HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-10, Page 7ignal dal worths to Rs sae whnth are MOM - Sties ler lhw prewar. ss 91 all einem e1 J of this aseesMe- . stpthing you may • seeh saes we s ,, feeling emaidmN lease will meet wile patrons o is kept in the full ides .arra as letter its entity used, they 611 plat• in ooaan•rciel e. See whet we've above heeds. r have a very large writing papers suit y class of business i this locality, nose and wove, linens, other papers, ruled may be required. ss -you -go" plan was the day the demand )aper would not be there are e man emany luttaers that if the stock will ever r don't intend it to, it our stock is Done Mt. with four size,. ,nil neat ruling. and double dollars alumna. They come bill hearts, and .re ping W send after • we a month. They fetch hint 'round - 0 uld be hard to get it envelopes, and to th the amend for ep a large stock on hays now about a eusand in stock, and ill range from 75c. to I. We handle corn egal sizes exclusively. T\ht\1\fee been partially enum ne of the heads above. .ever, a vast &moon ler this head that to rould more than take re space occupied by it we do it .11 at Tug L lome" or a wedding double taste in .else nee, but we make it Ater by keeping in 'ery latest and best had. Call and ,offs. menta and meetings trued out, from the it to the most elegant el pencil attached. xcel to all the diger work we turn oat, ly in this, and keep ,in and fancy papers all requirements. Iver' a largo range of i bread or milk ticket Ileng card, from an er- osion ticket to a tarty rd Or a handsomely Ibership ticket. B for turning out this are evid.00ed by the s great balk of it i• This line &leo i•- hree fastrrenning job able to tarn out in . short timme- >o poster dloartemil make • specialty Of [phial= being oar she et. A notice of gale in Tut te*fAL free Of bills for same ere got Oi W (wk. idibialas and .rugs* NANk\ bt Souati4i ,msowobum. r beaks for page fav 1 esatiseemee et the $11111#3A. a --mw, cPul $arper's; Xaglalziae. r- '''' : IN11895 - Tbe p!M!U` • new nova k( eterd7. will Oe beau. Is tM Dessmliar. u . kir. 1�1. tad contlaued In NOVO. Wasever may km ora. favorite Hatay M. yrs novelette vele It will be , .w..des 'ta .i n ask. tW Tim mar Nerdy ...sad . fer•wt as • swim artist is lutist. std The siapl.lae• may be.zj cud to are..... ewthue•agin IDN W gorier la Aawree t. Ore %L1. It W n.srk l Trilby the must sun solei story of the tear. Aastt.r tead.ag feature will b. .b Pev....1 gric.Menses of Jima of err. by the shoo wk haste. Her 1001 and ft of ill leg which tufae tats most tas,ilar of bootee ssgaaia9 writer* will present the *Wry Milts uary Plumber willlltipper el kb• �asafuw,y lnsla the astraind �r,�ar on l'b.rye Me and e ( sellae.. the gyat of • aeric. of !Mothers papers. Northern Africa is attraction more .1(enu00 Boas at ..y oilier Ions atone It eras the .eat art ,apt•... The nett aoluua of HA'WIER'S )IIAt.A%INK will co.t•lu foto IllusrNcd age •wafhblMlt on this if cod three of them willwtba rrrsent le heir. JI lin,. RAI rn prepare ter the MAGA'/.INI a .aster of greet son.w. .'.•piretr.x typical photos of left and l/asner.. Sesidevtbe Wee Mfe there will begin fu the J..uary Nua. IIK 11n.' chapters of a Tbrse•r ,s \.rel- ces.. by I;., 'islet. 11415.1.1,40 OA%t. the luax- ..t work ye, attempted to this writer. (bat ppl1oet. short .loofa by popular writers will con fiaue to be a feature of the MAli A%INF. awed far Ill..ar.aed r►..peete.. The Vnlunas of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. W hen no noir is wentioaod,subacrept low will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt 1 order. ('loth Cams. for binding. 'al cents eacb by mail. tort paid. Itroalttaoow should be loads byPmt °nice Money order or 50.1', to •vochance of loss Newspapers are not to .ropy lilts mit-cerise wrest wiahoo! the repress order of Harper R Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per 1..r. /IANI'KK" ,NAUAZIA'R..,.Pwe Year..e4 or, RAKJ'iCK! IYRRKLY 6 de HARPER'S BAZAR. ' 1 oar HARP EMS IOU NU PBOPLB.. • 1/0 Poetise( fere fon!( e.Aa.