HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-10, Page 3Oslatlataf. MIOHOLIM)y . L D.Pm DfthirNTAL 4rjz jli head Nd seemed MOM es head ler patsies r d yin. IL tions it1UYON, L a t.. au.. 4eatl.. Oee sus vitals of deendoe a= te'fe tar paidess eg et me*. MS. dillallems ea 'Pei 1118.1► 111•11M■i. DM, HUNTER. PHYSICIAN. SUR ossp ads frwat Hrtttae live• w ' 1117 CAMPION • JoltNtST(1N, BARKIS- tens,a- ' 0. Notanea •.o. •.u4artob. _{)ver Jeedaa'us Dist Store. L CAM MN. Q. Co M. 0. JOHNSTON. easy to lean. _LA OFTUS i DANCKY, BtIItLaTSK, 4 uoncater, s:oavq.00er, at.. 01.0. Money 10 loan at lowest rites. Ilort.,u's loock. op- pose Caberse Hotel. 0oder.1 o. oat. 11>a* -11 ' N. Lana. BAItRD'TER, Pit. 'O - i Ip Ie aritime courts et 'Mune Ott\se-itMh MOwners tem. tiiq RRO. HAYS. IitRRIt+T H. SOLICIT O . OK. tc. moos. ser. moan .od Went altres1 Ocslerich. over telegraph office. Pri- vate /Nude to lend at lowest noes of inter- est. _ _ `1ARROW & PKOUDYOOT, BAK- Vr ristee0. Miser e,. Stationers. 0o4. rick. J. T. limes. (.0 GAMSKJN, HILT .t; HULMES, larrlstere, notietwre la (nesse) o, • tai M. C. Omer*. Q.C. ; P. Hetc, ; Dudley Holm* N Mill, ill, OONVKYANUER, J. and 0.Nltml0as0 tog takes and re- solving reconessees of ball. 'Lindens ce amruaatlo a dupueatiu•e or weenie deplane - Mos to or p,u.wwug •.y action. watt or teu- seedl04 io tee Hugh Court of Justice. the Court of Apie a1 for unW.o. or in .0 County « 1)arietou Court. All trans ctioae carefully ad promptly exes.tsd. Itesideu.e and P.0. address- Imattoes& Vet. res-• f Linn i80 ialwalaMM. • aEA(:SK, UUNVEYA1iUINU AND lamer** edam *ppm ..1/.rttl.t.Ellat.1 Uuderlch. 111UNKY TI►LEND ON MORTOAog .J TT .t st per cent. Nuts. discounted. C. OkAU1tH, edam opposes Martin's Ilstel. secede - rich. jCl,1ONKY TO WAN. - S26,000.O0 lye Private Peade to lead GAM puree* aa- aaasy. LllrrU S L DANOM, bask. **ens l'olbu nus Hotel. Sedgebele. 110141 L1J. T. NArrEL, FIRS, LVE ANL • aocMoot tsttr•n.v .meat • at lowmst rasa Office Cor. ,orW..t.awl Square. Uad- er.b. 74- OO 000 TO WAIT. APPLY TO rCAMaoos 11110 r & 0010. .d• d oh. rap MONEY TO LEND: -A :.ARO k amount of Private Pue* for lane** * lowest rases* Ara -oleos Morteagoe. Apel) •OAltRUW t PHOUDV* OT RRADCLIFFE, GENERAL LN. .ar•noe. Real Mate and Mossy 1.O.a.1•(t Aig'wt. tails aret+'l.ss oompeales represented. Mosey to Lead on eirsytb loans. .t tee lowest rate of stone goaog a an way to wit mkt ourrower. urnoe- Sew cad dour from Square. West Street Own ieh Mechanism' Institute. / `1 ODSKICH MIKOHANIOS' INFITI- 1 • TUTS LIHHARY AND READINS- HUOM, oor. of Pliant Greet and tlmsare tap Maim Open from 1 to Glos.. and from 7 to 10 r.ts. ABOUT 2000 - VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leaekny [Dilly, W.ddy o.8 IUustruted Papers, M was, etc. on AIL MCMHZRI)HIP TICKET. ONLY Lea, pasting tree ors of Library coding- Koom. Applleatlos for membership recelvd by Libraries. In room J. H. COLIIOl 'K. OEO. (TITIN. President. Secr•($r7. Oederleb March 12th 19011. AuouonNPIIIR. • HuMAStiL,NURY. AUCTIONEER 1 cad Insurance. Agent, h. Oat. Aseat London Nd Lancashire lea Co.. cad ter•Us . rtrlct Mutual I. Co. Sales at- Ysded to is aa7 pan of the dusty. eO-17 JOHN KNOX, GENERAI. ACC - mod Land r mod Land Valuator. °ode**. eta. having bad considerable ezperl.ree la rasa ug trade. be s la • position te dipbataewith there iah satisfaction all coo Mission eatrar.ted to blm. thaws left at Mullet Hotel. or int by man to Wedates Mab P. O.. carefully .:.odea re. JON ILINOZ Oounty Auctioneer IMtf Dental AnnouilhS cit. