HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-17, Page 1or ode w den • Cy - Mr. Signal Subscriptions NN CASH IN ADVANCE IS TS8 POLICY for 1895 tit THD T IIfCi W3111w P A PM P OF HU iOTfi COUNTY_ au - FORTY -SEVENTH YEAR. -$500 AMMO.. GODERICH. ONTARIO. CANADA. THURSDAY, JJANU'AR\ 17, 1896. D. McGILLICI'DDY, ?,scsir gel& Y.) AIR THE DOINGS AT OTTAWA. Whatl.Ooing; on at th.Capltal I..1. She heser.snewe Leek. alter the resod. • I.1ere.1. - A ..bite( en Wb eb the A.dlser t.eeeral and J•be Shawn d. net agree. Tia Site NAL l'etreapssAeses ( IT1'A WA, Jan. 12th. 1 have be- fore referred to the "Shiek's Island Dani" 000tract, that $3144,0(10 ooatract the 4.overu- ment, as Minster Ha41g•rt told you last e es.ion, awarded the Davie tiros. without tolling for twofers I Mee also recently told you that the Au4itor•(.eoeral has refus- ed to allow payment to be made the 'hots Kiss. Now, 1 want to tell you eotiietbtng mon is cownec:toon with this celebrated firm and its rotenone with the 4.uvereme.t. 1 want you to follow the story closely, for :t might be one of those stories you appreciate if you are at all in the Government's methods of doing business The li•.t. Br.. h&.e a large contract o0 the 4'ornwall email and the cash **corny of 1160.000 held by the government for the oonipletio0 of this contra,( also rovers the ihirk 'e Island Item contract whlch the I.overnmeit.warded the Davis Brce. priv- ately. Now, it out.. to the @stoof the inquteotiv Liberals lest season that the (.ovrament h ad quietly allowed the laws Oros. to withdraw the $50.000 cash they had dopes• (ted as secunty and had permitted them to substitute for it certain real estate they owned in this We. The Liberals were determined to find int somethine about thea transaction if they could, sad on the 4th of .lune last Mr. Lie ter. SI 1' , asked the Minster of Ralways in p•rli.meist if it were true that the Davis Rres. hod been allowed to withdrew their $60,000 Dash and substitute for such cash se - aunty certain reel rotate in Ottawa_ Ila page 3,601 of Haman', or Oficial do bates, of last session you will find Haggart's reply Now, 1 wantyou to watch th TY1 carefully, eo that when 1 have related the facts you may see what a nice little nest of well, 1 will Is.s that to yourselves -com- pote the committee of mansgemest at e ,tawa In replying to Mr. Loiter, Mr. Msgeart said " The amount of eaah withdrawn was SO0.000 : the security substituted was real e state. It is situated in the city of teems and was valued at $92,000, before iu accep- tance, by Mesh. Rowes and Macdonald, se follows 3 lots, N.. 1'.', south side of Daly-.(., and 12 and 13, north side 'tewart• st. : estimated value of lots .od buildi.ge, $41,000 foo lou and buildings, 40 .add 41, north side of Rideau et.: @etiolated Inoue, $18,000. Five lou, Nes 1`• and 20 Theodore, and 3, 4 avid 5 Marlboroet : estiouted value of lou sod huddler., 333,- 000. Total, $92,000 The refusal ot the auditor -avowal to pay tae Davie Bros has revived intermit u the work they are dense and the e.eurity the 1:overnment holds for the completion of their work Accordingly today 1 tolled upon the city assessment c.tnmtato.er to learn what valuation he had placed on the property the firm had put ■p as security and which was v.lued by the Government at ;6'2,000 end steepled in lieu of their cash deposit. Turning up the as...sm•nt books for 1894 I found lote and buildings 12 Daly, and 12 and 13 "tewart-et, which Haggart told par - h erniae were valued at $41,000 messed at $12.000; lot and biikdt04p, 40 ..d 41 Rideau st.. valued by Hymn at 818,000, ass --pd at 810.700. avid Iota and buildings on Theodore and Marlboro -stn, valued by Haggart .t $33,000, eassesed at $17,300. But that is not all. 1 found on looki.g further that, examined under oath, ens of the Davis brothers appealed against the ......moot of $15,600 on the property Hag - valued on Daly and Stewart -me at $41,000, and that be secured • redaction of $3,600. Possibly yen think this • lo.g story Int 1 want to let you see the principle epos wbieb the goverest..t dos be.i... Ad• dimmed littered ie of mune given to it by pal the action akin by the Auditor -Gem - oral in refusing to pay the Davis Bros In weighing the merits of thecae* bear in mind that the Davie Bros were &weeded the Shiek's Llama contrast without te.dr r competitor. They @..orad at at their awn price. (am we wonder obs. &t coo tractors under ooh eonditioss resee.dmg handsomely at election times when we hear of ibis slipshod way of doing buia'es ad sorbet in proteeti.g the people's interests an the part of the Governors!' t'b.rlteo, Lister wed • deem other .sem- bore no the Liberal side of the Rouse last osoaon de.00.esd it as • green outrage open the people, but what did it avail ' 1 ws.t to leave no stole miasma to impress the serious store of the Mange against the Government upon los. It is hen at the sea el Government we Mara of their ras- cality. 