-ribera is the rotted States, Canada and Mexico. Address• HAUNCH It HIu)THKRS, P. O. Hot 9.50, N. V. City. Harper's Bazar. IN I895 Kieran! end r oIu5ive derlgrs for 41ut4.er shed I.l..r TNMtks drawn nom Wow] it models 111 RA,41u.r. and t'nA'•t ls. are an im- portant feature. These appear every work. accompanied 4y minute de.cr•.tlnus and do. tail& Mar rattle Letter. by Karts sat NIC t. Vol/Ter. is a weekly transcript of the latest styles and caprices in the mode. ('oder the head of %ew torn Ita.blaes. plain directions and full panu•ulars are given as to shape. fabrics, trimmings. and acoemories of the cue toms of well dressed wom.sa. Inners•. 4 I.ahlaa rr.e•vea rrarliesl attention. A fortnightly racer■ %bed a.pplesees. en- ables traders to cut end make their own gowns. The woman who takes t1AItI'KI:'8 ISA%Alt is prepared for every oceasioe In life. eerrro.lnne ox t.formal, where beautiful drew is roomette An American Menai. ames, Warne's ba9ghten. by Ritter. c• 11 ental,.. 1)41% ,s. • etroag DOarl of American life. pa,Sly laid is Pennsylvania and part) In the far Sou, h. will occupy the last bait of t� year. My Lad) %shady. an lntwaely e•c,l,ng novel. by al4141aTg,4 Ms41nTt,4s. author of 'God's root,' 'The Greater glory.' etc.. will begin the year. Bray and a.rW ('hats. To this d.oartt ment r I s. T ATnk w ill contribute her char,nfttg papers on • What We are Douce in New fooerkk soe,et y. Ar.wer41 la t'erre•pe.drst& uneatlowr reit., the personal atteanon of the editor. aid are answered at the earliest passible dant at - ter their receipt. w eed r r III.erat.d Pee.peett... The Volum.'. oto the Hazen brrfn with the blest Number for Jammer of each year. When n o time is menti•ned. subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt o f order. [loth mess for each rolnme. suitable fee binding. will be sent by mail. met mad. oft receipt of 5100 each. Remittances should he made by Post -es Moog; Order or Draft. to avoid chance of leas Newspaper: oro not to copy this ndrrefi r- sser.f without the uprose order of Hearts & noriona1N. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. err rear NARPRR!SBAZAK. _ 114 tp HARPRRSMAOAZINR.. t 00 AKPkKB WXXX `Y if/'RKS YOUNG PIMPLE . t '0 ItiMaov hoe le ail eu/.e+ibera is the Unita tRetea. Ln.ada. and Ales(.. 4 00 Address HARPER t s S. N. LRB. P. O. Roe SM. N. Y. City. Harper's Weekly. IN 1895 HARPILRM WEEKLY is. pictorial history of the deal It present. every ►mporta.t evesi srsmp,ly, separately tad ezbaeativele In inwstration sad deacriptlse text at thekkeb. est order. 7'le Meow 11 la m which. dada* IMI. It Wm 4es and Me y�d��pm�s.. lvar. Iasd the y kamouat of d�wtlMJw 10 thew a Tares the lastest Was directed t. that Ilpl.kw.we some y. w =sagest' of Its amen headless setae... /ruse RAti'a, the d511ag.iai.d writer sad earressmaillene ho -h.= mime **the neat of war. and them Jsnal b C. D. Wxu)ow• IIho well -knows £mosio.a artist. now for way yearn raidett t* Janata who has beim to aommeato with Ir. Rau•'. la u HAR Rae TIZZY mtdtiv0 lea tied 11I. &ttoa. isle every shied ilmeam/M will he arti- st** vigor ami without prejudice la I1 .W •.lump. and also la spread s5.4. depart w wens mahar(tlm ►a @mnamdb Imitratto of tho man and wawa who W NW wf eotllmsod ~ tea to be stures This lease Won4d w1tj Iq Madly asammmt oath* lesser deism tat Heyday. will r.m•Is a rorder deessienenl t ,Soni . Thou will be tau pewerf*' .rine bon 'moderately Wustrated-The Rei twe- • atria/ roma*te et diem days by 'aelaT J. Warman end • word el New «k. 'stilled The w K Ins VNhsr,►y IldATT11gw.-- osvoo pvdats.., end taaq short bolsias by pw.lar wenn band tar hilae eaadi rreapr1... The Tdumes of t►.WU*I.T bogie with the •Dat Nwmher tor January Meech year. Wales ZrzY mmmU4•ed, wbmorlpetene will been ley Number currant at the time of r.