HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-10, Page 8•
X a x X
rush we have been unable to reduce
thea Stock sufficiently.
'I e ' 111 be a great advantage t thew iwyisi SCII(N )l, Hl►pkS and
I's ,, , • t " ''PLIES
►credal sales
will he ailsertil.ed till the Sto. l i. cella, e.I
No Goods charged at sale prices.
Booksellers and Stationers.
aye d art::' tae ata.
tntoo. exchanged pulpit. on Sabbath
• ' morning.
Maas L., -;e Haggett, who has been in I te.
troat for some ung, returned home last
From our ownOR414wpondenti. week,
Mies Carrie Hunter, of 'motor.", was a
inert at the reseten a of I,r. 'taubur)'. lest
terry t, Ia renna-ami More Thar teems be week.
pees/ meywfm. pee-xew. et tae John Mason left on New \ ears morning
5.saty/psefeQy Reported for Nairn. where 12e exta•cts to remain
iter Ifs algaal. ' until March.
The Misses Rusk, of t•odench, .pent a
few days here not teat ago. vwuog their
• eater, Mn. 1:,„ R. Swarm.
Misses tVblddon and Poker have muveJ
Mo.nit, Jan- 7 to t'lintoa, where they iateed to coutluue
The rood 11144(bksR W mad* business the dress -making buatne•...
Ludy. Muss Nellie Newcombe, whe has been
*Robert Henan was r. -elected trustee tor visiting trau a herr, returned to her home
1• S. No. 5. ,n Goderich the other day
The revival o.ryiose of the Aahheld clrr•ult Mies Duncan an' Miss Annie 1 ampbell,of
will be held in Zios chureh for this week. Toronto. spent their holidays at rhe re.i•
The election al neve for this township denim of the latter's soothe'
will be lively ibis year as two popular men Kee. Mr. Davison retarned from Mount
stn renotnt. ' Fortes last week. where he has been spend
flag • tow weeks with ns family.
BRUCEFIELD. Moess Larose and Maud Torrance, of
Tcasntr, .lis. 8. Zurich, spent a few day• with their grand.
A. Muot..rd bas `reedy refitted his saw potent•, Mr. and Mn. Jas McDonald.
mill. .tasley'trench Agroultural society will
1'. J. Brows, of Tivsrtas, u visiting at meet at the Ricer Hotel, on Jan. 10th, at 2
A Mustard's. t,. for the purpose of electing officers and
Mn. A. Jamaica amid daughter arrteed director..
here last week from Chicago. ten f nd.y night • defib load and two or
1 . t . Efford, gag.. of Holmesville, eau three utter ;suds went out to Varna to the
present at the Farmers' Institute mertiug Rainbow social. where they spent • very
co-d.y entoyable evening.
The nett e[ th. F'aroson• Institute Moes Bottle Kerr, of Clinton. returned
MY ,sold is fl 'a HaU (bis sfttrno.n home last week aa:omp•nied by lis. A.
.tarriag •dwere given to benefit the Miller. Mw I.iltan Morgan 'pest a few
farmers A 1leNtft tag.. place this even Jays last week with fraenas a r•oiench
tag. a township.
At the mmoisipel elestime held yesterday Tat Eta. Tri... For many years there
the following WO* eleated is Tuc syssuh has not been w much interest taken in a
Kseve, jamdeaty•reeve, peter municipal election as this year, on Mow.)
McKay: coulee Patterson, McCloy and last Candidates were early in the field,
leas and on nomination day there was • urge
---- -- -- turnout of electors, and on election day ex
LEEBURN. c1tenien: ran up to lever heat and more
Yu.DAY. J►h. votes were polled than on previous years.
NI Amid l'arney enjoyed a please -it trip to The votes polled were as tollows : Reeve.
lintel' this week. Burns 7z, Woods 0,5: councillors, Mt•nbury
.1. t .. Stewart, with Alfred Morris. who 112, Fn: et 81, Erwin 81 llatley bi • Thom-
recently received from Dakota, enjoyed the, so° '''• F.lmott 47.
