HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-10, Page 5TIM I: -1 t R F. N f l.!,r -over to good health and rendered Impervious to disease when the blood is pure and the liter active. For the liver is the sentinel which per- mits or forbids the germs of disease to enter the circulation of the blt►.Nd. Yoe ought to Inc germ - proof against (:rip, Malaria, or Consump- tion; you will be- if you take Dr. T'ierce's Golden .l cd ical Discovery. When your flesh is r'duet•d below • healthy standard, when Yoti are troubled with jliluples and Lilo, or if you bate dizzy, weak and sleep- less ,ipe lls --- it's best to /ur.l the mar,, imp. Build up your strength, purify the blond, an.' net all the organs of the body into activity, by taking the " 1)iseovt•ry." ltt'. 111(Irrsete*a It) benefit or cure all the diw•t, s rt•- suJting from impure blood or in- active liver, or the ►honey paid is refunded. For a perfect and perma- nent cure of Catarrh, take I)r. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its proprietors offer $500 reward for an incurable case of Ca- tarrh in the Head. Costs only so cents. Mak NIEW ACVERTISEMENTE - JAN'Y 10 Peal Leal F. J. I'rodham Local K. R. S•Ilows.......... .... Natio. Wm Ian., Yee Pure baking Powder (has It. Williston Black Cherry Tough Ile,it.u, W. U. 4.00de ..... 1'olou•al floating Sale Armstrong/1('o. .00 Pounds .1 Wilson Local Henderson hast Fisted --W. C. (.code ._ Asouoo Sale Thea (sundry.. .. Co. Council Meetieg-Wm. Less. Elsa Ito you wast a time pisss-C. A. Hum- ber t son ..... (..rad of Thank. Abet awaeen West Huron Fernier'* Institute --W. N Howell. sec 5 5 5 b 5 4 5 5 8 5 5 9 BORN LICWII4 On Wednesday Jan. bad. the rite of L N. Lewis. Harnster. of • daughter. STRAITON In TherndaN. es Inc. net. the wife of Joh. Straiton. h, T k agent. of a son. CHISHOLM In IAwhurn. on the 24th of Dee_ IIS. the wife of Jona (Anaheim of a son. )IcMILLAN-In Ooderich township on 'he Wad l November. 111. :he wife of Jaime K. McMillan of a son. MARRIED. MKNDKRS4)N-KIRK PATRICK Att}eresi- Ae.ne of the br.dcs fattier. florlerich. on. the 1st of J&auarr, by rola Hee H. Irvine. itob-rt J, Henderson. (eaderieh towaah p. to Mi.. Mar AAalade, eldest tiaugbtr of Jobe Kirkpatrick. THE TALK OF TRE TOWN. Prom the Reporter's Notebook et 5.l'e,. mai• as a lir Ceara, 1 redo We tent It t a (11.1•. Amami We Tektite Notes, as' MOM Nell ores' 1(-' - Berne. the make-up of the tow• ,euscil bas been damaged coasiderabl7 thio; year. but the make- up of Prudhoe*, clot mg i$ t los same as ,ver - .A 1. all the Imo. The municipal election has conte and rose. but it has in no way affected the quality of work turned out- by It. H Slows. pbotoe• rapine. cr. Montreal-Gt. tied Suture. FINS TAiLURINS- at clews ask prices. eeelre satYAetloa assured. Jest arrived Ilnss la salting. and evercestlngs Two dews. extra ono. reedy elude oedemata at oast. Most be .old. Res them. N. Mst CORMAC. *pounds of W Ilsea'e Hakim Powder tare bees sent thread' the mall s. a sample, sad for the pelt two weeks w. Five away a 11tha graph with ever? 1 and . ppsIa.ed purchase of tier celebrated powder. .1. WILIO)N. Prescrip- tion Drug Store. OUR SPECTACLE TRADE les Inere.wd, ltltlhld deriver the deet yes, Meson we have agal•pp11••os.. and W1ag •.sola! •now. to hest .1.aa tM ..bjsst. lar these s w• we ma 'Test your wed tboroui(bly M. r. tee end