• (ease for each d ohms., satiable far . w(11 be moat by 'resit post -paid, 's re - Mae each. Itt•noea mbedd be mads by 111..., border or 10.11. to avoid abasesof rewwss*paayprrrv�� or.. are mat to ewp/ tib sdw,454. asettwessttewf tee errorder a>* Hamm It lemen HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Tart AAPYA Pus BA 1rot ...a....... liaoiabmi ~•pi • is She 571rilri 11111:1111111.1111tp. onmeasoon VIM j)♦jll _ Ja.k-did t as oat Syr Um, h begs wlelltce Meow t lllese't M awe**, r:'" tett*er ft impound** bitable MIR Of fogy. ) Weak Women and all mothers whit are nursing bsDies derive great benefit from Scott's Emulsion. This prep.tla• tied serves two purpoece. 1t given vital strength to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive. Sco 's mullion le .e constructive food that pro- motes the making of healthy tissue and bone. It is a wonder- ful remedy for Emaciation. General Debility, Throat and Lung Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Anaemia, Scrofula and Wasting Diseases of Children. SIM./for PssepAiet ors Seat' I1e,./,io,r. Free. Soon a Dewe. DeOealie Y Oragp obs. Mc. ail. TRADk IN THE DOMINION A talo Huwlasr HaLag Trammeled Tis Peal Year Iteairwe.l. NFU Yot:K, Iyer. SI Itrad"trrct • today -oy. T•.r.s,r1 jobber• say trade is very ,l Met. lead treveller. trent that .it are not hurrying their departure, although .at \lout reel ',repetitions are making in several lino*, 1., aru.I out traveler.. .tt Quebec f'ity .hue nova ata-tsteers report the triple brisk. .1t Halifax the volume of Lu•inew. is moderate and wbola•.ole. trade is dull. f`ollrctioti. throw(' Nova Scotia are .low. h, Newfoundland the busineienitwit ion remains unchange.) or as previnunly- described..,mewbat eteaotic. Hank clearings at Winnipeg., Hamilton. Toronto, and Ilaltfax aggregate .1:i. 412.1400 this week as/shied y le l: t eel bait wreak and letkeStl,tsal io the week but year. Canadian len.imoo failures during I'114. no reported to lirad•trret'., aggregate tl, `41,:s1. against 51.543.ion: total liabilities amounting to 11:,:I4..IIl this year and $14,:1n,uti lout year, with customary ratios of averts. There is a moderate Werner in, the number of failures in the Provine* of. Quebec, witb a sharp gain .in volume of liabilities. -N'ew firun*wiek report. a moderate inereasr in the number of -fail- urea with nearly double the amout,t of liabilities in 1244: sod -Nov. :...ti., a moderate dettea,w nod a heavy do•line in volume of liabilities. the like bring true With reference to I'riuce Edward Inland. In Manitoba there hi one leas failure than the year heftier. though with a slightly increased volume of liabilities. Failure% in the Northwest Territory drupp*1 more than our -halt this year and liahilitir, -till further. There ix alter a .mailer number of failure. reported from Britisl. ('..lumbi:., but I:abilities have In- creased There :.n' __ failures reported from Newrfoundland.'again•t I:' the year blurs with Lahtlttie. of +taus' albs thin year. agtairl.t ttr!.1sie hent year. The nitttation ill Newfoundland appears to hare been one of-its:end ed analnatton rather than genrnil c„mmen•ial r finan- cial failure. which w ill account for the en -imperatively few 4 -carmen -tat deaths re- ported its spite• .°Ibbs business cretin, A ]Iessmeet t..Agte PI.Ny. InNi*,s. Ont., Dee. 27.--Rulert Fulton!. of New York. the theatrical manager. Mu" given a srolptor In this rity an order to erect for him in Woodland cemetery a beautiful mansolenm to commemorate the death of bin wife. Mine Annie Pixley. the noted actress. and their ,wan. The monu- ment will cost $tO,(lai and will he 11 feet high. 34 feet wide and :10 fret long. Jt the entrance will he two life -Nixed *5. . one or, either nide. Five granite pillar% will support the Gothic arch in front and em trance will be made by two ntagniflcent brawl gate... 1n.krnrath the whole mau.or ]runt is a catacomb. The nide elevations am pierced two stained glans win- dows, one on each nide, bearing the legend "Glory to God," etc.. and "ten earth peace." etc. The ceiling and roof will he of cut atone. enriched with heavy mould - joys. The rear elevation is surmounted with a ernes When complete.) the monu- ment will be the most handsome one of the kind to the Dominion. To T..esI Terme. nay Tona,em, Dee. 20. -City Engineer Keat Mg is preparing specifcation« and will ad- vertise at