Ilan of the @tirnts/
New Year s tide with relatives in the Forest eventsof the day was •chase of • ecroLl-
('ut' oeer alter a ironer voter, but the voter gut
there all the viae
' Mus Tyndall. this new teacher for No. -,•
A few weeks ago, so it a said, • lawyer,
te'lboroe, oeosentd duces bsre o° Thur.- whose name appears to large bold type in
day We Mae 1 isg the year the "et"' the legal cards of The Huron Expositor,
will endeavor tea kaes • bell to answer the made several tripe here. nwkacg arnoge-
cbumes .1 • s salrbering "'et"' wboo' meets to open an office He nosily' negoti•
bib. sed set be f rlygjlW i those sections that atoll with Mrs. Wallet') to secure • part of
have theta. her premises on Nieto-mt.. wbicn she pro-
,. 1 "'mermen Aninviu SARY. -Friday eve ceeded to hail, made ready and went to
nuts of thio week this LU.G.T. No. 213, Will! considerable trouble and eC•.ense, for which
hold • social g••beri*g witk s program nod , she received nothing. His nibs made con-
retre.hmeota in thew holt. The event marks siderahle blow and bluster when on his
iL eaaetee.th anniversary al • temperance short st511e here. Atter one .mall case h.-
orgsnifauoo. The l.o.1 Went wdl M as- fore our recto, to which he showed himself
lusted by Port Albert Iodt• and others. The no great snakes, he wok his departure on the
prornm stsrta at 8 r, r , doors opening at c arty stage, in such • burry that he did not
• w-: admission., for adults, 10 cents. Pro take time to look for his hat and borrowed
cords in aid of the ledge foods. • chrnty iron. state man 4 lark. He has not
returned to pay his board or leek for more
DUNLOP. business
MoxuAt, Jae. 7.. DUNGANNON.
Mrs l:obert Wbit.ly,ef Lueknow,isviet• :cm!,.. The local agency in Uu
apo son
tee bere
David 4 orbett spent New Year's ere is
the Soppy village.
for THg Nw.AL. is at the office of J. O. Ward.
J.P.. cunveysseer. ke., whim will receive or-
ders for eahseriptios.. advertising and Job
work. and 1s authorized to give receipts for
John ('u t w 1 ears with re- amount, mid for 1110 mum.
lativs at K
John 14
Walls t_,uet,Jan. 4,
An u.tavored Tinter in the dupe of Bud r.-- Now that the municipal elec-
mea•le• hu Dew goads its appearance in tear ,tone are over, bonnet. in ire various de.
midst. (The eidk es are trying parimenta, has resumed ita normal state.
w e ect the Oboist fess hero. ,11.0'• 1 lu.•T At the time of writing,
. 1.,1114as, ATTr,r101e !-1t r a well-known John Frost has been dude/ Tuesday tight
(act that a goat g+ostally Free great mans and early Woduesdsy men leg, p.r•aibulat-
taace It Yelping a sew teembor is the inti ing around "Fero."
*tion ceremony New lyase's day seven' A -.nisi i• iii.,,,,,,,,,AT. Rt.alTto.. The
lads resisted by • Oedoriob boy formerly of result of the municipal election of the
this place, broke in • goat to drive m • munrcpaality of Ashfield, •o far as heard is
sleigh. At the .tart tie smirmrl was tofac- iiirvis elected for Reeve. Kickley for 1a
tory but by th.powuref pwsswe!'o 5 mew** deputy.
was attained and items made foldable. Asy , GITrt.,. RuTTIK. Master Iv ilium
ledge requrtsg • goat foe kdtiatio* parr• Crawford, sun of 11 .1. 4'reeferd, who has
poser ass me Dm market .lark for further been for some 111114.111, a gradual!. recover
(.formation. 1@g, and nothing preventing, will won be
Reboil opened for 180b es the 3rd last. himself areas.
This year, to esesstwgepI'eupt stmadan`'e• , 1.' r , oa Hors_ Harry F. Walker. who
marks, but to whet w we •re Dot Yet ' rias been spending ('bristms ■rid Nevi
• warty, will he itrdinsil if the schnlar he Vear's holidays at the homerteed, left hen
lata. Cath • bdl god she distant notes of 1 ne Monday tar Ott. clary•, where he is
dig" to en -
ale circular Sews dig" VI" **VW to the livery hominess
LIN lisle we:tdsk the •esidlan nn by t'owvs'. si•. School eommnncei on
en oma. %'. •1. iepe tM tesober and Lhr atosday, with • large atendence, with 4'.
heard of .dao•ti.s will bays the closing \V. McKIsaoo. u principal. led Mir M.