i1.wl.loulsere canto. W T• doe 7t Gtt ANT • np e TInaetra Our department Is • IsNlag feature of or Char ezpreeeee and our ability to Erfor mss, our goods marked In plate es, butt the paroha•ar that he a• from no ioar spool./ assiveinest. eased is geld. neM-1111ed r sneer. et ntrem&y Mw ir(cas. Knowles our prloe• ; you will then le eoivlsoed that It ki t0 eer Mumma to par chaos from C. A. Rj7M$KR k MON. PLaNT Fem. -A Beautiful Specimen of the y a. op•rd Want las bees 'mob week la the window of W C. Thle plant was •pparw.Uv oily • few leaves when the 1 Nettle Cribb, stared vise the Pleat rsett- New after a new K M probably Ke bast .seem eo of hVews, To all who love home OI&an ` Male -ow tale redly we',ei erinl RELIGIOUs SERVICES- AT THE JAIL R.r. Henry irvine, pastor of Victoria -st Metho- dist church. Rev .1. A. Anderson, R. A., pastor of Knox Church, and Rev. Joe. Edre, rotor of North st. Methodist church, harm kindly vdast.red to eendaet a weekly service at the jaiI, •d to minister to the spiritual mode of thew who sr eoa`ed share. Ha own. tido las.. -The members of Retake (b.ndl, Na KO, R T. et T.. intend hav- ing • Mese social art Memi•y .venlig. They weal& like to have every member premed who woo waft ems, no they oz. poet • sae'kr et visltm. teem Octet, 1a.1..oe.in. and Denis--- Crush. A trod preemie' b being mewed 1_r tins eoeasise. *avlvat. Sias m.-ap.ei.l swots.' A M sem owned hi $.rt►dt. Mp-edba whndi vert Teals" epesiat, seder the Iw111nhlp d the paster, 11e. Jen tree TUE SIGNAL': GODERIQH. ONT., THURSDAY, JAN. 10, 189 5. The twlinr ration u: the church and all tattoos who vas, should attend these smote MN, as they aro mntesdd ler spiritual profit to all who will avail themselves of the masa of grans. M t er G m sync. Tuesday last ‘I aaagar Hart was informed that owing to 11111,1041111 Lr•"notion, Miss Gant hony would be un nhlo ,o 111 her engagement at the 1.r.nd 4)pets House, Wednesday evening. Ii.r medic .1 attesdaat• have maimed upon .s ealaedau abandonment from work oo hot part, and all engagements hare been ma. milled for the prams. Veil s EN. Ill drat Sunday K.,. .los. Edge, of North •t. Methodist church. issued invitations to his coagreestien 1e 11• toe'! the bible clans in the alterno.u. Aa • result, • very large attendance was protean •d enlvye.l a preset and prudtable talk. It is eacour.giog to the pastor to see the megrvpaaos t.ke such an interest in the services of the church. l:atr n " F:A-' L. c. " \tanager Hart of the (:randy opera !louse is thin. to al reo2e (.•r the app earanue ..f Ada 4 •ray mn " East Lynn," o. Thursday. Jan 31. The drama of " }at Lynn -- has been attempt- ed in 4.eleri. h on limey occasion. but Ws are sate in saying that it. has never hems presented as it should have been and as Ada (;ray map present it, for .he has mode the pier as peculiarly her own as hoe Henry Irving ha representation of " The Belle. A I:tu.at.• tan ([TN. -The lahor 01 Lnve Mesion Band of North et. Methodist church spent • eery pleasant evening at the parson• age last F nd.y The president, Mrs. Edge, and the •esiarant, Miro Maggie Robertson, are vary much delighted with the growing interest the children are taking in the work of the Hood. Mie. Robertson is giving • eerie. of talk• nn tete Methodist Mimlon- ariee in the foreign fields which are both at- tractive and instructive. 