1 have gess somewhat folly tate detail became i knew yen will bear more et this tran.astins before it in df.pr..d of The desdlr.'k between the Anditr- Generel Lod the Miaow of Railways r likely te develop some very i•t•r.mi g fasts both ata regards the .entity R.ggart &e- oopt.d from Mavis Bras and their relations with the Govervims.t in oe..seties with the Shielt a Ia.ad os.tr.es 1f ..erythiag is straight, why were not te.dere called for instead et awardi.g this M. castrate privately, i.iud el epe.ly,ad at the dvoatraetsts' Ms pry' NOTIOE TO IM%RINERS. Messessill sr:.at Range ILIUM (►rrAO A, Jas. 12. TM Followieg .inlets* mutes Imo bees give kehrriug m IIMM. Ile Mariners Isla. 20 el 1894, the etM.ia.s L. l:ed.rie& kwabwaber piss. have .ow Mw cue1►bted. Than W bets .tided to the North plow • h.geb of 300 lose mooing dee Went. end a Iseglb .f 110 6m4 main Northwest, *achy in a Neck 50 feet wide at the outer ad. There baa bees added to the South pier • block 110 fent lose by 40 feet wide, ruuotu/t S. W. by W. W. In conaalueow of this ext. aims the front tower of the range lights as the North break water has been moved 300 feet West from it. former position to • block built at the angle is the breakwater. The noddle of the tower sow steads 11 fat from the North sire of the breakwater and •'.out 117 lest from its outer extremity. The cnbwrk Nock upon which the tower stands s Its fat square by ,4 feet high. The height sad character of the light has not been ch•ag• ed. 1 he hack light tower stands in its old poe(((ms 1,506 feet W. by N from the front one. To outer the harbor the range lights should be kept in one E by S until nearly eau to the foot light. The frost light should than be left on the port had in meetly. The width between the piers is 200 tat IT ISA CRIME• TeX Certain ties War Away raper. env. Se It. Moot real Journal of 'ow mem* The 0111. MON t y of Dome k oow ledge of t he pro. 111004 of the 1'rimtoal Code of facade on the part of the employees was tmproosxd in • forcible manner os the maa•gemert of two city dailies last week. den the 2nd ot .lanuary the following advertisement was boded in at the wickets" of the two papers end duly ped for "If tbe pocket book taken from lady get- ting on cars at corner of St(.tbenoe and Main streets is returned, with keys and saws, to this. Warner at the- --theatre this afternoon, no questions will be asked, and a reward will b. gives." As it was l.te, the 'ad.' wee rushed up- stairs and duly appeared. A tow days later the meaagmneot of me of the papers received • writ takes oat against it tor $250 and costs by an indus- tries. voting lawyer who makes it a regular practice to scan the oew.4'apere for other purposes that, to learn all about the war is ('hitt.. The writ was based on Section 157 of the 4 rimiest! ('ode of Celled• whish read as follows " livery ons is liable to a po.alty of $250 :or each offence, reooversbie with costs by any person who Dues for the same is any curt of jurisdiction who on w 0 tai Publicly advertises a reward for the return of any property whieb bas been stolen or lest, pad in such advertisement aces any word purp.rti.g that so question will be asked. (bl Makes nes o1 ay works in any ad• vertie menta purporting that a reward will he given or paid for ay property which has been stolen or lost without moon or melting easy .o.tuiry after the producing such property or Ica Promus or offers In any such adver- tisaes.t to return to any pawnbroker, or other person who has advanced moony by way ot a loan on, or has bought any pro- perty, stolen or lost, the snooty en &deem- ed or paid, or any other mm of mmey for the return of such property : or (di Who prune or publishes any such ad vertr.men t . The time within which • prosecution against a newspaper under •eb•eotlm (d may be commenced es limited to ax smooths. The asto.sbment of the proprietors of both Pepin whim contrasted with this un- expected extract from the Code may well be imagised. The ate which was sued will undoubtedly have to pay $250 and costs for is error. The other (which had ine•rted the advertisement four times and was there- fore liable to • fine of $1,000) lost no time in 7•tti.ls a prominent lawyer, one of its shareholder., to ester a frieedly action for the amount against it before attestation was directed to it also. Rut the leasos le an im portant one, and it to for the b..eft of those of our exchanges wbo may possibly be victimised by designing peewee, one of whom might insert as refulty worded se vertieemeot and the other sae for the petal- ty, that we give the particulars cited. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1 merles. et .Sees. -Toe P5.... 01.1 neper,. The annual meeting of the Horticultural Society was boli 1. the secretary's aloe es Thursday. ,las. 11th, The atte.d.soe was far Misutoe of lad regular meting were read and adopted. The auditors' report shows the moiety to be t. good 6nadei0l steadieg. The amain of mtemben' fess is 5236: Government greet $116 96. and the Crusty grant $20: (making • toed el $371.96 The fdlowisr Wirers were Mooted : President W.. Wrsock. Vine-preSdent- .lea. Stewart. directors, - Jobe -Swart, C. We11s, R. Ornek•tt, Thea. Neftel, Petr Fox, R. War. ringem, .1. E. Tom, Wm. Reeks, .1. W. Relked. J. T Dictums sad J. H. WiUiaer were elected honorary members At the directory' meeting alter the elec- tion, Win. 1... teas •ppoiated ..a.a.ry- teessurer, a.d S. P. Hells and Gee. Sbsp- herd, auditors. A STEALTHY FOE ▪ Mwae may t*M a Loot Walk before M M Ssep.e'a 1. Isui.Oae, ,la. 1l -_Bright'@ du...i hes • o symptoms of he ewe, and may long ootid without the k..wledge of the pomace or praistitioner, as .n pea wry b.df t is the kidneys or their vicinity Thre may be se albumen is the water •d no eabse..ls, yet Bright's disease may be preset It dten develops •eddeely and may 0. a Islsl sews bolero itis rw.q.ind. igright's disuses is thus restrained as • wyarbus. ottory-day .abdy, whish to teammate* s en biemig rMs Refers Dodd'. Eldest Pills wire plbsd widths the nate of the rad* (loam disarm were w.iderd by mrdbgil M ..d the Imbibe to be i...nble. Th..ks to Wit remedy, ...wi ter. wow w hotly r.. *Mm without N. .►..I w IgM wee la Star 'weft ilrseti : Ce.U1•R N-- • ear M,LbtM..IgD eon te Tersest NOE -.f&6ora ireqemaarTio& A COWARDLY ASSAULT.I1wSATH SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. Ar {.tsar Se the 4hildre■ heel. evtwry ■set l as ...d. r a:tent... Iha anniversary services of the North Street Methodist ••a'iteth school were held in that church oo "uuday and Monday evening last The pulpit of the church was removed for toe oc,;aslon and a platt vrm erected in its stead, which was tastefully decorated wit h pleat.• and flowers, and was occupied by a number of the school children and the Sabbath School orchestra.' ' The .hil.lres, under the leadership of S. P. Halls . A supplied this o M t t the , PV Par chose to • plowing and effective moaner. its Sunday morning the pastor of the church, the Bev .Lsepti 1.•lgr. preached • sermon to the children. taking as hu text "Jacob's Ladder," and to an eloquent and forceful mmoer, placed before the cbldres en ideal ladder, the runes of which were 1lled in by oolitic bible texts, the foundation being laid u.,no the ahe•t anchor •f the l'hruttan 4.. ureh "1 or Goat so loved the world that He gees Hu only beipotteo eon, that who- soever Feltereth oo Him should not perish. but have everlasting lite." lu the evening he Ned a sermon to the ren pre..c parental. poli.( ing oat their duties to their children, and especially their duty of instructing and beading the yoanv minds in the direction of 1'hrut's Kiugdees. He also desirr,l the parents to en.:oerage and help the "abbath School teachers in the blessed work they are ionising to de for the Master, and dor the children of some peewee wbn prefer to lie in bed on Sunday afternoon and deep and tet others look after th' spintoal wel. fare of their little ones. He wtsbed the proem to eon's out to the Sabbath School and to the Bible (.'lass and by their example show the children what they should do. 4 se Monday evening, the •otertatoment, ender the auspices of the 'chod, took plass and was well attended, oorwithstading the stormy Dight and oounter attractions. A rood program of solos, recitations,shorum, and the presatetlo..f the " Ten 'virgule ad the " Kutldiug of the Temple," were given, and elicited much applause. The solo by Std. Reicher, and the rec,tetims by little Rose Atkins were particularly good. With the lights turned down,and the church in semi •darkness, the piece entitled the "Tin Virgins " was preaente.l emit' solemn sliest'. It wan • most impressive scene, and mane were visibly affected ut o five foolish h v' . gine. dressed in sombre black, were turned away from the wedding feast. Those tek- tite part un this pore were Micas Ors Wilk- inson, Ethel Achasos, Lirne Robertson, E.. Smith, list -the farrow, Millie Campbell, Emily Curran, lei Fisher, Mary Price and Eta Achesso. The last piece on the pro- gram was the " Kuilding of the Temple," the presentation of which, ao