hoot lase at 4 r it. by appaistisg • woekiv Penson, as erut4nt. The Hoard of Trw-
g srgl4•r to discharge the duty should the tees is having • new well dug for the school
tsseker be ntberwis esr•eed 1.r- T Here A R McKay, having
i0UITHI'0 MAT glAnstt.-Tho fair ser r de -
are niter etoitd Se us. as. d oar brch• ' tided In the eneanume to otice from teach-
ul & eb,.. sureho• t.g,wtth • crew w enter the medical profea-
ltte trlydwsrd w mere, left here on I rid& for the Medical
• w dotter with ataew w►ito eche. They College at Toronto, to prosecute his studies
ars enriwly w,. t. e•e who .hall be N
_ ate. Thea tier peps -
its first etudes re TAIIOK. 4 Dew tailor .las. Medd
ler bhgkesoihi hes shoe Maur -
A .i. sew
.s gq stove is an Na
ldhelemeldiVe hewn RC • Mile bird whiapeam
trill return with • I* Star '.runt" to c 41'4'6 • husiner ea er
Demon4j•1 the iiss ahoe•ee oe this ply, MO
the fifteenth of this month
'Cray Dlr. Hems wsR have °barge of Ms I Avetv,ear eT M1 r lar Dame Rumor has
t*ocns0r t. W. t: 44ir.-in, whn leaves
herr anon for Harriston, sed not Hamilton,
as •ppe•red In last weak's issue of 1.odeneb
t TO K•. n s . ..lass. t
• w ouster Its
ei l`rfeiky shim*,
8t. peers ehgl.i.
it that ors Monday morning last Mrs. R.
West. of Ashfield, made an attempt to com-
mit suicide by taking paris green. How-
ever. medical aid being called immediately.
the effects Chim far are net fatal. It se
peers that .he bee =fortunately been in a
d.pre.sed stat411 of mind fee sena time past.
11 a to be hoped that ohs trail mower.
Toronto Theltal bI' u I'.aseall3De=
Intens'. Conflagration.
The titch. tad flowersil asp..taa Cwm-
rerrial Naldu.ge named se tail
Gonad A Winsome RII1od by
It ailing Wake. mad sea ke-
ret. Med tellnrles.
Tolu,. To. Jap. i. -flue .If the most dia-
estroau coil agrathlq. w hirh have occur
red in this city took plate yesterday none.
Ing when the large molding uccuplel by.
the (:lobe newspaper. on the tomer of
Vungr and Melinda streets, together with
N. Rooney'. dry•gu.sls biose adjoining,
!carry Webb's resturaut, ou the oppbite
corner. S. F. M,'Kiu Al'a's new build
loch ou the corner of ,loop' *1141 Melinda.
were altuc..t foot ildc ,irstawed Aud several
lather buildings lastly wittiest. (hie Mreurat
Int hi. Illy fighting the thole'. awl six
other. nrri*..h demo'. injuries.
Thr uutontaunt'. Iln•mau sea. Itute'rt
Ilituer, sweat :Y, who needled at .*s t'art's
mem .I re,•t.
4'hi,•r .lnlagh received a, Gal gash In the
beside. tujurie. to hi. latck.
Ii,,Iwrt Roster. fireman. of $itll.bur)
a s,,,nt,bad his let: leg broken, left arm
1uj 1rel and received seriott. internal
Harry Saunders. fireman, of .Portland
start. lt.g broken and foot badly crushed.
He was. taker' ita the hanpita! where It was
found accessary- t, :am,,utate the 'woken
l'i,a. ,tttrtlev. fireman°, of X*satu
.turf. retrive) serious internal in-
1•'rauk Forsyth. Merman, of lttehmontl
atmet. trolly cut •lout the heed and re-
ceived i+1te1,nl iujunes
.I;tmr+ lay Adm.. 41renuin, received slight
injua ir• to hi. hand
The lire broke out in the boiler roan hi
the basement of the (:loie building. and
quickly .peea.l. It we. Meet di►toyered
ala.ui s o'clock by for nightwatchnian,
who. on fining to the boiler room. was
confronted by the Menne11e Inst tis, time
in gi'J.g the alarm The central .ectioi*
..f the lire department was hurriedly on
for ., e11,•. but so great was, the headway
made by the Marrs, that a general +slant,
WA, -,1 'Mae roundel. and noon the whale
tleptrtinent o1 the city was at work upon
the hurting Iruilding
.tri attempt was merle to reach the top.
.tor.,•, of the btlildit,g with the herr, snit -
tat: he Lag,- Ariel truck belonging to the city
".t plateal in Meli itis .trrrt. Firemen
attempted to /vowed the ladder, which
re'aehn) the tap of the building. lint so
time. And bot were the t1 ,,,.. tlpat they
were driven lack and the attetu1il had to
4* ala'rdopel. -
Whih• the uirn were employes' lowering
the bolder 4114 making ready to remote
the truck from Llir.dau;ten.tt- vicinity :lar
accident which resulted s. di.*strouely
,ua•tarn'd. The north wall of the building
fell with A terrible crash. Hubert Bowery
acrd Robert Faster were xtarldiug ••n the
dile of the truck nearest the building
when the well. fell and the two met' were
buried Beneath the .Irbrit. The «then,
whore:le d injury. hastily renamed them
;Ml they wipe removed 1., the koala'.
a -herr flowery .lief :a fete hour, a.ter-
Ion .lurdai, .tenet next to the (notes
btiihling'st+soda *b.• buildi111* o: Hristgh &
4'aswrll, printer.. thief Antagli *rid a
',under of firemen 'did 1akrn up their
li.wit inu in the office of the grit when the
...11th .well .,f Ole Globe building
fell rpm the roof.- crashing through.