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ETHL1 CHl:ORIDE sr DR. E. RICHAR.DSON'S EPTAL IP•ISSIMIL OPERA MOI SE PLOW IIIEST-STREET 11OD231113E, OyfT. it ehlbrda a oallalted satisfaction. atter a t .1 4.1 tethe ctal and t astonished g enre*. ,.bait that 1 havtbs only end seeluslee net. mime le Soderlch. the latest eele0tlsc dlamovw7 .blah Is warranted sever se mem the Is* psi. daring the extraction Of teeth or Wimps of •ay kiwi. In smarty e very case, sad vary IIUIe pain in the meet 01(10 nus ewes. ETHH1L-C iiL.OR1ID is aloes] ana.etbetie that never-affect*the patient In the ellgbt-L Ie barmier se water. sad the beet arched knows coo earth to reedier ti. test! .,01. Ove es nela. Patient. mean N It I0 Pe0 1$vely mnemes+ J. lis Veer.. Preserved* raNtoret twee • semalcy. AO lssawl well sad .killtslly dein, My puaro whim ss r D a IMICI UIRSOIE. ■use a reed a•meretne. Then to generally a person in e' cry dem- munity who ettewd5 c tasty to fiery ON's busman except his own. His w oe ears • the children* breed and his : .he procures the rester, while he, soli hie h...,1• in his p,.•kot., is b,•v wetchine the beildi•g as • neienhrr'e hour, nr alvt.iwg another bow en sun and tele Me vises : a< he ben 'ward al Mohnen. i0 • friend's family. mod is there to sagged • kastlr54 .are•, cod to de every. thing bet to hue* Ho severmeg other people's hominess till the sops.-honee rota hit .t (raw hs spline el tlllltlfolaess Ugh aoM Par M. It yen are trembled with a e.td sr s.yb, bewwor tot the adhak. Mak eta hr 1 ; de *tallow N le w.ILs en W bops : break • illegyore• Patera" Rama to ?HR MG/41: OODPRI('H. ONT., THURSDAY, JAN. In. lr+5e I THE OMEN'S HOUSEKEEPING M Whoa* es t(kr•to/ cad la a geseipy aoeooa1 of the prepar$Ye le l for the sister rwrdeaoe at Windsor of tis • (isles, • Lanus wiper sells 8.. tbeaasetioa of heat sad Itg►s awrumss oumpltest.4 ea .000001 of Victoria's very decided ides spun the matinee For livbt.av thematic/ leer sathede w av•ala •10, ell of whale are mere rete lines m operantse namely, up., oil, candles .M the etentn. bghs . whale for warmte.r .ad hesitator, wood, coal .ad gas are used. Dur- ing 011/ resadeuce of the court same hundrede of peruses are u the wade be d.1 the royal bandy sad the vwtore ; ousequeotly, the adequate previous of all tbs. presser r of • somewhat gigantic store, keeping wy servans switainriy employed. For the geuerwl .agbuu4 .send heating. gee . ted coal aro .doptd ; but ter s nut so w the Queen a °W11 00000, Der la litany ether of the royal .p•ruweots. la the matter el bree fur for own router like Qom. strictly bestehen oval. She has • eoallrmed prota- ses fen wood sly. Special supplies 01 world have to he •btuued for this purpose from the tbatdtly timbered belle • few mules up the river above Windsor. when • num her of workmeu .re regularly employed on this auk. The timber, when felled .ad roughly trimmed ea the spot, is brought down to • wharf oo the rtlrwluele, where at r dressed and cut up told ')locks of fixed arae ; at as then stacked to gei seseened,and as required supplies are brought down to the wile for 000unigtls In the .,fues.'s rooms. 5..5 and oil are excluded from her mal sty • •pertmeute. Here light is provided by means of wax candles, .11 of on., spacial putts' a. their daily renters' being the duty of a specal oli.crl. In eons of the other ep.rtmeos gas is utilized, end on ether parte oil lamp* are burned, gas supplying the .lusters ..t the staff generally. More over, although the Queen bars all but caddies for her own private use, .he has permitted the introduction of an electric light plant. Tress plsoed underneath the north worse. wad 15 In 'chases of • special et:sower, outer the general eupervumu of . promteeo: e.ectnctaq. This plant ha. Dever been largely used, but the light hs been led Inte .ted applied to the main corridors, to sue or two of the royal &partmsnta, an to the library. A year or so ago the angin- al pant was replaced by newer and mon powerful m..