once for tenders for contract for the bowing% and surrey necessary for the tunnel order the fay. The work will gds on immediately after the contract i. let. The boring. and survey are not needed for the purpose of determining the feasi- bility of the tunnel plan. but simply to determine the mute. An to the practi- cability of the tunnel. Mr. Keating enter- tains no doubt whatever. The question which the present herrings will deride is whether the tunnel shall go straight arrow( to Hrockhonte Hay or to Hanlan'. Paint. The Br ckhouee Hay route would mean a .uavtng in di•tenee of four or Ave hundred fret To Hanlan's l'oint would mean a long detour and a bend. eaaadl.w Win at Hoek.y. MosTREAL Dec. :'JI - The International borkey match between the United States hockey team and the Victoria team of Montreal resulted in a victory for the (•ana dian». In the float halt the Canadian game was played and the Canadians won by a score of 5 to 1. The second half wax the American game and in this Canadian. proved themw.lvee the equal of the Americans the score standing at the clone, one to ase, the Canadians this. winning the metal be a total score of ft 5,, 2. TM ■.ekIasd Car. Will bre twvesttgat.d. OTTAWA. Dec. M. -An invest igttlon Into the H,acklartd tar of alleged murder Is to be made. Crown prosecutor Fleming re- sited t telegram from the Attorney - General of Quebec authorising him to order an investigation. Mr Fleming oommnnlcstsd with the chief of the Hull police. A roan is to be root down immct• diately. The expenxss will be borne by the Quebec Government. Johnston, the awep.ctod, w111 come up on remand on Mo.day, when he will likely he fnrth.r renaede.d, pending the Investlgatbm. «sues.@ teases. Obat5ate (laugh yWd be nee grateful w9h5eg asSw et N rwey Plat Flynn . TTbe marine oweisseas esegb et ssi is this eir sad lgetabwag r . relined b' Peke 25.. ted 5o . 2w ran ea w/abeera 'Amy sharedes le Nine par tir 'Yaw. Wringer 'NAN J alk rabbits i' .ar to' WO filicusk ars dye' iaa be VI r (tri TME SIGNAL': GODBRIQH. ONT', TH JRSDAY, JAN. 10, 1D& GLAD6TgNE'S GREAT AGE• CRISP AND CASU(SL. GEMS OF THOUGHT. 111. u. u- M. Marshes Maw; C.agrat.lr 1lr.w• He Y(g•••n• speed. Jr l'.'..IhN•. sl. •Vr. Iaadwtuur Delo- heated lar• fiat►birtbOtry on `,atundey, and wee the ref ipieut of hualrecl■ of lettere told telegromruf •ougratnlati.0 and 'Syr eels containing Lir, ..l*. Mitt.. a!r (.1.5 stone was in „,,lar) ,Idy weal hos IuI, trod -pious. pawl d. spite Ilwl .lora,.) wrather ,Iruve I hrougl, , hr % IAN •• .d Il to..reku to laic . I. cell. %s1 eta 1. M., a &pill al int of ,tnuruIan ('bristimam from farts and Loudon. ()q behalf of Mr. dilatl.tiue the .tepatatiuu prevented a siker challis( to I ia. •k urch The •halite ea. prevented to the Key 'tephru (aad4u1Pe..u,u ..f t lar• .•x t'reu,ier tool rector of the Haw:inl.•., church. to recognition of the iulrre..t lars father hap tekru in the .'4rmrulatoutrages Is. reply hi. the pre.eutattuu ,ul.lre.- the ex Pre- mier exprv.seed his -yspathi with the suffering of the .'5down inn ('5,ri.i,.u%. The deputation :.,.,I luncheon with Mr. tiled - ...time at 114 w arlru casette The Prince of Walre. e0d Lord .tlrnlra•n uerr thus who telrgr:ud,ed their . ungrat ula- lien. t.. Mr. hull+tot,•. Mr. Gladstone. in hi. reply to the depu- tation'..ddri'.n, said that it wan. not their duty to assure flat all the pilot ntiuu. of outrages were trite. Inst rather te await the reutlt of the inquiry which 11.11 been instituted. However. he .said. the pule - linked account. pointed strongly to the conclusion that the outrages, .its and abominations constituted in Is:* in Bul- garia had been rrte*1ed in tatty In .1rmrte :a. 1f this were true it w• time that then• should be one general wits of rye• eratiou against thaw deed.. of wickeelnea. (rum outraged humanity. It the fact• were established it should be written ill letters of iron upon the records of the world that a government which could Is guilty .4 countenancing mal covering up such atna•it ies was a di:gra.