doubt, entail- ed a great deal of labor on the part of those who got it up, and was vary well rendered. The oollectione amouoted to weir $t,7, al- though enly $(00 was asked for. On Tuesday evening the anneal matte( for the election of officers was held, and I/ R, Calbick was re elected suserioandent : L F. D,noey, asst-aup•ri'ateodeot : Wal- ter Pridham, trees : Geo. M Cox. sect'y W. J Pridham, •seat-a,ct'y.: 4'. G. New- ton, librarian :H. K. Pollock, a..'t•libraruan: Miss A. Sharman, primary superintendent S. P. Halle, chorister. The Sabbath School Board also expressed themselves unanimous- ly is favor ot having the efficient orchestra (patinae in the Scheel. Effort to "do up " an Editor. re.11etb svelte. LIi eaeea up I. Flubs log titch lir a e.a.a .i towards Tae Mier M111 Aries and r..use- Mwa/te 8. le the Ja11. t, ((1V1 ARDI,Y, but unaucc..sful, anter( was wade on Monday last to "do up ' the editor of lite Stole. A fellow named Nillum 1'ostlethwait • great hulking chap of over 2OU pound., with a reputation fur being of a yuerreleome dlepo- setlm when in his cups was tilled up with whiskey, ad incited to tumult. the odor.b Aut 1 4S i-. o. lir. Ma4:dlicnddy was returning to his office from lou home, and galled at the post *Nice for his mel. He hal list left the post -odic* and we. proceed- ing East, when he met 1'wtlethwatte, under the influence of h.luor, but apparently friendly, between l aotelon'e bake.ehop and the post whir. “hood day, Mr. 1 albcuddy," said I'tstle- thwaite, among . " or are you Mr. t:,lli- cuddy , Do bow ' •. Nee : 17 am Mc(:illteuddy," was the re- ""e" No. w, what did 710 •louse n. for, Alis. 1.thicuddy ' costumed Pstlewaite, still .mihiog, " did 1 ever *Head you " Not that I m aware e1," was the reply "and I'm sure I never abused you, to my knowledge." " 'You're • was l'oetl.thwatte's answer, and the cowardly fellow had struck three blows Moore hie victim could get his bootie out of ►s over- coat pockets. M0:ilhcuddy fell heavily against the side of the fence and then dipped in hie endeavor to nous hs feotiug, end again fell. Pottle - wane minimum tosfrtke et him while he was down, and making one viclous kick at him which was, fortunately, warded off. 51r. klco dllicuddy then rose to his feet and while sill i0 a recumbeat position re- ceived another blow over the eye, but hay- ing reeovered hs faculties by this time he .bated Contravene back against the side of the paint -.bop, and left the latter there swearing and endeavoring to cageh hs breath, whilst he i Mr. Md:.1 returned to the pest-on,es to have the blood washed from hs face before proceeding on his way. 1'cetletbwate,after he got his mood wind, west swaggering and swearing into the post -office, but was ordered out by the postmaster. who was assiduous in his atten- tions to the injured moo. Th* news ol the smolt spread rapidly and soon tbre was a large crowd gathered, an amusing feature of which was the swagger• mg of PesNethweite, who was swearing and shouting that be could "do up ay (:ret in town," sad • lot of other rubbish of a like nature. After Mr McGillicuddy had his injuries attended to, he went up to toe police my rtrel.'s offioe and laid an afrnation for moult .guest 1'estlethweite, and in a com- paratively short time this individual was a the hands of the 000.ables Whim brought before the police magis- trate it was sem that the men was under the influence of bquor,ad be was remanded to jail maul 11 a. is Tuesday. Postle- thwaite was very axiom to get bail, and Mel the constables allow him to call at Reeve -elect McLean's piece of business, tut failed to e.. Mr. McLsaa. He then called epos Mayor Butler, but was not sat isfwtorijy received in that quarter, and be MUM abusive of his friends, saying, " There's a h i of lot of Conservatives in this team, when they wcn't eland by a man afar he doss them dirty work." Shortly alter that 1'eetlethwaite was or/ ed with a fit in (root of Mel -Anne Stook, and blood spurted impiously from his .mouth And nose, but presently he recovered, ..d another gl.as or two of whisky put ..w spunk into him. An opportunity was afforded Postle- thwaite by the constables to arrange for the keep of hie bone ad hie he.., .far which be took up hie residence in jail for the tama- bility. THE. AI'cr. •1 THE AT►A. L. Sone tame .go an old bores belosgiag to Potlethwate died, turd a oosomunio•tios appeared ie Tui.. x•1., Soil soother in The Ster, wheal called the attention of the Board of Health to the fact that after skin- n ier the bores he had (.tied to remove the .ares.., and that dogs were feeding off of it, moth to the anovaece of his immediate .etg tors. P ttathwaits, however. made eo sign, sad