•hmery, which would probably sufbce to light the whole of the castle 1f the Queen ea walled ; bet this bus not yet ocour- red, nor as she likely to .action at. Floc• line be11s and telephones abound throughout the castle. hut electric light s allowed very limited play. The opal required for traduce castle chiefly coma trots. certais collieries to North reales, brought to train loam of per haps 500 loos at • time. From the Dutton it is earned to the tastes. an venous parts of which are deep and spacious cellars into which it is tipped. Thence at is cooveyd 05 requlre.d to toe different rears end chicon, nambenog some hundreds loafs are almost uukuown 1n the matte: consequently the coal has to be hoisted from the wveraoue cellars and tamed hith- er and thither by seal porters- The re- plenishing of the free u carload out upon • most careful and efficient plan, footmen and other higher wrests newt -tag the mai from the porters and passing it oa to the royal spatmeot• at intervals throughout the day Each ulb,sl connected with heating and lighting the castle Me his allotted duties and recognized pronoun, and thus the rest - deuce of the highest lady in the land 1e lighted and warmed in efficient manner by many wad verities prerelease. Tee rent Moate •trlraa enameN. The Cape government is contemplating bestowinr • pension ups the founder of the diamond industry an the country over which It holds Jurisdiction. That he is actually the dwouverer of the tint diamond in South Afnmo te • tact beyond dispute, which has been sworn to by anmerous witnesses, be- fore H. Reynolds, .1 f , for %Ysodsortas, Vaal River, South Africa. In the year 1136*,, Lessard Jambe, • Kor- annah, was led by • report that • German mnesiosery, named Kallenberg, bad settled io Peale' n:ow koown as R.rkly), to "trek" thither 10 search of rel(rios. lnstrection. Atter remaining at 1'eaiel for some mouths he be,ame distil/Seel, and resolved to re- turn to the the kraal, but was doesua4ed by Mr. tnalleober., wbo pointed nut to 81111 the advantag-s Of remeinlat wl(bt0 teach of a Christian 1005100. He also added to the persuasion that he bad read that geolo- gies In the old country had exprened opin- ion that Mouth Africa should prove damoodiferous. It sus possible that while tilling the grout(' he might dioses, one of these valuable etemes Jacobs, who had before heard of the diamond, asked what et won, 504 how to be distinguished, whereupon Mr. Kalleaberg told him that if he found a Woo. bright and shining, like elan, which withetood the fine while his pulse beat 6.e times or more, he might ono- eludeat wan a dlomood, while, on the other Mod, if it pepped in the ashes. it was . crystal cud valueless. "Why," said Leonard. "my children have many bright stones each as you speak of, Sad when i ro home 1 will put them i0 the lire." On his re'arn to hie little farts, ro(rlember Mg the mtesonary's Iaetrnct(oo5, he Owed several bright semen which his children had collected, ss the fire. Mt 511 popped with the exception of one, wiech seemed imper- vious to the heat, .n he put it side to take to Mr. Kalleohsrg when ant he visited the maroon. Some instbs elapsed. whew est day, on peeparing to go into lintel, he re- membered the bright atom, sad naked his daughter for it, who told him that sly the day before she had exchanged it with • trader for rote c.lrco end wire. Al this the shrewd old Koreans/1 concluded that the .ease most have toms wits, or the trader wonld not have gives the goods in stab** for it. He thereupon went to the Fuld Corset of the di.tnot, who, hearing the mon, agreed to ride with him to Gad the order. They •.o.rdt.gly .carted, and eaoo.0tered him seem mils off, whet he ewe* to having (eisived the loose. teasel.' 1Mt at won of wo valise, he had thrown it away. The (:o -re t. thereunen, onkel hive why if it was of no value, be had •tob.agel it for (nerob0n.lna After rens Mmlt•t*a he 5t keg* r.wuswted to return sad oleos them where he bad throws It away, fret, esetrN that they stark to him derermiowlly he at teerth releMaetiv prod.es'rl tbo.tnwe, lambs rel'warr) at h,. reneverv. Mt 5hti nasertue se to Ile •also. ('•4.