'There •re new members at almost every meettnr. Tu): Ware est 1'K itta The mretinv up to date have been large y attended and oy the interest manifested the prospecta are that the remaining meeting. will alto me good attendance. IIs \londayevening Ret. has. Edge addressed a large audience in Knox church. Tuesday evening Lev. .1. A. Anderson took charge of the meeting in North -.t Methodist church. Inn Wed nes- day each congregation held its own prayer meeting, conducted by their Own pastors. The program for the remaining evenings u Thursday, Ker. ,los, }:dge, is \ tetra st. church. "mined.. Foreign \thione : Friday Rev. Hy. Irvine in Knot church, subject, Home Missions. 4:.t gal. 1'►:.,, ifs" r \IrrTnm.. The meeting held to the Temperaace Hall last Sabbath afternoon was addr(es.d by W. K- Kobertsos, who has lately returned from a three years' sojourn in British Columbia. 'I here was a rood attendance, the maul part of the hall beteg well tilled. .1. E. Tom, I..' 1'. , occupied the chair. The spesker, Mr Elbert/ion, gave the audience • synop- sis of many things that same under his soros during his stay to the Pacific i'roytnce, ineludtnv the character of the country, the inhabitants, and their habits of life, ad also toucbiug upo• the tem- perance .luntioo at length. The meeting sett Sabbath will be addressed by .tomes Mitchell, editor of the star. All are iovited to attend thaw meetings. They are free to everybody. S11.1' \W01.1. 4l''t:K- AT 140.1.,,.,-A despatch from hoodoo states that represoi. tstives of the salt producing interests of western Ontario met in that city on Satur- day with a view of forming an s.W.ciaoos to oo.trol the market price. Thew pres- s.t included Messrs. F:. E. Henderson, for the C. 1'. K interest, at it indoor : R. 41. Kinsey and H. C. Sanborn. of Detroit, for the Kincardine plant : Rev. Dr. Armstrong, and s. A. Armstrong, of Moore : John Ransford and John Mict:arvey, ('Mites : K. 1\' Logan, .1oseph Kidd, 1'. \icEwan and William Campbell, 4.ode0ioh : C. I 'Mimeo and W m. (.ray, Seaforth : K. S. Hodgins tied John For, Loan : .I. H. Carter, Cotrtrieht : John Tolme, Kinner• dew, and others The meeting was private bit it was learned that its real object was to bring the C. P. it into Ilse with other producers. The total annual (Madsen pro- dsot is 300 000 barrels, and tits C. 1'. K. tun out 700 barrels • day, or two-thirds of the whole output., and this will soon be in- creased. 1f the 4'. i', K. doss not join the ansoriahes It Is proposed to turn the indiv- idual wells over to a strong syndicate who will oppose the C. P. R No definite arrangemeet was mmde,but mother meeting is to be held nest /Saturday with the sane end ea view. Sir. Geom. alt 11i* CRat.Yre• TR:Ig. The annual ('htlMslss tree sotartainmwt d the St. George's dheroh Snaky school came off very .uoosfulty Tuesday sewing The affair was looked forward to by the scholars with moue interest, and the lairs atloid• mob of parents std tn.nd. showed that they, too, expected • trust The program opened with a march by 24 little children, between the ages of 5 sad 7. Some pretty little Casey marches were gees through, and an appropriate 4 hristmsa carol sung. This dam was under the instruction of Mins Fio Rall and Mrs Yeager, to whom much orddit belongs. M is. Carron lave a sweet violin nolo and Ma Chilies rendered a pleasing solo. As instr.wrtntal duett by Mies Flies Tye and Helmuth (9.na• was well received, as woe also a nomination by Mas Wheelie Ball. L1ttie Master Murray. four yeass of age. laws a recitation which was seemed. The feature of the evening wee the pantomime, .. bleeping Boa.ty," le which twenty -fav .hi4..s took part. The oestmnsss worm woes .ay of Nem very pretty and .