It w,.. here that ('lair! Ardagh rrc, ivnl hi,
injuries Ile was at ,Inter taken to his home
in a carriage. Smedley . F'or.yt h. Saunders
:amt Its% were .L•ishel down Lhr
elevator ...haft and were seriously iujurel.
This building wia.1.,tally destroyed.
sow it west ".11,11 w':4.• ldtiwinng at Idle
time awl the Munnie were carried' mown
Melinda start to the lunch remits of
!Larry Webb. Thr..' reams which ,flats
*Imo* n provincial reptant ton.«ere badly
destrorelt. The rood And upper storey,
wire completely blamed. but the great
damage w'ae causal by ,tat„r. the build
Ing basing tborough!) eked •
.\.!joining the tibio• to the smt11 we.
Ilse wholesale clothing house belon>wing to
Nichol*• 'homey. This building is anon,
Aleve wreck
Frim the west end of the Blobs build
411: the tin• 'es contit unicnte.t acne..
.1.k.1an street to the large new building
and F' M,Kit,rinn & 4'.1 , on the.4.utto-
ra.t corner of .Ionian and Melinda demo..
The Losses and in,tinpe• on the property
de.tro -est are :-('lobe printing and ptilr
Bathing c.o., love on building. polio ;
plant. Vs1.01111: library Mors• etc.. 2141,010.
Total Item about ll:.il..sr). Insurance in
netting Enytlieh and ('nn.dian eomp►nies
a to 1tM,(r}a,
Toronto Lithographing Comp*° , in the
("lobe building. has 414 .t
estimate lose, of
$1:J11aa._ with inauraure in various 01111•
pante. to the amount of 101A,4100.
Harry ,{'ebb, caterer. Ynnge %tt.e'.
rodimnted Ios, on contents. •17!0M, with
insurance amounting to$:1,!Ns)
Nkholas Rooney. dry goods, Yougi
start, r.*intatiel It..., +riia.t*)4, with incur
Alice Amounting to t:n..osS1.
S, F' McKin & 4.0., c'limated lom ton
huildiug at from fskh.*r. to •I(ra,IXr1, and on
.10. 4. Ri{,.OW to H heats•) with Insurance on
both Lq{Iding *Ad dirk to the amount of
4 1'.!1)•45111
Michie & Co.. petimetel 1..s.. Vault.
covered by insurance
Borough Printing Co . Jordan strict. I..a.
on plantPln,ttsi, with insurance amounting
Airxancler Manning. estimotel lo.. o11
Ilam \\'rho'+ 1,11I1ling. 4141,.4*). covered
by incur*nr*
F. M. Hell Snaith. ,artist. loss, on pictures
In Webb'. hnlldfng. 1cS,on: iiwurwl for
l'suatfan 1'hotogr*phtc Journal lies a
1rM.. of •,.Sas)
W,11i:u+1'. 1* Resider 4'.wnpany. damage
44,4514 by the falling of McKinnon's btdld-
ing..ore►wl by innrenee
Ir 1. rumored In the city that * direct
result of the (lobe's, loss w111 be onion of
the Mail with the liberal organ. This fs
Mid 1., Is. highly probable. as there two
ww.pl4pyre "Ili .1/01.41 would 1wovr * union
of great fillet., 'al If not political strength.
Put Parts (iMac, m Their reed.
ScranTon. Pa, Jac. T. Mrs. Michael
Worman. of Forest City, war arn'.teal and
committed to Jail. charged with attempt-
ing to poison her husband 1. his (other anal
mother aid t bonnier Pty pitting paris
green in their food/ She eonft..anl her
geilt Mr. trod Moo N °rano heti leen
mead' but ,hear months' The w. num
.wy• eh* wet forced by the poem . M
Pares the sine against her will and hated
Ir. IstoSateq.
Verses. of SYe toasty Uepetred by Oke
Customs of a Pr.atable Trade.
Nl.t:tis* FALLS, Out., Jan 5-g:feets
of leading farmers of Welland county to
establish supply depots for the purpose of
•applying milk to Buffalo milkmen lure
failed% henget. of the atilt tide of the
custom, "Rickel. on tooth sides. but peril
ciderly flower of I'aaaada.