(004 at osa M the missies. slant he fusty, mu& to hie Megrim, that Mr. EaBiaberg MA bees treoderre4 t• bit Mat his ei eIM at, the 01ee. Aim t.rt•.N, 0r% .8.. b eharrei lib /kwa0. %.p g1s told him that be keys .ethisg stns ma bat th1N ()0dtrev Rotten. IM sure - keeper, alight. He, , "111411111 eul4 d sod Myule,ase a. 1atin ~i1W Ho in stub IS ttt(ea eesk 111 to a Mai M t .8.I.weis M a 1%0 ■hsehN4 'Ours 1b Mlle Wvlehoune, face peilew, a>.r. tog of the eteme, *need lit to he e=•mtu•/ M on Aaewdamt expert. who premisssed it • genet* dkteead. Mese Phillip thereupon purchased it for 1000, a•alag lit the Suez et South Africa, and tt still reseals in his toady. L. ..r4 Jacob* finally, after the t.ps of two rise. received from Godfrey Radio/ • rims:: wags, este 'beep end a little mosey, lib east amount of which he does cul recallsot. Hes seveuty•erght yam .ld, end M par. teetty well ani Mose--PW Mall )Inapt. Lebo Mfg. There 1e ao greater bore thus a hem* echo that repeats asesntt01ly whatever ass segges. or seers. It is • mimeo* to be always cuiocidd wit►. A man of sem hki w argue We porus Nd prure has poai- mons. 1 he erhoseso. of 'apposition; sharpens hs was . but 11 met with • se. lineal affirmative iterate.° of hs owe words his game is blocked, and he is, so to speak dumWsndd. On the contrary, • mutee- Nous, "Nen, I dont think so." puts • ntau on his mettle. If wrong he has • chane•e of be- teg est right ; /1 n.ht, of enjoying an Molest triumph. To be is compeny with one who has iso opinion but your opals 0 as bad as bens caged with • miaow If you ask ea iedividsl so the habit ot agreeing with everybody the reaeoo of his oomplalsaoce, 1a may tell you, perhaps, that he 'hats ostroversy. Hates os- troverey ! 11e alight s well say chat he hates truth. for disputation is the :rumble in which the gold of truth ti .operated from the alloy of error. How many things were taken for granted in former ages that modern argument hat shown to be mer► f.1. Iscitiea. The grand ol.latt tet • man of mind le to ampules koowle•ise ; but h• ran learn no thing from those who are •Iw•%e ready to pin Asir loth to his sleeve without taking the trouble to think for themselves. Wet detest the suavity that is too polite to doubt. ad the and.ffereoe. that Is too phleg• matte to argue 1 be loot of causer. The inmate of empire are exemplified an the story of H. M. '. Phoebe, which has been stationed on the West coast of .\few, and ties become there little more than • fever hulk. The fever broke out on board hen she was at Forward° Tomcod It spread uch rapidity that the cruiser hal no rho:rut to run for it to the Island of Ascension. Bat Ascension was far away and by the tune the Phoebe reached that port 120 of her men were oo the sick list. sod there were but 30 left to work the ship. Nasty bee of the men were landal for treat meat oo shore, but of thew five had died when the letter be•rIQg the Dews was dis- patched. lo the ordinary course of duty, at will be the business of the Phoebe to return to the dreadful crest re soon as shoran muster men enough to (eke bar bask again, They will probably have • deadly relapse. and so the case stands. It as thought that • crow SO exosptioo.11y tried hs earned the right to return to k:neland, or at least to some cllm we where it may hope to vet the fever out of Iota blood. blot the admiralty will have to be r..-koned with. and there is no koow- tag how it will decide. The Ilntuh tax- payer has certainly value in heroism for the money he .41.4. open hie 4Msl. • • wenn melee. Man is net handsaw'. if we were to take 500 horses, 500 horses or even 500 well Id, clean lookine pigs. 1t s likely that they would present • more uniformity agreeable appears.