•. to Ma. howl, the prophet, a disgrace to drill - ration at large, Mid a disgrace to male kind. Mr. ebel.t.ne, coutinuing, mid. "Don't let me he told that our nation has Ile au- thority over another. Furry netion, aye, every hurnan being, has authority in 'w- hat( of Dunnahity anted ju.tior.'• He had been silent. be -:aid. beaus Le heal full 011111 knee that the government ktww its duty. If the allegations made should Prove ritatit_itja-JLrie that the.execratiuu of hugianity should force itself upon the .•nr. of the Sultan of Turkey :end maks him sensible of the madness of -nub a 1oure.c aN was trying pursued. • -Mr. (:Ie. ktou,e %peke fur a quarter of. art 1 . Ile awe remarkably deliberate in 1,1,. delivery and cluorua% in action and gesture. ,arid we. loudly cheered albs con - chided he. rentark- A SCRAMBLE FOR LIFE. lode. en Nam... Albany. 0bt.d by Pare - several Gloats Italy Itysr.d. \1 t.lcy, N.V..Ilec. 31. -Tote l/rlevan Louse eau gutted by fire lent night. There were IIs, gtte•tw111 the boos.. .111esapel, although t wee women and oma tutu who Jumped from the thind storey un the -telabet street sick were badly injured. Th.'y are. Mr. I1. F. F'..okrn, wife of the ,agent of the National lash Register Co., of .55.51% city. formerly of Dayton. Ohio. Flenjamin H.flmat and hi: wife. of R$ook- lyn. who were out their wedding tour. Mr. "'makss was, bully- burner. but will re- 1lis wife was internally injurer! and will die. Mr. Heilman wan • badly burner shout the chest and internally in- jurer He will probably lir. Ili* wife is badly burned about the fate, her nose be- ing slit open, and ebe was cut on the ankle. The will recover. No one above the main floor had time to save anything mad 'before the afirightencd guests emerged upon the .t root. t he flames had broken through the roe,(. Thos who nem tut able to,;rt ley the elevator .haft *Man to pee dowu the Main eairw-av .w Ste111en street w-rrr without hope of r%• tape for some miltuten 'mil! their way wan directed to the errvant's stairway in the north written of the strip -tore. There were many narrow ..cap•• A N'►itby Ammon ('as.. WHITBY. I)ee. 1«.- The police mewed rate heard the detail. of a mom termed as.anit caw at the pollee court. Before Major Harper Matthew Murphy was .-harged with having last setunlay night pounded liunipl,rey ('otTey's head in a most horri- ble manner and then left him in the ditch eorereil with blood, helpless and ,enable to get up. Lewis Lintner and .lame% 1)111 man. two young sten who were near at the time, were called by the Crown. and their evidence was d such a doubtful na- ture and their memories no bed that the magistrate ordered them to be watt to the jail for one week to re(rerh them, but Anally took bail for each for sib x) to appear. Murphy was algo allowed out on bail. Coffey. who was nnder the Influence of liquor. is on the prohibited list and has %ince given the name.. of the parties fur- nishing him to Inapector Frrgu.on, whc is ale.) taking steps in the matter. The case corsea up next Wednesday. Te. therm Violinist hi goober. Qt'Es)a•, Dec. 28. -The height of the hurricane occurred about six o'clock last evening. Very few ventured out of doors and In many inetancee doors of the houses were blocked with snow banks. Six sleighs were upset near Parliament buildings and much trouble WV ex- perienced with the horse in the drift. A couple of boys had to be rescued, bring rompktely carried off their feet by the wind. Trees and fences are wrenched away and souse damage was done to pro- pertt The city le io utter darkness, the electric light line having been denioxaIlend. The telephone and telegraph line also .uf fend. Tb. Deere. Megardi.g e.eret aeelsU... W IL W I ammo, Dec. 11. -The deers! of the Pope, forbidding Catholics to belong to tb. Knight. of Pythiy Oddfellow. or Sous of Temperaacs wet reed in all the caurchee yesterday. The substasee oaf the decree is that mambo= of t5e encietdrr will not be exo.semuakodd, bet wi11 be deprived •f task right of receiving sacra menu of the ahtnoh. Tee Odgl.a4ar ad bks ••abeamew Asad. Corre t& SWIM i, la Dao. si - Mee Amelia J. Politer died Mrs yuaiwdy. Bae w.. mus of tis earliest .Aeupeeau of dress rd•rse far weeses teed her rNttc rtes of tam styes she leased rmianl tt no bs called tete Miaow eeaMena She was 77 10900 olio. Tbr.s lbirus4 t. Maniac. GRAM* Manna , Dec. M. -A eels ribose seem age base lfewaygo states that a fans house three miles trees from there was burned is.t .veutag .ad that three perms, were bsros Ie As Meets* Ineamlmw ArraM.l. Pr louts, flak. Nem, eberged with eellbladiele In lbigelyly tens thetas Ant of is ldw, ltaglrte (1t• ..)111 Mee te qtr .» 