]Ill► i. 014 the free list to the mew
-American tariff. although dutiable at :SU
per .,'ot rum1uK to 1'ana,la. But Will
41111 14 vie- n.aiutain a duty IMI the cans ill
w-hicla the mi I1. is conyryed. Welland
vomit farmers claim LIMO they bate a
market iu Hnffala. for all they can supply
and t1..,, the !Maul° dralere offer Lc
furutsh .,uu. free
The Icon. N t'. Wallace Controller 01
l'uwtuut.. has advised the repre.rntative
of the Wella0d faruirr. tlr,t If American
mauufa.turavl cans err noel duty will
hair toLs. Iu'141 rt441 tine thrc:u,.rout
1.411441:s. ia41a. a1141 this memos .1 pay 'twit, of
about til cent. 011 ,a. h 111 8,110+1 4-411 be-
side, th.• entrant* The 1'ostroller of
/'ua..uns M,I1iw that the Buffalo milk
men have their cans mule lis ('anal*,
*here to; plate i, cheaper. have them
stamped and regist-red. and that then
there %iota.) Ise• no dill'. alt)'. Hut th4
fanners reply that the Buffalo ,ill11nv
already lance Oho (AO' 1,11111 trout ou iy tl1
milk . (had if 1he Caul. were made ill Can
41411 the regulntum. ;.s to duty would le
the ,nue r:u'h tine• the ,an. reliche,1 11,
noeru'an side, and It would only be then:
quest.,'0 a, to r loch 1iovernn,.It 1,11
front t tie duty 'Floc 1 4It I li•11 manor*,
toren, might hair, spun' profit. 1111 the hull
hundred can, lupi tied. but the Atuericat
government would reap the duty til
Meanwhile a pn,Mtable trate to milk a-
"brld up' and the quest' i. likely .. he
one of the principal teatureof the cuuuug
e rumpaigh ut the county-.
The Comm Agals.t the Arrested eild.rmom
AdJ..ened for a Week
Tnl 1.., ,len. S, -Mean. Verrad and
Maloney, who 'were am+tr,l after .1udgt
McI .ug•all'. report 14"44i4 made public. Meat
ins 111.111 guilty of corrupt practice, «hilt
*Mennen. were arrnigu.,i before Magi,
trate Demiwn yesterday. but as for Crown
Was not ready with its evideuc• the cacao
were adjourned for a week, flail ieing re-
newed. t'errnl is defended by Icon. S. l'
Briggs. and M*Isiry by Mr. F' E 111.1
gins. Ther• was a large crowd present.
eager to bear the expected trial.
The case against ex•A'd, Siewert w4,•
to'hayr been inred located by Megi.true
uentwtia. but the f'rown's witness•. had
not ell been .erred with i,utice, and Mr J.
.1. Wright is out of the city.
Yr. .h.hn, Greer. for Stewart. object..'.
vainly to an adjourn/neut. The case will
ct.rtte up again on 'Wednesday.
Inspector Stark .ay. that the detectives
have carried out all the 11,4 ructions and
attended to all the warrant. given thein
by rhe ('rown Attorney. Mr ("tire)...
Crown Attorney said that all the war
rants that haft been issued had leen at-
tendri.o fry the'police. and no other ar-
rests need be expected imniellately. He
:eh1e11: -.kid. Italie! i. out of the city 1
u',11ers:anti that W M- Hall ie in Ib•nrer.
:wtl ex AId. Hewitt is in New York
*tree." ,Rattier Nig Ga. Welt.
\\'*%le...lt. Jen. 4. -The stockholders u.I
the Ontario Natural Gas Company an
jubilant. They have, , struck another
•'gusher," F'of a month molt they hair
beim drilling iu a uew locality near Huth
Yen. It was. somewhat of an experiment
and involved the value of .ere cal thousand
acre...! land the c•itinpauy has leaned it-
tthat locality. A small p rliet of gas w'it•
stool. after drilling through the nick Oho
genuine article was found. The workmen
helm! a roaring sound away down i11 the
deep hole 1r was familiar to than and
they knew what waw coining ,e, they
.prang to one sale. The next moment a
huge quantity of stones and earth were
hurled into the air striking the top of the
derrick and fell beck in A heap. Then the
gat- began to escape w ith a roar diitiuctly
heard two anile. distant. The Mow wilt
M• I.1.$) -nal cub'- fret .daily and the press
sure 1, estimated ut 4411 1.01114.. Thi.
i. 14)ttal to any of the welled yet struck in
Ontario. .
