r.. wood.
Examine this Stove before buying.
FI I l:
We have just r*'eeivedl a tine a,rnrtment of Fancy 7hpl.•rs suitahl,• for
l'hnstma, Present., which we are prepared to give you st Prices that defy
competition. ('all and ser. theta.
We hear a great deal about Bargain Days just nos. 1V.• will give you
Bargains in i.adies', Gents', and Children's Footwear of all .tyles.
Alen's Foxed i.ace hoots, .,.olid Leather, ',, ,r. per pair
Congre•s. " " 111.2o per lair.
L**Iie.' Butt Roots, frost, 9.5e. up to $3.00.
eye'. Hisses and Children's `(hoes at equally Mw pri.t•;.
In Ihcrshoes we will give you prices lower than th. low.st.
Ladies felt ,Button (Iverahoe. at $1.25 per pair.
" Waterproof " at 1.50 per pair.
Gent.. Snow Excluders, Lined., at $1.20 per lair
VI's carry the celebrated Granby Overshoes in stn. k that will wear like
iron and will be sold at prices to suit the tiro.,.
ladies Over Stockings at 40c. and. 50.•. per 1.:.1r
We ural in Boots and shoes exclusively and „u1 Iaie you better Geode
for leas money than you have to pay for inferior ga.14 to the general Stereo.
P.M. Remember that we otter no P11 EM I 1"M t., get )ou to buy our
Goods except their Exceptional Value.
Corner F.a.t st and S.1u:tre. ,u, • ....r to E. DOWNING.
N=W S_12NEs
rR=ss o-oo=m1.
Now arriving and to arrise, and although I do not- indulge in the
Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis-
cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New,
Seasonable anti up to date. Prices are right every time and all the
time, Quality- considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in
Stock and to arrive in slue course, but the public may rest assured that
no House in the Tralle can do I.*,tter• as i buy only from the best
Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cash basis. One of my Specialti
,just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at
Price never sur low in the annals of the Dry (foods Trade.
Iswp.rll.n k1ai11 nelleeler. t Pee rear. aesrwst M
1084 Drayer and HebePd.Rber.
R'. keep a largt' assortment of 1111• , Pry l...t Brand on
!market . grtwnel froth four to Bte Gallieig thinner nn the heck
at for fate,
neap Goods we have minced iia pr , and aro new tolling
A full line of File.. ei Oh tete, Dandle* and .i. tt< slwsvt in `*tock.
tuspre las /svMed.
DAVISON &9.4?.,