* than 500 human beings selected past es they come The array of stooping, boaelees forms. tawny, wrinkled skins, scrawny and dried up or monstrously fat, bloated individuals io the 500 would be enough to pie • sensitise person • sight• tare. Worst of ail, these unsightly members of the human family do 0otare anything about it_ They are so conceited spp•reetly that they fancy they aro well enough s they are even when they are ugly enough te stop • watch. Teeth, complexions, figures, skin, and hair are so neglected 18.1 41 . hard to believe we are really civilized. It is time the race was taking up the mat ter of beauty culture to earnest. \leo need it o. much as women. Ilevsloplog the mus cion, feeclaor like ratios' human beings, keeping the eke and the teeth clean, are some of the ways in which the averse pir- ate an make himself agreeable looking. Round shoulders aro • dawro.e Above .11, be needs to keep lite soul Olean end healthy by henesty.good fineaper and purity of life. • Table d Mae IM•h. There is a table in the 9egate department of the Nam* Santa Mara Hospital Museum at Florence, Italy, which for originality to the matter of conception and eoetruction u probably without • rival. The dentroer and constructor ot the wonder was Professor Iialseppe SSepto lone Sethority spells the name 'Maestri) the discoverer of a Pat pre • ossa for pstriltiag human and other flesh, and who worked is the various hospitals and museums of Italy about forty yearn ago. To • osusa1 ..b.erver this table is ootb.og more orlon than • curious mosaic made up of marbles and agates of different sizes and colors. In reality, however, it is oompoeed wholly ot bum* flesh, mases, viscera, In Matinee, etc. It oompnw every portion of the human bdy,.howi.g the whole interni anatomy, .n beautifully petrified as to he a wonder to the traveller as well se an object of .tidy for the medial student. The table is bordered with upward. of 0011 hnodrd human eyes. preserved by some proems wbieh makes them look as natural as life. it is, without doubt, the most rhstly piece of furniture ewer designed by Ines. afep..Mllty elf Mb ..ren. Most assuredly, the releasable office's of basking institutions are fully Istified to kold1ug all their employees to the strictest lie of right end proper personal eoediaot. No ass should take a piss in • hank whets n ot willing to submit to ngornus disiplie, as regards his habits of lite. If individual liberty ie thus restricted. it i5 0eewssery for the mf. conduct of the butanes that it . hosts be. Of coarse. the president and other high officials of the leek will them- sdvv. 'Otey each roles ■• they oy lay down fee the *Hence of ' to , r sabenlma' .+ If • hank .krh my set .+r'.k to • pobhr piece or esu • pool rear, '.r plc] hekey or maps er wire way to ear '•tbor had hang, *Ether riot, a bask preeldesk Warned •es/0et t♦wbe+lry. 'My geed wowmn,'said the {earthed judo, 'yen tient give .0 sower is the !west pee N 11M words .f which pro ere meth* 110ts pWa .ed iipk geaMwl l. whither. wham pes . wen _- 4 tea the Orem with the baby oil weer art, the. momenta wee seeds( ego ea the t side sad the tea► es the Isis the was trills to pail tlho *b. es week. ata - MOW r , .'3 .aa snit rMer R ,li ..Li • aim •• fay km. Nd .blob et 1hoss re• apsad , se how N Irma' DAIRYMEN IN SESSION. •ed.teer 11.1.1 01.. NA lratrrcate• Meat- ilog at l.rrattoure. 1:AS0506J14, Out • Jan 4. At the morn lug 1a,lou of the Fa.trru llntariu hairy sura'.. A' o'latiou 11' H. l'arluw. I're'.ideiit `of the Asle•iatlon, war chainuau. The first speaker was Protestor Shutt, chief chem.' at the Flgerinse utel Statham Oh lawn, whoa) being Iotrduced. proceeded with his lecture, ": clamor in the *Miry," which explained the component parts of milk, risers.. etc. On the terrrimlation of the lecture a green* disc modes of the sub jecr Thr i,.., .