Math lass Cat, Of
Tim( my; 4.- Williem Armstrong
*man :a year, of age, who liters with his
wilt*. And family as li('unuinghatu avenue.
tits* «it11 it fatal occident at the C. 1'. It
crossing near his house. The old gentle-
men was walking over to the switch -home
to real the morning paper. as was hi -
cost rind he filed to notice the ap
pnau•h of the yard engine going ost.to the
.1 11 MI ion. A rm.trong was kooc4ed down
:and run over. Moth legs being cut off below
the knee. his right non broken, and .eve
nil laved scalp wound. sastainod. The en
ginr'nr.er stopped in its course Ito layoff
was summoned. end after receiving the
nrcesseiry- attention the injured man was
taken to the 4;rneral Hospital in the
aulhohusee. It in not (bought p.wsihle
the: he "en recover.
Baby Viewer Aeutewr.d,
Tono.lo, ,fou 4 The disgusting tea
tore- of lad,, fanning were shown tip
-t art a ngly clear in the police court ye.tet
dot doting the trial of the very much be
t. hi.kerrl and npectaeled William E. lace
on a charge of ill-treating children left in
hi. charge at bis "farm" on laandone
avenue The wonlau Mary lace. who wet
.eat to prison for eighteen months fno
nan.laughterat the •rsabne., 1. the alleged
w Mfr of the prisoner It was .hown that
Imo, treated the children brutally and the
magi -t rare tined him 4100 and sent him tc
t he 4'entre' for tire. mord U .
A Ropoatsst Tblof.
T.o:o.n.. Jan, 3. -W. A. Dean was sent
to the 4'entrwl I'riwn ye.tenlay for sis
hs. on • charge of stealing three
dorru shears from his employer, V. F.
'I'ohlas Hy mean. of Iwrgna orders !yeas
has defrauded T'nbins out of hundreds of
dollars worth of gt.ods, but since his arrest
leas made all the .portitution possibly and
pr,ntiws in a irttei written to Tobias to
make good the balsam when he regale.
his liberty.
A Teases Ilesier•s
Ilactr*i, N. R., Jan. 't Dr Payssmist,
a young roan, arrived In the city yesterday
from Montrv*I and was the guest of Dr.
Bigelow .411 mldnlgbt he committed sui-
cide by taking n large dose of canbnlie
a.'wl Heieft • lett, r *(Wteaswd to "Mather
and eiafer." iu.who h he stated hie wormer
tit the past life lie hod led. He has a bre.
th,•r 1'..4,fs city. Ills father,* pbvsfelaa,
live.. t \•"tilfrick, in tots Province_
•wbM.d oe r'ettrog N1. Throat
V ANALaaa 1111.,. Out ..fan 5 - Wardy
Lyt•Itt, e►( Crtivdnn,a, stiltMod yr.t. rday
Ivy enrlisg hie throat. (`aur family
troublim and drink. He was st years of
a4e anti Mares a wigs Mud Ole child. IIs
wen worth 411,000.
01111 NICE BAN&E
Ladieg'Fllr Capes
/Call and examine goods and prices.
C. R. SHANE it CO.,
McLsmi$11Tssk, ter. =Imre sad Litstrerl.6
50,000 Envelopes
Toii uf Writing Paper
1'beer just purchased the above largo
quantities and am prepared to offer to the
public the highest grade of Paper and En
vdopes •t Prices unheard of before in
My stock of Blank Books,
Office and School Supplies,
The Popular Book Sto,
51.0.., atatlaneryfaad Friary Lased•.
IIILI•L[M A.It Milt- MDD5% tog *OSTHIF
Mit seiner 1, MrDlt•.tl. TmiSATMtiT
44ITIOIT Ay AIL--HLK 5.111.1 De1&AK
HSALTA A. D 4,4Tkt.41411 a%%L waft AA.
From the owe., Sound Times.
lest Fall when the Timm gave *n account
of the miraculous curs o: Mr. \Vm. Helves*
through the use of Dr. Williams§ Pink l'd'.
for Pale People, we had little idea that we
would be called upon to write up a case
which is even more remarkable. The case
referred to is that of Mrs. John C. Monett'',
whose cure has been effected by these mar-
vellous little messengers of health. The
Times' reporter was met at the door ?by
Yrr. llosoell, who, though showing a few
traces of the suffering she had undergone,
moved about very sprirhtIy With &ppar ,
ently all the gratitude of • man who had
been saved out of the deepest .Ruction, Mr.
Monsen gave the following account of hie
wife's miraculous cure : 1 have been in the
employ of the 4'. P. K. at Toronto .'unction
for some time. In August last year, altar
oontinement, soy • ifs took • chill, and what
is uomn.only knows as milk -leg set in.