* .t- ly 6eehed and remora • great deal of tins sad later. One phaaieg sews of the peasssdms was the oppresses .1 the Wrist who il.eked, as they my, "tee 'sees fer say - sMeg." Last. bet bee mem bast, fres the Andrea% poise et view, was the (Irks- o me tree, whisk tree leaded with p erlek hens beards and Imeshma The .M nee - %Ms thti s we mases-wo *Mee hs. and ekklrtwd the Ickes .f Ohs arse is gibe engesisell nmtlpbsta A Pent deal et the eosins et Ohs tide to des r tale Davis. Mine M trod M1 . Si,apsrbolds§ .find, KNOWLEDGE Brines Comfort end im•rnvement ..m1 teu.b to perw :.4 eh).•yme..t when l rightly used. The many, wits, live bet- ter than •.r',ereand enjoy life mere, with lees eapen.liturs, by moire prr.mptiy a.laptiu1 rho w..rld'a beat products to the meds of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure lig•ud laxative priiir:l,fea imbrued in the rctu.•.ly, Syrup of Figs. lis excellence is dile to Its presenting in the ih,rm met accept.b:o and pleas• ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of • perfect lax- atire ; effectually cleansing t}.e system, dupe lu.g adds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. 1t has given satisfactt,'n to millions acid met with the sloprral of the medical ite,fens4,.mm. because it acts on the Hid- uevs. Liver and B•'.c1a wit} t weak- ening them and it is perfectly fres from every objects. naide substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by .11 drug- gists in Vic. bottles, but it is maimu- fae•turtvl bythe California Fig Syrup Co. only, w.,se nsmw, is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, y.'n will WS accept ane substitute if offered. who spared not as effort that the entertain. meal should result •uceeesfully. Miss Shaw acted as accompanist throughout the ...ening. Mr. Heaton made • pleasing and efficient chairman. COMING AND GOING Imo Munro is ruating in ('Baton. l'hml Horton ha• returned to London. Miss F:. Lennon, of Glencoe, a viatting en tows. Mise Flo Doyle has returned to a hatham College. '• Art ' sberh•rd visited I;rantford on. Monday. Mins Tena McIver, of Detroit. is siting is town. • Allen McLeod, of I.ucknow, was in town this week. 4.so 4 'arleten left this week for 't. Louts, Mo. Mmes 4ertie folk has returned from her Chicago visit. 1 ..I. McLeod, of Hamilton, returned to that city on Moods.. E. Armstrong has returned to his studies at Toronto Perversity. Harry Totts hu returned to Itt.flal• a!'er • riot to relatives here. .lohn Halliday, of Kincardine, rutted relatives here this week. Mr &ad M,*. F:. itowning have returned from • vest to Leamington. Uia• FSaxter, of 4:odench, a the guest of Miss Lizzie .lobn.on, Kluevale. .1. W. Paisley, license inspector, of ('Hetes, was mo town on Saturday $eatorth Sun : fir. and Mrs. smith, e 1 4:oderich, are guess at the ttueen'a. Mrs. 4:, Struthers has (one on a roti to Dr and Mrs 4 ow&a, of Sr Thome. W. E. Snell, of Wickham, has purchased the grocery business of D. 1'. straehan. \\'Ingham Times Wm. Wilson, marble nutter, of 4,odench, is in