1k. Iww's P1eaaaat Worm Syrup removes worms ud all keds trout chadres or adult@ The southern states into year pro,duelad Matra thea os.-t.trd of the total cora clop ed the United setas. The.. who hive been esughtog fur rears should bu.w t►&. lir I.•veol'ette'.',veep of 1 urp'st one oast enact • , umplete and radical C.,,.. (54 extracted !tow .naue u osm of the lest kat.. s ditto. uaatr. but o not glassily .aa.faowred on amount of the expense of mak Mg it. The wheat grown to souther° countries camellia • larger prtport,ua of •Ibu,,toutds than northers wheat, and is more suitable for macaroni. Although .leies Verse's w.,rk. have earn- ed untold ferttiaes for hie publisher*, they have brought to the novelist only C1,100 a year on an average. Mr. Stead has found a new hohbv, h..' Mg ruse t. MoKlaad to collect material ter an onslaught oa the owners et deer furcate. child &smug whom is an American. Mrs. Edmuod 1 etas. widow el the Lag lith wive:st, carries about with her the * ghee of her husband in a casket ducal tato it little travelling beg of special design. A hole at of chew and an electric wire form the latest rat trap. The cheese is Seed to the wire and the instant the rat touches the chew h@ is shocked to ,loath. Vessels whioa have been used for milk should be rinsed in cold water before being washed in hot. Hot water immediately seta the curds, anddrives the milk Into the ware. " Trilby," i@ not the tint book of that name. In 1822 Charles Noeller, afterward a member of the French Academy, publish- ed in Paris a fury story entitled • Trilby,or the Fay of Argyle.' A citizen of New Britain, Conn., has in his possession • pear of ,fuser, wrtnale.Lold- time saddlebags, and there is abundant reason to believe that they belonged to Capt. Nathan Hale, the martyr spy. (rue of the balloons recently sent up by yrsach scientists with automatically regis- ter*, thermometers and barometers reached a hicht of 10 miles, where the ther- mometer registered 110 degrees below Seto. The ordinary cost of a cahle road has been from *'20,000 to $70,000 • mile of maple track, but it is stated nn the authority of 1' R. Fairchild that in Washington (be emit of oosatructioo is DOW brought do., t.oSJo•,- 000 • mile of stogie track. More womes than men voted at the recent elections in Colorado, and they cwt a larger percentage of their registered vote than the men. They led the men in Den- ver by 8,000 votes, besides including 6,0001 men to vote who usually neglect their duty. , Mn. Robert Ieurstnn, No. 42 Austin avenue, Toronto, says --I have used 1►r. Laviolette's Syrup of Turpentine in my family for coughs, molds and bronchitis, and I must certainly say that it has proved it- self to he the moot effective remedy 1 have ever used, being pleasant to take and doing it@ work speedily and well. It affords me great pleasure to speak of 1t s. 1 hare found it. Wblln ess reagb. For Whooping cough and all throat atiec- tion.. chest troubles, etc., Hagysrd'. 1 el - le. 011 is the best embrocation ever dis- covered. It promptly relieves intlemma teen. pain and soreness from whatever cause arising. 2o- Thr right Alter. 'Tau the night after chestnuts, and .11 through the house, Everybody was stirring, yes. even the moose : Paregoric and Ipecac, thew then had their f robe, For all o: the youogesters were up with the colic. Alter La Grippe. After 1a I.rippe obstinate coughs, lung trouble, etc., frr.fuently follow. There is no remedy so prompt, and at the same tame effectual and pleasant, as \lilhurn'. Cod Liver Ohl E,nuleon with R ild Cherry and Hypophoephites, which as the latest and but combnatnos of anti consumptive rem@ dies. i'ric. 50c. and 11.00 per bottle. 