When 1 came home from my work 1 was in-
formed of the fact, and next morning called
in the tamtly physician. The limb swelled
In a retry short time to an enormous size.
Every menu known was adopted to reduce
the inflammation, but without avail. Con-
sulting physicians were called in,but all the
satisfaction they oould give me was that the
doctors in attendance were doing their at -
amok A tank was rigged up, • long line of
rubber hose attached and wound around the
•ttticted limb and tee water allowed to
trickle down through the piping to relieve
the pain and reduce the iofammation above
the knee. The leg was opened and peorfor-
sted, a tabs inserted from the thigh to the
anile with the hops that it would carry off
the pea which formed. Fee five long .oxiotr
01101111K11 watched the case with despair, while
my wife was unable to move herself is bed.
At the end of that time she was placed in a
chair where she remained three months_
To add to the oompll ontios.raurrw.set in,
end for weeks then was • fight for life. At
Wet the physicians gave up. They said the
.sly hope was in the removal of soy wife to
the hosonW. After • brief coneultetioe she
emphatically refused to re, •t•tiag that if
she had to die she would die amongst her
little owe. At this time she could not put
her foot to the ground. Her seminal weight
was 135 pounds whew in gond health, but
the affliction reduced bee to • livts( skele-
ton, for she lost lib posted@ in 4.. months.
To all human intelligesse it was simply a
ease of w•ittne for the wont I'pp to this
time 1 had sot thought of 1)r Williams'
Pink filo for Pale People, until one day 1
same across an advertisement sod deter
wised to try them. Mia we twe menthe
ago, jar sheet the tines w. wan moving up
here from the Janette "
At Dos point Mn. Mansell took up the
story of the mrsrvollens care, and et rroher
slid whet bee hwne.d stated. f'ostmuuag
sin sale : •• Atter swiss a few notes 1 could
walk as erstebes, •ed after their further
see 1 anew away my emulates easel am w
Ching tri say sere bee..wett4. The hob le
ental* Mem up. sad Sha seeds. which as
tM t.ii*it .demi) had been foamed not of
Mgt phials, have cosy bask to their water-
s)Aad to show how complete
sty reoeaetrve..rry 1 •m plowed ie s•
1 kayo ebetverod soy lost weight sod
slept. I now welsh 110
••W. sweet W7' Is do eses' fees sod ether
swim without avail bete.o bewisising the
e( 1)r. Wdlisms' Milo," mid ,Mr.
Menndl, 'Yea it swim* meadow That
soy wife, who • Mr eresihs •p woe essid-
eoeC past hum= .14, bee by the wonderful
-cilia ben ..keel he 1.111 sod
New Quarters
Tit. nearer we cove to the tints for moving into our New Ston the
*11010us we are to see our Stock redu.wl to as small dimensions as baton
We have yet several weeks before Moving and during these few weeks
should look through our Stock of I try• [:cods.
111 fart. everything is marked 11ow11
IleuleInch,her. we are asking you to Inat a Stock which is not only 1st
ollcre,l at
but which is thoroughly anrorteal with the newest Good. of the wawa.
ee ally invite the inspection of our stock of Dry Goals.
in:1M't't our Wool Blanket. inspect our Beal Comforts inspect
tiny Flauuls -- inspect our Flannelette* inspect our Hen's Over Shirts
1'nokrwear inspect our l.a(lies 1 nilerwear W. invite you to inspect es
line of Roosts in our *tore and compare prices.
We're after you
for your Shoe trade. We want your trade, yc
relatives' trade, your friends' trade, and we'll make it p
you to buy your Shoes from us. Compare our p[eices wi
what you have been paying.
Ladies' PTidtled FeltSlippers. Fels Solea, $ .75.
" Felt, Leather Foxed Gaiters, 1.00.
" American Kid, Button Tipped. 1.00.
Genuine 1)ongola, P.ttent Tip. Buttoned, 1.25.
Hisses' Polished Calf, laced, 11 to 2, .75.
Child's Heavy Laced Boots, Rivettell titles, .50.
" Best Pelt Overshoe, 6 to 10, .73.
•' (lverntoekings and Rubber.. combined, .75.
Boys' Hand Pegg..) Bal., • .95.
Vouthw• Hanil Pegg. it Bal., .75.
Men's Hearty Boots, Bellow, Tongue .75.
Men's Pegged Sole. S:,li,l 1.'athei. 1.00.
Mtii s Seamless (hiker., 1.00.
Prices do the selling here we just fit them and
them up. Every pair guaranteed No. 1 quality, and
they rip we sew them free.
Custom work and repairing our forte.