town this week ,las. /Award and his later, Mies Lily, have returned to I'hicago, alter a pleasant visit. Seifertb Sun Miss I'hiltes, of Goderieh, ie visititiog her sister, Mrs E. C. Coleman, t sten. Seaforth Sus : George F'itgerald, town, is is Goderich this week looking after • Targe contract. J. F:. ('oombes, wife sad Josie, et 4.0de rich. ars yiaitinr their friends o. the 1st as, Grey Mrs C. Hutchison' and two children, of Gray, aro visiting lir mother, Mrs. J. Breckenridge. Messrs Kidd, Logan, McClean and Wm. were Is London on Saturday attending a meeting of salt well owners Mrs. Eselow, daugbtr of 4:. 'trothers, who has bean 00 • visit here, retureed to her home in Chimes on Tuesday. Bruwle i'ost Miss Emma Hillier re - cursed home last week after speedier • few weeks with her sister, \Ira. R. H. Cott, of crev. Mies Aggte C. Humber a away vi•etiag freesds and her brother, i),. A. M. Hum- ber, is Detroit, where he has reseatly re- moved, and is one of the sea el physicians M the sew Polyoliaie there. 1 Daa'd of Thanks. CARD £F THANRb-I ',MIRE TO lJ return my thanks tie the •Nrtesa el at. Patrick's ward who by that vets named me to represent them at the (.erred board. and this wlthoot personal solicitation ea sty part. i shall adeavr to ant fairly and aid in every . earn pee lble to forward the beet interests of the tI. In eeueral. I remain.faith CK sAU1110Ks. nuela ANI.A L. SBAW. TRACK= O7 171 et M.eN sal Tke.rs-+.,..Mast. free deer Sans of Oast. Press e, sestet !i ANIMAL G ,W Tea Hit Farmers' Institute willl he held .s WING:HAM .a JANUARY I7tk,'95, bsalssiw4lt M 10 (Mow, .5 which enhabie .ddrswe' will be glees. ALL ARE INVITED 1 W. N. HOWELL, W. HAILIE, Spy Rte. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. neseween ..rase. newsman. Ju, 9, I. Tall Wheel, mew' efesdard . .... 0 M to 0 S7 Hear. family. par rest 1 90 to 1 el Flour. teth per owt 1 cis to I et flour. pettier per owe 2 M to r No Bran. II toe. 1 90 too. eher's, P tom. 11 m toll M Meet -aim, II toe.. 13 un. toil 110 (hi& s hob ... .. a n e e aI l I'. ae. i b..-' .....,-.,. 0 Id to n sr , 4•'.r t •'•• manse • Vibe 0 Mt to it iii 1'ry. too 4 Se to 7 On f'. taterr Week .ewi. (1 I. 10 a MI ...AWN, ...... 0 Id 10 0 1; Kinn. fresh meatball. 0 des,,a 1t: to 0 17 Wend 3 ss to 1 is BLACK CHERRY COUCH BALsA%, The RF:.•r out-t:H rt'KF'. Ot It CHERUBS j4 'N EY COUGH CURE. lEshlket. Far lbMws. 0ISto0es Hides. - 200 to 2 et sheep Skins .... 0 1t to 0 to Lyre Hua. . 'I :d to 101 Itren.ed Hogs S (B to .1111 44..•..n . .... . ..._._---_ 0 II to 0 11 Henn. mor in ... . 0 M to 5 le ( v)1'\'1'\ Public Notices. 1)t'NCI I. Ttie ( 'oin•,-.' of the l'moor.Hos n I the t ',misty of Huron w.11 inert .n Base court Room n the Town of OmdrrIeh tn. Tui..das. the tau! .ray of ismer>, a 3ockick r• se. W. I. ANL Dated Jan.:,, y ;t b, 4'n.,, t! 11 re. flak. :.+ 1)1'11114 NOTI('E--1-TAKE 'PHIS OP. I t,onunit y of widow my teeny es111* e a ter) happy New Year. And here 1 seryls suggest in order to nuke your happin.w ago - Were begin the year on IM•pay as fou go'r'se No credit. Cash or produce t. our system ter test. O. M 4LLIOFT. the Hamilton -et grocer. s.3t WE'T HI'RO\ kl;p:14'1'1.1'1'1: 11, Society.- The annual meeting of this eoc,et v will beheld at the Tow n 11.11. God,. nob.