2w 1 -be Guveruo r-tirueral wools» in for some ern ici%m in Ottawa by hie letter .dating that he would keep hire prelmise to inaugu- rate the Winter Carnival only on (ondi- tiou that it was postponed from January 21, until some time in February hevellse of the death of Sir John Thonip.un. The annual dinner given by the pasty Ia- tron.eee. of Notre Dam. Hospital. Mon- treal, to the Nick poor had several novel fraturv.. His (:race the Archbishop, hav- ing tied an apron on. ladled out the soup with the dexterity of an experienced chef, and i.ady Aberdeen, assisted by the pa- trones... and the shirrs, acted as teati- mes, George Wood. of Toronto. aged 24, a guard at the Central Prison and residing at 358 Sumach -street, attempted to board the front platform of an east -hound ear near Queen and Peter -streets while the car waft in motion. His foot slipped, but he clung to the rail and was dragged a distance of M) yards before the car could be stopped. He unstained many bail cutm and bruise. on the left side, and may be correctly injured internally- Rurdoek Pills, small, safe and sere, re. inlets the liver and con eosatip•ties. The root of all diecunte•t is selelevs. t:et people to think right sod they wsl) try to do right 1 t is not what we earn, but what we save that makes us rich I 1t is not what we read, but what -tie ri- member that utas us Iasigad- Ifwe roust &newer for our wale word. w.' must also sn.wce f r our 111015111410... I'uda,u hatreds . h.sr Loth ...(e. soil d.•. lav ludgwant unto. ,aawa. iia. lead time to resume her .way. u Many mea claim to be tirm u their pun caplet whon really they are only obatoate to their preoudao... sincerity as 'weakling what we think, be hevuag a* we pretend. act tui u we profess,' performing as we promise, and be tug as we I pretend to be. Talents are usually shown .. t,retereoce• mere or leas strung, and upon their wise and patient cultivation depends the reallia tion of our ideal. Leal fidelity may be rare, but it exists in the heart. The) only deny its worth and power who never loved • fraud our labored O WORRY! TRY NUCHTSo1r fT BRINGS COM FORT WASH DAY to make a friend happy. I:entleuess in sa:»ty is like the silent in NEW BAKERY The Old Reliable fluenme of light, which gives color to all na- tures : at as far more powerful than leuduess }]s\ or force, a mm far ore fruitful. A literaryO D le R I C K literary u •sort of mental chemist's shop, tilled with the crystals of all forme cud hues which have tome from the tonus of individual thought with local circum• s:sons or universal ,.rinciplea. tam great trouble in doing a mean action is that you ere compelled to associate with yourself afterwards. If you only could hove nothing to do with a ntau who was guilty' of such meanness, It wuu'ol be a re. het Let each day take thought for whme con- cerns it, liquidate its own affean, and re- spite the day which is to foldnw. and then we shall be always ready. To kuuw how to he ready is at the bottom of to know how to die. Work when you work, hut, when the measure of your duty is dose, then relax thoroughly. There is as much virtue In re - it -oohing soul end body by yielding up all re- sponsibility and tare ae there u in the coin, g• enus meeting of active obligations. There is no moment like the preeeot : not •sly so. but, moreover, there is no moment stsU-that is, no instant for,yanel energy, R.r•.e.1 .broil. toil to ell .arta I+f too but in the present. The man who will ort } execute his resolutions when :hey are fresh town. ctr'.cr• ,.'t a&MUER LErg store upon him can .have no hope for them atter- d. • To resist the he.bog power of tante, and strive tb keep alive the adores which might of itself fade away, a to do a wrong is our own natures .pd to our usefu!nese In the world. :\11 sorrow in weakening, and to in- dulge it is selfishly to destroy our value to our friends and to the community. Melones of the are The first map of the gulf stream was rade by Rentansin Franklin, who