the affair was forgotten so far as the editor was concerned in the burly burly so tosdset epos the mnitbip.l election. The week aha the election, when the (:rata had beam mewed under .ompbmly, the follow- i.g item, oxtongue • sp.1e of other afar -el. amiti.s pieappeared In THE S14itAL : " if Rill I'netbthwaite had hem iodated to not against Philip Het then would have been a new elepety-r.... i. (.edsrish this When PoNJ•tbwate heard of this item[ he was tickled to desk almost about his name bang coupled with the eeputy reevesbip, sad laughed sod joked afloat what • are these M meld have had had he stood for 1M position. Rut some of the others who had fan poked at then began working .p the old fellow, and finally, with the .id e( whisky. be was incited to Mishit ib* attack, whisk he ...at would here deem Mid heaps bum ander the ingenue of tumor. 7b .ata was • for trial T...day mora- lly ea 11 e'UMek, bet eerie( to the eee-at- toodeoes of Mr, MsfHlba.ddy, en • e tedi..1 ...timate, M w.d M$$o.d wail Tburday ewaraisg et 11. HERE'S A POINTER. The subscription price of THE SIGNAL is One Dol lar in Advance. Send in your Dollar at Once, if you have not dona so before. It takes Grit and Green- backs to successfully run a paper like THE SIGNAL. We'll supply the Grit, if you furnish the Greenbacks - and it is your duty to do it and to do it forthwith. TOWN COUNCIL. lass mends. M the Ce.nrll el Iasi. The regular mooting of the town conned was bold is the Cos.al ('ba.tbr on Friday evening, Jas. 11th Cosooillon Herrn sad Strachan. were ab sot •1 Misissiles ot lad meeting wan a rood d 11,e s.gmeer • report was referred to the water a.d liebt committee. The followwsg amounts were referred to the 6.0501 potentiate.: - .I Kropp & Son, Co, $10 : Revises & C $21.96 ; Jas McV,00r, $8 60 Dr. Taylor, 110 ; .1. T. ( )arrow, $'18 : Roches.. & Rhyme, $27 89 ; tto.iar., $23. 36 :.1, R Reneimoa, $10 'IA : HAT t Rid dell, 1646: G. Y. Killion, :R 75 : R. W. McKeon*, $3.63 ; Jas Thomas, $13 0..eetee,aocoe.t. of 16r. Taylor for $2S, end Pet (Mies $15 10, were nems. n.nded to be Tbe 6.mes..wmitte• reimenes..drd pay- meet ymeet of the .penes( of N. Dement., $60.15. The report e1 the court nI remotes we. saelowod Appliselleas i .1. C. Hames few rodeo - Moo of water nm at rink w referred M the wet ..d lit .tl..sitt. The less m..ling of the ....M1 .f 1204 then admitrasi. w 'dist. Mason's book seas wee Al.g4rggp Riri..m who 1&•p 1. o..urad sod I.rti of shwa $g0. sad IPS Gerrie woods'orraidstiog 411 MRtb.twain~ josh bate.., N► Na 1, Rew4.k, r was to Guam Snood w Sims bfs kepi btr..rwated eared Ike ( ilbess l,edit.m is shot sews. THE SONS. 09' ENGLAND. They Hold their Annual Dinner lilt Mesad as Chet .e. Sheet ' Srltaaila MSlee Alert wbene ea Ibe Orresme Team. Mos a.d we.11se.l Make a. L.ealsa'• l:.Ienal.me.i HEl: I. au, a rattling _ooll 'prowl 10 the dining room of the 1 uiou hotel Thursday evening tut, wben L,.erpool L.id4e of the Fou of England held it..tc reed annual banquet. Everything that could .induce to the well beiug of the In- ner man of the hall hundred guests oho were present on the usoson was supplied by the Beam! hosts, Saud liras., and u is needle.. to say that the company, beteg largely composed of I:ogl.hmen, did ,.0 Gee to the ocomma. The haus ou the ocouloo were attended to by 1'r.sident N'arrisgion, who was ably ...steed by vices -chairman Dyma:k, and District deputy Jackson, vibe had bees prompt at the lodge iustairms Immediate- ly preceedlnr the banquet, and who sat so the nett of the chairman and is • prince of good fellows, gave his ed, knowledge and counsel to the occasion. 1'he t, resp ' was the first twat and was right loyally honored with • stanoa of the N.tiosa Anthem. "The Supreme (,rand Lodge was ably responded to by Bro. Jackson, District Deputy, who gave facts and figures to .how not only the growth of the .sooty, but the .lability of the Institution. He el.o .poke of the sew method of organiauun reexotly effected, and which would to some extent be a change from that wh0cll (tad previously existed, but would, he hoped, be conducive to the better winking of the order at large and to the individual organo soon.. His re- marks were puoctured with applause throughout, and proved that Bro. Jackson u popular with the members of Liverpool lodge, Seag "Lalaclava" by Bro. Arthur Dyoiock. "The Mayor sod ('orporatioo" was fit- tangly1Y responded toPM. ti. Johnston, councillor elect for t. •trtck. ward He clamed to be new l the business, but priori- tised if present at the next enamel dingier to be in • poatio. to deal with muasipal matters en their menu is great shape. A pplauar Seng by I:ro Imowding which was capitally reodered