(raker. Mr John GoiiI4. of (Ohio, had for his subject "Ilow to grow and Warr realism mid c..ru " fle treated the wuhj,.et fully nod pointed out the gain to be hied by planting warn In drills iuwteati of the methal uuw foltuwwl bT pleating in hill.. A question ad aru.wer 11i.nus siotl 011 the sul,je•t renown'. ' The ..fternoos ,u•.wiva wee l•tdl.talel'r.l by Profemor lass. (h,ta►i.. Agricultural l .11.ge. leeturuig on the subject of "Hest mrtl'n,ls of working a farm generally." l'rofrm+ur H..ie•nwni, IAomiui,tia 'Mir) l'umnu..400. lnllowv.l uu "1)st t Work." stating what methals if pursued lel to scare. and whet O. fitlitr• In the envois the vi.ating farriers. their wife* and ditugbter+ seseemblel in '1'uruer'. opera house, the nano lug partak- ing of teeth a ..seine .ted 'net rust iyr 1.11.015,' ter Mayor 11 11. ('nowt ens cheiretau. Ad Ir..se. were male during the evening by the Hon. 3114111 1)11.1141. Minister of Agriculture of Ontario, Mr John of (16Io, Prof.•ew,r Robertson and Mr. Andrew Petunia, Pre.itlent of W 1). .6s strciatiotl. The inter, ale let wren whims. were r.ude'rd pleneout b} orahe.trul and iu.1rumental mush. .66 the end of the nano trig thrrrcheers were guru for Her alajr*ty, and Led Save the Queen wen played by t lot .'rele.tra. (;ANANtatt-s. 1ILL; ..' Jan. 5. --Thr third and laid meeting of the eighteenth animal iesiwn of the A,u*riatb,n wax leek! yriter- d.:y. '1 he meet tug was Auld yeseel by the *Iota..1ohu Dn,len, alinieter of Agricul- ture, 1Jnlano; I'r,f.wor ltolrn_.uu, 1110 Ihtiry Cuninli.siosier, Ottawa, and Mr. .lube Guild. of ()hi... The subject treated upon being the feed stud uaaunet in vi'hlch the cow e1 id lie treated a. tea .tabling. frediug. etcand the namt rib clout pricrdure toil* observed its chrr+r making. The lion..fohn 1)r>den brought to the notice of the a..,rlubl11 the variant. enact name.. favorable to cher.... 111311 anti titer.. A committee of the delegates n -Brioni f•.t the puma... of drafting a list of the mime- o( jwr- i. for office -.' during the ensiling year. The folio%ino «hirers were elected 1.y- the dela-rites prewt: I'reeilleut, Ed- ward Kidd, North Gower. (hit.; let Vice President. F:. .1. Madden. Newbury, 2nd 6'in Pre.idrut..folm SIc1'avi..hNaucamji: Direct,re. It. A.l'raig, North flower: N'nt. Eager. Morriel,urg: J. le hsrgavel„Iagin: Jae.; Whitton, N'elimsne 1•'un,rr: T. 11. Carlow, SVarkwonh; H. Wattle. Turdlt.. Secretary.K. 1.. Murpby,Elgin. Treasurer. I'. H. Dalry. Foxboro; Audit.'r., Murder Hine. Sterling; WW'm. Bissell. Algonquin Official Steiographer, N'n(. Mcl:illit-telt Toronto; 1n.trnctors. 1...,. lten.lry,R•ark worth; IV. N. Grant, I'eterlxrroigh; Hobert Hellin., Madam.; 1: 1:. l'ablo, P rth:.1. McCann, l'enh. >' 1' Pun is. Mar eine NOT KNOWN IN OUNDeS• Two Sir...ger*. roaw.l peal 1. 1,y.ss1erd, 1 .,n.,.. Thought 10 Ir.• Cau,wllaas. ST101 o1:I,. ('0111... .fan - - William Faehton, Al ;viten 1,1,1. oho le•Iong+1 tor. 15 la., (ut_ and a woman. thought lis 1... hi. wife, were (uund deal neer the moaning of the New York. New Havre dud *lirtftlyd Hallway. a mile fr the station. one Saturday. '11u- wnmmn'a body war brniee4L and there are t *0 drill gashes in her head. as thona!h mettle by a blunt instrument 'file ereesi lg when. the couple were found it it lonely +pot, and it is thought they erre mrinlerrlThr rnnple stopped at a 11otr1 in 1:rv11w'i,-ba few nights ago. and it it w1,1 Parton had .onsi.lrrable money aleaut him This was not found when his clothes were r:.anlin rd I(.tuu.Tus, .tan. 7. -In reference to the pre. despatch from Stanlfunl. Conn.. statins that William F'a.hton. "f l)urida.. Out . and as Kim/1t11 eupp,..rl to 1e his wife had been murdered • near that plate.. enquirer. Made in 1)unlae reseal the fact t hat no man by 16e nano.. of Fasbtoi had lived there for titan) years pier and it i* prolelide. the leen' couple were fent I ' bee comity. (yet., and out the town of I (.tutlor. as stated. Stricken With Paralysis. (.jt Illi):.. Jan. 7. - While .peeking on a bill respecting the Speaker of the Legi.la- tivie ('011ncil in that House at 1 o'clock Satllnlay the 11on. Mr. Sterne. was stricken with parxly.ir on the left side At the t11oment of the Mishap lion. Mr Srarnee wee Somewhat excited