The New Shoe St
W ha' is the goo,' of ending for it to turn uh and then not he •. tette "al the bid"
inu real get yourself in stupe• by taking accouter ,a the
We lay great emphasis on our practical course. Nee for Argot oar-uvce.sful 14u4ents
M. Stewart has received the parities as Tractility/ Audits).- with the Mc('o-mack Harvcs
('o., Winnipeg. Write us tor catalogue and particulars. Addre..dng carefully
rdlegy gedepres Jan. 1.4. lass. J. W WESTERVELT Principe
strength:" and the Times cowcun in the
cost W
lir. Meonell u one of the 1 .l'.It. •tett of
clerks at this port, and he u always willing
to tell of the cure effected. But there Ore
hundreds of witnesses as to the truth of his
statement• both at Owen Soma and at To
recto where he resided up to two months
Ito. 1\',lliams' I1nk 1'.11. are'otlered with
• oos6dence that they err the only perfect
and unfadaag blond builder end nerve re
starer, and where given • fair trial disease
and .ufering must vanish. Sold by all
dealers or Beet by mail un receipt o' S() cta.
a box or $2.50 for six bores, by addressing
the Dr Williams' Medicine ('o., krocknl4,
Oat_ or Mcbnect.dy, N. \ . Beware of imi-
tation nod refuse trseny substitutes alleged
to be "Mot as rood.
Trr_sn•r, ,tan, R.
Miss Combos and Master William are
spending the week in l.acknow and
(ter village has again assumed its regular
nouns, taro electien having resulted in the
rotors of N. H. Venni as reeve by • major-
ity of about 33. The council 0.r this year
will be Moms. Andrew McNally, Alex Mc-
Kean!, .1*11. McGee sod T. H. As►Mary.
A torchlight procession soiled the pr
tags of the dey.
T nnAY, J. R
Sant Scott, of Auburn. was in t11e village
last week.
YIN M. Baxter, of (:oderioh, is the rues,
of Miss Annie Stowe
Miss Aegis McKellar, of I:ederteh, visit-
ed at Mrs W. Stowe's this week.
Mn. Peter Mei wee presented her humi-
liated with • booming heir last week.
1. C. Jobnetom. of 4:ed.rieh, was rem. -
tag obi agtu•intaaes here last week.
MoKensie Messer loft on Monday for
Stretford, when M intend. taking • course
ie Oke bosi.ew college.
Fred Hartley, who was home speeding hr
Christmas holiday', here, returned to Cha-
im be muses kis studies.
Rea. A. Y. Hartley preached in thy
Meshodist =urea es Renday eyesiag..wrg
to the 'toms of the paster, Rev. J. W.
Tsrsberry : The 1110 gives by the Cm
CesssO to Reese McPlwwoe to Aietribota
.rsesg these that saved the bridge at the
We gn Is been distributed s fain*
Jabs 1Nrsat, >fb 1 Mei tiff :
Rehm 'Moe,est% gi t Ji.. ileUss•* 1 • J.
U. Yarrtsun, 1111 AMs. aarIgria.{« t dleo
di 1 Mean
Illmeek se. Abd
se•, I Aka. M.Ots,
We will sell by i'wb1.* Auction, sem
mowing at 1 o'clock, p.so.:
i Geod. Useful Driving Mare. °°.'geed
4Iesn who W Mo
■o e for bor. Ne
Round flay Mare, 3 mare oil.
ankh Dew, the best Cow La Oede.
4 !ears old.
lent t1f lion Menthe.
1 New (,utter twill be acid without raw'
met disposed .f boon sa4.,
2 Good ttecoad bane ratter&
!eats of Double Harmm&
3 setae New mode Harmers.
fleets of Beeped hued Mingle Hsraer,
S aved gRobes
w0Md iw•ther Halters.
14le dereinetea..
k errtsgo of Redo.
1 sabot Ie.teb ('dors IMebd,
idlest ooes.
1 Porter
le names.
3 011 Palatines.
()amt sed Wood Stoesa I * p. , kr.
Ie planes of Dress Oood &teff
About forty Overcoats, ats. ape. ke•, wT
we will p.aitleely (]
ell for whoa they
Tennis ow larger &relate will be at
harms at tame of ,Sale
Rastow►or the poo.
Headline -et , Deisr
N .ovary s usuffer team sew U
Ratter : RA, C1.btie hit g •
two one-►forme1.4 aero fore en W Lw
Read M Jobe K.edak.'• 100 •r. Iain
the bid esstnoien s/ Usherae% Mr. 1
elsko pay' • df rsse. 01 =01
QrItW will eine lat. taws •/sM