and well received. " The Army and Navy " brought an his- torical address from President Warnngtoe. whish proved that afloat and ashore the w oo of Albion had always stood foes to face with trial and sager with un - blanched Iecm sad staunch hears, and that whether on the quarter deck of the Victory, racier the serrted hosts at Waterloo, charg- Ing into the Valley of !loath in the Crimea, or fighting fearful odd. in South Africa, the keynote always seemed to be " England expects every plea to do his duty The airrmg address and vivid word punting of the President was loudly applauded by hu hearers. Old England," elicited • reply from D. McGillicuddy, which seemed highly sats factory with the loyal ease of England. Song -A Dymock " The ladies " were fittingly upheld by John Hicks, of I:oderich township, who clamed that the reply a the tout wee hi. "maiden" one. Song "The Farmer's Boy," 1y. lash•m. " The Press" A suitable response was med. by Mr. Mitchell. Song "The Brave Old oak," wail on re quest given by tiro. Jackson, and given well, the entire sompay mining in the ohoru.. Moog James Well.. The Host and Hostess " Walter Smite*, on behalf of the hou.e, returned cheeks ter the manner in which the toast was raw vol. The National Anthem brought the regular pr nwcdiags 1', . c; -.e, but., afterward an impromptu program of sono and sentiment was run through, and • most enteraIoing time was .pent, which warn thoroughly eo japed by everyn.S wbe teak pert. COUNTY EXCHANQI k RRi'li. 1F:1: . Tuesday last J.u. Rodd ick seat • sar of .beep to Kodak). Holmesville W. Davidson. Mteatforde mayor, is father of Mn. F: A. Fear. Br.seis - S Parr has tvome • resider. of Sr..s1r, having moved from los lerw lea McKillop. ('listen • Ice.. Nlr Stout, successor t.. Mr. Diehl. has moved Into Thom. Jackson's hoose, Huron street. 1 lietuu Sin. 4'. Hamner, a tonna' reap dent of Clinton, diel is Torun o, on the 7th inst., in hr 76th year. Tockeremith Mrs Taylor, of lashes .pith, dipped and fell, briak,ng her arm at the wrist She us gown. along mostly. b.al.rth him Emma Downey will tomb school at Mt Cannel this tem. She will afro be organist in the R. C. 1:hurch at that Me•(erth Mess Amy Brett, daughter of R. 1\. !Argot, of this tows, has M.n en w aged u a assistant teacher in Hassall .drool. Ion ndeshon Mess M•grie Harr, of the 12th sop , *treed for Manitoba ne the 9th is1..Thr *wood hsoud trip to the prairie previnos, Reafortb R. lame, banker of the. town, has purchased the limos, Wilson fayre. an lbw lake shore read, township of Sealey, sear Hayfield. Clinton The preliminary voters' lot. for she lene,nion Mee Men tweed. add Judge Dole will hold court here for their remises es Feb. 4, at 9 A... *Attlee Ow Wed.esd•v ret lot week • w atnwwwi al •11[as eau Dmeored 1010 M (were Miss Magga Had.r.m, of M.Lillnp mid Finlay Mel -steak ret the sa . werashsp The eeremew was performed by Rey F. M,I.gea.. e Rev. Yr. McKay, of Fee- AtIE mwea, in tbo pr...nFROM O EIt THE BORb at this home *f the t`,7,:;::::::=.04,;(7,.4.1, McKillop. Morro Jae Throe, of the third Itoe, and Mies Annie ('lark, of the 6th line, were united in marriage at t-lgreve, by Kot, .1, H. (tyke on New 1 ear'. day. fieaforib Harold ('lark.,., af Seaforth, will teach school in Eden this year, bad the Mises Jennie and Bella Ballantyne i. Blue .rale ad l:redaton respectively. St. Helens 1;w. Murray, of Clinton, who had cher,. of K Murray's store for the teat Ili mouth., hes Nought the stock and in toado following up the business here. Haeall Robert Morrison, of I.onden, formerly of Hay field and He.sall, died in that city en Sunday, .Ian e,th, through the bunting of a blood retool in the breast EIIIIter Luther Brood, 01 Exeter, wea married in Leamington, at the rsidace of Rev. A I). Russell, vstenlay, to Silo* Apha Ettore, daughter et .►oho Emery, of I:anter. Mole illop farms in the northwest part of McKillop are selling well for the hard times Mr. McKim has sold to hsu.ghbor, Mr Pollard. and Mrs. Kinney to Johnston KI ng SI OEM .lames .10hnston, .on •f 4;..Sohn• soon, of McKinley. Slinoe.uta, had his foot froom in the lumber camp, on Dec. 27th, and is likely to be led up the most of the Win ter•. News Notes from Washingftol11 (bar.... r..