over a men ante introduced in the Council. He we down and told lion P liernesu that be w-,ts i11. at the rein* time calling lion. ler. Marctl to hi. side. lion. air Sterne, is 7M, and ha, represented the District of Salaberty eight y'are; be is an ex Speaker of the Council tinder Mercier. Hon. J. A t'hapin's visited Mr. titarsee as he lay on a conch, with Felber Cane, 8. J.. et hi. ✓ ide Escape From • Burning Building. OTTAWA, Jan:. -- F0111* person.. narrow IL escaped toeing their lives in a tire in . three storey stone building, on Ihikr street. on Saturday They wen. Mr Touriennmde. a Itrlgian wood r-arrer. wife and two children. The hudnnd ✓ aved hie family with great .1idiculty M pei.hing hie way down a flight of Sari, it Filch was romp!.•tely euckeed in flames and *lb far burned ar to threaten giving wa> at every .tet. 11e then broke through on.• of the lerge front window, on the gro. nd flexor The ptnp'rt> is owned) by Mr .I (' Brennan. and the tom will amount, to at lewd Velet1. There'll he ■ Nig Jump 1. Salt. 1.4,'Is1si.Ont Jan 7. The .nit mini feetnrer. of th.• ic-nvfnre met here on So tuell:r. All t l '• flete in the pen tree swore r•eprr.ent,•I and it aeet... Ilk.•1> that the pens• of tale 11 .burly take a jump. "Tl:. prow at t• 1.1, h .alt ha. wholesaled for:..- naidcrabl.•time hay leen rntnnts to lie" .aid Ono of the deleg.te• Steps we ,• Icing t*k.•n to forme an •arroclatlew to ..k alter tile 1MMre.t of salt maattfas- tarsrs and to maintain better nein.*, ilk, gray. nt Hsforth, pee.idr'1, and Mr. T. 1I. Garter, of (;ourtright, sae armory. •. 67weretbfel Report. MoOy*ZAL, Jai. 7..- The Qlma/ya Pacific Railway (apyy .glebes &ajr Ow votary that the ornupenre weekabspa are I he cloned Anws 0.4 that eewaral thrgssuirt wwekfsgsten tical he thlilleneea of ewaployt0ent PevsA0 vit.N1la]gaM will be made salsa to the *8.4101.0..). kip esrntnp, bat the weektahegs will set ke slowed down. • Oottolna • isn't in if It 'sjust be. Cause there is no lard in .tthat TTOLEE' Hle new shortening is so wonderfu5 pop- ular with housekeepers. OTTOLENE is i ORty (DELICATE, HEALTH- filL)51Tf5FY 4 -►tone of time unpleasant odor Piecet1ar6NY connected with lard w.a In a snit S wood Wlls by .11 grocers. Made only by The N. K. r 'crank Com pat It •nt.gto..so 055 mONTttk.t .. Time 1s Wee*. It was 'war live ocl•.•k, and the ins was ea his way horse from *.tea wheu he met • wanderer who had no home 'Iacuse me,' said the wanderer; 'do you think tln.e Is mosey'' 'That's what they say, reepo•ded .the man '.hod what time is 1t sow `' 'About live o'clock.' 'Well. give me •Ix,ut five cents, ani be thankful 1 did not strike you at ten o'clock.' He got the nickel. ase Wst of Tailor sp. l'•IIe SIao. 'We have • certain panoo,' Dean Hart, of Denver, writes, Roving h'. mon.,, 'whom we keep on the frontier. Ile is • rough diamond, and he+ • kn•:k with the miner. No long ago he went to* camp called Rico, o orrowed a dance h.11 over the saloon for hs service, 'rounded up his lays' and the hall won tilled. After the sermon caste the collection a very important feature The preacher ran hie eye over his audience, and room( • cettsin gambler known as 'Bill the Ktd,' 'lldly,' he said, 'take up the cnlle.:- uon.' Very much humored, Billy took his 1.1g sombrero hat,and with at important end dignified air, 05 won tit iins for the oo.'asina, be made his way to the front an I held hs hat for • young man on the furennut chair to 'denote.' 'The young miser dropped in • quarter (Ally looked et a :-them putting hos hand under his coat tads dee. hie revolver and said, with the utmost gravity, 'Noting 111a0, take that hack ; :hs herr • a dollar Mew Then, with hos hat and revolver, movag around the hell, he gest s matey dollars as there were penple.' iR81.1 RETIRING BUSINESS .I/111N RALi'Ii TIN AND STOP DEALER, Hamilton -at., has decided to noire tram huo,nr,w, and will dispose of hu eutire stack AT and BELOW COST! in order to sell out quickly. JOHN RALPH. Fifty Years IEPOLE THE Ven1.IC ANP SALK STILL INCUEASINO. Gray's Syrup « Red Spruce Gum Por COUGHS, COLDS anil all i.UNO A F I'ECT IONS. ss eta s bottle. Sold everywhere. Sailor WATSON • Co..