•On Wednesday. January 4n.. Iter,. ..oro tenting .t en, o'clock e a 1 it receiving ter &anus' report, electing officers and trammel inn any webers! busioes. J AS. Mill IIK1.1. vxretary. Ottderich. Jas. t. Ism 'b 2 CUSTOM SA\1•INI.. Parties 'skim out lows this %Vint( r. for Spring building or .t.ipn.eb., - NOTE - ( am prepared to do custom .awing at 5!! per NI.. tor Hemlock. Ra.seood and Kim, 03 per M., for Maude. Beech and Ash Having the hest sawyer in Canada n.y work can be guaranteed. 111edloatrd 4 hew14.14 Glems, Oder.. Pep,:a and Pepsin Gum fur Drimentaa Tutal ►'road, tin-, 11.A% H;NON r '19'l`g-tl.u l. (-rkEAN, t. F. r 1 kips, frrtt.aties.. Retinae e1 Shea, oto. , 1Y, l'. i>itN)I►E. elf EM1sT,IIE1'nsr1)Kb • hk-R+1 11.1 MIST- PI.ANT trOQD. ►r lour 1'RK$4'ttlt'TluN W0ItI(our $PBCIALCARE 4101 IK 44U4%%'tlt9. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must le left at this Office not litter titan Sitt'tr:lay noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. (,asual Advertisements accepted up to hoots \Vishieadry of each week. Wised Mall and' tepees.. Mize.L... Mall and Uproot, .. Travelling Golds. GRAND TRUNK ISAILW•lf. *BOY AND TO 1:u1.1.K.. 14. AIM( P. LOWS rt r. • Mail ..d Kaptsm • ti,;m3 ars. Mail and Uprise . .. Yes p.m. limed n.4 0m, Loan and Saving. Society. r Is NOT -WHAT hitt' EARX, 1,, 1' WHAT YOU H A%'K, M.t WKS VOC itlt 11. TIIF: tIrtumN AND H81'('}: 11)4.8 AXIS isvicDtMKNT C O:111'A%V. Sol 0111101.-('.mmron, Ilolt and dolmas. Uu',..,T,. Interest Cen.pounded every sir u.oala at four per event. per annum, on sums from nom dollar upwards. I epos,torewill end it tot heir advantage to corse and see un.. 141AN< MA, be secured al May liaise withput - delay on the mew',,.f approved desire 4. property. Fiepenw moderate. Appllrations careered by the Manager or solleitors. Thr Company.eofHrw arc locate.! on North Itu,bt.ng material or all kinds AT PATRON PRICKS. 13 town tote to giveaway - Call and hear about them. Ki0D's PL&XING AND SA\Y MILL se-ly Near O. T. It. depot. (IODERICH FOUNDRY AND `.J Mdell INK WORKS. Farmers - Try our new hone powers. prior I35. The Fleury pinns are taking w.41. The Rnncitasn land ratter is the hent at the price. 1 41. The We Connie► Seder for sale, also implements from t... Watford, Fleury, Wataos and other Arras. The handling of the Maxwell int pie - memo has been transferred to Dungannon as it is claimed 1 sold themes '00 chest& clow pouts reduced in price. Castings made to order, l'asb for metal. 401:1, J. R. RUNCIMAN. EW CHOPPING MILL -THE Snit. J scriber havinr put In a new let of French Buhr mall stone. •• prepared to do all kinds of grain chopmng with ti.pateh. Mill 0'111 he running on Tuesday, Thursday sad Saturday every week. tiring in your grain Rn4 get It chopped and home same day. capa- city one ton per hour. Kleist -clam hotel and stable sccomadition close by. JNO. Y. PLATT, Cast and Weed lam Animals for Sale 1)I 118 FOR ,A1.1. 4 THOROUGH - need bulls HIlltut'4:H- ne dbull. for sale, registered stock A. K. ANDILItW)N, lot 13. con 6. Ashfield. Due cannon P.O. to tt Property for sale or for Rent. VALUABLE FARM FOR BALK OR 1 to rent -West half lot a ess. 4 1.11.. in the township of Ash std ewmpristsg 100 acres harina 16 acres in Fall wheat ; the farm is under the best of cultivation : will he std at a isrgain and easy tents. Apply to 16 4', M. KAY. Ooderich. 