■ she ainenelal it.os*Isa- Ile 1....., les la (.rating 4.41.E •ham• Ib. t... emits' l'raNree- I1'. •l war.klp. Fareol.., Frew ear ll gtesr ('srresoo.dest ANII I NGTl,N, Jan. 14th. -PYa•1 ancal chow rescue imprene in coli brenobo• of 4 oogrew, sure the edmioatratios (tar• rency ball was prematurely killed is the House. '.,ow of financial bills have tssu prepared to Se.:h...re sod Represntalivoe out most 01 torn, have no supporters est- ' side of their •u'h..r•. [hers is math talk of a conpro.n..e measure which is to be sup- ' ported by .Imsatrat,un Democrat. .pd Republicans : also that Secretary Carlisle is to prepare soother currency bill eo draws as to gain the support of the .tier m.., whir dein the credo for defeating the o4ber currency bill prepared by him : but up M thea time It is 1111 talk ; there 1 setbis (loose The friends of .I. C. Stevenson tangible in eight, either to support or to etp- pow, ad nine out of every ten members d Congers. interrogated, will frankly admit their belief ttio no financial legislation at possible at the pre..ut Dewioa. 14e.aoe Teller voiced the amnion of a large major- ity of I ongress when he shod " Then are • about rex weeks remaining to thea Co.Rrs. Nov, 4.es any perm wr•noely believe that • review of t1in rot .urrency e7etem w. be &csv,npluhs.l in that time ' Why, that, are Cosgroe ted the country stirred .p kp them frantic anpots from the It may not be true, a. has been MteRr that Senators IL:I add tluay have es into a cos,p,r•cy to defeat the approprim two to put the income tax into operation, but the action. of those two Senators since the urre.ey appropriation Lill, which con- tains that appruyneti,w, has been before the yj Mute, indicate. s oneness of thought ea ow' the subject by !i,eni. According to them who ouvht to know, the defeat of the ap- propriation p - Pro riata.n will not prevent lir ret the collection of the tax ,t will merely make it more dtthcult. Speaking of the io rine tax, Senator Teller, ,n repli in. to a speech of Senator Hill against 14, rave some uformation not generally remembered concerning its constitutionality, which Senator Hill had attacked He recalled the 1.et that one hundre.l years ago the Supremo four( of the I sired states had laid dowel a rule which goyernnl she cage of an manure ax, ad that that rule hof been followed up to 1880 without • hr.ak : that the Serum Court hal declared in 1 :90 that the toe..e ax was constitutional, and had dedned what is • dsre.•t to and what is nota direct tax no language eu plain that then eoald be D O mistake about it, notwithstanding learn- ed articles to 111. contrary now being print- ed in the newspapers. Those intereotr.f in other legislation are becoming alarmed on account of the Il an- cial muddle to t uagrw- The out, for g eneral legslu,00 s errtsioly (totu..notees Ise, u t he rrgular approprutioe bill., wbiE\ always hate the nvht of way, are • hag whys from hetnv dupo.ed of. Row tis. wealthy railroad lobby. which m Weill* dm inter..( of the pooling bill, 1 ptgs....lp . ►though the bill bas paned the H s.a. •.i s certain tars he favorably reported to the Senate. The preposition to have (Minns satbor- ioe the motto. tigu of new venals for the .ayy 1.I,overnthrot na.v yard.. white by been .igorously pshai along b7 mngr...- me. from Mateo io which l:over.so.t .svy Tarda are leeat.d, hu ree•ivd • vary set @.( hook, s the shapeoteke official figures showing the time consumed in build- ing and the cost s1 the cruiser. Cincinnati and Raleigh, built re.poctively in the New l rk and the Norfolk navy yard. It took nearly five years to bullet them orui..r. 1. government navy yards doable the time D eeded to build .miler v...e• in private OW tabli.hmdnts and the two oat more moony than would hs Men askd l.r 11 .. by prwsship butldere. . Wh.tc.rr nayauM me'e isdimldanl ((pili. Don co0c.rmogte this preps. Govarnt.wt .$ Hawaii, those who have watched it. course 1 to to deslug' with the United Stakes .red op0ttther 1f5or. hrnnea eanprrlcodhmingpaa*p.ror 1l/dh..1 7 tgidrirkenssi.od.it..treability Asia se.iswhod that line. It is almost ortein M gain, eed tt e•no0i possibly loss, wester'. way Olr- geess may reply to Its moose for a ,..dill - mum) of that mire of 1ta reciprocity treaty with s t ret«I rat.. h pro biMto is• calling ..r Iw,ng env part owhicf it. tervtt.ry N • fnrewobo t,..y.rnmmt. i. cedar tibat It say loose one of its uninhabited id..d. se (i naino t0 be uas.1 se a .tattoo Sty Ne Q. odBa Ao.tr$ha .dile system, Daly .vers 0x1 paMr,aod Me kvi.gai w)1 is probshly largely dope.deot saps (,`ewe gre .somal .'tion upon this poUli t e4.ai< Prse,.tsot 1'I...land 18,1.8,. the eoqu..t Aught to les rrao'ed, but many CJoogr'aam.s think if would be the height of ..wld.ea N :1":2•Tioe'Yibisatposai..." it '.set M rehlmd wNb the refn.sl M l that tbo 1'. cable, they ar, in a gaa.dhry whet is d.. DUNLOP• Ttt.sEAT, \I w 1 amm.n( .isdmd s illi.(. W...1 J 1 ohm who Iasi how els 1tt...roil show. fox Miens iI?ie, ret I..t weak, Th. h,.