tried to point nutthe utility of wean currents in naviga. • t loo. The sea anemone a c•p.ble of swall.w irg I' an animal many times larger that itself. It . preens its body sed thus surrounds its I pr'ey- O'onl Larvae .re born alive and swim oft to seek a locality on which to settle. Atter they have once become tined they never again change piece. The Venus' belt is a thin, fiat membra°. from and to two feet loog, and about the width of a lady's belt. Its mouth is In the Franklin taught that the ...sae currents COAL JOHN A. GREEN i r ALWAYS ON MA hag established A new Bakery 'anti Con- fectiotiere Store oar Il:uniltop-st. in fi&rrie•%old etalwl, wilco• he will keep Nl)W is for time to purchase constantly nn panel everything in the line of (:ool Drew!, ('aka•• :and Pastry "'•:D l'( t. \f.. Thr V,ret end of brat nuke. Large Lga.es nt N . t..., `t'RANT* tN iI.1!:I► t i /AT. in and small Lone,.% nt jr' market suppii'sl :at .-nrrent pie*" No combination : no .extort ion . lout everything to suit the tiim, and the "bort. .t Wont,•. pockets, of the pee*. t , _--.- I If you wani fiend tdrl•sil ,owl Cheap All Coal We. hod at the Mar* Breed leave your orders( nt the.'New' I B It,tkere, on Ilnmi:text Street. ket. Wedding ('ak,..s $pee•ialty. W ref. LEE JOHN A. GREEN. lira n,pt;y i. i • P.Sople of 6001) ('(1MMON SENSE u.ualh• appreciate a good article Z-" is honestly' made. well finished and u]) to bate.- This; explains the great success o}f . GRAINY RUBBERS THEY WEAR LIKE IRON The finest Remedy in the I Dr.LavioIettets World for all n fec- the middle of is holo. Cures • were due to the iu8,:ence .•f pennaneot t Colds, up of tions of the Throat & Co hs, L Whooping Grippe, Croup, 'Turpentine! in oar � oop � Cough. winds. in which opinion he was sustained by Sir John Herschel. The color of the sea is nau‘lly described as blue, but it is by no means uniform. In the trottiea it is sometimes an indigo blue, at others • deep greet/. The *tartish at covered with • kind of armor. Over 11,-») pieces have hems counted in one coat of mail worn by a small creature of tht. species. The whole bottom of the *caeca is covered with $ layer of talcoreous ooze mangled with Y mg the skeletons and other eemaina of iia in- habitant*. Many triode have been made toseund the ocean without using • line, the weight carrying a float th't returns to the top, but sone has been successful, If it were not for the mita of the ocean the whole sea would won become • mass of corruption, owing to the deity of the organic matter it contains. When taken from the sea and lead t.-. • stone the medusa will f.11 off in weight from fifty ounces to six er five grains. Thepmost of its weight is water. able Musa... Skin inatome ars more or lees occasioned by bad blood. H. R. R cures the following akin diseases • ehtoslee, F:ryaipelaa, Itching Rashes, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eruption,. Pimples. and Blotches. by removing all im- purities from the blood from a common Pimple to the wont Scrofulous Sore 2w knew the Trade. Alq Hlghtier Ito his valet and secretary 1 - All the blooming bills in, James! Jane.. -Nearly hall. sir. Argy Highfl.r- How much de 1 owe' .lames Reboot 5,000, sir. Argy Higbflier Good heavens, .lames ' 1 must run tMet up to 10,000 mighty quick or the beastly twade.men will be wsatiag their mosey. ALWAYS a DOUBT .•4 hoot Unknown, lrratt-hf •s. hrauds made for selling only, are common; they have no art frutation to kaf them oft. Then why .sjrend money experi- menting on this and that match .r Some people do, lout tl..•y al WAN, r to' rl t . the old r.•linl,l.• E. B. EDDY'S Matches. HOW TO ORDER i6THE SIGNAL" CUT THIS OUT, D. MCGILLICUDDY,"THE SIGNAL," Goderich, Ont. I enclose $ . Kindly forward regularly THE SIGNAL to the following address for months. Name, Three Months - P. O., Biz Months - - 66c. County, Twelve Months - - - $1.00. Prov., _.. Dale, _ 189 P. 8. -Remit by money order, if possible, or by registered letbo TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. (Sample Copies Free.] . , •..e........ ,... •.e•.....•••....• .. •