97 Jn. • FARM FOR SALE -6 ACRESt)NL''ON, Godericb Tp. On the premises are a good frame house and tarn : at -o genies fad orob,rd For particulan.pplf'' to CHAS, Mc- ORKOOR. Porter's Hill, P.O. 57 1t SRM FOR SALE 1 1DE---\\'ILL sell or trade 3isacres in Cho* ('o, South IMketa. for 90 or 100 acres in Huron co.with im- provements. 1 his farm is in good locality t mis from county WAIL. with school house en the place It L well improved. with good build Inas. 100 acres of pasture with plenty of water. 100 acres of meadow and 140 acres 'sutler culti- ration. ill hDa4ah 11 young horse, wah cattle, wi b alt hinds et farm implements. if re.iuir For further particulars apply to J. J. ve 0 YL Clark. no. llek. CSA. 97 3m DOR SALE. -LOT NUMBER 12, IN 1 the :eta concession. Oodertcb township. containing 31 acres. This is a first claw ffrm. and situated within • short distance of the town of Ooderich. ter particutars apply to tt PHILIP HOLT. Ooderich. VOA BALL -N. LOT 31, 3ND 00N- 1 ewefw. East Wawssesh. macros. This kis Ont.daps farm. Also town lot 479. Godo - risk. Apply to PHILIP HOLT. /Ftf. VALUABLE FARMS AND TOWN PROPKRTY FOR RALE OR RkNT, Let 1 In the drat eoneeWoD. Ooderich town- ship, county of Huron. !miles hem Ooderich. oonsiating of 110 acres more or less. darn rex e0. nearly new, good orchard of choice fruit. well watered with spring creek. an excellent grazing farm, can be bought on easy term*. Apply to JOHN KNOX, Auctioneer. Lot 1 4. the broken front, west of the Lake read ,n the Western division. Township of fol brae, comity of Huron 3 miles from Gods/lob comprising Il4.area. Lame hank barn, good ham* house II story Mirth nearly new .•d good orchard of choice fruit can M bought 0 easy terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auction ear. Block A and R. lake range, in the township of Colborne, oenst0Uer of 31111 acres more r tem Thio w s tM 1w* a frame h0 s, Awes bare sad stabling. About 7 sores yo..Sardwid ohmic* fait. About a acres of bank, ?kis farm 4. considered a aceto*ss glad.g farm. The farm can he dlvldd te NM purchasers and heaght•nn easy tensa Apply t% JOHN KNOX. ad Nth the taws of Crinins, -Lot It, rst6, week's .mlte the aid woolmill, no helm- lm... If story keg44. ! rooms. mm Mdstlme with mood seller all In mod A1mm of repair. Appy to JOHN KNOX. i►tf. A net batter. Examinees Bale. I4 CECUI'OR'S SALE OF WALCARLK FARM LANDS.--Theee will be sold by pews aunties as assupeet. bMal, is the .41 wits of Usnp.sseo le the Cety of Sere.. es *auras, the 11sa eh day of Jesuiry, A.D.. Valve e' INS, at Vve e'swee. es. the 4.11ewi.g valuable prettert &amely : The South half of the North half of *0 IN is the ltd coseseden of the Towa.hipef Wwanish, i. the County of Herm. eesulsise M saes of Mad. This N • ern Mw le sores .f Med the soil is damns. Them a peed .ro`a'd and also a frame dimities. Tbs property is idlest od es thorniest reed whale abeam • mile of ill. prosperses vdlspe of Deeeseses. p'.. (.ether particle's,* MISS a• ('earls. Wrvin, Rae.. NIM P O., .:.motor r to CAMERON. HOLT a SIOLMKs. 5Mlefters for Eswtr, Ood.rl.k. Dsesnshr 11. tot f .s..' Rotolo. THE 11OYAL IOTKL NOW 0PI1i 1 M 0.rsa Ya. RoesT Tomemnw. hoe- tkoos ly r.nov aea. the elhim d pintrsatISS tohTT. wwho has kfeemmed It 1. ra Mee* ~ waft .i'It y laastW l Meal 4 reMitai ld7'. phtien ut edea« ski h'Msds some a noel (trete semi. ,-greet and . Court Hoose S -,taro -o•: pee•to 111 Kos $n.'Am. 4M A% 1101:.ACK L10RTON. J. H. ('OLHOItNE. Maaaeer. President. F. SMEETH'$ PLANING MILL - AND- SASH, iMKIR AX.t) BLIND }ACTORV. 