-k•po 0.54010• utsmp..y's e... cods m the .trruhr town lad 1(..18•.1. from h.re Wm,w bnnpbt the mdgbty etrr'r of home., ,its and • few 01 the fair on 0o the d..ntel ..hair for the samagewre tonth.'M ,544000, t.0d.ri.h tp. Jos leitbwake r.sdeard telegram en Moeda) amerce ll tM moos. AI Ms a ma (hit* latthw.te. with hr CO howls fee salid tlt.•t,, will be glad to learn that his leg has been removed from 1te plaster of paris jacket. It is perfectly healed, and in • short time he expects to use It as well as ever. McKillop • 11'ilhatn Pollard, 13th cos„ SIoK.11o' has purohassl the McKim pro- perty, being 37'. acres lying between the purchaaer s two lots. The price was $2,050 Tht. gives ND. Pollard 17' acres now. McKillop . George Muldoon has sold to ,Sohn Itarroa fifty acres, being the west half ofn oo lot 31, 000ceep 0 12, and James Nicholaeu has tour parties wanting to buy the south hail of lot 34, coneeeaon 13 Saforth Iter. J. G. McKuoon, K, A., of I..m•den, N. W T., and bride, ..re at present sojourning at the rwldeooe of Mn. M. Thonipam, eparling street. 1'he rev. gentleman is a nephew of Mra Thompson. Stanley Gorge Forest, eldest eon of .lames Forest, 6th eon. of Stanley, who ham been residing for the last fo.ir years i. K t' rt o i uh lambs rotur.ef last•tuna•Y to spend • few weeks under the parental roof Lumley William. son of .lams Sim mons, of the boundary, had the misfortune to sever three of has toes from his toot one day lately. A doctor was called and stitch- ed them on, but they were not mending at feat acoouou. Morrie Early tut Sabbath morning 4 harlo*, younge.t son of John Skelton, 8th line, passed away .1.er a brief illness at the early age of axtee0 years' Deceased bas been in very robust holt h, add hem- morrage set in speedily followed by death. tleyheld 1'itere has been considerable alk among a number of the young men of Stanley township, regarding wood sawing. t n December 2.2nd, in I;eor` a Spark's bush, ,Sohn Hohner and John EIaibird sawed, split and piled two cords of maple wood u SS minutes. Exeter (lo Wedoeeday last Dr. tiViohart of London and lir. Kroening, of Exeter, pertorn.os • very &ua'eatut but painful operation by removing two cancers from the penes of Mrs. Iruncen \1c:regor, of High- gate, who s oow with her daughter, Mrs. 41. . Mao.... Wengham The wedding ol Mise lour.. If, Siegert, neap of F. H Rodaru., of this Loma. to Ju..ph M. 1 tverlield took place at Buffalo on Wednesday of tut week. The bride is • former resident of 1Yeovham, and having .limed herr since Menne, has made many friends. Seaferth 1b Sunday afternoon, while Mr. Hanley, the -town cousable, and Mn. Henley won timing along the North road in a cutter the horse shied, upsetting the vehicle and tbrewiog the oocupasa out. Mrs Haley was considerably shaken up and had her arm broken. legmondvill. A very pretty weldi.g took plows at the residense of J. S. Porter, on Wednesday merntltg last week, the bride Ming Miss Maggi., fifth daughter of Mr. Porter, and the groom, Donald Hamill.. of Syracuse, N. \ ., and brother of H no H. Hamilton, formerly of this town. l:lesval. While riding down hill on • load of wood, Tuesday attorneoo, Wm. linker lost 000trol •f the herpes end tell off, striking • his tarn. He was out about the mouth and nose, end was u.00.ecions several minutes. He was assisted to his home, and It is hoped be will soon recover. F: W.wanos► : Mr. wed Mn- ingold,.ird cos., East W.w..esh, wen greatly our prised m New Isar's day whoa the mem hers of the F:vngeheal ehurch, Hallett, came andpr..saled Mrs. Ingold, with a very airs lounge as • when of respect for her earnest and faithful work is the church and Saed•y school. Grey : Now ''oar's day the spirit of Imam McNair, daughter a .lea. McNair 15th coo., took its fight_ Mho took i11 is Toroet°, is which otty she had resoled for the previous sis years, last August, ad for • time was in the (:enrol Hospital, but came home on the 15th of Ilei Her strength gradually failed and !r disease quick doosumptiee sone did is work. Clinton On Tuesday, lea 8, R. Holmes ad H. Wilms were walking in front .f (:osenhe's Hoek, and eemtmentteg epos the d..4erous mom of the walk at this mew uI•r plates, when Yr. Wilw'u feet went from easier him, aesd he feel, breaking his lett Iry •t the ankle Cho break is • had one, both beam being severed sear the sable, which was Men dieleeated Mr. Wilms has a gal ons.titeti.s, lied ale. W general sympathy is his mfdwwed melee - meat. ...taws Ts.aee. People overlooked tis ,mporta,•ret of per - m.a.atly be..Seial .Meet. sad woe satr Hod with transient action , but now that it is eoaerally knows the( Syrup of Fits. .111 perrn•sently rare habit sal ess.tipattma, .roll iefnrreed people will stet bey other Westerns, wItieh ant law a rims, Mt m.ally ajar. the Dysaem. IM Pt ,apt dI TT