•*este 3 1►AOtq'11010*L . Rob Roy Cigar It', ills)w'calhlhle I'm Scott but yon canna smoke a better Cigar than "III BOY," Dg tied Sc. lou• i get out I>,f t1I1D Ebr a 4ieter' IAD v SOMETHING YOU CA Steel Chinas r (made by D. R. of Antwerl•, Germany), Tea P Sugar Bows, Plates, Cupo Butter Dishes, Cull and tree O1!ii1NEY's NEN' OXyoRII TH// CI- FAPE§T Ar vY 1 HARP[ LE The leading Stove lies.. - Heating Eilgitieer- .jStove Fitting ,u'.l Itepairitlg prompt ('11,%L III I.- 4 1olp.•r** HALLIDAY'S IMPERIa, 041 1'tr(xlft • I8 AN UP I•'O DATE REs I r1 U N'P. + + • Choices/f,i,ietiiv rc ri', Ut's't Only the Best kept on hand /'!.1lltS -9 r STOCK -TAKING SALE . . As we Lotrel skins .(..•k .,ext month, for the NI:\ 1 1HIRT1 LAYS we give some rare bargains ,n Stloves, Cutlery, 'Tinware, Lamp Goods. We have some of the beet `Stoves a0 the market eon oar ser r sales chew we aro .oilier Ihei, cheap. flowerer, rather than keep any over, we will eel cheaper still. We are sole magenta for It Monte.( 1'0.'. Stoves of whu•h tee sold 7 miser are splendid bakers, end the tire door a full site of tire hon for earning Examine this Stove before buying. WORSELL & FANCY SLIPPERS O. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. We have just received d a heir as-.+ortitetlt of F .n. , r il.fa n .uitabk Ear 1'hru;tttsw, I'rr.ent, which we are In'lutr.rl to tote lou at fan,-.•- that defy competition. ('all and see them. We hear a great deal about Bargain I►ays•just now. Ras will give you Bargains in holies', Gents', anal ('hildren. Footwear d ell *Ora. Men's Fov..l lace Boots, ...lid leather, 9:ic. per pair. " „ lungr•so " " " $1.20 peg pit. ladies' Butt Bouts, from i:.. up to t:1.00. Mise* and l'hilitrenr Shoes at equally low prices • iu ( i% endows se will give you prices low'er than the lowest L.eiiea' Felt Button f 1vert,loes at >itIf'::' per pair. " Waterproof " at $I.:iO per pair. Gent. Snow Excluders, Elora, at $1.20 per pair. 'We carry the celebrated I;ranhy 1 h'erahoes in stork that will soar lib iron and will Ix• *.pill at prices to suit the time.. ladies' (h-er$tockines at 40e. and :IUc. per i.tir Wr deal in Hoots and Shoes caclusively and can give you letter Dosch for feats money than you have to pay for inferior,go.■L in the general Stoma. 1'.B. Iteuteiobsr that we otter iso Pit EM 11' M to get you to buy we I:I.1Is a\rept their1 Exceptional Value. W. SHARMAN, Jr., ('ornrr Fist .t. and Square Suco•s•or to F. Domino. NEW Z=NES =KESS Goons_ Now arriving and to anise, and although i Ito not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising•° common at the present day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail tor ice that the Galles 1 handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. ices are right every time and all t time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate lilt' different bines Stock and to arrive in due eour-e. leaf the public may resit sneered that no House in the Trade can (lo IMett('r, as I buy only from the beet Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly Cash bask One of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge. herd finish, at a Price never w) low in the anus: -4 the Dry Good. Trade. fepente. alndir 1.15110.1. f ren One. 00.'..nt far rank A. MUNRO [haver and flabeedaadl'. CROSS -CUT SAWS! lVe keel, a largo• •. tutu • of the .er7 t Brand on the market ; ground how kine to ter grill* thinner Mi the lack than on the fa.., i ' AND ARE FULLY Y iii ARRANTED. Thele (loads we has, T. -ducal in price sad err now wiiitg their AT PRICES JIVER BEFORE UARD Ore A fun fine of PIM. 7aiokaMt, Haa(Ile` .and *MI always in Moet 111.1MMkw 11151144. DAVISON