1 tike this opportunity to Inform the toddle that 1 am still in :he business notw,th.t and ing all rumors testbe contrary. and am orcpareil to do mmery close of work in my line from takes a window frame to erecting a .tstory hudd(ag with mansard roof. K,aimuit. !let:imbe.t ssadd competition Int ited. The hiroishing of holding material, .m -h .e lath. shingles sod lum.xr a atecialty. }'. 'MEETH. Ooderich. Jul Iib 104. • (l.)MI'LETF:-1'4K'K. - Our stock of cellulo:.t_leat her, oak and mush goods is now complete. Dressing and abas ing meet. manicures Ae . Ser Our tent cut gtaee bottles filled with perfume. Also 2:r atomizes, • .1. WILSON'S I'RFSI'RI41 14 IX STOR Telephone 11 4*. A a tin. I. 7. M p.nm. 9,:.•t p to. Annual Meetings V(/TICE. THF: ANN' Al. MEETING of the ltodericl, Hortieult,era1 `o-,ety will le held in the Mllee of the Secretary. is the court Hesr. ort, thm creamy of Thursday. January Ieth, er et . o'. I..ck. foe- reee t% .ng re5orts and *Leo ,ng°fere-. and .t,remor,. N', 1. AN secretary. tl.der4eh. Ilex. 4:. lel. .k 'r;;11.\111H 11}' AR•I'. 181(0' a'one :u printing or'oulpran% but -aa also he seen in our revel end hrontiful designs of furniture. If is nn 1.01100. cwt an *eknow- ltdged fact. that we carry the largest and nem stock of furaitune .0 town and in point I of elegeeue is unsurpaire d. In .electing pre err, yeti ,au hid roe's .nq moor aoreptab; • .;r apprnpriat than one of sur 1wa,LLlful peed or oak chairs. sin oak . obi pet. or .ouch. or parl.tr mit. fit., twaintul presents that meet .t!i .:mumands and Mt :Of) 01 1111010. Superior goods at .Surprising low mi. v.. We solicit a tonmpersoa of goods and pias+, ! knowing tbat you will find our line the feet land cheapest. Cw Upholstering a '4pecialty. DF1l'I:1 )IITH'S I URN FT1"IgE STOKE AND AKT DF:po'r. WE MAID! WEYAKF WF: 11 Ai; 1' 11 1. 1p.\ K t The Hulu,en*,its se effort ) chase it are It it the • ITP; „upertor quality, F11 al..n:ate purity. ITS teshon lhle prt.•e. 1 1 Yu4 Waal ' lie !oil., don t t i Ioiy iE1.IAMi• Lilt 'lir FIAAINtl 'pay []I t •.0• . per )*mined. "• I I,I.I:i 1MS. ofd 'lwsu't and, l Moment,. lin4 a "p•eiaity. •.aterish. llflic'lit duetted. tohri t- • 411 i1* pte.rnt.• •tU. trtull.l•, Irl tlillt Inc1ire •a til end xre Pelt !4 that '4.1 ran r. .lc:i. .tcdicnl 4141;'. 'r i !IM. 1n., SELLING OUT! Only FIVE MORE WEEKS ATO DO IT INS AND NEARLY $7,000WORTH oF DRY GOODS YET TO SEzz, _ Great slashing and cutting of prices in order to clear out our entire stock by FEBRTJARY 1st, 1895. We intended this week giving a list of prices but have been too busy. Suffice it to say that our entire Stock of Dry Goods has been re -marked ---many lines to less than half price. No selling of, moving sale, or bargain day prices can compare with our Great Selling -Out Sale. What the people want is a Bar- gain every day and every hour, and that is what we are prepared to give. We opened on Monday last a case of Black and Colored Cashmeres and Henri- ettas (bought before we decided to sell out, for next Spring's trade). We have marked them at such prices as should clear them out within a week. Come and examine our Goods and Prices. We are always pleased to show Goods. Every person wel- come to this great Sale. JAMES A. RE1Dqj Jordan'• B1ook, G3'od• & F' Dederick, Dec. Kot, 4894. s